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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
V. n,,..,.CL - ITIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JULY 30. 1007. i I I ) i OFFERED FOR RENT asllrflege Teatlaard. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The ft tury and tii mum brick baald hg at r PVntm St. Apply F. D. Wead. W4 Dousaa ft. DESK room on first floor at 12". J Fsr-iara, Oae Jt n FLOCR. w(1 lighted; elegant for offloe iae 1212 Farnam. (la) 4S T'lR HENT-Ii room in fiee offlcs. city I ait bunding. 417 N 25th at. 9on!l -maJi a. Apply la manager. U5 L4 CHOICE OFFICES It la very aeldnm that good outside snare In a well appointed office building la avail able. At the present time we liar" beautiful suite of two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and enuth IlKht. a large vault, which makes thia a most desirsol pace durlnit either summer or wtnter. Vim hav a. good small office. ISxlR. on the sixth floor, (acinar tne court, fur !..". Room No. l ta 3x15 and a desirable space on the court fnr 212. Everybody tn Croatia knows tha location of tha Bee building;: K Ta central, .close ta tha city hail and county court house. Thar r several hundred pe.ple who spend mora time here than In r home, and any ona of then will teTa.fy aa la tha care they receive here. For further particulars rail R. W. BAKER. 8UPT. THE BEE BUILDING I7TH AND FARNAM. (15, i4 FDR RENT Large atora room, with rood basement. i4e go. la St., lit. C M. BACHMANN, t Faxton Blk. OFFERED FOR SALE Faneta. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wi ra fencing as aar foot. 2DS N. 17U SU Tei. Red . G-441 Faraltan. FOR SAt.E Furniture of rooms: almost new 3610 St. Mary's Ar. Phone Doug las 4461. (16) M713 Auy.'l wiR SALE Bed and springs, dresser, din in table, chairs, rockers, rm. parlor tables. Call Wednesday or Thursday ihia wwk. 4315 Burdette St. (Wi 71S Hx !D HAND furniture bounht and sold: bust- nei on the Roaenherg. formrly ! with Chicago Furniture Co., 1 9. 14th. I D. ESaa. (16) 73 A3 PI a see. Oranaaa, slaataait latstrwa PIANO PRICES Down to the lowest notch this week, twenty-four new, used and second-hand tftanoa on sale In our bargain mom, fourth Boor. Coma early and get a cboloa ae- lctlon. ( (w England! upright t Kimball, upright Martin Bros., upright LSI Llndlman & Sons, upright....... .. 160 F1"S dollars cash and SI a weak will buy any of the above bargalna. Shmoller & Mueller Piano Co., ISH-Laa Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 1S26. G8 90 Ql.'ARE PIANO, rosewood case, good tone and condition. SUJ. Call U.7 N. 44tn St., i u 7:1 p. m. U6 iias rm tVsal aaa Bllllsral T a bias. FOR SALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tablea. Wa lead tha world la cneap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunie wiua-Balka-Collandar, Wl . lvth St. Tr pvwritars and llawtaa; Xwilin, FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writer; good condition; a bargain at fca. Call room ou. baa Bldg. tl6 71 ONE Remington typawrttar. No. 1 in good condition. lor saaa cheap. Call at &ae office. GSi till Masoalia uawwa. SEND us your mail ordeta ror drrigst freight paid on 110 lota. Myers- Dli loo Drug Co.. Omaha. OA) HERWVN WILLIAM B CO.. bast mixed paint. Sherman A McConnall Drug Co. (.! 132 HAT. t per ton. Wagner. 801 N loth. (lb M732 TWENTY i an cara of good clear ice for aala. Mark N. Smith. Box Ua. A.bion, Neb. U1 M741 Ac GAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION -FIXTtTRES Special low prirea during the eumrner ta reduce stock, .order now ; goods delivered when ready. BUEGES3 & GRAND EN CO, Telaphona Dougiaa aSL ni a. isth at. Oa sat SNAP. RESTAURANT and oafe: rant 215. biocka from poatufnea. Ws feed Im par day. Address E &14. Bee. Muat sell at or.isa. il 777 20x DHl'Oo at cut prk-ea; frelgut paid on tu) oraers; catalogue free. HERMAN at ittONNEIi DRLO COl. Oinsuia. Nab. ni U4it HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. Ue M417 FOR SALE Fbrst-cUea store axturaa, suowrasea etc Globe Land and t reat ment Co.. llvil Farnam oU. Omaha. U aa BALLS aafaa. new. M-hand. uil Farnam. OA)-T fnR SALE Farcy cherries. Ihm a Fruit Firm, a&l and M.luary Ave. Tel. Benaoa 4. (i) 74 leCR SALE At 7U2 So. Uth St.. store fix tuiea. eiietvmg, count, rs. cases, cnaira, adding machine and caah reg.ater. WITJ.I AM J. CO AD. Trustee. ()-Mlas (-'Iearintf Sale on Motor Cycles One Thomas. 4bt: one Mitchell, att: one Wagoner, tlia); atia March. H'JK; one Cres-r-'ii. t!S. osia Indian. 213, one Indian, l:o. one Indian, with sida aaat, 21 To. oue jiarsh. with Cure bar, 217&. Tha ahovM are cx'.retnelv good ralua for the money. iaji id riauica. ic3 capni w. Ua--a4 A4 TTfF. FT,TE z-" 1Jy 7lol gl-Ba raaaaase hatha aad sal geltdus rub. Kouiu aa Baraer Biota, lua sad satnam. ti J1J Six "R AtJ5-AT NO. y JPCTH UTH ST, UT HE Fl-tTVIiKS. SHELVING, COUNTbUUI. TABLES. CASES. CH-CHi, Wa. X CO AD. TRLaTEE. iUi ri sS-eaad Itttk taala. Wnavr. 412 N. vis a OFFERED FOR RENT J lerella a ease Caatleaed. FR 8ALIC r'nwl bosMlng hetee m the riif, heet location, all f irmsned. hest walking distance, etc.. : cheap. Ino'ilre M Karhach blot k. Omaha. Neb ris HAIR DRESSING establishment. In busi ness section of city; tirst class ! IlKl.ed trwile Pary aollln nWin to ill (xltn: Iprma rainhle. Addr" H ", Bo. n Ml .V.1 PATENTS LARSON CO. Book (raa. Ba BM(. nit- D. O. BAR NELL, patent attorney and ma china dal-ner. Puton Blk. Tt. Rd. li. OTj aajAualu PATENT for aaJa or royalty: tmproTvl 'r atretrher. rtai No. 347..1!; a money maker Pala ptlra M.uO. Gnd reaeon for aelhnB. a. H. Weyant. Nachuea. I'.L U" ASx PERSONAL OMAHA Staiiunarera' InaUtuta. Rama Bid. n f (EWIXO marhlnea rented. Nab. Cyla Co., UtA and Uamoy. fnooa uiuf, inn. vr A riVFTTPtraaunrnt and bath. Mm. JIAU liHU dmilh, UM N. lit A, M floor. (U)-a FBTW bara-alna In id-hand aoda fountatna, monthly paymanta. LwnchU ialt Farnam. MUSICIAN.S to Join flrnt-claaa attri tion, Aug. 10. to dnuhie band and r chaatra, aiao Juvenile, lady: muat play tAudard inuatc. Boa Hi", Beimonu. in. MTJ A5z OMAHA Steam Pasta Co., m an u f acrurra pure flour paata, ail Cuming. Tolapnona Oouglaa 1S2L ilHj ECZEMA abanlutaiy aured by W. A. Puton eaJra. B. J. oVcasnell, at-. Ka Wars Blk. (1 Mai STRING E3, rubber roods, by mall: ctit prirea. Sena for free catalogs. Myars- uuion Drug Co.. Omaiia. t . PLEATING BuHKSfc Dyin and clranins.. sponging and ahr1ns lnsc only Sc par yagd. Send tor prloa list and samples. GtjLI'MAN PLibATTNG CO 14 Douglas Block. TeL Douglas im tl-al THflJ SALVATION ARMT solicits crat-oS clothing: in fact, anything you do not need. Wa collect, repair and sell, at 11 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to tha worthy poor. Call phone Doug 4126 and wagon will call. CO all A COMPLEXION satin smooth and 'air given by 3a On akin yowder. Four tlnta. Oit TOCNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are tnvttsd to visit tha Toung Women's Christian Association room a. 1518 Farnam etreet, where iliey will be directed to sut table boarding places or otherwise assisted. tls U PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr Dr. Kins. U& N. iuh BU Tel. Doug. UcA . o M MAGNETIC ,eoloy ma1f""T' , V i "2?r M"1..? "tli"- Room 2. UH Farnam St., Id floor. ClXh-M4 A3 A NICK, heslthy habv alrl for adnptloa Addrees H care Bee. (18) iT" lit REAL ESTATE BSAL ESTATE DBA LESi, RUSSELL M KITRXCK CO.. 422 Runra W H. TURRKT.I. 1( Pattarson Blk. Doug; 113- 18) PATNE INV. CO.. 1st Soar N. T. L. Dous. 17U. tl8)- L. W BUNNELL CO-. 83 N. T. Ufa Douglas al4S. CIS) u R. C PETERS A CO.. Baa Bldg. (IS) S8T ALFRED C. KENNETJT. First NaT! Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 73. GEO BOB CO MP ANT. M01 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754 (ill) sss CITT fropeutt fob alb. 4209 Cdmino- St. 7 rooms, modern except furnace, paved street, good barn and some fine anade trees. Ptlje.i2,160, on your own terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. ' 1st. FT. N. T. XJfe Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17K1. "If Ifs a bargain, they have It." (191 M51 39 SEATTLE lots, cleared and level, fo, 220 down and 210 per month, near 19 1 lir grounds, easy way to own tntln;r grounda during the fair and then aell at a big prone Particulars an. I ban 4 references furnished. Charles Dlelmann, 217 Bailey, building, Seattle. Wash. (191 M724 Aox SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $000 No. 2018 Lindsay Are.; good cottage, located on full lot. 4tx 127 feet; good well of water; only 2 blocks from Harney St. car: house can easily be made modern; there la a sewer tn street. If you sre Interested In this property do not pother the tenant, but call at our of fice and let us take vou out and snow it to you. For fur ther particulars aa to terms QkjORxiS A CO., ltOl Farnam ? (lil-MQ $4,500 Splendid 7-room new and all modern home, eignt blocks from Bennett a etore. deieit ne:r"borhood. paved street. Owner wants to sell this ween. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st FI. N. T. Life Bids;. Tel. Doug. 178L "If it's a bargain, they hare tt." -) Mali 20 4.ona will buy one of tha bast homes tn Kountxs P'ace. Modern in every way. Large ban. E-uit front. Street paved. Per in snoot idewaik Easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room f. New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas UM. CJ-4C LIST your proparty with Curia Buyer, 22d and Cuming Bta (U at BFMfS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, atrtcUy modera. KikVa. O'Kaafa Real Eatats Co.. lam N. T. Lite Blda cu mot IF YOU sre thinking or building it will pay you to see the Western Home Bulld r. rooms 21 -J L". S. Nat l Bank Bldg.. f jr prices and terms. Ui lu -ROOM modern house, with Darn. 23 22 Lavenport St. 2.JU0, half vaau. Sea owner on premises. GVl Mt73 t x THE KERR ABSTRACT CO. S AB STRACTS OF TITLd are the safest. You are protected by a Ov.uOO "wnj agalnat loaa by arrora You don t buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" aostract. 1(14 Harney Tat. f"'glar SqfT (Jb REAL ESTATE TITUS-TRU8T fr CH.U & WILLIAMSON. Praa tal Sal It looking for a &, er 7-ceom eottaga aa your own irrma 'pnoaa Web. late, UJ at FOR SALB-Flra-acra tract at tahd sa Baav son. thra blucas from car. auitaiiss fur ruuiiuia or tat unvwvaataauv; aa or saw xautjr bar aemaona auuuaua a -i Bea. REIL ESTATE citt ratoPKNTT rog sala 'Continued. LLT your proparty with tba Watwr Hama Bulldara, nna. 3-J Nabraak a NatU Bank n J. II. Franklin of Baker Bron. Telia Vhv He Bought La KEYSTONE PARK OMAHA, J.ily r,. Payna Invest ment Cn., City lent lemen: Reply ing to your Inquiry aa to why I pur chased a place in Kevatona Park, will aay triat after looking tha city over I derided Keyatona Park wonld make a nicer place for a home than aiiy other part of Omaha, besides one acre coats leva than a lot. In the city. W'jahing you deserved succeaa. I am. reapectfully. J. H. FRANKLIN. (191 MT FOR 8ALK' 4-room cottage, owner laavtng city, will aelVt at a sarilftra, 18 Nona (Ota, South Omaha. Tel. 171. nr ir. REAL ESTATE FARM AND A.1CI1 LAAD FOR SALal WANTED Agents to represent as In tha aaie of our Kansas lands. Write for Pc tkulara. Globa Land and Iayestment "o Omaha, Nab. i-a7 FOR SALES or trade. M0 acres. Greely county, Kan., laud, cheap. Address bo 42 Lincoln, Neb. (3-l7 3 Kansas. Solomon Valley. Kansas, lrtft acres unproved. 28) per acre. Tjn acres, improved. 175 per acre. i1 seres. Improved, 175 per sere. 72m sere, improved. ! per acre. rj acres. Improved. 2 per ai re. li aeres. impnivM. Ja per acre. If vou want tn .-t a eood home cheap come and Bee us. J. M. Boyle, Bennington, rvan. U't M742 Aiix MONTANA ranih of acres. Improvarf L K.t"f Jl ' rr. r-l . iir.ii.uio, f-i Interested address G 799. Bee. (3 S71a Bakrmaaua. . FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarms and ranches for homea or Investment. Bsmls. Omaha (30 Mifi NEED THE MONET Want to sell section a-C-Sl, Cheyenne county. Nebraska; land Is rolling, dark sandy loam, location choice; rseh. 21.7S4; railroad contract nine years to run from February. U'7. C"18. Address W. O. Wirt. 714 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs. I. tJ MT47 4 RANCH FOR SALE L2 arras. Banner county. Neb.. Improved, running water, etc. ; 24. j0 per acre if taken at once. Kim ball Land Co.. Kimball. Neb. (JO) Ml 52 SOx DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS. f. lTo, ls acres; -scre bsrgain. gnod upland, i miles from Elkhorn. 2 per acre. J A. Gibbons, Elkhorn. Neb. 20 77 Six Wyawtsg. SPECIAL land bargain balance of this month. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. (JO) 37 a THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has just placed on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming:. 30.000 to Wm.uOO acres of fine aheap erasing lands at 21.0 to 21 . PER ACRID TERMS tine-tenth down payment and ten years' time on the balance If you Intend to Invest In cheap lands. BUT NOW, The opportunity will not last. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Omaha. Neb. Dept. "A." 218 3. 15th St. (20) MTU Aug3 Saatat Dakataw ARE TOTJ interested In South Dakota T If so write to th A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre. S. D., concerning the IS.iMO acres of farm lanos they awn In Hughea and 8ully ooumlea They will answer you gladly. (2o M37J AI Ttxaa TOTTR CHANCE 30.000 acres, smooth corn land. Fanhandle. Texas. 28.U0 an acre, on railroad, one-third cash. Box 462, Hlhley. Iowa 20) M2t3 30x REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, mjb First National Bank Bldg. (22- LOANS on lmprored Omaha property. O Keef B. E. Co, Hal ti. K. Llf, Bid,. U2)-A H.OU.O0e TO LOAN on business and resi dence property la Omana. lowest raiea; no delay. Thomas Brennaa. Boom L N. T. Ltfe. ta) mu WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. IXat Farnam St. t2Z-0t 2SW TO S&U.0OS TO LOAN at loweet rates: no delajr. OAilVLN BROS. KM FAB NAM. a Ui vl PRIVATE MONEY?. D. Wead. l&B Doug. (iS)-'i MONET TO LOAN Payne Invastment Ca CC MB. LOWEST RATES Bern is, Pazton Block. WANTED City loans, a. C Peters A Co. (2V-( WANTED TO BORROW WANTED A Moan of 21. SCO on residence property, from private party. T 146. Bee. (24) 2 2x WANTED TO BORROW 21. 0O to emaige a gnod paying business with prlrelee-e to rejce loan yearly Ad dress W 77a, Eee. i24 31 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture, coux and Dealing loves, carpels, lino leums, otflre furniture, old clotues and ahoea, planus, faauiera. bed pillows, luilts and ail kinds of loois; or will buy tha furnituro of your house complete. WU buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest pr.cee paid. Cail the right man. TeL Douglas SfTL i3-MJ Aug2B CARD CABINET' of 14 to drawers for card t by Incht-a: s'.sis pnee; must be cbaap. Address L aWL Bea. (Xj .12 MYSELF and partner want fnr caah B.OTs) to r.2.i etork general merchandise, do ing good busineaa n good town. Pur chase from owners only. Discount be low 31 cents ou dollar. Addreaa. Y 122, Baa. IZr-UMl augix CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foya Cav. ill sV lath. Phone Douglas laU. (2i)-el I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper and job office in co. Beat town in Ne braska. Caan. Write Y 21 J. Bea. tS 1 Bt W A NTET To buy a second hand, flat bu'tuned row brmt. must be in fairly good condition and rhtaj State price. Address, at T&2, Baa. Zk, S1D sx WANTED TO BUT T or S-raa ra modern nous in kooa Kx-a.ity, south of LH.dge u aaorraa (J i.a. Ms. ca) M4 a WANTED A aacond-hand Shetland pony can or camaaa, Aaoraaa F 7VB. Be. COUNCIL Onlra, IS twwtt SltOR MRTTIflt. Psvis. drugs. Stockert sells carpets Pumps. J. Zoiler Mer. Col Ed Rogers' Tony Faust bear. Fine engravings at Leffert's. See Schmidt's elesant new phctoa BUT BORWICK'B PURE PAINTS. PETERSEN A SCHOENINO SELL RUG9 Lewis Cutler, funeral director, phone 2T. Woolrlng Undertaalng company. Tel. 524). Picture framing. C. K. Alexander. Z2S B wy. Dr. Susan Snyder arrived horns yesterday from a visit in Boulder. Colo. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFKERT ABOUT IT W. N. Clifford, superintendent of the city ; . hooia. left last evening fur Orange City, la. Mias Nettle rjray has gone to St. Johns, New Brunswick, where ahe expects to make her home. Ivan hoe enmmandery. Knights Templar, will meet in special convocation tlr.s even ing for work in tne Red Cross denn-e. BUDWE1SER BOTTLED BEER IS SERVED ONLY AT FlHST-rLAtfS BARS AND CAFES. L. ROSEN FELD CO., Agls. WE WILL DELIVER ALL SlZKS OF HARD COAL DURING AUGUST FOR 21' A TN. WM. WKLflH. 14 N. MAIN ST. PHONES 12. A big discount ale at P. C. DeVols' all the coming week. If you need a lawn mower, refrigerator or gas stove, now Is the time to buy. The cltv council will meet In adtoumed regular session thia evening. Aa far as la known tliere 's nothing of Importance to come before the meeting. L. P. Madnen. the pioneer automobile garage man of Council Bluffs, is hie premises at T7-.!2X Weot Rrnadwav. The improvements will renr-seni an outlay of C..XO. Mr and Mrs. William Boart of ShkuIc W aah.. ar guests of Mr and Mr. T'lomaF Main. 23 Av-nue B Mr. Boart was in charge if Die interior decoration of the hatUe.ohlp Nebraska. Josle Lamhkins will have a hearing be fore JtiM'.ce Cooper tomorrow on the charge of stealing 220 from the residence of Sally Davenport. Both the accused and the complainant are colored. One of tha gang of Greeks employed at the Union Pacific transfer ysrda, was se verely crushed between two cars yesterday afternoon and was removed to the Jennie Edmunrtson Memorial hospital. Hla in juries were said to he possibly fatal. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harvev, formerly of Council Bluffs, now of Denver. Colo., hare arransed to rettirn with their family to this city. Mm. Hsrvey Is the dsughter of the late Tlomas Tostevln and the family will occupy the old Toatevtn residence on Park avenue. The following teachers !n the public schools have resigned: Miss Paula shall. Miss Jessie Farlow. Miss Ethel Rey nolds and Miss Ethel Kendall. Miss Mary Coga-eshsll. Mias Klisahetn Morris and Miss Sarah Sparks have been elected to flu three of the vacancies The Martens Sanitary laundry on Fourth street has suspended operations. Lack of patronage, coupled with a strike among the girls In one of the departments. Is said to Be responsible for the closing. C. D. Patterson, who had been manager of the laundry recently, resigned his position snd Mr. Martens found himself unable to con tinue the business alone. City Scavengers Horses and oaiOa hauiad, free of ohatrge. uarnags. aanee, manure aad all raa- blBk. clean vaults and eaa work dona Is guaranteed. CsJU promptly attended lav It 4. PnoTie lllf T Bell Rad Itf8 I BllJKLsJCK. at GIBSON. WANTED TO BUY (.Continued.) FOR SALS A new all modem cottage, story and a half, on macadamised road, ten minutea' waik from buslnesa section; owner leaving city. Apply 532 3. 24th Ave. (3S 93 20 WANTED Pair of gnats broken to drive: also harness. Apply W. H. Thomas, cars. J. L. Brandela at Sons. (2S 4 30 WANTED TO RENT 2 ROOMS and board with private family, near edge of town and car line. Address A-702, care Bee. (28) 13. 30x SMALL family 4 or fi-room cottage about August 1st. Address. N "74. Bee (Co) M478 Autr.'x WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Omaha Rental Co., 302 N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL Douglas MM. 2fi M?o2 Aug3 WANTED SITUATION WANTED Work by the day by exp- rt enred dressmaker. Call on or address Ua Capitol Are. 'Phone Hamey-l-Jsl. (ZD-W AS WANTED Position as compositor; six months' experience. Address Y 12, Bee. (27 MISi AugSx SMALL bundles ef laundry taken home. Rough dry. See per dosen, shirt waists, 2t-c and up. 2707 No. 2tith. i27 14 2 TEACHER, without noma, experienced as houaeiterper. wants situation during sum mer, or will stay Indefinitely in desirable home where ahe may taae piano lessons. Would Ilka to be on farm. Address L-762, cara Baa. (27 M42S Alz E2CPERIENCED stsnographer. Addi n . Omana Bea, IS Scott SC. Co. Blurts (ST) M227 SITUATION wanted by flrst-claaa coach man. Address C 742, cara Bee. (27) mux x COUNTRY printer wanes permanent posi tion: not a boose fighter or cigaretta Send, strict attention U business; references. Address B-43. care Bea. (2TJ Tl 30x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR THREE BRICK buildinga. Department of tbe Interior. Of fice of Indian AiTalra. Washington. D. C. July 25. Us'7. Sealed propoaaia, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope "PropoBAia for Buildings. Wahputon, Norm Daaoia. ' and addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D C . will be received at the Indian jmce un til 1 o'clock p. m.. August 2. UsI. for furn ishing and delivering ths necessary ma terials and la nor required to construct and complete an employes quarters with plumb ing, steam heat and eiectrtc Hunting, also a bam and work enop both wuii plumuing and electric llirnting. ail of brick. In strict acc irtiani-e wuii me plans, speciilcationa and instrui-tions ti lodders. wiiicn may be examined al ttas office, tne offices ot tha Improvement Bullet'n. Minneapolis. Minn.; the American Contraitor. Chicago. ill.; Forum and Republican. Fargo. N D. ; Pi oneer Press, St. Paul. Minn.: The Bee. Omans. Nen. ; Builders and Traders' ex. chans-es at Omana. Neb.; St. Paul. Minn i and Minneapolis. Minn.: the Nor-n western Manufacturers association. St. Paiki. Minn., the United States Indian warehouses at Chic&gu. 111.; Omaha. Neb.; St. Louia. Mo.: New Yiirk. N. T. ; and at the school. For furtner infor-nation apply to James C. Cliffiird, Supenntendent. Wanpeton. North DaMots. C. F. LARRABEE. Acting Com missioner. 1 11 1 JvJu-A1.2..S.10.12.1.lT OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHI1I. PHILLIPINES, H39 LULU A .13 AUSTRALIA By tba Stays! Mail 3 team era af tha Canadian Pacific Railway ailing fraan Vaacaaivar. B. C t'nacrtle Mmca ta 'Be o-ianl aa mbt suaai OTB, Ka?Tie i1 laala. g:nrvs ul 'tua Mil graerwss ni Jipaa. Thiea smatni are tea liaii Bxwiia aim m Ira aa m aw Ina waaira BfoeMas.. Tartar aS a--kBja. rwrTT ess ma at caoia tnwsneca sair. at Me eBta. SBillssa bbbs tanm Mfwaa. Mlovsrs a&S aoraaat fana tea oair ha to Ami. ta esmdaat aaaaaa MoeBileaa. aaillnss sans a a)oaa Par rmiav lalormat lea aas IM BiaJe, aa sir ta L C Skrav. Csa-AgA. Xtt S. Clsrk 9A, Catraas BLUFFS . Tat. aSw TALK OF CONCRETE BRIDGES Bid Asked for Two Over Indian Creek to B Received Aajpst 19. j i MAYOR ADV0CAIZ3 TEE FLA5 Belief Is Bsarri Tkey Will R Steel, aa tha Latter Weed raartaat Bepalra. If tha Initial cost is not too rrast tha several bridges serosa Indian creek w'll be gradually replaced with conrrete structures. This has been practically decided hy the city council. As a starter In this direction, bids lisve been asked for the construction of two reinforced concrete bridges wtth re talnlng wails, at North Eighth and Frank streets The bids have to ha In the hands of City Clerk Sans by noon of August U. The be-dgea at Eighth street and Frank street are subjected to much traffic and both are In need of. extensive repairs. In fact, for several yean a new 'bridge has been needed at Eighth street, the construc tion of the present one making It a dam for debris In times of high wstcr In Indian creek. Mavor Macrae is a strong advocate if concrete bridges and It is at his urgent' suggestion that the council has decided , tn secure figures on this clsss of bridge. The present bridges over Indian creek re in constant need of repair, involving i heavy annual expense. This is especially :nie of the hrtdges at Frank. Bryant. Main and North Eighth streata. Bye Glass Insurance. liny your glasses of us and we will in sure them against everything but accidents Dr. W. W. Maganell. optician. 10 Parl SC The reason why Hafer does the business Is that ha delivers the best goods to your nearest station at the least cost. OPPOSITION TO RODGER' PARDON Coaaty Attorney Heaa Aaasaarea He Will Fight It. "I shall certainly oppose any attempt on the part of William C. Rodgers to secure a pardon." stated County Attorney J. J. Hesa, when told that Rodgers expected to have hla case presented to the Board of Pardons created hy the prison law en- acted by the last general assembly William C. Rodgers was c onvicted of the murder of Saloonkeeper Bert Forney, who ... . . . ... . . .. . . . , . was snot ana Hint. a on ine nisrr.i or Ann 2. 1KO. in his saloon at 1028 West Broad may, by two masked robbers. He la now serving a twenty years' sentence In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. Rodgers was arrested by Detective Cal laghan, tha evening of the day following the murder. Wrien the officer approached Rodgers, who was taken into custody aa ha was leaving the office of the Evans laundry on Main street, Rodgers attempted to draw a revolver on the detective. Rodgers was Identified at the time by Cnarlea LetehfoTd as the robber who had held him up and robbed him at tha point of a revolver In hla butcher shop on South Main street on the night of March X just a month prior to the murder of Forney. Rodgers was also suspected by the police of being Implicated In the blowing of the safe in the office of Uie Evans laundry. hut fur a h i. knnwn th.v any direct evidence connecting him this crime. James Chkney, a fbrmei' Omaha hack driver who was playing cards with For ney the night the latter was shot and killed. Identified Rodgers aa ona of the two holdup men who entered the saloon. Chaney was arrested by the police but later released. At hla trial Rodgers put up an alibi, claiming ha was In Chicago the night of the Forney murder. Since his conviction and tmprlaonment Rodgers has been persistent in his efforts to secure a pardon or parole, but so far without success. Some months ago when it wua reported that Rodgers had applied to Governor Cummins for a pardon pro tests were sent to the governor from the officers of several counties, who while they offered no opinion as to Rodgers guilt or lnnocense In the Forney case, aaaumed that he was rightfully convicted and aa- serted that large. he was a bad man to 0 . , .. . . t e i. . . i .o rTer ,,P , . . .l .7"i e .1 1 ttaWaitam th. tima. of tha Forney murder, received a letter from Rodgers stating that be expected to have hla case brought before the newly created Board of Pardona and asking Cap tain Cousins to assist him In securing either a pardon or parole. A' few month, ago dispatches from Dea Moines announced that Fat Crowe had called upon Governor Cummins in tba In terest of Rodgers, claiming 'to hare posl tlrs knowledge that Rodgers was not the man who shot and killed Forney. ZO Few Cent Dlaresst Sa2 am S Wa are making a reduction of 3t per cent on everything in our stock. Ths sale be gins Saturday. July 27. and lasts aeren day a We want to close out our summer goods, that's tha reason. Duncan Shoe company. 22 South Main street. Reliable picture framing, pictures framed or unframed. The latest oolorlngs and real works of art. Reasonable prloaa. Bor wlck. 211 South Main street. Faa-aaltaBaaua WeddlaaT. Between 2S0 and 300 friends and guests gathered at Danish hall last night to wit ness tha wedding of Miss Sarah Saitxman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Saitxman of tnis city, and Mr. David Fog of Omaha. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Cohn of Omaha, following which a wedding supper was served and dancing enjoyed until a late nour. Mr. make their home in present. and Mrs. Fox will tni. city for ths CARRIAGES ALWAYS READT. CALL n BOTH PHONES. GRAND LTVEJtT. J. W. AND ELMER E. MINNICK. PRO PRIETERS. Upsialsraf-raa;. George W. Klein. IS South Main Phones: ln. V Black: Bell. S4S. rhararee Aajalaat Park Follewsaaa. The Board of Park Commissioners will meet tonight to take action In the matter of the charge filed against Peter Shea, special policeman and caretaker at Baylies park. She. 1. charged with brutally kick ing in the face O. S. Barntt. a farmer of Underwood. Ia.. whom he had found enjoy ing a aiesta on the psrk grasa A number of eye witnesses declare the assault was entirely unprovoked and are expected to give their testimony before the board this evening. Congressman W I. Smith and Attorney George S. Wright appeared brfore the board Saturday night against Shea. People residing around Bayllss park have had reason, it is said, on previous occa sions to complain of Shea a ill-temper. raarral af Wllllaaa krasa. Tha body of William Kraak. wboaa death resulted from injunee received in an ele vator accident Friday evening at tba Pearey elerator. will be taaeo this aftar noon ta Waiiaa. Nea.. tha former home of tba deceased, for bunal. abort ps -V -a t-y aa BBB Owr Kerlaa's swaaea -eawtataa bat a Beat S aa aaa ef Aleeaal. MILWAUXEC 3 Is brewed and aged on honor. Full of character and beer body. A hop tonic, malt nourishment and delicious beverage, all in one. Try any of these brands whether on draught or la bottles wherever you can !eAs- Private Stock, Wiener, f?t!i' Omaha 803-10 Donglas St- Cor. "th. 'PUoaa Doalaa 10411. ' will he hliS at noon at the family rest , dence. 173H Filth avenue, followed hv serv Ices at the "lerman Lutheran church, of which Mr. Kraak was a member, before the body Is taken to the train. Office Space for Rent. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on around floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone building. IS Scott street; central location. only one-half block from Broadway Er. erythlng new, electric light; for 21 a month. Omaha Bee., 15 Scott street CHICKEN PIE SUPPER at Broadway church, Saturday evening. Prlre. 26c. I in pro rem e a t flab Oaewfna;. The West Council Bluffs Improvement; club has decided 'n formally open its club I house, cn Broadwav near Thirty -fifth street, tomorrow evening. An interesting program, whlrh will include addresses hv Consrssman Walter I. Smith. Senator C. j G. Saunders. Dr. P. J. Montgomery. John j M. Galvtn. M. Rnhrer. G. H. Scnit and others has been arranged by the committee ' in charge. Refreshments will he served bv I the members of the West Council Bluffs j Woman's cUjh, which is composed of the j wives and daughters of the members of the Improvement club. i With the formsl opening of the club house the dun will resume its activities and It 1 l - . v. . . v. 1 n, i . h.illHIn , yciun. -1 mm m m will be the scene during the fall and winter of a number of entertainments. Ice cream flavored wth pure something that arMl please you. Candy Kitchen. M Prosdway. vanilla, Purity Petersen ft Schoenlng aell matting. Iowa News Notes. CEDAR RAPIDS-Saturating a eom fofer with chloroform, and wrapping It tlghtlr ahnut her head. Margaret Thorp, daughter pf Mrs. Clara E. Tliorp of Vinton, a pretty girl of 17 or 18 yesra of age. lav down in her street clothes on the bed at the Pullman house last evening. Whei found at i o'clock this afternoon she had been dead for several hours. ATLANTIC The Bank of Grlswold. of which M. H. Wilcox, a former democratic candidate for congress in ihls district I president, has been reorganized snd will enter the neiu or nations! oanks as in Efl X-, V. .... 1. , 1 .4 TI.. Ithl'": " I ' taken up largely by farmers, and Mr. w II cox probahlv will be president. It will " - ' - - start business about ths Mb. of tha month. I ATuA.n rii.-l re city council ot tnis place I Is considering the advisability of chang- ! ing the system of pumping water for the water works pisnt, and installing com pressed air as a power for the pumps in plsce of steam. A representative of a hlg company has been here Investigating, anil estimates that it will require about 21.30ft! to make the change, and that It will give people on the hill, where the water prea- sure is now weaa ana wnere water cannot be secured sometimes, ample supply of water at all times. rati iaa nnftiafA "Fi ir ni AnAitiri UUii UHAWi Hit BiU LrlUWU Kraaj Park Sees Great Tkroa A aa sable to Hear Splendid Band. Duss and his hand drew the largest .it tendance Sunday for any Sunday thia season at Krug psrk. During the closing " ! days of the return Duss engagement the to the petjpie oi umui. are ....nun. " re musical trtmt. that are being af- torde. by incompbi, organisation. The elections on the afternoon and evening programs and the superb rm- stance, the pnefs for canton nannei uraw dertng of the same charmed the thousands j enl for men delivered at the Soldiers' horn present, and nearly every number was on- , .t Marshalltown per doxen for the last cored. Mr. Duss responding cheerfully to trw y,ars during which exactly the same the demands of the two large audiences. , quality and make of goods has gotten tha Two people were present, Mr. and Mrs. j contract la as follow.: 1902, .; 1904, 26.7.1 Sweat of Chicago, who had undertaken ; iy6i c jy,. 24.82H; 12o7. 2.7S. a journey of 1.000 mile, to hear Mr. i ' In' ,,', clothing the price, on suits hava Duas and his band. They did not miss ' Jumpe(j from 2T paid In 19 to 27 50 In 190S ona of, tha concerts at Rlvervlew park ' . r. , 1S(7 Tha Dr!caa on men s over- during the recent Chicago ngage ment. They decided to spend the week end In Omaha, so they came here Satur- j day morning and were guests of Mr. Duss during their brief stay, returning bome on a Sunday evening train. The musical people of Omaha hava something" to think over when they consider 'he full importance that attaches to their long trip to aatlsfy a musical longlne. Today and tomorrow are Omaha Bee days. The Duas band will play from 4:30 to 1 30 p. m. and 2 to 10:20 p. m. To night the program will be Russian music. Apalarhla" will ha played for the first time. The coupon, printed In our ad vertising columns, when cut oat and pre sented at the Krug park box office, by a lady, will be honored for admission wh-tn accompanied by a person holding a paid admission ticket. Wednesday will be Gilmore day. Frl- J aay will be patrol and soloists' night, and Finn'. Greater Omana band will play a ragtime program" Friday evening. Tha closing Duss concert will be given Satur day afternoon. The band will leave that evening fnr Toronto. Canada Tonight the musical picture of tha burn ing of Moecow In Tachaikowaky's over ture, "1412." is programed among other Russian music. FpJj f F? 5 fj ft fr-A lk joy of the household, for w I f A I f 7 V"V it no happiness can b complete. IP 1 1 IVJJ sweet the picture of mothor and LLAlL Li Vi an eels smila at and corn man feel the exquisite thrill ef motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth cau be entirely avoided by the mte of M tether's FriBTiat, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders citable all tha narta. and asuu nature in it sublime work. By its aid thousands of women have passed thia tliiJ great cnsis in perfect safety snd witasut pain. iSold buttle by dtuggists. Our value ta ail women sent e9 t t t If R ranch. :, INCREASED COST OF LIVING Records in Des Moines Show Stat Pays More for Supplies. DRY GOODS MARKS BIO ADVANCE General Plan Wearer la ntacaaelnaT Hla to Colonise Xegm im a Hla t kaataagaa Tsar. i From a Staff ("orrespondent.) I pF1, vtiMNES J'lly 3 ' Special. tn crease in the cost of living Is shown parMF hy t;ie records of tue Hoard of Control office, onlv partly because from the fact that the support f ind has remained about the same the board has been forced to ra- duce the quality of the goods' or change) the nature of the gooda purchased entirely. The ln rease has been on practically every thing that Is purchased hy the hoard fo use in the slate institutions. By the com pletion of big chimneys at many of the In stitutions the statP is shle now to bilrt steam coal instead of lump, which mskea a saving. On practically everything else) that the state buys it Is paying more money than formerly. Here are some of th comparisons of prices paid hy the board for a number of ypars: For Lockwood unbleached aheetlng. yard and three-quarters wide, the board this year awarded a contra. at 20 cents yard. Last year the award was at IS1 cental a vard. the year before 144 cents and tha vear before that 14 cents. This year tha firm getting the contract would not guar antee to f'irnlsh Lockwood sheeting. bu does guarantee to furnish something Just aa good. For canned com the board has paid these prices: 19l-2. per doxen cana. K cents: 19W-J. cents. 1WVM. 73 to 75 cents; 19T4.5. 75 cents: !-?. 54 to 67 cents; lr-T, 5IH to &4 cents; 1907-. Si to m cents. For csnned pesches the board paid psF doxen gallons In 1IT-1-2. for the Clsr.noa m I .c Via Istltutton. 2SS. the mnnn, tr ar . in i . r rrL tt n.n m..ak . in th. nert 2S.07V4. the next S5.A the next. 25.S5 and this year, for the 130T-S stock, the contract la awarded at 2B.0S. but the quality of the crop this year la net nearly so good. For canned tomatoes the board patCt In ir'l. and the price haa gone stead ily up till this year the contract prU-e la 22 as. rv,. oHcea nald for flour varies, as does) many other things thst ths board buy. many mh-i --- - I fT the vsrtotis institutions, the question as: , hl enIartn T!ii maximum and min- l . i,... nald for flour by the ooara Imnm . period of years Is as follows: Price Per RM. .. 23 . "J -aa S . J 35 f Vt ... 2 1S'-ril2'B ... lot h4..w .. S2J G4.9S 39" "o41rt ... 11?41I3M ltfln-L. lSol-I. vjic-i.. :K3-4.. '.904-S. . l6-.. 1K' i The contracts for irt7-. soon to be i will likely be conslderaDiy up. , win u.oir ' . j The prtc on dry good, of various kind, mark, the highest jump of anything per- t. i. hap. that the board purcnaaea. I coats was 17 25 In 1906, S7. in IK aad ! M ... lOriT ! The figures on coal consumed at tha) various Institutions do not tell tha story. Mr. Cownie of the board estimates that tha prices of coal have gone up about an even 21 a ton during tha last few years. Tha figures ahow more or less of an irregular Increase for lump coal, but the board has now changed to steam coal for moat at tha Institutions whenever steam coal Is to be had. A little lump coal is bought foa? each Inatltutlon because lump eoal Is tha ! onJy alnd that can bo stored and a supply for emergency use must be kapt at each, Institution to avoid danger of strikes and tha like. Steam or slak coal cannot be) stored because of Its liability to catch on fire by spontaneous combustion. But be cause of the kind of coal purchased not being slways the same the figures) do not tell the story of the Increase in pries. Tha amount that tha board ia actually paying for coal may be a little less la tha total sum at soma institutions because I sara coal la uaed instead of lump. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. NtgHt. Lata.' F-tersaa ft Full Una Behoealng. of refrlisratora. without How and babe. ltjela smile at and command the B3ZWI83 C3.1 K1L9ASCU, k iis. y thoughts and aspiration of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must paae, how ever, ia so full of danger and iufferins; that aha looks forward to the hour when she shall I M II M V IS'-s '' V v id at fi.oo per IT3 fTN book of priceless) It, ' ) If hu EM if i snm