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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1907)
V DAILY UEEi MONDAY. JULY 1. 1007 "v. - ; - i L-. THE OMAll) aE OF ISOLATED TRACTS b.u"1,on' f that would b uiw neittader Permitted to Acauire Joining Lands Under New Act. RESIDI-TCE IS ROT REQUIRED tittMMi Klnkald Kecnres Halloa; lrn ' firarrtl Land Oflle Inter lirrtlnn; Fnrase In t'lrcnlnr of Instractlnns. - MARRUf.KS I f ANAL ZONE For thn reasons sbnvs stated. I resowt- , fullv recomniehd the adoption of such regu- . ' latlntm for the administration ot the ad I u-ubiic No. iss), a in permit adjacent , President Called on to Issue Decree homestesders. other adjacent owners, to hfmnn an ppiknt to i.ave th isolated , validating Many icremomei. tract aold nrn his Intention la to him- i elf us- ths isolated trsd If ha shall pur- . chase It, but yet reside on his present holding. 1 Inclose herewith letter from J.VR. of Krownlee, which I, regard s a fair sample of the many Inquiries t am receiv ing about the art. and 1 respectfully ask your consideration of the same. Awaiting your pleasure and advice In the premises. I remain, M. P. KINKAJD. DILMJ OF ONE COUPLE SKKllL, Neb.. June JO. (Special.) In reply t6 a letter from Congressman Kln kald. to R. A Balllnger. commissioner of the general land office, Fied Dennett, act , ing commissioner, has replied that the words "actual operation" an used In the circulars of instructions regarding the sale of Isolated tracts do not mean 'resi dence" and are not Intended to prevent the acquisition of the land by a homo- 1 ateader on an adjoining tract. Congressman Klnkald secured the enact ment of tha Isolated tract act, June 27, 19ns, enlarging tha Isolated tracts In Ne braska from one-quarter section to three nuarter sections. Tha correspondence re fer to tha operation of the law and are of considerable Importance lo tha sixth dis trict, as well as to tha people of the state at Urg leu(rH KtnkalsTa Letter. ' Congressman Klnkald . letter to the commissioner Is as follows: O'Nelli, Neb., June 12. Sir 1 beg to say a good many constituents have become anxious to learn when the isolated tract act, public No. 18tt. of which I secured the passage at ilia last aesslon. Is to be put Into operation, as they have been Informed at the various land oiflcea that no instruc tions or rules and regulations, relative to the administration of the act have yet been received. In order to- be able to answer such Inquiries, I shall esteem It a personal tavor If you will advise ma when such Instructions will be sent out to tha vera I land offices In this congressional district, aa all the lands, I believe, effected by the act, are within this district. While writing you concerning public No. 11, 1 beg to refer further to the character of the regulations which you will adopt, and am prompted so to do by reason of the instructions you hsve promulgated rela tive to the isolated tract act of June 27, ISO. (84. Stats., Il7. In these Instructions you require that one who appliea to have a tract sold shall, in addition lo the show ing already required, swear that he de sires to purchase the land for his own Individual use, and actual occupation. Permit me to point out that If bv the lah- guage, "actual occupation." It Is to ha understood that the applicant must In tend to make his homo on the land, and If tha same kind of regulations be adopted a to tha administration of No. IMS, In which any constituents are interested, it - Would Practically defeat the nurnoea of X4he at, for primarily and principally, the vill waa Introduced for the purpose of tellevlng homesteaders, .and owners of leeded land, aa well, to whose holdings Iso Ated tracts are adjacent, arid to enable uch adjacent owners, whether homestead ers or owners by purchase, to buy up the ixoiHieu government land Willi a view to being- permitted to economise In their fenc ing, because in many Instances not only does one owner, or homesteader, desire to rence ma own homing alone, hut two or more- desire to fence their Joint holdings Into one field, and so lonit as such Isolated tracts remain government land they would he violating the anti-fencing law, to enclose It In their fields. For a homesteader to swear, in effect, that he Intends to make the Isolated tract his resldencn, would amount to an abandonment of his Tiome tead, and make It subject to contest, and. of conrsa. It would be a poeltlve abandon ment to remove, from . his homestesd and onto tha Isolnted trnct. If he should pur chase It, which ha would have to do to vin dicate Ms oath. Bncenlntor Kxclaa. It waa In tha Interest of tha homesteader. . first, and of other adjacent owners, sec ond, that the bill was Introduced, and the committee adopting such pin-pose, favorably reoorted tha bill - Of ovrsa. you will ex clude the speculator,, because ha neither lres to reside upon, or use ma isna, the effect of tlio rule referred to ex- tha homesteader because he dare t-oar he la going t reside upon the ind he has the strongest claims ox yesidos. It la not contemplated that Isolated trsets are fit to be resided I ha fact that they have been per- Ito become Isolated has la the gen- lurse of legislation been taken as Jlva that they were not fit for f or residence, mi to ma that It would be entirely rut for the purpose of being very A-attve, and to which I raise no ob i that It be required that tha ip- Jawear that he Intends the land own actual use. without being re- Dlscavery that Term "Recognised thnrch" Implies Only Bsstsa Catholic Leads tn Chang In Kxecntlve Order. RallnsT af and Office. To this letter Congressman Klnkald re ceived the following reply, signed by Fred Dennett, acting commissioner: WASHINGTON. June Ig.-SIr: In reply to your letter of June 12, 1907, I enclose copy of circular approved April ii7. 19o7, under tha pro isions of the set of congress of March 24, ln7 il'ubllo No. 18tf. The lasuance of Instructions has been postponed until the necessary blank forms could be printed to sccompany the same. The same have now been mailed to the reglslera and receivers In Nebraska. With reference to tha require ment that applicant state that ho Is de sirous of purchasing the land for his own Individual use and actual occupation, you are advised that the purpose of said re quirements Is to prevent the acquisition of Isolated tracts by specuistors, u navmn been found that large areas ara being ap plied ror by persons who nave no oiner in terest theialn than the notation of le- selllng same In future at a profit. The wonis "actual occupation." as used In this and other circulara relating to the sale of Isso- I .. , .1 -...,, At -.. ... i. n r.l llrmn i the land so'purchased. but mean that the provided the contracting parties had first (From a Btsff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 90. (Special.) President Roosevelt, In the absence of any formal parliamentary body to control af fairs in the canal one, Is charged with all sorts of duties In connection with, that strip of territory. Besldee tha military control of the strip and the executive man agement of the work on the big ditch Itself, the president must from tlme to time formulate regulations covering ail sorts of civil conditions In the lone. Some time last winter It was discovered by the authorities that a law or a regulation gov ernlng marriages in the atrip was neces sary. In consequence the president Issued sn order In March last which empowered tha minister of any "recognised" church In the tone to perform a marriage ceremony land shall he actually used and occupied by applicant In the aense that ha cultivates. Improves, grsxes or In some other manner uses the land In good faith for his own per sonal benefit. Neither the law nor the regu lations require that the purchaser, of an Isolated tract shall reside thereupon. FRF.D DF.NNF7TT, Acting Commissioner. Ifewa or ttenrsska. PLATTSMOUTH The Burlington passen ger train from Omaha Sunday morning, which brings tha dally papers, was five hours late. - NEBRASKA CITT The Klks had a big meeting here Saturday night, as there a number from Auburn present. There was Initiation and luncheon. PIjATTSMOUTH Frank Daniel Burl of Longmont, Col., and Misa Malinda Powell, a former teacher In the high achool here, were married In Chicago. CHADRON First cutting of alfalfa Is under way. The crop fa enormous. Rains have come Just right so far thla year, and no hail In damaging quantities. PLATTSMOUTH The directors of the Cass County Mutual Insurance company held their semi-annual meeting In the of flce of tha secretary. J. P. Falter, Satur day. NEBRASKA CITY Extensive arrange ments are being made for the stock show and ssle to be held here September IX and 19, and COO has already been secured to ward making It a success. . WEST POINT A class of thirty-four hoys and girls partook of their first holy communion this morning at St. Mary'a Catholic church during the high mass at the hands of tha rector. Very Kev. Joseph iluesing. NEBRASKA CITY Saturday at midnight E. A. Brown turned over the Press ofTlee to tha new proprietors and he la now a gen tleman of leisure. At prenem. ha Is con fined to his room bv a very sore foot and as soon as he Is able to get about will leave for the Atlantic coast and will prob ably spend the winter In Europe. CHAJDRON District court, with- Hon. W. II. Westover of Kushvllle presiding, has been In session for a few daya. Only equity vases have been heard, the prlnlcpal onu being tha City of Crawford against the Moyer Telephone company, resulting in tha dismissal' of the action. It appeared the telephone company had obtained a franchise from former city council, and while pro ceeding with Its work, had been stopped by order of the present council, whose mem bers had concluded to run a telephone Una of their own. VALENTINE At tha achool meeting held at the court house Thursday evening the following members of the sohool board were elected: W. D. Clarkson. for one year: L. C. Sparks, for two years, and M. V. Nichol son and D. E. Sherman, for three years. A 15-niill levy was recommended for school purposes and It was decided to call a spe cial election to vote on the proposition of bonding the district In the sum of Ib.M to bo expended In building two additional rooms to tha school building, which is now Inadequate for the Increased achool popula, tlon. WEST POINT-Two memorial windows have been placed In tha mortuary chapel at St. Michael's Catholic cemetery, West Point, which hss Just been rebuilt, the old stone chapel being replaced by a pressed steel structure. The windows, wh'ch are of Stained glass, represent the "Resurrec tion" and "Ascension," respectively. The altar of the chapel ts of pure wtilte ma terial. This cnapel la undoubtedly the ful lest one In the diocese of Omaha, all Its to swear that he Intends It for Ms I appointments being of the b-st material occupation, provided "occupation" : workmanship and expressing fully the t residence. But If your department ssestea oy places or mis cnar- l hold, which I think would be per- er. treasonable, that If the applicant be I NEBRASKA CITY The monthly meet Jesteader, or owner by purchase, of Ing of the directors of the Commercial club idjscent to the Isolated tract, and was held Friday evening and among other . nereon, and intend to use the Iso- 1 business transacted was securing the ser I ract. If he purchase It, In connec- " ylce" of R. V. Pepperburg, assistant to Jth aueh present homestead, or other 1 Prof. Barbour of the Slate university, who without living on tha Isolated 1 will watch the sinking of the deep well at hat that would constitute "occup- ' thla point, and make a thorough prospect :hen I should have no objection to ' of shale, lime stone, eto. If the right ma e, or to tha requirement -of "occu- ; terlal can be found cement works will be Tin," wltfe such application or con- established hero. A part of tha casings struct Ion: or, better still, if your depart 1 ment would hold that the mere use of the ! Isolated tract by graslng or farming It, . without living upon tha same, would eon- thought the contractors will begin active work during the present wek. The people here want coal, gas or an artesian well. Pull Off the Cover uick witted ceocle QUIT A HABIT "1 when found to be detrimental to health and comfort. 0 SOME I SYSTEMS ) Coffee is a definite poison pro ducing headache ,heart palpitation, paralysis, nervousness, stomach troubles, or some other fixed disease. Any. sign in you t t A system suffering from the poisonous alkaloijd caffeinein coffee finds relief after coffee is abandoned and ostum Food Coffee becomes the daily beverage. It cbntains certain. naiural elements from the field grains that Mother Nature requires to repair the daily waste in body and brain. Make rich and strong by boiling 15 to 20 minuses after boiling actually begins, to bring out the food value and flavour. ,' Iced, with cream, sugar ,and a squeeze of ( Ifenion, Postum is a delicious lATURAL BRACER 1 FOR HOT DAYS "There1. v Reason secured a license from the clerk or me circuit court. That word "recognlied" In the executive order caused some trouble and a good deal of worry and It might have led to very serious complications In volving tha legitimacy of tha issue of any such marriages as well a tha tltla to property. About tha middle "of last May the daugh ter of Judge Stephens of Panama was mar ried .to , a young American there by a Protestant minister residing In the ono. The affair was chronicled In the society re ports and everything was lovely until shortly after the bridal party had left for the United States. Suddenly one morning Judge Stephens had a thought. It was not a pleasant one. He was struck with the recollection that the old laws of the Re public of Panama prevail In the xone where not otherwise specifically provided for. Then tha judge remembered that under the old law of the Republic of Panama, which had been brought down from the days when tha government of Colombia was paramount, the Roman Catholic church Is the only "recognised" church In that coun try. Although the weather was hot tlio Judge had a chill. The daughter and aon-In-law had sailed away and It was Impos sible to have the ceremony repeated by a minister of the '"recognised" church. The judge got busy. He sent a long message by wire to the president and ha followed It up with a letter explaining the situa tion and suggesting a change in the execu tive order. The president saw the point at once and he did not hesitate to comply with the Judge's suggestion. With com mendable haste he caused to be prepared a new marriage regulation, which was promptly transmitted to the governor of the xone, which empowers any minister of any church or any Judicial officer to cele brate marrlay-s on the Isthmus. The execu tive order aJso validates all marriages which hav been performed by Protestant ministers since the control ' of the canal rone panned to the United Stages. It Is understood a large number of mar riages which have taken place within the xone within the last two years are affected by the executive order. ew Naturalisation Law at Work. The new naturalization law went Into effect on September 2 last. .Under that law naturalisations of foreign born would be citizens of the United States were prac tically suspended until December 29. From that time on records have been kept here In Washington of all the Immigrants who de sired to become citizens of this country and no one can be naturalized until his pe tition is passed upon by tha federal author ities. The process of creating an American citi zen today Is a somewhat complicated one. The applicant must declare his intention, apply for citizenship In a court of com petent Jurisdiction and all the papers must be submitted to the bureau of Immigration and naturalization In the department of commerce and labor upon regularly pre scribed form and three monfhg later, pro vided he uas lived five years In the United States, toe applicant must appear In court and satisfy the court officers that he has compiled with all the requirements of the new uw. Should objection be filed against his application he must defend his rights a-t establish the fact that he Is entitled 'jo the benefits of the protection of the American flag. The new law has been In effect practically six months. Its provisions are not fully understood yet by the Immigrants gener ally, although they are rapidly "catching on." Since January 1 the average number ot declarations of Intentions to become American citizens has been approximately 10,000 per month. Twenty-five hundred pe titions for citizenship papers have also been recorded each month since the first ot January and In that period final naturalr lsation papers to the number of 1.000 per month have been issued. This does not be gin to approach the number of Immigrants which have arrived In the various parts of the United States monthly In recent years, but the figures tndicate a very strong desire on ths part of Immigrants to acquire the rlghta of Amerclan citizenship and it Is believed that as soon aa tha law is thor oughly understood and that aft the officials become perfected In the details of tha stat ute the number of naturalizations will very materially Increase. Up to tha present time It Is asserted the new act has been operated with very little friction. Court officers everywhere have shown a disposition to do everything In their power towards perfecting the ma chinery of naturalization and It Is the gen eral belief that the problem has been solved end that hereafter Uncle Sam will hsve a complete and perfect record of every foreign born resident who aspires to be come 4 citizen of this great republic. Bell Foarch Project Opening. Township plats have been Issued and tha secretary- of the Interior has given no tice that water will be furnished from the Belle Fourche Irrigation project. South Dakota, under tha provisions of the re clamation act, at the opening of the Irri gation season of lJa, for the Irrigable lands In townships S and I north, range S, 4 and i east. Theplais ara on file in tha local land office at Rapid City, 8. D. The size of the farm unit has been fixed at approximately 80 acres, varying slightly In soma cases on account of topography and other conditions, except In the vicinity of the townslte, where tha size of the farm unit will be about 40 acres. The i limit for water right application for lands In private ownership la 160 acres for each land owner. The building charge for the Irrigation system Is 130 per acre, payable In not more'Utaq tan nor less than five annual Installments. Operation and main tenance charges for the sesson ot 19CS, and until further' notice, will be 40 cents per acre of Irrigable land, the first Install ment of tS to per acre being payable on or before December 1. 19u8, at the local land ofTIca at Rapid City. As soon as data is available the charges for operation and maintenance will be fixed In proportion to the amount of water used, with a minimum charge per acre of Ir- rlgsbl Isnd, whether water ta use or not. Tha T'nlted State will operate and main tain the storsr and diversion dams and main headworka, the main canals and main laterals, the cost thereof to be In cluded in the operation and maintenance charge above stated. The sub-lateral, constituting the remainder ot tha distribu tion system, are to be maintained by tha water users to be served therefrom, at their expense, under regulations to ba ap proved by the secretary ot the Interior. Wall Rnat Device Needed. During the last thirty years paragraphs have appeared In country weeklies, patent Insldes, and even In mora pretentious pub lications to the effect that the govern ment has a standing reward offered of a vast sum of money snywhere from 1100,000 to $100.000,000 which Is to be given to the msn who will discover perpetual motion. The patent office la filled with models of mschlncs designed to run without power. Of course there Is no reward outatsndlng for perpetual motion, and equally, of course, no one hss ever discovered a method of creating power without energy. Not Is It likely that any such discovery will ever be made. But If Inventors who have been chasing the Ignis fntuus of per petual motion will devote their energies and brains to the construction of soma practical device for grabbing off mall bags by fast moving trains there Is a fortune In sight for them. The present method Is to place a mall sack suspended from the arm of tha post. which Is caught by a hook protruding from tha side of the car. This portion of the work Is fairly satisfactorily performed, but when It come to delivering tha sack at a station from a fast moving train tha trouble begins. Sometime the lack lands In the ditch; at others the suction from beneath the car I so great that the pouch or bag la drawn under and de stroyed by the wheels. For years the second assistant postmaster general has been trying to get a bettar method, es pecially of delivering, and Mr. McCleary, the present second assistant, asserts there Is a comfortable fortune In eight for the man who has brains enougli to Invent device which will do the work. O save Ornnire for Profit. The Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Is giv ing preference to tha use of osage orange fence posts along Its right-of-way. It I difficult to secure sufficient supply and thu company la drawing heavily on the hedges and wind-breaks belonging to the farmers In Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. The Com pany has shipped such posts u far west as New Mexico and Is using them In prefer ence to the native juniper of the west, al though a large supply of the junipers !a available at cheaper prices. Among farm ers also throughout the middle west osage orange forests are coming more and more Into favor. This large use and Increasing demand will stimulate the growing of the osage orange where conditions are aultabla. and will also resist in better knowledge aa to Its lasting power under difficult conditions. It Is already known to be one of the most durable of timbers. Its natural range ex tends from tha Arkansas rlvr to southern Texas. Cultivation ha spread It much more widely, so that It Is grown as far west a Colorado and New Mexico, and eastward to Massachusetts; but It Is doubt fill If It will be commercially profitable In the northern part of Nebraska, Iowa , and Illinois on account of the severe winters. The osage orange adapts Itself to a va riety of loll and cltmetto conditions. It will endure a great amount of neglect, and It rarely succumbs to drouth. It ability to withstand aridity make It one of the most desirable tree for planting In the middle West. Although It Is a tree of only small to medium size, with a tendency to form crooked trunk, 1 1 furnishes a relatively large amount of ftnc post material, since It Is extremely strong and can be used to a smaller dimension than many other specie. There Is always a good demand for even tha moat crooked osage orange posts and the wood Is largely used by farmers for stake material in short lengths. This allows almost complete utilization of the tree, an Important matter In the prairie region, where timber ha to compete with agricul tural crops for profitable use of the land. Survey of Rocky Honatalu fonl Field. The demand for information regarding the coal lands of the western states both by the government and the public at large, has been so pressing that the United States geological survey has undertaken to devoto a large amount of its appropriation during the coming fiscal year to their Investiga tion. This work Is under the general direc tion of M. R. Campbell. In Wyoming the coal fields are of great extent and value at the present time, but may be of even greater value when they shall be more fully developed. It Is planned to put six parties Into tha coal fields of this state. NEW HOPE FOR T. II. C, A. HUD over on therr sides, rift-en Blsda perpetrates. In either esse, howe Extension of Period Gives Impetus to the Campaign. WORKERS ASSURED OF SUCCESS "Kin" Wedne, ea-Pnclllst, Asnnnsr Thns Wit Malt An penis gnndny for Wiping- Oat thn Debt. $14,115 &I0 1.214 4M I June 23. Totals. .$ M Previously reported , Citizen's committee Young men s committee Boys' committee Grand total 16.23 Tha following amount Indicate the re ports submitted by the csptains of the young men s and boys' committees and tha standing of the teams: Young men a committee, L. D. Mitchell, general chairman: A D. M. Newman... B J. H. Franklin.... C A. W. Miller D-H. Klcser F-C. B. Berry F Orant Cleveland.. O Martin Sugarman. H-E. King I Harry Pyrne J Harry A. Stone.... Total Boys' committee. chairman: Brown Chester Arnold.... Yellow-Will Talbot Plack Elbert Wade Red Fred McConnell Green Slgard Uarnon..... Blue Herbert Arnsteln.... Lavender James Noble... White Donald Campbell.. Pink George Sugarman... Purple L.yle Koberis Carl ... 47 S3 10 ... 168 " ... TOO ...11.714 Nagl, ...I 11 ... 78 ... 61 ... 36 ... 89 ... 104 S ... 81 ... 10S .$ 4S4 S 227 205 2.-IS 10 82 badly bruulsed. The most ' V 1 1 - f K Art. . k 11 - . - - "'"". "' m.j- mIIV WHH broken. The train waa not carrying, many passengers and only a few were In the din ing car, which was the first to leave ths rails. A heavy rsin last night had under mined a section of the track at that point NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qnatnt nnd Cnrlnna Feat a res of Life -In n Ranldl- Crnwlnsi Mnt. ' Tha old-time girl of Loup county can now rest eaay, and not run Into the cellar and hide. I Q. Ball was married In Aurora a courl of week ago.-Taylor Clarion. H-rrled the Folks-Train No. 4 actually arrived on time Wedneaday morning and ome of our citizens almost fell over them selves In reaching the depot. Messrs. Kddy, Monahon, Howard, George Springer, Jr.l J. A. Sullivan and the Romln family ware passenger to tha county eat. Valley En terpriaa. Sanitary Problem Last season wa failed to get A. H. Babcock to tha river to take hi annual bath, but thla year we hop to be able to get him down and that we may 1.83 t4,lT8 general 83 pa 115 no 138 262 l 93 146 856 $1,406 I succeed, we ask tha aid of all who have his 142 ' Interest and our at heart. We succeeded. Totals The following subscriptions of t'2H0 and over have been received: Charle Met W.WO G. W. Wattles I. W. Carpenter Charlea Harding Crane company Cash Independent Telephone company Frank Colpetser Richardson Drug company J. C. Wharton H. H. Baldrlge Nebraska Clothing company Nebraska National bank Orchard A Wllhelm Llnlnger Implement company.... however. In getting several to go down and wa are sure wa have their everlasting gratitude. North Loup Loyalist. Mora About Sanitation The writer hereof kept bachelor's hall a few day last week. hla better three-fourths being away attend Ing a home missionary convention. She re- I turned the first of thla week and I fuljv cunrim'iu inai mere is neea ni nome mis sionary work. About the first thing she did wa to give a hurry-up order for a broom and scrubbing brush, and she spiced tho order with" the pungent sarcasm that she wa not aware that there had been a water famine In Oakdale. Oakdal Sentinel. what's the difference? We make our win for us and the mane man unaouoteu does ss well with his, and. If both sprel'J of the literature de bum win for thel- ' ufacturers they are good, no matt 4 rotten they are. All gooda aold at Hubermsnn's tore guaranteed a to price and q Darrens In Montana tlold HELENA. Mont . June -There slight decresse In the amount of the" received at the t nltert states asssr for the fiscal year ending today end Increase In the silver tlold received whh. t2,nM.(H7, sliver The total re j IU1 .1111. Ttr-IW fllV.tKff.M, ... I I H T SH4.5M.K waa In gold. Choteati county wa the banner producer last month. t 1 re J 1.000 Congratulations Oeorge Zimmerman, who l.(W ; has been a resident of Liberty precinct out ((10 ; twenty years past, cam to town Wednea 600 day and solicited the judicial offices of L. J0 A. Berry to change the name of Mrs. Cella I Avery to Zimmerman. Thla Is George's jco rourxn matrimonial venture, put neatn or divorce has freed the others. The bride halls from Denver, Is a widow and several years his junior. Here' hoping they both find happiness. Alliance Times. 250 260 260 Longshoremen on Strike. NEW YORK. June 80 The 'longshoremen on the Cupard docks struck today when the steamer Umbrla, from Liverpool, docked. The men demanded 60 cents an hour for Sunday work, which was promptly refused, mewaras or me vessel, witn the help of nonunion men, removed the bag gage of the passengers after considerable delay. . Blar Revenue Collections. PEORIA. 111., June 80. The Internal rev enue collections of the Fifth Internal Rev enue district for ths fiscal year ending June 30 are the largest in tho history of the district. Collector R. U. Rennlck furnishes flRures for the year's business as W5.667. 4460, aa compare.l with t33,5S7.fl5.V1 col lected In 19U6. The previous record f ir the nflh district waa In 18uG with S34,6Kl,e66. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Mora Time Gives Impetus. Tha decision to extend tha time for the close of the Toung Men's Christian asso ciation campaign has given new heart to the workers. The young men had said repeatedly the small percentage of active workers on their team made It Impossible for them to secure the amount they set out for by July 3, and they now feel that victory Is not only possible, but assured. The boys have Indicated their Increased Interest by securing more Individual sub scriptions since Saturday noon than on any day since the canvass started. EX F. Den nlson, boys' secretary,, said yesterday, the boys would have a total of about 11,800 tomorrow and probably more. The rivalry among the teams has spread to the boys, where It has become even keener than among the team of the young men' committee. Captain Harry A. Stone of- the yaung men's committee, was handed a subscrip tion for $50 by a nurse at the churchwhlth he attended yesterday morning. Tha woman approached him after the servtoe and said she did not know how the sub scriptions were made, but wanted to do something. She added that she could not do much and when she offered to give S.V) It was about five times a much as Mr. Stone thought she would be Inclined to contribute on the salary aha would be receiving. ' Rally Sons ta Popular, The rally song of the workers, sung to the air of America, waa heard at the meet ing for men In the association building yesterday afternoon and In some churches. Many referencea to the canvass were made In pulpits Sunday. Members of leading congregations urged assistants In the movement and called on their people to see to It that an agency assisting every church would not ba allowed to fall In the effort being made to 'wipe out the debt of $90,000. The speaker at the meeting for men held In the association building was "Kid" Wedge, a former prize fighter, who was cenverted. He had a large audience and delivered an address that was full of thoughts that went home to tha hearts of the young men who heard 'him. He spoke ot his early life and ot what he is able to do now for the man who Is "down and out." A special musical service was given by the choir of Dletz Memorial church, under the direction of E. H. Packard. . General Secretary Wade la In receipt of more letters Indicative of the fact that Omaha Is being watched In other cities far and near and that the outcome of the canvass Is awaited with Interest. One from Memphis, Tenn., says in part: For aome time the eyes of the associa tion world have been upon Omaha and the push and rush with which you carried forward your building enterprise has been Inspiration to all of us. We wish you great success in the new campaign. spreading Ralls Wreck Train. SPRING DALE, Ark., June 30.-A south bound paBsenger train on the 'Frisco road was wrecked today at Johnson station, five miles south of here, by the spreading of the trsck, causing the dining csr. two sleepers and two coachea to leave the Burying tha Hatchet The editor of the Bancroft Blade doesn't approve of tha "2-cent wit" with which the editor of tho Walthlll Times Is "noted." Neither Is , the editor of the Walthlll Times enthusiastically In favor of that old. conventional, stale, klss-ms-a-fond-farewelt-and-let-me-dle tyle of literature the editor of the Bancroft TWO SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Tin ERIE RAILROAD To CHAUTAUQUA LAKE New York, July 5th and ?EtSi Good SO Daya, at $14 Apply to Ticket Agent or H. C. HOLAttlHP, 6&a BaUwar Zsoaazura, Oaloagn-L-., F00t forwhoflnd'oier pervou men ilr cower to vr work and youthful rigoi liorv.8 ,on (a a result of Over- work or mental eyrtlon ahoud tak G RAT'S NERVE FOOD PILS. Thsy WHS make you eat and sleep and ba a man agaln 91 box n oosa ay aanu. xcEjtii ajt ai Mocoirsrs&Xi amva CO-' Oonur lew ana Dong bis. Vlf II vww wuaAia. Oor. 16th and Harney Jt Oman. STsb. ma ise isiast Omaha vs. Lincoln VINTON OT. PARK June 29 and 30, July 1-2 1 Monday, July I, Ladl day Games Called 3:45 p . m.j nn nr SlA IM EXPO JV mow Fair nnd Warmer Monday and Tnes day la tha Forecast for ' Nebraska. WASHINGTON. June SO. The forecsst: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas Fair Monday and Tuesday. For Iowa Fair and warmer Monday; Tuesday fair. For Illinois Fair In south, showers and cooler In north portions Monday; Tuesday fair, with fresh northwest winds. For Missouri Fsir Monday and Tuesday. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Mon day, warmer In cast portion; Tuesday fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAT', OMAHA. June Ju ontclal record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three I years: 1907. 1S00. 1&06. 1904. Maximum temperature .. 1 87 84 "9 , Minimum temperature ... 69 62 68 f-9 j Mean temperature 80 "4 7s 69 ! Precipitation T .68 .0t T , Temperature and precipitation-departures from the normal st Omaha sluye March 1, and comparison with tha last two years; Normal temperature 75 Excess for the day S Total deficiency since March 1 247 Normal precipitation H Inch r-eflciency for the day 19 Inch Total rainfall alnce March 1 7 87 Inches Iertc!ency since March 1 6 79 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, I" J.ll Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1SXX5....B.49 Inches Reports from Bintlnns at 1 P. M. Station and 8tat Tern. Max. Rain- HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS mi Witt r r- t fc. --V" n- - s kji nw k of Weather. T p. in. Tern. fall. Bismarck, clear 70 76 , 00 Cheyenne, cloudy 68 76 .04 Chicago, cloudy 84 .00 Davenport, rain 76 8S .0? Denver, part cloudy It 80 .01 Havre, cloudy .. go ' 64 .08 Helena, cloudy 63 68 .00 Huron, clear 78 Hi .0" Kansas Cltv, clear 86 M .00 North Platte, clear 84 M '.00 Omaha, clear 78 91 T Rapid City, clear 76 " 76 .00 St. Louis, clear 84 90 .On St. Paul, cloudy 76 80 ON fait Lake City, clear .... 82 di .00 Valentine, clear 80 82 .0u WilliBton. cloudy U 64 .01 T Indicates trace of nreclDiiatlon. U A. WtUiH. Lot al TOY TM mvw Hotel Kupper 11U and MoOaa, ' KANSAS CITY, M0. ' rs tha aTkopplng District Dtar all ta Thairs. too bsantifal Bvoeaia. 100 private batna. Hot an ooJd wata la nt rnotna, Spacious lobby, parlors. Teleuhoae la every room, eaatlfnl Cafe, rsrfect Oolsla.. $1 to S2.50 Per Day Baropcaa Plan. Kume-BEvso hotel co. r. A. BZHSOsT, MfT. The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & r.ORTU-WESTERN RY. On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford oneiDf the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits t3 Niagara Fails Chautauqua Lake Champlab Atlantic City Tha St. Lawrence Hew York City Hudson River Trip Adirondack The Cafskilis Berkshire Hills Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by th Chicago & North-Western Ry. with traim .of all lines east. For rate, tickets and full informatloo apply to TICKET OFFICES I40I-U03 Farnam Straot OMAHA, NEB. avM-t-! Touma oar x..n MicirroAaT 1tmJtJiliw MANITOU for (laaacngr tervlc exclusively, mukus thsee trita weekly to Charlsrols, Harbor Bpnnfs, Bay View, Fetosksy and Mack. luao Island, connection with all tUamn p Lines for l-ke Superior. EaMern and Catm llan points. Inquire about our week-end trips specially arranged (or Business and ( rofeaalnPHl Wen. LI1TEI CHICAGO A.B TOtiOWIi Hon. 11 iHO a. b. Wed. p. in Trt. 0:30 p. lu, MAMXTOTT BTTAKSHI COMFAaTT u ( natal, gash au N. Water U lkkj MEN! Do you know that your failure to instruct your wives, daughters, sisters and molhers in the correct way to htep off a car exposes them to danger? "Take hold of hand-hold with left hand and face direction the car is moving." Assist us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Sired Railway Co. WHERE TO EAT WroWs (Paries' OAR AND ... CHILI , 214 South Fourteenth Street. Chinese, Mexican, Italian Dishes a Specialty. Chop Suey Chili Con Carne Spaghett' Chinese" Noodles Chili Mac - Macaroni Prompt and Polite Service Open All Night Orders Sent Out Given Slecial Attention. Ladie3' Parlori Upstairs Phone Douglas 4441 I.