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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
TnE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER It, 1D07. 3"C THIS GREAT SALE BEGINNING MONDAY OFFERS A WONDERFUL CHANCE TO SAVE i TO i ON THINGS YOU NEED CHECKS CASHED On All Bank$ to Pur chasers of Merchandise EVERY DEPARTMENT IN THIS GREAT STORE OFFERS SCORES OF EX TRA SPECIALS for Monday WE CASH CHECKS On All Danks to Pur chasers of Merchandise c fey ffiir' FJew Ywfe IMMENSE SHIPMENTS JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS Many eastern manufacturers are temporarily hard pressed for ready cash. Our N:w York buyer wmt to the bssi factories in Nsw York and, made them cash offers for choice lots ol their stock on hand. He secured new and desirable merchandise in huge lots at actually less in many instances than cost of the raw material. The goods are now at Brandeis and go on sale Monday ' THESE NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS TOOK IMMENSE LOSSES IN ORDER TO IS I JI8I fills ' ...L J B 1 .1 ...-r , . 1 Ixty Stunning Tailored Suits S Personally Selected for Their Elegance and Style by Our New, York Duyer AND WORTH AS HIGH AS $59-$65-$70 at This was a most unusual chnnoe. These are stunning suits th it manu facture, s :' Hd retis -it to snii) wi nout ensn payinent (Ju f New Yor' buer Wrisaple o buv in-rn at actually less thin cost to mnnulactue trie m. Also About Fifty EVENING GOWNS, PARTY DRESSES, DEMI-COSTUMES. DINNER GOW.XS, MATINEE and RECEPTION DRESSES, Etc. The eveiwig dresses and denii-costumes are exquisite de signs from -the very finest style experts in America -made of the finest chif fon voiles, panamas, messalines, peau de soies, etc. elaborately trimmed and beautifully finished. ' The suits are the height of tailoring excellence. Man) copies or trie most expensive rrencti models. All the new colors are represented -many of those elegant "-ji and Frenchy plain tailored effects every new style -""a feature ' j These dresses and sw'ts were made to sell at $59.00, Q. fbo.ou and $75.00. o' price Monday is Special Showing and Sale ol Opera Coats and Elegant Evening Wraps Brandeis show the most complete and thoroughly fashionable evening coats and wraps of any house west of Chicago. Many new arrivals are now Bhown for the first time. TURN THEIR. STOCKS INTO CASH SALE of WOMEN'S KID GLOVES? 98c Women's 2-Clasp Gloves German lambskin, black only; 1-clasp Gloves, Mocha, brown, red and gray; also 8-button length French Kid, white only pair . . . , Elbow-Length Gloves for women, 16-button, black and white, all sizes, real kid, worth $3.00, at, pair Elbow-Length Gloves for women, cashmerettc, fleeced, also suede finish, black, navyClr 222 brown and gray, worth $1.50, pair Our New York Duyer Sent Us Big Shipments t Winter Underwear aod Hosiery A Ladies, Children and Boys' Underwear, in winter. weights J JJ 4 big bargains Ladies' Vests, Pants and Union weights on bargain tables at 4 4 Suits winter 39c 4 4 4 4 4 "Women's Union Suits, also "Wool Vests and Pants, all sizes, very special Monday at. . . . Ladies Imported black and fancy hosiery, 60c qual ity, pair Boys' Heavy Bicycle Hose a big bar- Cc gain at, pair . . . . U 69c f is 25 c isr I I rje rj $ J Great Special Sale of High Class Furs Our New York Buyer Sent Us Bought at Exceptional Reductions Great SPECIAL Tieavy Rich Curl As t r a k h a n Capes satin lined, m m fie full sweep, 14 SPECIAL. Sable Coney Blouse J a c k e t s with wide braid girdle and r m eft Skinner's satin ll lining, at SPECIAL Beautiful Krimmer Fur Jackets Heavy gray satin at. l3d BIG. SALE of SILKS j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15,000 Yds, from the Darlington Q Stock; worth up to $1.00 at yd. U Z$ k 15,000 yds. of this season's plain and fancy Silks from the tarlington stock. On account of extreme low figure jfTS. " we bought the silks, we offer the entire lot r ))( l T Monday, plain and fancy Taffetas, Louisene "a Jl bilks, jMcssahnes, Peau de Cygne, Crepe I I de Cliines, Pekin Stripe Taffetas, etc., Q J worm up to ?i.ou q., on bargain square, yd. Dlack Taffetas and Peau de Soies From Darlington SUck 20-lncb finest dress making taffeta, worth $1 yard, at 59c 27-lnch yellow edge taffeta, worth $1 yard, at 59C 32-inch Imported dress taffeta, beautiful lustre, worth $1.50 yard, at 98c 36-ln. first qual ity wear guar anteed black talTeta, worth U.O0 yard yard 1.25 36-ln. Iarllng ton' special manufactured for them ex rluHlvcly worth $2.50 a yard yard 1.39 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J' 444444;,4;,4:,4:,4:,4;,4:,4;,5i RAMDEIS cm Lots of Fur Scarfs, Coats and Fur Sets Monday Will Be a Day of Olg Fur Bargains In our separate Fur Section, on the second floor, we show the richest assortment of Furs ever assembled in a western house every price men tioned here is an extra special bargain. Brook Hnk Scarfs ani Ihroios... $1.98 to $4.98 Persian Paw Sets, four-in-hand scarf and large pillow muff, at . $4-98 Imitation Ermine Sets, four-in-hand and large muff $7.50 2L 39i Siberian Squirrel Ties and Zazas at Siberian Squirrel Pillow Muffs at Northwestern Mink Sets, fancy pelt muff, scarf heads and 50 tails L Brook Mink Sets, pelt and head trimmed muff and T85 scarf ...1J Black Lynx Sets i-in-hand throw and large pillow 1750 muff I Beautiful Pointed Fox Sets XHSO highly fashionable, nt...Ji Genuine Ermine Scarfs very i25$85 Genuine Ermine Muff s r.!!T.sT.....32"''J85 Jap Mink Scarfs and 98 $ throws at ZJ J High-Grade . Mink Scarfs fash ion's favorites 85 q $Jg Mink Muffs, in all Sfft, $QP shades, at iiJ05 Kolinsky Scarfs, heads and 4-pelt trimmings Brandeis Shows the Finest Array of Fur Coats in Omaha Every Fur Coat at Brandeis is carefully selected by an expert and it must be up to the Brandeis standard of excellence and dependability. The styles are all correct and the workmanship on these Coats is of the highest order. Silky curl Astrakhan 24 to 27-lnch Jackets, guaranteed llnlnp, at $32.50 to $59.00 Near seal blouse, brook mink collar, reveres and cuffs. .8-12.50 Brook mink blouse, striped brook mink collar and reveres. .$-19 Blended or natural gray Siberian squirrel blouse Jackets. . .$75 Fur Automobile Coats, 50 inches long;. Russian pony, heavy satiu lining, high collar, wide around bottom ........$75 tO-lnch brook mink coat, large full Canadian marten collur, wide cut, satin trimmed 598 50-lnch curly Astrakhan coat, guaranteed satin lining, big roilar. long loose cut $95 CAFES IN MANY DKCC STORES Discovery Made by Chief Donahue in Surveying Doomed District. SEEING WHAT HE HAS TO CLOSE Suut Nrw F.lemrntB Will De Imoth. rrrd I uilrr that Owilbia Lid that Falla Truth of -nt Moat a. Along- with the poUge etamps. free tele- plionee and city directories the drug etorei uf Omaha will provide pulronu with lunchee und cut flowere. Few drug utores remain ti the city which are devoid of rttaurant . attachment, where everything from Mext- an chill concHrne to French jiommee de terre fraliet are erved. Thla became known balurday when Chief f Police Ionahue looked over the scene In the business district of Omaha, which he Is to cloaj Hereinber in. and arrest everyone who sells uiineccssaiy artlclea and carry out the orders of Jmnes Charles rhlman, corvegiilor of Omaha. Cures for bahlbra 1ei1ne.. caused by early jih ty or pt'JIing tight Hhirts over the head, will be considered u necelty, but toe creamed o ier tes and fricunrtelle le fole Kras. will nt l" "ld on Hie first (lay of the week, and the drug store restau rants m'tst cloee ulong wan the houses - here calculators of chance formerly sepa rated the ursusixctlug from the long fcreen on red ut J H k liOi iJs. Cue Uovkntowu diutf stoie KhkU dis pensed Dr. BreadplH's Compound of Horse radish and Artichokes together with oyster cocktails, employs a Chinaman to serve the oysters, together with a sign over the lunch counter division "C. O. D." It Is explained the chink never eats oysters, and It Is always safe to employ the celes tials In serving to taste the bivalves, as he can take out the bones without being tempted to taste the delicacy. John ex plains that he has "too muchsabe" to cat oysters either raw 'or cooked, and trans lates the sign to mean "nopayeenogetee." Must t'hauae the Scale. The Chink Is frequently uccusd of being a slant-eyed lnghv. uyiiiun, . wneii ne col lects 15 cents for an ordinary lonklng ham sandwich, served with sweet pickles, but that happens to be the price of ham sand wiches at the drug store restaurants, and Lee Blng or Lee Lum, whatever the waiter's name Is, must enforce the rule of "no payeenogettee." In dealing with the hungry women shoppers or the grown men who step In now and then to sup a hot choco late, with whipped cream dressing or mince ala terrapin coquette with India relish. All sorts of people patronise the drug store restaurants, from the old men with uncovered upper-decks, who buy hair oil and tomato soup, to the women of fashion, who buy 10 cents worth of peroxide and la conts worth of coffee and crackers, busy men of affairs, who would be accused of becoming' Larra.lions If they sipped the klulwart brew of the lurul of cakes or schnapps of the frugal DctU h. satisfy their thirst by ge-lng to the dainty UHe woiven wire tables, and taking a cucuuiher spur or dynamite frappe. HhP girls find the druggists chicken hrdh of as t(""d quality as his face powdvr and locust blof ua per fume, and the gay cavalcade of hungry people meet In the apothecary shop Instead of the club rooms at the lunch hour. Jiut all the happiness will end on the first day of the week, when the corregidor of Omaha, who dines at a chair arm restaurant, closes the unnecessary places of business on and after December 10, 19i7, and the excitement In the business district will consist of the funny pages of a Sat urday afternoon paper, picked up and sent whirling down Sixteenth street, like a buncu of tumble weeds over a desert steppe. JAIL MEALS ELEVEN CENTS Kansas City Price Against Thirty Four for Sheriff McDonald. SOLOMON MAKES THE DISCOVERY HELPING OUT THE CROP MAN Street Hallway I'm la Checks Only a Meaua of Conserving; the C'usu. Friday was pay day for tho motormen and conductors of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company and the men were paid with checks In the usual way. They were told, however, they could take their checks to the office of the com pany and have them cashed. The company in paying the men gave them one $5 and on? fi cashier'a check and if the men com plained they were paid entirely In money. "It would be Just as easy for our com pany to hold the money from the bank and paid the men entirely In currency," eild Assistant General Manager Leussler, "but we want to do what we can to relieve the general situation and help the banks to get money to move these great croiis of the west and this can be done by every one using a little of the cashier's chetks. which Is taken everywhere, especially such mi, nil derioii.iuatK'iis as we used In paying Hie ritca Good Food is Supplied la Jackson. County Jail for Third of What Duuglu County lias to l'a. Sheriff McDonald gets over threo times as much for feeding prisoners as does the sheriff of Jackson county; Missouri. Jackson county, Missouri, the county con taining Kansas City and In Jependence. Is feeding Us county prisoners at a rate of 11 cents a day per prisoners, according to County Commissioner Solomon, who has Just returned from there. Douglas county Is paying Sheriff McDonald Jt cents a day, after deducting 6 cents a duy from his al lowance for supplies. The Kansas City plan Is to employ a steward and have the cocking done by trusty prisoners. The steward receives 175 a month. Figures furnished by Commis sioner Solomon tihow the cost, including salaries, Is a little less than 11 cents. "They don't make It up on poor food, either," said Mr. Hoiomon. "They fur nished me with sample bills of fares for two weeks, which we will use whin we adver tise for1 bids for feeding the prisoners under the new law. The day I was there they were dishing out bctf heart with dressing to the prisoners. They secure their meat boned for b cents a pound from a first class butcher who caters to expensive trade. He sells the county the parts of the beef the best trade docs not take. It Is good, wholesome meat, however. They buy , potatoes in too-pound lots for tiS cents a bushel." ! Mr. , Solomon w as In Kansas City to get pointers on the accounting system used by the officials, lie also looked up their methods of conducting the Jail and the De tention school while he was there. "Their Detention school 1b not as far ad vanced as our." he said. "They have no Instruction in the school at all and It is merely UHed to keen children until their cases can he heard at the Monday session I of court. They are securinr ground for a 1 new and better one, however. The Deten- i tlon school officers are paid about the same salaries as we pay here " Mr. Solomon probably will go to 6t. Paul and Minneapolis in a few days to get Ideas for iiro In the county comptroller's office. said over 100 secret service men were In the city of Denver working on this case. Cnshlerw' Checks at a I'remlum. We want l'lO.'OJ in cashiers' checks this week. Beginning Monday we will allow 3 per cent on all purchases paid for In cashiers' checks drawn by Nebraska or Iowa banks. THE BENNETT COMPANY. DATA IN COAL LAND CASES secretive Search Is Made by Federal Agents that Slay Lead to Big? Trials. Profoundly secretive in their mission, federal Inspectors are In Omaha gathering data for the basis of prosecutions of prom inent' men on the harge. of securing coal land In Wyoming. Colorado and Montana by fraudulent methods. These government agents have spent several days ill Omaha. Prior to their here they scoured points further west for Information, spending much time in Denver. At one time. It la NINE YEARS FOR PARKER Second Time Assailant of Little Girl lias Cone to the Peni tentiary. Frank Parker, a big, burly negro who was convicted of an attempted criminal assault on Diea Dill, a 6-year old girl living In the north part of the city, was sentenced to nine years in the penitentiary by Judge Troup Saturday morning. Parker protester his Innocenre of any wrong Intent, but tho evidence against him was such It required only a few mUiutcs for tho jury to agn that he was guilty. He is over 60 years old and served a term In the penitentiary ones before for burglary. Births and Deaths. Births Andrew FJellin, Elm wood Tail dairy, girl; It. O. Brownson, 4i3 Bancrofl street, girl; J. O. Dlrr, 119 Mandersoi street, boy. Iieaths-Arnt Madsen, County hospital aged 21 years; Mary A. Mlckle. Tenth and Castellar street, aged 61 years; Heuiut Sudan. St. Joseph s hospital, aged 7 days Catherine Koaeh, North Thlrbetitr street, aged C4 years; Mrs. Mansfield Jlarn tins. t. Joseph's hospital, aged 65 years, John Davis County hospital, aged te7 year..; Mrs. O'.lve Cbrlstensen, Hid North Twenty seventh street, aged 47 years; Qeorge Block. 2'Ai Fort street, aged 85 years. UffvV vr w 7 McKiLlin fur quality were not incomparably good and the stylet irrriitliLly aitisctive; if bed judges hadVt picked McKibbin as standard then folLt might wpada why ' McklABIN M R4 AIR FAVORABLY KNOWN MUtBfcVlK GOOD HK5 AltE WOH.N. AJt your dealer. If he woot show you wrhe u and we WiU duect you to ooe who will McKJBBIN, DR1SCOLL St DORSEY fur K&BuMiturtri SAINT PAUL I