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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 4. Ipn-s. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cpeaing i HetTy, with Buying a Little Slower. SHOSTS GITZ SOME STTPPCRT rrttv r 0 k Baylag Ceiw earla; Mirktti rntlitt ta B4w Raewverlew ui Aetlva Jk4naet la Approach. " OMAHA. Jan. X. isrr. ; Tha market oprntd iiv t.i-avy. buying Kmt ilor Shorts camp In on the , strong point and rave thetr support, but i srnsu buying ceased price eased off. WlMt opMMi) Fuy and a-ted heavy. The I crowd oversold tnerneeive. and when ' oommlftakm houaea beaan to buy good trength waa anown. Foreign market con tinue to mow further rcuverle and any nora buying would tart an active ad vance. May w Qatar opened at SLi.J"a ar.d clowad at Kl.TCV Cora opaned active, with selling heavy nd value worked some lower. The mar ket knawered well later to mm good pur chaaaa and the loss wa sma.l at the close. Way corn opened at &trc and cluaed at Cat vera off at the with other arrmin. with .mir.' salon houaea being U'.e ass aallera. May oat opaned at juc and aaoaed at 54Aa.. Primary wheat receipt war- A.O") bush- j la. and ehlpment were 2o"..tu bushei. i against receipta last year of -is.000 buanei acd shipment of 275,JtAi bushel. Cora receipt were Bt.y bushel and Shipment were 475.A0 bnsiels. agamt r aatpta last year of 50.0t bulfieJ and hip Manta of 6a.ana buhi. Clearance were 17.672 bushel of corn: Bon of oat, and w lie at and Sour equai to StXbii bushels. Liverpool closed Sd lower on wheat and ltd higher on com. aVeaboard. reported y.9O0 buahel of wheat and W.uOw buatisia of corn taken for export. Lea I rang ot options. Arnelaavl Open. I Lew. Cloae I Te y. Wbeas : I 1 I Mm... tV 1V July... SV k'Sl 9- sep. tr, ril 9i, Cora -i i May... Be,! 3H, 5H. July... &5. 5T.V 55 ; Sept... 5iS fcwV 4 Data- May... KH, iSV.1 5a Jkly... 4t-i 4, 4a, . Sept... 44 41 41 i i or, 1 B' -i A. i 54 V 41 I 54 Tj, 41 Oaaauaa) CaaA Prtaea. - WTrEAT No. I hard. WPff3c: No. S hard. 4Src; No. 4 hard 4c; No. J spruig. If7c.yji.ixf: no arada. ff.Cc CORX-No. S, blc; 4, 6oH?c: no grJ. 4TVc; No. t yallow. 32c; No. I white, tie. OATS No. t mixed, 47347V; No. 3 white. No. 4 while. 47SJ-c. sLar.dard. ts'.-tJ abV:- KTB ?fo. t Toe7c; No. i. 733"c. tauruc ri.e-elpf. Wbi4L Corn, Oa ID ChicaaTO - W ianeatpotl . Cmaha Luluth M. .... 41 ....132 .... TI it& 'is CHICAGO GRAIS ASD PllOVI.tlOSS Veatsns f tha Trading an4 Closing Prlew Beard af Trade, CHICAGO. Jan. 1. Favorable weather for harvesting in Argentina and a decline In earn cauaed weakness in the local wheat market today, with May delivery clos'ng ac lower. Corn wa down '-c. Oat were to lower So lower. Provision were unchanged to The wheat market opened rtrong becaune f higher price at Liverpool, but reacted before the and of the first hour and con tinued weak until the close. Free selling by leading bulla broke the market on every advanca. New lrom Argentina, claiming that tha new crop will greatly aurpaaa e peclaaUMM. waa the cblaf reaaon for the waakneaa. although, a dackine of more than 1 cent In corn waa also an important fac tor. The market oloeed eaay. May opened oncnaAgotl la tac higher at CuZVilLu. . oid oil to n.otr4 i.oe( ana cmetm ii. fX 07. Cleirrance of wheat and flour were aauad to agJUB auanela tutporra ior ma aa shown ay Bradatreet were 5.1U0.- 4ua buahela Primary receipt were 4o4.0M . baahaia, agalnat 75S.i( bushels on the daw 4aa year.- Mlrmewoo;s. Dwluth aj ClileagiT p"" recattMa at- 231- eare,-? aauiat Ii cars last week ana m car one ?' ! v.., ana corn marao. openeu in 'i , higher cablM and light receipta. but broke ; barply about tha end of the first hour ! bens tin of heavy selling by leading long. , lTa market continued weak for the re- aoalnder of tha day. A Toreoi or an in craaaed pressing enaned. i &ic. sold dia. Loral receipta of contract grade. ! Commission houses bought oat at the : wpening today, while pit trader sold. The market waa affected chiefly by wheat and I corn. May opened 4jj-o higher at aP--.q ; Was, aoid off to &4c and closed at 54o. Local receipta were 11 car. Provision opened firm because of a V ! advaooe in llva hog. Later the break in corn cauaed moderate weaanese. u eloaa Mat pirk was off 5c at TirS- Lard waa unchanged at W us. Ribs were a shad. lower at V..2uQt E" Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: "WUeat. IN car; corn. 137 car; oata, lli ar. ls. AO! head. Taa loading future ranged aa followa: Artkctaa.i Open.i High. I Low. I Close., Tes y. Whsat May July Sept. C Kar I 1 "7 .1 ngSN. lww -, 1 1 '17', iOS. "1 5H !weaiai & ."a; ;arVtfi i S2 R-S, &eV ts4 (fis avi July movement in Illinois waa a a- i s ,. track. No. I caffi. factor. Tha Close was weak. May " - - . . -. - white 52Vc. .had. to a-Sc hurher at V? "ft T w-mer o-t,ta Off tO C and Closea l WnH . -w,,,,.,. .jraiirht 14 were 145 cars, with live ' ' 5i"'-i . 'H Sirv 6rH. 54s! 54' M'4 K- W 51 f)H 4v S. 4cS. Pi 12 TJ 12 P.: U C 13 S j ii ITHi 13 33l T SSH' 7 I IK t UZ's. 8 J5 ! 6 i 1T 7 ." I 7 rv 7 25 Sept. aMay batay July bJuiy S'tork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Uba Jan. May W-a, w-ai 454?0, II 35 U 40 s en I IT T SB T No. 1 add. bNaw. Cash quotstlona wera as follows: rTt"R Firm. WWEJAT-No. 3 spring, n.tSl.i:; No. S prlng. UuO(i?lir; No. 1 red. SI jo, il.oi OOAiS Nix 2, 56jc; No. 2 yellow, -SB CHo- oaTS Nol X, smc: Na. S white, rcic. RIB No. t SJC. EARXJSY Fair to choice malting. sV7:o SKKTLes Flax. No I northwestern. Jl.a. y-i itita timothy, t4.sb4pi.40. Clover, contract grmdee. till TV. PRO VISIONS Short ribs, sides .!oos. t "tri-HlT 2- Meaa perk. r-T bbl.. I:2.70ali IS. Lard, par w lbs.. 17 Tg7i. Short clear a 'lee irwxei!, ir.OtHjT.Jt. following wars tha recalp4s and ng wera tha recall and thin- rnen is ot riour ana gTais : Receipts Shipments JTtonr. bbl. S 17 vr heat, bu !.o wt.-vt Oom, bt. M.dua 2R.i Oats, bu. 24A.1HI 3(i't) Rv. bu 2.000 7 Barley, mi 54. 3u,7f" On tha Produce exehaaga today the b it- 1 ter market was steady: creameries, JO?:-; I dairle IfcOSic Egg, steady: at mark i case lacludad. rJujS-; firsts Ec; prime ! firsts. Sic, extras. tic. Cheese, stead v ' 21aiSe. Kauaaaa City Grala aad Provlalaaa. , TLANSAm CITT, Jan. 2. WHEAT Ma v C 'lH- Jly- Caan. Na. t oar-i. g -L. No. 2. ieatc. No. 2 red. Jvf No. 2. aactctl.. ! CO RN Lower: May. 5c: Jjlv CTash: No. 2 mixed. ac: No. J o,.,. No. 2 whit. iu"HftS2te Na. S. bZ-urc. ' 1 OATS No. 2 whit. 4ra61f : No. 2 m-xed I 4MT ' HAT steady and higher: choice timothy, : ' ri2.ii"rrl2.ii: choic prairie, $9. jisrjiu O0. ' i RY ET&tnaMe. ! J vt TTt i 4 reamerv. ijc: racking. 10- ' EGOS EiU-aa. ssc- I'-- Receipt. Shipmen: Wheat bu 5' . Corn, bu & ' y t Oata, bu ." Regaed Sasrar A A vaaewd. N1TW TORK. Jan. 1-AU gravies of fined sugsr wera advanced hundred paanda today. 10 centa Toleda Swa-A Market. TOLEDO, Jan. I 8FEDS Clover cash, ft 17V Jaoiuaxy SluiTSt. Marcfl. $10 47V,. Prima timothy. C2u. Prime aiaika, i. kiasesselli Grala karkat. MTNNFAPOIJS Jan . Fla tUR Steadv evrst patents, V ltx(t second paienia. tt-iu rtt cl ar. M.j4.Ki; second clears. W hEAT-lCav til.,; Julv. Illl.,; No. 1 h"l. ! It", il.ii"4. No. 1 northern. Si.lJKil iJS. N... J northern. n.l. X f- I northern SEW YORK 6C.1KMI. - ARK.ET Fratlrn af Trad la a aad Prlee-a aa Leaelag Caaawsadltlew. NEW TORK. Jan. J FLOUR Uceipu, hNs.. fxrMir-s. bo. .Via:a.t '".j.I but rt.-iy. M.cneeuia patent. U 3i "S TO; wuitr M-ijHTu. M.nneeota bttr. (4. "tiA . winter araie htii, M :u4 ;n:cr patr:. J.v .i wnter low rra.l-. Ke Hour, firm; f ur t . ir-vd. U iu.:5 chmca to fancy. rufi JS. 1 l'-awhtat fl-jur. teii. p r ; piinde. (."'. R ili-A. Firm : a hlte and v -!.ow. ti coarse, tiiLJT, iv.ln dried. U-to Ri'E-S'ea?v. No. 2 western, ?c, f. o. b. New Yor. .VT-Pc'iw. 'M bu. : exrwr t. VaL4 bu. 2sp't, irarket rrejily: No. J retl. Ji-jT" elevator. Nj red. Si.iT-. t. o. h. afloat: No. 1 n rti.ern. Duiuth. $-- 1- u. I. a.'i .al. No. 2 hard w:nlrr. JT i-S. f. o. o. afina. An tariy snarp Advance ci.rnd wm-at pru is t the ii.KJirt point l t.e wet-a. but wtraknt-ss acton enenel and value broke lc ft aualel. TSure era s conid eribie lit4uiia- ;on. bawd n eaeler late cabtefl. a fxmr expnrr demar.d on weakness in corn. prices siiowil -tc net lo. Mjv. r. :.K! l-tt. closed I1.13-1. July t.OJH'd, ll.,'i. i-'UKN-Kw elp-j, 39.775 bu. : exrort. ST.liJ bu. tj).,t. market aready: No. 2. nominal, eievati-r. and ec afloat. Ortion maxnet opened hrm on cat?lr!. but eaaed off w.t.i t:.e west and clieed net umhanred. May. TT6Sc. Cli ed T-.IC. July. S",i''v."l. closed a'c. .'AT&-Pceipt. UP.Wn bu. SpJt. steady; miied. 2tM2 pounns. Me: naiural white, 'hi&2 iiito"-4C, cupped white, .V44 prmnda. .Wrui-1. HAY V'liel. goud to choice. CitoffT 05. HoFS o;-ady . BiAte, commnn to choice. lie". UiJf,o: 'i. 4-tjo. pa HIDE-Steady; Bogota ilic cuaat, ii , isc. Central AmerK a ji.1 . LEA 1'HI.K "J'net : :4-5rTc. F RoVIffioN S i-eef. stoady: family. $15 m 5:.". jii. n.r.s. s:i.i"ai-sw. packet, tio.tswr tt.n-. extra India mess. Kt. ' Cut meat, ouiet ; pickled belli-. I MrteM. Lxrl. flnn, wi'siern pr'rr.e. JtO.Vrs 2, re fined firm; continent, ft: Souta Ameri can. O.', compound. t -4 ' Pork, familv.''i: abort clear. 175 TMrlS .V- rress. $14.5al5.3. TALLW Steady , city. -c; countrj'. RICE Qulei : domestic fair to extra, -Vntf1-': Jitr-an nominal. tO l"L'fRY-A!lT. sieady: wevtam chick en. 11c; fowl. 13c. turky. 13c trejBl. irreg-uiar, western chicken. lifT0c; tur kevts. U.?il9c, fowls, oni V BL'TTliH Steady: creamery extra. CD 'groV, thirds and f!ris. 3'5sc; western factory, common to first, laatic; Imitation creamery, first ;r"2Clc. CHEHjsK Steady . mate, full creamery, mall colored and white fine. 15c; same large colored, fine. lESc: white, 15Hc: same gorxl to rtne. 14"Sciic: same late made beat llSSl-f; same common to fair, U'-c. EX1S Firm; western firsts, Stjc; sec ona. agSt WEATHER I- THE GBAIX BELT Fair aad Slightly Celder for Sarar ar. OMAJIA. Jan. 3. 13i Light ram occuretd In the west gulf states Th irsda-. and are falling in Ok.a horr.a and Ti.a. this morning, with light I snow at Santa F. Increasing cloudiness is snown in me cenu-ai valley, nut generally fair weather prevail everywhere, except is the extreme soutnwest. Tne weather is colder on taa Pacific slope. In the southern state and along the Atlantic coat. It 1 warmer in tr.e i'hlo valley and lake region I and writ into the mountain district. A arked rise in temperature occurrea in una upiier MiMlsippi and anioun vaiiey within the last twenty-four hour. Tha weather will probably continue fair with sl'.ghuy colder m tin vicinity tonight and Saturday. , Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation, compared with the corresponding day of the laat three years U"S Tf 190J X3I15 Minimum temperature 35 13 3 16 Precipitation T .00 Normal temperature for taday. 3. de ffree. Deficiency In precfpltatlon ' since Sarch 1. 7.4J lnchea Deficiency corresponding period In 190T, 1.7 Inche. ' Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, SSI Inche.- Lk-A. WELrlr-ljoeai rwanefr t. Laaia Geaeral Market. 8T, LOCISs Jan. iWTHEAT Lower; track. No. . red. cash. rL.nifl.u': No. 2 bur-l, Jl.iC'Ti.05; May. SL0S; July, Seic. "ORN Veak: track. No. Z caan, xiK'i r,rtc; May, aiiic; July. Sc; No. 2 wniu?, 4S $4 45 leHr B.u etil'L' Tlmothv. steady. $3.505.. C 'RNMEAL Steady. S2.. BR.V-V wiiet; aaxkd, east track. XLUi l.U". - HAY Steady; timothy. Cl.Ottiai8.50; prai rie. R"ii11 IRON iTOTTON TIES PAtJOIN'iJ VsC. HEMP TWINE lie. PROVISION? Pork. steady; Jobbing. S13.. Lard, steady; prune. 3tea.ux, 17 70 Drv salt meats iboxeils lower: extra snort. J l: clear rib. J7 !Pi; short clears, ft.27H. Bacon 'boxed', lower; extra shorts. ft..O clear r-hs. i.75: short clears, fit J5. POULTRY Dull: chicken, 9ic; springs. lOWc. turkeys. IStjc: ducks, sc. geeae. .c BUTTER Steady : creamerj'. "wB J"1 EG ZA SleaJy at Cjc, case count. Keceipt. shipment Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu. .. Oats, bu 18 " 37. '""! u3.tlW M.'V'I 42.W1 4.iH n0 Llverrol Grata aad t.IVKRPt KDL. Jan. S.- Pravlalaas. WHEAT-Spot, frm: No. 2 nti western wnter. nominajly -u -.,11 f tt'in.1 ate.1v. Varvh : 11..4 May. t d. CORN Spot, firm; prime mixed Ameri can, new. es 7d. prime mixed American, old. 5s THd, futures, steady, Jaa.iun'. is 5-,d. Mllwasket Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Wi Jan. 3 WHFAT 9tadv No 1. northern, tl.ljrifl.13. No. 2. northern. n.tlUl.H".: May. J1.ST. bid. BARI-EY Higher. No. 2. Sl.ui; sample, aJrtitl.Ul. CORN No. 3 cash. auUUc: May, Slc, bid. Peorta Grata Market. FFORIA. Jan. t CORN Liwer; No. 2 yellow. 57iVc. No. 2. 55j55,io; No. 4, 53c; no irrade. Wl-:.2c. OATS Steady : No. 2 white. 4aSc; I No 4 white. 4rV'iic. 1 WHISKY On the basis of r.SS for fin- j istied good. Dalatk Grala Market. j DULUTH. Jan. J. WHEAT No. 1. north ern. 11. h1-!. No. i northern, tl W: May, ' 11 1-eV Juiv. C.14H. OATS UtC. Bella Sta BOSTON. Jan. 3 aad Baa da. all loans. stjlO per cent, time )ong on loans. s"M-k ,i plu per cent official and bonds- Atrfclaea ad). 4s do w Me cantral aa Aiftuaon ao pld B.iet a A Albaar B-..a a Maine B mtiMi SvaleS P'- Hborf pl l an Ci-B-.ral N T S H A 1 Per Marquette t'nioa P-rtc tl, Am. Arse .'iieta- 40 pld . Am Pnee. Tutie Amer Sugar . do pfd - -Aat. TAT . Am Wwim o pld R.llin Rler Ilia I'erierai Ki-cli-c Maa S'etr:c 0 . pfd .- ka .la t n.ied Krju lu ted S k . .. i.-t pld f 4 ..! do ptd AJ'amolv aw ' ' . . . " 44 AtlaaUc Bmctiam "SOal. A Hecia . a4- Centennial Ibl r iever Ranca - . :M Da.r Weat -t F-anSila 1.7 Graarty . ' li Rorale 13 aul a am .. I k.ihisan . VeS :! M nt f AC.. :-a Old rMminiua ... t-'-eeia I'1-! Parrot 1.2 stUlTICT 1 1 4t.uiMtn I" a Tmarai-ll TnnitT I1 t uned Coppae . 1.4 f S k nir..... sr s oil .. .. I l 'an . V'rtol-t ' ' ' - W Bella N.-eia Hints ... . I,. '-.Tir laatiea . N-ala . t a Ar-aoaa. S1, 4r:ena i'aaa. ... . -. . I1. 44 44 . 1 ., 1 . "w 1 . I . u 1 "a nt, " . 3 H - 4S 4-, . 14 , :" uid. 1f Yark Mlat NEW YORK. Jan. 1 on mining stoks were- Stoeka. "osing quotations Adams Cos t.ttie i-hiat 4 .mans xsa Tmtr i: 1 H iwal 4 a straii 4 S a.irra Ural ja " u.i Ua-s 1 Tl Stan Oar wd . 4. I Bialll b-a:iaw cs Cos. I C mat., a Tuauel t Cos t a.. a Va. . 1i.ra a.iaer Irrui S.:er .... Lead t me Caa. , tJgW NEWYORKSTOCRS AND BONDS Day'i Yarket is Succession of Back ing and Filling. "- , RAILjiOAD EA&5T5GS DEC3XASE ' " , Prte-ew Dnp Wkn Sews la Olvea Oat, at R II 7 Fsllewi mm lasprwveaaewt f BsiUag ltaatloa 4loa la Emut. ; NEW YORK. Jan. S. The ni'iw of to day's stork ma-kt was a S'iccesston of back:nr and f IHrrs. reflecting th 'incc r t:n feelings of tne professional element. wiich was concerned most in the d'ii it'Ks ' Trosing ' cor,8n1er;lons came into plBV at different i:ins ar.d enjoyed a w m porary imilaiicj in shaping the couro of price. Early in the 1ay factors of d presnlon wer gvan most weigr.t ,n the discuatlon on the floor of the stock exchange, al . tnmirh tne active weakness of Northern Pacific probably had aa much effort uiHin price in general a any larger develop ment In af'airs. Tins "toi k was th" mar ket leader yesterday, and t.ioee who bought It then on the assurance ti at a !arn exiya dividend was to he immediately forthcom ing apparently had mtegtvtng today and . sold out. Ti : stork ia the market lesd.-r yesterday, and those who bought It then ' on the assurance that a 'arg extra div ; dend wa to he immed.a'eiy forthcoming ' ) par-r ?:y had m.iarv;r.g. toilav and sold i ut. At the same tune the serfs of poor j ra'.lroad reports for Novemher aroused I grave arpreheosmn of tne ultimate enn i sequence to dividend disbursement ;f ; such a rat, of Inroad on the net returns ' waa added to the list today. Pennsylvania earnings reports are always accepted as ; hifchly representative owing to he great variety in tn ciasses of Its traffic, and a 30 p-r r nt d i reaj in net earnings of this road for that reason, makes a strong im pression on the f""i'ng towarls railrond stocks In general. The Loulsvllie A Nash ville si c r,g wad e-(-n poorer, the ret ( r"turn being almost cut in naif for So i vomber A minor factor m the morning ! depression waa the report of l:ie failure of ' a small bank In Colorado, i Speculative support oemered on j and It was that ' k that l imed the market upwards. The rapid easing of t ",e ! cail Uan market was a. help to tr.e stock ! market. Brokers who have handled funds I fr-r hinders of cash seekirg premium on , currency to defend their customer said i that there was no demand, the traffic hav i Ing come to a definite end. Thi and xfie i evidence in the week cs:i movement tnat rr. ney bad flowed freely to this center dr. -Ing th week was the latest strengthen- in influence en stok The direct expres movement with the In terior seetn to have been to the advm : tag of New York to an amount near t4.0'.- .'. so that Uie week s gain In cash appears j to have exceeded l5.t.'.KO. The effect of i the week money operations on the loan I Item cannot be estimated, but that con I altlons are working towards rapid recupera- turn of the banking position is clear. The ' stock market turned verv strong after the j esiltrti tt-s ot the currency movement ap I pcared An advance in price of refined ' sugar had quite a pronounced effect on sen- timent regarding the commercial and in dustrial situation, and a number of indue- i trial stocks became strong, led by Ameri I can Sugar Itself. A further rise In the I London price of copner wa another !n- centlve to the rise. Rat-s lor lime Ioa.-is ' were quotaoly lower and an increasing ' eupph- of fund was reported. The tone of , the late advance became uncertain, as hud ' uie morning decline. The closing waa easy, j Bonds were firm.. Total sales. C774..KO. united State bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotation on stocks were as follow; Sales. HI 14. Unr. CloM Jutffli Biprew . AinA,ganutt Oepper 27. 7t Am c. a K 5o as. o. r pi am. Cot loo Oil Law Asl. Cocua Oil pfa ...... Anenai filxpreja Aja. ti. A L. pta Axnencaa lee eecanusa.... l.M let 4 .H M SI "4 4"t M 3S S4 1H iw Linseed Oil 10 I 7i 24 314 W4 -! H H4 7414 a am. Luas Oil pfd Am. LotwmollTe Am. Looewoiive ptl Am. a. A R Am. I. A B. pfd Am. Sugar Reflning Am. Totjaore pit cus- . -. Anaocuda Mm. Co.. exnliT.. 4,lf r"t 71 H W-4 4-f 3' M ak 4 Kl m jS 71. 1J7S uia-t 2AsW eta 24. v a 3M 4 il :u na so :t 2. mt tw tlllO l.twl 78-4 loa n 5" :n Hi n 41 '4 ' ISPS 1U1 a Mw JT 4,,,. itj.a l-i - ?.fca. Aiuauea f Atlantic Coast Line Biillmore A Ohio... al. A Ohio Jfd . Brooklra Rapid Tr. Ca& Paclfte . . Central of New J Cheiee A Ohio . CUlcaso Gt. W Chlo&go A M. V C. at. A St. P Chicago T. A T rbuAce T A T. ptd.. C . C. C. a St. L rotonla r. A 1 Colorado A So Cttlo. A So. In pid Cola, a 1A ptd CeBSDlidmed ia Cora Product, rf. Corn Prodiu-ui ptd. rf Delaware A lluaaon... Dn.. L. A W . ex-dlv Denver A ft 0 D. A R- (J. ptd Dltrtlllers' Securities . Ere Erie pfd En 2d ptd tienerai Rlerrrlc Illinois Central Iatoro.atluuai Paper -. Int. Paper pld. . . Int. Pump lnl. Pump pld..- Iowa .'enlrai loa Central pfd Ka&fas Otr S3 K. C. So. pfd Leeisvllle A N Maicaa Central kinn. A St L. 1,li . 2 y i 4te ls lt4 3. tO 25 H - 52 f.2 !.l :. ti 4:14 m 9 k !. jm :i 11 lea tato lit I;". 112,1 4ii 3fJ 21 Stt Ji4 .. L. 9"W Si"4 it 17 20 34 r.H M4 - -.IS v. 1',4-e 1 12 -3 o 7..I ii M i. 3t 141 l.-e ua : si.1, 10', :4a HV4 ...... SI am r. 2S mi i.: fi 51 i.m m ns 4 .a ."4 i1 " S 34 14 mi tsi i: n 12a tf, :,o.:a e.-, t4. S St 42 19. SW WW i VI1 l.jt Si4 U --- 304 4 4 M Ml f. 44 44 rtS J 24. at 11. llt lia i 1 aft 11 i T at 41 "4 :hh to n us- .. 17V !7 1 :r..s. nas 4 Tr !t 1 14 1 , inn ftt. tan 44 I .: n -1 .& ts xu a r II . St. P AS a M. pfd.. M . t. P AS. a. Miaeoun Pacior. -di ... st. k. A T k.. k a T ptd j I N. n. R leMd J k. Pfd. . Mew Trm cenirai N. T . O AW Norfolk A W N AW pfd Nora A men ran Pacltlr Sta.l P-nnarirasia Peup.a a Uaa P . C. C A St L... Preeavd Steal Car .... Pt S C. pld ... Pwilmaa Pa,aos Car . Rrautu Reading let 4 Haumi H pfd Steel Republic Steel pfd Ro. Iiland Co koea latand C. pfd It L li P U Pd St U1S s w st- U w ptd Souloera Patifiv Se Paciae pfd So. Railway S Railwar P4 Texaa A PaciSf T . St. I. A W . T St U a W pfd t'nua Paclflf a at 1041, av '' -4l 1-S 1 7S H'7 Ww !, St 714 H4k ' : a 1:114 ; lis. I'aiu Paciar pfd .. 1 : t ' r 1 f i r ! r Eapn Rra.ty kuobcr Rutber pfd Steel ... Stert Bfl . . J7 74 iai - i"S 44 -.! He 41 Si 7 14k 4 - ::i !t iCi. iu .'. 3i - 79 SAtt S14 -saj 7 Kt aat -.'Hi K. . ' tt ".ca ;i,4 io u ; i sa a 4: . s 55 4i.r :is '' : et ::i.a ;;a !. i"- i : 7 1 jtj, If. S Ste Va. -.acul; ' brml 1 : Va. -Cam. Cb ptd... a'ataA Watiaali pfd Wen-arso Extirsoa Wrtt:t.nue Eiecini Woataru t'Bion - . . a beet luc A L. B .. W'aobniin Central ... W.a leatral old ... a 1 Soniiera par At Creat kuniiwm pfd I Ceniraj Laather 1 Cerlrai Ua'.her c:i ... I listertiorourn kiS I Int. Met lid 1 S ues-ahecid Stael I Tii aa.aa lor taa tar. 42 Ai) aharaa. I Pare-lara Flaaa. flat was ouet L4iND"N. Jan. 1 Mirn the market tiKiay and in Discount are steady In change r-covery m .Vmen. easv r d'-tnand t.'.e Stock ex an snares act easy monev lrrparte.i a gne-aiiv t;m tone to the market but the increa.wd h isiness Bpticiiiated w:tn the turn rf the year is still arwent and tie nrofeasmnal traders wo bousni orior to the hoildavs show a i desire to realise. Coriao. keep at-adv ! Cupt-r scares tienefited on tne ; rr.ent in tr.e prce tif tr.e mttai Diamond sfiaies were weak, wuile tlrand Tr'inks arre easy on p.r traff'c returns. Am'-n-ran share, in response to tne leiter Wa.l street close, started a fraction over paruy . and improved in the foreno-n Canadian ; Psclf'.c. Union Pacific and Southern Pa- 1 cf1c received the most attention. Lat-r New York Central came steady, but a. most Immed'ately turned easv. and prices d"-op-ped. Tha market closed easv. FViretgnecs were ouiet. Japaneaa securities were of fered from Pans. BERLIN. Jan. $. Trad'ng on tha Bourse today ill general'v fnner Amn-an srsree were genera'ly 1 point high.-r. PARIS. Jan. 1. Tra.llna- on the Bourse taadajr opened firm and this attracted jr- REPORT or THE CLEAR I SO HM SB Traaaaetlai Aeewtateel Baaka f tie far' taa Wawau N EW YORK. Jan. 1 -Brads: reet Bank Clearrgs Renurt tlie we- ending Jw- uarv 2, piios an aggregate of 11. 't.'t, s inn i.(tr . iaj ti and jr.w m the correeponaing meek last year. i. snad-an clearuiifa fr trie week tjtal , t as ui nst tTl. ,-?. last week and &.7s; .v ;n the- aamc week last year. The Pollowing a lit of rza -rye: rMitutrni Tha lm waa heavy, neee share were down. CITIEi J Cleanngs ' Inc. Dec. Nw Tork ,.i7.4.-"w S 1 (71n ago ...... i'A.iHi. , Boston IX "S:.t 1 l:;laue!pnia iofc, fc,t. , S.J St. Louis I !. IS 3 Pittsburgh. ' 43.4K3.'"' 1 1 t'un Francisco , IJi.o 1 41 7 Baltimore , IV T-"S..'- 34. Kunsas City ., 35.4fsi.i 4 Cincinnati :r,'Li -"0 3 New vwieana .( a'.'t'.i '' 11. J Minneapiuia :''.'; 14 1 Cleveland . i tleiwiao "- Detroit 11.1U.1M" 15 Loulsvllie i s.U4.'i" ; at 5 Los Angeles ... ( 4 1. " 4-- Omaha S.5Ja.0OO : laa Milwaukee s l7.. Seattle 1 . ." : 16. ii 8t. Paul S.4U.-IOY 10 I'rovuience Bufiato . .. Indianapolis Len re- .... Fort Worth H-ci-.mond . 5 IJsV'Xt 4. 4s..nn. S.57U.tM, i.57o.'') tj .4.4.1110 Ji 5 42 l. 1 5 1.7 A'Lanv Washington ... .-a.t laae City Portland. Ore. .. Columbus. O. .. '-eDn Memphis &Hv:,-.nah Atlanta Spok.ine. Wash. Toledo. O Tactima Nnsnvllle Pix-heet-r Hartford ,oris De Moines ... Norf'-'rK Netr Haven . . . c.rand Rapids . I'-ivton . Portland. Me. . 3i'iux City . ... trpnngficid. Ma Evarls:iie Birmmeham yracuee A.ig-ista, Ga. .. 2.etd 'ni . 3 .sni.tii' . 2.4.3 o"o 2e7.'O.I . J.hf. out . s.n ik'. a.v-i yw . 4.5!7.miv 2.J.i5.iti. S 47 iOV . S.;41 nr . 4.36. imfl' 3.5n,'"tN. 1 itSim . 2.811 .i'. 1.74-J. TW'. 2 f n . iT &'tl .!". y'i . l." . i.i?.'' . i.ahiwi. 1 Sf".'""' 43 33 0 til .0 43 7 S3 1 :3 4 17 3 'in ti' 117 11.2 'ini' ix: is 1 32. S -V.4 22. IS 4 r-4 " 14 4 I f : 10.5 I 'in ii' , 17.9 l' ji 14." i 23 S i'3'7' 13.3 1.4 J. . L!f Oi"i.' 18.1 l.ilI.M 1 .tk'X. A'i l.ttafi itlil 12. Mobile ... Worcester Knoxville 0?tV 1.55-.. l.?44. '"'' 1 OT Oft . . . LlSl-o-o 30.4 avt.o'rii 1.1 IViOl ie;.(v L'.'J 7r;. iw l.l!tS.trt-.. . Wilmington. Del, Charleston. S. C. Cliattsnoog Jiickson-tlle. Fla Wichita Wiikbarre Davenport ; T. : Rock . , Wheeling. W. Va. 1.IM3.." 19.9 , Fill River ; Kalamazoo. Mich. Topegg Springfield, I'.l. .. Helena - ' Fort Wayne. Ind. ! New Bedford Txintron Youngstowi : Frie. Pa , Macon Akron O.ipk'nrl T'V Cedar Rapids. Ta. : Chest ehr Pa. ninsi'.trr'on Fa -go N. D T -.-.-,11 Canton, O " ; "Tiniton, 111. Sooth B""d, Ind. ! Qulncy. Ill Srtrlngfeld. O j dMon-x Fl! S. D. ' Mansfield. O 1 nf,mr. Til ft-emont. Neh j Jacksonville, ni. (Llrcoln. Nb 1 "Oakland. Cal. ... 1 Houston tia.'Vv .fftl 14 1 2? 3 ' "i ci 14 5 4,o- HM.OOV S.A.tX't m v.v 47..W ds.tvii 5l.nV 5 . 4!6.'W -" rut (TV. .! -5 IfW W.fV' wa .inr n,..wii B.'v' 07 IWA" at rrtv SKI (Ul 2.0 j 14 i .' M.3 9 " .3 '277' 9 3 2 an n 3.l 17. 2 4t oent 5 1 I t vee yr .vw 1 1 . at.7 s. 1. - IS" ivtrt. . . . , 1 irk iwf . . . 1.159 ontf ... g SR (VKM , .! 3 9 7 1 I An 7 .' r k S.7 ...I ,...! tOalveton CANADA, i- Montrcal Toronto SCT3M.MV' 54.4 IH oW onm I 27 0 waaasaranai I 14.1 -Aa.oii j W.I 2.Ttf.'w I 12.2 ' .LlBitVtV I J7.2 atS4.00' S 1,171.0"T 1 3.1 1.10T.00O' I 12. 1199.. i I 10.4 79l.lK(! 1 11 L'isS.Oirt 1 3.7 STAOfO1 1 22.9 ( Winnipeg; .... - ; Ottawa 1 Vancouver, B. C. ., Halifax Quebec ' Hamilton 1 St John. N. B. .... London. Ont ; Victoria. B. C I ti a 1 o-n ra ... I lEdmonton I Not Included In total because containing other Item than clearing. Not Included In totals because, compari sor are Incomplete. Xtw Tork Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Jan. !. MONEY On call. easier. fi4r3 per cent; ruling rate. 8 per cent, closing bid, 1 par cent, offered at b I ner cent. Time loan, ajiet and easier: sixty day and ninety days." 8 per cent; an months. 4417 per oent PRIMS MERCANTILE PAPER 8Q10 per j cent. 1 PTFRLrNO ETCCHANOE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 34.8615 for demand ar.l at t4.8ul for sixty-day bills: commercial bill, S4.80. SILVKjj Bar, SS'ac; Mexican dollar. 43Sc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotation m hontia war as follows U 9. ref 2a. rag . do rnupoa r 3. 3a reg 4o poupttn r? 8 a. 4a. rag . do -eupon Am. Tobaoeo 4a. . dt a Aurntaon gwa- 4a. Al. antic C. L 4s.. Bal. A Ohio s . . do i-,m Brk. B. T e. 4.. Central of G. ja. . do U4 Inc o Sd lae do ibc Chea. A Ohio 4 Cbirasn A A. 4S C . B A Q. n. a. C. R. I. P. aa.. do col. a ccc. a st. l 4 Cole. In4. 4a. sar. Coin, k.d as clo A Be. as.... ''ut 5a D A R. 1. 4a.. Plnlllera' sec as. Erie p. 1. 4a do (ta. 4s Japan 4a do 4a ctfa...... do 2d senas. .... Bid. 0re;. .isH tfl:tt. Val. 4Wl 9T .I'M L A anl. 4s . 10S44 Mbb. e. g 4s 9t Ml4 krx. Ceniral 4s Ttv, 1'4 -to 1st inc l&ia V. eatginn. ?t. l. aa. u . rv. m.. e. a T 4s m" . 7h do as i -"l R. R. ot k. e 4 TT-, . m i T C . . !4. J. r. g. ia :i4a . No. Paciar w list . St-4. SO 3S 4H . ITH H. 4 W. t. u St - r a. l nd as ad . K PeBB. ct I-va tit . J Raadln . 4s. -. s!i SUA I. M. F 5. 104 . .. L 4 I. f f 4. r.'i. S US W e. 4s .4:14 . . ta SaatHiard A. L. 4 . a . . 7S PanSc 4 H I M dt IS ctfl (tl A. 44 Se Railwar so 44 .. tib a p i ...a T . SL L A W s. . ... CnioB Pacific 4a f . . . 44 do cv 4a M'T ... T T S. steel 2d ta .... M.4 ... a w.hart l, -as-, ... W do deb B 44 . .. STUjWeaterd kd. 4s S4 ... 8 -a W a L. E. 4a fil . .. !- Central 4s 74 Lssdea LONDON. Jan soiks were: Censnla. mosey .... do account AnaooBiia Aifb.aon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio . Canadian PatSe . Chaaapeaas a Ohio, '"hit tit W . c . u. a St. P ra Beara . Denver a R. d dn pfd Era do let pfd do !d pfd fJund Trunk Il::noia Central .... Lna:!ia a H SILVER Bar. M'.'NE Y 4tqSia Cl 3 - la Stacks. Closing quotation n . -4 . K A T . ' v T Central . 4 Norto SAW "1S do pfd . fC4 Omaro AW . 44U P' Saad kinas .. . Ui Reariln . . . Suiiaern Railwar .:j 4o ptd . Uauthtim Paelflc . . t Unloa Pac-lflc . do pfd . IT'- C 4. Steal . 34-, 1tt pfd 4 Wahaati : do pfd I'.'t Stianiab a it:Amai. Cot per -. 1 , n S44 IT 3Ti ; 7S :2:s al i-S 4: 14 aa uncertain. 3 .s-l'ld per cent. per IX. Ti.e rale c:efunt n the oen market for ar.ort bil -. eiu5- per cent, for three mor.ti.s hill. ."miC1 per cent. Otalrturat Baak ef lranr. BERLIN. Jan 1 The weekly statement of the In. penal Bank of Germany allows the foih m--nr changes Cash in hand, decreased 10. tin," rn: treaeury ante, decreased 1 mi.. matin; other securities, 'ncreased U an.. -m, nutt-a in circulation, increased 21ti.4ex'. ajm. Trwasary statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. t-Today sta-e-ment of the trei,!,ry ba.ancea ,n ine gen eral f ind- exclUPiVe Of Tile Tltsi '!.. gni.l reserve, sticws: Available ba.ari'-e. ' t27f-54T: goiil coin ni iu.i n. tj .:t;4.iT7, gold certifh ates. tej.2L49''. Baak 4 leaclaga. OMAHA. Jan. 4-bnk eli-ar'rg for t da aere Sl.eM 4isf1s and f or .0 . ..rp-s-poi.dmg at ,ast year S:,.t.i 4L. Sagar aad vrwtaasea. NEW YORK. Jan L-SirjAR-Raw firm, fa.r refining 142c ca-ntr f-aai test. Z -ru-. moiaaart si.gar 11. 'e; refined fm. No A 4 ic, No 7 446c. No S 44 N.. 9 4 25c: No. 10. 4 25c- No. 11. 4 2ic: N 12, A15c: No. 11. 4 10c; Na 14. 4. Ac; c r'-c- tirnera' A. 4.7'a-: mtu'd A. a:.-: 1 .af. 5.70c, powdered. 5s; granulated. 1 ic OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Of All Kinds Slow to a Littla Easier. HOGS 0PO STEADY, CLOSE LOWES bat I " Sat Maay Laaa ee ally Tea Lower aad La sab a steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 2. TW. Receipts were: Caf.le. Sheep Official Monday H' Officia, r uesdav 3..4 OfT.cial Wednesday LJd ".'f':c:ai Thursuay le"3 1 Est.mate Friday 2.73 in : X..14 . U41S T.JT'I 7.73 1L i. Mi IS !"4 a,i." Five days tilia week.. .11.573 Same days laiit Week.... 5,77 ame days 2 week ago -!b.- l-ame day weeas ago..J.liil Sams days 4 week ag j. .Ii'..t47 Same day last year 16. 314 44.:.3 iii.rj 31.S70 2ti.-'. . 21.737 "a. ia a.75 2!.J3 l.S-4 The following tahls how the receipt of ttie, -lugs and sheep a . nouui vim .. fur tne year to d late, compared with la.t . :.,. Inc. Le. vear: Cattla Sheep The follow. n . 4.V" .2. 43 .12.785 10.4W 12. 7W 13.ttS3 14.137 LS2 table show the average I prtce of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dare. Vtto. ISNB. la. . 4. 1S.::SM. Dec. 2S...1 Dec 24 . . DeC. 3. Dec. -X... Dec. rr .. 4 44: 4 SSI 4 39' 4 42; 4 46 4 4f t II 27 4 as; t 13; 4 ' 21. 5 OR 4 431 4 54 4 15' 5 mi 4 52' 4 44 1 4 92 4 55 4 "H I H 22 S 0 4 57' 4 4 3C 4a Dec. I Dec. 1 Dec. Dec. j Jan. ' J an. Jan. 51 4 49' 5 0 4 62 4 32 24; : 4 47 24' 3 14, ' 4 "54 21' 5 11: 4 2? 4 61 2SH 5 07 4 43 5 ( 35 I 6 3 : 4 64 4 34S 4 .16 4 40 : 331 23 . 6 SS 22 1 2S 4 19 Sunday "Christmas. The official number of rars of sto'k ; brought m today hv each road was: I Cattle. Hogs. SheT- Hr'a. I C. if. St. P 9 1 .. ! Wabash 3 1 .. ; Missouri Pacific .. 1 .. ! Union Pacific svstem W 2 C A S. W.. east 1 .. ..I C. N W.. west 52 53 I .. j C. SL P.. M. O ... 1 5 5 .. C. B. east 10 2 1 C . B. At y.. west 1 1 1 Illinois i ntrn 5 .. j Chicago tit. Western. 4 4 2 .. j Total receipts 109 lt0 21 2' The uibim tin of me .lays receipt was, as follows, each buyer purchasing ti.e num- , ber of head Indicated: En vers Caf e. Hogs. Sheep Sheep 14 1.697 l.oi'l 1.275 Omaha Packing Co 297 Swift and Company 712 Curiany Packing Co 4os Armour Co 41 Vansant ta. Co 11 Latoman ox Co 5 M -t'reary dt Carey 24 . HJ1 m Son .17 F. P. Lewis Jfi Hamilton dt Rothschild. . . 44 La Woif ' 1. H. Bulla 14 Sam Wertheimer 129 MJte Haggerty 11, T. B. Inghram 4 Held over If J.tHS 3.09-i 3.3S6 Cal i'LE-For quite .libera, and t kTI llLlJil 4..1Lti a Friuay receipts mere the arrivals cor.alated al- j 1 ill era i n. 3St entirely of Packer, who have Ueen f.-ee buyer of i cattle all the week, seemeo to oe pifuy j well filled up and not as anx.ous for fresh 1 aupplie as they were yeierday. For this reaaon taey were nut as eariy in inum out into the yard and the forenoon was pretty well advanced before tne maraet reailv onened. When it did open it was nol active, but till desirable k.nds of beef veer kept selling, the bulk changing hand before midday. The price pa.d were gen erally a iiul easier than yesterday, al though thers was no very great change. The trade as a whole might be described as alow to a litUa lower. Cow and heifer opened slow and buvt-ri ware generally bidding a Utile lower. There was some demand from ship- 1 per, which helped out the better grades somewnai. so uiai pusoiuii me '" wers not much dlflerent from- yesterday. On ths other hand, the common to- me dium kinds were some lower. There were no tocker and feeder In sight to really maka a tet of the market AU th. week receipts of that kind of cattle have been very mall. and as there has been some lltus demand, tne market baa been firm every day. Quotations on cattle: Ootid to choice corn-fed steera. 15.00 d 5.50 . fair to good corn-fed steers. 14.4 ) 8 5.00, common to fair corn-fed steer. S3 534.40; good to choice cows and heifers. 13.30 6 4.25 , fair to good cows and heifers. 12 75 130: common to fair cows and heifers. SI 50 B 2 75 good to choice stockers and feeders, $3 75 6 4.25; fair to good suckers and feeders. $3.25 3 3.75; common to fair stockers and feeder. t2.5tjS 25. Representative sale- e i 10- v rT. -j l S .' X lP'.S t W" -.'IF.:. 4 'iCt s. At 14 li 4 40 T mi 4 at IS in 4 SO 21 S71 4 b4 a u 4 r.i3 4 i .'a 4 i is: 4 ta 4 l-.St 4 7 Ill 4 74 4 1 4 . 57 1S34 5 25 COW 8. I 11 11.0 4S 11 44 I 4t 4 l:4 I 43 i 4 wa t vi 1184 I 'J i I -:o J 5 . t :(" J a 1 1 471 I t s i::i l 5 i t :: i u . io i: i so I 4 474 I 44 i u ie l as i 4 ;:- I 75 :i 11"! I at I 4 lailt I f 4 r.'.l 1 44 l a Is 4 44) . .101 .. MO . ".'"I ..last H1 .. 711 . 1016 ..Jt'3 .. 11 ..IfJH ..n.o . .. 754 ..IV" . .:tra . 7h . :m . na ..!i3 . l'4 . liW . ;iy .. m ..: .. Ml .. ..ItH . 1M4 .. 43 4 aa 4 t 4 4 it 12. . . tl.'. 11 ' 11 a.'. 4 e.. 4 k 4 4 4 ." 4 44 2 41 S V t M : -s t w 2 4" I 04 I as i i S at I i I 4 HEIFERS 1 ii BULLS, t si 1... i . i.. 44 H t CALVES. i a l io opened early and with price generally I V. 4 S KoJS Hogs actlvo i this morning 255: nigner than yesterday The early rO were largely at and right around 44 40. : the bulk being $4 37t4 42 with a few 1 of the better load at $4 45 and a top at M.O'i. Yesterday tne great bulk of all the hogs went at S4 iinM.lS. with a top at $4 .4iW. Half or more of thg receipts sold early" In the morning at the advance I noted, but after the mora urgent order j wrre r::.cii f..e iraoe aiowea up. Later i train came in mor loaded with hogs t.ian expected and buyer aven.ed to come to the concluion they were paying more money than necessary w.tii tne result thai tuey lowered their bids so that it became pra -lie-any Impossible to get more man yesterday' prices. In ot.ier words, the advance of the morning 4S I as lot. 13-a , Itecresentatlve sales Mo. AT. So. Pt Na. pii S :iA 3 ... 4 04 71 Ul 40 4 4 u. . 4 si 44 i'44 4 4 4 m 147 s in : :i it : AT itw 4 4 Si ... 2 4 at -.2 1ST 44 4 4f. 1A JT a 4 4 tt ,.1S4 ... 4 84 44 rr 1 14 ail -i la 4 - f. r.v .t 4 4' e ... 2 7 I li S4 Ja4 '.) 4 4 44 44 til I 4 r . . .., at -Ji a 2 1 il . 4 41 -.44 4 44 f 7' 4 4 47 34 M IHH 74 47 140 4 4 T . . e" 4 " a 1 ..4 0 4 41 44 .. . .12 .av) 4 S7-, r. . 4 e a. . . . 2-7 ,2U ;T- 41 .. 4 44 - sa 4 rr--, 7.4 .... sti . 4 4 "1 -J W IT t. .... i.l mi 4 "7 win ki : 4 fi ... r 2a 4 a . . .v i 1 44 . UU 4 17 t 74 :4 . 4 4C 34 av 4 "V, - ... !4 4 4 at A v 4 r -, "4 Ct 44 4 41 4 tl .. 4 IT -a " 4 71 BV4 . . 4 r -a U 221 1210 4 414 i St 4 4 aa 2.1 . 4 Hi 41 -1 3B 4 4 1 . iai s 4i- " -.:a iai 4 "s 1 2s ' -. .4 4-' !17 .4 41 '4 4 MS of. "1.. rt 4ii- 2' a .... I 41 4 --a St J4 id 11 w ni 4 ti , " -T a4 . . . .-: aa 4 47't '4 if" l"v ... 4 42-a 1 St ' 4 . ... Bil .4 2" lit r 4 4 1 . .. Jw :n 4 (74 TJ 21 41' 4t 1" :n4 w 4 t "...: ' - ' ... 3.7 .4t" 4 4? t-s . 4 - 5 . r-a I Ii', ' '7 4 W .-a . ..3V 4 4: E 4 aft 4 . T" . ..:- W I i i i ''l 4 li '- . . 4 44 in IS 4 4 . 4 f .-4. 4 ' 7 4 i:m in al . '. 4 "-' . . -1 4 . J4-. t 4 4 ztt 4 -a . . . j 4 -. i e w 4 Siltli.a R-- pis of i...-1-i, Were vet I liberal for a Frdar. nineteen cars being the day esttmste. lthough there were not rial mirt :n sight wnen the market I opened. At tHt same rime that the re I cetpta hen were eo Vheral Chicago waa ; reportirg a vry fajr run for the end of I the aee. with propecta cn the opening j :o M: lower W hile buyer at thi pot evidently wnet th tufY tliera wa a feeling among 1 them that price hate been advanctng moat ' too rapidly of lue and that a llttie reac tion was dua. Accordingly they took ad vantage ef lbs situation to tase off lc and in soma case aa much as ltc from sheep arid yearling. A good many au- . . i n nm lie lower than Wednesday The demand waa pretty gnod at the decline and moat everything changed hand In very' fair season In the Receipt f lamb were very llwht and poestbiy for that reason the market on tnat kind did not show any material change, being steady or right ciose to steady w.'h esterday A pretty decent kind of lamb wud up to tfi.BU. WUOtatKina on good to choice fed sheep i and larahs: Lambs. t 3a .W; yesrilrg wethers. I5.'s J4. yearllnr wether, handy 1 light weights. S5 JSrt. 4i ; wether, 4 .(! 4.T5, i ewes. I.' representative sale: I No. Av ..IKS' Pr. 4 3 4 3 3 tat 5 30 4 5tt t 50 i 0 4 'W 4 40 5 "a 3 75 5 4 4U 4 40 4 5 23 4 3 4 75 4 75 ' 3-3 weatem ew . I 4 western yr'm. nd wethers. 7 7 , wt1 4 western e-e. ruli em yearlings : . , wI(.rn mmttUm , ui wm,TT1 ,amh. culls . feeder. . 42 . 12 1. 1" 44 1H ta 114 107 M ie3 Ot no 107 8 western ewe : S75 western ewes .. 157 western lamb .. 3 western ewe ... 92 western lamb ... 2Hs western ewes 1"S western ew ... 2t a-eptem ewes .... 3d western wetners W western lamo ... Ill western wether western wether 189 western wether i CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle steady Bat Slow Hoas Active ta Illaker. nrtcinn Tan piTTtu.p...irt 1 estimated about 3.1i": market steadv but slow: steers. S3 9"H 3. cows. S3. 75d-4. .": heifers. t-IVfafi.: bulls. ?.HiM.3p: natives. tX'-ivj" .Ki; Blockers and feeder. S2.4(-g-4..W Ht nl9 Receipts, estlmsted tout 2S M: msrket actr': i'alOc higher; choice he -y snipping S4.td4 7o: butchers. S4.r4 "": light mixed. S4XVd-4.4n; choice light. 14 "ft 4i: S4 -v .; pigs. S3. jOwtA": bulk of sales. S4.50fT4 ! SHEEP AND LAMBS Recetpts. esti mated about t.ilTD: market etesdv; sheep. S4 0og; lambs, tr..'j7.i5; vearllngs. S4 .! ii Sew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Jan. X-BEETVE3-R-eeipts, !.:J head: steers firm to hiwher- ot nera strons- enwa steaiiv to loc h,,er: teer. t4. westerns. tr5t; fat oxen. S4 55: bulls, t3.oia34.25: cows. tx. ! 4i4.15. Liveroool and London cable quoted ea:t'e aellina at V.wllWc ner lb.. dressed weight. Refrgerator beef lower at 9r per lb. Exr-ofs to morrow. ! head ; cattle and 5. I'M quarters of beef. CALVES- Receipts. S8 head: veals and ! barnyard calves. 3c higher: western nom . Inal: veals. t7.tTj.76; t:ipa, CO.tO; culls, ! t4 (': barnyard caiv firm. I SHEEP ANT LAME8 Receipts. 34 head, sheep steady to atrong: lamhs. 101 ! 15c lower all sold; sheep. $3 .755.00; west ; era, Sa.lit$ 30; culls. 12.25; yearlings. t5.4t": : iambs. Jt.75i7 0U. Liverpool and London cables quote live sheep at llial4c; lambs. lie dressed weight. Exports tomorrow. 250 1 sheep. HO'xS Receipts 2.C2 hesd; al for slaugh terers except a few head, steady al S4.1VVX I 5.0!t. ar..-. . M . ,. u ,. KANSAS CITT, Jan. S. CATTLE Re- jsc; Brarll. per lb. 18al4c: Pacana, par eeipts. l.sXKt hea-L Including 300 soutlterns; " jb., 12leC. peanut, raw. per lb.. 7c; pea market strong. Choice export and dressed i nuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; Italian chestnut, beef steers. $OOi6.80: fair to good. Simf per lb.. c S.0U: western steer. tS.7fV6r4.7B. tockers snd 1 COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. 2to: No. St. . feeders. S3 .Xfj4.5: southern steers. S4.tKtj' 450; southern cow, t2.25iq3.35: native cow. 12 .rAfi4 5A: nsrlve heifers. t2.34.3; bulls. S250JS 00: cslve. t4 fiii.5it. HOGS Rewipts, 14.i4 head; market 5"lc lower: top. t4.o5: bulk of sales. 44 eS-4 5i. Heavy. SdJtsSm SB : packers. S4.45SH.aO, pig and lights, K3(g4.56. SHEEP AND. LAMES Receipta, 2 200 head, market weak to 10c lower. Lambs. Bn.omrrg.3; ewes anl yearlings. I4.tti.t)n: western yearlings, tS-00if 70: western slieep, tX7&ik4.3; Blockers and feeder. 13.9034.00. !. Laala Llva Stork Market. --aT.' "La'TT-ft?; -Vtut. "T 'A TTLEJ Receipt s. L head, Includlngr 300 Texana; market stead v: native shipping and export steers. t.25vr.ts); dressed beef and butcher steers, l4.65viS.a0; sreers under l. lbs.. xS.3aH.4fl: tockera and feeder. t2.2634.'': coa snd heifers. t2.20ta6.iW; canners. $1.5nfr2.3: bulls. El .j4.5f". caivea. tl 3.00: Texas and In dian steer. S2.90$&Z; cows and heifer. S1-&H4T3 75. HOGS ReeMpt. 10.500 head: steady: pigs and li grits. S4.H0iy4.56: packer. t4.!5 4.66: butchers and best heavv $4 &teJ4. SHE1EP AND LAMBS- R.-elpts. 2.W head; steady; native muttons. t3S??'': lamba. t3O0jT.O0: cull and buck, n.a'.'t 13; tocker. t2.'VgB.2,. St. Jaarph Llva Stark Market. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. I CATTLP2-Receipts. US head; market steady; natives. $4. 11 4r&.75. cow and heifers, S1.75si4.'; stockers snd feeder. t3.2fWH.ii0. HiKrS Receipts. 9 25 head: market lt higher: top, S4; bulk of sales. It 4(ai.50. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 8 245 head: market 10c lower; lamba, 5 oirg v an , yearling, t4.iuti6.40. Slaax Clry Llva Sloek Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. (Special Telegram.! CATTLE Receipts. 0 head; market weak, beeves, S3 5tvj.50: cow ar.d heifers, I2.0u 4.U0: stocker and feeders, S275i62.75, calves and yearlings. S2.204J3 35. HOGS Roceipts. 7vino head; market steady, selling at t4.-5a-t.50; buik of sale t4.2Mf4.40. Stack la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday : cattle. Hogs. Sheep Sxiuth Omaha Sioux City .. Karma City St Joseph . . St. Louis Chicago Total .... 2.73 9i l.aU'l 8 l.JHI 3. AW 3.4 3.: 7. list 14.-ri 9 2u5 Ul.itM 3.1410 10.241 i4.429 1 9.220 Waal Market. BOSTON. Jan. 8 WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin, nasing lta report upon sta tistics gathered for the government, will ssy tomorrow: Sale for the week are estimated at 1.0li,v lba. The demand 1 ! better, with more buyers on the market than for several vanki Business in staple and beat clothing territory wool 1 at steady prices. The shipment of wool from Boston to December tl. Inclusive, accord ing to the same authority, were 24 ItB :3 lbs. a against 2M.5tS.st7 for the twins time last year. The receipts to Dec em tier 4 1nclulve. wera 2y7.0ht.-ri9 lh., aa against 275.al4.3ai for th same period last year. The Commercial Bulletin. In lta review of tna wool trade for tne year, say: The Boton market has been, on the whole, quiet and steady The res-etpts of do mestic woo) are about 3t.iiyi.iaii iba. larger than in Ubjs. and the Importations of for eign wool about 9.000 otto lbs. less The yesr's shipments sre shout lbs in excea of ikd The total atK-k In Boston on January L 19i . is 5i.rii lh . com pared wnn 44.3.74 lb. January 1 ir7 The total auprny of all klnda of wool ri the I nlted States unsold :s SB74R.-i ihs c"pared wnh 1U 571.0443 lbs. January L ... LOUIS. Jan S.-WOOT-9teady ; -Tedium rrades. combing and clothing js 2c. llgnt fine. !9rAc, hesvy fine li&-ic-tub waaned. Jejt3hc. Cells Market. j NEW YORK. Jan. 1 OOTTk-N-Future I opened bareiy steadv, March. ,u dc Atiril iti-fie. bid. May. lOSSc; July. I0S5o; : 14 45-a:oJtr. Seutemoer. lu 40c. offered oc I tuber. ij?10 .fuc. i Sin-t closed quiet: middling ' U 4c: wtt.d'g fi)t. I! Cfs-; sajvs. 4t .aie i.Ai.vtnn. iex., jan 1 COTTON steadv at 11. NEW ORLEANS. Jan 1 COTTON-Hpot closed steady Low ordinary, 7V nominal; orninai . " i-iec. nominal. gvK)4 ordinao I Ho. nominal, low middling. UHc-; middling ' 11 ,.; giod middling. 1111-loc: middling i fair 11 3-!c: feiir. 12 13-ljc. nominal. Sao-s 4 ." bale, receipts. 4. ;f. baies at. as 2" - SJ. tiBeea. LlVthPOCL Jan. 3 COTTTOX Spi.t Huiet. nncea i putnts lower: Amer tan mid dling fair .75d. (food middling 4 291. niid uling. 4.11x1 low miii.iiiriaf u-Tifl good or dtnarv. 5 rd : ordinary 7d. The saiea of the day aere ..f whicn 4'it were for at "fi.ilion ai .1 export and imiutled S.i Amer:. an. ST l-ijf IS. Jan. J COTTON iwuiet; , mid.lHng. K-c. Sales. !, 9 iia.n, siuik. au.ja baie. 4 aSTea Market. NEW YORK Jan. 3 COFFEE Market for fit lire opened feady a: uncrar.ged price to an advance of five pont and ruie.l genorailv atea.iy on a bett.-r nr.rl from a ar.err.g forvea end trs a(ireaa:ve ffefrgs. Te dwrreased World rlsls.e uppiy for tne month of Lw-cember was rather smaller than expected, hut receipts at Braxilian ports continued Tight and Nr-etg-n markets made a steady snowing 1 in close ass steady and net uachangei to ten points higher )5aies were reported of 17 ut bags. Im-iud ng January at 5.AV. March. t!i;; May. t.v, July r; Septenir. IVIuier. 'lAa-. December. 2ic. The worid viaibia of coffea aa of Jana arv 1 waa li.7b...!t hags, again! 14,3.7 "32 bags last yar lpot. teae1y; No. . R a. ( 1-iw. No 4 Santos, sc. Mild coffee, Cordova. yUc OMAHA WITULES ALE MARKET. - Sfal aad faaey Predtee. i EOGt?- Frt-sh sell'ng engs. candled, c. LL' ITER Cctti iron, lit; fancy tub aatl ' roll. ld'9c; creamery, 31c. ! CHEi.SE New full cream. Wstns1n twin. 1"V: new fjll rreara brick. 17c; do mestic new Swiss, l.w; new Umburaer, l..i9 ' lc; young Americans, 17SC- ' LIVE PuLLT14Y-?pnngs. ISc. ben TSc; rl-osters. ; d it ks. Set geese, Pc . tut 1 lift . lSc, plgons. av per do ' DREsHED POULTRY dprttig fancy. 9c; I 'WJ. rooe'era, 4c , ducks, Ike, geese. I i'lr . turkev , ItKjfUc HAT Choice No 1 'ipland. P0 medl iaj, I S9J": No. 1 bottom, SHOT; off grades', fram ; tI.5vjaSti Rye straw, .(7.4. No. 1 as- ' f.fa- tlLOO. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORA.NIES-F!und. Rer bog. tJ.25: Call-fpeaia-Waah'ngton navels. 12 j GRAPE FRUIT-Florida, par box. S5.5 $. GR.4PF9 Malaga, heavy weight, par I Beg, as .t; aaiaf nieaiurn weignta. per 1 keg. t4.o. 1 BANANAS Port Limnn. per bunch, tta ! fjlta). 1 FIG3 AND rJAToTS flmv-na Tgs. 7 , crown, per lb., 14l;c; Smyrna figs. 4 ; i-rown. per lb. U't.Sc : Fmyrna f'gs. t 1 rtown. per lb. losllc; Calif urn'a fig, boxes ' 10 cartons, air; Csllfornla figs, Ooxes 12 j rar;ons. 45c; California fig, bulk, per lb, i 5y; Hallowl days, per lb.. t"ae; Khadrawt : dates, per lb.. Sa;r date, per lb.. Jc; Hr1 -iates. ;3-!b. ftoxes. per lb. sc. LEMONS Fsncy. . and S , per , box S4 ,V: extra choirs, 3t.t and 2ao sias, per ' bov. 4.00 COCOANUTS Per sack. S4 : per dogen. ! FRUITS APPLES New Jota. King's, per barr-l ' S525; "None Such." per barrel. $4 TR: 1 wn. per barrel. 34.3; Graenlngg per barrat. : S4.7ii. western box apples. Colorado Jona- i than, per box. I" X". Colorado ilrlmc Oo.d- , sns, per box. S3 0t, Idane Jonattiana, per box, S2 "0; Iiiai'u Winter Rananas. per box. S2. .a; Washington 5en Davis 11.7a, Wash ton Northern Spy pa box. 11. Ti. Waatiiing- : ton Greer.:ii(ss. per boi. Cut': WasL.ngton Baldwins per bog. li.75; WashingAon Roms Beauty, per box. tl.75; Wasfngton tail ap I pies, assorted, per box. U.vsan.75. ! VEGETABLES. 1 POTATtiES-Per bu.. Zi,hc. ', CABBAtE-Hollsnd seed, per lb.. rTJT're. ONION'S Red Gob., per bu., Kbxr95c : Dema. per crata, 11.35. , SWEET POTATOES-8ma;i bbl.. CTS. I CARROTS Per bu., TV-TLHNIPS--Per bu., ieo. - I PARSNIPS Per bu 75c j CELERT-M ch.gan. per bnnen. SffTit I NAVY BEANS Par bu.. No. L t2.; Lima, 7c per lb I BEEF CUTS. I No. 1 rtba. I4c. No. 2 r'ba. lie; No. 3 rib. THc; No. 1 loin. 19c: No. I loin. 13c ; Ni. 3 loin. 9c; No. 1 cnuok. sc; Nd. 2 I chuck. ac: No. 3 chuck, oc; No 1 rou:-.J. SV. No. 1 round. 7c; No. 1 round. !iC. : No. 1 plate, oic; No. 2 plate, ic; No. 3 I plate, 4'tc. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes I are somewhat unsettled by freer ofTennifs i from second hands, wno seem desirous .if moving supplies of immediate grades. QuqV 1 tationa range from be to 'c lor California j fruit and from 6V to Sc for Orego Peaches ar very firm, with fancy yellow) ; quoted st 12Hc I NUTS Cailiomia walnu'. per lb , 18r; I Imported walnuts, per lb., 134il5c; Tarr'i- t imponei wsmuis. per 2Tc; No 3. 19c; No. 3D. 14Vc. SUGAR Granulated, cane. per sala ; Sf. 40; beet, S5 00: cut loaf, 6c; cubes. 4X, -j powdered, a. 16c. I I CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west i ern. TBc. Tomatoea. fancy. 1-pound cans ! tl.; standard. 3-pound can, tl 30. Pine : pnles. grated. 2-pound. t2 30J4): sllcsiS $1.75 a 2 36. Gallon steles. 14 M. California Peacbew. n.KitTS IB. lv C7- pesjrhea. tiWrl 8.15. Alaska salmon, red, fLsti; farici Chinook, flat. JXlo; fancy anckeya, flUrJ 8216. Sardlnea. quarter oil. U.S9: threea quarter mustard. 83 15. Sweet potatoes, tl. t-u-i la. Sauerkraut, 95c. Pumpkins. Mat felLialL Lima beans. 1-pound, 7fic9tL25. Soaked beans. 2-poundr S5c; fancy, tl.25ol.45. FISH Hailbut lie. trout 11c; pickerel. 10c ; pike. 14c; pike, fresh, froaen, 12c; wnlte fish, Ittalnc: buffarfi. 14c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, lie, catfish, dressed. 17c: white perch. 7c. white bass, ltc; black bass. 34c. sunflsh. 41i9c; crapplea. tVa-Sc; large crapp es. 15c; herr'ng. fresh frogen. c whtteflstv froxen, 13'alic; pickerel, fresh froaen, lie; red ananper, 12c, flounders., mackerel, il 36c per fish; codfish. freh froan, 12c; had dock, fresh froxen. 12c; smelts. 11c; shad roe. 45c per lb.; frog legs.. Sc per do.; green sea turtle meat. 3c per lb HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 5c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, Se; green unsalted. No. 1. 4c: green unsalted. No. 2, Sc; horse hides, $1 .0002. atf; sheep pelts. Oo Oli.ou. i alio :o. 1. Hoc; No. x. 3sjc. woo ,'ool, ltvsj-yjc. Metal Market. NSW YORK. Jan. L METALS There ' was a (harp break in the London tin marr 1 ket. where spot closed at 42118 lo and fu ture at 119 lta. Locally the market was weak and lower, in sympathy with the de cline abroad, quotation ranging from $26 J" to tX.a. Copper waa 2 d higher at 81 12 td for spot 1n the London market, but future there wore unchanged at f)2 5a The local market aas quiet anft unchanged with lake quoted at CXtCVall.sTV; elec trolytic. S11.5U4S1S.3 and easting at $13 260 '. 12.50. Leaii was unchanged at 14 12a 6d In ', London. Locally tbe market waa quiet, but j another 2tj points higher on the ave- ;e, I at 83 tar3 70 (ipeitcr dvance,l ; n :n j 19s 1 in the London market Lcally It 1 was unchanged st S4 30-rH.6 Iron was un changed in the English market m- til stand ard foundry quoted at 4. a VI and t leveland warrants at 4Kb Tad- Locallv iron was un changed. No 1 foundry, B7.7WLH.5B: No. 2 foundrv. 417 318 00: No. 1 f.iundry south rn and No. 1 foundry nft at tlT.TBtjlB 00. Urs tanrated A amies aad Drlad Vrwlta. NEW YORK. Jan. !. EVAPORATED APPLES Market 1 steadv in the absence of selling pressure. Fancy are quoted at i:ffl2c. choice at 10c. prime at S&Ac and lia fruit at Tilc DRIED FRUITS Prunea are moderately active, w'th quotations ranging from to lc for CaJlforma fruit and from T to 7,e for Oregon 5 to S(a. Apricots are quiet and unchanged; choice. 2Ka-5c; extra choice. 2Sr3c; fancy. 24t32c. Peache continue dull, with choice quoted at 2'i1'I'-wc; extra choice. 12'-rrl3jc. fancy, letnllic: extra fancy, 14al4c. Raisin are in light Job bing demand. Loose muscatels ar quoted at 74ST44C; seeded ralslna. 7'(i4Se and Lon , don layer at B.7ta8LB0. Oils aad Baala. OIL CITT. Pa. Jan. t OIL. Credit bal ances. S1.78. Runs. Janpary 1. 72,010 bbls; shipment. January 2. 124.53 bbls. average, 15Lil bbl. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. 1 OTL. Turpen tine, firm: 42V.-.. ROSIN Firm. Quote: A. H. C. D. UTS &i 90: E. F. 12.19: G. U Bntjl.rjt,: H. B 9 isaj; I. 14 50; K. SA50; M. St 3, N. tt.tB, WtX $6.3; WW. tt-3. Gala la Stack af Calaa. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2-The aaml-annnal provisional statement Issued by ths d rector of the mint show that there has been a gain in the stock of gold and silver coins 'n the United State slnoa June JO. ISI. of fil. as follows- rvoid corn. 1H" W7. 7Ti; silver eoln, IB 17g.7"8. The totl slock of gold and silver com In the United States on January 1. 19UV waa til 44,11, "1 R a4acra Pwlled la WlaMari. HARRISONVILI.E, Mo. Jn. t-Robber dvnamited th safe In the BaifSrof Ray more, at Raymore. Casa county, near her. early today, but were unable to open tt. securtng Out 3 cents from the cssh drawer In the counter The saf was badly dam aged Tha robbers escaped. i LAHSON BROS. & CO. 4S Board ot Trad, Chicago Xstafelisksd 174, GRAIN and PR0VISI0NS OMAHA OFFICE: Room BOO Brand! Btdo Talcpkoaa AoearLas 36477. C. EL HUNTER, MtV4g4i Your PaLronaa'e auUciU-u. Call and Saw l a.