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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1908)
TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY liKK: V KUUt AKV 2. IM. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA COUNCIL Offlro, IB Seurt J. MINOR MKVTION, ' T'avls, drugs. . ,- itvkrt soils carpet, f Ed Honor, Tony Faust beer. f Lwls Cutler, fqneial. dirccto. Tlion 97. ''f Woodrlng I'ndertaking company. Tel. S'J. k For rent, unfurnished rooms ' Z1 Main fit. ' COME AND (IKK OVH IWfl WALL I A .fCH. H. BOR WICK. 211 ri. MAIN. Y Annual ift per cent discount sule on pie Jture moulding begin Monday Kebruury 3. 1 Alexander's 3:43 Hroartwiiv. . You can got bolter cur I for loss money J from William Welch. K North .M:iin. The ! reason why la because he noils tor rush. oth 'phono 128. Yard phono licll-37;. OFFICE SPACH FOP. rtP:NT. JS pf.H MONTH; CENTRAL LOCATION. STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC I.KIHT Ft k MSHED. OMAHA BEE, IS 'SCOTT ST. Where do you buy your coal? Have you given us a trial? Do no. Wo endeavor to Please all the time. TI10 Council Bluffs t Coal and Ice company. Both 'phones 72. In seme stores the prices of pianos do- ! pend upon the credulity of the customer and the feelings or the salesman. Tin- A. Hoepo company, 29 Pearl street, 2s South Maln street. Council Blurfs, la., has hut t no price, and that the lowest. , I Lumber at right prices, quotations gladly : furnished. Money saved on jour buHillilg 3 materials. (V 1 later Lumber Company, J Council Bluffs, la. V The regular weekly session of Hew 'Henry Deigns; a Industrial school will be 'held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Misses lrogd will entertain tne children with nui iaical selections. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Uerke of I'ark avenue, a son. During January 201 transfers of real Jcstate with an aggregate, consideration of t$.S3,98.92. f The' family of O. K. Harden. Broadway jiand Twenty-first street was quarantined yeaterdav for dlnhthcria. Hie tmiu.nt i...inu f the 8-ycar-oht eon of Mr. Harden. i Hon for such purposes. Judge ThornoH's Mrs. Anna Kelly, 24' North Sixteenth decree not only restrains tho county treas streeK complained to tho polio,, yesterday nnrt lh rltv nf Oniinel! Rlnffs from (morning that her hen coop had been raided J Thursday night and alx of her best liy j mouth Kock chickens stolen. - Judge 1 lamer of KearnoV, Neb., who will" (defend Hoy M. Stevens nt his second trial ion tho charge of attempting to criminally nasauM. 11-ycar-old Christina Chrlstenson. jwh In the city yesterday In connection twllh the case. Me was at the court house i looking over the records of tho first trial. Elevens second trlul will begun In alHuit two v -1 ka. : Our flower boils 'are now and m-oll for- JtlllzeiL thus proilticlng rich and healthy t flowers, tery choice red. white and pink 'carnations; roil, white, pink and yellow Minted American beauty roses. Herman 1 jiros., jii j-eari eit. jiui., ;4 tuacK; Hell, uL'll. h The prellminury hearing of Andy Holts. Aths dlwhiirged Milwaukee employe charged ! Ifwlth malicious destruction of the company's J Jproprrty, was continued In Justice Cooper's f r court yesterday until Tuesday. Butts Is J iout 4n bat I. The members of tho lllRgln-t hnusehold "who worn fMilson,,,! ThurAluv ittiMi,,1lw jby oatmeal eaten nt breakfast. ' were re- jwirted to be much Improved yesterdav, al though the men of this family were unuhle . to rulurn to work. ', As no complalnl was filed by the railroad, ; 'William WimmIb, caught In the act of tap--ping the cash register In the ticket offlco I of the Oreat Wesleni passenger flepM, es .itiped with a Jail sentence of five days yesterday on a chargn of vagrancy. I The wurehouso of Shugnrt & 'Ouren was Vgain - broken Into Thursdny night and 'hlrty sacks of chop feed were carried away Evidently in a wagon. The desks In the Office were ransacked but the thieves did not molest tho safe. Entrance was olfected iby forcing a rear window.' Ji The esse against K. N. Campbell, whose ,:wtfn after s:urlng a divorce on her cross li'pi'tltton filed a serious charge airainst him. f'WHS rlismisHed In Justice Coot)er's utiurt j yesterday on motion of Assistant County 'Attorney Hohs. It was staled that If the offenso complained of had been committed by Campbell, it had been committed In i Nebraska and therefore 'outside of'fhe Juf J"J.sdlctiou of Hie JiH-al uUioriljo. , , Vivian, the" Infant daughter of .Mr. ' anil T Mrs. Ij. M. Ellsworth. 'Mi Eaat Rrondwuv died last evening from congestion of the liinss. aged 8 days. Hervlces will be held at. the house Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock conducled by Hev. J. W. Jones, rector of , Ft. Haul's Kplseopal church, after which tho body will be taken to Marshulltown, la., for burlul. 1 Ws krm Kmrnw. Vi guarantee less wear and tear In your ..linens than any other laundry In the state. Bluff City Laundry. 'Phones 314. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 3A Night. L699. Too Cold for Councllmen. The sudden change In the weather interred the members of the cltv council yesterdayaflernoon from taking a trip about the city to assess up the recently completed sewering, curbing, vtc. They contented themselves with nti Indoor meet ing as g, committee of the whole and also as a regular council. In session as a city council they assessed 1 up the curbing on Avenue H Iwtween 1 Klghth and Eleventh streets and attended to some matters of minor Importance. In committee of the whole the petition of residents of Iosn street to have the - grade of that street established was re ferred to the city engineer to prepare the l necessary ordinance. The matter of the acceptance .of M. V. Rohrer's plat of Rohrer's Park was re- - ferred to the committee on streets and alleys, the city engineer and tho city - solicitor. City Auditor MuAnrney's plan to estab- llsh a pension fund for the fire and police ' departments was referred to Councilman Fleming to .submit some recommendation at the next regular meeting. Tho council adjourned to the regular meeting Monday plght, February X Vpholsterlng. Oeorge W. Klein. 19 South Vain street. Thones: Ind.. 710 Black; Bell WS. Real Rstata Transfers. These transfers were reported to The TBee January 11 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract Company of Council Jlluffs: Addle M. Chrlsman snd husband to C. I Bolton, nw, aa-Tt-IW; w.d IU.950 J Sheets and wife to H. I). Mcl.aln, n4 of see. Ti. and swV se of 'sec. 22, all In 74-39; w.d JOdgar P. Johnson and wife to Alia M. Bradley, lot 7, Aud's sub. of Out lot 1. In Carson; w.d !The Pacific Realty Co.- to Edward Greenlee, Urt In block 17, In Beer's sub. to Council Bluffs, la. w.u f;ila M. McKune t al. to Julia A. and John W. Jefrers. lots is. in, :i and 21. In block 4, Mane'a udjltlon 10 Coun cil Bluffs, la.: w.d JPIilHlppIn" Peters and husband In flrace V. Kwearlngen, lots H and 7, In block t. and lot a, in block 7. II In Bayllxa Third addition to .7D Council Bluffs. la.; w.d...., 74 Five transfers; . total ,...33. LOOK! COAL AND FEED! Soft wood 3c, and hard wood $1-2.1 per rack; Hay 8.V per 100 lbs. Free delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phones 1153. J. STEIN, 709 W. Broadway ff A. A. CLARK & CO. L0AE1 f.lOIIEY 0!) HOUSEHOLD FURNITTJEE. AXO ANY CHATTEL BECTIUTY AT 0E.HAJi TBK t'SUAIt RATES. Twenty Ycsars of Suoccaaful thialneaa. CXRNEK MAW AND IIKOADWAY, OYCA AMERICAN EXPRESS. jo ronnwopn wnn nm rirm calling 1X)IU M UU.NEJ. 3417. . BLUFFS It. T!. 4.1. UIY LOSES IN TWO CASES Light and Water Tax Illegal When Levied on Property Not Benefited. MERITS OF OTHER NOT TOUCHED Action to Compel Installation of Crossing; f.ale i'hrana tint on Arroial of Vu fwrit In (nap Reins DilO'tllc. Juilan Thotncll rf the district court vri lordny afternoon handed down decisions In two Important railroad suits In which the illy was vllnlly Interested, his rulings being adverse1 to the municipality. tine suit Is that in which the Dubuque & Sioux City railroad itho Illinois Central) sought to restrain the county treasurer and the city from collecting taxes for light and water on the northerly mile of Its tracks wllhln the city limits and the other Is that In which the city sought to compel bv mandamus proceedings the Great Western and Illinois Central railroads to Install and piahUaln gates at certain street crossings. In tho rase of the Illinois Central against the county treasurer Judge TMorncll sus tained the contention of the railroad that Its northerly mile of track within the city limits Is wholly without the limit of bene fits and protection of the water works and gas and electric light plants and conse- intently said property Is not llnhie to taxa- attempting to collect this portion, of the tax levied for the years IS'tf to Inclu sive, but enjoins them from attempting to levy, assess or collect such taxes In the future. In tho suit brought by the city against tho Great Western and Illinois Central to compel these railroads lo maintain gates at certain crossings Judge Thorntll sus tained tlo motion of tho defendant rail roads to strike tho amended petition of the city. After commencing the suit the city council passed a new ordinance governing tho maintenance of gates by the railroads at street crossings and the original petition whs amended to conform with the new ordinance. The railroads contended that the amended petition set up a new cause of action not in existence at tho time of the commencement of the suit and Judge Thornell In his ruling sustains their conten tion. Robert Manhart brought suit for divorce from Iicna Manhart, to whom he was mar ried February lflu", while on a visit to his natlvo home In Switzerland. He ac cuses the defendant of treating him In a cruel and Inhuman manner and refusing to live with him as his wire. In his peti tion tho plaintiff states that shortly after their marriage he and his wife came to the t'nlted States and visited with relatives at Marengo, la. From Marengo, Manhart says, he came to Mlnden, Pottawattamie county, and rented a' farm, but his wife refused to Join him. Instead, . he alleges, his wife Insisted on traveling about with his niece at his ixpenso and that at present he Is unaware of her whereabouts. ) . i. , i y 1 . JIKOHS FOR TlIK KEDEL COIRT Clerk McArthaw Draws List far the March Term. The grand and petit Jurors for the spring term of United States court, which will be convened In this city Tuesday, March 10, by. Judge Smith McPherson, were drawn yesterday by W. C. McArthur of De Moines, clerk of the United States district court, 'and O. If. Lucas of this city. Jury commissioner. Twenty-six grand Jurors who are summoned to appear on the open ing day of court, and forty-six petit Jurors, who are summoned to appear on the sec ond day, were drawn. Clerk McArthur staled he was of tha opinion that the business of the March term of federal court would be light. Cases from the Fifteenth Judicial district will come up for oral argument in the state supreme court between March 10 and 30, while federal court Is in session In this city, and this will compel many attorneys who may have cases before . the United States court to be in Des Moines and they will consequently try to have their casus here continued. These are the grand and petit Jurors drawn: . Grand Jurors W. C. Baird. Carroll; J. L. lioilatli, lihnwooil: A. M. Ciimmlngs. Nodaway; Henry Deltschler. Mineola: J. M. Hick, Moilale; E. B. Fairchalds, Kirk- man; c. A. Fry, Ml. Ayr: M. 11. Funk. Lewis; J. M. Gallagher, Ixigan; A. M. Gay lord, Atlantic; Henry Hallock, Menlo; C. W. Hunt. Logan: Sieve Kial. Vail; H. U. Iowls, Mondamln: 8. A. Mollague. Audu bon; J. W. Murphy. Glenwood; U. A. Norellna, Klron; Kiank Fluster, IVdliam; John Kiley, Prt Scott ; F. J. Host. (Hidden; H. I). Smith, Cieston; James Steele, Har lan: Timothy Sullivan, Corning; Edward WihiiI. Audubon: H. W. Wurk, Allan; Thomas Young, Hastings. Petit Jurors Ueorge Arnold, Masemu 14. G. I bibcock, Manning; Henry Kerens, (ar- roll; F. P. Kollnger, Alton; I -on Huyo, Hamburg: Henry CKufcen, t-ehloswlg; C. IS. l i'lswell, iJerilMoii; W. It. Huggett, Ottum- wa; I). T. Heselm. Hamburg; E. Uuugal, Woodbine; Theodore Uiake, Charter Oak; J. K. Eckles. Present t: W. L. Edwards. GruwnM John- Fleming, Atlantic: John Hcndrix. Creston; Junies Horrabln. Uo Melnes; M E. lluflaker. Silver City; I!. F. Huf. kogan; W. I. Hully, Red Oak; Hi-pry Jaeuhsen. AudulMn; I. L. Johnson. Mel'aul; John J'lngiiulst. Pacific Junction; John T. Krckley. Red Oak; Robert Kirfie, Preseott: '. G. Keifer. Woodbine; ,T. U. l-clgli, Bhelby; Patrick Loy. Jr.. Woodbine IJ ge Mel 'all. Extra; J. XV. McKieg. Corby; C. N. MeUlnney. Magnolia; Ed.vard Miller. Lanesborn; Webb Miller. Malvern; William K. Moore. Red Oak; E. I Newton. Anita; 8 11. u Neil. Amlubon; Thomas Roach. Corning: Patrick Rohdy. Casey; W. T. Smith, Harlan H. A. Ppooner. Mon damln: J. A. Soktr. Red Oak; David TVr r II. Dunlup; J. W. True, Shenandoah; I'harl. s Women, Manilla: Charles 8. White, Audubon: W. II. Wllliums. Hot! Oak; James uaiiMi', St nail. , Keen Voar Ft Drr. ' Avoid relets and nlekneis by keeping your feet dry. Our low price on rubbers makes it easy on your pocketbook. Her ara a few of our low prices. Men's 4 buckle hood aretU--2.IX. Men's 1 buckle hood arctics tl. 00. Mrs." rublers 4ov Men's rubbers tier. ' Mens rolled edge rublers.-Tuc. Men's sheepskin Box 7fc. Indies' Jersey legglns 75o. Mrs.' Jersey Jennie. s toe. Chllds Jersey logging Lunean Shoe Co., 2:, S. Main 61. I WANTED Everyone to 'jee our large assortment of beautiful oval and fancy insmaejvsa Ths C ark Mertxase Ca War.XlACS.Mfi; frames. AH the new finishes in sold, rise wood, walnut and oak. They make a hand some setting for photograph or wnti-r color head. ALEXANDER S ART STOKE, 131 Broadway. t.lll.OW III Kit IN TIIK CITY J til, Heart Fallnrr Fine Kxrenalve Drink thr luaw, Peler Carlson, arrested about noon Thurs day for being trunk, dropped drad In the city Jail early yesterday morning. Heath la believed to have been due to heart fail ure resulting from a protracted spree Carlson had worked for Contractor James O'Connor of Olenwood for several years and UHually spent tho winters In Council Bluffs. lie rccrnlly returned to the city from Wyomlng.'where ho had been working for O'Connor on Irrigation ditches.. With others of O'Connor's employes he had been Hopping at tho Neumayer.iotol. Since his arrival In the city he had been drinking heavily. Thursday noon Carlson wns arrested after he had fallen asleep In the Mufscn berg drug store at the corner of Broad way and Seventh street. At the city Jail he gave the name of Pete Ilakef and his right name was not learned until aftcr his deuth. According to the story of the other prfs oners In the city Jail Carlson had spent Thursday afternoon sleeping heavily, but awoke during the night, during Hie re mainder of Which he paced up and down the corridor In front of the cells. Ho ap peared to be suffering from the effects of drink, as he vomited at frequent Intervals. Abput o'clock yesterday While walking up and down the corridor Carlson sud denly threw his hands up over his head and fell forward against the bars of the dsor of ono of the cells. In falling his head struck the edge of the bar, which cut a gah In his forehead. By the time the oilier prisoners reached him Carlson was dead. ' Coroner Treynor'was called and ordered the body removed to Cutler's undertaking rooms. An tinniest was. held during the afternoon, and the Jury, consisting of Ovide Yien, Freeman L. Heed and K A. Casper, brought In a verdict to the effect that Carlson's death was duo to acute alcoholism. , Carlson was about 30 years old and single. His parents live In Denmark, and so fn,r as Is known his only relative in this country is an uncle at Qcnesco, HI. Drink Dadwelser, King of all bottled beers. L.' Co., distributers. , Rosenfetd . Sheriff Falls Get Man. Deputy Sheriff Thomas McCaffery. who went to Alexandria. Va., to get Duclen Marino,' a gypsy who was charged with kidnaping Marie Mitchell, tho 16-ycar-old daughter of soother gypsy, arrived home yesterday without the man wanted. The, man arrested at Alexandria proved not to be Marino, but another gypsy, named John Duclen. The girl, who was found In the camp at. Alexandria, was brought back by her uncle, Charles Mitchell, who, went there to Identify the man under arrest. When the girl, Marie Mitchell, lert the camp of her father several months ago her father missed 11,500, but whether the uncle recovered the money with the girl is not known. The trip of Deputy Sheriff McCaffery to Alexandria It turned out was brought about by the mistake of a telegraph operator. A week or so ego a telegram, the contents of which is unknown to the officers was re ceived at the gypsies' oarcp In the wesiarn part of this city. It was signed Duclen Marino and this led Mitchell to believe that the supposed kidnaper of his daughter was In Alexandria. Deputy McCaffery, how ever, on reaching Alexandria learned that the telegram had been signed Duclen and Marli.o. the senders of the telegram being John Ducitn and George Marino. When the telegram was copied- here It was signed, so It is said, Duoien Marino, the "and" having been left out. John Duclen was re leased on habeas corpus proceedings. When Deputy McCaffery flfst reached the gypsy camp at Alexandria, he was told that the girl. Marie Mitchell, had been married to Stephen Mnrlno, a young man belonging to the tribe. As she was too young to secure a marriage HeeiiKe, the marriage had been carried out under tho customs of the gypsies, so the-gypsles told McCaffery, and they even showed the par aphernalia she was married In and gave him an elaborate description of tho cere mony. Before the Judge, however, the girl denied being married, and was apparently willing to accompany her uncle back to her people. Tho entire cost of McCaffery'a trip and legal proceedings connected wlth .lt were paid by George Mitchell, the father of Mario Mitchell, who it 18 supposed was anxious and expected to recover his $1,500. Hetallers' to Flaht Express Charges. CHARITON, la., Feb. . (Speclal.)-Tiie Iowa Retail Clothiers' association will hold their annual convention at the Chamber lain hotel. Des Moines. la., Fehruary 18 and lfOS. This Is an organization to promote the Interests of the retail cloth ing dealers of Iowa and Is the only asso ciation of retail clothiers In the United Slates. The puriwse of the organisation Is to meet and exchange plans for buying In large quantities snd remedy trade abuses existing between manufacturers and re tailers. This association was organized three years ago. It Is' rumored that they expect to start a Btrong fight on the ex press companies. It Is claimed that the companies' churges are exorbitant, ex cessive and unfair; that the time has ar rived when the Interstate Commerce coin mission should begin action to relieve the public from the tariffs charged by the ex press companies; that the express com panies escaped paying their Just share of taxes, etc. lloldun at Iown Falls. IOWA FALLS. Ia.. I'eb. l.-(8peclal Teli rani.) The nlnht clerk at the Hi ant wood cafe hi Kaet lows Falls, was held up this morning- and forced to give up the contents of the cash register. About J a. 111. a strai.ger enteral the cafe, called for lunch, and. having' finished, he tendered the clerk pay therefor, snd as the clerk re turned from the cash register with the change ho was .confronted by tha muzzle of a revolver und tow U hand over the contents of the cash drawer, which was done. Still covering the clerk, the cus- iumer racked to 1110 door; where he Was ' Joined by a pal. and disapjieared. Tho police were promptly notified, but there was no clue. About I.D was secured. Mrs. Heller at Marsballtona. MARSHALL-TOWN, la., Feb. l.-Mrs. Harriet Heller of tnnaha. superintendent of tha detention school for children of Douglas county, addressej a large audi ence of Marslmlltown women this after noon al the monthly meeting of the Wo men's club. Mrs. Heller's address was on the Juvenile court and detention school Work of Douglas county. Mrs. Heller was a former teacher In the alarshalltown schools. Carneala Llbrarr at'f larlad. C LA RIND A. Ia., Feb. l.-l8pecial Tele gram.) An offer Just made by Andrew Carnegie to glvo $15.uuo for a public library building in the city nf Clarlhda has bcni accepted by the local library board, , ' "t ' J A ; f ! .1 s 1 1 THE BRANDEIS' QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Prohibitionists Would Force All to Put Themselves on Record. CONGRESSMEN ALSO ON LIST C. W, lloaers. Convlrled of .Murder In Council lllMrTs, Is ItcfiiNed a Parole by the Mtate llonril of I'nrdons, (From a Waff Correspondent.) LKB MOINBS, Feb. 1. (Special.) As a direct result of tho prohibition meeting In this city and tho organization of the Constitutional Amendment federation, every candidate for a, public office hi the state in to be quizzed as to his position on the question. Kvery ran. 11. late Jor nomination to tho legislature is to be asked the following question: Do you or do you not favor the sub mission to the electors of an amendment to the constitution of Iowa, which shall prohibit the manufacture H114 stile in said state of all IntoxioaLina honors as tt bev erage, and If elected will you vote for the submission of such an amendment at tho next general assembly? Candidates for nomination at the prim aries as congressmen are to bo asked these questions: -Are you or are you not In favor of the prohibition of tho manufacture and sale of Intoxicating liquor, as a beverage, In the District of. Columbia and the terri tories of the United States? . lou you favor the ICarmack-Liltleflold bill lorlginally known us t lie liepburn Dolllver bill!, now before congress, to pro hibit the shipment of Intoxicating liquors, as a beverage, are prohibited? And do you, or do you not, favor a law prohibiting- the national government from collecting either the wholesale or retail Internal revenue liquor tax lor dealers not authorized to Sell under tho state law? The series of questions and the letters to bo mailed' to the numerous candidates have been arranged by a committee con sisting of General James 13. Weaver, Judgo J. A. Harvey and J. B. Hammond. Brlftham Makes Appointment. State Labor Commissioner K. D. Brlgham todoy announced the appointment of W. W. Shannon- of Iowa Falls," a member of the United Mine Workers, to be office Tlerk In the state labor commissioner's office, succeeding Arthur T. Corey of Wesley, Ia. Mr. Corey has been appointed assistant secretary of the department of agriculture to succeed G. C. Fuller. Lawyers lUri to Court. Attorney John Hughes of Cedar Itapids and Secretary G. M. Averlll of the Cedar Ilaplds Gas company appeared before the supreme court to ak lor an injunction to restrain the city of Cedur Rapids from en forcing its ordinance for 90-cent gas, pend ing an appeal. They had scarcely gained admittance to Juge Lodd of the supreme court when City Solicitor Good of Cedar Rapids appeared and conibatted tho peti tion for injunction. The matter was finally compromised Und will be aid before the court when it meets February 11. Itoirera Tamed Down. C. W. Rogers has been refused a parole or pardon by the Stale Board of I'arole. The board has been In session two days considering applications. A number were refused. Including Rogers, Dr. J. W. Crof ford of Lamonl, who was convicted of the murder of a girl by a criminal surgical operation; Francis K. Soerey, who was con victed of murder in Benton county; George Smith of .Washington county, who was con victed of criminal assault; James M. At'liey of Poweshiek county, who was convicted of adultery. The caBe of Walter Alderson of Monroe county was continued till Junu ary, 1909. Would Extend I.lne. Active ateps are to be taken soon to so cure the right-of-way for the tnterurban extension from Woodward to Ogden. The extension Is sixteen miles long and will puss close to The Ledges. A. Et Park, general manager of the pro posed Des Moines. Wlntcrset & Creston. says that progress ia being made and that men will We put in the field soon to Interest people along the line In tuklng stock and bonds. Grant Club star B0II1I. The Grant club of this city is considering two propositions for a new home for the club and both are to be submitted to the meiflTTershlp of the club soon by mull. The Grant club is a republican club, which I ns members nil over the stale, and practically every nmn In the state who has been ac tive in polities or held a po'ljlori as niem- bl-r of the legislature Is a member of the club. One of the propositions Is to lease a building to be erected erpclally for tho club's piinoes on a downtown site by the Hubbell Interests. The other Is to IohSm three floors of the new Bankers Life build ing to be erected at Sixth and High streets. ew Committer Appointed. An advisory committee, of three meiiihrM of tho Pruke university faculty to students und student nrganlzatlons bus been appointed by the faculty. The stu dents are unable to understand the new committee, and suspicion that ft Is a sort of cersory committee. Members of the committee insist that Its province is solely to advise when advice Is asked. The com mittee consists of Profs. Brown and Kirk and MIbs Carpenter, dean of women. January Business Heavy. WYMORE, Neb., Feb. I. Hpe lal.)-The blacksmiths and machinists and part of tho men in the house of the Burlington force here were laid off Thursday for three days. It Is stajed on good authority that accord ing to the train dispatcher's report there were Just &0.MU0 tuns more hauled on the Wymore division thU January than there were lust January, and this year's bum neks is being done with considerable less equipment and nun. Last January the shops were running full force here and the train crews were many and were busy. J Karl tlrnsrl Wins lie bale. IOWA CITY. Ia., Feb. 1.-(8ih- lul Tfle graiu j-tarl 8te.arl ut LvS Moines won 4 'VI 0 I ! """'IK- ARTHUR If. HUGO : t j 4 1 BUILDmG. first place in tho preliminary Northern Ora torical lengue contest with an oration on "Alexander Stephens." He will represent Iowa In the final contest. I.AtltKI. KAMILV I POI0.ED Two Dead and RemslnliiK Members Are Critically III. SK U X CITY', Ia., Feb. 1. Ptomaine poisoning from eating tainted meat has nearly wlicd out of existence tho family of Jnnics Pollute, residing at laurel, Neb. William, tho 16-year-old Hon, was stricken Monday and died a few hours afterward. Willie tho funeral preparations were In progress yesterday, Mary, the 6-year-old daughter died, and the father Is not ex prtied to survive.. The mother Is today critically 111 bconuse of her affliction. Turtle sVntchlns; t nder lee. CLINTON, la., Feb. 1. (Special.) The freezing over of sloughs along tho river has given opportunity for a new winter Industry hereabouts. It Is turtle catching. The turtles are easily seen under the Ice, where they remain, half stupefied from cold, until tho hunters chop holes In the ico covering und catch them. Many men are taking part In tho turtle hunt every day, and are making good money shipping the turtles to New York, where they are given fancy names and arc served In res taurants at fancy prices. Both soft and hard shell turtles are" used. They aro barrelled allvo and shipped east, remain ing alive several days In tho barrels. I on a Merrs JSotes. CRF.STON Mrs. M. K. Brower of Cres ton. aged mi veais, and W. II. Harrison of Kalispell, M011U aged 4, were granted a license to wed al Council Bluffs yesterday. I(VA CITY Contractors have begun to gather the ico harvest on the Iowa river at this point which this year Is estimated to bo 31,0110 tons. Ice will be shipped all over this part of the state. CRF.STON A telegram from 8. W. Rich ardson, president of the First National bunk nt this place, conveys to his family the n s of ills ipoii.e.- ut Broad- head, W s, She was quite aged. OTTl MWA John i. ,.. . . a farmei living near MuntervHle, committed suicide yesterduv. Ho was overcome by remorse for having sent his aged father to the pool house and this Is given as being the cause of his taking his life. CRESTON Mrs. Frunk Warner, formerly Miss Katheiine Owens of this city, died in Sheridan, Wyo., yesterday, after an ex tended illness from lung trouble. Her mother, three sisters arid two brothers live here. The body will be brought here for Jjurinl by tier husband, who survives her. IOWA CITY Rev. J. R, llargraves. for four years pastor of tho Baptist church at Iowa Falls, la., has taken churge of the Baptist church at this point In response to a call recently Issued. Rev. Hargraves will appear before his congregation for tho first time next Sunday. IOWA CITY The -university authorities are sending out boxes of human bones to tho high schools of tho state for the pur pone of assist ing the Instructors In teach ing phvsiologv. The bones are secured from the college of medicine of tho university, where hundreds of bodlesvare dissected each year by the medical students. CRESTON A home talent company, coin-piic-ed of young people and high school pupils, went to Massena yesterday, where thev reproduced the piny given here Wednesday night under tho auspices of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. "A Rival by Request." So cleverly was the rendition given here. It was decided to give some of our slater towns ' a treat." CRESTON The local committee which is oiiiloHvnring to secure a pastor for the C011 gregutinul church here Is meeting with ull sorts of experiences. The quest has devel oped the fact that forty-two other Con greeattimal 1 I'lirchos Ir "te are also pastorless, and each avallab'e can I'd 't' nils aeveiul txiiHt.nii-t-. . oini. It IS evident tlia.t some skillful insLiieuverlng must be done by the committees before each secures "first choice." MARSHAT.LTOWN-Jaeob Freese. a farmer, living three miles southeast of Laurel, In Jasper county, was found lying in the road about a mile from his home oeinl this morning. Heart disease Is sup pnsoct to have caused his death. Estrly this morning he drove to Newton with neighbor, C. W. Bursho Returning home he helped Burshow unhitch his team, and then started to his own home, two, miles away. An hour later he was found by 11 neighbor, who was passing along tho road. CRESCENT A 6-year-old daughter of Fred Miller, living three miles northwest of Crescent ivua severely burned. The child was sitting in s rocking chair. The mother had Just emptied a stove of ashes, put ling llieni In a biiHhel measure. The III He girl in rocking lost her balance and one hand was thrust into the live coals, burning the hand and arm badly. The clothing took fire, hut was quickly extin guished by the mother. Or. A. A. Robert son, the attending phvalclan, said this morning the child would recover. MARtMlALLTOWN Rev. Iroy Galla gher and Ilia wife of Ijiurel were seriously tint not dangerously Injured In a runaway yesterday afternoon near Laurel. Rev. (allaghor was visiting some of the mem bers of his congregation when the team he was driving ran away. On October 0, when Hev. Gallagher was driving the same team to Green Mountain to be married., the horse ran away in this city, and lie was so tiailly injured that Tor a time It was thought that he would not live. The next iluv, despite the Injuries which kept him In bed the marriage ueremony was performed at the Pilgrim hotel In this city. ELECTRICITY NOT ) 0RUGS James I'aslSjstou, I p on lllpso Charge,' Sara Current Hurts lllin. "Electricity and not drugs Is what's troubling me," declared James Eggleston of South Omuha, when he, with his wife, was taken before the insanity board on a dipsomaniac charge Frlduy. "The drugs don't have much effect on me but there Is a kind of unnatural electric Influence that seems t have a bad Influence on me. Tiie people seem to have the rooms fixed up with electricity wherever we go. We were married five years ago. We didn't have a minister or a Justice of the peace; we were married by electricity." Mrs. Eggleston said the began using morphine sixteen years ago on a physi cian's prescription and had been using It ever since. Her' husband said he first used cocaine out of curiosity several years ago. He Is now a physical wreck. Chief Brlgga of Houth Omaha was the principal witness against them. He said before Eggleston began using the drug he was a strong, healthy workman. Now he Is unable lo work and Is an object of charity. The board sent Mr. Efcgleaton to the county hospital for treatment and Mrs. Eggleston will live with relatives. Bt-e Want Ada '1 hey bring results. 0 s'finsyiiiu r L' alill ialluulu D. DRANDEI9, President. DRANDEIS, ' Cannier. BITTEREST PAO THE MEN WHO OWN AND CONTROL THE VAOT DRANDEIS BUSINESS INTERESTS GUARANTEE EVERY DEPOSIT MADE IN THIS BANK N'S REVIEW OF TRADE Seasonable Weather Tends to Improve Commercial Situation. KOBE FACTORIES RESUME WORK Outlook In Iron and Steel Bus lnes Is Brighter, but Textile Markets Continue In stilled. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. R. G. Dun Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade says: Seasonable weather and an Increase lu the percentage of active machinery com bined to Improve the trade situation, al though there la still a largo number of unemployed and dealers proceeded cau tiously In preparing- for future business. Prices of commodities have declined on the whole, yet products of the leading In dustries are fairly well maintained. Mer cantile collections aro Irregular despite the ease In the money market. More Iron and steel plants have resumed and the outlook Is brighter, even railway equipment attracting more attention. The situation Is better because of tho extent to which consumers seek prompt delivery. Indicating that the recent Season of con servatism lias nearly exhausted stocks and suggesting that whon confidence Is fully restored a vurl tonnage ot deferred busi ness will be placed. Textile markets are still somewhat un settled, cotton goods having erratic varia tions in tho raw material In addition to other disturbing Influences. In some direc tions there Is more activity, but In other cases there aro frequent Inquiries without actual transactions. Consummation of iuiK-li business seems to be postponed by "iie question of price. Manufacturers have more confidence in value; grid arc sus tained by tho pressure for quick shipment. Jobbers' sulesmen on the road have " 'ompllshed little, whereas spring business should be about concluded at this time. Many bids are be'.ow cost, which prevents sales and Increases the disposition to stop machinery. lst week's 'moderate export business was not supplemented by further orders and some accumulation ot heavy goods Is depressing. Aside from n few oulk orders for men's wear the woolen goods market Is still conservative and there Is no disposition to manufacture be yond the business In sight. Most buyers have left the Boston stioe market without placing customary con tracts, manufacturers who have secured even a fair amount of business being the exceptions. Some producers of heavy goods will close shopsv having failed to accept tho lower prices offered. ' Jobbers have secured concessions on some lower grades of footwear, but calf shoes and other ex pensive goods are maintained by the strength or that class or leather. Leather is dull and weak, except for heavy stock, which Is scarce. Texas oak solo has de clined 2c and harness leather lo. Glazed kid Is purchased liberally in Philadelphia for western account. Strength Is most noticeable In pucker branded descriptions suitable for sole louther. Some export demand Is also helpful. Olt ADMTH KET'S HKV1EW OP TRADE Developments Are Irregular, but Tend Toward Improvement. NEW YORK, Feb. 1. Brsdstreet s says: Trade and financial developments have been of a rather Irregular character, but, on the whole, in the direction of future Improvement at the larger centers. Con servatism in ordering is noted as a country-wide condition, but recent price reduc tions have unquestionably stimulated in terest. The suspensions of four hanks at the metropolis was after all only nega tively unfavorable, these being the after math of last autumn's financial storm. I'nderlylng financial conditions are cer tulnly no less favorable, money shows in creasing ease, not only in this country, but all over the world, and improvement In collections, which are still alow as a whole, is in many cases the result 01 easing money, making It possible to remit on past and due accounts. The week's failures total is the smallest for a month past. Dry goods distribution apparently Is tending to Increase because of recent cuts In prices. Lower prices for builders' ma terials are reported to have stimulated some Inquiry and there is talk of possible , cutting of lumber prices, which Is not, however, likely to prove permanent wltn any particular expansion In activity in the spring. The. cancellation of orders Is still a disturbing question in some lines, but there seems this week to be rather more reports of reinstatement of orders pre viously rejected. The textile Industries are quieter, but estimates of restriction of output are not easily obtainable. The recent cuts of pliers In cotton goods place the prices of most grades at least a) per cent below a year ago. Hhoe shipments are about 30 per cent below January, l'j(i7. Recent our tailment of leather production has made for a fair amount of stability in leather, especially heavy sole grades, but tanners are buying hides conservatively. There aro widespread reports of large numbers of unemployed In ull sections of the coun try und soino southern reports point to u return, by idle city labor, to the farms. Pig Iron continues quiet despUe com paratively low puces. Stocks are said to bo light and lu the Pittsburg district ship ments exceAl production. Finishing mills are a little more active, but on the whole recovery is slow. CASH IN THE STATE TREASURY Large Amount on Hand to Pay for Bonds Purchased for Perma nent Reboot Fund. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. L-tSpecial.) The monthly report of 6-tate Treasurer Brian for the month of January shows total re ceipts of rH7.Rii8.47; payments, $311,399.81; bulunces, tuij8,4o(1.82. In the educational funds there Is a total of 1224,919 .63. The balances In the educational funds and city banks are large at this time owing to th (art that the J.1H.900 worth of state bonds purchased not long since were to have been delivered the first of this week, but the parties from whom these bonds were, purchased have only delivered $13,900, leav ing 1216, noO which will have to be taken care of within a few days and tjese large bal ances In these funds and lu the city banks will be depleted upon the delivery of these bonds. The Item of 114,372.40 unwritten re ceipts is money received from county treas urers In final settlement. The 'money was deposited ill the banks pending the check ing up of the reports by the auditor. Tha report shows the state debt drawing in-tc-rost is now 1.023.3M.S2n Following is the statement ef the trust funds Invested: Permanent school $7,047.03 0l' Permanent university )1ill3SH A. college endowment 4T7.y!.2 Normal endowment... 77.nu4.7fi $7,717,807. 7!i Bonds of all kinds. ... (D74 IK7F Warrants of all kinds 1.04.1. (ft). To T.717.!t!7 7S These funds are invested as follows Uvueial l'imci warrants.... ... Il.or.i.lsj.s: hi SOUS m JOHN L.. KENNEDY, Vice-President. EMIL DRANDEIS, Secretary. University fund warrants.. Sfi.ZKi.M County bonds .... S.Jor.ofto.oi) Alabama stste bonds lvt.4L'l St California state bonds.,.,, zT,tnoou Colorado state bonds Itiinin IViaware state bonds . Idaho state bonds.: , 7w,(im Ijouistana stats bonds ft7.Kix.ii0 Maryland state bonds ,v.ioo.pi) Massachusetts stats bonds 971!,J7.2n Mississippi state bonds tbi.OO.i'i North Carolina state bonds M.nfHiod Tennessee state bonds ,,, Mi vl 1 lan state Don (Is , iHin.iin School district bonds. M79.00 Total amount 7,Ty.S37.T Following Is the statement lu dctlil: Balances Balances Funds. Jui. 1. Jan. 1. General $ g,7B.4l Permanent school Temporary school 84,800.24 Permanent university.,,, 47.7V Agr. Col. endowment.... .it Temporary university... 17,130.77 Penitentiary gi M Redemption 1.55 Kearney Nor. library..., l.TU.IS Orthopedic hospital 87.94 Forest reserve 2.WI.22 Institutions' cash 14,4:11.52 Hospital for Insana 1,272. 4J State library l.CM.W t'nlverslty cash 37,f.i4.1 Peru Nor. library 4,6(10.(19 Normal endowment 134.1s Normal Interest J.(.il Agr. and Moo. arts 15,Jns.7. V. 8. Exp. station 1,608.43 t .rl5.v: 4,1.R3 lrtH.2M.77 M.MS.iH) 10.310.71 , xi. r,i iir.n 1.S4.1.2S J17.D4 I.Hol .2-' , 44ft. II 31. 74? 1 4.1:13. M S,H.M JI.OM.KS 4.1(1,1.70 . Totals $6l,99e.l $Ms.4ii. Unwritten receipts 41.372.) $H2,779.'!.: Cash on hand $ S.SftS.m Cash on deposit i9,270.21 1813.770. 2C Bank balances January 31, 1908 Cltlsens State, Alnsworth '.$ fc.oflO.ftd Alliahce National ,iOO.0m Cltlr.ens State, Arapahoe '. b.lWO.otl National Bank of Ashland b.ouO.ilO Battle Crock Valley 4,uo0.ii First National, Baxlle MilV 1io.iw Cltlsens State. Blair . r,,on).iiii nioomingion elate Custer National, Broken Bow Security 8tate, Broken Bow.. 8.(1)0. nu &,i0 nu 2,(100. .i4).im (.0(11) 00 First National. Blue Hill.. rirsi National. Cedur Hanlds... S. 8. Had ley Co., Cedar Rapids Central City National First National, Chadron Stale Bank, Cornlea Cruig Slate Farmers Stale, Craig Curtis State Bank .-. Iannebrog State lj.wm.14) o.OOO.OU 5.(ii n .ji a.miuieu 1,600.00 2.500.0X1 ,01)0.110 First National. Dodge 7W011 Elgin State 4.000.00 nmi National, rrptnotll Bank of Glenville First National, Gordon . 7.GOO.00 1.500 00 J0,0( K.A 4,01 l. 00 t.OuO.Ou 4,m0.00 2.500.00 4.5iin.O'l i.nOO.W 4.01 10. Oil 9,0k). m 3,0110.00 5,iHiO.O( 10.OOO.OU 2,0110.00 60,0110.00 is. MX). no 60,215.00 Greeley State 1.-1 T- t V 1 , I , 1 1 Chlon State, liarvard Harvard State Farmers and Mechanics, llavelock. First National, Henderson First National, Holdrege Bank of Commerce. Hustings State Bank of Jansen Central Notional, Kearney Farmers Bank. Kearney Iexlngton bunk City National, Lincoln Farmers and Merchants, Lincoln.. Central National, Lincoln National Bank of Commerce. Lin coln M.OM.fiO First National, Lonmls 3 Uki 00 I-oup City State 4!ouo.0ii Security Bank, Meadow Grove l.Non.iiO Norfolk National 6.000. 0C jMeiirasKa .National, Norfolk., 6 W10 00 First National, North Bend , 5.000.00 First National. Newman Grove.... o.uoo.lM) Antelope County Bank, Oakdale..., 3.000.00 Cltlsens State, OgaluVIa 3,m)(i m) J. L. Brandels & Sons, Omaha.... 10.(O0.0u Formers State. Orchard 1,000.00 Bank of Petersburg 81101100 Pierce State ono'.OO Rising City Bank 3 uoo 00 South Omaha National 102 M6 OS First State, St. Paul 4 000 00 culver i-.reeK mate a, y.j First National, Spalding 6im)oo ppKiuing nana First National, Scott's Bluff First National, Superior Button National Bank of Syracuse ,. First NutloDul, Sargent ,,, First National, Valentine Valentine Slate Saunders County National, Wahoo Farmers andfTraders, Wakefield.. First National, Wavne ., ,. ., West Point National First National, Wlsner Wlsner State First National, Wolbach First National, Weeping Water.... City National. York First National, York " 3.000. flu Z.600.00 6,000.00 4.000.0(1 2,500. M 6.000.00 3,000.11 7.500. ft) 6.01 io.OIi 2.500.(10 4.0"0.00 7.000.011 7.600.00 6.01)0.00 1,500.00 8.000.CO 6,000. 00 72,500.00 Total $9,270.n Business nt Nebraska, Tuwas. "A recent magazine article exploited the big shipments of commodities from certain Iowa towns," said Labor Commissioner. Ryder today. "It attracted my attention, because tho figures seemed very large. But since beginning to get lu the report of surplus shipments from Nebraska towns for 1907 I feel that we can furnish material for several mighty Interesting artloles. Take tha town of Gothenburg, In Dawson county. It Is a small place, but the buyers there do some business, as the following figures will testify: There- were 420 cars of cattle shipped from Gothenburg in 1907, l-fl cars of hogs, 3 cars of horses and t cars ot sheep (double deckers). They also sent out 2 cars of hides and pelts, 140 cars of wheat, 220 cars of cbrn. 85 cars of call, 17 ears of barley, 2 cars of rye, 3u0 can of hsy, J cars of alfalfa, 5 cars of flour and 7 cars of potatoes. "St. Edward Is a town of a few hundred people In Boone county, but It reports ship ments of 12 cars of cattle, l7 cars of sheep and 6 cars of horses. Of grain there were 75 csrs of wheat. 2( cars of corn and 100 cars of oats. St. Edward shipments also Included 14 cars of flour, 2 of mill feed and 1 of potatoes, besides a large quantity of pelts, alfalfa seed, tullow and lard. "There ro several hundred such reports from small towns where the business done In a year with the farmers I simply enormous, and It occur to me that If all the ready money available In Nebraska were placed In the banks It would astonish even the most enthusiast to among our boosters. I note by report of auctioneers conducting public sale that the buyer are paying cash tor their purchases Instead of giving notes'. These men agree that the farmers are holding money and tiav it handy any moment they desire to use It. The amount so held must be very large In the aggregate. "This bureau feels very much encouraged by the report coming In on the dairy business and the poultry and. egg business. Tho promptness In answering our Inquiries Is no less pleasing than the fact that all our estimates of tha extent ot these tw Industries are going- to b knocksd galley west." Ever Try The Be Want Ad Columns? i " no'. d,J so, aud get satisfactory result