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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JANTARY 2o. IPO. CkAiN AND PRODUCE MARiET SAWeSMSBBeaaea, Prices Tail U Adr&nc oa the Ball Kew. BEAiS ABX STILL CO&IUJUI Wheat Sft aad Streegtk f RMTf Selling; t the Mart Val see Ga mm th lla. OMAHA. January Si. 1M. Grain prices fail to advance? an th bull tew ao4 rnnj by tana. Ber are roof .dent and It tonka like tber waa a readjustment of prtrea la line. W heat opened eof l and on heavy filing tt tha start taiux weet mi the decline. - - maT; wvee e I ' . saw A rj-en tine vii bearish. TIM cash market lid show I he deaired strength and there aa a general lack of support from th bull faction. May wheat opened! at 7Nc 4ud rlraed jrc. Corn wert off wi-h wheat on reneral selling at tho opening. Baying was very light and much scattered and, there was cniy a lair market aetrvtty. afar corn opened at Uc and closed at W-. . Oata wer easier on the opening. 1n sym pathy with iwn and wheat. Selling was general by lor art. Sharta Xoaaht t . sustain values and ; ( Baccn. steedr; rV4 extra st-eft, 4 IS clear t' 5 J: 'vrt clear, fx r IVl'LTRV-cj-iiet- chr.. V; sprirg. F-; turkeys. I'jc; d-jrk. Ac-. ge. Vc. PI TTKK Firm: creamery. r4rrie. EGOS Firm, lic, rm eeunt. Receipt Sh'proents Flour, bhli ion Wheat, ou 4 eA 41 Om. bu IS ' ! Oat, oa KM EW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qeetattee af tha Dar aa LadlaB rawasaadltles. NEW TORK. Jan. U-rUOl'R Rereipta. iljt." bbl ; export. IVJL bbls. Market stesdr with trading qjH; Mlnn-eot Ptn! &Vi$.70; winter trirr-ta. M 5i3 4.75: Nm'.ii bakers. 54SJV.i; winter extra. tt.7Sfi4.SP; winter patents. 54 IS; winter lew grade. M. -i4 !. Rye flour, trady; fair to g' (4 u&.15: choice to farcy. o&Sai. Buckwheat flour, quiet; fiOO pr 1 Ibs. rORNMKAl-F1no; fine white and rel l"w. ti coarve. C H, kiln dried. &a ? RTE Firm; NoJ weatern. tc, f. a. b. New Vcrfc. WHEAT Pjwlpta. . bn.: trort. 11 1 bu. "pot market. rteady;.Na. 1 rej. t (HH. elevator, and 11 f. o. b.. aToal: No. 1 northern Duluth. tl .:. f. o. b. afloat; No. t hard winter. II -UN. f. o. b. ainat. Therw waa a sharp break in wheat this momlBf on b'.g Arfentlne ah'.ptnents and lower cable, but the market atemd.ed with com and later became quiet and firm ra bqliah wewtem crot- new. clo(na partly Vn rte hlrhr Vtnr tl OA Viati 1.1L Itlo-ed at l:.lf; July. h((,1K cl-wed at NEffYORRSTOCKS AND BONDS Market it Dull and at Timet StafnAJnt STORM KELTS TRADERS WKl.'K. rM coin and bailKwi, yo'-l certlf).atea, M.rV4. UK PORT Or THE CLBARI5IO HOI B Traa aaka Flaw at Maaey ta Baaka (sallaaei aad Rata far CaJI Laaat Draaa Twa Pr Caat Baa da Are frreaalar. rtlaaa at Ike Aseaelatrd for taa Woak. NEW TORK. Jan -Brad.treet a bank tlearrr report for the week er.l'rf Jar-Ti- AWAT ' as ar:net C T J" Urt week, and Jtno in the correerpondira; week lat year. Canad'an clearinas lr the week total tT?.4 aa alrat 0:4 ln week and Mt In he same week last ear. The foiloaina; ta a ItM of the ntiea: NEW TORK. Jan. It -TT.o Hthvne d-jTI-nesa. approarhtn at t:roea ataanalion. of tha day a stock markat was psrtly attrt bulaM to tha Inclement wea'.her. wnkh diminished the attendance at the Stock x cbsro to a notabia eztert. Even tne coalers, which hare declined recent!- on the score of poor buslnan. caused by the open winter, failed to secure any advan tage from tho wintry outbreak, and were in fact amo'.a; tha leader" of the depression. TMs was dje In part to the sympathetic effect of tt special weaknesa of Delaware 4k Huoscn. ahtch haa shown a bad effect from the reported note lsu. Another note insue waa reptrted today by the Mis aouri Pac;flc. to run two years and to bear per cent, for tho purpoee of providing means to take ij notes for H.Wa ma turing In April. These Issues of tetnporaiy obllsja'kma at a high ntereet rate ara coi.i C1TIEA. Clearlags j Inc. Dec. New York Chicago rVeon Philadelphia ... St. Ixruis Pittsburg Pan Francisco ' Baltimore Kansas City .. Cincinnati New Orleans . M:nneapol:a Cleveland letroit Loulrrllle Ixie Angeles ... Omaaa Milwaukee Seattle t. Paul , PTfvidenca .... I Rcf.'alo helped to hold orlcea near yesterday a close. May oata epeaed at i&c and closed at &-. e Primary wheat raaeapta were aZT.OCA bush s!a and shipments were fl.OO bushels arainst recalpta last year of !." bush els and ehipmenta of X1 bushels Corn receipts were !'?.' bushels and aVpmente were I"Ai" bushels, against re reipta last year of T buahela and sh!p er.enta of Si' buahela Ciearamea were lJ IrTShela of corn; none of oata. and wheat and flour equal t? V.. buahela. I.lrerpaol yloaed i lower on wheat and ViiSd lower on corn. eaeoaed wmIiI buahela of wheat ard (Lwub, buahela of corn taken for ex port. , Local ct xt1j!: Arrk-lea ' Oren t ing, txw. f (lose Tea y Vet-eat I Msy...i Jaiy...l apt. ' Cam j Mar...! July...' Sept...; Oata May. July.-.J vpt.,,r I. rs i n ' 54S' S3 M i M ; sis i its u V 47 ' 3fV ta rask pyleea. WHKAT No. S hard. f6S6CHc; Na. 1 hard. Kc; Na. 4 hard. ?Wj3c; No. t spring. -ORN So. . HV6l,!,c: No. 4, frilc: no frad. tiie-: No. J yellow. aiVc- nt: l-llow.-lrv6i-nr: No. white. frmtrf'lV'- OAT? Na. I miked. 4TSc: No. I yelinw. f"Sr: No. 1 white. 47VrOc: No. 4 whlte IT&tTtjc; ataadard. t:totV-. RTE No. i TVrTrf: No. . T5f?rc. Caaiat Reelpta. - " Wheat. Crn. Oats CMcaao Jl li5 tinneapolta IS Omaha .... 1? V IS tijluih . I CORN Recelrta. .rT5 bu : eToorts. 4T.4V3 bu. Spot market, firm: No. 1 Tic. elevator, and TSc. t- o. b.. afloat: No. I whTle. 7V; No. t yellow. CSc. f. o. b.. afloat. Options opened weaker on weather news, but re covered on reports of large evport sales, rloalng at Sc hlgier. May. ?S&TSc ciosed at T-'k": July closed at 4Sc OAT3 ReoelHa. f.J bu. Ppot market, firm: mfsd o&ta. X to E lbs.. UV: natural while. to t? lbs . &eS96c; clipped white, 21 to a lbs.. wSOc HAT Steady but alow; good to choice. raii& HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. 1W crp. 1-Wlc: K.5 crop. 49V: Pacific coast, K crop. s311c:"7 crop. V3e. ' HIOKS Firm: Bogota, l?r: Central Amer ka. lSo. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; mess. r.1.f rVU-: beef hraroa KMi'-ftJai; packet. tAJvd'.TVj, city, eatra Itdla mesa, t-1 "i 71 !o Cut moats, steadv: pickled bel'iea. r.T5e5; pickled ami. t.W. Lard, firm; western prime. tT SStiT : refined, firm; continent. .4v. Poutn America. 15: com- m ( ; short clear. Hi It. . ; meaa, jvt i JnilS.S. MvZ i TALXOW Steady: rity. fcSc. country. 51 !.-, . . . .... . BH B jTeady; aomeatic. la.r to enra. tVS r Japan, nominal. . lWLTRY Alive. duU: western chicken, fnw'a Uc : turkeys. l.'Sc. Dreaed. djll: western ch'rkens. UT5x; turktys, 11 ir: fowls. l"fil!c. HCTTER Firm: creamFTies. third to f"-t. I6)c; process, common to spec!al. lMrie: imi-.ation creamerr. first. nr-Sc. CHKE? Firm and unchanged. FXKki Firm: e stern first. ;4SfWc; seconds. 3SeC4c. -S ' s ; r.s ! MS -s Ponland. Ore.. Columbus. O St. Jiwpli Men-.phis 8nanpitl Atlanta Spokane. Wish. Toledo. O Taorr.a Peoria I e Norfolk 1 New Haven ' 1 Orend Rapids WEATHER ! THE CRAIX BELT Saya Fair aad Wirarr for atarday the Praaktt. OMAHA. Jan. :4. Tho wave of cold ataxher ha spread over the. southern and eastern state, and tem peratures decidedly below freezing are nirirn r-waiw awn sn n- mnti i general Ihrotghout tne south and the (IIICACO GRAIN ASD fRM 19109 me.a,h.r mcb co!der everywhere east I of me M:sjisslppl River. Temperaturea I ne mvd-rte-i rapidly west of the) MIs i rjs.ppi river since the preceding repcrt. and tna wealht-r Is much warmer thia rrominr In the upper Mississippi and 1 Missouri valleys and Missouri valieys and I west. Snow Is general in the lower Lake ' region, upper Ohio valley and east to the rout. The weather continues generally fair in the cet-iral valley and t. and will concnuo fair in this vtrtniiy tonigui and probaoly Saturday, with wartaaw to- t-iented noon aa leavtnc oten the ouestl m j lmlianantilta . of how far the easing money market ha , Denver opened tne way for new capital Issues. Fort Worth . The return flow of money to banking Richmond ... reserves evtdertly goea on In an undltr.ln- j A'banr Ished tile The known movements of , Washington .. money for the week, according to the esti- gn Lae cit mate of the mot trustworthy aotnoniies Indicate a gain In cash by the banks of about r.i.w Last wek s eaperience. when the estimates of Fl gan com pared with an actual Influx of upward of UH.or.') of cash to bark reservea. In cline optnton to look for sme such eicess over the estimatel gain this week. The action of the money market gives aburdant evidence that last autumn's tlU.(.4.M) of JCashville gold import and f4.ft.VO of back eipan- , H chstrr , thoric conditlona In the morey market, with the turning back of the sum then driven into hoarding by the panic. Money continued to press on the market for call lo&ca. on account of t-wh the local and out of town banks today, and no better I ? ,. rate than 1 per cent could be procured, j Portland. Me Rates for time loans also continued to , Sioua Citr yield, and the demand for mercantile paper J g pringfield. Mas to broaden. The withdrawal of treasury Evanevllle deposit from the New York banks has '. Birmingham bearun. arlthout checking the downward 1 Syracuse .. tendency of monev rates, and soma out-: .a.'.gusta. Ga ward movement of gold la believed l.kely Mobile to reauH. notwithstanding the declining In- j Worcester terest rates for money abroad. Lor.don Knoxville waa a seller of atocks In New York todav. wilmlngion. Del., creattr.g some demand for remittances to 1 Charleston. S. C. . that center. There wa some considerable j Chattanooga fluctuations In price today, but their vari- Jacksonville. Fla . ation mdnated the artivttv of the pjreiy ' wW'hita professional tiaas m the market. Specula- j Wiikesbarre live operation of the lirger cli ss are on 1 Davenport an Insijn.ifkant scale. Two event ahkli 't,:i,t Rock are supposed to be awaited as necessary Whee'irg. W prelimlnariea to any new speculative s-.ands , pa;i River . are the quarterly report of the I'nited j Kalamasoo hUates steel corporation next meaaay ana . Topeka the complexion of the proptieed proee- ; Springfield. LI cutlon oy tne government afmimi y.e ni- ; Helena railroad merrer. H'toni or tne in- ...1 . Va....' Mk-h.'.'!.! Feat-re. af tha aad frtrea aa Baarl af Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. M. Additional reporta of damage jdaw by "green bugs " to the crp In the aoutbweat. and the advance in rem. Imparted strergtn to the wheat mar ket today, tha May delivery dosing at a gain of l Cora waa up SSfC. Oats were H,r higher and provUtona 7S to Uc Mg'ver 3 t-e strength in tho wheat aeveiopei In laraalv av aa advance of almost 1 cent in ' in tended cutting In half of the leather output for the coming year, and rumor of one or two minor business embarrassment, were factors In the day's market. One of the downward fluctuations of prices aas in prorres when the market cioaeo Bonds were irregular. Total sale, par value. CS(H-(. t'r.tted S.ate bonds were unchana-ed on call Number of saies and oruc'atSor sn stock were aa fellows: Fort Wayne. Ind. 1 New Bedford Lexington i Ycungstown 1 Erie. Pa ; Macon A k.-on Omaha record of temperature and pre-j Z. e Z'J??cVX? i r'-i.J-."? m' Iwndin I - ii.- Assbm T.iftm asuisaatatea Cm . Aav c. a r ... aav C. a F. sfd Am- Cclae Oil Aw couea Oil ABvenaa fUra Aav. H AL. : Axna I Ana. 1 iniel Oil Aw. Liaaee4 Oil pit . oay 01 irw 11m n,nT c"'i' I Ar LtMlra Minimum temperature i 11-54 11 Am. A pf I'roclprtaUon 0 . . T -0 -W .aw. er Rensia ... Normal temperature for today. & degree. Aa To rt cin .. tajoa"aaea)ra9arca A. I awac I Alrkieaa . corresponding period of ;Ul," lelllflg af the uaheaithy appearance of the new crop In Kansas., however, caused con- 1 siderabte buying- During toe greater part j of the oa Ilia -market wa week beeaueeH of a liberal movement ta tha northwest sad '"HIWifc.W'WWiiiMillWI.altU 1 KV?.--" A. r I: clat aaj firm. Xlnj wheat op.nt-d c T1-e ;i.v ..nZ lower at r.Sin.Cat' advanced to nteS li0, Ifco. and rlaaed at U.tO.., Clearance of aHieat mil flaur were eanal to e. bush- ill . 1. j . r ,M i llniece oara eK KVtKa for tr- week a. shown by . wncpon.. 1 M, L Padstreet were equal to 4 41. W buahels. -74 wrutH Local Forecaster . .'A-sr Primary reeept were UVOT busheta com- " A" LOC1 0rWi 1 JAi eir JerwV pared with JM bushela on the eorrea- Ka.M TIIf Crala aaa PravUlaas. ivwuta oat. .... ponding day laat year. MinneapoUa. Iw- .v.a.a . ,-r-r -1 HFAT-n- t"0 Ot. W luih ami Chicago reported reoetpta of rr I KANSAS t ITT. Jan. .4 - HEAT-ln - , , K cars. aga:ni Sal car last week and ;i ' th. My STy-: Ju! . V( h- N- c , . A Ft r j 1 r.aro- - . - v. j . . -w- - ; f w -j-. a T red flWiL: No. a. VKil.v: ! T a T. p! aala H!(k. Uc Cses 14 ll 1 'lM . - 111 ;i 4S ? 1 ' ie t y a r a :-a i " l. U1S l Tl a n-, im t.s a t Rorkford. 1,1 C!ir Rapids Chester. Pa.. B:r.ghamton . Fargo. N. D. Lowell ! . Car.ton. O ' South Bend. K g-jiacy. Hi.... i . Spr-ngfield. O 11 ; Siot'x Fall. 8. 14 Mansfield. O lS Dcatur. Ill j Fremont. Neb .. 1 Jacksonville. Ill ! Lincoln. Neh Oakland. Cal.. i Oklahoma la. 111.. Ind. D.... iTw 1 Oklahoma IU 'Houston , n sQalveaton 1 a. I - - .. "a I i ., U . . . 1 OiAA'A .. .1 Ui 114 (.. .,, i;s .. ' 4 !C1 ' .. .! .l(".. ., li .. . S4.kvl.iM 2.l7I.-.t .. 5-J5!o.. .1 )iV1(ITI i:i.v iVl-3 .. 11. Tl 8,000 If . . i ! .( .. u:. j;.y. .. . :.&4. '.. " . . , ; JO . . .H .. , 4 . . . 4. . .. 4 fJt.'C .. 4. . . ! .. J : ' . . i ?.1J' .. 457J.i' .. 1S.W.. 4 - '. 4 lTC'TO, I -tt nv ' J.ST.'rr.. : S 53 !? t 1 &'. 7 i V . 2 e t I '16 M. . 1 a . 1 ra:v . i n-y . l.MiO.O . t .1 . . ;;. .w .04l c 1.43. ' . 1 WLM . 1. -, 1 . v 1 4S M : l.F.4.'rt!. ; i f l.- LSa.o'O'. I.l4i'0 K4.'M . l .iaS . 1 14 .V l.4.'s. . & . L'1S.t ii.: '(' . tit: . nxi'i . 3t v . frt.4-. ::.( IX -' V . . .' 4T.- '' 4?rt ' . 4T.( . 44 ( .. 4.-:io 44: VA WW 4.1 ... m.0: . " 1.1."1 . '- I SK.Ctja . -. TTe.4 . an .4V4 v. ' l4..0'. 1 14 4 . 10 4 . 1 . 1T.1 it . "'.. 41 .1 El :! .1 14 4 ; . i.l .i a t 114 I 4 . 1.0 . Ha ; 1 44 s 31 14 II It 4 r 11 7 i4 4 X i : 55 i lit J 4 i: i 21 Pacific $6,000,000 The Chicago, Rock Island Railway Company First and Refunding Mortgaco 4 Gold Dond Duo April 1st, 1934. Interest payable semi-annually April 1st and October lit in New York. Redeemable at the option of the Compiny at 1 05 and Interest on or Trior to April 1, 1911. on sixty dajV preTlou notice. Coupon Bond of $1,000 each, with privilege of registration. Registered Bonds may be re-exebaoged for Coupon Bondt. G Th bonds a dlrct obligation of thw Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railway Company, which wa. formed In tho yoar 1880, from which tlmo It has unlntormptodly paid dividends on Its capital stock, an slnco 1898 at not loss than 5 par cont par annum. li 14 . 14 .1 1H 1 7 31 . 1 11 i U.I It . ii. -i i. . ! II . 4 S . 14. . 1 4 . 7 1 II 4 a a 4 u.i i 4 1 U 4 i: w WE OFFER THE ABOVE BONDS , SUBJECT TO PREVIOUS SALE. at 85i and Interest, yielding 5 Income Bonda of thia Issue are already listed In the Stock Exchange of New Tor. London. Amsterdam. Frankrort and Berlin. Thaas Bonda ara a lag a! Invostmant for Traataoa and Savings Banks In Naw Yark Stat, and aa such ara accepted by tha Traaaary Dapartmant at Washington, aa security for dapoalta of Public Monay In national Banks. Further information will be furnished on request. New Tork January O, 1'-I4-:4 Pine Street. SPEYER & CO. 0SI1H1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds in Light Receipt and Steady. HOGS SHOW A STJUSTAUTIAL GAIN Nal Eaeaga aeea ar laak Market Everyt blag Very Readily at treaa Price. ta Make Sells Cattie. nogs. She.-p SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 54. 1. Receipt were: Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Estimate Friday .. 461 . Vlxa li.lU IS K 1JJ T.jtH 166 7M . l4 4J( SS I IS . 1 . u . 4 ...I 24 4 4 U 4 4 1 Five days this week . . '.u. jn 9 1. Same davs last week.. . 4.T SO.Tli Same da vs 1 weeks ago. 3 A t..Z9 Snie dava 1 weeka ago. .11. 1 44. vw 17. a: C 7 ' Same days 4 wteks ago.. 1 1 'j j Same days last year Iti Si-SS"! SJ T I The fo!kwirc tabie shows the receipts of j rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for .. . I the yeaf to date, compared with last year: 1 li. 157. Inc. Lec. " I Cattle TJ.fcT Wi.T" 14.SM W I Hogs !C-.t 1K.57 (Sja .... jSiieep SS.TTS 11-xiiw a.117 I I Ttt fo;iowmg tai-le ahows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the las' several days, with comparison: i.r. Ml Zl 4.4 a 4.314 car. on. vei av. l iw com imriri PnrM - iui iew . . . . ...-. . k . v. - I Liiii.'': No. J and No. X white. fciVe. der of 11 day. The chief reason for tne ATSnchanged. No. J a hue. ic, fitn-nesa waa the falling off in rectipt ( No. T mlej. t-iw. oespue wic rmiirn. ..ow v.m,-, .vi,.rfv , hnire t.mothv tM ViAAV I ch":i-e praine. gx A.jt.aO. BVTTER Firm; crt-amery, c: paxkiog. 17V- IXW-lc higher; extras, c: frsts. ac. Wheat, bu Com. hu Oats, bu Receipts Shipments. ..lli'M . yitrt 51 vo .. 17.( li0 aoea advanced on an active demand from ' Jr-,"'',"-' V'li, - v-. i " CoieraAe a 5 Cel .. A So. 1 ' .. Cols m to U pi ... reasi.ldttel Oaa Cra rr4at . ... . Cars PrwSucu p'.4 -Deiavart A F. sdtea Itm . U W IeTer A R. O D. A S O s4 ItaiuMra aacaniiea . Kna Erv. la p'i En, Id p(4 General Electne I'liaaia Ceatral Imeraatlecal Pftyr .. lat. Paa ;a lac raa lac Pvb f4 lew Ceatral !4 Kaaau Cny sa k c. So. p4 X MetKaa reatral Mias A sc U.als M . EC P. A - f . M a . It f A . A M Mwwl Pmciflc ...... M . K. A T at . K A T s4 toaal L.l . a. r. ot m. pt... .-..uv Srni inr: nrtme mixed Amer-! -T 7m lean. new. aH.d: prim mixed Amer can. 1-H K 15! 4 K i:4 i-s 4H 1 ln for the movement. The cloae wa I'rmi. May corn opened SWc lower a: -la.7c. advanced u l.'ruCV and 1 fked at 41ttlSc- Local receipts were JS cars with none of contract grade. Oata made a fair gain late in the day. because of the advance la corn. Trade In a-eneral was liaht. May oat opened un changed at iJc. sold at SJc. advanced t J 4c and cluaed at MS- lcai receipt Mlaaeawalla Grata Market. "rvlstonVrere firm all day tecaus. of . ?T"J?0,J.S- .Jn . 14 -W:.H.A.Tr; "P aa western . L" " .r7'JlC4 packing centcra. waa lie higher at KX IT- Lard wsa 100 higher at S7 f7St7V.. R:ba ware 7H higher n r I Estimated receipt f -r tomorrow are wheat. I car: earn. .l cars; oats, lit Cars; hog. head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Arlcle tOpen High . I Low. t Close. I Tea y. :! ra 14 - '5 a 1. ye in I4( 1'1 Ife" :' l li M 471 1S 44 t 1 Montreal .. Toronto ... Winnipeg Ottawa I Vancouver. 1 Hahfax ..... ' Quehe ! Ham.ltnn ' ?t. N. I M:nn. 0t Victoria, B. a.gaty Kdnionton a... .4 3.4M.'" . . 3.7iXA'. . ' 10 7?o . - - x :.: .., !..; r -.. . l lSi . 1.1J4. . . :!.( l-l!i.' ....! 1 2 . 1 I . !, 3 . u t-. 1.1 .4 1M li 4 3 4 11.4 af6 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COIWPAtJY SX. LOUIS iias for each SlOO of deposits Cost. Reserve - 3 34.61 Resources - - - 15S.01 (SEE PUBLISHED KTATE.MKXT IEC. . 1B07.) 4 on Tims Certificates of Deposit 3i on Saiinis Accounts ; 2 on Current Accounts A BOOKLET. "SAVINGS DEPOSITS BV MAIL." KKEE ON" KEOt liT. tXRBErOXDUNCE SOLICITED Date. IMS. .1X7. '.Ka.ilXo.'lH 1M I1W. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jau. Jan. Jan. 14.. 4 1V 4 31 H .., 4 4 Si i 3 IS... I 4 a?.. ir S3 i:...f it 4 ti it I 4 M I Til ' 4 K 4 a 4 74 4 13 S-...1 4 r; -1 l IU liii 3... i 4 V 444. 5 SS 14... 4 14 it (I. 4 V- i ID 15 ! 4 il 4 i: 4 Hi 4 2 !I15 4 SI' ' 4 4 17 4 Hi 4 , "al: 4 il 4 74; S?) 4 i: 4 s 4 4; rr 4 iA. 4 7?, 4 T 15 4 3 4 Si. 4 K 4 1 4 4 C Sundav. The official nuirVt of cam of stock Wheat May Juiv Sept. H'em Mar July Sett. Oata aMay I.Mar aJuly bJuly riCb- Va." Lnr.1 Jan Hay R'oe Jnn. Mar July j I ! I 1 07', 1 t 1 ?- 7S is irSkSXH' cms l" .riS' m aiiu ', 1S I ilS " 44--, 4Ta 1 r. 41 HI 7. FIjOCR F:rt patents. ST. Si.' aeewid nalenta ISEi.V. first aatents. 4 4 4: second patenla r StiiW: first clear. HJc J Uenile A Ul.e. e.vno viar. e'-jw. BRAN In bulk. tjit..i.5. 1 Llverpwel Cirala aad Prevtaieaa. LIVERPOOL Jan. I4- WIIEAT-f rot. No. 2 red w:ern winter, eaay. 7s ti. j at l-jture. steady; March. 7a;S-l: May, i aTVl K y . O A Nerto.k A lld. 4s SSd. Ut ilTr. d; March, fcs Jd. quiet; January, t MS . 4v,s V4. 4 46 si. 4V, 4o 1J 47V II 47 11 f7a i; S 1? Tt ! li e:i" i : u iT'.j i "i 7a, j 4 7t 4S 7 17V 4 tt I I 77V,' 7 I 17 7 :t,a TV 4 I tli I 7 75 S v -7TS T tt T 17- 7 as 7 4r, 7 irt ' f.rala Market. MIL.WAVKF.K. Jan. X-WKEAT-Mr-ke steady: No. 1 m.rtlern, 41 1'eti.H: No. J northern. $l.7til.ti: May. l.i bid. BARLET 6teady. No. i. tl.; sample. 7ct:n 1. itiRX-Firm; No. J cash. Sei-Sc; May, 4ive aaked. Fearta Market. PEORIA. Jan. 74 CORN Steady : No. No. 1 4. , vellow. iS-ibc. No. . i-JtJ&JC 45 : ro grade. 4.-.i(i-4tV- OAT-Simil; Nu. i afcite. iVajWc; No. 4 ahlte 4j"fi-r. WHiSKV-llii- i S A W. p.t Mx-k awervaa j PaeifW Mail ! Peaavrrraaia rverla s Gas ' r . C . C- A c L. Pi mi I saert Car Prvaat S. C. S44 Paiiawa Paiae Car Reaaa R4la la pf4 lal:: 54 f ReftiK Steel IUekie teel 4 ....... . R- I.MS4 C S.OCX ltla.4 fa pit j 8. L. A S r M p! ! c Leal g. W IkLi W. pH I Saetkef PanSe 1 - " ! t: its r.s "S is ism n-, u : r Sit 1- lit SI i:i 1 11 Jl at 4.4 is v f, th ti ... e t t: r. 4 1 i lis M Si M - M aa is is-s ut t 0 4.'V 4w 4S t.m k, a, o -e U- Si, u 1.4M it U U :o r :s ta u ti u he M M air e 4"a 47 44 a u i ri- m- i s. v g ai at tii i 'a -i Not Included In tola. because containing I otner nema man cieanags. 'Not included In to'.aa because corr.parl- sors are Incomplete New lark Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14 MoNEY-Oa call. easy at r'.6.4 rer cent: ruling rate. 7 r-r j cent: closing bid, IS per cent; offered At i per cent; time loarus. easy: t.xty-dar bms. 1 4j4Ci per cert: ninety days. 4 per cent; : six month. 4u4 percent; prime mercan- I t:.e paper. SS per cent. , STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ae. i tual bua.neaa In bankers' bills at 44 iTe,& I 4 S71 for demand and at S4 W7KJ4 gTTJ for i ity-dav Mlia: commercial bllla. I FILYER Bar. ic; Mexican dollars. 44c. PON r.-S Government, steady; railroad, ! Irregular. Closing quotations oa bonds were as fol- ?w 14 4 U erna J 1M Hert Val 4a, !l 14fr U A N cat 4a.... in Mia r g. 4 114 Kea. reatral 4 .... .lM"a 4 1st lar !. ii. l a . n TW . K A T 4. : brought In today bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C . M. St. P 1 7 I Wabash 1 Missouri Paiflc I 4 l"nion Pacific system 1) li C. A N. W east S c n w . we: ii rr : C tt. P.. M. A O I 1 C. P. A- J . cast 3 4 C. B. c W . et 2 t 1 C. R I. A P.. vast... ! J Illinois Central 1 t Ago Gt. Western 1 I Total receipts U 1 1 t r ref. ts reg r. s. 4a r. a t reg.. ' as eavsea Tibacce 4a.. a 14 M : T. : " ... Cae Market ' a.ii quflttixm, were aa ic-iioww: . rUU R-laiy; winter pateota 4.i!Vr4fl:, NEW TORK. Jan. lA-TOrrEE-Market aleier siiaigliiA tUivti': spring paiert. t for cv'lfee f-ures rlosed steady, net ui.-r:4ii-7i; eprlrg irair4a, 44 4n Jo; 1 chaiiged to 4 points lugter aJes were re-baKe- rjri4. ! torted of ls.fbM 4Hur. InetudiiMf January, W H EA T No ; serin r n111: No. 1 A'6c. March. !; May. iic Sprsrg --4Hl : No ret. ItiJrtec. 6pifmM. vkoiASx July. 41c 4Vtober. It'c: L-e- tORX-Ks. t 53:Ver: No. 1 yellow. 423 I oen.t-r uk'. Sp-Jt coffee. 'f"dv; No T fjv-e. " ' i Rl 41.41. No. 4 fv-toa. ac- wu a ranee, OATS No. t 41c; No. 1 white. 49f"c steady; Corouva. iwl3c. RT E Na. I. c. . . HAP L.K T Fair to choice malt'ng. Wrv. ' Melaseea. fer.t.Ld Flsa. No 1 northwea-rn. tl n1. NEW TORK. Jan M 81 'GAB Raw. Triune tanotay. 4.Je. Clover - eontract nulet. fair r lining citrif uai fel teat. Sa. Pa. :ac pit So. kailaar So kai!r Pit Tesaa A PadAr T. c u A sr T . . L, A W. . l alea Pa'Sr lata raciSs s!A..... gtae. V.'IA PROVISIONS Short rtaa. sldee (Uoaev. J5 ;.7i. ' ales pork, per hU . :i7S4il 47'. lard. r IB I he- IT.ti. Short clear aide ( Invaed 1 . 44 4StJ S7V loiliiairg were te receipts and hfp-t-w. s af Hour and gra'r,. - - Rtcelpt. Shipments Flour, bbla 44 n bu Uf Ks Cots, bu U " .a Data, bu .-. 2A V Mil P.e. bu - Un r ark-y. bu 24 Oa the rroduc4 eachange today he but ler maxkat waa Firax; creamenea. t. o Sc . Saxiiea l4y?7c. lira, atrocg; at mark, .aeea Included. : Trata. iT'i;: prtm f irta. n,c. catraA .c. Chee. airarfy, l)B40. IHw; m rruald 4-!x-. .. Mr. i. Joe Kein.ed. S'eaay; jwdevd. ac. gvaau.ated. Ei kenr Raaaei k.t4pe Steel (lei pit ea-Aiv.. 'pil.'.'.'. V5S 1TV4 11 17 T a 4 4 I y 14 US '' n t r a tt'a La r !- riw l.aa ti 7i a, n s 1K l'A Ma Ka A a :". Ha 14 lS r t H4S, at e ui U2 ir:a a l-a t t .. - an S a tt a saiss 3 rtj II H t; : Al 4m A'rMaoa aea. 4a.. fii 4, !itle r u 4. Bal. A Okie U ... 4a IS. P-m k. T - 4a... ceatral f Ga. V l lac M ! M lac Caaa A Ofct 4n Tiieaa. A A- J'-e C . B A Q a . 4a C B I A P. 4s. aa est Se "T A st L. g fou lt.4 aa. aer Cia. M 4 4a Tela. A S. ... r.aa la D A R a 4a ... rei:.lers" Set. Is Bne p I. 4a e - 4s Jaaaa 4a .. a. rr AiA i9irat The disposition of the iia receipt was as foliowa. each buyer purchasing the nv:m er of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Sw.ft and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Cudahy. from Ft. Worth Carey A Benton hnbnu A Co McOreary A Carev W. I. Stephen Hill Son F. P. Iea IS Hamilton at Rothschild.. J. H. B-lla rtam Werthetmer Ta ! Mike Haggerty v-i 1 T. B Ing'iram 7- I Sullivan Broa J4 ' leme T'.ma . j Other buyer VO m l ! 4 i I ( a I . i.. ... r ... 1"S ... iw 4 e Of 1 STOCK ERS AND FEEDER? 4 . S.K It 14 il I 45 .. 44 t 1 1- 4 V VJ 4 II 4 .ilT 4 i IU HOGS Hogs sold higher this morning, but just how much higher a compared with yesterday !a not tasy lo say. for the nt-in tnat lb market eater day ma i" very un even. Thus yesterday hogs sold on ine opening IrMc- Iraer. closing with tie de cline prkcl'.cally rera:ned: hence ar.yr-ie comparing today market with yesterday wouid of necessity he gui-Vd largely by tne time of dar he e.ld yesterday. The Tinrket today wa certalniy a gc-od lc higher tr.An J yesterday s eariy market, but not very i much heller than yesterday's close. hil the trade waa not particularly active, tn hog hands and the bu'k of ihe rece'.nta wa deposed of in fair s-no-v The sa:es wer largely at 44 bii4J-. a against 4.tr4 W yesterday. Tr.e ton u-dsy aa 44 "0. ahicti aaa luc I igher than Kny tMr.g brought vejterday. Tr.e iater market waa not qui'e g-vd a the early markvl a part of the advan- wing lost. er-cia!ly on 1-ght h-gs. still the average narkel wa reT.''" !.'iv,er than yesterday s general market. Representative tales: Good promlslag ucllated rtocka BUaasiua, BTrrada, Miaes for oa moackly paymsata, la blocks of 10O ta 8.000 akares, at S5 aad 30c pat aAAra. .Tot part Ic alar call cr address MAX XV. XTrBBJLXABTaT, 6O0 Bo. list Ara. - TL faflm eSTa. "Prospectru rtaa. 141 l.i ei J I r.4 ir. r.- :;4 i n i ' sa 23 t ... aaa. 4.- ; 1J J n ! 23 14 I J i: 1.5.4) 7.J-S 717 Na. 14 rr!.'! : 4T... 47.. 41.., 44 . ( . r . M . 4T . 77.. H . S3 . i: . At. . It . -1 . . i: . r . .: ..r: . t!4 . se . . r-7 . 7H . T-4 ..'.1 T. fa. P . . I 4 4 ... I'd .. 4 ' . 4 1, 4 4 4 It- 4 4 ! 4 :t 4 :i 4 li 4 11 4 -S 4 li 4 li 4S.. M... IT... ' .. 44. . . 4 .. tl .. .Tie SA ut !j-t s; li 4 ..: . U4 . 4J sa. r- . 4 :i t 4 li 4 4 :i 4 ti 4 4 "i 4 ti 4 li 4 4 4 r 4 T-i and feeders. U'.1ei4 (: calves ad yearling. Hwii-KfCt.tii. " he ; market 5e higher. (ltu-. al ii.irli julk of aaiaA Knat-i. Kaaaaa City Live Slack Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan. .4.-'-ATTL,T"-K ci-t. ljuu l ead, flit lod ng ai.uthems maraet. steady to hc h-gner: enojee export and d-wl beef steer". 4jiiSC: fair io gKd. U Mai . western eter. C!:-ia I", s.ockers and foed-rs. H (U4 ; sou'neru steer. 4IT5j46. aobiheru coaa '.: native coaa. $i.Jn JO: nattve heilers. 4S 14 (at ; bulls. tJ4-0t: calvea, U x.'ti-.Ji. ll'XJi Receipt. ll.4) head: market. 5c higher: lop. 44. 4; bu.k of sale. 44 litJ4 ii; heavy. 44.si4.i. t-ackera, 44 -UtM.i. p ga and hgi.t. ti'-H J. SHEEP ANi lMBS-Reeeipta trr lrfa-1. market. lSV higner: iatnha. KiH 4S. e-s ar;d year.mgs. t474a'. anuri jearllr.xs. tii-cv : western st o-n, 44 4 SIS; sloers and f'd-rs. tii",tC'. Stark la lght. Receipts of live s;ck a: Ihe clpij -vestern markets yes'crday: P-outh 0-r.!-a Sioux City ... Kama City S. J-eph St. Loui Chicago Total Car H'-r. K prin-ShC-p .. te ;.-"4 C4 ..h 11 ' : vi .. 4M 4 741 US . .1 'i 7 ' 5 . .1 5o OJ.iMi i ..'..tS 71. 4 C ."4 SHEEP-There were only two freth ars of shep reported in t!is morning anj a! BOfrrov. Jan. it. tS f m The Commer very fea- holdover. While this aa r.o: ! '' B'll'et.n of Rosten. bar.g It rt-port enough to make a market or to really in- ! on statistic gathered for tr.e government, terest buyers, everything offered met v its j will T tomorrow of the wool n:arket: ready sale at good, atrong trice. Pretty ' There ia a much better tone t Cie market gid lamts sold up tu tv".5. wt;r. a fa.rtfh ; sin'-e the news from the Ijin.lm ai:.-tlon kind of lambs at 44'. 1 sales of colonial wool cor firmed the improv- Today'a light run leaves ti-e l Val re- ! irg tendency of tha European situation. u M a a ".'i"'".",.' . Totals M v t r.'a lie "... ! CATTLE There were r.oj enough rattle H ! J r a . ia I here to make a market and among those N a 71 jtal.ed deslraOie. Tlerv was no quotable "a N. A w. s "" in Drxea. the market as a whole rt- bnnK in aatisfatiorv toiidiucn. I Buyer for terl tattie aere out early ana lig O A . 41. Paea. r. lea . U Baa : ea 4. I'l c U A I. M e 4 i ith celpta this wek over ll.'.'O behind tht cor responding f:ve day of last week. Re ce.pts. in fact, this wwl; have teen tr.- htest since v.e iirst wora 01 tr.e month. The short a-ippD' U-caily. h'.a ever. ha not been jf:c!ent to maintain prio-e in the face of the slump at tat-rn point and the mark-, tjday is 14.- lower on limia acd x-c lower oa . ee. But aside rrom some forcel sale of terri tory aorl on tr.e floured haals of kVgrTc for fi-e ar.d mrdium. er aooui v in tile grtase. the hvira of Ihe week ha bee-i trail. R"ni from mnufa turera a to the ofniiti..n of the g-Ml market are pot favoratrie. No materia! has occurred In stcl vslje U1STXJ.V. Jan 74 WOOI Tl offering l... 4t vt l. a. r ... St St W t. ... Vaeaka a. I, . ... tt Patitc a ... 4a. S e lat 4a n' ... A. 44 So. Sa laar la.... .. 4ii T-i. a p. is ).a i . 1a : - " i tnan a weea ago. v. nitre jrar.inri ( ei j v wi .-.. ,:o rai- uw.j .:ii'j.iiirj i It Li .14 Vaiaa P.-lr e . .. St aa rr 4... ... n r f.e.i m w ... Mi Wahak :s ... 4 era B .. Tiv, eaera M4. as ... aS Wia Caetral 4a... (g 4S t . . a light hat e as . ri .... i: .... VS'a 44 Ua cent: time l.ians. j closing on stocks sni bonds: stronger pre... Aa it aaa the fair to medium stutf on sa J gvneraiiy sold at good strady or firm ! pnee. Praciicaily everyahing In :gl.l i changed hand in very good sratoo io tr.e ! mortir.g. The aireng-ic in the market today liuie loaer than a weea ago. Warmed-up ; T. tlUTii i an. luiriwi . : ' c i t iu.ic u lower the miju.e i t th sett, out .c wou4 cover about ad the decline t.'.at cojid be f.gurcd out in compering tooa s prtcca aith of a mi ago. In some C4i salesmen f:guru-.g itie W-a deairattie ot th cattle a a Ir.ile kr even Ujta that. What few cowa and heifer there were here thia rooming changed hAnds Quite auprly and sold at about ' dy l.n been In have arrived 1 pnoes. Quotatlorut on gofl to choice fd sheep lard lambs: Lambs 450tik,. I'ght year 1 ling; weher. 45 16ti?; hevy yearling wether. HJ4jo... ewes. Represer.tattre sale: No. i western ewes 4 western ewes ' western ewes lambs lambs Av. Pr. 45 1 5" i 1 n 4 3 n 5 3 in Atiauoa at 4a t. La a la Geaeravl Market. if. LOUIS. Jaa.' Jt WHEAT Firm: iia-a,' No. x t-rd. rash, tl 4B1 .: Na. t rd lvtl et. May. l ea; July. Sge. lOKS-limi: track. No. J cash. ai.( a-V-'. No. i a rule, 7Vc; May, eSac. Jai -$ c. OATS-irr; track. No. J cash. iWe; No. I wfc-te. kJc: July. alc. HIE-I'ull. aia.c- - - r LOI R aieaoy: red. winter patent. 44 13 iiASv; extra facK. an! straight. HAiAsi; .ktr. 4J.15o4.ta) A El linioiiiy. aleadv; UV-titlj. 4 GliXMEAL .Steauv. U jai.; aatatd east track. 4LU3 I 17 tAV - Steady tln-olhy. aVjL.dUa; p aute. ;aoill Ikon C4.TIVN TIES 41.1. r A'iilNG It -c. UK. MP TWINE 11c. I Kvjv IS?KNs Pora. hlguer; Jotbtr.g. I a e lam ateaayr peKne vteam. w f Hum, wear riaa, 4- aooit ckara, t rarelga Flaaaelal. IvONPON. Jan. S4 Money waa plentiful and easy on the market today -and d' couat,were oni-t. TraJlrig on tie Slock exchange opened fairly steady, but with furtaer Van corrir.g out and th aheence of oitWe u;port. trader evaoewced a teaire to take profit in gnit-eclgrd aecurl tle and L c-.e rails, and thia resulted la prU-es In this auction cloeing kwer at! around. Foreig-nera however, eonitnued 5?y on gvod Parta bu-ir.g Antertcaa r:tlg rul-d full on report of pour t.$' Later irtere was a slight wa U-et on real aatkina . li J ln'k-f sJf-poCC Tr.e New Terk open ing acxompanird by aHling" order, tneo t reused further setback and tlua section of te market closed weak. PARIS. Jan. 24. Prtca on the Bourse today a-re stranger. BERLIN. Jan. It. Trading on th Bourse todav aaa Uatleaa and there were few transactions. Anierican securities were depressed. Eva A rated Apalea aad Drl eA rralta. Nir YORK. Jan. :4 KVAPtlRtl EJ APPLES Steady aad- firrd witn fancy quoted at ISt'lc choice al IAc. prisoe at y-fev aad fruit at 7Sc. PRIED FBI "ITS Prutea fairy actrve, with cuorairone ranging from 5.c la 15e for California fruit and from tjc to 7c- lor irr.gun aa to 1 Ar-rtcot were si- changed, wun i extra cr.cV'e at i ry sarr sueaia. eriany; (M.e4 extra s' orta, i vi I Loaoon layers. H 3l 7i. o:ce. Quoted at Tta'Ae. Cii." sr.d farxv at lti-'c. tvacre-s aere q iw. but steady cr.otce betr g euoud at KSllV. extra rhw ai r."-.ri :7'.r. farx-v al liil,lv" and extra lar,.-y at toit-f. - fts-e-tA euiet: kw ti. v-tr-jf: s.-x--d Va-Car-4:oa IVaxai Va -Care. IMa pt4 ... Wateak Waleak pi 4 We.ja-raraa gii aatiackae Weaera C4a W J"" a aeallag A L g It 4 W'laceaua iWtral Wis Oetral pt4. Kertkera PacaAc 4 v ;t Oeeu Nmkm a.' " Ul Caeu-al Laaiaar la feacal LeaLaer P4 ta 4 Mat V Ts letvbaretk sa. S4 :4 b- iw ikigaal tAael 7J 4 Tstal sals ka- lea ear. aSLtt akana 4-. iV 44 IS "A 14 114 41 4-a I 145, 41 Via t 4 . W Laadea Clearraa Bteeka. j IXNDON. Jan. 14. Closing quotations on tock were: 44 li-14 M . K. A T M, J a a. T Ceatral le Aaexeeaa Kertalk A W 7t, I Airaiaoa aa A p!4 S Oatart A W fe-, aaiUaeea A Otue ... 4a PeaaarlTaaia U ( ual.l Pauat U4t kea4 Mums it, eemaaaae A Okie... " aeaaia C4 raica Of W ka, loam kaliear ... Ve. C . M A c P 1- 4 De Bean I4w teetAera Pattac K-, Inerer A B C tl rales PWclS e p4 a 4 M Brie C A steal a a Sa lat pt4 H As set ,-. ea at p!4 Waaaak Cra Taea : 1" As set It Inters Ceaual ts sseakia 4a a. Lear,Uls A X M Aakal. Caster e-, SILVER Bar. quiet. 3 s-lfcd far ounca. MONEY J par cent. Tie rate of suecouitt In tha open market for hort bui U JStiJa per cer.t. for ir.r-a mcntna' biila. JVrfi" per eenu Max Ceatral 4S... ALrkMoe aa s.'4 Bfietae A Aibaaf.. ElaetAa A Hum . a-et.oa Eievated . riK-hMr yfi Mealcaa Oebtral . S T . K H A H riM, Panftc aa anre. Cars. A t!4 Am re Tate.. Aaar Saaar a p14 A at T A A Aar Waalea ... e 44 trace E at Lis Oeeal Eertnc . klaak. i im .. Pt4 staea Ua, I aue4 gran lane f M 3 pf4 T 4 S-ael 4 pi A I wei .r. Alinee, Aavaaaauiet - .. ho Ae. 17 4 Beetea gtaeka aad Baa da ttiCTT V" T . .J 1 .1 . .-..j....... . .i loan a rire- 4T , ... . ... T rer cent oeftr'al o.;j a. a j hwi v rv. , rJrd. 1 i brn a plvndid drrr.eiid f ir cow luff aU ; this ini. aitn the resell tijat at tr.e pres. ; eht l:n trice are just a h:gh aa ir.-y I a era a scu axu. l. ' T he re aea i.o material In tha I ' -. 7 I .t . m-A f-L. r ... i, ..n T . 1 V Aa '. Prime . t ; Lcted fret iotia.v in theae co.umr.a the de- '' he. fens. .yii . 4 ' niar.d for the belt graut f feeder he . 4 I t-een gwod all tt.e week, with tha market S J strong. A a n. alter ol course the supply - t of that kind of cattle has been 1 gi t. On j tba ot.ier hand U.c light atuckera, even the " ,. belter kinds, have be-n In large supply lui ' ill ! lr ek. ahi.e prvtea have been aurkir.g ' n : ateadiiy lower. Today it ia safe to ay i, ' thai ti market on haht stocker i e . A4i. ! ioaer tin tt aaa a aeek or itn daa e3. . i : yjotaliona on cattle: Good lo choice corn- - 4 fed steers, twei-ju. fair to good corcfed - 14 i steers. 44 i'ja .:. common to lair cornfed ! steer. t Ti4 91. good to choice cow ax-d J teifera, 41 itM ; fair to good cos and ; heifer, kt 15-jg 5.-. common l fair toe and i r.e:fer. ll-TiiTi: good to choice locaers 1 ard feeder. 14 Out; 4 tV fair to good i'.txs- ers and feeders. 45tV4ti: common to f..r s".ockers and feeders. UiublSu. Representative aaiea: BEEF STEERS. ! 1"? weatern 1 45 western CHICAGO LIVE ITOCK M IRKCT . at Ailaatle . " B:ua . TT eri A Heela . Til reateaatal . . 4a Caseer kaaae .... -1S Pair Waal TH Ktaraax .114 flreaar Ik 1.1. iUrraie ..... . IVe Maaa Minis --. . 'J-, M-ck'taa Ul-t M-aaac .. aval c A C... . 41 O.t Deaklkloa ... . 44 raraela ..171 k, rarret , l:n. Quaes . t-W faaaaca ., . . II T.warar . . si Trtratr - e t'aha Ci eeer ... i) r t Mikia .. It f (al .. ' fta .. v rt or-.. . -lils Wtaeaa . . 441. l -ranee -.A. VerrX khtis 3 Socf, Coaiitla .. .. IU vniil .. ! Cai. A Artxaa . , arueaa Cea. ... Cattle aad Sheep Mead y Hear Five fa Tea Crate Higher. CHICAGO. Jan 34 CATTLE Recerp's to . M . It - i . i . 4 1J. 1.5-w head, rr.ark't steady: c-nrr-.n atTS H ;t. cows, 1 ,. t, aashed bu la 41'si'-4 71; calves HayT't); stockers and f-eder. li Al ; T. : H' oJrJ Receipt a Sa head: riara-1 j.-e- ci.oce heavy sMpplng. l4 4-9t4.r. butchers. 44 31:4 40. I'ghts. n..xed. It K. 4 :': cro-ce l'rct 44 kut k: pacama. 44 t4 4; pigs. UiV-HS. baia of salei, 44 f a... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt J4 0 head: market stead) to l'c higher: sheep. 14 XoG.av; yearllr-ga, iiym': lamb. 147) 11 AU bale. Fr.e grades were in guod de mand, but Inferior aere slow. Prirea aere dearer. eapevUklly for flna grade c"mt:np. Sur grvjaay mermoa aer active and m sellers' favor. A few god hr.ia aere taken by American. M.i.e spinner aere heavy buyers and onlinenral bjyers took Following are t'.e kaies in detail: New feo-ith Walea. W bales: ccoured. 1 r!ij- 7S4: greasy. 5oa Is I'rl I.Ho bales: s-nured. Is 4Sdal I 1. greasy. KJ,7'.s 11S1 Vic toria l.t lit; scoured. Is ldc-s 4: greasy. 15; 41. Soulh Aui.r.,a bales: greasy, alvli Id. Weat A jatral'a. bales, greasy. MjiH New Zealand. '. tales. I 1141 ad : greasy. fVJ'fll Id. Cape of Oo-vd Hope ar.d Natal. bale; scoured, letjls M. greasy. i d trls 8T IyOlIS. Jan. il WOOL-teadv: medium gravies cmb:rg and clothing Hia) light fine. l.'Xc: heavy fine,; J !Z3e. NEW I.on.V n g.iot-1 j ally 1 gher. tr to ya lie . 1 New lark . NEW TORK. Jaa m mlnlrg atocka were late; Bleeka. 14. Closing quotation Trrusn 4 ta leaaea I. WASHINGTON. Jan. 74. -Tod) state ment of the treasury balance 111 t'e gen tral funA ex1uive of ti.e lutvata9 gold reserve, s:Vja. AvailaU taali balance. Ataata Cca i Ut'' CkhW I Aile rt atar se Breeo Oaair la krviaaeic Caa 14 f jl a. k Ceeutaea Taa.el 4 Saeaae ca al A . H Sie-re Kaa a Hank .. ... k tabajl Uoaes 1 Irea tileer Ti rukivt IS) LaalTiii Caa .... t . A Pr se A " Pr 14 l 4 1 II 14 4 71 4 S i 4 Si i f.i4 I ti u 7 4 ti 11 it.: i : 14 fcr4 4 4 Let I a COWS Baak Clear I ear. CM AHA. Jin. 7A-Bnk clearing for loday aere 17.?l il end for tf eorre pond.r.g date last year 11.7171 7 . Dalalk Grata Market. DCLI TH. Jan. J4 VH F.AT No. 1 north ern tll-. No 1 nonnrrn. l ,; May. II 1: J Jl' 51 Ue OATS . KSe t Bi 4 ... H:-i 1 4 . . M IN I . 18 t 4 . "4 I 4 1 . . l:e l 4 ... . at J HEIFERS . ts; 1:. t ... . 74 1 a .. . v. : 4 ... . 4.1 is 1 .. BULLS. -.134 1 II i ... I It I I ... l.M t IS 1 ... i.-ie I li 1 ... . Be 1 ;i 1.... . i 1 :l 1 .. .!! CALVfrs. . 14 I at 1 H.t ::r 1 . I 14 I Bi 4 a 4 te 4 e 4 (m I 4i I k. t k I S t Vi I I I t T I "i I as if li . ie .li4 14.4 St. L-aal Live Stark Market. ST LOI IS. Ma. Jan. 14 CATTLE Ra eeir's M head. Including 5t Trim, market :e4)": native (hipping ar.d exjon teer. B aii 10; dreeaed leef and butcher leers. R. taoii a.': alter, under Lo r-J'-roi. U.T5ii4 : stocaera and feeders. Ktilfi: rows and heifers llSAisS.: ranner I' 5v Metal Market. TORK. Jan. 74 MET A I J! The tin market was higher. :m stM at L?; is. and futures at i.124 I e market was dull, but a shade ;h ouotatlons ranging from 177 TV Copper lla 4.1 lower at t.tii t ) f"r spot and 42 'Jt for futurea in tne U.-idm market Ici:y the n.a-ket ii du.l and unchanged: lake I quoted at 411 75-:4 . elect roivtic t.i7tj74 trTt, and casting al t'.l JTSa'.l AW- I-eed waa un changed in b-jth in Ie ndon and 1 Ai market, be.rg quoted at 14 Its in Lond m and al tS7'vl75 In New York. St-e't-r wa jneranged at l's 41 in Lonlon and at Ut'h4 local. y. Iron aaa lower In ti.e Er.ffl'sti markei atth standard foundry quote at A 44. and "leve'.an1 aarran a at 4 a M Lca!.y the marke; waa ui- ri: . OUIIS, llaw-.': .V w' ' changed; No. I f,indry northern. I'trSx "' '-' -" ili: va i northern foundrv. I. TVfitAa: Texas and Ir! n steer. ar.d r.e-fer. tl .aiitTi. HOGS Receipt 7 head: market 'Orllie h g'.er pig and light. S3 .4 34. packers. H'.'-lS. butchers and b heavy. HX v4 V'. SHEEP AND LAMBS-ReceTt 5 hed: market ateadv. native muttons, lik'iiii 1 1 : No No 1 foundry aoulhern. soft, tie J. 5-. ST. ll IS Jan. 14. M ETA L LAi. . sleaJ. U4a. Speller. t-i, M i. Cettea Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 14. Cotton futures lambs. 44 5uir 1'f. culls ar.d tucks. nesnl stea-l. January . 11 February 1; stocker. HTulTi jll ic ltd; March ll.lic. itay. 'lTTc. June 41. Jaaaak lilt Slsek Market. ST. JfEJH. Jan. tt -CATTLE P-e-'!. 4M head, market, steady: r.atlvea. II jrt,i K: c a ar.d heifers. L "M 14 TS. uxk er, and feeders. 43 tu4 t HOGS Recelpta 4 141 ted. market. 10r? hig'-: top. 44 4V. bu:k of aalea Mliat1" SHEEP AND. LAMBS P.eoe:pts IU l-ad market, s-ead) , lamo. Kitsp-ili. year.ings. . 2. Siaas flly Lle Hack Markel. SIOI'X C'TV la. Jsa. li. 'Special Tel egram CATTLE Recelita Ma Ud. rar stocg. to. kr. strajy. lef .ri. f K-. cobi and Leifera. lie.-at S: siocktrs at La !1 i Ml. Juiv. 11 1 ; Augu:. offerej. In tea; October. 1" Futures lifeH steadv; elosie; bid. Jsn uarv. ll.nar; February. 114.y. March. V- l: April. 11 S-: May. II -V . J.jne. 1! fe; J..1). li 15c; Auguvl 1-W. tt-Kr. le7 Spot l'ei u'ii-t. 15 pT lower: ur !17ic: i! .da.i:ij g,if. i. aales. ! te'ee ST IfJl"18 Jan U- COTTON-Ouiet : I mld log. 1-S.c Sale, avnr: reae. ri. las ; bales shipments none; s'ock 14 CJ bales. I NEW ORLEANS. Jan. :4 COT TON -. 'market uuiet a ith prices -.c d.aii. M.ii ' d:irg. l.'-e- - were ! bales on spot ntr- f ana 1 i- ra.-s to 415 G A L V EtSToN, Jaa. 71 CC-TTON -S eady