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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
12 TTTE OMAJLV DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1908. 'nmi on (vmv Pitct' 1 j Chocolate Bonbons! I Always Delicious Pure I I Wholesome Digestible I I Ona flox will make J A Happy Home! I ) Every Sealed Package guaranteed 1 Frh and Full WeiM I Pamey Box 4 Bssfrr la tzoluttvt 1 4lgnmtur a. ft I "THE WALTER M. LOWNEY CO. I Maksrs of Cocoa and Chocolates B jKt'n-mmtm-i n III Will Be Out Early ;ext Week "THE MAKING OF A MILLENNIUM' BY FRANK ROSE WATER A fascinating; story showing how the disinherited of the earth will soon come Into their own. It is a book of startling revelations, and presents a final ( SOLUTION OF TOE LABOR PROBLEM Strikingly original. Its plan Is en tirely now and rocs to the source of capital mm, eradicating this terrible vil without dialurbnnc to private property or tibandorirm-nt of competi tion In fact, hiautrurHtlns a steady and healthy improvement from the start. Jt provide the missing; link In our industrial system, a special m dlum acknowledging patronaite, uniting- consumer- and producer, and re deeming industry from financial de pression. No on is allowed to nhare opportunltlea except as a consumer the non-consumer be-lns; cut out. and continuous trade as well as full values assured. ' The plan .proposed. called CENTRISM, Is sure soon to become a world-wide political Issue. The hook is a great educator, is full of meat, rich In apt cartoons and other pic.toral illustrations. Everyone must read it. (Cloth, $1.00 net; paper, 30c net.) All newsdealers, or postpaid. GENTRY PUBLISHING CO. OMAHA, NEB. 5TSVs2s3i33ss nr flsajaaaaaaBaajasajpfc ii EVERY BOY IN TOWN , I Should bo fitted out with a pair of our famous- steel shod shoes. They are the peer of anything In the boys' shoe line that was ever constructed. We guarantee them to outwear any two pair on the market Ian t that fairT Every pair la made on common sense lines, ; They are neat, sty Huh and easy fitting. Sizes range 8 to 11 H and the price is Another, strong .ltne with us is the high topped shoes'. They are the best ever to keep dry feet, best for cold, stormy weather, and can't be beat aB coasting Bhoes. They will not wear out the stock ings. Either blacks or tans. All sizes. Prices $2.50 (o $4.00 According to size. Drexel Shoe Co. till Faraim SL .mus'Sia .- ... n iiariMMfiiiWW,1jg CLE.ANL1NE.SS" I the watchword for health and vigor, com. fort and beauty. Minklnd it learning not nly th necessity but tbe luxury of clean liness. S A POLIO, which has wrought such changes in the home, announces her lister triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energizes the whole body, starts the circulation and leaves aa txtularaling glow. A ilrirt mnddmgut$ MAIM DO a ...... .Mf-fl.M. I s't rrM m ve mt ' lltrr ha.wa. Un, kul Bl.S, talc. MilftrtMklHIHt. Madame Josephine Le Fevrc, n tkut .. reiia r. Sol kr Mtaa Store Drug Itaet., tiMioa lu-u )'.. loik .4 hrua, - f To ttrwm Oguui, lut 4 H.ra.r. Tk ttnt v., m ruui, M?n-Llllua brux c.. itk ud rruaw " J. U. mis 4 Ciuuita, - Ck K. LtUirvf. IIU Mo. UuT V 9 CORN SHOW DIRECTORS MEET Managers of Exposition Will Arrange Money Matter Next Week. ENTERPRISE PLEASES FARMERS Frsrn All Points Where News of Pro posed Show Has Gaae Coaia Pled sea of t's-Oserstlsa frees Cora Pro4acrs. Directors named for the Omaha Corn show will hold a meeting early next week to make the necessary plans for raising the 110.000 to be used as a promotion fund and discuss the work of advertising the ex position, which is likely to asume national proportions. From all parts of Nebraska, where the news of the proposed corn show has reached, encouraging letters are being re ceived by Omahans, expressing the opinion that Omaha has never attempted any thing which will have the hearty co-operation of so many "out-of-town" people, as a corn exposition. The feeling Is that the show will b almost wholly for the good and'beneflt of the people In the great territory of Omaha, and will (Offer ex ceptional advantages to farmers and those who are Interested lit Increasing the produc tion of corn.' "Those with whom I have talked while visiting In northern Nebraska and South Dakota, are already discussing the Omaha corn show," said J. Jt. Osborne, commer cial agent of the Missouri river and North western railroad, who if In Omaha after a trip In South Dakota and northern Ne braska. "The first proposal to have a corn show struck a number of farmers' as 'Just what was wanted.' I came down on the train with a farmer from Mlndcn, la., who Is enthusiastic over the short term courses given by the agricultural colleges, and he fell right In with the Omaha idea to have a big corn exposition In Omaha, together with a short term course In scientific corn culture. Farmers Willing- to Come. "All over NeDraska and South Dakota the work of the railroad companies In teaching the farmers to be more careful with the quality of the seed corn and more careful with the planting Is appreciated, and anything which will add to it Is much desired by the farmers, most of whom want to be shown and are willing to come to Omaha to see the results of the experi ments. "When It s ' remembered Nebraska pro duces about GO to 75 per cent of the com mercial seeds of the United States tho necessity for Nebraska taking the ' lead In Improvement df the seed and promulgating new Ideas as to producing results Is seen. "Out at Waterloo 'almost a whole county Is devoted to raising seed corn. Sections of Nebraska land are leased to seed houses and contracts with the Nebraska farmers are numerous for producing commercial seed corn. As well as being a great corn state, Nebraska is doing more than any other state to raise the highest grades of seed corn and the efforts do not stop there. Alfalfa seed is shipped from Nebraska to almost every point where alfalfa Is grown; popcorn comes from Nebraska, and on down the line to the cucumber seed, which Is sold by the ounce in packages all over the country, is raised in Nebraska. "Close to the great! fields of pure seed corn, Omaha offers the logical place for holding the corn fcliow. It is in easy reach of the states of the" 'corn belt and I be lieve will attract more people to Omaha than any other event of the year." . CONE WILL GO WITH BERRY Chief Clerk to' Ifnatley Joins Old Superior on Rock Island Road. A. P. Cone, chief clerk in the ofrice of Chief Gngineer Huntley of the Union Pa cific, has resigned that position to take a similar position with J. B. Berry, chief en gineer of the Rouk Island. Mr. Cone was chief clerk under Mr. Berry while he was chief engineer of the Union Pacific and has followed his former chief to the Rock Island. He was immensely popular with the men under him and on his departure Thursday for his new field was presented with a fine gold watch and chain by the employes of the office. Mr. Cone is suc ceeded as chief clerk by J. Sunland, who Is at present head draftsman. Ben. T. White, attorney for the North western, left Friday afternoon for Chicago. George F. West, agent of the passenger department of the Northwestern, has re turned from Sioux City, where he went as escort for the Omaha delegation to tho river convention. I.. E. Crounse has been appointed assist ant ticket agent of tho Northwestern in the Omaha city office, to succeed C. F. Caughcy, who has resigned to go Into the lumber, hardware and banking business at Brule, Neb. F. K. Nlcoles, superintendent of the Ne braska division of the Omaha road, .left for St. Paul Friday to attend the meeting of the employes of the road which is to be held at St. James Sunday. The Union Pacific ,ls busy filling its large 40.000-ton tee house at North Platte, the ice being cut at Oothenburg and Laramie. Other ice houses along the line are being filled, requiring a largo force of men and a large number of rars. NEWS OF THE ARMY CIRCLE Sers;rant Hartley Ilinre Will Be !)! charged and at Oace Re Unlisted Sergeant Hartley Hines of Company Ij, Sixteenth infantry, at Fort Crook, has been transferred as a private to Company C, Fourth Infantry, at Fort Mackcnxle, Wyo ming. He will bo immediately discharged from the service upon his arrival at Fort Mackenzie and at once re-enllsted for the Philippine service. First Lieutenant teon L. Roach of the Sixteenth infantry has been relieved from temporary charge of the regular army re cruiting depot at Omaha. Lieutenant Col onel E. B. Savage, the regular recruiting officer, having returned from leave of ab sence. Captains C. J. Symonds of the Twelfth cavalry, G.'Soulard Turrer of the Seventh infantry and First Lieutenant F. J. Mc Cormlck of the Seventeenth Infantry have been appointed as additional members of the general court-martial, now in session at Jefferson barracks, Missouri. WHEAT HELD BY FARMERS Not as Marl la Jaaaary aa Daring the Same Moath Our . Year Ago. Reports from 4ti0 elevators located in Nebraska, sent to the Updike Grain com pany, show that S per cent of wheat back in the farmer's hands' on Jauary 18 as against 28Vi per cent for the same date laat year. Stocks of wheat in these ssme elevators this year were 1,060,718 bushels, aa against 1.910.343 bushels for the same data last year. These reports are from country elevators and do not Include ter minal stocks, which are about 3 per cenj less than same time last year. , Dynamlt Wmki Halle'taga as completely as coughs and colds wreck lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's New Discovery. 6O0. and II Ui. Uuld by Beaton Drug Co, A 55 YOUR CHOICE niin....MrMso mum wfc-u oouiio WORTH UP TO SATURDAY AT This is the coats and will go at in sizes 32 secona lioor, oia store . worth $15 MEN'S PANTS In new patterns and all sizes correct, up-to-date styles - regular $4 pants 45 at dm 3 Specials in Doys' Dept. 2d Floor Old Store Boys' Straight Knee Pants worth up to one dollar, will QQn go at uOC Boys All ' Wool Flannel Blouses Worth one dollar, ,t".go.....39c Ell EN'S SHOE SALE Entire Surplus Stock of Levie Shoe Co. 495 W. KlnzU Strast, Chicago. About lO different new styles in this big cash purchase, all leathers, lace or button, sizes S to 11 corona calf, box calf, velours calf and 'QC vici shoes that are reo- llOu ularly worth $4 and $8 pair, at, pair s,She:et m Mexican Penoche 35c lb. NIGHT AND DAY Tbe Answer to Dreaming We posi tively guarantee aatixfaction on this new number. As pretty S r as "Dreaming" and very I jC original. Saturday a U4 New Grand Bargains in "Sweetland ft Pure homo made Taffies, lb Fresh Marbbmallows, lb 9e 15c Popular Sheet Including the genuine musical While You Are Mine; Love Me uosy riai; Jivery- one Was Meant for Someone; Marlturk at Coney Island; Isle Monterey, Span ish song; Honey Boy When the Moon Plays Peek-a-Boo; School Days; Love's Dream ' W a 1 1 s e s; Napanee; Onco t'pon a Time; 15c From the Rd Widow; "MCI Grand Mr Hits opera Mr. uuig Ct. U January Linen C.,,,1. From the nd Mill Olrl Q OIT1IC tlon. Talk of NVw York if. H Towel & Tabic Cloth Specials Q We purchased from a large New York importer at less a than hall value, their entire stock ot warehouse Table Cloths U and Towel samples. Some of these samples are slight I v soiled but otherwise are sound All pure linen table cloths, 2, 24, long and actually worth as high German and Austrian Huck and worth as high as 50c, at, each This is a crckt opportunity IOO Calling Cards for 39c up Your own. name typograved on your cards in any style type you wish. Takes a few minutes. East Arcade, Brandeis. NOT A GpLDEN OUT A SILVER OPPORTUNITY 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on all SILV. ERWARE PLATED OR REPAIRED. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 SOUTH 13th STREET. Between Paraam and Harney. Eat sBSaSSStsS it 1 See It I Pane 4 U I Brsnecls tf flM ft . t OF piiito S15 f" bargain climax. Think what J 8 a it means to pet a good, up-to-date suit Jfy of clothes that will look well all season, for k five dollar bill, all sizes in this lot many desirabe patterns Your choice of S hundreds of suits Saturday. if Five Dollars 1 Men's Frock Coats and Vests Black Clay worsted, Prince Albert vests worth $15, YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS Black, grays and fancies in 46 and 50 inch length-also a few form fitting Pad docks all young men's coats and are to 36 only on 7?75 and $18, at. ..v. BOYS' OVERCOATS Your choice of several hun dred Russian or Reefer Over- coats ages 3 to 8, a) 50 worth $4. $5 and $6 . . stair - i i Knickerbocker Pants Including corduroy Knicker bockers, worth a up to $1.60, kJQ Music Merry Widow Waltz. Special, 15c Butterscotch Tat tles, lb After Dinner Cream Patties, lb. 10c I9c Music Specials hits Somebody Lied; Dreaming; And the World is Mine; A I,lttlo Beautiful Morning Mar; Melody of Love; All the Candy (new rag); Freck les, (fine rag); I'm Carried Away With Carrie; I'm Afraid to tio Home in the Dark, 'Neath the Old Cherry Tree Sweet Marie; Red Wing; Moonllht on Sound. : 1 m ira mill uin iJues- k of New York Merry Tl II ri Marrying Mary, llwfjfc logul and the new SI U lr. Plpps . from Plpp- iia 1 Mill Olrl Ques i f r r u 8 Sale in Basement and perfect. 3 and 3 yards nn Cn i nn as $4 each UoC'I.UJ-l HH iJ Damask Towels-r-, . ip p s and should not be missed V SATURDAY MEN'S SUITS WORTH UP TO $12.50 SAIE PRICE MEN'S PANTS WORTU UP TO $3.50 SALE PRICE Heavy Overcoats WORTH UP TO $12.50 SALE PRICE $7.50 liar Muffs J) Good Mufflers . . . . . l. .... . 15 Heavy fleece-lined Underwear 37 (Jood Wool Hocks J) Men's Heavy Sweaters .... 25 All Wool Shirts . '. . . Qg Trefcident Suspenders ...,39 50c Wool (iloves '. .-25J Shaw Knit Hose . 20? flood Suspenders 15 75c Gloves 35 Black Sateen Shirts 39 Men's Fur Lined Caps .... 30J Fur Costs Coats aa low as $6.90 Cravanette Coats $5.00 and up. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-20 DOUGLAS ST, SCHOOL SHOES THAT hang together the longest time and look well all the while is our speciality. GIRLS HID t) aa BUTTON $s.UU SMALL GIRLS d PA KID BUTTON . Vl3U B0 $2.00 SMALL BOY'S 7P SAME QUALITWl w FRY SHOE CO. Ill 110111 16th and Douglas Streets. THE HOLSMAN The orlgnlal carriage automobile. The machine you ought to buy at the price you want to pay. Dealers wanted. Write for proposition. HltlCK I. Kl'HN, Her Grand, Omaha. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to. Dr. H. V. Ramacciottl.) AXnSTAJTT ITAT1 YBTEBTTf A ta V. Of flea aad Koapital, 3810 Kasoa Btxest. Oslls Promptly Answered at All Honrs. Thoas Of flos Xarnsy 997. ftmiKt Dak Kes. XB-las 4Jas. UUiafll, ICO. FLOR1D1 RESORTS. HOTELS OSCf OlUON . . . St. Ausutlna lc. ..... . bt Aufuitin OHMOND . . Ormond-on-th-Hllfx THIBUKt8 . . . .PklmBwch ROVSL POINCIANA . . . Palm Baach StoVSL PALM Miami Thc Colonial K.Mu 'Bahama liUndi KOW OPEN. flO MILCB MCANCH CUBA, Tlx aw nil Iim tltmt FVnils Km, nl k is iimiu ta kaiW Key, couacliM vnis lioo. amca ia ilnpni pwUc cari, duMJM aa Mum, Vrua or ixlir la FLORIDA EAST COAST ISO ! ST. S43 firrM Ave. Chios Him Voaa a ST. AusuSTiai. ful Grand Special Ydunii Men's Suits & Overcoats offered at 1.. . . ?H - . - Boys9 Suits and Overcoats v Kcgular values to $(5.50, Saturday at . . . . . . i $195 and $2.95 The greatest lot of knee pants suits and juvenile overcoats ever offered in Omaha or the west at our sale prices. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, sizes from 2 VI to 16 years, all styles. Boys Overcoats, all sizes from '2VS to 8 years, actual values to $6.50, all regular stock in two lots, r.f Ar rf r Saturday at ij I 2DmJZ VO Music Special 12 Cents Per Copy. By Mail Add 1 Cent Extra Per Copy Those Songs My Mother ...12c; Lsed to Sing "When Sweet Marie Was Sweet Sixteen, latest.. 12c Would You .Care, by Harris . . 12; Fare Thee Well, My Old Ken tucky 12c Could You Learn to Love a Little Girl Like Me...l2c Loveland Waltzes 12c Merry Widow Waltzes . 12c There's Another Picture in My Mamma's Frame, new, for 12c Old Faithful March.... 12c Sly. Cupid Waltzes 12c 7fJ lust Published DANCE FOLIO By Mail 5 Cents Extra A collection in book form of all the popular numbers from this famous opera, arranged for the piano as waltzes and two steps. Every number in this book complete. Con tents: "I Love You So," "The Silly Rider," "O Suther land," "A Castle in the Air." ;'The Merry Widow," "The Girls in Gay Paree," "My Villa," Lovely Woman,'f valse "The Affectionate Wife." Highest Quality Meats Lowest Prices ( You 're certain of satisfaction and a substantial saving iLyou buy meats at Hayden's. 12 pounds Leaf Lard Saturday $1.00 No. 1 Skinned Fresh Pijr Hams at . . . .10c No. 1 Bacon Backs at 12c Home Made Pork Sausage at . . .6c Hamberger Steak, at, lb 6c at, lb. ...... 8V2 Fresh Pig Shoulder at, lb ,.GaC Fresh Pig Pork Ixiins, lb. . . .8 VC Fresh Side Pork, at, lb . Mutton Legs at, W HMBEN' SMI Young Men's W A T C II E S Our stuk in this line contain Krrnt valui'S which- for the price cannot he matched rlsrwhrre. It's the youri man's opportunity to secure r.-liuhlu tline-prlio of which he may well b proud SlK' 1- to 16. $16.00 Oolil filled case war- T JD J rr , rtintei ifl yais JC J 98.60 Sllverlne surt-w case C4. very strong- V 913.60 CJuld rilled cstnc, 0 C"7 C years Ruaranteed All have Klttln or Walthain inuvementa. VJHTs OXOCBI flLLlO PROMPT I. T r rioukuN a co. PACKER'S HAIR BAL8AM JUmm ftud bBi'A thm bait, rnMag lasuian fruirth. vr FkIIm to tOr Ort7 Hal io Its ToaUifu. Color. UlM clp d'NMt ka fa f a, mjad $ i Qu aj jwuiau nbS3BsBSBG8S Clearance Saturday values vo JiVery onu or " . Overcoat in the house, that sold regularly up to $15.00, all latest styles, patterns and colors, in two great lots, the best bargains ever $5.00-7.50 S3AYII1 THE RELIABLE 0TRE V ' ' Xo qcstion of quality they're reg ular stok and our guarantee stands behind every garment. "You'll' certainly miss" it if you do not embrace this opportunity to secure thoroughly reliable youths' suits and overcoats Saturday At About Half Price Love Me and the World'' Is Mine .... ........... .12c Yesterday, by Harris. . 12c As Long as the World Rolls On r 12c On Our Honeymoon, latest for piano 12c My Virginia 12c Carry Me Off in the Big BalJoou 12c My Dear J2c She's Dixie Through and Tli rough, New York "it 12c Golden Rod 12c Some Day You'll Coine Back to Me, new 12c bl Merry Widow iy Hams, Veal Roast, 10c and 8 Veal Chops, per lb at 10c Veal Stew, (5 lbs for 5C Boneless Rib Roast 9c at, lb 10c lb 9 "TOLLOW TXX KiACt" REDUCED RATES TO SOUTHERN RESORTS On nalit ilaily ttlih return limit Juim lbt. Sehil M'Miii'hii-kur ratna sold lut and 3rd Tueridny fai li month. 'I'lirough curs iiiuuha to Mohlle, Ala., leaving I'l l). 4 1 Ii. eiiroule to I'almetto Heach, Alu., .'16 niih'S uciotta the hay HouIIiik. Hal In lk. i'lssiriK- Lre new Hotel, reasonabln lalea The Ounlen apot of iulf Coast points. For rates. sleeplnK car Kpace In through cars, denvriptive inatler. to., rail IVabaMh I'lty Office, lih and ! I-a infill, or addresa I111Y E. HOOIEI. O. A. T. ., Wabaab ., Omaha, srsb. jsaCTauaiiniai'aBiiaiBMjLiuism S'awaas Cos Into tha Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West '