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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2?, 1907. 11 u 3 IT ii .i t $ OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR SALE lloaer aad tattatre -t-eattaac. I Cl NORTH 1TH- rwmi. modern except ( furnace. IZi; t.i Chicago i!tfi, I room. "modern, 4i W oolwonh vnue. I rn-trta. -modern. (!U(I.). 130. vacant Set "tern ber Ifc; 1-t S 'tut list Yru. ' rooms. Ttf desirable, tr. R.ngwalt Brother. South street. - tlTr-M IS ! riaiM aad Or-rll". Piano Bargains Inrer.lpatc the ;-ec!al offer e are reaklog this week It wi:; ve jou Burt, l-room, all hail, all modern No 2M, ft. W. Cor. rvxiero. rloe In. 140 m So.. It. 7-rom antf cot'ar. trr M. O KEltFE BEAT, rTATB CO . uoi n. r. Life. 'Phone Dour 2::.:. (ls - n 1th. in. S Moe from Farnsnt car on Rv new -room modern cuts. .. .tga l-room, rice for roomer, clot .art .cc-frer lot. I4.V O KLK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1 W N. Y. Life, Phone Iioui ::'.?. ii-:.7 n 7t4 Cut St.. ( rooms! modern except rest. . L . t LMrnorlh Ft., L rooms, lit BEMI3. Phone tog. ea.. Paxton 'L k. LV Mi.' scire $400 400 300 300 450 Tf 0 500 ruonev. Gabier. rracticaKv ct?w. .I220 lrr & Pond, ronIltiTn 215 115 ?5 JS5 1D5 535 Kimball, rarlor Kimball, larce l:e Emercn. neariy nrw. , Koff mm. raahogafcy care. Geo. Steck. tew. . . REAL ESTATE HaAL StTtlR DEiLEIk RUSPttLl. M K1TR1CK CO.. B Rawta OWat W. H. TURRELU Fatteraoa Blk. Dong. L. Doug (U fc PATNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T 17M. R. C. PETERS CO.. B Bldg. (1 1 U W. BUNNELL Doug' a 6141 ALFRED C. tank Bid. co.. ir K. T Ufa. KENNEDT. First NeCl Phoe Douglas 72. (H W -ROOM pons. t:i Evans. IIS.OI. room hpise. 7 0s N.jJid. IIOOO. J. HVPARROTTE. Paxton Bik. (lij ii'.'tl II P rOCT thinking bf beiiritng tl Will pay yem to see th Western Hm; Build er, room 11-27 I. 8 Nai'i Hank liide . tor pr-cr and trma iUjmt lOL'SICIIOLD rooda ntivkcd. furxsriJco. chHp frr rht ial. Moving and atnrsf Kpreaaram'a LrlirTji Co. TeL DojgiH . ' tm RKNT if-li1 V Sfcttt Ave.. K) and 11 i roami. tn-i' kn. r.r1rn. tti every r srt1.. ' lTifl-jxe f owar t n t?ie pretnlnea. for th. j A K ny. tis u VE DO xprt rtari'o rnorlna1 at loweat jrrtrV. " Tel. Douglas 16J&. Schmoiler Alua.ier nana I-j.. i .i-.iii inimii. The arr.f -asy termt: $3, $4. $B or 110 roonthlr. New Piano for retit 13. SO monthly. Schmoiler & Mueller Piano Co. Plione Don?. 1625. 1211-1313 Farcam Street. Tracnrilen Bad Irirlag Varklaea. 100 TYPEWRITERS $15 UP GEORGE COVPANT. 19UI rarnam. TeL Dourlaa 74. C M. RICH. Kth Locuat Tel Web in n T nx rtTT rnofEitTT ro alr FOR BAX.E A (rood l-room honea, mcwlern exr"it heat, location convenient. .Price tl"'. And a hrand nw -rvm modern hnuae at X5th and Maple Parpaln at llfO: rart caeh. Phona Webster 4346. fir-MJ.3 lis EASY PAYMENTS. -rfKm cottae on N. Ave . rear Soencer: lar rooma. nicely arranired. mtth toilet, gaa. cltv water: every thing In Cret-claaa rerlr: per manent walks. rice lawn. Price II. 8W cah. balance eay paymenta. W. FARXAM SMTTII & CO. 10USES In all farts of the city. P C. I-etera at Co.. Fee P-ldg. . x . . 'JJAHA Van & Storage Co. pack. move. Mors H H vK1-. ure!iie 1 1 N. Ifch. . OfBce IiA rarcam. Tel. Doug - ', i X ;l n-;c:d stork of -h'gh-clasi. rebuilt aii.l slirhtlv ?d typewriter of all rr,tiK'. Macli:ies that aro to all pur poses equal to nr. t.oili in appearance and general condition. One-fourth to tn linlf manufacturers' Tiers. Sold and rented everywhere. Ask for bargain lift, prices and terms. li 30 7-CIIAXGl TYPEW1 1 V COM PA? j CHANGE "KITEK ANY, 1120 Famam St. Dour 1"M. cs-ai PIANOS Maggard Van and i Tel. lOUg. UKV urr. l- VE MOVE Jt'Tltpf Co. Wehetrr Ft. n ? "i.?th ?t, 1st flTor. rooms. a. tiEMie. roxton Blk.. 'Phone Doug , 15 Farnam St.. Omaha. "OR P.KfT-ry owner. rwAn modern cottage. rn No i:d. rew 0 Tel. Webir 10. (li)-7 10USES In o. ity Th all t arts of the ci F. Davis Co., Bt-e Bi !s (lf)-ST4 'OR P.EN'T I-arf. store room, lfth and .Vinton fit.. C. Ki Btchmicn, Ti Paxtou block. 15)-4 cVR REXT Tarkex gl. 7-room house. modern (li)-77 JO IOV6EE. Insurance P.lngwalt. Barker B'.s. Phone D 3C;4 (Iti)-MM: FOR f ALE High grade s-cond-hand type wrter; good coniiition'. a Lalgain at V-. Call room 03. Bee Bldg. 1Cj C71 ONE Remington typewriter. No. (. In good condition, lor sal cheap. Call at Be office. 'J f)-tftx M lsel las mm, GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest.' most up-to-date stock at lowest prlca in the city, select cow. Delivered when needed. InspecJIun invited. B.UliUESiS - UUAInDEN CO., 112 rxi. litd 81 Tel. Doug. SL modern. Inqu'.re SIS IH N. i'tTM. 6 rooms, NO. Mh Bt. Itwlldtas. ritlt erUIre n!Ulng formerly occupied by r-aOy Ns, UKttn faet. I storits and !hr.e"t. McCegue Investment Co.. 1rS JodFf?t. (15 877 'till l.'ARNF.T ST. I foors and bsaement. ' JSxirc feet: su1fat1e for whole! Me Caeu Inwtmeot Co.. 1S0C Dodge St. (is-r Wholesale District ..BUILDING ' ..v For Rent rTt-fo;ur-tdry and "basement brick build atg at M Farr am Bt. -Anotv F. D. Woad. Dooclns Bt. MOt'EF.N five-room flat, In bustnes dis trict, newly furnished, steam brat; very desirable. Call afternoons, all week. Oat 4. YVithnell Bldg. (II) Ultl If. FOR RENT Desk room In Be ofrlc. city hall building. 417 N. 26th St.. South QruabJU Apply to manager. ail 114 DESK room for rnt In flee. 5(6 Paxton Blk. tenoc-pher' of- HAVE paid over one-third on my contract for Americanised Encyclopedia Brilan- r.ica, owing to sickness it:a Dot able to keep up payments. Villi give my contract an J books to anybody willing to keep up same. Address F 74. car Be. VatAi Hx NEAR ST. JOHN'S CHURCH CBEIGHTON COLLEGE AND OMAHA IHGH SCHOOL. We have rot a real barraln near SRth and Davenport Bta.. easy walking dUtajice. paTcd street, permanent walks, fine shade, hour has nine rooms, bath, gat. hot and cold water, furnace, four bedrooms on econd f.oor, ' rarlor, ltt1ng room and dining room, all extra larse, mantel and grat; Just the place for renting room or a large family; who want to get ner Bt. John' church or hlgti school? Don't fall to let u how you tht property at once. It must b sold within thirty dy. Prlc HMO. PAYNE, BOSTAYICK & CO., Sol Agents, Main Floor. New Tork Life Bids 1R-M REAL ESTATE CITT FHOriRTT rtR I1LI (Continued.) 17 IV CHOICE Investrasot, CD and C3 Soutb 17th t , 1 rooms, all rredern. well built bouses, rent in for Sa&. Inquire wner. W. F. Lorensew, 1711 R h Pe tit) ltf tax FOR VALE. Elegnt l-room resideoee. titfw and mod ern throughout, lsrg grounds near upper Famam motor lin. Quick possession. Price. I'lM" HICKS REAL CTTATE CO.. 43 Board of Trad Building. U-M M LOTS In Halcyon Heights Benrin. lytn well; close to car lm; rn minute ride to Omaha Will sell altogether or tn bunches of 6t For pr.ces and terms addres H 41. ear Be. tl)-lS7 31 ACRES unimBrovf!. 1 acre cultivated. balance, grove with good od. wen lo cate.!, easy trrmi; tl.70 A. T. 8ybolt. "2 Grand v.. 'phon TVebater Cl-"B CORNER LOT. 75x100 ft., four l'ving room above and two cottaitr-. rent for rer month, or- cr Vt srd parved. Price. 13. 750 If sold by September U . W. ANDERSON. S3 Capitol Ave Tel WANTED SITUATION REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS EXrEatENCED. honest Japanese boy wart a portion a a cook In family. Address, Charkea Ki, Ta So. Hh St. WANTED BT midd)e-gd lady, position as houskeper. where there are no chil dren . references exchanged, no cards sviswereU. lis A. M , T.a Ft. (D-M17C 3 TOCNO MAN. who Is now and for psst v years has been a mail carrier, warns pe s.uon of trust where honrsty abil ty and Integrity will be recognised ad lem arded. Address, K 7S. Bee. (T. sU 3 Hlghlsnd I.ealty Co to W. 11. Msll i,T). lots IX, 1C 17. 14. 1. . and LL t-KHk 7. tilgewood park I William . erl and wife to A. J. P.iee. K.t a. Wely addition 11 srd atk and wife to Martin N'Mn. lot . Freeman a.idliln Gerg T. Morton and wife to Carl D. Brown, lota i and k. block L Yale A Hrms-1 addition.. Frank . l"aion to Oecig V . Car lock. rt lot 1 blcKk i. l'srk place.. Brattlebvro Saving bank to am, part h't I Mi-k I Park place James J. Fusgerald and wife to Mkhael Cuikln, lot t Pwetnam Subdivision l . v. , 1 i Robert B. Olms'.ead to A. It. Uim U12 liard. vrj-i4 r.x TOVNO mn. IX wlhe position col lector or (her outside work. tt rrfer ence. Vl4l hve you? Ad-ess B sV Bee. tn-7 Six EXPERIENCED ofTr man wart small t of books to keep; all or part time. Address E 141. Bee ft i NIM tit Ilamey sue. n.m. 1501-15OJ South th St.. corner lot, xl41 feet; two cotiages; rent 13 per month: room for two ruor cottage or Ct. ty term ' THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New Tork Ltf B'.dg. 'Pticn D 1M ... C)-5 LIST your itroperty and Cumin c ft. wHh Chrt Borer, fed fit) 407 REAL ESTATE FARM AXD H1.UH LA.ND FOR SALB. FOR SALE. $0 vols. History of the World. 1 set of Baltoc. 1 stt of Charles Read. 1 eet of Dumas. UH blirrmtn Ave. ns-3 OS) 143 2EX ?CH SALE Onyx soda rountatn. J4-yrup, two body. retrlgeralor"uae. counter au tomatic caibonator, niter, ail aa good a new; also drug store fixture, counter and ahow cases. Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. (1 4 FOR SALB A butcher's refrigerator. aeT . era! show cases, a near vrsnpt roaster, large coffee mill, two large - autoniaile oil tank and ator fixture too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. Uttj-Mitf HIRE PROOF BUILDINGS r fh safest f of office purpose, but etbei requirement re necssry to protect tut tenant from ) through this aouro. THE BEE " BUILDING la at' fir proof constructed building, having S Teat number of tire proof vaults, witn out a -boiler room in tne basement to in rifn the d'infrr. We take every prw- ' 'caution to guard against loss by fire. tw connecting office on the fifth floor for rent, one room Is Jtx. the other ' 7xlt. There re four Urgt wUidows in the large1 room affording plenty or light, am. tf ls'foom has a good vault also, making tin conbinatlon of room th most Us sir able in the building. Di the sixth floor wre have two small room which ran b rented separately or as suite.- - Jsnttor berrlce. wster and light furnished. For further particulars see ft. W. BAKER. FUPT. THE BEE BUILDING ' I7TH AND FARNAM 8TI. FOR BALE Finest boarding house in th city; best I oca I ion. ad lurnlahed; walk ing dlstanae, etc.; cheap. lnquir Ml karbach Block, Oziaha, Neb. OD-2JS DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on lit crdeis: catalogue free. SHLllMAN A MCONNELX, DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. UJ W7 FOR SALE About October L on C-gallon Wonhicsl un duplex pump, s.xe Us It-Hxltt. W. H. Budges, eagioeer Oinatia Bee. (ls-M: HOMEOPATHIC inedicinea, wholesale and retail. Sherman t McConnell Drug Co. U -Jut 1 i i WHEN writing to advertiser it take but a stroke or two ot the pen to say jou aw the ad In The Bee. trod DOWN and 115 per month buy rrw -room house at A' Ave. A. West Council Bluffs, cltv water, cellar and closets. Wsiking distsnce from the business cen ter of Omaha. Lot 44xm Price only l.' Look at this. Benjsmln Real Es tate Co.. X2- Neville Bik., 16lh and Harney, 'rbone 7SE. $10 DOWN, balance '114 and Interest per month; t-room house on Av u ana ia street. Council Bluffs. Price only ll. See us shout this. Ben.ismin Real Estate Co.. tS- Neville Blk.. lfth and Harney, 'Phone Doug. 73TS. 15 DOWN. 15 a month. We har over 1" lot in West council uiuns. on sna near Omaha car line at the very low price of from 1100 t ir7S. Buy now before th prloe goes up. We hve sold many Omaha people home In West Council Bluff and all are pleased with their bargains. Lot us show you these lots. Benjamin Real Estate Co.. t25- Neville Blk.. lth and Harney. 'Prion Doug. 73C. (1 M368 SEVERAL LARGE TRACTS - of FARM LAND IN COLORADO, NEAR DENVER for Colonization Purposes. Spe cial Prices and Terms to Land Men. .. ; . W. F. SHELTON LAND AGENCY, Sellers of good land, cheap. . Dept. A 316'So'. 15th ,St., Omaha, Neb. ' GO) MSS7 tl LOtd-acre ranch, with, full water right. In beautiful San Luis Valley; best place in the world to raie cattle, sheep and hogs; price. I1S.00 per acre; first crop often psys for land. Th F0B4 Realty Loan Co.. Colorado Springe. Colo. ( M75 Xix NICE NEW COTTAGE ON - - EASY TERMS. - 4404 North Oth street, just south of Ames avenue, paved street, permanent walks, large lot, modern improvements. . See u quick; C.100. R. H. IANDERYOU, TeL Doug. Sil. 442 Board of Trade. SEND US your mail freight paid on 119 Drug Co.. Omaha. order for drug; lot. Myers-Dniun UO-&4 .,'.' ' Star. STOTiEROOM. CM B. ICth Ft. M4 Fsmam St. Clarke P-owe'V (15)-r OFFERED FOR SALE . Fewclas. ANCHOR and Iron to. per f?ct. A1 tenclns: wlr fencing 17tb 8t- Tel. Red 814 (16) S4i 6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. bst mixed paint. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. Utii-lii HALL'S safea. new, rd-hand. U1S Farnam HAT tl per too. Wagner, st'l N. lUh. (1)-M7si SECOND-HAND rubber Lose. tool. Singer, 411 N. ICth. (1)-7A THREE fine tool meat Jlock; II e chests, ich. in also butchers' N. lth. Oie-nS S3x FOR SALE Steel range, good condition; reasonable. i& So. iixh Ave. . (itt-iir: Ki PATENTS D. O. EARKtLL, patent attorney and ma chin irkigner, Bik. Tal Red 7117. fi:t M7 Si; MONEY MAKERS FOR INVESTORS Six new modern and room cottage just completed. Must be sold ct one. 14 per cent, net guaranteed on your money, t-ee me at once. Geo. Holmes, 507 Brown Block. (1S-M1I 3 Kaaaaa. WANTED Agent ! -rpaent u In th sal of our Kansaa lands. Writ for par llculam. Globe Land and Investment Co. Omaha. Neb. 411 at a Dafcata. CPENINO LOWER BRULE RESERVA TION IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Parties m lining full Information as to the character of the land, how to reach It and how to take part In the drawing in October, also Information in relation to th opening of Tripp Co.. In the Rose, bud reservation, ctn secure same tjr sending 11 to Charles H. Burke. Plerro. S. D. formerly member of congress and author of th Lower Brule and Roaebud legislation., , (20) M74S 21 WANTED Situation by 1 young ls1ls ts:slrs. violinist and pianist; lour yrars' xpnenc In orchestra work and good aight player Address T 1 care Bee. ' r)-M?3 TOVNO man want place to work for board wnne attending school. Woyie college. Tel. Douglas J!4- t)-MW7 WANTED Position clerk In gener! merchandise tore: f.fteen ) ears' experl enc; bot of references. Box I. Swnton. Neb. (T M741 r LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE RE- gents of education of th state or soum fiakola will receive sesled propossl for the construction of a law building on the campus of the University of South Dakota at Vermilion. 8. D. Bids are invited upon the following propositions: ill Th con struction, heatir.g. plumbing and wiring for electric lights: (2 construction only. ' heating only. 4i plumbing only. (b Wiring onir, Si any combination f propositions. I to 5. All work is proposed to b don ac cording to plan and specifications prepired bv the architect. Joseph Srhwar. and on file in his off oe at Sioux Falls. 8. D : Bt the office of the secretery of the university. Vermilion. S. D. ; at the office of the Build ers' Exrhsnge, Minneapolis. Minn., and at the office of the Uaily Journal. Sioux t'itv, Iowa, and at the cfEoe of Tho Omaha Bee. twnaha, Nebraska. All bids must be accompanied bv a certified check, .payable to the president of the regen'.s of educa tion, for i per cent of the amount of the bid a a guarantee that successful bidder will enter into contract and give a satis factory bond for th completion Of th m within the tim nd in th mnner therein peclfled. Bidder ar advised that not more than 60 per cent of the contract price will be available for ravment until after Julv 1. 15. Bids will be received up to September 26. IH'7. and contract will be awarded at Brookings. S. D.. at 1 D m. Bids sent by mail should be addressed to Regents of Educstion. Brookings. S. D. Th regent reserve the right to reject ny or all bid. E. C ER1CSON. Presi dent; Irwin D. Aldrich. Secretary. Augr-2?-a--si-septi-:-io-i; Steal, undivided H lat a. OKH.K u. I edfurd p;ra James T. Foster and wife to Florence company, lot . Mock 1. Vander cook terrao F. J. Fltrgerald to Wlllism J. Otuh ait, lt S. block U. Clifton Hill.. Clrarle Q. Scott nd wife to Henry Cluen and wife, lot t. block 7. Kllby plac Same to Jernle A. Kruger. lot 7. block T. Kliby place Orac to Jame A. Kennedy, lot . block 111. Dundee place Roscow Hrir.u to William R. Morand lot L block a. Bogg & Hills' 2d addl'fm Etta S and Jimes N Marsh to Wil liam H Russell, e. 21 feet s. J feet lot 7. block I. Shlnn dditlon F. W. Crmlcl-el to Kate Phelan. lot and $. block 11. Halcyon Heirbts The Omaha Auditorium Co. to John A. Johnson and" John P Weltsell. lot I. block 3f. Kountte place A. J Rlc and wife to Henry Olsen. lots 13 and 14. Weekly's addition to Valley The Florence Co. to Harvev A. Wood. nH lot J Florence Heights James B Ke'kenney, administrator, to Frank H. Garvin. n lot 4. Mock 1. Armstrong's 1st addition, and other lots : Nlehola Mergrn to City of Omha, tract n tax lot 77. section 4-1MI ... Fame to Oeer P. Hulst. tax lot, r?. section 4-1S-1J .....I.... Hsstlngs Harden to H. A. Johnson, lot it. blck d. Monmouth prk WHI'sm H. Ahmnson nd wife to E3!n Tlmcmv. south So feet of w io feet, lot 14. block L Iake add'tlon M'uree Terkelsen and wife to Samuel R lot If and 11. Stanton pise 1" 1.10U L0 i t.(W l.V LTsO tw 410 l.flf l.W tone l ' tw l.fX BANKS MAKE NEW RECORD Omaha Depotitt Exceed Forty Mil lion of Dollar. NEARLY rOUB PES CEXT GAIN Call af tke ('msxraller Shavr th Last ear lias Cwattaaed 4a Make, Pracre Prosaerlty, la Deposits Dpolt aow a- laeraas , , Btnrplna ad profits . Baas a year aro. . . . t0.eiJ.E.Sl . .S9,4t.O.M t 1.441JII.U .f . UIMW1I Total ,.mia RAILROAD TIME CARD BONDS FOR SALE-WATER BONDS OF Beaver City, Neb., to th mount of t3. . dated day of delivery. paable at Ne braska Fiscal Agency. New Tork City, N. y. Twenty years after date, interest t per cent from date, option to city to redeem same any time after five years from their date. Issued in denominations of IM each. City reserves right to reject any and all bida. The above will be received by - L. Leenard. city e'erk. up to and Including September , 1C7. W. L. LEONARD. City Clerk. AjL. GOVERNMENT HOTiCES CSIO.w STATION lOtk AX D MARCf. OUT THEV GO. Tou can always find good, rich wheat land ajid Just the kind ot a stock farm you want fy select lfi from our lUO.flOO-acrc tract In the fanioul' Hettinger county, North Dakot: go oft rid ee it; look us up. William H. Prowri Co . Rlchardton or Mandan ot Mmt. Nrfrf Dakota, or 181 I.a Salle St., Cr.lca-o. 44r (D-MSi2 S77 WANTED 10B meh o buy cheap deed-1 all necesssrv land, relinquishments or city property' in be furnished Stanley Co. b. u. : tJoa soil, water and umce, timber; CQrrerondTrice .Ae-ylrlted. Ray Indian Bowerman. Rem'Estate Broker. Kadoka, . 8. V: . f L il8 Ml Zx PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OATS, DRIED Fruil. Etc. Depart meat of th Interior, I Office of Indian Affairs. Wsshington. D. C, I August T, IX'". .Sealed propossls, plainly ' marked on the outside of the envelope I "Proposal for Flour. Oats. Dried Fruit," etc. as the case may be. and addressed to the 'Commissioner of Indisn Affairs, Wash ington L- , w m i uir Indian' Office until t o'clock p. m. of Thursdav. September K. 1"7, and then opened, for furnishing the Indian service with canned tomtoe. cornme!, cracked wheat, dried fruit, feed, flour, hominy, oat and rolled oats during fiscal year end i. June Xi.- II Bids must be made out government r.iinnnr. Biwn, tales PaelSe. Lv. Overlend Limited a lii am The China and Japan Fast Mail a J. 50 pm Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 160 pm California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4M pm Lo Angeles Limited. .. .12.b pnl Colorado Special all:elpm North Platte Local a 7 42 am Beatrice Local b 7:42 am Wakaah. St. Loui Express a 4 JO pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluff! I l:H ID Stan berry Local, from Council Bluffs) b : pm Ckicaga Great Weratera. St. Paul ft Minneapolis. t:K pm SL Paul at Minneapolia Chicago Limited Chicago Expre.a Chicro Express tklcaao, Mllwaaka t Chlcaco Colo. Special. Calif. Oregon Exp Overland Limited tkicagu, Hock Islaad A PaelSe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2 4i am Iowa ical a i.vj am De Molaes Pas a 4:u0 pm Iowa Local all. o am Chicago ctastern Ex.). a 4:50 pin Chicaau Flyer a 6.0u urn WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..all:40 pm Colo. & cal. Express. ..a l is pin bkl. ft Texas Express.. a 4.40 pm Lincoln ft Fair bury Pasa.D :4o am am attssasvrt Paciaa. K. C- at St.' I- Exp a 1:00 am ft bt. u. t-v au u pro a i vo pm .M am i pm 7 30 am I Ju pm Arrive, a :4v pm I 1M pm a 1:30 am a 1:60 pm a 1:11 pro a t-M am a (-.11 pro b 1:11 pm a 1.19 am aU:U pm bl0:16 am 7 JO am 11:16 pm I J7 am 11:16 pn. I JO pm Xaoraaa 4k.40.t? Depo:t In Omaha's national bank have reached a new high record. The five bank, at the call of the comptrollf r. reported for the close of business on August SI deposits of H0H14K11. which ws 17 pfr cent, or ll.4:.mJ trgher than the previous high record of September 4, 1. Doesn t look like the hard times they sr tslktng about on Wall street. 'deB itr said a banker. "Th Wall street tlk doesn't need to worry us out here In Ne braska, with ftood crops and pWnty of money. W will move our wheat and oats and corn with our deposits and loan a little surplus to New Tork beside." First Natlaaal Head. The First National bark has maintained Its lead of the other banks sll yesr In th mstter f deposits. It nd the Oniha National are always struggling for first place, and last September the Omaha Na tional was ahead. Th First National, since the statement of a year ago, haa gained the largest volume and the largest percentsge of deposits. All th banks are making money. In th last year, during which time divldenda of to It per cent have been paid, the surplus and undivided profile of the five banks show a gain of ICS per cent on a capitalisation of II. 900.000. In point of undivided proflta, both In volume and percentage, the United States National has made the greatest gain In the last year. Som of the bank fcave not Increased their deposits since the statements of last My. This 1 aocountd for by heavy with drawal by the government of money It bad on deposit In these banks. Government deposlta In Omaha are light Just now, but In spit of that th banks contain mor money than ever before. Following Is a comparison of th preent atatement with that of September 4. l4k and with that of May 0. 1OT: Deaotilta. . Sent. 4. 1MB. Mav 30. UK7. Aug C 1"7. iio.iie.6ifi t in .7s r,;a i si: i 11.4. TH II Wi.i72.fc44 IS 11.S7I.4MVI , C.242.KI 4' lf-t 77 l 4.S' t'7 . i.7Ll.l!64 4S 6.4.'7 .13 t il WW 78 1.MS.M.I0 tOM.HC.W L7.107.rr at. FaaL 7:0Jam 11:06 am i .U pm pn tM pm J7 am all: pot n il pm al::sv pm b i pm I la pm a am TRIPP COUNTT OPENING For full par ticulars writ 1 rifTi County Land and AbeUact Co.. DaHa. S. D. yi-M7l A ' Nearswara. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for bowe or lavej-tvieut. liemis. Omaha. , - (Ui-4U MT 8TR1CTLT modern l-room residence, a few blocks southwest of Creighton col lege, for sale at a bargain. Easy terms. Can give possession at once. Address A lai, care Bee. (W-EV S WHEN TOU writ to dvefllser rmm ber jt lakes but an xtra stroke or two of th pen 10 mental the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. on - --------- - r - r - - w mi annlicatlon to the Indian i NebrafckA Local Washington, D. C; th U.. 8. 1 -- a- jmiukh'Cis. warehouses at New Tork City. I Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am Chlcaro, 111.; St. Louis, mo; omana. Neb.,.,gt. i-aul-M anu.t U..t 11 tin and San FranclBoo, Cel.; the Commissary ' Chicago Local all : em cf Subsistence. I". 8. A., st Cheyenne, bloux City Passenger. ..a 7:60 am Wyo.; the Quartermaster, U. 8. A . Seattle. I wicao raaaenger a .-u pm Wash., and the postmasters st Tucson. Chicago fej-ecial a :0J pm Portland, epoane inu i icomi. me ie partmt reserves the right to reject snr and all bids or any part of any bid. C. F. Larrabce, Acting Commissioner. AJtdllt a 1 IS am 1 tn pm a 2:46 pm a IS am a 6:16 pm All: 40 an First Omaha U. 8. . Mrrch. Nrb. .. Totala tSl.lsi.tisO.W .T9 .321.641.64 l4.HI.4i.a bssai and Dlaceaat. Sept. 4. 11. May 30, 1907. Aug 22. 1S"7. F1rt ...t 6.6l?.4 12 7.37S.42S 44 t .7Wi.7n,.'l Omha .. t0.(7.7t K,.r.M41l t.e4rt.f4.M U. 8. ... 6.7f-4S4a .4S6.S7 .41 t.l30.5fJ5.l Mrrch. .. t.T4SW 4.W.H.04 Neb L044.34.M 1.KC.OC2.17 1.14S.W4.:4 Totala 7 28 t2676.143.5o tlt.SM.tVS.Tl Da Frosa Banks. Sept. 4. May 3d. 19(7. Aug. 2. 107 nrt Omaha U. 8 Merch. Neb. .. t t-SXKtUS 7 t 4.4. 01 I t.JC.r M 6 ('V'.4F.2 0S I S12.M6Jl 4.K-6.aZ. I.1K9.KC.I2 t.217.4l1.( 4 'T4.liS6.16 t.41.7W 41 J.0t.a.l7 l.KH2,ia8.4 K-n.fcCHM LWI.4H6.s2 6n6.Kl.M BANK STATEMENTS 10:Ui pm .a 1:60 pm REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Br mis, Paxton Block. WANTED City Joana. R. C Peter ft Co. i2D O SIX ROOMS, $1,800 North prt of city. ner er. partially modern: in locality; good lot; perma- i nent waia ana paved street, you r.aa bet ter look It up. A ood home. WALLACE. Brown Blk. Doug. , (Ul-MlSt St WANTED 1MMEDLVTELY I have cash buyer for a few good cot tages; must b well located and worth the money. V. S. FR.VNK, ta Kcvlll Blk. TeL Doug. torn. tile-161 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. bu6 First National Bank Bldg. t22 41 CfW.OfO to LOAN on Kuslnesa and dence property in 'imaha: lowest rates' no delay. Brtnnao. Room L N. T. Ufa (2) 416 LOANS on Improved OmaT.a property. O Keef K. E. Co.. KOJ N. V. Life B!dg (23) 411 WANTED City loan tad warrant Farnam Smith ft Co.. ISM 6' St. t- - tai 417 LARSON ft CO-Book frea Bee 17 Bldg. ) 01 PERSONAL Pnraltr. ZD RASD 6m!t'iT bougtit and Bold: busi ness o ikr squ ra.-Rosenberg, formerly with ():-so Furnftur Co.. YJS 8 14Ci St. Tel Douglas is. C)-7I A Tmi:ETLTEDGE ' BA BGAINS. FumHure and corn pic te euuipiner.t of I '.-room hoi3r.. J4-rvai flat and 16-room bus, fox cjulck sale at much less Iran actual' cost", all well located; close In arid ' rnaku g nvney. , . plwn Btd or .call 424 N. T Uf Bldjf. - , (Ii-Mll7 t . I m . , . FOR SALE CHEAP-JJolid oak roller-top office dole chair and typewriter. Ad dress B 70. Bee. Oti-Mal'S . i . . , , i.. , FOR SALE A nearty -new Hooaier kli he cabinet. Jewell gs range, Herrn-k rvfrig aair;(erisnl llrltigt. Gun s foldli.g bci . (take. ' Apply 212 S- JTth St. L. J . . p ARTIE tl leaving the city offer for sal entirv f urnirur and rug of a 6-room aiannvnt . leas caa b had of prt irlrat to th llglit party. Add eras B lja, . Eesv - (ii-in x TTIP FT TTF. Expert lady operstor AILC r,L,l irj glVr. m.,, chaly- beate scrub hatha Room oo. Barker block. 16th and Farnam. Kea establish uirct. ! MI6I 2z THE SALVATION ARMY ollo1t casUoff -clothing; tn fact, anything yoj do not need We collect, repair and n it. at j14 N. Uth Ft . tor cost cf collecting, -to th worthy poor. Call phon Dug-. ,:S6 end agon will calL Cl All ot i i2i n Paal aad BUIar Table. FOR"SAL-Kw and aecond-haai WlMar and pK,i tiHi-s W lead th world In cheap bsr axt jrea: ey lavmcrta Bruns-w4ck-Balk-CttUeadar. Jt a. 10th Sc ill)-J rtavaaa, Os-gsaa. Maslaal Iastraaaaat. ' - - i1 - DEAGAN'S suorawisphone.' In fine trunk t&ada, for It; bafgala. Wt N. ltth. FDR SAT E CH"APtoTT ft dark eabtart "orgaa. U atofa. a beautiful, strong -'onrd InstruBBeat. suftsUte for church or horn, govd coaattca; ot lu. Adars I. Ur - -,11,-MTK FINE Ltxlght. Klineali ylaao. Ka. Iiealer Uit iavtspon. ix IOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit" th Young Won an Christian Association rooms, liili Faruam sireet, where ti,y will b di rected to suitable boarding places or OtherwiSK asalsted. !' 1J 1 ADT' SKILLED IN 8C7ENCE OF MAS SAGE, and stranger in' On. aha desire at runs; scrub bath, manicure and chir opody. li-4 IxtLt bt-, corner Idln. oipo site P. O. (16 74 Stx MVnVFTlf Osteology and Massage. ULill Vapor and Tub Bait Room z, IJ't t a mam i. ;d floor. iu.-m:n s A FAIR, sweet aatm kia secured ualnf eat.n skin cream and face pewder. 26c OKA HA fcWg. Stammerer' Institute. Rams SEWING suachtnea rented- Neb. Cycle Co, 16th and Harney. tuon l.Hu)aa lftX le-J FEW bargains ta 2d -rand soda fouataina. monUily paymnta Dcright. 1UI Farnam. ECZEMA abolutly cured by W. A. Paxton saive. B J. Scanlan. agL, 60 Ware ttk. . nti-r-HSLii SYRINGES, rubber goods, bv mall, cut tri-ea ifend for fr.e catalogue. Myers lilun Drug Co., Oniaha. . Ot tl PRIVATE CONFINEMENT IlOVt-Mrs Dr. Kuit, lM ... :! 8'. Tel. W. b. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. 12,000 Klne, rooms, hot water heat. 17th and Mandersun. fl.TOO I rooms, Zid. near liOori 7 rooms, modern, on Emmet. ti.7U I rooms, modern, Mandcrson, near ;4th. !(& New l-room cottage. Bristol, near 2th; paving paid; fine home. UNDERHILL ft CO.. SS.v N 24ih Pt. 'Pt.or Webeter lCf.. (IS'i-MSMSx ItQ TO I5O.KI0 TO LOAN at krr ratas: no delay. GARVIN EI'.OS.. U06 FARNAM. C27)-41i . . 1 --- i 1 PRIVATE MONET F. D. Weed. 15W Doug. (t2)-41 Big Bargain Small nome t rooms, modern except heat, full lot, car two Mocks. CLIFTON HILL neigh borhood In very fa:r condition; very cheap tl V. WALLACE. Brown Blk. Doug. 1!A 0-MlS $1,700 $2,10 Good i-raora house, modern except furnace, near 24th car line, south of Lk St. New g-roora house near 91th car line, not far out. At above price if Bold by Sep tember L F. C. Best, 821 N. Y. Life. (IS) M3U 3 FLATS 2C6-T-I Lak St.. opposi'e new treat car buildings: also good cottage in rear oa Ersklne St . ret rental gk a morth. Imircvin. buildings alone cost K.OO . Price .. Also 2i(K Chicago, high lot. one Mock from rig.i school, old oi'Uaye in rear, price ICatt. Assessed at K M FRANK CRAWFORD. SCi N. T. Uf Blag. Tel. i t.uglas VSr.. Xy MU W SPECIAL BARGAINS Two bouses. T and i rooms, corner JSJi and Claries Sis . both fc.lUI. 1.1S H.iwara 81. I ruou.t, modern, goc-1 rejair. tTt.tja 216 Bloiidd Bt Bice new cottage, modern 12 C. .S.I Iocust St, I rooms, modern, t2.26U W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLlAj (Ue-i:d f Afl CVTTf ' trevuiict acl aa-.b- Mma i pEil. Ff T ATE 1 ITl-K-TRfST ,ILftui'Aiu BUiitK. L S. iita M .fl.r. j CliAa. K. WILLIAMSON. Trra ca MONET TO LOAN-Pmyne Investment On. - - ' X7) I3C $20,003 PRIVATE money to loan: no d. lay. J. H Sherwood, el N. T I. B "g , (2i) M02 tl REAL ESTATE WANTED Nj. 309 Report of th Condllon of the First National Bank of Omaha, ot Orraha. in the State of Nebrssks, st the close of business August 22. ll.'7. RESOURCES. Loans eid discounts I 7,151.116 IS Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 61170.61 U. 6 br nds to secure ctrcult1on SOO.OOO.'ip U. 8. thirds to secure U. S deposits jno.mftof) Bonifs. securities, etc. 720.71. 70 Banking house, fur. niture snd flxti res. mOO.00 rcsl i D ie from netional aa-entsi I 6K.r4 U Due from state bnnks I and bankers 237.126. 7S ' Due frnn pproved i reserve aeents 1.0;2.i"l 1 LU'lSkl.C Che ks and other j cash iten.s v SOJtU.M 1 ing house 2.C.040.O . Not-a of other na tional banks S3.0flO.tX Fract;or al freT cur rency, nickels, cents T1 IJ aaful money re serve In bank, via: Spefle !.! 22 00 1 ,ea I tender notee . 1.J14 OJ0.C6- t..:U.M Redemption fund with U. E. treas urer t6 per cent of circulation! ; It.4O0.00 Due fr"m V. S. treas urer other than 6 per cent redemp tion fund tl. J ajl-M pioiia unto... as a pm L.cs Angeira Limited I.K) pm Overisnd Limited . Fst Mall B.ciux City Local.. Fast Mail Twin City Limited ....a 1:51 pm Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am Deidwood-I-incoln ...-.a 1:00 pm Casr-Shoshor.l a 1:00 pm HsUlnRB-Suprrtor ...... .b I :( pm Fremont-Albion b i:S pm llliaols Central. Chicago Expraa a Tt am Minn. & St. Paul Exp...b 7:2u am Chicago Limited a 4 .00 pm Minn, ft St. Paul Lmtd.a 1:10 pm BCRtiSGTOU ETk lTM at MASON all it pm alu .uO pm a 126 pm a l:& pm a l.a) am a 6:1 am a 7 40 am al2:K pm a s:U am a 6- ''4 am a 9 JO am a I Ji pm a 7 40 am a I S pm all :U am a I IS pm all am b I S3 pm bl2 41 pm a I 46 ore a l id pm a .10 am a I JO am Totals lS.sV0.632.n n6.61S.27 74 ri.0C2.74LM I adlvlded larplas aad ProBta. Sept. 4, 1W. May 30. 1907. Aug. 22, 1907. First .... 4Cl 35lt .! t 6KSTun I Omaha ,. 2K.42:!t2 HtJ.W A. Wi.ias.67 V. S. ...i l;,7tjT9 412.4?.I7. V47.I Merch. ... ' 216.46 lX1i4.(i - a47.227.U2 Neb ,4MH s6.17.49 17.140.00 Total t n t i.727.m.Ti t Lao.tis.oi - Talal Rreearree. Sept. 4. im May tn, 1907. Aug 23. 1107. Ftrt ...l1,9 4:.2 16 3"it.8.71 I1S.467.4J7.S6 Omaha.. 12 WS. "61 It 1I.ITI.32.H) U. 6. ... 10 PIS Ml 02 J0W12S7 O1 10, Merch. ... .66.747 .r.S6J n t.i.1fcl.n Neb 2.tCX962 l 2.&62.1.I6 SI 2.rW.i4S.47 ABOUT 10 acres improved, near small town in eastern Nebraska. 'Address' W 164. Bee. ?5)-M!76 2 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW tl.oon to ei large a gocl faxing business' with rrtvfWfe to reduce lean yearly. Ad- , dress W 7"5. Be. C4)-2l WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy secund hard ferniture. cock atl heating s'-uwea. carpets, lino leurKS. office furniture, old. clol nas and ahoea pianos, bed pillow, qjiit and all k:r.da of tools; or will buy the furnltur of your he use Jjimileit. The biglist price paid. -Call tl rigtt man. TeL Douglaa 3971. ,(2-l.lS S 27 Total v LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided p r o fl t a. less expenses and taxes piid National hank Botes outstanding Due to other na tional banks t2.7S.704. Due to siate banks and bankers 2.23.041 B Dtie to trust rnm- penies and savings banks M Jdt tl ; Ind vidua! deposits I subject to ct.e, k... ! I Demsnd certlflrales f depoa't ntCTO.tJ Time ertif.csles of deposit 2.f.i50 .it tlI.4B7.417 K t so.ono ) tM.93 n X.000 00 Berlleglea. Leave. Denver Califorala....a t:l pm Sort n west Special a 4.11 pra Black HH1 .....4 1pm Nor ih est Exrrese a 9.10 pm Nebraska pclnt am Nebraska Expt- a as Llnoola Faet MaU tijitfpai tinccln Local Mnoola Lol LcuktvUl ft Plattam'tb.1) l it pot Belisvwa-Ptattamcuill . : pm p!attmou.h-Iwa ...... b 6:lt aa tllvu-P1attaraouta Denver Umtted alt pas Chicago Special a I.- am riii-iLtj FtDie... a 4 Jt u Chicago Flyr a I Jt pm Iowa Ical a 1:16 am ft. Lou' Exprea. 4:41 pat htriFee ny e-.. joe. .am pm Kansas City ft St. Joe.. a 1 11 as ksnsa City ft St- Jo. .a 4. Totals t45.'M.rirf, 2ft 116 3 :'.2.1S 4t,60.11I.KI City Savlasra Baalc Th City Savings bank mks th follow ing showing: August 22. Deposits t HS.W m Surplus and profit.. lt.lK.94 Cash in bank and on hand K.767.68 August f.2, 1"7. tLlSt 21VI4 ,77t .E7a.3 Total reaouree 11.064.397 01 I1.14J.I99.01 A part of the surplus and profits' of this bank have been absorbed In the capital. which haa year from been Increased within th last 1100,000 to 1160.000. ittag la SALOON LICENSES OPPOSED Af t a 4:1 an a 4:10 pr, a 4.1 era a f .46 an, a : pm 11 alt. 01 va ! peered before th county board Tuesday a-21 ' morn!nB to i11'1 Bgalnst th grantuag bltZt a! ! of BB!xn licenses to Jama H. Sa jera and ai4aaJames Cuthlll. who have been running I plaoea en the shore of Cut-Off lake without af Tbesa la Pralested by dents There. score of residents of East Omaha East Osaaha BeaU ap- J PSJ a : a 11:41 psj a tit pm a I It snt ail: am all 8 ara mi a It peg WetBITrn IT. 6 pm 1STM V WEBSTER Chleaao. Wsaakav. i. I'aaU Mfaaeapall ft Twla City PaaensT iloux City Faenger .rnvrana Local Emaraua local Mlaeaert PmclAr. Loeatvia Wee ping Water Fails C'ty Lots! Leave. ,.b t:t am .a 1:0 pm . b id pm .. 1:4 am a. Viva b I it pr sl1:J am b I II a a 6 j pr ..M .- as a 1:24) ptn ..a I 60 pm all.J a j a Da'jy- b Dally except Sunday, d Ial! xcp'. . Saturcsy c Sunday oaly. laiij Moiuat. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ORIENT CUtXK'l TVTH AlfKTAI CKIISE Pra 4. '. 1 aire apwUlif catrur B A lea. ukU Tutiis hut'XP 1 Arable." 14 TH C ntl F9XAJTK C OlAJtE. TUa Uiaf, atew Trk CARD CABINET of 16 to S drwer for card 1x6 Inches; rKte.prjev; curt a cheap. Addreea L ($-'. Bar. l J CASH fad sroes. etc. for M record lirrl No. Ut!. St. clothing Tel Red CASH paid for eld books. CTn-Foy Co, r.J S. lttli Tl-jat Dour) lii t)-tJ Cert fled checks Csshler's clicks out standing T-. S. d epos IS rrp.s:is cf U. S. disbursing cfticers. Reserved for tsxe . 9 ktl .a- 72 . T K 144.IMI7 6i.7as 6C- 12.123.11 14 Mill WANTED TO RENT WANTED By a nl boy. wlti references, board aril n:n in a pr:rat family; will heip M.:.'I house if dea.ted, pleas Mate vial boai'l arid room bill will be. Addicts Y If". Be. 4 V M7C JbX furnlstied room for Hgt.t In roou. tnf' r rLcd Ad Le. fil)-M4 tl TVt u nWt! r-'x" !: fir- s J C. WANTED Addre cf private famllie thet !'! tird and ruun lady students at I4 0 per a eek Bo lea C'lige. TeL Doug 1914 (;t MI7I WANT ED r. y man and wife etv.ut Sept. I a 6 or t-roorr. cottar r ' 4 or 6-room spartment. farnise-l or unfurr tshed. In gjod loesl'iv p. j Jal--,. I Total M.4S7 417 K Stale cf Nebraska. County of Doug), as : I. L. L Kountie. cashier of the abo.e nan ed lr,k. do ..Unmly swear that the toe sta'enief t is iru to th beet of my knowledge and tx-'ief U U KOUNTZE. Cashier rjh"rild and sworn to before me thi Tin day of August. 1W7. JOHN H. B FX TEN, Notary public. Correct Attest : F. H. DAVIS. JOHN D CRE1C.HTON. 8- M. ANDREW EX. Direct ora. CANADIAN PACIFJC "tMPRIIf Lin ot trt Atlantlo QVIUC TO UMAFCJm. XXAJT rOOE DAYS AT SiA. En. presses sail Aug. I. tl; Sept. I. It Flrat Caola lti up, feecend t'ttiin 416 up; 1 bird Class 1-4 76 Writ for particular. C. B. Sealaaala. 0aL AVgeat, I i. rairea 1711. ilit aa Clara at. I licenses. Tbs board took th evidence In th Saurr case and on motion of Brunlng reserved a decision until later. The Cut hill caa was postponed until September 1 John Coon. M. F. Talbott and Chart W. Rapke, who live near th aloon wr th witnesses against the applicant, Cooa ssld he had bought liquor at the Bauer place on two different Sunday and saw Sauers himself sell to others. Talbott Bald he esw liquor dispensed there on Sunday mostly ta colored people and Rapke testi fied he had bought liquor one Sunday about a year ago. T. W. . Blackburn., attorney for Bauer, asked that the remonstrance be dismissed, declaring that as there w as bo lioeoa Bauera could not be held responsible for any sale of liquor by anyone da. Deputy County Attorney Magney, who appeared for the county In reply declared if liquor was sold under Bauer' authority h was responsible. S. C. Jennings, another rest dent of the suburb, addressed th board declaring th saloon wrr both gathering place for a bad class of people and that ! their presence was a menace to people who ' lirn pel r them and. patronised th car ' line leacing to. East Omaha, j )' evllence was. taken in the Cuthlll j case, but the SaOer' -caa will be taken tip 1 at a & re ting of th omnttlc aC th whole svuU. Ptnr all tn Ntwi THF. OMAHA DEE Best Jr. West CHURCH AVOIDS THE MORGUE Haaalaa Jewish' (eagreaetlea Will Nl Keep lite ..Heat I lladertakve. Not rai.ii'( th Idea of a morgu with Its ghastly ocCTiiABi lying only twenty feet wy whll they weta worshiping, tb o-.rmber cf tl. Uuaalae Jeeleh congrega tion Share Ziua are looking for a rew aite for (heir ajnsgogua Last fall th cob g re gatHvn bought a lot at Nineteenth and Cum ing street aad this sununer got ready to build. But an undertaking firm bought the Beit lot and erected an establishment. Th contract for tb church 1 let, but the wrk la held up whll th cocgrgatloa bust tot another tot. TELEGRAPH LINES CONGESTED lervlce le ha Tied It that Cettlajj Mesaaae Thrasugh la UlSU alt Prepaeltlee. Report from certain section of th tt indicate there ta a eongeetton In telgrphlc t raffle with Omaha which la not being ad vertised by locl tieadquartera A letur racHved m Omaha from Pawnee City state that aa urgent anearage. which waa U b sent from Ur to Omnia rocoetly, could not be put on th wire, though aa effort to do so waa made by (ha operator until after midnight Similar report have come from other towns whk h have trsrd to get Into" cora munieatloB with the larger cttle Th tele grrj h companle affirm Uiey hare Bo trouble keeping the wire chared bat (hi la aeld to be true ralh-r on tb long d.stsno wire between the lai ge commercial center. Th operators who ar' nor strlkrng are put aa these wire, which lev th Weal wire In a neglected vnllkra iiv-w I