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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1908)
I- ft ' TTTP. nr TTA crvruv prr. rvnvf k r? n am i REAL ESTATE rBM axti nAKcii tor lb (Continued.) Nebraska. 149 ACHES NEAR SOUTH OMAHA THs farm Is only nine mfli-ii from Ponth Omaha, the bent stock market In the west; shout acre level, rich bottom land, bal ance rolling but not roiiKh; all can be farmed, Crop Innt year consisted of about 2o acres oata and h't, 06 acres corn. U acres hay land, from which two cropa r cut; 87 seres pasture. A creek runs throtish the farm. Also the Hurllnpton and Mis souri Pacific railroad cut corners of It. There la a itood 7-rpom house, brick foundation and cellar, that cost about l-',6"0 el, yr-ars ago. Two-rtnry good barn, 32x40 -et, nn stone foundation; granary, rattle and hog sheds, milk and ice house, Rood orchard and grove; land la fenced and cross-fenced. A good place for dairy or stock feeding purposes. Price only ','S per acre If pold before March 1, at which time possesion can be given. 31 ACHES WELL IMPROVED, 10 MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH OMAHA Thirty-one acres well Improved, 10 miles South of flout h Omana. Land all gogd; about IB acres In corn, 10 acres alfalfa, 4 acres blue-grans pasture and t acree In orchard; almost new 4-room house, with food cellar, good well and spring wator, arn about aix3fi feet and other buildings; Hug tight fence around part of land; one mile from railroad station; a good small farm at very low price, only t3,0oo. Terms: 11,2-0 cash, balance 3! annual pay ments at t per cent. Possession, March I. t4 acres, about ft miles southwest of South maha and miles cant of Partition. This Is known as the Hnrmsen farm, and one of the best farms In Sarpy county. Two sets of Improvements, valued at ts.oo. Trice, 1110 per acre, only 111, two cash, bal ance 122,000, 6 years at 6 per cent. Rented for cash this year. For further Information, call on or ad 'drest, nrcoROK co., 1TO1 Farnam Street, Omaha. CM) M130 29 TWO snaps In western Nebraska If taken before March 1. Close to town; good sill; level. 411 Bee Bid. (4) M175 26x A SNAP SO acres of the best land In Brown county, Nebraska for u00, $:u0 cash, balance one year. Apply M. Morearly, owner, 437 Paxton block, Omaha. (20) MAT TWO snaps In western Nebraska If taken before March 1. Close to town; good a ill; level. 411 Bee Bldgj (20) M174 2tix FOR SALIC Some fine Improved farms In Douglas, Washington and Knrpy counties on tun or fifteen years time with fi per cent. v McMenerny & Hiker, 406 Hee B!dg. Tel Douglas 512. (20) 37 U FOR BALE 40 acres. Irrigated land with flno ditch near Bridgeport In North Platte velley, a bargain price, per acre. Call after 12 o clock, 24"9 Emmet St. (20) Mti 23 A "WELL IMPROVED FARM TWO MILES FROM IRVINGTON. Two sets of buildings, 8 acres in grapes and about 8 acres In various kinds of other fruit. la a splendid farm In every partlou liir and brings a rent income of Iruo per year. The owner needs tho monev for other purposes and la offering this for tUO per acre, other land In this vicinity sold re cently for $120. Shimer & Chase Co. 1909 Farnam'. 'Phone Douglas 317. - C-0) Can You Use This? A customer of ours has a section good, unimproved farming land, well located; should be broken and cropped this season, that he wants to exchange for stock of goods, city property, or ..might consider small farm. This land will bear closest In vestigation. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 681-683 Brnndcls Bldg-. (20) M438 24 REAL E8TATE AT AUCTION-We will sell on premises, at public auction, on Thursday, February 27, at 1 o'clock p. m., the north half of section 2S, township 13 range 10, Sarpy county, Nebraska. Will sell In 80-acre tracts, on reasonable terms. Located 6 miles west of Springfield, 6 miles south of Gretna, Neb. For full par ticulars and terms call on or address Kleck & Calhoun, Springfield. Neb. (20) M4.S9 23 . $40.00 PER ACRE 160 acres Just west of Silver Creek, Neb.; Iiood Improvements; fine farm, with (lay subsoil, and bargain; reduced from 150 for quick Bale. This U the best quarter In the state for the money, and only takes $1,500 cash. K. C. BEST, 1007 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) M481 23 Oregon. WHY frerie when you might enjoy flowers all winter? For your family's sake, take the bull by tho horns and make up your mind to come to Gods country. Remem ber, you live only once. Then why ,iot live where you can enjoy beautiful nature all the year round. Come to Kane county Oregon. Over tM an acre net In chvr rles on land that cost $:w shows what can be done. Write to Dept. D, Commercial Club, Eugene, Oregon, for reliable facts. (30) Texas. TEXAS FARMS For sale or exchange for east ern Nebraska or western Ioiva farms. 3fH acres Brasos valley land In Baylor county, northern Texas; subdivided Into luO-acre tracts; strong, rich soli, suitable for winter wheat, oats, corn, cotton itnd alfa fa. all kinds of vegetables and fruit; sufficient timber for fencing and firewood; abundunt rulnfall; healthful climate; near guud county seat town of 8.0W) people. For further Information call or writ F. A. FIELD Room 6ati New Brnndels Bldg., (30)- iw 8MAI4L farms In 1'exaa Panhandle; agents wanted; llleriil commission. I J. Byerley, Long Htdg., Kansas City. Mo. (.0) 401 23 LAND FOR BI'BTUTtlKS. Large and small bodies of pine, cypreau, white oak, gum ash and cot ton wood, M to H0. Fruit anal grain farms. K d river valley; plantations of mulatto soil, ike richest In the world. $10 to t. Also saw mills and wood factories. Describe exact I v what you want In your first letter. A. A. Cleveland, Iw's L. Broad, Texarkunii. Te. 0)-2 Mlacallaaaona. WESTERN FARM LANDS. Crop payment plan; two crops pays for land, while the land Is doubling la value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Hl-blii Uiandeia bldg. (20) M5t 1W acres In southeast Wyoming, 11 miles from railroad; some lraprovemeiita. $1.2l. 0J1 acres In Kimball county; cheap; at $0 26 per acre. Half section in Banner county. Quod land. 4!-acre slock farm and ranch In Banner county, all Improved and ready for bus! ress. This is a snap. 3.0 acres south of North Platte, Cheap at the price asked. 10.0 0 acres In northeastern Colorado. Stud 'or descriptive plat. O'KEKFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1UU N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (3i) When writing to advertisers, remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to nieiulon the fact that u4 saw Uta ad In U be. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 40 ACRES -One mllo west of Fort Omaha, half mile from car line. Henry F. Wynian. 10fJ N. Y. Life Bldg. (21 1-234 21 ACRES FOR RENT From 1" to SS arrrs near 3'lth St. south of South Omaha, $3 per acre; also 1ft acres near Griffin Orove, southwest of Hanscom Park. OrXIROK A CO., inn FARNAM ST. til) REAL ESTATE LOANS W. II. Thomas Loans Money. v (i2) M235 23x PRIVATE MONKY-NO DELAY. QARV1N BROS.. ltM FARNAM. (22)-ottt LOANS on Improved Omaha property O Keefe R. K. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Blrlg (23)-C4l Buildings loans. W. It. Thomas. (32)-M240 23x WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (22)-54a WILLS FARM LOANS TRUSTS We prepare wills at a minimum cost. Consultation la confidential. We have choice mortgages netting the In vestor BVi to 8 per cent. In twenty-one years of business no In vestor with tis haa lost a dollar, nor taken an acre of land; $7,500,000 of other people's money Is now safely placed by us. For those who wish to Issue bonds or pro vide a fund from which children or aged people are to receive the Income we act as trustee. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor New York Life Bldg. (22) LOANS FOR SALE $800, 5 Years, G On new, modern home, on Grand Ave., two blocks from car line, value $2,0u0. $1,300, 5 Years, Gfo -Room, new modern ' house, on paved street, value $2,750. $1,400, 5 Years, 6 7-Room modern house, corner lot, one block from car line, value $2,Sot). Choice loans In different parts of Omaha, netting Investors 6 per cent. HASTINGS St IIEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (22)- PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estate. N. P. Dodge ac Co., 1714 Farnam BU 2J)-64J Real Estate Loans. W. H. Thomas. (22-MJo6 23x $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wsad. Wead Bldg., lsiti and Faruain. (22)-i4l WANTED Loans on Improved Omaha or South Omaha city property. U. S. Mort gage and Trust Co., W. 11. Thomas, agent, M First National Bank Bldg. (22) 186 Mchl-x No Delay. W. II Thomas. (22) U7 23x LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22) 54 Money to Loan IF YOU HAVu. IMPROVED OMAHA REAL ESTATE SECURITY AND WANT MONEY QUICKLY Al AT LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, YOU WILL SAVE TIME BY COMING TO US. GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM. (22J- PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. 102-3 1ST NAT. UAiSli BLDG. TH.L. DOUG. 12.K. (22) Mil Cash on Hand. W. H. Thomas, 503 First National Bunk Bldg. (22)- M23S 23x WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co. U2)-C4i MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hustings & lleyden, l.u4 Farnam St. (22J-MS29 Farm Loans. W. II. Thomas, 603 First National Bank Bldg. (22) M239 Ux PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J. li. Sherwood, !-) 7 Biandeis Bid.. (22)-64l REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy (or cash, equity in two or thru cottages; no agent- Aadress li Hit, uaie Bee. (23) all I HAVE Bonie first mortgage t per cent twenty-year gold bonds wiucn 1 will traue for real eduue. Address E 3a, care Bee. (23) A1413 WE have four customers for double brick flat, close in, or in good residence dis trict, also good cottage homes. - Muat bu cheap. N. P. Dodge at Co., 1714 Farnam BtJ (13J-M477 2j WANTED TO BORROW ti.'.w it) enlarge established . legitimate ouainesa. Auuiess v j, care Bee. (21) M3tfB Six WANTED TO BUY SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too larye or too aiuall. Wagnei, aul is. iuiU. (2a) s5D SECOND HAND gus flat, must be lu A 1 cuudillon. Addrens O 30, Bee. (2S)-l(Xtl-26x CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes, ate. M N. ICtll St, Tel. Bed U2&. t2o)-31 WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and healing stoves, carpsts, lino leums, olflce furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or vtt buy the fuinltura of your bouke complete. The highest price paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 39TL '26) M179 M4 WANTED One good, sound, heavy horse. Alfred Bloom Co., 15th and California Sta. ' M.W 23 WANTEI Second-hand trip hammer tn good condition. Address The Democrat. Wayne, Neb. (25) MlMK 28 BUST price paid for second-hand furniture, carpeta, stoves, clothing, shoes, etc. Red 61. (25)-M454 WANTED 4.000 yards dirt, 2. and C St. South Omaha. W. O. Reefer. (2f-Mf70y WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE party would like to rent .cottage with small acreage. What have you. Address K V idle Bee. t-ti) M169 ZZx WANTED Iirge front room fop young married couple, close In Address P 14 Hee. (W) M214 23 WANTED Pleasant, quiet room and board with private family. In Furuani llill (li. rlct, by a young man. Please si ate partic ulars. References If necessary. AOurvt W lo. care Bee. (26)-226 23x WANTED To rent one room In good busi ness location, for saloon business. Res ponsible parlies. Acdress, A US. cure Hee () 223 23x WANTED Two unfurnished In modern brick flat. Address F 22. Bee. (2-M271 24x WANTED To rent SO acre, furnished farm on shares In crop. A. Juhiuou, a lslb trt., tkUlu Omaha. Neb. t-CeJSxi WANTED TO RENT Cint Inued.l YOI'N'G iady employed during the day. de sires low priced room and hoard or room. private family pref erred, (live location and ric e. Address C-19 Hee (Jfi 36H 23 WANTED to rent a furnished, detached house with three or four bedrooms by responsible puny, for six months: muat re desirable location. Address J. 2ft, care B'e. (Jii 4: Zx Ft RNICMEn room dress G 4u, Bee. by single man. Ad 2i; M4!4 x WANTED SITUATIONS TEAM or farm hand; good reference. J, W. Bell, 240!) Harney St.. Omaha, Neb (21) Mull 22X YOUNG mu derires place to work for board while going to school. Boyles rol lego. Telephone Douglas 14. (27) S33 WANTED Position as i, care Bee. 15 Scott tutor or governess, St., Council Bluffa (27) M11S 22 SEWING WANTED Neat work; prlc reasonable. Mrs. Clarence Smith, 3)S Lake St. 127) M2 M3x TWO connecting rooms on bathroom floor, ror light housekeeping; furnished or un furniHlied; modern; walking distance or on car line. Address J 42, care Bee, (28 M499 fflx TIIK IXCOMI'AKAULK WHITE Twice an Many "White" Touring Cars in Use Than Any Other Make DRUIVIIVIOND Agent 'flill In the ISuggy Iiuinex." LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET Ing. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will bu neiu at me orrtce or said company at Lin coin. Neb., at il o'clock a. m., on the luurin oay or Alan, n, A. D. iikjS. By order or me iio.iru oi tnrectors. c. H. Morrill, presiaent, a. h. Minor, secretary, Lincoln, Neb.. Februar 1. 1908. F-3d-20T NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- Ing. The regular annual meeting of s ocKiuuaer in in' Bee pjoi a. mg comj an will be held In the office of tho company in mu nee ouiiuing, corner inn anil rar nam streets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Mn day, March 2, 190S, at 4 o'clock p. m. By order of the president. HENRY A HA8- ivl-l-L,. secretary. Flidlot RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION lOtM AND MAIICY. I n Ian Pacific, Leave. The Overland Limited.. a 8:i0 am Tho Colorado Express. .a 3.jU pin Atlantic Express The Oregon Express. ., .a 4:10 pm The l.os Angeles Llm..al2:55 pm The l-'nst Mail a S:30 am The China At Japun Mail , a 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am Colo.-Chieago Special. .a 12:10 am Beatrice & Stronia- burg Local bl2:TO pm Chicago A Northwesters. Chicago Daylight '..a 7:23 am St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:60 am Chicago Local all:30 am Sioux City Pas8cnger..a 7:60 am Chicago Paserger a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 6:00 prn St. Paul-Minn. Lim....a 8:28 pm ls Angeles limited. ..a 9:30 pm Overland Limited al0:o0 pm Fast Mail Sioux City Loral a 3:60 pm Twin City Limited a 8:28 pin Noi folk-Bnnesteel a 7:45 am Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:45 am Peadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm Casper-Lander a 3:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 5:35 pm Chicago Great Western, Pt. Paul-Minneapolis..,. 8:30 pm St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am Chicago Limited 6:06 pm Chicago Express 7:S0 am Chicago Express 8:30 pm Missouri Pacific. K. C. & St. L. Txp a 9:00 am a 8:45 am K. C. & 6t. L. Exp.....all:15 pm a 5:50 pm Chicago, nock Island A Pacific. EAST. Arrive, a 9:40 pm a 5:00 pm al0:15 urn a 5:u0 pm a 9:15 pm 5:43 pm a 5:50 pm a 4:45 pm a 7:05 am b 1:40 pm 11:4S pm al0:20 pm a 3:28 pm 3:28 pm a 9:45 am a 8:23 am a 8:00 am al2:35 pm a 8:23 am a 3:ar pm a 9:20 am a 8:00 am a 6:40 pm al0:35 am a 5:40 pm a 6:40 pm b 6:40 pm b 1:35 pm 7:.T am :; pm 8:27 am li:35 om 3:30 pm .a 3:00 am a 7:i0 am a 4:00 pm bll:40 am a 4:40 pm a :iu pm Chicago Limited Iowa Local Dts Molnca Passenger Iowa Local Chicago (Eastern Ex. Chicago Flyor w LOT, Rocky Mountain L't'd..all:16 pm Colo and Cal. Ex a 1:10 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm Illinois Central, Chicago Express a 7:15 am Minn. & St. Paul Ex..b 7:15 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. & St. Paul L t d. .a 8:30 pm Chicago, Milwaukee Chic, ec Colo. Special.. Cal. & Ore. Express. ...a v:uu pm Overland limited Pervy Local Wabash. St. Louis Express. bl. Louis Local Ilium Coihil Blutfs) a 9:30 am Sianbeny Local (from Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pm all:05 pm a 4:30 pm al2:3j pm b 9:65 pm a 1:16 pm 8:35 am a 2:50 am a 4:30 pm a 1:15 pm a 3:45 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:30 am a 8:30 am St. Panl. 7:25 am all:60 rm a 3:25 pm a 8:3o am all. 00 am ..a 9:58 pm ..a 6:1a pm ..a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am all:15 pm bl0:15 am BIHLI.NGTOX HTA. -10th SIASO.Y. Rarlluirton. Leave. Denver & California-. ..a 4:lo pin Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4;Iu pm Northwest Express all:5tf pin Nebraska points a 8:45 am Nebraska Express ,....a 9:15 uiu Lincoln Fast Mall o 1:15 pm Luicolu LujuI .' Lincoln Local Lincolu Local Sscuyler - Pluttstiiouth.b 3:10 pin Belluvue Platlsmouih.a 8:U0 pm piuitsinouth - luwa....b 9:18 um Bellevuo - Piatlamouin. lienver Limited Chicago fcpecial . Chicago Express . Chicago Flyer ... luwa Locul Bt. Louis Express Kansas City St. Kansus City & St. Kausa4 City bt. Joe ...a 4:10 pin ...a 7:40 am ...a 4:2o pm ...a e:U pm ...a am ...a 4:45 tun Joe .alo:46 pm Joe. .a 9:16 am a 4:43 pm Arrive, a 3:45 pm a 3:45 pm a 3.45 pm alo:15 pin a 6:lu pm a 8:10 pm al2:ll pm b 9:08 am al0;15 pm a 7:uu pm bl0:au am a 8:50 am b 1:30 pm a 7:25 am all:45 pin a 3:Ikj pm a 8:30 am all:U0 am all it am a ti:3o am a o:lu pm WEBSTER. Ta 1BTII 3t WEUSTEIl t hlcaao, Omuha. Bl. Paul, Minneapolis Twin City PaHeenger.. tiioux City I'ajBtntfer. Emerson Local Missouri Pnciue. Auburn Local Lenve. .b 6:30 um .a 3:n6 pm ,.o 8:45 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm alOuiO am c 5:55 tiin b 3:50 pm bll:25 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day oniy. d Daily except Saturday, e Dul.y except Monday. CCEAN STEAMSHIPS I represent all reliable ocean lines. Can gie you rtttna, xulling lists, dia grams of steamers, in fact, all Information. If you contemplate a trip do not delay securing accommodations before choice locations are assigned. Wabakh City Ticket Office, leta and Faraani. or address Harry E. Monies, G. A P. D Wubuah By , OuuUiu, Neb. ' D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. a L Ramacclottl) AJfSiaTaJTT sTTATB WTKriniie, Offloe and Xoapttal, gslO Huoa traet. Callg Promptly Answered at All Houra. rnoae crttce Iiratj rt. tea. PeuxUa 433. Cull, It). OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET Few Toor Cattle Received During Last Week. PROSPECT FOR ADVANCE IS SMALL Iloas Drop Ten teals Darlnsi Week, Heavy Animals "till ( nmntaad Ins; Goe4 Pre m I ni a h ee f Well Cleaned Ont. Neb.. Feb. 22, 111. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4.2T.7 ... 8.624 ... 3.n ... 3.18 ... 3.47 .... 122 SOCTH OMAHA, Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday ..... Official Wednesday . Official Thursday ... Official Friday Estimate Saturday ... Six days this week IS.209 Same days last week 18.4tll Same days 2 weeks ago. . IT. Ml tame days 3 weeks ago. .19.748 Same days 4 weeks ago..l9.'4 Same days last year 23.743 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for me year 10 dale compared wltn lasi year; iwh 1M07. Inc. Dec. ra'"e 148.3) 173.112 , 24,76 Hogs 878 437 132.102 felieep lMt.152 247.260 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the 1 several days, with comparisons: 8.4ti3 9.671 4.489 8.716 1.021 11.445 1.423 17.70. 4,4 14.418 ..... 49.0TI3 St. M.946 2.8i7 67.421) JIUiHO 66.829 K.4i 71.711 151 8983 41.7:19 1 4 Hi IM M t ... I W " Ill It IN " f'K K Ik ... i m e Wl ... iK 4 .. ... t 95 K tJ IH IK To t ... J V n t i ... i ' ft no i 4 J ... I 7H 71 ... trH " 74 ... I 1-H 8:7 ... rri 0 ... 7H SHEEP The week 71.. 7... M. , SI,, 41.. H.. M . M.. 41 . s:.. H.. m in rr irt ,.4 . fr4 t '1 4 4 t 4 I 4 OT'4 4 n:4 4 i 4 in 4 in 4 I" 4 m 4 10 4 15 4 4 12 Date. 1908 . 1907. 19O6.1irB.l904.190J.1901 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 18... 17... 18... 19... 20... 21.. 22... 4 094 17'! 4 221 4 13't i 02 4 IKi 4 05 4 10 4 15 4 WMl 4 VI 3 97 90 91 6 91 6 88 6 92 6 93 6 1 6 7S 8 83 6 82 82! 5 721 5 72 5 7S 5 90 6 841 6 85 5 911 4 77 5 03 4 81 4 84 4 86, 4 SS 4 73 4 67i 5 8k I I 6 9S 4 6 5 961 4 74 6 00 6 Ool 4 90i 4 88 8 04 5 03 6 5 12 6 26 5 28i TBI 00 71 6 02 72 6 02 6 811 5 M 6 8(i t 93 15 80 93 7 021 5 V 6 971 6 79 6 Uli 5 87 99 5 84 6 901 S 8S 16 98 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H r i. C, M. & Pt. P ahnnh Missouri Pacific ('nion Pacific 1 C. & N. W., enst 1 C. N. W., west C, St. P., M. & 0 1 C H. O.. eaRt 1 C. B. & Q., west 1 H. I. & P.. east C, R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central Chicago Great Western 7 2 4 38 17 85 18 4 35 7 2 3 2 3 was Total receipts 6 204 The disposition of the day's reoelnta as follows, each buyer purchasing the num oer or neaa inaicatea: Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Compony 84 Cudahy Packing Co 8 Armour & Co 41' Krey Pnckina Co S18 ' Hill & Son 18 J. H. Bulla 21 Cudahy Bros. Co i Independent Packing Co Klngan Packing Co Other" buyers H 2,lt 4,;i 4,528 1,751 7 SftS Totals 158 18,431 CATTLE The week closes with the usual very little stook y so that smau run and there wn In the yards held over from Frlil there was nothing doing In the cattlo mar ket. Keeeiiits for the week foot ud 18.400 fad or substantially the some as last weeK and some 5.60U head less than for the third week of February a year ugo. The gen eral quality of the offerings has continued very fair with a liberal percentage of rather deslrablo beeves and comparatively rew srriciiy poor cattle. During tho first half of the week the trend of values was higher owing to tho moderate offerings and the rough weather Local dressed beef men were all good buyers and prices advanced fully 101J15C the first three days of the week. During the latter half of the week with unex pectedly heavy supplies and blockaded roads east, the market weakened off again and practically all of the advance of the fora part of tho week was lost. Prices be ing substantially the same as a week ago. A feature of the trade during the week was the well sustained demand for the fair to pretty good, handy weight beeves, the strictly choice kinds being rather slow sale at times and a good share of the warmed up and short-fed cattle going to the feeder buyers at better prices than the killers were wining to pay. prospects are ror a rather liberal run next week and unless there Is a very material improvement In the shipping and export demand there la little likelihood of any further advance In. prices. The market for cows and helfera ad vanced during the firs' half of the week and by Wednesday was fully 25c higher and about the best of the season to date. During the latter half of the week there was some decline but on both butchers and beef stock closing figures are in tne neigtinorhood or loiHuc better than a week ago. Medium and com mon cows for veal calves has shown little change all week but bull, stags, etc., are, If anything a shade stronger thun .a week ago. Only a moderate business has been dnnc In Blockers and feeders during the week, but as a rule the demand has exceeded the supply and values have advanced about 25o, especially on the desirable light welalit grades. Quotations on cattlo: Good to choice corn- fed ateers, $5.(kU6.50; fair to good cornfed steers, H.otKft.OO; common to fair cornfed steers, $3.76i4.00; good to choice cows and heifers, 83 86f4.w; fair to good cows and heifers, t3.2tf3.76: common to fair cows and heifers, $2.i54ja00; good to choice stock ers and feeders, I4.20ir4.75; fair to good stnekera and feeders, $3.tKKi(4.10; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 13.303.50. Kepreaemalive sales: BKliy STEERS. No. s... 15... It... W... 4... 1... ... 10... At. ... Ml ...1122 ...1045 ... 7 ... 5 ...1M ..1370 ...til ... UT5 No. It... 41... .1660 t... 1... 1... 1... 1... ... ins 170 b 00 STOCK ERS Pr. 4 10 4 65 4 65 COWS. 8 00 8 I 15 18 S 40 10 4 ro HEIFERS. I 4 00 BULLS. I 4I 1 ' CALVES. 4 15 4 16 I At, 1U1 1213 .1!08 .10W) .1330 Pr. 4 65 4 74 4 10 4 10 4 26 MS 4 U ....... 1I0 I 75 110 S 00 130 I 00 AND FEEDERS. .. 40 76 1 4 in .. Hl 4 IS 11..... UUt 4 50 ..led 4 15 HOOS Receipts of hogs wen unusuallv liberal for the last of the week and this fact was largely responsible for a riron of about 10c In prices. Eastern markets were Heavily supplied and reoorta from there were decidedly bearish, while the weakness in provisions and the prospects of liberal supplies next week had a very depressing influence on tha trade. Receipts for the week, 63.6C0 head, average up very nearly as large us a week ago and several thou sand head heavier than for the correspond ing week of last year. Prices have lluctuated considerably during the mini W days, but the fluctatlons have been within CfTtnparatively narrow range ami at ilia close of the week the market is generullv .VnUie lower than at the close of last week Heavy hogs still command a good premium with the Inferior, light and underweight loads selling at a discount of SO'nTBc. For good hogs of all weights, however, the range Is not verv wide. Tons soM on tn 14.10 today, as against $4.25 yesterday, and me milk of the trading was at 83.90Hji4.oo, -3 RganiBi 9f.lN; on No. At. Sh. Pr. No. m l.l 11 1 li o li ... 3 k5 74 (2 17S ... I 85 tn I'M MO 40 I fci 41 14 171 ... 85 o 6S 15 80 I SO (il M 2S ... I SO T7 4 :il 50 I HO 68 6H 211 ... 0 00 1 1h6 ... IN 13 76 Ik! ... I to ? ' Mi 200 3 72 t" Hw ... I trt to SH llll ... I fc) 71 ' .! 110 t l 71 IS ... I fc) (o " no 80 I ;4j ui S2 l" ... I !4 7 77 !1 160 I 2t 71 H 121 t I H E! R i ll M I 95 67 40 3o ISO 8 86 13 7 1 ... I W M 221 ! ... IS M 2'H 110 S U .... 1 i:. LuO I 4 7 81 834 ... M 71 J 2:6 ... IN T4 71 i 110 I to 64 71 214 M IH 41 l Ill ... IM T2 17 --4 ... I li 1 71 Ml ... I i 46 M 1 ... I i 11 76 HIS ... I W 4 77 2 tl mi 8 9ft 7 II tli M IN t 67 Ul 6 I H .,,,,. At. .140 .110 .III .! .216 r .! KM 224 t- in 22 111 .2H M4 .! 2M 2.4 in .:7 171 !. 115 r S4T ro 124 M Eh. loo 140 0 Pr. I 9'Uj I 7S I 17', I 7Vt I 7 I r I 1744 I 7i I 7 I 171, 4 uo 4 00 4 ui 4 (XI 4 00 4 00 4 0) 4 00 4 f 4 U0 4 0) 4 t 4 4 oo 4 oo 4 ) 4 US 4 ua 4 oo 4 no 4 el 4 4 E 4 6 4 u6 4 OS 4 "4 4 08 4 06 closes with nothing nn sale In the sheep division. Receipts for ine weeg number 23.417 head, hi ssainst 2H.S57 head for lust week, and 41.7: head for a year ago. The market, althoush fluctuating considerably, continued in very fair shape throughout the week. Ea-My In the week prices declined moderately, but later with a decrease In receipts a rather Btrong bulge appeared on certain grades only to again be lost toward the close of the week. Well finished western lambs sold up to M.5 esrly In the week, a somewhat higher price than was paid a week ago. but since that time values on lambs have declined about 10c, thus leaving the market In about the asme condition as It was last week. Fed ewes sold comparatively steady from day to day with 5.0o0 the outside limit of price and with the demand Just about equal to the moderate supply of the week. For yearlings and wethers practlca'ly the same might be said as has been mentioned about the lamb market. Prices have varied considerably during the week, but at the close there la no material change in prices, as compared with the week previous. Choice yearlings sold up to 18.15 early tn the week, but later prices dropped back slightly. There was not much In the feeder dlvlMon to attract any great amount of attention throughout the week. The weather condi tions were decidedly unfavorable fur the shipment of sheep and especially of the feeding kind so that the country demand was limited. However, the few offered found comparatively ready sale st current quotations, while the volume of business was light. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep and lambs: Lambs, $i;.4vf! 8. 76; light year ling wethers, J5.5M0.iO; heavy vearllng Wethers, " "no.tio; wethers, $6.0U(ji.30; ewes, 4. 604(5.00. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady Hoars Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. -CATTLE Receipts, 8ot) head; market stesdy; beeves, ft.OUiSil 10; cows and heifers. $1.7.Vu4.90; Texans, 13.70-if 4.75; calves, $5.2,V(7.0O; westerns, HOWS. 76; stockers and feeders, S3.7Mi4.8S. HOGS Receipts, 42,Ofu head; market 10c to 15c lower; light. I4.05if4.26; mixed. 44 We 4.30; heavy. $4.hT(i4.30: rough, 4.1"'4.30; pigs, 13.Wpl.10; bulk of sales. $4.154.23. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 3,00) head; market steady; natlvee, $3 .iiiffTi on ; western. 13.4iKfJ6.60; yearlings, 3.5nipj.30; lambs, $u.00ffn.90; western, 16. 006 SO. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6n0 head; market unchanged; choice exports and dressed beef steers, i5.KVir3.66; fair to pood. $4 2l'i5.1; western steers, M.iKVpS.SS; stockers and feeders, 3.26ffi4.80: southern steers, 13. W 45.10; southern cows, 12.4ri4.00: natlvo cows, 12.11614.75; native heifers. l?.3iWu5.10: bulls, 13.30(4.25; calves, $3.76fi.5fl. Receipts for the week, 44.100. HOGS Receipts, 8.U0O head; market 10e lower; top, $4.26; bulk of sales, $4.00ilj4.20; heavy, 14 1M4.26; packers. S4.Oxfi4.20; pigs and light, 13.65(&-110. Receipts for tho week, 68,4tO. SHEEP AND LAMBS-No receipts; mar ket nominally steady; lambs. SB.iVofl.Kfl; ewes and yearlings, f4.75'ti'6.40; western yenrHngs, !3.4tKi(i.l5: western sheep, 14. 25 6.26; stockers and feeders, S3.5ojr3.00. St. Loots Lire Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Feb. 22.-CATTU3 Receipts, 6f0 head, including 150 Texana: m-irket steady; native shipping and export steers, 8..3fVytj.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, 15.WKii6.8Tj; steers under l'.tufl lbs.. S3 70"fi4.6O; stockers and feeders, S3.0W(4.6r; cows and heifers. t3.XifcS.26; dinners. tl.75til.A5: bulls, 12.61 ii 1.60; calves. t3.50,; Texas and In dian steers, t3.00fc5.35; cows and heifers, tl.75ff4.n). HOGS Receipts, 8.500 hend; market lofff IBc lower; pigs and lights, 13.75fM.25; pack ers, 13.9(KR4.2o; butchers and best heavy. S4.2mf(4.30. SH HEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 500 head; market steady; native muttons, S3 MV((-,.S0; lambs, S4.504j7.25; culls and bucks, H.OiXiAoO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 22. C ATTI .E Re ceipts, 1,154 head; market steady; native, t4.2rf3.0ii; cows and heifers, S3.25u"5-00; Blockers and feeders, S.1.6'ifr4.4. HOOS Receipts. 14,220 head; market lryfD 15o lower; top, 14 26; bulk of sales, tXVbft SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts,' 242 head; market nominal; lambs, tU.OoJi6.S0; year lings, S5.5ikm6.10. ' Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, Feb. 22.-(Sneclal Telo- gram.) CATTLE Receipts 2(i head; murket wean; neeves, j.(W(it.t)ii; cows and heifers. 12.5tK(i4.36; stockers and feeders, 13.004.60; calves and yearlings, S2.5tKii3.60. HOGS Receipts 7.6O0 head- market 15c lower, selling at S3.75'4.1K; bulk, J.9kU4.00. Stock In Slakt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen South Omaha 122 11,016 .... Sioux City 200 7,5'0 .... Kansas City S"si 8.000 .... St. IjouIs rxl 8,5K) RiMi St. Joseph 1 154 14. J?) 212 Chicago 800 42,OiiO 3,00 Total receipts 3,276 94,836 3,742 OMAHA WUVLKikM9 MARKET. FOGS Fresh Belling egga, candled, 20o. BUTTER Common, 16c: fancy tub and rolls, 171 19c; creamery, 30c CHH.ESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, lic; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss. 18c; new llmburger, U0 lsc; young Americans, 17ftc. LIVK FOULTRY-Sprmgs. 8c; hens, so: roorters, 3c; ducks, 9c; geese, 9c; turkeys, 12Vc; pigeons, 6ou per dox. DRESSED POULTK?-turlngk. fancy. Bo: hens, lie: roosters, 4c; ducks, 11c: teeue. two; turkeys, 16'17o. HA x choice iso. l upland, i.w; medium, tS.50; No. 1 bottom, 16.00; off grades, from 14.00 to 15.00. Rye straw, 17. Oo, No. 1 al falfa, tU-50. V curve dlub. POTATUKS-r-rr int.. (ZtilTZc. SWEET POTAT'JES-Kansas. ner hbl.. $2.75. LITTUCE Florida .bead, p hamper. 13 .00; per doz., 4UO. cucu Mocna j-iot nouse, 2 aox, laney. pei box, iJ.uu; 4 om, ciioice, per box, tl.60. liAUione.onui nouse. per aoxen, 400, PARSLEY Per dos., 4uc. PEPPERS-Florlda. 4-basltat crates, per crate, 14.00. PARSNIPS om, per bb!., 8S.Z3. CARROTS AND TURNIPS-')ld. car bhL. t2.00; Canada Kuiabagea, per lb., l'c. , CABBAGE Viionin Holland Seed, per lb., VAC. ONIONS Spanlsn, per crate, tl.50: Wis consln Red Globe, per lb., tHAi.ujiB-1'er aox., duo. CAULIFLOWER Per 2-doj. crate, tt.0& HORSE RADIUS H Per dux.. 90c. CELERY Michigan, per bunco, VQ3oi. KUMuUATB Oinng to Quality, per ui.. 10c to 40c. BRUSSEL SPROUTS, per qt., 20c. to 86c. 6TKAWBKKKIKH owing to quality, 50e TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, oer . basket crate, Ju.6o; cboico. per'-'t crate, tl oo; Cuban, fancy, per 6-baskei. crate, 14.00. NAVI BtAftB-rcr OU , MO. 1. 12.8B, Lima, 7o per 10. FRUITS APPLES Washington Snow. Der box. 11.50; Washington Jonathans, per bog, SI 75; Washington Roman BeauiLs, per box, 11 76; Washington Alexanders, per box. 1175; Washington Blue Pearmams. per box. 11.75: Washington ilea cneea. pippins, per box li. to; wasnmgion ivings. uer dox. Washington Ballsy Sweet, per box. Washington No. Spys, per box. 11.73; fornla Red l'tarmuliii, 4-tler. per box. California Belleflowers. -tlew per 12 00; New Yurk Baldwins, per bb!.. New York Northern Spies, per bbl.. New York assorted varieties, per bbl., 14.58. inuritAL rnuiiR, PEAR6 Extra Uiicy winter Neilta. box. 12 75 ORANGES Fancy Washington navela all slses, per box. 2.76; tint 'ancy Sun flower, all sizes, per Dox. UoO; i:allfornla Tangerines, iuu sUo and smaller, per box, 12 25 BAJfAJNAB port urnon, owing per ounch, U M to 13 00. GRAPE FRUIT-Fioiida. 64 and rer box, S6.00- rius Au HA I BS-Smyrna crown, per 'ft.. I4tlac: Smyrna crown, per lb.. Uolc: em-run The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOO to T14 Drondels Dido OMAHA, -:- -:- -:- NED. BROKERS GRAIN, -PROVISIONS, STOCKS A1MD BONDS PRIVATE WIRES -TIption Douglaa MTS NEW YORK CHICAGO I B J ".'"mJ " steTsT h t I l"" "" " I - , I , ,. - ., 1 LARSON BROS. & CO. O Board ol Trade. CHICAGO Established 1874 Grain and Provisions OMAHA OFFICE: Room 600 Brandeis Building TUphon-Douglas 2567; Ind. A2567 C. E. HUNTER, Manager Yonr Pitrtnagt Sollcllrl Call and Sec Us iiVrTiMT-' '" '""'" "i"""'""t"-"""""M - - - I z. S1.7J; $1.75; box, t4 io; SI W; per to slia. M sisa Tits. T t. (- 4- runt riown, per id, iuiic: canr' .na 'las. boxes 10 cartons, she; California :aa boxes li cartons, hue; California figs, t.-.ilt per lb (Sc Uallowl dates, per lu., c: Kutraw, . r iu., c, eair oaie, pel JL. Card dales. lJ-lb. boxes, per lb. t. UKAfttl Malaaa. cioce. i.r k tins. Malaga, extra fancy. S4.S0; extra choice. . t4.Su; extra fancy, tiin heavy, CRANBERRIES Extra fancv Bell Bugle, per bbl., $10.uj, excra fancy Jerae. perbbL, tsMM; extra fancy Jersey, per box. LfeUUFfr-bxtra fancy feoutberlaud CUDDINGTON Successor to Ooyce Commission Co., 108 Board of Trade Uldg fnr noJrTSf111 0n &lr!' ? 00..on 8,ock- PnbUc nd private rooms ror customers. Best service In Omaha. A reliable company. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St. TEL. Bsll, 1064; Independent, A1064. RKCKI VKIt'S 8ALK. On March 3rd. nt Richmond, Texas, the Assets of Brazoria IrrlKatlon Company, comprising rnmplpte Rice IrrlKatlon plant, houses, etc. liodO Acres of first class land, crossed by four railroads, within short dis tances of the Cities of Houston & Oiilves ton, upset price 150,t)00. For full details In quire of, KAJtlOK DOUGLAS, BtOSlTer. OALVESTON, TEXAS. Beauty. 300 and 360 size, per box. S4.00; ex tra choice Juairite, 3u0 and SUtt sue, per box, t3.7a. BEEP CUTS. Ribs: No. 1, 13Vc; No. 2, lie; No. S, to. Loin: No. 1. Wc; Wo. 2, UHc; No. t, lilc. No, 1 chuck, oc; No. 2, ofa:; No. S, io. No. 1 round. So; No. 2, kc No. 3, "Vic. Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 4c; No. 8, 4c 11U4CELL.ANEOUS. CANNEP U(JOL Corn, staudard west arn, J6c. Tomatoes, fancy. 3-pound csns. iL4&; standard, S-pouud cam, u:a. pine apples, grated, 2-pound, K.A.SO; allced, tl.7&2.36. Gallon apples, t4.60. Calif orn is apricots, t2.Cti(.l0. Pears. 2.1oa.l& peaches, tl.tiuius.lo. U C peaches, i.lJ 1.15. AiaBka salmon, red, 11.40; fancy CMnook. flat,; fancy aockeye, flat, tL'.lfi. Bat dines, quarter oil, S4.G0; three quarters mustard, tXH6. Bweei potatoes, tl.i1.35. Bauerkraut. t6c. Pumpkins, Wc (ilH.UO. Lima beans, 2-pound, boaked beuna. 2-pound, 66c; fancy, tl.&4fl 45. CALlt'OrvWlA PR1E1J FHUli'tl Prune are somewhat unsettled by freer offerina from second hands, wlm seem desirous of nuviiijj supplier of immediate aradea. Uute tallons raiiite from Ho ta c .or callforula truit and from tsc to ac for Oregon, peaches are very Ufiu, with fancy yellows quuica hi lofru. dUUAK- Ci.auulatea. cane, per sack, ti.4u; unel, u.uu; cue louf. tt4c; tuoes, Kmc: puwdcied. li.lao. led Biiappcr. i-c; Huuuders,, mackerel, IX-jl Hue per noli, codnah, tresn froxeu, 12o; bad doca, fieau iruxen, Uu; smelts, Ijc; anad roe, 4iiu per lu.; frua lexa. mj pe; oox-i kiotip sua luruo meat, lie per lb. HitiES AN1 TALLOW Oiccn salted. No. 1, c; tiu. Z, 4c; bull tnues, 3c; rea unisaueu. No. 1, 4c; g'een uusaited, .so. 4, c; horse macs. )i.wta..o; sbevp pu.ia. -JM U41.UU. 'iaili No. 1, 4V4c; . L 4o. NUTS California No. 1 B. b. walnuts, per lb., lifcc, impurted Xairanona almonds, per lb., 18c; filbeils, Uraziis and Jumbo pecans, 15c; butternuts, per lb., 12Vc; No. i H. P. oeanuls. loastcu, be: raw. tic: salted ua. nuts, per box, 11.15; Italian clieslnuta. pr lb., 10c. COFFEE Roasted, No. SS. 26c: No. 10. Oc; No. 25. Wcj No. 20. 14Hc. FISH Halibut, 'c, trout, 12c: plckerul, 10c; pike, 14c; pike, UksIi, frozen, 12c; white hsli, 14mltic; buiia.e, 14c; bulliieads, skinned aud dressed, Uc; catlish, d:eacd, 17o; white perch, 7c; while bass, 15c, black bass, 2sc; suniish, by tic; crappies, t'ubc; large crappiea, 16c; iitliilis, He.n froaen, to, wiiliensn, (roxen, WuliKt piukerel, tresh (roxeu, 12c; London Stork Quotations. LONDON, Feb. 22. American securities maintained a generally steady tone, frac tionally above parity, on the stock ex cliuiiKu here today. The New York bank statement created a favorable Impression. UuslnesB, however, was light and the movements of prices narrow. The market closed quiet, a shade below the best prices of the day. Ixndon IokIiik stock quotations: ConlolB mon.y ... 87 1-14 M., K. T 114 d account S7 11-UN Y. lentrsl Amtoiidl S Norfolk 4k V 62 Atchl.ull 'H do pfd ts do P'1 dC-i Ontario 4i W H0H bMltiniore A Ohio.... M PeiiDaylvanla a.' Canadian P.i InV Hand Mines 6', ( hcaavakc Ik Ohio... 27 Keadllif cnuuKo ui. fiiDuuiiiern nanway ... 10 113 ao prd jj lati B uthern Pacific v 57 I'ntos FaciAc US'. 444 do pfd (,, ri'i V. a. :! 14 do pfd ; 21Waliah v l(4 do pfd ts 12K Spanlah 4a w Ainal. Oi&oer auu eiu civ umi, tiuiei. 11 -otbu iwr ounce. MONEV-S'iiiS per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 344 a-i per cent; for three months' bills, 3Vi per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Feb. 22 Monev was In in creased demand on the market today and was relieved by dividend distributions. Discounts were quiet. business on the Block exchange expressed the usual week end dullness xnd was accentuated by the holiday in New York. Consuls further Im proved on investment buying, but some home rails became weak on realization, while forelg-n shares were neglected. Cop per shares were easier. BERLIN. Feb. 22-Prlces in all depart ments of the Bourse today were rather firm upon yenterdav's advance from west ern liourses. American securities wcro Hteadv. PARIS, Feb. 22.-Prlces on the Bourse today were firm. STOCK BARGAINS So DIVIDEND STOCKS fina Ftnlla. $1 .1.1 Mlni-a Co. Am., II do Kendall Mont . It ,06 Bnowatorm, Ida . O A. 'off, 42 no Tlornre MI11.. 11 V. Scam-Roeb. Pfd., Ifo Mplaalns. 14 U Nev. Cnna., tit 7S Ofd. Con., 4 W) Unk Tun., T(V Sanltol Chera.. 17.50 I' 8. Uteri, tauo u. b. nteei, prd., Pcnn.-Wo., Mc "riav., Art Marble, 17(1 no Ws WANT. 1nno M.ul Pfd. i-V) Vrrm Cos. i") Ind. Mln. 11) Fanltnl chfm. fM Pfnn.-Wyo. ) ( on. Jff, o. C. O. A. Coffw. Baxter Royalty I'0 Antpr. DoPoriit 1M Nor. Vordn Cop. 8") B. M. Tun. 100 Motzornngn. OTHKRs. HFFER YOI SEND TOR "STOCK rROSPEXTi. 8000 Hftoaae Tun., 7c 1'K) Kins Hoi. T. D . lom in c.h. central. Mo too Mlrmac, 13.71 f'"KI 01 w.t. o R. 1314 Son MllPtiall. 70c. fi-10 Ofd. Huh, o oil"' Ofd. Huh. ttei vx Two qtipeni, Ho UK) Carlaa. S2c J'KIO Vt'ellltiKtnn t , lOHlO 20C Vtlllnirlon M. Bid W t'nl. Wlreleiw, M 40 Kn. Marconi, (7.B0 2""( Ilait.r Key., 4c 5fi50 Bis 5 T. O. R., 12o 1J Ut., t7o Snro B. H. Cop., He jono Hon. Endonr., io foo Umpire Mini.. 4c 1" st. vm b., 7tic 600 Ills Fauna. C, Kno 700 Huh. Elliott, ti ll inrm An. hor o. O., IW4 3Zn Kath'r Rlvar, Jr lo) Bf. Weat El., SSn 4'm Ofd. Madonna, Bid (WO Nlsht Hawk. 4c inn Nv. Calumrt. U M Son nik. Mln., 14 00. R8 100 Trlbulllon. tJ . BOND NEWS" KR17B WESTERN BUSINESS EXCHANGE 135 tBaU St. CKIOAOO, ILL, BANK STATEMENTS $ 6.843,203.k1 11,195. SS 400,000.00 100,000.01! 418.2fS0.0fl 2U0,000.X M. ft St. P. I)e Bra D. ft R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd.... do W pld Grand Trunk . llllnola Central Loutevllle & N Cotton Market. LIVKRPOOU Feb. Ji.-COTTO.V-Bnof Market quiet; prices 1 point higher; Ameri can middling, fair. 6.77d; or.d mlddllnir 6.4Id; mlildliim, 16 lid; low m ddllnn. 6 Hld: good ordinary, 5.3!)d; ordinary, 4 K)d. The sales of the day were S.too bales or i,i,.i. &0 were for speculation and export, and included 2,14) American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. Liverpool Urala and Provisions. UVKhWITiI. BVK 'n-U'llpea f Market weak; No. ; red western winter. 7s. nrt tjtnei; Jiarcil, l)S IO'vd ' uul. u t..i.. a IVlHV Mil... Murl.., 1 . " ------ . . . u , n . , uwm, inline mixea American, n'w, Cs ld; old, Ss 4vl. J'u- u.ra. Aiamri quiei; niarcn, us -'-ad. tblraao I'rovlslon Market. CHKESE Strong; daisies, UVe twins. lo4iU'ac; Young Americas, 12W& 120. FiH.'LTIlY-Alive; weaker; turkeys. U'Vc chickens, 12c; springs. 12V. fthrepmen to Meet In March. ABERDEEN. S. D., Feb. B.-(Bpeclal.)-The South PftkoU Hof Breederif' and Bheep No. 29711. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The I nlted States National Baak, at Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, at th close of business, February 14, 1908; nmnctiri-a Loans and discounts. ' Overdrafts. secured and unsecured U. S. bonds to secure circulation U. H. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits Bonds. BccurlllcB.etc. Banking house Duo from Nutlonal banks (not reserve agents) t 758.K7.53 Due from Blate banks and bankers 108.S19.90 ' Due from approved reserve agents 1,209,649.14 Checks and other cash Items. 16.81S.63 ExchanKes for clear ing house 110,177.83 Notes of other Na tional banks 80,000.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and , cents 8,355.69 Lawful money re serve In bank, via: Specie 1,007.846.00 Igal-tender notes... 330,000.00 8,578,294 71 Redemption fund with 1 IT. 8. treasury (5 per cent of circula tion) ao.ooooo Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund Undivided profits, lesa expenses and taxes paid National . bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks tl, 892,983. 4J Due to state banks and bunkers 2,178,514.56 Due to trust com panies and savings banks 81,701.88 Individual deposits subject to check S,62I,879.3rt Demand certificates of deposit 77,871.08 Time certificates of deposit l.CM.yAM tlO.570.964. 46 f eoo.onooo 400.0UO.CO 111,875.3 too.fjoata 48,223.29 77.429.59 98,574.76 1,009.61 9,052.751. M 6.327.50 Certified chicks Cashier's checks out standing lT. 8 Deposits Deposits of 1. S. dis bursing officers.... Reserved lor taxes.... Total tl0.670,954.4t State of Nebraska, County of Douglas es: 1. A. Millard, cashier of tho abova named ank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement Is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief. A. MILLARD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thlf 21st day of February, 1W. (Seal) J. C. McCLliRK, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. LYMAN, V. A. CM I I rl. I.. RKKD, Directors. Breeders' and Wool Growers' assiM-lailonil will hold conventions in this city March 3 to 5, Inclusive. -The sheepmen will be the first to meet und thsy expect to finish In one day. The hog breeders' meeting will last two days and will clone with a sale at which fancy stock will be on display. Great Interest attaches to these conventions, as they arc the first either organization has held in this part of the state. Representa tive stockmen from all the surrounding States will attend and several Interesting papers will be read. Delegates to Mothers' tontrrii. PIERRE, 8. D., Feb. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Ciawford has appointed us delegates to the meeting of the Na tional Mothers' congress at Washington, March, 10, Mesdames C. B. TIllllnKhurst, Pierre; II. F. Pettigrt w, Sioux Falls; John H. Perry, Aberdeen; W. C. Lusk, Yankton; Edward Mather, Groton; Alice Plcklcr, Faulkton; and Miss Alike Daughterly, Yankton. Anseul In KMufntaun Case. PIERKU, 8. D.. Feb. 22.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The first move In the appeal of the Kaufinann murder case from Sioux Falls In the supreme court was made today by the filing of the record and bill of ex ceptions with the clerk of the supreina court. . Use Bee W ant Ads to boost your business.