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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1908)
n 3 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: ATRIL 5. ton REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY VOIK iAI.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR IALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR f ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR I1LB (Continued REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKHTV roll S1.R (Continued.) REAL ESTATE C1TT PHOPKRTV roil ALR. (Continued.) FARM AT It ANt II I.AM FOR RAl.K (Continued.) ( 4 I. J f i j K - r DUNDEE Own your own heme, tut r-o sure to hue - .... 'inii IllTTlf. I 1 1 1. I'' rilir ' llT" ll 111 inr I ' - I ,i lll-IKIIIInrillHIlin, W"ll hi nf' w,,t' I rli i a ure reasonable ni"l h re vnlwe will Hlrmhlv increase. All fl you nti Imvo If vni Minhn" In I ":i dee, for l is In the direct line of Omaha' westward growth, nillolriing the West Far-min il"irtrf. The riel?hlorhnnri t of the I""!.'""!''''!! nwnlna their own homes with kikIuIv Ineat lima. Prices are Inw j"0 Iwnu, !' null nnl tr m"nlii, or 6 mt cent discount for all cash. Let ii anew you sonic of thcsi- beautiful build un: nm. A Rood home fur only ?!.:..' rush, balance hiiii- aa rent; H-room. all modern house, k'iuU r Ighlmrhood, plumhln g recently runoUticd, decorated throughout. "wm imisn, ciowe n cur. iTir, si. WEST FAUX HANSCOM mi. m. iillililiil JLniJLIIVl . .f5'?0 for B- w- rnr- S1,h Avp- n1 I'o'lK' St., H-rvom house, strictly modern, well built, combination electric and c,as fixtures, flemish oak finish. 4 bedrooms, full Ceinrntpd bRm mc m, fine ni D not illKtuib the occuwmts, hut are ua. &i9 Capitol Ave., rednn-d from V.VV) to .".'M fur iul k sle; le-rnom. 2-atory and attlo frame limine, all modern, tiled Itmh room, npni rilckel plumbing, full base fnent. I.rli k pi litlnns. rtrivi way t0 r(h4 in nar .fine tenace, lot 60x135 fU Very tiajr terrna. InvuPllgatu at once $it ,10 fur W4 8. SM St. This In an 11-room. all modern frame hnuap, rpccntlv r modeled, now rurnucu. good laundry, barn in the rcur, paved street, east front. Ileaaonabli! tertna. IC.OOO for 8-room frame lioupr. 'rant front on (ieorsla Ave., atrlctly modern, hot ter neat, rull cemi ntcd haomi-nt, cement driveway. Very eaay terms. HHOO 7 rooma and r.-n-pilnn hall, 2-atory aiiuare house, atrlctly moderr, ca.xt front, paved atreet, clom to Field cluh. ti.XM for alraoat new ft-room imre hnuae, oil finish, hot water heat, close to car line, opposite to Haimcora park, corner tot, specials all paid. NORTH SIDE HOMES Four new (!-room square houses, atrlctly cut, combination electric und Run rixturea, , close to car line, -od neighborhood; two and prices. KABY TKRJ1S. P.M for 2403 N. 22.1 Ht.. exceptionally well built 7-room house, strictly modern, Bungalow tylo, first-clans condition, good neighborhood, paved street, close to two car line. t I .. for -rooin and reception hall, all modern except heiit. frame house, prac- .KJ!,'"W ,",rl plno ,,nlMti. close to car, CrelKhton collcse and high school. U.100 for the 8. K. corner of Indiana and 2fith Aves., 2 ilve-room cottages, mod ern except heat, good repair, rent for ovcrMl per mo. tlood Investment. , tl,Xi) for new 7-room house, modern except heat, fine corner lot, euxlM ft., close 4jM N, . 2lnt Ft., 6-room frame cottage, recently built, all modern, 2 full lots, within block of car line. Price. 121.1 .-uah I half a U.l'io for 5-room brick house and S lots, close to Ames avenue car 'line, crape nd other small fruit, located about 42nd and Fowler Ave. Make us an offer. VACANT LOTS 1:0x120 ft. at the N. V. corner of 14th and Burdette 8tn., or will divide Into 40-ft lots, facing eaBt on 24th 8Uj all specials paid. Make ua an offer. Owner very Mnxiotis to sell. , $1,776 for double frontage lot, facing: tho boulevard and Turner Dark near Far m car line, size 4Rxi;t8 ft. Houble frontage lot on Vinton St. and 29th, with all specials paid, good business location, for only M)0. Bee us for terms. v CHOICE RESIDENT CORNER XV m want an offer for part of the 8. W. corner SSth ard Jackson Rts., 187xlfi6 ft., tr will dlvido Into 3 lota; all specials paid. Thia Is one of the finest residence corners in Omaha. 1 GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM STREET 09) Special Sale OP SOME OP THE FINEST UOT8 II THE WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE DISTRICT, ON 88TH AVE., BET, ' FARNAM AND DODGE. These lots are all at grade; good, solid ground, affording substantial building sites and Just far enough from Farnain St. to avoid tho noise and dust. SSth Ave. Is asphalt paved, lined with handsome, shade trees, and the opposite aide of the street Is entirely built up with elegant homes, Insuring a splendid neigh borhood. House Bell better and rent for more money In this location than In any other fart of city. We can offer these choice lots at price that mnke them the biggest bargain In the Upper Fnrnam district. If you ' want to secure one of the most desirable location in this city, It will pay you to Investigate these lot at once. Hicks Real Estate Co. 219 Board Trad Bldg, Tel. Dougla 1169. (13)-630 x CHEAPEST LOTS 1 . IN DUNDEE t Lot 18 and 19, block 96, on the north aid of Capitol Ave between 60th and 61st. 6tse, 60x125 feet ach; on and a half block from car. Price, 11,160 for both, which I 1300 cheaper than any similar lot la Dun da can be bought for. Owner must aell at once will maka very reasonable term. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781 TELEPHONES "A" 11SS. (130634 4 A BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PARK An extra well-built t-room house, with all modern conveniences and every com fort. Full lot, trees, shrub, permanent walk, cistern, etc. This house was built for a home and will pas the closest In . anectlon. It ha hardwood finish, polished . . floors, a large living room and tiled bath feature dear te every ui-to-date woman i heart. Special reason for selling. Price. 17,760. J. H. DUMONT & SON, lauS Farnam Bt. 'Phone Douglas 6!)Q. 13 J07-6. 25th and Chicago ' Noa. 2619, 2521 and 1523 Chicago St., total frontage 132 feet, will sell tach house separately If desired. This property Is very desirably located about half way between C'relgiiton College and the M!i school, and half a block from the Harney street car 1 line. It will bear a thorough Inspection. Look it over and make me an offnr. VV. 1L GRIFFITH, owner, al Chicago 8t. u A SNAP 8-B00M 1I0DEUN HOME Plastered Aitio, Two blocks from Mth Bt. ear. South front, Lot 60xltN, paved street, St 70 poppleton Ave. Inquire at 2u 1'wpplelon Ave. Ui M1M $3,600 New and strictly modern eight-room house, Just completed, with laige attic room, full cemented basement, permanent walks and every thing strictly first claaa, 16 No. jIQ fell., lie in is park. . W. UAKLOCH, W10 Hauiiltun St! (in-aui tx DUNDEE. Pwopls are bulng in Dundee because It la an Ideal location for homes, having Splendid views, beautiful golf links, best of neighborhoods, good car service, approached thru u U the Wml Farnam district, with the cuuveuleoccs of Omaha, yet closer to the biuineas center than many residence dis , trtota lu Omaha. Be sure and see us before you buy. GiXKGB at CO, 11 Farnam St. tlH) .! 4 Non-Iiesident Owners Over 109 lots, located In different parta of th city; will submit reasonable offers oa eae or more. , Y1L E. ROMANO It In the Imki of neighborhoods. AM DISTRICT PAIiK modern, well full cemented corner houses, built, decorated through bnsenients, south fronta. Call us up for location ACRES Spring Is here and with It that yearning to get out Into the country on a little farm of your own. Why not establish your In dependence now. B to 10 acres In tha Ideal suburban addition Keystone Park. Acres for suburban homes fruit grow ing, chicken raising, market gardening, etc. i.d 10 per acre basy terms. Ask us about it. - PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781 TELEPHONES "A" 11S8. D. V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Douglas 4W-rELEPHONE3 "A' 2049. (1D)-631 4 ACRES 4tt Acres t 960 714 Acres $1,860 10 Acres J,UU0 Easy Terms, . ' . , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., . First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Dougla 1761 TELEPHONES "A" 1138, (19)-633 4 $25 CASH balance monthly payments; price $325 to $400 for good lot at grade, outheast corner 8th and Caatellar. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnum. (19) M0O4 7 Flvt room cottage, modern, bath room. gas. uood sized rooma. front, and Bide porches. In rood ordnr: lot &n 140, with shade and fruit trees; a nice oarm located on 19th St., near Kountze Park and south of Manderson Bt. $2,300. ' GOOD PROPOSITION FOR SOME ONE PAYING RENT Eight-room house, bath, gas, fur nace, hot and cold water; cistern, with pump in kitchen; mantel, with fire place, a well-built house, in good order; on corner lot 50x120, in ni'Ja neighborhood; three blocks to car. $2,400; $300 cash, balance $25 per month. MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOME ON WIRT STREET Eight-room modern house, with hardwood finish and hardwood floors; old mission gas and electric light fix tures; full basement, cemented floor, stairway to floored attic; sire of bouse 28x32, large porch; built by the owner for a home and everything la put id good; lot 60x124, permanent, walks, paved street, paving paid for. $6,200v Nine vacant lots two blocks from car; 62x125, lay good; at $75 each. A good lot on 28th St., near Bristol, 42x132. $350. 60x157 double front. Charles and Hamilton Sts., near 34th. $1,100. W. II. GATES, Room 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1294. For $2,500 New 6-room cottage, lot 60xl3J 2716 MIAMI BTREET. Look at It Sunday. REED BROTHERS, . 1710 Farnam. (19)-M77S 6 $5,500 Eight-room, brand new and strictly mod ern residence at XHth and Cass Bts., hot sr " JriM o';,,;h'. r PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor Now Tork Life Bldg. phones Douglas 1781, Independent A 1188. U9- SPECIAL BARGAIN TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 4024 LAPAYETE AVE. I-room house, all modern, la first-class condition; first floor finished la solid oak. 4 comfortable sleeping rooms and balb oa second floor; basement all cemented and is a ftrat-oiaaa home, on a paved street For parUoulars aa te priuo, ate, oall oa U. i. IXUQiULd, VOI 11 j ward be THE REASON WHY Because Of Hi convenient location- only of a mile west of Ben eon, and it acceBRlbility by paved road from Omaha. Because It U a parked addition, with six mile of boulevards and thousands of shade trees, and is being bought up by actual home builders; consequently Its development is safe and certain, and its value bound to Increase. Because "-Nature never designed a more ideal spot for suburban homes; land is gently rolling, commandlug magnificent views in every direction. Because It is a large addition nearly one mile square and is over three-fourths sold. . That's Why We Say Buy Acres in Keystone Park. Tracts 8 to 10 acres each. 175 to $400 per acre. Cash, Ask for Particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephones: Doug. 1781; "A" 1188, D. V. SIIOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephones: Doug. 49; "A" 2049. (19)- N. P. DODGE & CO. ACRE BARGAINS NKAR BEN80N. $2,800 Six-room cottage and five acres of ground, two rooms unfiniRhed, good well and cave cellar, cistern with pump In kitchen, high and sightly around, perfctly level, equr.I distance from Anna Ave. and Benson car. $1,260 Five acres adjoining the above, fine east slope. We again repeat that there Is no acreage on the market aa cheap as tliis as near Omaha post of lice. We offer to buy anything on the market that is nearer at this price. We have three of these five-acre tracts to sell from and when they are sold there will be no acres at $250 near Benson. ACRE BARGAINS NKAR SOUTH OMAHA $l,a Five acres at 60th and the county line, east slope, beautiful view, never had a plow on it, renta for $3 an acre for hay. $2,000 Eight acre extending from 46th to 60th Bts., near the county line. East lino Is made by Spring creek, mak- Ing an Ideal place for stock; ground slopes gently to the east; flno or chard and garden land. Easy terms. $3,600 Ten acres and four-room house, with well and fine cave cellar,, on 60th, near U and Q Sts. This land will double In value If the car line Is ex tended on VI Bt, N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam SU OPENING OF ST. CLAIR ADDITION. On Monday morning April 6th w will place on the market the beautiful, most sightly, and well located addition, consist ing of 16 lota and located between Hamilton and Caldwell Bts. and extending from 28th to 23th St. The graders have JUHt com pleted their work, and from the amount or Inquiry which wo have been receiving, tho whole addition will undoubtedly bo sold out at once. Prices range from $500 to S0&0. For further Information call at this office or telephone Douglas 6106. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., 836 N. T, Life Bldg. U9W86 6 BUY A LOT IN BOULEVARD PARK Build your own home or wo will build for you. Beats paying rent. Boulevard Park surDaeees oilier suctions In nutuial beauty, public. Imr rovetrenls, number of modern dwellings; all new. The Alth street boulevard runs along tho west line, while the bherman avenue linn extends tho whole length of the addition on the east. Choice lots, having sewer, water, gua, cement walks, etc, tuuo. ilore ior your money than elsewhere. Go and seo for yourself. Bherman Ave. car to Bprague EL Turn west. Shimer & Chase Co., Bites for the sltelese. Homes for the homelefcs. 6utt Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas titl. (Ul WANT OFFERS 1 -room all modern house, with hot water heat, full lot and barn, in Hanscom Park district, near mat ana woolwortb. Fries, to. 750. 8-room brand new and strictly modern residence, with oak flnUh and hot water heat, at xnu ana ta. rrioe, 5,&o0. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Douglas 17ta-TSLKP110ta-A 11 OK) 6X1 4 FINE Residence. Owner leaving city, offers his elegant modern home at a bargain. Address It iM. care live. (I M.W tx BUY TWO (3ET THREE Will sell two houses, corner &th and Franklin Sts.. and give away another for good measure. Owner consents. ISy little repairing will rent for to JO per year. Btreela paved: water, gas and walks. All yours (or 26a AV. T. GRAHAM. A Be Bldg. (19)-f782 HOUSE AND LOT. Ska POPTLETl'OV AV House six routus, lot fuxMO feet; aaohaJt pavement; permanent cement sidewalk, all paid for; city water, sewer and gas In house; terms to suit reliable purchaser; I:' io. Bee the property and then the owner. William A. DeHord, XUmna &M, First K- TODAY AT 2:00 P. M. our salesman will be at the lot and will take your money if you are game and know a bargain. A full size city lot on Cliiengo street, east of 21st St., opposite the Creighton home; paved alley in rear, all clear. Price, $2,750.00 We refused $2,.000 yesterday. Th6 best offer abovo that will take it. Tho best close in vacant lot in the city. Robinson & Wolf Paxton Block. (19)- PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $1,000 Seven-room house, well and stable, in good condition; 6 blocks from street car; one-half cash, balance monthW. $1,300 lt and two cottages; monthly rental $15; on 25th St., near city hall In South Omaha; lot alone worth the money. $1,700 Six-room house In good condition; plenty of closets, gas and sewer cistern and pump, stable HxlO, per manent walks, two blocks from car; $1.0u0 cash; balance to suit. $3,000 KIglit-room houso, new, with balh ana city water. House Is well ar ranKed with large porch and is an Ideal suburban home. Two lots, each frtxlSO. with chicken house and shrubbery, and some fruit. Is but a few blocks from Dundee car. $3,300 This is a new pressed brick veneered nouse oi six rooms, and la entirely modern, with brick fire place and mantel In living room and same in front bedroom. Splendid hot water heating plant. One block from car; east front; $1,400 In cash will swing this. $5,000 This will buy a ten-room, all mod ern house, wlUiln close wulklng dis tance. House has six bedrooms, laundry In basement and is In good condition. Flno for choice rooming proposition. VACANT. $ 80 Nice lot In Central park one block Irom car. $ 600 Fine-lying corner lot three blocks from car. in Dundee. t 700 South front lot half block from car. Terms. In Dundee. $ 700 Each for three choice south front lots on Capitol Ave., near Slat tit., in Dundee. Terms. $1,000 Each for finest lying south front lots on car lino In Dundee. Terms. $ 800 Southeast corner lot, one block from car In Walnut Hill. $ 235 Lot In Grammercy park, two blocks from Walnut Hili car. $1,600 Choice east front lot on 42d near . Davenport, uraaea reaay 10 duuu ' nixin. This Is a bargain. I 850 Corner near Hamilton school In Wal nut Hill, can mane mree iois laciug ast. BOULEVARD TERRACE. W have three fine lots still left In this addition. All the otners are soia ior homes and most of them now built upon. If you desire to make a home In this choice neighborhood , you should not delay longer In securing ' a lot. As soon as they are closed out your opportunity will have passed, frtces to FETliRS TRUST COMPANY, Ground Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) New 42d St. House oi. .nnma mrA MrATit1nn hall, modern throughout, east front on paved street, half block from car, in spienuiu ruioio " bornooa; unmeaiaia yyoDcnaiuu v"i Shimer & Chase Co, 1609 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Doug. 3S7, lis McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 2R2 7 Cumlna- St.. Eood-fllzed lot, eood roof, otherwise In bad. condition; rented to colored family for 115 per month. By apendlng Bome money will rent for more. Price $2,200, but east ern owner says SELL. MAKE US AN OFFER. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. i)- 8-R00M HOUSE CLOSE IN, $4,500. 2S31 Capitol Ave. Built for a horn last year. Special reason tor selling. Terms, half cash; balance easy. J. II. DUMONT & SON, , Sole Agents, 'Phone Douglas tWO. 1905 Farnain Bt. 160 ACRES $5,G00 3 miles west of El Dorado, Kan., in But lr county, rich black eull, clay subeoil; every foot can be plowed; lo a, alfalfa. balance hay; no Improvements. Stale Hoard of Agrucultura says "llutler Is first-class agricultural county; It ranks fiit in acreage and vtlue of sorghum for forage or grain and katfir corn. Also one of the leading counties in acreage of al fulfa and in tuns and value of prairie hay lAv stock raising Is an Important indus' try, the county leading In number and value of cattle. There are over a quarter or a million fruit trees oi Hearing ggu, Lou, doe being apple." El Dorado has 4,M) In habitants, electric lights, water works, nat ural gas, telephones, excellent public schools, also the Urumback academy. Improved thia farm would bring tail per acre. lou can Duy u ior . anu improve it yourself. Owner is a nonresident and forced to sell. VV rite us today. STH1NUKH INVKtiTMBNT COMPANY, tili lie building, Omaha, Neb. CJ-70S-6. CHOICE CORNER 8. W. corner th and Charles Bts., B:Wi 130 feet, with cottage, 7 rooma and batii. The lot has l'J feet frontage on Charles St., and fcn feet frontage on 2&th St., has deep sewer, City water, gas, concrete side walks and paved ttreut. lxik It over and be convinced that there la no better lot north of Cuming St., and no better lo cation for building brick flats. Ala e in an offer for It. W. H. GRIFFITH, owner, a Chicago, St. FOR 8 ALFV 7-room house and one acre of ground, all In fruit, bearing, on block from Florenoe car Una. Address M. A. eiepceoa, im vuru a v unuuia. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Two 6-room cottages on Inrce lot, Mixl7, good barn, fine (hade and near car line. SilVW ClMrles St. t'rlce. Or t'HHSt house, vacant, tl,4v; went house and barn, tl.4 . Look property over and make us an offer. Ml Bo. ;th Ave., rooms, modern except heat; choice lo cation, fine shade, halt block from cur, Price, J2.4UO. l.lld So. 2&th Bt., 7 rooms and reception hall, all modern, hot wuter heat, oak finish; built by owner for a home. Price, t.i.t00. Owner going to Cali fornia, Close In, Good Investment 710-12 So. 17th, Just south of Jackson St., two 10-rooro. mod ern houses, lot buxuso, run ning through from lith St. to 17th Ave. The two houses face 1 eent on 17th St., leaving 66 feet f i outage on 17th Ave., a fino location to build brick housos. Iloili streets paved. This Is an exceptional opportunity to pick up a close-in piece of property at a price that Is right. Vacant Lota Fine south front lot. 62x100, Field club dlBtrlct, at bar gain price. Acre of ground south of Ames Ave., one block and west of S4th Bt., near Monmouth park school, lo cality rapidly Improving. This property Is put on the market to cluso up on estate. I'nco, I1.2W. i wo fine building lots In Dundee, fronting on Capitol Ave., between 4Mh and 4Dth Bts. Price, tSOO each. Two lots, 43d Ave. and Dodge St., room to build thrco housus. Only (1,100. This la a snap. Farm Cheap WO acres about twenty miles from South Omaha, on Mili tary road, one-halt mile from fclk City. Improvements con slKt of small hous, new barn and other out buildings. About 60 acres under cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; run ning water. This could be made an ideal stock farm. Ad joining land held at 1100 an acre and up. We are offering this turm at the very low-price of 140 an acre, cash. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Main Floor N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. D. 1018. DON'T RENT ANOTHER DAY ir.ra inin aoyi w ikth CU A tirAnd new V..X.1.... amll srruti &if T - 1 V fin Ul.n mnriurn t h rni I u hnll t i nfl lid 1 IHT lint A.nd cold water at Htnk in basement, kitchen and Daln room; uuui aner aupruvou pinna, c ery thing riRht in heating and plumbing; li ft, porch, fine lot, cement walk. Cash payment, balance on reasonable terms. In a neighborhood of nice homea Price, $3,3uu. Shimer & Chese Co., 1(109 Farnam.' Ground floor. Douglas 3S87. City properly. Suburban acreage. Indus trial sues. 08) 3 HOUSES Part Terms if Desired. 1117 S. 82D. M.Tfift Tn the Hanscom Dark district, on paved street, one diock norm ui park, a lu-room mouern uwemna, In excellent repair, furnace, bath, barn, full lot; compelled to sell; make offer. Part terms. 1112 FARNAM. U.lfA Make us an offer for this nearly new 7-room mouern aweiung, every modern convenience, paved street and one block to car Una. PART TERMS. NEW HOUSE. W,X This brand, new house at 221S North lBtn street will oe soia ior iou casn and the balance about the same as rent It has S rooms, reception nan, large attic, high light cellar ce mented, every modern convenience, electrla and gas light, splendid fur nace and nice bath fixtures. Tho rooms on first floor are nicely dec orated and house Is ready to move Into. BUILDING LOTS 12 00olfl0xl35 ft.. In DUNDEE PLACE. the swellest corner in tnis Deauuiui su hiirh. WANT AN OFFER. J750 87x140 ft., 19th St. HoulevaM, norrn Of Burdette. VERY EASY PAYMENTS. $750-37x140 ft., east front, 18th St., south of Spruce; sewer, city water and shade. VKltY EASY PAYMENTS. roo 34x1130 ft., south front, on Lake St., east of lKth St.; cement walks, sewer, city water. VERY EASY TERMS. A PISAf. Iiao 46x130. ft., near S. 2uth and Vinton Bts. A BArlOAl IN . Swell for Flats 11,900 60 ft on 24th St., north of Laven- worm; paving tax an imiiu. i hid lo a HIQ BARUA1N. BfcifJ UH MuniJAi. , GARVIN BROS. 1904 Farnam St. $7,000 BRICK FLAT INVESTMENT A new St. Loula brick flat, &G8 and 2510 brier nmn uvvuuo, u'1jbiio mt- niicnnmi kmnuA rantina- ftW 1t7TJ r-.t ruus tt,mi IN1C1II. irUMr. sviaB w iw - n-k. ; i.i,iMin0 Pi u ai luatt tvion rnmnlAUH la 0,1 TcLUBt tl I "r a W U i a mi iia. viuru Lmui w i was completed, each family entirely ep- . J M A . i II .. .. ..A ...t 1 aruio irttlll faun uuiri, iiuiib anvi ativ iiaii- ways, st'DArate mairways and separate bath, nicely arraned and hardwood finish both floors, papered throughout with a fine selection or miesr siyie, pavea sireeis and permaneni suiewuiKii, uu wu. ui, jmv- UABT1NGS IIEYDBN, 1704 Farnam fit. Vacant Lot Bargain West Harney St The last south front vacant lot In this choice location, only j-j.wiu. J. 11. DUMONT Sc SON, 10ti6 Farnum St. 'phone Douglas . C1W-70S-6. OFFICES TO RENT IN U. 8. National building, corner 12th and at. Ttul riikvntnwn location! heart of business district. We offer here (1.) Ground floor on X2th Bt, with 1,S square r ei iioor it.) Offices, single or en suite, on scoond and third noora. Real Estate Title-Trust Co., Chaa. E. Williamson, Pres. Ground Kloor, U. a Nl'l Bldg., 1391 Far nain bu OW Storage Space 15.000 so. feet, or will divide, trackage. elevator, heat, light, low insurance rate, short or long unia lease. HASTINGS & ILEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (1) 161 i BARGAINS. Blondo and 27th, two 4-room cottages, lot 0x140 ft. Price Il.tfcO. Volt 1 and (, Wilcox addition, corner 24th and Casteiiai hit ; cacti lot i.him il u OuO for both. ll.M) for the inside lot. Dot IS. block I, Orchard Hill, Ssth and Charles Bis. Cheap. NELS A. LUNDGREE.V, Rentals and Insurance, -'6 New York Lift Building. 'Phone Douglas 2i6i. (U)-M37l 4 FOR Il.OuO CASH. I will build you a handsome house from your own plans on a plendld corner lot In Kountze Place. Balance can be paid aa rent. T. V, Porter, Tel. Webster i. OJ)-17M . 1NVKSTMKNT9. S16 N, nth. H'xni ft., West F'arnant dittrlit. two 7-room dcrn houees, rental, tti rnch; eit Two 7-ronm fdi iiies, J!ii r. nlal; l. 1 Si j Cumtiigs, fiKl;K ft., t.(. N. W. corner 2lll and tUmnlo. li 24t h. IM south front on lllomlo, $h2 ymny ren tal; j.0ii0. Three -iom frnnip, 11.210 rental. ?11,000. Three new brick. l,ha rtoital; $H,hh. Five brick houses, H.Siw rental; $lti,Xi0. Five brick stores, rental: $13,0(X Frame stores, $:,!) rental; $ai.t. JOHN IS'. FllbNZKK, Opp. Old P. O. (IK) M 77 7 6 DOKS Yol lt MONKY KARN 10 PKK CT.T Invest It In Philadelphia, la., homes, al was rented and curn more: absolutely safe Investment; now brick housos; easy terms; only f.VK) cash required: titles guaranteed by largest title company In Philadelphia. Send for fre illustrated booklet. Interest ing proposition to out-of-town purchasers. Kdgar K. Hhafer, Iliillder and Real rtate operator, a.")th and Sterner Bts.. Philadel phia, Pa. (i.1)-6J9 ix HOl'PK AND DARN. ' Five room house and new PU0 barn two blocks from car near th and Amea Ave. New llfti chicken house and new buguy shed. Fruit trees. The lot Is bbxtA. Would tike X equity In cash. Hemls 1'uxton Block, Phone Douglas 6S6. Ind. 1A85. (Hi) Al NEW modern house of rooms and bath. nas reception hall, parlor, back parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; a bedrooms and bath on second floor; cement cellar. JCrfK) cash, balance J) at 6 per cent. F. D. Wead, Wead Block, 18th and Farnam. FOR FAT.E. A FINE INSIDE i-iECK OF PROPEItTY. Moutlieast corner 21st snd (California Sts.. with a large double brick flat and room for three more. Inaulre at ami Hurt HI. Owner. ' . (1S-M7D5 5 FINE south front lot, 50x124 ft.. In Kountso i-iace at a nargnin, If Bold this week. If you are looking for a lot in north part of city, don't fall to see this. Address A 220, care Bee. (19 748 5 a ARION LEWIS, Acre Specialist, 884 New York Life Bldg. ll))-W2 5 I9.R00-OOOD INCOME PROPERTY at a bargain; for particulars Inquire 1411 Vin ton St,, or telephone Douglas 2,.7. (19)-M435 7x LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 21 wiiu v- uiinriy p IB. tiy ) ft- REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAAiCH LAND FOR IALR Kansas. WANTED Send me your address on a postal card ior a list or bargains In kusii county land. it. u. Khryack, Al exandcr, Kan. (20) M492 5x A SNAP MUST BE SOLD QUICK, 35,000 will buy a beautiful ranch, 1,113 acres, worth 140,000. We took In trade and must turn into money. Located In the ban ner corn and alfalfa county of Jewell, Kan sas; elegant Improvements and the part under cultivation alone worth the price. Write us quick. THE INTERNATIONAL LAND AND IN VESTMENT. CO., Phone D 3133. 210 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (.30)- Mtanesota. FARMERS and dairymen needed. Meadow lands settlement on H. K. near Duluth. Choice lands, low prices, fl per acre down balance 15 years. High prices for farm products. Klch clover; partly wooded oouiv try. Maps, information. Ijtnd Com.. D. & I. Ky., 640 Wolvla Bldg., Duluth, Minn. North Carolina!. TEN ACRE farm for vegetable, fruit or poultry raising wltn completely fur nished S-room cottage, pump, barn, good mute. Harness, Implements, wagon. cnicxen yara, one aosen chickens, every thing new, complete and ready for Im mediate occupancy, Including one week's rations. I'rlce 1,1W. Terms o00 cash, balance 1, 2 and i years without Interest Work from day of arrival If wanted. Profits of $.100 per acre are common in this wonderful trucking section. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. We are doing It to get the movement started. Carolina Trucking Development Co., Wilmington, jn. t;. ta 7ia-6x. Nebraska. NEBRASKA LAND BARGAINS Wr have only a few tvuarler and half sections of good Nebraska farm land left. which you can buy under original U. P, land contract, payable in ten yearly In stallments. Price, tC to 110 per acre. Don't miss this chance to secure a farm aa you did before. This land must be sold this week. Wire at our expense if you wish us to secure some of this land for you. For full particulars, address HABTTNQ-8 HEYDEN LAND DEPT., Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. . (20) Farm For Sale 320 acres, well improved, near Elgin, Neb., with horses ,cattlc, hogs and machinery, for $7,500 This Is one of the biggest bargains we have ever been able to offer and Is good for ten days only. Lies on the line be tween Boone and Antelope counties, 11 miles soutnwest or igin. ax) acres al most absolutely level, none rough, lias i & room house, barn for ten horses, sran ary, crlba, sheds, etc. Improvements only t years old and cost over K'.&UU. Orchard of 610 trees, small grove. Good well and windmill. All fenced; 80 acres cultivated. 2c0 acres In hay, balance pasture. This Is good land, though some of It is quite sandy. It is worth the money. On the place are 6 horses, 24 cows, 66 hogs, about loo chickens, wagons, plows, harness, and all farming machinery. The owner lives on the place - and will step right out and turn it over to the pur dinner. If taken within ten days. Terms 13,000 cash, balance on time at Ix percent Interest. Will give liberal dis count for a'.! rash. Don't deiay but answer this at ouce if you mean business. D. V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board or Trade. Main Floor. Xele.phones Douglas 49. Independent A-2048 FOR SALE At bargain, 160 acres Improved farm in Antelojie county. Neb. Addreas Uafcew CO., 441, W. Zlsl tit., Chicago. 111. NOW la the time to buy western Nebraska land. Call or write and will i.o you where you oan make some money, iau-s 7a 40 ACRES OF NEBRASKA - FARM LAND One-half mile from TT. P. trackage, suit able for town alte ). Owner will trade lor Omaha residence luL HASTINGS & HEYDEN LAND DEPT., Be Bldg. Omaha, Neb. ()- CHOICE section unimproved Cheyenne county tana, iv per acre. waiter C naty, in co. iau M.fco llx WHEN yeu writ to advartlaara, kindly MartSi Dsksta. OUT THEY GO On the new C. M. St. T. Coast Railway, through Adams county. North 1? which U attracting homeseekera to an unencelled farming country. Sunshine, free coal, pure water, sure crops, a and profitable occupation for you. Land tut fiu to ju an acre row. t,sy terms. We have homestead rellnaulHhinctits for rale. See Win. 11. ltrown Co., llaynvs or Mott, North Dakota, or 1.11 laSalle St., Chicago, III. Maps free. Mention thu paper. Or write our Mandan, North 1 kuta, office. pi-MSa HOMKSTKADS Several givod rehncnilsli- ments for snlo In Williams com tinty, N. 1. : all level land and good soil, near new pro posed railroad. Come cnrly or write Ouy L. Scott Land Co., Ambrose, N. IV k Uaketa. OUTH DAKOTA VAST). WF.I.Tj IMPROVED 1W acres three miles east Draper, 8. D. Everything ready to go to work. Immediate possession. Choice relinquishment. Sixteen miles southeast Pierre. II. J. Brain, Harper, la. (J0)-M4U 7x BOME choice farms In eastern South Da kota for sale or exchange. Easy term. 11. J. Hicks, Big Stone City, P. I. (J0)-M4ii4 Mix Texas. LAND. TEXAS LAND. Some of the most fertile and moat produc tive In the world, doubling and quad rupling rapidly In value. Snmo flno colo nization tracts on which 1 per cent profit can bo mude within one year; also Improved and unimproved farms and fruit tracts. Box HU1, St. Louis.- C.M)Vr,,Sl 6x TEXAS YOUR FORTUNE i AWAITS you In the Ot'LF COAST OF" TEXAS. GO WITH I'S next TUESDAY. April 7. In our PlllTATE- CAR WAM- 1H' SKA. Meals and berth 11.60 per day. We are colonising the FAMOUS TAKT RANCH at 61NTON and TAI'T, located oh two railroads. Hundreds of acres already under cultivation. DON'T delay; Write or call. HE INTERNATIONAL LAND AND IN VESTMENT CO., Phone D31U3. 210 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WW) I Wycatlaa;. LAND OPENING 245.000 acres of Irrigated government land n kilt Horn llimln. Wvoming. will ba thrown iumm for settlement May 12 under the Carey act, affording opportunity to ae cure an Irrigated furm at low coat on eaay payments. Only SO days resiaence requirea. KeiKirt containing official notice of the lyilieillS. VMliy W UniO I r,iurm, iviiuucu. eKirt containing official notice of the t ruwlng, mups, plats and full Information ( nt free on ruqueat. Irrigation Depart- . I lent, U. 4UO-206 La 6a.Ho St., Chicago. . I (20) 618 6x ( druv sent menu Miscellaneous. WESTERN LAND, large and small tracts; Bale and exchange. National lnvt. Co., b6i Brandels Bldg. (X)hm THIS WILL MAKE YOU $1,000 IN GO DAYS Section fine farming land; should be brokt and farmed this season. One crop will pa) for land. Near county seat, railroad town, Improved farms all .around it. Will sell If at oWefor $7 and acre. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (;iil) M763 6 REAL ESTATE LOANS Loans Trusts Will Bonds Insurance A We Invest our money in farm loans. Be fore investing we know that the title is good and our mortgage a first lien. I7.N00, 000 of other people's money is now Invested with us. During twenty-one years oi uusi nens no investor has lost a dollar nor taken an acre of land. We now have for sale t&O.buu of choice mortgages, bearing fiva and one-half to six per cent. 'We care for property as well aa money and accept trusts. If you wish property held for any particular use we can uu u for you and the terms of Uie trust will be carefully observed. We prepare wins ana win- aci as irusvee for the distribution of your proberiy if you wish. Consultation Is confidential. we nave some very gouu siwut wum u school bonus. PETERS TRUST CO., New York Ufa Bldg. (.22)- Money to Loan t f vs.,, hov, Imnrnvhl Omaha real estate security and want money quickly and at lowest rate or interest, yvu win wig nmv by coming to us. Garvin Bros., ltUi u arnam () $100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, wead tstag., m anu amain. kmy eiv FRIVATB MONEY-NO DELAY. GAKV1N BKOS., 1H FARNAM. (22j-I LOANS on Improved Omaha property. (112) t LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. r 122 a i t PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND- X J LrjLit 1 'As 1UI1 lidAl. avrs,-0 ID 1 NAT. iiAMi liLLU. TEL DOUG. 127K. (22) 75 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1X0 Farnam St. t)-S61 6V4 PER CENT money to loan on eastern NeDraaka larma ana goou business pi op rty in Omaha. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. Tele- puone uuugiaa id. (22)-671 PRIVATE MONEY TO IX) AN. Will loan a. 6 per cent tlO.Oui) for t or i years on first-class real estate inortgagi Security. Nothing only high-class improve merits will be considered. In answering give description and rental Income of th sauie. Address C-2.3, car Bee. (22) M509 6x WANTED City loans. Petera Trust Co MONEY to loan on Improved city property Hastings 4 Usydttu. 1704 Farnam bt, t22)-T4 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city prop erty: building loans a apei:lalty; no delay W. IX. Thomas, tut Ut Nat l Bk. Bldg. 22)-M7ti All MONEY TO I .OAN Payne Investment Co (22-7 PRIVATE monty to loan; no delays. J H. Sherwood, (16-4U7 Brandels Bldg. W. H. THOMAS lends money. (J2-M743 All WB ARE offering tl.900 loan on moderi -room house, worth 12,760. . All spenluU ' Including paving, paid. Loan for tbre years. HASTINGS HKYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt tii) els 4 AM especially anxious for aa appUcattoi for a special fund of I&.0UO. F. D. WeuJ loth and Farnam Sts. ('2) MiM 11 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Information regarding goo homo and lot for sale In or within miles of Omaha; prefer dealing wit. owner only. fcVmte price, location an give full description. Address Darby iilra, Vox 14, Hwcbeatar, N. Y.