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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1907)
4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1907. Tiie Omaha Daily Bel FOUNDED JJT fcDWARD BOSEWATKR. VICTOR ROBS WATER, EIITOR Entered at Omtli Fostomce aa ootid claae matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: r!ly Bee (without Sunday), en yer..M.0 leily Bee and Sunday, so year Sundar Bm, on year J 60 Saturday Bm, on year X.M DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Bunday), per week.. 15c Ually Be (without Sunday), par week..lOo Evening Boa (without Bunday), pr weak so Evening bee (with Sunday), Der wee.. . .10o Addreaa all oornplelnta of irregularities In delivery to City ClrculaUon Department, OFFICES. Omaha Tha Be Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs U Scott Street. Chicago HMO University Bulldlnf. New Tork 15 Horn Life Insurance Building. Washington T2S Fourteenth Btreet N. W. CORRE8PONDKNCB. Communlcatlona relating to newe and edi torial matter ahould be addressed, Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exprese or portal order payable to Tha Bee Publishing Company. Only S-eent atampa received in payment or mall aocounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or aaatarn exchange, cot accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglaa County, ss: Charles C. Kosewater, general manager of Tha Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, aays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Daily Morning, Evening and Bunday Be printed during tha month of October, W7. was follows! 1 M,70 IT SS.790 S 3g,aao It 3S.B60 I M,00 II .. SS,S40 4 94,360 JO 40,600 1 33,650 1 36,650 1 35,500 tl 36'90 T 36.440 tl 37,313 36,630 24 S6.800 36,700 II 36,760 II 36360 tl 36,700 11 36,40 . 11 38,680 II 36,130 II 87,0l0 II 86,300 29 86,U0 14 36,630 10 36,0 II 86.B30 II 37,330 II 3680 Total 1,133,480 Less unsold and returned copies. 3,835 Net total 1,189,656 Dally average 38.4J7 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. Oeneral Manager, ubaoribed In my presence and sworn to belore me this 1st day of November. 1907. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public WHEX OUT OF TOWN, afcecrlbers IcatIbs; tbe city teas rarity eavoald hare The) Baa aaalie tkem. Addreaa will ba Wonder If Mayor "Jim" left tbe lid t French Lick Springs? A dollar In a turkej does ffood than two In a stocking. more It is understood tbat Senator For Sker thinks very highly of Mr. Jus tice Brewer's political decisions. No hurry about putting those bonds voted st the last election on the mar ket so long 38 present conditions con tinue. . Notice how little figure Newport has cut In the news columns Blnce the financial barometer went low in Wall street? Tbe financial stringency in Wash ington is being relieved 3s the states men arrive and draw their mileage allowances. According to Vienna reports, the price of radium has been reduced to 11,000,000 an ounce. Now is the time to lay in your winter supply of ra dium. . According to latest advices, Japan does not want Us citizens to cume to the United States, but opposes any .Ian of th United States to keep them from coming. Omaha can get along very nicely without itinerant street corner ven ders. Most of them have been oper ating under permits granted by the ir.ayor without even paying a license fee. A New York jury has failed to agree as to the proper amount of heat for a flat. Why submit such Questions to a Jury, anyway, when the Janitor finally settles the question to suit him self? While no announcement has been made of the fact, the eight other Jus tices of the supreme court are thought to hold dissenting opinions from Jus tice Brewer's decision against Presi dent Roosevelt. New York City owns seventy-four automobiles, purchased at a cost of 1180,000, and the annual cost of main taining them is $140,000, or $1,1100 each. Those automobiles must drink something beside gasoline. The cornerstone of the Young Women's Christian association build ing has been duly laid with impressive ceremonies.. Resumption of the so liciting campaign to complete the building fund will next be in order. An experiment with the "pay-as-) ou enter" system, of collecting street car fares is being made in Chicago. The experiment that is being made on the street railway in Omaha seems to be with the "get-off-before-you-pay" sys tem. aomeming met in mo way oi a monument should be provided for (hat negro woman who has Just died in Kansas City at the age of 126 and who never claimed that she served aa a domestic In George Washington's household. General Gomes, the leader of the Cuban radicals, says it will do no harm to continue the American provisional government In Cuba for another six months. It would do no harm to con tins it Indefinitely, until the Cubans how some real capacity for managing their svb affairs. f . TOO MCCH JOHSSOS. As the pure food commissioner for Nebraska, Governor Sheldon has finally asked the attorney general for an official, opinion on the meaning of that section of the pure food law which relates to tbe misbranding .of food packages. It seems that without watting for any advice from the state's law depart ment the deputy food commissioner has been slashing right and left on his theory of what the law ought to be. When this deputy wrote to the county attorney of Douglas county some time ago, calling upon him to arrest and prosecute the South Omaha packers for not stating the weights on their encased hams and bacons, the county attorney in reply politely suggested that the section of the law referred to would not warrant the reading the deputy food commissioner gave it and asked outright whether the attorney general had ever made a ruling upon it. But the great deputy food com missioner disdainfully ignored this very pertinent question. Instead of first finding out whether he was right before going ahead, this over-officious underofflclal began a series of lecture engagements through the state and started a round robin in the country newspapers, telling how conscientious he Is in the performance of his duty and what a tremendous task .he has undertaken to prevent people from being short-weighted by their grocers. The particular section of the pure food law which is supposed to be in question would not seriously trouble any grammar school pupil able to parse a sentence. It declares that an article of food shall be deemed to be mlsbranded "If sold for use in Ne braska, and in package form other than canned goods, contents, weight or measure are not correctly stated on the outside of the package." The all wise deputy food commissioner, him self, admits that in order to support his position he has to insert a word out of his own mind and make it read, "contents in weight or measure," al though even at that he has been una ble to find any positive mandate in the law to require the packages to be labelled at all with any one of the three Items of "contents, weight or measure." There are other undisputed sections of the law relating to other matters whose enforcement would keep the deputy food commissioner quite busy It so disposed, but it would not enable him to pose as a modern AJax defying the meat packers nor to issue daily proclamations that "the law is on the statute books and must be enforced" before he has even had a legal opinion as to what the law calif for. lawful mosey and reserves. The flood of recommendations for legislation revising the currency sys tem contains many plans that would be set down at once aa ludicrous, were not the lack of appreciation of basic principles emphasized by a semi-official notice from the Treasury department relative to the uses to which the pro posed issue of $100,000,000 in "cer tificates of Indebtedness" may be put. The notice Indicates that even the financiers at the head of some of the biggest banking institutions do not clearly understand the laws limiting the use of different forms of money. The Treasury department announces that the proposed issue of 3 per cent short term certificates of indebtedness cannot be made, directly or indirectly, a part of a national bank's reserves. This information is not vouchsafed gratuitously, but because certain New York bankers had conceived the notion tbat they would be allowed to use these evidences of government indebt edness to replenish their depleted re serve resources. The failure of the New York banks to maintain the reserves demanded by law has been one of the most fruitful sources of financial trouble. These funds have been considerably below the legal requirement since the be ginning of the depression in August, lut a marked Improvement has been lately accomplished and, with the re cent gold Importations, normal and legal conditions are being rapidly re stored. Completo restoration of the lfBetve mubt be accomplished by the bankf themselves, through legitimate methods and not by any assistance offered by the government's issue of certificates of indebtedness. The law Is explicitly plain on the questlou of legal reserves, so plain that it is sur prising that bankers anywhere should need further advice or instruction. Under the provisions of tho national biiiiklug act, every national bank in 'reserve" cities, of which there are sixteen in the country, must have on band at all times "In lawful money of the United States," an amount eo,ul to at least 25 per cent of the aggregate of all its deposits. In non-reserve cities, the minimum reserve required of national banks is 15 per cent of its d posits. This leaves but one question which should be plain to' the banker, however ill-posted the lawman may be, as to what constitutes "lawful money of the United States." The courts have repeatedly passed upon this proposi tion and the definitions are thus com piled by the New York Commercial, from six different sections of the re vised statutes: Gold eoln, standard silver dollars, sub sidiary silver, miner coins, 1'ntted States notes and treasury notes of lsSu have the legal-tender quality aa follows: Gold coin 's legal tender tor Its nominal value when not below tha limit of tolerance In weight; when below that limit It la legal tender 'u proportion to Ita weight; standard silver dollars and treasury note of lsSt) are Ipgal tender for all debts., public and rr'.vale. except where otherwise expressly stipulated In the contract; subsidiary sMver is legal tender to tl.e extent uf $10, minor coins to the. extent of 25 cents, and United States notes for all debts, publio and private, except duties on Imports and In terest on the public dobt. Gold certificates, silver certificates and national bank notes are non-legal-tendrr money. Both kinds of certificates, however, are receivable for all public dues, and national bank notes are receivable for all public dues except duties on Imports and may be paid out for nil pnhllo dues except interest on the publio debt. Hie new certificates of Indebtedness cmi'ot be used as "lawfnl money" any more than could bills of lauMmr or warehouse receipts. The financial de pression, the remedies proposed for its relief and the discussion aroused by existing business conditions are at least affording facilities for education as to the ' trope, possibilities, defects and linilintlons of the nation's currency laws. POSTAL BASKS AhD PANICS. Two potent arguments in support of Postmaster General Meyer's plan for the establishment of a postal sav ings bank system have been furnished recently. A Brooklyn worklngman, alarmed over the reports of the bank ing conditions, withdrew $2,000 of his savings from a local bank and bought with the money twenty $100 money orders, payable to himself. He then resumed his work, apparently satisfied that his savings were secure. The second argument Is supplied In the reports that thousands of men and women from all parts of the coun try are sending offers to the Treasury department at Washington for noma of the new certificates of indebtedness to be issued by the government, bear ing 3 per cent interest and running for one year from date of issue. These offers, according to Washington Ad vices, are in various amounts, running from $50 to $5,000, the majority of them being from persons who want amounts less than $500. The total of these tenders has not been announced, but it is admitted to be large, and Is accepted as proof of the existence of a vast sum cf money belonging to working people and others who prefer to hoard their earnings or to invest them In some form of government de bentures rather than leave them in the custody of the banks. Under the plan proposed by the post master general this people's hoard would be kept in circulation, regard less of financial flurries in Wall street or elsewhere. The money deposited with the Postoffice department would bo at once placed in the banks in the districts where the deposits originated. Thus the money would go into circula tion immediately, instead of being congested in eastern financial centers or hidden by over cautious persons Those who insist upon having the fed eral government become responsible for their savings would receive a mod erate rate of interest, suggested by the postmaster general at 2 per cent, on deposits in postal banks and would thus help to keep the country pros perous by making use of these govern ment depositories of the safety of which even the most timorous could entertain no doubt. Clearly the post master general has all the arguments In his favor in his efforts to convince congress of the necessity of establish ing the postal savings banks. CASCELLA TION Of ORDERS. A point decidedly interesting in Its bearing upon the financial depression has been raised by the attitude of cer tain manufacturers in the east, beaded by the United States Steel corporation, In refusing to cancel orders for goods for future delivery. The cotton and woolen mills in the New England dis trict and the manufacturers of bal briggan underwear throughout the country have Joined in the movement and are notifying patrons that orders placed in the early summer for fall or winter delivery cannot be cancelled now, but that the goods ordered will bo delivered at the prices then agreed upon. The Steel company has given an emphatic order to Its agents to maintain prices and to accept orders only on the same conditions that were In force heretofore. For years the textile and other manufacturing concerns have been working overtime and have been un able to meet promptly the demands for their wares. As a result buyej-s have placed orders far In advance, at stiff prices, in order to secure the goods when needed. With the prospect of reduced demand, the merchants natur ally expect lower prices and want to cancel in order to take advantage of readjusted prices. Manufacturers con tend, on the other hand, that they have bought their raw materials, on the basis of these orders, have either manufactured the goods or arranged for their manufacture on the old basis and that they must enforce the terms of the early contracts or suffer heavy losses. Buyers, of cour-je, made the contracts supposing they were advan tageous and assumed obligations which they presumed were in their favor, even though they are now pressing for cancellation that they may benefit by lower prices. Aside from the merits of the contro versy between manufacturers and Job bers, the refusal to accept cancella tions Is a significant recognition of the stability of business conditions in tbe country. The manufacturers are evi dently convinced that the merchants are in position to meet their obliga tions. Otherwise there would be less determination to enforce such con tracts. Manufacturers do not seek to fore their wares upon jobbers who are unable to pay for them, contracts or no contracts, and jobbers are no more disposed to force delivery upon retailers in financial stress. The re fusal to cancel orders In effect, em phasizes the idea that the fundamental I f conditions of business are sound, de spite the collapse of over-Inflation. Over in Chicago members of the school board have been having quite a tilt with the superintendent of schools over the form of a test to be given the boys and girls In the higher grammar grades to show whether they can spell correctly the ordinary words they would be required to use if they sought employment in business. The real test is being given day by day by those who are passing from the schools into business employments and the al most unanimous verdict of the busi ness man, not only of Chicago, but of Omaha and elswhere, is that the school work ls defective In this particular. Instead of quibbling Over the form of a test those in charge of the public school should busy themselves with plans to make the instruction more efficient. Colonel Bryan's Washington press bureau seeks to make a point out of the fact that Secretary Taft stopped in Oklahoma to make a speech on his way to the Philippines and a full dem ocratic state ticket was subsequently elected in a majority In the neighbor hood of 30,000. It is densely silent, however, on the further fact that on the eve of the recent election in Ne braska Colonel Bryan made seven speeches at different points in the state and the republican state ticket was elected by a majority averaging more than 30,000. On this score honors are easy. A cargo of 162,000 bushels of wheat was shipped direct from gulf ports laBt week to Odessa, Russia. This is the first instance in many years in which the United States has sent wheat to southern Russia, as that sec tion usually Supplies European coun tries with a large amount of its sur plus wheat. The entire world Is look ing to the United States this year for things to eat. In answer to the question of a sub scriber who wants to know why Chi cago is called the "Windy City," the New York Tribune solemnly says "be cause of winds that blow upon it from the lakes and wide prairies." The Tribune is mistaken. Chicago gets its nickname from the winds that blow from it, not those that blow upon it. School board revenues are nt likely to be very largely augmented by the order requiring clubs dispensing liquors to take out licenses because the number of social clubs able to raise the $1,000 is strictly limited. Thirst quencherles in the neighbor hood of some of the club rooms, how ever, ought to profit by It. A Missouri man, charged with a crime, made this frank statement to the coroner's jury":' ' I am very sorry.' 1 did not mean to kill the gentleman.' I meant to kill another man. ', The question is now, should a man who is that honest be given a chance to get the right man? Miss Mabel Todd, who has been aid ing her father in photographing Mars, expresses the opinion that the Mar tians are as careless about their for ests as we are and predicts an early dearth of timber there. Glfford Pln chot should at once Bend one of his assistants to Mars. It is said that trouble is being en countered In finding judges to serve for the Intercollegiate debates in which the University of Nebraska Is entered. The privilege of umpiring an oratorical sparring match evidently no longer commands a premium. "Washington is rapidly filling up in anticipation of congress," says a dis patch from the national capital. An other Women's Christian Temperance union argument. Soap makers should be pleased to know that an organization has been formed in Chicago to have the "Black Hand" supplanted by the "White Hand." Moil Kvrritblng Goes. Memphis Journal. Thtie i no utrlke or shutdown at the United 8'ates mints. The people seem will ing to take ttlmoHt anything except con federate bills. Work for Uvtry Dollar. Wall Street Journal. From the western grain areas mid from the southern cotton belt, comes the com mon call for funds with which to start Hie crops movfiig fnim firm hands. Th team of proxperiiy us Hiullnd at the foot of the lull. More KliouMors to the. wheel id th m i d of the hour. Every dollar hid away holds back what is iiff-d.-U elsewhere u hundred limes more. haLeu? In the Parties, Leslie's Weekly. The sliukt-un which President Roosevelt's reforms have riven to the politics of Ihe lat.t few .curs has nuule sweeping chuiiges In the pvrkonuM of the working leaden of both pttrtU-a, as well ad In their ideals and their method. The six years which hitvc piUhi'd eince Kooeelt enterod the While llouxe have pieced new men at the. helm in the control of buth the republican and the democratic parties In most cf the Im portant states. ; A red I ess last It attea. Boston Transcript. Tha project for establishing at Washing ton a great national university under dis tinctly government auspices Is presented In a new guise. The convention of repre sentative! of state universities now in ses sion thr has resolved that such an insti tution, entirely ' post graduate In character, would e desireble j, the crown of our public educational system. The great na tional university founded and administered by the federal government never la, but la always about to bo. Possibly Ita explu - fr its non-appearance to answer repeated demands Is that there is no place for It at present, and no guarantee that It would do any work which aslallng limit u tiona are uuabla to 4 1 ARM V GOSSIP If TV A S II I f a TO . Current Events Gleaned from the Army snil fimry IleaUter. The ofllcers of the army signal rorrs have been experimenting with the Imported tele prolo camera, whloh was purchased out of Uio funds at the dlnposal of the board of ordnance and fortification and submit ted to the chief signal oftlcrr of the army for teat. Tha report of the Initial experi ment has now been submitted to General Allen. Tho camera was used In taking views from the top of the Washington monument, and is an Improvement on simi lar cameras, Is being of the snap-shot variety. Photographs were taken of the White House, the capltol, the new union station, and other prominent buildings. It was found that long-range photography was accomplished with the distinctness of detail possible In snap-shots taken In the Immediate vicinity cf the object. It Is be loved that the Instrument will be of mili tary use. The experments will be con tinued by Captain Chandler and Lieuten ant Lahm from the military balloons. The army signal office Is in receipt of gratifying Information of the efficiency of the wireless telegraph system which has been Installed on board the army trans ports. A report from the Thomas shows that the naval station at San Francisco was picked up 1.4(H) miles distant on the last homeward voyago of the transport. On the same trip the Thomas received a message which was being sent by the naval station at Sitka, the distance at the tlma being 2,300 miles. The full message was re ceived and Its source has been verified. This appears to be the best showing which has been made by the wireless afloat-and Is considered a remarkably good perform ance for tho three-kilowatt wireless sets with which the transports are equipped. Equally good In Its way Is the showing made by the new small portable wlrelens "pack" sets adopted, by the signal corps for use In tho field. In the experiments which were held on the White Lot this week, communication was maintained with the naval station at Indian Head, Md., a dis tance of twenty-six miles, air line. A new volume of army regulations will be lsued on January 1. There have been many changes since the last edition, al though It is now recalled that when this volume was put forth it was with the an nouncement, with all apparent sincerity, that the regulations were not to bo changed. It was supposed to be a perfect book. As army regulations are made, ac cording to some cynical observers, for the purpose of amendment. It was not long be fore the new Issue was ruthlessly mutilated. Indeed, between tho time the regulations were approved and the date when the vol ume appeared, there were a few amend ments all ready to mnr the text. No such Integrity of composition is vouchsafed for tho army regulations of 1908. The various bureau chiefs have been called upon for drafts of such paragraphs as remain to be changed on account of the new system of disbursement and accountability under th Treasury department. The army regu lations of January 1, 19(8, will bring the present volume up to date. The tests in army horsemanship have re sulted In an unexpected draft upon the mileage fund. The auditor for the War de partment Is in receipt of some of the dis bursements which have been credited to that appropriation and there are Indications that before these testa of physical endurance have been completed the government will have paid out In mile age to the officers for travel In connection with the test something like $15,000. An unprecedented demand of this sort upon the mileage fund makes it necessary to limit the allowance In other directions, aa the mileage for travel In connection with the tests In horsemanship was not con templated when the estimate for the allot ment was sent to congress last session. Of course. It will have to be taken into con sideration hereafter. Some of the travel of offlcera ordered to submit to this test has been extensive. One officer that of the corps of englncera-who has Just been or dered to take the test at New York, was on duty In Yellowstone Park, and with others was ordered to proceed by way of Washington. The commissary general of the army lias arranged for the testing at Fort Riley, Kan., by the cavalry board at a mess out fit for troops with pack transportation. This Is the design of Captain G. E. Stock ier, Eighth cavalry, and the chief packer of the Phlllpplno division. The mess out fit is known as the Stockier-Smith outfit and Is caluculatcd to provide cooking fa cilities for a troop of 100 men and may be specially devoted for detachments of less strength. It consists of two mess boxes and two ration boxes to be carried on two mules or conveniently packed In wagons. A report will be made on the test. NEBRASKA l'RK.1!) COMMENT. Oxford Standard: With alfalfa $10 a ton, even If corn, wheat and hogs have gone down In price, the valley farmer Is In clover. There are thousands of tons In the stack east and west of Oxford on the Republican river. Kearney Hub: Omaha bankers are nat urally proud of the fact that of thirty-three cities reporting bank clearings last week Omaha led all the rest. And of course Omaha does not forget that back of Omaha lies all Nebraska with full treasure houses of wheal, corn alfalfa, cattle, poik and sheep, and butter, eggx and poultry. 'Rah for Nebraska. Falrbury Cassette: We have looked the town over for a nuin with a long face slnco tile "panic" swooped down upon us. There i more money in the country than there hua betn at one time since the flood. The crops raised on t'nele Sum's domain this season are worth seven billion dol lars ;tmi1 we can diaw on tho rent of the world for a few weeks, ut h ast. Heat rice Ijipnss: It N a credit ill which all Nebraska shurcs that Omaha Is the only city aaiong thirty-three other leaders of the 1'nited Htales resulting un In'-reaae in clearings for the week ending Novem ber lti. It Kliows thai Omaha bus been little uffeeleil by the money stringency, wliieli iioMiiou of tiupcrior stability la mail" possible by u lull and resourceful sur rounding Ne-hraska Is substan tially inosrou!. and lis prosperity la re flected in tho commercial strength of Its metropolis. Lincoln News: Secretary MuVann of the Omaha Gram exchange, John L. Weuaier ami one or two other leading lights of Omaha have been endeavoring to convince the Interstate e'uuuuerce con'milaf Ion that tho railr-md nuiilii s'lll make a profit if rat'-s uie as low west of the Mississippi aa they ere east. They have shown that Minneapolis and Ut. I'aul are treated bet ter than Omahi, Kansas City or St. Jos eph and ask to be put on the same basla with the Twin cities. It might be pointed out that the argument for equity In rates applies Just aa forcibly to the Interior cities of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma as It does to the Missouri towns. Secretary McVai'.n. however, wants to suspend the low rales when the Big Muddy Is reached. Lincoln hopes Omaha and Its down-stream neighbors will get what they arc entitled to In the matter cf rates, and that thev will not resist a square deal for other cities ,n this territory. , ilubblrd. Washington Herald. Perhaps, however, the eagle's cumber some pyjamas will keep the money from Cyiiig so fast la tha future. f A Sivcot Vou (Ban't Boat Love ".snaps'' and gingerbread? .They're best when nude with CORN SYRUP Delightful on bread. Best for every thing that's better with a syrup on. In Air-tight tlnv CORN mem PEONAGE IX THE SOCTH. Method of Employers ReveaJe In Northern Court. Boston Transcript. Almost as remarkable as the vitality of "peonage" In the gulf states was the argu ment advanced by a lawyer for tha de fense in tho United States circuit court, In New York, the other day. Ho contended that the constitutional inhibition of slavery referred only to the kind of slavery the framers of the thirteenth amendment had In mind, and that therefore the constitu tion should he deemed silent on "peonage." The retort of government counsel that peonage was "involuntary servitude," seems to dispose of the argument that It Is not slavery, In the particular case before the court, a gang of laboring men sent to the turpentine forests of Florida found that they could not get out without fighting their way through the armed guards of their employers, and. were prisoners until the federal authorities were Informed of their plight. Another form of peonage la baaed on what is graphically called "cut throat labor contracts," signed by Illiter ates who do not realize until they try to give up their Job that they have bargained away their freedom. Of course such con tracts, being against public policy, are void from the first, but the class of laborers who are victimized are too ignorant to real ize the invalidity of these documents. FERSOXAL, NOTES. A Connecticut lawyer has abandoned his profession "out of sympathy for clients." Perhaps with a new lawyer they will need less sympathy. .Another Wall street clerk "with no bad habits" has been arrested for stealing. However, stealing strictly viewed, could almost be termed a bad habit. "I am very sorry; I did not mean to kill the gentleman. I was shooting at another man," handsomely apologized a Mlssourlan to the coroner'! jury. One by one tho rights of "mero man" aro being .vindicated and upheld by the courts. A Massachusetts court. In granting a de cree of divorce, declared that "persistent and continued intrusion of his wife into tha personal affairs particularly tha pock ets of the plaintiff sustain the charge of cruelty." Now will you be goodT Paul Mllyoukov, the leader of tha con stitutional democrats in the Russian Duma, will address tho civic forum in New York during the Christmas recess of the Duma. LAter on that body will be addressed by Frederlk van Eeden, who Is considered by some to bo the foremost poet and author of contemporary literature in Holland. Oregon has one man in prison whose faith in the predictions of dootors la below zero. Relying on a doctor's word that his wife could not live to exceed two weeks, the heartbroken husband hiked Into an adjoining county and married another woman. Cnder the clrcumstsnces the wife flouted the doctor and got well, and hubby got a lot of trouble. President Roosevelt is to occupy Thanks giving day by a pilgrimage to the early home of President Madison, near Mont peller, Va. With this visit to tho estate which was owned by the father of Madison, and on which President Madison spent his early dava, Mr. . Roosevelt will have com pleted visits to the homes of most of the former presidents of the United States who lived in the south. Bowning, Ming & Co CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS and HATS A BUSY WEEK uf as good materials as anyone lias, and in a -tyle quit our own. Priees for suits range from $lo to ;f.'!0. rf The selection at $'20 and $2." are likely to attract most men. Overcoats, $13 to $.")0. Furnishings and Hats in an equal range of prices for mer chandise of trustworthy qualities. WW 15th and Doutfl&s Streets t x R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. The Dest Is Cheapest in the Long Run. Mi Bast and Chaapsst Wyoming Goal, Hot and Clean, $7,50 VICTOR WHIT COAL CO., 1214 Ftroam. Tel. Doui. 12) JOc, 25c, 50c FBODVCTS MFG. CO. SAID IN rex. "When I go Into politics, I am going to hire out my bralna to the best paying side." "Hut when people hire brains, the want furnished thoughts: not , empty flats." Baltimore American. Miss Passay Thla is my twenty-third birthday Miss Pert What? Miss Passay I say this Is my twenty third birthday. Didn't you know It T Miss Pert Well, I declare, I didn't: it has aged terribly since I first saw It. Philadelphia Press. The stage was holding the mirror up to nature. "Great Rcott!" exclaimed nature, aghast. "Do I look and a.t like that?" A closer scrutiny, however, revealed the fact that It wes one of those freak mlrrora that grotesquely distort things. Chicago Tribune. Gaddle He'a got a G Whizz motor car, hann't he? Wise I don't know. Oaddle Why, I thoue-ht you told me you saw him In one yesterday. Wise Yes, that was yesterday. Catholic Standard and Times. He Why don't you women who are al ways talking about early Christmas shop nlng, and sparing the poor clerks, prac ce what you preach, and do your own -vrrtlp- early? Bhe What! And miss all the best bar ealns? Baltimore American. "Is there malaria around here?'' asked the stranger. "I should sav ao," answered Farmer Corntossel. "There's so much shakln' go in' on that all a man needs to do to shine his shoes Is to hold a brush In his hand and stand still." Washington Star. Mrs. Kawler Your husband has such a calm, even temper. Mrs. Crossway Yes; hut when we havs a sllsrht difference of opinion about some thing or other he can say; "Well, dear, w won't quarrel over a little thing like that," in such a calm, even, superior, maddening sort of way that I just want to fight html Chicago Tribune. TRY A "WANT AD," Chicago News. A maid! A maid! We're crying ' for maid. My wife Is very weary and la much In need of aid. I don't care what the wages: they will cheerfully be paid If only we can get some sort' of maid. A cook! A eooklvWh knenvs where there's a cook? I'm sure there must be plenty if I knew Just where to look. . I've i-cbed a'l sorts of places, every .likely sort of nook. But, oh. It's awful hard to find a oookt I weep! I weep! I really have to weep To think how scarce the help Is and now very hard to keep. They do so very little and their wages r so steep It really is no wonder that I weep. A flat! A flat! We only have a flat. ., It makes the work so easy and there's not much work at that. We haven't any children; we don't even own a cat, And send out all our washing from the flat, ; It's tough! It's tough I It certainly Is tough! J saw one at an agent's, but to meet with a rebuff. I offered her W, which she thought Was not enough, And certainly that girl looked pretty tough. A girl! A girl! I only ask a girl; I do not ask a treasure or a paragon of pearls; We're up against It proper and my brain Is in a whirl. Does anybody know where there's girl? ESS than a week before Thanksgiving day and thousands of men are yet to got their new Suits find Overcoats. . . Our's are offered to you as goods to be trusted. They are made in our own workshops, : v 15th and Douglas Streets : t