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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1908)
The Omaha -Daily Bee VOL, XXXVII NO. 17 OMAHA, WKDXKSDAY MOIiXlXd, .lAXTAHV 8. 1WS TEX TAGES. SIXGLE COPY TWO (TATS. WARRASTF0R11ELNZE Spteul&tin; Banker Called to Answer for Some of Eii Methods. tviai-cxsTincAno5 OF checks Amount IsTolred Said i Ex- cen of 0400,0v V t TXAWH FOR HIS BEOTHL Kercintile Baak. of Which 1 ?V President, Victim of the Rai. '0j, EXHAIATIOU OF HIS ATTORN: . v Matter la Merelr a a Error In Itook krowla Dno Ove-rlsa-nt of plore Boll Forwlshrd by arvtr Company. NEW YOTUC. Jan. 7.-5". Augustus Helnse was arrested today by a I'nW marshal oa an indictment charging him with having Illegally cashed a check on tha Mercantile National bank. He wa, held In hall after entering a plea of nnt rullty to tlia Indictment. TTia amount of tha check which he 1 set-used of certifying falsely was Sfi2.7i. Helnse appeared In court with counsel and nnoonoed that ball would be furnished Immediately. Hetnsa. who ba had a remarkable ca reer as a mining engineer, promoter of various mining companies, especially those of dereloplng copper propertied and within I he laat year or two as a financier, was president of tha Mercantile National bank until October last. At that time there were heavy withdrawals from the bank, due to a rapid decline In the stock of the Vntted Copper company. In which Helnse was heavily Interested. Helnse resigned from tb presidency of the hank. Charles TV. Mores, the shipping promoter, who had YM-n ssoootated with Helnse In various e terprlsea. retired from the active manage ment of several banka which he controlled and It waa the great unrest precipitated try these rhanges that brought about a culmmetlon of the city's financial troubles Itenerally and the panic which mas In full way In the latter days of October. It has been reported ever emce Heinle's re tirement from the Mercantile that the fed eral government was making; a flgld In vestigation of the affairs of that bank and others with a view 10 prosecution of the pemrnis responsible for any unlawful act that might be discovered. Helnse Is also accused of Illegal certlfca tlon of other checks amounting to Itno.nnfi on or about October 14. According to his counsel. Edward Iauterbach, abundant col lateral had been deposited to cover these checks. Many af the checks were payable to the order of Otto HeW A Co.. of which j . v ii,mtui Helnze s rrotner is a l inn . " member. T. Angustus Hetnse gave hall In the sum of ISB.WW. ' Merely Err la BekkeplaaT. - Mr. Ls-ueei jwh. iiUaaln.U"V'tMilV tnn of MT. Helnae's arrest, osid his rtlent supposed these certifications were proporly entered In the books of the bsnk. He rtc Vlared that It was merely a matter of KokkeplnB: which his client supposed hud beea properly sttended to that rley It ar rears, however. Mr. luterhach continued, that aome of the entries lusy hnve pone ..-n . mnmini Btul that tt mas upon this that the Indictments were n. jTaro to me, y oecrvvu i.y r r..c:. Ball for Helnse was furnlnhed by a surety Jos-pl. 1. emperor of Austria and king of company He is to appear before J wire ' Hungary, in commemoration of the begin Chstfleld tomorrow for plei.dlns. ! "log of the sixtieth year of his reign. This The Indictment, which Is a lenfthy d'-cu- amnesty If extended to all cltitens of Aus ment alleges that Heime rnad the over- , tria. Hungary and Bosnta-Herregovlns. certiricattona In his capacity as presided who. being under militia obligations, have of tha Mercantile National bsnk. The va- ! been declared deserters on account of non Tious counts of the Indictment give the j observance of enrollment call. It has no ,,!,. niinnd to have been over , effect, however, on" those who have practl- .rtifld. amounting In all to 4io.'i The Indictment Will be found tinder sec tion BOM of the revlMed statutes of the X-nited States, which says that an official of a bank found guilty of such action Is liable to not less than five nor more than ten years- imprisonment. mdarrly t Informed. -CABIHINGTON. D C., Jan. 7-Keferrlng to tha arrest today in New Tork of F. Augustus Helnse for illegally certifying a check cm the Mercantile National bank. Comptroller Rldgely said be kn-w nothing about the details of this particular tran saction. When the trouble with the Mer cantile National bank began the comptrol ler said that he had sent a siecial repie- nentatlve to try to co-operate with the d a- j LXXtZZ'JlHEDi CENTSF0R COTTON - .v.!cBtton. I " , ... i ...i,. s hen quoeuoneo - - . nth.r I'l.irFM Wr V"i,r outer anno. ....... Rldgely ssld that i'. was s rare thing for a national bank to fall without the officers having violated the national bank acts While he knw ef ao specific case of fraud he would not h Surprised if other rases were brought to light. , NO KNOWLEDGE OF RECEIVER , Officials af Great Mestera TV-ay Ro ns or Originating; la the Rant. rr PATT. Jan 7 -Rumor. coming from thVesst Vhlt a receiver had been or was about U t asked for the .l.k-a.o Crest WMtera railroad wets met with d. rials by the officials of the road here (; :. ml Manager B. C. Btlckm-y said lie had i.o knowledge that such a step had beer. :akn. wr-M w.irr l.ltlaatloa la labt. I ' RIOt'X FALl-. Jn- 7 tSiieclal.l Whst is believed I o l the c losing c t.apt r In the long litigation between th ciiy of Btoux Fslla and the South Pakots Water company, a private corporation w n-c.i .' a local water works svstem. iiffc U en opened hi the I'nlted Piat'n i-oi rt In tin r.ty by the filing of s cross-hill in lirhsll or John H Purdv, receiver t..e waicr eomcanv in sn action uisii.ciea .. cit of Hu.ux Falls wlih the object or coi lectitig heav damages from the wi'er com pany. snd slso to oust the compaiy from tha streets of the city snd force it out of businea.'. so the rorr.panr will no hwfer Ik g competitor of ths municipal wster works system, the eonstruction of which caused the litigation between the city and the old aier company. Among other things, the cross-bill filed by the old water con. pany asks ttwi after all 11 matters in tne ris- s detertcm.. the court suthonred John M. I uru . receiver oi cue . m.. . . to sell or disHe of the plant of the com pany at the beat pocs.ble terms. The old wster company also seeks to line ieclared void an fc.demtitf j .ng bond in the sum of WicOUi. which it was rer'ulred to furnish rarty In tl litigation with the city, before tauiparary Injunction was granted re twolulnf tha city from completing and ajawoJUig Us own valor syaa 'summary of toe bee ir4ir, Jaaaarr . 1to. 1908 tlVsllARY- srx JM' 7TZ. ffo IMS r- - J 2 I90S 34 5 )0 Z 8 9 101 12 13 14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 2Z 28 29 30 31 FOR OMAHA. for.NTm BUTF8 AND ' 'INITY Ofmlrr Wednesday. .-t"R N Kit R A SKA Pair and rooler A 1nrnda- FOR IOWA Fair "Wednesday; probably cooler Wednesday afternoon. TmpTi'in t Omaha yesterdRy: Ieg somma The Burllnrton road evades the In junction airainst reconslfnment charre Ly exactina; It from all persons except thoe parties to the action. Fafa 6 Nine Jurors have been provisionally . ac cepted In the Thaw case. " 1 Foundation lalf In the house for an In quiry Into the Brownson Incident. Faffs 1 Senate committee Introduces bill by Ald rich for a modification of the currency laws. r Overdue steamer Port Royal arrive safely In port. Faffs 1 F". Augustus Helnie 1s arrested on the charpe of Uleffal certification of checks. Faffs 1 Kmperor Francis Joseph grants jneral amnesty on the occasion of the Blxtleth atinlvernafy of his relfrn. Faff 1 X.OCAX.. Commercial club to elect sixty directors from a list of 120 members selected by a nominating committee. Mr. Yetter will be president and Z. T. Lindsey may head executive committee. Faffs a Passenger fares between Chicago and New Tork are to be reduced February 10 by the Erie, and It is thought western roads w ill te involved in a rate war. rags s COaOCEKCXAXi AJTD OTDTflTSXaX. Live stock markets. t Faffs 7 Ora!n markets. Faffs T stocks and bonds. Faffs 7 XOTZMSITI OF OCXAJT VTX-JCSXXFS. Port. New TORK GLASGOW . . A -rived .Vaderland . .Caledonlui Balled. . Bt. Lsursnt Nutnldtas livpubllc St. Paul, . Crmsnla . Rjrndsm (aplm Borne! Ql EEV?T"WN . BOTLflNGE . . 1AFEU.U.S ...Mnulll rLVMOt'TU PHnt Grant ROTTKRDAll .-Pnudsni ftMNESTY FOR 'ALL AUSTRINS Gesenl Pardon t.raated ky Francis Joseph I Sixtieth Tear nf His Rela-m. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7.-The Austro Hungarian embassy In Washington has re ceived an official communication with re- cally deserted the army or nary while per forming active military duty. For the lat ter special appeals for clemency can be recommended. Those wishing to be included in the amnesty are required to present themselves personally to the local military or civilian authorities in Austria. Hungary or Bosnla Heraegovlnla respective)-, between De cember I. 1:-1. In order to give better protection In case of arreBt and ss a means of identification, the Austro-Hungarian consular offices in the I'nlted States -ill issue documents of identification to those who winb to profit by this amnesty. I'pon application the Austro-Hungarlan consular offices will provide such persons with de tailed Informatics on the subject. Cro-cre srt the Mark and Propose .... .., T rare It. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Jan. 7 The annual convention of the Farther' Educational and Co-operative union met hers today for a session of three clays. About 300 dele- ga.e. representing "'",e - and those of Missouri Kansas and ash- ingum. are in atienoanco v. o. dotu. the president, who called the convention to order, said.- V'We 'r here for business, and one ol the most important things we hope to ac is to get 10 cent, for cotton, .no I tn t ret It If we to hola 1 M from the market (or 1 will not say how much cotton we are noiamg u( at the prese nt time." i Many large planters sre in attendance. j LUMBERMEN BEG FOR SNOWl ! stare l.roaad PreTeato Haaliaa- of l oss to the Lakes and I l.aadlnae. j j WASHFI RN. i. Jon. 7 The lack of i enow to the wnods i f northern Wisconsin ! t , ,i,g s serious . f fact on loggers who j hale to Depend -entirely on sie.irhing lnj ; order to s-' iiiu ici in w.e lasos ana landings. It is the first time in tne his tory of this part of the state that the ground has been entirely free from snow as late as this. rolltlrtan HI- la Hookers. liF-RPY. i mn.. Jan. 7 A rohry In the house of Charles V. Hro. ktr of Ansonia. national repuhlirsn rommiitoeman snd presid-nt of the American Press company. . wbv j,v(.lry vkluw1 , 3) (u " I iut reiK.rted The Jewelry wss taken from a iewel rase in Mrs Brr-oker s room i VZ"7X unfas'eneel w-ndow State Treo oarer I nder Arrest. LANSING. Mlch Jan. T Governor Warner tods-v eerted upon Slate YreBur-r Frank P. through tits attorney, at I la home in Chelsea, Mich . formal chsrges cf niafeassois In office and rta neg.ect of duty Is rier-ositing state funds, amoactrng la H fc7. u the Chelsea t-svttigs bank wl.ich was eloeed last month as a ro salt of Mr. Cjlltr nnaaoial diftirtjltloa. f S, "TT Hour. fffTwt' t x-'.V h a. m f 5T uft . 7 a. m :s Pf lTi s. m SAyT 1 a- m U V iJ'H 1 a. m M Mill ','. - 'f P. m 61 4 p. m , S p. m 3 p. n -9- p m t - t 1 ' p. m K NIGHT' RAIDERS AGAIN OUT Two Warehouses' and General Store Deitroyed in Burley District. FIRST VISIT MADE TO BETHEL Mob reared Coal Oil (Her RIs lade It Aire Another Ootrasre at .herbnrne. PARIS. Ky.. Jan. 7 NtRht riders majle their appearance in force In the Burlry district late lat night, visiting two town, and destroying two warehntises and a big general store The raiders did not fire any shots In either place, but went about their m-ork quietly, leaving rs soon as the work hd ben accomplished. The men were all masked and heavily armed and created a reign of terror among the cltl rens of the little villages. The first visit was made to the town of Bethel In Bath county, a village of about Btin inhabitants whose people were l entirely unprepared for a raid. The army marched Into the tew ns shortly before midnight and those who aere aroused were told to go back to their houses. The mob proceeded directly up the main street of the village, and. saturating with oil the big Independent house of A. R. Robinson, soon had It a mass cf flames Aa soon as the riders had left the village the r!t1 sns rushed to the fire and attempted to put tt out. Before they succeeded the general store of Peters Brothers adjoining the warehouse was burning and all efforts to save It were futile. From Bethel the raiders visit efl the little town of Sherburne, In Fleming county. wSere they destroyed the Independent warehouse of Dougherty Brothers. No shots were fired, but the raiders, in order to prevent any aid from being summoned, cut all telephone and telepraph wires lead ing Into both places. The loss caused by the raid Is not known as the exact amount of tobacco In the warehouses could not be ascertained. Appointment Is Rescinded. lXriFVn,E. Ky.. Jan. 7 A report has reached here from Frankfort that State Auditor James has rescinded his appoint ment of C. M. Bartnett ss fire marshal of the state of Kentucky to succeed Colonel Matt Ayres. The principal reason for the withdrawal, it Is understood, is the fact that Mr. Barnett is president of the Amer ican 6oclety of Equity, the organiration of tobacco growers. The duties of n fire mar shal are the investigation of fires in . all parts of the state. Auditor James has so far been uncommunicative as to whether or not he has withdrawn Mr. Bartnett's nomination. Barnett Denies Charge. INIIANAPOtJ8. Ind., Jan. 7 C. M. Barnett, president of the American Society of Equity, is In the city today on business. He declared untrue the charge that the society was responsible for the night riding and condemned the night riders themselver in strong language. POINT IN FAVOR OF WALSH Tie President Says Directors Knew f LMS Mad ky the President. CHICAGO. Jan. 7 Fred M. Blount, former vice president of the Chicago Na tional bank, testifying in the trial of John R. Walsh today, flatly contradicted state ments made by witnesses for the govern ment to the effect that the directors of the bank knew nothing of the large loans made by the bank on memorandum notes. Mr. Blount, who was also formerly a di rector of the bank, testified that a daily statement of loans and discounts was at all times accessible to the directors and was frequently examined by them. Other director, who testified previously said that these were matters which wre left en tirely to the direction of the president, Mr. Walsh. Mr. Blount declared tUat be and other directors were present at the bank and voted for the purchase of bonds of the Illinois Southern railway, one of the trans actlons on which the government s charge of diversion of bank funds is based. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY BILL Seaatar Kaox Iatrodarea One to Meet DertsloB of the laprrat Coart. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, who has taken much Interest In the litigation growing out of the em ployers' liability act which was declared to be unconstitutional, today Introduced a bill which is intended to remedy the defects in the present law. The bill Is so drawn as to make It applicable only to corpora tions engaged In such commerce as con gress has the undoubted light to control snd to employes of such corporations en gaged exclusively In inter-state commerce. The existing law is so broad as to cover all transportation between states, but Mr. Knox's bill so modifies it as to limit Its operations to common carriers which are operated by steam or similar motive power. ! NEW MEXICO ASKS STATEHOOD , Delegation to Visit Vt ashlaa-toa I Bphalf at aa Early la Date. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7 A petition for support of the bill for the admission of New Mexico to separate statehood was received today in a letter from ChaJrmaa w g Hopewell of the New Mexico state- hood league to Representative Fuller of Illinois, and referred te the committee on ths territories. The letter atate. that a delegation repre- sentmg every county in the territory will ! visit Washington this month to urge the , passage of ths bill. COIN RETURNS FROM COUNTRY Five aad a Half Millions l err Med at Chicago Banka la Ie. renmber. CHICAGO. Jan. 7 That the movement cf currency back from the country has reached fair proportions is shown by the figures on the shipments and receipts of the principal Chicago shipping banks in rsoomter. Receipts In the month from country points aggregated jr..CI..S3ti. ths largest for any month in the year 18H7 ex cepting Jsnuary. This figure compares with receipts of a little more than ti.0M,M in November, isr.7. and with receipts of ri.siC.rt'iO in Iecemler. 1. SPECIAL SESSION FOR KANSAS Goeraor Horb Aanoanres He W I II (all Ooe Darin the Cor real Month. TOFKKA, Kan., Jan. 7 Governor Hern announced today that ha would call aa extra ssaslrm of the Vagi sis tnro Jo uary It, to ronaldor tha aoacnaaot at prtaary aleutioa. ui xaxa xaa-ulatioa, mssswroa. OKUMA EXPLAINS HIS SPEECH Rrstadlates hrnwrt and Rrafllrsas friendliness for Great ttrttala Reference Indian Trade. TOKIO. Japan, Jan 7 A remarkable situation hss srleen as a result of the publication In Ixmrton of a mis-translstion of the speech delivered by Count Okuma at Kobe. I-itlie attention was pid to this Bdrtrens st the time of its delivery, be cause Oount Ok urns., in previous speeche on this same subject, had made his views well known. .The london publlcationn put the count in the position of urging India to rise against Oreat Britain. Count Okuma and the Japanese foreign office have been bombarded with cable grams of Inquiry from Paris. Berlin. St. Petersburg and Ixmdon. and request that the count publicly repudiate or confirm his remarks. In reply. Count Okuma said today: "In my Kobe speech 1 did not use the words that were put into my mouth. It Is apparent that a mistranslation of these re marks has Just reached ITngland. My views on the subject of trade with India, as well as my friendilneBB to Great Britain, ought to be too well known to make it necessary for me publicly to repudiate the absurd construction which has been placed upon the remarks I made at Kobe. 1 have never entertained a thought which could be stretched Into euoh a meaning. India of fers ns a fine field for trade, and I urged my people oponfy and consistently to enter that field in fair competition with friendly Great Britain; that is all." DR. PETERS SUES FOR LIBEL Former Germss Kant African Gov ernerr Brtnars Action Asralnst Coloawe Paper. COLOGNE. Jan.. ?. The hearing of a suit for libel charges, brought by Dr. Carl Peters, former governor of Kast Africa and African explorer, against the editor and the Berlin correspondent of the Cologne Gazette, began today. 'The Oatette pub lished a statement that Dr. Peters sent a letter to an English bishop In which he confessed to having executed s ncgress In Africa because of her sexual misdoings. An enormous number of witnesses has been called, snd It is expected that the whole scandal In connection with Dr. Peters' governorship of East Africa will be gone ovct again. , Dr. Peters recently sued the Muenchenor Post for libel in accusing litm of cruelty to the natives when he wss governor of German East Africa In 1SS1. The editor of the paper was fined T2B and costs. SHIP SAFE IN IRISH PORT Monnt Royal Arrives at Qoernstowa Jnst One lonth After Lear, last -Antwerp. QrEENSTOWN.I Ireland, Jan. 7.-The long overdue Carlidlan Pacific steamer. Mount Royal, stealied slowly Into Queens town today and the news of Its safety was received with gladness in shipping circles. It had been1 last reported off the L.isard, December 10. andrwatoh was being kent on I both sides of the Atlantic and as fsr south as Bermuda. It left Antwerp. December T, for St- John. N. E , hd on board Hungarian emigrarUwad a crew of .about 100 men. It was definitely sighted off Old head of Kinsule sixteen miles west of this port, early today. Trouble with the boilers was the reason the Mount Royal had to put back. Passengers and crew all are well. Ontario Beats Local Cation. TORONTO. Out.. Jan. 7. Loral option I was voted on yesterday in a ji.imber of small towns, villages and townships m j Ontario. Returns from fifty-eight show ithat it wbb defeated in thirty-seven and carried in twenty-one. INCREASE IN STANDARD'S BOND Govern mm t Wants It Made Rqnal to the Amount of Fine Im posed. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Ihstrtet Attorney Ed ward W. Simn.s today filed a petltlou in the I'nlted States circuit court of appeals declaring that the Standard Oil coniTay of Indiana has assets smounling to more than t77.000.tViO and asking for an Increass in the supersedeas bonds of that corpora tion filed on its appeal from the t.lH0,0t) fine Imposed by District Judge Landls. The government renewed Its original plea that the bond of the oil company, pending disposal of the appeal, should be the same in amount as the fine. It was originally fixed at a total ct S6.Wi,j. in statements by attorneys for the defense that the proirty of the company was not worth more than that amount. This ths government denies. ALL BANKS HELD RESPONSIBLE Callsrrsoa Has a Bill for the Protrc tiua of Depositors la No tional Banks. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7 Senator Cul berson today Introduced three bills In re Istlon to national banks, all of which were referred to the committee on finance. One of the bills requires the backs to keep in their vaults the reserve required by law; another amended section 8 of the national banking syt . of lf"7 and the third is In tended to protect deposits. The bill for the protection of deposits makes ail national tnks accepting ths conditions of the measure responsible to the depositors of each in case of failure. RIVER TRAFFIC POSSIBILITIES Mississippi Capable of . Tarylas Mara 1'haa All the Rivers of ! Earopo. 1 LA CP. Of; ST. Wis , Jan. 7 Judge R. S. I Reld. waterways commissioner of the state I of Wisconsin, who was sent shroad last summer with the object of studying meth ods of improvement of European water ways, returned today after visiting Ger many. Austria. France and England. "I am satisfied " said Judge Reid to day, "that the Mississippi river if improved between tidewater and St. Paul Is capable of earning ten tiroes the traffic of all the navigable rivers of the countries I visited." GRAFT F0UNDAT ST. JOSEPH lira ads la City's street Manilas Do- nnr Intent I aeaj-thed by Crass Jarr. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 7. The criminal court grand J-iry reported today that It had uncovered gross frauds and graft in the city's electric street 1-siting depart ment and returned a number of iuclict mei'ts, undoubtedly against heads of ds paruuola and amployoa. It was found UmX dead saoa had boon carried a the jovgrella tar aonaral yeara- SHAFT TO BENNINGTON DEAD Tribute of Nary to Men Who Lost Their Livei on That Ship. THOFSAlfDS VIEW CEREMONIES CtTiliaaa Yle with frallora la Paying Their Respects shaft an 1 m pos ing One, Bearing Appropri ate Tncrlst Ion. SAN riFTrO, Cal., Jan. 7-In the pres ence of thousands. Including the officers and sailors of the Pacific squadron and d!l in of San Diego and of other southern California cities, who had gathered here to witness the ceremony, the memorial monument to the Bennington dead was un veiled this afternoon at the National cem- (ery on top of Point Loma. The plain shaft stsnds within the plot where are burled, the most of those who lost their lives 4n the disaster or July a. snd is composed of seventy-four slabs of San Diego county granite roughly dressed snd rising sixty feet aJove the concrete base, capped by s pyramid of polished granite. The National cemetery is almost at the top of the promontory, so that the monu ment looks in one direction out over the Pacific snd In the other over the waters of the bay. Early this morning the launches com menced running from this side of ths bay, landing passengers from here at the quar antine elation and at Roseville. from which the ascent to the cemetery is possible. Army Joins with Nary. At noon the nary launches towing string of row boats came from the battleship Ne braska and the armored cruiser. California, anchored off Coronado, and other similar string of boats made the same trip from the flagship Charleston and the cruiser Chicago, anchored off the fort, while the torpedo boat destroyers. Preble and Perry, also furnished their quota. The. battalions of sailors and one of marines had been assigned to Join the local militia, the naval reserve and the two companies of soldiers at Fort Rosecrans. to form a military es cort from the fort to the cemetery. Be sides these there were hundreds of sailors from the ships who attended ths ceremon ies without being assigned to the escort. After the procession hsd wound its way up the aide of Point Ima and had filed through the cemetery enclosure, the public was admitted, filling every foot of sjiacs within and much outside Right Rev. Joseph H. Johnson, bishop of the southern dloceso of the Episcopal chutch in California, invoked the Divine blessing and music was supplied by the choir of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The principal speech was made by Admiral Goodrich, commandant at the navy yard, who waa the commander of the Pseific squadron at the time of the accident on the Bennington. When Admiral Goodrich finished the un veiling took place, consisting of the drop ping of the national ensign, which had been draped over the two tablets on the face of the monuments. On one of these was Inscribed: -To the Bennington dead." and other side, "Erected by the officers and men of ths Pacific squsdroa -to ths memory of those who lost their lives in the per- formanoe of duty." As the flags dropped the soldiers pre- sented arms and three ruffles and flour- Ishes on the drums started the minute guns on board the Charleston and Chicago, which were fired regularly through the remainder of the sen-toes. A second address was by Colonel R. V. Iodpe, president of the Bennington Mem- orial association, and a closing address and benediction by Bishop Johnson. The graves were decorated with wreaths presented by the captain of Point Loma Homestead, the wreaths Intended for those who were buried elsewhere being laid at the base ot the monument. Three volleys fired over the decorated graves, one by the representatives of the army, one by the navy and one by the marine corps, closed the ceremony. POLITICAL WARHORSE DEAD ism oel Fesoenden, Tom Boed's Friend, j Who Exclaimed "God Hates a Qaltter," Passes Away. STAMFORD. Conn., Jan. 7. Samuel Few- j senden of this city, a former state senator and one of the most prominent men in Con necticut, died today from heart trouble. In 1S7 Mr. Fessenden waa a delegate to I the republican national convention which nominated Rutherford B. Hayes for the be a reduction to me last ae.giee or tne our presldency, and In 114 was made seoretary j den on the soldier In the field on enierp of "he national republican committee, tak- ency call. lng active part in the Blaine campaign. ! The War department has ar proved sug When Thomas R. Reed of Maine was a i ftestlons of the commissary general for an candidate before the republican national extension of tiie sysiern of instruction of convention Mr. Fessenden headed the Con- ' baking and cooking, so as to Include as nerticut delegation. He worked hard for many as possible of the militia camps to he Mr. Reed and when Joseph Manley swung 1 held during the coming summer. Because away from Mr. Reed. Mr. Fessenden gave j of changed conditions a new haversack utterance to the words: "God Almlghty hates a quitter." Mr. Fessenden alweys cherished the am bition of becoming a I'nlted States sens- tor. In ISM he was a candidate before the general assembly and had Morgan G Bulkeley as an opponent. Mr. Bulkeley threw his strength to Joseph R. Hewley and defeated Mr. Fessenden. When Sena- tor Hawley died Mr. Fessenden was a can- dldate to succeed him, but was defeated by Mr. Bulkeley. Mr. Fessenden was again candidate for tha aenatorshlp after the death of Orvllle Piatt, but Mr. Brandegee was elected. . eeTv nrnor ic nnniar-p OLD AbbAT UrrlLt lb DOOMED Wall turret's Moat Venerable Pile Disappearing Before Growth of Got ha as. NEW TORK. Jan 7. The old assay office, said to be Wall street's oldest building, is about to be torn down. Some time ago work was begun on the rear por tion of the building and within a short time ths facade, which has been a land mark to all who have known the street sJtic-e 183. will disappear. A modem twelve story building will occupy the site of the old building aud will be used for the assay office. Bince the establishment of the off les In 1J It Is estimated that H.nori.OOO.OoO ifl goid has passed through the building. Old Jswelry. coin and precious metals of all descriptions ars there received and sent out in bars stamiied with ths govern ment's guaranty weight and fineness. BALLINGER QUITS LAND OFFICE Resignation Acre pies' to Take Ff leet mm tho Foarth of Marrh. WASHINGTON, Jan '.-Richard A r.a' llnger. commissioner of the general land office, has tendered his resignation to President Rooorvelt and tt has been ac oeplod. to tas affect March A PYod Den nltt. aas lant eonmbniio ar. las bona ap pelates NINE THAW JURORS IN BOX tart of the Day aad Ahseatecs Are fined Two llaadred aad Fifty rtollara. VEW TORK. Jnn. 7 -With nine Jurors In the box, all being subiect to po-cmptorv challenge, and with a new nsnd of talesmen to draw from, the Thaw trial was resumed st lo.j . m. today. The oc cupants of the chairs were Clmrlcs F.. Oremmels. ship broker: John R. Hstchctt. cigar denier: George B. More wood, im porter: Floyd S. Sanford. bank msnar; James E. Conway, hotel keeper: William E. Brewer, deforator; Arthur R Naeth Ing. hi.ker; Maurice Rouvler, exporter: George W. Cary. dry goods. Not more than two or three of theee are expected to re main. Thaw t not called to the bar until the roll of the new panel was called and the absentees noted and fined This required nearly twenty minutes. Eighty members of ths new panel were present Mrs. Evelyn Thaw was not In the court room when the proceedings began. Josiah Thaw being the only relative in the line of chairs reserved for the defendant's family. As soon as Thaw had taken his place, the work or filling the Jury box was taken up, with District Attorney Jerome again con ducting the examinations for the people. Toung Mrs. Thaw came In while the first talesman was being examined. She was ruddy of cheek and appears in the best of health, a sharp contrast to her husoand. who is thinner and more pallid than lur.t year. His hair, wiry and badly cut. gives him something of an utiksmpt appearance. The first six men called for service were all disqualified, the first one after a fifteen-minute examination, and the others m rapid order. Two of the provisional Jurors selected In the Thaw case were excused shortly before the morning session ended, leaving eight men in ths box. Charles C. Goss, an accountant was se lected as a Thaw Juror at 1:15 p. m., mak ing nine men in the box. A recess was ordered at 1:1S o'clock until 2:15 p. iu. FOUR MEN TRY TO ROB TRAIN Maho Fatile Attempt at Hold-Vp Kaaiaa City la Broad Daylight. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Jan. 7. Four men attempted to rob the passengers In a Mis souri. Kansas & Texas passemger train standing in the V'nion station here early today. They were frightened off without securing any money or valuables. The men escaped lesvtng no clue. This train is what is known as the "Flyer," due to depart at 2:20 for the southwest. Shortly before starting time the would-be robbers, four white men, en tered one of the forward day coaches and walked up and down the aisle, awaiting a favorable opportunity to commence their work. The station, aside from this one train, was practically deserted and this fact Is believed to have prompted the men to inak such a bold attempt. Dr. M. H. Kennedy of Kansas City, a ! nassenaer In the coach, ttives a good state- I ment f th(. attempted robbery, j xhe four jnen walked through Hie coach ,vrra times." aat9 Or. Kennedy. "It was crowded. Several German Immigrant were tne rear cf the coach and they seemed ! to be the object of the attack. Before 1 Bny cf us realised what they were up to. i two of the robbers showed revolvers and pointing them at the foreigners commanded I them to give up their valuables. Just then J H w. Irew the conductor, and David White the ncero porter, came into the White the negro porter, came j car. Drew hit one of the robliers on the i head with his lantern and smashed it into pieces. Then they ran.' Shortly after the attempted robhery. the police arrested two men in the vicinity of the railroad yards. They pave their names as Rube Walsh and John Coss. Roth were unable to give an account of themselves and were held for investigation. Coas formerly was a bookkeeper in a local pack ing house. WHITE MAN'S BURDEN LESS Talk In Army Circles of liederlng Kmeraency Ration of the oldlc-rs. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 There wss talk in army circles of further reducing the emergency ration already heretofore re duced from sixteen to twelve ounces. Next to a maintenance of its quality of sus tenance the desire Is to minimize the ight of ths ration to the end there may end cup smaller than now In use have been adopted. Fifty thouasnd of these will w fnr tne s ti.ev mv v I needed ; - j BANKERS TO PLEAD GUILTY J Report that Brown aad Bartastt Are j to Throw Themselves oa Mercy of Coart. , , , , T, ,, ,, SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 6 -The Bulletin L.i. .ri.n,nnn asvs that Dalxell Brown. j former vIce-nTeeident and general manager ' ,, . - r-,.ked California Safe Deposit and . of tne wreticea c anion.. a cr'"ii ou ! Trust company and Walter J. Bartnett, I formerly director of the same institution, i ' v ,..i. wno are unaer mum. . ment, will plead guuty ana itirow mem- selves on the mercy of the court. It Is said that the evidence of complicity In the abstraction from the safe dejKisit vaults and subsequent sale of securities nf the Colton estste snd valued st over oofi. were found among the papers of Brown last week, appears so convincing that both men have decided that it will be Impossible for them to make successful defenses. FOUNDATION R)R INQUIRY Marylaad Maa Wauts to Know Aboat the Browaooa I o rldrnt. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7.-Representative Gill of Maryland today of fired a resolu tion designed to open the way for a oon gresslonal siring of the Admiral Brownson Incident. The rolution, which was re ferred to the committee on naval affairs, reads: The secretary of the nsvy be. and he Is hereby reuuesund. If not incompatible with public Interests, to furnish to the house f representatives for Its information copies of all letters, reports, orders and so furth. In the Na'V departrrieM in connect j,,TI the sppointmenl of Surreon I'harlen F. p'.okea as commander of tne I'nlted Flaws Itospltal s) tp Relief and siao all letters, re ports, orders, and so, forth filed In toe Navy drpartrrjent la Connection with the rea'.gaa.loa ' P-oar AdmlraJ Tcrowtntoa as 4ioX of t:.t bureau of navtgstton. ALDRICU BILL TEXT Proposed Currency Measure Printed and Given to Public. rEOVTDES FOR KOBE BANKNOTES These Are Be Based on Bondi Ap proved by Treasury. COMPTEOLLEK FB.ESCBEBES LIMITS Issue Not to Exceed 75 Ter Cent ot Valte of Security. GRADUATED TAX ON NOTES Half Yearly aad Monthly Assessment oa A vr re ae A monnt Oaistand lag Based on ftate of In terest on Bonds. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. The ftnsmiii. bill which has for some time been In prev aration by leading republican nie:nlei o the senate committee on finance, was to day printed and given to the public. The bill provides fur an additional Issue of bank circulation whloh shall at no time exceed cm bonds and other se curities thBti those issued by the go em inent, including stale and muricipal b,nds, in approved cases. TI.e comptroller of th- currency is given discretion In the issuance of the proposed currency and is autl. mired to decide as to the time and amount to b awarded to ary banking Institution H li provided that the incrcused circulation shall In no case exceed 7u per cent of ths bonds deposited. Senator Aldrtch introduced the bill In the senate soon after that body convened today. Following are the first three sections of the bill: Text of Bill. Section 1 When ar,y national banking as sociation which has circulating notes out standing, secuied by the deposit of I'nHcd Stales iioiuis to an amount of not lens titnti 5e per centum of 11b capital stock, and w hic h has a surplus of not less than 3. per Centura, may make application to the rump t roller of the currency for authority to Ihsuc addition circulation lo be secured hy t tie deposit of honds other than thoHe of the I lilted States, ths- comptioile.r ot the currency, if In his Judgment bumnees condi tions demands such additional circulation, and the condition or the BSBir.-lu-tlon making the application warrants the iBsue. shall fix the amount, within the limitations nerclnafter Imposed, of such ailrlttionpil circulating not ns to lie issued Whenever after ic oeiving notice of such approval any such BBaooltotion ehall deposit with the treas urer or any assistant treasurer of the 1 tilled Stales such of the bonds described In section 2 of this act gs stiail be Bp proved In character and smounl bv the treasurer of the V titled (Stales and the sec retary of the treasury, It snail be entitled lo receive, ujkjh the ordw of the comj troller of the currency, circulating notes. In Liank, registered and countersigned us provided by law. euual In amount to 76 jicr cent of the market value, aa fixed by the m-nniiier of the Vnited Elates, of the bones so deposited, such additional cir culating notes to be used, held and treated 1u the same way aa cin ulallug ootea of mttHmaJ banking asnorituiotte Iwretofoie Issued and secoieil b a ticyusit of Liiiu j fctates bonds, and slibll he suh.lect to all the provisions of law affecting such poles: jirm ided. that the amount of such addi tional circulating notes, delivered at, any time to any association shall not in anv case exceed tin limit fixed tnr such issue tlV tllM IVlllltl. I'.illuT- (if ll.. ,-,,,-..,.,- u urov.ded lurthet. Hint the t.,.1 m,i'.t,i r.f iriulating notes outstHiidiiiK of unv tlonal bunking association secured by tne I 'ntted sSlfci. K bonds oi ot tierw ise ' shall not at anc tune exceed the amount of Its unimpaired capital and surplus: and pro vided fiirtlnr, that there shall not t out standing, at an linn- i, reuniting notes ist-ueu unclear the provisions ot tills Set to an amount of mole than 1 Jii.',o'.t; and provided further, that all ucla and orders ol the comptroller of tin currency and the t:asurir of the I'n te.i P.nws author ised -I'y tiiis section sl.all l.ace the a;,, plena! of tne secretary of the freasdry. Security Which Is Accepted. Section lThal 'the treasurer of the T inted Slates, wilh the approsl of the secretary of ihe treasury, may accept aa security for the additional circulation note i provided lor in the preceding section, i bonds of other inteiesl-lM-artng obligation I of any stale ot tne L idled Slates or any j leg-ally authorized bonds issued for muni cipal purisises by any city or county In ihe I'niied Suites, which has bt'vu in existence as a city or county for a period of fifteen years, a .d which for a period of ten years previous to such deposits has not dcfaul'.ed in Hit payment of uny part of eilhor prin cipal or interest of any bunued debt au thorized to be contracted bv II, shd whicti has at such date more than rO,1" inhabi tants aa established by the last oensus ami hose net indebtedness docs not exceed 1(. per cent of the valuation of the tax able properlv therein, to I ascertained by the lasi preceding valuation of property foi the fc..essnietit of taxes,, or the firs! mortcape hciios of s'tv railroad company, not including street tuilwuy ootids, whl'-r has aid dividends of not less than 4 pel cent p. r untie hi regularly and continuous!) on its emirc capital stock tor a period ol not less than t , e years previous lo tne de. posit of t tie bonus. The- treasurer of the V'niied ri'.ates. with tne approval of the secretary of the treusuty, may accent for Ihe purposes ot this act oc urltlee herein enumerated in such proportions st he may from time to time Oeiernitne. The comptroller may at any tlnie re quire the deposit of additional Socurltiet I or requ'te any asso.lstlon to Changs ths character of t he 'wiij wuf oil u e- TiOStt- Bonds Held la Treses ry. Section S That all honds. dejtoslted tr secure circulation notes isshod in accord snce with tie terms of tins act shall bt transferred to the treasurer of ihe L lilted Htates In trust for the association derail ing them, with a memorandum to teat ef- feet, attached to or wiltten or printed on ; each bond and signed by the cashier or I o::.cer of the association mak- I tr.r ine riim.sii. A uncnt shall t o cer. i- 1 the assoc. at ion by the- con. p. roller of th ' rurr,'"'' r ,,y " HTk "i..orisefl by h.rr j fnr ,,,aI pUrpnse. siaunr. thsl such bond in j y.d in trust for the association on w nose i behalf the t ransfer is tuade, and as seeunt y i for the redemption and payment of am cir- j ru!a, noies that have been or may be delivered to sucii tss ii iation. No assign merit or irsnster in any iih ii tKna ty u,c treasurr shall tie deemed valid unlewa rminti-'sifctii'il nv the comptroller of the curreTicv, and the provisions of suctions tlti". f1M Id'f,. f,t. and 6i7 of the revised statutfH m'ltii I'nited Htstes honds d pos'led to secure v ite-ulating noites sht. H t xcept as herein modi! i"d, be applicable to all lmds umier the term i.f this acl. Tl.c portions of ib. bill c.or.slst of aJuiuoiis to the existing lsw. Thes-i adrtlDons piovidti for a tax rn the uvirage amount ol such notes of a banks circu lation as are based upon bonds ulher I rnted Htatea bonds, provlsijn being made for a tfix on notes SMCurd hy Panama canal bonds amounting to of 1 per cent eac h half year on notes Secured by I per o nt bonds. Associations having on dejioKl' bonds besring interest at a higher rate than T per centum rer annum are required to pay a tax of per cent (ath half yeut on notes thus secured Tat mm ees. A monthly tax of 4 r.f 1 ),er cent 1 i: i posed upon the average amount c f not. issued on bond ottier tlmn bonds of tne I'niied Ststes Slid nmnihly returns., under oath, are required of an associaiin lj anow the svera.e monthly amount of in,itn so secured in circulation. Exempting Vnited States bunds called to rodamtiuon by the secreUiry of tfcs treas ury. It la permitted bf tha bill that mit