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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1908)
8 TFIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 2, IPOS, B REAL ESTATE CITY FROPERTT rOR I1LB. (Continued.) FOR SALE Ten room modern dwelling:, east front, paved street, hot water heat, desirable neigh borhood, convenient to car line, No. 1026 So. 32d Street $8,000 Alfred C. Kennedy Telephone Douglas 722. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ten acres -mile from Ruser'a park, 10-roora house and all out buildings. Nearly!! land In fruit. Price $4,800; half cash, half 6 per cent mortgage. - Ten acres 1 mile north of Florence; imall house, barn, etc. ' Plenty of fruit. Price $2,500. This Is a beautiful build ing spot, having splendid view north east and south. It is a bargain. 1). V. SIIOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. (Main Floor.) ' 'Phone Bell, Doug. 49; Ind., A-2049. (19) SOUTH PART OF CITY . Five-Room House. Five-room house, all modern except fur nace; hnndy to Omaha and South t;naha. Price, 2,7(. SIILMER & CHASE, 1ii09 Farnam. Douglas 3867. (19) WANTED To buy 6 or 7-room modern house tn first-class condition; Rood neigh born; full lot and mum be a bargain. Ad dress W 842. care Bee. (1S 874 2x NORTH SIDE JUST COMPLETED ' On 8pencer St., new, all-modern house, with reception hall, parlor, den, dining room, kitchen, refrigerator room, pantry, cloak closet on first floor; three large bed rooms with very large closets, large bath room with medicine closet, linen closet In hall on second floor; best of oak finish on first floor, polished oak floors; best of plumbing, furnace and brush brass combination electric light and gas fixtures; large basement, concrete cement floor, out side and inside cellar way. This house is first class and complete In every respect on south front lot with about three-foot terrace, permanent walks, excellent location. House just completed and never occupied. Price, $3,700; easy terms. TRADE YOUR LOT For an equity in a good 8-room house on Templeton St., near 24th. Has five rooms on first floor, three on second; all modern except furnace, and best of plumbing. House especially well built; lot 50x182, with shade and fruit trees; excellent neighborhood. Price, $2,500; easy terms, or will trade $1,100 equity for lot or small cottage. . WANT OFFER On new 8-room all modern hotine on South 20th St., near Elm St. Is modern in every respect, oak finish, polished ouk floors, best of furnace, plumbing and fixtures. Lot 60145, with shade trees. Full size basement; house Just completed, first class in every respect. $2,400 first mortgage against this property and we want offer for equity. 5-ROOM COTTAGE Nearly new, modern except furnace; on Spencer St., near 25th; lot CCxlU2. Excellent neighborhood and a bargain at $2,300. VACANT South front on Fowler Ave., 60x132, nicely terraced, permanent walkB $700, easy terms. South front on Spencer St.. near 26th, permanent walks, nice terrace 45-foot frontage. $550. 50xf22, east front on 30th, near Blnney St. $375. North front on Wirt, near 27th, 44x145. $350. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A10G4. COTTAOE CLOSE IN Only a few of then left. Ground where Jits stands will noon be worth our price for the house and lot. Located between Central Boulevard and Farnam line. Five rooms, city water; rnm for jU0 yearly. Investors Investigate. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bid. Phone Doug. 2152 (19) 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE 1 .900.00 This Is a snap for a home or an in vestment. A neat j-ruuni cottage with summer kitchen. In a splendid neighbor hood. Handy to stores anil Just off the car line, lias bath, water, gas, electric lights and all modern conveniences exo pt furnace. Located near Sherman avenue 'and Marie street. Cheap at Let us show you the place. SHIM Ell & CHASE, lout Farnam. Douglas 1-67. (19)- A NICE HOME 8-room house at 41 8. 30th St.; hot water hot air heat: gas, porcelain bath; east fr uit; paved street; one block front corner Leavenworth and Park Ave.; lot 4oxt40. Price, ft.uuO. on easy terms; monthly pay int ma. L. IX Spauldintf, Omaha National Panic Bldg. T'liona Doug v la 230. .l)-fl6 t SNAP FOR CATHOLIC FAMILY 7 rooms, modern except furnace, 1-story house, combination fixtures and maniel; permanent walk: lot 3uxlaO fact; close to bt. John's Catholic church and school. Tei ma. GLUCK & NEWMAN 50 Brandt-la Bid. Tel. Doug 54S. (18 77 t FOR SALE At a bargain, new (-room cot tage, ail modern except furnace; corner lot, paved atreet, one block to car; easy terms. P V. SIIOLES CO.. m Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITY fHOPlRTT rOR SALH (Continued.) (19) COTTAGES Built To Your Order CLOSE IN, SAVE CAR FARE. We will build you a 4 or 6-room cottage on 20th, 2lBt or 22d St., be tween Mason and Pierce, and sell it to you on easy terms and cheaper than fyou could buy the lot and build the house yourself. Ground Is all on grade. Permanent walks, sewer, water and gas. House built and finished as you direct. This is the best close In location for cottages in the city, and is a snap for railroad men or others who have, to get to work early or stay late. Come in and see our plans and get our terms. We expect to build twenty or thirty houses on this ground this summer. Get in early and take your choice of location. D. V. SHOLES CO. . 110 Board of Trade Bldg. (Main Floor.) Phone Bell, Doug. 49; Ind., A-2049. -(19) $300.00 Lot 4txl25, fronting east on 41st, Just north of Farnam St. F. D. WIS AD. 1801 Farnam St. U9)-M660 1 1320 Farnam St. (191- LARGE LOTS JUST WEST OF R1VERVIEW PARK $25.00 CASH AND $5.00 PER v MONTH or $175 each for five lota south of the Boulevard, facing went on Hlh street. See us Monday about these. UEORGE & CO., liiOl FARNAM ST. (ISO- $500 CASH $25 MONTHLY Elegant 8-room house on Slut St.. south of terms"'1 '" S,'M- " abav PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. . "Sellers of Snaps." Tel. Doug. 17S1. 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg 09)- WEST FARNAM RIDGE, seven-room house and reception hall- all modern: first floor oak finish- 5-stnrv barn wi,h water and sewer barn; me t ,; ,.?OL"h ,r"n,; lot 6"x1-'7: bouse c . si to bui d over amount asked for property F. D. WEAD. 1STH AND FARNAM (li-9w 2 WALNUT HILL Two eleaant . . T. , " mis on iravette block, from car' , eVnd Walnut Hm hool These lot. would be ch'.p 1, 3M(h. hill nr f " .v m only l4U.ech w i.. VL" ullt. Md( (1 M46 3 $50 CASH, IS MONTHLY South front lot 5txl29 Two block, from Harney car. mar Bemis park. Price H76 Out of town owner must sell. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. "Sellers of Snaps.' Tel. Doug. 17hl. 1st Floor N. Y. L Ridg (lS)-M7u a INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE-Owiil r-i ....... , netting , ir cent and 7 per cent on ' n i"i rsiaie ana Ns braska farm land. N. P. Dodgs Co 1714 Farnam 6L (19 Miita ' r?-REJSD ABSTRACT CO, ftsUbllshed UM. Prompt service. Get our prlc lilt Farnan tllj UUt REAL ESTATE CITT ntOFERTT rOR I1LB (Continued.) FINANCIAL BULLETIN FOR FEBRUARY "Munsey's Magazine" for this Month advises the Investor to invest, "As Money Is Easier." Presume; such to be the case, analixe and nee 1 this view I correct. All over the country state and federal guarantee. or "money on deposit is neing pinni. until the public will soon hava the bpn'-tlt of aae and sane legislation that will re store confidence, not only for the present, but will be guarantee for all time against the old-time ever-recurring panic. Consequently, with the panics eliminated. th honest Investor has nothing to fear, and Omaha real estate offers as good an Investment feature aa any place on the map. I have no apology to offer to Tom Tjiw-ain for this and may Issue another In March. Below Find Some February Bargains. Ten acres near Florence lake, can be sold very cheap; want an offer. Four fine lots In bunch, corner 3ih and California; 11. a0 for all. 7- room house, barn and acre ground, three-quarters mile west Hanscom park; $, on time. Two corner lota In South Omaha, vii.: 2Mh and Drtth and L 8ts with five -room modern houses on each lot; rent 2fl0 per month; owner needs money; W5.000. IB acres In South Omaha, with trackage, .5fO. IWH feet front on California near 27th St., $760. Two fine farms few miles from Omaha, $S8 per acre. 8- room new modern cottages, southwest, $2,400 each, on time. IKo-acre Improved farm two miles south west of Dundee, only $125 per acre; quarter cash, balance 3 yeHrs, 6 per cent. No Wall St. gambling In this. Ten acres facing Elmwood Park, beauti fully located, $r(iO per acre. New 7-room house and acre ground near Elmwond Park, 3.6n. Ten arres, large house, barn, etc.. bear ing fruit, poultry houses, southeast of Elmwood. $4,000. S acres, fine Improvements, three-quarters mile to car, In South Dundee district) Investigate this. , Five acres. South Dundee, $3,000. S. ARION LEWIS, Acre Specialist, 934 New york Life Building. 09) DUNDEE Prices very reasonable, $475 for lots ready to build on, with sidewalks and city water; close to car line, only $10u down: $10 per month, & per cent discount for all cash. ACRES Only $2,000 for 8 acres 1 miles northwest of South Omaha stock yards, adjoining the Union Pacific right-of-way on Uie north; lays fine. See us for terms. $125 per acre for SO acres near Btm- son, close to Military Ave.. Will divide to suH purchaser. $JO0 per acre for 15 acres, about of a mile north of Dodge St., west of Dundee, or will Bull 7V acres for the same price. $1.5ii0 for 4-room, almost new frame house, good barn, S lots, half In fru.t. only 4 blocks from the end of the car line, coiner of 42d and Fort Sts. Few hundred dollars down, balance same as rent. MODERATE PRICED HOMES $5,250 for 8-room. all modf-rn frame house, facing east, on 35th Ave., between Farnam and Dodge Sts. See usfor terms. Special price for quick sale, $4,800, for 7-room, 2-story square house, fronting eust on 30th Ave., close- to Field club. $3,150 for (V-room, all modern 2-story house, paved street, lot 40x100 on 28th St., between Pacific and Poppleton Sts. 2628 Camden Ave., new 5-room frame house, all modern except heat, 1 nlock from car line, south front; less than $1,000 cash) balance same aa rent. BUSINESS LOCATIONS Only $3,000 for the northwest corner of 24th and Rurdette St., with front age of 240 feet, all specials paid, or will sell corner lot for $1,200, the S Inside lota, $!mo each. Double frontage lots on 8. 16th and 17th Sts., of 200 feet, with depth of 177.6 feet, directly opposite Jones St., lls.iuo cash, balance easy terms. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. Feb 2. liMi. U9) INVESTMENT llUA Imlloaa In K I..-.- A 0 1 I. 6 room8 each, and modern. Kent for $ uo per month. Will sell, if taken soon, for $1,500. SHIMER & CHASE, 100 Farnam. Douglas 3867. TEN-ROOM modern hnnoo in Kountze Place, seven vpnm nl4 t,,m by owner for a home, back-plastered ana one 01 tne warmest bouses in the city; laundry, large basement, best of Dlumblne. un-to-date home. mndarn porch, large barn, corner lot 50x124, on pavea street, cement walks, cheap at $6,500. Nine-room modern house, hall, front and back parlor, den, dining room and kitchen on first floor, four bed rooms on second floor, front and back norch small barn, lot 50x124, paved street, two blocks from Z4th street car line, for only $3,650. Seven rooms, modern except fur nace, on Blnney street, near 25th, with about a half acre of ground; good barn and other outbuildings for chickens and cow; house has laundry, cistern water, modern bath room, lays nice, $3,500. Eight rooms, modern except furnace, at 2514 Binney street; a good home place, in be tit of order, south front lot 44x132, for $3,000. w: H. GATES Room 617 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. (19) $50.00 CASH $5.00 MONTHLY Bouth front lot MxU'S; two blocks from Harney car, near Bemis Park; price, $475. Out-of-town owner must Bell. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. "Mellera of Snaps." Tel. Doug. 17!L 1st Floor. N. Y. Life Hldg. WE HAVE FOR SALE Modern cottages In all parts of the city at very low prices, which can be bought for small cash payments; balunce same ui rent; also vacant lots, ranging In price from $JCU to (t.&uo. We write Insurance and collect rents for nonresident owners. (J LUCK k NEWMAN 650 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Doug. 54M. UI)-67 S BT. MART'S AVENUK SNAP. A 7-room house, modern except iieat; lot 90x178; special tax fully paid. 8e me for price and number. F. D. WKAD. IffTH AND FARNAM. tl) Ml 3 I WANT an offer on the property 1128 and 1130 South 31st St.; two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This prop erty la owned by an eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BIIENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (19)-M405 FOR TRADE A fine new residence of 11 rooms; modern In all respects; want t&iid. or merchandise, will aanume In cumbrance, or pay cash difference. Don't offer tuv blu. sky. Address Y 4. B. e. i40 a REAL ESTATE CITT FROPERTT FOR SALB (Continued.) FOR SALE New, Modern, seven room houe, also good cottage and two barns. Ground 100x124. Nos. 1721 and 1723 Van Camp Ave., $4,000 Alfred C. Kennndv, Telephone Douglas 722. 209 First Nat'l Rank Bldg. ' 9-ROOM HOUSE AND FRUIT Here Is your chance to get a large house In a high, sightly locaiion, with plenty of fruit and garden ground. House faces east, Is In good condition and will make a comfortable home. Five lots, two In fruit and two are used for gardening. Owner not living In cttv and offers same at a sacrifice. Price, $2.510. SHIMER & CHASE, 1609 Farnam. Douglas 3887. (19)- PUT YOUR MONEY Not Into ground, but In two all modern houses. On nice lot In good neighborhood close to car. Just built two years. Pay owner so well that he la not anxious til sell, but If your offer Is acceptrd you will have the best possible return for your money. Better have these net vou In per cent than using dollars to check against at 0 per cent. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 2152. J (19)- A. P. TUKEY & SON An Investment With a Home Attached We have a double ' frame house on the southeast corner of 20t!i and Locust street, both of them modern In every way and all In first class con dition. The property will rent, for $75 per month.' It is ad mirably suited for a man who will live in half and rent llhe other half. It Is Just on 'the edge of Kountse place, and convenient to three car lines. Price, $7,000. If anyone wants it for Invest ment purposes only, we can make a yearly lease on same fpr $76 per month. A. P. TUKEY & Son, , 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas 2181. (19)- Five acres, one block from car line and Boulevard to Florence, $2,000. Easy terms. See us for other acreages. SHIMER & CHASE, 1G09 Farnam. Douglas 3S87. . (19)- Modern Homes $3,150 buys neat six-room house, with hot water heat ing, on paved street and only half block ot N. 24th St. car. $3,200 buys six room, mod ern, with not water heating, near 2tth and Kmnielt; pos session May 1. $3,200 buys new house, north part, full corner lot, all Improvements, G rooms, and bath flrRt floor; two rooms can easily be finished on 2d: eaat front; fine neighborhood of new houses. $3,200 buys new house on Ames Ave., Just finished, all modern, oak grained, finely arranged, full lot, south front. $4,000, but want offer, for 2521 Davenport St., close In, t rooms. $4,7uO for 8-room modern house in West Farnam dis trict, half block of Farnam St., paved street. $5,000 for 8-room, all mod ern, on full corner lot. In Kountx Place. built two years, hot water heating, two stories and attic. In first-class repair. If you want a vacant lot, any part of city, see our list. C. R. GLOVER & SON 601-3 N. Y. Life. Doug. 3963. TRUCK LAND Five acres on the Little Papplo bottom, two miles west of Benson; very rich soil and splendidly adapted to gardening; creek furnishes plenty of water for irri gating and never overflows. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. "Sellers of Snaps." Tel. Doug. 17M. 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) IMBI.OOKS FROM POSTOFFIOE. Seven-room, on north lSth St. Boulevard; lot. 45 ft. frontage; honsf modern except he8F. D. WEAD, 18TH AND FARNAM. (19) 9ii6 2 10 LOTS FOR $(550.00 Each lot 52x124, corners 54x124, three blocks from end of Amea Ave. car line. W. H. GATES 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 1.91. (19)-9?2 2 FOFt SALE Three fine full lots on Auburn Hill; two block Iroin car line; b autiful view. Need the money and must sell. Address M 923, care Bee. Oil) K75 2x TESTFAR NAM DI STR I CT Eight-room house, ni xlern excei.t heat full corner lot, burn, nice cellar. J2.4-0. SILAS ROBB1NS, Frenxer Block. lit S76 2x FOR SALE A twelve apartment flat building, located at 29th avenue and street. Good rent, in f irt-class condition. A bargain, if taken at once. GLOBE LAND AND 1NVESTMKNT CO. tui So. mil St. ' Oinulia. Neb. (19) ni3Jo Feb. 3. FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Benjiman Real Estate Co.. - Neville Blk. Both phones. (19)-M17S F23 FOR SALE Several fin pairs elk teeth, etioau for. cash. Flat 1, iUtt Farnam St. Uxijita 'iX REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR f ALB (Continued.) (!9- More Buying in Kountze Place You will find there are more people buy ing vacant lots and Improved i roperiy in Kountze Place than In any other addi'.lon In the city, at the present time. This shows that the host bargains are being offered In this addition. Every lot Is desirable. PRICES FOR LOT 50x124 FT., $750 TO $1,150 Located on Locust, Blnney, Wirt, Spencer, Ixthrnp and Plnkney Sis, between Sher man Ave. and 24th St. , Terms V cash, balance 1, '! and 3 years. Now Is a good time to select your lot nml arrange to build early In the spring. Cull at our office and get a plat and price 1st. Office open Monday evenliiKS until 8.3ii. HASTINGS & HE YUEN' 1704 Farnam St., Bee Bldir. . (19)-&. 2 A (-APARTMENT brick flat on 24th St close In South Omaha. $2,500; $1,5W cash, balance time, If desired. To erect the building today would cost $2,750. 8. Haw ver, 1(14 Emmet. (19) 901 2 LIST your property wit Chris Bover, 22d nd Cummins St. (19) 347 PEAL ESTATE TITLB TRUST fin CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (191-344 FOR SALE Eight-room modem house, with large barn, 1809 Pinckney St. In quire F. H. Woodland. 615 Brandals Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3466. !) Mm REAL ESTATE FAMM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE California.. CALIFORNIA New Illustrated catalogue of 3W farms, all sixes and prices; pay ments easy; send loc coin or stamps. George Austin, Oakland, Cal. Bank ref erences. (20) 831 2x Idaho. OVER ONE MILLION ACRES OF IRRI- ""'f" iii uie l pper anaae Klver Valley, Iduiio. The cheapest land and the most abundant water supply in the west. Three beet sugar factories in the valley. An Ideal truit country, an un surpassed climate and an unexcelled market for every product. THE NEXT BUI. CITY. IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. It is destined to become Hie greatest railroad center and tile largest citv in the Mtnte For descriptive pamphlet write to the IT.. II.. ci . l t . inuu r i.lo iic v z.iAjrM&N t' CO., Idaho Falls, Idaho. (20) Iowa, 640-ACRE STOCK FARM, 5 miles from Lincoln, Neb.; good build ings; will take one cleur farm or good Income property In exchange to extent of half the price; $52.50 per acre H. Q. M'OKB. ' 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. (20) 989 S Kansas. FOR SALE Greatest bargain In Kansas: 32 acres, level, Neashn coi.nty farm best of soil. For rent vfor I!i8. Miiiher & Company, Cedar Rapids, la. (20 i 1)17 2 Montana. Ninety-Three Irrigated Farms FOR $250 Per Acre Cash The state of Montana has reclaimed under the Carey act 15.0UO acres of Its choicest farm lands, which will be thrown ohii for settlement April 10, 19, at $20.50 per acre, $2.50 per acre cash and the balance' In nine annual payments without inter est. 4 Write us for further particulars. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT COMPANY m N. Y. Ufe Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (20) (M3 2 Minnesota. FARMERS and dairymen ncedca. M-adow-lands settlement, on lty. near lJuluth. Choice lands, luw prices, II m-r acr. down, balance 15 years. Hlh prices for farm products. Rich, clover, partly , wood-d country. Maps and Information. Land Com., D. & I. Ry. Co., 540 Woivin Bldg., Duluth, Minn. 2j Mexico. MEXICAN LAND Any one Interested In purchase and colonl tdtlon project, address 8 US!, care Bee. Maps and full information. REAL ESTATE fAHM AMD Rrtl I. AMD FOR (I.R (Cont Inued.) Mlsvonrl. MIPDt'RI farms to suit any purchaer Call on us or write for list. I'n on Ileal. y Co., I nion Mo (2. Mi.,.0 F-tx Mebraaka. 154 ACR KS of land. S miles southwest of city I'niltf. adjoining Seymnre park. Will sell for JIL'5 per acre If s ild before rented. Easy terms. Apply to K K. Morearlty. 437 1-axton Blk. (20) MT-SH S20 acres In Red Willow county. Netv Good rolling land. 210 acres In cultivation; wire fen: ul. 11 ni'les southwest of Mc Cook. $0 per acte. SHIMER & CHASE. 1W9 Farnam. Douglas 3X67. t.i'i ALFALFA STOCK RANCH 1.320 iictes on the Kngle. Holt county. Neb. It Is all fenced and living nnin on m-i v hi! t ir. foil Is dark, sandy liam; 70 aires of al falfa. Iin acres cultivated. 15 acres tlm lcv; good bii!l.!tm:s and protection Yen mites from railrcad. one mil" to school. Itural f rt e delivery, telephone. Will take good reality fur one-half purchase pi Ice. Write for folder. Send full 'virtli ulars f It-.t I. -tier. Price $'.'2.M. J. M. F'-rguson, owner, Charles. City, la. (Sit tW 2 BUY THIS AND DOUBLE YOUR MONEY fitft aer-a Kimball county land, good soil and Ih.vs well, close to rallr ad. close to fcIm ol, in good nelghhoi limnl. This is a i ll ilce section and can be bouglil, li' at once, for M 50 an Here. This Is worth $J0 an acre as an investment. NATION A L INVESTMENT CO., 5SI Brundels Blilg. t:t-M 118 3 Iff) acres, well Improved, near Irvlngtcn. $1H per acre. SHIMER & CHASE, 1H09 Farnam. Douglas 3S07. ' FOR SALE. Over 6.000 acres In improved farms on 10 to 15 years- time, wlih a s nill payment at time of purchase. The land Is in Wash ington. Douglas and Sarpy counties. We have the exclusive agency and power to exchange some of the land for city prop erty. M M ENEMY & RIKER. 406 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dou r. 512. 2; S.-0 2 FOR SAJ.E Five ten and twenty-acre tracts near Plattsmouth. on small pay ments. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY, Plattsmouth, Neb. (20) Oregon. A SNAP IN OKKCION TIMBER. I will sell a two-tlilras 'nterest In 4,000 acres of pli.e timber "..u:d for Mi'.nOO. These lands have 45,0no.uoo feet of fins white !!.! lumber, well located. Land valunble after cutting timber. Title perfect. Address W. 3. Cook, i.umber exchange building, Port land, Oregon. (20) M24S feb.lox Texas. TWENTY DOLLARS SECURE A - FARM OF FIVE ACRES In the Famous Brazos Valley in the Gulf Coast of TEXAS THAT WILL YIELD $3,000 A YEAR IN STRAWBERRIES. $2,000 A YEAR IN FIGS. $5,000 A YEAR IN ORANGES. $1,600 TO $2,500 A YEAR IN VEGETA BLES. NEAR HOUSTON AND GALVESTON. TWO RAILROADS. TWO NAVIGABLE STREAMS. TWO TOWNS. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THIS LAND. THE MOST FERTILE PART OF TEXAS. AND IN THE RAIN BELT. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. BRAZOS VALLEY COLONIZ ATION CO., 807 GRAND AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. (20) 840 2x COML WITH US TWO, THREE AND FOUR CARS OF PEOPLE EVERY TRIP, i to the FAMOUS GULF COAST OF TEXAS. Our Accomodations: STANDARD PULLMAN CARS AND DINER. Only $1.50 Per Day. Our lands are the beat and cheapest. Terms, 5 years, ti per cent. Within a year we have colonized 3 large tracts. Our patrons reap the benefit of our $uc cet.8. Write us to particulars and primed matter. DON'T FOROET OUR NEXT EXCURSION FEB. 4TH. Leaving Omaha 10:45 P. M. The International Land & Investment Co. 210 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 120) FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM Two hundred ninety acres, one mile from depot. Eleven thousand peach trees (Yellow Freestone); twenty acres asparagus; ten acres soft-shelled pecans; fourteen inilca trom oil wells and plellne. $.55.00 PER ACRE The orchard alone Is worth twice the price aked tor the entire farm. is one of the latest fruit and truck-slilpplng points in Texual .Ieavy Omaha Investments Here This is worth Inveutigatlng. Agents furnishing pin chafer allowed usual coinnilsMion. V. F. RUSSELL, Billiard, Smith Co., Texas. (20i FOR SALE or exchange, East Texa fruit farms: lovely climale; plenty of water: fortunes easily made raming truit a.iU Vegetables. Address N t0,, Bee. (-M-'Jui2x TEXAS CORN LAND. ONE-THIRD UFF REGi I -A B PRICE. 1 oli'er for sale, all or purl ol a 6,uj-a-re trad of high glade agricultural !.in.l in Ha, Icy county, Texas. ti heart of tile gar den sjiot of the great Panhandle. Eveiv thing profitably grown. 1 want to .nan this cut on the excursion of l-chriiury -i and ol'er it at $12 T ace, on Uncial lertiis. This pile Is $5 per acre le-.-j than similar !nt.s sill at. Write C. E. Hall, Lincoln. N. o. (2U) 2l 2 TEXAS EXCURSION. Tuesday, February 4. we tun a car from Omaha to Brownsville, Texas. lnw rates, meals and berths cheap. Special Induce ments to land buyers. Go now, wleu tilings are blooming In Texan, and lund still cheap. Call or address Texas Lund and Immigration c'o.t 540 Bee Bldg. UU-irtS 2 - REAL ESTATE FARM Al It Mill !. FOH WI.R Miscellaneous. WESTERN FARM LANDS. Crop lawncit niaii: two i ni pays foa land, while the land Is doubling In valua. NATIONAL 1NVL6T.MIi.NT CO., fcM-6aJ Brandt-is l.Uuuing. J0 Ml RARE Investment, lank -iilc: 2.2.VI acres, triprovi-d rich ooitom ami hilt laud, rail p ad. water transmrlation. San Franclxco it null s. 1T a. te, worth il l; one-half i-arh, time " balance- no exchange. Pctaluma Realty Co., I'etaluma, Cal. I2t 857 St STOP city drudgery, stop renting; a l-aora vegetable or ixmltry larm in t lie famous ( arcliiiM trucking belt menus IndelMMi detice; larger ones a fortune, ten acre with new -riMim cot tunc $..; tulditonul land. .W per acre; t uny pn im-iits. Caro lina Trucking 1 K-velopiuent Co.. Wilming ton. N. C. (-P)-Sj6 2x 1H VOU want an apple orchard, Irrigated? liiilej einlence W illi your reach. T n dol lars a mom h. Reliable reference. Writ Arcadia Irrigation Association. Spokane, Wash. (-ni-2; 2x OWNER WANTS TO RETIRE 1,92 -acre Improved ranch In north eastern Nebraska, including long It-aso ou school section, IN EXCHANGE for SO-ncre farm or good residence In op near Omaha and some, cash, balance, 10 years at 6 per cent. $2J.OO PEI ACRE 9-room bouse, large barn, cattle shed, (libs, gianary, bughouse, mllkliouso with tunning water piped from s;nlngs; good, orchard ;. h If nciv hearing strawberries; ;t"0 acres tame graxs, 70 acres In cultiva tion; extensive native hay meadow, ex tra fine buffalo grass pasture; land neatly all level. .1. H. DUMONT & SON ItitKi Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, (201 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT l'krm. Ha nek anil Pastor Lands. 6 ARTY county furm, near town. 433 N. Y4 J .ife j th I g . 12 1 iM '. !M REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefn R. E. Co.. 1'X1 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam at ' (22)-350 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAyT ' GARVIN BROS., 10o4 FARNAM. (22-354 PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J, II. Sherwood. 616-617 Brandela B'.dg. Ml FARM MORTGAGES SCHOOL AND MUNICIPAL BUNDS Yielding 5Vj to G Ter Cent. We ofer to discriminating Investors care fully selected first mortgages on farm lands; also school, municipal and audi torium bonds yielding from 5 to 6 per cent in amounts from J1"0 up. We have over $7,5"(.liuO of other people's money placed safely, Becured by good fi'rnis. lulling 21 years of business no Investor witlt us has lost a dollar; nor taken ail acre of land. We shall be pleased to have you Inspect our investments. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor, New York Life Building, Omaha, Net. (22)- MONEY TO LOAN WITHOUT DELAY. In sums of $500 and upward on Improved Omaha real estate and Douglas and Sarpy county farms at lowest rates. Money oa hand no delay. Call or write. Carvhi Bros., 1004 Farnam (22)- PRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. M2-8 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TiiU. DOUG. 4UU. (22) MUll LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxlon Block. (22-3.i5 PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estate. N. P. Dodge & Co., 17)4 Far nam Bt iJlilii UOO to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Mil and Farnam. (22) m;ms WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (I2)-W MONEY TO LOAN-Payna Investment Co. C21-.V.2 - 1 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $1,000 for one year I from private party. Will pay liberal In terest. Good security. Address A DU Bee. 124) MiiS7 'i $4,000 PRIVATE MONEY, for five years at fi per cent; real estate security worth 15,ua. 4u3 Ware block, city. (2I Mlf)'! 2x WANTED TO BUY WANTED Co buy aecoiid-haiid furniture, cook and healing stoves, carpels, llno lejmH, otflce furniture, old clothes and. slu-es, piai.os, feathers, bed p.ll iws, QU.Kx and all kinds oi tools; or will buy tha lurnl'ui ot yuur house coiuplute. Tiia higlicu pricu paid. Call Uie right man. Tel Doug. iWL (25)-M774 Fell SECOKD-ltAND feed sacks. No amount too larga or loo small. VVuuet', 1 N. Ilk (2u) to. CASH paid fo. second-hand clothii.g. suoes, etc. N. Hilh bl. Tel. Red 332b. 0fi)-3Gl WANT to buy stock of general merchan dise for cash. Must be cheoji. G. W, Woodward, Bayard, la. 125) M9S Feb. 5x WANTED A nice, clean stock or hard ware, to Invoice from 2,M to 4,UU0; will pay spot cash for it. Ad. tress Y V.t, Bee. I2..I M741 14x WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man ueslns room in prlvata family; rcfeience; m.ido.n coovenleni e. moderate rates. Address 1U4 liaun-y laj-1.74 1 WANTED A room with an aged coupl.; by a boy of lii. Reference will be glaiiiy given. Addrebs B Mil, care Dully Bee. iJi) i)4 2x WANTED 9-room furnished house, West Farnam district, lor summer mouths; no children; best references. Address J , Bee. (25) M9H34 WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN I iriiiaind of charge. Telcphoi.a Douglas (-7) 3(8 YOUNG man ' (i-sire4 place to work for '...and vlule go.i.g to arhnoi. Boylea col. lege. Telephone Douglas 14. C27) tft5 A-l SALESMAN wants good staple line, wesie.n i nitory; liest references. Ad dress il KM. Bee. (27) Mi)46 4x EXPERT l. am engineer wants posltl.ini "i y. arc uliii Corliss Enginej. Address IS. b'.o Bee. (27) Mlisl 2x D. C. SCOTT, D.V.s; 'Successor to Dr. H. L. RamacclottL) AB3ISTAHT ITAIB WWXniisti-, OfIn and HoaplttU. 8810 BtMom StrMt. . Calls Prpmptly Answered at AM Hoars. k4HqffU Harasr MT. fl,, .kl