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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1907. CLEVER CON MEN CAUGHT Authors of Smooth Prize Fight Fake Arretted in Omaha. HEARING IN COUNCIL BLUFFS T Man Is Brother of Pitcher ThleW mm of ITlaa1 mm Hlmaclf Profeealoaal Baa Ball flayer. By a fake prlis flsht and a Ion trip from I.nulsvllla to Council Blum lat week Henry Hmplbaum cf Kentucky wag made the victim of one of the moil elab rate "eon" games known to the police. R. I.. Thlelman and E. A. Aleteadt, wbo were srreated Saturday, were the contriv ers and they profited $1,000 by the deal. Mr. Haaelbaum was nrproached by Alt steadt In Loulavllle with the Information that a priie fight, strictly eecrot of courae, waa to be pulled off In Council Bluffa. Aleteadt'a partner, Thlelman,repreented hlmeelf a a pug known to the fighting world aa "Caaey." The three made the trip to Council Bluffa together and on the way Haselbaum was given new evidence at every oppor tunity that "Caaey" waa Invincible and ure to win. The other fighter waa a man named Gor man, whom the police have not yet lo cated. When the three arrived In Council Bluffa liaielhaum waa allowed to bet over lls.000 on "Caaey." but the beta were all contracted with confederates of the gang and were all made with counterfeit, thousand-dollar bills. ems Too Eaey to Be Trae. That any man could be duped by such elaborate foolery aeems Impossible to the police, but Mr. Haielbaum had not yet auapected anything wrong. The strictest secrecy was demanded In all the betting In which he participated, as he knew the fight would be stopped if the police heard of It. Finally the "Caaey" money ran' out and the victim was Induced to bet 0,000 of his own money on the man he had picked to win. The fight was actually pulled off, for Mr. Hazolbaum'a sole bene fit, at the Kiel hotel In Council Bluffs. In the third round, however, after Haxelbaum had been taken Into "Casey's" corner to act as hla second, "Casey." the unconquer able, put a quantity of red fluid In his mouth, and when Gorman swatted him he spurted out what Hazelbaum though was .his life blood and Haielbaum fell In a faint. When he came too the remains of the battle had been cleared away and the fighters were gone. Boon after he got two mysterious tele grama. One was from 8t. Louis and said: "Keep on going; the police are after you." The other, dated New York, read: "Goodby Hazel, I'm going to Ixndon." Detective Robs of the Louisville police force came to Omaha to tako the two "con" men back to the scene of the beginning of operations. It was later decided to prosecute the case against Thiol man and Alateadt in Council Bluffa as the actual transfer of money waa made there. Mr. Hazelhaum will remain In the city until the case Is settled and De tective Rosa may stay to help the prosecu tion. The men are still In the custody of the Omaha police. Thlelman of Good Family. Thielman lias acquaintances in Omaha. He Is from a staunch and prominent Ger man family of St. Cloud, Minn. His fathor la the pioneer hardware merchant of that city of 10,000. Here Thlelman and his five brothers were born and reared and at one time Thlelman was placed In charge of the store by his father. The hoys were ' ball players and their proficiency in the great game tempted them to leave the less lurid sphere of standing behind their father's counters for the diamond. .Tike ' Thlelman, now on the pitching staff of J Cleveland, Is one of these sons. The man ; In trouble began his professional career iwlth Seattle and waa sold by Seattle to -Spokane. He has a good record as a ball player. Thlelman was confronted by an old acquaintance after his arrest Saturday at the city jail. ' "I am sorry to see you In this trouble," aid the friend. "You can't be half as sorry as I am," aid Thlelman. "It s the first time In my life I waa ever arrested." Thlelman said he had Just happened to meet Alsteadt. Mrs. Thlelman and the lit tle children had just gone to Seattle a couple of days before his arrest, he told Captain Dunn. Thlelman was especially anxious about the news of his disgrace be ing kept from his aged parents and family If possible, but he remarked: "I guess that Isn't possible." Victim Afraid and Aahamed. "I don't know how many such tricks these fellows have played," said Captain Dunn. "You see the cleverest feature of their game lies In the fact that their vic tims are afraid of arrest and ashamed of being taunted and so hesitate to report to the authorities. They make their dupe be lieve he la equally guilty with them. In a way. and when he gets over believing this be Is so ashamed of being such an easy victim that be hesitates to let go of hi secret." DOUGLAS FOR DISTRICT JUDGE Coantr Attorney of Rock u For mer Legislator Candidate fer tho Bench. James A. Douglas of Bassett Is a candi date for district judge In his district. Mr. Douglas Is a republican and Is now county attorney of Rock county. He served In the legislatures of 1903 and 1905 and was prominent In both sessions. In tbe latter session he waa a candidate for speaker and his election seeroud certain up to the night of the caucus, or the night before, when Rouse of Hall county was aeleoted. Doug las was active In framtng the new revenue bill and enacting It Into law In 190. Doug las taught school years ago before becom ing a lawyer. Ha la a pioneer In bis Mo tion of the state. To ProTont ikm from Cracking use Quick Shine Shoe Polish. It oils, polishes and gives a patent leather finish and la water-proof. Ask your dealer for It. SIXTEENTH T0 BROADWAY Chaagro In Kama of BlsT Baataeaa Artery Proposed hy Mayor Dahlmaa. At the next meeting of tha council, If possible or as soon as the ordinance can , be prepared. Mayor Dahlman will cause to be Introduced In tha council an ordl nance to change the name of Sixteenth street to Broadway. " -Sixteenth' la too light a name for the principal retail street of tbe city," said I the mayor, "and a name should bo given It suitable to Its Importance. 'Broadway meets the condition and the nam will give dignity to the street commensurate with It Importance." WttStStSvft-msi&tStotfa ' a" m u m m mw:murM:mm'm.M mir. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday, Fair 8 nin Bar- o gains in Shoes H h Can' I Afford lo Miss These Bargains Tuesday SILK SAL Thousands of Yards from &. 5th Ave. AC, Imparting House, worth to $2 yd., at There was never such a beautiful lot of silks to sell at such a great bargain. These are mostly 44-inch wide silk If Marquisettes in dots and pompadour effects, Lyons foul ards, plain and fancy messalines, dress taffetas, fancy : i 3 Wednesday is Red Letter Day TiW OIKSW TWA DITTO STAMPS TO EACH BOOK SHOWS AT PmElOUM PABLO. Collectors atnst Bring Books. HALF HOLIDAYS Srery Clerk la oar employ get a Balf mollday each week. Kelp tbe clerk by trading early la the day. Hajari and Tuscans, silk suitings, etc. You would regularly pay up to $2.00 a yard for these silks on bargain square at, yard. . . 49c ID) IC MM IT x i n i ii i ir li 1 1 MM H 1LJ1 Ji SNAPPY BARGAINS if ta ii P B i ii ON SECOND FLOOR RY 1UG New Lots Ml grs' Samples 1 JEWEL Worth op to $1 Tuesday at Tremendous bargains Irl pretty new Jewelry for Tuesday only. Ladies' silk watch guards, with swivels of Sterling silver and gold plate, worth up to 60c, at.-. 10 Gents' and ladies' cuff links, gold filled, worth up to 75c, at 10t 1,000 buckles, in pearl, osydized and gold plate, worth up to $1, 10 Genuine amber beads, slightly Imperfect, but worth up to $1, at, a strand '. 10 1,000 strands of fancy beads, In all colors, Including pearl, worth up to $1.00, at , And hundreds of fine Jewelry novelties, worth up to Ten. Cent 3 3icl Embroideries at 55c Yd. Worth up to 10c Yard Narrow and medium widths of fine Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, also all kinds of Colored Em broideries, in red and white and blue and white bargain square, at, yard . . . . . I Every Woman in Omaha Should Attend These HOUR SALES TUESDAY IN THE BASEMENT 3 8 TU1 0 A. All kinds of Linings, odd lots from regular stock, up to Mo value, at, per yard lc 1 Till 2 P. M. e Great lot of Ladles' and Men's Handkerchiefs, white and fancy borders, 10c values, at, Ol., each a7a5 0 Till 10 A. M. Indies', Men's and Children's . Hosiery Kreat mix up lot, can be matched up, - each Xv 2 Till 8 P. M. Well known brands of Ladles' Corsets, mostly small sixes, reg-ular $1.60 corsets, gc 10 Till 11 A. M. Fine lots white and of Lace Curtains, ecru, worth up to $1.60 pair, slightly lm- OC(, perfect, at, each . . . . . . . 3 8 Till 4 P. M. 100 bolts double fold Zephyr' urvam uingnams, woven, not pnniea, iia values, at, yard , VAC 11 A. M. TiU 12 fflne Voiles for Suits, plain colors, sold from the bolt per yard. ilia- 4 TU1 5 P. M. One big lot of Boys' Shirts, ages 8 to 14 years, regular eacohv.,.u.":.t. 15C I III I w- JI "' J i I C n J FEARFUL NIGHT FOR MAMO Thrilling Experience on Board Craft on Cut-Off Lake. EVERY LIFE IS FINALLY SAVED Trouble All Dne to Slipping; ( the Doodad and Fans Pa by . the Ding Basted Ca-dorlator. A dead calm rested on the sea, "the waves to sleep had gone." Bo had the dinky engine that furnished power at odd time to drive the boat, and the good ship Ahamo drifted "aa idly a a painted ship upon a painted ocean." On board the staunch and goodly vessel were some twenty passengers who had paid their good money for a trip around Cut-Off lake, but here they were all the same stranded, with "water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink." It was terrible; eo were the mosquitoes. Ouly a little way oft lay shore, and. the electric lights at the club grounds danced in tenanting manner as they gleamed and glinted across the placid bosom of the lake. Over yonder was Larsen's. Fad at both landings were boats -galore. On board the Ahamo all was excitement. The doodad had slipped and in trying to get It back Into place the cadorlator made a faux paa, or a half turd to th right, or omethlng. and the first engineer and captain went into secret consultation, while the "black gang" wrestled with contumacious ma chinery. Then a committee of passengers met and laid before the captain and the chief engi neer their plan to send ashore for rowbouts. "All right," said the enriner. but. "No!" thundered the captain. He would blast his tarry topllghts and shiver hi binnacle In at least three places before be would con sent to have hi gallant ship made salvage tor a skiff. And there they stuck. Late Wits she Touches. It was 7:56 p. m. on a bright and lovely July evening wheu the Ahamo weighed anchor and cast off for Its run that la now historical. It was 11 o'clock even when the gallant vessel touched shore again. To undertake to describe the mingled fewl- Icohol m sift mot needed Arar's Sarsspanlla U Bet a wrong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. H non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask jQUttrm doctor about your taking this medi um for win, impure blood. Follow his ad vice every time. He knows. Trust him. we sb)U rO.lntX, Larall. sua. Securities, Jewels, Deeds, Mortgages, Will, Fire and Life Insurance Policies and Inventory of Hosehold Effects be for going away for the Summer! Place them in a Safe Deposit Box of our Steel Vaults out of reach of Fire or Burglars. Make ue of our Storage Vaults also for larger articles of Value the ex pense is not a large one, the security is positive! Safe Deposit Boxes rent from $8.00 to $25.00. First National Bank OMAHA, NEB. 200-11 So. 15th Street. inga of those on board during these trying hours would be unposslble. While the waters lay deadly still beneath the stars and finally the moon came up and shone with silvery refulgence across the lake, something ominous portended which even the silence Increased. What If a wind should spring up and blow the boat into the bulrushes, here the deadly and treach erous mud hen and the venomous bull frog lurk? Perish the thought. Htiavens, what might have occurred that didn't Finally, after much demanding that the captain put off In his canoe and bring relief from shore, and much refusal to do so on part of tha captain, a motor boat happened along and took the Ahamo In tow. Other boats came along and evntu aliy all en board were saved It was a thrilling experience and one or two of tbe bravest oo board have determined never to risk themselves or their loved ones by going to sea at Cut-Off lake again. , This all happened Sunday evening. Have Boot print tL Two Dollar Lawn Waists ' (jEj Seven-fifty fancy Panama Skirts Q nr for vvvv Twelve-fifty Lawn Princess Dresses Mneteen fifty Tailor-made Panama ?A nr Skirts......". $Jld Fifteen Dollar Silk Shirtwaist and r A Jumper Suits $IJW BENNETTS BIG GROCERY Coffee Roasted Daily in View of Customer mm v s s n I Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can for 48c And 40 green trading stamps. Tea, B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Break fast, per lb. 48c And 40 green trading stamps Egg-O-See, 4 pkgs. , . . . 2c B. C. Baking Powder, pound can ...... '. 24c And 20 green trading stamps Yum Yum Pickles, bottle 25c And 20 green trading stamps. Bennett's Bargain Soap, nine bars for .i.. ..25c Corn, can 5c Peas, ran Rc Mil Potted Meat, can 4c Baked Beans, can 4c Bennett's Tapitol Extracts, Pep permint, Pineapple, Peach, Red Rose, White Itose, Strawberry, Raspberry, Cinnamon, Lemon and Va nilla, bottle lc And 30 green trading stamps "Best We Have" Corn, two cans for 2c AnH 10 green trading stamps Three Star Salmon, can 2()c And 20 Green 'Trading Stamps. Pickles, assorted, 3 bottles. . . .25c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capltai Cocoa, -lb. can ,24c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Save your floor space. Eleo trie motor occupies small space ony ceiling, wall or floor near your work. Investigate. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. Tel. Donglaa 1062. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, lU.',Z'.a. 108 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA. ' Phone Douglas 1756 Extracting ...... .aog . gmSK We make a specialty porcelain mis. .91 Kroa of metal and roofless Oowns f2.50 upV rpJSgSSk plates, rainless work in linage norK.nKf.ou p VJI Y YV"VV"" aU operations.. Open riatea $2.00 Bp I evening till 8 o'clock. WE KAXS A BFEpiAliTT Ol" STEEL 'RANGES'- We ell them on small monthly pay ments, or a cut price for cash. The Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 B. 16tll BT. t$ A ' ? ! I '-)ij"i'.Vi; J: jit 'i- Office hours, 8:00 to 8:30 a. m., 12:00 to 2:3u , p. m. Telenhone Harny 9. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL iitilO kinson Street, Omaha, Neb. H. U. Ramacclottl. IX V. 8., Deputy State and nty Veterinarian, Food inspector, Chief Surgeon. U. U. Scott, V. V; B., Hos pltal Surgeon. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS 7 iV- -' i-L-'yf-yr Vy- it -L - H -inn T I illllW I 1 ,r.' '-iLS W can sell you a food six-hole steel range, with high closet, for 124 and war rant it to bake good. It will last yon fif teen years. W can sell you the finest steel range made in America In the six-hole, with high closet Blze for SIS. It Is extra fine in baking and working qualities and will last a lifetime. If you are a good Judge of steel ranges you will buy of ua. i i bi i Miff! a..-. TntTlsimirHl 7?x :?' ar"ii s-:rrt Hotel Cumberland Broadway and 54th Btrast, new York tytr, ConToiant to Subway and "L" EUtloa. ghop- DS Dlltrlct, Tbemrra. Csntrml Park. Kw. odara. Flraproof. Ona et tha flu eat uralba4 botala on Biuadwar. Bats with Bath. 83.50 up. Coolaa Summar Hotal In New York. BpaoUl d urn mar Rataa. Haadqtiartara for Soutbars aopla. Suparb Raatauraat. ilodaraU Prtcas. Hualc. Sand for Booklat. MANAGEMENT: BlIBT P. STIMSON Kormerly Praa. Amarican National Hank, Kauas City; UUly wltb Hoi. I Imperial. M. J. BINGHAM, tormarly wltb Hotal Waodwar. i&rougfli Jamestown Sleeper A through fcleeper to the "Jamestown Exposition" daily from Chicago via, Erie Railroad. Apply at your lo cal ticket agent, or, II. C. Holabird, 555 Railway Ex change, Chicago. GHfCAGO BEACH HOTEL Aimrlois and European flan Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes On the edge of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks L&ka Mfchican fiurh mnsnnmsi on two sides, whils shaded parks complete the beautiful surroundines. The city is but 10 minutes rid from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent home. There is always a cool breeze in warmest weather. 5()largeouUido voms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet ut broad veranda. The table is slways the best. Tourists sndtranslentgueats Bd1 it a delightful place to stop ea route sod teat. Adtireas for handsomely Illustrated booklet, riving full particu lars, Manager, Chicago beach H itel. Mat Blvd. sod Lake Shore, Chicago. Are You Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton Is a aelighltui place In the Isatsl Kaaiaont stectloa aud away trora the noise and sinoks; yet witam easy access, 'franaianl hat: fl.tO U 11.00 per day. Euro pean Pisa. B(e'ial Kates by the vteek. Watt far Booklet. Addraa it'. P. WILLIAMSON, Manager. HAafM.TOaT MQTlaaV, SJT. (.OTIS, The Finest rishing S""-,; snd cottaces for sale on the finest Hake Ik Wlaronaln Addrea fQHX tf. IOOAK Favtla Lake, wta. Don't Miss Tuesday's Sales Take advantage of Our Credit System In Your Furniture and Carpel Purchases mm iIS THK RELIABLE STRI Attend Our Great Clearance Sale of furniture Grand Wc Embroidery Sale Con,inu" 0tte SHHur So attractive were the embroidery barRalns in Monday's sale that In spite of extra preparations for the day It was impossible to wait properly upon the crowds that attended. Those who were unable to attend or could not get waited upon will be given another opportunity to purchase Tuesday. 6- INCH EMBROIDERIES 7- INCH EMBROIDERIES 8- INCH EMBROIDERIES 9-INCH EMBROIDERIESJ 10c r2-INCH INSERTING 3- INCH INSERTINOS 4- INCH INSERTINOS 5- INCH INSERTINOS 6- INCH INSERTINOS Narrow and Wltle .Heading, Nainsook, Cambric and Swiss Kinbroidories, Fine Inserting" of every possible style and kind A dosen great counters piled high with regular 10c, 20c, 25c. 30c and 3Sc embroideries all go at one price Tuesday- the granuest bargains ever offered 4 fl at, per yard " Extra Specials for Tuesday a ..... 1 26c Irish Dimities J UC 0:30 A. M. One bale 7 He Unbleached Muslin as long as It lasts, yd. 4 94 c Apron Checks '2? Anioskeag Checks American Indigo Prints 3Ht 15c Towels 7H 10c Towels 5C 12V4c Batiste 3H 15c Batiste 5t AT 2: SO P. M. One bale of 10c Bleached Sheeting. 5 25c Silk Mulls IOC 39c Plain Silks IOC 75c Unbleached Sheets 55? 69c Unbleached Sheets .' 49c $1.00 Tapestry Table Covers ...59c $1.00 Bedspreads '.50c $1.00 Bleached Table Linen. 70 inches at 50o Table Linen 12 He, 15c. 19c, 25c, 39o and up. Closing Out Sale on' Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Hose 95c" Hose Reels, during this sale 2-6x6-6 Green Screen Doors, only 2-8x6-8 Green Screen Doors, only Hard Wood Finish, fancy oiled doors, all sizes 'Worth $1.65 to $2.00 each, spring, hinges, etc., free 18c quality Rubber Garden Hose, coupled up free 15c quality Rubber Garden Hose, coupled up tree 12V4c quality Rubber Garden Hose, coupled up free 10c quality Rubber Garden Hose, coupled upfree Vou cannot buy above articles after this sale. Come early Triumph 18-inch High Wheel Lawn Mower, worth $6.00, only . Colonial 16 and 18-lnch, worth $7.50 and $7.95. only New Summit 18-lncri, worth $4.50, only New Summit, 16-lnch, worth $4.25, only i ... . . i . t . i ..40c ...75c 70c $1.25 ...12c 04c 7Wc ..6Hc f3.25 4.85 $2.75 $2.15 Peaches . Peaches Peaches A full car of finest fancy Alberta Peaches luscious free stones, packed four baskets in crate. The richest flavored peach that grows. Nothing finer for canning. Considering the shortness of the peach Crop we were certainly fortunate in securing these peaches for our customers at bo low a price ifCa Tuesday we will sell them, per 4 basket crate ....0?C Don't fail to secure your peaches for canning Tuesday. M HAYDENS' BEST Our Big Oxford Sale Still Continues Notice the celebrated makes we are offering you no better shoes manufactured than these. 25 per cent off We have taken 10 lines, including Hanan, Clapp and Boyden's for men, and Hanan, Foster and Armstrong for women that are somewhat broken but plenty of good sizes still remain closing them out at the following'prices: FOR WOMEN Hanan's Patent Kid Welt Oxfords, FOR MEN Boyden's French Calf Oxford Per fecto, regular price $6.00, sale price $4.50 Boyden's Patent Colt Oxford Per fecto, regular price $6.00, sale price $4.50 Boyden's Gun Metal Oxford, West Point, regular yrice $5.50 sale Price $4.13 Hanan's Patent Colt Oxfords, Lon don, regular price $5.50, Bale price ...$4.13 Hanan's Patent Colt Oxford Nob, regular $5.60, sale price. $4.13 Clapp's Patent Colt Oxford-, regu lar $6.50, sale price . . . .$4.75 regular $5, sale price. . . .$3.75 Hanan's Kid Welt Oxfords, regu lar $4.50, sale price $3.35 Foster's Patent Colt Oxfords, regu lar $5.00, sale price $3.75 Five different lines of our regular $4.00 Oxfords, now ....$3.00 All of regular $3.00 and $3.50 Women's Welt Oxfords at 25 per cent off. One table of 100 pairs odds and ends, worth up to $5, at. $1.00 DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. Rock Island Excursions JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION COLORADO .... LOW RATES DAILY INCLUDING VARIABLE! ROUTES WITH STOP-OVBKS. CHICAGO he GREAT LAKES CALIFORNIA No. Pacific Coast Canadian, New York and New England Resorts J BOSTON LOW RATES DAILY RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER 3Ut LOW RATES DAILY RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER ilA LOW RATES DAILY DIRECT AND CIRCLS TRIPS. ONE FARE PLUS $2 RETURN LIMIT THIRTY DAYS. SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS BOLD JULY 26-1 RETURN LIMIT AUGUST 81st. For further Particulars call or write. TICKET OFFICE 1828 FARNAM OMAHA, NEB. A Hand Painted PLATE would make a ntca sift for th friend you vtalt this summer. We put It up In nice box. They are painted by our beat trtkiti. Stop In and look them ever. LOOK FOR THE NAMK. 9. W. LINDSAY. Jewsler