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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1908)
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVlI-Xo. 172. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, ANUAUY 4, 1908 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. KIDLRS RAID TOWS fcimellville, Ky., Scene of Third Out rage of Tobacco War. TWO WAREHOUSES DYNAMITED Fire Set to Debris Which Spreads to Other Building:, POLICEMEN ARE OVER! Vi ED Masked Men Also Take Possess Telephone Exchange. THREE CITIZENS ARE INJURE. Tsbutt ftrnwera Have Larue Supplies on Hand and Rome of Them Arm Preparing; to Sell On. RrSBELLVILLE. Ky.. Jan. 3.-Nlght rider, 100 strong, swooped down on Rus ellvllle, Logan county, early this morning ar-d after overpowering the throe policemen and providing- against the Riving of an alarm, dynamited and burned the two In dependent tobacco concern In the city and aeveral other establishment! and rode away out the Hopklnsvllle and Clarkwllle pike. Three men were wounded and the tele phone girls And police were held prisoner for nearly three hour. The following building were deatroyed: Frank O. Work, tobacco warehouse; building and contents; loss. $16,000. American Snuff company, factory and content: loss, 115,000. Roberta at Brown, planing mill; loss, $12,000. Alfred Underwood, grocery; loss, $2,000. i Landing ft Proctor, stable. Joshua Knowles, cottage. The wounded persons are: Dr. Charles M. Roberts of Kvansvllle, Ind. J. R. McLean, Russellville. J. If. Moacley, Russellvlllo. Chief of Police- Overpowered. Captain W. R. Bruce, the chief of police, a soon aa he heard the noises hastened to the flr tower, where he attempted to sound the alarm, but wa overpowered by four of the masked night rider. Two merchant, J. R. McLean, proprietor of a grocery atore, and J. Henry Moscly. proprietor of a dry goods store, did not hurry Into their homes a fast a the night riders desired and were shot. The most seriously Injured was Dr. RJl erta, who was a guest at the Forest house. He wag wounded about the head and faco by a charge of buckshot fired as the night rider were leaving town. He heard the confusion and. thinking that the raiders had departed, ran out to see what had happened. He came face to face with a group of the departing mob and as ho started to run was shot. It wn snld that the mob came to Rus ellvllle from the direction of Cave Springs, near where the members are said to have bad their rcndeivoue. The mob seamed to be) wcll'.(jfgAnU',l with" a head ana? non tenant. All the men were mounted and wore white caps, false heard and masks. Except for the Shot atthosn who appeared on the afreet there wan tittle shooting, the chief burflnes of the mob seeming to be the destruction of the two tobacco house. 'Defiance of State (iotemmfnt. Thta Is the third raid which litis been made by night riders In western Kentucky and come In the face of the announcement by the governor that, dlwordcr must cease. At thla time a court Is In progress at Hop klnsvtlle Investigating a similar raid which was made on that city aeveral weeks ago. Troop are now on guard In Hopklnsvllle. The night riders- ore attempting to In fhienoe or Intimidate certain tobacco grow er Into holding their crops for higher price, or not to sell to the American Tobacco company. The situation is par ticularly acute-at . this time, 08 many of the growers have two years' crop on hand. Warehousemen have been notified from time to time to refrain from buying any tobacco, and many of them who defied the notice have had their houses destroyed by fire. Nearly nil the tobacco glowers are member of the Tobacco Growers' Pro tective association, hut this organization discountenances such acts a have been credited to the" night riders. JIOPK1N8V1LLE, Ky.. Jan. 3-State Fire Marshal Molt Ayrcs-left today for Russellvllle, Ky., to investigate the night ridel a' raid there last nlnlit. PENALTY FOR TRIPLE MURDER Mneteen-Year-Old Kentucky Roy Hanged at l.onlavllle He raaaa of Crime. IOUlSVILLFi Ky., Jan. 3. Clarence Sturgeon, 19 year of age. was executed In the Jail yard here today. HI extreme youth w the basis of many unavailing effort to procure his pardon. Th execution was delayed and rendered extremely painful for those present by rtason of failure of the mechanlsn to work and a consequent delay of several minute, while the condemned man tood rigidly awaiting the end. Sturgeon was so light that the drop did not break bis neck nd h n not pronounced dead for seven teen minute. Sturgeon murdered Ira Hrurier, James Blackerly and Wilfred McMiclmel year ago. The youth went to the scaffold with calm trustfulness showing on his b -yfsli countenance. Kven the last Interview w;-h hi aged father and mother and farewe!! 10 hi seven brother and two sisters faik-d to affect him. SHIPWRECKED SAILORS FOUND ttvru Men, Sarvlvors of Crew of six trm of NorwrxUn Dark tirrraaalc. Mated. KtW YORK. Jan. S.-even shlpwrecke l sailors, believed to be the only survivors of the crew of sixteen of the Norwegian bark Oermantc. were brought here todjy by th oil tank steamer Hothan Newton. They were picked up In mldocran on le- camber 17 In a terrible condition from ex posure, eight days after their vessel had been abandoned. Another boat, which contained eight men. has not hevn found. Th captain of the bark, who remained on board until all the men found place In th amall boats, went down with his ship. Fatal 1 aar of Hydrophobia. NKW YORK. Jan. i-llla last thoughts on the piesruts he waa going to liuv for the doctors and nurses, Arthur H-nnPihy, 10 yrara old, died In a Brooklyn hospital yesterday of hydrophobia, tie was bliien By a dog two montha ago. and, the wqund being alight. It was nnfclocird. A short lima ao th dlaeaa davatoprd and thao Jt waa ia lA4 SUMMARY OF THE DEE Satnnlny, January 4. IIMH. 1908 iluUwY- i.t.s: jvo.y' Ttz, uta Wif r- "-12 1908 TPJ St 3 4 5 6 Z 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 1Z IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28 2930 31 THE WIATHEI. , For Omaha, Council muffs and Vicinity .'"air and slightly colder Saturday. f ("or Nebraska Fair Saturday. ,,nr Iowa Partly cloudy, with light rain mow In east portion Saturday; cooler da v. .iperstnre at Omaha yesterday; Hour. Peg. 3S 3ft ; 3S 40 4a 4-1 , 4 . fvl , M . W , U) . 48 , 48 . 43 , :v . 87 9 p. m..... DOSCEBTIO. Trial of Hanker Walsh at Chicago shows evidence that his subordinates wore taking advantage of his plight for their benefit. Fag 1 Police of New York think they have olved the Harrison murder mystery, tho woman found being at last identified. Pag 1 Night riders ajraln terrorize Kentucky town. Pag 1 A plan has been devised for the con tinuation of the Westlnghouse business In the hands of the stockholders. Page 3 A long trip Is taken by a professor of the Smithsonian institute to view the eclipse of the sun. Pace fl Youth of 19 pay penalty for triple mur der with his life at Louisville, Ky. Pag 1 Shipwrecked sailors of Norwegian bark Germanic picked up In midooean. Page 1 A million dollars assets were added to the books of the California Trust com pany, according to a confession of Rook keeper Storr. Fag a Senators and congressmen from public land states combine to combat the con solidation of land offices. Page 1 Plans are on foot to make Sunday school lessons graded as are ordinary school lessons. Pag 8 Powers Jury finds It Impossible to agree and the fourth trluJ will probably be de clared a failure. Fag 8 Receivers of the Seabord Air Line rail road take possession of the property. Pag 1 roBEioxr. Prince Helte rejects duel with Cou-it Bon I de Castellane. Page 9 Kditor Harden is given four months' Im prisonment for libeling Count von Aloltke. Pag 1 Sensational stories about the locution of the Japanese fleet printed in Pari are the cause of a statement by the Japanese amhtaswttdor that Tier has full confidence tn the peaceful Intentions of Presld -nt Roosevelt. . Pag 1 NEBRASKA. F.xpenses of express companies play a rart in the case Involving their rates, ac cording to an opinion f Judge W. H. Munger. Pag 3 Motor car near llolstein dashes off bridge-, killing John Brown and mortally Injuring O. F. Fisher. Pag 1 COMMXRCIAX. AJJJD INDUSTRIAL. Live stock markets. Fag 9 Grain markets. Fag 9 Stocks and bonds. Fag 9 MOVEMENTS OF 'OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Port. Arrived. Filled. NEW YORK Pr. Irn RarbaroM. NKW YORK La Provence. NKW YORK Neap. Prince. Ql KRNSTOWN.. Maun-Unla llaverfnrd. PAI.KRMO Ban (llnvannl NAI'I.KS , Mart America. COl'KNUAGKM. . Ilelllar Olav BY WIRELESS. Sable Island-Philadelphia, 795 miles east of Sandy Hook at 6:?' p. m. MURDER MYSTERY SOLVED Poller Relieve Woman Found at Har rison, . J., Wife of New 1 urk Motormaa, NKW ARK, N. J., Jan. 3. According to the Identification of a friend named Frank Klnert, the body of the mysteriously mur dered woman which w:ih found tn the Passaic river at Harrison, is that of Mrs. Theodore Whttniore. wife of a Brooklyn motorman. Whltnmre, on viewing the body, was unable to say whether the body Is that of his wife, but he said that his wife wore a su't similar to the one worn by the dead woman ami had scars on her body similar to those on the body In ques tion. Whit more said his wife had been missing for some time, and he believed she bad lift blm for another man. SniENBTAPY, N. Y.. Jan. 3. William R. Salter, a brother of Mrs. Theodore Whit more, today Identified a picture of the dead woman at Harrison as that of his sister. NKW YOITK, Jan. S. After seeing a photograph and some clothing of the mur dered woman, Mrs. Mary Salter declared the woman was her datinhter. Mrs. T1mo dore S. Whltnmre. A daughter of Mrs Salter declared likewise. NO RATES GIVEN MERCHANTS Writers I'uaaenarr Aasoclatlon De ri I lira to Make Hrilut-tlons to Itualneaa Mrn. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Tl.i- spring and fall merchants' meetings which have for some ! years past 1 ceil the means of bringing thousands of l-uslness men from 'smaller j cities to Chicago and St. Loui3. will be omitted this year. The executive committee I of th Western Passenger association yes i terday refused to grant the desired fare I and a half rule in ,nille of thu pleas of ' representative of the Chicago Commer J rial and the St. Louis Merchants' axsocla , Hons. ! The reason given is that the I-cent fare laws of Illinois. Missouri and other western e; ave 3J redured ,,asseneer earnings . .. . , feasible to Krant suecla. rates. Last api'lut'. when the railroad regularly charged 3 cents per mile, a rate cf a fare and one-fifth was granted, and 9.454 retailers from ('!'.! agj's trade terri tory came to this city. Last autumn no reductions in fare were granted and only S retailers came In to the meeting. The falling off al St. Loula was less, as the Southwestern Passenger aasoclatlon haa continued to grant the redu-cd rates. F.luht-liuaT Day for Shop Mea. ALTDONA, Pa.. Jan. 1.-A1I Pennsylvania railroad aluip eoijiloyra In this ctly engage. I on repair work have resumed the uigltl hour day ys(-tn. several fheuaaud taeik U44 by U iaauUaa. TVuJ s. a. m J VTf II S a. m H-s. I ! a. m V a M a. in T39W ::::. 52. - p- m '"Z J p-,n n 1 ""V & P' SfeaT1 'r. m 7 p. m , i 8 n. m OBJECTIONS FROM FORAKER Ohio Senator is Not Pleased with Call for Primaries. SAYS CONDITIONS ABE UNTAIE (baraea that Requirement of State Committer Are Not Aothorlmrd. by Statute Rrfnara to Be Hound by Artloa. CINCINNATI, Jan. 3. A flat refusal to be bound by the conditlona of the call for the republican state convention which Is to name a state ticket and select delegates-at-large to the national convention Is the conclusion reached by United State Sena tor J. B. Ftoraker, as announced tn a state ment given to the press here tonight. Primaries for a teat of trength between Tart and Foraker as presidential candi dates were provided for In the official call, and the method provided Is harpty criticised by Senator Foraker. The statement. In part, follow: I am not sure 1 understand the call, al though I have rend It severul times. If I do it is another case of asking for bread and getting a stone. My idea in requesting primaries waa to have the election of dele Kate brought home to the people, so that In each ward, for Instance, we could select our Immediate representatives. Till call makes all that Impossible. In addition. It prescribes requirements not authorised by the statute and not within the power of the state central committee. Some of the requirements are in direct conflict with the statute. Some of them are very burdensome. One In particular, is the requirement that before there can be a Taft ticket and a Foraker ticket there must, be a petition signed by twenty times the number of the candidates for delegates and alternates. That would mean In this county about 4,0fX signers or petitioners. 'Die unreasonableness of the requirement that there shall be 4.C00 petitioners to au thorize a ticket Is shown not only by the fact that the law makes no such require ment, but that In cases where the law authorises county and city officers to tie nominated by fletltlon only .300 names are necessary to nominate any -county officer and only fifty names are necessary to nominate any municipal officer. If in tho contemplation of the law fifty signers are enough to authorlre placing a man's name on the ticket for mayor of Cincinnati or Cleveland certalnU- it Is beyond anything contemplated by tho law that 4.000 signers should be necessary to nominate a lot of delegates and alternates to merely attend the state convention. Such a condition Is unnecessary as well as burdensome. It should be enough for each party to select Its own ticket und let the people vote their preference. The counties are not bound to follow the order of the state central committee, but whether they will do so or not I nm not advised. So far as I am personally con cerned I shall make no effort to comply with such uncalled for, Illegal and arbi trary conditions. IOWA IS LIKING IP FOR TAFT I'nlraa Hharr Asks endorsement State Will Bo for Secretary. DKS MOINES, la., Jan. 3.-The effort for the control of the first state convention is just now beginning to attract attention among party leader. This is the last con vention that will be held In Iowa under the old caucus plan. Under the primary law which goe Into effect In June a new order of things Is established. The first con vention, which probably will be held In March, will select delegate to represent Iowa In the national convention, 'Unless "former Secretary Shaw asks for the delegation a a nucleus to his presi dential boom there will be little question but that Iowa will line up for Taft, and will so Instruct its delegates. On this point there seems to be little division of senti ment between the progressives and the standpatters. Governor Cummins Is understood to lie for Taft, so are "Lafe" Young, George D. Perkins and a good part of the other stand pat leaders. There was a time when It was supposed that the governor waa not in line for the Ohio statesman, but It Is said that as the result of a trip to Wash ington he now Is actively In favor of the Roosevelt candidate. Pesplte the fact that there is little ques tion as to tho lineup of the state on presi dential candidates. It must not be sup posed thnt the standpatters are giving up all thoughts cf controlling the national delegation. They do not propose to "har monize" unless it may be determined be tween now and Match that such "har mony" will be in the Interest of Allison's re-election. Tt Is the belief of the leaders of the standpat faction that the majority are of their way of thinking and that control of the March convention will give the Allison cause, and Incidentally the standpat state ticket, much prestige before the primaries. The leaders are. beginning to display con siderable activity In regard to the dele gation. Tho contest will center upon tho delegates at large. For two of the delegation at large the names of "Iyafe" Young of Pes Moines and George P. Perkins of Sioux City seem to meet with most favor among standpat ter. Roth of these men have been prom inent In standpat councils. Mr. Young, aa editor of the Pes Moines Capital, has been called upon to make the fight for stand pattam In Cummins' home county, while Mr. Perkins, equally prominent a an ex ponent of the principle of that wing of the party through his Stoux City Journal, has not hesitated to bear a large share of poltlcal burdens upon his own shoulders. Both these editors are giving Mr. Taft their support, both are In accord with the administration, and both of them are repre sentative Iowa republicans. That It Is Im portant, from the standpoint of that wing of the party, to bring together the divided elements of this fartlon Is becoming plain. The Cummin organisation, which for present purpose is a unit in Its support not only of the governor for United States senator hut of the lieutenant governor as a candidate for head of the state ticket, seems to be entirely Intact and prepared to go Into the contest without any apparent hitch. As opposed to this organization the stand patters are not able at present to present anvthlng like a olld front. Thu far they have been unable to unite upon any can didate for governor, and It seems possible there may be several names presented representing to a greater or leas degree the ideas cf thnt faction. The standpat leader realize that If any thing is done to oppose the Cummlns-Garst organization work must commence at once, and that the first thing to be done I to make a lrong fight for the control of the first convention. It Is believed that Young and Perkin are the strongest men among the standpatter for two of the delegates at large. Con gressman Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs and former Congressman Iacey of Oskaloosa have been suggested for the additional members of the "big four," but as yet no agreement has been reached. Month More of Imprlaonmra t. ELY. Nev.. Jan. 3 Rescuers in tht Alpha shaft are now working a short dis tance below the aaventy-flve mark anil averaging ten feet a day. The three en tombed men, when told that tt on-bably aotUd be four twin before thev rould be rehaad, apt-eared eallKflea that avarv- Liiuka aaaamla araa kalaav aeaak COUNTESS Of YARMOUTH SUES Slater of Harry Thaw Rrlnra Action for Noll teat Ion of Mar- rlaa-eil jrrlth Earl. IX)NDOX. Jan. 3. The countess of Tar mouth, who was Mis Alice Thaw of Pitts burg, has begun proceedings for ho nulli fication of her marriage with the earl of Yarmouth. The countes of Tarmouth Is a slater of Harry K. Thaw. The Yarmouth case I entered In the de fended list for trial at the coming sittings of the divorce court. It will be heard In camera. PITTSBURG. Jsn. J. The new that the cotintess of Yarmouth 1 seeking nullifi cation of her marriage did not create much surprise, as it had been known here for some time that all was not well between the couple. I , It I said that th estrangement results from two cause, th, first the action of the earl during the first trial of Harry K. Thaw, the countess' brother. It Is said when the trial was about to begin Tarmouth went to Egypt and lived In aeriuston In the select colony of Eng lish folk who reside there during the win ter months. The second cause I said to be the action of th Thaw family In de termining upon an Insanity plea for Harry Thaw. From report received here from Lon don during the last lionth it Is .said Yar mouth objected to Inlanlty figuring In the New York trial on tl4 ground that Jt would have a direct Influence on the succession of the Yarmouth estate In the event there was an Issue from the marriage. It Is also said the! earl's parents used every influence to prevent the Institution of proceedings to nullify the marriage. The Yarmouth were married two and a half years ago by Rev. W. L. McEwan of the Third Presbyterisn church, the family pastor, who also married Harry K. Thaw and Evelyn Nesbit. WHERE IS JAPANESE FLEET? French Newspaper Print Story Tea sel Are Cruising: In Vicinity of Hawaii. PARIS. Jan. 3. The Patrle In It issue of this afternoon asks. In big head lines, "Where is the Japanese fleet?" and pub lishes an alarmist story based on reports that It has been seen cruising off Hawaii. PARIS, Jon. 3. Baron Kurlno, the Japa nese ambassador to France, today gave out a statement declaring that the Japanese government has too much confidence In the pacific policy of President Roosevelt to take any stock In the bellicose Intentions attributed to tho government nt Washing ton by the sensational press. "We In terpret the American battleship fleet's cruise, which ha created such a stir," the baron continued, "more as a manifestation In favor of a larger navy, demonstrating the necessity of reinforcements In Pacific waters." Nothing, he said, Jusflfied the so-called warlike preparations, atfd then announced the talk that Japan Whs coveting the Philippine islands as a fable. - Continuing, the am ha h dor said the San Francisco matter has bVn practically set tled and that he could ae no cause for a conflict. He predict tnat three month will justify hi optimism. BERLIN, Jan. 3. The next two montha are regarded ".)y thu Qeri.'tan Torclgn office and the admiralty a cotisfltutlng a critical period In the relatione between the United States and Japan. If they pass without witnessing a break In the relations govern ment offlcals are convinced that the United States and Japan will then enter upon an easier and safer basis of agreement. HARDEN GIVEN FOUR MONTHS Kditor of Die Znknnfdt Found Onllty of I.ihellnar Count Von Moltke. BERLIN, Jan.-. 3. Maxlmlllen Harden, editor of Pie Zukunfdt waa today sentenced to four month' Imprisonment on the charge of libeling Count von Moltke. NOTES TO GO TO CREDITORS Plan Whereby Weatinahonae Company la to Go Attain Into Control of Stockholders. PITTSBURG, Jan. 3. A plan was made public here today whereby the receiver ship for the Westlnghouse Machine com pany may be dissolved and the business restored to the stockholders. There seems no doubt that the arrangement which Is agreed to by the creditors' committee, the receivers, and by the president, George Westlnghouse, will be successful. It con templates Issuance by the company of three-year 8 per cent notes covering Its exlBtlng Indebtedness. These notes are to be secured by the company's bonds at S6 per cent of their face value, as collateral. Claim of less than $1,000 are to be paid In cash. ' On claim exceeding tl.OOft the creditor will receive the three-year note to the amount of the nearest multiple of $f00 that 1 not In excess of the claim, the balance being paid In cash. It is further agreed that the comrany pay no dividend to stockholders until pro vision ha been made for the payment of all of the note outstanding. There are about 600 creditor with claim less than $1,000 and eventy-flve with claims exceeding $1,000. GOVERNOR FOLK AS FIREMAN Help Draaj Oat Farnitarr from Home on Fire Near the Rxecu tlve Manilas, JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Jan. 3. Gover nor Folk sprang Into the role of a volun teer fireman on short notice today when a residence across the street from the guber natorial mansion caught fire, and rushing Into the burning dwelling he helpod drag out furniture until the flames prevented further salvage work. Then he stood in the street and directed the firemen In their effort to check the flames. But the fire men failed to stay the conflagration ef fectively and the residence of Koadmaster John Brandt of the Missouri Pacific road was totally destroyed and two adjoining residence were badly damaged. A de fective flue started the fire. MARRIED AFTER FORTY YEARS C'onnrrtlrut Civil War Veteran Kind Swerthrart of Younger Pay After search. STAMFORD, Conn., Jan. 3. Jeremiah O'Meara, TO year old, and Helen Naughton, 66, were married here yeeterduy afternoon after a wait of forty yar. Thay were sweethearts when the civil war broke out and O'Meara enlisted. When the war was over he returned, but could find no trace of the girl he had left behind. She bo lieved that he hud been killed, but was not able to cenflrm the belief. Neither ever married and It was only a short time ago that they found tacU othtir after forty j'rar' altllis TOLD FILERS T0 BE CAREFUL Teast Waa Cautious in Relations with Old Soldier Enti-ymen. GOOD PROFIT Ef DECLARATORIES Cattle and Land Owner Teatlfy They Boaght Declaratory Statement at front 10 to :I0 Which Yeast Secured, far 95. That Perry A. Yeast, one of the defend ants In the Yeast and Sutton land trial which is on before Judge Munger, was cautious In his relations with the old sol dier from whom he purchased declaratory statement wag brought out by the evi dence of witnesses at the hearing Friday afternoon. The evidence also disclosed that Yeast bought the declaratory state ment from the veterans at $5 each and old them to cattlemen who wanted to file on land at fmmMiO tn $36 each. One wltnesa who had gone up to Grant county to see hi land testified) he met a secret service man who began to aak him pointed question. . He said Yeaat cau tioned him to avoid, aa much aa possible, being seen with him. Yeast. Letters were also read from Yeast to one or two of the entry men cautioning them to use. care about talking or writing too much In de tail about the transactions. Rufun Hanoy, a cattlo and ranchman from Hyannis, Grant county, testified he had bought a declaratory statement from Yeast for about $15. "I understood Mr. Yeast had some de claratorle," he testified, "and he Bald he could get mn one. I bought It and located It on land within my range. I furnished the description of the land, but did not put any Improvements on the land." Ona Wltnesa Paid 30. Captain Haskell, a ranch owner living between Hyannis and Paxton, said he paid $30 for a declaratory statement of Jacob Brown, an old soldier, and located it on hi range. Arthur J. Abbott of Hyannis testified he paid $10 or $12 each for the statements he purchased of Yeast. C. L. Motrin, clerk of the district court at Hy annis, Identified Yeast's signature on a number of land filing papers. J. Frank Garner and Mrs, Luella Bellmyer testified to having signed power of attorney In blank. The evidence of the government Is prac tically all In. There remains several rul ings on objections by the defense to be disposed of and by agreement of counsel Saturday will be devoted to the argument of a motion of the defenso to have the court Instruct a verdict for the defense. The Jury was excused Friday evening until 9:30 Monday morning. Most of the govern ment witnesses were discharged Friday evening and permitted to return to their homes. Ignorant of Where Land 1. A remarkable fact brought out in the testimony Friday morning was that many of the old soldiers who filed for Yeast and Sutton on land did not even know what state the land was In and testimony showed not one of them ever had the re motest Idea of occupying the land. It waa the same old story of filing for so much per and getting the" "per.", Judge John Rees, register of the Broken Bow land office, was the first wltnesj called frlday. He simply Identified cer tain record of filings In his office, most of which weri on the declaratory state ment record. Mrs. Bellmyer was recalled for a brief examination as to her knowl edge of certain of these declaratorles that she had solicited. The other witnesses were David N. Kennedy, Richard A. Ship ley, David H. Callahag and other old sol dier of Qulncy, 111., who had made decla ratory statements at the solicitation of Mr. Bellmyer, Yeast and Garner, for which they each received $3. REDUCED RATE IS ENJOINED Railroad In South Dakota Win First Ronnd In Their I. rani Rattle. SfOUX FALLS. S. D.. Jan. S.-(Speclal Telegram.) As tho result of a hearing be fore him today. Judge Carland of the Unltod States court, in this city, on appli cation of the varous railroads concerned, granted a temporary Injunction preventing the railroad commissioners from putting Into effect a proposed schedule of new pas senger ratea which would reduce tho pres ent rate In South Dakota from 3 to 2 cent per mile. The temporary Injunction succeeds a re straining order which was secured by the railroads last October, Just prior to the time the railroad commissioners sought to put tho proposed new rate Into effect. The temporary Injunction will remain In force until the hearing on the main case, when the railroads will strive to have the temporary Injunction made permanent. The date for this hearing ha not yet been fixed. Judge Carland sustained demurnrs to the action of the railroad companies In making 8. W. Clark, attorney general of South Da kota, and William H. Stanley, secretary of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, defendants In the case, and therefore they no. longer will appear In the case. GALLAGHER SUES FOR LIBEL Demand Satl.OOO of Dally News for Alleged Defamatory F.dltorlal Concerning; Him, Andrew M. Gallagher, deputy clerk of the district court and a candidate for the clerkship at the last election, started suit in district court Friday evening against the Pally New for $26,000 for alleged libel contained In an editorial which appeared In the paper November 1. Denying Insinuations contained in the editorial Mr. Gallagher declares In the peti tion he was never guspected of nor guilty of bribery or of tampering with any Juror. The editorial appeared at the close of the campaign In which Mr. Gallagher was defeated for the clerkship by Robert Smith. RECEIVERS TAKE POSSESSION Seaboard Air Line Company Now in , Charge of Men Named by Court. NORFOLK. Va.. Jan. 8. W. A. Garrett, president of the Seaboard Air Line rail way, which was yesterday placed In the hands of receiver, ha been apixilnled "chief executive officer for the receivers" and a general notice wa iaued today by th receivers, that In pursuance of th court decree the receiver have taken pos session of the properties, right und fran chises of the Seaboard Air Line railway and Its underlying, ronhtttuent or con trolled companies. Bombay Illacuant Mate Halard. BOMBAY. Jan. 3.-The ra'e of discount of Urn i-aok of lli.inliay raised from a to I nur ten I today. PETTIBONE'S LAWYERS MUTE I'roareotlon Spends I, on a Time A ren in , but Defense W ill Say .othlna. BOISE. Idaho. Jan. 3. Intense Interest marked this, the last day of the Petttbone trial. Before the prosecutions" argument by James If. Hawlry was begun, Judge 1111 ton, for the defense, announced that the defense would not argue the case, and Judge Wood stated thnt the Jury would be Instructed as soon aa Mr. Hawley fin ished. Judge Wood announced that he would refuse the request of the defense that the Jury bo Instructed that a verdict of gullly could not be returned on the ground of conspiracy If tho evidence showed that Haywood was a member of the conspiracy and the latter'a having been found not guilty. He granted the Instruction asked by the slata to the effect that if the de fendant had In his possession evidence which was not presented the fRct could be considered. Attorney Hawley began his address by referring to the sudden termination of the case which left Parrow' opening statement "a Jumble of broken promises." He said Dnrrow had promised to show that Orchard was the most monumental liar of the age, but Instead his testimony was uncontradicted except In regard to the Bradley explosion and the depositions In that Incident, he said, when fully under stood, corroborated and explained Orchard's testimony. "Why did they not put on the stand the great array of witnesses brought from dis tant states who sat in the court room day after day?" asked Hawley. "It was be cause they dared not to do It: they dared not with the testimony of these witnesses Rt the Haywood trial on record submit them to cross-examination." The evidence of Orchard was next taken up. and the prosecutor said that under ordinary circumstances such a story would be taken with a grain of allowance, hu tho appearance and demeanor of the wit ness, who neither tried to shield himself nor to add to his crimes, gave tho Im pression that he was telling the exact tru h. "Orchard." he said, "was cross-examined by ono of the country's most able criminal lawyers, who had the testimony of the Haywood case before him, hut the witness was not shaken, and on two oc casions forced his questioner to admit that he was telling the truth when It had been charged that he had contradicted him self." The law In the case was discussed at length by Hawley, espoclnlly the proof required to establish a conspiracy. Then a review of the corroborative evidence was begun. LONG TRIP TO VIEW ECLIPSE Smithsonian Professor Gor to Pacific lalnnd, Where Sun la Cov ered Entirely. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. In order to ob serve the eclipse of the sun today, which appears as a total eclipse In the 'Topical Pacific ocean, C. G. Abbot, director of the Astro-physo observatory of the Smithson ian institute has been aont to Flint Island. 4tt miles northwea of Tahiti. The eclipse i total between 11 and 13 o'clock today In that longitude which correspond to bo twern 4 and 5 o'clock Washington time. Mr. Abbot, who with an assistant Joined a party headed by Prof. W. W. Campbell of Lick Observatory, California, sailed on the cteamshlp Mariposa from San Fran cisco to Papeete, Tahill, on November 22. The gunboat Annapolis furnished trans portation between Tahiti and Flint Island. Mr. Abbot's observations comprise an ex amination with the I.ngley bolometer of the sun's corona, especially toward its Inner part, to help deride what Is the most probable cause of Its luminosity. For this coronal light three sources have been sug gested, viz.: The reflection of ordinary sun light: the emission of light owing to the high temperature of small particles near the sun, and tjie emission of light by luminousncss like that of tho aurora bur eaus. It I proposed also to observe with instruments the peculiarities of sky light before the day of the eclipse so that even If clouds should obscure the eclipse there would still bo something of value brought back from the trip. RIOTING RESUMES AT MUNCIE Street Cars Move with Difficulty, Men Hrlng Stoned for F.f forta. MUNCIE. Ind., Jan. 3. Rioting was re sumed here today. The street cars were started on the regular schedule at 7 o'clock and were molested for several hours. A crowd attacked two cars In the outskirts of the city shortly after 10 o'clock hurling stones and other missies and after driving off the crowd, completely wrecked the rars. Squads of police were hurried to the placo and over fifty arrests were made. The Jail la nearly filled with rioters and orders were repeated to arrest every member of a street gathering that contained more than three persons.,- Two of today's rioters were badly hurt, one of them being cut In the throat witli a knife, but not fatally hurt. Several other outbreaks occurred about noon. Police squads in automobiles dashed back and forth quelling disorders and scat tering crowds. Several shots were fired at the cars manned by strikebreakers but m one was hurt. A car was wrecked on East Main street shortly after noon and another on Walnut street.. Traffic Man ager Baldwin then ordered all cars with drawn and made a demand that the troops held at Indtanapolie be moved here at once. Adjutant General Perry wired Gov ernor Manly that the troops need not he sent unless more serious trouble developed. SUICIDE DUE TO INSOMNIA John W. Mueller Had Bern Under Cure of Doctor for Srvrral Week. MITCHELL. 8. P., Jan. 3 (Special Tele gram.) The body of John W. Mueller, who came to ill death by his nwu hand at Lane yesterday, waa brought to this city for interment, and the funeral will be held tomorrow morning under the auspices of th Knights of Columbus. In the Holy Family Catholic church. Th supi-oaillon was that Mueller killed himself because of financial troubles, but a tatement from hi physician, Pr. George Burleigh, give the cause a different foun dation. Tiie physician stated today that for the pat five or six week Muuller has been In a highly nervous and delirious con dition and that he had treated l.lm for Insomnia "and nervoua disorders. He ex pressed it aa Ilia belief that Mueller waa wholly Irresponsible for the act he com mitted. Mueller carried ti.uf" life insur ance In the Knights of Columbia und the Home Guardians. FIGHT FOR PLACES Congressmen and Senators Oppose tht Consolidation of Land Offices. OTHER STATES ARE INVOLVE! Delegations to Unite in Effort to Pre vent Carrying- Out o? Plan. TWO IN NEBRASKA ON THE LIST Conference with Secretary Garfield is Set for Monday. TIME FOR DITCH CONTRACTORS Delay In Srrnrlnsi Material and Ina bility to Hire Labor Purina t.e Samnirr f'anae of Failure to Have l Done on Time. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. (Special Tele gram.) An ulliaticc of delegations in con gress from public land states may be ex pected In the near future to resist the policy of tho Interior department In con solidating public land offices. Following the general policy of cutting down expenses wherever possible and con solidating tho land offices In certain dis trict which have about completed the business for which they were established Secretary Garfield authorized the general Inspection of all lnnd offices In the public land states with a view of discontinuing those not needed. A a reralt of thl In spection Nebraska waa raked with a flna tooth comb and a report filed which con templated tho abandonment of at least two of the lnnd districts In that state. Broken Bow and O'Noill. In several let ters from tho commissioner of tho general land office to Secretary Garfield the fol. lowing memoranda has been obtained: That such part of the Broken Bow land district aa lies went of tho range line be tween ranges 25 and Hii'n we.t be trans ferred to tho Alliance district and the re mainder to the Uncoln district, 'i'hia would discontinue tho Broken Bon office mid throw out John Reese, register, und Darius Amsberry. receiver; thnt all of the O'Neill lnnd district is to be consolidated with the Lincoln land district, which would separate from tho service Brantley Ia Stunlevant, ivgistcr, lind Fanford Parker, receiver. Other Land Shifted. Not content with these recommendation another letter has gone to the secretary recommending thai townahlita IS to 'iD north, ranges W to CS west, should lie de tached from the North Platte land rilatrlct and attached to the Alliance land district In order to bring all lands under the North Platto reclamation project situated In Ne braska within on land district. John V.. Evan la register and William H. C. Wood hurst receiver of the North Ilatte land district. v As outlined by The Bee's "orrewpondent yesterday the, Nebiaaka uelegutton doe not propoao to 'submit trt ' theso changes without the stronger! possible protest, for they realize that notwithstanding th fe port of the Inspector hundreds of home steader will be affected and 1.000,000 acres of land or more Is Involved In the project of consolidation. Following up their de termination to have a straight hearing be tween Secretary Garfield and representa tives of the lnnd department the Nebrnska delegation has arranjred for a conference with Secretary Garfield at 10:30 Mnnduy morning. More 'II in e for Bridge Comrany. An extension of time of ninety lny has been granted the Canton Bridge com pany of Kansas City, Mo., In which to complete Its contract for the building of structures on the interstate canal. North Platte Irrigation project. In Nebraska. The scarcity and low efficiency of labor and extreme difficulty In securing transporta tion of materials rendered the prompt erection of the structures Impossible. Tho original contract called for tho completion of the work December 31, 1007. Messrs. Byal Co. of Mitchell, Neb., have also bi-cn grunted nn extension of time to June 1 next In which to torn plat their contract for the erection of structure on the Interstate caiiHl. This work would have been completed January 1 but for thrt unfavorable conditions above stated. Brown tioes to Annex. Senator Brown goes to the senate an nex, n building ncroKs the capital plnza, known as "Maltby." and considerably against his will be It paid. He had hoped to remain In hi location In the senate terrace, but Senator Bourne, Jr., of Ore gon succeeded to the fisheries commit tee and In consequence Brown has to move out of tho capltol to the annex, whro he will have two splendjd room", light and airy and quite a decided Improvement over the dingy recesses of the capltol. ' Minor Matters at Capital. F.lmer H. Wood of tho Union pacific is In Washington. R. E. Boyd of Rapid City, S. p., arrived in Washington today. Upon the recom mendation of Representative Parker of Peadwnod, Mr. Boyd has secured an ap pointment as a member of the United States capltol police force. J. H. Welso of South Omaha was the lowest bidder today for the erection of tho public building at Alhuquerque, N. M., at $100,000. Rural route No. 2 has been ordered es tablished March 2 at Wolbach, Greeley county, Nebraska, serving 850 people and 95 families. Iowa postmaster appointed: Dillon, Marshall county, Hvend H. Hag r, vice M. L. Rhlnehardt, resigned: Navun, Winneshiek county, Charles Lawien-e, vice Hugh Lawrence, resigned. The First National bank of Adcl, la., haa been authorized to begin business with $50,000 capital. J. W. Russell Is president; D. A. Blanchard, vice presi dent, and William Roberts, iashl r. SUNDAY LESSONS BY GRADES 'Ibis la Purpose of Workera In Thla Branch Now fonvenlaif In Boston. BOSTON, Jan. 3. Consideration of tin plan of uniform Sunday school lessons was resumed today by representatives of the International Sunday school lesson commit tee, the Sunday School Educational ass i clation, the publishers of Sunday school periodicals and the International executive committee. The question I on reta'nlng the plan Instituted In IW or ubMltuiing for il a svslein adapted to graded Sund.iv school wi ik. Whatever action 1 adopted I by the conference will be reported to ili, j next iniivtiitlon of the I nlei iiulloiia I S in ( d .y School association, which will Le htld in Louisville. Ky., next summer.