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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1907)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEH: MONDAY, NOV EM B ETC 18. 1907, NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL . Office 15 Scott Street. , Ml.tOR MKXTIOX. Davis, drugs. Btockert will carpets. F.4 Rogers. Tony Faust beer. Bee Schmidt elegant new photos. For Bent Modern house, 728 Sixth ave. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking; Company. Tel. 339. Pictures and framri, Rorwlrk, 111 8. Main. Second-hand soft coal heaters for sale cheap. Petersen A Schoenlng Co. J)jiiitlfiil new fanry and plain oval frame. Alexander, 233 Hroadway. Day and evening school at Western Iowa college. Enroll any day. Send for cata logue.' Mr. V. W. Houghton wa railed to Am herst, Masa., last evening by the Illness of her son Albert. " Pricee a little below the market. Uniform grades and quirk deliveries. The C. Hofer Lumber Co., Council liluffs. William A. Ward of Chlrngo. prison evangelist, will conduct service at 1:46 thla afternoon at the county Jail. Office spare for rent, t.0O month: central location; steam heat and electrln light fur nished. Omaha line, 16 Bcott street. Hee reader should not full to select Christmas gifts early at IiCffert's. Buying; now on. IJnrs will soon be broken. HUDWEISrOR HOTTLED BFETt 19 kttRVKI) AT ALL, F1H8T-CLAB8 BARS AND CAFES. L. ROSiiNFELD CO., Agts. Mrs. John Stelnhofel, who had been at Mercy hospital for several works, after undergoing an operation, was able to be removed home yesterday. Nothing more to be desired than eye comfort. Without It life were a burden. Ir. Terry, scientific optician, afford eye comfort to many every day. The fourth annual benetlt of the Street Railway Employes' Relief association will be given Thifrsday evening of thla week In the large hall In Masonic temple. Do we or do we not show you the greateat fuel saver on the market, the Aoorn base burner. It Is the cheapest and best stove sold. Come In and see It before you buy. V. W. Keller, 103 South Main street. Ella D. Vcatch of Osceola. Neb., and Mis Tnielove HparTord of Mountain View. Cal., obtained a marriage license after reg ular hours last evrnlng and the ceremony u performed by Justice J. K. Cooper. Rev. Henry Delxmg performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday for three couples ' from Omaha. They were Roy Cafferty and J.lxzle Falkner, J. Neu and Anna Altman, nd Chftrlea E. Falk and Amanda C. Quarn tron. Fire company No. 4 was called at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon by a still alarm to the upper end of Mornlngslde, where a prairie tire hnd been started, and the resi dents feared It might reach the houses in It at vicinity. A special meeting of the Board of Edurn tiun has been called for tomorrow evenh: tre consider the advisability and pructlra blllty of extending the manual training t the pupils of the sixth grarie. At present only pupils of the eighth and sovcni. grales are receiving Instruction In this de Lsrttncnt. The ease against Mrs. Victoria Goodwin, rhnrgcH with creating a disturbance at the Klghth avenue school when she forced her III tin daughter to accompany her from there was dismissed In Justice Greene's court yesterday on motion of the assistant county attorney. Mrs. Goodwin promised not to make any further trouble at the schoul. . The second foot ball team of the Council JilnrTs High school went to Logan yester dsy and defeated the first team of the high school of that town by a score of 17 to 10. The Iogan team was on an average ten pounds heavier than the Bluffs boys. Tho game was a particularly clean one and the muffs bovs arrived homo last evening much pleased with the treatment accorded them. John McGaven, claiming to be an old soldier and cornhusker, was sent to the county Jail yesterday by Justice Cooper on a charge of Intoxication. McGaven showed up late Friday night at a farm hous near McClelland, where hi peculiar brhnvior frightened the inmates, uuer in the night he entered a school house, took a quantity ot coal Hnd built .himself fire t'V tho road side. His strange actlona de cided the authorities at McClelland to bring Mm to thla city. It Is posxlbta the man Is unbalanced mentally and his case may be referred to the commissioners on Insanity. McGaven said he was trying to make hi way to Missouri, where his children lived. Articles of the Incorporation of the Walker Manufacturing company of Council Bluffs, Incorporated In Pierre. 8. I)., Febru ary 8, 1H04. were tiled here for record yes terday. Tho articles provide that while Pierre shall bo the principal place of busi ness of the company. It can maintain ottlces in Council Bluffs, where Its records t.'v be kept and a eeneral business may be transacted. W. I. Walker, H. N. Walker and N. M. Walker are the Incorporators and the capital stock Is placed at $100,000. The Walker Manufacturing company has been located In Council Bluffs for several years. A few years ago Us plant at Twelfth ctreel and Tenth uvenue was destroyed by fire. t pholsterlng. George W. Klein, 1 South Main street. Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell, 641. New Scotch post cards. Alexander's Art Store. See them at Blrfcr-rowd at Allison Meet In. lndl P ro that the meeting to be held if. day. November 25, ut the New theater under the auspices of the Allison Club of Pottawattamie County, at which Senator J. P. Dolllver will speak on the life and public service of his venerable colleague In the upper house of congress, will bo a great and reoreaentatlve gather ing. Advices are to the effect that not only large delegations from nearby towns will he In attendance, but that Dubuque, the home city of Senator Allison, will be well represented. Several nearby towns, Includ ing Red Oak. have written President Harl requesting reservation of Beats, and letter from other placea Indicate that many men of stute and even national prominence will attend the meeting from all' over Iowa. There Is little doubt but that the house will o taxed to Its capacity on that night. A meeting of the Allison club will be leld Wednesday evening at the county ?uurt house to make final arrangement Cor the meeting and to appoint ushers, etc. Olftra apace for rent, $8.00 month; central location: ateam heat and electrlo light fur nished. Omaha Bee, 15 Scott atreet. A ' . AM 'ARROW Collar. Quarter Maes, iw each, a for tyc tiuitr. etaaeav a IIUfllfilMi 1,1 M-mk Skirl. umi&uona pay tne dealer Urger profit, than tha real thlDc. otherwise tou would Dever be offered gubatl- ' Prate4 In thla city last June for the pur tute. when you ask for an adver ' PM of manufacturing the Orcutt ban bear Used, article. Imitations are not ! ln P'tle" frm seal will establish a fao advertised because they are not permanent. For every genuine . t. article there are many Imitation, v The Imitator hat no reputation ta auataia the advertiser has. It stands to reason that the adver tised article Is the beat, otherwise ' tbe public would not buy It and tha advertising could not be con tinued. When you ask v for aa advartlsM article, so that yoii . get It. (trfase LittiUtl 4 BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43 SIIEFFLER CASE ON TRIAL AccnsecL of Assault with Intent to Commit Great Bodily Injury. SELF-DEFENSE 13 THE PLEA Testimony of the tate Tends In Large Measure t. Bear This Ont Roy Stevens la to Aak for a w Trial. John Sheffler, who on the night of Au gust 12 last knocked down Jamca Lank ton In a street fight, the injuries received by Lankton resulting in his death, was placed on trial In the dlstrlrt court Satur day on a chnrge of assault with Intent to Inflict great bodily injury, unCer the Indictment returned by the grand Jury. When court adjourned last evening the state had presented practically all of Its testimony. The defense cmlms that Lankton was tho aggressor In the fight and that Shelter acted in self-defense. The testimony of the state yesterday went to substantiate the contention of the defense. In Iris opening statement to the Jury County Attorney Hess contented himself with saying that he would present all the evidence which b, had been able to oh taln relative to the three-cornered fight between the defendant, Lankton and the latter' companion. William Delahoyde, in which Lankton received a wound by strik ing hla head against the pavement, which caused his death the next day. Emmot Tlnley, counsel for the defense, declared that the evidence of all the witnesses to the fight would show that Lankton had been the aggressor and that the defendant only knocked him down In self-defense. Attorneys for Roy W., Stevens, convicted of an attempted criminal assault on 11-year-old Christen Chrlstensen, have been given until Saturday next In which to file a motion for a new trial. In case a new trial I denied, it Is said an appeal will be taken. J. J. Stewart, one of Stevens' coun sel, said yesterday, "We expect to take an appeal If we do not obtain a new trial. If we take this step, we shall try to secure ond for Stevens, so that he may be re- ased from Jail." Stevens la at present under $1,000 bond n the charge of enticing away 10-year-old Alma Dohse, on the evening of July 17. .n this caso he Is alleged to have taken he child from a wngon In which her father .iad left her and forced her to accompany him to Fairmount park. The child suc ceeded In escaping before being harmed. The grand Jury, which has been In ses slon since Tuesday lust, adjourned yester day over Sunday without making a report. A partial report. It I stated, may be looked for about Wednesday. i Do you have to hold print at arm's length? Do the letter look blurred or misty? Do your eye tire after using tnem for a short time? If so, you should have your eyesight tested and get a pair of my made-to-order glaWs. Dr. W. W. Magar rell, optometrist, 10 Pearl street. Owing to the rapid growth of our bus iness we have been compelled to add an other rubber tired wagon. Let us have your orders. Phone 314. Bluffs City Laun dry. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250; night, L 698. City Funds Running Low. The monthly report of City Auditor J. F. McAneney, showing the atate of the city treasury at the close of October, was completed yesterday. The report dis closes the fact that the committee on street and alley has exhausted Its ap propriation of $10,000, with the exception of $16.68, with which small amount, to which may be added a portion of the county road fund. It will have to take care of the street of the city until the end of next March. In view of the fact that there are yet Ave months of the fiscal year to run before the new appropriation becomes available, the balance in some of the fund will have to be "husbanded" with strict economy. The following la the report. o far the general fund la conoerned: , , , Appropriation. Balance. Salaries, executive de partment $10,600 Police and marshal's department 23,750 Streets and alleys 10,000 Fire department. $1,000 for new hose 26,600 Fire and police tele graph 2,600 Engineer' department. 4.760 Printing and supplies., 2,600 City pound 600 t 4.471.36 9.682.44 16.68 10.563.44 608.01 1. 910.7 oliJ.iS Elections J. 1,000 Contingencies I, bill) City property 4 64.03 Totals ...J84.760 $29,813.91 Must go quick, aecond-hand soft heaters. Petersen & Schoening Co. coal Pyrography outfits and eupplloa. Alexander, 333 Broadway. C. E. Real Ratato Tranafera. Theae transfers were reported to The Bee November 1 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: J. K. Mlnear and wife to J. F. Mer- rltt. lot .', In block 4, Baylies' 1st add. to Council Bluffs, la., w. d .$ 7,000 Qeradus Haenen and wife to John Haenen, part of e" Dili of i 43. w. d 1,000 jonn M. Livingston to Bonjamln-Fehr Real Estate company, lot 8, In block 4, In BusbneH's add., and e1 of lot 4, In block It. In Beers' add. and west 16 feet of lot 4. In block 6. In McMahon, Cooper & Jefferis' add. and lot 17, In block 3. in Hack ett'a add., all In Council Bluffs. Ia.. w. d Margaret I McOen and husband to Charlea E. Philllpa. all of block 73. Railroad add. to CouncS Bluffa. Ia.. w. d Samuel H. Btorrett to John R. Maaon, lot 140, of original plat. Council Bluffa, Ia., w. d. ' 850 240 Five tranafera, total The name Leffert on the Chriatmaa pack ige will denote quality to the recipient. New souvenir Leffert'i. poona juat received at New Maaafactartaa" Iaaastry. Another manufacturing Industry has been aecured for Council Bluffa through the ef forta of the Commercial club. Announce ment 'was made yesterday that the Orcutt Manufacturing company, which waa lnoor tory her and commence buslncaa at once. The company haa and William Koehler, Th. company ha. soured ampl. capita! j sr . ,umr 01. has been connected with the Osborna 1 years oompany of New York, has Joined the firm as secretary and treasurer and will remove to this city. Mr. Koehler Is by no means a stranger In Council Bluffs, being a ne phew of Hon. William Oroneweg and was with the old firm of L. Klracht Y Co.. from mi to IhX. when he left here to ehgaga In bualneaa In ReJ Oak. Mra Koehler is a native of Council Blufta, being a alater 5f Henry Fperling and Misa Anna Sper ling. The company has Just placed orders for a large quantity of material and as soon as this arrives a Mg forco of men will be put to work turning nut h scales. With a second big store at Portland. Ore., Leffcrt's are abh? to buy In qunntities to advantage. This explains their low price. Marriage License. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterdny to the following: Name and Residence. J. Neu. Omaha , Anna Altmann, Omaha Floyd Oregg, Oaknloosa, la .Vge. .. fij .. 39 .. 21 .. 1 Ethel Douglas, Oskaloorn, la Charles K. Falk, Omaha Amanda C. (juarnstron, Omaha Kims I. Veati h. Osceola, Neb True Love Spafford, Mountain View Cal Roy Cafferty, Omaha Lluie Falkner, Omaha rsy WEEK IN Bl.llTS SOCIETY Club Meetlnaa and Entertainment a Principal Fratare, Miss Alice Bonham Is visiting friends In Minneapolis. Miss Isabella Peek of Neola, Ta., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Dryden, Franklin avenue. Mrs. B. E. Roberts of Winnipeg. JlaW, was the guest Inst week of Mrs. E. L. Davis, 706 Mynster street. The New Bridge club will be entertained Tuesday evening bv Dr. Morgan Cutler, at his home, 134 Bluff street. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brlgcs of Berkeley, Cal., were the guests Inst week of Mr. Brlggs' uncle. Dr. A. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wollmnn and son. Stephen, left Friday to spend tho winter on tho western coast of Florida. Mrs. George F. Moore of Worthlngton, Minn., was a gifst last week at the home of Mr. A. B. Walker and family. Mrs. Ed Canning will be hostess of the Afternoon "5uo" club Tuesday afternoon, at her home, 412 Oakland avenue. The C. M. L. club will "be entertained Wednesday nflernnnn at the homo of Mrs. C. L. Hammel, 10:5 Fifth avenue. Mr. Walter Tostevln has arrived from Fresno, Cal., to spend the winter with hi" sister, Mrs. E. E. Harvey of Park avenue Mrs. Ella McKnne and sister. Mrs. I. M. Trejnor of Des Moines, formerly of Coun II Bluffs, are visiting relatives In this city. The Evening "5W club will be enter ained Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. 3. Etnyre, at their home on North Second street. Mrs. E. F. Wilson and daughters. Leila and Rosalie, are home from an extended" eastern trip, which Included a visit to the Jamestown exposition. Lily Camp Aid society will entertain, at i social and high-five party Tuesday even ng at the MSilern Woodmen of America hall, In the Mertiam block. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Orcutt of Oakland avenue are home from an extended east ern trip, during which they visited at Mr. Orcutt's old home In Lynn, Mass. Mrs. If. W. Tilton entertained nt an In formal musical and kensingtnn Wednesday afternoon at her home. i'L7 Fifth avenue, in honor of Mrs. Frank Edwards of Lot,ani port, Ind. Judge W. W. McCredle of Vancouver. Wash., was the guest last week of his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Hlgglns, and fam ily, 128 Graham avenue, while enroute home from New York. Mrs. A. M. Shaw and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. Shnaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Otis, left Wednesday for Dixon, III., where they Joined Mr. Dixon and will make their home, x Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Wllllnms of 2824 Avenue B announce the engagement of tliclr daughter, Miss Verne M. Williams, to Mr. Frank A. Rlaskl of thla city, the wedding to tnke place November 26. The meeting of the Thursday Bridge club, which w-as to have been entertained last week by Mrs. W. 8. Rlgdon, at her home, 303 Park avenue, was postponed until next Thursday afternoon, wljen Mrs. Rigdon will act as ehostess. Mrs. J. H. Cleaver and son, Mr. Frank Cleaver, and niece. Miss Ethel Deaves, who has been the guest of Mrs. Cleaver for some time, departed Thursday evening for Pittsburg, Pa., where they were called by the illness of Mis Deaves' mother. Mrs. Horace Everett acted as hostess of the Monday Bridge club Monday after noon, at her home on Second avenue. Misa Rice was awarded the prize for the high est score. The club will be entertained Monday afternoon by Mrs. E. E. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. A. IT Rathke were tendered a surprise Thursday evening at their home, 24.t3 Avenue B, the occasion being the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The evening was spent at games and a social good time. Light refreshments were served. The Athletl association of the high school will entertain at a hop at the armory hall, Friday evening, the' first of a series of entertainments to be given during the winter months for the-purpose of procur ing aund for the establishing of an ath letic park nexf. year. The Book Lovers' flub was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. r . r. True, ; Second avenue. The after- ?e?01 .iave"."P,' T1ia.fter" pent In the study of O ver "His Early Life" was given liinMI WHH s Goldsmith. ny Mrs. true: "His Journey Abroad" by Mrs. Tilton; "His Latter years," by Mrs. Bailey. A reading from "The Deserted lllage. by Mrs. Key and a reading from "The Vicar of Wakefield." by Mrs. Dean proved very Interesting. Mrs. Pvyor acted an leauer oi ine current events. Mrs. J. G Wads worth will act ua hunt wrunesuay aiiernoorn at her home, 711 First avenue. The Tnlverslty club was entertained W. K. rwhlrr. 711 Wnaliinrtiui u...u i.' " ruiirmmy anernnon at tun home of Mrs, oao.Js, being a "Day With Dickens." Mra. O'Brien i.000.0N 130.79 I Mra. Bray gave a reartimc from 'aVld Copperfleld," and iv-rs. Ingram gave a re view or tne "i ricKet on the lleurth." Mra. Thompson guve a number of character aetcht-a from liH w-.iks aivd Mrs. N. Hansen acted as leader of the current events. The club meets Wednesday with Mrs. Harrv Wallace, Mrs. F. J. Thompson acting as leader. The Klatter Klub was entertained Vri ifternoon by Mia JoxeDhlne Kixhv at her home on Kast Broadway. The afternoon I "l t which Mrs. Bert P'n- did not warrant, Hansen ia a burlv Dane ney was awarded the prize for the highest , m a fit of aneer h. v,h i. J, .? score. Mrs. Henry Cutler the second pr"e i " V .? ' ' had 8'Ven hls wlfe and the guests' prize to Dr. Charlotte Mc- ! Bevera beating. Officer Qllley arrived on Cuskev. At the clORe of the Fame. dantvitno cene In tltfie to witness the brutal refreshments wen. server! The chib hnd blows end proceeded to do some nummel as their guests Misa Marie Butts of Omaha ' i,, v, ,,, ,, some pummel- Miss Wlckham. M'ss Ames Wlckham. mim l"B lmelf' "aneen was arrested. The Marie McDowell of Hardv, Neb.. Mrs. S'oat of Boston. M'ss (Jertrude Henahaw. Mrs Pohf-rt M'tchell of Omaha. Mrs. Ribrt Wallace, Dr. McOusVey, Mrs. Rav Beors ley. Misa Helen Wallace and M's Helen Robinson. The club will meet Frldav of nri ween wnn miss r.ieanor Brown, TA . nela ,ne largest attended and most Inter First avenue. November 29. estlng session ever held by thla lodge In th, county or in southm'eatern Iowa. It a the occaalon of the Initiation" of a CLEARED AWAY rIa of sixty-seven menbera 'nto the rrder Proper Food Put the Troubles Away. The candidates came from Lewis. Anita ' Qrlawold. Wlota, Atlantlo and Cumberland Our own trouble alwaya aeem more and tne Lewi degree team did the work, severe than any others. But when a man B,ate IPuty Oeorge Frlnk of Dea Molneai la unable to eat even a light breakfast, for t)lBtr'ct Deputy I. J. IJttlefleld of Council years, without severe distress, lie lias Bluffa. A. J. Korns of pes Moines and trouble enough. . Supreme National Lecturer Charles Whelan It Is amall wonder he likea to tell of food 1 Madlaon, Wla., were all present a,nd de whlch cleared away the troubles. ,ivred Interesting and Instructive talks to "I am glad of the opportunity to tell of ; tbe a"eral publlo before the Initiation the good Grape-Nuta has done for me," ceremonies commenced. There were about writes a N. II. man. "For many yeara I I 800 vlBllo 1 200 local Woodmen preaeht. waa unable to eat even a light breakfaat without great suffering. "After eating I would suddenly be selied with a terrible attack of colle and vomit ing. Thla would be followed by headache and misery that would sometimes laat a week or two. leaving me so weak I could hardly sit up or walk. "Since I began to eat Drape-Nuts I havs been free from the old troubles. I usually SAt OrSIlA-Vllta An tr fm A - .. ukln, lt at th, b.tnBnUlf of tb, me No, I can eat almost anything I want without trouble. "When I began lo use Orape-Nute I was way under my uaual weight; now I weigh SO pounda more than I ever weighed n my life and I am glad to apeak of tha food that has worked the whangs." Name given by Fostum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little booklet. The Road to Wellvllle,' In pkga. "There's s Reason.'' LAW YERS TOO LATE TO TALI j Attorneys for Burns Shut 'out Argu ment in the Supreme Court. PACKEES TO BEAR LIVE STOCK Hope to "top Shipment and Clear I'p Product on Hand, "tnrtlnar In Aaaln at a hour r Level of Prices. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Nov. 17. I tSpeclal.1 "Too many cooks spoil the broth" was exemplified. In the supreme court room yesterday when It was disclosed that the long array of Irsral talent for the appellant In the big $."si, f" n mining suit from Pottawattamie county, known as ilia. Dole-Bilrns case, were dis covered to be too late to make their oral argument. The attorneys for Burns, who Is appeal ing tho case to the supreme court from the Pottawattamie county district court, are A. P. Gunnell of Denver. Colo.; Senator Tom Tatteraon of Denver. ex-Governor Thomas of Colorndo, D. L. Ross of Coun cil Bluffs. Congressman Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs, Senator C. G. Saunders of Council Bluffs, and his law partner, S'uart, of Council Bluffs. When the case was called today It was i discovered that the appellant's attorneys hnd failed to attend to some little techni cal requirements In the rules of the su premo court. As a result Doyle's attorneys made their arguments and the case was submitted to tho supreme court in that way without the oral nrgement. The case has been advertised as being one of the biggest and most Important In dollars and cents that hns ever been appealed to the supreme court. Brings nck Tils Itnmor. An Iowa banker, whose name cannot be disclosed, but who holds a considerable anWint of paper of tho big packing In stitutions, hns brought back the report from Chicago that the prices of live stock .are to take a tumble and that later this will bo followed by a fall of the prlco of dressed meats. This Iowa banker went to Chicago to get hi money. It Is known (that the big packing Industries have, borrowed vast sums of money and country bankers hold the paper. This Iowa banker wanted his money back and went to Chicago after it. He didn't get It, but learned that the packing house concerns will Immediately hammer the price of live stock down froVu 60- cents to $1 a hundred. This will stop live stock coming to market and will give them the control of the dressed beef market until such a time ns they can get rid of the stock of dressed meats that they have on habd and for which they paid a high price. When this la done they will have money with which to pay off their loans. Brer Write to Officials. Because of the fact that the supervisor and Judges of the various counties of the state havo shown a lax spirit? in regard to grand Jury drawing, Attorney General Byer has addressed a letter to every Judge and board of supervisors In the state, di recting them to kve strictly up to the law. He baa directed them that the supervisors cannot draw the list wlhout an order from the court, properly and formally made. Laprovltera Plead Guilty. Ottavia Laprovltera today pleaded guilty to manslaughter for the killing of his cousin, Ottlllo Scervlno, and was sentenced to AnamVau uuder the indeterminate sen tence law. At the time he commltteed the act there was much talk of mystery and the Black Hand in the Italian colony here. African Church Property Sold. Under aherlffa sale tho property of tho African BHptist church of this city was today sold to L. B. Slater for 10 ftnn Slater was bondsman for lj C. Lomack who managed the church. In the church property was a home for the aged and a parsonage In addition to the church build ing. Medical Inspection for Schools. The first active step for a thorough and regular medical Inspection of all the schools of Des Moines was taken last night In thla city, when prominent physi cians of the city met with the mothers and father! of the children attending the Klmwood school. The school buildlna: was crowded and, with the exceDtlon nf or . , , ,, 1 lno c'PlIO' or or.e 1 Phyalclan, all were In favor of adopting some plan of Inspection. It Is proposed to make It general for all the achools of tho city. New Theater to Open. The Majestic, a new, modern theater nn.l I one of the finest in the West, will nn ,n its doors to the publlo tomorrow afternoon for a Bunday matinee. The building la of the French renaissance style of rchltec- 1 lure and la pronounced by cnmnetn critic one of the finest In the countrv will belong to the Orpheum clrcuu! thouKh local copltal conatructed the play house. WIFE-BEATER GETS A BEATING Officer I-ambasts Burly Dane and 'men Locks m fp WATERIXX), Ia Nov. 17. (Special Tel egrani.) Theodore Hanaen. was alven a do"e cf hi" own medicine today, which he couple have six small children. Woodmen Hold .Initiation. ATLANTIC, la., Nov. 17.-(SpocIal -Last night the Modern Woodmen or Cass emmtv ' lne ,oc,u loce furnlahed light refresh ments for the vlaltora and It waa eurly In the morning before the meeting adjourned. Price of Land Iacreaalujr. I ATLANTIC, la., Nov. 17. tHpeclal.) The price of C'aaa county land haa been steadily lncreaalng during the laat few weeks and now 1100 land is the rule and not the exoeption. During the laat week two farma havs sold for $100 per acre and one for $155 an acre. The Squires farm of 110 acrea and the Anderaon farm of like aUe. both ntar this place, each brought tlCO. and the purchasers refused sn offer of 9110 within a short time aftr purchasing. The Leo McCuen farm of Five Mile drove waa sold for Jli5 per acre. Call Heat to Pastor. MARBHALLTOWN. Ia.. Nov. 17.(Hpe clal.) At a meeting ef the congregation of the Frlenrta church thie afternoon Rev. E. II. Marshall, formerly of Alblun, u thmkmk&?; those fi mMw4 i .' 'Xar''V-',v,vt 7 v I i V. T' r ir!' J T called to the pastorate of the church. Rev. Marshall will accept. He has been supply ing at the church for Beveral months. He was formerly pastor of tho Methodist church of Albion lovra tm Notes. MArtSHALIrOWN The annual Inspec tion of the properly of the Iowa (Vntral was being made today by the railroad commissioners of Iowa, accompanied In a special train by ofllclalH of the road. The party will travel over nil of tho branenxs as weU aa the main line. ATUANTIC Mrs. Hansen, mother of M. C. Nelson, died yesterday ut her home near Brayton of disease Incident to old aee. She was fcS years old and hud been R resi dent of Iowa for ninny years. Word whs also received by K. 11. Townsend of this place mat his brother, C. K. Townsend of Aberdeen, 8. D., wlto imd been visiting him , f1''".8 a"0"1. ,wo weeks hko. was dead. The I uuuy will be brought back here for burial In tho Anita cemetery. ATLANTIC flint nood stock pays well has recently been Illustrated in Cass county. William Krelger of near Grant recently old a pair of horses less tliun 6 years old that weighed 1,5) pounds each lor M. Anton Brawno of near Massenn sold a bunch of pigs that averaged bj) pounds each, the whole number weighing 3,ti.i pounds, and received J5.70 per hundred for them. There were but seven head of tho hogs and he realized a head for them. The animals had no breeding either. But Dr. Carver of Anita established a record for profit when he secured two Hltera of pigs irora me same thoroughbred sow In I " eaaon of fourteen montlia that realized ,lim 8omethlng like Vv besides keeninv the Bow for "himself. Dl-'"ue KREBS WINS BICYCLE RACE Six Days' Grind In Boston Knili with Score of 1,147 Milea. BOSTON. Muss., Nov. 17. Floyd Krebs, the Dartner of lluith Mclean. rurrlHil his J team to victory In the six-day bicycle race at the Park Suuare rliUi last nbttit. winning ft the final sprint from itoot. Fooler and Mitten, tho representatives of the three other leading teams. Krtbs victory was sensational In that he apparently saved himself through the long grind of the contest and In the last two laps of the final mile when Root had started to sprint, Krcbs jumped his wheel to the front and crossed the finish line the victor, with apparent ease. Fogler. of the Moran & Fogler team, was a fairly good second, being only half a wheel behind the leader, while Root was given third place, although he finished ap parently almost even with Mitten, who takes fourth place. The total distance cov ered by tho leaders In the race waa 1147 miles, one lap. Four other teams represented by Dow ning, Sherwood, Anderson and Holbrook, who occupied second position In the riding during the night, being one lap behind the leaders, finished In the order named and will share In the money. The Connolly Wyatt team was ninth and the Blrarrl 11111 team laat to tho finish. Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch colds at danrea which terminate In pneumonia and consumption. After exposure. If Foley's Honey and Tar Is taken It will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared Refuse any but the genuine In a yellow package. For sale by all druggists. l-tfTrT,34Jriir . i-i JMi 3 si iff-i r : - TRIJTTD TT TS bankers' checks, (learim WE TAKE THEM THE SAME AS CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT OI Fxr,.. Mfcwr-e, wuii ws prefer to hare you Li- i " nauai, narertneieaa, "" certUlcates above 1.1 iUnt StCr.CNi i?7ZKZVl?JnZ y' 7 th f Seara. Rebu,k Co.," slgt, raaoy gold, .11,.,. r,..abJfk. ohfn'oUs, nd iT'rifo?: temT wu".antll'bydua fW'l yUr or"T, '"r b'L'UU' ",J " puiuihy are compelled t.i exchange, their produce and their labor a iioal "011T.S .rA . "V the same as If you had sent u for cheeks either their bankers' checks Sr certlncilea ciealng Mme aa-oM I"- "'""'V order or even exactly the liouae checka or certllieatea or bank drafta. I II inTi ! ..w - . . . it.M hluUc IS iu IrirURM YOU 2m inS. -"T S -lDUhhv BALANCE H THE Ei NX bc; sschaags for any of our goods .ctl,hs aaV.'to" oOr' traduce .n,4"' r " yV h"vt uny '""" or ZlVn'tf juonajr older, if you have a hanker chm kT? a bakTrltt or Such rheeki Sr V,VV,. 'fl. i"n "" "P" " - ' drafts. If you have a checking account of your own. and will make a u in ? . f accepted by us exactly th0 tollmJ check to the amount you wish to purchase and go ySu? is . n 5 r ?".r.JK'JiJta "' ""r ""K"' 'TV"? haX. lhS tht,:k cr- n send yo?r check o? wEHj US IhE IHECK ORljRAFI YuU 1 AVE or " ns the b-.nka cheek or the bank-draft, endoraed payable to our check trn ktrtu .i ''U jour own FCR EXAtv PIE, iOTaTruS jZMXoWoXZ ftX&WUX 5 W'; ?:? s: if you have money in the ea?k - r c.c rising l.VX. ,'k oTa r"t 'W'S' "change for an, Lrcb.udfe c'' entire amount to us for merchandise, simply SEARS, ROEBUCK little nooks? The cost u too trifling to consider when compared with the charming effects obtained with Artloom Tapestries. There arc hangings, couch covers and tabic COVers galore in solid colors, Bagdad,Turk.ish, ' , Gobelin, Daghestan, Figured Brocade and Velour. And what a bewildering assortment jty of artistic design and coloring! All the Ktfi Artloom 1 apestries. Artloom label i ' on CVCI7 p!cce. Insist on seeing ( Xtt this 'vSEh"ii.ii'PtiMMii'iinM'ittibest in color vi """"VfVl iu uc iuuuu in tffigf PHILADELPHIA TAPESTRY MILLS .PHILADELPHIA AND NEV Y0RX CHARGES AGAINST LEWELLYN Former Nebraskan May Lose Federal Job ia New Mexico. UNDER FIRE OF INVESTIGATION Major of Hough Hldera la "aid to Be Counting; on Friendship of President to See Him Safely Through.. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. (Special. Tele gram.) An old NehrasKan and Rotigh Rider, Major W H. II. Llewellyn, United States attorney for New Mexico, is under fire and in grave danger of losing his place, because of charges of Incompetency and discourtesy filed agalnsthim. Major Llewellyn has been 1'nlted States attorney for six years, and lias been a resident of New Mexico since his removal from Nebraska. There have recently come before his office some Important land cases In which the Department of Justice and the Interior department ore greatly Inter ested. Major Llewellyn has had a clash with Special Agents of the two depart ments and Is not working in harmony with them, it Is alleged. Then, too, there Is bitter factionalism In the territory and one of the factions Is hard after the former Rough Rider, making all sorts of charges against him. Hla accusers especially al lege Incompetency and Incivility. The White House haa started an Investi gation, which, so far, does not tend to hurt Major1 Llewellyn, but the Departments of Justice and Interior are also carrying on an Investigation, anii the president, who has been a warm ami tdmlrlng friend of Major Llewellyn, Is In 4oep quandary as to what he should do finer the circum stances. Llewellyn recognizes the seriousness of the case, but will not fcdmi. he Is In danger, believing the "Colonel," us the president la known to the Rough Mders, will pull him through. Should tbj worst come to the worst, there ia a L-.iundary commission to be appointed between New and Old Mexico, and Llewellyn, who knows every foot of the territory. It Is thought, could have a place on the commission for the asking. At present the major of tho Rough Hitlers Is standing pat. Hurkett's Postal Savings Banks Bill. Senator Burkett has In mind franilng for Introduction In the senate a bill for the creation of a postal savings bank sys tem. He haa not aa yet developed a draft of the bill, but he favoia legislation whereby a man who desires to lay aside a a mul I sum weekly may do so through a syatem of postal savings nanka, aecurlty fur hla deporlts being guaranteed toy the L'nlted States treasury. Senator Burkett will confer with the post Hiaster general at the earliest opportunity ind It may be that the proposed Burkett ostal savings bank bill will eventually .irove to "lie an administration measure. Jenator Burkett does not believe the postal YOUKOWNCHECKS, send us money y postoffios uon.r tor your own conrenUaes we wlU for ti Ttjr.,i Vl. . tefsrred to eaactly tns aama asnioni, ?ZX tlom - .v. r,- r igwui duos, ana Lv um ii uhi i... t,,....i ............ . - rite on thu f u ior- .1 ri u ia.h,. u,e sums not tuni awkward corners into cozy iiuivc it iiicuiuriiiiuum tu sec mem me very next time you go shopping to day if possible. better class of stores have label it's your guarantee of the combination, desien and laucsines. I. sovinga bank system should bo extent1 lo every "cross-road" postifflcn, as lie presses It, but ho thinks ttiere should established u portal suvlnga bunk systi to Include every town of, say, from l.j up. However, ho Is studying the questl closely and after a conference with t! postmaster general will draft a bill to mt tho advanced Ideas of Mr. Von Moyer. Andrews Buck In Wnshlnctton. Auditor W. K,.Andrew of the Tiieasu; department arrived today from N;hrnsl where he has been for the psst montl much of the timu being spent In tlio recej state campaign. H,o is enthusiastic ovS the political situation. As for making tf, Missouri river a navigable stream, ho lu lt cun bo brought nboiit by Intelligef effort, generous uppropiiutioiiH and wl? expenditures. Leaves Omaha Recruiting Station. I Asslstunt Surgeon L. II. Smith, U. S. has been detached' from duty at the nai recruiting station at Omaha und nrdenl to report for duty on the battleship Ml aouii. I Daniel E. Price has been appolntod pos master at Phillips, Hamilton county, N S braska, vice, Ixira Ferguson, resigned, j Fred Summls of Spokane, Wa.sli., wus t day awarded the contract to furnish lain and material to Install marble walnscotlr In tho now publlo. building ut Kvunst". Wyo. Mouth Dakota's Reclamation Fund. The reclamation fund account arlsli from the receipts from ,all sources frol the disposal of tho publlo lamls In Sout Dakota for tho lineal year ended Juno 3i 1!07, has been adjusted. It uppeara tl amount to be credited to the fund la ff06,iti The account of the statu of South Dukot with the general land office, showing 6 pd gent of tha net proceeds of i;ules of, publl land for tho liscul year ended June 3n, I'M) haa been audited, from , which it appeal that tho stato will receive Jlb.'JW, CLARES WIN AT FULLERT01 Came la Close, vgltb Result la Douk 1 jt A.ast itiutuie. CLARK8, Neb., Nov. 17 (Special.) 1, a game of foot bull ut Fuiicrton yesterday Claiks won by a score of ti to 4. The garni waa in question until tho llnul whlsllj blew, and all tho ecoring was done in 1 1 1 4 first half. Fullerton outweighed ("larkl ten pounds to the iiihii and had sllghtlv the better of Chirks on straight gains, bnl Litllo of Clarkg waa ablu to keep Fuller ton from scoring by his long punts. Chamberllu of ('larks was easily thtj Bmr ui inti guuiu unu Kept v uiicrion anal oua during the entire gauui with hla suia tackling and end runs. Johnson of Fuller vuii maun shim gains ur. tunes ana was well assisted by Interference. The saiiiu teams play at Clurks the Ua ut ture l hankthi vlng. i'aavht In the Act and arrested by Dr. King's Nuw Life Pills bilious headache quits uud liver und bowels act right. Kc. For culo by Beaton DruJ CO. If you have anything 10 tmdn advertlsJ It In tbe For Exchange culumna of tbe; ciee v ant Ad pages. hoise checks. bapk hats cerlllled lo bwr,.,,. ,.. ,': . order, the oik oiiacki, Aaftaf CO.. CHICAGO.