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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1908)
The Omaha Daily" Bee I.EVS SECTIO.I. Psqss 1 to 8. For II Ch Ntrwa THE OMAHA DEC Best West VOL. XXXVII NO. 244. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1903-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. jl)lINS0N IS WILLING Governor of Minnesota Writei Letter to Swedish-American Post. . IN THE HANDS OF PARTY Will Accept Nomination if He ii Regarded at Available. WILL RESPOND TO ANY CALL Consider! Endorsement of Hit Own State a Great Honor. WILL SUPPORT THE NOMINEE Would Expect All Other Farty Leaders to Da the Dame Should lie Be Selected to near the Standard. BT. PAUL. Msrchv27. At the suggestion of Mr. Ed A. Stevens, secretary of the democratic Btale committee, a letter was written to Governor Johnson by Mr. Swan J. Turnblad, publisher of the Bwedlsh Amerlcan Post of Minneapolis, on March 2i asking him to state his position In re Tard to the nomination for the presidency. Today Mr. Turnblad received Governor Johnpon's reply- It follows: 'ST. PAUL, March 27.-Mr. Swan J. Turn Wad, Minneapolis: My Dear Mr, Turnblad Your lettor of the S.'id Inst . In which you slate that you have been subjected to many Inquiries us to my plans and status In con nection with the democratic nomination for president, t have for acknowledgement. "In reply thereto let me say that I do not believe that any American citizen should be an active, open candidate for the nomination to the presidency. Any American would appreciate the high honor wnich could come to him In being selected as standard bearer of his party. While I recognize that the press has much "to say about rr.c In connection with this high orrice, I have hitherto avoided any public or private expression regarding my posi tion, yotttrs have progressed so far, how ever, that - It seems to me that I should at least ray, In answer to your Interroga tion that If the democratic party of the nation believes nie to. be more available thun any other man, and feoJa that by my nomination I could contribute any service to the party and tho nation I should be happy to Ijo the recipient of the honor which It would thus confer. I am not un mindful, either, of the honor which has, . . i . . ocen paia me oy me people m wuiiirauia, und If the democratic party of the state desires to present my name to the next na tional convention I am sure I would have no objection, but even If Minnesota were the Only state to declare for me at that time. I should still feel that the distinction wti one of the greatest which could come to me. ' I have done nothing and will do nothing In thd way of organisation to bring about tills end, and shall not be a candidate in I'm of seeking1 the nomination. "If. however, those who have the wel fare of the country and the democratic 1-nrtv at heart should feel that I am necessary In this year of grace, I cer Ulnly shall respond to any call which ahull be made upon me. In this connoc tlon I desire It understood that In no sense am I to be a candidate for the pur pose of defeating Mr. Bryan or any other man; that the only consideration which would Induce me to allow the use of my name would be the feeling that I might be necessary to the cause. If the demo cratic party should see nt to nuininsie Mr. Bryan or anyone else the action would meet with my approval and the nominee certainly would have my un qualified support, as I should expect Ms support If conditions were reversed. - - "I have written you fully, that you may thoroughly understand the situation. In order that there may be no doubt, I would say In answer to your question that If a nomination came to me I certainly should not refuse it. Very truly yours. "JOHN A. JOHNSON." WILL SAID TO BE A FORGERY Mea Who Wltaeaaed It Plead Guilty te Ferjnry la Schooler Crawford Case. SCRANTON; Pa.. March 27.-Startllng de velopments cams In the Bchooley-Crawford will contest today, when Albert W. Bah of Swedesboro, N. J., and Charles P. Keldel of Iandlavllln, N. J., pleaded guilty to perjury. They declared the Scbooley will which they witnessed and by which George B. Schooley of Philadelphia sought to inherit the 11,000,000 estate of his cousin James Ii Crawford, who was a prominent ooal operator here, was a forgery. The men cama here and made a full confession to District Attorney O'Brien, who at once took them Into court. They will testify gainst Schooley next week. Schooley was arrested some time ago charged with forging a will and his ball was surrendered today after Bahman and Reldel confessed. A detective has gone to Noxon, Wyoming county, Pa., where Schooley has been wintering, to rearrest him. TWAIN WRITES TWO EPIGRAMS Yoeusr Girls' at Ball Have Programs with New 4nlps as Keepsakes. NEW YORK, March 27. The new Mark .Twain epigrams have arrived in New York. h &y were brought here on the steamer irmudian from p Bermuda, ( where the humorist Is visiting. At a dunce recently in Hamilton he was the pet partner of all the little girls. One 10-year-old girl had been a bit aaucy to some of the older maids at the ball and they had scolded her. He sympathised with her by writing on n. program: Considering the proportion of things, it Is belter to be a young June bug tliuu an old bird of paradise. Another llltl girl who had been rebuked for making faoa, got this on her program: Do not do anything naughty when any one is looking. W. H. KENNAN ENdThIS LIFE Former Adjataat Qeaeral of Mlseoarl Haass HlaaeeM la Aaylaaa. FARMINQTON, Mo.. March n.-W. H. Kennan of Mexico, Mo., former adjutant general of Missouri, committed suicide here today by hanging la his quarters In the Btate Hospital for the Insane. He had lied a towel about his neck, at tached It to a water pipe near the celling while standing oa a chair end then kicktd the chair from under Mm. Mr. Keunan was formerly a member of the house of tevreaeutaUvei trma Audrain county. SUMMARY OF THE BEE Batarday, Msrrk 28, 1008. 190S -Jltozcn- . 190S STY- 7ZZ. HfA ISlf JOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z s own 12 13 14 J 16 1Z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 2Z 23 2930 31 - THl VlATXn, FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Possibly rain or snow Saturday; not much change In temperature. FOR NHHRA8KA Baturaay lair. FOB. law A Rain or snow Saturday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: liour. DOMESTIC Regulations for cattle quarantine in Nebraska more favorable than expected by Governor Sheldon and the cattlemen. rage 1 Kastern railroad men make Inquiries as to the effect of the slxtecn-hour law. Fag e J. Senator Penrose believed to have passed the crisis of his disease. Page 1 W. J. Bryan makes speech In exposition hall at Pittsburg. Page 1 Official denial In the Hill case Is sup posed to be reliable even in life face of absolute proof to the contrary. . Page 8 Governor Hughes finally yields and takes some testimony In the Gillette case. Page a Missouri railroad commissioner declares the recent railroad decision of the United States supreme court to be infamous. Page 1 Kansas City striking teachers win their contention with the Board of Education. Page 1 Unusual condition of Farmers' Deposit National bank at Pittsburg Is disclosed, where the shortage Is over $1,000,000. Page X Former Adjutant General Keenan of Missouri hangs himself. Page 1 L. O. Murray will be the new comp troller of the currency. - Page 1 roams. Earth shock wrecks city of Chllapa, Mexico. Page 1 Japanese plan a big funeral for D. W. Stevens at' the same time as the services In this country. Page 1 Generals Fock and Rlesa asked to re sign their commissions In the Russian army. .-., .-Page 1 Refugees leave Port au Prince on a Ger man warship for Kingston. Page 1 jTXBBASXA. Government secret agent secures evl dence against prominent persons of Walt holl for disposal of liquor without right on the Omaha reservation. Page D. C. Patterson applies for water rtgnt on tho Platte, with water project In mind, Page X Cotner university man wins first place In prohibition oratorical contest at Grand Island. '"Page I Woman at Mullen thrashes a lawyer for alleged Irregularities in his actions. Pag-e X POX.XTIOAX. Governor Johnson of Minnesota has written a letter to the Swedish-American Post stating that he will accept the nom Inatlon for president If the Denver con vention regards him as the most avail able man. Page X IOCAJ City Engineer Rosewater says he Is willing to fight and anxious to go Into charges for impeachment at the present time. rage St. Lawrence Chandler of Kaunas City, who has been made earl.ia hru-kri that the Kansas City pVpera ridicule him. Omaha Is said to be the gainer by the recent decision In the "meat cases," which will have a tendency to give South Omaha more live stock. Page XX Northwestern englnemen are saving thousands of dollars every week by co operation with the officials In the matter of saving on coal consumed In the e'n Klneft Pag 19 Young wife sues husband's parents for estranging her spouse after they have been married a year. Page 5 Notes of Omaha society. Page S KOVXUXsTTS OP OCZAJT fTXAJCBXXPS. Port. Arrived. 8a!l4. La Toaralne. Mala. NEW YORK NEW YORK NKW YORK NEW YORK NKW YORK crai&al4! Altwrt .Estonia tiallls CHKRBOL'HO ... Amerlka. CHKRBOl'RO ... PHILADELPHIA. HlTortord Ul'EKNSTOWN .Cymric .. Ql'EKNSTOWN .Luriuala IjllfclSNSTOWN OIHHALTAR ....Moraltls . ANTWERP rinlui . SOUTHAMPTON. Tcutonlo OLAAOOW Corlnililaa K. w. r O t'mbrlm. Oaanl. Merlon. Minltou. Amort ka. ALGIERS Hopunlc BY WIRELESS. Cape Race Celtic. 1,010 miles eaat of Sandy Hook at 4 p. m.; will probably dock at 10 a. m. Sunday. STRIKING TEACHERS WIN OUT Kaaaae City School Board Baatalns I'osltloa ' They Took Over Salary W'arraats. KANSAS CITT, March 2T.-Bchoop was resumed today at the Bryant public school In Wyandotte county, west of Kansas City, Kan., where on Tuesday laat the entire staff of women teachers walked out . and refused to conduct their classes. The trouble grew out of the fact that the teach ers were obliged to go to the residence of the county treasurer to have their pay war rants signed. The school board laat night adjusted the differences, sustaining the teachers In their position. BRYAN REACHES PITTSBURG Kearaskaa Coatlaaee Tear la Eaat, Baeaklac Toalaht at Expo, ell tea Hall. PITTSBURG, Pa.. March tT-Wllllam Jennings Bryan arrived here today from Washington and Is registered ct the Port Pitt hotel. This afternoon Mr. Bryan held a reception In the hotel parlor. Tonight he will address the followers of the Bryan Democratic league of Pennsylvania at Ex position hall. Mr. Bryan will leave lur Wheeling. W. Vs., tomorrow morning and Sunday evening delivers an address at Parkeisburg. W. Vv . x S a. m i V KVf. 10 a. m Al?S H m M rJ j&v 13 m 86 J ct v s p. m y ZJO 4 p. m.. J7 J 6 p. m... ai p. m M 7 p. m R p. m. 36 ' t p. m 84 MEN ASK ABOUT NEW LAW Sixte en-Hour Act Causes Trouble on Eastern Lines. MEN ASK WHAT THEY SHOULD DO lafornatloa la Desired Whether Tralaaaen Most tos Operotloa ( Engines Whea Near Termlaala. HARRISBURG. Pa.. March J7.-Rallroad trainmen ae In a quandary about the fed eral elxteen-hour law and have appealed to the State Railroad commlssslon. ' The state commission has no power In the matter, but has taken up the question with the Interstate Commerce commission. A delegation of freight trainmen em ployed by the Philadelphia A Reading company laid their case before the commis sion. They believed the law provide that no crew shall be kept at work more than sixteen hours continuously, and that after such work eaoh member shall have at least ' eight hours reet. They say It Is difficult to observe such a rule on the railroad. At a recent wreck at Rossmoyne, on the Reading railway, the wrecking crew was at work eighteen hours; It was Impossible to relieve the men. The train men say further that often the slxteen-hour limit expires when they axe only a few miles from a terminal point. They want to know whether It Is their duty to stop work and tie up traffic under , such circumstances or take the train to the end of the run. OPERATORS READY FOR SIEGE Boothwestern Mlaea Have Beta Worked to Limit Bin Sap ply of Coal. KANSAS CITT,. March 27. Southwestern mine owners are well prepared to stand a strike of the 36,000 coal miners of Missouri, Kansas. Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas on April 1, according to a statement made here today by Charles 8. Keith, one of the leading operators In this part of the country. He expressed the opinion that the operators' association would agree to a conference to try and reach terms of settlement of the differences. Mr. Keith said that the operators of this part of the southwest are prepared to stand a long siege. He declared that they have big supplies of coal on hand, suffi cient to last at least ten months. The railways also are amply provided with fuel, he asserted. Asked the probable outcome of the meet ing next Tuesday o? the Coal Operators' association, he said the action that would be taken at that time would be problem atical. It Is likely, however, he said, that the association would extend authority to the executive committee to meet the miners In a conference and try- to agree on the terms of a contract. DANVILLE, III., March 27 An au thoritative statement was Issued here to day to the effect that there will be no shutdown April 1 of the mines of Illinois District No. 13, employing nearly S.000 men, pending a settlement ef the question of a wage schedule for the next two years. The operators and miners will, it Is said, get together on a schedule by that time. PROBLEMS 0F IMMIGRATION New York Finds Foreigners Leave with Money and Come Back Penal leas. ALBANT, N. Y., March 27. Information concerning Immigration Into the state for the last few years has been given out from the state department of agriculture. In con' nectlon with a bill Introduced In the as sembly yesterday proposing a state depart ment for the collection of such Information, both Industrial and agricultural, as would be of benefit to- the Immigrants. According to the statement. Immigrants to the number of 1,076.463 took nip their resi dence In New Tork state, for the time being at least, during the last three years. A large portion of them came from aouthern Europe, where illiteracy Is prevalent. It Is claimed that during 1907 they sent to their native homes savings estimated at $300,000,- 000, "which, had they been Informed of con dltlons of this country, would have remained and been invested here. Through this traffic, the statement says, about 2,000 illegal banks are being operated In greater New Tork, large proportion of them in direct violation of tfc state banking laws "These banks stimulate such transactions of money through false pretenses, largely," continues the statement. "They are not subject to any national or state regulation. It Is claimed In the statement that 66.000 former Immigrants were Induced to cml grate from this country during the last few months, carrying with them sums varl ously estimated at from tlSO.000,000 to $250. 000,000. It Is contended that many of them are now returning to this country penniless, to become public charges. WIFE'S CHARGE ON HUSBAND Woman at Sloax City Insists Andrew Kennlaon Committed Mnrder In Omaha. SIOUX CITT, la., March 27. (Special Telegram.) Andrew Kennlson, charged by his wife with having murdered a man In Omaha about a year ago. Is still being held by the police. Mrs. Kennlson told Chief of Police Dlneen today that her husband at that time was known as Kennedy or Krnnon. The murder, she said, was com mitted In a saloon on Webster street, Omaha, but she did not know the name of the victim. "There was never such a murder so far as the police of Omaha know," sr.ld Chief Donahue. "The Sioux City police have ad vised me of what this woman has said and I asked them to get her to give the time and name of the murdered man and some more details. I think the man and his wife must have had some domestic trouble and these charges have grown out of them." USED GASOLINE FOR WATER Mrs. George Yaaniag of Mtllersborg Barns to Death by Rrasoa i of Mistake. OSKALOOSA. Ia.. March n.-MUtaking a cup of gasoline for water and pouring It over her apron to extinguish flames that had caught in the garment. Mrs. Ueorge Yannlng of Milleraburg was burned to death last night. She was Instantly envel oped In a sheet of flame. Members of the family succeeded In smotherlrg the fire with rags and carpet, but not until the woman bad been fatally buraed and had breathed the flames. Death ensued a few hours following the accident. PRAIRIE FIRE NEAR MULLEN Goat Ranch la Hooker Coanty Cleaned of Grass. Stock Barely Escaping. MULLEN. Neb.. March 7.-8.g' Prairie fire west of town, st lV Burlington passenger tral" A ejTfi' Ing, raged north ove X try toward the ';V loss will bo en. tiers have moves the last year. "t had a narrow esi. , . ..'800 gnats would have ,-tlot help gone out from town. .ffe burned, to within a few feet otsji' buildings, while the goats were held on a small patch of plowed land. AINSWORTH. Neb., March 27. (Special.) Testerday 'the wind revived the fire In a smoldering straw stack and set fire to the prairie. It ran to the Ole Olson farm and burned everything ho had except a windmill, as he was away from home. It mimed a span of good horses that were in the stable. The fire did considerable damage for other farmers. The fire was located about seven miles northeast of Alnsworth. MITCHELL, 8. D., March 27.-(Special.) The prairie fire season has started In this section of the state, with three de vastating fires within a radius of fifty miles. While there has been more or less snow this winter at the present time, the grans is sufficiently dry as to burn very rapidly. A fire was started a short dis tance south of Kimball by a farmer who was attempting to burn a strawstack. The wind was blowing very strong from the northwest and the fire got away and started a blase In the grass, which was swept off to the south. A report received from there states that a number of houses and barns were burnod In the pathway of the elements, but no lives were lost. Five miles northwest of this city another fire was started In the same way Wednesday, but It did little damage other than to burn over an unoccupied section. A hundred men hurried to the scene of the fire and with ploWa they succeeded In plowing suf ficient breaks as to turn the course of the fire until It burned Into a large acreage of ground whloh had previously been burned a week ago. A school house stood In the pathway of the fire and the chil dren were liberated In plenty of time to avoid the possibility of danger, but the men with the plows were able to get ahead of the fire and plow a break around il. In northeast Aurora county there was a disastrous fire on the same day and eight families were burned out of house and home, although all escaped with their Uvea, getting away with what things could be carried In wagons. The damage will ex tend Into several thousands of dollars and in the main there is little or no Insurance on the property destroyed. Thousands of tons of hay was destroyed, which will work s hardship on many farmers for spring feed. SENATOR PASSES THE CRISIS Family of Mr. Penrose Believes He .Now Has Chance to lie cover. r PHILADELPHIA. March 27. United States Senator Penrose, who is anaerously 111 at bis hnvne In this cil'y, Is believed to have passed the crisis In his iihiess. The physicians and members of the family were today more hopeful of the senator's recov ery, it was announced by a member of the family that the senator had taken a turn for the better late In ,the night and that he rested more cpmfortably. Today he is fully conscious. .Senator Penrose's condition yesterday was very critical, so grave In fact that the physicians feared the worst. He suf fered Intensely and had to be relieved with opiates, which kept him In an unconscious condition most of the day. The eryslpelate ous condition of the patient caused great alarm, as the physicians the day before be lieved they had arrested the progress of the disease. At 12:30 p. m. the physicians Issued the following bulletin: The senator's condition remains ciitical, but, as has been the case throughout, the attending physicians do not regard It as by any means hopeless He had a com paratively restful night. BOSTON, March SI. There has been fur ther Improvement In Governor Guild's con dition during the last twenty-four hours, according to a bulletin issued today. L. 0. MURRAY IS COMPTROLLER President Rldgelcy Resigns His Place and New Mnn Is Se lected. WASHINGTON, March 27. William B. Rldgely, comptroller of the currency, has handed his resignation to President Roose? velt and will become president of the Na tional Bank of Commerce of Kansas City. He will be succeeded as comptroller by Lawrence O. Murray, present assistant sec retary of commerce and labor and former deputy comptroller of the currency. Controller Rldgely stated today that all of the conditions Imposed by the con troller's office for the reorganization of the Bank of Commerce were being com piled with. ' The bank will reopen March SO. The bank will start with $2,000,000 of capital and $200,000 surplus, all clean, liquid and unimpaired, and will have de posits of between $12,000,000 and $13. 000,000. over SO per cent of which will be oa hand in actual cash. George T. Cutts, now the receiver of the bank, will be vlco president and Ed ward Rldgely cashier. The directors will Include some of the best-known capital ists and business men of the west, in cluding ex-Governor David R. Francis of St. Louis. GENERAL GREELY RETIRES Arctle Explorer, Who Is Notv In the Orient, llrirbn Age of Sixty-Four. WASHINGTON. Marth 27,-MaJor Gen eral A. W. Greely of Arctic fame, having reached the age of 64 years today, was transferred to the retired list In accord ance with the law. He is now traveling in the orient on leave of absence. Brigadier General Charles B. Hall, commandant of the General Staff callege at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., has been appointed a major general, vice Greely, retired, and Colonel John B. Kerr, commanding the Twelfth cavalry, Fort Oglethorpe, tia... has been ap pointed a brigadier general, vice Hall, pro moted. F. LOUIS SOLDAN DROPS DEAD Baoerlntrndent of City Schools of St. Loots Saddenly Expires on Streets. ST. LOUIS. March 27.-F. Louis BilJan, aged (5 years, superintendent of the public schools of St. Louis snd one nf the fore most educators In ths country, dropped dead of heart disease on the street here today, while accompanied by his wife. EARTH SHOCK WRECKS CITY Hundreds of Livei Believed Lost in Disaster at Chilapa, Mexico. 'ALLEN EUHTS TAKE FIRE osd of Extensive Seismic Dlntorb . . j Taken at Washington Tremors Are I'nosnelly Distinct. MEXICO CITY, March 27. The town of Chllapa, In the state of Guerrero, was completely destroyed by an earthquake last night. Following the shock the ruins took rire and the whole city Is burning. The populace Is terror-stricken. It is not known, even approximately, how many lives were lost. Chllapa was a city of 15,000 In habitants. WASHINGTON, March 27.-Two great earthquakes were recorded at the weather bureau last evening. The first shock was much greater than the second and began with great distinctness at 6:06:22 p. m. The second began with equal distinctness at 10:45:22 p. m. The duration of the first preliminary tremors in the first shock was exactly the same in all four records and amounted to five minutes and three seconds. The dis tance In each case would be about 2,400 miles. This distance agrees so closely with the quake recorded March 25 as to suggest that all three of those earthquakes origi nated In nearly the same locality. The earthquake which la reported to have destroyed the Mexican town of Chllapa undoubtedly is the same disturbance that shook the Island of St. Thomas yesterday afternoon, which was recorded at Washing ton last evening and which caused consid erable alarm in1 Mexico City last night. At Washington two shocks were recorded by the instruments of the wenttier bureau. They were approximately at a distance of 2,400 miles. The first took place at 6:09 p. m. and the second at 10:64 p. m. In addi tion to this there was receded on the aft crnnoon of March 26 at Washington evi dences of a strong shock believed to be In the same locality as those of yesterday. The shocks In Mexico City last night cracked walls all over the city. The theater crowds rushed to the streets and for a short time tliere was considerable appre hension. No great damage was done. The dlstrubance at St. Thomas Is desoribed as a vry sharp earth shock, but It did no damage. The town of Chllapa la some thing over 2,000 miles from Washington and 115 miles south of Mexico City. It is forty miles from a railroad. The state of Guerrero Is In the earthquake belt. April 15, 1907, it experienced a quake which dtd considerable damage. At this time Chllpan cingo and Chllapa were partially destroyed and the death list exceeded 100. The shock of 1907 did damage to a number of smaller towns In the state of Guerrero. FOCK AND ,REISS TO RESIGN Rasslan Array Committee Asks Im prisoned Generals to Give I7p Their Commissions. ST. PETERSBUtO, March ST. The com mittee whose duty it is to pass upon the Qualification of army officers, composed of Grand Duke Nicholas, Minister of War Rudlger and other officers of high rank, has Invited Generals Fock and Relas to re sign their commissions. These two officers were charged with complicity In the sur render of Port . Arthur to the Japanese. General Relss compiled with the request, but General Fock declined pending an in vestigation of the charges brought In con nection with his recent duel with General Smirnoff. General Stoesscl, who Is serving his sen tence in the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, is engaged In writing hla memoirs. uoT Ms JAPANESE PLAN BIG FUNERAL Services Will Be Held In Toklo at Same Time as Here for D. W. Stevens. TOKIO, March 27. The foreign office Is arranging a program for funeral services for Dunham W. fitevens in this city simul taneous with the obsequies In America. There will undoubtedly be a larger attend ance at the services than at any former funeral In Japan. The entire Imperial, diplomatic and foreign contingents. It Is ex pected, will be present, together with thousands of Japanese. AU the Coreans in Japan, Including the crowp prince, will at tend. Bishop Harris will probably ' return from Seoul to deliver the eulogy. SZECHENYIS ARE IN PALERMO American Connteas to Be Formally Introduced Into Masryar So ciety After Mny. VIENNA, March 27. Count' Lasilo Sxe chenyl has written to his friends in Hun gary from Palermo, where he and the countess are now staying, that he will not arrive in Hungary before May. The count ess will be Introduced officially In aristo cratic Magyar circles after the May sea son. The count and countess will then pro ceed to the Szechenyl castle at Vermeyoe, in the Zemplln district. REFUGEES LEAVE ON WARSHIP German Crnlser Departs from Port An Prince with Ifaytlen Revolattonlsls. PORT AU PRINCE, March 27,-The Ger man cruiser Bremen left here today for Kingston, Jamaica, carrying' all the revo lutionary refugees who had taken asylum j at the French and German legatlona. They j number in all seventy-five men. The I'nlted States gunboat Paducah arrived today. t . AMERICAN MEATJN HOLLAND Hedurtlon of . Present Import Dntles to Bo Made In Pursuance with Agreement. THE HAGVk, March 27-The secon.l chamber of the Netherlands Parliament today approved a convention with the United States under which American meats are to enter Holland at a reduction of ths present import duties. GOVERNOR FINALLY YIELDS New York's Executive Will Tak Tes timony In Chester Gil lette Case. ALBANT. N. Y., March 27. It became known here today that Governor Hughes will take testimony in the executive cham ber tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock In con nection with the application of a local at torney representing the Gillette family for a respite for Chester Gillette, it being claimed that new and material evidence has beeu found. MANY SHORTAGES ARE FOUND Employes of Pittsburg Bank and Prominent Men Mny Be Implicated. riTTSBURO. March 27.-A third charge against Henry Rieber, paying teller, and John Young, auditor of the Farmers' Do posit National bank, was made today by Bank Examiner W. I Folkes. The former employes, who are In Jail, arc charged with misapplying funds of the bank amounting to $1,105,000, According to persistent rumors. Informa tions against many business men In this city and other cities are .to be mado within a short time. The previous amounts named were $H6,000. Rlebcr hnd Young are held In $2fi.O0O ball. The examination and audit of the books of the bank has been practically com pleted, and it Is belloved that tho Informa tions today will cover the entire shortage within the statutes. Containing two counts, embezzlement and misapplication and false entries In the teller's statement book, the Information charges tho fraud extended over a period of three years prior to March 10, 1908. Funds of the bank It Is alleged were diverted as late as March of this year. In cases of embezzlement the statute of limitations applies after three years and for this reason Information cannot go back further than to March 10, l!Kfi. Relber and Young for anumber of years have had tho entire control of the cash of tho Farmers' Deposit National bank. They Were accustomed to make reports of the amount of cash on hand to the bookkeeper and their report for years has always been wrong to the extent of the shortage. For the last few months this has been over $1. out), ooo. The men have made a confession to the government authorities and an examination made by Examiner Folds shows the amount they say they appropriated corresponds al most exaotly with the shortage In the bank at present. The government authorities are staggered at the amount involved and it Is stated in no case has so much been taken from a bank in the same manner. NEGROES' MEETING PREVENTED Sheriff Denies Vae of Court House la View of Inflammatory Editorial. MONTGOMERY. Ala., March 27. Be cause of Inflammatory matter In a local negro paper, Sheriff Horace Hood today withdrew permission for a meeting of negroes In the court house tonight, at which protest was to be made on the at titude of the administration at Washing ton on the race question. This meeting had been called by Bishop Alstork and a number of others in what has been taken to be an antl-Taft movement in the' state. Sheriff Hood, notifying the editor of the paper, says: In view of your editorial which la cal culated to arouse racial prejudice, creat ing a condition that bodes no good, but much harm to both races, especially the negro, who must be the greatest sufferer in any conflict aroused by foolish and unwise leaders and agitators, I withdraw my corysent for a political meeting to be held in the country court house. DANIEL L DRESSER RELEASED Chance of Lsreesy Would Not Hold Agralnat New York Banker Be cause of Statute Limitation. NEW YORK, March 2J.-Danlel Leroy Dresser, former president of the Trust Company of the Republic, who recmtly was arrested on a charge of larceny, today was declared not guilty and discharged by Magistrate Barlow when he was arraigned In police court. Dresser was arrested on March 16, on complaint of William S. Andrews, a New York lawyer, who charged that Dresser withheld $4,000 in a bond transaction dating back to December 12, 1902. Magistrate Bar low, In discharging Dresser from custody, said: "The statute of limitation intervenes in the case, and, therefore, according to the date, the defendant could not be held to he guilty of. the crime of larceny." PATTERSON FOR WATER RIGHT Omaha Man Seeks to Protect Rights of Compnny to Platte Water. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 27. (Special Telegram.) D. C. Patterson, trustee for the Fremont and Omaha Power company, has made two filings with tho state board of Irriga tion for water from the, Platte river to protect the rights of the proposed power plant to furnish power for the city of Omaha. One of his projects Is similar to the old Seymour Park canal Water Power company of Omaha, the proposed cost of which Is $3,500,000, and the other Is similar to the plans of the Fremont Canal and Power company, the work to cost $3,950,000. KNOTT SPEAKS OUT HIS MIND Missouri Railroad Commissioner De clares Recent Railroad Deci sion Infamous. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. March 27. John A. Knott, chairman of the Missouri State Board of Railway and Warehouse commis sioners, said today concerning the recent United States supreme court decision in the railroad rate cases: , I think the decision In the Minnesota and North Carolina railroad rate cases is an Infamous one. There is no use for states to pass laws regulating corporations If they can be nullified In that wuy by federal courts. ENJOINS NEW FREIGHT RATES Jaditr Pollock of l ulled States Cir cuit Court Prevents Enforcement of Kansas TarlsT. TOPEKA. Kan., March 27.-Judgn Pollock In the I'nlted State circuit court here to day Issued an order temporarily enj ilnlng the Slate Board of Railroad Commissioners and Attorney General Jackson from putting Into effect the new schedule of freight rates April 1. The railroads asaert that the rates are confiscatory. The case will be ejguai here on April 14. TAFT TO BE ATJGRANT'S TOMB Secretary of War Invited to Deliver Address There oil Memorial Day. WASHINGTON, March 27.-A committee from U. 8. Grant post. Grand Army of the Republic of Brooklyn called on Ilia presi dent and Secretary Taft today and Invited the secretary' of war to deliver the Memo rial day oration May 30 at Grant's tomb, New York. Secretary Taft has accepted the Invitation, SJELDON IS PLEASED Quarantine Bales for Nebraska Cattle More Favorable Than Expected. STATE TO ENFORCE REGULATION Free Movement of Cattle East of the Quarantine Line. PLANS TO CONTROL DISEASE Infected Herdt in Free District if They Are Found to Be Isolated. FEATURES FOR THE CORN SHOW Governor I Practical Demonstra tion of the Making of Denatured Alcohol Appropriation , Is Needed. 1 (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 27. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Sheldon, who came to Washington with a representative delega tion of live stock growers and shlpicrs for the purpose of securing an abatement or lifting of the quarantine against scabies, as defined by the bureau of animal In dustry of the Agricultural department, will leave the national capital better satisfied over the results attained than he hoped for when he left Nebraska. A final conference was held by Governor Sheldon and those associated with him in securing the modification of existing quar antine regulations with the secretary ot agriculture and as a result of this final meeting Secretary Wilson has outlined to the governor the agreements reached. On May i, 1908, federal quarantine will be re moved from the counties of Red Willow, Frontier, Gosper. Phelps, Buffalo, Sher man, Valley, Greeley, Boone, Antelope, Knox and all counties lying east of those mentioned. The following other agreements were entered Into: 1. That the state will establish and main tain the quarantine line above Indicated across the state and effectually prevent cattle from moving from the quarantined to the non-quarantined portions of the state except in accordance with the provi sions of the regulations. 2. That no cattle shall be permitted to move from markets or feedlng-ln-transit yards within the state of Nebraska to points in that state for feeding or stocking purposes except on certificates issued by an employe of tho bureau of animal In dustry of this department. S. Whenever cattle scabies Is found to exist In a non-quarantined county a stato official shall at once quarantine the in fected and exposed cattle and premises until they have been properly disinfected under supervision of an assistant atate veterinarian or an employe of the bureau of animal industry of this department in accordance wtih the regulations of tho secretary of agriculture. 4. That any necessary quarantine of in fected and exposed cattle and premises In an unquarantined district shall be enforced by officials of the state and that the stale shall assume all responsibility for main- lalnlnir -tirH nimrflntlnn. 6. That rattle which are affected with scabies shall not be permitted to be moved except under special permission to tho most available dipping vat for the purpose of dipping, and in no instance shall they be permitted to move from a quarantined to a non-nuaranllned area of the state. . That employes of the bureau of animal s Industry of this department located in the state of Nebraska shall be duly commis sioned and authorized to servo-without ex pense to the state as assistant state veteri narians. More Favorable Than Expected. Governor Sheldon, speaking generally of this agreement, said that It waa more than he could have hoped for and much better than the proposition submitted to the sec. retary of agriculture and bureau of animal industry by himself on behalf of the stock men and shippers of Nebraska. The agree ment permits stock to be shipped to South Omaha provided It Is clean. That where cattle are found to be Infected local quar antine will be established as would be natural in all such cases. The agreement entered Into, or which is today promul gated by the secretary of agriculture and effective on May 1, has been persistently urged by the stockgrowers of Nebraska and the western states doing business at South Omaha for the last five years, and they have finally gotten what they have been asking for and what they were en titled to because of these same concessions made to other markets, namely Kansas City, St. Joseph and Chicago. Immediately after the governor's return to Nebraska he will Issue a proclamation outlining the new quarantine regulations and essentials needed to make the conces sion on behalf of the federal government effective. Features for Cora Show. Incidental to his conference) with Secre tary Wilson today Governor Sheldon put up a strong talk for practical demonstra tions, like the making of denatured alcohol, for instance, at the coming corn conven tion to be held In Omaha next December. Secretary Wilson will be enthusiastically in favor of ths project, but stated that It would require some action on the part pf congress In the way of an appropriation to make such a display. The secretary stated fie HUI9W inn 1 1 1. , . biiu no miw .no buuj.i to be demonstrated and only asked for suf ficient money to show the people what could be done with corn. Governor Sheldon quietly remarked to the secretary that he would endeavor to get the Nebraska dele gation in congress Interested in the proj ect. It transpired today that in the visit of the governor and Mr. McPherson, president of the Live Stock exchange, to President Roosevelt, the latter, after a discussion of the live stock problems and range country, suggested that they call upon Secretary Garfield with a view to obtaining hla posi tion on the several leasing bills now pend ing before committees of the senate and house. They saw Secretary Garfield and found him entirely friendly to a leasing law, but the secretsry very frankly stated that nothing could be done until congress took action; that he had examined closely the range country of Nebraska and real ised how Important it was that some law should be enacted which would give the cattle men certain rights as to pasturage and at the same time protect the home steaders. ' "We want the land opened up for use," said Governor Sheldon, "and a lease law, generous In Its provisions, I believe, la greatly favored by our people." Wjomlng, however, seems to be the Stumbling block In the iwsaage of such a law, Congressman Mondell, chairman ot the public lands committee of the house, being openly antagonistic to such a meas ure. What Is Wanted of Railroads. T. B. McPherson. president of both the (Continued on Second Page.)