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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1908)
The Omaha Daily - Bee VOL. XXXVII NO. 107. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 190S SINGLE COPV TWO CENTS. MANUEL NOW KIXC Younger Son of Murdered Porta Monarch Formally Proclaimed r OFFICIALS SWEAR ALLEGIANCE Liibon is Quiet and Further Outbreak S?emi Improbable. BLAME PLACED ON ANARCHISTS This Version of Affair Received with Reserve in London. EUROPEAN CAPITALS MOURN Halser VVIIbrlm. Kin v. Rdwnrd and Alfonso fend Cnadolr are Fear at .MadrM of Anarchist riot , Against Royal Fanllr. LISBON. Feb. 1-A11 Tortugal In over whelmed today at the killing of the king and tin crown prince. Though torn by Internal dissension the last few month, uprising In Hie streets, outrages with knife and bomb, and alwaya fearful lest these signs of revolution would culminate In some dreadful outburst of passion, Portu gal was not prepared for the blow that fell yesterday when king and prime were shot to death in a public place, where thousands i hnd gathered to greet their home coming. All last night Queen Amelle In the royal palace aat between the biers where rested the bodlea of her husband and her aon. prostrated will grk f. Troops guarded the palace; a aquadron of cavalry aurrounded the house in which the premier. Franco, . passed the night; apeclal detalla were , drawn up before public buildings and re serves were quartered In barracks, ready for a call that might come to spring to irms. But Lisbon did not sleep.. Rcahcely amil throtigout tho" city closed eyes. An . .innatural alienee pervaded the place, for nfler the flrat awakening to the tragedy :hat had bocn enacted with Its attendant , noises and confusions, shops and cafes wero closed; the doors of theaters were hastily locked; houses were barricaded and the streets were cleared. No one might say ' where the next blow would fall and revo lution that sweeps through a city like a fire " n dry placea. drove the people Into their homes or other placea where they might be ' secure. ' '' The attack on the royal family, however, Had the opposite effect from that most feared, and peace and quiet reigned, as hough no muvder had been done. Karly . thia morning Premier Franco proclaimed the accession ef Prince Manuel to the throne, the naval and military chiefs, the . high dignitaries of atate awore allegiance to a new king and Tortugal still lived under . a monarchy. nKT SHUCK TO FREOIMAY Hanlsherf Pnrlvicarae Lays Blame for Tragedy oa Premier. Xt, FrWs , Vr 'great . the shock juri"iicru si me t-onuguese legaTinn ncre "over th announcement of the assassination of the king and crown prince that at first dispatches from Madrid giving aii official view of the events at Lisbon scarcely could , be credited. Later the legation was draped In inqurnlng. Premier Clemenceau and M. lichon, foreign milliliter aa representatives of Presi dent Falllercs. the representatives of for eign nations and other prominent officials called at the legation to offer their sym pathy. The death of King Carloa and Prince Luise Phtlltppo and the. manner of their taking off caused a profound aensatlon among the Portuguese colony In Paris, There wa general expression of grief and horror at the crime and execration of the murderers. Scnhor Magalhles Lima, a prominent republican and a grand master In the Portuguese Masonic, fraternity, who was banished from the country for treason, to day charged Premier Franco with being alona responsible. "It is he," said Senhor Lima, "who fo luentned with cou! calculation, popular dis cord and popular hatred." lie declared that the assassination waa the work of anarchists and not republicans, and addud: "I must admit that Carlos had become most unpopular because he retained Franco. Indeed, there waa no more king and govern ment, only one man Invested with extra ordinary power, which he used to drive the country tu disaster. All parties, without ex ception, opposed the dictatorship, but I solemnly aver that the republicans are Ughtlng for Idoas and principles, and cannot he held responsible for this crime. . "Now, Franco Will either retain the dicta torship, In which caso there will be a terrible revolution, or Franco will retire, which will mean a period of calm." VHKCAl HONS TAKEN IN SPAIN Pear that Anarchist Campaign May Hstead to Madrid. MADRID, Feb. 2. The aaaaaainatlon yes Urday of King Carlos and Crown Prince lulse Philippe has created general sorrow Jit 8 pain, but at the same time it baa awak sued lite Kara that Once obtained that a recrudescence ot anarchistic deeds is not Improbable in Hits monarchy, where the propaganda of the anarchists already has stviircd for them a strong foothold, espe cially in Barcelona, where the anarchists and revolutionists are notably powerful. It is understood that for a long time tl.tie has been active communication helm-en the radical revolutionaries of Iortu aul and Spain, having In view the acting in tccord at the psychological moment. These Tacts induced the government today to take a firm grip on the Spanish situation, altli the .Intention of forestalling an out Oie.ik In the monarchy. A meeting of the :oum II of atate was held today, at which It as devilled to observe especial precautions ll the frontier, and rigid rulea will be en rolled concerning the passage across the 'rontler of Individuals, traffic and mer chandise. . Immediately after the council f state had concluded ita session, Premier Maura left for Seville by special train for j, consultation with King Alfonso. Jtl rhe Foreign office today gave out a etale t'lmnt saying thut the assassins numbered lix. h'nll of them being armed with carbinea mil revolvers. TU y were paid by political (dilators, enemies of the government. One if the slain regicides wss a Frenchman, i cording to the statement, and encircling lis body w as a b It filled with god. the woflt fur his shaie Intha murderous act. simultaneously with the assassinations, be statement also rays, an armed band unfunded the home of Premier Franco, n t lie 'outskirts uf the city, but waa beaten tf by the guard. Tho dissident have an-louuce-U that grave events would develop . " C Blttl,llH lH ...... I . 1. fVHI nw ,..u,i... .u IWIUI.I, UU 11 111 (Continued ou Second Page.) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER FORCAPT FOR NEBRASKA Flr warmer Monday. and Tfmiwuturr nl Omaha yesterday: a a. ni v n a. m.. 1 m.. m.. m. . ".'.11 ...14 !!2l .,.:a ...:t4 . . S r ...24 ...S3 ...32 ...33 m. . m.. m . . m.. m . . ri-a m m m PORTLAND FIGHT ON AGAIN James F. Barns Keeking to tet (illmsse of Records of Company. CHEYENNE.' Wyo.. Feb. 1 (Special. -The fight between James F. Burns, the Colorado rtprlngs millionaire, and the pres ent officers and directors of the Portland Gold Mining company, waa resumed here Saturday by the attorneys for both sides. Judge Murat Masterson of Colorado Springs, counsel for Mr. Burns, has been hero for several daya for the perpose of securing an Injunction to restrain the offi cers and directors of the Portland company from adjourning its forthcoming meeting before Burna has a chance to examine the books and other records of the company. Mr. Burns has repeatedly charged that he has been denied the prlvllegs of examining the books of the concern, despite the fact that he Is the largest Individual stock holder, and a year ago at the annual meet ing here he charged the offlcera with mis management, trickery and with conspiring to prevent him from exercising his full rights as a stockholder. Following the last meeting Mr. Burns applied for a writ to compel the Portland company to show Its hooka, but tills matter has never been settled. The' annual meeting of the company oc curs In this city on Monday, February S, and Burns seeks to compel the officers to exhibit the records for his Inspection. Sat urday morning when Attorney Masterson appeared In district court to argue his pe tition for a writ of injunction, he was con fronted by Tyson Dines and Attorney Chlnn. counsel for the Portland company. It is reported that their presence at this time was a great surprise to Mr. Master son. Their presence Is explained by the fact that a letter written by Mr. Master son to a friend accidentally fell Into the hands of the Portland officers. Mr. Mas terson had written that he was coming to Cheyenne to get out an Injunction, and be ing thus warned the Portland company sent Its attorneys to contest the situation witli Mr. Masterson. The hearing wss before Court Commis sioner XV. P. Carroll, who will take no ac tion until the return of Judge R. N. Mat son, who Is now in the northern part of the state and may not return before the middle of the week, In which event Mr. Bums will probably fall to secure the In junction. Judge Maaterson used some very strong terms In denunciation of the acts of the offlcera of the. Portland company. The' fight Is pow on to the finish and the out come will bo 4twaltcd scith, Interowt. GROUND HOG SEES SHADOW la More Weeks of Winter Jnst Recaose Colonel Welsh Took Kxeeptlon to ftory. When Marso Ground Hog emerged from his cave of gloom Sunday morning, the bright sun so blinded his eyes that at first he did not see his shadow. But after ho wiped his eyes and pht on bis blue glasses, he became satisfied that It wasn't tho glare of the snow that blinded him wholly, but It was Old Sol. He took a chew of tobacco, wiped off his glasses, sighed, and crawled back Into his burrow for another six weeks' snooze. Colonel Welsh, weather forecaster, is ordinarily a mild-mannered man, but he Is also a man of intense vlndictlvenesa, as Is reflected in this same sunlight that en abled the ground hog to see his shadow. A few daya ago Colonel Welsh was quoted as predicting the ground hog would not see his shadow and spring consequently would ba here in a little while. Colonel Welsh lost his even tenor and Impasslonately denied ever making such a prediction. "I'll get even," he was understood to mutter. ' It Is verily believed tho colonel, at the time he was quoted, had every intention of sending clouds Instoad of sun Sunday to prevent the ptg from seeing his shadow and protect his people from six weeks more ot winter, but, unable to curb his wrath, It la said he decided to countermand his orders for the clouds and bring out the sun instead. LINER WRECKED OFF SIBERIA aSiior of A scam Worrniann Tell Thrilling: Story of TIscape from 1M rat lea I Mr a roes. HAMBl'KG, Feb. I. A thrilling account of the shipwreck of theN Woermann liner A st am Woermann, which recently went on the rocks off Grand Bassa, I.llerla, and became a total wreck, la related by the sailors of the steamer, who have arrived here. , . The night the steamer struck was a dark one and it seemed to be going tu pieces rapidly. The crew took to the boats and immediately thousands of piratical ne groes in canoea aurrounded the steamer, swarmed aboard and plundered It. The seamen feared to land on the hostile coast In the darkness and were compelled to stay In the small boats throughout the night. When morning came the crew lauded and camped in the brush for several days, always fearful of an attack. Meanwhile they watched the negroes go ing to the ship and returning from It laden with booty. Finally the vessel disappeared. After this the negroes departed and tin crew, taking to their boats again, rowed for seventeen hours to the northwestward, and were picked up, completely exhausted, by a passing steamer off Monrovia. "BaaTalo" George I t Agala. SIOI'X FALI.S, S. H.. Feb. . (Special.) A term of stste circuit court for Hanson county which convenes Monday at Alex andria, with Judge Frank B. Smith of Mitchell presiding. Is being looked forward to with mom than usual interest, for the reason that during the term William ("Buffalo") George, a somewhat celebrated character from the region between the Missouri river and the Blark Hills, in western South Dskota. will be tried on two charges of horse and rattle "rustling-" In Lyman county. BtOYCMIsTTB Or OCSa-M STEAMSHIPS. Pnrt. Arrived Hailed NKW YOKK aitoif I'asipsDis. V. l4Uli'. V4run4. i'uluai a. linns ia. ! (.'Train. . Past. All.t NBW YoKk.-. . ANTWERP VOVIl.l.K !( VMul TH .. Ne V.v- HHIKTIASb'ND. H A V ft K gn( THAMi'TON. T K I K 4 r K I I VKHPiMil. . . Rail,.; . . . W AM Ht 4 . tH IfcmusU , I 2d WORK ON RATE AGREEMENTS New Law Covering This Phase of Railway Problems Probable. PRESENT STATUTES CONTRADICT Leaders la Congress Are Iteadr to Begin Consideration ef Mabjeet ospartlass Tariff ton. ntlsvlon I rged. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. -There is a dis position to single out among the subjects discussed In the president's special mes sage to congress the recommendation as to railway traffic? associations as one on which early legislation may bo attempted. The leaders In congress, as well as the president and influential railway men, have long recognised the contradictory character of the present laws. The presl dent has repeatedly called attention to the fact that the Hepburn law and tho Cullom law, which It superseded, are both based upon the theory that there ought to he equal, or at least equitably, adjusted rates on the different routes serving the same or competitive communities, hut that In spite of the general recognition of this truth, the Interstate commerce law and the Sherman anti-trust law, as construed by the supreme court, have made unlawful the only simple and efficacious method of bringing about such adjustments. The" Interstate Commerce commission as early as 1HM was strongly In favorl of the enactment of a law which would have per mitted traffic agreements, wlilld giving the commission limited supervision over their operation. The present opinion of the commission Is Identical wth that expressed In the year 1900 in Its fourteenth annual report. With these opinions so strongly held by the president and other republican authori ties, and with a strong desire for gTeater latitude In this direction on the part of the principal railway carriers, those who are likely to take the lead in any legislation on the subject see no reason why'a reason able statute authorising traffic agreements should not be, enacted without very ma terial delay. Will true Tariff Commission. James W. Van Cleave of St. Ixitils. presi dent of the National Association of Manu facturers, arrived In Washington today for the purpose of conferring with President Roosevelt, Senator Aldrlch nnd Speaker Cannon on the subject ot enacting the Beverldge bill for a non-partisan tariff commission. The movement, headed by President Van Cleave, Is supported by several hundred organizations of employers and business men, representing In tlte aggregate more than 2,000,000 members from all parts of the country. Following Is a partial list of the organisations which endorse the tariff commission Idea nnd which are send ing special representatives to arrive In Washington tomorrow for the purpose of making a demonstration In force In favor of the appointment of a commission: National Association of Manufacturers, National Grange, Merchants' association of New York, National Association of Agri cultural Implement an-J VehU-le Manufac turers. 'Merchant Tailors' National. Pro tective association. American Reciprocal Tariff league and 2i constituent organiza tions. Carriage Builders' National associa tion, American Hardwood Manufacturers' association. National Retail Hardware as sociation. National Paint, oil and Varnish association. Millers' National association. National Live Stock association. American Cottonseed OH association. Transmlssisslppi congress. Merchants' Exchange, St. Ioiiis; Chamber of Commerce, Baltimore; Hoard of Trade, Chicago; National Boot ami Shoe Manufacturers' association and tho New York Manufacturers' association. The representatives of these organisations will call upon President Roosevelt and Speaker Cannon on Tuesday. (sternest liy Van ( leave. President Van Cleave tonight made tlm following statement: "We are urging the appointment of a tariff commission not as revisionists, but ss staunch protectionists. It Is my own be lief ami that of the National Association of Manufacturers and the large number of organizations which endorse the immediate appointment of a commission, that such a commission is absolutely necessary In order to protect the business Interests of the country from the harmful effects of a continued partisan agitation for tariff re vision during the campaign. "We are in hearty accord with the presi dent In believing that all tariff rates should be adjusted on the basis of differ ence In cost of production here and abroad and we also believe that these ratna should le adjuated with a liberal allowance in ad dition In favor of the American producer." I. amber nnd Cement. In a reMrt today regarding building operations and the timber supply, the geo logical survey says that the Increasing price of lumber and a rapidly Increasing use of perfected fire proof systems of con struction should have much to do In hold ing down the amount which forests are culled upon to yield each year, but that so far these more substantial materials have not decreased the lumber cut of the nation. Notwithstanding the- remarkable Increased use of cement and other fire proof material the last reports of the building operations In forty-nine of the leading titles of the I'hlled States for the year, collected by the geological survey show that 59 per cent were of wooden con struction. Tills does not include the large quantities of lumber used for the con struction of dwellings, stores and other buildings in the thousands of small cities and towns scattered over the country and not Included In the forty-nine cities on which a reckoning waa made. In towns and small cities wood is usually the predominating building material and It Is safe to say that If the statistics had Included figures for all places of whatever size, the percentage of wooden construction would have been much greater. Thesi figures, as a rule, are only for the cor porate limits. INDETERMINATE LAW VALID Prisoners Sentenced I'ndrr Vtatnte In 'North Dakota Mast serve Maslmam Time. ST. PALL, Minn.. Feb. 2.-A special to the Pioneer Preas from Bismarck, 8. D., says; The attorney general has addressed an opinion to the warden of tho penitent iary, holding the Indeterminate sentence law Is unconstitutional. The law was passed at the last session of the legisla ture, and many prisoners have been sen tenced under it. The attorney general holds that in all these cases the maximum sen tence must stand, unless commuted by the Pardon board. Telrgrauh Bait la get. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Keb. 2 -The case against the Missouri Pacific railroad. Involving tho validity of the eight-hour telegraph law pusaed by Die last legisla ture, has Wen, hi lor hearing In the u Meme court oa April It. The case came from Johnson county, where Judge Brad ley tallied a Ueiniirre.r to an Informs . ion on t' e ground that llitt law ta uncouaiiiu-tioiual. FORAKER SPEAKS AT BANQUET eamtor Caarares President with Help las; Create (ieari-al nistrost aad Alarm. NEW YORK, Feb. I 'Nearly 00 sons of the Buckeye state, residents of New York City, attended the twenty-second annual banquet of the Ohio Society of New York last night. In the grand' ball room of the Waldorf-Astoria, and listened to addresses by several of Ohio's most distinguished sons. The speakers were United States Senator Joseph B. Forakrr, IRoy D. Tho man, president of the Ohio Society of Chi cago; Hon. Judsnn Harmon of Cincinnati: John D. Archbold. vice president of the Standard Oil company, and Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the I'nlted States 8teel corporation. ,Vlce president Archbold and Chairman Gary were present aa the representatives of two of tho largest indus tries operating In Ohio, to whose views on Industrial snd political conditions much Import ince was attached, In view of their commanding position tn the commercial world, while the political utterances of Senator Forakrr and Judge Harmon were anticipated with profound Interest, because of their prominence In the approaching presidential contest. John J. MrCook, president of the society, presided. Governor Charles F. Hughes of New York, who was to have been present to respond to tho toast, "The Empire State," was unable to attend, sending a letter of regret. Toastmaster McCouk told the diners of the disappointment over the absences' of Secretary of 'War 'aft and Governor Hughes. The name of ' Governor Hughes was greeted with prolonged applause. Mr. McCook said that Governor Hughes had Informed him early today of a fixed rule never to attend a state society dinner unless the governor of the state giving the dinner was present. Senator Foraker's speech was listened to with rapt attention, which was broken by applause from tho diners. The Ohio sena tor charged that President Roosevelt "not only increased the general dissatisfaction, but helped to create a general business distrust and alarm." John D. Archbold, vice president of the Standard Oil company, defended the Stand ard Oil company, which, he declared, was one of the country's most valuable business concerns. Mr. Archbold provoked cheering and applause when he said that Ohio comes to tho front with two thoroughly equipped, unobjectionable candidates, Senator Foraker and Secretary Taft, for tho presidency. Mr. Harmon spoke on "Ohio In Commerce and Industry." He paid warm tribute to Ohio's progress In a material way, as well as its Influence for good In the general government. PHI PSI'S TO MEET IN DENVER Candidates for Both Presidential Nominations Are Among; the Delegates. DENVER, Colo., Feb. 2. tSpeclal.)--Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, demo crat, against Joseph B. Foraker of Ohio, republican. "Politics makes not only stranse bed fellows, but sometimes produces stranger antagonists," said John W. Springer, presirietit:ot NtilVH"N.-' ktv;li. as sociation for eight ,var and a prominent banker and polltioian of I hie city today. "The candidacy of President Woodronr Wilson of Princeton university for the national democratic nomination suggeMls an unusual political possibility ho may run against a member of Ills o n college fraternity. lie and Foraker belong to Phi Kappa I'sl, which stands In tho 'alpha' class of Intercollegiate orders, In the national prominence and the number of Its members and Its ago In the Greek letter world. Wilson joined at the I'ni veralty of Virginia in 18T9 and Forukcr at Ohio Wesleyan university In 1SUU. "Both men have been specially invited to be present at the biennis convention of tho grand arch council of the fra ternity, which opens in lienver July I, and which will be attended by more than 600 undergraduate delegates and alumni. Senator Foraker may come out here with the republican presidential nomination al ready in his pocket and a few days later witness the nomination of his brother Phi Psl by the democratic national con ventnion. Then the two nominees will con gratulate each other with tho frat grip and return to their respectlvo homes to prepare for tho fratricidal battle of Greek against Greek. "It would certainly be a unique situa tion in American politics and, while the combination may not be brought about, it Ih quite within the range of eventuali ties." Four years a;o Mr. Springer was In dorsed by the republicans of Colorado for the vice presidential nomination and was t lie republican nominee for mayor of Denver. He Is president of the Rocky Mountain Alumni Association of Phi Kappa Psi. DEATH RECORD. W. H. (iodilird, SIOI'X FALLS. S. D.. Feb. 2.-fSpeclal.) W. H. Goddard. a pioneer resident of Sioux Falls, who during the last few years has resided at Chicago, died a day or two ago In that city. The body of the old pioneer readied here today and waa met by relatives and friends and escorted to Mt, Pleasant cemetery. Mr. Goddard Is sur vived by a widow, one daughter and two sons, Frank Goddard of Sioux Falls and Harry P. Goddard of North Iakota. The deceased was about 70 years of age. With his family lie took up his residence In Sioux Kails in the late seventies. He was a graduate of Amber', college and in his early years was an educator." Henry Oliver Rollins. MISSOl l-A. Munt.. Feb. 2. - Henry Oliver Collins, until recently editor of the Mis soulian and hi former years associate of Eugene Field. Opie Reed and Charles Has brook in Denver, died last night of pneumonia, lie wf,s born In Ireland of American patents In 1K6.1. He had been connected with Kansas City, Denver and New Orleans papers. Prise I .a iul of l.aramle, CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 2.-(Spedal. ) Tho F. 8. King Brothers' Sheep company of 1-aramie, exhibitors at the recent Western Live Stock show in Denver, have Just recived returns from an 8-months-old Southdown lamb, which was shown at Denver, and which was sold to a butcher and slaughtered. This lamb, despite the fact that the judges did not think It worth even third prise, or favorable mention for that matter, has eclipsed the record made by the prize lamb at tho International Stock show In Chicago. Thtj King lamb weighed ninety-one pounds juat before it waa slaughtered. Twenty-four hqurs after being dressed the lamb weighed fifty pound. The champion lamb at the Inter national weighed ninety-seven pounds alive and forty-nine pounds driased. It will Ite ee.l then that the King lamb eclipsed the Internal ions I rir.a by seven pounds, the International lamb being six pounds heavier in iifa and ) et dressing una pouud, lighter. NEBRASKA POLI HGAL STRAWS Republican State and Congressional Committees All for Taft. FOURTH DISTRICT FIGHT WARM Democratic Ml Four Slate Almost Made 1 p Popallsta Are Almost Altogether Oil the Maa. The last week has filled out the political calendar for choosing delegates to repre sent Nebraska In the national conventions. The list, as now made up. Is as follows: Republican state convention, Omaha, March 12. First district republican convention, Lin coln, March 8. Second district republican convention, Omaha, March 12. Third district republican convention, Nor. folk. March 10. Fourth district republican convention, Wllber, March 4. Fifth district republican convention, Hast ings. March 10. Sixth district republican convention, Omaha, March 12. Democratic state and district conventions, Omaha, March 6. Populist slate and district conventions, Omaha. March 5. All the calls for republican district con ventions embody the apportionment fixed by the state committee, based on the vole for president at the last 'election, and they all leave to the county committees the de termination of the manner of selecting the delegates to represent their respective coun ties In the district conventions. It turns out that the personal prefer ences of the members of the different re publican district committees are all as pro nounced and outspoken for Taft for tho presidential nomination as were tho re corded preferences of the fnemhers'of the republican state committee. The Second district committee adopted a resolution en dorsing Taft by unanimous vote. At the meeting of the Third district committee at Norfolk a test vote on Individual prefer ences disclosed that the members bf that committee ore unanimous In favor of Taft. During the meeting of the Fifth district committee held at Hastings, the chairman (Killed the members to ascertain their choice for president, and every ono of the committeemen responded for Taft. The Sixth district call was the result of a cor respondence conference of the committee men, and It Is given out that a large ma jority, if not all of them, are. also for Taft. These district committees Include repre sentatives from every county In the atate, whereas the state committee Includes rep resentatives only from the various sena torial districts, being about one-third of the counties of the state. The only Infer ence from these polls Is that the Taft sen timent la pronounced In Nebraska from one end of It to the other. Another straw on the presidency that may be taken for what. It Is worth. Is (he kolrlintf -of th.' following ticket by-.'th' Crete Vldette-Herald: ' "For president, William H. Taft of Ohio; for vice president, Charles E. Hughes of New York subject to the approval of the national republican convention." Down In the Third district the con gressional fracas Is on in earnest. State Sennlor Charles II. Aldrlch has announced b!s candidacy for the place now held by Congressman Hinshuw In a signed state ment which Is being published In the news papers favornhle to him and also circu lated In pamphlet form. Among other things he says: If nominated and elected I pledge my honor not to fooli awav niv lime tn in. consequential measures and clerical details for political huncomlic. I believe this to be an Indlssolvable union of Indestructible states, each abso lute In its own domain. All the rlnrhts not specifically delegated to congress reside In the state and must bo protected and made tangible. He goes on to declare in favor of reason able transportation rates, Immediate tariff revision with trust made goods on the free list, prevention of corporation stock watering, bank and currency reform and against asset currency. Whether any more entries besides Aldrlch and H trishaw will get Into the race is not yet definite. According to tho editor of the Bloom field Monitor the report that former Con gressman McCarthy Is preparing to at tempt to wrest his old place back again from Congressman Boyd Is unfounded. Quoting a talk with Mr. McCarthy at Sioux City, he says thise rumors are delng the latter an injustice and adds: "Mr. Mc Carthy has no Idea of doing anything of the kind." 1 On the democratic aide there Is apparently little doing outside of louglas county, wlii-re a tug of war between the Dahlman democracy and the Jacksonians for mastery of the local delegation is on the boards. Edgar Howard wants to shut the door in the faces of all delegates who seek ad mission to the democratic state convention unless they can show that they have been elected by "regularly called primary con ventions." whatever that la. Judge Howard also has three of the delegates-al-large to Denver settled already in the persons of Mayor Brown of Lincoln, W. H. Thompson of Grand Island and Dan V. Stephens of Fremont. The presumption Is that the fourth place will go to Omaha If the dem ocrats here can decide on the man without disfiguring one another too much. The status of the populists Is being pretty well shown up by Editor Sprecher of the Schuyler Free I-ance, who was once a pcpultst himself. He says the populist party has all gone to pieces tn Nebraska and that there Is nothing left of it except a few democrats, still holding onto the name In order to steer It around for another endorsement of Bryan and to use it for trading stock for a place or two on the state ticket and the usual promiacs of appointive patronage. NEVADA LEGISLATURE QUITS Keaolatloa Adopted Requesting Mine Owners to Restore Former Krale of Wain. CARSON. Nev., Feb. a The special ses sion of the Nevada legislature adjourned sine die Saturday. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by both houses: Whereas. The legislature believes that the present Industrial conditions at Goid field to be detrimental tn the best Inter ests of the state, enforcing idleness on many good citizens and as It appears that the restoration of tile former wage scale at Goldfield could end the present con lioversy, be It Resolved. That We believe that high wages snd good conditions secure liigu cia-aa of skilled labor, which results in a correspondingly low cost of production, thereby Increasing the profits to Hot mine owners, therefore we siiggoat and recom mend that the former settle of wagea be ivklored, to lii UoldXleld miners. POISONED CANDY IS FOUND Confretlon Believed to Have Been Placed by Domestic to Catch Her Kmnlnyera. Suspected of leaving poisoned candy where It could la eaten by the young children or the wife of Jesse E. Wright. 3111 Iavenworth street, Tearle Farrel. age is. Is held at the county Jail charged with being a suspicious character. A rhemlst who examined the randy for Mr. and Mrs. Wright declares that it contained arsenic, but It Is a matter of mystery at the Wright home where the confectionery csme from and the Wrights are at a lose to know why their domestic should leave poisoned candy In their horn. Poisoned chocolate cremes were found on the refrigerator In the back shed by Mrs. Wright Inst Wednesday morning. Pcarlo Farrel heard Mrs. Wright and the milkman talking and. asking what was the matter, advised having the candy examined. Mrs. Wright had not thought of that, but acting on the advice of tho maid gave one piece to a chemist', who rooms at the Wright home, and he made the analysis. Saturday afternoon he told Mrs, Wright It was poisoned, but withholding the In formation from the girl. Mrs. Wright told her Ihey could cut the candy, now, and held out to her two pieces of wholesome candy exact counterparts of the poisoned confec tions, telling her to eat one and she would eat the other. The girl obstinately refused to eat and begged Mrs. Wright not to. and at the supper table endeavored to en list Mr. Wright on her side, asking him Pot to let Mrs. Wrltrht make her eat the candy. On account of the girl first mggrstlng that the candy might be poisoned and then later refusing to eat wholesome candy which looked like It, Mrs. Wright felt she was more responsible for It being left there then anyone else, and not wanting her to stay In her home another night, telephoned the matron of the detention homo to come and get the girl. Mrs, Wright met the matron at a neighbor's home, hut when she returned with her Tearle Farrell went out the back door as Mrs. Wright and Hie matron came In the front door, sfie had been at the detention home on a former ocension. The police were then notified and the girl was ar rested a.t the home of her mother In South Omaha. Thirteenth and N streets. Mr. Wright's revolver disappeared with, the girl, but the weapon was not found when the girl was searched at the city Jail. She was removed to the county Jail. The Farrell girl had (be-n employed by the Wrights since Sep'tember. Early In the fall she committed some offense, but Mrs. Wright promised she would keen It secret as long as the Klrl remained honor able and true, expressing her friendliness for her and her desire to old her. Some suspicion had been cast upon the girl of late, and the fear that Mrs. Wright would Jearn of it. and, belie ving t. would tell of the girl's last offense, whatever it was. Is. In the opinion of the Wrights, the only possible reason why she should leave the poisoned candy at the home of her bene factors, If Pcurlc Farrell Is In truth the pillty party. Pea.a.n Farrell became known to the po lice authorities some months ago, when he ran away from Jiome and went to th's KcU.titintt.r'rlicMtf. i :,i ' ' " " ELOPING COUPLE CAPTURED elective Dsns and lorra Attorney Have a l.nhsr Chase for Pnlr. Detective Dunn and W. O. Strieker, an attorney of Aurella, la., arrived In Omaha from Douglas, Neb., having In custody Lloyd Wilson, a barber of Aurella. who Is wanted In that town on the charge of adul tery, having eloped January 'JO from that place with Miss Gertrude Waddell, the youngot daughter of O. D. Waddell. one ot the wealthiest and most prominent men of northwestern Iowa. From the story told by Attorney Strieker, who Is confidant of the fatlvr of the girl, It appears that Wilson, who la M years old, a married man with a family of several children. Induced her to elope with him, following a quarrel he had with his wife. The couple came to Omaha and lived a week at Forty-eighth and Pacific, from where the girl wrote a letter to a friend In Aurella. This letter was tho first clue that the parents could gain of her whereabouts, and the aid of the Omaha authorities waa at once solicited to capture them. Attorney Strieker was delegated by the father of the girl to come to Omaha, where he sought the assistance of the local authorities. Detective Dunn was detailed on the case and he found that the couple had left Omaha for Lincoln. Communica tion was opened with the Lincoln authori ties over the telephone and it was learned that the couple had slopped at the Lincoln hotel over night and had de parted for Hick man, Neb. sitrlcker and Detective Dunn Immediately left for Lincoln, and hiring a livery rig drove to Hickman, only to disc-over that Wilson and the girl had de parted for Panuma. Neb., where Wilson In tended to purchase a barber shbp. The detective and attorney then drove to PHtiama during the night, through a blind ing snowstorm, and arrived there at an early hour Friday morning. Going to the only hotel In the little town, Dunn went Into the office of the hostelry and seeing a man at the desk, answering the de scription of Wilson, the detective appre hended him from tho rear, and touching him on the shoulder asked: "Is your name Wilson. "The latter turned around and re plied In the affirmative, whereupon Dunn said: "You are under arrest." Wilson reached for his pocket where he had con cealed a revolver, but Dunn anticipated his move and covered him with his own gun. Wilson then submitted to arrest and to gether with the fiiii. who nas In an upper room, was bundled Into a buggy for another drive for Douglas, Neb., the closest connection for a train to Omaha. Arriving in Douglas it was learned that the party had miased tho train and were obliged to remain there during the night, catching an early train for Omaha. Owing to the prominence of the girl's father the case baa attracted considerable attention throughout the northwest and Waddell had offered a considerable reward for tfca rapture of the couple, which was earned by and paid to Strieker and Dunn. The couple will be taken to Aurella this morning by the sheriff of that place, who arrived in Omaha last night with the necessary papers. SUNDAY BILLS IN KAWTOWN brand Jarr Reloraa iiuO Indictments Agalast Theatrical Performers and Attaches. KANSAS CITY. Mo, Feb. .-Encouraged by a recent decision of the federal court to the effect that that tribunal lacked Jurisdiction to Interfere in the local Sunday closing; crusade, the grand Jury last night returned 200 Indictments against actor, actresses and theatrical attaches charged with violating I he Sun day law. This la the Jaigest baich re turned at one time since the iuai be gan Jn October aad tat required lOi.OuO tu cover the necessary bonds. NEW HOSPITAL OPEN Wise Memorial h Dedicated and Occupied with Ceremony. MEN OF MANY FAITHS TAKE PART Spirit of Exercises as Broad as Character of Institution. WELCOME TO ALL WHO SUFFER A. D. Brandeis, President, Makes the Principal Address. GRATEFUL WORDS TO DONORS rtnlldlna of Three Stories la Man aad Re-enforced Concrete r'.adar Ins Moaameat tn BIn-llearted Men aad Women. The new building of the Wise Memorial hospital. Twenty-fourth avenue and Harney street, was formally dedicated and occupied Sunday afternoon, persons of all rreeda Joined in the dedication of this new monu ment to the city of Omaha. Importing In ta three stories of stone and reinforced concrete, the building Itself la an Imposing structure. The Interior was In a state of complete ness which wasisurprlslng to tho thousands that passed clown the corridors and viewed the rooms, all being thrown open to Inspec tion. Fourteen rooms have been furnished by private Individuals or associations, five of them as memorial rooms. These arr: Room No. 1. memorial to Mr. and Mra. J. I Brandeis; room No. 6. memorial to iRabhl Edelman; room No. 7, furnished by B. I Dodder; room No. . furnished by tho employes of the Brsndels store; room No. , furnished by M. Rach and family; room No. 10. furnished by Charles Grotte; room No. 11. memorial to M. Tcwels; room No. 14, furnished by I. O. B. B. lodge; room No. 2.1, furnlsrcd by T. K. D. eiub; room No. 24, furnished by Robert Olier felder; room No. 26, memorial to Mrs. Dora Splesbergcr; room No. 27, memorial to Frank Blotcbky; room No. S9. furnished by J. Kettleman; room No. 31, memorial to Edward Rosewatcr. The program which was carried out from the north end of the main corridor, on the main floor, consisted of an Introductory prayer by Rev. Newton .Mann, pastor of I'nlty church, and address by the president of the Hospital association, Arthur D. Brandeis. and addresses by J. I Kennedy, I. Zelgler, Victor Rosewatcr, Rabbi Colin and J. C. Wharton. Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints' Episcopal church, pro nounced the benediction. Complimentary music wss furnished by the Omaha Musi cians' union, under the leadership of 8. Heyn and Mlaa Myrtle Moses, who sang in her usual artistic wuy. . Adtfreas of the President. "A president of. Ihe yiae. Memorial hos-' pltaf, 1h plcuatiitt rtiity dm olves uton hie to give you a short history of thu association.' said Arthur D. Brsndels. "No doubt the majority of you know that the organization was started by Mrs. J. L. Brandeln, Mrs. Sonnenberg and a few others, In 1SW. On November 16 of that year, they opened a hospital. In a small nay, in a frame build ing at lift Sherman avenue. After being thero about a year, they found their quar ters too small nnd leased what is known as the J. J. Brown residence, a large brick building at 2i2 Sherman avenue. In which building the hospital has been maintained until now. During these years 3.0C5 patients have been tared for. , "Shortly before the illness and death 01 Mra. Brandeis, seeing how much good could be accomplished with larger quarters, she decided to atsrt a fund with which eventu ally to build a hospital, and, with thi usHlstancct ot the board, gave a fair whtel cleared $5,000. It was the aim of Mrs. Brandela to build a first-class, up-to-date hospital, to care for the suffering. Un fortunately, she waa called away from out midst before this could be accomplished. kacceeda Ilia Mother. "After her death, the board elected ma to succeed her as president. With the as sistance of Hun. Edward Rosewatcr and Mrs. Sonnenberg, we succeeded In Interest ing Mr. Slimmer of Waverly, la., who was known to give largely to hospitals that wero nonsectarian. Mr. Slimmer came tu Omaha and looked over the. field, and Said he would give us tUt.Ouo. provided tho good citixens ot Omaha would give $46,000, In order to build a t,cj0o hospital. The only condition made was that at all timet it must be nonsectarian, and must have a cer tain number of free beds in the wards, "When Mr. Slimmer' proposition to con tribute Ho.WiO came to us, the majority of the board thought It would be Impossible to make the donation available, under the condition that the cltlsens of Omaha should give us $46,000. but they decided to maka the effort. Hon Edward Rosewatcr anc! I started out one afternoon and made our first call on our good citizen. Guy C. Barton. After having the matter laid before him he gave us a very large donation, which practically assured the building of the hospital. Hurlou Donatlua Vital. Although It was through the offer made by Mr. Slimmer that this hospital was mado possible, e are also specially and directly obligated to Mr. Barton, because without his donation we would not have had the courage to solicit the necessary , funds to erect this magnificent bulld'ng. The citixens of Omaha have been mm a than liberal they have been generous. Un fortunately some of those wbo gave us large donations have not lived to see. th completion of the woik. Among them are; Hon. Edward Rosewatcr. Herman KiMintxe. Count Crelghton. G. W. Llnlugc r. W. A. Paxton. J. M. Woolworth, J. E. Boyd and Dr. 8. D. Mercer. "In the name of the association I want to (hank all those who contributed to the upbuilding of the institution. In mentioning some, I do not mean to slight others, wbo gave liberally according to their means. Some of those who contributed small amounts made greater sacrifices than others who made larger contributions. We appreciate all the support we have received. Welcome to Ml. "I take pleasure in welcoming you all today to rejoice over the substantial com. pletlon of the work. None of us know the future of the Institution. Wo must feel, however, that another great agency for good has been established on a sui" founds! Ion. "If we are lo have a lure in'rtHuri. of succss we must all share- in it. It Is only by united effort that e can occupy that larger field of usefulness which Ilea open before us. Th- mode rn hospitsl Is not only a convenience) II Is a necessity. I ait ua hop that ma maka this ttoapUaa 's