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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1908)
-i 11 iii JO 17TE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MATtCII 24. 190S. 2 . i U LllJ 111 V T W UIIIIUUllkl JttlUI features in Brandeis brilliant Spring Opening F.irhianaWo Omaha has approved this openinir event. Thousands and - . . f women have declared this display of women's apparel to surpass any showing they have ever seen. via m r thousands of It is a triumph of store decoration and a brilliant style achievement as well. Initial Display French & American Creations SPRING MILLINERY We have imported scores of the most elaborate pattern hats expressly selected for this opening by Brandeis' own Paris buyer. There is a dashing grace about Brandeis spring hats that cannot be found elsewhere. n To make this millinery opening an event long to be re membered we have assembled two groups of beautiful hats of the most recent spring models and priced them far below their regular figure for Tuesday at $5.00 and $10.00. Formal Opening Women s Ready-to-Wear Apparel Women's genuine imported Parisian suits are shown at Brandeis' in a bewitching variety. The suits and dresses from American designers are not less attractive. Fashionseal Suits at $2? Are the Style Aristocrats This is the most queenly of tailored apparel and Brandeis is the sole western agent. jjQ C The very newest. styles are represented newest fabrics newest colors Most Exquisite Interior .Store Decorations Ever Beheld in West The avenue of trees beneath the light court is a perfect bower of nature's most brilliant beauty. Everywhere the scene is typical of spring. The decoration is simple in its treat ment, but is a picture of loveliness in effect. Opening continues all this week. 2 I IVY C I1 pMJjj! Spring Quarterly Style Boa LjJ ladles Home Journal Pal Tuesday Morning the Entire Sam , pie Line ol Silk Costumes From A New York Manufacturer, On Sale Candy Dept. Everything New and fresh visit onr f nn rr TrrMTnnjI lrLc,:T 5 Lnncheoss Cet a Delidocs Sundae xt the mm QitS TNS RKLIAILI STRI at Ten Dollars Each 9 KM ITYasW Wednesday Will Be Children s Bargain Day in Shoes EiSIre Stock 01 CMlirei's Shoes FROM THE DES MOINES DEPARTMENT STORE STOCK All the misses' shoes, sizes 11 to 2, in lace and button, sold up to $2.25. 39 All the misses' shoes. 114 to 2. sold up to it2:!!'. .I69 All the children's shoes lace and button sizes 8 Vt to 11 that sold up to 39 $2.25. at 1 All the misses' shoes that sold up to 1B0,Yg All the Children's shoes sizes 8V4 to 11. that sold atp!!.,1.!!'.....98c All the Children's Shoes, sizes 8V4 to 11 that sold up to $1.35, at U.1 All Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8. sold to $1.60. 89c All Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8. Bold to $1. at 59c Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8. that sold up r.5.0: 39c Boys' box calf Shoes, sizes 1 to 5. that sold up to 145 $2.25, at 1 Little Gents' shoes, sizes 9 to 13 H, that Bold up to 1 15 $ 1.65, at A Litle Gents' Shoes, sizes 9 to 13, regular aptr:M.?.1:..,...50c All the Infanta' Shces, slzeB 2 to 6. that sold atp!,!.85.c:....45c All the Infanta' Shoes, sizes 2 to B, that sold ud to 60c. at All the Infant's soft sole Shoes. 1ft , mw 50c Infants' soft sole . . 25c at. All the Shoes. at. Ribbons All Silk Ribbons, in variety of desirable widths fine . ' Persians and wide fancy ribbons that are actually worth as high as 25c a yd., la two lots 5c-10c Embroideries New lots of Frontlngs and Walstings. some 24 Inches wide, also flounclngs, skirt ings and all-overs on fine nainsook, swlss and cambric, worth 75c to $2.00, at 59 - 98c Val. Laces Fine French and German Vals., also torchon laces and Insertions, in desirable widths for trimmings, at, yard 3-?c-5c iOSTON STORE BIGGEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Record Broken by Arrival of Four Hundred and Eighty Cart. MOVEMENT KEEPS UP STEADILY Ko Two Weeks Receipt Have Crows Heavier, Cera Betas the Chief Factor bjr Loif Odda. Records for - receipts of grain at the Omaha market were broken Monday, when 4M cars wera received, consisting of 88 can of wheat, 20 cars of corn and 178 cars of oats. ' Of this enormous amount of grain, M car were forwarded, consisting of 28 cars of wheat, 71 cars of, corn and 44 cars of oats. This left 834 cara of grain to handle through the terminal elevators of Omaha and bought by Omaha grain dealers to apply on their contracts, many of which are not filled. The grain movement to Omaha and other primary markets haa resumed after a period covering more than ninety days, when the receipts were small. It was largely because of the small receipts of November and December that the receipts for the year of 1907 fell below the receipts of 1900. Farmers held their grain back. Oraln dealers say there were many rea sons for holding grain. Some elevators closed down because they could l ot secure cash with which to buy from farmers. The market went off when the panic was an nounced. Other causes were directly as cribed to the panic, which sent the price of cattle and hogs to the lowest point of the year. Farmers held bacic their grain, believing that It was polb!e that they would be compelled to feed a urge amount rather than market stock at a time hen the market was down. larreaae for Two Week. For two weeks the receipts at the Omaha market have been showing an increase. It is anticipated that practically all the ursln ! remaining in the country will now be shipped to market. The government report Issued March 10 showed that 84 per cent of the corn was still held In Nebraska, SO ner cent in Bouth Dakota, 28 per cent In Kansas and 37 per cent In Iowa. The percentage of the wheat crop Mill held In the country Is much smaller than the percentage of corn. In Nebraska but 76 per .cent Is held back by the farmers 23 per cent in South Dakota, 75 per cent in Kansas and S2 per cent In Iowa. Though it was thought tho oats crop was well on the way to Its final market, the government report showed that 37 per cent of tbe oats were still in the hands of the farmers in Nebraska. 41 per rent In Bouth Dakota, 29 per cent In Kansns and 34 per cent In Iowa. It is anticipated that the prices wll! re main steady while the grain is pouring Into the elevators at the Omaha primary market. Now, here's a Tuesday sale that brings yon handsome silk cos tumes for loss than the materials In them are worth. The reason for It is the manufacturer's offer to us to close out his entire line of samples the travelling men have been showing since the holidays. Of course, they naturally do not look as splc and trpan as if Just from the tailor, being slightly rumpled from showing and packing. Nevertheless they are all extremely desirable and stylish, and so slightly mussed that you may not have' detected it had we not mentioned the fact.' This announcement, coming as It does, before the wearing season for silk dresses has scarcely opened, makes this sale of great Importance to prospective purchasers. Upward to a hundred styles are embraced in this collection. Smart silk Jumper and Suspender styles; Princess Dresses, Shirt Waist Suits, etc In fact everything that Is con sidered correct for the Spring season. There are neat, dressy, strictly tail ored models; beautiful lace trimmed conceptions, with lace yokes, or clev erly fashioned lace . sleeves, some have silk bands and folds or tucks artistically arranged to enhance their beauty. Just the prettiest kind of silks too, plain taffetas, novelty stripes and checks In light and dark colorings, all suitable as afternoon and party dresses, for shopping, for travelling, for most any occasion. In this lot are many exquisite styles that are well worth $25.00. We ex pect to clear out this entire lot In a single day for the price for any of them is but White Goods and Linen Day Special Items In Our High Gride Linen Department for Tuesday 10 pieces mercerized Table Damask, including. our best im ported goods, values $1.00 a yard; Tuesday jspecial, 50c Fifty dozen mercerized napkins, 20x20 beautiful finish and good for wear $1.75 value Tuesday special, at, per dozen .... $1.00 Two very special lines of high grade towels, In hucks and fancies worth fully one-half more, Tuesday, each 14-Oi Fifty elegant Bed Spreads, full size, cut corner! fringed 11.75 value, Tuesday, at, each $1.00 High Class White Goods GO pieces of St. Gall Swisses, hand embroidered, finest ma terials made, forenoon only, at, exactly. Half Price. From 2 to 4 P. M. Lingerie stripes and checks, fancy mercerised Jae quards and all fancy goods in stock, one pattern to customer, at HALF PRICK. Tuesday Is While Goods Day In Our Famous Domestic Room 39c and 2Sc White Goods at tOc 39c Lingerie White Goods. 25c English Nainsooks . . 19c Forty-inch Lawns ... 19c India Llnons 25c English Jacquards . . . 39c Mercerized Poplins .. 10c White Goods 7 He 19c White Poplins, 15c India Llnon, 15c Ens- " llsh Long Cloths, 19c Fancy White Goods, 18c Piques and other goods worth up to 19c yard 7 12 He and 16c White Goods 5c India Llnons, dotted Swisses, long cloths, Persian lawns and other goods, all at, yard ... M H H n n n Wc M Wi Men's Work Pants-Splendid LO S1.00 Quality-Tuesday for U-'C Jucst seventy-six pairs to sell. Well made and of serviceable materials; aara colors witn juai a toucn or white in them, very sightly at the price, overalls even, would cost as much, Tuesday only buy them for...... , 69c ' Clothing Department Main Floor. BENNETTS FOR GROCERIES Every qortfeewlfe wh appreciates quallt antlre Itv. wholesomeness, clPHnllrt(Hfi and the goodness of itoods should buy groceries at BIKalTT'B, The biggest grocery in the entire W est has been ill is Vnm . built ud by riving more for your money than In any other place we know of. Our delivery service Is accurate and prompt. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pk., 88020 Green Trading Htamps Teas: Banket. KJred Japan, lb. ...38o SO Green Trading Stamps Batavla Salmon, fancy, can 112010 Green Trading Stamps Tea Garden Preserves, assorted, large Jars 40o 20 Green Trading Stamps Hartley's Imported 'Mnrmalnde. ,80o 6 Green Trading Stamps Shredded Codfish, three pMs 85o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottlo 18o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Laundry Queen, pkg So Wonder Wax for Washing, two pkgs loo and 10 Green Trading Stamps Wiggle Stick Blueing, six sticks 85o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Triplets, for washing, pkg 16o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Marshall's Preserved Bloaters, can.. 80o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Batavla Corn. en lOo one dozen cans $1.30 Best We Have Whole Tomatoes, large can. .150 and 10 Green Trading Stamps Jell-O, assorted, three pkgn 9 So and 10 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Corn, two cans ...85o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Best We have Petit Pols, two cans 85o and 10 Green Trading Stamps gSOsFHrSgrrSirSslsr -."YES" Is the answer, of most people in Omaha when asked if they are a customer or ours, upend a lew minutes In our store. Look for. the name, S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1816 Douglas Street. 11 f It an ordeal which aU women approach with indescribable fsar, for nothing compares with the pain and horror of child-birth. Thethousrht f the suffering and danger io store for her, robe the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming cveat, and cast over her a hadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robe '. eoafinemoQt of all pain and danger, end insures safety to life of mother ; end child. This scientific liniment it a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only doct Mother's Friend Carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but itt use . gently pre pare t the svttem lor the coming event, prevent "morning sickness," and other dit- comforts of this period. IfTT) iTT H r77) PC" Sold by H Jn.ggi.ta at LUJJJJ U LVL&bil L Ql.oo per bottle. Book ontaining valuable information free. JPT 7 fTf) ' Tk fc-edfteid teaeleter C.. AtUcU. G. U Ul ULZmL U 111) FINE ICE FR0M THE NORTH I'oirtrra Carloads A ( Broaafct la by Great Westers frosa Mia Bra polls. . "Imported ice" Is already on the Omaha market, showing the necessity of soma com panlea of shipping in their supply and the shortage of the harvest In Omaha, where only about a half crop has been packed. The Great Western Railroad company re ceived fourteen cars of ice from Minne apolis Monday, which was cut Saturday. The lea was fourteen Inches thick and as clear as crystal. It Is said the road could dispose of all it could haul to Omaha within the next month and If th harvest con tinues In Minnesota a large amount will be shipped into Omaha. Several smaller dealers who packed (0 to CO per cent of the normal crop In their houses, have already sold their supfly in tha houses, and will be saved the expense and trouble of even taking out the ice. AsaeHoaui KIb is tha great king of cures. Dr. King's New Discovery, the quick, safe, sura cough and cold remedy, boo and tX for sale by Bea ton Drug Co. Gomio' Move Your Office? It you are thinking of moving, now is the time to make your selection of offices. Most people wait until May or June and then find very few, from which to choose. We have one or two large offices and several handsome small offices. . ' THIS BIDE BUILDING ' ' baa aa organisation built upon many yeara of experience. It haa Its own eleotrls lighting plant and maintains a corps of coanpetant engineers and mechanics to keep the mechanical, and electrical service of the building In good order. The building Is in perfect repeJr. It haa all the advantages of a brand new building and has none of its disadvantages. a The Janitors and elevator men are well trained, courteous and acoonunodatlng. in charge of the whole building is a ' superintendent, whose office It is to keep this organlxatloa constantly at the servloe of tenants. New la a good time to see if we have what you want in the way of offioe accommodations. For office space as ply to Room 105, Bee Builr'dcg. E. W. BAKEE, Supt. Point de Paris and Cluny Laces, Values to 35c Yard on Sale at He and 10c Tuesday morning we offer for sale the finest lines of Cotton Cluny and Point de Paris Laces ever shown in Omaha at our sale price. Choice of white or ecru. , 1st Lot. Ter Yard 7Hc Laces 2nd Lot. Per Yard, lOe Laces ' worth regularly from 16c to 20c ' worth regularly from 85c to 8 Bo per yard. I a yard. Bargain Day in Our Cloak Dept i All broken lots and odd garments on 6ale at quick clear ance Tuesday Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, etc., at less than cost to manufacture. $12.50 Cravenette Coats in tans, I French Voile Skirts Extra full M i pleated, trimmed with folds and rrn . n v. it nvfnrrt a m o i a nr PrloBtlov'a Prn vpnfittPH 100 nr. I ments to select from, at $5 95 ndi, values to 1 10, at 94.05 $2.50 Long Kimonos 98 $2.0O Moire Underskirts .... 79, CROWN JEWEL SUITS 200 new beauties lust received by express. TheBe garments show all the graceful Individuality of design and quality of material and workmanship of garments shown elsewhere at $35.00 and $40.00 our price $25.00 FlourJ Flourl Flourl Tomorrow, Tuesday, we will have a special Flour sale. We are de termined to get, if possible, every housekeeper in Omaha to try a sack of this Highest Patent Flour. This flour is made from the finest hard winter wheat grown, and every sack Is guaranteed to give satis faction or your money refunded. Tomorrow we will sell It for this 2 special sale, per 48-pound sack $1.25 e- Beware of spurious Imitations. ORANGES ORANGES ORANGES 2 The orange market has advanced over 50c a box, but we are still sell- Ing them at, per dozen 10c. 12. 15. 17 nd 20 5 Watch the papers for another big crockery sale this week. H Seeds, Seeds, Seeds See our full line of Flower and Vegetable Seeds. The last week of the big harness sale. 5 Monday's prices in all Fresh Vegetables. I W HAYDEaS' WE BBBM1BM n 4 2 5 e 5 Secret Service "You Mo P No Party Lines fra Aim Wl Our main public - every exchange Saturday- is open evening to the from 7 to IO. Call and switchboard. inspect the automatic Independent Telepone Co. 20th and Harney Ste. No Zcnes No Eavesdropping ENAMEL FILLIXGS Just Like the TOOTH A durable substitute for gold or silver that doaa ot show. If your teeth are missing we cao fill the paee without plstea or bridge-work by our Alveola ;,Ua of LttiiUstry. Loose teeth made solid. rumu orMATxoaie. bxtsst woks. tsUsUtsiS nn nOAnniinV npntitt 15IBFirnam. SPRING STYLES with "character" In only every last $3.50 and $4.00 Your Favorite AT TE1 WALK-OVER SHOE STORE 314 South 15th Street your Doors eouth of Beaton Drug Co. ED. B. TEOaUeOaT, Walk-Over afau. 3 """"""""""""""Trl GOLD, SILVER and NICKEL PLATING Pon't throw away anything made of metal because It Is old and worn. Bend it to us and we will make It good as new. No matter how large; no matter how small. Omaha Plating Co. 1220 Harney St. Zst. 1898. Phones Douglas B63S; Automatic A253S Have your engraving; done In Omaha no better work anywhere. Baker Bros. Engraving Co. Barker Block, OaaaJia. High Grade Durable School Shoes for Misses and Children at Moderate Prices 39T Shoe comfort, shoe quality and moderate prices,- those within reach of everyone wanting the best in footwear. " " - . . ' Our stock this season is replete with the newest novelties, fresh from the world's best shoe makers. Wo, have them in Kid, Patent Colt, in cloth or kid tops Oun Metal Calf in button or lace, also In common sense or dress tops. The slses and prices ranje: For Children. ' ' " slws 8 to 11 For Misses, sizes 11 H to 3 For Young Women siaes 24 to ....'.. 1.50 ,2.00 2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. till Firms St. ., SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY Years pf practice assures us that people want our grade of work the best The comfort of our patients receives our Constance thought,' which' accounts for our successful dentistry. We speak German. AH work guaranteed. 22 K GOLD CIIOWNS ..S3.t)0 FILLINGS, uo from . ..T3e Taft's Dental Room ion PoogUs ni. . , . 3 kite U'le.aV!-' f Pkm Deng. 1TM