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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1907)
A Ppr for th Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best .IT. West EDITORIAL SECTION. Psgcs 9 to 16. VOL. XXXVII NO. 142. OMAliA, SATURDAY lUOKNINO, XOVEMBEIl 30, 1907. SIXULK COrY TWO CKNTS. Saturday's Special Features ri.. Great Store The first grand display of Christmas toys, doll and Christinas Merchandise In trennral (i second floor. Special attractions In Christmas stationery. w books quaintly hound and boxed, enlarged sales space and Increased naif fore. Donhle C.rrrn Trading Stamps In all drHU-tmrnts up to It O'clock forenoon; single stamps 'till closing time, H) u. m. All orrr the house " offer extraordinary bargains. Hpectals In ii.en'a rlothliu. foot, wear for everybody, ladles' fine suits, coaU and furs. M sacrifice sale of jewelry to encourage early shopping. We arc splendidly ready for that Oiristmas business which In to be greater hT far than anything ever eperlcnred In the history of Omaha's grontcst More and will, h I about to happen. We are, aa ready as though Christmas was due nent week. We have already accomplished our part In the way of preparation. W1U yon not really try to accomplish that duty which He on y.u to shop early7 If yon will start yonr ( hrltmws buying right now yon will v.n-. ... ,,..,11 . . .... ., . ih.t iMK-aiiae of tiinnrhtlessness fall so heavT on clerks. dellTerymen and horses. Women's rai J CA 4 . s tO T2, Fine i unmm aims at nvm xm swvmynvv fVt have selected toxnt of our very but stjles for this special bargain sale; styles that cted toxnt of our very but stjles for this special bargain sale; styles that .'- irilj at S19.50. S25.00 an $29.50. These I 7 C ftWT- rude ef fine broadcloth, li all tho now fall sha is an aulhentij reflex of down te-thc-minute fashion. J ! "jy "" V V sold ordinari suits are m and each i We consider this one of the biggest bargains ever offered . . . The Omaha Daily Bee aaig , W - av -'-. I .41 Men's TW ATI ,2sJs, fl.r,sar CAnnilAfr Suits 3 T1 Don't miss those specials. If you do you will ml is tho greatest value-giving offer of the season All the new colorina;" In fancy worsteds and cheviots aluo b ark Thibtn, regular $12.50 values. flTr"SiOo5o War,n- "ervlcwabln materials In black and V VCi dork nx:ord shades, whII mads and trim med, extraordinary valuwa at tlu, 1)0. Worsteds, bcotchns, velour casslmeres, blao eerges, all the new shades and patterns, regular 520 values If Suits Atto Kersey , meltons, friezes, eheriots, vlou Fw vl tlUuld nas, In blak, oxford,' brown aud gray. Overcoats you choose one of these yeu can't make a mistake. Cfllflo Crown' ollve ray bIue ln cneoKs "ripes, iJlli&b plaids and plains, in worsteds, serges, mnfinlsh- ed materials and cashmere?. Oxfords or Cambridge gray, black aud browns, In beautiful satin or serge lined meltons, kerseys, vicunas, etc. Strictly hand-tailored clothes of finest flu. ish, regular $25.00 values. ' Boys' Wool Suits with two pairs knlckerbocker trousers or tho Jui Jit-u, rainproof, reinforced suite, giving you choice of the best $5 values in the city for boys 7 to 16 years. Boys Overcoats in Ru-3ian, storm collar reefer, and long loose coats in sizes 3 to 16 years, regnlar six dollar and seven dollar value?. Boys' Knickerbocker Trousers, fine heavy weight all wool materials, in newest patterns and colorings, regular oue dollar and fifty cents and one dollar and seventy-five ctB value : i ,..,. $1.00 n Ip-SclSl.yFmllo.tor FOOTWEAR 300 pairs Packard and Knox Shoes, every pair worth $3.50 to $4.00. Hand sewed, cork filled soles, box calf, patent leather and 2.29 I V COO pairs, Lost lot of 300 pairs solid loath- .: K)f j VXiw shoes ever 8hown at er lace shoes, patent fcJ - NXvtV $2.50 and $2.'J5; also 4. ... t, , . iKi' S$t::J X . GO pairs of $.100 and tips' fme fcc1 W f ir: $3.50 shoos; to close ing" shoes, $1.50 J I Xj out quick- Q and $1.25 QO S ly, at Ua values. ..... JJ x Women's Spats Women's Spats or Over Gaiters, $1.00 value; f r or Ovorgaiters Saturday OC MEN'S 6IX OR EIGHT uu rrorM OVERGAITERS Zt?xZ?Z 39c Bennett's Hardware Stoves! Stoves! IVnliiNular Rase' nurners, regular $44 values Swliil. at . . Sftf.H5 IVuliiNular Soft Coal HiutcrM. special. . . ?G.rO lVnlnsular Novel liange, 1H in oven, regulur .10.CO. stK-lal 835.00 I'erletiou Oil lltaters 1.75 "d yi.75 Ua!vanl.ed Water Palls, regular 20c values H:t'tial 14c Fire Shovels, regular 15c value, special 10c 1'lre Shovels, regular 10c value, special. .V Wire Coat Hangers, 5c . values, special, 6 for iho Kitchen Scraping Knives . for 10c 10 green trading stamps Supolln Stove Pipe Enamel 15c 10 green trading stamps Black Eagle Stove Pol ish 10c 10 green trading stamps Yellow Label Stove Pol ish 15c 10 green trading stamps Chafing Dishes, don't miss that dish, for $5 100 green trading stamp 10 Real Bargains la Our Urpet Sec lionior Saturday. No. 1 Extra hfuvy iotton chain Ingratn Car-l"-ts. In d'Sirsbl paiii-rns unci fast colors, ells fur 6Sr, ii nun day only, yard 390 No. - Jixtia sup. r all-wool Iner cln Catp-'iM, i-ohirs wa-ranti-d, Hlilctly fast, a bl( variety of patterns, sells fm tjc, for one day only, j.or yard bio No. 3 HruKsela carpet, 27 Inches wide.-wit. i stair or border to mat-h, floral or conven tional dcslitiiH, ln desirable colorings, sells for 69r, for one day only, yard 39o No. 4 VN'llton Velvet Carpets, a big variety of j'Htterna. n Ivndid quality, faat oloi, will) border to matcli 8 Jo No. 6 Granite Art Squares, t9 only, a limited supply, while they last, for one day only, at , S3.98 No. t Strictly all-wool Ingrain Run, 9xlJ, rest heavy and last colors, ln tans, red, green or light blue, sell for $10. U0, for one day only at 7.89 No. 7 Strictly all-wool Smyrna Hugs, both fides alike, with frlnite, only a limited sup ply, worth 2 To, for one day only 91.69 No. Wilton Velvet Runs, large size, S-ft. by 6-ft., strictly all-wool pile. In desirable pat terns, worth 14 60, for one day only . . . .92.98 No. ti Axmlnster Hubs, room slie, 8-3x10-6, In beautiful parlor effects, mostly tan grounds. sell for $22.50, for one day only 918.79 10 Linoleums, heavy printed, well fin ished goods, tn desirable patterns, sell for 60c, for one day only, per yard 39o No. PYROGRAPHY Cam Now lor Christmas , Thousands of new pieces for burning; picture frames, mir rors, glove, photo and hand kerchief boxes 100 81 This Is a pleasant and profitable pastime and Inexpensive. Com plete outfits at $1.15 31.8 ami 52.50 PICTURES AT BARGAIN PRICES Hundreds of new pieces at up from 1()S 19. 25 Some very fine Pastels, pew frames and new color effects, OS to $10.00 FRAMING THAT IS RICUT We have expert workmen and can do It right. Four times Oreea Trading Stamps on all framing. CIGARS HELKN GOULD I0o Cigar, bat- r urday. straight . . sC 8ATIK1MY ONLY Advance sale of holi day goods. Special prices on Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases, Smok ing Sets, Pipes, Etc. Three times Green Trading Stamps oo .n-v articles. CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES baturday w e will placo on salo over 400 coats of bear skin, velours, kersoya and meltons, at 2" mi VI CflllME.YS WOOL DRESSES Sizes four to fourteen years, made of all-wool sere, in plain colors and stripes and plaids, neatly trimmed, reg larly worth $5 and $6.50; Saturdav 3 and 91 Children's Fur Sets $1.95. $2.05 aud $3.05 STOKK ROOM Everything for tlie baby, at the right prloe. Second Floor East. $20.OQ is a convenient prlc? to nay for a salt. This offr is , exception Sale will Include suits thtit sold lor a35.00. $39.50 S45.00. All the ne est styles, couts ot ev ry lenqtti to suit the ilqure SaiurdHV sale price Coats! .Coats! Coats! On account of tho lateness of seasonable weather for cloaks and furs Saturday wo will otter some of tho most stupendous bargains over ottered in Omaha. Fine Broadcloth Coats full satin lined, handsomely trimmed In velvet & brid. Made to sell t $13, ft n C Saturdaysale price J Women's Caracul Coats lined with guaranteed satin, braid trimmed, made to soil at fif 7 C $20.00, for Fine Oroadclolla and Kersey Coats Loose lltting, tight or somi-fltting, full satin lined, hand- somely tailored, worth $20.00 and $22.50, Saturday sa!o SMALL FURS ties, scarfs and throws 1.95, 2.95, 3.95 m -ft mm m w i Specials in Hosiery We bought hosiery vt-ry extensively nt tho lllR Tlve Halo, comltM-tetl by tlte St. Ixuls wholesalers. The fiut Uiftt e hnuKlit Inmienscly Is an cYltlence that wo bought nt a bargain. Ladies' fast black Seamless Hose, double solo, 19o Talue, at 12H C Ladles' Imported full fashioned Hose, double sole, 3oo value, at 21 Ladles' Bilk lisle Hose, cotton foot, 60c value, 3 pair for , 81.00 Boys' extra heavy Bicycle Hose, 19c value.. 13H Misses' imported full fashioned Hose, 35c value 17 And Double Green Trading Stamps. me il Specials in Underwear We find we have more winter Underwear now than wo ought U have. In order to reduce the stock, we will make tlie following low prices: Ladies' heavy ribbed fleeced rants, 25c valu 17 Ladles' extra heavy fleeced Vests and Pants, 35c value at 21 ladles fine combed cotton Vests, 50c value ... .5 Ludles' ribbed cotton Union Butts, Toe value 49 Ladles' wool plaited Union Suits, $1.00 value... (JO Lad Ira' fine combed cotton Unlou Suits, $1.00 valie, .at 7l0 Double Green Trading Stamps Handkerchiefs Ladles' emhrolrit rd Handkerchiefs, 8o value.... 5 Ladles pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs, 15c value 10i Ladies' pure linen, French emb'd. earner, 25c val. 15e Ladies' sheer plain linen, 15o value 10 And Double Green Trading Stamps Ladles' Gloves Ladies' Golf Gloves, 35c value 25 Indies' 2-clnsp Kid Gioves, $1.00 value 5C Ladles' 2-clasp Msinish Gloves, $1.25 value.. SI. 00 Ladies' 8-button Biarritz Gloves, $1.0.1 valuo. . . jx!40 Double Green Trading Stamps Ra9ln8 Values In MEN'S FURNISHING Special sale of Men's fine laun dered French Percale and Madras Shirts 50 dozen fine shirts, mostly cut coat style, with or thout cuffs, worth in a regular way $1.50; choice Saturday $1 50 dozen fine shirts, mostly cut coat style, with or without cuffs, plain or plaited fronts, handsome new patterns and effects, cc nr.Kh 0 At. H Saturday Men's xNeckwear Beautiful showing of lurest silks and weaves and colors 50c 75c. and up to 2.50 Men's Hosiery first showing of Holi day Hose ln many ex clusive patterns anl neat, faicy effects 25c, 50c. 75c. 2.50 o.oSraam E!Syo1 FINE CHINA and CUT GLASS AVe have a unique pride hi this iuiignlficent section of a groat floor. Our Chlua and Cut-Class section is all indicative of fhe very finest products of the best potteries aud rut-gla factories in the world. Buy now for Christmas. GLITTERING SHOWS Of CUT GLASS Libbey See the Crystal Room. A iiaze of beauty Articles priced ut two dollars, two seventy-five and three-fifty with some especially ood items from five dollars to eit;ht dollars. Dlnncrware! Dinner ware! Dinnerware in an endless variety. Sets at SO. OH, $7. OH and $10.00. Fine China Sets at $12.08, $14.30, $10.08 up to the finest heavy en crusted gold, at $15(1.00. Also sold in separate pieces. Japanese Chlr..i Sugar Creatm, red j See the bis values on 25c, 50c, 7fc decoration, $1.00 aluei;, Saturday, ' and $1.00 tnbks. while they last, pair 50 I Many iieces worth double the price. .mmk PAJAMAS Neat effects ln madrafc and funnel, nicely fin islied garments, aoec Ually priced for Satur day's selling $2.03, $1 50 ZL $1.00 1 A V . - ens Underwear ?:"".if M Hundreds of fine all wool heavy derby ribbed shfrts and draw ers, and fine double Unap wool fleeced shirts and drawers, worth up to $1.50, special for Saturday, per Q garmennt. at 0V MEN'S HATS JOHJt B. STETBOS KITS. Softs $3.80 to S7.50 Stiffs (3.50 aud (5.00 An espivl.illy attrntive offf-rlnn for haturtmy In a fine stylish hat Th Klnfstun a hat cxi'luslvcly controlled by :u in this city. W liow It In all Khupes and nhsdcs; botii soft h-i I ftllT. Its the best valuo In a list at the price eer shown 93.50 MEN'S CAPS Men's genuine Aisbka '.'aps, worth 115.00. Fat- urduy at (10.00 JVn'h Rnulne Alaka csl Cri". worth up to ?.h(), hatunluy at 4 90 anJ S3. 90 Men's fine Mukrst i.n.l KVvtrlc Peal Cops, wu-th up to f 50, SHiurday at $:'.t,u iind S1.50 Menu all wool winter Clolh 'r i extra warm nnd i torm it i f. pr'-fj from jjf.ii to 60o Hoy's tto-kins Cbj., 60c una 86o Hoys' f lined if aril Jockey Caps, special for fcaturuay at boo ctasxgOT m-i asajM5at, 1 9 UBaS'ic. Chiisbnas Jewelry! To start Christmas shopping ri?:ht in our Jewelry de partmert, we will place on sale Saturday 500 Qold and Bronze Clocks at a great sacrifice. hy gold or bronze Clock, worth up to $ 15, at Any gold or bronze Clock, worth up to $10, at 7.98 5.98 I Any gold or bronie Clock, J worth up to $5.00, at. . . . Auy pold or broaze Clock, wot tli up to $3.00, at. . . . Main Floor French grey Canlle Slicks, beautiful designs, at 50 Hand carved Combs with Inlaid gold Initial, at. . . -50 1!' d bac'.i alligator strap Purses. $5 v.liie S2.0H 2.98 1.98 E&rt" Section ( CKXXWJ-'a. V3SCSS5S53 Holiday Stationery Special for Saturday llolly I ox containing 24 fcheets of paper ami 2-t envelopes, 1 Cl at U Holly Tags. Labels, and Stickers ln all designs. FURNITURE nt a Great Reduction SO psr cant off oa all Parlor Tarnltttr. SO par osnt ta aa x kraorrtiaarr radnotloa: It Is th wbolssals profit. A IxMntiful chase leather couch. It by 19 Inches long, best oil tem prtd npiral aprlns, looka like a 130. Oi) couch 42 CIM taturduy cymmjcy Kt!ltt Hikers, made of arlected white oak, lots spring seat and Uirk. upholsier-'d In Kod chaa leatiier. a regular 1 7. SO vu ue. llmiteil niimoer on axle C f2 80 per cant dlaoouAt oa all Bras Bads Baturday. s-faaC? Corsots! Corsets! Corsets! . (IXCOBO ri.OOB) An extraordinary bargain sale of corsets. A complete assortment; a corset for every figure, coutiles and batistes ; high bust, long hips ; sonre with hosert f supporters. All colors. Dainty girdles in ri"t.jr white and blue, with hose supporters, Sat'dy. v Meats I Meats ! You will hate read in the papers alwut "the bottom drop piiiK out of the meat market," and how one paper says that "retail prices will not be irduced." We beg to say that wo art- alwuys the first to lower prices and last to put them up. Our prices on nnuts were reduced Iw mediately South Umaha Have us Hie eucouraKemeut. SATlltDAV SPKCIALS Freeh Dressed Roosters, per lb 7 He Fresh Leaf Lard. 12 pounds for $1.00 Pig Pork Loin, per lb. . .tHiC Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb. Hie Fresh Spare Rib, 3 pounds for U3e Porterhouse Steak, per lb 12Hc Sirloin Roast, per lb...lH,c Prime Rib Roast, all bones out, per lb 10c Choice lb. .. Pot Roast per .. . . 7c and Sc Morrell's Iowa Hams, every Hani Is selected and guar anteed, per lb IS He And 30 Green Trading Stamps No. 1 Bacon, narrow strips, b the strip, per lb 14Hc Bennetts Big Grocery Special Offers for Saturday. Please Order Early. Prlds of Bennett's Flour, per fc.nk 1.4S And 76 Green Trading SUuiip.i Dennett's Capitol Hour, per sack $1.45 And 75 Green Trading titausp Granulated Sugar, ienty-one pounds for $1.00 Bennett Hest Cofft-o, three p Hindu fur $1.00 And 1 00 Green Trading Ftamps Hennett'a Heet (.'offee, lb. ..U5o And 3u Green Trading titampa, lour pKg4 36o ijeneaaee Miinglbita I'iirIIhIi Walnuts, pound .16o' Koafcted l'eunuia, quart 6o Kiiherla, pouml 15o Hegular loc Cookies, lb.... loo 1'ietzelH, pound 6o Li nneti's t'apltul Mluceraeat, three pkH 8 So And 10 Green Trading Htampa fsew Vora l-'ull Cream Chee-ie. pound 33o And 10 Gieen Trading Stamps iJlainond S Chile Kauce, per bottle 350 And 20 Green Trading htauips tiiut. uorax starch, i line,- f. in, ml pounu PKK 16a ?,u Green Trading Stnmpn J, J 10 Green Trading Stampa llei nett s Cunilol Hakioir '2T.'V ;J 1 Kt. Ch I vttLler. o-io. can il.OO iJrffWi I 'ana '...85o J J Green 'iradlng St pd (PiiUJSi J Hennctt s Capitol Ki ei' H. F. Jaia i. Oo- !tk4TT. -? I trm-l t.nttln Kit ! i 4, ftuiiptwdf r, I.' f- l;ro ikf:int, lb., bbo . L 1 13 (Jieen 'j'TolIng Stamps iriL.t Blood . f Giaoe Juice. ' " t2ja; tiuart t "itio 500 - And 70 ureen Tr.idlng Ktamps Mulk Currants, new. puuud. 100 Kulslns, new. pouod lOo Khii.ins, sefled, 10c Jell-i). ussorte.l. .1 ;.ngs. ...36o And 10 Green Tra.llns lit irnpa Hhredded Conflnh. 3 ..95o And 10 Green Trading Stainis Genese Sur"otajili. 3 cans 300 And 30 Green Trading 8tamp Bennett's Capitol 1'auiake, it packaxe lto Ai.d 10 Green Tradlr.g Stamps I'O Green Trading Stamps liiamond S J'reoei ch. large 30o ' l:.llf, . .. a lal, worth 3uc, riatuiday at. u do.ell 300 BENTTETT'B OAVDIZB Orocary Bactlon Moss Pqusres, lb.,.10o Soi.r I irops. pound 10o Cnii '.,rnla Kigs, pkg loc In '.. pound loo Cho. olate Bon Bona, aaaorled. foiinl box aio And : Green Trading Stamps World's IFnrriousi Books Ths fclkgsat book bargains ln yanrs. Hinlomly bound Tot Bm:., printed oa papar that will 'w.t," la basutlful, claar typa. Books ara thoroughly boaud, gilt back and top. Titles ara thaaei A Tale cf Two Cltlea. '1 ha (leni ent i f Man. Th i'lrat Violin. lypatla. vanho. June F.yre. Thelina. Itoblnon Crusoe. John Halifax. I.rne loone. The Orlln of Species, t'nele T im'a Cabin. Vanity leir. 1'oui Brown's School Day a. Knu?raon's Kssays. s Lav-tavrig&g'r'r)targyy