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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1908)
nrn omaita daily ratxtrdat, January 4, 1903. s 1 Greatest January Clearing Sale BargainiS Ever Offered Saturday Men's, Ladies' and Children's Winter Underwear and FumishlngsOn Sale at Hall and Less Than Half Price Saturday Nothing reserved, all winter merchandise in our furnishing goods department must go to make room for our immense spring stock' Griffon, Monarch and Cluett Brand Shirts $1.00 to $2.00 values in plain white and all best fall and winter patterns, soft, stiff or pleated bosoms, cuffs attached or detached, all sizes ; over 300 dozen to select from, Saturday, your choice for G9c and 39c Men's and Boys' Sweaters An T rprn JJLziuvJS THE RELIABLE STORE. 575,000 Worth of Women's & Children's Winter Outer- Garments, Suits, Coats. Furs, Etc., Selling at Sacrifice Prices in Order to Quickly Make Room for Spring Stock. The department was crowded Thursday with enthusiastic and satisfied buyers and Saturday's offerings will be even greater values than those shown Thursday and Friday. Early buyers will secure best selection. CHILDREN'S COAT BARGAINS immense assortment of splen did garments in all styles and colors, plain or fancy, on sale at 'about One-Third Regular Prices. Never before have such match less bargains been offered. Men's and Boys' winter weight Sweaters that sold regularly at $1.00, for .39c Men's and Boys' Sweaters Garments in the lot worth $3, including coat styles, in one great lot at, choice 69c Many other equal bargains. 'I Men's Heavy Fleeced Under wear 50c quality, gar't.25c Men's Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers All sizes, 75c and 9Sc quality, garment.. . .39c Men's $1.25 Quality Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers.G9c Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers Worth to $2.00 a garment, at 98c Men's Wool Union Suits at Just Half Price: All $2.00 garments at . .$1.00 All $3.00 garments at. .$1.50 All $4.00 garments at. .$2.00 All $5.00 garments at. .$2.50 Huncbrda of other offerings at equal bargain merit. Ladies' Underwear, Gloves and Hosiery-Magnificent Bargains Ladies' I'niloruear at Half Price Ladtog 3.00 fnlon SulU at SI. 50 12.00 Union Suits at 81.00 $1.00 Union Suits at 50 6ic talon Suits on sale at 25? Ladles' Vesta and Pants Heavy fleeced garments. In tray, white or cream, that , told at 39c and 50c. Saturday, at, per garment 10 n1 25 Ladies Knit Skirts at Half. $2. 00 qualities at 9SC $1.00 qualities at 50 75c Knit Skirts, at choice 50t? Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns. 11.60 quality at G9 75c quality, at 390 Children's 50c Union Suits at 25 Children's Wool Vests and Pants, 50c qualities, Saturday 2J3 Children's 25c Underwear at 12C Ladies' 75c Wool Verts and rants 39 WONDERFUL (ilvOVE VALUES Saturday They'll surpass your highest expectations Ladies' Short Gloves, all Blzes and colors, that sold up to $1.00, choice... 49 Sl.BO Kid Gloves, in all sizes, at 75 Ladles' Long Gloves, one lot. In white only glace kid, that sold at $3.50 choice 81.50 Ladles' Long Gloves In blacks or tans, sold at $3.50, choice $2.39 Ladles' and Children's Golf Gloves that 60ld to $1.00, Saturday, at 39 Ladies' Sample Onyx Hosiery Embroid ered and allover lace lisles, 50c and 75c values, Saturday 25 Ladies' Fancy Hose Embroidered and allover lace that sold at 2 5c, Saturday, choice 12 H Sweeping Price Reductions On All Winter Caps $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Fnr Caps, on sale at $2.00, $1.75 and $1.50 Men's and Boys' Cloth Cap3 Greatly Underpriced for Quick Clearance. COME "SATURDAY. Enameled Ware Sale Saturday We purchased the entire stock of the Koyal Blue Enameled Ware Co.. which will go on sale Saturday at ONE-HALF TKICE. 98c blue, white lined Tea Kettles. 8 quart, only 39 60c bine, white lined Dish Pans, 17 quart, only 29 60c blue enameled 3-quart Coffee Pots 19 COc Preserving Kettles or Sauce Pans, blue, white lined, hold 10 to 12 quarts, Saturday 19 10 and 12-quart Water Pails' 27 2-quart 60c Rice Boilers, only 29 Come early. Sale starts in our Hardware department Saturday. Women's Coats Worth to $20 Over 500 stylish garments in broadcloth, kerseys, velours, caraculs, etc., nearly all satin lined, by far the greatest bar gains ever offered, choice at $4.90 $40.00 Coats, Saturday $14.90 Your unrestricted choice of any . cloth coat in the house that sold at $40.00 $14.90 Women's French Coney Coats that sold up to $30, most de lightful bargains at $15 Women's Near Seal Coats that sold at $50 and G0, choice Sat urday $29.50 Women's Genuine Alaska Seal skin Coats Sold up to $300, on sale Saturday, at $150 Stylish Tailor Suits, in very new est designs that sold up to $25 hundreds of garments to select from, at $8.75 Women's Dress Skirts A splen did line that sold regularly at $9.00 to $10, choice Saturdav at $3.95 $4.95 Fur Scarfs Every scarf in our house will be sold regardless of cost Prices for Saturday are half and less than half regular retail values. The best assortment and greatest values ever shown in Clearance Sale. Children's Coats that sold at $3.00 " and $4.00, choice 98c . Children's Coats that sold at $5.00 and $6.00, choice $1.98 $7.50 Children's Coats. . .$2.95 Choice of any Child's Coat in the, limine that sold up to $10, Sat-". urday, department $3.95 Children's Dresses, worth regu larly $1.00, all sizes 1 to 6 years, new styles and pretty materials, at ..." .. 39c Children's Dresses Worth regu larly to $4.00, on sale Saturday, choice $1.45 THREE ROUSING HOUR SPE CIALS SATURDAY From 8 till 9 a. m. "Women's $2 Moire Underskirts 79c From 8:30 till 9:30 a. m. Misses' Skirts, worth $3 and $4, choice, at $1.19 From 0 till 10 a. m. Ladies' Wool Breakfast Shawls, worth $1.50, at 49C Big Banner Grocery Sale Saturday All Stocks le Be Rtiucti Ont-Half-Cost Is a Second Considtration. II lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 I! bar3 Laundry Soap ISc 10-lb. sack best white or yellow C'ornmea! 16c l"-!b. sacks pure Graham Flour for 40c Gallon cans, fancy Table Kyrup 25c Egg-O-See Corn Flake, pks..V,jC Dr. Price's Break fast Food, rcr rkK. -., Vc Fig Newton Cookies, per lb. ,.7'vc KYesh, crisp PritilK. per ib.....r'C The b.t !d or oyster Crackers. per II 6c Kulnr l.'c and 15c Cookies, per lh 10c S-!l cans farcy Swen Sugar Corn for Hc S-il. rtn fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans "Sc 5-lh. cap fioiden pumpkin, Horn- In v. Squash. Saner Kraut or Baked, deans 7 He Mince Meat, per pkg 6c Oil or Mustard Sardines, can. .IHc rSZSK TEOETUIiIS AJED FBUrr BALE FaUOES 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. .... $c 1 bum-flea fresh Bodlshes 6c 2 bunches fresh Parsley br Presh Shalot unions, bunch.. . 5c Fresh Cauliflower, per hed.U'c Fresh Cucumbers, each . . , ... . f . Lr Fresh Beets, per bunch ..,. C c FrR)i Head Lettuce, per head 7'aC Fanc y Holland Peed Cabbage ... 1c Turnips, Carrots. Parsnips, Ruta bagas or Onions, per lb 2c TEAB AITS COrTEE Ws Import Direct Wo Brokers' or Jobbers' Profits to Par. The finest Tea Siftlngs. lb 15c Fanrv Basket Fired, Uncolored Japan Tea. per lb il-c Extra Fancy Fin Drink Basket Fired, equal to Teas sold for twice the money, per lb 33c Fancy Sun Dried Japan Tea, I5a i Fancy Oolong. Gunpowder. Eng lish Sreakfast or Ceylon Tea. Soc Fancy Golden Santos Coffee.. 15c Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee, per lb lIViC Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, per lb ;0c Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee. . .ioc 3hr f inest M & J. Blend Imported . -i ifcrwe lbs.' fo'r e ,. ; $1 trO OKAJTOEB. OKAbTOES, OsVAJTQES CHEAFEs THAJff APPLES 150 size Highland Navel Oranges, rer dozen ;c 17t size Highland Navel Oranges. per dozen . . jOc iOi) size Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen 13c 288 size Highland Nael Oranges, per dozen 1 0c Watch the Dally Papara for tte Blr Annual Clearance Sale of Ciockery. Grand Lace & Embroidery Clearance Hotting equaling these ralne erer before shOTt-n In this or any other Omaha store. Tonr Opportunity. Ibo Embroideries, 3c Yard Choice patterns In over 10.000 yards of ednes and Inserting In nainsook. Swiss and cambric, regular 10c. 12c and 15c values First come will get choicest patterns. Saturday all In' one great lot. at. yard . . 3o 35c Corset Cover Embroid eries, 19c This Is an ex cellent lot of fine sheer cambric embroideries, in splendid assortment of pat terns and fully worth S5c a yard; will go Saturday at, per vard 19e 1.35 Skirt riounolngs at 4o An extra line of new de signs, suitable for walst Ings, "Children's or ladles' skirts and Infant's wear II. $1.25 and $1.50 vnlue at one price Saturday, yd. 49c Pearl Bnttona. rer dozen 4U.r illC 2c ej)d lo 'jf. tu i.aoea, a-ar xara. lc A. big lot of iiices that form--erly sold at 2'c. 2 He to 5c yard. YaL and Torchon I.aoes, Yard, 4c Jpst the thing for muslin underwear and child ren's garments, regular val ues from te to 10c vard. YaL, Torchon and Point Esplrit Z.aoea, 6c The big- I Sole Ag-ents for Zlon Cits' Z.acea gest and best lot of all. lnclud- I In Omaha Lots tnat are sllghtlv Ing values from 10c, loc, 20c to I ajoilr-d will be closed out Saturday 25c yard. at KAXP PRICE. Special Shoe Sale Saturday Clean up of the odd lots of tan Ladies' Shoes, worth up to $3.50; in turn and welt soles $1.98 Women's $1.50 and $1.75 vici kid lace shoes, McKay sewed $1.19 All the odd lots of Men's Shoes, worth up to $4.00 $1.9S Child's $1.00 turn sole vici kid lace shoes 75c Child's $1.50 vici kid lace and Bhieher shoes 98c; Men's Nebraska Arctics $1.25 "Women's 00c plush, warm lined carpet ; sole slippers 39c Hayden Bros'. Drug Dept. Try HAYDEN'S First 1 Yu 2y Mule Team Borax 9o I lb. Boric Acid, special 17c i -aVes Ivory Soap 25C 3 cakes Witch Hatel Soap lOe Zhc Lees Egg Tar 13 10c William' Shaving Soap 5c 25c Armour s Supertar. 13c CVT I'MICKS OX ALU PATENT MEDICI N FS. Lydia Ptnkhem's Veg. Comp S9c 11.00 Swamp Root SOC $1.00 Dr. Price's Favorite Prescription. . -SOc $1.00 Wine of Cardul S9t fl.C-0 S. & S 81C 50c Syrup of Figs 45c 25c Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 23c 2oc White Pine Compound. lCf TOILET PREPARATIONS. 2Dc Sanitol Cream 19f 20c Rose Cream 50c Malvina Cream 50c Riker's Cerate '. Cream de Lilacs 50c Pozzoni's Powder 60x Java Rice Powder Swansdown Powder 25c LaParfalte 25c Graves' Tooth Powder Lippold's Great Hair Tonic and Dandruff De stroyer, stops the hair falling 75 Hl'RKER (JOODS. $1.50 Fountain Syringe, special, 3 quart. 98 $1.40 Fountain Syringe, special, 2 quart. 79 $2.10 Combination SyriDge, special, 3 quart, at S1.79 29 39? 25t 29t 29 10 12C 15 CIRLS CONTINUE IN THE LEAD Fourteen Born in Two Days, Against Three Boyi. :0L0JTZL BARKER NOT ALARMED ltal Matlattrlata Implicitly B-llfTca l.opsidc-4 Hatlo Will Adjast II avlf Pripllf Fart of Lraa Year. An4 still It la ladles' day." remarked 'V.lonel John Barker, keeper of vital ta Sslies in the city health office. t'olonel Barker referred to the surprising jumber of girl babl. s betnf bom In Omaha. was sufficiently surprising when six tirls and only one boy were horn on New fear's day. But the statistics go on keep th the prrrentaite up. for the report Thursday of Mrths on January I showed sight girls and only two boys, making a Vtal up to the end of the second day of Yirrten prlrls and three toys. Colonel Barker consented to give eut an nlervlew on the phenomenon. "Willi the number Is greatly at variance a-ilh the usjal proportion of births I at aath no great Importance to It," h said. "I am not an alarmist and I believe the proportion will be adjusted. The boys will hav their Inning and mill pull up their tt'erage close to that of the glrla. Ml has been saggested the preponder 'wire of girls le perhaps flu to the fact lat this Is leap year. Of course th arlea- Truth and Quality appeal to "the Well-informed in every walk ct life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, K is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna U the only remedy of Known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxative is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieve the internal organs on which it acU without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the qiumtity from time to time. H acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component fiart are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection aHe substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Synii Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug gist.-' : ' tlflc mind and the calm brain of the statis tician cannot take cognisance of such the ories, which are merely facetious and Idle. "If ilie present proportion were to con tinue through the year It would result in the birth of 54 boys and of IMi girls. That would make a readjustment of the running of the city necessary or else the deportation of 2.0CO girla. With five girls In the city to every boy the men probably would b very popular. Then, too, there ould not be nearly enough men to go around In the present occupations. Women would have to step In and be ministers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, motor women, conductors, engineers snd so on. "True, viewed from the standpoint of the aesthetic instead of that of the purely utilitarian, the world would be greatly benefited. If there were five times ss many of the gentler sex as of the sterner the besuty 1n the world would be lncressed Just thst much and It would b a very pretty world. Indeed. "Still, I do not view with slarm the lop sided birth list, but look for an adjustment to the normal within a short time.' EVENT ON RtNNISiG TRACKS bleriaer, I to T. WUi the Foartk Bar at w Orleaas. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. S Aulea. the favorite In the second race at Oity Park, fell and Jockey Sobell. who had the mount, suffered a broken collar bone. Jockey McClure wss suspended this afternoon for an indefinite period for bad riding in his recent races. Gloriflr. winner 0 ine fourth race, was quoted at the usual odds of 1 to T. GlorlfWr opened at 1 to . at which figure there was enouga betting to tighten the odds still more at post time. Weather threatening, but track good, he suits: First rac. thre furkings: Shone MoT. Mi Daniel, i t to l won. Patriot U10, J. lee. li to II second. Roseburg II (1'0, Sklrvln. 1 to ll third. Time: O.MS- Ned I'atmack, John A.. Kick Coghlll, The Slacker. L'lHjute. Cuban Boy. Mariua, Jack robes. Earl of Surrey. tServic and Sea Swell also ran. Second race, steeplechase, short course, handicap: Full of Fun (Hi McClure. t to It won. Flying Flower (12. S:mpson. 5 to 1 second. Dacra (IK. Yourell. ft to 1) third. Time: I U6S Dulclan. Profitable, Ktlldoe. Kr. Heard. Buchman. CJraceland, Jim Hutton, Creedlin and AuleS also ran. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Rural Boy (H. Uoo Lloyd. & to It won. Variety U1J. Nicol, J to U xrid, Lorrl nier (li:. Brussels. 2C 10 l. third. Time: 1 cwv Georgia Girl, Aneoma. Male Fletcher, Tea I-af. Third Pall. Geld Quest, I t, a. Amontillado. King Thistle. Aix. Sena tor. Paynter and Night M1&t also ran Fxurtn race, a'.x f jrlotrks: Glorifier nil. lfuesile. 1 to T) won. Leo Beach il'fU. V. Powers. IS to li second. Emergency 1119. J. Carter. Uu to li third. Time: 1.14 Moyea and Klllochan also ran. Fifth race, on mne and a furlong, hand icap: JugKler ills. Mc Daniel, I to Si w -n Old Honeoiy (ll'J. J. to ii second. Halhard (111 Swain. to 1) third. Time: 1 S Flavigny and Ulsa sfaxxonl also ran Sixth race, one mile and three-sixteertha, selling: Kcubt VA. J. Lee. to 1) won itellevlew (1. Nicol. 12 to 1 1 second, J D. Dunn lot Warren, au to K third. Tlma: led Lady Oakland. Water Dog. Anna Iay, Javaaose. tuclie. FootllgSt Favorite. Jack Witte. Oberon, Denlgro. Horse Radish and Anna Fllxhugn also ran. OAKLAND. Cwl.. Jan. t-Results: First race, six furlongs, selnnii: Boliwnan 1. McLaiu. 11 to lo won. St- Oorge, Jr. ili. Davis, I to ll second. Netting 1'".. Hayes, f to lj third. T1:n: 1:1a Kr. Si.ermsn, Swa-ger. Dangerous Girl. Per sian. Whiskers wcJ laoiatloa also ran. fesaoad racas s.x furivtbga. ssihns'- Sam Barber lcC. Mclntyre, to ll won, La Rose 1(V, Lynch, s to l second, Marvel P. iMG. Hayes. 9 to 61 third. Time: 1:17V. Tawasentha and Belle Kinney also ran. Third race, three furlongs, purse: Ter ance C115. Mclntyre. 7 to 2t won. Patois C115. Welsh, 6 to 11 second, Copplt dir.. Kelly. 7 to li third. Time: 0:37V Seattle, Mlcaela, Lady Martlnex. Wlnakee. Eng land, Mabel Fountain and Gypsy Lass also ran. Fourth race, one mile: Masss (106. Keogh. 4 to 61 wen: Banr-csal dcx. Sandv. s toll econd: Fulietta ('. Lvnch. to 2i third Time: I: Red Ball, Down Patrick Lucian finished as named Fifth race, one mile: selling: Huerfano rim. Miller. 4 to ll won: Captain Hale. ill. Carroll ( to li second; Treasure Seeker ll'. 1'avis. 7 to li third. Time- 14,; Meads.. Tholk Hrtrlck. Miss M. Bowdish L. C. Ackerly. Silver Wed'iing. Watchful! Ijikc Moose and Hello of Iroguols finished as named Sixth race, seven frrlongs- No Father (K5. Sandy. K to li won: Bardonia ill;. Mclntyre. 13 to F second: Hind-Me-Dowri ill;. Moreland. 9 to 2i third. Time: 1 31 Pun De Oro. Princess Lest Go. Bobby Shafto. Klneen, Pan Gil, Parasol, Van Gcirdan. Orsu'a f'mshed as named LOS ANGELES. Cal , Jan. J.-P.esul:s St Santa Anna Park: First rsce. five furlongs: Godfather 112 Roland, s to li won; Mny Suiton lc7. Ross! b to li second. Billowy HOT. Monarlty. lj to li third. Time: 1 (,. Round-and-Rnund, Orcsgna. Cheridahda, Decorator (iold Far. hast us. Mossba'-k. Costlv, s! A. Carlisle, Black Domino and Joseph K finisiied as ramed. I hwona race, tnree ruriongs: Rose (jueen cici,. rrefcicii, 9 n 11 ou; Acr.ieve iriy J.JSln, i to li second: May Diucione (!("! Burns. 1 to 11 third. Time: (1 54V, Vueen Grove, Rauhel. Annie Wells Wattle Rus sell. Larclne. Hindoo. Beeswax, Clover Leaf finished ss named. 'I hird race, seven turlona-s: Chippewa (U, McCarthy. to li won; Whldden 1ST. Dugan. IS to K second; Merl'.nge c.132, Radtke, to ll t'lrd Time: Jti Black Male. Ed rtalt Vihtlir-W I'nnlncia C1biwb- -. I Bonnie Prince Charlie, and Supln finished as named. Fourth rsce. fivs furlnrgs: Lee Harrison flP7. Schoiling. 8 to 61 wen. Giovanni Balerlo GOi Preston. to 1) sec6nd; Basil (lc". Martin. 15 to 3 third Time: l oft,. Ur Crcx. Reuben, Klrkbell. Beautiful and f'.et, Commlda, Neatness. Pau. Clifford. J J. McC, Search Me. Straightaway and The Fog finished ss ramed. Fifth race, five furlongs: Taxer 1,TC. Preston, to ll won; Wlsteris (1-Yi. Harty. 1J to li second; Aunt Pt.Uy OuO. Musgrae (! to Si third Time: l.O-V Anna May. Daisy FYost. Ton Hart. Old Colony. Vini dt. Interlude. Hailie Sheirran. Lady laughter. Prestige, Louis Fltse-'tlK.-ns finished ss nsmed. Sixth race, one mile ancv a quarter In 'ictus ih.l. Ross. I to ll won: Bg f.-'.-.w (im, Sclitlllng S to (1 second: Ed. 8h-i. -n i n. Dugan. 3 to li third Time: J:!, Ei pTtmero. Csmbysses. Be gum. Gentle l.ttrry. Pay M finished aa named. WITH THB BOWLERS. The Ortman S'ars moved another notch closer to the top in the Metropolitan leac-uc-ra.-e when they took two games from the Chicago Liquor house tearu last night. The liquor house team had soma hard luck, getting hits of splits. Laird was high man for the cinmans both in single game and total and Gernandt was high for his team, both in sirgie and total. Triers will be a postponed game piayed tonight between the ihicaia Llyuor House and Bungalow Ciljs. Scrre: CHICAGO LIQUOR HOVSa Borgt.ofT 115 14? IV SSJ Gemandt 1 13 1S1 & Adklns 13 liS U7 4:4 Totals 3 4JT 434 1.2s) OF.TMAN B STARS. Griffith 171 1S4 in 6 1C in 14 1 lard lo 1 ir tc6 Totals 4 SS 4 1M Th Byrns-Hsmmers sr now safely settled in second place by taking two games from the Walter (1 Clark? Uu rt'ri.t on the Metropolitan alley. The Clark ".earn started out strung, tut could i.ot keep it up. Goff of the Byrt e-Hammers started out with sven strikes, and then drew two splits which spoiled a mighty fine gHme. Captain Phil was in a ery erractir form, starting out with :2V in his fir.t game, but the IcaM Field for his second , game would plehse him. Captain Rempke laid off the f'rfl rame on ac count of not fc-cling well, hut went in on the second and third points a-d cracked the nins for T-5. r"i. lotp! for two games of 44'V Tonlcht f",)p.M(i,-rrnap apmnst Brodgaard Crowns. Score: BRTNE-HA M MIT.S. Dudley 147 12 f.31 Wet 147 Forsvthe 147 Plgdon 122 Rempke Goff 230 1-ia 1'.". 1C1 J 1M) 40 f"l Totals WALTER Grotheer Waler.s SciHon Nelson Cogswell Totals G. CLARK'S ..ISO ! -Tsi ..11 . .173 1S3 14? IT ! 7KR H7 ;yi 1"4 171 1; 5.71 S 4&S fl 01 Snorting; Gossip. Old Bobby Lowe, with Detroit last year, may plsy third this season for ton. Johnny Gonding is strcngtliening up lil throwing arm by handing cut smokes at the sn-ok house. McOraw announces he will maintain dis cipline next season. That sounds good and will he good if ti ue. F.drtte Wheekr, last year's manager of Denver, probably will manage the Grand Rapic's team it. is year. The fans are row wondering whether the strcngther.ed Ginn's w;i be a rrat.-h for the Cubs this year. Give us a s.ack cf reds on the Cubs. Southern league n.acr.ates i.ave created quite a s:ir by announclrg a 1 per cert cut In salaries for next year. The players have ra'sd such a howl that the proposed cut may not le carried through. When the National Fbm Ball commis sicin holds its annual meeting in Cincin nati r.xt Mondav. linn Joimson xays thut John T. Bush, president of the New Tork Nhtionh! IthKU'- cluh, will be asked to n- filatn why r has not paid the 11. 00(1 fine nflicted by the co.'nmlsion s-inie '.me ago at the request of the New Orlear.s ci.jh. ticause of tl.e fof,iure cf several gaires there last sprine by Mc-Graw's mn. who. It wis h- r ecu li.-d r f 'ied to play out the series with the P.'-.ilaue'vlr.a cans, alhging tl at I'mpire Zimmer w as unfair MAN FALLS FROM HIGH BRIDGE Laborer Props ISO Keel lato East River Wliaont Serious lnjsr . NEW YORK. Jan. I After 71. 1 feet front the Blarkwell's is'.ar l 1 ri Is" Into East river to. lay Henry Smith scim ashore not seriously harmed ry a fsll which ordinarily would have t-een fata! Smith wss St work on the bridge snd tumbled off one of the great beams. In falling his head struck against a chain which dangled from the bridge ar.d he suffered a painful scalp wound. Turning In the air. he struck t!-e ws'.er feet fore most. Had he landMl In any other wav the shock would lace killed him H:s fellow lsborers on the bridge wers as tounded to see him strike out for th shore. Ha wss tsken to a toopital and trestsd for th scalp wosnA. NEBRASKA FR0M DAY TO DAY Qnnint and Cartons Features of Life la a Rapidly Growing tatr. Danger Nebraska City bachelors and tnere are many-arc commencing to look worried. Leap yc,-,r begins tomorrow, and the Ixird only knows how It will end f jr (hem. Nebraska City Press. P.oloff Beware! Annie Vio Gites says that when she' visits Atbhison. Kan., the htxt time, there arc a few curiosities which she Intend- to take a look at. among thcin j "Henry C. P.oloff, the man who was . r.ever kis-ttd by a womai" Wonder if ! Henry rhB make that l onnt after Annie j made her pllgrlmaeT Foatiice Sun, i N. G. In Court Judge Duncan of Hast ings recently returned a f: cp.shler's check on a local lank to O. A. AbtK-tt wiih a ' brigihy explanation tht It not lawful i mon.-y, and tl.e case in tve 1ydsc' court j would be filed when the aucrr.ey sent real I money oven fcent dollats. And ther-rc 1 ye ar-re' Governor Abbott ouht to send i tn a gold brick Grand Island Independ ; ent. J Rejuvenated The editor renewed his ! joutli Sunday r.lght and went coasting with 1 a merry party of young people. If you 'want to have a whole bushel of fun go I coasting tl.e next time it snows and the i hills are In the right condition. Of course j jciu feel a little sore and lame the I dav. hut for a while, at least, vou'll forget your troubles ar.d once more feel thai life is wortn the living North Loup Lo alis;. He Meant Well An unsvoldabl mistake one of th kind that makes the average rewspsperman's hair turn gray slipped Into the Sunbeam last week. It was in 1 tl.e Jackson township correspondence, anl I the tyr-s by mistake made It appear th'. j Colonel James r"T!r!e-n. Jsckson township I auctioneer, was the only energetic, labor- Ions and happy farmer In the township. ' Now we didn't mean It that way at all, hut instead waned to say that he was I only one- of the farmers In that fer- i tile precinct who were progressive and en I teipriaing. There are s many up-to-date I farmers in Jackson township to the syua-e n:lle as 1:1 any other rommunlty on earth, I aid we are sorry, very sorry, that the I types made us say what we didn't intend to Wood River Sunbeam. worse. Judge Graves then said: "I hopc you will be a good prisoner. I wish you well and trust when you get out that you will turn over a new leaf." In his evident excitement and gratitude the prisoner hast ily answered: "Thank you, judge, thank you. Same to you." North Nebraska Eagle. ' One on Judge Graves One of the best jokes thai we have heard lately was one that the jrisoner in ti e case of Nebraska 1 against La'ton got on Judge Graves. It ! happened this way: Barton had been tried and found guilty of forgery, and on Friday Judge Graves sentenced him to six years in the penitentiary, after talking to him In a very kindly but reproving manner for soma time. Barton was evidently feellr.g mighty good that the sentence was no heavier, for he had been expecting to get ten or fifteen years. After was psssed Barton shook Lands with Judge Gravs and Pros ecutor Pearson snd expressed bis grati tude th penalty Imposed wss no BIG GIFT FROM ROCKEFELLER Oil Klnar Add Two Millions to Endowment of VnlTemUy of Chicago. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Martin A. Ryerson. president of the board of trustees of the t'niverslty of Chicago, announced today that John D. Rockefeller has added 2.11. (VO to his gifts to the university, making the total cf his berf actions over KA.OXi.bjn. It is also reported that the head of the Standard Oil company has offered to treble all contributions to the memorial lihrary which the university is trying to erect in honor of William R. Harper, its first president. The trustees have already re ceived 1135.000 for this purpose and hope to add IcCori to this sum. so that with Mr. Hockefeller'a contribution an JSOO.eVO structure may be erected on the camp. is. The gift announced today, like most or those preceding it from the seTie source, is to be devoted mainly to general endow ment purposes. Se-curlties to the value of ll'.f.'jivi are ret aside for this purpose, thereby adding S0.i0 to the Income of the institution. Of the balance 155,0(iO Is to be used to wipe out a deficit In accounts for 190C-; and .0oo will be devoted to th purchase, of books, laboratory and other equipment. MINE DEAL INBLACK HILLS Kr stone-Holy Terror Uroap la Sola la lotted IMIaea Coon-paay. KETSTONE. S. D . Jan. 8 -Follow!ng th announcement that the Keystone-Holy Ter ror group of mines, the richest in the Black Hills, would shortly resume, comes th news from the east that Charles Morgan. 1 owner of the Holy Terror, has Just sold I sll his interest In the property to the United j Mines company of New York, which has for I some time past held a lease on the ground. I Mr. Morgan, whose home Is at East Or ! ant;e. N. J.. purchase-d a cisMrolltng interr ! est In the Holy Terror nearly two years I sgo. The consideration of the sale Is said to be nearly fW'.H l.lfelona Bondaar to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney troubles Is needless. Electric Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. Vtc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. s . IVk StS I U a ifj It very Winter V y 2i4 It is entirely worth a few weeks' absenca N&av This Winter and See It. 5& r, - -1 It is entirely worth a few weeks' absenca e winter and makes your spiri full enjoyment of everything c. Prove that evervthinr voi California is wonderfully true 1 1 breaks the winter and makes your spirits rise to the ... . . ... . . I ry inis ionic, rrovc mai evcryinmg you've HEARD or C For booklet about California and the way to reach there VIA THE ,C1 V3 -- -Vev?j row-- - - - .Siayli'- 7 r