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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1908)
4 TIITl OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: FEBUTTAHY 2, 1903. Tile Omaiia Sunday Ber FOUNDED T EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Fntered at Omaha Postoffice an Second class matter. TERMS OF HUHflCRIPTlON. Dally Pee (without Sunday), one year. .MM Dally Hre and Sunday, one year 'W Sunday Pee, one year J j Saturday Hee, one year ' W DELIVERED BI CARRIER: Dally Hoe (Including Sunday), per week..lfe Iallv I!ee (without Sunday), per Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 6c Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week 10c Address all complaints of Irregularities Jn delivery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Hex Uulldin. South Omaha C'ty Hall Building. Counrll I'.luffii It Scott Street. Chicago 1M0 University Building. New York 1 Home Ufa Insuranoe Building. , Washington 725 Fourteenth Street N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should he addressed, Omaha lire. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable, to The Bee Publishing Company. Oiy 2-cent stamps received In payment ot mail accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION, State of Nebraska, Douglas County, s.: George B. Tsschuck, treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn. Buys that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed durltig the month of January, 11)08, was as fol lows: 1 36,800 17 30,300 2 36,130 IS 36,150 8 86,330 19 36,400 4 36,400 20 36,650 6 35,300 21 36,410 6 36,340 22 36,140 7 36,600 23 36,350 8 36,390 24 38,460 36,380 25 36,640 10 36,410 26 35,100 11 36,330 27 36,140 12 36,150 28 37,130 13 36,430 ' 29 36,060 14 36,260 30 36,330 15 36,350 81 36,980 18 36,100 Totals 1,133,890 Less unsold and returned copies. , 8,450 Net total 1,114,840 Dally average 35,963 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of February, 1908. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public WHEN OUT OF TOWN. Subscribers leaving; the city tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to them. Address frill be chanced as often as requested. Now, if Evelyn will keep out of the limelight, much will be forgiven. llawaiians have organized five base ball leagueB. No longer any question of their Americanism. "Mr. Bryan la still sawing wood," eaya Colonel Watterson. Wrong again, Colonel, fie is still Bawing the air. "What is the most fixed habit of Americans?" asks the New York Sun. That of meeting and passing resolu tions. Mr. Bryan rather boasts that he is not "a quitter." No reason for him to be one. He hasn't loBt anything In the game.. A Chicago athlete named Irons has taken all the records for high Jumping. He oanuot escape being nicknamed "Pig." The reports of the dwindling of the Thaw millions must be correct. The pictures all show Evelyn still wearing last year's hat. JSKBSBsaaaaaaaassnRamnBaBBBBBmBSJSBM Tom Lawsbn complains that the public does not appreciate him. On the contrary, the public appreciates him at his true worth. It now develops that the recent rev olution in Haiti was financed with counterfeit money. It was also a counterfeit revolution. Admiral Evans' fleet is to be enter tained at Punta Arenas, which sounds a lot better than "Sandy Point," which la the English name of the place. There is a little dispute on in Ohio as to who is the original Taft man in the state. Judging by results, the honor should go to Senator Foraker. The , Washington Herald says that the Chicago woman who swallowed 114 needles "must feel like a human pres idential message." Full of sharp points? The eastern democrats, it appears, have no objection to Mr. Bryan ac cepting the democratic presidential nomination. They simply objected to his taking It. Paris has a school to teach telephone glrU how to be polite and amiable. The greater need in this country is for a school to teach those virtues to tele phone patrons. The president failed in his effort to have reform spelling adopted by the country. He might try, before the campaign opens, to give the public re form spellbinding. The blast furnaces at Pittsburg have resumed and the Pittsburg Stock ex change has reopened. As soon as the divorce courts Btart up conditions will be normal at Pittsburg. The Lincoln Commercial club is go ing to hold its first annual banquet, for which the price bat been fixed at $3 a plate. We congratulate Lincoln on emerging from the ft limit. Any democrat wishing a little pub licity can get it by sending his name and photograph to the New York World, which is printing a series ot articleg on available democratic presi eVsaU&l material. BETORB OH AFTER. The main point presented by Mr. Bryan to the congressional committee considering measures to regulate cam paign funds Is that the amount and source of all contributions should be made public before Instead of after the election. If the contributions are legitimate it will, of course, make no difference when or how publicity Is given to them, but if they are from questionable sources or excessive In amount, publicity before election would enable the opposition to make as much political capital out of it as possible. The idea animating Mr. Bryan evi dently is first, to prevent the accumu lation of a large campaign fund, and, second, to furnish material for as saults upon the party 'In power which ordinarily would have the advantage in the collection of campaign funds. He would count on blazing headlines such as "Republicans are Shaking Down Postmasters," or "Rockefeller Contributes to Republican Slush Fund," to help him make votes for the democratic ticket. We have had more or less of this all the time In local campaigns and it has often worked for and against one side or the other. Publicity of campaign contributions in advance would probably" stimulate contributions from one source and re press them from another. Those who want the advertising to show that they are doing something for their party either to pay up for past favors or to lay a claim for future favors will come in according to their means or expec tations. Those who want a pretext for not contributing will likewise use it as a ready-made excuse. Here in Nebraska we have had a publicity law for ten years, with Just these results, and while our law has operated, no doubt, In the direction of better conditions, the amount of cam paign funds at the disposal of the dif ferent political committees has re mained about the same, according to the intensity of the fight on hand. What we mean to say is that while a law requiring publicity of national campaign contributions would be a good law supplementing state legisla tion on the same subject, it could not be relied on to guarantee unbought and uninfluenced elections everywhere. In Nebraska, where publicity is re quired by law, there is nothing to pre vent making the contributions public before election if any campaign com mittee so desires. For several years the democratic campaign In this state has been managed by Mr. Bryan's brother-in-law as state chairman, but the democrats have not seen fit to publish- their financial statement In ad vance. We cannot see why they should wait for a law to make them do something either in state or in na tion which they say they are so eager to do. TUB TBA W VEBDICT. Decent-minded people will experience a feeling of relief that the Thaw trial has been disposed of, at least to the extent of removing the case from further ventilation. Opinion may con tinue to be divided as to the Justice of the verdict of acquittal, on the ground of insanity, but there can be no division of sentiment on the proposition that the public has heard enough and too much of the details of the unsavory case. The entire case has furnished an other illustration of the extent to which public Interest may be aroused through the efforts of a sensational newspaper, and of the resources that may be em ployed by the very rich to retard, if not to defeat, justice. The two trials have served to bring the medical pro fession Into disrepute, by the conflict ing testimony of the alienists hired on either Bide, as it has also reflected upon the common hard sense of the judges who have allowed the merits of the case to be obscured by clouds of expert balderdash, meant only to con fuse the minds of the jurors and to furnish material for the sensation seekers. No reasonable excuse has ever ex isted for the undue prominence given to the Thaw case. An architect, who was at one and the same time a pro fessional genius and a social leper, was assassinated by a pampered and per haps mentallyrweak heir to millions, married to a graduate of the chorus not over partial In the distribution of her affections. That such a crime should have been magnified to na tional Importance and command public attention for more than a year is in no way creditable to our civilization. WOMEN AND BMUK1NQ. "Little Tim" Sullivan has achieved fame, or notoriety, above his deserts by securing the adoption by the New York Board of Aldermen of an ordi nance prohibiting women from smoking in hotels, restaurants and other public places. Women throughout the coun try, particularly in the cities where such subjects are discussed by the women's clubs and organizations, have taken the ordinance under considera tion and, naturally, have failed to agree either upon the merits of the measure or its wisdom. In some circles the women have applauded the adoption of the ordinance and seem to look upon it as an instrument for saving women from themselves and ot keeping them from becoming contaminated by manly vices. For the most part, however, the club women resent the ordinance, for the two-fold reason that It is class legislation and that it also carries the Imputation that women have become addicted to the habit to such an extent that lawa are necessary for their pro tection. After all the argument have been made and submitted, the question Is one which the women must decide for themselves. They know better than men possibly can the extent to which smoking has fastened Its hold upon the sex and the necessity, If any exists, for repressive legislation. All surface In dications are that the American women have displayed their good sense by let ting their husbands do the smoking for the family. The number of women who smoke in public Is ridiculously small, with no evidence that the num ber of those who Indulge In the privacy of their boudoirs is much larger. Women appreciate the fact that'lhe woman who smokes In public offends a public sentiment, as strong In men as In women. In the present state of public opinion, woman cannot hope to indulge in smoking without getting credit for an entirely different mental state than that supposed to lead a man to look upon a cigar as an essential part of a dinner. Under existing social customs, woman is allowed a greater personal liberty than ever before and all former standards laid down for her observance have undergone a marked change. She has filed claim on many privileges pre viously belonging exclusively to the masculine sex without losing man's re spect for her. But public sentiment is at present against the use of tobacco by women. "Little Tim's" ordinance is utterly absurd and will soon go the way of other unnecessary dead letter enactments. METHODS OF VNIVEB81TT TEACHING. A noticeable change going on in our leading universities with reference to the methods of teaching is treated In a most interesting manner in the an nual report of President' Butler of Columbia university. The disposition Is growing among university teachers, according to President Butler, to lay less stress than formerly upon differ ences of opinion as to the relative value and Importance of different subjects of study and to devote more thought to questions connected with the most effective presentation to the students of the subject matter in any given part of the field of knowledge. The originally accepted method of teaching in American schools and col leges was the text book method, with class recitations, but at one time this method seemed to be In imminent danger of complete extirpation before the lecture or demonstration imported from the German universities by Amer ican students who completed their edu cations abroad. The, overdoing of the lecture method naturally developed its defects, the chief objection being, as stated by President Butler, that by its promiscuous use there is an enormous waste of power and a great loss of op portunity, the power of the teacher being wasted because unable to reach and stimulate any but the most intelli gent and devoted students and the loss of opportunity arising because by more personal and Intimate methods of pre senting the subject matter of instruc tion the teacher might easily reach all of his students. The reaction from the lecture system has apparently brought us back to the middle ground, by which the Individu ality of both teacher and student is developed by such a combination of method as experience shows to produce the best results. The lecture is not entirely discarded nor is the text book made the sole reliance. Resort is had to laboratories, to themes, to reports on collateral reading, to class room cross questioning and, above all, to personal consultation and direction. The rfal advantage of the college and university over the correspondence school of reading circles lies In the personality of the staff ot Instructor. The personality of the teachers makes the university a living force that stimu lates by mere contact, and the effi ciency of the Instruction must be gauged by the extent to which this personality is imparted to the students. TILLMAN MEETS ROCKEFELLER. The mlllenlum cannot be aa far off as generally supposed In view of the duly verified lamb-like meeting be tween John D. Rockfeller, accepted as the personification of the octopus, and Senator Benjamin Ryan Tillman of South Carolina, one of the most blood thirsty octopus-chasers extant. ThoBe familiar with the records of these men and what they represent would naturally expect a sanguinary encounter when their trails crossed. Senator Tillman's volumes of burning words in the senate and on the lecture platform have created the Impression that one of the greatest disappoint ments of his life was the denial of an opportunity to meet a real octopus face to face and Impale It on his trusty pitchfork. But according to trust worthy accounts the meeting of the two men has proved lamentably tame and disappointing. They found them selves In the same compartment of a car while traveling through Georgia. Instead of raving or frothing at the mouth or taking anyone to hold his coat while he msde mincemeat of the hated representative of the Money Devil. Senator Tillman sat still and listened to Mr. Rockefeller, who said: Now you might not know It, but Mor gan and myself stood behind something like sixty banks in New York during the panic. Now that was a pretty nice thing for two such very, very bad men to do, wasn't It? Think of the thousands of de positors we helped by standing by the banks! But I hope the people will see after a while that this agitation only hurts them. I can get along ail right. The subject veered from panics to the educational problem in the south and, remembering Mr. Rockefeller's donations to big educational institu tions in the south. Senator Tillman launched forth on the need of assist ance for the benighted and nnalded "poor whites" of the south. Later, in discussing the meeting and the prob lem of education in the south, Senator Tillman said: You know Mr. Rockefeller la no used to giving orders that he Just exclaimed In an ordinary tone, as if that was all there was to It: "That will have to be remedied. Such things must not be." Well, sir, It sounded so like Theodore Roosevelt that I cannot help thinking how much I'd like to get them two fellows together. While lovers of a scrimmage may regret the tame results of the meeting between the oil king and the fiery South Carolina senator, the suggestion of a better understanding between President Roosevelt and Mr. Rocke feller is not so bad. It such a confer ence were to be arranged, Senator Tillman should be a party to it and It would doubtless be found that on some things President Roosevelt, Sen ator Tillman and John D. Rockefeller would all agree. OLD CLOTHES AND PKU8PEBITY. John W. Gates, who Is much better known as a plunger than a philosopher, gave a primer lesson In thrift the other day, when he said: ' As soon as people begin to wear their old clothes they will begin to prosper. The tact that Mr. Gates is not set ting any striking example by following his own advice has nothing to do with the case. He has, according to press reports, leased a suite of apartments in a New York hotel for which he pays a modest rental of 860,000 a year, and he Is keeping up his reputation of be ing a good dresser and a high liver, but the truth of his assertion is not only obvious but has been demon strated by experience. Americans wqre, their old clothes in 1893 and 1894 and learned a lesson In economy which, while it did not last long, was very effective for the time. Americans, however, soon tire of wearing old clothes and looking shabby and have no disposition to practice economy as a regular diet. While the remark of Mr. Gates is but a figure of speech, It emphasizes a fact which Americans have been slow to learn, that the capital required to extend business and open and de velop new lines of Industry must come from the savings of the people. Failure to save Is part of the explanation of famine in capital from which we have been suffering for several years. Car ried away by too much prosperity, much of the money needed in industry has been spent in luxuries and extrav agance and the tills left empty when the actual demands arose for capital essential to keep the wheels moving. Comptroller of the Currency Rldgeley makes this plain in his review of the recent panic. He says: It Is not necessary to have speculated In stock, cotton, grain or In real estate. Who is there, however, who ha not bought stock or bonds In some enlarged undertaking, either personally or aa a di rector or trustee; has not enlarged his business, Increased his expenses or made some Investment based on the confident expectation that business would continue with the activity It has shown for several years past? I know of no one who has not contributed to the general condition In this way. Evidence exists that many people are already wearing their old clothes. The reports show that December Imports fell off amazingly and the merchants and manufacturers ot Europe are com plaining bitterly of the decrease in trade with Americans. The demand for sables, diamonds and many forms of luxuries has practically disappeared, while American exports of agricultural products and manufactured goods are larger than ever before, giving us a record-breaking trade balance in our favor, which will so continue so long as our fit of economy lasts. PLEA FOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING. The National Society for the Promo tion of Industrial Training, which has just held its annual convention at Chi cago, makes a rather impressive show ing of statistics and facts Illustrating the insistence upon skilled workmen in different lines in preference to poorly fitted applicants for positions. On this showing, the society urges the neces sity of a change in the public school system of the country to the end that those who leave school before the com pletion of the high school course and these constitute a large majority of the pupils in the public schools of the country ehould have facilities and opportunities for preparing to earn a living. "Germany trains its youth for a vo cation. The United States trains its youth for a Job." Such is the summing up of the situation by a prominent official of the society. In Germany the authorities undertake to give every boy a trade and to find a position for him after he has mastered it. Accord ing to statistics, in the last year only about 1 per cent of the boys graduated from the German public schools failed to get places ot some sort for which they had previously been prepared by the special work they undertook. In the United States there are about 17, 000,000 boys and girls in the public schools, mostly in the primary grades, and but little or no effort is being made to fit them tor practical work after they leave school. The record shows that a large majority of the boys of the country leave school before they are 17 years of age, and of these not one in one hundred is particularly qualified for anything. The Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education proposes to pro mote the establishment of trade schools in which pupils will be taught indus trial processes in their entirety. This is considered essential by reason ot the disappearance of the old apprentice system, under which an apprentice was required to learn and master all the details of his trade. Under the pres ent system, where the hand-workman has been displaced by a machine, a be ginner may learn to operate a machine which performs one ot the ten or fifty parts of a process of manufacture, and after years of work, may still be Ignorant of the rest of the process. It Is proposed that the mechanical laws underlying modern industrial methods be taught In school and the way to make use of them in the various branches of manufacturing. If this system of education is started in the public schools it can be then supple mented by special instruction in trade schools. The need for the enlargement of this feature of our education is un questionably apparent and yearly be coming more urgent. The Commoner thinks Colonel Bryan is rendering a great patriotic service in going to Kentucky to tell the recalclt rant democratic members of the legts- lature that they ought to yield to the Beckham machine. Wonder what the Commoner would have said if Presl dent Roosevelt had come out to Ne braska to tell the republican members of our legislature whom they should choose for United States senator? Some of the professional politicians under the shadow of the state house pooh pooh the suggestion that Ne braska should send a delegation of "big men" to the national convention at Chicago. They evidently want the delegation to be made up of small potatoes, so that it will be closer to their class. President Roosevelt promises con gress another message as soon as he shall have had time to digest the later court decisions bearing upon the rela tions of capital and labor. Presum ably, this notice is given so that the senators and congressmen may fortify themselves in advance. If Governor Hughes insists that he is in line with the policies of the Roose velt administration as a whole, some of those who have been most eager to back him up in his presidential aspira tions may reconsider their proffer of support. The report that the United States has a naval base in Russian Siberia is news to both Americans and Russians. No one believes it except the French editors, who have told about it so often that they are convinced of its existence. "A good smile is better than med iclne," says the Atlanta Constitution. Perhaps, but it is difficult to get a good smile in Georgia since the pro hibition law went Into effect. The Label TelU. Brooklyn Eagle. A rose by any other name may be as sweet, but not so maple syrup. It doesn't sell so well when labeled glucose, and now the manufacturers are clamoring for a change In the pure food law. Worrying; About Time. Pittsburg Dispatch. Now (he railroads are asking, more time to prepare for observance of the "nine- hour" law. It appears to be a principal business of the railroads to a 8k more time before laws are enforced". Ne Divorce from the Coin. Pittsburg Dispatch. The high nobility of Europe can bear up under separation from their American wives; but they wish it plainly understood that the thing they cannot and will not endure Is separation from their American wives' fortunes. Still We Live On. Chicago News. Scientists of world-wide reputations are battling over the question of life germs and salt solutions, throwing long technical terms about with utter abandon. Mean time the rest of us will continue to live In our customary unscientific and more or less monosyllable way. Conarreaa aad the Philippines. Indianapolis News. Mr. Taft has no doubt of what the coun try ought to do for Philippine trade. The overwhelming majority of thoughtful Amer icans agree with Mr. Taft, if they can be brought to consider the subject at all. But will congess do anything? There Is not the slightest likelihood that it will. The wishes of a few tobacoo growers and a few makers of beet sugar weigh vastly more with con gress than justice to our wards, who have no votes, across the vasty Pacific. A 1HANSPLANTE1 SHItlNE. Precedents for the Chan we of Ilaae of Christian Science. New York Times. Famous historical precedents for the sud den transfer. In the night, of the shrine of Christian Science, from Concord, N. H., to Brookllne, Mass., are the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina, and the removal of the Mormon church from Nauvoo to Bait Lake. Mrs. Eddy's re moval of her lares and penutes, If we may be pardoned for associating the doings of this high priestess with pagan names, is not quite so explainable aa the flight of the prophets of Islam and Mormon. We have not heard that the New Hamp shire climate is unfavorable to the de velopment of the cult, and in view ot the prosperous growth of Christian Science since 18S9, when its "discoverer and found er" first made her residence in Concord, we should Infer that the conditions there were all favorable to her denomination. The circumstances of the flight, how ever, indicate that the need of secrecy was felt. The new shrine had been carefully prepared before hand, and although there must be a small army ot newspaper re porters near the place, not one of them had learned what was going on. The seeresa Informs the world that her decision to move was not made suddenly. and her desire to be near the earliest es tablished church of her cult is the only reason she gives for the change of base. But Mohammed was never "Interviewed," and it is doubtful if he would have made any newspaper his confidant. The authen tic announcement of the presence of a phy sician, with "credentials," in Mrs. Eddy's suite is surprising, in view of the general condemnation of the practice of medicine by her followers. But It was doubtless wise to have one In attendance on a very old lady making a tedious journey at night. And It only proves once more that the ways of seers and prophets are past find ing; out. PERMOXS BOILKD DOW PI . Ha rejects happiness who refuses all sac rifice. To sow selfishness Is certainly to reap sorrow. The Father never drove any Into the far country. It's hard to believe in the goodness of the grouchy. You cannot find a martyr by looking In the mirror. The most wasteful thing In this world Is selfish economy. The soul is simply that which sees the supreme and the sublime. Your use of your leisure often determines the usefulness of your life. He can never be more than half educated who ,1s not educated in heart. The church Is almost sure to have paraly sis fonowlng a fit over dogma. The greater the opportunity the less likely It Is. to have an advance agent. A hot scolding from the minister Is the quickest way to cool any meeting. A man's confidence In goodness is usually dependent on his own reserves of It. There must be something queer about any faith that needs perpetual defending. Infinite love would be a mockery without Infinite hatred of things that harm. The religion that does not Improve human relations has no business with humanity. It's easy to be pious when the children are asleep and the neighbors have left town. There are too many saints who would rather lead a meeting than follow tholr Master. The man who says he Is too poor to give will never he rich enough to be other than poor In heart. Chicago Tribune. PERSONAL AM) OT1IKHW1SK. For the time being the Sob Squad ceases to sob and New York relapses into Its ac customed rut. Owing to a sudden drouth In Qeorgla, drug stores are pumping quantities of Jamaica ginger Into receptive systems. Orders for cold storage eggs have been countermanded. Ex-Mayor Schmltx of San Francisco declines to go on the vaudeville circuit. The count has a private Income of 170,000 and the countess has one bunch of bonds yielding $40,000 a year. Hungary wolves must seek some other door. Owing to the pernicious activity of poli ticians out of a Job the prime minister of Portugal hangs on from day to day sur rounded by a troop of cavalry. As time bumps along It becomes -In creasingly evident that Japan cannot main tain its prestige as a world power unless some Jap noblo kidnaps an American heiress. The Portland Oregonlan artist seeks ad mission to the Sob Squad by picturing Bar thodl's statue In New York harbor shading her eyes while holding alopt a melon of American dollars. . and labelling the scene 'Liberty enriching the old world." The earl of Yarmouth shows the chivalry of the tribe by consenting to his wife's divorce provided she leaves the remnant of her dot with him. Liberty and experience comes high, but they are worth the price. A western girl temporarily residing In Boston complains that promiscuous kissing Is the rule among the natives. It Is quite evident from the western girl's dissatis faction that Hubblts are lacking in taste aswell as chivalry In permitting a visitor to suffer. A Pennsylvania woman recently gave her sisters a practical lesson on "The Taming of a Husband." Taking the family gun as pointer she pumped some blrdshot Into his shins, whacked him In the neck with the gunstock, persuaded him to beg her pardon on his knees and then sent him to Jail. Thereupon the meeting adjourned. Army regulations are Intact and th sountry Is safe. The retiring board of the United States army, In session In New York, solemnly declares that even If an army dog carries fleas Into brother offi cers' beds, there is no reason why its owner should be haled before a court martial. The complaining officers are wel come to put their troubles on the dog. NEWSPAPERS AND THE MAILS. What the Former Do to Increase Postal Business. Leslie's Weekly. Many people have been led to believe that the cent-a-pound mull rate accorded under the law to publishers mailing their papers and magazines in bulk was the cause of actual loss to the government. In a recent discussion of the subject, a writer main taining this thesis asserted that the publi cations enjoying these ' so-called second class privileges paid only 4 per cent of the postal revenues. Whether this estimate Is correct or not is of little importance; the fact which Is important, and which biased and thoughtless critics Ignore, is that the granting of the second class priv ilege has brought millions of dollars of profitable first class business to the postal service. It Is on record in the archives of the postal commission, which sat In New York In October, 1906, that a single ad vertisement in a publication enjoying sec ond class rates was the cause of the writ ing of more than 3.0UO letters. This case might be multiplied by thousands, and it would be shown that, far from being Itself the cause of a deficit in the postal rev enue, the second class privilege, by the profitable business it creates, goes far to make up for the losses occasioned by rural free delivery, the ridiculous abuses of the franking privilege and the failure to credit the Postofflce department with the mall carried for all other government departments. A Pleasure For The Whole Family Picture in your mind the pleasure that will come into your home with the advent of an Apollo-Piano. Count up the list of your favorite musical selections and then imagine the delight that you will have in personally playing over those pieces whenever you take the notion. When these Instruments were first put upon the market it was supposed that women would make up by far the largest class of pur chasers. But experience has proven that men men of larjje caliber and position In the world have been equally enthusiastic. What does the singular fact show? -It shows that men aro Just as susceptible to the appeal of music as women; they are even riore hungry for music, because they have not had the same opportunities for studying music that women have had. 1 If you go to 'a fine concert you will be at once struck with the fact that in the audience women are greatly in the majority. ' But that does not prove that men do not like music In the after noons they are engrossed with business affairs. In the evenings the are too tired to go out. J What they have been waiting for was the Apollo-Piano aa ! Instrument that will bring the music to them, rather than to com- ! pel them to go to the music. The pleasure of the Apollo-Piano is , something that you can share with your entire family and with your friends. Not only does the tired business man find relief from office cares in the Apollo-Piano, but his wife, his daughters, his sons, even the youngest children have a new source of Interest In the home. The Apollo-Piano is RECREATION. INSPIRATION and EDUCATION combined. Come to Hospe's and hear an Apollo-Piano perform. It is the only Player-Piano that plays the entire scale of 88 notes, or the en tire keyboard of the piano. We guarantee the lowest prices In the . United States. $500 to $1,000. Pay monthly a few dollars. If you cannot call, write for Catalogue. A. HOSPE CO. 1515 pm st. Branch Houses Council Bluffs, Iowa; Lincoln, Neb.; Kearney, Jfefet BRCl'LAR SHOTS AT TIIH Pfl.PIT Chicago Record-Herald: A Clevtlan preacher advises people not to get mar rled until they feel thst they will die li they don't. Put nearly everybody docs feel that way. St. Paul Pioneer Trt-ss: A Methodist preacher in Missouri has left the pulpit to become a street car conductor because, he says, there's more money In that. But what will he do when the trolley refuses to stay on the wire? Baltimore American: A minister In New Jersey, called on to choose between his kennel of blooded dogs and his church charge, promptly tendered his resigna tion. His implied opinion of his congreg. tlon Is too painful, presumably, for re production In words. Detroit Free Press: A Georgian minis ter gave notice that he would preach from the text "Ho, everyone that thlrsteth." The church was Jammed even to the exhaustion of standing room, and there waa a good-slsed overflow trying to hear the call through the windows. Buffalo Express: Trustees of a Jersey City church have decided not to call a preacher to Its pulpit after the members had heard him and decided that Ms preaching suited them. The reason given for the decision at which the trustees have arrived Is "that the reverend gen tleman lias seven children and would probabi find It necessary, owing to the cost of living, to ask for an Increase ol salary if he were called. Let tills be a warning to preachers. . Springfield Republican: According to. a religious census taken In 1905 In Rhode Island, the results of which are now made public, It appears that there are now mora Roman Catholics in the commonwealth founded by Roger Williams than all other religious denominations or sects com bined. The exact figures, as officially compiled by the state commissioner of statistics, are: Roman Catholics, 243, 936; all others, 2.14.146. The most Cath olic city In the state, proportionally, ap pears to be Woonsocket, where the popu lation drawn from the province of Quebec is exceedingly large. There the Catholics number 25,900 and the Protest ants only 5,700. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "I am at a loss what to say," shrieks the angry Mrs. Baktawker. "Your loss Is my gain," muttered her unhappy husband. Houston Post. "A married man," protested Miss Gtdday, "has no business to flirt." "Of course not," replied the married man, "it isn't business at all, but a pleas ure, I assure you." Philadelphia Press. The youngest son of the .rich widow looked askance at the youthful dandy who, as he had Just been informed, was to be his future papa. "Mr. Squiszlt," he said, "do you think my mamma can support us both in the style to which we have been accustomed?" Chicago Tribune. Lovelorn Maiden Oh, doctor, you can do nothing for me! My heart is broken. Unsympathetic Physician No, my dar child, that Isn't the section of your anatomy which has sustained a fracture. Your heart isn't broken: It Is only your head that's cracked. Baltimore American. "Did Molly Blmble propose to Artie Doo llttle?" "Yes." "And did he accept her?" "Yes, but It s all off. His father doesn't think she could support him." Cleveland Pialn Dealer. "You had the nerve to marry me for nry money, sir." "Well, madam, you certainly have not the face to suggest that I married you for your beality." Baltimore American. A woman student had been detailed t take part in an Intercollegiate debate. "Impossible," said her masculine oppo nents. "The program schedules us to have the last word." Philadelphia Ledger. "So your wife has become a suffragette. "Yes," answered Mr. Meekton. "Why does she want to vote?" "I don't think Henrietta wants te vote. She likes to make speeches, and I suppose she's getting a little tired of mc for an audience." Washington Star. "Yes," said Miss Jlltham, "he was an old flame of mine. And when ynu told him I was to be married next week did he seem sorry?" "Yes, he admitted that he felt very sorry," replied Miss Gabble. "Did he, really?" "Yes, although he said he dldn' know your fiance personally." Catholic Standard and Times. Mrs. Fourthly The members of tho con gregation have voted to Increase our salary, have they Elavlus? Well, I'm thankful for that and sincerely hope they never will regret II. Rev. Ir. Fourthly I shall see that they don't. Amanda. I am going to preach shorter sermons from now on. Chicago Tribune. WHERE THE WAYS E.D Atlanta Constitution. What is the sorrow? A llttlo space The cry of tho fallen In the race The dying cry which the world heeds not Ill remembered or soon forgot. Joy or sorrow will end In rest Dust, and a rose on a dreamless breast What Is the sighing? It Is not long; one In the end are the sigh and song, Ono the faith, and one tho doubt The cry of tho vanquished the victor's shout. Victor and vanquished mut creep for rest When the dust is blown o'er the dreain less breast. And what in the transient gloom and glow Is the beautiful love that we cling to so. The rose red Up, and the sparkling eye? A gracious greeting a sad good-bye! With pallid faces and Hps grief prest The lovers creep to the roso for rest. So we smile at the dark on the pathway rough; There shall be sunshine and rest enough After the stormy ways are past, Rest shall ho sweeter at lust at last! Joy and sorrow will end in rest Dust, and a rose on a dreamless breast.