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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1907)
id" TITC OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JULY 175, 1907. - REAL ESTATE FARM nnd HAM II I.A.NDM FOR B4I.H (Continued! REAL ESTATE city rnorrnTYVoR ialb. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKRTY FOR SAUK. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PBtiPESTT FOR SALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITT riHil'KIITV FOR S4.I.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE F A It M AMI IHMM I.AMIS FOR S (Continued. J CITY PROPKHTV FOR SAI.B. (Continued. DUNDEE . ' not take . car ride to Dundee one of these hot euramer evenings and look over the many Improve ments that have been go ; lng on since early spring. The street car line has Just been extended to the grounds of the Happy Hol low Oolf club. Many blocks of choice building lots have been graded, trees planted, cement sidewalks built. Yon can reach Dun dee In about fifteen min utes from 16th street by taking a West Farnara Dundee car, which runs every eight minutes on this line. Tou can have all conveniences In your home In Dundee that you can have In the city of Omaha, the same com panies that furnish water, ' gas and electric light to Omaha also furnish Dun dee. Everyone who has visited Dundee recently re- . marks about the uniform shade trees and sidewalks all over the village. If you . - are Interested In building '. a suburban home do not hesitate to call at our of ' flee and ask us any ques tions about Dundee prop erty at any time. We are always willing to send a representative from our of 1 flee to show you over the .. ground at your own con venience. We have some of the choicest building ' lots which are now being offered In the beautiful suburb at the low price of $650 etch: terms one fourth cash, balance at 6 per cent.- As an lnvest- ment proposition these lots are excellent. As a place to build a suburban home they are Ideal. Many beau tiful residences have been built there during the past year, and many more are now in process of construc tion. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. 19)-M4fi4 27 For Sale Three modern 9-room houses, 507, 509, 511 South 25th Ave. Rents for $1,170 a year. Lot 66x112. Price, $9,000; terms $2,500 cash, bal ance $500 a year from July 1st, 1908, interest 5 per cent. Pays 13 per cent on investment. Thomas Brennan Room 1 New York Life Bldg. ' 'Phone Douglas 1264. OS) 654 28 4209 Cuming St. T rooms, modern except furnace, paved street, Rood barn and some line (hade trees. Price, $2,160, oh your own terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. ' 1st. Fl. N. Y. Life Bldg. , , Tel. Doug. 17X1. If It s a bargain, they have it" . . 19)-M31 SO CLOSE IN Three 5-room cottages, nearly completed, on Blondu Bt., between Itith and iTth; all thoroughly well built; bricked up cellar: double floor; (trtctly modern with the exception of heat; permanent sidewalks will be laid In street and lot nicely sodded Prices ranging from $2,260 to $2,5)0. Easy terms to good parties. C. G. Carlberg, HI New York Life Building. (19) When out driving, see Keystone park. 1 mile west of Benson post office. 1) MODERN HOUSE Elegant 10-room residence on fined street In West Farnam district; new and com plete In ever? way, for fll.OOu. lllCKd. 43 BOAKJD TRADE BLDO 09)-M3 28 CHEAP LOTS We ean offer for quick sate the fine lot with S3 feet frontage on l&th St., Just north of Capitol Ava, one of the finest locations In this city for a home, or to build flats on If you want a plaue where you can double i your money, call and see us at once. Prlcs nljr $3,750. HICKS REAL ESTATE COMPANY 43 Board of Trade Bldg. 7VL Douglas 11a. $3,750.00 Brand new house finished in Oeorgla bine, on 24th Ave., Just south of Harney. Six rooms and space to finish off two nmre fooms. All modern except furnace. This blaoe Is easily worth RJ66. act quickly, 1 party la leaving city aud this won t last Vmg. J. KENDIS & SON J. H. DUM0NT & SON HOMES IS.nflO 7-room, strictly modern, 2-story house In Bemls Park dtstrh't, one-half block from street car; Immediate posses sion. $4,0"0 t rooms and reception hall, moilwn In every restiect. ten blocks from court house, one-half block from Farnam cnr. $4,250 Vety desirable home, moilern throughout, full lot on car line. In west ern part of city; house cost over I4.0n0 and lot Is worth 11.000. Built for a home; oc cupied by owner. $9,0i 8uperbly located home on Farnam Bt. hill; hardwood finish; book cases built Int reception hall and living room com bined. An Ideal home for some one. INVESTMENTS Store building on Douglas, near 14th 8t., will sell lot and 1-story building, Including party walls, both sides, stories high. Full particulars and price on request. $1R,04) A block of three a-room hrlck houses with hardwood finish; modern In every respect; on Farnam St. hill. Pays nearly 10 per cent net. These bouses were built In 19u6. SlO.oiO Double 9-room hrlck house and full corner lot on Farnam Bt, close In. Room for another double house. This property Is paying well now and can be made to pay an exceptionally high rat. BUSINESS PROPERTY $14,00O-6x132 feet on Farnam, between toth and 24th. Good location for most any business. Do you realise what the opening of 24th St. means? $4,250 S8xl22 feet on Farnam Bt., near twh. Store building and dwelling rented. WU MUX E AUGUST 1st MAIN FLOOR BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING J. H. DUMONT & SON 90tV N. Y. Life Bldg. FINE WEST FARNAM STREET HOMES, $14000 Will, buy the larre residence of wa. m auuui 01 uouge. This Is a beautiful house and was built by the owner for a homo. Is finished In quartered oak, has a billiard room and tiled bath room. The Interior finish, plumbing, light ing fixtures and hardware are the very best; lot 5xi:J. Here is a rare chance to buy an elegant home T a hurtrsln t I.760VV1I1 buy another home In the same uiainci as me anove, with an 8 room fully modern house. In perfect repair. OTHER HOUSES f 6,000 Fast front 8-room modern house on Oeorgla Ave., near Pacific. I 4,750 New S-room modern, east front i. ..uoe, mil water neat, nnlshed in hard wood, with maple floors, cor ner 3oth and Hurt Sts. Owner re moving tmm nUu t 2,800 8-room modern house, barn and full . earn iront tot, near Hanscom Park. I 2,400-New 6-room cottage. Just finished. m. oi'i v oaries at., Wltn so foot south front lot and permanent sidewalks: Von wn)iM Itl,. I, it i. I 1,850 4-room house and lot, 44x132 No 1108 N 17th Rt S NT AD ' " $ LOW 4-room house and lot on Pierce St., mar See my "ad" In World-Horald of choice building lots. ,J. W. ROBBINS 1803 FARNAM BT. TEL. DOUO. 529. (19)- $15.00 a Month . Secures A Home tl.S50.00. 6 rooms near 31 st and Emmet Sts. Small payment down and about $15.00 per month. $2,800.00, 8 rooms near 30th and Emmet Sts. Small payment down and about $25.00 per month. $3,000.00. 8 rooms near 30th and Bristol Sts. Small cash payment and about $25.00 per month. We have a large number of vacant lots In the north part of the city that can be sol on 'very easy terms. 1614 Harney Bt, nd Floor. Phone '. Nolan & Co. 1614 Harney St., 2d Floor. "Phone Doug. 64R7. 'Phone Doug. C487. (19)-619 28 CHOICE CORNER 28th Ave. and Ames, $500. C. G. Carlberg, lf N. T. life Bldg. (13) The finest automobile drive In the state of Nebraska, Is the new t miles of graded boulevards In Keystone park. (1) New Dundee Home for $5,000 . A new modern eight-room house, hard wood finish, HOT WATER 11 EAT, com plete In every respect. On a full lot halt block from car line. Let us show It to you. R. C. PETERS A CO.. 220 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. I- TTIREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND FLAT BUILD ING ON 16T1I STREET Noa. 711-714-716 8. 16th St. A first-class business Investment, close to the beat retail district. Building Is always rented and Is now bringing In $3,730 per year gross. Double frontage lot with oi feet on 16th St. and 86 feet on 17th St. This build ing Is one of the best con structed of Its kind In the city of Omaha and Is In excellent repair throughout. Terms very very reaaouaUe to responsible buyer. For turther particulars rail at our office. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnara St. (1-Hil7 a ACRF.S West Leavenworth district; (-acre tract on both, one-half block north of Leavenworth, can be bought for cash at tutu per acre. AddruM V 144. care Hoe. 0 u yx tmoni K)Xl33 on 10th Bt. south of Dodge; trackage In alley; small frame house rented, $15 per month. VACANT $7nn einuth front on Marcy Bt., near 33d. Offer wanted. $.) to Sl'.v each Several lots neiir Coun try cluh. Only a few left at these prices. Adjoining lots held at $r-r or more each. gc,, 1 tfix 1 B5 ft., on South 4oth St., excep tionally fine loc ation and $10 per front foot less than value. $4.2v Cheapest corner In West Farnam district, xl.2 ft. This Is a beautiful piece of ground. Full particulars on request. $2.2r0 Two full lots In Dundee. This Is a corner on the car line. $1.4uo Price Just reduced from $1,500. Full south and east front on South 4W.h. Make an offer. $1,060 Full lot In Bern is park, half block from car line. Very few left;, none as cheap as this one. BENSON 4-room cnttaire and full lot. S1,2o0. A 5 room cottage, with full lot, $l.tno, and quite a number of vacant lots, some of them set to fruit, $125 to $lii0 each; easy terms. Ten minute car service; no city taxes; paved road to Omaha. No other property simi larly situated can be bought at correspond ing prices. SUBURBAN Oie of the most sightly homes near Omaha; large ten-room house and abun dance of bearing fruit; belongs to a widow and must be sold. 40 acres of vacant land, ij-mlle from houth Omaha mile from grade of su burban railway; $1!K) per acre. 10 acres, high and slshtlv: 2 choice holl.l. ng sites; 5 blocks from Florence car line; aved road on two sides; $3,000. DA TO 1605 FAUX AM ST. (19)- KEYSTONE PARK HAVE YOU SEEN IT! Five more sales have been made In KeyBtono Tark this week. Every one of these huve been purchased for a home. Suburban property, around Omaha, is the best In vestment to be found today. It will only be a question of time unlil these tracts, sell ing now at from $175 to $300 an acre, will double In price. Lots are now selling In lien son at $ri00 a lot, which equals $(X per acre. One mile west, , we are selling the most beau tiful acreage, In Keystone Park, at $300 to $300 an acre. Why this wonderful differ- ' ence? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg, Tel. Douglas 1781. D. V. SIIOLES CO., ' -i ' Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49. 09)- Near "All Saints" Church. Six-room all modern cottage, east front lot, 62x132; cement walks, paved street, plenty of shrubbery, etc. This cottage is located on one. of the best streets In this part of the city and Is cheap at $3.Sm. 'Phone Doug. 685. Bemis, Paxton Block. (19)- For Sale Two modern 9-room brick bouses, at 1124 1126 South 31st St. Rents for $840 a year. Lot 75x150. East front, Price $9,000; .terms $.3, 500 cash.; balance $500 a year from July 1st, 1908, interest 5 per cent. Pays over 9 per cent on investment. Thomas Brennan Room lNew York Life Bldg. 'Prone Douglas 1264. (19) ONLY $2,875 For one of the finest and larcent l ts In the cream of the West F. mam resldeno district. IIICK.S 439 Board of Trade Bldg. (19)- $4,000 NINE-ROOM HOUSE IIANSCOM PARK DISTRICT On asphalt paved street, permanent walks In front and around the house. New barn for two horses and two carriages. Lot MX 150 feet, paving paid, lurge shade trees. House has reception room, parlor, sitting room, dining room and three bed rooms and hath on first floor. One bed room and large storeroom on second floor, strlctlv all modern, good furnace, nlshlorhood the very best. House No. 1311 Georgia Ave. Terms, $l,5ui cash, balance monthly payment of $M per month, which includes interest. Call and let us show you through. Lot slone Is worth $2.5U. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Be Building. () ONE-HALF acre Belvedere addition. Im proved, 17W-ft. frontage, block from Miller park and car line; make offer for It, with or without building. W. A. HANSEN, Thirtieth and Redtck. 'l'hune Webster (19 &8 JAX TWO liOl SES NORTH. $2,5003a N. lxth St., lot Jfxia, 8 rooms. wun attic. $3.-25n N. ISth St.. lot 491x125. rooms, with attic and barn. Btth near school and two car lines. Fur nace and new plumbing. HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO. $17 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 'i'hone Red 744. Growing In Popularity It Is generally conceded by hi I In position to know that Omaha's only lake resort iNakomis is dally becoming more popular; that twice as many peonle will enjoy the prlvllcn' h of bathing, rawing and sailing this season as an previous summer; that the 1'sik Hoard's new Boulevard around the lake meets with popular avproval as a great public enterprise for the comfort, convenience and recreation of the people. There Is only one resilience section of the city overlooking and within walking dis tance of lke Nakouila BOl'l.KVAKD l'ARK. Spragun Bt. Boulevard Is the con necting link in the chain between 2Wh St. Boulevard nnd Sherman Ave., enroute to tjto lake. Pound to be a great tUorouirh faie. BOT'LKV ARD PARK lies on both sides of Sptague St. Don't delay buying tin prices nave oeen advanced. Huy now while good lots may bo had for $37F to $iitK. Oo and see for yourself the beautiful loca tion, homes, houses under construction, buy and build a modern home there. Prices, tirms, particulars on request.- Take Sher man Ave. car to Sprague St. and turn west DWELLINGS IN GENERAL Eight Room Modern A new, 8-room, oak finish downstairs, Georgia pine finish second floor, modern from cellar to garret, corner lot, cement walks, block from car. In Boulevard Park $a,buo. Cottage B-room cottage. 2 blocks from 24th car; built two or three years, nice bath room, east front lot $2,100. AValnut Hill Cottage B-room cottage. 2 lots, handy to car, re modeled, special price for quick sale $-',000. Florence Boulevard Dwelling 6-room. modern, built three years, every convenience, east front, half block car--$3.4(10. Modern Dwelling Building Come In and see plans for a 9-room mod ern dwelling now building In Boulevard 1'ark. It will be finished ready to move into before you could And or build another. Shimer & Chase Co. Fruit and Garden Farms. R residence and Business Property. IOCS Farnam. Orange front. Douglas 3887 119) $50 CASH Bnlanee $10 per month, buys an elegant lUllside lot with sewer in street on 2th Ave., between Burdette and Yates. Price only $.Vj0. Size 6:xl(4. Will wonders never ceaBe? These lots used to sell for $J,0i C each, and would still be considered cheap at $TiOO. C. G. Carlberg, 911 New Tork Life Building. 09)- NEW HOUSE at 23d and Harney. Buy In a topnotch lo cation when It costs no more than In ferior ones. First-class materials bought direct and in lurge quantities enables me ( to sell you a better house for several hundred dollars less money than it would cost you if building only one. 82'H Harney A handsome cottage of six rooms, very pretty reception room and stairs, large living room with mantel, all finished In oak, with oak floors; kitchen, Iantry, tin closet and refrigerator room finished In birch, with maple floors; laun dry In busement; second floor has three bedrooms and bath; combination side lights for dressers; medicine cabinet, with bevel plate mirror and side lights; best plumbing and heating; nice lawn, cement walks and steps; price, $4,600; ai, casn Earnest Sweet, 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. 09) Six Rooms Close in for $2,500 We offer a six-room modern house. No. 211 N. 23rd St., with 40 ft. frontage. Look at this, for 6-room cottages close In are getting scarce. R. C. PETERS & CO., 20 S. 17th BL, Bee Bldg. 19- Farnam Residence New 8-room house, oak finish, highly polished OHk floors, all finish, a plana finish, bedrooms and bathrooms, enameled, nlckle plumbing, furnace, lovely lawn, workmanship the very best, oak mantle gas grate; a bargain; see it at once. C. P. TRAVER, 'Phone Red 4721. 1KM Farnam. (191 bos 'Jt A BARGAIN $2,500.00 4517 Lafayette Ave. Lot 100x150 ft., 5-room cot tage and bath on first floor; basement, laundry, work shop and large furnace room (brick floor); parlor, quarter-sawed oak and oak floor; balance of rooms grained In oak; lot fenced; trees and Bhrubbery of all kinds. Must be sold by August 1, owner leaving city. Tli is is Uie home of E. L. Bal bach. McCague Investment Co. 153 DODGE ST. (1) ll 28 YOU WANT THIS. 5-room cottage, newly repaired and In fine shape, city water, double floors, storm windows, screens, cellar bricked up, barn, fruit aud hade trees, fenced, brick side walk, south front lot, two blocks to best car line In city, c lose to school, nice neigh borhood. H.3io, $X0 cash, balance terms to SILAS ROBBINS, Frenzer Blk. (l-t29 ISx $425 LOT ONLY $25 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH This lot lays well and Is located near Ave. and Camden. City water, sewer and gas In front of lot. Only one block from street f r. See us at once. UUiKCi 4k OO., 1U1 Farnam Bt. 0 61 2$ REMOVAL NOTICE TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS: It is our pleasure to announce that wo have out grown our offices and have now moved from Rooms (HH-2-3, to the Main Floor of the New York Life Build ing, at the North End of Rotunda, straight in from Main Entrance. Our facilities are now largely increased, and we are splendidly equipped in every department Real Estate Sales, Mortgage Ixians, Fire Insurance, and the Careful Management of Rental Properties. You are cordially invited to call and see us. PAYNE. B0STWICK & CO., MAIN FLOOR. NEW Wants Supplied WEST FARNAM S. E. coiner 38th Ave. and Farnam, we offer choice of three lots as follows: $2,700 47 ft. on 38th, facing west, by 87 ft. on Farnam. $2,300 45x87 ft., facing west on 38th St. $2,500 45x37 ft. corner on Harney St. These lots are in the cream part of West Omaha and are sure to be sold within the next few days, as there is nothing in the entire West Farnam section as desirable as these at the price for which they can' be sold, sepa rately. All streets are paved and paid for and there are permanent walks. Don't fail to see these over Sunday, for they are bound to sell.. 5 , per cent discount for cash. D. V. SnOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. D. 49. 01-634 28x $1.00 PER WEEK with $10 down buys an elcirant S. front. 60x132 foot lot, 3 toot terrace, two blocks to car line, will build on lot to suit pur chaser. J. W. RASP CO. 435 Paxton Block. Tel. DouRlas 1K53. (19) 53ti -a Be sure and drive out and see Keystone park today. (19) MUST SELL EIGIIT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT 2122 WIRT Sl One of the best located properties In northern part of city; house is 2 4x45, in good order, well arranged, has a large cellar all bricked up with brick partitions; stairway to a floored attic; open plumbing, cistern, large barn; south front lot 50x124; cement steps and brick walks; plenty of shade; a $ 1 0,000 home in the west. This prop erty originally cost $7,500 and Is now offered for $4,500, and Is going to be sold in a few days. A SIX-ROOM TWO-STORY HOUSE Modern except furnace; a new up-to-date bath room; three rooms down and three, upstairs, besides stairway to a floored attic; located at 3219 N. 2 5th St.; lot is .361180, with lots of shrub bery. This is a regular $3,000 prop erty; $2,000 .will get It. 66x124, on corner 34th and Jack son, for $1,100. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1294 -U) CHOICE Building Lots Location: First Class. Elevation: 5 ft. Terrace. Price: $20 per front foot on Dewey Ave. $35 per front foot on Harney street. Bewer all around the block. This ground, being east of the Boulevard and in the next block west of the First lluptlst church, Is sure to become fine resi dence property. The grading Is completed and contract has been let for artificial stone walk on Harney street, list street and on Dewey Ave. Pick out your location arid come In and secure 1U L. D. Spalding 'Phone Doug. 230. DO S. 13th St. (lv462 28 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $900 No. WIS IJndsay Ave.; good cottage, located on full lot, 46x 127 feet; good well of water; only S blocks from Harney Ht. car; house can easily be made modern; there Is a sewer In street. If you are interested In this property do not bother the tenant, but call at our of fice and let us take you out and show It to you. For fur ther particulars as to terms see GiXJRGB CO.. lSul Farnam Bt. (liO-Mua 30 $4,fi00 Splendid 7-room new and all modern home, eitiht blocks from Bennett's store. Select neiKhborhood. paved stieet. Owner wants to sell this week. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Fl. N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. "IX it's a bargain, they have It" (1-UM1 K YORK LIFE BUILDING. Dundee Lots, Only $50 Down One block from car line we have some choice Dundee lots', to 7. We linve the best lots at the lowest price In this suburb. R. C. PETERS & CO., 220 S. 17th St., Bee lildg. 19 KOUNTZE PLACE HOME FOR SALE 19:4 Emmet St., for only 4.9uO. Thla Is an all-modern, square house, built only two yeurs, quarter-sawed ouk fin ish and floors, combination gas and electric fixtures, furnace heat, 8 large rooms, elegant cornor lot, facing suuth on aa phalt paved etreet. 71x124 ft. Plenty of room to build two more houses If desired. House has Just been painted and la In good repair. Immediate pos sesHlon. Key at our office. For further particulars call at GEORGE & CO., lOul Farnam St. (19)-618 28 2210 FOWLER AVE. BUILT TO ORDER NEW, MODERN Beautiful south front lot, MxlSS feet, fine terrace, cement steps and walks all around, sawed oak floors, large living room 15x25 feet. Birch lireplace, beautifully papered, four good bed rooms, large floored attic, large porch, preHsed brick foundation, porcelain lined laundry, tubs In basement, fine furnace, everything the best. Can't be duplicated for la.OoO Owner will sell this on monthly payments to responsible party at reduced price If sold soon. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam Bt, Bee Building. CLOSE IN LOTS GxlS2 on Burt St. between 15th and 16th Sts.. south front, two old houses on lot, $4,600. 44x96 west front on 19th near Webster St., $2,900. 66x132 south front on Burt-t.. $3.6. 45x132 south front on Burt St. near 20th. $2,750. 66x132 north front on Cuming between 17th and 18th, $4,ti00. 70x120 northeast corner 25th Ave. and Dewey Ave., will trade for house and lot, $l,5u0. THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone Do tig las 297. as s. i4th st. (19) M 445 27 VACANT On South Twentieth Street. All special taxes paid; about 25 ft. extends from 20th through to Vinton, $750; the best bargain In Omaha. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Sole Agents. ' Phone D 2152. lOul N. Y. Life r.lde. (19J-M272 27 HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN 1806 South 29th (Georgia Ave.) Beautiful, large, thoroughly modern, eight-room house, In good repair, ce mented basement. east front, small barn, lot 50x150 ft. Nonresident will sacrifice to make quick tale. See me at onee. This Is a snap. CONRAD VOI'.NG. Tel. Douglaa 1571. 151 S Dodge Street. . (191 M135 2d $1,000 will buy one of the best homes In Kotinle Place. Modern in every way. Large barn. EJtst front. Street paved. Permanent sidewalk Easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room f. New York Life Bids. Phone Douglas 12irt. (19)-M119 A BARGAIN FOR 8ALE--room house; i niooern rxuepi neat, inquire on prein lses, 2oo3 N. Juth St. ai 2Sx CLOSE IN. 17th. near Nlc holas. T wo houses, one 7-room house. One 4-room house; c ity water, sewer, gas; permanent walk; paving all paid; rents for too; price, $3.40. B1RKETT & TEH HENS, 42S Bee Bldg. 'Phoiiv Doug. 4754. (19 6-ROOM cottage; modern; 30th and Man rierson. $2.:i6w. Nearly completed. N. M. Ixjomls, 2415 N. 24th. (li fill BIG SNAP for Investors; six cottages, near car line, fine rental property; onlv $h.;i. Address B 777, care Bee. (ID)- Mti-'S U(x ONLY If sold before end of July will my price of $15 Oca cash, hold good on inv property. Lot ti, block 7o. and lot 1 block 74, Bouth Omaha, Iteir-houi-cs upon Hum, Income about $jo0 a rnonthi a 15 per cent investment. Gerard lirand-'iihurg. Lot Angeles. Cal. (1U IF YOl7 are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Bulld trs, rooms 2l'-3i C 8. Nat l Bank liM', for prices and terms. (1S 10 $0 ACRES one mile west fiom end of Forest I-anri car line Fine grove, some fruit. Good road. rilghtly location: a bargain at $2,0uu 'Pbuue Webster 1D70. (1K i 24 KKAt, J'STATK'ST CC V t. HAS. !:. ll.l.l.V.MSON, 1'ies (19)-4CT LIST your probity with Cr.rli Boyet i-ii a.ul Cumiii Sts (13) "t If l.iokii.K fyj a 5, or 7-room cottage oi your own terms, "phone Web. 1S. Q9)-'3Q M'-T your properly with the Western Home tiullceis. rms. .'.'-.J Nebraska Natl. Bank Bldg lls-714 REM IS PARK DISTRICT S rooms, br-tml m w, strictly modern. M.0O. O'Ke- tc Kal ltate Co., 1001 N. T. Uf Hid. Q9) M977 11U S.-M K- Five acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocKM car. suitable fof pin nt nui or f n Impt nvninenl ; an o por tunity for someone. Addicts O 4:'V Bee. ti OJ IX yon 8A1.K 6-rooiii cotta. owner leavlngf city, wl.l sell at a ssnitlco. lOit NortH 4vth. .South Umuna. Tel. an. (19)-M14S 9-ltM'M house. 4Jd iim.I Vnlley Sts, fof t'Nt. Apply to J. Ji'Iikoii. 'Phono Hurtle (l'.n-M4M 2S P-KMOM modern house, w ith b.-ivn. . 8f.2 I m . !,!... i l M. ''."'"; li;lll' i ash. Se owner on premises. ( 1 !u M I ;3 29x REAL ESTATE FARM AI ItA.NCH L.V.HU KOH SAI.H Kb nsaa. WA NTK1 Aceiits to represent u In th of our KaiittifH hinds, rile for par tleuliirs. t'llobc KrfincJ and Investment ' 'D Omaha. Net). Uo W you SAI.H or trade. (',-; acres, Greely county, Kan., land, cheap. Address box 4.' Lincoln. Neb. I3(ii 17 liix .! iNKourl. NORTH Missouri Improved farms, all size and pi le i s; ; Is stoc ks of merchandise. . tor sale, svml for list. F. P. 1 llloheoek, KHKlevillo, Mo. (20) '.:! ACHDS, adjoining tovvns!t, in Weal bleau. Mil; nil timothy and clover haj fei.eid with three-wire fence; will sell ol tiiole lor Omaha properly; hay sold last v.iir for fl'" L T. Johnson Co. room Parker Block. 'Phone Red 12l; ( , 28 Montana. MONTANA ranch of 2S.vV) acres. Improved, nt $5."i per aero, very ileslruhlo, parties inicre.sieil address O 7W, Hoc. CM) 87 IX Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebrusku farms and rtnehee) (or homes or investment. Bemls, Omaha. (20) M'J7 100 ACRES of good, level farm land; will take tjuod autumuhllc or merchan dise uh payment. V. S. Realty ("o Hastings, Neb. (20 M431 28x FOR SALE or exchange, 72K a. In Hoit Co.. N"li.; a. deeded, 400 a. Kinkahl , homestead. Price, $2,500.00. Address Box 60, It. F. r No. 1, llartington. Neb. (20) M426 29X RANCH FOR SALE 1.2S0 acres, Banner1 county, Neb., improved, running water, etc.; $4.50 per acre if taken at once. Klm ball Land Co., Kimball, Neb. (20) M 153 30x 4SO-ACRE farm In Custer county, Improved; lame house, barn, etc.; loo ai res In crops, balance pasture. Price $s,tK); rash or Omal.a real estutc. Address G 747. Bee,' (20) 049 2kx FOR BALK $2,000 cash takes the lines clear nuuiier section In Holt county. Neb.: six ncres timber; adjoining quarter sohl for $:i,2oO. Address, E. Ilansell, 3414 Downey Ave., Los AugoleB, Cal. (20)-C44 28 FOR SALE CIO acres bottom land; church school and railroad station ono mile. Price $13.50. Address, Bcax 115, Thedlonl, Neb. i'A) 6M3 2hx DO.l'OLAS COUNTY FARMS. 80. VM, 180 acres; Mi-acre bargain, good upland, t miles from Elkhoin, $i5 per acre. J. A Gibbons, Elkhorn, Neb. (20) 77 31x aeattt Dakotau ARE TOTJ Interested In South Dakota? Tf so write to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, S. D., concerning the Li, IKK) acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and. Bully counties. They will answer you gladly. (20J-M3T9 Al 3'JO ncres of good deeded land In the fa mous Tripp Co., S. D , for sale at only $11.00 per aero. S. W. StaufTer. 20S S. 241b. St., Om lha. (30) 511 2fcx Bl'Y A FARM IN SOUTH DAKOTA, where you can take a homestead Joining. Write J. E. Hazlilt, Marlon. tJ. D. (20) Texas. TOPR CHANCE 20.000 acres, smooth corn land. Panhandle. Texas. $S.O0 an acre, on railroad, one-third cash. Box 402, Sibley. Iuvva. (20) M2t3 80x CATHOLIC COLONT In the Texas Pan. handle'; la miles northeast of Amarlllo and 2 miles from panhandle City, we have 26,. Ooa acres the most desirable laud In north, west Texas, offered exclusively to Cath. Olic settlers, on most favorable terms. Ss'u own this land. No agents. Write direct for full particulars. The Southwest Catholic Colonization Co., Room 1.&), Stein, nietz Bhlg., lvkln, 111. (20) WHEN you write to adverfiwrs remember It takes but t extra stroife or two ol the pen to mention the fact that you saw, the ad In The Bee Wyoming;. SPECIAL land harcrain balance of this month. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. (20)-237 SI THE VNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has just placed on the marke t THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF: ORAZINtJ LAND In Western Wyoming. 20,000 to Ui"M,ii acres of line sheep gnu-lug l.iiuls at fl.Oil to $i r,i j'ER ACKE TERMS ine-tei th down payment and ten years' time om the balance. If. you Intend to Invest In cheap bin-is, Bl.'Y NOW, The opportunity will riot Inst. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND ACIONCY, Oioah.i. Neb. Dept. "A," S. 15th Bt. rj0).-2ft 27 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. 1 l.omas, M rust .aiionai faille Hid. IXJANb on Improved Omaha property O Keet R. E Co., luol N. K. Lite Bldg? U2)-Hui, $1,1X0.000 TO L')AN on business and real propiriy in Omaha; lowest rales; no d"lay. 'i Liciuiuii, Room l, N. Y. Lile. (Si) WANTED- City loans and warrants. f Farnam binllh H. Co.. 13ii Farnuui Bt. Ui)-(H $.w TO i;,0,-iO To I)AN at loweht raUs no delay. UAliVIN l-ltoa, l!j04 FAKNamI (22 Wi PRIVATE MoNISlf-F. D. Wcad, 15 Dou J-H-u MONEY TO LOANPayne Investment CoT -MONKV TO loan' Cot our l'utfs ami terms before ar raiiKine; lor a loau on Omaha rtal t-B-tate. (Jarvin Iiros., K;04 Farnara . (22) LOWEbT RATES-Btmls, Paxton Block. Cti ) at WA.NTt1-City loans, ft. C PUr. Tel IA)-v4 (13) oa i