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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1907)
TlfK OMAHA DAILY. .BEE: .. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1007. i tin th ground. Th Hollon waa also denied. The court then askM If the defense had any other nun to how, "No other." wa th reply. C'oort Paosea ,m,irf, Judge Dunn, turning to Bchmlts, who had again Hoen. aald: "In pronouncing Judgment In thla cute. Ui court ha but Vary Httl comment to make. It ran be aald that the verdict of the Jury In thla i mftfi baa a deeper significant- than ordinarily attaches to the find ing of guilt. It g fa messss to all th people in th ety of Ban Francla-0 that law and orer are supreme, that no man, however x.fted hla atatlon or how atrong and powetul th political, social and financial nfltiences which surround him la above Xfst law. Eugene E. Schmlta, you have, heretofore ncruptfd the hlgheat office whlchthe city of Ban Francleco can confer on fre of Us rltlsens. Toil wore elevated to that position because of th confidence d trust rep"d In you by the mass of "I am here." Interrupted Bchmlta, In a vole ao quiet and controlled that It carried to the far corner of the room, "to receive sentence at your hand, and not to be hu miliated by a lecture which th newspaper can repeat In print." At thla there were a bus of excitement and a ahlftlng of feet on tli bare floor and an eager pressing forward by th crowd that waa aeparated from th couneel table i by a row of occupied chairs. Beyond I pausing, Judg Dunn paid no attention to the interruption. Tou were elevated to that position, l . say, because of the confidence and trust imposed In you ' Attorney Metson Interposed: "W ar here to take aentence," h said, "not to b lectured. We " AUTO STRIKES TROLLEY POLE Aeroaant and Actrea goffer Bever Injuries la Accident la Ik Bronx. NEW TORK. July S.-Dr. Julian P. Thomas, the aeronaut, lies In a aerlous con dition at Fordham hoapltal today, Buffering from a compound fracture of the leg and Internal Injuries received In an eutomobllu accident last night when the machine, carrying the aeronaut and two women com panions, crashed Into trolley pole In th Bronx. Phystclana said today that Dr. Thomas might hav to suffer th amputa tion of hla leg. Mias Florence Haas, an actreaa. who. with Mias Qrac Rogers, was with Dr. Thomas when th accident oc curred, waa so seriously Injured that physi cians amputated her left leg today at Fordham hoapltal. . Mlsa Roger waa In jured Internally but probably will recover. Dr. Thomas and his. friends were travel Ing at a high rat of speed down Jerome avenue last night. Near the entrance of Woodlawn cemetery th road makes a sharp turn which the aeronaut evidently did not so In the darkness. The machine crashed Into a heavy trolley pole and Dr. Thomas and his two companions were flung out of the machin as if from a cat apult. The automobile was reduced to crap Iron by th Impact. The report of the crash waa heard for some distance and mounted police and autolsts hurried to the scene and th injured were taken to the hospital. Dr. Thomas was found to have sustained a fracture of the right leg and to. have suffered Internal Injuries. Hla body was covered with bruise. Mia Haas and Miss Rogers both were uncon scious when found lying In the roadway. The physicians found that Miss Haas would have to undergo the amputation of her left leg to save her life. The curve where the accident occurred Is extremely dangerous and there hav been many acci dent at that paint.4 Twt 'women were killed at the curve laat year In an automo bile accident similar to the one last night. MILWAUKEE MEN GIYE BAIL Taos Iadlete4 for Alleged Conl I.aad Fraods Appear Befare Com sulssloner Bloodgood. MILWAVKEE, July .-Seven Mllwaukeo men, against whom Indictments were re turned by the federal grand Jury In Colo rado alleging' conspiracy to defrnud the government out of valuable coal lands, appeared before United States Court Com missioner Francis D. Bloodgood today for preliminary examination. The hearing was set for July 1t and th defendant were admitted to ball In P.m each. Th de fendants who appeared ar Henry J. Wehr, Charles F. Hunter, Guy D. Ooff. C. S. Carter, C. B. Cantright and J. M. and T. J. Perelea. Th other three men Indicted by th Denver grand Jury ' are Henry Benjamin, who t now at Carlabad. Germany: Walter Johnson, who ta believed to be in Chicago, and John I. 'Ledaln. who is In th west. Th Meaarav Perelea stated today that they acted merely In a legal capacity in th making out of incorporation papers for the Wteoeealn Coal Mining company, wtth which all th Indicted person men tioned ar connected, and that ther ws aa fraudulent, Intention by any of tho accused. J Good Crop Near Ktargls. BTURGIB. 8. V., July .-Spctal. Th !! fsimers of Mead county ar greatly re- j Juicing over th good prospects of crops . this season. If they are not hailed out -' they will far; exceed any former seaaon. I There has been lots of moisture, and far- !n)er sowed a much larger acreage than usual. You Don't i Cook Grape-Nuts food because it is scientific ally cooked at the, factory. 1 You Save all that time, trouble, fuel and wor' ry.' More cool, solid comfort and quiet energy in a saucer of Grape Nuts these hot days than in pounds l' of meat. ' . ! :. "There's a Reason" : . STANDARD OIL. STANDS PAT Attorney Refute to Make Statement to Jndfe Landi. COURT SffMJIAMLT TJXLS HEARD? Q Pise Aoarast 3 ! VVbca ) lent Shall Be Pooaeel oat tor aeratlm Larra Owtlta Foaltleaw CHICAGO. July 1 Th attorney for th Standard Oil company today declined to aubmlt any further evidence In th Inves tigation held on Saturday by Judg baa die In th United Btatea district court.' Judg Landla then announced that sentence will he paaaed on th Standard Oil company of Indiana, which was convicted of using Illegal railroad rates on Augut Judg Landla notified them at the cloe of court Saturday that h would listen to anything they had to present which they thought might show that they were Inno cent In other cases. It Is believed that It was his Intention to take Into considera tion any mitigating facta In fixing the fine. It Is understood that the Instructions given by Mr. Rockefeller himself In a con- ferepc at Attorney Miller's' office at'th clone of court Baturday were to present tli case as permitted by th court. Th ques- tlon WBt under dtecuaatun yesterday be- tween the attorneys and efneers of th company, but the final decision was post poned until today. District Attorney 81ms said yesterday that the question of asking for Indictments against th Standard Tjll company of New Jersey, based on the admissions of wit nesses In court on Saturday to the effect that th company had received mtleag of K of t cent on ears from the Union Tank Line company had not been considered at the present time. H Intimated that It might be th basis for further action against th company when the present cases ar ended. Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Miller, attorneys for th company, both denied that ther was any significance to the testimony on that point. Statement by Btaadard. Judge Landla asked tb attorney for th company: "Hav you anything to offer prior to the nterlng of a final order T" "W have a formal atatement to make," aid Attorney' Rosenthal. "Iwlll read It." The statement In substance waa aa fol lows: "In answer to the court aa to whether th defendant desires to offer any avldance tending to show that the defendant, or Che Standard Oil company of New Jersey, never violated tb later state commerce law be fore and denying th Jurisdiction of th court in th premises and contending- that thla entire Inquiry la beyond the legal power of the court, th defendant still Insisting that the record shows It ta Inno cent of the offense charged In the. Indict ment, th defendant desires to. say this: "There are In th reoord ao suggestions that thla defendant ever before was charged with violation of the interatate commerce law. ' "For thla defendant now ta assert Its Innocence of matters that It 1 not charged wtth or .Uetnpt to ,now ,t haa ,. Innocent of wrong doing In connection with matters outside of the recowd of this case would present a situation 'unheard of In Anglo-Saxon Jurisprudence;' ' ' hootd Keep ta Record. The statement asserted ai some.; length thaf the', court" had no, light to a qiitslds th record In this ease in considering the penalty. - .- v.-r ' The stat then conoludedi "If the occasion shall ever arise tn an appropriate proceedUig where 'this defend ant can, without any waiver of it legal rights, subject Itsajf to the question of Its having heretofore violated' the Interstate commerce law it will certainly appear that since the . passage of that' law there , ha been no violation of Its provisions by either the Standard OH company of New Jersey or th Standard OH ' company of In diana." Judge Landla listened with much Interest, and when, , th reading concluded, sad abruptly: .. .. "The flrtaj order In this case . will be entered Saturday, Auguat 3. : Call the next case." ' ' . MANY CATHOLICS TO GATHER ladfaaapoll to Bo Meeting Plaea of Noraeroas Representative of FaJth. . INDIANAPOLIS. July i.-Thl city will be th mecca for th Catholic societies in th United State July M and IT. It was announced today that all plana ar complete for the sixth national convention of the American Foderatton of Catholics, which' will open next Sunday, .'Bnalde th regular representatives ther wll b In attendance two Indian chiefs from South Dakota, Chief Horn Cloud and Chief No Water, who will represent 10,000 Catholic Indtsns. The chief will ' be accompanied by a missionary. Hon Jaqutn Ferran, presi dent of the federation 'of , Porto Rico; is also expected. Delegates will be present from nearly all the state and from, every loading Catholic Inatitutlon. . Divorce, o claltam, libraries, achoola, Indian affairs. and th crusade ana I nut Immorality, trlala and advertisement will be discussed.. . GRAIN SEX WIN THEIR POINT (Continued from Psge One ) not thought that any of the railroad will fell to heed the plain language contained 1n Mr. Lane's letter, which leaves no doubt of what th decision would be If th facts were before the commission." TEACHERS' FIFTIETH SESSION Katlonal Asaoetattoa Opens Important Meeting at I.os Angeles with Large Allesdasee. LOS ANGELES, Cal., July g. Tho fiftieth annual convention of the National Educational association conwned In Ixs Angeles today for five days' session. The meeting Is one of th most Important In the history of th organisation. Matters of th highest consequence In the educa tional work of the association. Including its reorganisation, adoption of a new con stitution and by-laws and the election of officers will come before It. Prominent educators are here from all parts of the United States and Mexico, Hawaii and scattering delegates from England and other foreign countries being represented. It Is estimated that the attendance Is about B.ono. This Includes teachers, prin cipals, superintendents and others actively engaged In educational work. In addition to this number there are many thousands of associate members and visitors to th city. According to the last official report th National Educational association has an active membership of S.000 and a total membership. Including associates and hon orary, of 24,000. Th last meeting of lf0 was to have been held .In San Francisco. but the earthquake and Are ther caused! a postponement. The boards of directors, which will choose three new trustees, held a meeting today. In addition to the general sessions which are to be held each evening, this week, meetings of the various departments of the association, seventeen In number, are scheduled to be held each day. com mencing Tuesday. The most Important business session of the present meeting will occur Wednesday when the new In corporation granted by act of congress and by-laws proposed at the Abury Park meeting will come up for adoption. New national officers wilt be named on that date also. The New York .delega tion, traveling on a special over tre Santa Fe, reached the city late today. PROPERTY IS RESPONSIBLE Health Commissioner Coanell State HI Position on l'assl tary House. Dr. Ralph Connell. health commlasloner, haa taken up the cudgels on behalf of cer tain tenants who are occupying houses now kept In unsanitary condition. Last week a ca was brought against the agent of the owner of the houses Involved In the contro versy and, the police Judge told the agent that the house must be placed In a sanitary condition or vacated. This decision was satisfactory to all concerned at the time, but th health commissioner takes exception to the manner In which It Is to be carYled out. "I am told," said Dr. Connell Monday, "that neighbors of th tenant have com plained of th condition of this house and have been told to swear out a warrant for th arrest of the tenant on charge of main taining a nuisance. I am further Informed that the, case has been prejudged and that tbe tenant la to be' frrred, If the .. la nushed. tho object being to Close the house -J until the neceearytmprovmerit are made. If thf police Judge pr anyone else expect me to cause a warrant to b Issued against the tenant In this case he Is mistaken. I had the agent of the owner In court and h was released with a caution. The owner lives In California, but the property should be responsible for its maintenance. I am going to tell that tenant to cease paying rent un til the repairs . are made and then w will sue If th owner will not act. "There Is no law for It, but If that tenant will pay ma th money h Is now paying th agent I will guarante to see that the repairs are mad. I am not going to be a party to punishing tenants for, the delin quencies of owners under any circum stances." , BUILDINGS AT FORT OMAHA Plaaa Approved and Bid Will Asked at Once, that Start May B Made. Ba Th plana for the big balloon hotiae and hydrogen ga generating building for Fort Omaha, with the wlreleea telegraph sta tion have been received back from Wash ington, und Major Thoma Cruse, chief quartermaster of the Department of the Mltsourl, will at once advertise for pro posals for the construction of the build ings which will be opened August S, and the contracts let for Immediate construc tion. It Is hoped to get the big buildings under way by the mld.Ue of August. All of th building will be constructed of structural steel and brick, and will be located at the north part of the Fort Omaha grounds. The balloon house will b- approximately feet long, yfi feet wide and over eighty feet high, with a great door aevcnty-frve ft high. THs will be used for housing and inflating t'e balloons to be used In tn oanoon "r ment under the directions of th signal ervloe. They will b Inflated with hydro gon gaa. from the ga Pnt to be built near tn oaiioon telegraph .tatlon will bo built on tb crest of th Mil north of th commanding of- flcer'a ijfuartere. " The work on the bulldlnga will be pushed to cqtnpletlon aa rapiuiy - . may, be completed by November 1. NW HOMES ONTHIRTY-EIGHTH J. Fran .k Caroeater fcatesi is wxmr ta Pretty Benldeae ectloa. h.a nemn excava- J. rrana .rii" " .. . . tloa for th. fine new home he wilt erect at the northwest comer 01 Cass street. Thirty-eighth atreet north of Faraam. for many years only a long stretch of vacant lot la changing Its appence rapidly. Captain Lawrence has almost completed a new home at the northwest corner of Thirty-eighth and Chicago and R. B. Buch has bought the northwest corner of Thirty eighth and California and will build a fin homo ther. Other houe. ar being planned. Th improvement 1 due largely to th paving on Thirty-eighth atreet. SECRETARY WILL GO ALONE ft. J. MeVaaa to Bepreeeat Omaha Biehan; at Iowa Grain Dealer' Meeting. Owing to tb hot weather th Omaha grain men could not' be Induced to attend th meeting of th Iowa Grain Dealers' aa oclatlon at De Molne Tuesday. The en tlr xchang went to Dm Molnea lat year, but that was In May. E. J. McVann will represent Mi Omaha Orln exchange the meeting and the Tranamlsstssippl Oraln company and the ..Updike Grain company will eend their tow traveling laou. . -. w v - GOVERNOR COMES IN EARLY Sheldon Takes No Chance on Mining the Ak-Sar-Ben Celebration. ' SATS HE IS dLA6 TO EE HERE Afternoon si School foe Deaf, ta Be Followed by Blvenlag; at tb Den, Where Mark Will Ie)UalaK. Governor George L. Sheldon arrived In Omaha Monday noon to b tho guest of King Ak-Sar-Ren XIII for a day. He ar rived early that he In conjunction with the Board of Trustee ef the Institute for th Deaf might Inspect the school which Is situated Just west of Omaha. Governor Sheldon was mt at the Bur lington station 'by R. B. Windham of Plattsmouth, Senstor L. C. Gibson, J. W. Stelnhart and J. O. Detweller of the board and W, M. Davidson, superintendent of In struction of Omaha schools and Superin tendent Rophert of the Iowa State School for the Deaf; . situated at Council Bluffs, whom th goverrior had Invited to accom pany him on his visit at the, school. As Boon as .the-governor reached Omaha he donned his '"booster" smile and aald he was resdy for the fray at the Den. "Whenever I visit Omaha In the futur I shall always think of the 10 splendid fel lows with whom I spent three such happy weeks," said the governor. "I enjoyed every minute of "that time, boosting for Omaha and Nebraska and I hope the city and state will reap bounteous rewards from the efforts .of those who went forth In search of new lands for trade. I must re Iterate what I said the final day of that trip and that Is that I never waa thrown with such a body of men of such uniform sterling Integrity who acquitted themselves with such honor to th city from which they came." "When I received the Invitation from King Ak-Sar-Ben to vfslt Omaha to assist In doing homage to the loyal cltixcns who had gone beyond the realms of Qulvera In search of hew' lands to conquer, I consid ered It In the nature of a command from the great king and her I am. I took no chances on a train being late, but came on an early train." RATS IN JAIL FRIGHTEN BOY Lad, Terrorised fcy Hla Experience la Sonth ' Omaha Jail, Make Desperate Fight. Terrorised by rata in the South Omaha city Jail, little Charles Hadesman viciously fought the officers who re-arrested him on a charge of Incorrigibility. Charles was ar-t rested by tho police some time ago and waa placed In a room at the police station. He told Mrs. Towle, the probation officer, he was afraid to go to sleep because of the activity, of the rodent population of the room. Consequently when the officers got after , him again he remembered the rats and fought like a young tiger. He was turned over to the Juvenile authorities and will stay at the detention, school until he can be eent back to Ch loft go, where .ls peo ple live. He la vleillng relatives In South Omaha. . Merrltt Peterson told the court he had stolen milk from the Waterloo creamery because he wanted to make some Ice cream. He said a negro named Atkins helped him break Into the placo. Roy Barlow and Bud Easton were aW, pfor (Jhe "court on charge erf stealing fhltH: ), . . Three young tourist from Chicago are at the Detention, hjol,, (Thajr drifted Into Omaha a few ilays-?aid and were picked up by the police. Edward Moore, 1 year old, and' John MaYuSTRT botn said they had disagreeable stepmother acid would not go horn.' They 'are being cared for until they cat find work. Walter Hager has had enough atghtaeelng and la longing for dear -old Chicago again. He will b sent back by the , local charity officer. A youth, who gave1- the two names, Wil lie Slmmona and Willie Emerson, waa be fore th court charged, with entering tho reaidence of a neighbor and hiding under the bed with the Intent to ransack tho house. Wllllo Is aald to- have, climbed a broomstkk. to get the. latch key by which he entered the house. Willie cried when he faced Judg Kennedy and was allowed to go horn under soporvlsion. INDIAN SUPPLY DEPOT BUSY fOmaJia Bidder Get Big Contract and More Shoold Take Pt. All of the Omaha "blddere who bid on supplies 'fur the Indian depot at th last opening of bids In My for current sup plies wer uccessfut in securing contracta. Thua far th. .approximate value of eup pllea furnished by Omaha houe alnc the award of btda la over $100,000. . An Impression haa prevailed among Omaha Jobbers that is waa next to use less to make bids on these supplies against Chlcsgo and Bt. Loula and even New York houses, because o(,' the discriminating freight tariffs In favor of those oltlea. Superintendent Jordan aald Monday In re gard to this matter: "I hav always bellsved It the part of pru dence for Omaha Jobbers to bid freely for these supplies. Among th Omaha bidder securing recent contracts are Armour & Co., who get a contract for S20.000 pounds of bacon, which you see beat the big army contract for bacon The Bee waa talking about a few weeks ago. '"Then they get the contract for SOU barrels of mess pork and also part of the big lard contraot. Swift and Company and th Cudahy Packing company also get meat contracts. L. O. Doup gets I a big contract, for mattresses that are mad right her in Omaha. Orchard Wllhelm get a big contract for chairs, and than there are the BCmla Bag oompany, Carter Whit Lead company, Richardson Drug eompany, C. L. Alleman. th local repre sentative of the Standard OH company, and the Midland Glass and Paint company, all get big contracts. Aside from th Omaha biddera a lot of th outside bidder have contracts for tinaha delivery. Th next proposals for supplies will be advertised for some tlm in Beptsmber and will be for dried fruits, cereal foods, canned fruits and vegetablea. Including tomatoes and th like." Th Indian ' warehouse Is now located at 801-11 Jones street, having been changed from th old Howard atreet location. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Too.ii- Pbivdo Cleans e8 and bet-ntlnes the teeth and'puxinea the breatb- TTsed by people of refinement br over a quiuter of a century. Convenient for tourists. ntlrAMD BY BULLETIN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANV The business upon which the earnings of the Nebraska Telephone Company are based is the result of many years of steady growth and consequently is of a most sub stantial and reliable character. Th finan ciering of the company has been on the most conservative lines. The company has no watered stock and no bonded indebted ness, but shows an honest dollar of value for every dollar of capitalization. For more than ten years without a break the company has earned six per cent dividend, annually, besides putting back into the property an amount sufficient to maintain it at the highest efficiency, and providing additional security by the accumulation of an emergeny fund. From time to time the company has is sued additional capital stock to provide for enlargements and extensions of its plant which earn their 6hare of fixed charges and strengthen the whole property. Recently the company has believed that the time has come for offering its stock in its own territory, for three reasons. First, because the property is in a more satisfac tory condition than ever before; second, because, by and large, the people of Omaha and Nebraska generally have more money than ever before to put into conservative investments; and third, because it is thought that the prosperity of the company will be even greater if its patrons become participators in its earnings. The Nebraska Telephone company offers you an opportunity to secure dividends on an investment in actual property which has been bought and paid for. Business men of Omaha who have investigated the Nebraska Telephone company have found ft in a thoroughly healthy condition. The company gives the best of service and is adding new connections at the rate of 10,000 a year. COLOR MAKES NO DIFFERENCE "oatkerai Railway Mast Famish Llk Acrommoda tleus to Person f AH Race. WASHINGTON. July fc-The Interstate Commerce commission today, In th case of Georgia Edward agalnat the Nashville. Chattanooga ft St. Loula railroad, held that where a railroad provided certain accommo dations for first-class passenger of th whit race It Is commanded by the law that like accommodations shall be provided for negroes who have purchased first-class tick ets. It holds that In this case It Is mani fest the railroad "ha unduly and unjustly discriminated In aom particulars against colored passengers" and orders that where th railroad provides a wash bowl and tow. la In the coaohes for white passengers and a separate smoking compartment, sim ilar accommodations shall 'be provided for negro passengers paying similar fare. The complainant, who had purchased a first-class ticket from Chattanooga, Tenn. to Dalton, Oa., waa removed from a car for white persons to one for negroes and com plained that she was discriminated against because of her color and not afforded eiual facilities. Commissioner Lane, who ren- Idered the decision of the commission, today i held: "The expense of the small smoking ; compartment In the latter (the car for ; whites) accounts for nearly all th differ ence tn cost between the two cars." He holds In this way because the broad Question of right under the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution to segregate whit and colored passengers ! has been uphekj by th supreme court of the United State. DEDICATE HICKS' MONUMENT Gift o City of Oahkoeh to Perpet ate Memory of Civil War Veterao. OSHKOSH, Wis.. July g.-Ths Hlck'a memorial monument, dedicated to perpetu ate the memory of the Wisconsin soldiers In the civil war. the gift to th city of 0h kosh of Colonel John Hicks. American mln- : lster to Chile, was unveiled today. Th un veiling took plac In the opera house square, at the north end of which th monument ! stand. The addresses were delivered In 1 the grand opera house. The address of the day waa delivered by Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chicago. The monument Is the work of Chevalier Gaetano Trentanove and was modelled and csst In riorene, Italy. Its bronse group Is ten feet In height, weighing four tons and surmounts a massive stone pedestal fifteen feet In height and weighing twenty-five tons. The central figure of the group Is that of an officer, the secondary ones tho ot a pri vate aoldler and a bugler. They are sup posed to represent the participants as about to engage In a hand-to-hand atruggle In battle. DR. BLUMER WILL NOT ACT Aaorooefcloar Barspeaa Trio1 Will Pro. est Hlsa from Jadgtag Mr. Kody'a Mia. PROVIPENCIX R- I.. JUly. l-Dr. O Alder Blumer of th ataff of tbe Butler Insane hospital, and one of the best known expert In anantaj diseases la Rhode Island, baa declined to act aa en of th oomaelera tn the examination to determine th com petency of Mr. Mary Baker O. Eddyi th July 8 Deadly Parallel No. 3. The so-called independent, promoter is trying to capitalize a franchiser that is, he is asking you to invest money in a right to do business. The right may be very valuable or it may be worse than useless. ' His proposition to give a bonus of $50 or $100 of stock with each $100 bond shows watered stock at the very outset. If disaster overtakes the new' company, each bondholder who accepts the bonus of common stock is liable under the Nebraska law for the debts of the company. The promoter will very naturally argue that the new company will not meet with disaster, but will prove a brilliant success, and yet he must admit that a second telephone com pany was never started in a city which wai at the time of starting as well equipped with telephones as Omaha. lie must ad mit that copper, which is one of the chief items of expense in telephone construction, is twice as high now as it was a few years ago, and that the total cost of construction has increased about 40 per cent in two years. The promoter must admit that the dull bond market and the high prices of mater ial were factors in the failure of the United States Independent Telephone Company which was capitalised for $50,000,000 and recently agreed to sell out the control for about 10 cents on the dol lar. He knows, if he won't admit it, that most of the independent, telephone compan' p have organized for the purpose of obtaining promoter's profits and have afterwards been unloaded upon the public, being baited with dividends paid out of capital instead of out of earnings. The promoter is utterly unable -to tell you certainly whether the independent tel ephone securities which he offers you so glibly will turn out on asset or a liability against your bank account. If the promoter builds now he must build at prices which will be a perpetual drag on the revenue of "his company. If the public does not take hold of his service as readily as he hopes, his plant, which has been built at almost prohibitive prices and at a time -when even good bonds are a drug upon the market, will lie idle until it becomes involved in debt beyond recovery. Even admitting that he finds business for his plantj'Jie must operate under the dual disadvantage of" high cost of material and the high cost of money. If he makes a good showing for his bond holders it will be at the expense of his subscribers. Christian Science leader, whose property and condition ar at present tit subject of a law suit brought by her "next friends" against several prominent mem bers of th Christian Sclenoo denomina tion. An approaching Ruropran trip of several months la assigned by Dr. Blumer aTR the reason for his declination. Pr. Blumer'a declination will necessitate the appointment of another com aster to act In connection with Judge Edgar Aid rich of the federal court, and Dr. Oeorg P. Jelly, the Boston alienist. . Newspapers Ravklna; 1st Cola. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D., July .-Bpe-clal,) rhe Pooh Bah of South ' Dakota Journalism la C L 8enn, of Lyman county, who a few days ago purchased from J. D. Ralney th plant of the Stanly County Homestead, a weekly newspaper pub lished at Hayes. In future th paper will be conducted under the direction of the new owner. Mr. Senn now controls eleven weekly newspapers In Lyman and Stanley counties, and la looking for mora worlds to conquer. Hundred of home steaders In that part of the state are mak ing final proofa on their homesteads, and the publication of the final proof notices, at 16 per notice, la proving a profitable business for the newspaper published In that region. Peewllar Accident to STl'RGIS, 8. D., July 8.-Speclal.-Rob-ert Craig met with a peculiar accident In Bear Butte valley. He was splitting wood, when hi ax waa struck by light ning and driven Into hla foot. Inflicting a very painful wound. Theatrical Merksalca Meet. BT. LOUIS, July I. Th eleventh bien nial convention of the Theatrical Mechan ic' association of the United Btstes and Canada began here today and will be tn session throuKhout the week. Delegates from fifty-three cities are h-re. The of ficers of the association are Grand Presi dent William T. HutlT. Grand Secretary Robert C. Newman, and Troaaarer Robert F. Gleason. It Is stated a proposition will be brought forth during the convention to strike out the word ''rrerhanlcs" from the title of the organisation and nuhstituts "mutual aid," to dispel the idea that the organisation I affiliated with the labor movement. Another pronoaillon to be ad vanced will be tli building of a home for agud and Infirm members In th central part of th country. . Jap to Hav Larger tteamers. SAN FRANCISCO, July t-Tho Toyo Ktsen Kaleha Transpacific line will begin th retirement of the flvet, consisting of th American Maru, th Hong Kong Mara and the Nippon Maru, from their preaent service at once and the veaaal Will be replaced by seven larger ones, three ot which are now building, while th steam Mhins now v tsltiim thla Dort will ply be tween the orient and South American rnrts. The new veeeels will n lwtB 000 and ,ufo tons displacement, which I about 1.60) tone greater than the boats In service at present. They will be equipped WHERE troth's 2I 8eth Fourteenth Street, Chinese, Mexican, Italian Dishes a Specialty., Chop Suey Chili Con Carne Spaghetti Chinese Noodles Chili Mac Macaroni Prompt and Polite Service Open All Night v ' Orders Sent Out Given Special Attention. ; LadieV Parlon Up-tsin Phone Dougla B152.' STOCKS vs. BONDS with turbln engines and will be oil burn-' nrrtana In a Riot. ' MICHIGAN CITT. Ind., July -Follow. Ing a drunken carouse, mora than fifty Syrians and Turks engaged in a riot last night among themselves In a suburb known as th Byrlan settlement. Their weapons wer knives, clubs and stones. Several of the rioters were wounded. Two policemen who undertook to quell the dlatorbenc were overpowered. One of them. William Warner, was badly beaten and stabbed seriously. Th entire police force and a' company of firemen raided the settlement and quelled the row. Fifteen to twenty of th rioters wer arrested. News of Bellevne, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McChesney spent th Fourth in Red Oak, la. Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingston were Council Bluffs visitors last Sunday. . Mrs. Belle f. Clarke of Kearney was vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, last Saturday. James Mcuinley celebrated the Fourth la Auburn. Mr. and Mr. Ed StaufTer of Glen Elder, Kan., are parents of a baby boy. Mr. Kd Meyera, accompanied by her sis. ter and little niece, haa gone to spend a fAW weeks, In th noth western psrt of th state. Miss Rachel Furguson has been visiting In Lincoln for a few days. Miss Edith Wright, who tsught at Avery laat year, entertained her students on the lawn at her horn one. afternoon last week. Mrs. Lrfler and daughter and Miss Klva Jarman of South Cunaha wer among the Bellevu vialtora the Fourth. Mr. Phlneas Ueckstead snd Miss Ethel Hlndmsn were married lust Tuesday at 11:00 o'clock. The ceremony took plac at PlattamOuth. Mias Marguerite Bradley waa bridesmaid and Mr. Karl Longheln at tended the groom. Mr. and Mra. tteckktsad will make their home at Avery. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Helen Black to Mr. Charles Mc Claln. Mr. Teddl Talboe, formerly of South Omaha, who was tn th L street acli-nt, received damages last week. Mr. Talboe was one of those seriously Injured snd says he would not go through the experience again for any amount. Bellavue had more than the usual num ber of large plonlc parties from Oman and South Omaha ths Fourth. A. B. Hubermann, 0 years at 8. E. Cor. Uth and Douglas. 10 years direct diamond Importer, sold at Import prices. rrATc,yTS tnat PRQTrCT I J Oar ) iMki nf laatiiori aalM aa rwiil ff ft ea. J 1 JatB.l0i"aMftct).B.fc frib-ymj TO EAT it. OAR AND CHILI... Parlor i