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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: FRIDAY, MARCH 27, KKW. REAL ESTATE CITY I'ROPKBTY FOR SALB (Continued.) , .. . BARGAIN Sickness rornpcl ownr to sell two houses and lot, ?xll, city water, paved trl, wtthln walking distance from post office. Annual -rental.' 84K8. Will take, thl week, tA.OUA; II .600 cash, XUanre monthly:. O. C. OrLBEN. 101 . 16th St. ...' 1-M1 27 WANT tin offer on the- property, 1128 and 11. 1ft tf Xlnt'Rt.; two modern houses and good, barrl:i well rented. Thin property la owned by art enatern party who must sell. THOMAS BKK.NNAN, Room 1,- New York Life Bldg. ' U!)-fil FLAT LOCATION 8.1 feet, east front, near northwest corner 2nth and. Davenport, one of tha finest location, in the oltv for flata; less than 3ro feet from high school and five blocks from poatoffice. WM. E. -ROMANO. Tel. Douglas 131!). ' j:9 Board of Trada. " ''.' ' 19)-M423 28 1JEAL. F.STATE TITLE TRUST flf lv CHA8. F, WILLIAMSON. Pre- VV-' LIST your property with Chrla Boyer, 22d and Cuming- tits. (16) 8a A SNAP 8-It0tM .MODERN HOME ' Plastered Attic, Two blocka from 24th St. car. South front, Lot SOxlt. - pared street, 2670 Foppletoh Ave. " Inquire lit 2W5 Poppleton Ave. r , 1-M160 MAKE AN OFFEE on the modern, B-room house and lot 80x156, ant front, at 132 No. 8Sth Ave., be.tween Dodge and Cppltol Ave. The ground la wort li $w or S a front foot and the houae would coat 84,000 to build. Can be bought lor less than ir.,6oo. r hHED fiROB.. 1710 Farnam, St. ... .. , ..... . U)-M774 $5,000. BL'TS an expensive, 10-f. house, t blocks went of high school, with glass-lined balhNroomi and. bam; very eaay terms. It Is 'owned by an eastern mortgagee, F. 1 WEAD, 1801 Farnam St. ...... . , (191-73 28 THH RtoD ABSTRACT CO.. est. 1856. 1'rompt' service. (Jet our prices. 1710 Farnam,, , (19) 804, . . .'i ii i ' -" " - Fowler Aye. Snaps 2010 Fowler Ave., new presa i , brick with, reception hall, par lor, dining room, kitchen, den and bedroom on first floor, 2 large' tied rooms and large bath room on 2d floor; full size , , bricked up, cement floor, base ment; best of furnace; beBt of plumbing and fixtures; large grate. This waa exception ally 'well built , for a home. Owner compelled' td 'sacrifice ' s for 13,600, on easy terms. Can b seen at any time. . If you woold rather build youy own house, look at our vacant ground between loth j and 22d on Fowler. Price f?00 ' and 1726; easy terms. ' ' i"; , W. FAENAk SMITH & CO., Tels. Bell. 3064; Ind., A 1064. 1320 Farnam St. 'I 7-.-'. ) (18) 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Two cottages, and,- rooms, separata fenced Iota on grade; gas, water, sewer, barns; immediate possession; cash or pay ments. , . OWNER. 230 BTJRDETTH BT.' . . i 1 -.- (1)-M896 17 FOR SALE Fine residence lot, 204 N. S2d Ave.. S7H135 feet, east front. Price, $3 900 ' CONRAD TOUNO, Tel.- Douglaa U7L , ; 1618 Dodge St. . . "' (l)-Mboi 2 T" v - REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAftCIl LAND FOR BALE KUM. 1 GO ACEES $1,200.00. No sand, no rock, every foot can ba Piuweu. inree nines irom railroad town, six miles from county seat, In Oreeley county, Kansas, tha land with the bright est future of any land In the west. Worth Its weight In gold to buy and hold. This is a forced sale and you have our word la the hlfrirenf. buirt man au r.1 nn tk. market. I your Judgment; look Into the i umirr: tsk our novice ana buy It. STRING KK 1NVK8TMENT COMPANY. 4.-W Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' . (20)-M761 27 DICKINSON COUNTY, Kansas, lands for saie; write for bargain list Just out. M. B. Ford; Enterprise, Kan. (3t Mif29 29x FOR geotion of Improved ,wheat anu unaiia ina, neu CO., ivansas, S K. E. Grush, 'Xtirkio. Mo. () M74J 27x Nebraska. 4,680-ACRErnrh In "Nebraska; this Is the Viv.vBi. uaiimii evrr viiereu on me real estate market; highly lmpioved; all line corn and. grass lanti; oyer I10.0U0 worth of Improvements; pries only 116 per acre. SECTION of land In Cheyenne county, Ne- 7 r. .MTwiy f7iKcn sun, ciay subsoil. Close to railroad and In good minim wuiniiiunuy. r'rioe, JI per acra. Fine section land, McPherson county Ne braska, in a district that Is settling very rapidly. Would take small property as part payment .for equity. Prlca tti per acre. ) acrea, adjoining 'j'ulesburg reservoir Igan county, Colorado; all fine farming land, lv inlU's from railroad. Part of thja can be lrrljated. Price, ii.5L per acre. FAlUITAHLfi RKALTY AND TRUST CO.. IiOAKD of TRADE. tauj-777 V. JKartki Dakota. , '. OUT THET GO On the new ;,.. W. . Bt. p. Coast Railway. tnrotiKh Adorns c-ountv Kami. which 4 attracting homeseekerV to an tiiiexceHedV farmlag country. Sun&hlne fr.-e coal pure w er. aure cropa. a home and profitable occupation for you. Land tut HO io IS) an ucre row. Easy terms We have homestead relinquishments for sale, ttce Wm H.. Brown Co., Kaynes " ""mi 1'HKoia, or isi iasalle 8t t'hlcagO. Iir. Maps free., Mention tint paper. Or write our Mandan, North Da kota, office. - (20) MM6 i.. "' ' Texas. . HOMBSREKERS. INVESTORS OR REP. RPik'WTlTIVL'fil.TI, . . . . . n ... iii iiiuai DenullE'lJ X '"' of all, country of sweet flowers id apple blossoms, a lot and farm tlDO, 10 down and fl per month; another proposition that' Wight appeal to you, $100 lots, new town, new railroad, six bunga low houaea and 25 bualneas lots given away; lots 115 down. J10 per month. rite Francis Baldwin for particulars. Mo Jarvla. Fr. Worth,- Tex. ' ' ' ' - Xy M9S2 29X M Ucellaaeoos. WESTEjriNU larga and email tracts; aula end exchaDge. Rational lnvt. Co., HEliE IS A QUICK MONEY , MAICER. LOCATE on tha Lower Brut p.ur..inn (Jood . claims yet to be had. open for tiling, win l.xate yt for a reasonable wnoouuL, Addresa O. M. Bertleson, IVesho, 8. P. jO)-M247 A3 REAL ESTATE LOANS PR I VA TB M ON BY NO DEIAY. tJ QAUVLS BROS.. 16U4 FARNAM. ' . . , ' wy-fci LOANS oa Unproved Omaha property. O'Keefs R. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Lire BMg ;' ' ' ; " . iny- LOWiJiT RATta-iiuruts. Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) WANTED City losns and warrsnts. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 13:0 Farnam St. (CT-M 1 TO tl.Ona made promptly. F. D. Wead, waaa kki., mtn and f arnam. iej u 4 PF.R CENT money to loan on eastern Nebraska farms and good business prop erty In Omaha. ALFRKD C. KRNNTmY. 209 First National Bank Building. Tele phone Douglas if-. (22)-871 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city prop erty; minting loans a specialty- no neiay, W. H. Thomas, 03 1st Nat I Hk. Bldg (22)-M741 All WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hasting A Hoyden, 17"4 Farnam St. PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND- NO DEWY. J. H. MITHEN, 202-3 1ST NAT. BANK BUX1, TEL DOUO. 1278. (22)-S75 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (ie-4n6 PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J. ji. ttnerwood, 616-617 Brandels Bldg. (22)-877 W. H. THOMAS lends money. (Si) M743 All REAL ESTATE WANTED SMALL PEOPERTIES WANTED We have a customer who Is , going to buy small properties for Investment In good locations. Must be snaps. EQUITABLE REALTY AND TRUST CO., 22a BOARD OF TRADE. I (33)-77 lVArEDTOBUf BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes, etc. Red 6401.' (28) M87i WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Tho highest price paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (25) M179 M4 SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too , large or too small. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (25) 879 CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes, etc. 308 N. lfith St. Tel. Red 8325. (25) m WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 7 or S room house; en tirely modern; no children. Tel. Harney 9098. (26) 764 27 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as coachman. 'Phone Douglas 1719. (27) 766 27x POSITION wanted by young man who Is good stenographer; has had considerable experience as office clerk; can furnish best of references; salary Is no question, but position must have chance of ad vancement. Address B-322, care of Bee. (27) 900 28x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb., March 24, 1908. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be received her until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, April 25, 190$, for constructing ter races, macadam roads, gutters, etc., and moving electric light line at Fort Omaha, Neb. Full Information furnished on appli cation. V. a. reserves the light to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing pro- posaia io us maraea proposals tor ier- riMi ele " anil itlHmRMil tn C.nt.ln 11 H. OURY, Constructing Quartermaster! Fort Omaha, Nebraska, -. - .BU&-2&-Z7-Z&A3-M' OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 18, 1908. Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 1:80 o'clock p. m., April 18, 1908, and then opened In public, for the construction of aji ex tension of the sewerage and draining sys tem and for the construction of an ex tension of the water distributing system at Fort D.- A. Russell, Wyoming. The said extenaion of sewer Is about 7,000 feet of 4-Inch and 8-Inch pipe, wlthamanholea and connections to buildings. iThe ex tension to water system to be about 70,000 feet of 4-Inch and 6-lnch pipe, with all necessary speclala, fire hydrants, house connections, etc. Full Information, blank forms and specifications furnished on ap plication to this office. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any psrt thereof. Envelopes containing blda should be endorsed, "Pro posals for extending sewer and water sys tems at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming," and addressed to CAPTAIN V. K. HART, 15th Infantry, Acting Quartermaster, U. fi. Army, In charge of construction, Chey enne, Wyoming. Mch20-21-27-28-Apl4-lB REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . J. Stahl and wife to J. J. Fitzgerald, nl'4 feet lot 7, block 133. South Omaha f 1,600 James J. Fitzgerald and wife to John M. Stahl, same., 1,600 County treasurer to J. A. Mclntyre, lot 6. Ludwlck Place Joseph W. Marrow and. wife to K. W. Owynne Vaughan, nlX3 feet lot 60, Oolse's add i 3,200 Charles E. Williams and wife to Earl , Adams lot 1, block 12, Clifton Hill. 1 Annie Karel and husband to James W. Dvorsky, lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 6. 8, 7, . block 8, Boyd's addition... 10 Catherine Kennedy to Ellxa A. Whelan, trustee, lots 1 and 3, Irv ing Place :.- 2,000 County treasurer to Frank T. B. Mar tin, lota 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, block 3, Mayne Place George B. Ibury to Warren L. Hamilton, loV. 23, Olenwood Heights, 360 Alexander Beck and wife to Beck Christensen Co., lot 12, block 12, Shlnn'a add 1 Urban Alexander Beck and wife to same, lot 6, block 13, Myers, Rich ards & Tllden's add 1 Armlta B. Rlckel to N. Willis, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Tipton Place . 700 Chris Johnson and wife to Charles H. Shepard. lot 20, block 2, William Hagerdorn's add (0 Daniel Tillotson and wife to John A. Nelson and wife, wluO feet lots 1 and 2, block (, Belvedere add 2,300 Susan T. Beetham and husband to Mrs. Katie Pruss, lot 9 .and part lota 7 and 8. block 12, Summit ad.d.. 2.000 Carrie J. Flack and husband to Mary B. Ellis. eH lot 8, block 8, Reed's 1st add f800 G. L. Beavers and wife to Otto W. Hovrell, lot 5, block 3. South Ex change Place 117 County treasurer to Charles Ladd Thomas, lots 13 and 14. block . and lot 8. block 10, and lot 1. block 11, North Omaha Same to Alfred C. Kennedy, part lot 3. block 135, Omaha Isabella Hrooks to Mary Robinson, lot 15, Smith's aubdlv 3,700 Frace Cairns to Mary Robinson, lot 7. Smith's subdlv 3 700 Charles B. Kountie and wife to Prank Kunci, lot 13, block 2, For est Hill j J65 William Peppercorn to Hilda Johnaon, e8 acres s and e!2 acrea nV ae4 sw4 20-16-13 and other, land v 1 Charlea E. Johnson and wife to Wil liam Peppercorn, same , i Total $21411 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION TATIOX 10th IND HAHCT V Uala raclae Tk Ovarian! I Jmlted Tae Celorado Bxprosa Atlantic atapress The Oregon SvprM.., The Los Angolos Lias the Fast Mall , The Cbiaa 4k Japaa Mail Nona FlatU Local...., Colo.-Caiatfo bpeclal., Beatrice k Stroms- burg Local , Lear a. .a 8.40 am . $.M pia ,.a 4:1 pm pa ..a t.u am , a 4 00 ant ..a 7 41 ara ll:li am Arrive, a 40 pre 1:00 pa ai0:U am a : pm U pia 4.4 pot a $ M pra a 4 43 pm a 1.m am .blJ:$0pai DLtOsai AMERICAN CAR SAILS FRIDAY v Leader in Aoto Race it Heady to Start for Alaska. FRENCH CAR COMING BY SAIL Its Driver Experts to Leave 'Frisco oa Satarday'a Boat Itallaa Car Takes Fresh Start. SAN FRANCISCO. March 38 Not un til the City of Puebla sails from San Francisco on Friday ran the American car continue Its race toward Paris. It will land and take the road again at Valdet. Alaska. The second French car Is coming on a freight train and will take the earliest boat to Valdea. Tb Italian machine, having been repair td In Ogden. went by train to Kelton, the plac where It broke down today, and mad a fresh start from there. Kelton Is ninety miles west of Ogden. The first French car was reported this evening at Spring Valley, a short distance east of Evuna ton, Wyo. The German machine was passing Bitter creek, east of Rock Springs, at the same time. The French car Is now about 18S miles behind the Italian and 141 mile ahead of the Ger man machine. SI. Godard, one of the French con testanta for the International cup which will be presented by the Paris Automobile club to th winner of the New York to Paris race, arrived here last night. He expects his car, which was shipped from Ogden, to reach this city on Friday, and aays he hopes to make up lost ground In Siberia, with which "fountry he Is familiar. Th American car will leave on the steamship City of Puebla next Friday and proceed to Valdex. It Is prob able that Godard will leave th next day for the same point. SEATTLE, Wash., March 26.-L. H. Gray, manager of th steamship Corwln, which sails for Nome May 10, and which enjoys the distinction of being the first boat Into tho northern port for the last six years, ha received a wire from th represents live of the three leading automobiles In the New York-to-Parls rate asking for reserva tions for th men and machines on th vessel. They want to charter the steam ship for a trip from Nom to th Siberian coast and this, Mr. Gray has agreed to. H says that Ice on th Siberian coast breaks up earlier than on the American side owing to strong currents and Is forced northward into th Arctic, instead of south, as on the east shore. He expects to land the automobiles In Siberia early In June. SIOUX CITY PLAYERS REPORT Holmes' Crowd Incladea Several Kvr Men for 1908. SIOUX CITY, la., March 28-(Speclal.)-The ball players from which Manager Ducky Holmea will select his team of 1908 have reported and are daily working out at Mlszou park. The Sioux City magnate probably has fewer men under contract than any club In the league. The outfield will go to the three men already signed without a contest. They are Fred Weed, who played second baae last year; Tom Campbell of last year's team and Henry Spencer from San Francisco. Andreas has no competition for second base, nor has Arthur Granville for shortstop. Manager Holmea and H. A. King, the Southern league recruit, will fight It out for third base. Fred Clark, from the Shrevesport club, and Severeld. an Iowa semi-pro player, will have a lively scrap for first base. Jack Henry, from th Oklahoma City club of the Western association, will RAILWAY TIME CARD Coti"Nl Chicago A North weaterm-. Chicago 'ayllgh: a 7:25 ara all -48 nm St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:60 am aio 2 Em Chicago Local all:30 am ii5 EE Sioux City Paasager..a r:5t .-a a I S m Chicago fasner....... .a 4:30 pm a S-43 am Chicago Special a :00 pm a 8:28 am 6U Paul-Minn. Lira. ...a 8:28 pm a SM am Overland! LUnite ai0:00 pm a 8:23 am Fast Mall a 1 H Sioux City Local.., Twin City Limited. agftopra aaiaoam a :28pm a 8.00 am a T:45 am a 6:40 pm Norfolk-Uonesteel Llncln-Long Pin a 7:46 am alO in Deadwood-LIncoln a 3:00 pm a I 40 on Casper-Lander a 3:00 pm a 6:40 pn m pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6 40 nra Fremont-Albion b 6:35 pm h l;36 nm Chicago, Rock Island raclflo EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all 05' nra Iowa Local a 7:0 am a 4:8 L Des Molncs Passenger.. a 4:00 pm aU so bra Iowa Local bll:40 am b 8:55 nm Chicago (Eastern Ex.. .a 4:40 pm a 1:15 Dm Chicago Flyer fa Km 8:36 am Rocky Mountain L't'd..all:15 pm a 2 60 am Colo and Cal. Ex a 1:10 pm a 4 -80 Dm OkL and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a l:le pm Chicago, MilwaoKoo A St. Paol Chic. Ac Colo. Special.. .a 7a am alln 11:!::::. Y i'S .ifc Parry Local , a 6:15 pm all;o0 am Illinois Central Chicago Express a T:1E am Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm Chicago Great Western 3:46 pm a 8:30 am St. Paul-Minneapolis... . 3:30 pm fee Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am Chicago Limited 6:i pm Chicago Express 7:80 am Chicago, Express 3:30 pm jatsaoarl P or lac 7:10 am 11:14 pm 8:if7 am 11:36 pm 1:30 pm K. C 8L U Txp a 8:00 am K. C. 4k St, L. Exp all:l pm Wabnah St. Louis Express a 1:30 pm bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs a 8:00 am Standberry Local (from Council Bluffs b 5:00 pm a 8: am a t .bu pa a 1:25 am U:U pm b 10:15 am BURLINGTON STA10th MASO Burlington Leave. Denver V California.... a 4:io pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pin Northwest Express all:6 pm Nebraska points a 8:45 am Nebraska kxpress a 8:16 am Lincoln Fast Mall o 1:46 pm Lincoln Local .. ......... Lincoln Local Lincoln Local b.cuyler plattsruouth.b 3.y pm Ballevue PlaltsmoutU.ai00 pm platumouth lowa....b .lk am Arrtva a 3:4 pm :4 pm a 8.45 pm al0:i5 pm a :io pm 4:10 pm 13:11 pm b 8:08 am alo:l4 pm a J:6o pm biO:uo am tM aut b i io'p'ui I t am all:45 pm I M pin 8:80 am 11: am 11:30 am 6.w am a 4.W pln Sallevue - riatiamouin. Lenvar Limited a 4:10 pm cni-u Dsviai n:wam Chicago biprcaa a 4.0 pm Chicago Flyer a $.30 pm Iowa Local a 8:15 am St. Louis Express a 4:44 pm Kanaaa City 4k St. Jo..al0:4e pm Kauaaa City 4k UC Jo..a 8:15 aux Kaoaaa City 4k fe)L Ji,.a 4.4a pm WEBSTER . STA 16th A WEBSTER Chleasn, St. raol, Mlaaeanolla Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...b 8.30 am, b 3:10 rm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 3:05 pm alO.60 am Emerson Icsl ,,,.0 8:45 am e 6:56 run Mlsaoarl Pacta. Auburn Local bll:am a Dally, b" Dally except Sunday. Bun. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday, OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CAI1ADIAII PACIFIC Xxpress Idn f th AtlaaUo. UM TstaJT rOTTB DATS AT SKA. Oarlag ta isnsur smits, tae Envprsasss nul tra Ontbes te LinDel; Sul aa luartoaa Nlae haa ar4 Bllw el skaltara wstm of ta ac Lawrous alvtf sa 0lt tkeit snsss trts. tlm this rsat sat sv14 seulcaasaa. taaunar asntig lUts sa satm aov mir. Aeu u any tkkat acsai. t a . BUS JAJfTsT, , OtB. AgV. 839 SeaUk Olatk Stnst. CUoajo, m. do most of the catching and has reported In fine shape. Jerry Pheehan of last ear s team and Chapman, a Kansaa player, will fight It out for change catcher. Only two of lust year's pitchers, Davy Williams and Teil Corbett, are en this year's roster. Manager Jiolmes Is trying out Fred Starr, a Colorado left-hander; 1onis Jacobson, an Iowa product; Al Kurscliner, the Univer sity of South Dakota star; Phoenix, a Dos Moines amateur, and From, An Illinois twlrler. EVENTS OX THE HlNINO TRACKS Two Favorites, Two Sepoada a4 Two Outsiders Win at Bennlna. WASHINGTON. . March 38 -Falrly good port characterised the Milrd day of the Washington Jockey club's spring meetmg at Benning today. The weather waa pleas ant, the track good and the crowd -the largest thus far of the meeting. Two fa vorites, two 'second choices and two out siders rewarded backers, th talent break ing about even with the layers. The best rce of the day was the sixth, a selling af- i at one n'" and torty yrds. On his ?ood race of Monday. Animus was made avorrte. although Reidmoore was a strong choice In some books, hjs price being shorter than that of Animus. In the first Jf-o Prowler was made h hot favorite. As the horses were going to the post the fa vorite ran away five furlongs and did not show in the race, Nanno winning easily. Summary: First race, 3-year-olds and up, five and ?na"'2?1furlon". Columbia course: Nanno W. McCahey, 15 to 1. 4 to 1, and 8 to 5) won. Tea Leaf (94, W. Walsh, 4S to 1. 7 to 5, and 3 to 6) second, L'Amour (H, Bet gen, 4.M?.,1, 1 1( nd even third. Time: 1:11. William II. Lyon, N Importe and Prowler also ran. Second race, 2-year-olds, maidens, four and one-half furlongs, Columbia course: Taboo (107, McCarthy. 7 to 1, 2 to 1, and even) won. Bonnie Kelso (107, McDanlel, 8 tn. 6i anl 4 to () second. Ragman O07, Brussel, to 6, 3 to 5, and out) third. Time: 0:58. Al Busch, Brown Tony. Ar rowshaft and Footloose also ran. Third race, selling, 8-year-olds and up, seven furlongs, Columbia course: poquess mg (llo, McCarthy, even and Out) won, Oraculum (116, McDanlel, 8 to 10, and out) eJ?n.di.forl"r"in -m- Walsh. 20 to 1, and out) third. Time: 1:31. Three starters. fourth race, maiden 3-year-olds and ud. six furlongs, Columbia course: Dr. Lee (115 Burns. 7 to 8, 8 to B and 3 to 6) won, Call Boy (101, Steele. 12 to 1, 4 to 1, and 2 a .2 ?;C!n Ferry Landing (MR, McCahey, ;..!" L2 toT 1- nd eveni third. Time: Jim Nutwood, AHlngton, Richmond Duke, Hartford Boy, Sheering. Profuxion p,7.m -'rtwheel and Alloy also ran. "fth race. Maiden steeplechase, about two miles: Percentage (137, Mclnernoy, 1 to 2, and out) won. Penarrls (137, Hunpe lr i , ' ad .out) pfond, Fin McCool cm. ?im-!eri ht0J; .6 10 2- an1 4 to 6) third Tim ixr r'y'nK Machine. Aiken, Erie and Wayside also ran. Bessie Kisser fell. Sixth race, selling, 3-year-olds- and up, A;im,a2dn,forl? yard"' Columbia course iU' 8haw' 8 ,0 8 t0 8- nd out) won, Reidmoore (110, Burns, 9 to 6, 7 to 10 and out) second, Lally (103, McCahey. n to i tr L""? 4.6? th""d- Time: 1:46 NEW " ORLEANS, March 26.-Weather clear, track slow. Summary: "ealnr 04 8tvnn,",XK.UI,0vnf'' """"r: Orlandot Si',.8'. F'yn"' e16 t0 D "on. Minot (M. t5. Heldcl, 13 to 6) second, GlbBoo (104H Lcl- DFrUSiH ra- , Harold U., Freacoti. Ansonla. Gratiot, You Win Bewitched, Marsh Redon, BoJI, Grace Larl Jan Boundlng' Elk and Communlpaw also Second race, steeplochase. short course: Moongold (142, Archibald, even) won. Im Kn rSf .135. KpP'er- H to 1) second, f !LIer im M"Klnney. 26 to 1) third. Time: 3:08 Buckman, Ralph, Roese. Declmo and Band Catcher also ran. . Mat'w rr",C.e' ,lx Jurl""K. "elling: Ralbcrt (103, W. Ott, 3 to 1) won, Ida Mav C Henry, 8 to 1) second, Canada (9i, Sklrvln, 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:17. Big Ben. Warner Grlswell, Hancock, Lucy Young, Llsterine, Nancy, Handsella, Cam Pan and Lansdowne also ran. - .... iS011!'" rac' flve 'urlongs: Marse Abe o-1- J- L''- 11 t0 s won, Brougham (115, 7,'. yrn'. . t0 "end. Yankee Daughter (110, Heldel. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:03. Nigger Baby, Inex's Sister, Ijidy Chilton. Anne McGee and Elizabeth Harwood also ran. Fifth race, seven furlongs, handicap: Pedro (109. J. Lee. 16-1) won. Al Muller (99, 8. Flynn, 6 to 1) second, Glorifler (107, J. Sumter, 7 to 10) third.'. Time: 1:297b. Our Boy and Miss Maczonl also ran. Sixth race, five furlongs: Merrick (106, A. Martin, 8 to 10) Won, Yaddo (109, V. Powers 12 to 1) aeoond. Momentum (TO414, Minder, 18 to 6) third. Time: liOZKfrJ Fred Mulholland, Coone, Bell of Shelbjnarln Avaunteer also ran. Seventh race, mile and an 'eighth, selling: John McBrlde (97. 8. Flynn, 10 to 7) won, Creel (102. W. Ott, even) second, Katie Powers (106, V. Powers, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:58. Dr. McCluer also ran. LOS A NO ET,ES, March 26. Summary: First race, five furlongs: Margie D. (102, Goldstein. 8 to 1) won, Auburndale (87, Mar tin, 8 to 5) second, Lady Powell (102, Schil ling, even) third. Time: 1:01. Virginia Green, Rathnally, Lonla, Compound Inter est. Feb O., Red Lace -and Waldorf Belle also ran. Second race, four furlongs: Bold (103, Burns, l.t to 1) won, Madeline Musgrave (165, Mussrrave, 13 to 20) second, Chilla (107, Boland, 0 to 1) third. Time: 0:4S. Ned Jrom and M. Dclorme also ran. Third race, seven furlongs: Barbette (107, Boland. 3 to 1) won. Dally (107. Schilling, 9 to 2) second. Laudable (107, Goldstein, 5 to 2) third. Time: 1:27. Litholln, Black Dress. Artie Rlpey. L. Hamilton and L. Cavanaugh also ran. ' Fourth race, one mile: Dominlus Arvl (100, Schilling, 13 to 20) won. Maclas (9S, Goldstein, 20 to 1) second, Critic (107. Bull- (rnan, 6U0 lo third. Time: 1:38. Three starters. Fifth nice, one mile ami. an eighth: L. C. Wldrlg (89, Martin, 18. to 6)' won. Elle (106, Schilling, 5 to 2) second, Rustling Silk (94, Nelson, 20 to 11 third. .Time: 1:54. Perry Wickers, Bardonla, Leo Bright, Fastoso and Invictus also ran. Sixth race, one mile: John Lyle (108, Musgrave, 8 to 6) won. Airs ()ii, Lloyd, $ to 1") second. Lord Rosslngton (97, Toplln, 20 to 1) third. Time: 1:40.. Sherry, Arra gon. Salna, Pyrrho, Buena, Bushwhacker, Audubon and Playllt also ran. OAKLAND, March 2S-Summary: First race, six furlong: Andrew B. Cook (115, Hayes, 2 to 1) won Nagasam (111. Scoville, 10 to 1) second. Lord Nelson (117, Kirschbaum, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:14. John H. Sheehan. Dr. Coleman. Dick Wil son, Combury and Frolic also ran. Second race, four furlongs: Delcruxader (105. W. Miller, 11 to 10) won, Ocean Maid (104. Sandy, 6 to 1) second, Captain John (107, Dearborn, 7 to 1) third. Time: 0:47. Tom Hayward. BUI Eaton, Intonation and Carmtaa also ran. Third race, two miles: Miss Rill I (106, Butwell. 4 to B won, Arcourt (96, Buxton, 15 to 1) second. Tetanus (88, A. Walim, 20 to 1) third. Time: 8:31. Kogo. Rovsl Maxim, Benvolio, Pontotoo and Leila Hill also ran. - Fourth race, six and a half furlongs. San Ramon handicap: Gemmell (121, Miller, 11 to 10) won. Johnny Lyons (103, Hayes, IS to 5) second. The Mist (102, J. Butler, 9 to 2) third. Time: 1:19. Grace G., St. Francis and Fred Bent also ran. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards: Warte Nlrht (107, Wllmer, 80 to 5) won, Elota (93. 1'pton, 12 to 1) second. Mary H. (nark J102, Post, 18 to 6) third. Time: 1:48. Cardinal Sarto, Lustlg, High Gun, Convent Belle, Politic, Orcheta, Eckersall, Avona and Comedian also ran. Sixth race, one mile and twenty yards Sugar Maid (107, Buxton, even) won, Cadl chon (K. Kirschbaum, 17 to 101 second, Como (107. Hayes, 26 to 1) third. Time: l':41. Down Patrick and Judge Nelson also ran. HOUSEHOLDER COMES TO TERMS Northwest Blagger Will Bo la Oot- eld for Omaha. Ed Householder, the crack outfielder and heaviest hitter of the Pacific northwest, has come to terms with. Pa and will report In Omaha Saturday to take his position In th outfield wrth tha champions. House holder was secured by Rourke on an even trade for Gus Thompson and is considered a coming player. When Captain Franck returned from California he reported that he thought Householder would come to terms with Pa. Holletibeck, the star pitcher of tha Water loo team, la also on liand and practicing dally as Is Clark from Clarinda. Ruhe Isaacs from Porest City and Mats from Trinidad, Colo. Metz Is looking stronger and faster that he did last spring when he reported to Omaha. At that time Pa had an abundance -of talent and as Mets was slow in getting into form he was farmed out to Trinidad for a season. Hollenbeck la a southpaw who was the star of the Iowa lengue last year. With all thla new talent Pa hopes to be able to more than fill th places of Thompson and Ragan. Pa may JjOy the release of Noah from the Columbus team. Noah la the giant pitcher whom Pa and Dick Grotte found working In a bicycle store In Omaha and signed, Noah being under the Impression that hs was a fro agent. The Columbus team, however, claimed It had sent his contract to hla last known address and so claim him. Pa may take the -ontract off the hands of the Columbus management by naylng the purchase price. All tli Dialers are working hard in an ticipation of the gnmrs Patnrdav and Sun day with the Lre-Ulaas-Andrcescn Orig in sis. The season is now at hand when the boys from the country districts present themselves to try for positions. Traveling men circulating from Omaha hear of some local phenom In some Utile town and they put the rentleman up to coming to Omaha to try for the team. They are dally arriv ing, and while none has much of a chance to secure iosltlnn with the Vhamps, they furnish plenty of amusement for the play ers and the fnjis who watch the boys at practice. Their records made against rube pitchers do not go with Captain Franck and they have to show they can deliver the goods. Manager Rourke Is dally re ceiving letters from smaller towns wanting players for different positions to fill up their teams. Pn Is not ready to loosen on any of his talent at present, but may be able to accommodate some of these man agers later. GOLF I.1SKS OPKX SATURDAY Gronnds nt Conntry tlob Then Ready for General Play. Saturday la the date set by the golf Com mittee of the Omaha Country club for the grounds of that club to be thrown open to general play. Competent men have been busy for some.tlme putting the greens and links In good Condition. Players, however, are warned to exercise care In the early spring when the turf is soft lest bad holes bo cut on the fair greens. D. B. Metitlply has been employed as golf Instructor, club maker and also to have charge xt golf supplies. Roy Christiansen Is appointed captain of the caddies and there will be no special caddies. The members of the club are re quested to apply to the caddie captain when wishing caddies and not to hire them direct. A few players have been using the courses at the Field and Country clubs since the warmer weather set in, but they have been using special tees. Chairman W. J. Foye of the golf and grounds committee has Issued a call of the faithful for the "warming up first golf contest" to be played Saturday afternoon, play to start at 1:30. The bogle will be between 80 and 1 and the players will select their own handicaps and give them to Professional Menllply before starting and the blind bogle will be announced after the contest and a suitable trophy given to the winner. 80 persistent has. been the de mand for the club house to be thrown open before the regular season that the directors have arranged for the club house to be thrown open Saturday and kept open with limited help. An effort will be made by the golf com mittee to get a better class of boys and to that end the members are requested to be careful of their language before Ihn caddies, whose pay Is raised to 10 cents for nine holes and 40 cents for eighteen holes, with extra holes at 2 centa each, New rules have been made for the caddies and are now posted. One Is that the cad die handling the flag on the putting green will be the only caddie allowed on the green at that time. CHICAGO DEFEATS PENNSYLVANIA Windy City School Wlna Basket Ball Championship. PHILADELPHIA, March 2fi.-The Uni versity of Chicago won the Intercollegiate basket ball championship here last night by defeating the University of Pennsylvania by a score of 17 to 16 In one of the fastest games ever played In this city. The game was marked for its close scores, the teams being tied Ht seven points each at the end of the first half, while each side waa cred ited with nine, eleven and fourteen points at Intervals during the second half. McCrudden of the Pennsylvania team was put out of the game for rough play and Spear was given his place. Harris of the Chicago team was alsu tken out, Hoffman taking his place. Three games were to have been played, but Chicago won the first of the series In the west on Saturday. WITH THE BOWLERS. The Cole-McKennss and Dally News h-td a battle royal last night on the Metropoli tan alleys, in which the Cole-McKennss won two out of three. This will make It Impossible for Captain Jack to lose last place. Martin of the News had high single game with 233 and totals of 60S. Tonight Byrne-Hammers vs. Independents. Score: COLE-MKENNAS. -' 1st. 2d. 8d. Total. Traynor 201 174 182 567 Laird 156 178 131 4 Bryon 22 193 158 651 Smith 229 173 li3 670 Coughlan 193 200, 169 6trt Totals 987 918 DAILY NEWS. 1st. 2d. 167 210 210 170 133 13 ISO 130 190 233 S06 2,711 3d. Totai. 190 fctfj 18 51 llt 486 139 449 280 603 Patterson Gernandt Rice Matthes . Martin ... Totals 880 905 8S5 2,670 Rod and Gnn Clnb Meeting;. A general meeting of the member of the Omaha Rod and Gun club la called for Monday night at Crelghton Institute hall, 210 South Eighteenth street. The meeting Is to adopt bylaws and articles of Incor poration, It having been decided to Incor porate the club. Other business will also be transacted at that time. A committee has been visiting the members securing subscriptions to take up the Indebtedness of the club and the committee reports that Its labors have met with such uniform success that it now looks as though no sssessment would have to be levied on the members In order to start the season with the club out. of debt. Baa Ball, at Drake. IOWA CITY. March 26. (Special.)-The Drake base ball squad has been reduced to a workable number and the regular prac tice will now be Installed. . In the game to be played with the Des Moines leaguers Van Meter and Miles will be used behind the bat; McCoy, Cave and Beldlng will be on the firing line; Wilder at first, Scott at second, Morgan st short and Finch at third. In the outfield Kennedy, Jacks, Thompson and Botes will be used. The freshmen and inellgihles of the squad are a fast bunch and give promise of a great team next year. In the first regular practice game they defeated the regulars 8 to 0. Waterloo Wins Meet. MARRHALLTOWN, la.. March 26-(Spe-elal.l The boys of the junior and inter mediate departments of the Waterloo Young Men's Christian association won the Indoor athletic meet of Six events, In which the associations of Marshalltown, Water loo, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City and Keokuk took part ten days ago. The results were made public toilny. Waterloo's total points were 1,006 out of a possible 1.4i0. Keokuk was second with 892, Cedar Rapids third with 863, Marshalltown fourth with 783 and Sioux City fifth with 545. ..) Invitation Meet to Be Success IOWA CITY March 26 (Special. )-Tha number of replies received by Coach Catlln to tile Invitations sent out for the Iowa Invitation high school meet this year Indi cate that the largest entries In the history of high school athletics will be made for the meet. Ida Grove, for the last three years the high school champions of the state, are expected to be In the race, and the management hopes to entertain some of the LVs Moinea schools, which are the rivals of Ida Grove this year. A great number of the smaller schools have already accepted and are in training for the event. Coaches' Tram Wlna. IOWA CITY, March 2fi.-(8pecial.) The coaches' basket ball team won the uni versity championship ItTt night from the Medics, 4ii to 22. The coachea are on of the fastest teams that has been on the local floor and may take on the regulars to clear their title. McMillan Throws Klnnk. McMillan, the big fellow from Montana, threw Emll Klank of Omaha and Chicago at Valley Wednesday in a catch-as-catch-cun match In straight falls of 24:25 and 15:18. Fred Beell refereed. portlnsr Gvaalp. Brain and Bowerman have not as yet re ported to the Boston Nationals. The rest of the (earn is on deck. Golf Is catching on In Texas and th El Paao Golf cluh has applied for admission In the Western Golf association. Some of the other teams may find out after all that the most eccentrlo thing about Rube Waddell la his pitching. It Is reported that several hundred women have' engaged seats for the Uoti-h-Hackenschmldt match In Chicago April 8. Poor old War Eagle, he agrees to throw Charley Harkemuhmldt talcs In an hour and gets thrown once himself which settles the match. George Hackenschmldt says exactly what many six.rts of thlt country have bamn saving Out lie has lit tin knowledge of th I os hold and Is not sure ha can braaa 1L thst he has always, been a Oraeco-Romsn wresller and knows not any too much about cetch-as-ratih-can. It looks more and more like Gotch. It Is now wondered If the 815,000 offorod to Honus Wagner was In Mexican or stage money. Surely It as not Inscribed with "In God We Ttrust." Cleveland bnse hall writers are working tip iull sn enthusiasm over Josh t'Jarke, fotmerly or Des Moines. They Insists he Is a second Ty Cobb. Detroit his selected a day tn June for the hoisting of the pennant. Supposing . the Tigers are about seventh at that Hire, It would b a chilly raising. The two St. Louis base Mill trams are planning a monster benefit game for the veteran Chris Von Der Ahe, former owner of the Browns, for April 9. 1 Cleveland has three substitut tut players In Perrlng. Nlll and Hickman mrl the Toledo fans are hoping IVrrlng will be returned to mat team for the summer, The Topeka Western I association t 'm Western assocint trimmed tho Washington American lengue team Tuesday by a score of 6 to 4. Hughes snd Patten both pitched, but could not save the day. Besides Sluirger BUI Schlpk made a hit, but Joe Canllllon's bunch could make but five hits altogether off Hager man snd Craig. Art Orotte of Omnha lias been elected manager of the Iir s hull team of Sturgess. S. D. Grotte travels out of Omnha and Is a noted fan and lover of all outdoor sports and while In Sturgess recently offered to buy the uniforms for the leading South Dakota team. nln recognition of his splen did gift tho teinu In turn elected l,ini man ager and now he Is out looking for players and dates. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Considerable Lessening- la Noted In the Marketing; of Hons at Western Centers. CINCINNATI. March .-(Special Tele gram) Price Current says: There Is shown considerable lessening In the mar keting of hogs. Total western paklng was 490,000, compared with 615.0CO the preceding week and 550,0f0 last yctir. Since March 1 the total Is 2,035.000, against 1.740.000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as fol lows: 19"8. 19,7. Chicago 4?5 0"0 ' V 0 Kansas City isn.poi 2VW0 South Omaha 2"S.oo.) I8O000 Rt. Louis 1:15,000 lj:,,ooo St. Joseph 17s. 0oi 14 (Oi Indianapolis 7s,ooo Milwaukee 87.W0 C4 000 Cincinnati 4S.(KV) 37(s Ottumwa 44 (KM 84 OKI Cedar Rapids 49,0i 7i,000 Sioux City 7,iMio ts'hoo Pt. Paul fifi.OiiO 05,000 Cleveland 65.000 to.OOO No Case on necord. There Is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting In pneumonia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as It vlll'atop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but th genuine Foley's Honey and Tor In a yellow package. Contains no opiates and Is safe and sure. For sale by all druggists. MURDERER KILLS HIMSELF Man Who Shot Sheriff Webb of Mon ' tann Commits Suicide to Avoid Arrest. BILLINGS, Mont., March M.-Wearied by his attempt to evade the posses which sur rounded him and which sought to avenge the murderv of Sheriff James T. Webb, William C. Blckford this afternoon evaded capture by firing a bullet Into his brain. This afternoon Jack Hereford of Billings and Deputy Sheriff Taylor of Mussel Shell approached the sheep wagon at the Rufus Thompson ranch, where Blckford had been lying since daylight, and found him dead with a bullet In , his temple and a six eBest MtfJatal MS lusQHi f 1 '. mm 3 1 1 1, .i JderpiSol i V oiiiMr W I MB) 1 i i -j- -' - m .f!!minnmm 1111 - i r J m.m,m ,j.,n..i.WM,,l aasissn, , i, , f. f ' W--.. .,..,...,, .v -,, .111111 D F0R We f v ' : j- s f '. ' , - I . - w nv wlu viiiiiirieuccoienl. - It ! alwas bttter to be safe than sorry. 00 V" Misleading prices in our announcements. Wo make no misleading statements or deceptive, unbusinesslike ro! osmons. We care men at the lowest cost for skillful sad suooaMfS ssrrloes. W believe in fair dealings and honest methods. .-a ! .m" ?nl7, ."i .f2r, P"PMJ. afely and thorons-hly, and at th lowest oost, BStOWChlTia, CATS 4km, MBmVOUn KliBII.TTT, BLOOD SOISO. nKlBf DISEASE. STtDMJTT and Jictflons? X,IBBA"B tl S'JECIAI. disease a 27 .Jj STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 rarnam Between 31 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 "v g o X 11 0 8f V 'rf"- i o I S . I " IS 'O 0 G G O O G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G o o o o CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o THF. WORD ,"PLF.ND, ON A BOTTLF. OF WHISKEY DOES NOT INDICATE THAT IT W NOT A PURR WHISKEY, BUT SIMPLY MEANS THE PUTTING TOGETHER OF SEVERAL. STRAIGHT WHISJUESAND HUNTER BALTIMORE o o o. G G G o G G G G G G G G G G EXEMPLIFIES TO WHAT HICH DEGREE OF QUALITY AND TONE A BLENDED RYE G WHISKEY MAY BE BROUGHT - Q G G Q WM. L A A It A tX eU.'t pHliUOr, BO q G O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fchootcr In his hand. 'The ride with which he shot the sheriff lay at his side. But one shot had boon fired from the revolver. Before the time thp body was. found many of tho posse had arrived and the camp wagon was surrounded by men. It was only after the long silence following the ono shot fired that Hereford ventured to approach the wagon. i N further shots greeted him, and, peering cautiously Into the vehicle, he siAv Blckford lying dead on his back, his head In a pool of blood and his gun In his hnnd. Ilnblea Strangled by croup, coughs or colfls aro"1nstafilly re lieved and quickly curad with , Dr.1 King's New Discovery. 60c and 81. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ;' ;' '. " Jf you have anthlng" to trado advertise It In the For Exchange Columns of Tha Ceo Want Ad Pages. ' - - v . ' BIG ROW IN KANSAS COLLEGE Tea Teachers In Domestic Science Department of Manhattan to Rcslgrn. MANHATTAN, Kan.. March 2.-Mrs. Henrietta Cnlvln, professor of domestic science and art nt th Knnsas Agricultural college, today announced her resignation, to take effect September. 1. It Is under, stood that at the same time the entire staff of ten Instructors In domestic science, will resign. The action taken by these teachers, coming Immediately after the resignation Of President Nichols,, who yesterday pub licly announced his resignation because of the existing differences among members of the faculty, has cauBed some excitement. Bttter - Liqueur- f i - "',..i O 1 , tf'J- VVV ! i ,--.,-" Has Increased Ir favor with connoisseurs everywhere since ,846. and surpasses any other Bitters S5 1' "? oni a'"!" Relieves Uti. ulates the palate and Insures ligation. Excellent for the busy man at any hour, and for the wholo Enjoyable as a Cocktail and Bettor for You The 'good habit., is-a pony of "Underoerr" befote and after meals. Shoul b. In every IfeU ordered home for both old and younir, Ov7.ooonnnk.,,i.., . mm. I ... . . . - KXQWNAS THE BEST THE BEST KNOWN Point With Pride to the endless number of cures we have effected. We have been the means of re-" health, ahe change in hundreds of cases we have treated has been marvelous .Jd h?U Bre dr'ftln ln 8 ' sickness and disease toward tha rock, and shoals of chronic invalidism, consult the re.lah'e" skillful, experienced and successful spec ialists of the State Medical Institute and be restored to a liealthful condition within tho briefest possible period and at th lowest cost. misled by.'th seductive promises and cheap Inducements held out by unscrupulous, incompetent doctors and unreliable medical concerns who treat but seldom cure, and which proves a dangerous experiment. Oet the riffllt a. V. r Consultation Office Hours: 8 a m. to 8 p. m. nd Eiamlatlon B""lly. w to l only, if you 13th and 14th St, Omaha, Vet,