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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, ArOUST 23. 1907. f-fSfiJIIMlli'hflMlkl-"----"-t- - - - - - - . - - m. - - - - Ladies' Tailoring Department How 0LHA WEATHEU FOUKCAST WrtliM'Mlay. Fair. en 4 12 It 9 RaJo Satur- tr Men'n 9 Oaf. Wednesday Specials 8 : Wide Embroideries 25 Brand now lot of the very finest Swiss, Nainsook and Cam bric Embroidork's, in skirtings, flouneings, bx fj corset cover. wdths, etc. in a would bring 75c a yard per at f nrpc and Incprfinnc New lot of Plat and Normandy Vals., in lace edgings and 5c insertings, up to 5 inches wide in Bets to match, worth up to yard at, yard More Bargains Wednesday IN OUR GRAND SALE OF TI N WAR From the Paxton & Gallagher Co. Wrecked Warehouse Dish Pans, Foot Tubs, black enamel Trays, copper bottom Coffee Boilers and Tea Pots, Flour Sifters, Sink Strainers, Cuspidors, Funnels,. Measurers, Milk Pans, Etc., Etc. Worth up to 75c each, at 2c, 4c, 6c, 10c each n Advance Notice SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING NEXT SATURDAY Just in time to fit your boys fall suits before school opens. bargains are wonderful. Watch f. Pure.Clear.SDarklinS ArtesianVater ifei This water has in itself health-giving properties that peculiarly adapt it to the brewing of a delicious, palatable beer. During the past fifteen years STORZ BEER haa become famous because of the use of this water. No other one ingredient entering into the manufacture of beer has so much to do with its general excellence as pure water. Discriminating people who want nothing but the best when eat ing or drinking will appreciate this point and insist on having STORZ BEER. Vjji ? j because of the use of this water. NoM 2S!IIb 0 Dtl otncr one ingredient entering into the I yillKtj MSi!l Ml lull manufacture of beer has so much to j f I, MI i NjS "Phore Webster 1260" PORZ BREWING Cq OMAHA, NEB, j OMAHA 7JATIGNA1 BANK 13ti STREET 8CTHVXIN MRNAM2 LOVOLASSi An imitation takes for its pattern the real article. There waa naver an Imitation made ot an Imitation. Imitators always countereflt the genuine article. The genuine Is what you ask for, because genuine articles are the ones with merit. Imita tions come and go; tbey are not advertised, bat depend for their business on the ability of the dealer to sell you something chimed to be "Just as good" . when toq ask for the genuine, be cause ha makvi more profit cm the imitation, why accept Imitations when you can get the genuine by inflating. fU-ftUe Imitation Get wfaat 70a ak tor. l7 Bale of it Men" fndrr- 25cl regular way yard, nt !Ur nnd 5r Yard & many 9"T 1 1 fr 10c a DoPk bP in good up-to-date, all wool The suits are fine and the for later announcements. BlueRibbon Bottled Beer 1 YoungQusiness Men Will find an account with tbla bank greatly to their advantage In establishing a standing In ' tha business world. Our depositors are requested to avail themselve 0f the advice of our officers at any time. f"J"t" JO. MILLARD. VV. WALLACE ' c r.M?GRtvy WM.DUQiOLZ mcw fRANK BOYD Strang that penost wfll n wotrMetl XL. rluj astracts when natural Cavort Ua tOWSS Dellctins art to b bad. Food foi Brra mem ' who Bnd tbalr powar to INerves ork and routarui vtot work '?n reault of ovai- fclkam,?.RV5: roOD PI"- Thay will akayou eat.ndalaapandbaaDian a(ai, 1 Bos I a aoaaa aa.60 by KalL xzkjulw Mcoowirri.1. dido CO, rna lata au Xadia Bta. Oor. Utk aaa Umnm, aw, oaiaaa. Maa. " noura. rw to ,:J0 . m u w , f m Alillfa m:,J'Phona Harney CM 0,.!iAMVETERINARY HOSPITAL ,80 Huoi Srat. Oukt, N.k. UJ?,mVc,otu. V. 8 , Deputy Biata T- ,. 'rinartan. Food inapactor. Chief gurxaon. t. C. Bcott U V S Hia Hal fiursaoo. v " OKixi'i rtrms roos cxvram Tradlne- at Courtney's, not only moans a aavlna to the Family Purse, aa the V Larcre Quantltlea In which we buy, enables us to Olve you "Better Things ? to Eat for Less Money," but It also v I means that you don't have to eon- B . elder . aa to whether It la kept In t ) ' K a e-i siock or not, you simpiy asx lor wnsi gj you want, whether It la In i season , . . . - . . ... 55 or out of. season. We have It at your s Q command. 55 rmVXTB AMD VEGETABLES Blackberries, Blackberries, Currents, Sour Cherries, Cauliflower. Fancy Head Lettuce, Spinach, . Kndivf, Ice Cold Water Melons. j.? Fresh Eggs, per dozen 1 Be S ftj Dill Fickle, per doien "1 0s j i5 Choice Country Butter, up from ..21c 'ff Swiss Cheese, per lb ...20o L X October Mad Cream Cheese, lb. 20c m & Lemons, per dozen . '. 20c Finger Pretzels, per lb... c $ Pickles, per bottle 7c 0 $ Anti-Lye Prunes, per lb 7c J BOc Size Schilling's Best Baking iS runuri, iif. van uu j ? Jelly Glasses, per dozen 20c J? jjj Mason Jars, per dozen, pints ...,35c 0 $ Quarts 460 4 Holt nallnna KK A MEAT VSPABTHZITT Wednesday Special Round Steak, (Choice Steer Beef) per pound 90 y Picnic Hams, (Good to Boll) lb. 9Ho 17th and Douglas St. TtU. Douglas 647. y Private Exchange connects ill Depts. Only Four Days More of our Big Oxford Sale MEN'S $6.00 Oxfords, at $5.00 Oxfords, at $3.50 Oxfords at $4.25 $3.85 $2.50 WOMEN'S $5.00 Oxfords, at $4.00 Oxfords, at 4 $3.85 $2.65 $2.50 White Ox- rn fords, at $JU)U FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Streets. ICE CREAM SODA 5C Thra la aiirti m. AlffamnM In T Craam Soda Tou will appreclato oura H mada from our htarh rrada Ira frfim H with fraah cruahad cn fruit C BTXOtax rom wisnniT Froaen Usa Nog ISO Oranga lea loo Xak for your favorlta drink we aerva it, and in a way that will pleaae you. IB al butt's TnESrORtfOB DfLIMCIf.V 1518-20 Faruaxu Street. Phone Doug. 711. pooiai Tabla B'Mote D Lunar gnnday, 700. Barrad Xrom 11:30 A. K. to W M. Central Goal & Coke Co. of Omaha 15th AIID IIARIIEY STS. sre GOAL Ten Green Trading Stamps to Each Cook Shown Mi : M RedLetterWednesdayI $25 SuitS 'ner'e an( Tailored Linens C Aft W ednesday and Thursday will clean IOr $aUU out every summer suit and dress that sold. up to $25.00, for -COME Irish Linen Skirts $5.00 full pjeated Irish Linen OC Skirts for....i-OeJ $10.00 full pleated Irish Linen 0 Q(T Skirts for....-0 J Under wear V a d I e ' U m brella Prawera, 26c value, pwr pair ... 13Ho Ladies' low reck aleevelfxa Vests. 10c value Bo Ladles' low neck sleeveless Union Hults lace trlmmlna:; $1 quality. 79c Handker chiefs Ladies' fancy, all linen hand kerchlefs, slightly soiled, 35c value, 19c Ladle' lace trimmed Hand kerchlefs, lor value ..Bo Double Green Trading Stamps. Double Qreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's BIG CROCKERY Thirty Green Trading Stamps with every dozen Fruit Jars or Jelly Tumblers sold Wednesday. BEST GOODS. V All Dinnerwarq In sets or open stock. All. at special prices. Three times Green Trad ing Stamps Wednesday. Choice of ovr i-flfty ar ticles on bur 15.00 Cut Glass table Wednesday at $3.08 Three Trading Stamps for one on all other sales in this section.. White Porcelain Bread ana liui- ter Plates, the very best made. Wednesday, each HARDWARE Specials in Hrdwara Bad Letter Day. Genuine Htruneky Sauce t'ana, with covers, regular 75c value, special 34o SO green trading stamps with each. Fruit Cans, 1 quart size with covpr, per dozen 48o And 20 green ' trading atampa. Sealing Wax, per pound 10o And 10 green trading atampa. . Garbage Can, regular J1.50 value, special 91 30 grucn trading stamps with each. Wash Boilers, all prices, up from.98o And 40 green trading atampa with each. Mrs. Pott's and 11, O. E. Sad Irons. 98c and ,. 91.35 40 green trading stamps with each. TRIED OUR NOON LUNCHEONETTES? ABE UNDER CONSTANT NERVOUS TENSION ENDEAVORING TO RE STRAIN LADIES FROM GETTING OFF BEFORE CARS COME TO A STOP. WON'T YOU HELP THEM BY WAIT. ING UNTIL THE CAR STOPS AND THEN STEPPING OFF SAFELY IN THE RIGHT WAY. Assist us In preventing accidents. Omafia & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. tr . fn ii you could buy oincc supplies irom a wnoiesaie. house, you would think you had "a private snap" " wouldn't you?But that is just what you can do. Wa ll sell you bottla of Ink or a box of pens at the same price aa stationery atorea pay wholesale houaea by the (rose. i. Everything Needed lor the Olfiee OMAHA PRINTING CO.. ' Feraaaa mm4 tOth Sea.. OmaJia Telephone DougLaa tit. 5 EARLY Ladles' Man Tailored nits 100 samples of "Women's Man Tailored Fall Suits at 50c on the dollar Hos iery Ladies' silk lisle Hose, 60c qual ity 35c Children's fast black, fine rib bed Hose, 19c value .... 16c Gloves 15- button black silk gloves, regular 12.25 value, at 91.89 16- btitton dim gloves, in tan, brown, cTfam pagne, sky blue, pink and navy, S2.25 value at, pair .... 91.49 To close all our chamois glove, 16-button l'gth, 13 value, 91.79 Double Green Tradlhg Stamps. Double BIG GROCERY Leaders In Best Tallies, Sally gpeolal OKAKUX.ATZD BTJOAR Double Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg. 28c And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Teas, all kinds, pound 38o And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Batavia Corn Starch, two pound package 10c And 10 Green Trading St'ps. Batavia Gloss Starch, two pound package ISc And 10 Green Trading St'pa. Blood of Orape Juice, quart Bottle for BOo And 40 Green Trading St'ps. Diamond C. Soap, 9 bars ,.2Bo Worcester Table Salt, two sacks for 10c And 10 Green Trading St'ps. Diamond S. Oyster Cocktail, bottle for 25c And 20 Green Tradlnir St'ns. Campbell's Salad Dressing, bottle lOo And B Green Trading Stamps. Snlder's Baked Beans, can lBo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 8TKIKO BEAU SPECIAL Genesee Cut Strlngless Beans, regu lar price 10c, special .....Sc Genesee Corn, S cans jjo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing, six sticks 25c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. rKEB FRBB rBEB ZCB COLS BUTTEKMILX Uneeda Biscuit, four packages for 15c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Carltol Cocoa, vi lb. can 24o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. H. J. Heinz' Vinegar, quart bottle 25c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. BINETT'I CAVDZES Grocery Section. Assorted Fruit Drops, per lb 12o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Chocolate Bon Bons, lb. box 24o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. THEY ARE GREAT r i 1950and2950 ;5&. s Green : ifiPm j Trad,n . lyjP Stamps. 1 mm Ilk Set the New Crown Jewel Suits1 $25.00 rm ini THI RELIABLE STORE Best Furnishing Bargains Ever Offered All Men's, Women's and Children's Summer Furnishings in our great Domestic room must go regardless of cost. Wednesday; we will place on sale: Ladies' Kino ltibl-d Vest Worth to 2 5c garment in two lots at 5 and 10 Ladios' Muslin Gown Worth to $1.25 at one price, choice 39 Indies' Corset Covers Worth to S9c at. choice 15 Ladies 10c Hose (Limit of 4 pair to customer), at, pair 5 Children's 1'nderwalst Regular 15c quality, at 7 Children's Hose, pair 5 Grand Pearl We closed out all odd lots of Pearl Buttons from a large Mis sissippi factory at less than one-fourth their actual value, and will place the entire purchase on Lot 1 Worth up to 5c dozen at, per dozen lc Lot 2 Worth up to 10c dozen at, per dozen 2Hc Special Sale of Laces and Embroideries The best bargains it has been our pleasure to offer customers this season. Don't miss them. 10c Embroideries and Inserting, sale price Wednesday, yard 5? 20c Embroideries and Insertings, sale price Wednesday, yard 7H 25c Embroideries and Inertlngs, in Wednesday's salo, yard 10 85c Corset Cover Embroideries, on sale at, yard 15c Extra Specials Wednesday in Our Famous Domestic Room AT 9:30 A. M. One case of 16c Outing Flannel, Amos- keag mills, fast colors 7c 15c Towels 7H 12Hc Towels GC 10c Towels 5c 120 Dress Ginghams 5c 1 2 Vt c Scotch Zephyrs : . . 7 H c 12 He Flannelettes, fine styles.. 7c 39c Henriettas, all colors 19c 60c Novelty Dress Goods 25c Specials in Grocery Department Wednesday 12 bars Best Family Laundry Soap... 85c The Bst Wnlte or lenow tonwrai,' per aarlc 10 Gallon cana Peaches, Peara, Pluma or Apples ....360 1-lb. pkg-. Macaroni, KpagheUI or ver- mlclli 1-lb. can fancy Red Alaska Salmon. WHO The bent Snda Crackers, per lb 6o The beat Ginger Snapa, per lb 6o Pretzels, per lb o Fla- Newton Cookies, per lb V4 Fancy ABHorted Pickles, per bottle. . .8o BUTTE & A1TD CHXESE BAXB WEDNESDAY. Fancy Hairy Butter, per lb 81c Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb 85o Fancy Full, Cream Cheese, per lb 16c Fancy Full Cream Brick or Llmburger Cheese, per lb lBo CUB APPLES FOB JELLY. One-third bushel basket of extra fancy No. 20 Whitney or Siberian Crab Apples. Greatest Shoe Bargains Ever Offered In Our Sale of Atkins Brooks Shoe Stock Men's Shoes worth to O50 Ladies Shoes worth to 4 $5.00, all at...: S.00. at 1M HAYDENS' BML To Chicago EVENING TRAIN NO. 12 leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m., arrlr ing Chicago at 9:00 a. m. Carries all classes of high grade, eleo tric lighted equipment. The Burlington's famous diners, serv supper leaving Omaha and breakfast entering Chicago. . AFTERNOON TRAIN NO. 2 leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Supper is served in the diner, and the arrival at Chicago is early; 7:00 a. m. ' FAST DAY TRAIN NO. 6 leaves Omaha at 7:00 a. m., arriv ing Chicago 9:30 p. m. for connection with night trains on prin cipal lines for the east. All meals served in diners. YOU WILL LIKE the Burlington's dining car service. What you order is of the best and you pay only for what you order. Rate: Omaha to Chicago $10.00 Tickets, berths, infon;ir.tion, etc., r- n . . Best Fill Suit Styles Shown at $12.50 to $75.00 Special Sale of School Suits Now Is the Time to Prepare thoN Boy for School. You have almost unlimited assortment for selection and the special juices menu a saving of almost half. Children's Knee Pants Suits, worth to $5.00, all the new fall styles, in neat rray and brown mix tures, plaids, stripes and plain' colors; taped seams, double seat and knees; special sale prices Wednesday $1.95 and $2.95 Children's Odd Knee Pants, in preat variety of materials, colors and patterns, values up to $1.00; sale prices 35c and 50c BnjV 80c Ilalbrlggan Underwear Great snap at, garment 10 Men's Hummer I'nderwear Worth to 75c garment, at. 2o5 Men's Suspenders Regular 25c and 35c values, at 10 Hoys' Suspender Worth regularly to 25c, choice .... . l0 Men' 50c Necktie All spring and summer styles and colors, choice at 19c Button Sale sale ednesday in four great lots. Lot 3 Worth up to 10c dozen at, per dozen 3V3 Lot 4 Worth up to 25c dozen choice, per dozen 80c Corset Cover Embroideries, mag nificent bargain at 10c GKAMl LACE HAIWJAIXS. A great line of Laces, worth reg' ularly (o 20c a yard in two ImmenM lots Lot 1 Yard 2 Lot 2 Yard AT 2 P. M. One case of extra heavy Unbleached, Muslin, regular 9c quality. .. .6H Remnants of 12 Vic, 15c and 19c White Goods 5c 26c Arnold's Fall Dress Goods, 36 Inch , .-15c 19c Fall Dress Goods, 36 Inch. 12 c 12c Bleached Sheetings 7H 7 Vic Prints 5J 12Vic Percales 7H 15c Percales 10c Extra Special on Blankets and Comfortables. The cheapest fruit to put up this sea son. This will be the last week fdr them. Wednesday we will sell them, per one-third bushel basket 360 rKESH VEGETABLE PRICES TO WEDNESDAY. Fresh Radishes, per bunch lo Fresh Onions, per hunch lo Fresh Beets, per hunch lo Fresh Turnips, per bunch lo Fresh Corn, per dozen............... 60 Fresh Cabbage, per head JVfco Fresh Lettuce, three heads for 60 Fresh Cucumbers, each la Sweet re oners. Der dozen 60 Juicy Lemons, per dozen . I60 MASON JAB BALB WEDKXSDAT 1 pt. Mason Jars, with covers and rub bers, per doz 30o 1 qt. Muson Jars, with aovers and rub bers, per doz . 40o gal. Mason Jars, with covers and rubbers, per doz .-.50o it CITY TICKET OFFICE: Tel. Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam Street "": , i t:: i, i i. . a..- . ..i BAILEY . MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16th and Fanuun BtyeeU. Best equipped Dental office In tha mlddl wwl Hlgbeit grade DentUtry at ReaonabU JPrlca Porcelala tllUnca. Jut Uk t& tooU. '