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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1908)
THF, OMAHA SUNDAY PEE: FEP.RITARY 23, 190S. REAL ESTATE CITV PBOPEHTV FOR iALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY moPKRTT FOU 8 ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITV PROrKntl FOH SALH (Continued.) REAL ESTATE citv rpopERTir roR alh (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY FROrGHTV KOK tAI.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rRtiPKHTV FOR BALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE citv ritorKitTY Fore bai.r. (Continued.) These Are Good Ones 12,500. 00 will buy a splendid Blx-room cottage home with nice bath, open plumbing, gas throughout the house with good fixtures, hot and cold prater, sewer connection, house nicely papered and well painted, asphalt paved Weet, all paid for, fine shade, two and one-half blocks from 24th street car line, south front. Property will rent for $22.50 per month quick. Let us ihow you this property Monday sure. $2,000 for a good six-room house, with electric light, cistern, good repair, near St. John's Church and Creighton Collece. $2,600 for 811 South 35th Ave., six-room house, all modern except fur nace, fine shade, half block from car, high, and sightly, $500 cash and the bal .tncn In monthly payments, Just like paying rent. 1 - - $3,600 for new eight-room house, all modern, with 40 ft. lot, on 35th Ave., south of Leavenworth. .... Vacant Lots Three fine east front building lots on a four foot terrace, one block from car, splendid place to build three houses. Price is right; terms easy. $200 each for five nice building lots at 34th and Taylor St., one block from car. Non-resident owner closing out cheap. Over 20 lots In the south part of the city, convenient to 24th and Vinton 8t. Car barn. Prices ranging from $300 up. $550 for nice south front lot, 60x127, at 36th and Seward St., high and tightly. PAYNE. B0STWICK & CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Peters Trust Co. $1,900 Large eight-room house, modern ex cept heat; near good car line. Terms can be made. $2,100 New six-room cottage and new barn, on car line. Easy terms. 12,800 New five-room cottage, modern ex cept heat; paved street and near car linn. $1,7(10 In building and loan. $3,800 7-room. all modern house, with base ment, one block from high school. $5,200 Eight-room, all modern house on California street, one block from Creighton college. $4,300 Very choice residence In Dundee, south front, eleven rooms, near car line. A bargain. VACANT LOTS t $60 One block west of Dodge car line, corner lot. Very cheap. $ 660 Choice corner lot In Dundee, two blocks from car line. Reduced for quirk sale. t 800 South front lot half block from car line In Dundee. Easy terms will be made. Also a number of Dundee lots, all of them 'choice, at $00, $060 and $7W each. Terms, $00 cash, balance monthly. ACREAGE $ 800 One-half acre adjoining city limits south of Leavenworth. $1,260 One acre, Improved, with six-room house, barn and fruit, near city lim its north of Ieaf and Dumb Inst. $3,600 Twenty acres adjoining Council Bluffs on northeast; two-thirds level, balance rolling; all kinds of fruit in bearing. Would consider trade for good income property In Omaha or council Bluffs. $5,(00 Forty acres, well Improved, four miles north of Council Hluffs. All Improvements are two years old. All' good land and some fruit. PETERS TRUST CO. Ground Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- FOR FLATS CI feet on 3th, near Davenport, only 6 blocks from P. O., $3,250. R. BEECHER HOWELL, tVU-2 Karbach Rlk. Tel. Douglas 1836. OK WM. E. ROMANO, 729 Board of Trade. Douglas 1319. (19)- A COSY HOME, CLOSE IN AND CHEAP. A nice 6-ronm modern house on full iot; permanent sidewalks; near 27th and Popple ton; house In good condition; only built two years; fine house for the price. Only $3,000. Good house near 27th and Dewey Ave. Plx rooms, all on ground floor; on lot 6.1x132; east front. Now rented for I) per month, with good tenant. Price $3,3u0. Shimer & Chase Co. 1009 Farnam. Douglas 3S07. (19)- $1,400 A good B-room cottage, city water, sink, fine brick cellar, double floors, storm win dows, full screens, barn, permanent walk. This place Is within three blocks of Ames avenue car barn, and Is a bargain at the price asked. Will easily rent for $16 per month. Only $o5o cash, and balance like rent, $1,600 On south side In good location, near the South Omaha car line, we have two cot tages and one corner iot. rent per month, $17; with a little repairing wtll bring $20. Thero is room for one more house. BIRKETT & TEBBEXS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 4754. (19-447 23 SPECIAL! Look at 1920 S. 34th St., two blocks west of Hanscom Park. Taved street all the way. Only two blocks to car. House has eight rooms, open nickel plumbing, east front lot, paved street. Good neighborhood. . Cheap at $2,750. fhe Byron Reed Co. 211 a 14th fit. Telephone Douglas 297. C19) The Best Ever New, 9-room, strictly modern residence. Everything of the best and right up to the minute. .Lot 60x132. on grade and perfectly level, one block from car $3.2o0. ANOTHER ONB of rooms, 1 blocks from car; new and strictly up-to-date; lot 10x132 $3,500. GLUCK & NEWMAN, 460 Brandela Blk., Omaha. Douglas frisd Ind. 1KJ6, (19) 439 23 THE KEEP ABSTRACT CO., established lao. Prompt service Oct our price, v 1710 Fa.rna.-ii. fit) 637 CUT your property with Chris Boyer, ttd aoa Cumin Ms. (U) 3 THE SNOW In Kountze Place Will not make mud and slush like In other additions, where there are no paved streets or peimanent sidewalks. KOUNTZE PLACE IS AN J IDEAL PLACE TO MAKE YOUR HOME. Always desirable, winter and summer, where you have good neighbors, mostly homo owners, paved streets, sewer, city water, gas and electric lights, permanent sidewalks, good schools and churches, up-to-date stores, good car service, where you can buy LARGE LOTS 50x124 FEET, FROM $750 to $1,100. Located on Locust, Binney, Wirt, Spen cer, Lothrop, Emmet and Pinkney, between ' Sherman avenue and 24th. Terms, one-foWth cash, balance, one, two and three years. Office' open Monday evenings until 8:30. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. (19)- FINE HOME IN THE NORTH END OF TOWN Nice neighborhood and all new houses In this locality. Permanent walks and only two blocks from street car. This house Is two stories and basement ; has gas, electric lights, sewer, water, furnace heat, hot and cold water connections, and Is nlcelv ar ranged, hHvrtig reception hall, nice ' room, and fine 1 Ik tit dining room, also kitchen, pantry and refrigerator rooms down stairs, and three bed rooms and bath up stairs. It Is finished In natural hard pine. Floors are varnished and thorough good finish throughout all tho house. This is a splendid houHo for the money, and will not he on tho market much longer. Price $3,3in. fall and let us show you through this house Monday. Also In this part of town we have a B-room all modem house, JURt completed last week, particularly attract! vo arrange ment of house. Lot 40xlii, with east front, that we can sell for $2,050. Just one block from street car. . r,Nlce 5-room house near 18th and Rur flette. Has water, sewer, gas and perma nent walks. House In fine shape and but two blocks from either car line. Must bo sold before firBt of month. Price $2,150. Shimer & Clrase Co. lttO Farnam. Douglas 3SG7. (19)- SPECIAL! A full city lot -(00x132 ft.) on Burt St., between 15th and h'.th Sts. (Houses 1510-1512). Owner has Juut authorized us to sell for $3,600. HIb former price was $5,000. Don't you think this Is cheap? I The Byron' Reed Co. 212 S. llth St. Telephone Douglas 2'fl. (19)- ON 38TII AVENUE Elegant 10-room modern residence, want something fine see this. If you R. BEECHER HOWELL, 601-2 Karbach Itlk. Tel. Douglas 1W. OK WM. E. ROMANO, , 329 Board of Trade. Douglas 1319. (19)- Bar earns $1,750 10-room house, in , good location, corner lot, 151tt Ohio St; $5oo iah. $2.250 10-rooni modern bouse, in fine con dition; - N. stub. St.; small pay ment. $3,Suo-12-room modern double house, close In. rented for Ho per month, near 21 d and Charles Sts. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. 4.19 -3 23 $1,800.00 S rooms, partly modern, large lot. south front, neiinunnf ..lit. ..ii.r .... ..... cistern, one block from 27lh and Spauld- ua on. . C O. CARLBERO, 911 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (19) NEW BARGAINS 25th and Spencer Pis., nw house Just completed, never .occupied; has reception hall, parlor, dining room, den, kitchen, refrigerator room, pantry clonk closet on first tloor; i large bed rooms, large, closets off each room, latge hath room, medicine closet and linen closet off hall, on second floor; large else lioyal Victor furnace, best of brush brass combination fixtures snd host of plumbing. First floor, ex cept kitchen, finished In oak, polished oak floors; large basement, with cement floor, Inside and outside entry. Tills in a bargain at 11.7''; easy t'-.rms. House will be open Sunday from 8 until 4 o'clock. 23d and Fowler fits., lot 50x 133, with cement walks; full 2-story square house, with reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and large pan try on first floor; '3 good bed rooms and bath on second; has full basement, best of fur nace, combination fixtures. Tills is In excellent neighbor hood and street will be paved In the spring. Lot alone worth $10. Price $3,250. 3216 North 2.1th Ave., 5-room cottage, with gas, city water, toilet, bricked-up cement floor cellar, permanent walks on street and around house, la In excellent condition through out. Price $1,550; $300 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments at 6 per cent. We have an excellent 8-room, all modern, new house, with oak finish, on South 2th St., that must be sold at once. There Is a $2,400 encumbrance, owner wants offer for equity. VACANT Fowler Ave., lots between Florence Blvd. and 22d St. are being graded and entire block will be uniform grade; street will be paved in spring. Ijots are 50x1X1, south front, and will have about 214 to 3 foot terrace. Nothing nicer In ttie north part of town for $726; easy terms if desired. 2(!th and Spencer fits., south and east front, corner 45-ft. frontage on Spencer St.: per manent walk, sewer, gas and water on Spencer St.; excel lent location, ton $600. South and east front corner lot on 30th St. and Binney St., 67x120, beauVlful building site, k $550. East front on 30th St., be tween Wirt and Houlevhrd Ave.. $375. W. FARXAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Doug. 1064 and Ind. A1064. 1320 Fa mam St. (19) BUILDING FOR RENT . NEAR CENTER OF RETAIL DISTRICT. OPPOSITE BENNETT'S DEPARTMENT STORE. IMMEDIATELY. WTEST OF OWL DRUG STORE Building now occupied by Sunderland Bros, and Midland Glass & Paint Co.. 1ms S floors and basement, fi()xl32 feet,' about 52,000 sq. ft. floor space, all floors are reached by large elec tric power freight elevator, ce ment basement, first and second floors 16 ft. ceiling, finished for retail purposes, steam heat throughout building. Reasonable alterations and repairs will be made to suit tenant. Lease for about 10 years at a low rental. GEORGE & CO. 1G01 Farnam St. Feb. 23, 1908 - A Fine Home Beautiful 8-room house, all modern nnd up-to-date In every detail. Just completed lust fall. Has all oak finish down stairs, birch up stairs. Den nnd lavatory down stairs. Size of house on ground 2fcXo6. A corner lot 42x)oi). and mily thirteen blocks west of postofflce; in splendid locution. Price $5,8(0. Another fine, new 7-room house near 3Sth and Davenport Sis. $5,i0. b An elegant new S-room house In Bemls Park, facing the park, on largo Iof5x2.0. Everything the very latest. Price $ii,0U). Also large home of 11 rooms on lot 210 feet front by lw. Just completed last sum mer. Price, $2ti,imo. Shimer & Chase Co. 1G09 Farnam. Douglas in7, (19) $530.00 8. K. corner 29th and Ames, sidewalk, sewer, gas. All specials paid. R. BEECHER HOWELL, 6l-2 Karbach 111k. Tel. Douglas 1830. OR WM. E. ROMANO, 329 Board of Trade. Douglas 1319. (19)-, EXAMINE THIS LIST $3,500, fine 8-room, modern home with ,j sere piameu 10 irun on zimney til,, close to 24th Ht. , $-',4, 8-room house, at 30th and Emmet Sts., modern except heat, full lot, small cash ayment. $2,000. "dandy" nice 7-room, modern cot tage, modern except heat, 2 blocks from 241 li street car, fine location. Miuht ac cept $5ou cash payment. $2,100, new 6-room cottage, modern, at 27th near Spaulillug If Bold soon. IOuO. tine bo u. lot on 21st, near Sprague di. i. a u m euaier " O. M. Underbill & Co., Office, 3320 N. 34th St. (19) 414 23 SOUTH OMAHA BARGAIN. Eight-room house. In fine condition: partly modern; full lot; close to car line In boulh Omaha. xj.i. Mmull casn payment. S11.AS ROKBINB, Frensur Block. (19)-M46J 23s DUNDEE flo-foot lots close to ear line, only IK minutes' ride from loth and Farnam Sis., put to grade, with cement walks and city water in front, only $475 to $.06; $l'i down and $10 per month, or R per cent discount for all cash. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $21, r for 032 S. Wth St., lo-rooni, all modern brick house, exceptionally well built, first floor oak finish, with mantel grates in three rooms, full cemented basement, hot water heat, corner lot 132x1X7 ft., fronting esst and south. $lvri"0 for one of the best houses on 3!th St. between Farnam and Dodge. $7.fM for i7 8. 31st St., 11-nxim, all modern, full two-story, square house, front ing on rtiiulevsrd and Turner park, room to build another house on rear of lot, facing 3(th St. V,50 for 8-room. full two-story, all moodcrn frame house, flemish oak finish 1t floor, corner lot, lacing east and north, close to West Farnam car line and 35th Ave. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $lJ,o,W for one of the best new alt modern houses close to Field club; selected oak finish 1st floor, hot water heat, corner lot Mxl41 ft., fronting south and east. $t,im for 10-room, nil modern brick house, facing east, closet to east and west side ears, lot BttxlAO ft., paved street. $3, ISO for 6-room, two-story, all modern frame houso on 2Sth SU between Pacific and Poppleton. MODERATE PRICED HOMES $2,9no for 84. Franklin St., new 7-room frame house, modern except heat, fine corner lot; room to build another house. fci.SSO for 8-room. two-story, all modern frame house on Charles St. near R8th St.; all specials paid In full; first-class cconditlon. VACANT LOTS $1,700 for double frontage, 48x130 ft., on Boulevard and Both Sts., close to Farnam car line. pf for 44xTR! ft., all specials paid In full, located on Bristol street between 20th and 3ith streets. Kvans St. between ffith Ave. and 27th street, fine lots with city water, sewer and cement walks; prices $0u0 to $076; $100 cash, $10 per month. ACRES $126 per acre for 38 acres located 3H miles northwest of Benson, close to school, good level land, nil under cultivation. $300 per aire for 1!i acres about 4 of a mile north of Dodge St. and west of Dun dee, or will sell 71 acres at same price. t2,Liio for 2U, acres in Florence, with nearly new 7-room house, barn and out buildings, located on paved road not far from car line. ne"cre trcts about 1H miles south of (4 St. on Sfith St., ranging In price from $-00 to IM) per acre; very easy terms , SAFE BUSINESS INVESTMENTS $125,000 for good business corner 60x132 ft., In retail district, with 3-storv sub stantial brick building; rented for about $1,510 per year. See us for further particu lars. $L8,000 for corner 00x06 ft., 3-story hrick building, rented for 14 per cent gross; one-third cash, balance 6 to 10 years with interest at 6 per cent. $10,000 for brick stores and flats on N'. 4tli St. near Clark St.; rented so nsi to net good Income; terms H cash, balance 6 annual installments with Interest at 6. OKOUUU & CO., 1001 FARNAM 8TREKT. (19) 4 HOUSES BARGAINS 2101-MIAMI ST. $2,300 Want offer, part terms, a good 8-room dwelling, slate roof, por celain bath, closet, gas, city water, barn, paved street. 2218 NORTH 18TH ST. $3,600 BRAND NEW dwelling, six rooms, all modern, nice shadei VERY EASY TERMS. See us about this. 4101 FARNAM ST. $3,750 Possibly $3,500 will buy this 7-room modern dwelling, with corner lot fronting three streets, with room for double flat or cottages. Can give immediate possession. A BAR GAIN. HANSCOM PARK. $3,500 In choice location, near park, a nearly new fi-room house. See us about this. PART TERMS. VACANT LOTS. $1,100 Bemls park, a fine, large lot in Lincoln Boulevard, one of the choicest building spots in Bemls park. $760 ON PAYMENTS vrtll buy a good lot on North 19th boulevard, near Burdette St. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM ST. (19) REMNANT SALE Here are a few remnants of the largest bank in Omaha that failed in the hard times. Wu have sold over $.AO,Oii0 of their real estate and these few pieces have been cut to a bargain figure: $ 750 3.1x1(15 fee(, north front on Pacific St., between 14th and 16th Sts. Tho adjoining half lot was sold for $1,500 and the owner once refused $3,miO. Tills one-half lot adjoins trackage and will some day be worth double tho present price. $ 375 Northeast corner of 30th and Decatur Sts., 6UxU.'74 ft. $1,000 Three trackage lots at the northwest corner of 14th and Ohio Sts., with 170 feet of trackage on the Belt Lino and 11 feet on Ohio St. What do you think of that for tho money? $ 750 Tho trackage lot, 60x112 feet, on 13th St., Just south of Hur- 1 d"tte St.; granife paving In the street and paid for. $ 125-Qood lot. 47x1L'4 ft., north front on Patrick Ave., west of 3ath. $ 900 Double front lot on I,ake and Ersktne, near 25th; paving all paid: room for four houses. Where can you get a lot where you can build four houses on a car line at this price? $2,6070 fret front on 21th St., In choice business district, just south of Parker. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. BEE BLDG. (19)- $2,050.00 Cosy 7-room modern home, close to car. This Is a gem. Iet us show you this. R. BEECHER HOWELL, &H-2 Karbach Blk. Tel. Douglas lMti. on WM. E. ROMANO, 329 Board of Trade. Douglas 1319. (19)- SPECIAL! On Burt St., between 17th and 18th (house 1710). Lot 00x132 ft. Owner has been asking $3,500, but wants an offer this week. The Byron Reed Co. 212 8. llth St. Telephone Douglas 297. U9 Houses For Sale In north part of city, nearly new house. 7 rooms, all modern, full cemented basement, lot on even grade, one block from 1141 li street car. Owner asks caah. but might consider reasonable teruiH. On S. 13tli St , line,; louses rented for $10 vearly. Ground, 44 ft. front by Wfl. depth, with - alley in rear. Price reasonable. Fine chance for investment. Near t lie Joslyn home, new 7 room, all modern house, one block from Furnam St., extension, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. lnl N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas UJi. (19 S. W. Corner 29th and Dewey Avenue, 50x69 at A SNAP SEE ME R. H. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade Bldg. (19,- NEW HOUSE OX WEST FAR NAM AND DUNDEE LINE. Brand new 7-room house on paved street; east front lot; fine Improvements In this block; house two stories and basement; all modern, with permanent walks; a first class home. Price $3, ,oO. Oood 7-room house near 42d and Douglas. Just completed and modern In every par ticular. $3,500. Seven-room house near above location. All modern, for $2,750. Shimer & Chase Co. ltiot Farnam. Douglas .'8 17. J. W. ROBBINS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $8,000 10-room modern house and barn, with 3 full lots, fine trees, shrubbery and fruit, on one of the best corners In Dundee. SNAP. $4,750 Brand new modern house of 7 rooms and reception hall, finished In oak and well built. -4115 Dodge St, Easy terms to good party. $4,000 7-room modern liousu near All Saints church; $l,0nu cash, bJlunce monthly. $2,25-6 rooms, corner 11th and Martha convenient to K. R. depoia and near new site of Catholic church. $1,2506 rooms and half acre, near Ames Ave. car line. $6,0003 stores and' 4 cottages near 13th and Wlllium; annual rentHl, $t.7i, BUY YOUR LOT NOW tl.S01F.iist front corner on 4m 1 1 St. i, J.ast irotil corner. 3,tli and Dodge. $' linml lot on Dodge near 3dth St Jsro Fine lot on 42nd and Dodge. $:I0 tiood lot on Hamilton, near 3!jth. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM KO acres Improved, near Omaha, only $!i per acre. Sec' me atioiit t sn.i n,i,.M v. : . : u.,,,-, imiKiiiis and list your property with me for sale. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1SI2 FARNAM 8T U9)-471 23 5-ROOM COTTAGE 2426 Charles, paving paid. $1,700. 8-ROOM BARGAIN Northeast corner ith and Charles, mo.lern except heat, paving paid, $2,251. Easy terms if desired. NEW COTTAGE rooms and bath, piped for furnace th and Spencer, $i,75o. $;50 cush required. HOT WATER HEAT S rooms and reception hall, all modera paved street, price reduced to $3,15). BEMIS PARK 8-room, with hot water heat, Hawthorne $4 50 lrue lot, small bain, paving paid, 15 INVESTMENT Four new brick flats and 12-room frame house renting for $I.Stiu. Can bo bought for $12.5oo; halt cash. Glover & Son Douglas 3963. 6l-2-3 N. V. I, fe. (19)- HOMES, HOMES, HOMES In all parte of the city and at prices that cannot fall to attract. If your home Is too large or too .nall tee u( and we will find una of desired aise; also sell the one you are liuw Occupying. CtiU us by phone If you are tou.husy to come We will bring the list tit you and go with you to see whatever meets your views as to price and location. AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION &4 JJRANDEI8 BUILXlNO C.19J-M479 1). V. SHOLES COMPANY 110 Board of Trado Building, Main Floor Telephones: Bell Douglas 49; Iml. A 249. $1'.0 Two cottages, renting for $14 per month, and two full lots. In about the worst laying place in the city, but they are awful cheap. $1.5X 6-rooin cottage, near 2Mh and Ohio; newer, water and gas. $2.200 New b-room cottagrt, modern except furnace; 4402 N. S'th; paved street; block to car- easy terms. $3,750 Fine 8-room house near 22d snd Wil lis Ave.; all modern, paved street, full lot. good barn, $3,800 Very fine cottage, two blocks from Hanscom park; osk floors and wood work, built In buffet, fine mantel; permanent walks, street paved; a ilandy little lionie. $4.200 Modern H-room house near S3d and Marcy; all Improvements; oak finish; full lot: barn. $5,000 8-room modern house neur 21st and leavenworth; hot water heat; lot 5cxl5'2. INVESTMENT $8.000 New brick building, with two 5-rooni flats renting for nmo per year; right on the High School hill; hot water heat; oak and beech finish: the vety fanciest thing In town. Where can you beat this ns an investment? $K,0u0 Four new S-room cottases, renting for $84; close to the Farnam ear. TWO CHEAP LOTS $2,20080x140, fronting east on 28th St., lust south of Jackson; raving all paid and all lmpro"ements In; Just the place for a profitable fist. $ SoO S0xl20. st the southwest corner of 44th and Harney; sewer, water and gas. l 7 ROOMS On 2Sth St., between Mason and Taclflc Sts., we have what we think Is a good 7-room, all modern house. 1-ars.e living room, very pleas ant dining room, kitchen. The front bed room extends across entire house and Is a very pleasant room. There are two other falr-slaed bed rooms, and bath room. House finely decorated. Has both gaa and electric combination fixtures. The lot faces east on good paved street. Large shade trees. This Is Just the house ' for small family. Lt us show you this $4,500. The Byron Reed Co. 212 S. 14th St. Telephone Douglas 287. 09)- FEBRl-ARY BARQAIN8. Five acres, beautifully located on hill above Fontanelle Park to the northwest. County taxes only. Everv Inch a building pot. Quick action and $1,800 on time takes It. 20 Acres Thla Is the highest class sub urban acreage on any list In town: fronts whole way on Eimwond Park; half mile nearer town than Payne tract, and equally as sightly. If you wait till "times are bet ter" you will pay double the price I can now offer It for. Terms very liberal. In vestigate. After March 1 I will have a number of good acre tracts to rent to responsible per sons. 126 Acres Lnd right near Kelly's lake, mall house, $25 per acre, nils is bottom land, but is only eleven miles north of Omaha. $1,500 mortgage. Will trade equity for little cottage In Omaha. ISO-acre farm, $ls per acre, Will trade for Omaha property and assume some dif ference. Coiner lot, 45 x 80 ft., near 27th and lit. Mary's Ave., $8,000. Oood restaurant In St. Louis, Mo., to trade for something In or near Omaha. Netting $200 per month. Value $3,000. Five acres, near Dundee, for $3,000. IKO-acre Improved farm, very close to Omaha on west, only $125 an acre, on very easy terms. Why rent? I have many other splendid bargains, but these are Just a few samples. Call and get full particulars. S. ARION LEWIS, ACRE SPECIALIST, 934 NEW YORK LIFE. (19) 371 23 5-ROOM BRICK S ROOMS, all modern execept heat, pul lislied floors, nicely papered, elegant gas and electric! light fixtures, latest plumb ing, nice lot, east front, $2,000; $150 cah, balance $35 per month. Can arrange for two rooms upstairs and put In furnace at slight additional cost. One located at.i'.Mi So. 40th St. and the other at 1018 So. 38th Ave. Call at office for key and investi gate. You can never purchase a belter house for the ni.'iiey. These houses are brand new and will be ready for occu pancy In a few days. C. G. CARI.BERO. 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19J- $1,000 4-room cottage, barn and chicken house, 51st and Pierce. Easy terms. $2,150 Beautiful 6-room, all modern cot tage, one block from car; furnace, bath, city water, sewer, gas, cement walks. $300 cash, $25 monthly. $3,500 Elegant B-room, all modern house, oak finish, on 17th near lalrd. An attractive home; can be bought on your own terms. $3,5e0 7-room modern home on Hamilton near 33d. Half block from car. $4,250 Attractive T-room modern house In Bemls Park, new, all modern. $G,750 Swell 8-room residence near T9th and Cass, hot water heat, oak finish. Owner leaving town, must sell at once. VACANT Beautiful corner near 38th and California, the swellest thing in town, $5,000. ACRES Again We Say KEYSTONE PARK Tlie most beautiful spot on earth for suburban homes. Think or It; you can buy 10 acres in tills addition for less than the price of a city lot. Tracts, $ to 20 acres, $175 to $4i per acre. Keystone Park three-fourths of a mile west of Benson. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Flritt Floor V Y t DM. Tela. Douglas 181. "A" 118. (19)- $300 CASH $25 MONTHLY Neat -room cottage, brand new and one block from car. All modern, gaa, city PH. e $2.W1 l.ft,t'.renada',.sy.Ce,:U-nl PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17KI. "A" 118s. U9I-M476 i6 . FOR SALE Rooming house, very close in. $600- can arrange to keep part of furniture and re time Pr l l"rt ""'h, balan"' J. II. SHERWOOD, 616-017 Umndeis Bldg. tl)-437 23 KJH SALE-An Investment of four eight rooni houses, modern Improvement, good barn, cisterns, pel iiiuiient sidewalks, ecu rally located, within walking distance to bus ineaa portion of the clt;"wll rent fir $1,j0 per annum. Address N 29. care Bee 19)-Mi ' SNAP. Blx-room all modern house, on best cr line In city: paved street, brick sidewalk Owner leaving town and muit sell $400 Two lots on 4Mb Ave snd Ames St iiiiMlS, PAXTON blCK 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND 5 LOTS -A SNAP , Only two blocks fron the , ,r ,"r", M"M ,,, sold this week. Thin , , m), large. I ut will n,k rrim. fortahle home f,,r a amall f."ml,ly- . rr,,,lt "f ground Is level-back p,rt Hopes quite stevp o th south. The place can be Unproved and become very iinnhle for grilles and Km. ill ,,ult snd affords an excellent place for raising chickens. Any man with a rea.nahie amount of work can pay for this house In two .Hs,um from the revenue ileii,.,j from the place. Will m il on a payment of $174 down nnd balance on payments to jcm i Price $1,450. Look this up Monday. Shimer & Chase Co. ln Farnam Street. Thone Douglas K.r). (I'.'i " $4.000 7-room modern house, fine l.e with 50-foot frontage, within stone 'J throw of 18th and St Marv's Ave. Tins Is a snap; tight In center of city. $3.000 7-room modern house, near ,1 snd Cuming; low price for home or gooj Investment; now renting for $i0. $1,200 Oood f-room cottage, near Z' and Charles. Tills rents for 812. Cn sell you two that will make you a flm Investment. I have a fine vacant lot on Dtipont street, with $200 mortgage owner wnmi something In trade for his equity. Sub mlt what you have. F. C. Best, 1007-8 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug., 2244; Automatic A4244. (19) MtS4 23 WALNUT HILL Two elegant south front lots on LaTavetla Ave., K0 feet last of 45th; lots are fioxl.) and lay about three feet above grade; practically level; sewer In street, which is nicely graded; good community; twu blocks trom car line and Walnut Hill school. These lots would lie cheap at $M) each, but are offered for quick sale at only $4iKi each. Will sell together or sep arately and grant terms to suit purchaser. C. O. Carlbcrg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) MISS 23 $300 CASH $25 MONTHLY 6-room cottage, brand new and all mod ern, with furnace, gas, city water nnd ewer; hardwood finish, cement walks, one block from car. l'rice, $2,150. A little beauty and a big bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor, N. Y. Lite Bldg. Telephones Doug. 17M. "A" 118S. 119) 1:" :2 INVESTMENT OR HOME. Two houses of eight rooms each, In yood neighborhood, fine condition: income 11 per cent on $0,0U. Terms can be arranged. Make us an offer. Must be sold Una month. i M. 1 KENNARD & CO., 310 Brown block. (19)-M204 24 I WANT an offer on the property. 1123 and 1130 S. 31st St.; two modern houseB and good baxi; well rented. This property Is owned by an eastern party who inuat ell. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (1!M-M405 CLOSE IN CORNER LOT WITH COTTAGE. 8even rooms and bath, southwest cor ner 25th and Charles Sts.; lot fronting 120 feet on Charles St and 03- feet on 26lli St. Price, $3,500. v W. H. GRIFFITH, 2521 Chicago 8t. (19) 400 23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SILAS ROBHINS. I have more than hv houses of all sizes, and a large list of good lots in all parts ol the city. Many can be sold on easy pay ments. SILAS ROBBINS. FRENZER BIXCK. (19) M404 23x BARGAIN IN CLIFTON HILL. Seven-room modern house at 42(H Grant ; cistern and pump Inside; mantle; corner lot, 30x120 It.; south and east front; shade trees. A pleasant home. 2,6oi'. W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. (19)-M4U 23 r FO R SALE 7-room house and one acre ol ground, all in fruit hearing, one Mock from Florence car line. Address M. A. Stephens, 3H39 Curtis Ave., Omaha. (19) WHEN writing to advertisers, remember it takes but an extra stroke or two of the pea to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. v FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Benjamin Real Estali Co.. 326 NevlUo Blk. both 'phones. (19)-M17S F23 POK SALE Eight-room modern lious?. with lame barn, 1809 Plrckney St. In quire V. 11. Woodland, 615 tirandels HMg. Tel. Douglas 3156. (19) M133 PEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pTT CHAS K W ILLIAMSON. Pres. v. (19) 536 FOR SALE Iot 10, block 2, Hanscom p;iri addition. Address Y 'MZ care Omaha liea. (19)-MHI8 2;.x REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH I.AMJ FOR SAI.H Oauada. A GI1DE TO THE LAST WEST. The 19n8 illustrated edition Is now nadv. Sent free to those who are Inteiesud enougli to send for It It gives fin lioel description of the resources and ad van tages offered in WESTERN CANADA the last good productive west. It tclla whv the honif seeker or Inverter should .v t quickly. It tells about the choice lSirti acre tract we have jusl secured In 'he Trampii.g Lake District, and why we tail and do make such low prices and vi.-,-terms. It tells about our $lo a day guii. antee. It tells about Canada's laws, crops markets, health, schools, climate and do velopinent. There will be a big rush f, r good land in Canada this yenr. W rite for a copy of this book now In day. U SE LAND COMPANY, LTD., 535 Insurance Building. St. Paul, Mini. "w (2i o- 4 olorado. FOR SALE Two properties, 14 acres or chard. J to 20 yeais old, Al water rig I. rity schools. One acre young fruit. ie. . ern stone house, everything first da-. George W. Jackson, Canon City, Colo. (20)-MrHi 2 x WHEN writing to advertisers, remember H takes but an extra stroke or two of the peri to mention the fact that you saw tli ad in The lies. laws. 30-ACHE PLACE Near Council Bluffs, well improved. g""d room bouse, barn, etc.; 7aen s hemes acres grapca, V o,- WW fruit tre.-H; wll bring a fine Income from the ciait, and get better everv year with prep, r care; $4,500; $2.siii cash, balance per cent 11 O. M'GEE. 14 Pearl St., CtHineil Ifliiffa. 2uX Illinois. FOR SALE A fine MM-acre farm, with acres in apple orchard, bal.mce to cul vaie. This Is the finest orchard In th part of the state. Here is something tliH- is a bargnln. Tin rops will pav lor the farm. Price $l' per acre. Owner will consider one-half i" good cheap Ian balance cash or glv. rime. Write for full description. AUo a good furm to ex change for stock of merchandise. Wrl.e for description and tell nie what you h.v- Address G. W. Thrclkeld. Mr. Urnn jjl en) .r. Mlanesota. FARMERS and dairymen needed. Meadow hunts settleiiient on H K. lear iniliiin. Choice, lands, low prices. $1 per ucre do n, balance 15 ears. High price.s for farm products. Rich clover; partly wooded coun try. Maps. Information. Imd "ire. 1. A L tty., e0 Wolvin Did.. DuluU. Whu