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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1908)
10 OMAHA. DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, JANTTAKY 16, 1908. D D 11 D D M n I 4 il WMflft for Bit Silet See the B! Special Ir the Windows Dig Purchase o! Manufacturer's Samples Surplus Slock and Small Lots of Women's Skirts Actually Worth &S. $10. $12 n I n Many Now Spring Style Features are Shawn in this Assemblage of Skirts "We bought these suits at a big sacrifice, the lnanufac , turer accepting a big loss in order to get our cash figure. Such new style features as habit backs, open on side and in front with rows of buttons, gored, circular flared skirts, etc. Skirts are made of fine panamas, chiffon pan- amas, fine voiles, pleated with alter nate rows of taffeta silk bands and trimmings, also fancy novelty effects in stripes, ohecks, etc. ; skirts that were made to sell at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12,00 Thursday extra special sale Also Great Clearance Sale Women's Winter Cloaks $ Positively Worth $12.50 to $17.50 Popular loose and tight fit ting styles all this season's best effects long lengths of 42 to 52 inches plain tailored and fancy braided and silk trim med newest cloths and colors. Also 21 to 30-inch caracul or fur cloth coats, plain and fancy they look just like the real fur coats not a coat worth less than $10.00 and most of them $15.00 and $17.50. These up-to-date cloaks arc worth actually as high as $17.50 A BIG SWEEPING CLEARANCE Of all Women's Winter Wearing Apparel Greater reductions on all the coats, suits, furs and all winter wearing apparel, at one-half, one-third and one fourth of the former prices. A backward winter is mak ing us more anxious to close out all these winter gar ments at once. FETTICOATS Sateens in black and colors, Imitation Heather bloom, Just as good as the Heatherbloom, and the genuine Heatherbloom petticoats In col ors only, on bargain square main floor, worth up Oft to S2.60, at IfQC Specials in Big Bargain Baiement--Cloak Department 0 D o2) 1 111 WAJKT8 Big special lot of waists, including 1908 white wash waists, checked and black sateens, odds and ends of white and black mohair waists, sold up to $3.00, on big bargain square, main floor, J)8c Ladies' Waist In colors and - blacks, worth up to 98c Odds and ends of coata, worth up to S7. B0, various 9J lengths, at . Canadian marten and coney cluster Scarfs, worth up to $1.60, at. . $3.98 Beaver Shawls, at Flannelette Skirts, striped and solid colors, scalloped ICl bottoms, worth to 60c. . . IC French 55c 1?? I! Embroideries, 19c 39c New arrivals thrown on big bargain square for Thursday. Thousands of yards of wide insertions, bands, galloons, flounoings and skirtings; all charm ing new patterns; positively M ffh tfk g&i worth up to 75c a yard g v; ILP in two lots at, yard UU Ci? Ml E Sheet Music 2'c Sale, 21c 100 copies of standard elastics, on mile Thuraday, such classics as: Angels' Herenade, Angel's Dream, Grant's Grand March, Mountain Bell Bchott. Stephonle Gavotte, Kauat, The Fountain oy Bonn, , Grace, Mower Hong. Convent Hell. Cornflower Walla. ' Besides theie we will have over 100 more different tltloa to select from at this remarkably low pike. This Is something you cannot af ford to miss. Thursday only. See the Window Display and Watch fsr the Big ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE JEWELRY All Imported novelties all rings,' pins, buttons, chate laines, beads, bracelets, etc., away bslow value. Next Saturday Jaaaar Sales .Muslins, Sheelinos and Sheets Regular attendance at these sales means a great saving to house wives, buyers for hotelB, etc. Everyone should take advantage of these low prices. tlxSO seamed sheet, ilnrn finish, goou, heavy quality, at, each 4c. Earns quality, hlse 72x30. at, each 46c. Fine and mo 1, but heavy quality Id-Inch bleached muslin, pioi tively the finest qual ity ever mads in thla Bleached Sheeting off , the bolt: i0-4 at 25o ysrrt. -4 at 22 Ho yard. i-i at SOo yard. 7-4 at lo yard. Ready to nf 8hets. heavy quality,- alxtn slip, seamles bleached sheets, splendid hotel heat, at, 69c. country I and 18 yard lengths, at. yard, I He. Thousands of yards plain, pink, blue, fcrey and brown rhambray, at, yard. 4e. 40 Inch wide white lawns, usual price, ldo yard, January sale price, yard 6c. c0 OMAHA Bcc Want Ads Produce Results f a li 1IOMlIl'l man K ri ft CXJTTXB FREE Black Silk Sale-Free OHcrFREE liny your Mark ul Iks any quality, any price, price guaranteed to be ONK-TIURI) under nominal values and .we will make jour pnrtliaxe into a petticoat of Intent style, guaranteeing a perfect fit; the making being done In the shortest ponslble apace of time from moment of purchase. Restaurant on W Tasty Cooking. Intelligent Serv $ ice. Moderate Prtoe. - , ? GROCEItr BARGAINS. $ $56c G. ft D. Preserves 30o, )20o Red Ripe Tomatoes, mam,-& ijf moth cans ,. 15cV! Per dozen $1.50 eg &16o Fancy Maine Corn, per dozen x " CU9 .$1.10 86c tins Pure Food Soups , ... 16c iuv; jiuuiifu oaraioei itio v N48 lb. sacks best Flour .. ...$1.25 & SOc Shilling's Baking Powder, 5 per pound . . . J5c$ 8 i OLIVE OIL. !? fcj For your health's sake use plenty & ft of olive oil. Oallllard's French x W Oil. Special sale on this flful oil. 7 d Bottles, small, each.. !5 Bottles, medium, each iAnS it Bottles, large, each 76c U ( ,T eocs 1.5 -gallon tins, parh 11 n;; l-gallon tins, each ....... $s!oo i: n o v' t iitM ANKOIiA COFFjHE. Sac An i . .... 3 wiiw m umana. wnyr Be-B i i cause it Is the best 3 pounds for 0 S 11.00 coffee sold In the world.jg d Sample FREE on application, in Q W our coffee department. V n jjj MEAT .DEPARTMENT 2 S' Shrewd haunnlroonarB h won.-k ing Courtney's meat ads will save N ?5 much worry and money. g inursday s Spec! re fori Choos. per lb L Home rendered Lard . kwudhkc, ime oest ja made) 1-lb. nartnna Hnl Country Sausage, (pork)' ibVl i fcc & jney. j peclals.. . (J i 9c d . per lb.l2Hc . Cthe best id ourtney & Co 17th and Boaglaa Streets. .! TslSDnana Soulu mat fk Private Txohanrs Ooaaaots All nmti j W i . FOR THE GROWN UP GIRL We have finally succeeded after many months of search and planning in securing a shoe built especially for the grown up girls, young women going to high school and col leges. -The long walks neces sary by these young women require a shoe specially con tructed; this we have now se cured. The shoes made of the very best plump kid stock, oak leather, soles that will stand lhat hard a girl will give shoes in fall and winter. They are made on foot form lasts, medium heel and toe and will positively out wear any two pair of Bhoes at the price. List of sizes is complete. THE PRICE $3.0' Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Faraam St. m VITALIZED For the painless EXTRACTION OF TEETH. We make it In our office, and Is perfectly harmless and can be taken by young or old. Are your teeth in good ahapeT If not, come in and let us examine them for you free of charge and we will tell you what they need and what the cost will be. We guarantee all our work. FILLINGS 75 CROWNS $5.00 Taft's Dental Rooms .1517 Douglas Street. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Buoceaaor U Dr, a L RaaiaeclottL) ASSIST AJTT STATU vsraanrtai OfAoa a4 Hospital, 0810 Kssva ueac. Calls Promptly Aniwerwd at All Hoars. TfcCBe OffVoe maraey SOT. p-.w. y.. Bm. XKraglaa n. HUM, It 9, n J HOTELS AND RESORTS. U D St. A u routine St. Auamatina to-the-Haliaa .Palm Beach . Palm Beach . . . Miami Naaeaa HOTELS ponci Dc Leon . . , ALCAZAR OnslONO . . Ormond THI SattKCDI . . . Royal oinciana . . rotal palm thc colonial. . . . (Bahaoaalalaada) IIO MILKS NtARCnCUSA. . TUaJb. Jom Flood. Kw.aU la wotw k K.aislia Kr. oanctina nia " (or lianas aaj Kay Wa. aW tarf I tk Fof uaWnnaoai uUtn to bc1m. bakJ mm aaaa. mmm ia il pa od ptiim cara, an ia Maaa ea Tun. Wna ar apply M FLORIDA CAST COAST 130AMST. 43 rirrM Avs. Cxicaeo New Voas a ST. auausTiac, f la. FnNlTJ TTTT Tn i VFTVtri I t -w t ax REMNANTHIUIW Is Thursday alt odds and ends; long pieces, short pieces, ail sUcs of pieces of everything gathered from heavy Wliite Carnival selling will be bunched np into bargain lots on the huge tables. Main aile. EVERYTHING AT YOCR OWN PRICE. New 1908 Waists at $1.48 Worth $2.50 to $3.00 Made of fine lawn and allover embroidery, daint ily trimmed in lace and embroidery, C fl f Q Bargain Thursday ..AI.T-O Bath Robes at BO PER CENT OFF. Walking Skirts at 33 H PER CENT OFF. Cfcracul Coats at BO PER JCENT OFF. Children's Wool Dresses at 80 PER CENT OFF. Kersey Coats at 50 PER CENT OFF. Gear Brand Zephyr Germantowo Yarns For the making of bed room slipperB and shoes, bed socks, afghana and blankets for grown-ups and children a n d for crocheted sweat era and house Jackets. Full assortment of colors, skeins ordinarily sold for 10c Thurs day for Harney Aisle. 5c Bargain in Rockers Every Rocker, large or small, whether a Turkish Rocker at $35 or a Child's Rocker at 65c, all have the prices cut to the very ' quick. This is your opportunity. No aBssasaaaasasBBiBaaHBBHBaasnsBBSBSJBaaBBt place like Bennett's for Furniture. Third Floor. MEN'S OVERCOATS DON'T MISS IT LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FOR GARMENTS OF EQUAL VALUE ONE DOLLAR DOES THE WORK OF TWO $10.00 Overcoats lor $5.00 $15.00 Overcoats! for $7.50 $20.00 Overcoats lor $10 00 $23.00 Overcoats lor .50 12 $30.00 Overcoats lor CI COO $10 $40.00 Overcoats lor 3A.00 06V FOR OFFICE PEOPLE BS1BSI XSTOWN TOK EXCSXi X.EJTCE ASTD QVAUTT. Carter's 'Writing Fluid, per quartbbjtie 1. ..-39 Carter's Writing Fluid, per pint bottle. 29 Thomas' ,Writing Fluid, per half pint. ... i 19 Box Letter Files, each...25 Wire Flies, each 5 A Clearance of Books Women's Exchange Cook Book, for eg-) Letter Writers 1001 Riddles, Tricks, with cards, -well bound volumes 25 Napoleon's Military Career flJc Peck's Bad Boy, and other books by Geo. W. Peck, and Bill Nye's Comic Historv of the United States 59 SNAP IN BIBLES Teachers' Edition 35 BOOK ARGAINS "The Rig-lit of Way." fParker);' "Terence It (TRourke" (Vance). "The Gambler," (Thurston); Beverly of UrauHtark" (MrOutteheon) : "Tli Captain," (Garland); all $1.60 copyrights 49c Watch for BENNETT'S Carpet and Rug Sale Friday and Saturday 3So see BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Headauartere for Ireah Xoaataa Ooffaes. Tr,. Thousand pounda of ilennetta Kent Corree, three pounda for 11.00 And mo r)r..n T,.,ii.. c Bennett s Beat Cof fee, pound .7.. And SU Green Trading Stamps. Bannett'a Golden (?offee, pound ....... Bantoa Coffee, pound ,. x8o And 10 Green Trading Stamps.' ' Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle . . . . 85a a iu on i.nwn lraains btampB, Auetralia Valencia Ralslna, per t pound V6o 10 Green Trading Htampn. Currants, cleaned, pound... 10e JOS. TITLBTI TEAS. Sunflower Brand, lb. tin 70o 60 Green Trading Stamps. Sunflower Brand, lh. tin 35o 26 Green Trading Stamps. Sunflower Brand, Hi. tin ISO 10 Green Trading Stamps. ranco-American Sonne, quart can ....360 " And 30 Green Trading Stamp. Granulated Sugar. Double O. T. Stamps. Caatlle Toilet Soap, ten cakeja And 10 Green Trading Ktampn. Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, S pkgs for B5o And 10 Green Trading Stampa. .VISIT ART GALLERIES snlIKim "iatUsi MBafcl T SSBBBlt I jslall 1 I I OFFICE, 1503 FARNAM 'PHONE Doug. 429 4 WIRKS Genuine ROCK S I. . tUEST Vv SIBHOS C. W. Hull Co. 2001 Lbs. U the TON YARD. 20th AND IZARD 'PHONE Doug. 72 DR. BRADBURY, Dontist sams location 1506 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Phon Douglas 1766 Extracting 'Mc "JZl. W niak "Pwislty Porcelain htllx.l up I ? -f " 127" T ot ell and roofing Crowns .... 92.50 up ryw "T'.' (tlates. Painless work lu Ilridge Work . 2..V up vlj VVSVJ u pwstlon. Pa VUUm . ....fa.OO up 'ffll Teuiuss UU 8 o'clock. Extraordinary Clearance Bargains All Winter Goods Must Co. THI RHUABLK TRI Staple Merchandlst at Sacrifice Prices. Women's Suits, Coats and Furs At Halt aad Less Regular Prices Nothing to compare) wrlth tlirse) values in style, T riety or quality offered elsewhere at our clearing aal" k prices. $20.00 Tailor Rults, in -all, "most rhovlots and broad' cloths, all colors skirts made extra full over 200 garments to select from, sale price ST.OIi $20.00 and $23.00 Silk Suit Newest shirt waist style, made of Slroond's best taffeta, blues. Marks, browns and fancies 800 garments to . select from choice. at 810 SPECIAL FIR BARGAINS flO, OO Near Seal Coata Skinner satin lined, on sals Thursday , $40.00 Krimmer Coata Eton style,. Just three left, to close, Thursday, choice 819. 90 loo Coney Fur Scarfs -Regular $1.50 values 49 $2.1.00 Caracul Coata In short and half lengths,, on aa1 Thursday, at ; '$10 100 Stylish Coata In plain kerseys and fancy mixtures, 62 inches long and worth to $16.00. choice. 84.95 $4.00 and $5.00 Children's Coals Over 300 garments to select from, choice. Thursday 81,50 Women's Panama Skirts Worth to $8.00, black, blues or browns, at 2 98 French Voile Skirts Worth to $10.00. tflmmed with bands of taffeta, at t nn MANY EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS THURSDA V """""" Women's Waists. worth regularly $1.60, vesting madras and other wash materials, choice. 9c $2.00 Moire Underskirt 79 Women's $1.75 Wrappers, at.. 98 From 8 till 9 a. m.--Infant's Dresses. worth regularly 60c, at 19 $3 Mlsses's Skirts, Thursday .. 81.19 $1.25 Flannelette Dressing Sacquea, at 590 40c Fine Laces, per Yard 7c The Greatest Lace Bargains of the Season Wednesday. The very finest Nottingham wash laces, matched sets, all new, fresh goods, in latest designs just the kind for muslin under wear and summer gowns, in sertings to match. Come early if you want the choice of pat terns, regular 15c to 40c n i -values, at I 2l Watch for the great Embroidery Sale. Pearl Buttons, Thursday per doz. 2tt vta 6 Special Hour Sales Thursday in fvrnisning uoods Dept. Domestic Room. SOc Sofa at Pillow Covers. Thursday. 150 From 8:80 till 9:80 a. m. Men's and ladies' underwear, heavy fleeced gar ments, regular 75c numbers, choice, t 250 From 9:30 till 10:30 a. m. Ladles' and children's vests and pants, all sizes,. worth 39c, at 150 From 10:80 till 11:30 a. m. Ladies' Shoulder Shawls, made to sell to 11. cnoice . . From 2 till 3 p. m. Ladies' Onttng Flannel Gowns, neatly trimmed, gen erously proportioned, $1.00 values, l ' 490 From 3 to 4 p. m. Men's, women's and children's Golf Gloves and Mit tens, 25c values 100 From 4 till 3 p. m. Men's and boys' heavy wool Sweaters, regular $1.50 values, at 290 Extra Specials Thursday n In Our Famous Domestic Room. From 9 Cll 10 a. in. One case of Apron Checks, regular 7,6c grade, guaranteed absolutely fast colors, per J ard ' 5 From 10:30 till 11:30 a. m. One case 15c 'India Llnon, 12 yard limit, at, a yard gWO From 11:80 to 2:30 p. m. One case 15c 40-inch llnon, 10 yard limit, per yard 7 H From 3 to 4 p. m. One case 32-lnch German blue Calico, regular 12 He grade, 10 yard limit, at, yard OHO FOR ALL DAY 12V4c Flannelette, at. per yard.. 50 12Vc Outing Amoskeag, per yard 7 8c Shaker Flannel, per yard 3H0 7c Standard Prints, per yard.. 2HO 15c Towels for 7 WO 10c Towels for 5 19c Dotted Swiss ; 100 48-inch French Lawn, per yard 1240 40-inch Lawns, 5 to 10 yard lengths, per yard - . .. 5 12 He All Linen Bleached Toweling, per yard 70 10c all linen unbleached Toweling, per yard kj. Big Canned Goods Sale Thursday coining uut ine Finest manuaru tioods racked Gallon cans fancy New York Apples.. 35c Gallon cans fancy Maryland Tomatoes 35c Gallon cans fancy Illinois Custard Pump kin at 36o Gallon cans fancy Strlngless Beans.... 35c Gallon can fancy Muscat Grapes ....35c Gallon cans fancy Pie Plums 35c Gallon cans fancy Pie Peaches 35c Gallon cans fancy Table Syrup 35c Quart cans Boston Baked Beans . ...7Vc Quart cans fancy Pis Pumpkins 7 He Quart cans fancy Sauer Kraut 7Vo Quart cans fancy Lya Hominy 7 4c Quart cans fancy Tomatoes 9c Quart cans fancy Egg or Greengage Plums at 15c Quart cans fancy Table Peaches In heavy syrup at 17 He 2-lb. cans fancy Blackberries, Raspberries or Gooseberries, In heavy syrup. ... 12Ho 2-lb.. cans Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2-lb. oans solid packed Tomatoea 7 Ho 2-lb. cans Karly June iV .THo 2-lb. cans fancy -Wax Beans ........7Ho 2-lb. cans fancy String Beans ... .;.,THo 2-lb. cans fancy Strln'gltiBS" Btans ...i7Ha 12-oi. cans Pet Cream 7 Ho 1-lb. cans freali Herring . 1 . . .. . ...THo 1-lb. cans Asuorted Soups .. ..4 . t ,, .THo 1-lb. cans boneless Herring ,.t....,,7Ho 1-lb. cans Bhredded Codfish 7HJ i-lb. cans Mustard Sardines THo Snyder's Catsup, lnt bottle ...Ho 21-lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar 'r .-, v.. ....11.00 10-lb. sacks best granulated Whlta ar Yellow Cornmeal 4 , IBo 6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans,.. 23s Our regular low prices on all Fresh Vegetabls and Fruits Omaha's greatest market. Don't miss the great stock reducing sales on canned goods, ,r No Need to Try and Try Again if You M HAYDENS' WSI Smll Offices and Good Service We can offer you a selection of several small offices, ranging in price from $10.00 to $20.00 per month. Theae offices are finished in hard wood and have been newly decorated. The rent inohides light, heat, water and janitor service. The Bee Building bas an organlcation built npon many years of axperlance. It baa its own electric lighting plant and maintains a corps of competent ngi eers and mechanics to keep the mechanical and electrical service of the building in good order. The building Is in perfect repair. It has all the advantages of a brand new bonding and has non of Its dis advantage. The Janitors and elevator men are well trained, court eous and accommodating. In charge of the whole building la a super intendent, whose office it la to keep his organization constantly at the service of tenant. Now is a good tlma to sea if we have what you want Ik the way of office accommodations, For office space apply to R. W. Baker, Sup't. Room 415. ' Deo Building.