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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
TirE OMAItA DAILY BEEs SATURDAY. JANUARY 25. .IMS. II REAL ESTATE t cur rnorERTt roR ialb . l,.., j (Continued! Twlva milM w.-ki of North riiitte. Nh., ,. and two mllca from. Southnrland, on main . line, of f nlon pacific; all tillable anil all V. ,rrllo Hh pm ap water right. ,m ml for MV per acre. 1 H . rash. hslsno yenrs at per cent. PA N hi. 1 XV WTM FZNT CO.. . Tel. Lvug. 171. J. tret Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . -.,-r . OMAHA. .' . -- (191-M220J7 7 "belt line trackage . . MASON STREET. ' Ifrna; tract of ground. 1x375. with ST ffc Inirkit, located on Belt Line and Mwn- M17 Rrrmm to Weft Uivrnvnh; in a-rowlng part of city. Irtc only 12,100 or wwuld leaar . TWPSiTT-EmHTK BTHEET. '."r-till block on Belt Line, near th; $1,000; esy term. . GRANT STREET. '. Nice trackage, lot, Brit Line and Grant ' Rt.; m. ' . C. G. CARLBEUG, .1 Ill K. T,.Lif Bldg. " , (H)-M2nt 25 :$26,000 One nf the best home in Omaha. New. up-to-date In every respect. Owner slrk and must change climate at once. Thla Ma better hooia than you could build for the,, arlim. It. muaV be seen . to be ap preciated. . . . 3. H. DurrVoht & Son 1H Far am fit'.. Omaha. Neb ll 19 X4 . ..-- -.42NI AND -MF-RKTHTII. Krtnreslrtent owner aaya aell full lot. No. 3 Bverett n, for $76; 15 caah. 13 per rnnntH; no Interest. Ucs well, la close '(I ear- and worth three time the price. Call ia un-na- surely a anap. PAYNP1 INVKSTMKNT CO.. Tel. Doug. 17M. i'rrat Floor N. Y, Life Bldg OMAHA. , - . . ,.'v (1 M-19 25 INVESTMENTS. TOn BALE OopA real entate mortgages. netting nerr cwnt and 1 per cent on '.Omaha tnr nroVed real- eatate and N. - breska- farm rand. N: P. Dodge Co.; -17)4 Farnam St. (11 Mm 1.&50 frrwn home on Boufh isttr street. nean-VhUon. Tvm block from ear. 1.. Convenient tARouth Omaha. Kfexy terma. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Poug, 17H1. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . FIYB modern" houses and' one-quarter Mm-lr near Bemla park, on car line, for lio.ano. Four of theae are 8-room houaea; ivtheJ bthwr haa six room; each ha hot " water neatlrlsr. Corner. 70x114 feet, la yipen nn woald'make fine location for parfmbt house. B. B. Ulerer Co., 4il OUJH. ,t. .'.11. trjiK U IiDTSt IWHalcyon Helghta, Benson, close to -car; churChee and achoola; will aell an toether or In bunchea of five lots, or will exchange for close In city property, Address H &Z7; Car Bee. (ia)-M906 5x $4,Me-BeaHtlfvl -toom all modern home In BTnfn Park. Hot water heat; paved atFcet: tvoi atanie; fine lurge lot. - TAYNrT INVESTMENT CO.. ' tcl.-I)iip lpU. Vlrst Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . OMAHA. ' ' ! (19)-M218 a TH REED ABSTRACT CO., aaUbJIehe 'liie. Prompt eervlcn. Get our prlca -" - 1T10 Farnam (Hi Ult . l , FOR-QUICK results In selling or renting " yeur pmpny aee nfnjimnn rteai ceiaie tff, 3J NevHIe BIK. lloth pnones. t ...J. v..i.. -- ... (li) M178 F23 Elfcht-room house, city water. In Dundee. - Prtce, M.lOnie l?O0 cash, balance easy rrps..x.,rran -yon beat that?- -Fred O. ShMds. Ilrone- l. 4S9. . ,!) I3 .t-f 'Hint llr totty fil city lot. Jtl3S, large brick bam arm small cottage, next to northeast 'orrKlfj ltn n1. levnwori eta. -Mt . . " THOMAS BRENNAN. r'. T-ItovH 1 New York Life Building. U 1M . - , - o LtT fvt aJtperty with Chri-, Bover. Hi and Cumoiiag St. 34J ,Ve. ,j . .. 1 . i . . .1 . . 1 FOR ttAl.E Eight-room modern house. '-- wlth -larg barn,- lSuft Plnckney St. v In quire V. U. .Woodland, -tl& Brandels Bldg. Tel. Douglas .t4C8. (19l M1M " REAL ESTATE ' FARM AN U nACU LA.ut FOR SALK layrau 'U.STO flfst rnortgage, ti per cent, on 122-acre rdrfit, fifteen iiillea trum Omaha; about four years tar run; will be sold to net " ptif-chaaer 1 per cent. Mills County Ab ' stract Co., Glenwood. Ia. (20J M102 2b 1 Minnesota. v. - ,' FOR 6 A UJ 3. ac rv Improved farm, W"a tun ft an county, Minn.; fair buildings; Vj 1 oer acre for quick. sale. Address Box K, ' ' Lawlaxille) ,Mlnn. M207 3Uc ''J; 4- Mcraaka. THE. ROME MILLER FARM , . AT. NORFOLK, MADISON i C50UNTY, NEB. -. .-. ,-. .. . ? . An -Ideal dairy, breeding or feeding farm of 2sT acres; Julns the corporation limits of Norfolk, the best city In northeast Ne- braska-' Iis location makes It admirably adapted for purposes named. Blb Black sandy luam; level, high sec ond bottom land, autled to corn and other grains and especially -adapted for alfalfa; 240 acres cultivated; all fvneed hog-tight. Large . barn - cement floor, city water, eUclilo light, l&v-ton alio In connection; hiHf house with cook house In connection; gianartea, blacksmith and carpenter shop, cattle sheds, oracribs, tool house, ete. All buildings have uement foundations; Just painted, first claaa condition. jAM-allon, lmprovemeuta, etc.. make thla farm worth Slutl per acre. It can be bought (or.IU2.boO. U the best bargain In the .'alai,,' ddress . Kttudai-d Stock Food Company, ... ' :) OMAHA, NEB. (20)-Ml429 FOR BARGAINS In western Nebraska lands, eHber Improved or unimproved, ,. see H." H. Wsrer 4k Co., 4U. Bee building. :.'-.. ' CM) M1U x - 1.1 Oregron. ,. .. . . - .'1 . A SNAP IN OREGON TIMBER, . . I vii a a two-thirds Interest In 4.000 . acre of ptn timber land for 440, ouO. These lands have 45,0uO.tMO feet of fine white pin lumber, well located. Land valuable after cutting timber. 11 tie perfect. Address W. J. Cook. Lumber exchange building, Port . . jlandv Ocegoa. , - . tJ0 M24 feb.lux i- Pi .., -. atscILaems. " 'western farm lands. , (Prop payment plan;, two crops pays for Und. while the Und Is doubling tn value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. - - U1-U3- Branttela Building. 30)-M4'' tf6 ACRES- Buena Vista county; im- proved. Loans. $15,000 for 10 years and S&40Q for 4 years; price 7S per acre. Kuf smaller farm nr. general stock. Write Bok Pmvix Rapids, In. !) Mi 2S1 REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 MONEY 4 Loaa on Improved city real eatate.. Loana for building purposes, iso 4eiay. Cash n band. i , ' W. IL THOMAS, ' &0 First National Bank Bidg. i ... -. . lw io $10,ou made promptly. P. D. Wead. Wead iil4g.. latb and Varnam. ( ,. . , (2S-M34 WAITED City loan. Peters Trust Co. 122J-44S . MUNhY TO irOAN-Payna Investment C . c.ii)-3o: 1 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keafe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. life Hldg. W ANTED Cfrty loans and warrants. W. - larrian Binlib 4k Co., 1320 rarnaai St. - " rat) 0 REAL ESTATE LOANS ' - Con .ln ued. PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. UAKVIN BKOS.. lH t A K A M. 1 !164 PRIVATE money to loan; no delsy. J H. Bherwood, 16-17 Hr&ndeis Bidg. 3 Mli FRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND- NO DELAY. J. II. M1THEN, "MZ-J 1ST NAT. BANK BLLmJ. TEL. WHO. S1L (t M911 LOWEST RATES Bern's. Paxton Block. PRIVATH money to loan on Improved real eatate. js. - 1: LKage ec to.. 11" r r- nam St. (J-ljS WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stores, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and hoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quill 1 and rfll kinds of tools; or wUI buy the furniture of your house complete.- The highest price paid. Call the right man. Tel Doug. 3971. (25) M77I Feb 4 SECOND-HAND feed saeka. Na amount too large or too small. Warner, Wl N. 11 (X)-367 CA8H raid fot second-hand clothing, shoes, etc. ft8 N, 18ta) Bt. Tel. Red 333. (2)-3Sl WANT to buy stok of general merchan 1l!e for cash. Must be cheap. G. W Woodward, Bayard, la. (26)-M9fi Feb. 6x WANTED To buy, aecond-hsnd 'roller-top desk, utate price. Address 1: u. urn lie, C6 V139 3x WANTF.I Second-hand Call telephone Douglas roller top di'Sk, 7309. (2E)-18S ax WANTED Base Douglas SI 10. burner. narlv new, fH M-.24 WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Desk room ImmedlateUv. attor ney or real estnto office preferred. Ad- aress u (f.4 care tfce. lit)) mim :h GENTLEMAN and daughter want two furnlclied rooiris and board, close in. on .hill: terms must be reasonable. Address C SWt, Bee.' (' M22S 27x WANTED SITUATIONS DAT WOMEN furnished free tf charge, leieptione Douglaa 1112. t.-7j-3U WANTED Position as engineer or fire man, 4 years' experience with references , P. O. Bon i9, Havelock, Neb Bell 'pbune ro. rnw. UO MS ax. SITUATION WANTED Married tuan, 30, 6 yearn bookkeeping, cashier, wanta poBltlon as bookkeeper or general office worn; railroad experience, etc. C HS, care Bee. - (27) M917 2&X A Ij.ND8CAPE OARltENER. . I am KraJuate of the State of New York Agriculture college. I understand all kinds or pruning and grafting, and moving large irees ana grading. t all or write r . (i, Berry, 717 8. 17th St.. Omaha. Neb. Cm-M1G9 3T.X POSITION Wanted as manager or clerk, 11 years experience in general and depart stores; reasonable wages; best of refer encea; e worker. Box 550, Hubbnrd. Neb. (27) M'JW 2Sx tOt'NCT man rtolrea place to work for iHara vnile going to school. Boyles col lege. Telephone Douglas 19M. (27) 935 A REFINED young girl. wlUInK to work desires a place to do housework in North timana. Address Mlsir R. L. Richards, general delivery, station A. (27)-112 24 SITUATION by nurse for Infant or chil- uren; competent, reliable. Address P M0, care l!ee. (27) M 153 25x WANTED1-Position to work. housccleanlngT uiaiiwasning; ir you need Japanese, write inc. pleaae. K. Nakashlma. 723 S. tn Bt., Omaha -. (27) Ml: 27x LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS S-Hded pnnmsals will be received by the IMwtrlot Board of District No. 3 of Harlan county, 'isfchrHnka, untn '12 o'clock, noon, the 10th day of February, A. .13., 1!. for tte furnishing of all. material and labor und erecting com plete, Including all ucoessary excavating and foundation walls,, of a new high school building to be built ou the site, or the praeiit building, owned by said district; all work and material, to be done aad per formed In accordance with the plans, speci fications and detailed drawings now on file In the office of C. T. Simpson, director, at Or leans. Neb., and Jn the office of John Lateuser, architect, Bue Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a certified check in the sum of 11,000, pay able to the order of W. P. Pierce, treasurer of said district, as a guarantee that said bidder. If awarded the contract, will enter Into a contract with said district according to the terms of his bid and will furnish a bond In the sum of lo.Ouo, for the 4ujthful performance of hia contract and the saving of said district harmless from all costs or damages In any way connected with said contract, and for the completion of said work on or before September 1. A. D., Iu3. Said board reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. Said board Jtflll also, up to said date at said place, receive sealed pro posals for the furnishing of all material and labor and the Installing In the school house to be erected In Orleans, Neb., sys tems of beating said school building, being a steam heating plant, said, heating system to be Installed complete according to the plana, specifications and detailed drawings on file at the office of said C. T, Simpson, Orleans, Neb., or In the office of John Latenser, in Omaha, Neb. Each bidder shall accompany hia bid with a certified eheck In the sum of X3, payable to the order of W. P. Pierce, treasurer of aald district, as u guarantee that said bidder, if awarded the contract of Installing suid heating plant will enter into a contract and furnish .a good and suffi cient bond In the sum of i-'A'J, conditioned for the faithful performance of aaid con tract and to hold said district hurmless on account of, or in any way connected with said contract. aid hoard reserves, the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Orleans, Neb., this Ust day of January, A. D., 19uts. P. W. Shes. director; C. T. B.mpson, mod erator; W. P. Birrce, treasurer; J. M. John son, K. L. Means, Mrs. J. Lamson, School board of District No 3 of liaiian county, Nebraska. . J26-20 NOTICE TO BRIDGU CONTRACTORS, Bridge Builders and Material Men. Jules burg, Colo., Jan. 7,1- litoti. Scaled proposals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick county, Colo rado, up to 3 o'clock noon of the 23th day of January, 19otS. ror the complete construc tion of a pile bridge about l.ojO feet Jong, across a portion of the South Platte river, extending from the south end of the new Slate bridge at JuleaUurg to the south bank of the South Platte river. Sealed proposal will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Sedg wick county, Colorado, up to 12 o'clock noon of the 27th day of January, X.. for the furnishing of all material to build a pile bridge about 1,050 feet long, said ma terial to be delivered at the north end of that portion of tire State bridge now built at Julesburg, Colorado, across the South Platte river. ' Sealed proposals will also be received by said board up to 12 o'clock noon of the Hth day of January, 1. for the building and furnishing of all labor in the building of a pile bridge about Lu50 feet long across a portion of the fckmtti Plane river, extend ing from the south end of the new State bridge-at 'Julesburg to-the 'south bank of the South Platte river. All propoeala to be tiled with the county clerk, at her office In Julesburg, Colorado, at which office further Information in re gard to auch bridge and work and ,a copy of the plans and specifications and amount of material required for said bridge will be kept and can be seen by any person interested. The said Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to rejeel any and all bills offered. . By aader of the Board of if CouV.y Com nty Colorado. 1 misswuere or Sedgwick cou By U. W. WHITE. Chairman. JlsdlTt GOVERNMENT NOTICES CON9TRCCTING , " Qt'ARTERMASTER'9 Offli-e, Fort Ivs Moines, Iowa. January Z6, la. Sealed proivals. in triplicate, will be received here uiilrt 3 u. m., atandard time. Monday. February 54. 1a4j,, ajid liien opened, for furnishing and Installing elec tric wiring, electric lucht Matures, etc.. com plete. In one do.uele set Captain s quarters and two double seta Lieutenant's quarters to bo. constructed al Fort ivs Motnes. Iowa. Information furiHslied on application here, l ulled Slatea rescnes rtght to ac cept or rejt any or all prrposals r parts tliereof. livelopes iwiialniiig proposals shAuld be endorsed "Pruiiosals for Elec tric Wiring Officers' yuurlers." and ad dressed Captain Jn. J. Bon If aoe, i Con structing quarierinaslcr. J-S7-28-29-F-a-IS REAL ESTATE. TRANSFERS Wallace Benjamin and wife to Msry H. Riley, lot 11. block s. 1'laln- vlew .. w.. .' r D. V. Stioles tiv Nellie M. Garland. lot 1. block 3, I'oppleton Park i.') Rnbert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Wallace Benjamin, lot 11, block 8. Plalnvlew Elltx'th M. Bhahan to Imperial In vestment company, lota 1 and 2. block 1. and other lots, Hcllman's addi tion 2 Charles v. Mciger and wife to Clans .. Bandherg and wife, lot 13, block X' Fhtnn's 3d addition 1.300 Michael B. Kendla and wife to Edward C. Whlteman, lot 1H, block 4. Ames Place 1.12a American Bnptist Missionary union to Ethel K. Rovre. nS of lot 1 and wlO feet of n of lot 15. block 2, Pnrk Tlace .000 George Pardee and wife to Mary Mt- tler. lot 10. block 27. South Omaha.. TOO Emmrttf Fj-way and wife et al. to Wil liam (Juinn. lot 4.ilock l. Krway & Nelsons addition Total J RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION 0th AHD MARCT. Ialoa raelfla. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 10 am a 9 40 cm The Colorado h,xpress..a a:oo pm a pin Atlantic Express a'.OtlB am The Orecon Express.. ..a 4:10 nm a S:00 pm The Los Angeles Llm....al2:65 pm a 9 15 pm The Fast Mall a : M a 5:s pm The China ft Japan Mall a4:00 pm a 5:50 pm Colo-Chicago Special all:10 am a 7:06 am Peat'e & Stroms'g L'cal.bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 4:40 pm CbJcago A Northwestern Chicasro Davllaht a 7 IS am 11:48 prn St. Paul-Minn. Express. 7:50 am aio-.oo prrr Chlcago Local an:wam 11:2 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 7 -ja ah a 3:as pm rMeojrn. Pasaenanr a 4:3o om a :4o am Chicago Special a 6 00 pm a 8:23 am St. Paul-HIlnn. Llmlted.a 1:2 pm a K:00 am Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:40 pm a 11:36 pm Overland LlmlUo, alO;00 pin a S:23 am Fast Mali a :04 am Sioux City Local a 3:60 pin (a 9 20 am Vast Mall r a 3:35 pm Twin City Limited. a s: pm a 8:00 am Norfolk - Bonesteel a 7:50 am a 5:40 pm Lincoln-Long Pine b 7:50 am al0:36 am Deadwood . Lincoln. ....a 8:00 pm a 6:40 pm Casper - Shoshonl a 3:00 pm a 6 40 pm HHFttnga. Superior.. Fremont Albion.... b 3:0" ;.u b 6:40 pm .b s:3i pm b 1:J6 pm Mlaeoori Pact fie. K. C. c St. U Exp... K. C. SL U Exp... Wabash. ,.c I 90 ara a 8:46 as . .au:15 pm a 6 60 pm St. Louis Express a 13 m a 1:30 am Bt. Louis Local (from ..... Council Bluffs) a : am all:16 pm Stanberry Local (front ...... Council Bluffs) b 6:90 pm H0:1$ am Chicago, Hack Island et raelfla. EAST. Chlcat-o Limited a 81)0 am aU'.fB ptn Iowa iacal .....a 7 00 am a 4:30 pm Les Moines passenger.. a 4:00 pm alz:J0 pm Iowa Local bll :40 am b 9:66 pro Chicago (liastera Ex). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:16 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain L d..all:16 pm a 2:50 am Colo, ind cai. n.x a mv e Okl, and Texas Exp. ...a 4:40 pm a 1:16 m llllnals Central. Chicago Express a 7:15 am a t:4o pm Minn. & St. Paul Ex. .b 7:16 am a 8:55 pm Chicago Limited.. . ...a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am Minn. & St. Paul Litd.a 1:30 pm a 8:30 am Chicago Great Weatem. St. PauJ-Mlnneapella t:3t pm 7:30 am 6t. Paul-Miimeapella 7:3" aan 11:96 pm Chicago Limited ' pn 8:17 am Chicago Express 7:3 am H 35 pm Clilcago Express - :80 pm J:0 pin Chicago, Milwanke A t. raal. 'hic ja Colo. Special... a 7:25 am all:50 am Cal et Oro. express. ..,a e:wu pm a 2:26 pm Overland Llmuea a 9ws liiu a 8:20 am Peny Local a 6a pm alLW am BUHXlNOTOaT TA14TM Jt MASON. Uarllagton. Leave. ...a 4:10 pm ....a 4:10 pm ,...a 4:10 pm ....all. 5 pm ....a 8:44 am ,...a 8:lu ara ....b 1:46 pm ...-. Arrive. Denver & Callfornl Northwest Special . Black Hills Northwest. Express Nebraska, peinta ... Nebraska blxpress . Lincoln Paat Mall... Lincoln Local Lincoln Local 1 innln l.OCal a 3:45 pm a 1:46 pm a 3:46 pm al0:l5 pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm al2:ll pm b :vg am al0:15 pm a 7:60 pm blO;20 am a 8:60 am Schuyler Plaltsmouth.b 3:10 pm liellevue - Plattsinoutli.a 8:00 ptn I'lattsmouth-lowa .....f t 9:18 am Bellevue-Platumouth .. Denver Limited a 4:10 pm Chicago Special a 7:40 am Chicago Express a 4:20 pm b 1:30 pm a 7:25 am all:45 pm a 8:65 pm a 8:30 am all:30 ara all :is) am a 6:5u am a 6:10 pro Chicago rlyer Iowa Local ut I mils Exnresa. .a 6:30 pm .a 9:15 am ...a 4:45 pm Kansas City A St. Joe..al0:45 pm Kansas City St. Joe.. a 9:15 am Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 4:45 pm WEBSTER STA-15TII WEBSTER Chicago SI. Paal, Minneapolis 2k Omaha. Leave. 'Arrive. Twin City Passenger....b 6:30 am b 9.10 pm Bloux City Passenger... a 3:05 pm alO:,'.0 am Emerson Local o 8:46 am c 6:55 pm Mlasoart Pncino. Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll:!5 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CX ARK'S CSUISB T HI "AKABIO IO THE ORIENI rebraarr to April IT, lata. veaty aars. rowing only M ins p, lnelntlst sbore ucunloni. sPKClAb PBATURBs: Madeira, 0llt. asvllls. Alfisrs. Malta.' It Pars la ns7t as4 tha Holy Land. Conataulttiavlo, Athena. Rona, tka RKItra, eta. TOl'HS h.CND THg WORLD. 40 TOURS TO KlItOPE nest comprehanslve and attractlra erar otforaa.) F. C CLARK, flnoa Bldg.. hmw Tors. ' DlSdlUt NEW BRIDGE BILL PUZZLE No One Seems Able to Say Who Back of the Latest Project. Is For what purpose a charter for a bridge between Omaha and Council Eluffs has just been secured from congress Is a matter of conjecture among all those Interested tn the present bridges and there is an Inter esting mystery in the present move, as It Is thought It may mean the revival of some of the old bridge schemes. John R. Webster Of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company, which bridge is used by the Illinois Central Railroad com pany, said: "I really don't know anything about the new charter. So many charters have been granted that I have ceased to Inquire when a new charter Is obtained. Perhaps It is for some of the plans already made. I re member at one time a cheap bridge was to be erected between South Omaha and Lake Manawa. This was a promising project. Perhaps the new ' charter is for such a bridge." Another probability suggested , by bridge builders Is that the fridge looks to a cross ing for the lnterurban railroads projected In western Iowa. Congressman Smith of Council Bluffs obtained a charter at one time for a bridge which would enable the projected electric roads to have access to Omaha without paying a high toll to the bridge companies now maintaining bridges. But the new bridge charter is a mystery, sine it Is for a structure between Omaha and Council Bluffs, now having three bridges. The Burlington has secured right-of-way for approachea to a bridge below Sioux City and It would have been no sur prise if the company had aecured a charter, since the 1 1111 lines have lft (he old com bination bridge at Sioux City and are now paying heavy rental lor tha use of the Omaha high bridge. , A Frtathlfal fcxprtrne) tvitliF btiliousness, malaria and constipation. Is quickly overcome -by taking Dr." King's New IJfe Pills. 25c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co NOTES ox. . ttf aha; society Mrs. May Auld Entertains Bridge Luncheon Farty at Her Home. BRIDGE THE ORDER OF THE DAT, ronnlar fiarne A Words Ka tertatament far riaba and ' Invitational Af . fairs. Formal and Informal Lasrsteas Popalar. Mrs. Mav Auld was hostess nt a lunch eon Friday, which was followed by a ganw of brllge. The guests were sealed at three tables, each table having a different deco ration, hyacinths, violets and fretla- being used as center pieces. Place cords to match marked the place's of .Mrs. Eu?ena Duval", Mrs. Q. W. Vlckershs,m, Mrs. E. A. Hinrlchs. Mrs. J. R. Planchard, Mrs. F. E. Brysc-n, Mrs. N. F. Rorkard, Mrs. E. W. Arthur, Mrs. N. K. Donahue, Mrs. A. W. Hunt, Mrs. J. R. Rahm. Mrs. C. R. Liver and Mr. Auld. For Mm. Vat Field. Mrs. Herbert Howell entertained at bridge Friday nfternoofi In honor of her guest, Mrs. Nat Fields bf Minneapolis, nee Miss Jessie Weeks of Omaha. Those present were Mrs. D. I..- Danfortb, Mrs. J. H. McDonald, Mrs. Charles Rosewaler, Mrs. Ruftis Harris, Mrs. O. N. Roberts, Mrs. AV.-P. I'nltt, Mrs. R. L, Huntley. Mrs. H P. Ellis, Mra. Harry Fisher of Wayne, Neb.; Mrs. W. O. Houn. Mrs. J. Fred Kerr and Mrs. Arthur Arderm.n. Monday, Mrs. Howell will give a kerslng ton tor her guest.' (ilTen-ln-Ilonor Affairs. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. . Plainer entertained informally at dinner Thursday evening for Miss Ethel Robertson And Mr. Fred Hamil ton, the other guests being Miss Mnttle Robertson, Miss Anna, Bennett. Mr. John R. Robertson, Mr. Oharles W. Robertson and Mr. Vernon Jann. For Miss Rich, guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Rich, Miss Elisabeth Falmer entertalnoB Informally at two tables' of bridge Thurs day evening. Bridge Clnbs. Mrs. Harry Montgomery was hostess for the New Brldge club . meeting Friday afternoon at lief home. The members include Mrs. Louise Clark, Mrs. George Redick, Miss Helen Davis, Miss Mable Marr, Miss Ruth Moorhead, ' Miss Mary Morgan, Miss Ann Brown, Miss Elisabeth Congdon, and Miss Mary Alice Rogers. Mrs. T. I.'. Davis .was hostess for the Original Brtdge club aluo Friday afternoon at her home on Thirty-seventh street. Mrs. Orrln B. Whipple wan hostess for the Coterie Whist club Thursday afternoon when the members present were: Mrs. F. A. Field, Mrs. J. G. Barkron, Mrs. George E. Slaughter, Mrs. Samuel North, Mrs. J. L. Adams, Mrs. M. J. Malone, Mrs. C. L. Hemple, Mrs. O.'M.. Druse, Mrs. Oeortj Wetngand, Mrs. Frank "McCall and Mrs. Whipple. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Malone In two weeks. Friday Clab. Mrs. J. R. Manchester was hostess at Ihis week's meeting .of the Friday club, the members of which include: Mrs. Walter Wllklns, Mrs. T. C Brunner, Mrs. H. V. Deuel. Mrs J. E. Eyler, Mrs. J. D. Foster, Mrs. John Guild,. .Mrs. E. Ilaney, Mrs. Amelia Hawes, Mr, F. B. Kennard, Mrs. L. II. Korty, Mra. II.' J. Palmer, Mrs. Andrew Ross. Mrs. J. 11. Royce, Mrs. E. Rcsewater, Mrs.. U Bobidoux. Mrs. Fred Pearce, Mrs. "Vafcdess Smith,1 Mrs. Evert Smith and !Miss rooster, . . . . " I. a Dohaalne. , ' Miss Nell-WIo3jm hoateew Wednesday evening at the meeting of La Douzalne club at her-tiome. T30 South" Thirty-eighth avenue. jA dcltghtfuj cvejtlng Wa spent In playing high five and Mtsa Maude Bonnell won the"lrge. Those present were Miss 'Ineg 'Bonnell, Miss Beatrice Klntner, Mlss-Joe Lyman,,, Mine Maude Bonlnell, .'Miss Etnma 'Allen. Miss Nell Wlnn Miss Blance Moore, Miss Sue Red field, Miss Edith Marley. Miss Fay Lyman, Miss Virgil Redf ield, Mrs. Richard J. Skanke. , Boston Club. The Boston Girls' club composed of thir teen young women, entertained m Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reed, In honor of two brides of the club, Mrs. Edward Gash, and Mrs. I. Young'. The house was decorated in red and white. After a pleasant evening spent af music and games the brides were presented with rut glass souvenirs. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gaah, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Greenleaf, Miss Bertha Meyer. Miss Anna' Nelson, Miss Frieda Paulson. Miss Bertha Nichols, Miss Reed, Miss Ella Noel, Miss Grace Reed, Miss Nellie Schonlau, Mr. J. B. West, Mrs. II. F. Reed. Mra. Meyer., ,Mlsa Ira Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Reed. , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Winn entertained the Ideal Card club Thursday evening. The high scores were made by Mrs. R. Wilson and Mr. John Wlsler. The next meeting wll be with Mrs. S. B. Bower, February . Come and Go Gossip. a Mrs. W. J. Council and Miss " Hazel Connell left Kriday morning for Kansas City, from where Mrs. Connell will go to Excelsior Springs to Join Mr. Connell. Mis Connell will go to New Mexico to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs- Rulph Connell for two or three months. Mrs. Henry Newman and Mrs. Jake Klein will entertain at luncheon and cards at the Hot el Rome, Wednesday January 2"J, when they will be assisted by Mrs. ' M. Klein, Mrs. Nathan Mantel, Mrs. Sarnstein and Miss Lena Rehfeld. - Mr. and Mrs. Bennat gomberg, 2203 How ard street,, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Ida, to Mr. Sch New man. They will give a reception at. their home Sunday from I to 6 p. m. in honor of their daughter. , Mrs. Victor Rosewater and small daugh ter returned Friday morning from a visit of several weeks in Baltimore. Miss Nel lie Elgutter Joined Mrs. Rosewater in Chi cago and returned with her. ' Mrs. Harry Fisher of Wayne, Neb., Is the guest of Mrs. E. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newman of Indian apolis are guests of Mrs. Bf H. Ooldgraber. Mrs. Harry McVea left Thursday ta spend the week in O'Neill, Neb., the guest of friends. KNEW NIECE OF OLD SELKIRK James C. Lindsay's Grandfather Was Aeqnainlrd with Original of Robinson Crnsoe. "My graridfaUKr was well scqainted with the niece of Alexander Selkirk, the original of Roblnaon Crusoe," fald James C. Lind say ui conversation with several frlenda. "My grandfather was a velvet weaver In Glasgow, Scotland, at that time prior to going Into the business of selling weaving supplies. The little gill used to wind the weft on the pirn for hfin. "Selkirk at moody man and did a powerful lot of thinking. He was wrecked on the island of Juan Fernandas for many yeurs. Tnere was much excitement when he finally leiurncd to Scotland like one from the dead, lie toltl his story many times al the .nu. where he would ait with the villagers e-r - their ' pots of ale and tell by the hour of his experiences during all 1 1 lose lonely years. "Finally he wrote all about it and It was published In book,. U formed only i cn-.ull volume and It Uidn I Sell very jll. IfiirTT-"-"-'"1" i iissliiiiiniaii wwisre.san IMISSI I Ai -EDISON PHONOGMP1 entertainer which is as much at home in the cottage as iti the palace, which is just as good at rendering the latest popular song or a lively waltz as it is in giving grand opera. It is the popular entertainer in every sense of the word, and its price, either cash down or on the weekly payment jlan, brings it within reach of all. Hear it at your nearest dealer's or write to' : us today for illustrated booklet about it. February Records Out Today HE way to get pleasure out of an Edison Phonograph is. to J keep on using it. The Phonograph is new every time, you put a new Record in it. New Records are issued every monh All the great popular amount of classical month in Edison Gcrfd? Moulded Records. Here is the list for February. Read it over, check off what you like, and as soon as you can get to his store ask your dealer to let you hear them. . 9746 A Summer Evening hi the Alps , . Ediaea Concert Band 9747 Somebody's Been Around Have Since I've Been Gobs BUtr Murray 9748 I Love Yon So . Miss Hrakle and Mr. atOler 9749 The Crack Regiment Patrol . Bdisea Symphony Orchestra 9' 50 Garibaldi James Rrocknan 9751 Don't Worry . . .' Miller and Werreiirmth 972 Under the Matioa Tree . i Ada Jooas 97S3 The Girls of America March (Xylophone) . Albert Beosler 97M Take We With You in Your Dreams . . . Harry Aotbony 9755 Rain-ln-the-Pace Collins and Harlan 975S When the Violets Bloom, Violet Irving Gtliatte 977 The Outpost Idarch . Ediaon Military Band a Go to your dealer or write today and get the three booklets: Complete Catalooui, Supple mental Catalogue and the Phonogram. They tell about all the Records, old and new. National Phonograph Company, 75 Lakeside jH"m ! min LJ- l rrfceVi tk "ill liirn inTI Melbipaislkai (CyeSo Co. (jJorncr 151h and Harney Strecto :: :: OMAHA Have the Full Edison Line on Display WHOLESALE AND RETAIL X X . ' ' " Write For Catalogue and -Proposition T He aa only a poor sailor man, lacking the literary skill that was reeded to make the book readable and absorbing like hia conversation naa. lie didn t know how to thrtiw In allelic little details. But It was from tills u i count that Daniel LaKoe got the material for the great work wlikii he wrote. "Selkirk built in th yard of tila'slster'g liouae In 1-argo, Scotland, a reproducllo.i of the hji In which be lived all those years on the lonely inland and it was a sight null worth the s-lng." "The Making of a Millennium." Ittad It. Ballot Wlthoat Keaalt. FRANKFORT, Ky Ja i. :(.-The sena torial ballot today reaulu-d as follows: Bcrkhsm. 4; Bradley," iT; Mct'reary, 4; scattering, i ' NE of the greaest things done is to produce in his Jiits, vocal and instrumental, and a certain. music , that never grows EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS, RECORDS AND SUPPLIES WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Corrapn.n 6ollcRd New Dultrs Are Required to Purchase DEATH PROSTRATES ROBERTS Passing Away of Ills Cnmnaalon Pats Hint In Mate of Collapse. The1 coroner' Inquest over the body of E. W. Flood, who died at the Methodist hospital Thursday night from a wound In flicted ly a shot from a revolver which was discharged while he was sleeping in a Pullman car with J. V. Roberts, will W Jield (Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. PA'. 10. Rlood. the dead man's brother, ar rived from Wamboy, 8. !.. Krlday after noon." and will take his brother's body home Paturday after the Inquest. J. f. roterts. who is being held at the city Ja It, is In a state of mental collaps. It was his gun that killed Blood,- - He admits having the gun In bed with hloi, Mr. Edison Has Phonograph an old, are issued every 9758 Wm He Answer "Gao-Ooor" ....... Stella ToMtx 9759 Ha Let ted Me . . . . . . . . . - Ajitli y and Harrison 97x0 Romance and Reality ....... bdward M . Pavor ' 9761 American Polka I Accordion) .obn Klnmible'. 9762 I Miss You Like the Rosea Mia the Rata . . . Reed Miller 976i The Little Old Log Cabin in the Laos ' . ikliaoo Male QaastaW. 9764 Imitation el Amateur Night at the Vsmdevte . Stevn h - 975 The SmUer ( Emnjo) Veas L. Cwnmsn 97' Two Uttie Baby Shoes Byron G. Harlan 9767 August aad Ketrraa .... Ada Jones and Leo Bpnacer 9761 Much OMiged U Yea Arthwr Cnfttna ' 9769 King of Rags EdJsoa Military Band AN EDISON BUSINESS PHONOGRAPH new takes a cotof. It's always there with the dictation, ready ta grve it ap to any typewriter operator or to several if there is a great deal of lu Ask for booklet. WE DESIRE GOOD, LIVE DEALERS So seU Edison Pbnasiaraxln in every town where we are not now well represented. DeaSnrs sbould write at oace to - Avenue, Orange, N. J, 1614 CHICAGO ST OMAHA, NED. Frm Dalr Onty.. ' But 3 Machines and 150 Fecs-rdj but docs not know(hpw ft was discharged The revolver has a hair trigger and la easily discharged. - After the inquest Roberts will be taken to Council Bluffs and the grand Jury will decide whether there 1m sufficient -evidenoe to . hold him for trial. v ' Blood mude a statement to )t police juat before he died, which, though Incoherent. Indicated that lie was satisfied the pistol waa nut In the hands of Ills companion nhrn it w.aa diaa liaVgud- Roberts exprvsaed the belief! that lilood. himself, waa holding the pistol at the time. 4 Mrs. Blood la sick in bed and haa nut by-n apprised of her husband death. Last nf Boalon'a "Paper" Money. BOSTON. Jan..24 -Tlie Ut of the clear ing house certificate 1hsiiJ by the Boston banks during the financial stringency last fall were cancelled lodu. aaf