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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1907)
D ( Musical Education X' J 1 -I "Ml WAGNER CH OUT'S." WITH MISS TXXSTX AROLI SUPER VI SOJ". CT MUSaO E PTBUC SCHOOL. , : i. i 7 - A Hur Bnholm. EOirf Sullivan. (Mm. A Mnrri. Chapron. Alfred Mnrrts, Instructor). PauUne Trout Vera Bmith WUli Morria. Mtrlk.n Olover. Ada Morrla. Pearl Eaton. Prank Mullen. Victor Morria. May Glover. iKinald Smith. Helen Keynolda. Mont Wlr. ORCHESTBA AT THE PRANKIjIN SCHOOL. OR twenty-five year or more ja . - - luui nr vi m. vioua to mat time-sinrihC in the schoola had been part of the oenlnt' eRerciBea, but no attempt had bees mad to Instruct children In the u ot mueie books or in the cultivation their voices. The first musical In- tractor In the Omaha public schools was Lucla Rerers, but to the majority of the rraduates Miss Pannls Arnold will al- ways ue wmikto -" f the system of teaching music in Omaha. Ehe cams to the work In the tall of IS 17 as Instructor of music In the hih school. Two years later she be came assistant to Miss Rogers in the trades and high school and a sho: t time .ft.i thnt ru m . KiinrviMiir rtt muBtlr. a position ehe has held continuously for more than fifteen years. While her prime object Is to teach the children ths theory and practice of music. Incidentally her work goes far toward maintaining the physical condition of the pupils, for the foundation of a good musical voice Is deep and regular breath ing, and deep and regular breathing is also the foundation of good bealtb. Tb musical course In th. Omaha pub- Uc schools begins with the kindergarten, bnt Miss Arnold takes the child only after It has entered the grades. Previous to that time It Is supposed te have learned something of singing by the rote songs of the kindergarten, and the first year' work starts with an examination to dls oover Just bow much It has learned, for the first six months of th school year la practically given over by the super visor to studying ths children who come to her for the first time. It la a theory of Miss Arnold that prac tically every person can be taught ts sing if takes early enough, but after her long experience she is wllUcg to admit thst a few children cannot distinguish sounds, and to them the term "mono- toi.e- U applied. So far not more than two or three true -monotones Lave been found In the schools. These are boys, no gin so Tar perns; jouna wuo is uuauie 1.0 aictlnguisn some ainerence in musical notes. There are, however, a large num ber of children whose ears are unculti vated and they must be taught to dis tinguish the various notea This is the tnaln work of the early part of the first year. That tbe children take kindly to ttus courss of study Is shown by the large number wiio carry the work Into the homes; and here. Miss Arnold says, lies one of her greatest difficulties, as veil as one of ber strongest aids. In ths drvelopnwnt of ths pupil. Many parents whs do not sing think th time wasted which Is spent In teaching their children His First Elevator Ride NCLE REUBEN came back Ul from the city, excitea ana I nervous. He had gone to the I fir-v tn trniurf Mime law busi ness cunuwled wiLh his farm, with a lawyer whose office was In a modem skyscraper, and whose address Reuben carried along fur memorandum. "Wall." he began, sfter his wife, alarmed at his changed condition, had threatened to sumjuea lbs doctor from the nearest village if he would not explain lis csuse, "1 had about th' sainnlr-st shave from duath thla morning I ever heard an! It wus In that lawyer s bulldln. too. V see. I found the rlstit place s' start -d lot in through th' bulldln' fr his nam an' num ber. Finally, after walk In" np stairs after stairs Tr over two hours. I set daowa ail tired out ob th" lop step ' th' last stair way, completely discouraged. - "Where kin I find Lawyer Barnes s of nosT I asked a man fcurryln' by m. H didst stop, but Just pointed his thumb at jr"'f fr'1 tanAM' insld tttU Ce- f V thla branch and the iroperTiaor f reauently mow wwiiaua uiiu da j uuiui who. xi wiu never De ame xo uhl ror i can't lnr and neither can his father. Ue haa no oic and sever will have." When auch a complaint la received the uaual response 1: "Wen. d net tall that to Johnny. MuHo is part of the school course and be will be reauired to study tt. It you disoourase him he win cer- xy mate no prop-en. and IX he la en- mnrapid he ot lt This nmnm is nsuallv uffirtnt and while John may never beooms a slnrer hs will fenerally learn snouch about the theory to understand the meanlnr of musical terms. As a rule children learn to sltig, and each year shows a larger proportion who seem to show the effect of tb ritnK" With deep breathing the foundation of cf ,ciUb. U)tmry. the work may not be without Interest to the little ones rote songs are used for ths first two years. In the second year sight reading begins and before the year Is ended the pupil Is taught something of the transportation of keys. Phrasing is takes tip la th. third year and more difficult cv r-.f V "Vw T .' -.!; ... . -. i ... J : Exhibiting Nebraska Farm Products by Special Car - vn.1. MH. Iirm procuci- .v T - i-mrtnMnt of of the passenger department or th Burlingum rout, which has been on exhibition at the Burlington station for some time, starts on a tour of the V(v oounty aeats of the eastern counties of 8rliaEa January C It returned te Omaha arirr . Ucefssful trln of 12 days through Iolr minole and Missouri during which tlm0 more Uiao loo.ouit people passed down tn, lllle rtewm(r tbe product, rown is the WeBt both lrrleaUoo wi cry farming methoda. The car Is divided Into fourteen booths, seven showing samples of crops grown under Irrigation and seven showing samples grown without Irrigation. The booth from the Bill trigs district shorn crops grown In the Yellowstone valley on land that was suge brush two and a half years ago. One sheaf of wheat Is from a field which produced fifty-two bushels per acre and a bundle of oats from a fit-id w hich produced 116 bushels pur acre. The booth ',e shows sugar beets which run as high as twenty five tons to the acre and samples of alfalfa which ran srven tons to the acre and like room, chewin' gum like sixty. So I stt-pTKid ovsr and' Into this little room a a' asked th' boy if he wus Lawyer Barnes tiers.. 'No,' he sea, a bti frr-shlike, but 111 see Uil y' see tr. '' Then that fresh youx.g fellar hit th' wall a punch that ditt th' hull business!" Here Rt-ubea paused to . cover his eye and shake all over. v "He hadn't any more ' hit that wall, when he dislodged that room's git-rk-b-oulck faetenin a," he went m. when his spell was ever, an' th' hull floor o' that room fell fight out and' daown them fifteen stories to th' ground, takin' me an' that young fellar w It h tt ! 'Wall, thank God. here I be, Surahy, How aitheer ' us escaped gu tin- every bon In ur bodies broke I dos t know, an' droit car. Ail I know is that floor fell fiat on th' ground an' we didn't luse our footia,' When that shock wus over I bugged th' young fellar fr Joy an' give him a fiv-doilar bill fr open in th' door an lectin m out ahead o' htm. The I hustled fT bom."" Th anhTiilsta, TTTE OMAHA as a Feature of Omaha's Public School System x I work in tv,. in , . the voices being; divided between soprano and alte, and the Instruction regarding the scales begins to take on more sclentlflo phase. In the fifth year the now work starts with the chromatic scale and In sistence la placed upon rapid reading, both voice and eye coming in for extra attention. More difficult phrasing and three-part songs, introducing tener, comes with the sixth grade, and there is no new work Introduced after this time, except In the eichth grade, where, when oc casion warrants, a few baas voices are sot apart and four-voice songs Introduced. This completes the work to the high school. As far as known there Is but musical society In the grade schools. At Franklin school there is an orchestra composed of boys of ths eighth grade. A few months ago It held a concert at the school. Teachers interested in the musical de velopment ef the child. Including Miss Arnold, regret that there Is nothing done in the high school In ths wsy of musical Instruction. In the earlier days, when the school building was not so crowded, there .i..v.- v,.n -iv .n . - Three booths are filled with Big Horn -ucl ihbttUA howing th u, mTrmBrm cf the farmers fur- tJlli the proaucta. A sample of oats, roor, than six feet taU was taken from a v. m.rf. iwi hn.hMa nr acre and a number of sheaves are from fields which fron. jrbtv-fiv te 100 buahela. A show- 1. tta. of arral nt prone which n, than naili for the land on which thev wers grown. This exhibit also shews aam- IVZZaUOaa OB CUB aVCUaOitt2akJ SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 29. 1907. 4 i' W SEATED IN TTTE CENTER. :'V-7. fci K.'.S w - were choruses In which practically all pn- plls took part. At present there is no room large enough to accommodate a chorus, and therefore none la being trained. AH musical Instruction; received by high school pupils is distinct from reg- ular school work. This year there Is but ne organisation of pupils which has any thing to do with song and that Is the girls' German class. To acquire famil iarity with German sons the girls have orrauifced a German chorus, which is drUled occasionally by Miss Arnold, Meetings are held twice a month, when a murttaJ program of German songs is car- ried out. Tbo teachers of the schools have a musical society known as the Wagner ihom: It Is the outerowth of a spries ef lectures held in IMS. After the lectures Mies Anna Fooa, then principal of Kellum aohool sunrested that the organisation be continued. The society meets once a month for practice and sociability. The officers of the chorus at this time are: Mrs. Cora Anderson, president; Mies Franc Eaton, vine president; Miss Minnie P. Baker, secretary; Miss Helen Thompson, treas- urer; Miss Mary Austin, president courtesy fund; Miss Helen Rogers, librarian; Miss i.iaa of alfalfa and natural cresses that sur- r - prise ail wno visit xne car. rnnfi tn p- tatoes. sugar beet, turnips and other vere- tables of mammoth sise from the Basin ooountry are also shown. Other samples are those of cauliflower, squasnea. pum;Jcins so irr that ona can acaroelv realise they are the real article, A fins fruit display is also made. The North Platte Vallev booth contains a bundle of wheat from a field that pro- duoed fifty-seven bushels per acre and a . hf" tmiiMTi .. "'1H1-a'"'y - - - : i r r :y " -4 t - r V. - ,. ; ,, ' -. ;'rj- A - : j! I v ' v . 1 11 . I "I , I I.IMI m 111 111 I in n.i l l.l II II win i - mi Hi m iii i iii in . t , - J " I; ' " ' V i .... i " - . ...v .. - ' ' ' " " - - - ' "" - I 4 1 4 THE GERMAN BOCTETT OF THE HH3H BCOOU WHICH IS ALSO A OBSANQ J etuis PyrUe, chairman refreshment com- on study at the state university, while mlttos; Miss Ida Blackmore, pianist; Miss Miss Grass Cenklin is at home. Fannie Arnold, director. There are about Miss Jessie Towns, one of the teachers alghty-flve members of the chorus, with at the high school and a graduate of seventy-five taking active part in tho work, that school, is considered one of the best of the society. pianists m the city, but she does little Aside from toe vocal work tn the school Omaha has reason to be proud of some of the prospective artists In Instrumental muslc, which It has graduated from the high school. Until this year there were two strong organisations at the school, cut this year there is but one. the cadet band. Formerly there was a glee club and an orchestra, but they have not been reorganised. A large number of both the boys and girls are carrying on music studies outside of school houri and they are In demand for scrtool entertainments, tt being an easy thing to arrange an ao- oeptable musical program at short notice. The graduating class of 1W7 markable for four young musicians of more than ordinary ability two boys ana two girls. The beys were pianists and the girls violinists. Stanley Ltovsky. ons of the . boys, is in Prague, completing his musical studies, while C'eeai jjerryman at home. He is doing some leacmng. ui the girls. Miss Helen Summer is carrying sample of oats from a field that ran 110 ww,. -v.- ...l - -' vegetables shewn la this booth give the visitors an adequate Idea of what western Nebraska produce Two booths show the crops grown In northwestern Colorado under irrigation and ons without irrigation. The Irrigated crops come from the vicinity of Fort Morgan, Brush ' and Sterling. A sample of giant ns that made ninety musbeis per acre at- tree ted oonaidarabl attention, as aid ls F LSAVSHi LH TbLB HarTf (i XTCXa. ETOR BCHOCW. CADETS' "BRASS BAND. i t- 1 public work at this time. Miss L-ouisa Shaddnck. who with Miss Emily Owes and naoiss weoa. lormea t pni uar- t8t with violins and piano, is now studying k Germany. Miss Wood preceded bar to that company to complete her musical education. Mlas Corlnno Paulsen,- who teaching In Omaha, is another grad- u1 of the school, as is her brother, Carl Paulsen, a violinist of more than ordinary ability. Miss Olive Carpenter now at Cornell, was another of the high "" """""" " siso devoted to the palate and is more often thought of as an artist. Miss Helen Budllek Is another musician who ahowed her ability while In school. a lew vocjis i mure miu merit have been graduated from the high school and one or two of them have found appreciative audience before the footlights. J"m u ci eevera, nm.,, has been at Lincoln and dith the Lni- a case of alfalfa honey from Sterling. Ths .hnr r.f .noi11v tho. rr.m- --- without irrigation, are roost surprising, several samples being shown where th 107 crop far more than paid for the oost ol the land. Ehcridan county has ne mixed booth aticairs crops grown with and without irrirlltj0n. The grass display was a reve-' laUou to MJilra peupie. Two booths are utilized for showing the products of southwestern Nebraska In which are splendid samples of all kinds of grains and vegetsMes from Red Willow, Dundy, Perkins snd Frontier counties. A standard Nebrafka county ts also show by Nuckolls county. Here are shown sam ples of grains, grasses and manufactured mill products as fine as can be shown from any state. Tbe booth from Box Butte county, Ne braska, was altogether the work of George E. Douglas and his sons, who furnished a booth from their own farm. Mr. Doug las stood by his booth during the eastern Journey snd told of tbe great Baas of Box Butte county. This feature was most pleasing to the visitor to ths car, as they seem to like te talk te a real farmer, th man who raises th stuff ha showa Northwesisrn Kansas Is represented by fine display of grains, grasses and veg etables from Rawlins county, ths samples making a very creditable display of crops grown without Irrigation. Last, but not least, is tt showing md f th crops grown' en Uie HUnkaid aectltm of homes load lands. This booth shows sam ple of ourn, wheat, osta. alfalfa, native grease, potstues, squashes, turnip, cab bages aiid other vegetable that show as wall as stuff grown on more expensive liLiiAa. In speaking of ths manner of collecting Ummm sample Ix Clem Deaver. head of ths land seekers' information bureau of ths Builti-cxon. said.: "The aampltss are hon est exhibits of the crops grown In each locality. They are by no means picked sampiea It would not be fair to only show th best and we could not afford to be un fair. Of course these samples are net ths poorest we could find, nor are they ths bast, but Just a happy medium. Wo hav had hundreds of people In th car who bvs told us they have never seen bettor samples growing than we were showing. This exhibit has been aa eye-opener t eastern pee pie and baa don vaot suiussil cf good is advertising th iwouros th VERES!, versity Glee club has received plaudits fa his bass voice of fine timbre and groat power. Miss Augusta Lehman added to her local instruction ty study abroad and baa established a local reputation for her voloa, Miss Mildred Inmn. another graduate. la studying and training her voioe la Germany. Reconstruction of Rome (Continued from Page Two.) world were stayed. Here very stone, a to speak, is carefully reproduced, trt utriphal arches and columns, temple ant shrines and rostra and all ths other buildmgs. Th Hereon Romult, r Temple f Romulus, so of Maxentlua, the Forum of Pence with Its tempi; th ForuA Nervae enclosed within marble coated walls supporting a richly carved en tablature; the Forum August urn, with, tt wall raised to a great height ts screw the view of the mean bouse clustered n tbe slopes ot tbe Qulrinal Hill, soma typical specimens of which hav also bea reconstructed In order to give an idea af what common Roman dwelling hous looked like; ths Forum Julium. around tb tempi dedicated by Julius Caesar ts Venus Cenetrtx, where th masterpiece f Arkesllaos waa, end finally the Forum Tralanl, ths most magnificent of them aS, masterpiece of architecture and a won derful feat of engineering, wtth Its col umn "to show posterity bow feign ros the mountain levelled te max room far tb forum," th propylaia with tbe tri umphal arch of tbe founder, th aquar with the equestrian statute In the middle, tb Basilica llpta. th Bibltotheoa UlpL, two hemlrycles, and th Temple of Tra jan, may all be seen side by side, nobi mass of buildings ths Hk of which has never been attempted elsewhere. Tb CUvus Capitoliaus, as ths end of th Sacra Via which ascended tb waster, slope of the Capltollne Hill was railed, forms one extremity of Prof. Marcellia&i'a model. Just as the Coliseum forms th other. Her are to be seo th Arx ot Citadel of Rome, surrounded by fortlAV rations which were supposed t be th work cf Etrusraa masons; th Tempi ef Coneord. entirely built of whit marbl profusely enriched with mstrpleoe off the Greek school, which served as saaet tng place for the Senate en ertraortlnrr occasions: tbe Temple of Vespasian, that of Saturn, the Portio ef th Twetv Gd with its twelve gold Images, six gods and six geddeeeea; th Tabula rl urn, destined for the eafs keeping cf deeds of pu bli Interest, a considerable portion of wrhesfc Is preserved today, and finally th Capt tolium or Tempi of Jupiter Optima Maxlmus, th national sanrtwary of ancient Roma, which ros In th center of a sacred area bounded oa three sMes by precipitous cliffs and was built ta pur Etruscan style. The Theatre ef MarceDus, erect d by Julius Caesar and completed by Augustus In memory of his beloved eon-la-law, an, the Forum Bnaiium. or oattl snark. ax seen to the right ef the CapltoL Th nug nlfleent Ttiermae TralanL or Baths f Trajan, on ths Esxjuiltnl Hill oa tb north east side of th Coliseum oowiplet tb enumeration of ths principal buildings tn tlx reconstruction cf th Rom of tb Caeaara, done by Prof. MaroeUlaal. bat such an enumeration does not ooraprt all th buildings Included In th model, such for Instsnos as private bona, toe, noble and plehlan, specimen of which differing, In architect urs and mod at construction, are scattered ber and there Nor doe tt give an Idea ef tb aeaeo. tngly Insignificant details which are fasja4 in every building, such as deom alien, statuary, streets and even email fcnmaa figures which serve to shew ff tb pee. Dortlar.s ef th eUfferes A better Ids of tb whole wsrk Is Tyd by tb tws accompanying iliuatrw- takan from ppoit ef tb