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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 0. 1907.' 5 OFFERED FOR RENT Flenses t (! t- Continued. FOR RKXT- 4 room Ih apartment pat; city water. k. 1VS N. lvhSt.-.tlO. C. M. tiichmtnn, 4.18 paxton Block. d . . GlD-MSTS FLAT, full rnodern. 8 rooms, heslde, barh nil private hall;. newly done up; gas ranpi. etc ; entire building being put In perfect order: bent Jlsls in north part of lr . , 4 ! . I . r, r f i Call. Investigate thin; Lo. BKMI8, ration Block. (15) iliH FDR RKNT-6 room, rrtnrlern heat; water pa'd 1808 N. S!d St.; U Phone Harney 2;W. ', '" ' (15)-M922 29x FOR RENT Larue store room, 16th and Vinton 8s. C. M. Dichmann, 437 Paxton block. (1T 3 KB MOVE PIANOS-Magrard Vanan1 ,41orage. Co. Tel. Douglas 1454. OfTce, KI3 v Webster Bt. (IB) -8U4 LARGE 8-room house, 4f'lfi No. Ttth, $l.fln per month. Apply E. 3. Bulllvan, 120T Hr- . ney Ft. (16-676 FOR RENT MO Dewey Ave., )-room house modern Improvements, 3?,5.10 per month. Apply 313 Harney fit, CIBj 676 8 FOR RENT 6-room modirn house, 4fJ N. Wth St.; this I easy walking distance Inquire C. V. BIIt-on premises or at Flritt Nstlohal bank. (15) M721 I t-ROOM cottage, aH modern. barn. (15)- K0 N. M716 Z7th t. ONE block west of High School, large com- lortanle room; mortem hous-: larre, shady yard. 2304 Davenport Ht. (15-M714 Is t-ROOM house, 4616 Davenport, 118. Take Dundee oar. ' (15)-MS0 9 . - - - - .. , ONE 7-ronm haute, one 6-room houae, mod ern except furnace. 326 and 122; one li room houne, city water In kitchen. Chrla Boyef, 2133 Cuming St. Hi) ::tt . $33.00 " 131S N. 8.1. St., brand now. trlctly modem, key at our bfTio. Telephone D. 2152, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. . 1001 N." Yi Life Bldg. ' 16-M478 10 4J44 FRANKLIN" Iff., -r modern, oak flnlah, south front, 1:7. 50. i nw firreom cottagen, 29th and Spauld- Injt. 1S17 South 16trl St.. -r., modern, t30. J0 IW.ath lSfh, 11-r., modern, just re modeled. . HASTINGS HEY DEN, . 1704 Frnam Ht. (13) M82 9 Balldlaaja. 1112 ItARNEY- ST. 3 (oora and basement. IWxK) feet;, aullable for whnleanle. Mc Cngue lnveatment Co., 150 Dodge 8t. (16)-S37 THE entire building; formerly occupied by the Daily Newr 44t3Q feet, 2 atorlea and bament. McC'ague lnveatment Co.. 1iW6 DodKe Bt. (16) S30 CENTRAL HOTEI 20 rooma. Write at once. J. L. Candy, Humboldt. Neb. (IS) ftlCOl x 4 : i . Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The foar-etory avod baaement brick build ing at Hi karnaiu St. Apply at Bualneaa ofllc of The Bee. (IB) M380 .. . . : Oftleea. FOR RENT Dealt room In Bea office, city 'imii uuiitiina. ' n. nin si.. Dontn ' Omaha," Appy lo manager. (15)-U4 Mora on first' floor at 1212. Fa mam. (!.)-& TtOPR) w! TtarfredT-elPgaHt Yor office 1213 Farnam.' (15) S40 It la very seldom that good outside space . In a well appointed office building Is avail able. At the. present time have a beautiful suite of two rooms on the firth floor, with il anj south IlKht, a large vault, which makes this a moat desirable . apace during either, summer or winter. awom No. 54 la now vacant and ta 14xlt, with a good-aiaad vault; has east light. A new hard-wood floor waa recently put In thla room. ... Svesybcdy in Omaha know the location of the . Una building; it la central, close to the city hall and county court house. There are several hundred people who spend mora time here than In their homes and any one of them will testify as to the care-thev receive here. For further, particular call THH BEE BUILDING CO. 1 17TH AND FARNAM. (16,-434 tores. FOR RENT I-arge store room, with good . basement, 24i9 Sj, 16th 8L, Hi. C. M. BACHMANN. 4J Wxion Blk. ;: . . ' (16) M71 TORE ROOM, 1103 N. 18th St.. 30. BEMJ3. PAXTON BLK. r Pbone Dotiyias 5y5 . (16 414 OFFERED FOR SALE .. :. Feela. . ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing to per feet, tot N.' licit Bt. Tel. Red - - - ' (1)-Wi nrattare. " 3D-HA.ND furniture bought and sold; busi ness en the square. .Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago FuriiUir Co., U.3 S. uttu D. 6885. 0) M970JV27 FURNITURE for 4-eoom cottage for aale . cheap. . Call 1413 CUlvago.. (16-M75 13x FOR SAIJi Cheap. Xurnlture and stoves. . eul 8. 3ilu.Jal. Call venues. , . ; j (lay-tS 16 Plaaoa, yrgcaas, Maslcal last raaieats. FOR BALE All pianos unsold In Bennett's since the fire have been removed to 43 B. 16th St., .wUsre every one will be. sold re gardless of price. Come and get one at your own, price. (1) M7 .SPECIAL : PIANO ; BARGAINS Cottage nprlghr. used only 1 year ..82 Kinibfclt. upright, large alse 90 ger, upright, walnut emae 108 Chlckerlng, upright, parlor alse 135 Voso ft Bona, fine tone.'. l$ Essy payments of 88 ta 16 per month. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, 1511-1313 Faraam St. Pbona Douglas Its. ' lit MM tl.tUANT Upright piano, nearl rly new, very (il)-M707 13 rntiip, is jx. st. KIMBALL urrlght piano, fine condl'lrn. i'J Owuer leaving ity. 1819 Davenpart. 118J-UT ltx CHOICE OFFICES OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.! Fowl and Billiard Tables. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in rheae bar fixtures: easy payments. IVunn-w-lck-Balke-Collendar, 4o7 S. 10th ft. (14)-845 Tfwrltfr fnli Marklan. TYPEWRITER SALE Aft machine taken In exchange will be. cloned out at unheard frrm. Typewriter Exchange. 841 Paxton llock. (16 MS71 FOR SALE High grsde secondhand type writer; good rondltion; a bargain at I O. Call loom 603. tieo Bldg. (16) (71 ONE Remington typewriter. No. t. In good condition, (or aale cheap. Call at Bee Office. (16 629x MUeellaneoaa. GAS, ELECTRIC COMBINATION FIXTURES Special low price during June to reduce Mock: order now; gooda delivered when BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Telephone Douglaa 681. 313 8. lMh St. 06)-846 6END tie your mall orders for druga: freight paid on 110 lota. . Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16)-eW FOR RALE On Thursday. Jul 11, 1WT7. I will ell at O Donahoe-Hedmona-Nor-.mlle'a place of buslneaa, either separately 'or In bulk, all flxturea and furnitures be longing to said company. Inspection may be made at any time. WILLIAM J. COAD, Receiver. (!) M562 8HERWIN WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. . U)-192 HOMEOPATHIC medlclnee. wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 HO!tfIC MADE GRAPE WINE 10 YEARS OLD. 11.00 PER GALLON. CACKLEY BROS.. OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CE. (1)-341 1 HAU. 8 safea, new, 2d-harjd. ISIS Farnam. (l)-47 FINE coal range, with waterhack, good as new; also medlum-aized gas stove. 3128 Chicago St. 1 M734 t DRfOS at cut pricea; freight paid on 310 orrlers: catalogue free. SHERMAN & MCONNE1X DRL'O CO., Omaha. Neb. (1-M41 UNIVERSAL Encyclopedia, 12 new vol ti fries, coct KS, lravlng city; give me . Roberts. 2H6 Mlama. (16)-M70 Ux FOR SALE Cinders; LOc a load. Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha. (16 M670 I 8TEEL range and Art Garland heater. J612 Parker St. (Wl M7z7 9x (1)-M3 10 FOR SALB Complete threshing otitfit, In running order, consisting of a It-horse power Aultman-Taylor engine and J. I, Cas separator. Including patent feeder and awing stacker. Can be bought at such a figuro that It will pay for Itself in a mirty-day run.- tor particulars. crII or write Washington County Bank. Ft. Calhoun, Neb. U) ( 11 FOR SALE First-class store fixtures, showcaxea, etc. Globe Iand and Invest ment Co., MU2 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (16) 850 FOR SALE Roll top desk, city maps, safe ana cnairs. tai faxton biocr. GO-M782 13 KODAK Eastman. 4x8 film, for salo Telephone Douglaa 8481 after. 7 p. ni (16) SOS 8 COUNTER platform scale, weighs 2T0; counter coffee mill, nearly new. chean. 309 N. 16th. (161818 Hx ENGINE. IS horse boiler. 20 horse Sharp i lesa crenm aeparator, like new. for less than half price. Beeda.. Meek link. 8. D. . .. . (xe-Msa i FOR BALE Moving picture outfit com . plete. Edison njachlne, chairs, curtain, ect. Geo. I. Klnkead, general delivery, Omaha. (1H M-867-llx PATENTS LARSON & CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. U7-856 D. O. BAR NELL. paUat attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. T117. (17-i$ JyU PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Bhnts pressed, nut Ironed. Ill B. 11th St. Tel. Doug. 4. (lS)-aai OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. ' Ramge Bldg. ' (18J-867 SEWING machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., lath and Harney. .'Phone Doug. 1M1. (uD-358 f AHVlVTIPtrea'tnent and bath. Mme. (13) W0 FEW bargains in 2d-hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. - (18J-S48 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut trices, tjend (or fn.e catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. 18 8o 400 TEIEPHONE pole, all slses, must be sold regardleas of prtoe, quick. Diraork. 811 W. 34th St., South Omaha. Phone 1118. (16)-MU9 Six BENNETT'S piano department has been removed io J3 B. lath bt., wnere all fire pionoa are being sold for a fraction of their real value. (18) 864 PLEATING Buttona. Ruchlng, 1 LLH I 1HVJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, aponglng and ahrlnk- Ing only ic per yard. Bend for price hat and samples. OOLDMAN PLEATING CO 19 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. (15-ril BACHEIXJR girl, cultured, pretty, will wed physician, widower established. Farmer nieims, under fifty don't answer. Address 1242 cars of Bee. OS)-M46 12x THW SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need, we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4t36 and wagon will call. (18) 111 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, IXjD N. 24th at. Tel. Dong. tbit. (1 a MAONETTD Osteology and massage. ii.VJxxiU vapor and tub baths.. Room 3, 1304 Farnam St., 3d floor. - (18) M928 JyU A MIDDLE-AGED, well-to-do gentleman of good appearance, no bad habits, desires acquaintance of a healthy, good looking maiden or widow between 26 and 38. Ob ject, matrimony. Ttlflers and divorced excused. Full description In first letter; confidentially. Address Post Box 3. Sla. C Omaha. Neb, (ll)-TT9x OMAHA Bteam Paste Co.. manufacturers pure flour paat,au0 Cuming. TeUpho.-.r PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt Quickly healed by Satin aklu creaqu 3Ul THE ELITE N"l established mas- expert lady operator. Room 100 Barker block, 16i h and Farnam. (11) sus WANTED Good wire; must be good house keeper. C. K. Brooks, care James Hlctt, Cambridge. Neb. (IS) M839 9 YOUNG man, stranger, holding fine post tlon desires to meet lady of refinement. Address M 6M, Bee. (18) M 856 10s REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DRALKRS. RUSSELL M KITR1CK CO.. 431 Ramie, , (19-o3 W H. TURRELL, It Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. , (18)-8ou, PAYND LN V. .CO., 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug;. LM. 4U w Bee Want WILL IN A REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. (Continued.) U W. BUNNELL & CO., 13 N. T. Ufa. Douglaa tU. (lt)-4W R. C. PETERS A. CO.. Bee Bldg. (1 887 ALFRED C. Bank Bldg. KENNEDY, V First Natl Thone Douglaa 723. (19) SS8 GEORGE & COMPANY. 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 768. (19) 68 CIT1 PROPERTY POR sALl DO YOU WANT A SNAP? 210 feet of ground on a 4H font terrace. south front, one block from car, with sewer, water and gas in the street. New dwellings being built all around this tract, establishing, beyond question, a splendid neighborhood. Plenty of room to build five houses. Don't fall to investigate this at once. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Sixth Floor, New York Life Bldg. (19) 799 8 one and One-half acres Eight minutes from 14th and Douglas, four blocks from car lino in Council Bluffs: new 4-room house, electric lights and city water; a bargain at 11.350; X' down, balance small monthly payments. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 'Phone Douglas 7332. 225-8 Neville Block. (19)-MS48 10 . $2.00 Per Week I can sell the following cheap lots. 28 down, balance 32 per week. Good title; abstract furnished. Every lot a bargain: IN BENSON A $126 IN DUNDEE , 500 17TH. NEAR M ANDERSON 475 40TH AND BROWNE 125 39TH AND I, BOUTH OMAHA 176 47TH AND ERSKINE 100 48TH AND CUMING KS 3STH AND CALIFORNIA 550 44TH AND DODGE 600 48TH AND CHICAGO 800 W. L. SELBY 440 Board of Trade Bldg. ' 'Phone Douglas 1510. (19)-M531 9 Good Residence Cheap Need the money, hence will sell my 7-roorn modern house cheap: 5n-foot lot; near 2(tt and Castellar; price 32.600, 3500 to 3t)U0 cash required, balance easy. Address W 704, care Bee. X19)-MM4 10 A Splendid Investment Large corner lot with two, modern cot tage homes, all completed, which will rent for 326 per month each, and room to build another house; In a first-class location. Don't fail to let us show you thla property at once, because it is a good ining. PAYNE. B08TWICK CO.. Blxth Floor, New York Life Bldg. (18) 800 8 MUST RAISE MONEY Circumstances require me to raise 32.400 within next two weeks and therefore I will sell 6-room cottage, with city water and two acres of ground, some fruit, located only a few blocks from the Sherman avenue car line, on nice high ground. This place Is fully worth t3.0v; 92.400 takes It within the next two weeks. Address W 637, care Bee. (19)-M754 9 FOR SALE Five-aore tract'of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for planting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity (or someone. Address G 4J3, Bee. GS 334 ONE BLOCK FROM HARNEY AND WALNUT HILL ear line, on 30th St.. a strictly modern. 8 rooma and reception hall, first floor finished in oak; prk-e 4,auo. it s a gem. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1081 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (19)-M71S IS MORTGAGES FOR SALE. We have a number of first mortgage on farms for sale that are gilt edge. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Flrat floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel., Douglaa 1781. WHY PAY RENT When you can buy a (-room modern, except furnace, on small cash payment; balance monthly. House la new and well built, permanent walks. Within walking distance. Rents for $23 per month. Price, $2,300. O. C. OLSEN m B. 18th BL. Main Floor. A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attki. J blocks from 24th BU ear. South front. Lot 80xl8. paved street 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at Mo lo',Plet0ntjAMMa , $2,400 For a splendid 7-room houae, with fur nace, mantle and grate, gas, city water, cistern, fine barn, beautiful shads, fruit, shrubbery, lot 60x120, south and east front. Can show property any time. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Blxth Floor, New York Life Bldg. (19) vi t . 3211 SEWARD ST. Owner wants to sell, 7-r., v gaa, bath, city water. Bee us and we will show you through. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (18)-M47t 1 t Rooma, all modern, paved street, furnace, porcelain bath. 19th and I-esvenworth. 32.250. STRINGER. Paxton Blk (19) M698 LIST your property with the Wsatera Home Builder, nna. 22-2t Nebraska NatL Bank Bldg. (1)-Tl4 FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 362t Jones Bt. Telephone owner tor key, Webster 1864. (UD-tA 10 ACRES Just outside city limits, close to Omaha and South Omaha. Price reduced to SI.IjO if sold quick. Owner needs money. . HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. 439 Board' of Trade. tl9)-M23i Ads make: it easy for SMALL WAY AND BUILD UP t REAL ESTATF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) WILL BUILD YOU A HOME In West Council Bluffs on a small payment down and small monthly payments on lots from tl'O to 3J60. We have 1 or more lota from which you ran pick from, so If you care to have a home built after your own design call In and see us. WE MEAN BUSINESS. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 'Phone Douglas 7333. 32S-8 Neville Block. (18)-MS47 10 $7,500 For a strictly modern 9-room house In Kountxe Place, on paved street, permanent walks, fine shade, good barn, lot 75x124. Thla Is an Ideal home; owner will sell or exchange for two smaller houses. Let us show you this property. T11V..0 tl.NOTU'trl.- M. TI Sixth Floor, New York Life Bids. BIG BARGAINS FOUR ROOMS NEW $1,000. ON 26th St.. near Ames avenue, we have Just listed a fine little 4-room cottage, on a full east front lot. In good re pair, renting for 3144 per year; part rh. balance monthly. Can you beat thisT HASTINGS HKYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt. (19) M830 9 FOR BALE House, 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2j7 Cuming St. Price, 32,800. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank, 16th and Doug-las. o m REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CHAS. E. WILLIAMS, Pres. CO (19) 802 Kountze Place Home 2024 Wirt St., two stories wth 10 rooms, strictly modern, with two lots, good barn line ahade.. The Improvements alone would cost 310.0U0 at the present time. Sale price $7 8C0 ' ' PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Blxth Floor, New York Life Bldg. (19)-U3 8 LOOK AT THIS All modern, t-room cottage, 3412 Lafayette Ave.. Bemls Park. 'Phone Harney 34HA. (19)-S! FOR SALB 6-room cottage, owner leaving lty, will sell at a sacrifice, 106 North 4"th, South Omaha. Tel. 371. (19)-M148 BEST new 6-room house, modern with or without furnace, for $2,4aO; forced to sell quickly. Tel. after 7 p. m. Webster 16. . (19)-M982 LIST your property with Chris Boyor. 23d and Cuming Sts. (19) 364 BEMTS '' PARK. Two beautifully situated lot's, 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner, 3800; Inside, 3700. Must be Sold by Owner at once. 3404 La fajrett Ave. (19)-M306 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'B AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected -by a 310.000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawault when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglaa 6487. (19) FOR SALE A fine lot, Ave minutes walk from the Mute Institute. Price 11X6: 936 down, balance 60c per week. Call at 2721 Bristol St., after t p. m. Tuesday. . . ,. (19)-807 8 15 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 32 rooms on a leading business street; rented for 3216 a month. Price 318.000; half cash, balance four year at 6 per cent. ' THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (19)-893 IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 23 and 23 Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 210 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, 14,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg; 19)- M977 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALU Csssda. SOUTHERN Manitoba, near Morris, three quarter sections of Uie choicest dry, clean prairie land; deep black loam; can all be cultivated; good locality. Norrls Is lo cated In one of the richest farming dls- - trlcts In Manitoba, the land being well adapted for wheat growing. The owner, not being a farmer, needa the money tor business, hence a great bargain. For par ticulars address George C. Popham, Box 63. Winnipeg. Manitoba. (20) 991 Jyx Kansas. WANTED Agenta to represent us In the ssle of our Kansas landa. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment 'o Omaha. Neb. (20) 897 at lnaeeota. FOR BALE. By owners, a fine Improved section (R44 acres) In Polk county. Minnesota, five miles east of Crookston: worth 33S per acre; our price for 20 days to close a partnership, only IX per acre. Jordan A Rotha. Box iU. Fnda, la. . (2b)-M6i7 9 Nebraska. FIRST-CLA83 Nebraska farms and ranches tor homes ot Investment. Bemls, Omaha. (20 Mit78 North Dakota- 10.309 ACRES of land In Mercer county. North Dakota, as a whole or In small lota, for sale on easy terms. 11. E. bklnner, 1011 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis. (20) M162 9x Seat. Daketa. ARB YOU Interested In South Dakota? If so write to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, & D., conoernlng the 26.000 acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and Bully counties. They will answer you gladly (20i M379 At REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN-Paae Investment Co. PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Wead, 1610 Doug. ti3)-2i t7.004.0u0 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property la Omane; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Breonao, Room 1. N. tf. Ufa. (23)-319 tj WANTKD City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Bralin A Co.. Ua Farnam 8L (22"t2 LOANS on Improved Omaha propeity. OKea Li. E CO.. 1001 M. Y. Life Bi1j. U2)-22l LOANS an Improved city property. 4V. H Thomas, 6U6 First National bank Bldg. (2l-. 1600 TO 8S0.CO9 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1404 FARNAM (22) -222 LOV.EBT RATE Bemls. Paxton Block. . (2J-2! WAWTID-Clty loana. R. C.Peters A Co. V3)-32 you to begin WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpeta, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, plsnos. feathers, bed pillow a, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy tho furniture of your house complete. Will buv antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel Douglas 3071. (26) 669 Jyil CASH paid for old boo lis. Crane-Pay CoH 313 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglaa 1321. (20-427 WANTED One hundred thirty feet of counters and shelving for general store. Write or phone J. C. Mitllmsn, Logan, Iowa. . (26) M 601 lira WANTED A small cash register; will trade show esses for same or will buy. B. Kastman, 4008 Hamilton Bt. (2S)-672 I DAIRYMEN, ATTENTION! We want to buy a carload of good milch rows. Apply 1812 Farnam. 'Phone Doug las 411. (23 MR43 11 CARD CABINET of IS to drawers for card 3 by 6 Inches. State price; must be cheap. Address L-6S2. Bee. (25) 819 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By gentleman and wife, suite nneiy rurnlshed or suite unfurnished rooms; good r.elghborhood, not far' from New Rome hotel; muat have electric lights, hot and cold witter; terms reason able. Address W. A., Rome hotel. (26) M 496 llx WANTED Board and room, near 34 St. and Ames Ave. Address J-680 care Bee. (26)-M797 14X WANTED Furnished house for Bummer; best of care; references. Address P 7i)2. care Bee. (261820 10 WANTED SITUATION FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute. 1802 Farnam. (27) M.! FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute. 1802 Farnam. (27) M830 WANTED Situation as porter or Janitor. Can give best of reference. Address K 681, care Bee. (27) 805 10 WANTED By respectable, refined widow position ns housekeeper for wiilbwer. Auaress i care Bee. (27) M829 9x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Omaha and Florence Land and Trust company to Viola E. Pettlt, SVfoot "trip adjoining block 13. Florence t William K. Potter, receiver, to Barker company. neV ne4 se 29- 15-13 8,500 oarnh A. McGavook to Ixuiise F. Lang, lot 22, block 1, McGavock aV O'Keeffe's add Anna McGavock to Loitlw F. Lanp. lot 21. block 1, McGavock & O'Keeffe's add (Btedman 8, Newton and wife to Thomas W. Blackburn, lot 4 and a7 feet lot 3, Coburn'a suhdlv Charles A. Beattlo, executor, to Wil liam M. Johnston, part lot 4. block 5, Shinn's add John W. McDonald, sheriff, to New Hampshire Fire Insurance com- 5 any, part lots 2 and 3, block 8, . I. Redlck's subdiv Paxton Real Estate company to Wil liam H. Simpson et ttl. lot 72, Key stone Park South Omaha I-and company ' to Joseph Kwasminevlesky, lot 14, block 315, South Omaha 8. P. Robertson et al to W W. 81a baugh et al, government lots ( end T in 8-14-10 William L. MurrT to am, eH nw4 8V14-10 South Omaha Lend company to Hu bert P. Ryner, lot 1, block 148, South Omaha ' Same to Frederick E. Ryner. lot 2, block 145, South Omaha Hubert P. Ryner to Clarence H. Jones, lot 1, block 116, South Omaha Frederick E. Ryner to same, lot t. block Lifi. South Omaha Clarence H. Jones to School District of South Omaha. Neb., lots 1. 3 and 8. block 140, South Omaha Ed Johnston and wife to Herman ' Tombrlnk. lot 6. block 80, South Omaha Tellford E. Roe and wife to Laura M. Cox, lot 4, block 11. Plalnvlew. . . . Charles W. Eckerman and wife to Hat tie P. Goodrich, part kit 2, block 2, liemta Park Thomas H. Matters et al to Mabel C. Hlgglns, lots 1 and 2, block 7, Jerome Park Mabel C. Hlgglns to Casper E. Yost, trustee, same William K. Potter, receiver, to John E. Brown, wl45 feet s4 lot IS, Kountte's 2d add W. Farnam Smith, trustee, to Alfred L. Anderson, part tax lot 1 In nw' nw4 3-15-13 South Omaha I.nd company to Thomas C. McDonald et al, lot 3, block 63, South Omaha Martin Graf and wife to William F. Urban and wife, lot 18. Mueller & Blumle's add C. G. Somers and wife to Abraham 1,800 400 1,000 TOO 4,500 2.SG8 30 L000 8,000 800 360 667 666 1,770 800 1.S00 4,375 7,000 7,000 1.150 600 (00 2,360 too H. L)ros. sublot 4. tax lot B. in 9-15-13 John E. George to Ixra Power, wV4 lot 2. block 362, South Omaha, and other land George & Co. to same, n1 lot 11, block 80, South Omaha, and other land Edward Kelpln and wife to John H. Kelpln. lot 6. Kelpln Place Total amount of transfers LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR LAYING WATER MAINS-Bealed proposals will b receive! by the cltv clerk of the city of Randolph Nebraska, at his office until the 2.v day of July. lWi. at 8 o'clock p. m., for the fur nishing and laying of 1.000 feet of -lw cast water mains and 1,520 of t-lnch cast water mains with six 4-lnch double noxsle fire hydrants tor 2-lnch fire hose together with all necessary fittings for all mains and hydrants. Bids to Include the dig ging of all ditches at least flv feet below the established grade of said city, and not less than five feet below the surface of the street at any place. Bids to Include all connections and extras as shown by the plans and specifications on file at the of fice of the said city clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish ing said mains as above to be paid. In cash and th balance to be paid In warrants drawn on the general fund of said city. All bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check equal ta ' ' amount bid. as a g-usrantee that If th bid Is accept-d the bidder will enter Into con tract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or ell bids. E. B. MAILLlARD, City Clerk. J21d54t - SEALED BIDS WILL BE R45CEIVED AT tha office of the Secretary of State at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before July 13. 1J7 for the construction of a brick cattle barn site 174 x266 feet, to be located upon the State Fair Grounds at Ltnooln. plans and specifications now on file In this office. GEO. C. JUNKIN. Secretary Board of Public Lands and Buildings. 9 D4t NOTICE TO-BOND BUYER8 FOR SALB $14 00 of 20-yr. school bonds, lusued by school district No. 13 of Madison Co.. Neb., 6 per cent int.. option of pay't after 6 yrs. Denomination t&no. Sealed bills ta be opened July 22; accompanied by certified check of 2).-C. A. MILLER, Secy., Newman Grove, Neb. Jyfcdl41 OfBc nours, 100 to 9:30 a. nv.. 12:00 to 1:39 p. m. Telephone Harney 639. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 28)10 Mason ftreet, Omaha, N. H, U Ramacclottl. I). V. ., Deputy Btat and City Veterinarian. Food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. D. C. feVutl, V. V. Hos pital Burgeon. i 700 .35.1.982 PUBLIC OWNERSHIP ABROAD Committee of National Cirio Federa tion Makei Firit Eeport. PROF. COMMONS FAVORS SYSTEM J. W. galllvaa Finds that M tilclpal- Isatlow Has Wot lmrve4 Work ing; t'owdltloas Over Pri vate Enterprise. NEW YORK, July l.-After an Inveotlga- tlon extending over nearly two years and embracing many of the principal cities, both of the United State and Great Britain, the National Clvk) Federation commission on public ownership and operation has com pleted Its duties. The Important and In teresting reports cm labor conditions are the first to be made public. There are two reports on this subject one by Prof. John R. Commons of Wisconsin unlvereity and the other by J.. W. Sullivan, editor of the Clothing Trades Bulletin of New York. The report of Prof. Commons, under the title of "Labor and Politics," la more fa vorable to municipal ownership of public utilities than Is that of Mr. Bulllvan, made under the general heading, "The Labor Report." Mr. Bulllvan makes caustic ref erence to political rottenness, evidence as to which he declare waa conclusive in Syracuse, Allegheny and Wheeling. Prof. Commons, on the other hand, holds that corruption under 'municipal control was no greater than under private ownership. The Commlttee'a Investigation. The commission has made a most ex haustive Investigation of public and pri vate operation of the four leading publld utilities gas, water, electric lighting and power and street railways In all the cities visited, both In America and Great Britain. Fifteen members of the Investigating com mittee sailed for Europe on May 22. last year, and returned to the United States In August. Among the cities visited abroad were Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyre, London, Liverpool, Norwich, Manchester, Birming ham, Dublin, Leicester and Sheffield. In vestigations In the United State were made In Cleveland. Chicago. Philadelphia, Wheel ing, Detroit. Indianapolis, Richmond, At lanta, South . Norwalk, Syracuse, Alle gheny, New Haven and Hartford. A staff of engineers, accountants and statisticians, numbering over twenty, of national reputa tion, were employed to examine thoroughly every undertaking visited by the commit tee. These experts' wefa so chosen .that tn each examination made both sides of the municipal ownership question were repr sented. Thus, one engineer, accountant or statlstlan approached the i abject under consideration favorably disposed toward municipalise! Ion, while his colleague began his task holding views in opposition to that principle. Municipal Owners In Abroad. Certain effects of the municipal ownership movement In Great Britain on the private companies are evident, says Prof. Com mons. The Sheffield company, under the far-seeing management of Sir Frederick Mappln, ha directed Its policy for many years with the distinct purpose of meeting th argument for municipal ownership. To avoid agitation It has refrained from going to Parliament for permission to Increase Its capital stock. Consequently It has dis tributed Its large surplus profits In the form of reduced prices tor gas and better ments to Its plant. Most Instructive of all I the attitude of the companies toward their employes; . With the sentiment of municipal ownership ready to explode the RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION iTATIOSI 0tn AND MAROY. UsUwS) Pacta. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:65 am a 9:40 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a J:o0 pm a 8:p9 pm Colo. A Calif. E a 3:60 pm a 9:W) am California Ore. Ex.. .a 4:00 pm a 6:oJ pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:55 pra a 9:18 pm Colorado 8nc4a all .66 pm a 4:50 am North Piatt Local a 7:41 am a Jilt pm Beatrice Local b 7:4S am b 4:15 pm Iktcago, Hoek Islam A PavlaVs. EAST. Chlcagw Limited 2:46 am all-SO pm iowa Local a T0 am a 4:9 pm )es Molne ' ! a pm al2:3 pm Iowa Local aU.40 am b 9:66 pin Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:50 pm a 1:26 pm Chicago Flyer pm a t:8S am WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..all pm a 1:35 am Colo. A Cal. Exprea...a 1:36 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 2:45 pm Lincoln A Falrburr Pas. a 8:46 amal0:U am (kleago Great Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis. 3:30 pm T:30 am 11 :S5 pm 6:27 am 11 : pm 3:30 pm Bt. Paul A Minneapolis. Chicago Limited , Chicago EJtprtsS ........ Chicago Express Illinois Central. 7:30 am 4 :06 pm 7:30 am t;IO pm Chicago Express a Tr2 am fHt pm Minn. A Bi. Paul Exp...t 7:2 am a 1st pm Chicago Limited a t:00 pin 8.94 am Minn. A Bt. Paul Lmtd.a 1:30 pm a am Cltluagto A rtwttra. Chleago Daylight a 7:04 am alt:64 pm Bt I'aul-M'apolls Exp.. a 7:60 am al0:00 pm Chicago Lccal , all:90am a 3:24 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 7:60 am a 1:38 pm Chicago Passenger .....a 4:13 pm a 9:30 am Chicago frpeoial a 4:04 pm a 9:30 am Bt Paul-M'polt Lmtd.. 4:3 pm a 7:44) am Lo Angeles Limited.... pm alt:3f pm Overland Limited alO:00 pm a i 23 am Fast Mall a 1:29 am Bioux City Local a 3:60 pm a 9:20 am Fait Mall a 3:36 Dm Twin City Limited. at:!8pm a 76 am Overland Limited Norfolk-Bon et eel ,.a 1:38 pm a 9:31 am ..a T:40 am aio am ..a 7:40 am al.6 am ..a t:0t pm a I r04 pm ,.al:00pm a f ot pm ..b 9:00 pm b I Kit Pm Ltneom-Chaaran ., Dead wood-Lincoln Castier-ahoahofri .. Hastlngs-eaiperlor frAtnont-Albion ..b tt pm Ml:60 pm Los Angels Limited... 9:60 pra all: pm Wakaat. Bt Louis Express...... .a t:30 pm a I t am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8;3t am all:ll pm 8tanbrry Iocat (from Council Blurts) b 140 pmbl0:lt am MlMonrl Paella. K. C. A Bt, L. Exp a 940 am a 4:65 am K. C. A Bt. L. Exp ll:ll pm l:at pm Nebraska Local t.h pm all;0 am tatua. Hllwsilut A 6)4. rani. Chi. Colo. Special... 7:01 am U 44 pra Calif. A Ort Exp... t:63 pm 3:24 pm Overland Limited. 4:S4 pm 8.31 am Bt'FlLl!f)TON tTA.-WTH A MABOIt arllsus-taat. Leav. Arrive. Denver A California.. .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm Slack Hill.r?:;r.::o .4;Jo JuT Northwest I.xOrS a t:a a 1:4ft am ss a ) a p ta a 4:44 am Nebraska point ..a 'A am 4:)t pm Nebraska EXDres a 9 At am a 4:19 Din Lincoln Fsst Mali b l:4f pm alt Olpigl Lincoln Local , a 9 44 ar i -i . s-uk Z t iui. a. itatt-mtK h fl-ia mm tiA.A ... Bellovue-Plattsmouth a i:'0 Dm a 1:4 an am Plattsmouth-Iowa ....b IwlO am Belitvu-Plttamouu b l:kl im Lenver umnw ,.au:os pm a i:fl ar Chicago Bjclal a 7:00 am all: 43 pra Chicago Express a 4:90 pm a 8:64 pm Chicago Flyer... a 1.30 pm a 9:30 am Iowa Local a 9.16 am all:) at 6t Louis Express. a 4:41 pm all:tOi Kaass City A Bt. Joe..s10.46 pm a 4:M am Kansas City A Bi. Jo. .a :16 am a 4.14 pra Kansas City A Bt Jo.. 4:tt pm - , WiCBSTER BTA. It Tit A WBBITElt Chleas. Bt. mat, BtlaaapI a Wssaba. Leave. Arrive. Twl City Passenger. ..b 4 56 am b t 16 pis Bloux City Peenr...a 1 oo r all:?0 am Emerson Local b 144 pm b 9:10 aw Emerson Local ....0 1:46 am 140 pm Mlasrl ParlSe. Local vta Weeping Water t: am a t 30 pm Falls City Lot al 3 60 pm all; SO am a Dally, b Pally exrrot g under, d Dans ept Saturday Sunday only. fiajly coin pan lea cannot afford ta risk a strike. The Newcastle gas company has met 4M situation by a willing recognition Of th Gss Workers' union and hy a resort to arbitration through which wages hav materially raised. The South Metropolitan company has developed Its co-partnTMp scheme with astonishing ahrewdnes and careful attention to details, an that every disaffected workman Is silent or dlsmlaned. The Sheffield company, although Ita presi dent had openly attacked and wrecked trade unions In hta private buatn. con tented itself with, gradually undermlnlngj th Gas Workers', union through tb pay ment of wages and bonuses superior to those pail by other private employer of the district, and even In the case f un skilled labor, superior to those paid by thO corporation of 6hefMeld. Th influence of wag earners through their union upon tha condition of munici pal employment In the United States hag been complicated through tb presence anj activity of practical politician. In th municipal enterprises Investigated, except South Norwalk and Richmond. Ia eight hour day has been established for th past ten or fifteen year toe all employes, whereas, in th private companies th houra are longer or have more recently been re duced for a portion, but not all, of their employes In the more skilled branches of work. This advantage hi tnunlrtpm.1 under takings has been brought about, not by a definite labor party, but by th In fluence of wage earner a voter upoa th municipal official. Prof, rsnmosi View. Th view expressed by Prof. Common are In many respects favorable to municipal ownership. He finds, however, that th proper method of dealing with employe la th moat difficult and critical problem of municipal ownership, and ti favor recognition of organised labor a a safe guard against tha pressure of outalda (political) recommendation. In the course of bit report Prof. Com mons said: I take It that the key to th whol question of municipal or private ownership Is the Question ot politics. For politic Is simply the question of getting and keep ing the right kind of men to manage and operate the municipal undertakings, Or to supervise, regulate and bargain with th private undertaking. The kind f busi ness that we are dealing with ar serr tlally monopolies performing a pubtto serv ice, and sre compelled to make us of th street which are public property. If their owners ar private companies they ar compelled to get their, franchise and all privileges of doing business, and all term and condition of Service from th mu- nlctoal authorities. And In carrying out their contract with th municipality ther are dealing continually with municipal of ficials. Consequently It I absurd to as sume that private ownership I nonpolltteal. It is Just a much a political question to get and keep honest or business-Ilk municipal officials who will diiv good bargains with private companies on be half of th publlo and then as that th bargains are lived up to. as It Is to get similar officials to operate a municipal plant. We do not esoap politico by re sorting o private ownership we only get a different kind of practical politic. Wages f Labor. In general. Prof. Commons finds common labor better' paid by ' municipalities 1 America than by private companies. H says: In the United States the minimum paid for common labor by the private companies) la, in all caaes except Atlanta, lower than that of the municipality, and the minimum paid for common labor by municipal un dertakings is higher than that of prlvat companies of tb same locality. In none of the American enterprises In vestigated were tb common laborers or ganised. In th municipal undertaking they are paid higher wage and given shorter hours than In the case of prlvat employes of th same locality. They ar also In all oases cltlsens of the United States and residents of the locality.. Th common labor of the private companies, except In Indianapolis and the southern elite, where they ar colored, la composed largely of Immigrant and no attention I paid as to whether they hav secured clU censhlp paper or not. In toe matter of wages and hours th principal effort of municipal ownership at een In the unskilled and unorganised labor In both countries, tn that of street rail way employes In Greet Britain and In that of gaa worker and electrlo worker la the United States. Me. Snlllvan'e Report. Mr. Bulllvan sums up bi obaarvationd with lh conclusion that In all but tha most poorly paid forms of labor, and for tramway employes, munlclpallsatlon ha not raised the wage or Improved work ing conditions of the employe abovo con ditions In the private undertaking. Wltkt respect to "common, unorganised labor, however, th Investigator found a dif ference somewhat favorable to . BrltUh municipal employes. Th report cite) two causes for this condition; ' first, that th municipal laborer I m picked snan. and, second, that this cia at labor la capable 4ft exerting on city council a combined pressure which obtain for thesa better terms than th employing council lor accord to the men they biro la their prlvat capacity for . similar work. "N street car undertaking In Great Britain. hm over been a 'private' sntsrprls ta th sense In which th word 1 applied In this country," says Mr. Bulllvan. "Tb twenty-one years' term of tb fraijohis, th veto of company petition by villag authorities, th enormous cost of par liamentary power and local assents and various other restrictions non-existent to the United Stat, haekl and ImpovarUaX British tramway company manag-eeflant and consequently forbid aa Intelligent In vestigator to employ British example to Illustrate possibilities In America tbrougk ehang from prlvat to munlctpai own) ship. British tramways have alway bean ml-munlclpl. A by tho torma of their franchises all English tramway undertakings may be taken over by tb municipalities, director manatr taalr properties with that 'end la view. Com pared with tb remarkable change for th better In wages and hours tn tb American street car industry under com panies, tb best of th British municipal laber imprevemetiU seem hardly missS than trivial." Foreign Aaartai GealmAi On examining munlolpallsallon as xh!W 1U4 ta tb labor reports. Mr. Bulllvan de clares. It Is seen, to be a projeot to restriet men In their activities by methods foreign to th Americas genius, whlls In pxcUc It ha failed to mk out th oaao of It advocate as in th least measure a step forward In promoting th best interest of the employes of th enterprises Investigated or of th occupation most closely Inter- woven w.. th.m, or ot th. nation', broad- owing mass. Mr. Bullivaa In hi report says: Mr col lea rue and myself, ht clewing w .'"""'nr ; " conditions la th British aa undertaaiag visited, aara i in aavlns: I "Summariilng what precede, wtth tb exception of th' twlvhur station of Uie South MetronoUtaa onpajy, and taking Into aocouot the general level .ot wages In tbe several localities. It cannot b said that ther Is any material differ ence betwven th public aad prtvt under- taking in lb wagoa of stoker r in ta average waaea of th shift workers 1a tb retort houses. Th differences that oceur do not show a prevalence an way or th other, but they tend ta fo41ow pretty ksa4y tb general level or wages In in locality, irrespective of whether the undertaking I managed by a municipality r by a pwteat company. The eaa of tb tweiv-howr shifts of th South Metropolitan campaay is peculiar and rsqulres the disc use Ion of another aspect of the question the amount of work don by th stokers." Wsrkmaa Anna AassMBb NKW YORK. Jnly l-BwwUa sud dently Insane, probably front boat, while at work oa th new building of tb Trust ompany of America at 17 Wail street to day, a plasterer ran amuck with a batchat among bis fallow workmen. He ttxhd three ot them, tw ot whom Were (ratably fatailv Injured, t