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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1908)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. APT?TT, 9, 1H09. i mrwm 'V:'n-n a m-m m m m m cm vari I J t w . s s s i ""Tb. Rtillj' Stunning UkU Alw.j. Come From DrtndeU t Merry Widow Sailors The Drill.ak.nt Style Success of the Seaeeix iVe offer several hundred brand neTP Merry -"Widows, with bunches of roses, foli age all aronnd or silk ros ettes with pins colors aro burnt, black, electric blue and brown fine .Tap braids, at.,.,. .... $5 Roses at 25c 3 in a Bunch iWhlte roses, tea rosea, Jack rosea also large daisies in p new shades, bunch for...JC Special In New Sailor Straw Shapes-Basement Variety of colors, patent milan braid and chip braid the styles are the newest very special at, each C in basement... i3C S RANDEIS Sale. f Spring and Summer Underwear Women's 50 Vests 25c Silk Finished Mercerized Thousands have wondered at this big bargain we have been showing in the window very fine silk finished mer erized vests all sizes pink, blue and n white with dainty lace and Ckf ribbon trimmed yoke reg- A elf ular 50c quality, at. . V . Women's Helvetia Vests and Pants Spring weight underwear vests with long or short sleeves, pants with cuff knee or lace trimmed, umbrella style special Thursday, at, each 1 i i I ! 25c i i English Wilton Rugs $39 Boom sizes, full seamless Wilton Rugs of the highest quality and the richest, most elegant patterns oth ers ask $60.00 our price is $39. Tuesday is Chocolate Day v In Sweetland 3iar8hmallow tarts, chocolate peanut clusters, golden wal nut top chocolates, almond top chocolates and those delicious Sundae chocolates; always sell Jr y k at 30c and 40c a pound, at, pound. &dJr Every Thursday we sell delicious chocolates which we usu ally pell up to 40c a pound; a special one-day-a-week price of, a pound 20J Em By special appointment of the makers Brandels b Omaha agent for the Famous American Foulards Exact C spies ! FIm lapei-tci r reach Ftalardi Standard patterns are specially made .to make up these American foulards in the 24-inch widths. The Standard patterns are to be found in our pattern section. American foulards are in absolutely fast col ors no other wash fabrics so eco nomical. Style shown here is of Calcutta blue American foulard, trimmed with plain materials to match. Have you seen the American Feulards in the windows? Price, special, yd. Reflect a Moment . v In't there a lot of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes are Insured against tailoring faults Style cor- rect fit perfect finish, elegance Itself. workmanship the product of skilled and conscientious hands fabrics from - the best American and European woolen mills.. All these elements are found In our tailoring. Order your Easter 8ult today. . . ' Price From $20.00 to $10.03 ME:MD0W.TAIWRS 207 SOUTH 14TH ST. fey f , EVERY YEAR It is getting to be more and more the custom to give Easter i resents. We have so many beautiful articles to show you. Spend a few minutes In our store.,. Look for the name. 3. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler iei Douglas Street. Golden Drown Leather The Popular Shade in Young Women's Footwear This new and popular color in footwear has reclered Its due at this store this season. We have bought heavily In Shoes and Ox fods and can please the most fastidious. Those who have not as yet puchased spring footwear are urged to look over the beauti ful line we are showing In Russia Calf leather and Vlcl Kid and In the new Colonial effects with either buckles or ties. Intelligent fitting and service at all times. , , PRICES RANGE $3, $3.50, $4 Drcxel Shoe Co. 1119 Faraan SL ttZeSSSSBSS APRIL 19th Lest you forget! The day when every one wears good clothes. We've made unusual preparations this season to tempt your order for Easter Garments here. We feel that we deserve it. Vv'e never before had such a splen did showing of Spring and Summer fabrics as grace our tables this time. You'll find them sensibly Driced consistent with proper tailoring quality. There's no excuse for not dressing as good as the best. Trousers $8 to $12 Suits $25 to $50 WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS 200-11 South ISth St. Square Healing and doing good work hv built for us the biggest cleaning and dyeing business in the west. We solicit the business of all new residents of Omaha as well as all the old ones who are not already our customers. "Satisfaction or your money back" Is our motto. Write or phone for price list. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyars." 1513 Jonas St. -!- Both Phonal. SPRINGTIME DENTISTRY is more important than den tal work at any time of the year, because of the hot and heavy foods of Winter are apt to cause decay. We will examine your teeth free of charge and if they do need any attention we will do your work at reasonable prices and givo you the best work. 3rd ANNUAL SILVERWARE SALE, SATURDAY . n a k a R H E ft f 3 H u U o B T7TT1?TSTTT Hi 71 it imiK REMNANT T0URSDAY Hundreds of short lengths and odds and endson the bar gain squares at quick clearing prices. y Fillings, up from Crowns , . . 7J5C $5.00 Taft's Dental Room 1517 Douglas Street. ' lira, WiBSlowli Bootilngf Syrcp rrmt for PIARimfE. 8old bj ftrugiriaUlo -r iwrtoftbovnrld. B aura and uk fnr"Mr Win, low' tiootbinr Syrup." ud Uk. no othor kind Twonty-Av Dti bottla. OuitruitrMt unrter thm fnndaDd lrHKI A-t. June 0tb. Heril Suinbw IM. AN OLD AUD W:0. TH1XI HMJLLLlYZ t UII.K TF.F.THIN'd.wilb PERFECT Bt.'tX.'KSS, If is a flavor found in all our designs Baker Bres. Engraving Co. krfcerBUck. luU Does Your Piano rsJccd Tuning? Phone Your Order Douglas 137 Piano Dept. THE BENNETT COMPANY. nd mhir dnr flt mrm po.tttr.lF bv MABITIMA. For kpod.raila or lnt.rD.1 m. H.mpl. ..lit t maj drag kblta br '... II. Rinilr prla. tow p.r bold. ice jour drujrrt or by nU la pl.1. 'wrppr. 11.11 Ckiaiial C... Hi. iMuia. Mo. ATSEV For Sal. by ' mos4 omiia, Kxm. Advertise la THE OMAHA DUE Best t';. West i M ij i i n n i y B B B Thursday This Fine Spc- ftf) w fbTj cial, Lingerie Waists o uL 4. j: v S j - f '"V $1.50 Waists mind you, for 98c. We are enthusiastic over this special for it's the best low priced waist we have, had this season. A hundred dozen of them and every one new, fresh and crisp. Just from the makers. Beautifully de signed fronts of lace or embroideries, tucks, etc. Very latest styles, every slie, Thurs day, special, at : Once More Those Suits at Nineteen-Filty Suits that represent originality in style to a marked degree, and fully as finely tailored and designed as many costing $25.00 and over will be the attraction Thursday. ngwsn h-iccaawy styles in all the newest materials. In fitted and mimi-uuea moaeis. meres a smartness about them that strongly appeals to well dressed women, fully $5.50 saved on every suit; price 98c i M P ill. nuru BUU $19.50 B Sale Glass Vases From the Des Moines ucptfriuiciii aiure otUCK Thursday, 100 dozen beautiful colored and opalescent glass Flower vubcu wun cui necK, i ne ues Moines Department Store sold them at 36c to 60c, while they last we offer them at $2.19 For Three Dollar Shoes THURSDAY'S SALE Hundreds or pairs women s patent leather Ox- lords, tan Oxfords, vlcl kid Oxfords, also high lace shoes; of every description. This is our . usual Thursday flyer and cannot be matched . under $3.00. Never a better time to buy i . . . i . . ... Baling iiwiwear man now. look this uu i nursuay cnoice of big lot at .. BENNETT'S BIG Bennett's Break fast Coffp. 2-lh. cn .' JOS. TBTZ.ET k CO.'B TEA. GROCERY ..480 Ami 60 Green Stamps. i i rurmower nranrt, pound tin .sunflower htanil. half-pound tin Sunflower lran, nnartor-pnund tin Marsha irr. Jrserved Bloatera. can Blue rtlhbon Seeded TUI.ilpx. pound pk. .-.i. ClalllHrd a Imported olive oil. banket bottle .lonnnnn'R Brand Blacuits. package Batavla Fancy Krflmon. can Allen's Boston Brown Bread Flour. pkr , - EH SBMONSTKATIOM ROW Fearl Tapioca, two poupun Benn"tfa Caplto Flour, amall aaclc MaiKVia torn, can .70o And RO Oreen Rtampn. .350 And 20 Oreen Btampa. ..180 And 10 irecn Stamps .SOo And 10 Oreen Stamp". .15o And in Oreen' Stamp. .36o And 2V (.Jreen Stamps. .100 And "i Oreen Stamp. .830 And 2'l Oleen Stamps. . 16o And lo Oreen Stamps. OIIfO Oil. .160 And 10 Oreen Stamps. . SOo And 80 Green Stamps. eretarile and Flower Seedn, pkK 8o Bone Meal for Chickens, pound ; 8Ho Nutmeg Orater.VUh dozen nutmeas lOo BAKED Bill CARITIVAX.. ' Li'f ,'uJn,1rl cana Best We Have Brand Fork Hiid Beans, rerular price Re Thursday s priee. four cans for .850 sHrirw-B mm mrmm: mi mw. m m mmm m'mmmiwmmm"' S3 I H a F 0 fl On and after April 10th, 1908, smoking will not be permitted on the front platforms of cars, and dogs will not be carried on the cars. We trust the people will appreciate that these rules are in the interest of better service and co-operate with us in their enforcement. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Electricity for tho grocer and butcher With electricity in the store, the proprietor is enabled to operate the coffee grinder and meat chopper and small motors, where, herefofore, this laborious service had to be performed by hand. A fourth h. p. motor granulates one pound of coffee per minute. A one-half h. p. motor chops 200 pounds of beef per hour. Omaha Electric Light Ct Power Co -Tel. Doug. 1062 Y. M. C. A. Duilding. ctfim j0mmtm'mmmmmmmm&'Bf' EKAMEL FILLINS5 Just Like the TOOTH A durabU vubatltut for gold or ailvar that doa not ano If your Imth ar. intaalng- mm can fill tho pan. without pt.tea or brldse-work br our Ito1m featrat of Xntlairy. Uoua. taotb mado solid. VAIirXBSS OrBBATIOBtV. UNIT WOBX. . Tf. .. t . m mm m m inursaay s special uargain uiiertngs Superb Values Matchless 13 ml m THM RBUABUI ST9RS Dainty Undermuslins SsS Two more manufactur- Voierprkei ers immense sample lines. All the best and most de sirable styles. Almost un limited assortment for se lection. Shown Thursday at a saving of Yt t0 Y of Regular Prices A little the best lot of values that have been shown in Omaha. Handsome Skirta, all samples, made to sell up to $3.00, in two lots Thursday Q8c and $1.40 Fine Nainsook Gowns, beautifully trimmed, values to $2.00, nt 60c and 98c Ladies' Muslin Drawers, Gowns and Corset Covers, trimmed worth to. $1.00, greatest lot of bargains ever offered at, choice mK3J From 8:15 till 9:15 A. M. Ladies 12 and 16-button length Kid Gloves,' blacks, white and tans, regular values to $3.50, in one lot at, pair 75c FKOM O TILL 10 A. M. Lsdles" Gowns, Corsft Covers and Drawers to $1 values, at 25 FItOM 10 TILL 11 A. M. ladies' Gowns, regular $1.60 values, choice, at 59 FKOM 11 A. M. TILJ, 12 M. Men's Women's and Children's Hose, values to 2Se, at. . . .10 f FROM 2 TILL 8 P. M. Ladles' Skirts, handsomely trim med, values to $3.00, at . .9S YYKOyi 8 TILL. 4 P. M. Men's Shirts, all sizes and Talus to 7oc. at i-25 FItOM 4 TrLl. B P. M. 7! Ladies' Gauze. Vests, la pink, hint) or white, 19c mines, l...04 WATCH PAPERS FOR THE GREAT RUG AND CARPET SALE MONDAY, APRIL THIRTEENTH. Beautiful Apparel For Easter ThA mnal a.Uit A n . v. wltchlnu designs erer . offered to tH lover of style beauty her. Opportuni ties for satisfactory and profitable se lection are legion. Crown Jewel Knit Several hundred, new ones to select from, ttnequaled In charming style Individuality and quality at our price $25.00 20.0O Chiffon Panama Ruita i'rlnce Chap styles, full pleated or gored skirts, trimmed with bands and folds, all colors, special at. . . . . , .$14.00 .Nobby New IJox Coat Worth up" to $7.60, lined throughout, com In black or tans, snap at $3.05 JO CraveneUe, and Tourist Coata Values to $16.00, manufacturers' samples, on sale Thursday, choice, SRS.Ofi Sn.OO Black Silk rnder:lrt Ornt bargain. Thursday ........ f . .$2.05 $ Walking Sklrte All .newest styles. Thursday $3.05 4.00 Cream Net and Jap Silk Waists, at '$1.05 FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. $2.60 Heatherbloom Underskirts. l $1.45 FROM O TILIj 10 A. L Women's $1.60 Wrappers, at. .8 FROM 0:80 TILL 11 A. M. Infants' long or short slips, 60c valnes, at .-io i?1? Bargain Offerings Silks Phenomenal values from onr recent Great Silk Purchase and oar own regular stock. Two big lots of clean high grade Hilks. Very new cut weaves and colorings, on sale at less than HALF, ,'.;, LOT 1 A handsome line of 10 and 27-inch -plain and novelty Mima, regular values tip to t.OQ yard, on sale mm In IKunestlc Room, kf at, yard " .' . . LOT 2 Choice Novelties . and Meftaaline. plain black and color Taffetas, remnants of Rough I'ongees, etc. Values to 91.00 yard, at, yard . . . . , 59c Extra Specials ' In Our Famous For Thursday Domestic Room FROM 0 TO 10 A. M. 1 case of IMc Bleached Muslin, at 44r ALL DA Y. 7c Bath Towels 3V4tf 10c Bath Towels 5 12Vc Bath Towels ...,..7ttk 16c Wash Goods. ........ .7H 16c Percales, 36-Inch. .... .7 19c Madras 10 25c White Goods Oc Arnold's 12 c Dotted Swiss, long remnants 5 Drap de Lunde ,,. 1 5c Dress Goods 10 FROM 2 TO 8 P. M. ' , 1 case of 7c Apron Checks. l color 3H . ALL DAI. , 6$c Fine Sheets ifi 9c Fine Sheets ....laoS 75c Fine Sheets ml 85c Fine Sheets ...... i....Kft5 Pillow Slips, lftr, lac, 11c, ItS nd J $1.00 Bedspreads Kfl $1.25 Bedspreads ft Bedspread. ..,....:."?? $1.76 Bedspreads ....... .'.ngS 10.000 yards of short lengths Yrom mill, at, yard 10c, 8V,C, 7Wc flc, High Grade Wool Dress Goods Dept. FROM 0 TO 11 A. M. 50 pieces" of strictly all wool French Batiste, all colors and black, 85c grade, only one pat , tern to customer, at, yard 24 FROM 2 TO 8 P. M. Z&jlsees of strictly all wool Pan amas, black, blue and grey, $1.00 grade. 64-inch wide, fine quality, one pattern to customer, at, yard 49c High Grade Wash Goods DepU FROM 0 TO 11 A. M. 50 pieces of Wm! Anderson's S J-ln. genuine Scotch Ginghams, sold' at 25c to 35c yard, only one pat tern to customer, at. yd..J2Hk FROM 2 TO 4 P. M... 60 pieces of Cream Damask elotk, genuine article one pattern to cus tomer, at, yard 10c OROCERIESRcad These Prices For Thursday's Big Sale Fncy Dairy Butter, pr pound Ho l!i"-rwm'nXT&Jtl'y.'ri.PT lb -2Sn 10 bars bst brands Laundry Soap for nc 10 pound sacks brat Granulated C'orn- niral for Ho Quaker f)at Company Toaatfd Wheat Klakea. per parkas 8c Orange City Ruiika. pr packasn Wc I.lttle J Knlld Data, per pk(. TWO Tha beat Crlap (ilnser Bnapa, lb. Ic The. beat crlap Freiiela, per lb. 60 Fancy fooklt-a. regular lie, 18c, 2)c sellera. per pound lOo Gallon Cana Michigan Apples for plea, per can the 4 cana Fancy fiweet Sugar Com. for J5c Brnmanselon, Jellyron or Jello, per package ,,..10 Tin beat Domeatlo Macaroni, per package iWc Tha beat Tea Sifting, per lb lBo Tha beat Santos Coffes, per lb. lbo Choice Dairy Butter, per pound tie DS.H&IA9 - SAKrian He.uufui Flowering Iahh. hu". Thla la a sale never bore a.tternpted In Omaha. Vie have luet received Hulba which we will aja-n, 1J! earn for thla aal- .y . Thaae are mu Mixed Colon, mass TsoiTiau rucii. Fresh 1 Spinach, per pex k u0 2 heads freeh Leaf Iti j.-e..... I buni'hea freah Radiahea. ic bunchea fM-an Onlona I-rg Cucumber, each.. ion Freah Beeta, Carrots or Turnips, t for ..10c freah Tks Plant, each to reah Wax or String Baaaa, per lb. at t, Kreah ,Tomstoes, per lb 7... luc M HAYDENS' J V3: nr nnArinilRV nntitt 158BFarnarfl. Vlas WI-mBMT s- w - f t.l Pkaao Dmi. 17i