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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1908)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, M Altai 27, 1903. r s ft X GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ' - -i !- Vduei Open StroBff, -with the Incline . - Upward. corn ixrp ; OATS LOSE sojie Lata , Ceb-lea 'cai Hlk an 4 "wltfc Continued tDr Wratkit Aaaa Sanaa paying Offerlng-a Ke IT. '' OMAHA. March 24. 1908. Market values opened strong to higher, with wheat holding- strong and corn and oat lowing lightly near the close. Late cables came higher, and with continued dry weather, caused lomo buying. Offering continue higher and prloea ara sent higher and' the general market situation, waa firmer for the day. Tha wheat market acted overaold on the break' of yesterday and valuea worked higher without much trading being done. Shorts Covering toward the closs and the clone ahowed aome advantage. May wheat -opened at 9l3 and closed at Corn npefied firm and held steady for a time, with ii4 pressure of sales.' There was a alight decline later owing to a lack of demand and the lower cash market. May com opened at die and cloaed at 60Lo. Oats wer steady to firm, but dull, and Trading was very light and values .slumped with the Weaker corn market. May oat opened at tuvo and -dosed at 6040. : Primary wheat receipts were 871.000 bushela-and shipments were IWl.Ono bushels. against receipt last year of 702,000 buahels and shipments of 261,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 621,000 bushels and shipments were 3S2.eOO bushels, agalnat re- relpts lost year-of ew.cee bushsls and ship ments' of 575,000 bushel. - Clearances were 136,000 bushels of corn. none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 136-ono bushels. Liverpool clod & to ' Hd higher on wheat and Vd lower on corn. Local range of options: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. W1iet-J Mat ;. ' July . Sept. . Corn $15 :: flPt. . Of)! May .. 9S '" K 804 oz 15 . 8fi 66 844 8v 804 804 0V 81 ' 80 60V l 69 ' 69 69 69 iS r 68 68 68 604 804 B04 604 ss 804 58 - - Ownhn Cask rrloes. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 4tfr9TUc: No. 8 hard P?V.Jtl4Hc; Ko. I Tiard. 88fcfcS NO. I spring, OOuTIWc. CORN No. 8, 694e ; No, 4, 59WHc: No. 8 yellow. nie0Hc: No. 8 white. 6S4&c. OATS No. 3 mixed. SOfiSOHc; No. 8 white. l0M4c: No. 4 white, W4f60c. HYK No. 2. TWmo.'-No. 8, 731Tr5c, Cnrlot Heel'S. '.t Wheat. Corn. Oas Chlrago .... Mnneo polls Otnaha Dtjluth zt in n8 137 75 - 41 48 CHtC.G6""GHAi.'r Afi pnovmof" 1 eat u tea of the Tradlns; and rioalna; ' Prices on Board of Trade. CincXoO. March." SB. The local market was strong today, owlnn to buying by shorts, whC h caused an advance of lc from the low point of the day. At the close the Mar delivery was uo Tie. corn was shade lowet, oats wer Off Wo and provi sions wr from 1.W17UC to tZy-o, higher. Bnntimont In the wheat pit was bulllBh almost the entire day, although the mar ket .oxDerlenced an occasional setback be cause of nroflt-toklno: sales. The most pronounoed decline occurred during the final hour, but the reaction was of short duration and was follwcd by a sharp rally which carried prices to a new high point for the day. Tha market closed strong at almost the tor notch. Firm cables, small receipts In tha northwest and the con tlnued absence of rain In Kansas were the chief strengthening Influence. The prlnct pal demand cams from shorts, although commission houses were also actlre buy' ers late In the day. May opened tiaio higher at 94V&06H.C, sold off to MHtt4o and then advanced to B6U0. where It closed ( .Unrunrrm 'at wheat and flour were) enual to 136.000 bit;-' Primary receipts wera 878,000 bu.. corimtm- witit nw.wu year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth .and Chloago reported receipts of 207 cara, as against 832 last week and till a year ago. Business in the corn pit lacked the snap that had characterized trading for some time pant and sentiment was Inclined to b bearish'. . Bull leadera apparently made no attempt to. support the ' market, and throughout the entire day there waa more or less sdllng by local and outside longs. The market manifested a little firmness at the start, owing to tha strength of wheat, and axaln near the .close prices advanced In sympathy with tha late upturn In wheat. Country acceptances were aaln light and - demand for Tash grain was slow, The market closed steady. May opened HfMsO higher at 675V7" sold off to 66H0 and closeV at ' Siriiif'tWsS. ' Local receipts were 172 cars, with five of contract grade. The oats ' market was very quiet and price .meved. over an extremely narrow range. May opened Ho higher at 64HC, advanced to 61 Vo and closed at Mo. Local receipts were 171 cars. Provisions were strong all day on an ' active Investment demand and buying by shorts. Pork waa In especially good de mand and showed the greatest gain, the May delivery at tha cloae being up 424e at 90. Lard was 8O0 higher at t8.1'J4 and ribs were Kk&ne higher at 88 95. Estimated1 receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, to cars; com, 266 cars), oats, 1H cars; hogs, 20.OUO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I High-1 Iiow. Close.) Tes"y. Wheat I I . May ' 4-6W 9644!94MH 96 94, July tw7f - 8y. o 8k mi Bept. Slif 87,;86HfiJ)4 87, 86H Corn ' May 9T8ilt 7Hl 8S 684T T! July 64, MhyWMli b-m, Sept. SSV6 JH 634, ta Oats a May ML 64J M4 64 V4 644, b May ,83 63 4 6L,62Va" 63 July '-44i , 4i1 46V, 4(iH bJuly 6 Pork May II ft UK 11 60 12 80 18 47H July 11 9T 13 80 U7K 1130 1180 Lard , May 7 97V, 8 IS 7 87 8 12H 7 934 ' July . 3 JO 8 36 8 10 8 &HS16 Sept. 8 43H 8 67 8 40 8 6." 8 86 8S 7H 886 5 880 July 7 16 7 174 716 726 7 074 Sept. 7 4341 7624 740 760 786 No. X a OIA b New. Caah quotations were as follows: riXjUR Steady: winter patents, 84.369 4.86; winter straignis, HWti; aprlng pat ents. 86-"f660; sprlug straights. 343004.90; bakers, fl Jij4.00. - WirHAT No. S spring, 81.06C1.07; No. 1, 87c5.U7; No 3 red. 9444c fOliN-N?. 2. jVtf'ao; No. yellow, 664 Ciatoa. . OATS No. 1, 6346SHc; No. J white, 66c; No. 1 white, oi(ujJo. RTB-No. 8, 74c. U 1QI.W ITlr t n rhnlra mnltlnv TlffGAt SEED No. 1 northwestern, 31.304. Prime mothy, 84,70. Clover, contract grades, 8J1.75. fKiVllitN nor rios, siaes itoesei 84.26 a. 76, Mess pork, per bbl., 313.7013.76. laird, per H lbs., 17.95. Short clear sides (boxed), 3.7&$7.00. . v Following - were the receipt and ship ments 01 nour ana grain: Receipts. Bhlpments. Flour, imls. .) 24.000 Wheat, bu. , 46.3 91.600 Corn., bu. .,M,.,.19ti,0iO Oat, bu, 211600 U6.X) Rye. bu. , tooo 4.000 Barley, bu U.euO U.suO On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creameries, sc; dairies, wwo. tmsm. easy; at mar cases Included. U1c; firsts, 14c: prime firsts, 16c; extras, 16u. Cheese, steady, U'4 Q14U. Peoria Market. PEORIA, HI., Varch 28 CORN Lower; No. I yellow. iinj,c; No. 3 424ae: No. 4. 41 4c: do grade. 6t&69e. OATS Steady ; No. f white, 62, 6 J 4c; rJo. 4 wnue, iiotinc. WHiaKlf il.36. . . tXilath ttrala Market. DCLUTH, Minn.. March 16 WHEAT No. 1 northern, 10i4i May. 31044 July. 31 06. OATh 604c ; 1 "" 1 Miaaoaisollo Oral Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March 26. W HEAT May, 61.6T1.07,; July, 81 04,; No. 1 bard. 31.104; No. 1 northern. 10)vV,, No. northern. tl.tXViil.04: Ko. 1 northern. 11.00. to arrive. BHAN-ih bulk, mmrzifo. PU)t!H-Klrnt patents. 364Mift.6o: fevond pntenU, 35.2nT.oO: first clear, l4.Jfw6H.46; eecond clenra, K2rtM.6A HEW YORK. GENERAL MARKET testations of the Day an Varlona I lee, . 'fITIff TORK. March 26.-FLOUK Re- celpta, 28,00 bbls.; exports, t.ono bbls.: dull, and about ateady; 1 Minnesota patents, $6. 266.5. 60; winter straights, 14 SMW.iO; Min nesota bakers. U 4njM.P: wlntr extras, WeOttlK; winter patent. 4 HM.W: winter low grade, (OWvfhoS. Rye flour, dull fair low grades, $3.oo,T4.0o. Bye flour, quiet; fair to good.' CORNMRA1. Htesflv: coarse. 11.40(31.46: kiln dried. 13.55. RYE Dull: No. 1 western! S6e. nominal. f. o h.. afloat. NeW Tork. WHEAT- Receipts. 41,00 bu. exports, 38,000 bu. Bpot. firm: No. 1 red. 11.014, elevator, and 81.02, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Daltith. $1.14X4. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $1.134. f. o. b., afloat. tm feara of croD damage In the southwest from dry weather and low temperature wheat prices advanced 1c today. Early In the afternoon a part of tha upturn wns lost, but near the cloae prtcea again advanced on a short scare and were finally fifrV; higher. Mar. $l.OSfci-1.0Bi. closed at 81.03; Julv. vrwcu-.n 16-lc. cloned at 97 15-lc. CORN Receipts. 1.000 bu. exports, lira bu. Spot, easy; No. 2. '75c, elevator, ahd 69c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. I white, nominal: No. 1 yellow, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. The option market opened hlgner with wheat, weakened on larger cnrlot estimates, but later rallied with wheat. closing Ho net higher. May, ToHfrTWR-.c, closed at 76fcc. July closed at 731.e. uiB rteceipts, id,i uu. ppwi, nwj. mixed, M to 31 lbs., 67c; natural white, 26 to 82 lbs.. 670: clipped white. 82 to 40 lbs., VUVV HAY Easy; good to choice, Jl.OOWl.07vi. HOPS Dull: state, common to choice, 1907 crou. Cil4c: 1906 crop. 66c; Pa cific coast. 1907 crop, 89o; 1900 crop, i to 6e. H :iIDE8Qulct Bofrotas. 17Kcj Central America, 17c. i 'i 11 1 11 iiiia, ' .mil v. if 1 1 ' rn PROVISIONS Reef, firm: family, 2l4M (fil6.00: mesa, lll.00ail.60: beef hams, 8tKnt28.00; packet,. I12.00W12.S0; city extra India mess, wn.vuw-va. uui meats, dull; plcklod bellies, .TfiQS.fiO; pickled hams, 8S.0O. Lard, strong; western prime, J7.MOti8.00: rerinert, nrm; continent, 1S.35; South America, 18.90; compound, t&.H7i ton.WL. Pork, firm: family, iit.t'n.; short clfra. 6.2r)ta.S0: mess. 114.5ff 16.00. TAIJJOW-Mteeciy, cur rc per pag.;, oic country fnkirs. free). 640. POULTRY Alive, Steady; fowls, 14Hc; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, firm; turkeys, 120 17c; fowls, ll(fil4V4o. BUTTKR Steady ; creamery, thirds to firsts. 21If27c: held, common to special, 21 i2sue OH KT2ST0 Firm; state full Cream, small colored, fancy. 150: white fancy, 16c; large, colored and white fancy, 164c; good to prime. 14V4116'4o; later October and early November made, 13H14Hc; winter made, 12iUt3c; common tc fair, 100110. E( MIS Weak; state. Pennsylvania and nnnrliT brown and mixed extras. lfiMiC firsts, l&VsiU'lfic; western, average firsts, lo(fjn64c; aeconds, 14fi14c. WEATHER IIV T1IQ GRAIN BEIT Fair and Colder Is tho Latest War News. OMAIIA. March . 1909. The low pressure, central over Wyoming Wednesday morning. Is now central over the upper Mississippi valley and upper lakes. Hlnh winds attended the low pres sure across the valleys and velocities ran. lna- from forty to fifty miles per hour were general throughout the valleys and east to the lakes. The area of hlsh preesuro, with colder weather, noted In the extreme northwest In the preceding- report ex tended down over tho Missouri valley dur ing the night and a moderate cold wave overlies the upper valley this morning. The wave will move slowly eastward and will cause somewhat colder weather In this Vicinity tonight, with probably fair tonight and Friday. 1 ... Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1908. 1907. 1906, Minimum temperature.... 28 46 84 40 Precipitation 00 .00 .10 .00 Normal tefnoerature for today. 41 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, .70 of an Inch. Deficiency - corresponding period In 1907, .84 of an inch. - , Hxcss corresponding perfod In 1909 .83 of an Inch. I. A. WBLBH, Liocal Forecaster. Bt. Lonla Oeoeral Market. BT. IOUia, March 26. WHBAT- Firm track. No. 2 red, cash, ll.00trl.01 ; "No, hard. 9Scfa31.0S; May, roo: July, 8644c. CORN Weak: track. No. 2 cash, 65t 44c; No. 2 white, 64&44c; May, 634a i Julv. 62c. OATS Weak; track, No I cash, Bl Lc: No. 2 white, 64i644c. FIX1UR Dull; red winter patents, 84.60 4.80;- extra fancy and straight, 14.20W 4.B0; clears, 33-4ja.HO. . . BEF.Onmothy, quiet at I3.654i4.26. . ('(IHNMKAL dteady at 33.00. UK AN steady; sacked, east track, 31.17 t?1.18. . HAT Unchanged; timothy, 810.00GU400. prairie. 310.00M 11.60. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.06. BAOQ1NO 4c. I 1 . . HEMP TWIN B 8c. PROVISIONS Pork higher! lobbing. 612.00. Dry salt meau steady; boxed extra shorts. 87.26: clear libs. 37.124: short clears, 37.50. Lard hlirhr: prime steam. 37..4rT 90. Bacon steady; boxed, extra shorts, 38.00; clear ribs. il.xiVt; snort clears. 13.00. I"OTJDTRTf Firm ; chickens, 104c; spring, 14c; turkeys, 114ftl24c; ducks, llo; geeeo. 4c UUTTKR Steady; EXrOS Unchanged, creamery, aiffsm. 13c, case count. Receipts, bhlpments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 6,0(10 8.000 48,000 f.9.000 Ii3.(i00 65.0UO 10,000 126.0U0 Kaasaa City Grain aad Provlstoas KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 26-WHEAT Unchanged to 4c higher; May, 2kc; July. H.fc; caati: jno. 3 naru. WK'i.jSi.w; no. &Vuc: No. 1 red. Btr4iil.004( no. 3. liiannUc. CORN Unchanged to nigner; May, 60c; July. 64c; cash: No. 3 mixed, 6114 ilc; No. 8 mixed, 606tHc; No. 3 white. lc: No. 3 white. Wfonc. OATS Unchanged; No. 8 White. 630634c; No. z mixed. HjWo, RYK-74&78C. HAY Choice timothy, steady. 3U.50tfri2.00: choice nrnlrle. weak. 18.7ESD.00. B I 'TTKR Steady; creamery, I80; packing stock. 18c. XKi:-readyi fresh extras, 16c; current receipts, li'ic. Receipts. BhlDments Wheat, bu 87.0UO 41,000 Corn, bu 83.0u0 - 840 Oats, bu 8,0u0 6,000 Options at Kansas City: Articles I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I Msy VP. 92 81 H July $&mi 64 834 83 Corn May 6044 e4 eoS'sWHISH July 68 60 684 6!44 Liverpool Grain Afarket. LIVERPOOL. March So. WHEAT Snot te&uy; io. 1 rea western winter, 7S 14d' futures, steady; March, nominal; May, 7s HO; July, 78 ld. COHN Spot, steady: prlpne mixed Amer ican, new. 6s 4lid: prime mixed American. old. 6s 7d; futures, steady; March, nominal: a,.... c a.t Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 26. -METALS Tha London tin market had a aharp break, with spot closing at 144 and futures at 147. Locally, the market waa quiet but lower. In aympathy with the decline abroad. quotations ranging from 331.36 to ; 00. Copper was higher In the London market, Willi spot quoted at 61 and futures at 61 7s 6d. Lonully, the market was quiet and unchanged, with lake quoted at $13.00 4J-18.J6; electrolytic, 313W13.W4: casting, 312.61X9 12 874. Lead declined to 14 7s d In the London market. The local market was unchanged at 33.9uti4.00. Spelter waa ta 6d lower at 21 In the London market. Lo cally, the market was dull and unchanged at 14.40a 4.70. The Kngllsh Iron market waa higher, with standard foundry quoted at 61s d and Cleveland warrants at 62s T4d. The local market was unchnnged; No. 1 northern foundry Is qitou-d a. 318. Ski 18.75; No. 3 northern foundry, tl7.7Ivrls.26;. No. I suinern foundry ana o. 3 southern foun dry, soft. 117 76til8 60. 8T. LOl'ld. March 26 MBTAL8 Lead, unchanged at 33-80. Spelter, lower at 31.66. Coffee Market. vnov March SB COFFEE The market for coffee ru,ures closed steady, 1... .... liaime l m i pjims higher: sales ra- portea of 6O1T1O !. Incluillng May, 6 75c Oc tolwr. 6.85c; Deceinlier. 6.86c; s t corf-e steady; No. 1 Kio. 4c; No. 4 Bantos, lm o s-, 1111K1 sLi aoj , tmuova, 1VJ ''. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I Irregularity it Again Moit Character istic Feature of Market. uinoi, PACIFIC 13- LOWES It Sella Off on AiMHtemtit of riaa for Aaothep Doad Issae -Msaslary Foadltloas Are lackaagel, NEW YORK, March 2. Irregularity waa aealn the most characteristic feature of the stock market today. The undertone waa hoavv at tha outset with seversl maniieei- attons of strength, but In the main hesitat ing. There was steady selling 01 ine mosi active Issues, notably the steels and Union Pacific and board room gossip credited me more Influential speculative element with favoring a reaction. This feeling seemed to be based on the belief that the general sit uation, morn particularly business In mer cantile lines, docs not warrant a further rise at this time. Ther Is at best only a small Increase In commission house busi ness and the bulk of today's operational waa as-aJn DrofMslonal. Announcement 01 me resumption on April 1 of full time at the Reading collerlos gave stimulus to Reading and other coal snares. Iatel anvices aeai- ln with the steel and Iron trade were noi especially encouraging. According to the best autnontiea a in me voiums 01 new business has set In during the last fortnight and the Improvement noted In the latter part of January and throughout February has not been maintained. Con tinued dullness is ' reported In - all grades of pig Iron. On the other hand, It was asserted In trustworthy quarters that the demand for copper has forced that metal higher. Union Paclflo fluctuated feverishly and broke from la to lisw wnen u De came known that the new financing plan contemplates an Issue of perhaps IfiO.OOO.O bonds. The streot was plainly disappointed at the news, also at the failure of develop ment regarding tho so-called Union pacific "segrcgn,tlon plan." Southern Pacific, which developed unusual activity and strength In the early session, lost some 01 us gains and the list as a whole registered declines. X nero wrre fmruiti reuuveuw,, but In tha final hour the market showed diminished force, with renewed attacks by the short Interests. The close was steady. with Drlcee rallying. From abroad tha only noteworthy feature was the weekly report of the Bank of Kngland, whose reserves declined to 48.60 per cent, against 61.1 per cent last week. This exhibit, however, was vastly better than that reported by the same Institution a year ago. Monetary can ditions were unchanged, there being llttK dtmand. Oroes earnings of forty railroads for the second week of March show a decerase of 12.44 per cent compared with the corresponding week last year. For the third week of this month ten roads show a falling off of 12.78 percent. The bond market was Irregular, with gov ernment Issues unchanged on call. Total sales. Dar value. 84.170.0u0. Closing Quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows: ales. High. Low. Clone. Adams Express 177 Amalgamated Copper . Ara. I-. A P M.7W1 AOno too 68 HO IS (13 Am. tt A F. ptd MS 28 Ss Am. Cotton (XI Am. Cotton oil ptd... Amerloan Bunst .... 28H 28 80 15 Am. H. A L,. ptd 109 ,40 1 im IS,") 400 61. two 1.000 1.40 I0 t.r00 -7,700 "'too I. )0 it.w l.K "l.tni 1,400 l.MO S4,2tt 114 184 48 4H T41, M 12H ir,4 H .a 4fS T24 7, IX sst TS4 '73" 81 American Ice Am. Llnsead Oil Am. Llnaead Oil ptd.. Am. Looomotlvo ...... 3H 1 eSS Am. Locomotive pfd.. Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Susar running... 7J in Am. Tobaoeo pfd otfa. 8K 3H T4T, 'n" at '47i 16014 '" 64 148 Ti U. MS 8S Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchison Atohlaon pfd 79 MS Atlantis Coast Line... Baltimore A Ohio.... Hal. A Ohio Dfd 71 80 Brooklyn Rapid Tr ... 4H 14S6 1 474 lit 4SH 14H Canadian Paolno Central of New Jersey Chssapoaks A Ohio Chloaso Ot. W Chlcaso A N. W C, II. A Bt. P Chlcaso T. A T., ottered.. Chicago T. A T. ptd 118 31 4 144 lis 4 30 c. c. u. a st. l t.40 10. 3 ana luo 70 4.400 l.t via '"ioo 4I0 3no 6.100 Ir) I SO l,UO too 624 14 H ess 47H 117 HH 61 H t K 47 1U4 14H 45H VA M ,33 M 4S 644 S ins is 44H 153 S Cotnrado P. A I Colorado A So Colo. A So. 1st pfd Colo. A 80. Id pfd.. Consolidated, Gas Cera Products Corn Products pfd Delaware A Hudson Del.. L. A W 5 114 "0H 4H 4 IT H 4H ltd 4Ko Denrsr A R. O U. A R. 9 pfd DtstllUrs' Securities , Erie Erie 1st pfd Kris td pfd SOS 03 33 S iH S8H M 1V4 1KH 'm'" t4 'ilH 12 s (9 e n is 14 104 '!4. U M 10 S 33S 33 General Klectria 1ZI 128 Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump 6T,S "mo 67 t4 84 , 84H 100 lH H 107 Int. Pump ptd - ItfTS Central Iowa Csntral pfd Kansas Cltr Bo K. O. Bo. pfd Louisville A N Mexican Central Minn. A Bt, L 70s 13S 1.700 L"0 TDO 1,000 too 10 e suo 'iioo i) 300 t,400 'i.'ioi 700 too 04 63 M 17S s l4 M . St. P. A B. B. M M . 84. P. A B. 3. M. ptd.. Missouri Paclflo M.. K. A T 137 41 H 24 64 40 i 84 444 Z4 57 6 60 M., K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd, offered New York Central t74 H 44H 7U N. T.. O. W MS 44S Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North Amerloan PacISc Mall Pennsylvania - Prop Is' s Oaa w 41 1,700 IS.sno 1,20) 1H I17ts to SOS liH NH DOS 11 H P., C. c ex. u Preafd Btefl Car 48 t4 400 .26 Pressed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car KO s IM .164 Kr7H 106 H IM Read In, N 130,700 1KH Reading lt ptd Reading 3d pfd 2 Republlo Steel !. 84 tO'i 1H 721 H 04 It 73 U 37 TS 1 Wi 14 ri JSV. MS Republic Sleel pta Kuck Island Oo I.1"0 Rock Island Oo. pfd , Bt. L A 8. K. 3d pfd St. L. B. W 400 14H 1S Bt. U 8. W. ptd Southern Paclo , 43.100 Bo. PaclAc pfd 1 " go. Railway .f 80. Railway pfd 1.M0 34 3 7H HIS 41 17S l 44 taas 75 Ho 16 ) 1 1S s IKS 754 110S I 4HV Aszas A. Psciflc 1S 1S T., 8t. L. A W WO T., Bt. Im A W. Pfd w Union Pacific 15, K t'nioa Paclflo pfd 4V 1WS 78S Express,, sn 34 Realty Rubber Rubber pfd... 40 t3 r.. S 'ioii 18H "m" ro4 40 u N 30 'io" 17 'it" &04 sua 83.SSO . I,7 tllO ', " too , 1,000 ! "iiino 104 324 84 S tfiS 4 Steel . . 8. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Chsmtrat ... Vs.-Chro. Chsm. pfd Wabash Wabaah pfd Walls-Ksrge Eiprsas Weal In (house Electric ... m tt 10 too S Weal err. Union Wheel'.ng A L. Wlaor.nein Csntrsl Wis. Central ptd Northern Paclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd 4I 4 14 .301.110 soO , 300 1"0 . 10.900 . 1 . !. 1JHS it soS 124 S S 1H tos 14-' S I lt4 iS 84S 4S dloea-Bhemeld iteel Oreat Northern pfd Interbnrvsgh Met Int. Met. pfd lil I IIS 304 Tout sales for ths dsy, teO.OOO shares. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. March 26 Call loans. 24fM Pr cent; time loans, 4(u per cent., ouiciai 4ftf per cent. cloalng on atocks and bonds: tS Amalgamated .... Atchison sdj. ta do 4s Mex. Central 4s... .. MH Atlantic ,. .. USRlngtHua .. TISCsl. Heels .. 8S Centennial ....... ..194 Copper Range .... ... 10 ... T ,..4.16 Atchison do pld Boston A Albany. ... 83 rXietos A Maine. ...1W Paly West ....111 Franklin ......... ,...13 Oraoby .... USIals Rovsle 4. .114 Masa. Mining .... ... JH ... TS Boetiis Elsvatejt riu-nourg pia .... Mealcaa Central . N. V., N. H. A I Vnlan Pacific .... ... vo ... II ... I .urss aienigan . II Mohawk . tl Mont. O. AC . 4 Old Iiomlnloa .... .IS Oaceols .122 Parrot .loSQulncy . ris Shannon. . 86 Trinity . 1541'nltrd Coppet ... .fJ C. 8. Mlulag .11? tr. 8. on . lOSrtah . 46 Victoria . AS Winona .IMS Wolverine . North Butts . 37 Butts Onal It Ion .. . 34 Nevada . tt Cel. A -Alisons... lArlaona Com . tt areene Canane, .. ... 11 ... 60 Am. Arss. Ctism. do pld ... SO Asm. Paeu. Tubs.. Amer. Sugar ... I7H ... 14 do ptd ... 1S ... M Am. T. A T Am. Woolen . . . . . ... l4 ...US ... 4 ... Us do pfd Iwmlnlos I. A 8. Edison Elee. Ills. Oenersl Electric . Maes. Electric ... do pfd slaaa. Oaa lalted fruit .... Untied B. at do pfd V. 8. Bust do ptd Advenlurs Allouaa a -dividend. ... 10 ... 404 ... ... 44 ... n ... it ...104 ... It ... H Forelara riaanetal. LONDON. March 36 Money was In small supply on me market today and readily absorbed. Discounts wera uulet and firm. on trie stock exchange the eomDaratlva sc arcity of money c.heckod speculation for new account, but good Invealment buying, principally or noma rails, imparted steadl- Hess and Hiillsh securltu and consols lm- C roved fractlunally In aptte of tha poor ank return. Foreigners were firm, espe clMllv Jsoanese. American sea-urltles, after opening steady on the prestdeut's message to congress, ruled quiet, with a downward tendency, tho undecided Wall street close of yesterday prompting soma realisations. The New York opening eausod a hardening of active Issues, but the offerings of United States steel and Baltimore Ohio weak ened tha entire list and the market finished dull. BBRLIN, March 88. The scarcity of money on the Bourae today and the un favorable altuatlon, both Internal and In the American Iron reports, adversely af fected business. PARIS, March 28. Trading on the Bourse today was quiet and prices were firm, but became heavy towards the close. Hew Tork Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March 29. MONET On call, easy, lVif2 per cent; ruling rate, IV per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 8 per cent. ' Time loans, quiet and steady: sixty days, 8vW4 per cent; ninety days, 114 per cent: six months, 4fe4U per cent. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPER per cent. WTfciKLilNU GXIHAMUB Steady, With actual business in bankers' bills at 84.8 4.806 for demand and at 84 fc'HSG 8-Wo for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, 14 834. n 1 LA kr Har, 4t4c: Mexican dollars. 470 BONDS Government, steady : railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on New York stooks and bonds: V. 8. ref. 1, Nf.,..lU A N. ant. 4s 104kMan. e. (. 4s 94 do eouson U. S. la, res. ..let Max. Central 4s S3 . im ist Ins.. )H ..l&MMlna. St. U 4s.. M ..1M.. K. T. 4a M .. 7 Mo Is 71 . ,10 . R. R. of M. a. 4s n .. H4N. Y. a s, W .. 'H. 1. C. (. ts 123 .. M HO. Ptolfto 4s 1""4 ., ! 4s Is 10 ... toS. A W. a 4s 5 40 coupon .V. 8. a. 4s, rsg SO COUPOS . Am. Tobtoee 00 Atc-hlaon gen. 4s. Mo sdj. Atlantic C. L. Bal. A Ohio on IHa Br. R. T. e. 4a .. 71 O. a. U rtg s ..IriHPena. sr. I Sit Central of O. ta. f do 1st Ine . entKotdins no. 4s t .44 r. L. I. M. e. te..lM4 . J4 St. L i r. It U KH Mo Bd Ins.. Mo M Ins. Diss. A Ohio 4tta.. , tuttst. i. B. W, O. 4S.... to . U xSesbotrd A. L. 4s.. 4s Chlouo A A. 1VW c, b. A a. n. 4 , MS'So. PsclSo 4s MVfc C. R. I. A P. . ts ao 1st 4s etfs R do col. 6s . 6Bo. Htllwir ts 1. 94 Turn A P. Is lot CC-C. Bt. L. s. Colo. lnd. 6s, ser. . B04T., K.L.IV, 4s.. 71 "Colo. Mid. . east Union p.cino scltlo 4s rT4 4s Ml 'Ml M is t Colo. A Bo. Cubs .101 C. a. Mael I). A R. O IH: 8o. ts. PmWsbanh is ,104 . 74 do deb. B . IMH Western Md. 4s.. . W, A L. B. 4s... .101 Wis. Central 4s.. 44 , WW . 82H Brie p. I. do sen. 4s. Hock. Vsl. 4 Si. Jpn 4s 71 Atrhlxon ev. 4s... do 4Hs ctfs tnn do te . V-.v mA 74 ink, mm. tm. Rid. nif.M An . I GC. T . I. . AH 'Now York Mlnlaa; Stoclos. NEW TORK. March 28. Cloeina- ouota- tlons on raining stocks wers: Adams Con, I Alice too Brsece 10 Llttls Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Potosl 8svas Blerrs Nevada Standard 8 mall Hopes ,. . I .tM .tit . t . an .. n ,.140 .. II Brunswick Con 10 Conwtovjc Tunnel .... St Con. CI. A Va 40 Horn Hllvrr it Iron Surer 110 LeadTlii Con. 4 Bank of KngLaxtd Statemeat, LONDON, March 26. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decreased 327,000 Circulation Increased , 477,000 Bullion Increased 150,233 Other securities Increased 8,018,000 Other deposits Increased 3,339,000 Public deposits Increased 174,000 Notes reserve, decreased 802,000 Government securities, unchanged. Tha proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 48.(54 per cent, compared with 61.26 per cent last week. Bank ( France Statement. PARIS, March 36. -'The weekly atatement of tha Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In 'circulation, decrease, 63,675 francs; treasury deposits, increase, 71,026.000 francs; general deposits, decrease, 40,776,000 franca; gold" In hand. Increase, 66,776,000 francs; silver In hand. Increase, 8.660.000 francs; bills discounted, decrease. 68,200,000 francs; ad va necs, decrease, 1,676,' 000 francs. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON, March 28. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tha 8150,000,000 gold reserve, show: Available cash balance, 32B1. 408.830; gold coin and bullion, 34,S22, 76tl; gold certificates, 836,065.210. Boss bay Dlscoaat Lower. BOMBAY. March . The Bank ot Rnm. bay has re1uced'4ts rate of discouoAJrom 8 to T per cent . I ssaxtac uiearinars. OMAHA. March 26. Bank cleartngs for today were 31,691,379.64, and for the oorre spondlng date last year, 31.742,867.65. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 26. WOOL Dullness In the local wool market again obtains, and the transactions are far below the aver age. Still prices are rell maintained, as dealers see exhausted Dins at tno mills. There has been some Improvement at the manufacturing centers,- although It Is estl mated that less than 40 per cent of tha looms for men I goods wear ara being em ployed. The leadlna western Quotations ranare as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, 2iJ'i9c; quarter blood. 26'r27c; scoured value, Texas fine, twelve months, 634Mc; fine, six to elsrht months. txvuo8c; rine, ran, 4sraooe. California, north em, 80ia!lc; middle county, CMj57c; south ern, WiiCAc; fall, free, 4Stcfi8c Oregon, east ern, Iifo. 1 staple, 67(8li8c; eastern, No. 1 clothing, 68i60c; valley. No. 1, 6ry367c. Ter ritory, scoured basis, fine staple. 6642o8o; medium staple, BStmso; fine clothing, 6tv 60c; half blood, 67HiiOc; three-eighths blood. botirac; quarter nioou, 4ntfiKo pulled, extra. 3i75c; rine A, 6Wn'67c; A supers, d'g!. H'C I OI'IU Mo rr. R JUt W 1 1 I lnl.l medium grades, cemhlng and clothing, 20f ::c; ngnt line, viwmvc; neuvy line, 1441 IDMrC lUD-waenea, IXJNUON, March 26. WOOL Tho offer ings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 11,141 bales. Fine grades were in (air demand, put prices were weak and the following declines were noted: Fine merinos, 10 per cent; faulty merinos, 18 per cent; fine cross-breds, 10 per cent; medium croes-breds, 16 per cent; Inferior cross- breds, 20tW'2 per cent; Cnpe of Good Hope and Natal, scoured, lOulB per cent: Cape or uood Mope and Natal, greasy comblna 10tfil2 per cent; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, greasy clothing, 6B10 per cent- Americans bought a few lots of light greasy croas-breds. Following are the sales In detail: New pouth Wales, 2.000 bales; scoured, 74dj?1s 84d; greasy, 44di7tls 2d. Queensland, 1,600 bales; scoured, Vul lOd greasy, ('aa. Victoria, 1.700 bales; scoured 74diVls 94d; greasy. 44dti1s 24d. South Australia, 400 bales; greasy, 647114d. West Australia, 60 bales; greasy, 8irtUid. Tas mania, 100 bales; greasy, 6ri(gls. New Zea land, 4,600 balesi scoured. Is 2d(31s 6d greasy, 3dTls 24d. Cape of Good Hope, mo bales; scoured,-Is 4Ugls 6d; greasy, 4 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, March 28.-COTTON-FU turea opened ateady; March, (63c; May, t.iac; juiy, .4c; August, n.tiioH.NJc; uc tober, 9 61c; December, 9.50c. Futures closed barely steady: March 9.61c; April. 9.66c; Mav, .nc; June, 9 0c July, 9.62c; August, 8.56c; October, 9.r6c December, 9.46c. Hpot closed quiet; middling uplands 1C.60C: middling gulf. 10. 75c: sales. 3.400 bales. OALVESTON. Tex.. March 28.-COTTON Lower at H4c. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. March 2. COTTON Steady; middling, 10T4c; sales, none; re ceipts, 281 bales: shipments, 177 bales stock. 26.625 bales. NEW ORLEANS. La. March l. COT TON Spot market closed lower: sales 8,360 bales; low ordinary. 6 6-1 6c. nom lna!; ordinary, 74c, nominal; good or dinary, 8 9-ltc; low middling. V ll-16c middling, 104c; good middling, 114c middling fair, 114c; fair, 124c, nomiftal receipts, 3.27! bales; slock, 1S,:34 bales. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts NEW YORK. March 26. EVA PORATED APPLES There was some demand for prime apples and bids of 7c were mads, but holders as a rule asked 74c Fancy are quoted at I04tillc: choice. 84att4o prim. 7a7vc; common to lair. tMWJto. pkieu r Kins iTtines are easy, witn quotations ranging from 44t'14c for Call fornta and from 6519c for Oregon f uit 4 Apricots are steady, witn cnolue quoted t lstj3)c; extra choice, lKfizlc; fancy, xo 24:. Peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at l(srf'104c; extra choice, UfrllW fancy. HV612c: extra fancy. Ut14c. Bpn auwlles of California ralslna are small. nut ine marxei continues weaic and un settled, with loose Muscatels quoted at ortj io; seeoen raisins, oc; ixmaon lay ers, i Philadelphia Prodaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 26.-BITTER Bteady; lair demand; extra western cream' ery, boc; extra neartiy prints. 3lc. rXlfS Weak, lc lower: Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsta, free rases. 16c at murk: Pennsylvania and other nearby, current re ceipts in returnable casta, I6c at mark wesiern. rree rases, kk!. CHKKSE Firm: aood demand: New York run creams, l otitic; New York, fair to gooa, li-yi. 'ivc. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Cattle Steady, with Medium! Kind, Slow to Lower. HOGS SHOW TEN COTS ADVANCE Sheep aad Lambs Ope a glow aad Dolt, Closing Aetlro til a Little Higher Thaa Tester oar's Prices, BOUTIt OMAHA, Receipts were: Of filial Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Kstlmate Thursday Neb., March 88. 1. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4A lS.ftt 18F.9 4,m 4.5U0 7.403 8.M 8 8.3M 10.4(17 8.01)0 four days this wek....H,2l M.478 S6.7W Sams days last week ....1,026 46.M8 84,779 Game dava I weeks asrn..lS.711 63.18 17,827 Bam day weeka ago..-iMtt M.9rt7 18'J Bama days 4 weeks aa-o.. 17.184 42,844 26.S36 I The following table show ths receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, compared w Ith last year: 1908. 19tT7. Inc. iec. Cattle Hogs Sheep ...23a.M ...79O,0t7 ...841,663 r2.4H4 On0.7tt4 462,767 88,678 18.St3 111,104 Th fnllnwlns1 tfttilM shows tha averaAs pries of hogs at South Omaha for tha last sererai aays, with oomparisons; Data. I 1908. 1907.19O8.HO8,19O4.TWJt. 18(ft. March If. March 17. March 18. March 19. March 70. March SI. March 21 March . March 14. 4 444 i 644 4 684 t 301 3 18 3 17 1 m T 04 7 1 7 38 7 86 s 3 22 4 624, 4 K J84 4 784 4 804 4 884 6 014 317 U 3 02 e 08 808 6 14 7 44l 7 87j March 26. March 28. 7 24 7 23 T Sunday. Ths official number ot cars of stock broueht In today hv each road was: cattle. Hon. oneep. tira Wabash C, M. A SV P 1 Missouri Paclflo 8 648 807 6 94 6 16 6 11 4 98 i 04 ( 48 01 6 04 4 48 I 10 4 98 8 40 17 08 ' 6 26 6 19 6 18 4 6 16 6 18 6 08 4 9b 8 16 8 26 6 01 4 97 8 24 6 08 (02 08 6 16 6 08 603 8 20 6 13 1 8 22 22 2 23 1 8 14 1 s 76 27 Union Paclflo C. & N. W east .... B C. & N. W., west.... 63 8t. P., M. & O.... 24 B. & Q., east 3 B. A Q.. weft .... 26 C. R. 1. & P., east ., 18 U. W.. S Total receipts .183 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purcnaaing me number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 441 6M 1.661 Swift and Company 790 1,242 l,5"i7 Cudahy Packing Co 1,47 i?8l 334 Armour A Co 636 441 , 128 S. A 8 79 221 8(0 Vansant A Co 6 Carey & Benton 24 Hill ft Son 161 P. Lewis 68 Huston ft Co 26 J. B. Root ft Co 85 H. Bulla W L. F. Hum 13 McCreary ft Carey 110 H. F. Hamilton 81 M. Hagerty ft Co 120 G. Inghram 3 Lehmer Bros 23 Other buyers 80S 821 St. Louis Pack co JW Lower U6 Nelson Morris 421 Kingman ... 89 Indianapolis Pack Co zo Wlamuth W.7 Blackahlro .- 306 Total .....3,980 4,868 5.696 CATTLE Receipts this morning were lib eral for Thursday, but the runs at tha different markets wers by no means bur densome. Tha market, however, so far as this point was concerned, lacked the snap and life of nrevloua days this week Buyers of beer steers started out witn the evident Intention of buying the cattle lower this morning and first bids were along that lino. As saleemen were not prepared to take off It naturally followed that the trade was much slower than on previous days and the morning was very wen advanced oeiore anyining like a cleaning was effected. In the end sellers who happened to have such cattle buyers especially wanted figured that they got pretty close to steady prices. As high as 37.00 was paid, which Is the highest price reached, so far. Outside of the most desirable gratlea the market was slow to dime lower. , - The market on cowa and heifers lacked the anap so characteristic of the trade yes terday, but still there was not much of any change In prices, at least not enough to quote. As a rule salesmen were reporting tneir sales as steady witn yesterday. mere is a reeling tnat feeders have been selling too high and with beef cattle not overiy active mere was a disposition on the part of operators to go a little slow this morning. Bull the best cattle com manded about steady prices, with inferior grades hard to move. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers, 86.60(37.00; fair to good cornfed steers, $S.0fi!i.&0; common to fair cornfed steers, 4.76U4.00; good to choice cows and heifers, 36.olHit4.00; fair to good cows and heifers, 54.0ou6.ou; common to fair cows and heifers, 32.26td4.00; good to choice stook- ers and feeders, 34.606.20; fair to good Blockers and feeders, 84.0Og4.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, 3.00'4.m). .Representative sales: BEES' STEERS. Ne. Av. Pr. ' No. At. Pf. 14 , 1016 4 Ti 4 lltrT I It 11 700 6 at IT 1107 t M II 80S t U . 16 11M I 40 t TOT 6 40 1 llfctt t 40 1 1024 1 60 36 .,,,.1111 4 40 11 WW 6 10 80 Unl 4 44 36 IM I 46 36 1170 4 46 30 ...1036 6 75 10 1074 4 64 t tl I T6 16 12) 4 66 tl 814 I 76 16 124 t 64 14 1086 I 80 It lit 4 ) 4 t7 80 31 11110 4 eo tO 1144 t 86 1 11U I SO 80 1164 I 86 II 1190 I 46 06 Ill I H 11 lilt 4 46 It 1111 6 30 lltl t 46 , 1 iTt 1 m u uat t m I lees I 14.: iat t tt IT 1041 I tt 44 12M 4 It 10 m I ti tee 4 to 10 el 4 U) S .....1IW4 4 Ta 33 1141 4 Ot ) USD t 74 II l I t II 1411 t 73 II 113 I 08 84 1124 4 76 18 1--SI 4 II 90 lltt 4 M tl 1114 t II 12.11 4 W 11 nor I tt ' n rsu t 10 t 1W4 4 14 1M1 4 40 to 1041 t 14 It 1171 T to 14 1144 4 10 If 1181 T OO It tsi I 10 COWS. I tot I 10 4 1011 4 T4 3 ! It M 4 TO t tit I Ot 3 10HS 4 T6 4 166 I Ot t 1(144 4 86 4 I 14 t tit I 4 1 864 I IS T 1111 I 0 4 1106 I 40 i 113) I It 6 set I 60 - 4 till I 18 I 166 I 71 1 14 I U tut I 8$ 1 1240 I 4 t 4 0 t 1141 I It I HO 4 36 1 1106 I S I tot 4 30 3 U 60 14 1(S 4 ID I lu4 I 60 3 140 4 60 t 12 I A) 4 HIT 4 40 3 l:6 I 40 14 HI lit , t IUiO I 70 t 14 4 70 1 11W I 70 HEIFERS, t 11 tso 9 rrt 4 to II 407 4 0) t tit 6 40 IM 4U t NO H 1 44 4 60 II ,,. 404 I 10 4 44 4 64 16 114 I It II .v..... 706 4 60 4 TOO 4 60 8 406 4 tt 4 741 t 16 BULLS. I...i 1381 I 14 1 1464 4 64 1 1W I 10 1 ISO 4 60 6 lilt I 44 1 T'J 4 s 1 l'lOO I U 1 11M 4 40 1040 I hi 1 1660 4 40 l"i I 40 I ISO 4 44 1 1100 t 40 1 uo 4 71 1 11M I Tl 1 17U 4 It 1 '" I 71 1 18) 4 K 1 1230 4 00 1 17 4 40 1 17U 4 00 1 mo 4 t6 1 Hut 4 80 t..r. Vui 6 OS T ISM 4 10 1 1714 I 00 1 144 4 If 3 1106 I 00 I irrt 4 It 1 1TM) I 04 1 14M 4 44 t 1186 I N CALVES. 1 18 4 40 1 re) I gj 1 , H 111 i SO I 86 3 .'. 474 4 10 1 130 6 60 I 4 0 t I 60 1 10 I 1 , It I 64 1 110 I to STOCK E KB AND FEEDERS. I 134 I 86 4 473 4 It I 1 26 11 t i 4 a 1 41 4 K 4 41 4 46 II 4 14 16 7l 4 a 1 4 -8 4 80 4 TSO 4 40 t 410.4 81 HOGS The market opened alow and dull this morning. Packrra were acting on the bear aid and it waa very evident that iney were not disposed to allow ths mar ket to advunc any more than might be Tho' Opd.Jio Grain i.Cpb 703 to 714 Drandcls Cfdg. ..... OMAHA, RSDrlASKA lB-K-O '-K E IR. S GRAINf PROVISIONS, STOCKS AIVD BONDS PRrVATB IPlilsjstiskll1 I Itv ln8. new YORK.' forced upon them. 'At the same time sell ers felt that they were entitled to another substantial advance and they fought hard to get what they believed was coming to them. The result waa a slow market all tha morning. Shippers wers ths best buy ers and they picked up a good many hog, paying 100 advance for them. Borne of - the more uesirame loads sola even 16c higher. While packers hung back tbey had to coma to It without the hogs and everything; waa finally sold before midday. Ths bulk of the hogs sold at 34.964i6.OS, as against 34.fl5ft4.90 yesterday. In other words, the market was 10j 160 higher, the average being about a shilling higher. As a matter of course the advance waa the most on such hogs as shippers would use. Hogs that shippers would not take did well to get a lOo advance. No. tl.... T.... At. ....ta ....4t ....IS8 .,..11 ...IM ....16 ....IPO ....181 ....Ml ....r? ....124 ....226 ....IS ....ITt ....ttl ....44 ....176 ... .XI 2M ....MT XI tn MT ni JOT lit Ill wo m 178 8h. Pr. No. At. 8h. Pr, 4m 4 0 TT 151 SO I 08 680 4 88 T8 tit 40 I 00 ... 4 6 It 28 SO I 00 ... 4 88 tfi 176 ... I 00 to 4 te T4 rn ... t o 40 4 86 44 127 ... 8 00 ... 4 tt 4 1 80 I no ... 4 88 TA M ... too ... 4 t74 88 M to I OC14 40 4 174 tl 371 ... 0314 40 4 87 84 174 80 ( OSUj ... I on It M ... I 04 ... I 44 74 388 ... 4 08 80 I 00 61 11 ... I 08 ... 1 00 77 196 ... lot ... I 00 18 00 ... 3 06 80 I 00 (2 6 06 ... ID 81 Ml M 5 06 n In 71.. lit ... 1 ot ... I 00 84... 840 tO I 08 ... 6 00 Tt tt 40 I OS ... I 04 76 13 110 I 06 340 I 00 4 ...ITt ... 6 08 ... 6 00 61 ... 108 10 6 00 86 fcia 10 I 08 80 I m Tl rt ... I hk ... I no 87 E4 ... IMS 88 1 09 48 181 ... f06 80 I KO 14 14 80 6 08 ... 104 Tt 121 ... 108 80 I 00 81 ITT ... I 014 80 I 08 71 231 ... 10714 ... I 00 84 113 ... I 01 ... 8 00 74 K! ... 114 ... I 00 40 804 80 I 10 w.... 1.... Tl.... ffi.... Ml.... 64 ... 74.... 40.... 94... 74.... to.... .... t.... 44..., ...., 16..., 108... 18.... S7..., 41..., 44... 18... 74.,. 78... 7... Tt... 75... 77... Tl... 61... IS... 48... 188 to 6fi SHEEP A considerable proportion of the receipts did not reach the yards until late In the forenoon. As usual In such cases there was a tendency on the part of buyers to await the lute trains before making se lections. This naturally caused the market to open rather slow and dull. As tho late arrivals put In an appearance the trade took on more lite, ao that the market cloaed active and a little higher. Mexican lambs aold -Up to 38.06. the hlaheat price paid so far. Wethers and yearlings were In very light sumilv. but some shorn year lings brought 66.36, the same as waa paid for them yesterday. There Were several bunohea of good ewes In the yards, as high as $6.70 being paid for Mexicans. In spite of the late beginning, most every thing sold In very fair season in the morn ing. Uuo tat ions on wooled sheeD and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, 87.26&8.06; lambs. lair to good, 86.907.26; good ahearlng lambs, 86.404j7.16; yearlings, good to choice light,; 'yearlings, good to choice heavy, 36.8o&.76; yearlings, fair to good, lo.OO 6.60; wethers, good to choice, 36.26a6.76; wethers, fair to good, 38.0Oto6.25: ewes, good to choice, 8.OO4j)6.70; ewes, fair to good, $6.60 te uo; cuiis and ducks, 34.oujj.w. (Quotations on shorn sheen are 60o under wooled stock, and shorn lambs 76o under wooled stock. Representative Bales: No. 124 western lambs, feeders. 110 Mexican ewes Av. Price. ,76 T 40 .97 6 65 .103 ' 7 70 .109 6 60 Mexican lambs 290 western ewes CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIIKET Cattle aad Sheen gteadr-Hoera Ten o Fifteen Cents Hlgker.. CHICAGO, March 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, about 8,000 head: market steady; steers, 36.2&4g7.36; cows, $3.6o(i6.60; heifers, 83.4O0ge.76; bulls, $3.606.00; calves, $6.00.00; stockers and feeders, I3.2fxifti.10. , HOGS Receipts, estimated. 15.000 htlid: market, lfXplSc higher; choice heavy ship ping, 34.60tft6.50; butohera, 35.46.60; light mixed, 86.8bD.40; Obolce light, l5.4tKM.6-); packing. 35.40Hi6.46; pigs, 34.004j6.9j; bulk, td .4o4rt 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 12,000 head: market steady and little higher; sheep, 34W7.0Q; lambs, 30.6011.26; year lings, ft.wwi tn. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., March 26. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head, Including 800 south erna; market steady to 16o lower;, choice export and dressed beef steers, 6.60(g7.26; iair 10 good,; wesiern steers, 36.U0 67.00; stockers and feeders, 14.005.70 souinern steers, 44.frK341.2b; soutnern cows, 33.504(6.00; native cows. 16fr6.60; native heifers, I4.&OIBO.S0: bulls. 34.80d2O.60: calves. 83 604i6.. N HOUR Receipts, 11,000 head: market IOO lac nigner, closed bkmoc nigner; ion. JO.BVH bulk, 35.10&6.80; heavy, 3&.2&S.S7H: packers and butchers.; lights, 35.0O ;.GV6.30; DIKS. 84 ()W.fjO. BHEJU AND LAMBS-Rocs nts. 4 no head; market steady to strong; spring lamos, 4.uu; nmra, so.wKfie w; ewes and yearlings, t5.5US.76: western yearlings, su.eOKrl.a); western sneer,, o.imJ. A,; stock ers and feeders, 38.60itr6.60. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. March 28.. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.500 head. Including 2o0 head Tex ana; market ateady to 10c higher; native shipping and export steers. 13.2547 Hi: dressed beef and butcher stews, 36.4iwfrfl.S0; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.75g0.4O; stockers tnd feeders, 3.tOO6 2f; cows and heifers. 13 76kj.0O; canners. 12.00f7'3.00; bulls. 1.1 OO 6.36; calves, 38.5Og7.0O; Texas and Indian steers, $3.60.15; cows and heifers, $1.76 4.25. HOGS Receipts, 5.600 head: market 10c higher: pigs and lights. 84.OUu6.40: Backers. 14 766.46; butchers and beat heavy, 36.30 (J 6- 40. BHEKP AND LANBB Receipts. 1000 head; market steadv; native muttons, 3375 (16 75: lambs. 35.00ii8.80: culls and bucks. $z.803.65. t. Joseph live Slack Market. ST. JOSEPH. March ' 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,146 head; market ateady; cowa and heifers. K.2atab.SS: stockers and feeders. $3.torn6.10. HOGS Receipts. 6.S8A head: market lRn higher; top, 85.20; bulk. 5.1fff.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta. 1 848 head: market hls-hur; lambs. 87.00ail.?0: yearlings. $6.75i37.16. . . gleex Clty Live Stock Market. PIOtTC riTT. March 34-(Bnenlal Tele gram. ) CATTLE Recelpta, 800 head; mar ket lofi-20c higher; stockers steady: beeves $5.00u.i0: cows and heifers, $&.0O&5.25; stockers and feeders, t3.60O4.60; calves and yenrllngs. 33.00ri4.26. ' HOUH Keceints, f.oco bead: market lOtfr 16o higher, sei'ing at $4 8606.15; bulk of tales. $4.96e.05. Stock la llgkt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western cjtles vssterdav . . . . Cattfe. Hojrs. t Sheen South Omaha Sioux Citv ... Kansas City St. Louis ..... St. Joseph ... 4,600 6 500 6 0O 4.808 10O 1 848 12.010 800 8.M0 8 S-O 3 144 8.000 6.6M) 6.8x 15,0ij0 Chicago ...... Total .88.946 44.684 24 943 'agar and Molasses. NEW TORK. March 2. SUGAR Raw. firm; fair refining. 3 Bbc; centrifugal, 84 test, 4 Soe; molasses sugar. 3.61c; refined, firm; No. ,- 00c; No. 7, 4 96c; No. 8. 4 90c; No. 6. 4.86c: No. 10, 4.76c: No. 11, 4. "5c; No. If. 4 66e; No. 13, 40c; No. 14. 4 56c; c n fectloners A, 6.10c; mould A. 4.7re; cut loaf. 6811c; crushed, 610c; powdertd, ( tl) granulated, 6 40c; cubes, 6 660. OIU aad Resin. OIL CITT, Pa., March 26 rlL Credit oaiaocea, 11. Tt; runs, bbls.: aver sge, 141.016 bbls ; shipments, 144,036 stis.; evtragw, bbia. WIRES - vi JLUUXA CHICAGO ABTK PiyOIITt OTJAmAlTTMPI Citizens Bank & Trust Co. BAJtTI.XSmXy.B, OKXA, rrATB nsrosrroBT Lir.e;t Bintt In Entern Oklihotci Deposits guaranteed by State of Okla homa Guaranty Fund. New state law, effective, Feb. 16, 1908, provides AB SOLUTE 8AFETT to depositors In Oklahoma approved ' Hanks, and guarantee return of your deposit on demand under any circumstances. W pay 3 per oent on gavlng sbs. time Deposits. Make remltteaoe la any form or write today for informa tion. OMAHA WnotKBAtE MARKET, Condition of Trasle aad ttnotatlaaa ea Staple and Fancy Preeece, FOOH Freeh aelllng eggs, candled. 14a. BUTTER Common, ltw;; fancy tub and rolls, 194121c; creamery, 30c CHEEriE New full cream. Wisconsin twlna, 17c; new full cream brick, 17o; do pieatlo new Swiss. 18c; new llmburger, lii 16c; young Americana. IT Ho. LIVE POULTRY-epr1ng,.8HC! en"j J00! roosters, 4c; ducks, o; geese, 7c; turkeys, HAT Choice No. 1 upland. $7.5u: medium 16.50; No. 1 bottom. 86.00; off grades, $4.0iJ iOO. By straw. 17.00. No, 1 alfalfa, IU-60. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Port Umou, otmf to silt, per hunch, 81.60 to 33.00. GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $4.00; Malaga, extra fancy, 34 50; extra choice, per keg, $4.26; extra fancy, extra heavy. $6.00. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bbl., $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, $3.00. ORANGES Extra fancy, 96 to 850, per box, $3.86; extra fancy, 96 to 260 else, per box, $276; strictly fancy, M to 260 sixa, per box, $2.66. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, 84 to 100 site, per box. $5.60. LEMONS Extra' fancy, 340 to J0 alia, 83.60; extra choice, 800 to 860 alls, per box, PEARS Extra fancy wlntor Nellia, per box. 8.76. DATES Sugar walnut, per bos. $1,00, FRUITS. APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties. Red Crises: Pippins, -ivlngs, Bpys, assorted. per box, $1.60; California Red Winter Pear mains, jer box, $1.60. ULdJ A1ND rVlUW V .trJ l ArJL,. TOMATOES Florida (tt-basket crates). per crate, $4.00; Cuban tomatoes, owing to quality, $1.60 to $3.00. CAULiFLOWEHr-Per j-aoen crate, n.w to 33.60. PEPPERS-Florlda, (6-basket crates), per crate, $4.00. ONIONS Extra fancy Ohio Red oiooe, per lb., 2Vso; Wisconsin yellow, 8c; Valencia Spanish, per crate, 41.00; Valencia epanian, 160-lb. crates, $4.25. ONIOJ SETS Tellow, bottom, 82 lbs. In bu., r: Ni., $2.75;' red, $3.00; whit, $3.36. LETTUCE Florida, head, per hamper, $3.00; per dot., $1.00 to $1.60. - CUCUMBERS Extra funcy hot house Illinois, U dot.), per box, $4.00; choloe hot house Illinois (3 dot.), per box. $3.80. STRAWBERRIES Per qt, 6uo to 660. Hothouse radishes, head lettuce, onions, parsley, per dos 40c; southern radishes, , parsley, new beets, new carrots, new shal lots, owing to size, per dox., 40a to 90c; old carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets, per bbl., $2.25; Canadiau rutabagas, per lb., lc. CABBAGE Extra Holland seed, per lb., lVic. SWEET POTATOES Kansas seed, due April !, per bbl., $l.ts6; 6-barrel lots, $1.76. NUTS, CIDER. HONEY. DATES, CELEJtV Cocoanuls, each 6c, .per sack, $4.00. Cali fornia, No. 1 selected English walnuts, per lb., 170- Filberts, Uraxils, Jumbo pecans, butternuts, per sack, lZo. . No. 1 H. P. peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, tc; salted, per box, $1.00,' ' , CIDER Mott's, per bbl., $6.09. HONEY California, strictly fancy, 24 frames, per case, $3.75. I CELEKV Psr crate, $3.78. - . CUTS, BEEF CUTS Ribs. No. i. IVAc; No. 3.. Uc; No. 8, 9Vu- lMln- No- 8c; No. 3, 14c; No. 8, 12c. Chuck. No. 1, 7c; No. i, 6Hc; Ho. 8. bc. Round, No. L No., 1. 8; No. 8, 6c. Plate, No. 4, 6Wci No. 2, 4.0; No. 3, 4VaC MISCELLANEOUS. CjINNED OOOUS-Corn, standard west ern, 76o. Tomatoes, fancy, 2-pound cans, $1.45; standard. 8-pound cans, $1.3u. Pine apples, grated. 2-pound, 42.2u$f2.30; sliced, $Ub&2.36. Uallon apples, $4.60. California apricots, $4.66a3.3o. Pears, ' $3.1uv3.i5. Peaches, 31.tM4v4.16- L. C. Peaches, $4.1014) 816. Altska salmon, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat, $4.16; fancy sockeya, flat, $2.16. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.tiu; three quarters mustard, $3.36. awset aotatoes, $1.2bHl.ef. Sauerkraut, 96c. Pumpkins, 8uo 4(31.00. Lima beans, 2-pound, '.6c 11.6. Soaked beana, 2-pound, 66c; fancy, $1.2i-aL4A. CALIFORNIA DRIED . FRUITS Prunes re somewhat unsettled by freer offering from second hands, who seem dealroua of moving aupplies of immediate gradee. Uuo- tatlons range from 60 to 9c for California fruit and from iVto to 80 for Oregon- Peaches ar very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at UHa. NUTS-Callfomla No. 1 S. S. walnuts, use lb., 17Vsc; Imported Tarragona almonds, per lb., 18c; niDeris, urasua ana J umbo pecans, Uo; butternuts, per lb., l&Hc; io. I H. P. peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, 6c: salted pea nuts, per box, $1.16; Italian chestnut, pef lb., ioo. BUUAR- Granulated, cane, per sack, $6.4t beet. $6.00, cut loaf, iiici eubea, 6Am: pow dered, 8. lie . , COr'FKiS Roasted. NO. 86. Z6c: NO. 3d, Be; No. 5, 19c; .No. 20, 14Hc riBrt tiaiipui, lie; trout, nc; pickerel, 10c; pike, 9c; pike, fresh, frosen. 12c; white fish, 13c; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned And dressed, 13c; catfish, dressed, Uc; white sunflsh, &w9c; crapples, 16c; large crapples, 16c; herring, frtrh, frozen, 4tyc; white fish, perch, 7c: white bass, 14c; black baas, t6oj Ire-sen. 13-TjU-, plckarsl, fresh, frosen, 70. HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen salted. No. L 6c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 8c; green un salted, No. 1, 4c; green unaalted, No. 3, 3c; horse hides. $1.0o2.60; sheep pelts. Icc&4a.W. Tallow, No. 1. 4Wc: No. 2. 8c. Media to Get Appointment. SIOUX FALLtJ, S. D., March 26 (Spe-cial-It la believed In local lnaurgent re-, publican circles that. J. T. Medin, a well-' known attorney of Bloux Falls, will be ap pointed county Judge of Minnehaha county to fill the vacancy caused by the death Wednesday morning of County Judge D. R. Bailey. Under the laws of South Da kota the vacancy will be filled by appoint ment by Governor Crawford,- Mr. v Medin had been decided upon by the Insurgent republicans of Slonx Falls and Minnehaha county to make the race for the office of county judge at the primaries In June and at the election In November, and In view of this It Is believed he will be ap pointed to fill the vacancy In the office which occurred so unexpectedly. Owing: to th Importance of the business pending before tha county court It is thought the Appointment will be made by Oovernor Crawford at an early date. Tennis Plans being Made. IOWA CITY. March So.-8pecll.-Th Tennis association )s at work on a chd ti!e for the spring season and has already arranged a det f.r a dual meet with Co college at Cedar Rapids. Th trams will meet April 13. A number of other meets will be played and th tournament for stale honor will be arranged In th near future. Coe, Cornell, Upper Iowa and 1. m her all turn out fast teams and ara ex pected to tuttr la this evtot.