Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
TITR OMAHA DAILY REEt SATURDAY. JANUARY , 25. 1903. BOOKS Sample Hosiery W purchased from a lar? Importer hla entire mpll 11 a of tailie' Imported J" nil Fashion Rom In line cotton, f an snd medtntn wetgbt Hula, lac Ul B"4 em broider! Mle. They go on sals Saturday in two . .. . Votlc to Mechanical Man. W haS all th pub lication of the imir. lean Correspondence School oa Iclinct, Me chanics and Engineer ing. Book for tba alactriolana, railway earpevter or any other meehanloal tree-. Prtoaa '.CO and 91 Mt par voltun. Topular rictlon which has appeared during the last few years, on sale Sat urday, at 49c With each of these we Include a Tabard Inn Library mem bership FItKK. February Magazines Now on Sale -fUt 1 Indies 1 inr euii fancy Hone, 35c value on pale Sat urday .17 liot 2 Ladlrs om-hroldPi-Pd liK rhhzp llsl. lace Ual and medium welpht cot ton, worth to 50r-- for 23i Ladles' fast b 1 a c seamless Hone. ITc value Itoya' heavy cotton and (leeced Hose, 17c val ue, at 13 Misses' Imported fash ioned Hose, 25c -value, at 17C And Double Green Trading Stamps. GLOVES Ladles' One-clasp Mocha tnd Two clasp Kid Gloves, l.u" value. 49c Ladle' Elbow Length Golf Gloves, $1.10 value 49o Ladle' li-button Mannlsn Cape Oloves, 14.00 value J3.29 Ladle' l-liutt,o,i Mannish Cape Gloves, 14. :.)' value $3.79 And Double (irwn Trading Stamp. m Factory Sample Pieces ol Furniture - See Window 25 OFF On All Pedestals. 0 Stands and Tabourottes Magazine Stand Four Shelves, In golden and weathered oak, Satur- t Q day, each Two Specials in Chiffoniers $5.29 .nd $5.48 OAK DRESSER FOUR SPECIALS $9.68, - $10.48. - $16.89 and $19.98 worth $3.00 to $10.00 more. rttDTAIMC THIRD Curtaiifs, erreots in Hrussel .Mel, irisli Point, or hand-made Cluny, sell up to $6.60, CO QQ Saturday, a pair k I ROSES and CARNATIONS CRAXD ISLAND FOR CAPITAL Eound to Come Soon, Says North Platte Citizen. WEST END WILL HELP IN MOVE 'uoktera Ont There Contend Lincoln Is Too Far Kaat and Want Omaha tu Hark Them In KITurt. "Lincoln's daya as the capital of Ne-hiu-'ka are numbered. Grand Island will Kuei eed It In a few years. Then the west ern end of thjs state will set in the acale mid hold down the balance with the east ern end, and all Nebraska will be bene fited." " M. II. Pouslas. director of the Commer cial club and. ope . of the nioet zealous boosters (if North Platte, makes this state ment, lie hus been in Omaha attending the aevsloii of the veteran Masons, of whom he Is one. Ho Is an engineer on the Union PneiriC. "Omaha la the metropolis of Nebraska ml will always he, but wl-.iio Lincoln ia tho state' capital, it will not bo very much longer, and that, isn't saying anything against Lincoln, r.or wishing it any bad luck. We are ikisltively convinced out our way that Grand Island will be -made the capital of Nebraska I" a few years. North J'lalte will be its strongest booster, fur North Platte Is the metropolis of western Nebraska, and will be even a better town, with Grand Island as slate capital, than It Is now. We are loading up our guns; they me not uulte ready to fire, but when we turn them loose they will not only mako a liutec, tint lilt the mark. 'North I'lntte I'rotifessrs. "North Platte la going aiiead steadily and rapidly. It has a country hack of It and that country Is Ki-niltig up fast with a fine ('Inks of p 'M'!'' Vuu ' an t buy an acre of Mini there fur b dan and Boon the I rii e will I"' much higher. Our city I . st twins und l.ivpi iviiig. Wc are laying gtimi Mre.-is. have pavement nnd Sherman Tael. There !a't any local ilieeiHlon; Mivbody la North Platte ia for North I'Jnlte, nil wot kins to tuild up the town. " lack to this stale capital ma'ter. I. IK'l.ljl In the i-x.trcmc eastern end of the state; is not the place for tli? statu capital. Its nil light for people living in the east int. lii It is an Injustiec for those in the wVst und northwest. We lose three days every time we have, occasion to go to Lin coln. 'With the iapltal at Grand Island It will be eelilrally located, gtvlng all sec tions a fair chaiue. It Is an actual fact that If Lincoln were retained as the state capital bII the good land and good work vt tho-west would fall to build up that end of 1 ho state; it Is aurferins to some extent today. Wilh Grand Island the capital you would see the most wonderful growth and development In western Nebraska you ever aw. We have the land and all the natural resources. . UrnrBt to Omaha. "Omaha would bt benefited by having ForCougfis! W A.fe h J, you, Wor about Ay, am,PtcJ hZmutul'- are, a ow wf7eme. Jt't mtArme. Knit Underwear Ladles' Cotton Fleeced Vests and Pants, 25c value . . ...... 17C Ladles' Extra Heavy Fleeced V e st 8 and Pants, 60c value 37 vadles' medium weight fine Cotton Vests and Pants, 60c value 37c Ladles' Ribbed Cotton Union Suits 7"c, value ..49C Broken Lota of all wcol I'nlon Suits, if small sizes, worth to $2.50, to close. -50c Children's Fleeced I'nlon Suits, 25c val ue, at IOC Roys' Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 25c values .... 17 And Double Green Trading Stumps. Handkerchiefs Ladles' cross bar and embroidered Handkerc-i'.ofs Bo Ladles' pur's linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, 13c valuo 7o Lndlea' pure linen hemstitched Hand handkerchiefs, 20c value loo Ladlea' pure linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, 2.ic valu 15c Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 10c value i Bo And Double (iron Trading Stamps. Xliird 'Floor Jardiniere. BENNETTS' HARDWARE Hurney & Kerry Ice Skates, regular 75cvalue, special 55c Harney & Kerry Skates for Rirls, $1.00 value, special 75 Large 14-quart galvanized Palls, regular 30c, special 1) Full enameled Sink Strainer, 30c value, special.... lf) Brass Moulding Hooka for pictures, per dozen. ........ 5 Picture Wire, special, any Blze. ' 5 Wire Clothes Lines, regular 25c value, special IOC Cotton Clothes Lines, regular 15c value, special 10c Flour Sifters, regular 15c value, special, at 10c Wilson Bread Toasters, hold four pieces, special IOC One lot of copper nickel plate coffee and tea pots, as long as they last, at HALF PRICE. One.lot of Chafing Dishes and Five o'clock Teas, 25 per cent Discount. Food Choppers, prices up from.... OGC And 40 Green Trading Stamps neat parlor Lovely, and Full Prices Rl0nt the capital at Grand Island, commercially and every other way. You lose a whole day gnlng to Lincoln, even If your mission there is but a short one of an hour' or so. With the cupltal at Grand Island tho Union Pa cific would put a train that would take you there and back. I'll warrant, as quickly as you can make the trip to Lincoln and back. Omaha is our town, we all know that, and we are looking to Omaha to help us In this fight. Grand Island aa the capital means growth and development and new markets in tho western part of the state for Omaha, the metropolis." The new Masonic temple at North Platte will be dedicated February 22 with fitting j pomp. Tho new building was recently com pleted at a coat of and Is a monument of which the city of North Platte Is proud. Charles McDonald. Leslie Walker and Mr. Douglas, all of whom were in attendance at the Masonic Veterans' association ses sion, are enthusiastic over tho ccremonie which will bo held in connection with tha dedication. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint and Curton Feature of l.lfe in a liantdly Growing Stata. A rroblem It is the shoulders b-jwed with age or alekness that feel re sponsive to the caresses of a soft warm shawl. Annie Vio Gates. What would you suggest, If not a shawl, to arouse th responsive sensibilities of shoulders not bowed with age or sickness? Beatrice Sun. Which Will Toil Have- A Grand Island butcher who believes in advertising, names the following as a few of his specialties: Braur.echweiger style I.eberwurst, Got tlnger style Cervalet wurst, Brnunschwel ger btylo Cervalet wurst, (feine) llolt strlni r. weiner, Frankfurter, Bralwurst, Mortadclla, Pfefferwurst and Thucrlnger Blutwurst. By way of making the display more tempting the butcher adds that he also has smoked pork sausage. Hastings Tribune. Nature Fake Much excitement has been occasioned among tho residents of the river bottom and bluffs north of Wlerand at the advpnt of some strange wild animal that stamped! the stock and scares the I wits out of the timid by its unearthly screeches. Many hunters have been tempti'd to go out in search of It, but as yet it has been seen by but very fw and then In tho night time. One family has been compelled to move on acoount of the family being afraid to remain at home alone. Some stock has been killed by the visitor and from the description given, it is probably a large lyim which has wandered down the river from th north ern woods Crof ton Journal. Too Far From Home Geo. W. Hutchin son, Iir. Thomas and Alva Sellars, a few days ago, went to Texas, to buy land which they did; but Hutchinson and Bel larj como near losing their grip on the world In their mad run for the train at Strong City, and after running a mile they It would be very interecting to know bow many yean your family physician baa prescribed Ayer't Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, and all forms of lung "uow.. am nim in. next urn. you sec hui.U'eknowphysicianswbohayeused I r over half a century, j f OMAHB'S GREAT STYLE STORE This is a select list of Saturday bargains and doesn't begin to compare for a minute with the enormous price savings that are so easy to secure in this great store Saturday. Your attention is especially directed to things that men wear here advertised. Men's and Boys' Clothing - let ahrawd boyera who have waited for blg-g-ast bar rains now coma for tbalr reward. The man's salts are of worsted, eaaslmara and Cheviot, and arary on of them this aoaaon'a materials and rtyl. $25.00 and $28.00 Suits, now $17.50 $20.00 and $22.00 Suits, now $15.00 $15.00 and $10.50 Suits, now $9.75 $10.00 and $12.50 Suits, now $7.50 Tho Man's Overcoats are In black, popular shade of arcy and fancies, every on made for this winter's selling-1 I3B.00 and $40.00 Overcoat, now I2R.00 and $30.00 Overcoats, now $18.00 and $20.00 Overcoats, now $12.50 and $15.00 Overcoats, now I $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $7.50 All Boys' Overooats, slses 3 to 16, go In three lot: $ 00 and $7.00 75 Overcoats, now. ...' $4.00 and $5.00 75 Overcoats, now...,"' $3.00 and $3.B0 J 7? Overcoats, now. ... Claaranoa Prices on Bolts for Boys' 3 to 10 yra. of age, $$.00 and $6.00 n 75 Stilts, now . id.l $4. no and $4.60 ) 71? Sutts, now id. I $2.50 and $3.50 CI 7C Suits, now TOY SECTION Teddy Bear Sale Sweaters TUTE with every bear purchase. All large bears at HA LP OFT. Children's Swings, 60c kind SSo DOLLS! DOLLS! Some great bargains in dolls. 100 Jointed and kid dolls that were sliphtly soiled during Christmas time, on sale at HALF PRICE. 6c Drawing Slates 3o Special in Hard ware Saturday 1 CIGARS ; ip's, ipes, finally swung on .the rear coach Just as the train stopped. When at Itosewell. Texas, however, they went up town, and while taking in the sights, heard a train whistle in. Again they rushed to the drpit, Jumped on the train and found out It was ogly a work train, filled with colored peo ple and Mexicans, .after they had got about a mile out of town. They finally got back home, thanks to Dr. Thomas who took them under his wing Red Cloud Commer cial Advertiser. Good Samaritans By the way, we were made to rejoice last week by the erection of another wheel on route six for the mounting of the mall boxes at the corner where formerly stood Keckley chapel. Aug. Krak and Clyde McKlnley did it, and it's a dandy, turning so smoothly and noiselessly. There will bo four and pos sibly five boxes placed on the wheel when all get there, and how miich better to .terve that many boxes without stopping than to be compelled to nudge your horse up a few feet for every box you make at a given coiner. The use of such conveni ences day after day brings only kindly thouxhts of the Interest and care taken by the patrons to make everything areoable for the carrier. It expedites his work, cheers him on hla way, and consoles him with the thought confirmed anew that on route six the carrier gets everything lie asks for. Of course he does, for didn't Sam Klchert go right off and fill in or level up that ugly sunken culvert east of their house? We thank you all, boys, for jour ready kindnesses. It. K. V. No. 6 York Republican. SOPHS WRECKJWNQUET ROOM l'ennwy Students Break Window Nnd Sweep Table of Dishes and Decoration. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. it.-n effort on the part of the sophomores of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania to break up the annual dinner of the freshmen here tonight precipitated an Incipient riot in Kunglcrs' fashionable restaurant. In the course of which nearly $600 worth of damage was dono by the students. A riot call was sent In and ninety policemen were hurried out to quell the disturbance. A number of students were beaten by the police and a half doien were arrested. The sophomores gained access to the banqueting 'room by breaking through a skylight from an ad Joining office building. They swept the banquet board of all dishes and decorations and In the skirmish that followed every window in the banqueting room was broken. DRY FARMING CONGRESS MEETS Governor Brook of Wyoming 1 elected President of the Orcan lent ion. SALT UKE CITY. Jan. 2i.-Governor B. B. Brooks of Wyoming was this afternoon elected president of the Transmlsaourl Dry Farming congress. Vice president elected Include W. H. Campbell of Lincoln, Neb. The executive committee Includes A. P. Moore of Nebraska. O. W. Roberta of North Dakota, Samuel B. I-a of South Dakota anil Dr. J. O. Brlggs of the Dpaitment of Agriculture. College Irw Man Dtp ia Chicago. CHICAGO, Jan. 34. O. K. Gumming of College View. Neb., a publisher, was found dead tix'. ay In his loom In the Brlggs house. Death is' believed to bsve been cause'd by heart disease. Women's Choloe of any Child's Coat In Btook for va.S Worth up to $7.60 and $10. Fine all wool cheviots, k e r e ye, broadcloths and mil tons, sixes i to t and to 14 years; colors, brown, blue, red and mixtures (3.93 $10 Mack and dark grey Over coats, now . AHT DK1T. SECOND FLOOK. Pyroflraphy and Pictures Specials for Saturday 20c Glove and Handkerchief Box, on sale Saturday ' 10c $1.25 Platinum Points 89 $1.85 Dresser Box, sale price S1.25 PASSEPAUTOIT PICTURES 25c Passepartout pictures, Saturday, t IOC HOE 100 (iroen Trading Stamps on all $3.50 to $3.00 Shoes for Men and Women. Special The new $5.00 wins tp tan Blucher Oxfords just arrived, Saturday only, at ' $3.69 Women's warm lined and fur trim med Juliet laced Shoes, regular $1.50 values Brown and Blue Overgalters. the regular 1.00 quality 50C Men's $2.i0 vlcl kid laced Shoes, suitable for dress wear. .$1.60 Men's high cut storm calf Shoes, tau and black $8.00 values, now. .(5.10 $6.00 values, now.. $4.89 $5.00 values, now. . $4.U) $4.00. values, now.. $3.19 Men's Fine Imitation Alligator Slippers, all lzes 40C Kl t'rona," a Be Vortd Itknn Cigar, 10 lor 2Hc 35c and fiOc. Values 25c fl."c and 75c values BOc AFFAIRS AT' SOUTH OMAHA Broken Raise Objections to the Q Street Paving Bond Issue. SEEKING TO SAVE A FORFEIT Good Prosreaa Delna; Made with the Viaduct Over Burlington Tracks and Trusses Will Re In Place In a Month, The Emory Anderson company of Cleve land, O., which bought the bonds for the pavement of West Q street before the money stringency came on and which com pany wicked to be relieved from the pur chase on that account, has now sent a second communication to the city clerk announcing several legal reasons why it dors not wish to purchase the bonds. It does this because the city holds a check of $1,000 as a forfeit. The ground of money conditions would not be consi Jered good by the mayor and council. They Intended to retain the check. Now the company conies forward with the state ment that Its attorney has found grave errors in the ordinance, and in the his tory of the bond issue and demands the return of the check. The ground of ob jection Is stated U3 being an nttempt to combine the echenie of an improvement district with tha charter regulation cov ering the pavement. -of thoroughfares. In I the improvement district scheme any street may be paved by assessing a stip ulated amount on the abutting property. In the charter provision for thorough fares the city at large Is required to pay a much larger per cent of the cort. The company .claims that there can be no compromise between the two schemes which the city boa attempted In this case. The company also objects to the clause in the contract which makes the bonds optional after flvo years. This communication will be presented to the city council at the next meeting. It Is evident that a suit is impending if the city persists In holding tho company to the terms of Its bid. Viaduct Progressing; Rapidly. The new viaduct over tho Burlington trr.cks at Forty-fourth and j streets ts progressing finely with the long continued good weather. The heavy beam of the tipan have been lifted to place and boiled. The trus"S are being created at a rate which Insures completion in about another month. If bad weather sets in the work may be delayed s'x weeks or more. This viaduct is about the only public work In progress out side of the sewers.' The contractors for the N street gulch aewer have reached firm ground now nnd expect to advance rapidly for the rest, of the distance. The newer. Is laid to Twentieth and N streets. Tho tun nel work of the Mud creek sewer, which is being worked from the shaft. I going at a rapid rate; hut the lower section is exceedingly troublesome. In private enterprises the only work of Importance is the Packers' National bank. This has been completed to the cornices. I and this will be laid, soon. The roof being of cement will not be laid until spring, lest I heavy freeilng ruin tht work. The Jetter Brewing company also is working on the house for the handling of keg beer. Work was much delayed on ac count of the Inability to procure the neces sary steel. West Mlers Want Sewer. The West Side Improvement' club ha railed a meeting for Saturday night at Thirty-sixth and W streets. The object of and Children's Clothing Choice of Any Child's Wool Sreaa for 11.49 Worth $3.00, $4.00 und up to $6.00, made of Fd all wool chevlits and serges, in all the new chic styles, about 12 doien of these Dresses for Saturday selling, while .Ihcv last 91.49 Women's Coats We have Just . received 136 women's kersey and broad-, cloth Coats, bought at SJMiC on the dollar. They go on sale Saturday at bargain prices never heard of before. $10.00 Kersey Coats, half lined, for 93.98 $15.00 Kersey Coats, full satin linen, for 93.99 $20.00 Kersey and Broadcloth Coats, full satin lined.. 97.50 $25.00 Kersey and Broadcloth Coats, full satin lined 910.00 Colors are black, blue, garnet and castor. WAISTS Just received one lot laco and net Waists, w.erth $6.60 and $7.50 94.95 All are new 1908 models with dainty laces and medallions and fillet net effects. Crockery Section 76c Colonial Tumblers, 6 for .' S5o THREE BIO SPECIALS Fine assortment of Brlc a Brae, Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers, Vases, Etc. Lot 1 60c value... ' 19o Lot 8-r76c value SOo Lot 3 $ 1.60 and up to $2.00 values 980 20 Discount on All Cut Glass. BENNETT'S MEATS Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per pound, 9c Fresh dressed Geese, per pound 10c EYesh Leaf Lard, 11 pounds for $1.00 Pig Pork Loins, per pound SlAi Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, per pound 6C Pig Pork Spare Ribs, per pound 6C Choice Pot Roast, per pound. 7c and 5c Veal Chops, lb. . . v 10c Veal Stew, lb 5c Veal Roast, lb. ...... 8c Boiling Beef, 6 lbs. 25c No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb..HH Morrell's High Grade Lard, 3-pound palls .... 42 And 20 Green. Trading Stamps. HAMS DAMS DAMS Your Choice of Swift's No. 1 Premium Ham or Cudahy's Diamond "C" Hams their best brands, per lb 123s C And 30 Green Trading Stamps. , Double Green Trading Stamps on All Pipes FREE the meeting Is to secure action which will advance the construction of the Jetter creek sewer, which Is hanging fire because the city has been .unaole to sell the $50,000 worth of additional sewer bonds to make up the deficit In the appropriation for sewer purposes. The meeting will also discuss the West Q street paving proposition and expects to be ready- with a communica tion to the council at. Its next meeting. Another question which .will bring out a lot of warm discussion will be the proposed change cf grade in the district embraced by Thirty-sixth and Thirty-eighth streets and south of Q to Harrison street. Some of the people will be much benefited by the changes, but others will be left up in the air or down In the hole. These parties will make a protest. Fingers Bitten Off by Morae. A farmer named Herman Tomernackle, living in Sarpy county, lost two of his fingers yesterday. He drove his team into the city and left it standing while ho went to Omaha on the Btreet car. When he re turned tho horses were cold and .uneasy. His son got In the wagon, but he went to untie the team. One horse was vicious and as he reached for the halter strap, the the animal lunged at him and crabbed the fingers of his left hand between his teeth. They were almost severed at the second Joint, and so crushed that the Index and middle fingers had to be taken off. He said be knew the horse was unsafe, but did not take precaution in his haste to get started for home. FUNERAL OF-DR. WORTHINGTON (Service Over Body of l.ate Bishop of -rl.rnska Held In Pari. PARIS, Jan. 24. The funeral services over the body of the Right Rev. George Worthlngton, bishop uf Nebraska, who died at Mentone, January 7, were held at tho American church here this afternoon. Ther" was a large attendance. The body ajrill be hipped to the United States, where It will be interred. Dr. Worthlngton. shortly he fore his death.' was appointed bishop' In charge of the Kplsecpal churches on the continent In succession to Bishop Henry C. I'otter of New York. School Scrana Commence. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. M. -(Special.) The so-called "class rivalry" in the high school, which last year led to strenuous contests, in which battles with egg end even fisticuffs were features, has begun earlier this year than ever, and It Is generally expected that from now to the end of the term, when com mencement puts the seniors into the alumni list, there wl'l be numerous skirmishes and affairs of honor. The senior had upon this occasion made ar rangements to spend an evening at Scblmmer's lake. The Juniors captured their hayrack and were boarded upon them before any raltf was believed to exist. One of the seniors was finally captured and locked in the Cellar of the residence of W. H. Thompson, until re leased by Mrs. Thompson. Several "scraps" took , place and a few of the members broke through the Ice at the take. No serious injuries of any kind, however, resulted. Hoy Loses Leg In Horsepower. FRIEND. Neb.. Jan. U. (Special. I A' 14-year-old urn of Peter Obbody, a Bo hemian farmer residing eleven miles south of Friend, . lost one of hi leg while driving the horepower of a corn shelter yesterday. Loral physician amputated the limb Just below th knee. t SHEET MUSIC Mailt BALCOWT. 10.000 copies of popular Shet Mu sic, Including 'in Naples Fair." the surplus stock of a well known music Jobber, at .... 1 C Not less than five copies solil to a ru mrr. None sold to dealers. Hits M 10c Sweet Tickles Rag Is It Very Far to Heaven. Honey Hoy. Marlutch at Coney Isle. Forest King March. Id Rather Two- Step. Tropical Moon. While You Are Mine Moonbeams. Morning C'. IMXSV ANSY ANN. (JOOlMtYK A N.N IK l.M'IIIft. lOc Men's Shirts On Sale at Orratljr He dnced I Vices. 100 dozen fine Shirts, In all latest styles, plain or plaited, curfs attached or detarhed, coat or regular style. Including Manhattan and Ne Columbia brand, alues up to $2.00; on sale. Satur day, at 30C 50C 80c and SI. 15 Men's Underwear All two-piece Winter Underwear reduced for quick clearance, values up to $3.50; Saturday 39c 50c 80c 81.23 and 2.50 Winter weight Union tilts, values to 0.00; Saturday 70c S1.00 S1.50 $2.00 to S l .00 RIBBONS 9,900 yards of onr beat quality satin Taffeta Blbbon, In six differ ent widths, foil assortment of colors 1 1-Inch, lie lie vain C Yard h. 16c value gt h. 20c value ( 1 Vi-lnch, m-lnch. 2-Inch, 2 Jo valu.' 1 Yard 2-licn, z:c value. "-Inch, 30c value, SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. Granulated Sugar, 21 Ihs. for $1.00 10 Green Trading ttaiup:i Hennett's Capitol J-lnur, Hack 31.60 75 Ureen Trading ttum; Bennett's t"of- tVe, can 48e B0 Orepn Trading Stamp Bennett's Gulden Coffn-, pound SSo 30 Green Trading Stamps Vpmj, assorted, lh....ltto 50 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, five-pound .'an for 1.00 100 Clraen Trading t-'l'rs Tea Garden Preserves, Jar 300 15 Green Trading Stamp Franco-American Soups, large can for -35o 30 Green Trading Stump Bennett's Capitol 1J u r e Maple Syrup, quart can for 48o 20 Green Trading Stamps Meniere' Chocolate I'ow- der, can 880 20 Green Trading Stamps Currants, cleaned, lb. lOo Rnlslns, cooking, II1..IO0 Seeded Raislna, pkgr lOo Bennett's Capitol jkllnre. meat, 3 pkgs. for...85o 10 Green Trading Stamps Castile. Toilet Soap, ten enkes . .' 35o 10 Green Trading Stamps Bennett a Capitol Extract hottle for 180 20 Green Trading Stamps V BUTTER. BUTTER. Fresh Country Butter, pound 35o Strait's Cube Pineap ple, large can.... SOo Best We Hav) Bla berrles, large can SOo ONE THOUSAND DOZEN STRICTLY TREOH 368 FROM THE COUNTRY, iCIEU A FIFTEEN CENT Pattern with Winter Quarterly Ladies Home Journal Patterns At the Theaters "A Doll's .House" at the Boyd. Hortense Nielsen and company in "A Doll's House." a drama in three act-", by Henrik Ibsen; translated by Wlllltm Archer. The cast: Torvald Ilelmer K. Lawrence Lee Nora Helmer Hortenso Nielsen Dr. Rarils Bennett Kilpaek Nils Krbgstad Deibert Henderson Mrs. Linden KUzahetli U Witt Anna Anna Barton Kllen Loralne Saminons Ivar, Emma and Boh , Th; Helmers' Children Henrik Ibsen's works have not yet he come so popular that the mere announie. ment of the intention to present or.o at a theater In Omaha will result In the seating capacity of that theater bring taxed by the eager multitude. Richard Mansfield is the only actor who lias yet had a full house when presenting an Ibsen play in Omaha, and it may easily bo bellcfed that it was Mansfield rather than Ibsen that drew forth tho people at that time, fevers! other actor.i have un dertaken the experiment with unvarying results. This much is said by way of offering some thoughts that may he negatively, at least, consoling to Miss Hortense Niclrcn. whp made her bow to Omaha last night as Nora Helmer in "A Doll's II use." She Is not alone in feeling the public's neglect of the work of the gient Nor wegian. But those who did feel tuff! clent Interest to go to the Boyd iait night were repaid by a presentation of nn in teresting character study. Miss Nilten has given much care to her preparation for the work she ha-i undertahi'ii ami brings to tho part evidence of thoughtful appreciation of Its difficulties anJ tem V rt f . r now aei At this season of the year when the ground nnd .street ear platforms are ajit to he covered with snow or ice, especial care should he taken by passengers in getting on ami off cars. REMEMBER Hi Wait Until the Get Off In tho Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. ' OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Sale of Men's STIFF DATS j 1 triiU 1 f 1 ! U.' W Hnndred of fin aMff hata, au tins soneon's lat aat atylea, mrx'o of best clear fu stock and trim med w!-Ti Imported fctlk s:irt klnrttnj. ON SALE SATt'RDAY Vjnf to $2.00 on sale IM.l O Values ta $2.5!1 01 Jilf 91.09 Mcn"s and bciys" Wlntt-r t'ans, vsl'iesi 110 l $2.ui) on sale SMtiinlnv; 17C 31C r0r 67c o S1.U7 C0R.SETS Another AstonlHlihiR Salo. We will give away five hundred Corsets, all styles ,. and BhapeB, long hip and hlg-h bust, short ' hip and rhodium high host, many colors to select from, Saturrlny, at : .'.'. . 17c DLNNKTT'S DIG GROCERY PLEASE ORDER . EARLY. Tomatoes, IJ. si H e Have brund, per can luo IVas, Best W n Uair brund, can Sc Corn, Bid Clover brand,' can Go Salmon, Three Stat brand, can 15o Jel:-u, u.sHortcd, i pkf:- for 86o Burnlmm a Clain v'luuv- drr, can loo 10 Green Trailing t'tanips Burnhain's Clitni Bouil lon, bottle 40c "0 Green Trading Stamps New York Kill I Cnniu Cheese, IK . .'.'. 33o 2't Green Trading Stamps I SwIhs Cheese, fancy, per I pound .35crii ?u Green Trading stamps! Jiiamund S t lull saip bottle .... , 35o 30 Green Trading Stamps! Lincoln Bntlerlne, two pounds, .'.37o 10 Green Trailing Stamps , P- Premium llutterine, two pou nils 45c 1 (I Green Trading Stamps FZ Three Crown Raisins. pound 13 He f t 10 Green Trading. Stumps L? Japan Hlce. two lhs..l'lovrr 10 Green Trnrtinc st-tmpa U Froit and VefotA'ulta. . fj Genilon Applet,, f In", rcr, j, peek 330 1 F Herts.' en enrlb unn- Ity. ll :...13Hc Sweet I'otatoes. Jei" ncr lb. . . . . 33's Candles. Grocery Section. Mixed Candy, at per 111 ia',0 and' 19o Chocolate Creams,' 1'. box ......350 1 10 Green Trading ' ' Stamps 22c peramental qualifications for. their work ing out. the is not quite' convincing tit the earlier moments of the. play's action, but as Its current gather force and ah Is swept on to apparently ceiaam destruc tion, she grows In strength and In her cloning scenes is full and free the sud denly developed woman. , .: t 1 Miss Nielsen's c ompany is a npnole or ganization. Mr. Lee hardly fri'aspn ' tho possibilities of Helmer, but Mr. Kllliaclt as Dr. Ran I; and Air. Henderson a Krog stad are good. MUs B.irtnn's vole, Mrs. Linden, Is made all tlif.t It TjukIU to he. Mls Nielsen's engagement lasts fll after Saturday night, with, a iiiatinoe on Saturday ufteinoon. 1 - "My Dixie Gjrl" lit the Krtiir. Allcumiiinu in a number of I i;i lilicc scene in which the villain is continual!'' foiled' In his efforts to tirstroy ",lhe papers," the southern romance, "My Dixie Girl," by Sadie CaCoiin, wh'u Miss Mac Abbott por diiying the leading role, opened a three night engagement to a well filled house at' the King theater Thursday night. Th. lilav i In fruit' udu iv-nl,., 111 Um story of a girl who was kidnaped In her in fancy from her weslihy lather, but Is dis covered in the first act !., fa per she has rouml which proclaim her iilentllye By tha destruction of these papers the villain would become tne he r to the vast estates owned by the girl's falber, and upon ti ta unsuccessful attempts to gain possession of them tin) play is built. Throughout the entire plat .runs a velli of romance, a'ld Miss Abbott Inierpreta- niiw I't v Kill nun iriii in n, ui-iir 13 riw lent. The supporting company is cnnslfl luce will be given .Saturday. Bee Want Ads -'l hey bring results. Car Stops ! RIGHT' Way! 3: 20 c J