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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY , DEE: FRIDAY. .JANUARY 24. 1003. DEFICIENCY BILL IN HOUSE Chairman Tawney Sayi Country Must Meet Bix Deficit Next Year. HE URGES UTMOST ECONOMY Appropriations Will Kirffd Btmu Haadrrit Millions In Ipsa Kstl matrs Ar fi( Down Materially. WASHINGTON, Jan. M.-The urgent de )N, Jan. a.-he urg ficiency spproprlatton bill occupied the at tention of the housa today to the exclusion of all other business. A surprise aas sprung when Chairman Tawney of the appropria tions committee warned the members that the country was confronted with the cer tainty of a tino.Ono.0CO deficit unless tho es timate for the next, fiscal year should be cut down materially. A discussion on tariff revision was Injected Into the proceedings, tn which leaders on both sides of the house tried to commit one another to a definite announcement as to whether, if successful at the November elections, there would be tariff legislation. Without completing consideration of the bill, the house, at 1:40 p. m.. adjourned. ' Tanner C alls to BUI. Chairman Towney of the house commit tee "on appropriations today called Trp the urgent deficiency appropriation bill. An agreement was reached to devote the entire day to general debate on the measure. Mr. Tawney said, on the fare of the esti mates submitted to congress'for the next fiscal year the country was confronted with a certain deficit of llOO.OOO.Ono. The esti mates, therefore, would have to be ma terially revised and the figures reduced. Mr. Tawney declared that he deemed it his duly to call attention to this fact'ln order that expenditures may be kept within esti mated revenues. . "I do not make this statement for the purpose of exciting alarm," he said. Mr. Tawney made Jplaln that there would be no new appropriations this ses sion for rivers and harbors or public build ings, for ho .said his calculations did not include them. Deere la Hevenne Probable. Mr. Mann (111.) referred to the promises of both parties that If successful at the next election they would revise the tariff, and Inquired of Mr. Tawney If it was not true that always Immediately preceding a revision of the tariff there was a great de cline in the 'custom receipts of the govern ment Mr. Tawney responded that the estimates did not take Into consideration the matter referred to by Mr. Mann, nor the effect on the revenues of the government resulting from tho recent financial depression. The estimates were made prior to the money stringency and before the revenues began to fall off. "Is the gentleman ready to guarantee re vision of the tariff, provided the republicans prevail next November?" asked' Mr. Liv ingston (Oa.. "No," said Mr. Tawney, "and I am not willing to guarantee that there will be tariff revision If the democrats preVall in November." " ' ' After speeches by Mr. Underwood-(Ala.) and Mr. Keefer (O.) the house adjourned. PROCEEDINGS ' Oi THE SENATE Charge . that '..Treasury- Department Discriminated Against West. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S.-8enator Stone of Missouri '.rbfly present statistics of government Nepeaits' W riatisnal banks to. show that the distribution of money during the recent currency stringency was not "equitable" as contemplated by the law governing ths Treasury department. Ha declared that tho west and south were discriminated against, while New York and Boston were favored. Ills speeuh was on his resolution pending In the senate di recting n committee to Investigate and re port the facts In these transactions. Senator Teller followed with brief com ment upon the action of the secretary of the treasury, declaring that the placing nt money in New York City during the punlc was fully Justified, lie paid a high tilbute to the rich men. who, he said,, had promptly offered practically their entire capHul In order to stem the tide of 'disas ter In that city which threatened the en tity country. The senate devoted the latter part ofthe i: Salon to a consideration of the bill to revise the crjrnlnal code and at 4:14 p. m. uUJourned until Monday, Woman Shoots After tlnarrel. CHICAGO. Jan. 13-Mrs. Mary Maloney, fc) years of age, was today shot and fatally wounded by Mrs. Grace Ourawlck jL )!b West Jackson boulevard. After the shoot ing Mrs. Garswtck ran and was not cap tured until after she had been pursued a mile. , Early today the two women quarrelled over a charge of stealing a cents brought J, jj ouaxa'i rums tood ceht Restaurant on 24 Floor TAN EX.ETA.TOB i Yoa will ajoj roar lunch in taliu Hti as A t- WAV Friday 0, Specials FISH VKPAKTMKNT. $ 9 1000 lbs, Freeh Carp, per lb., ,05c ': Fancy Norwelgan Herring lb 10c ! English Bloaters liaravi, -v 1 V per lb, . . , O.V J5 We receive fresh fish dally fromw the catchers and carry a full stock" of all kinds obtainable, & AX KOLA COFKF.E $ tf uood uorree is not a luxury, it s a necessity, me It pays for Itself by starting you out each day In good temper. Ankola brand Is the roost talked of Coffee In Omaha, $ Because It is the pest three for k 11.00 Coffee sold. Ask for a PKFE$ P sample. Hl'XTLKVS & l'ALIEH S KugUsh lliwults at half price 5 nit ComodeVs Acorns ' Breakfasts 5 Century Philippines . Monarch's Petit Buerre jig Waverley's Alaska Wafers ' Coronation 'Rich Digestives at ana many other rarietles, Owing to overstock will sell these $ Pj celebrated Biscuits at half price y for die balaaoe of this week. While 9 iff they last. L llth as DougUs BWoata. $ Tslasaoas Ztoairlas Ml. Q ir-t r-jcSsnfs CotDMM Ail Sep, I t by Mrs. Osrswlca sratnst th twelve yar old son nf Mrs. Ijiler Mrs. Onrs wlrk returned to Mrs. Malnnry's lions and when Mrs. Malonejr opened the door' In roepons to her ring, she shot Mrs, Ma loney through the abdomen. SHERMAN S. SMITH IS GUILTY J arise Morris Ronndlr "rare Proml seal Mlnaeapolls Polltlrlaa for ApprnnrhUt Jarers. ST. PAl'I Minn., Jan. 2-Judpe Morris In the I'nlted States district court today adjudged Rhrrman S. Bmlth, a well known politician of Minneapolis, to be guilty of contempt of court. Smith was recently ar rested on a charge of Jury tampering In the case of alleged fraudulent use of the malls by the four Wood brothers and the Wis consin Grain company and its officers The contempt consisted In Smith's approaching two Jurors, who were also arrested, but later released on the government's admis sion that It had failed to make a case against ths Jurors. Judge Morris scored Smith roundly and announced that sentence would be pro nounced this afternoon. Smith was for two terms a member of the legislature. Mr. Smith, who is known by a lsrgrt number of people in Omaha, where he fre quently comes on business missions, has had an active career in republican politics in Minnesota. In the legislature of 1901, which elected Moses E. Clapp ss yie suc cessor to the late United States Senator Cushman K. Davis and re-elected Senator Knute Nelson, he was leader of the Min neapolis contingent of antl-Clapp forces, Clapp being a St. Paul man. When, on the fourteenth ballot. Smith saw Clapp's election was Inevitable he made a long stroke, when he arose and called 1 for all Into the the Bob Evans men to follow, him Clapp camp, as they had followed him thus far for Evans, and make the Clapp elec tion unanimous. Smith s ii in ' mi "slnniili of the house temperate ' jmuiKtee of that session. It was the custom in those days in Minnesota for the temperance commu tes of each house to have charge of all re freshments. Smith Is a large, jovial fellow, with a smile that never comes off. POLICE PREVENT PARADE Attempt of 20O t'nemployeit Men to Make Demonstration tn Chicago Ends anlcklr. CHICAGO, Jan. 21 An attempt of the socialists to bring about a "march of the unemployed" through the downtown streets today resulted in two sharp fights with thn police In which the would-be marchers were routed after a number of men had been clubbed. Dr. Benjamin 1 Reltman, the originator of the plan to march through ths streets, and two of his followers were arrested. There were about 200 men In line when the police interfered. loiter in the afternoon another crowd gathered on the lake front, but it was broken up hy a few officers sent for the purpose by the chief of police. Nobody was seriously hurt during the excitement, although some of the march ers will have sore heads and backs for a few days. Many of them seemed to regard the whole thing as a huge Joke (until they came In contact wlrh. tho police. tpoltman and two of his. followers who were arrested at the same time as he will be arraigned In court tomorrow on charge's of disorderly conduct and Inciting a riot. TAKT . STATES 1 HIS POSITION Will' Make Mo Contest la States that Have Candidates. WASHINGTON. .Jn. . 2S.-Secretary of War Taft is Carrying out t!a polkry ia Ntm York that he lias directed his managers to follow in other states where there are can didates for the republican nomination for the presidency. In a letter to Representa tive Herbert Parsons, chairman of the re publican county committee nf Ne wYork, the secretary makes It clear that he does not want his friends to prosecute a cum pnlgn In New York as against Governor Hughes. The letter, which was made pub lic by Representative Parsons tonight. Is as follows: WAR DKPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23, lt. My Dear Parsons: I m aware that you and many other friends of mine In New York stale, who are alo friends of Governor Hughes, has hesitated as to the course to pursue In respect to the republican nomination for the presidency. I wish you and them to know that as far as I am concerned, there should be no em barrassment In this regard. I have uni formly uriced friends of mine not to at tempt to divldo in my Interest tho delega tion from any slate which has a candidate of its own. Since Governor Hughea has In dicated his willingness to accept the repub lican nomination. 1 now make the same re quest of you and ny other friends In your state. Moreover, I wooTd greatly deprecato a contest which might Imperil republican vlstory In New York In November. Any thing that I can do to avoid this I am anx ious to do. Very sincerely yours, , WILLIAM H. TAFT. Hon. Herbert Parsons, House of Repre sentatives. SOUTH DAK0TA CATTLEMEN State Asaoelatlon Will Meet la .Mitchell Next .Week for Annaal Heanloa MITCHELL. S. P.. Jan. 33 (.Special.) -For the fifth annual convention of the South Dakota Improved Live Stock as sociation, which will assemble in this elty on Tuesday evening of next week, the officials have prepared a program that will doubtless meet the approval of the live stock men fcf the state, who will be here tn large numbers. With the bunl ness sessions and the sale of cattle and swine the convention will Jast until Thursday evening. Tho sale of the thoroughbred stock Is a very important feature of tho convention and with the institution of the sale the stock cu the farms of this state has reached a much higher state of perfection. Indian Killed la Keif Defense. SIOUX FALLS. S. I. Jan. 2S.--(Sne- clal.) No ar'reat has yet been made In connection with the death a few days ago of Ben Handsome Elk, a well-known Sioux Indian, whose home was on the Lower Brule reservation and who dlud as the result of being struck on the head with a club In the hands of John Dillon, i pio neer resident of Lyman county and at present a business man In the town of Kennebec, Lyman covnty. The case ap pears to have been purely one .of soU'- kdefense on the part of DIUou. Big; Haarh Sale, CHEYENNE. . Wyo., Jan. J3 (Spoclui.) The Colin MuDougall ranch at Diamond today was sold to the Kwan Lund and Cattle company (Two Ttar) for 128.000. The deal Includes 180 acres of land, ranch Improvements a iuT machinery, 600 head of cattle and twenty-six head of horses. Mel lea Leaves for Washington. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jan. .Preaident Mi lien of the New Haven Railroad com pany left for Washington today for an interview with Preaident Hoowvelt and to represent his company in various matters pending at the capital. v Concert Halt Blaster M ordered. CHICAOO, Jan. J3.-Mrs. Catherine Cart wright, a concert ball dancer and singer, ass found shot to death In her ooui at ft! Wells street early today. The police .are searching fur James McGee In connet'l ion alia th murder. MeCardra Expected ilonte. MORR18TOWN, N J , Jan. 23. -Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mei'uidy mi J Mr. and Mrs. Ruber I 11. Mci'urdy are expect M return today from Knrupe. where thry went sion after Ilie insnaiue in vv it's Hon Sev ern I years ago FEWER IDLE CARS IN WEST Surpl us of Trains Seduced by Regain in Traffic. BUSINESS IS OH THE ASCENT Iteporta of Continuation of Leases In the Knstern Railroad World Do ot rind Connterpart J, la tho West. Western railroads converging In Omaha csnnot find It possible, in the face of ac tual facts and conditions, to Join their comrades further east In a cry of "hard times." And the belief is general In the west that conditions are not as bad In tue cast as. some sources represent them. ' a "The surplus of cars is not as great on the Union Pacific aylt was December 24," said W. L). Lincoln ear service agent of the Union raciflc, under whose Jurisdic tion are all the cars of the Overland route. White eastern railroads are represented as suffering a continuation of loss In (raffle western roads are not in that con dition, so officials affirm. The tendency is said to be up rather than down. The Bee published a story January 17 showing that the number of Idle cars In the 'United States December 24, when the official report was fled, was JOS.oftO. Gen eral Manager Huldrege of the Burlington at that-time, commenting on tho general situation In the railroad world, said that while the slump In the west wss not as great as In the east, the Burlington's traffic had fallen off about 30 per cent as compared with a year ago. "1 think tho same Improved condition ex ists on all the Nebraska .lines . as on the Union Pacific," said Mr. Lincoln. "We have been sending all foreign cars possible to their lines and this has tended to cut down the surplus. The Union Pacific has not many idle cars. The grain movement Is picking up right along In both Kansas and Nebraska and there Is also consid erable live stock moving. Colorado is also picking up." The Union Pacific and Burlington are using a large number of cars for hauling Ice. Tha latter road loaded eighty cars of commercial Ico In one day on one of Its branch llnea this week. Burlington Also Gains. O. I Dlckeson, assistant superintendent of transportation of the Burlington, made the statement that business on the Bur lington seemed to be picking up consid erable over what it was from January 1 to January 10 and over what It was wheu the report was made December 21. "I believe Nebraska is in about the best condition of any of the states at the pres ent time," said Mr. Dlckeson. "Nebraska has both grain and live stock to offer and these are moving because there ia a de mand for thvvn. While we still have a surplus of curs It 's not as great as it was." Prank Walters, general manager of the Northwestern said that business was pick ing up considerably and there was a greater demand for cars, than there was a Couple of weeks ago. Roads to tho south are not catching up as fast as the others because of peculiar con ditions. Grain does not seem to be mov ing to the south at present, but wheat and corn are going to St. Paul, and corn to Wisconsin. Western Nebraska is sending corn to California, and corn is moving to feed lots all over the country. Wall from Mew York. NEW YORK, Jan. M.rFigures prepared for one of the large railroad companies, suys the Tribune, show that U week ago thero were 820,000 Idle freight cars In the United States and about 8,000 locomotives which are laid up because of the falling off In traffic. As there are 2,2O0,CO0 freight cars in the country, tis would show that 14 per cent of aJl the cars owned by rail roads are storetf on railroad" tracks waiting for loads.. Figuring the value of cars as 11,000 each and of locomotives as 116,000 each, tho stuteinent shows that the railroads have UlO.OnO.OiM) tied up In rolling stocks for which there Is no present use. Tho great shortage In rolling stock lust year cuu.scd largo orders for cars to be placed by railrouds. As late as last Oc tober the reported shortage was 87,000 cars. Estimating the average freight train at forty cars, the K0.0U0 cars now idle would be equivalent to 8,000 trains, for handling each of which four men are ordinarily re quired, so that it may be estimated that more than 30,000 men less are needed than If all of these cars were in service. Many men have been laid off the New York Central, for example, since the beginning of this month, has In Id off enough to make a saving of $2S0,O(i0 a rear, in addition to previous cutting down of its force and many others have been placed on short time. But fixed charges of a rallroud must be met in dull times as well as in active, and maintenance and other expenses must be provided for, und in view of all the facts, the managements (f many railroads are understood to be discussing I lie quea tlon of reducing wages, as a disliked, but nccesHury, measure. , PACHItU HOlKKit ARK ALL BIST Plants ftnnnlnar Full Forres and lie eeiDta or Live niocic Larger. Recnlpl's at the South Omaha stock yards aie showing an Increase after the slump in live slock prices cut down the shipments during the last of November and the month of December and packing houses C A WHEN THE TASTE OF COUNT. S LESS THOUSANDS S CENTRES ON v AS AN IDEAL PRODUCT OF THE 0i S STILL. ITS PURITY. MATURITY V AND r-LAVOR MUST BE SUPREME S M GUARANTEED UNDE.. THE SS. NATIONAL PURE FOOD LAM'. SfM Mill r-t-cl rf, mud t- Jobtxri. a. nAas . a,(:aJ.. air S rrx 1 J' 1 are running with full forces of Workmen. Hog receipts since the first of the year exceed the receipts for the same time last year by almost K.OfO head. Some slight decrease la shown in the receipts of cattle as compared to 1S07, but the receipts show an Increase as compared to the first weeks of the new year. For the first three daya of the present week 35.424 head of bogs have been re ceived, while during the same days of last week but 24.230 head were received. Three weeks ago the receipts for the entire six days were but 25.440 head. The cattle receipts up until Wednesday evening have been 14.251 head, slightly be low last week's figures, but double the re ceipts of three weeks ago and equal to the receipts for the entire week which ended January 4. Sheep receipts have followed the hog re ceipts In the proportionate Increase. The first three days of this week brought In 16,189 bead of sheen, equal to the receipts for six days two weeks ago; three times, the receipts of three weeks ago and more than the receipts of either the third or fourth week of December. . Tho estimated receipts for the week will exceed those of the same week a year ago, the total number of commercial animals received at the yards since January 1 be ing about equal to those during the same time last year. VANKTON GETS PLUM (Continued from' First Page.) state delegation represented a vice presi dent with the following result: Fred R. Wead, Omaha, "Vb..; p. E. Deland, Pierre, 8. D. ; John L. Kennedy, Slouk City, Ia.; L. M. Jones, Kansas-City, Mo.; W. R. Chtlds. Kansas City, Kaa.; F. E. Strana ban. Fort Benton, Mont,; Captain Isaac Bake, Blsmark, N. D. The meeting was a great success in the matter of large attendance and particu larly as to the attendance of notable peo Pp. Most of tjie Omaha delegates left for home this evening. COTTON FIRMER ON REPORT Censna Bnreaa Knows Prodnetlon Has Been Lea for Season on Ended. NEW YORK, Jan. 21 The cotton mar ket opened- firm at an advance of 11 to 18 points In response to the bullish census report Indicating that only 388000 ' bales had been ginned for the last period against 435,000 lust year. There was general real izing at the advance, however, and after selling at 11.68 cents for May the market reacted to a point or two under the closing figures of last night in' the absence of Im portant support from the bull clique. Lahsr prices were steadied by covering. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-The census bu reau today Issued a report showing that the total amount of cotton in the United States ginned from the growth of 1907 to January Id was 10,337,607 boles, as compared with 12,17,19 bales for the same period last your and S.&9,b34 bales for the same, period in 1005. The total, number of active ginneries was 27.370. In this bulletin round bales are counted as half bales. The number of round bales Included Is 187.50.2 for 1908, 258,717 f,or 1907 and 27O,08 for J906. , Sea Island Included .80,187 for 1908, 5f,336 for 1907 and 104,710 for, 1906. DAMAGES FROM WHITE CAPS Connecticut Man Meek ia Recover for . Injuries that He InJurJet that He Received. ' "r HARTFORD. Conn., Jam' 23. -Tha suit of Willis K. Griffon against Charles Alls house, former deputy sheriff, qnd eloven other citizens of Granby, in which the plaintiff claims SIO.OOO damages for alleged "white cap" assaults, la on trial in the court here. Griffon states that in Feb ruary, 1W7, while living at the home of Dr. Weed In Granby he visited a neigh bor's house. Mrs. Weed being there at the time. When they started to go home, he testified, he was attacked hy "white caps," who put a rope around his neck and dragged him across the state line, telling him never to return. He savs one of Iis riliB was broken, the sight of one eye was practically ruined,' and that he received other Injuries. He also testified that his sister, with whom he went to live in New Britain, lost her reason and died because of his sufferings. REGULATION, NOT TEMPERANCE Law Enforcement Society Declares Recent Movement Does Not Mean Prohibition. ... I.OT.'ISVILLK, Ky... Jan. 22-T. DcNJ.ilncy Tull'y, secretary of the Law Enforcement society of New York City, addressing the Model License league convention today, said tho society ho represented stood for the enforcement of all laws and especially the excise laws In New York. "Wo broke with the excise laws In New York state," said Mr. Tully, "when they called for a temperance law." Coiitrrfuliig, he said: ' The passing- of local option laws In Ken tucky and the going dry of numerous state mean nothing. It Is by no means an In dication that the eople of the" country want lenipcrunce. hut that they wnnl con trol and ' the manner of running saloons changed. ' The majority of the people want the alMiBcs of the saloons corrected. At thx bottom of all law breaking, petit Intrigue, small and large graft, debauchery and vice, Is the lawless saloon. PRESIDENT DJEFENDS HIMSELF He Is to lae Statement Concerning! Appointment He Ifaa He- , rentlr ' Made. WASHINGTON, Jan. a.-Presidcnt Roosevelt lod.ay sent for t lie members of his cabinet and Instructed them personally to prepare for (hiin at their earliest con venience a list of all appointments which require confirmation by the senate which have been sent to that body during Us pre sent session. t it Is understood that the president In tends to use the information In a statement to be issued some lime in the near future. It will, according to those who have talked with the president, be an answer to recent criticisms made by the senate of federal appointments. All the members of the cabinet with Hie exception of Secretary Cortelyou responded to the president's sum, muiia today. Cornet Mills to Reaauie. PHILADKLPHIA. Jan. XI. There Is mucli rejoicing among the. residents of the falls of Schuylkill la the north Western part ' of tli j city over the announcement of a com plete resumption of work next Mondav at the carpet, mills of John and James Dobaon. Nearly a.00 persons are affected. Lonely Life Unbalanced. Mind. KKW YORK. Jan. ZX-Nil Nielsen, light tender at the lighthouse ihi the New Haven breakwater, committed willed by cutting his throat. Two years ago be received a medal from congress for heroism. It is thought that the lonely life in the light house unbalanced his mind. Mow la Avoid rsnl. You can avoid pneumonia and other seri ous results from a cold by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough and expels the cold from ths system ss It Is mildly laxstlva. Refuse any but the genu ine tn tl.s yellow package. All druggists. CONSULAR AGENT INVOLVED Extensive Revolution Conspiracy "Un earthed in. South. CHARLES MJ0T ONE OF SUSPECTS Arrest of Ciordlanl Reveal amber of Men Who IlaTe Been tlr f ring (9 Tronbla In Hnrtl. WASHINGTON. Jam 23.-8tartllng de velopments In the plot to overthrow the government of President Nord In Hayti have followed the Investigations of the secret service agents In New Tork In con nection with the arrest of Jose Giordanl on the charge of counterfeiting Ilaytian money. The officials say they have ascer tained that the prisoner was the agent of a formidable conspiracy whose operations probably would have extended beyond the limits of Haytl Into Santo Domingo and even Into Cuba had the revolution In Haytl been a success and the agents In New York remained unmolested. It was found among other things, the secret service operatives declare, that cer tain persons In Haytl, mostly Frenchmen and Corslcians, and one of them a brother of Oiordanl, -were active agents of the alleged conspirators and were .designated In the papers found among Glordanl's ef fects by numbers. By careful Inquiry the secret service men were able to connect these numbers with the proper persons and tho first result was to fix upon Charles Miot, tho American consular agent at St. Maro aa one of the persons to ' whom a number had applied. A great sit oae Dismissed. t'pon learning this fact last evening the State department Immediately cabled to American Minister Furnlss at Port Au Prince to dismiss this agent at once from the employ of the United States. This ac tion was taken because the State depart ment feels that It must keep Itself abso lutely free from the appearance of sympaty with rebellious movements In Latin-Ameri can departments. Chief Wilkie, of the secret service, ffciade a statement . today giving the facts apd circumstances connected witty the arrest of Giordan! which go to show that at the time of his arrest Giordan! had In bis possession counterfeit Haytlen paper money to the face value of $800,000. 2,000 Remington rifles and 230.030 rounds of ammunition, y all of which, it Is said, was intended for the Hay tlen revolutionists. Six or seven months ago when this government was advised by Provisional Governor Magoon that a small party of malcontents were trying to stir up a revolution .In Cuba, it was discovered that Giordan! was connected with them at that time, it developed, he had represented General Kirman during the Haytlen up rising In lfdl, Kirman then, as now, being the head of the revolutionary party. Rifles In Store. About that time Giordanl came to New I York and ever since then the secret service of this country has had him under close eurvellllance. It was not long before it was discovered that Giordan! had stored in Brooklyn warehouse sixteen cases con taining 2.000 Remington rifles in fine con dition. Close watch was kept on these oases and on January 4, by Glordanl's di rection, they were loaded on to a truck and hauled to the Hamburg-American steamship pier, whence the steamer Graecla was to sail on January 8 for Haytlen or otaer West Indian ports. The cases were marked "structural iron", and ths fictitious name' of C. Ierlam, fc .Co.. was given as the consignee, Connives. Haytl, was given as the destination, but the shipper's name was withheld. Thero were subsequently added to the consignment twenty-three bar rels marked "cement." The officials had become convinced that Glordani was engaged In ome unlawful enterprise, and the steamship company was notified not to receive thecases of "structural Iron," the barrels of "cement," and some boxes which had also made their appearance and upon learning of this action Glordani hadVhem hauled away to another ware house. By that time the secret service had secured (sufficient evidence" to war rant them In opening all of the cases, boxes and barrels. The first contained the I.OCO Remington rifles, the barrels of am munition, and the boxes I800.0CQ in coun terfeit Haytien currency. Glordani's arrest followed at once, and In his apartment were found a large, number of letters from Central Firman and other revolutionists in Haytl and elsewhere and other papers and documents of Importance, ABSOLUTE GUARANTYBETTER W. J. Bryan Disclaims Rein a- Orlart -aatar of 1'lan to Satcsraard Bank Deposit. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. The Chicago Record Herald today vays that William Jennings Bryan Is not the originator or the guar anty plan for the protection of bank deposits. In a letter to Alexander II. Revell, Mr. Bryan declares that although the. scheme Is spoken of ss the Bryan plan, he has "no patent on It." In addition, the Nebraskan expresses the opinion in his letter that the sbsolute guar anty Is the better Idea, and that the Okla homa plan Is virtually an absolute guar antee. OSLV OSE "BROUO Ql!I!IirE. ' That Is LAXATIVE BHOMO QUININE. Look for tha signature of E. W. OROVE. Used the world over to cure a cold In ons day. i'M. Tollegc View Man Dies la rblraa-a. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. O. E. Cummlngs of College View. Neb .'s publisher, was found dead today in his room In the Rrlgg-s house. Death1 is believed to have been caused br heart disease. A Merlons Breakdown results from chronic constipation. Dr. Kings New Life rills cure headsrhe, sto mach, liver and bowel trouble. 25c. Sold by -Heaton Drug Co. RHEUMATISM and effects of CURED at Hot t SirSHS. Mi; A retreat, near home, free from all the ills of Win ter. (Jolf, horseback riding and driving. 500 hotels with jirices to huit all purses and appoint ments to suit all tastes. Low Railroad Iiates. For illustrated book telling all about Hot Springs, write Bureau ot Information, Tot railroad tickets sad la format loa, sail sa or address F. I. Rutherford, D. P. A., Hock Island, 1323 Farnam fct., Omaha, Sett. T. P. Godfrey, P. A T. A., Mo. iar. Ky., 1423 Fanuun 8t., Omaha, Neb. ; Km a T.ra. nr.-.-.r. m - T.-.-nr-Tnl v ' iL.ii ii'H'i'jummij.ia PRICES NEXT TO i!0Tllli!G $50.00, $60.00 and $75.00 SUITS Jp2S' 00 $35.00 and $45.00 SUITS , g QQ $75.00 to $100.00 FUR COATS $30.00, $35.00 "and $45.00 Hume Squirrel, Near Heal, Astrakhan, Ilrxk Mink, UiismIuii Pony and Krinimer. FURS Black Lynx sets to close, at $35.00, $45.00 and $50.00 AU worth double. K AUK FOHCK1) to t-lo-v out our cntliv stmk on account of the remodeling, of our premises, which begins February 1st. , ' -i IMJUFftCTURER'S OUTLET N. E. Cor. 16th fSSXBB PA KOU1WES ABB BALL HBAOQUiSTIBD AX& z.xAXnru mawdi -CIGARS- 4OX TSA.SE A BPXOIAXnt 31 Bo. ista Strsst. OLSON AND IIERR IN LEAD Holdrege Kan High Gun for Tourna ment Among; the Amateurs. KANSAN HEADS PROFESSIONALS Amateur Leader Has One Better Than the Professional on the Pinal Day's Shoot at tha llaat Inits Tournament. I HASTINGS, JS'eb.. Jan! 2J. (Special Tele grtm.) The Central Nebraska Traj? Brtoot Ing tournament closed today wlth'AdoIph Olson of Holdrege In 'the lead." Ills score for the two days Is 274 out of 300 targets. Ills score today was 1(8 out of lfti. Holla worth of Juniata was second today with n score of 1H1 and Olinstead of Bertrand third with a score of 165. 'In the professional class today Hcrr of Concordia, Kan., was 167 and Barber of Paulina, la., 101 Leading scores today were: llerr 15 14 14 1R 19 13 14 14 14 15 J7 Harber 14 18 13 is 14 14 13 14 12 17 : Edwards 14 13 11 15 II 14 H Thorp '.. 14 10 9 17 in It 15 10 13 IV Evans 12 10 13 IS 17 11 11 H 13 IS 1 1 Olson i'4 13 ii n ID 15 14 14 14 17 IV Hollsworlh 12 14 13 1 IS 14 14 10 14 16 ly Mann 12 II 13 lti 1!) 10 14 10 11 14 15 Olmxtead 14 14 13 14 17 13 14 11 IS 1 i.t Italrd 11 13 13 IS i'3 13 13 13 14 17 K Weinman 7 12 1 11 Cunnon 00 W W W 14 14 11 14 11 U li Events 4, S 10 and 11 were for twenty targets and the others for fifteen. 4'ollln and Bovtman Drarr. SOUTH BEND,. Ind.. Jan. ?. "TVlld Joe" Collins of Wisconsin and "Sandow" Dow man of Chicago wrestled to a draw last night, going tiilrty-fivs minutes without a fall. Finally bowman crakhed Into a wall and was stunned, - making It necessary to quit. Svurtluaj Gossip. With such an outfield as Autrcy, King and belden, Omaha certainly will be a bane to heavy hitters, r It now looks as If Ragan surety would he retained by Cincinnati. He has been photographed and Hated. Now that Goteh and Hackenschmldt have Sgreed on terms, let Chicago get he match and pull it off without further ceremony. One tiling, If ther la any good left in Bowerman It's a 10 to 1 shot it will come out when Boaton ptayf-. in New York, or vice versa, this season, Autrey, Laurand und lager Krsnck are putting In titeady lick this whiter and ought to w In fine trim to pick up the feat of the tr-Jtn) and forge ahead when the acason opens. Iwhell has sent Weaver, lat year's star Witchlia catcher, to the Box with ths recommendation that he's the best catcher there is except Billy Sullivan. Has Johnny Kling dropMd dead? Cute of old Cantlllon to ask Pa. through his man O'Nell. to wulve time of holding the Western league annual. Why waive? Is thero some deal to he pulled off that can't be done In Omaha? The White Sox have seventy-flv games mapped out for their training tour.- Half as manv as the whole league season. Their results 'ought to constitute a precedent one way or the other for or against long train ing periods. What would the ordinary ring fan say If vou told him Naah lirusao. native of Can ada, and of German-French ancestry, was champion prise fighter of America? Vet that is the identity of Tommy Burns. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien's real name is Joseph F. Hasan. LaGRIPPE and Howard Gts. WW Vaccine Virus Received Fresh Every Day We have a complete line of all tha leading Vaccine Virus on the. market. Including Park-Davis & Co., Alexander & Co., Mulford & Co., etc., also Wooda, tho best vaccination shield to protect the arm, for 10 cents each. To fumi gate we carry sulpher fumlgators Kc to 25c. Formaldehyde fumlgators 25e to 60c and formaldehyde sulphur powders at 25c each. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam Sis. WBE DOW TO WW Est your noonday lunch at ths (TEW XZ.EB a&AJTD CAM Restaurant Prices , Her Grand Service AMI SKMKTJ. BOYD'S THEATER Tonight, Friday and Saturday Barrals Mat. latordar 5e and 60a HORTENSE NIELSON In Tha Ibsen Tlay A DOLL'S HOUSE tiunday, Monday and Turbday THE RED MILL D0UC' ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Hatiasaa Sally, i:18 Ery tfight, 8:11 TBI! WZZI Kmmct. Devoy & (;0, Mrtniil Trio. Webb's Xal and Ha Lioua, Those Four llirls. Carbr-y Tln llrolheia. rel aer, uarrj u m drums. ' 1'ltlCKB 10c. l5o and fOo. EtRUG THEATER Prioss 1S-S5-60-76C ' , TONIGHT 8:15 The Houtlii rn Coined) -Drums MY DIXIE GIRL Kuuday: A WIFK'H NIX'KKT. AUDITORBUr.1 ROLLER SKATING ALL THIS WEEK. OKEAT EXKXBlTXOX BY TM.OT. M. DB BILTIA. TarlUlaa' "BlUB Of BOATS" A Sa rstfertnaacs. ' J fys)K am , f'il' - i f ' W S; ii) SVili M smoke NSM I F fit for 1 lltL' a king. Wl CUarlss Donoran Cigar Co.. l niVv Distributor. i ,1U Omaaa, Mb. II atWS . , II mm am w