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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1907. Surpasses in Bargain Offerings Any Sale Dcy of the Sn s yn r v ' 7 L Never before in the history of our merchandising experience has the pow:r of ready cash b:eit so evident as in the pres ent great bargain sale of seasonable . merchandise values that will delight the economical buyer. m j ?rr The rcsutts of the activity of cur two New York resident 1 I r buyers an" various department managers ts clearly shown w in the bringing icgeuicr of tic greatest, stock of J ad ana THE RELIABLE STORE. winter" merchandise bargains ever shewn in the west. Specials for Saturday .BIG BRUSH SALE Hair Bras'iei, Tyjfi Brushtst , Co'h Brjshrs, lulhzr B'ushts, Bjth B.ushes, Hand Scrubs and Complexion Brushes Tooth Brushes, worth 10c to 25C, at b(-7fytli5H( TTnlr Brushes, worth 20c to $1.50, ,.t 10S 17t 25 to 70 Cloth Crashes, worth 60c to S 1.25, t j 25S 40 and 70 (Shaving Brashes worth 20c to 60c. at 10. 15 to 30 Bath Brashes, worth 60c to $1.S, at 30. 40 to 70 Hand Scrub Brushes, worth 25c to 50c. at ... . . . . .'. . 15 OP t0 20 8flc Silk Veilings 10c A new lot of all silk, plain and fancy ve. lings, on tale, at, yard... 10 1 New 42-inch 'eta For square veils, splendid valaes, at, yard 31.75 Hay den BrosrDrug Dzpf. Bui Dm is vhsr: You Save Mon:f Mule Team Borax 1 pound 20 Ivory Soap .' ........ 1 pt. Pure Witch Hazel. . 2tc Cutloura Soap. ............. 10c Hand Sapollo 7 10c Williams thavlng soap.. 5 10c Colgate Shaving bo&p.'. bv 25c Lee'a Egg Tar Soap. . . . li 25c Packer a Tar Soap 15 26c imported Castile, per lb. 17 2- dot. 2 grain Quinine Capsules, , at .' 10 10c Lena Oil and Buttermilk soap, at C rcrfunies and Toilet Articles Mennen's Talcum Powder. . . . 9 26c Lalzol Talcum Powder y? 60c" Pozzont's Powder...-. 2D 60e Java Rice Powder.... ill) 26e Graves' Tooth Powder 14 26e Tetlow's Tooth Powder. -14 ..25e Sanltol Cream... 10 1.50 Oriental Cream. .. .J1.00 .$1.00 Jlckj Perfume, per ounce .at 49 Our Underwear and Furnishing Goods Departments Offers almcet unlimited assortment of I'nderwear and Furnishing Goods bargains. Every Item dependable in quality and surpassing in value any ever shown at this season. Nearly three carload of high class merchandise from such well known manufacturers as the Wlnsted Hosiery Co., Norfolk, and New Brunswick Mills, Etc., secured by oar New Vork buyers at a fraction of their actual worth. Borne surplus stocks, some Samples, but all magnifl cent bargains, at our special sale prices. All three of our big departments crowded with the grandest lot of winter undergarment bargains ever shown In the west. Only a few of the many can be mentioned: O 4 15 18 $1.00 La Trefle Perfume, per oz.. at ...: 49 60c La France Rose Perfume, per ounce ...... 20 60c Crab Apple Blossom, per ouuee at 0 Llppold's Hair Tonic 75 Cut Prices on all Patent ModMucs 2Cc W hite Pine Cough Syrup 13 60c Eyrup of Flga 45 60c Swamp Root 45 $1.00 Plerce'a Golden Medical Dis covery 89 $1.00 Wine of Cardul 89 25c Omeea Oil 23 $1.00 Lyd'a Plnkham's Vegetable Compound ... 80 Special Cut P, ice' on all Rubber Goods Saturda. No. phone or mall orders filled from thla ad. Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers, In all sizes and colors that would sell regularly up to $1.76. sale prices, Saturday 50-75-98 Men's AH Wool Shirt and Drawers, In b'.ues, grays, tans and scarlet, made to sell at $2.U0 and $3.60, on sale Saturday, per garment, at 81.25 SI. 50 Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts . a ad Drawers, regular values up to 75c, on ale Saturday 23 39 Dr. Wright's Health Vnderweau Garments worth to $2.60, In fine wool ribbed, silk and wool, silk fleeced or wool fleeced, great bar gains, at, sale price,. per gar ment 75 0S $1.50 Men's Union Suits, in extra fine quality cashmeres or cotton, perfect fitting garments and worth double our sale prlres, garment. at . ..C8-$1.50-$1.98-$2.50 Men's and Boys' Sweaters Entire surplus tock of one of America's largest manufacturers in this sale at About ii Regular Retail Price Men's All Wool Flannel Overshlrts Single or double breasted, in blues, grays or tans, worth regularly up to $2.60, at OS COO Down nigh Grade Wool Sweat ers and Cardlaan Jackets Sweaters with 4-ply collars, ribbed cuff, and . tall, all sites for men and hoys garments that would sell reg ilar'.y tU to $3.50. at 75-08 S1.5O Heavy Cotton Sweaters All sizes nd colors, snaps, at 25-49 Men's Black Sateen Shirts $1 qual ity the world over, has re-lnforced sieves, great snap, at, sale . price 59 Men's Jersey Overshlrti Heavy quality, all sizes on sale Ratnr dav at 25 49 Ladles' Vests- and Pants, in heavy fleeced or, cashmeres, garments manufactured to sell up to $1.50 In three lots, Saturday, at 08-75-49 Ladies' heavy fleeced e.ia auu Paul All s.ze, values up to 75c, sale Prices 25"39C Misses and Children's Veins auti Pants Worth to 60c, extra heav quality, all sizes 1C Jto 34, on salt Saturday 25"10 Ladles All Wool Union Suits. . silk and wool, worth regularly t $5.00, sale price $2.01 Ladies' Union Suit, in wool or and wcol, worth to $3.76, sale prict Saturday SILOS' Ladies' Wool Union Suits, white o grays, heavy quality, worth nearl double sale prices... 81.50 08t Ladies' Fleeced Union Suits, worth $1.76. all sizes, sale prices Satui day 39-49-75-98' Ladies'. Wool Vests and Pants, ftp v qualities, all sizes, up to $2.00 va! uea, at 75"08 EXTRA SPECIAL HOL'R SALES Tou can't afford to miss one of these great bargain events. From 8:30 till iSO A. M. Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns, well made, nicely trimmed, a never before equalled value, at. . ..... . . . . . 20 From 0:30 till lb:30 A. M. Men's madras shirts, alt new, clean stock, all, limit of four to a cus tomer, at 29 From 10:30 till 11:80 A. M Misses' and children's heavy winter under wear, regular 39c qualities, at, gar ment .'. 10 ;irom 2 till 8 P. M. Children's fine union suits, worth regularly 75c, choice 20 roiu 3 till 4 P. M. Ladles' and mls s s hose, heavy winter weight, many fleece lined, worth to 15c pair, sale price, pair , . G No dealers supplied at these special jale prices. ; Grand Ribbon Sale Thousarcls of yards of the Newest Faccy Ribbons; 50c, 75c and 85c values. On sale Saturday, in two big lots Lot 1 50c to 75c.Fancy Ribbons, per rd.23c Lot 2 S5c Fancy Ribbons, per yd. ... . .29c Just the thing for holiday fancy work. Come early Saturday and spcuve choicest pat terns. . . . Ladies9 Hosiery Specials Several Special Lines of nigh Class Shoes on Sale at Big Reductions from Regular Prices Saturday. Millinery Crea'tst Ba-gahs Ever in Trimmed and Picture Ha.'s Hundreds of beautiful creations, designed and used for show' hats' in New York,' and secured by -our-buyer for cash" - A i Their Value Offered for the first time Saturday, in three, splen lid lots. x rimmed Hats, worth O 50 $6 and $7, at. ..... A Trimmed Hats, worth 295 , to $8.50, choice 3 Trimmed Hats In most bewitching new designs, many fur trimmed and all fur hats in this group, f? fr regular values to $12 and $15; at. '.,.DUU Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats at Sweeping Price Reductions Saturday. EVERY HAT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Special Sale for Saturday A In Our Mammoth Grocery Depar!me t Magnificent Birqiins in Womm's Ready-lo-WeirOiler Girmtnh mm II pounds best purs Can GranuUtrd Sugar 91-00 IS bars best brands Laundry 8on Sj tO-lb. eaok' best Granulated Corn- - meal .... 4 1 -lb. sack best fancy High Patent riour $1.39 I-lb. cans fancy sweet Sugar Com tor .Ho l-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes, 1.0 Oil or Mustard bardluea, per can nO l-lb. cu jritl buua ?o liurnliaiM's iUety Jellyoon. per . pk. ....... Be V-lo. on Colman'e Mustard.. . . lio Cjuart boltle C. B. Vuieg r. . . . . o pint bottle Unyder s or ctiue Label Catsup an The it Soda Crackers, per lb.,..o The best Oyster Crackra. per lb..M The beet Cil Olnger ttnaps. per lb ............. ... so t. hmt erlso Fretaeia. per 10. . t.. :m,.n I'miklea. oar lb. Th. h..t Trt blfilnsa. per lb...ia o Fancy iantoe Coffee, per lb..... ( holre California riuiwi. per lb. Fancy fcant Clar prunes, per lb ') Taney California Peaohes, per Ib.lSo ka.irtf n.,nril Currants, per lb...lOe Fancy Muscatel KaJslna. per lb .13 . 60 .lOo lOTTEX trnZB. BTTTTEm. A Mif Irop la the Batter Market. Fancy No. 1 Creaiuery butter, per lb. aso trood. choice Dairy Butter, per lb., .ftio Fancy Full Cream Cheeaa, . par lb ....XTV4 .Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese. per lb lBo Neufchatel Cheese, each SVfco bap Bago Cheese, each Trt rSSSK TI31T11L1 nUCXS TOM liiaauAT, Fresh Splnacli, per peck.' , .10o Freeli iiuiliouse Lelluce. Iheitds... t-o Fresh Kadishes, Luuohes ,. bo Fesn Steels, larroia, '1 urulpa raranlps or Rutabaga. pr to.. So Fancy uiled Omuna, per lb t-aucy Uroen beans, per lb.......lue Ftesu Celery, I bunciies for be Fancy New Vork Fetus, fur can ning, per banket, V buahel SOo Hubtaid tiquaeli, each le, Te, ke 'Imo heads fresh KiiUive o Cooking rl. per lb ...11,0 Fresn Imp. Flga. per lb l.o Cape Cod Cranberrlee, quart a?.o Freeh Koaaied feanuia viuart.... bo OwLag te a srtakaowa la tie ma B'ila., we baes postponea Uie Tree Omkes aalil Kovesabar la. fioa't lur-a-, t.i is bate. Over Forty Thousand Dollars worth of Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Furs, etc., sent us during the past ten days by our New York resident buyers. Beyond question the firest line of thoroughly up-to-date garments ever shown in Omaha at our Special Prices. OVER 300 COATS in the nobbiest new semi-tight-fitting styles,' 52 inches long, satin lined throughout, manu factured to sell up to $30.00 sale price. . . . . .$19.90 $20.00 CARACUL COATS,', in loose, semi-fitting and blouse styles over 200 .garments to select from, at ....$14.95 HANDSOME FRENCH CONEY COATS, $30 to $35 values everywhere, with 2-year guaranteed Skinner satin lining throughout on sale at $21.50 GENUINE BROOK MINK COATS, in blouse and coat 6tyles, sold everywhere at $50.00 special sale price . . . . ; 39.00 ELEGANT TAILOR SUITS, regular $35.00 and $10.00 values, Military, Prince Chap and other new styles, over 100 garments to select from on sale at. .$25.00 303 NOBBY TAILOR SUITS, made to sell up to $20.00, great assortment of plain colors and fancies, newest ' coat styles, skirts made extra full, silk trimmed--on sale at $12.50 FRENCH VOILE SKIRTS, pleated, extra full, trimmed with taffeta bands regular $8.00 values at. . .$4.95 $6.00 SILK UNDERSKIRTS, in all colors, at. .$3.95 CHILDREN'S DRESSES, in all wool cheviots and serges, Buster Brown and Peter Thompson styles, sizes 6 to 14 years, up to $5.00 values at ...... $2.98 Child's Coal Bargains Over 1.0QD Children's Coats in nobby new styles, secured from the manufacturer at a frac tion of their value. All sizes to 14 years. Coats in frieze, Astra khans, kersies and fan cies, trimmed .with plaids, fine braids and velvets, worth to $6.00 and $7, choice $2.98 103 Sample Co&ts No two alike, nobbiest styles, values to $10, at $4.9S-$5.98 Children's Astrakhan and Velvet Leggings Children's Bearskin Bonnets, all colors, worth regularly to $2.50, at 49c 9Sc tayMWseaeeMestsSa Children's Clothing Entire sample stock of a well known manuhtfurer oi sit: at wonlerhl ba'ja'n prices, No reason why the boy should not be both well and stylishly dresed at a rery small expense It you buy at this sale. Children's Knee Tanta Suits, worth to 14.00, great assortment of patterns and styles t 31.05 $2.05 Children's Overcoats; sizes 3 to 10 years, worth to $4.00, nobbiest new styles, best materials and colors on sale, ; t ' 52.50 $2.05 Children's Knee Pants, worth to 76c, great assortment, all sizes, very special bargains, at.. 33 (J Several other very special bargains mm 1 ; e aaaaajM ease asost as as CJQS Closing Out Our Belleek China for Decoralinj a sals sHtaraa' every i ll-in. Tanknrd. mnrih hob .i. n . . . We will plaee on salt Brtiray erery pleoe of BtUeek China at AO rM CaVT worth 1 15. sale prloo worth I! ?l, sale prloe worth 11. yt. sale prloo H-ln. IS-lA. li-ln. Vaaea, Vasts. Vases, ai.U H-ln. Tankard, worth $185, sale Prloe gi.48 Bon Bon Dishes, 'worth 12.50, sale Price' '.fl.e.S Nut Bowls, worth .is. sale price.. 91.13 Tobacco Jars, worth $a. 26, sale price 1.1J Also a laree line of fiuttM anil Crfeme rifes and Cups and tuiuc rs. In order to make loom f r our holiday roods, we will close out alt our Louellu wellers and W'edaewood Vases, fltcheia. Fonder Bczes, WaicU Safes, etc., at one. half prioe. Try MYOEPJ'S F'lPEJfi X,adica' $3 Bland Jlaihrold orA Silk Kdsei on sale at, pair l a tauiis $2.60 Bilk Boss, pluln black or colors, In cludlns; the new shades of tan! on sale at 1.63 Luiii' ..oO Kllk ov, piuln black and colors; o.i sale at, pair SI. OO X,a.iea' l.b0 and fl.00 oee in Silk lisle, embroider ed lisle and allover laco, at ,,..91.00 and Vie lAilles' CSo lace and broldered eale at . . and Too allovor plain and etn Usle ' hone: on . . .35a and 4to ladles' Wayne Zart Xoae, all' black or white, doable' . Sole, all alses. palr....SSO Three pair for 4)1.00 Lauiia' Embroidered .and rancy fttrlpe 4oee....8fto CaLUreu's Sony M.oat.a5o tkilunn'a Wool or, Clasa- mtre nose, values to i: sale price, pair. . . , .! Ucz Curlains and Draperhs . Odd Lots, Samples nd Manufacturer's Surplus Stocks on sale at prices for below actual worth. French Net and Brussels Lace Cur tains Splendid values at 3.5, only 2 or 3 pairs of a kind, Sat urday, at, pair S2.0S Real Irish Point Curtains -Sample lots, from 2 to 6 pair of a pat tern magnificent values, at pair $3,G9 Lace Curtains, In white or cream, full size, extra special, at, pair 89d 3.BO Couch Covers Extra Tieavy quality, 60- Inch, reversible with knotted fringe all arou. d, special at S3.30 73c Drapery Silks Japanese, Per sian and floral designs, at yard 39t Domestic Madras, in stained s.laa etects, at. yard. 15 Tapestry Portieres, . all . atylea at greatly reduced prices, Big Manufacturers9 Stock Shoe Sale Of misses', children's and women's shoe at less than cot to make.. The manufacturer's loss Is your pain. Come in Saturday and aloo up the entire family on what, you would usually pay for one good pair i ' Children's shoes, worth up to $1.00 a pair, in two lots 75fM0 Misses' and children's tl.7& and 1.50 kid blucher- thoes, all sizes 8 Va to 2 9S Women's 60c and 76c warm Slippers, all felt and leather soles : . . . t 40-39 Women's $3.50 and $4.00 vicl kid blucher shoes, with turn or welt soles $2.48 Men's velvet embroidered and plush Slippers, leather soles, 85c values.' 49 Men's box calf kangaroo calf $2.60 and $3.00 work shoes Sl.OS Youths' and little gent's box calf and kid sibool shoes. worth up to $1.76, at 51.10 Men's Dress Shoes, in all leathers, values up to $4, all welts S2.50 We are headquarters for Union Made shoes of all kinds. -Agents In Omaha for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men, and the Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women. Bring the children In Saturday and get a red book with every pair of ahoes you buy for them. 3 Rousing Glove Barfns Never before have perfect gloves of such sterling Quality been olfered at these prices. LOT 1 Ladle' Short Kid Gloves with one or two clasps. Taris point stitching; come in all popular ahadea for street wear; all sizes 5H to 8; fl.SO qualities; every pair per. feet, sale price. Saturday. 70J rOI 8 ladles' Elbow Znrth Gloves, in blncks or tans, (inest real kiu, recuiar ij.du vaiu sale X.OT si at. TUlt day am raws ever offered. Price. !. I I lTUir4?Trfn r 8 Consists of 300 doren f ample Cloves. II I lr'-..S: V-fJM M f . Ig-htly soiled, but perfect, ii.ou values, to cioh t j - w 1 EJir'Ov per pair e 'J 'if TitMl Osibt'i Bnslts Olove Department Sitir- 1 t 'u . - - 1 look over tae areatest line of Qlove Bar- At " V f Big Houseturnishing Goods Sale H-fallon Rice Boiler, best enauieled ware 80 Vt-aallon Tea or Coffee Pots, bent enameled ware ISO 2-icallon bnameled Tea Kettle, woilh tao, at 130 ill. Potts 6-plce set Bad Irons, all day . . . . ' E9o t8c best Waffle Irons, all day.. 4e too Galvanized Coal Hods 8 So lie large size Clean Chopping Bonis, at lo Extra heavy Double Cross Copper Bottom Saturday Giiiluuiy Copper LIuller Bo Qalvaslud Wain HayUens for Wauli cany the larrent line In the went. varieties. The famous O ti.SJ. at The best , Rotary 17.00. at Boiler, worth 11.75 each. r- 8 Jo Bottom Wash. SSe Tabs. .... .sea Midlines. v to select from ve are auenls for &7 K Washer, worth ' S4.S8 Washer, wnrin j New Books and Magazines "TM Cave Maa." by John Cor!n."i a romanco of fashionable New York life. The hero, aa automobile manufacturer, to nlca aamed "The Cave Man." becauso though an sale, and powerful manu facturer, he Is vigorously opposed to the modern development of trusts. The heroine, with whom he Is ardently In lova, 1 a dauhler of the promoter of the trust and en.aed to be married to a young Wall street maa, who Is financing It. It la a love tory of unusual originality. The Illus trations are by Harrison Ftsher and Einiea McConnell. V. App.eton t Co. Is the pub llsherv . , A highly important book on 'Japan en titled "The Japanese Nation ia Evolution," and its author, Prv William E. Orima. la peculiarly filled for his subject, aa bo has Wltaeaaed many of tna great Inner events i u w.a- vt.'Ch ;-W. describes. After Jerry gained entrance to the "Hermit Kingdom," pr.'Oriffis was one of the earll. est . educators sent from America: since which time ho has enjoyed the frlendsolp of the mikado snd other leading Japanese. Published by Thomas Y. Crowell o. "Helen Grant. Senior," la the fifth volume of ti e "Helen Grant Eerles." by Amanda MY Douglas. The previous books havo de lighted a steadily Increasing elrcle of read ers, and last year's book. "Helen Oram In College," was remarkably popular. Her Junior and senior years bring her out la the full promise of earlier youth, and leavo her, as "Helen Grant, Senior," able to look back upon an enviable course. - In cidentally the picture of college Ufa Is the brightest and truest to life of any of the many attempts at depicting this golden age of young wotuanhood. The Loihrop, Lee & Bhepard company la the publisher. "Osma of Os," the newest Baura fairy book, records In Mr. Baura's unique and charming way the further adventures of Utile Dorothy and ' the companions who accompanied her on her trip through "The Land of Os," besides Introducing to the parry some new and wonderful friends. The new book Is not only full of exciting and delightful adventures, but Is fairly a blase of color from the wonderful pictures with this , Join R. Netll ha; lllustra el 1- T.iere are forty-one full Je clotures in cjlor. twenty-two half page and fifty black and white drawings, while the whole book con tains 20 pages. Published by the Rellly Biitton company. "The New Religion. " by Vfaarten Maar tens, author of 'Dorothea," "The Healers," etc.. Is the newest offering from the pen of this gifted Dutch writer. It Is an amus ing novel, clever, full of able writing and a lovs story with a background treating of the present conditions of medical science. D. Appletoa Co. Is the publisher. "The Cage,", by Charlotte Teller. Is a novel whoea scenes are '.aid hi Chicago at the time of the Haymarket riots. The story Involves the daughter of a clergyman work ing among the poor peeple In a church sup ported by a rich man. The book la pub lished by D. Appletoa A Co. "X Break ia Training, and Other Ath letic Stories," by Arthur rtuhL is the title Jt a collection of eight clean, wholesome and delightful stories of college and achool . ailildtka. Most of these stories have ap peared In the magaslnes, but It ts good to '! nave them In a form to be read again. They howk la their spirit of contest and con- ! quest, hew the American youth is taught to 1 be a gentleman In his' games, while the in- Urwoven threads of love and pathos but aaa eo their Interest. The flret story, "A Break in Training." Is particularly good, but there are others almost as good, while all will be much enjoyed. Published by The Outing Publishing company, "The Diamond King and The Little Man la Gray," by Lily F. Wesselhoeft, ts a . fairy story both new and good. In setting i her small heroines amid the elves, gnomes. and giants of a fairy kingdom, Mrs. Wes- wiiium h dm iarn up a uuiercni line or books. Her "Ready and Rel'able." "Spar row, the Tramp," and ' Jack, the Plre Dog," have already made her a favorite author with the younger readers, and her present eiory la sure to strengthen those ties. Lit tle, Brown Co. la the publisher. "The Boys of Pleon Camp," by Martha James, author of "My Friend Jim," and who begin the "Pigeon Camp Series'" last year for boys a' 10 to U years with "Jim mle Suter." Jlmmle ,was a born mechanic and a bright, manly little fellow besides. His dearest friend was Rand Cotter, the son of a much richer man than Jimmies father, and they originated the "S. K. B." (fljclety for Feeding Birds). This becomes a widespread organisation and lee Is to Intimacy with, a third fine lad Philip Moon, who, has great ability In curing fr pets and gardening. In the second volume the three fr.ends camp for the summer In a fine tent on the shore of a Iske anl are caretakers for a vacant homo. They adi to their number a talented buy-atrangsr, "Luccl," whom they befriend with the ap proval of their parents. Jlmmle'a Ingenuity appears In a machine for taxing water from the lake, which enables Philip's gar den to flourish, and a home-made house boat. In whlJli the boys s;end many happy hours. Prises are ohVred by the editor of a boy's paper for certain work, snd these comrades, secure four pt three and Joy fully allude to their "lurk." The book closes after a summer .brim full of the healthy action bays love. Fbllshed by the Lothrop. Lee A Shepard Co. The Morning Glory Club," by George A. Kyle, will furnish the reader with genuine amusement. Originally formed to "elevate" the village, it quickly develops into an exchange for town goaalp. It haa a saving grace, however. In the person of motntrly Mis. Blout. the uncultured but sweet- i natured and pure-minded village ptitlso pher, who pours the oil of her saneness and ebartty on th troubled waters of dis cussion and condemnation. It Is a seiles of clear and li'tt resting pictures of. the humor of village life. U C. X'age A Co., is tl.s publisher. ' ' For his new collection of stories about animals, entitled "Haunters of the 8 len ces," Charles G. p. Roberts has largely taken for his subjects those anlma'a rarely 1 met with In books, whose lives are spent "In the Silences," where they are the : supreme rulers. Mr. Roberts, has written, of them sympathetically, aa always,: but I with fine regard for the truth. The book la Illustrated with many drawings by Charles Livingston Uull. four of which are In full color. Published by L. C. Page Co. . . "The Shepherd of the Hills." by Hsrold Bell Wright author of '"That Printer of Udell's." Is In no wsy slmllsr to bis previous book. The scenes are taken wholly from the dark, and southern Missouri ana the characters are tor the most ,,.rt ,1. from real Ufa. ,t . ,,..,, ing story of love, mystery and heroic daring for It set. a grip on lit. . bnBM to tha soul of the reader. The B ok Sjn ply company of C?hlrago is the publisher. "An Interrupted Honeymoon." , by Jane Groavener Cooke, auth( r of "The Ancient Miracle," has a plot somewhat out of the ordinary. It Is the story of a maa and a woman who marry after a Ion courtsh p, take a ride of twelve miles In a buggy trim her town to his as a .honeymoon, quarrel on the way and .eparate, the girl going back to her home In ttie village and the man to his home In the larger town. The cause of the quarrel-fs a mystery and the rest of me ouoa is a very numan. Intimate and humorous story of a second and unusual courtship. The story Is re-narkabiy '. well old. Published by A, . Earned- t Co. Above books at lowest retail price. Mat thew.. VA South Fifteenth street. Book, reviewed are on sale by The Ben. nett Company at cut prices. All of the books reviewed hers are on sale In Brandels' book department.