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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1907)
1 -I 1 The Omaha AILY leg ' r -k, VOL. XXXVII NO. 11. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1907. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee LI "1,1 V fM MARKET EASY J Close of ths Financial Tear Finds a Moit Hopeful Condition. rPJCE OF STOCKS FIRMLY HELD I ? T-t- TTTill .. . Wflich Break Record. REQUIREMENTS EASILY MET ( Fayment Will Release Large Sums ' for InTestment Furposes. EUEOPE MAY HAVE SOME TO LOAN Dewml (or American FoodatotTs la Expected to Start a flow Gold the United tat. NEW YORK. Jun . Thera has bean a stirring of apeculattva Interest In the mar ket In the week just passed, which la re tarded aa testimony of a hopeful spirit that tha long prostration of lnvetment de- 'mand may be reaching Ita period. The ) exjgencle of the mid-year money settle , merits, or the fear of them, have delayed ) (Ills manifestation. It was easy to discern through tha restraint on the market's activity that prices wera firmly held and .hat tha amount of atocka for aala was .significant Tha tentative attempts of ha professional operatora for some time wurt were unsuccessful' in dislodging any raportant offerings. Tha near approach of he end of the half-year found such eon Inued tranquility In tha money markets, ilao. In spite of tha huge reaulreroenta to o met In providing resources for tha dis bursement of dividend and Interest pay ments, that the professional element was omboldened to undertake a campaign on he long side of tha market. Tha pro fessional character of this undertaking, and ,is largely experimental nature, are quite renerally recognized In tha financial dla ..icts. It Is expected that the large sums to disbursed In profit a during the coming nonlh will seek reinvestment In securities, -And it Is to anticipate thta demand that jtrofeaslonal operatora have been taking n atocka ' .id putting up prices. Another eoognlsed object of the movement la the mprovement of valuation of securtty-hold-'ngs which will appear In the semi-annual balance sheets Boon to be made up of numerous corporations and financial ln tltutlons. There la a general conviction Uso, that large amounts of securities are now held which were taken over aa a natter e necessity during tha weak period of the market for the protection of valuea nd to avert demoralisation and widespread harm. It la expected that holdings of Lhla kind will have to ba digested in the tours of any considerable advancea la prices. The fact that tha attempt ' haa oean undertaken In face of theaa disad vantages la proof of the growth of confl Wnoe that tha troubles of tha market are iioaUy of tha past Itoeorsl Dividend Payments. It la estimated that the amount to ba disbursed In dividends and interest In New Tork during tha coming month will reach total of $183,000,000. This Is a larger amount than was aver before distributed at this time. The figures are a testimony to tha high degree of business prosperity that la still maintained ' and shows how rapid a rata of recuperation of capital de ficiencies Is possible by a slowing down of tha rata of absorption. Figures of rail way capitalisation in the last few years show bow rapid has bean tha rata of abaorp. I tlon, tha figurea not only rising prodigiously 1 ach year since 1298, but tha ratio of In oi-ease for each year making successive bounds up to the scramble which developed among tha railroads for capital resources towards tha close of last year. The crlsl which resulted was aggravated by the after effect of tha great destruction of capital caused by the Boer war, the Ttuso-Jap-anesa war and the Ban Francisco earth quake Theaa numeroue capital require mezits fell mostly on British and European supplies and reduced tha resources avail able to meet the demands of the American railroads in that quarter. Much attention haa been attracted to an exhaustive' re view of tha prospects for foreign capital flowing Into American enterprlaea made by tha London 6tatlat In an Introduction to Its American rallroada supplement. Tha conclusion of that authority la that the j Quantity of European capital available for investment la now likely to increase, with the passing of the Influence of war loan a and that tha profitable opportunltlea of fered In American railroad enterprises are likely to attract It, but not without a rata of return higher than necessary In times -est. Dml for Foodstwffs. 1 Authorities In New Tork are of tha opin ion that the demanda for capital In active business will decline during the coming full and some bankers already discern some curtailment of mercantile borrowings of this sort They believe that tha retrench ment will be of special effect on the aide of Imports of merchandise, which have been running at so high an excess over all previ ous records to account in large part for the courae of tha International exchangee land the export movement of gold. It is row evident that foreign requirements for foodstuff will be unusually heavy this year, owing to crop shortages abroad, and tun Me nee haa become established that this country will have surplus supplies avail able, which can be marketed on profitable terms. The course of the International ex thanges, therefore, la expected to move favorably for thla country. The prospect f a slowing down of trade seem to be - at d.J with equanimity, aa It la felt that the high pressure at which activity had r!en waa overrunning the capital available id ai being conducted at an extravagant t. which waa threatening the Integrity tie not return. A great Impression was entile by the strong expressions of Presi dent Elliott McDougal of the New York Bunkers' association along these lines, gold Mr. McDougal: "Gentlemen: W can nut hold the present pace. We should not ho 1.1 it even if we could. If our depositors d i not realise this, our unpleasant but per fectly plain duty la to curtail their accorn rr.'Klution lines and enforce retrenchment. Vv is In an era of extravagance, both c.. w)i ate and Individual; of extravagance In enterprise and of extravagance In ex j . minus ea; extravagance aa much beyond j ,r,.Unt aa la our feverish buslnt-k ac. li ity. No matter what this country's liok I !. !! are. It cannot accumulate capital v,tt!mut thrift end tojay thrift appears to be I'M sutten." Tin' aloe lug down proceas thus called for la R.ukeJ upon In Wall street 'aa a mean ti-T recuperation and there la no apparent ijivty that it will run luto dilresljn. SUMMARY OF TIIE BEE Mnltf, Jnly It lOT. 1907 JULY 1007 sua mqu m wis rttu r CI 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 T I" WCATKXm. FORECAST FOTl NEBRASKA Fair Monday and Tuesday. FOR FX! A ST FOR IOWA Fair and Warmer Monday; Tuesday fair. Tenmerature at Omaha vesterdart Hour. leg. Hour. Deg. 6 a. m 70 1 p. in M a. m 9 2 p. m 90 7 a. m 70 I p. m. 1 a. m 74 4 p. m 91 a. m 7S t d. m f 10 a. m 79 D. m 6! 11 a. m go 7 p. m 78 u m 82 a p. m 75 9 p. m 73 DOMESTIC Julr dividend disbursements the great est on record and fact they 'are In condi tion to ba met without curtailment of credits la taken as a hopeful algn. Page 1 In Morrla Friedman, defense In Haywood rase Introduces Its star witness and fight la anticipated to prevent Introduction as testimony of reports said to have been made by Plnkerton men to their chiefs, which outline plot of mine owners to rail road miners' officials to the gallows. Page 1 Western Federation of Miners takes the Initiative In the formation of a new na tional labor body. ' Page 1 Town of Elwood, Kan.,, opposite St. Jos eph, Is gradually being washed away by the Missouri river. Fags 1 The fact that none but the Cathollo church fills the bill of the legal "recog nised" church In tha canal rone, the Panama laws being effective, haa caused trouble to those who have been married by Protestant clergymen and a presi dential proclamation is necessary to legal ise the marriages. Fags 8 United States Steel ' company eontem- platea investment of 11,000,000, by which It expects to save i cents per ton on the cost of steel production. Pars 1 Wyoming aheep commissioners debate question of ordering ail aheep dipped to kill ticks, which are menacing the flocks. Pars 1 rosVExair. Delegates to The Hague peace confer ence discuss American proposal regarding rights of property at sea and status of merchantmen subject to conversion Into warships. ' Fags 1 STXBKASKA. Politics beginning to warm up at Lin coln. Judge Sedgewtck ready to announce his candidacy for re-election to , the su preme bench, while opposition has not yet been able to settle on a man to oppose him. Vara 1 Freight train collide at Mlnden and number of cars are amashed, but no ono la seriously Injured. Page 1 Under new law homesteaders are en abled to secure isolated parcels of land adjoining landa already owned by them, by direct purchase. Pago fi Hudson, tha young man who shot and seriously wounded the sheriff of Johnson county," makes good his eacape. Fags 1 Kail county officials busy looking up record of W. J. Bloane and expeot to con nect him with the Hermann murder. t Pag 1 X.OOAX. Toung Men's Christian association work ers are encouraged over decision to extend time of campaign for 140,000 and go out with new Impetus. Fag a Rev. Newton Mann says the making of man Is the ultimate purpose of the forces of spiritual, moral and physical educe f ion. . page 8 Beginning today the military divisions of the United States army are to be abolished and the old plan of district divisions given precedence. Pag 1 Fred Pepple shoots better than he thought in defending himself from holdup men. Charles Price, ono of the highway men, found with bullet in hla neck. Pag 3 POSTS. Results of the ball games: 5- Omaha va. LIneoIn-I 6 Sioux City vs. Denver 0. 4-3-St. Louis va. Cincinnati e-t Pittsburg- va. Chicago 3-4. t Chicago vs. Detroit 0. I Cleveland va. St. Louis 1. II- 1 T oulsvllle va. Indianapolis J-S. g.g Minneapolis vs. Mil waukee 6-8. , 10 Kansaa City vs. St. Paul 4. . 11 Toledo va. Columbus 7. Fag S KOTXagEHTfi OP OCX AST gTZAMSHIFS. Port. ArrlTe4, Bellas, NBW TORK Vrobrla NEW YORK Wa Touraioa NEW YOSK Kr!fli MONTHIAL Canada LaKa Michigan. LIVERPOOL Btouiia Iberian. SOUTHAMPTON.. Talladlllla Ql'ERNSTOWN... Campania. LONIiON Hlhamlan. 1MER Kroonland. GIBRALTAR gla.onla. GLASOOW , Certnthlaa, PLYMOUTH Frtaa'k asrfiroaia. FIRE AT A HEALTH RESORT Sanltarlnm la Destroyed, bat All of Patients Are Safely Removed. MINERAL WF.LLS, Tex.. June Jo. Min eral Wells, with nearly 10,000 visitors from sll over the south, was threatened with total destruction tonight. The fire started In the skating rink of the Palace Amuse ment company, a new (3.000 structure just completed, but not yet opened. From there the fire spread to the Mineral Wells sanl- j tarlum, a four-story brick filled with pa tients. These were all moved out and no lotts of life Is reported. The Mineral Wells bath house, which was empty st ths time, was totally destroyed as were the Lltla pavillton and part of the Wann hotel. About thirty small structures were also burned. The total loss will foot up over 1100,000. There was no loss of life and tha Craxy well and Carlsbad wells were saved. Alleged Forger Arrested. STURGI8, S. D.. June JO.-tSiieolal Tele gram.) A man named Van Kenren, ar rested by the authorities her yesterday afternoon, la aaid to ba wanted at Lead City for forging a check of 150 on George Stevena' bank account at the Miners' and Merchants' bank at Lead. When Van iou ren was captured he was asleep under a tree a lib a hora tied nearby and taken to Lawrence county yesterday by ShawuT T rathen. Anarchist Cvlvay Breaking I'p. TACOMA. Wiih., June 30. Rome Col ony, established by enarUiWa on Hender son bay about ten y.aia ago, is breaking up.' Member are , reported to be quietly itaviiig sine Emma Goldman visited the place a few we.ks ago. The colony own Ml arre divided Into two-acre tracta, but ai ft tham liave aavar tuaeii fr"inmlaMt ARMY DIVISIONS ABOLISHED System of Three Yean Give Way to Old Flan. BACK TO MILITARY DISTRICTS After Today the Larger Commands Will Hot Exist Twelve Forts In Department of Mlssoart. Beginning with today tha military di visions of tha United Statea army cease to exist and a return Is made to tha old department division of the country Into military dlatiicta. The Department of tha Missouri thua again becomes on of tha greatest of the departments and resumes Its old dimensions, with ths addition of Missouri, which was taken away from tha department upon the creation of tha mili tary division system three yeara ago. The headquarters will continue to be In Omaha at tha army building. The poata now in the Department of the Missouri are: Jefferson Barracks and St. Louis arsenal. Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Fort Des Moines, Forts Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Neb.; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackensie and Camp Washakie, Wyo., and Fort Meade, 8. D. The troopa now In the department are: Company K, corps of engineers; Companies A, B, D and H, signal corps; headquarters and two aquadrona of tha Second cavalry, headquarters and two aquadrona of tha Eighth cavalry, detachmenta of the Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth cavalry. Fourth and Eighteenth Infantry and about twenty batteries of field and siege artillery. General Headjnatment of Troopa. A general realignment of the troopa of the department will be made during the aunrmer and fall inontha. The Eighteenth Infantry Is to go to the Philippines, as are tha remaining detachmenta of tha Tenth and Sixth cavalry, Theaa will be suc ceeded by other regiments now returning from the Philippines, Including the Six teenth infantry, which Is to garrison Fort Crook, from which the Thirtieth infantry departed Saturday. Brigadier General W. H. Carter, now In command of the Department of tha Lakes, haa been deaignated aa tha permanent com mander of the Department of the Mis souri, but it now looks aa if he will not be able to assume tha command until Janu ary next In the meanwhile Brigadier General B. S. Godfrey of Fort Riley la In temporary command of the department and will ao continue until tha arrival of General Carter. There Is .no Immediate prospect of any change In tha personnel of tha present staff of the department TICKS ARE TROUBLING SHEEP Commissioners Debate Question of Ordering a General Dipping. 1 CHKTENNE. Wyo., June S0.-(SpeclaJ.-At a meeting of the State Board of Sheep commissioners yesterday the matter of or dering a general flipping ef an of the sheep . of the atat for tlcka waa discussed. The report of Inspectors showed that ninety seven bands of sheep out of every 100 are Infected with ticks, or about 75 per cent of the aheep. Some bands are not entirely infected. It develope also that tlcka are now doing aa much damage aa scabies ever did, and some sheepmen are of the opinion that ticks are even naore 'destructive than scabies. It was decided to take the matter up with the several associations of wool growers throughout tha state,' the State Board as sisting those organizations In any action hiVon. H la thought that many counties will make an effort to eradicate tlcka at once, while In others the clean-up will be deferred until fall. Inspectors were Instructed to release the rangea of the Swan Land and Cattle com pany from quarantine in Albany and Lara mie countjes. This company, which Is run ning about 100,000 sheep, has had scabies tor more than three year, but the gen eral dipping the past winter and spring has eradicated the disease. Tha members of the State Board of Sheep Commissioners went to Denver today to confer with officials of the Bureau of Animal Industry with relation to the epidemic of an unknown disease among sheep in the country west of Casper, where thousands of sheep have dropped dead dur ing the past few weeks. Some experts claim death waa caused by a grub on the brain, while others believe spinal menin gitis Is ths direct cause of death. The government men will be asked to aend their best officers to make a careful Investiga tion and take atepa to stop the epidemic. Noted Cowboy Found Dead. SIIOSHONI, Wyo., June 80. (Special.) Arthur Watson, a cowboy employed by the Qulen Sabe ranch waa found dead Wednes day, near the head of Antelope creek, a few milea north of town. When found, his saddle waa lying close by him and the clnchea were still fastened. How the horse ever succeeded In getting free from the saddle without breaking or unfasten ing the girts is a mystery. Watson was a noted rider of the county. The horse waa known to be an outlaw, but the people of the ranch had enough confidence In hla riding to suspect nothing when he had been away from the ranch a few days, sup posing that ha waa atopplng at a neigh boring ranch. Tha body waa found quite by accident Jeaa Yates, the owner of a neighboring ranch happening to find It aa he waa riding after cattle of hla own. No Trace of M laving; Man. 8TURGI8. S. D., June Si). (Special Tele gram.) There was considerable excitement here last nlgut when Ben Rlshor reported to the officers that Nick Rose, who escaped near Worthtngton, Minn., while on hla way to the penitentiary, was In a cabin near ! Eturgis. Rlshor stated ha had seen him J and carried food to him. The authorities, j together with Rlshor, went to the cabin at once, but found no signs of anyone being ' there. Other cabins In the same vicinity were searched. It Is hardly possible Rose would come back here, ; Indian Commlta Snlrlde. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., June SO. -(Special.) Information haa been received her to the effect that Sam Ell, an Indian of j the Tankton Sioux tribe, who only r. j cently completed a term of one year In the I Sioux Falls penitentiary for horse stealing, ! committed sulclds while a prisoner In ths jail at Yankton agency. New Hotel for Cheyenne. CHEYENNE, Wyo., June K. (Special J Public announcement waa made today of plana for a $200,000 hotel at the northwest corner of Fergusdh and Sixteenth atreets. The struct ur will be fiv stories in height and will b modern In every refoect It Is to b constructed by a kyudicals banded I by Harry P. Hynds RIGHTS OF PROPERTY AT SEA Big Powers All Take Kindly to the Proposal of United States. THIS HAGUE, June BO.-Profltlng by the holiday the leading plenlpotentlnrlea met privately today to exchange viewe on ths propositions before the peace conference. Joseph H. Choate and General Horace Por ter conferred at length with 8ir Edward Fry and Sir Ernest Satow, Prof. De Mar ten of Russia, Count Toroelll of Italy and Dr. Kreiger of Germany, while William L. Buchanan, who waa the chairman of tha American delegation which attended ths Pan-American congress, discussed affairs with several South American delegates. There seems to be some opposition rslsed against the proposition of the Inviolability of private property st sea; several Latin American countries, who have no merchant marine, think that tha abolition of the right of capture and of privateering will deprive them of a weapon dreaded by their enemlea. The whole triple alliance, however, strongly supports this proposition. Indeed, among the numerous secret documents distributed in sealed envelopes are declarations to that effect, notably from Austria and Italy. Baron Marschal von Blebersteln, head of the Ueramn delegation, stated to the Asso ciated Press that Germany's attitude In this matter waa entirely favorltble. The other American propoaltlon, the col lection of pocuniary debta without the em ployment of force. Is gaining favor. It will be discussed on Tuesday. General Por ter will explain it true scope, but it Is understood that some amendments will be presented, Furthermore the American dele gation, among various suggeationa to strengthen .the court of arbltrstion at The j Hague Is credited with the Intention of I proposing that the permanent arbiters here be judgea Instead of d'plomatlsts. From the documents which were dis tributed today It appears that the powers are determined to take this opportunity of settling the question of the transformation of merchantmen Into war ahlpa. In order to avoid a repetition of Incidents auch aa that of the aeitur of the steamshlD Malacca by the Russians In the Russo Japanese war, which resulted solely from want of International agreement. The Russians, evidently remembering their later experiences, wish to define a warship as "any vessel commsnded by a naval officer, with a crew subject to the military cols." The Russian statement with regard to a warship further says: ; "Such a vessel must fly a war flag by order of Its government, which applies from the moment of issue of such an order and "the vessel must be Inscribed In the list of warships In that country.". The British definition is more precise and I likely to be supported by the United Statea, Germany and Italy. The Japanese propoaltlon confines the transformation of merchantmen In war ships "to national porta, territorial waters or ports and territorial water ocoupled by a atata wishing to effect such transfor mation." Tha Italian proposal follow: "Mer chantmen can only bo transformed on con dition of their being placed under a naval officer and furnished with a crew subject to military discipline Merchantmen leav. fng tha terrltortai wate'ia of he!r own country after the opening of hostllitlea cannot change their character on the open sea or the water of another state." GETTING ECONOMY DOWN FINE Steel Works Spending a Fortune to Save Few Cent on Each, Ton of Steel. PITTSBURG, June to. That the cost of production of steel may be reduced a few cents a ton, a million of dollars are to be apent In new machinery for the planta of the United Statea Steel corporation and almost 100 engines are to be relegated prac tically to the s"rap heap. This st.p will probably take two or tnree year to com plete, but It Is assured by the experiments that have been carried on at the Edgar Thompson plant of the corporation at Braddock, where the experiment have been made along the llnea of abolishing coal for gas as fuel and using the gas that blow from the blast furnaces. The experiment at the Edgar Thompson plant, It is said, ha determined the policy of the steel corporation for all It works, and gaa englnea will be immediately installed aa fast aa they can be built at all the planta. At Gary, Ind., where a new plant is being built, twenty or more of the new engines will be installed to furnish power and to "blow" the. furnaces. These en glnes are said to cost abouut HM.OOO. and the cost for engines alone at this plant will be' about 13,000,000. Beside this outlay there will be a great expenditure for the vast system of monster pipes for carrying the gas from tha blast furnacea and for Ita purification before It can be uaed In tha englnea. AUTOMOBILE JUMPS OVER BANK Dropa Forty Feet Into Laks and Two of Ita Occapanta Art Injured. ORTONVILLH, Minn., Jun SO. Whll go ing at a high rate of aj-ed this afternoon an automobile containing three persons suddenly swerved snd went over a sheer embankment of forty fret Into Big Stone lake. One of the passetigers probably fa tally Injured. Those In the automobile were Charlea and Walter Bucholz. prominent merchants of Appleton, and the S-yeaf-old aon of Walter. The heavy car did not turn over aa It fell, but landed In tworty feet of water. Charlea was struck by the steering wheel and received Internal Injuries, which may prove fatal. Walter wa badly cut and bruised and la In a serious condition. The boy escaped unhurt. A gasoline launch waa near the scene of the accident and those aboard hastened to rescue the automobUlsts, who otherwise might hav been drowned. COLDEST JUNE0N RECORD Weather Coatlnnes to Do Abnormal Stunts In Eastern Section. WASHINGTON. Juno JO.-The weather bureau tonight announced that tha month Just closed waa the coolest June of record in Washington, D. C, In the lost seventy five years and that the same Is probably true of New Englsnd. the middle Atlantic I states and tha lower lake region. In other I narta of the TTnUeH KtatH ih. . m-.. y-..rm turee were also lower than usual. Tha bureau's official statement aays in explana tion: "Aa in previous cold Junes the distribu tion of stmospheric pressure over the Ca nadian maritime provinces and the north Atlantic waa such ss to cause a predomi nance of ocean winds In northeastern dis tricts andt a blockade of the continental flows either In the Ohio volley or off the New England coast'" POLITICIANS ARE WAKING UP Sedpewick Ready to Announce Candi dacy for Re-election to Bench. OFFOSinON IS DEVELOFINQ asnnsssBBBaaa N I'p to Date Thoa Who Wool Sea Sedgewlck Sidetracked Are Unable to Agree on Candidate. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June 80. (Special.) The com ing week Is likely to see something started in state politics. While no definite an nouncement haa been made, it ia understood that Chief Justice S. H. Sedgewlck of the supreme court Is a candidate for renomlna tlon and re-election. Judge Sedgewlck was promoted from the supremo court commis sion to the supreme court proper and will go before the people fot. a renomlnatlon on the platform that on satisfactory term of service entitles him to snother. It Is under stood that Judge Sedgewtck's candidacy can be projected by meana of petltlona under the new primary law asking tha aecretary of atate to put hla name on tha primary ballot and that theaa petltlona will be circulated In every county In Nebraska. The movement In behalf of Judge Sedge wlck la being engineered by hla brother, T. E. Sedgewlck, of .York. H. C. Lindsay and quite a number of personal frienda of the Judge In varloua section of the tate. On the other aide there la noticeable ac tivity among a group of local politlclana, of which tha head and front la State Chair man W. B. Rose and Secretary Clark rer kin, now secretary of the State Railway commission, trying to organise to beat Judge Sedgewlck for the nomination on the ground that he la not aufficlently In sym pathy with the "reform element" supposed to be in control of the party, and that they want a man more In harmony with progres sive republicanism. Attempts were made to get aeveral candidate Into the running, the first being directed at Judge Paul Jes Ben of Nebraska City, then State Senator Aldrich. District Judge Leslie Hurd and finally former Judge M. B. Reese of Lin coln. The Reese boom waa started by an article In tha Aurora Republican, a paper controlled by Clark Perklna. and the bou quet was sent around ths circle of the re form press to be pushed along. About a dozen papera have apoken kindly of Judge Reese, but "even of these quite a few couple the comment with endorsement of 8edge wick. The chief difficulty encountered aeems to have been to enlist the hearty co operation of Ross Hammond a Fremont Tribune. Hammond says Reese ta too old and wants to fall back on aome "younger man like Judge Jessen. or judge uncoin Frost, or Senator C. H. Aldrich or othera who may be found." Up to the preaent Judge Reeae has re fused to be committed beyond saying that v. .ir,Au.Mi1 and that he will not be a candidate unless ha Is satisfied public sentiment demands It Northwestern Fllea Schednlo. The TTnion Pacific, the Rock Island and the Missouri Pacific rallroada got a hurdle niaced In front of them yesterday when the Northwestern filed Ita echedule of rates to conform to the Aldrich maximum rrelgnt mto law which gnr Iiio effect July IS. The railway eorrmlssion law provides ths low est rats schedule of any railroad ahall be the rate of all other roads for aimilar aerv- lce. Thla means, according to the Inter pretation of the commission, that the other road will have to stand for tha IS per cent reduction. National Gnard Kncampment. The National Guard encampment will be held August 14 to August a. but the place haa not yet been decided. The announce ment of the date was made last night Safe and San Fourth. Lincoln is to have a safe and sane Fourth of July In theory, aa provided for by the city ordinances, but In practice, according to the unusual number of firms handling fireworks, It will be the usual Fourth and then some. Most of the celebration la to be at Epworth Lake park, where a pro gram will be carried out HUDSON MAKES GOOD ITIS ESCAPE No Preaent Hope of Captarln Man Who Shot Sheriff. TKCUMSEH, Neb., June 30. (Special.) The manhunt which prevailed here all day yesterday haa come to a close. Simeon Hudson, tha young desperado who shot Sheriff H. U. Miner here Thursday, la probably many mllea away. Tha Beatrice bloodhounda were put to work In the tim ber Borne eight mllea south of here last evening, and there waa a big crowd of Pawnee City and Tecumseh men on hand, as well as two dozen farmers, to take psrt In tha hunt Every man was srmed either with a shotgun or rifle. The dogs went Into ths timber and acented about con alderably, locating a place where Hudnen had evidently elept Friday evening. The doga would then Insist on going to the road, and aa tha scent was so old when they were put to work they could do no good. The hunt waa then given tip. The horse Hudson took from the Sterling livery, man haa been returned to that town. STORE BUILDING COLLAPSES No Hlarh Wind at Tim and Canse la m Mystery. ASHLAND, Neb., June SO. (Special.) Without warning last night ths west wall and the roof on tha rear end of 8. L. Sears' tore collapsed. There waa no high wind or other dlstruhance at the time and Mr. 8ears Is unable to account for the disaster, unless It was due to the Intense heat. The only occupanta of the atora at the time were Bert Service, a clerk, and Dr. C. C. Wills ler. Both escsped uninjured. A clock on the new side of the stors waa thrown out of plumb by the concussion and stopped at 1:49 o'clock. There Is no inauranc to cover the damage, about 11,000, and ths west half of the store will have to be rebuilt. The building waa put up In 1871. Aa much of the stock aa could be removed with aafety was placed In a vacant building pending the work of clearing up the debris. River Cartlna- Banks. PLATTS MOUTH, Neb.. June 30. (Spe cial. ) The Burlington la experiencing con siderable trouble wtth the Missouri river ' near this city. The high water 1 cutting the bank on the east side and a force of men has been employed there for aoms . time rlprapplng the bank for a considerable ' distance north of the big bridge. Crushed : stone snd willow matting Is used to stay ' the attacks of the flood. .." 1 I Johnson Star Another Month. BEATRICE, Neb., June S0.(SpecJal At the request of Oovernor Sheldon, Dr. A Johnson, who some time ago tendered his resignation ss superintendent of the Institu tion for the Feeble Minded Youth, has agreed to remain at the Institute for an other month. Governor Sheldon haa an nounced that he will name Dr. Johnson's successor within ths nxt thirty daya NEW NATIONAL LABOR PARTY Western Federation of Miner Takea Initiative in Ita Founda tion. DENVER, Colo.. Jun SO. The Western Federation of Miners convention held it first Sunday session today. If a resolution which waa Introduced I adopted It will Initiate the organlantkm by the Western Federation of Miner of a new national labor union. The matter came up upon the report of the special committee to which waa referred all pending motions relative to that portion of acting President C. E. Mahoney' message regarding the factional fight In ths Industrial Workera of the World. The report of the committee aug gesta that all the contending factions of the Industrial Workers, tha Brewers' union and such other organttatlona as deem themselves enough devoted to the erious and Important cause of national labor co operation shall meet In Joint convention with delegate from tha Western Federa tion of Miners In Chicago on October 1 of thla year for the purpose of bringing all labor sympathisers together In harmoni ous assembly. The discussion of this recommendation will contlne tomorrow: John M. O'Neill, editor of the Miners' Magaalna, defended himself today against the charges which have been made against him. I-OOKI.NO UP SI.O AXE'S RECORD Official of Hall Coanty Bellev II Know Aboat Marder. GRAND ISLAND, Neft., June 30. (Spe cial.) Sheriff Dunkel of .this county and Sheriff Jonea of Nuckolls county, have been working on the Hermann murder case and have Just secured new and what they re gard as very Important evidence against W. J. Sloans, the man who left Omaha on the night of May 14 with Frank Hermann, ostensibly to work In a railway construc tion gang, but who did not remain with his work. Hermann at the time never showed up. Sheriff Dunkel secured the arrest of Sloans at Gretna a week ago. Sloane waa found on a farm near there, working stead ily. Ilia record has been. It appears, that of a hard-working laboring man who, how ever, waa .thriftless and often drank heav ily. Different reports are received aa to his past character. When put through a sweating process a week ago Sloane ad mitted having known a man of Hermann's description and admitted having left Omaha with the workmen, being asleep wherl he reached Grand Island and not waking up until breakfast time, somewhere In the western part of the atate. The laborers, about ten In number, were shipped out of Omaha on Union Pacific train No. 3. Only two of them accepted work at Dlx. Neb., whither they were shipped. Ha stated that he came back here on tha 16th, Campbell Brothers' circus day, and went on to Omaha. But Campbell Brothera exhibited here on the 22d and six days are renlly unaccounted for In his first story. Now It Is conclusively shown that Sloane did not go from- here directly to Omaha, but that he went to Aurora and there sold, for $1.75, the watch that Frank Hermann's father gaye him far a present. The number of this Elgin watch, together with the mark ings of a repairer, identify It as Hermann's. It was sold to a man named Fowler, who know Sloane, and- who la willing to come here nd testify t" that fact, Julius Hoff artann, the half-brother of the murdered man, stated when here that his 'brother also had In his possession an Imitation alligator skin pocketbook, the rompllmenta of a Chapman, Kan., bank, the name of ths bank being on the book In gold lettera, and the man Fowler ia said to have de clared that Sloane had audh a pocketbook when he sold the watch to hlrrr. Sloane will In a few daya be put through another sweating process. There la ltttlo doubt. among the officers but that the Gretna man will have to face a Jury, eventually, on the charge of having committed thla murder with the motive of robbery. TWO FREIGHTS IN COLLISION Number of Cars Smashed Up, hot No One Seriously Mart, MINDEN. Neb., June SO (Special Tele gram.) Freight trains No. 78 and 77 met In rear-end collision east of ths depot about 10 o'clock Saturday night throwing five cars down the embankment and leaving three wrecked on the track. Both train were sidetracked for No. i and the acci dent was caused by the breaking of a coupling, allowing the rear end of 77 to crash into the rear end of 78, which had pulled onto the main line. Mr. Little, a stockman from Denver, was dosing In the caboose of 74 and did not have time to Jump when aroused, and his escape Is miraculous, as the caboose wa a roas.i of kindling. He austalned some bad cuts, but wss able to follow after hla stock to South Omaha Sunday evening on No. 6. The wrecker from Hastings clesred the track In time for No. 1 Sunday morning and a large crowd waa entertained during the day In seeing tha wreckage cleared and feasting on spilled fruit. No. 6 went via Blue H1U Saturday night Blair rksatasa This Week. BLAIR, Neb., June . (Special.) Ths first annual chautauqua of Blair will ba held In this city, commencing Tuesday, July t and lasting to July 7. The Young Men's Business club Is the promoter In get ting this fin entertainment for Blair, In which some of the most talented orators, humorists and cartoonists and the Royal Hungarian orchestra will appear through out tha week'a program. General Z. T. Sweeney will be tha orator of the day for the Fourth of July and others on the pro gram ar Colonel H. W. J. Ham, Opt Read, Gilbert Eldredge. Alton Packard, Adrian N. Newena and Right Reverend Mgr. J. Henry Tthen. the Catholic lecturer, and many othera. Tha Danish Brotherhood has the Fourth of July celebrstlon under its car and promises all who come a rare time, with lota of fun, gamea, etc. Blair la noted all over thla part of the atata for Its beau tiful shade treea, with Ita two fine railroad parka and the city parka, one large one given by the lat Banker A. Castctter; yet with all Ita beautiful parks, owing to a peti tion signed by a few chronic knockers, the chautauqua people were obliged to secure grounds st the outskirts of the city, on ths school house grounds, making It very In convenient for aged people to attend the evening session a InveatlaTatlnaT Coal Prospects. REPUBLICAN CITY, Neb., June J0 (Special.) John H. Rackerby, a mining en gineer, together with an expert. coal miner from Iowa, were Just here Investigating the coal prospects. They found from tha dis coveries made by 8. O. Baker on a farm Just out from town, that there were as fin indications of a good coal mine aa any In Iowa or Illinois that they have observed. The coal miner expet.xpects to return In th nesr future to assist Mr. Baker In de veloping this mine. Roosevelt Boys at Homo. OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. June SO-Theodors Jr. snd Kermit Roosevelt have arrived at basramoi Hill U apend their auheol vaosv- t'omv DEFENSE OFIlAi WOOD Real Outline of Flans of Accused ii Rapidly Being Developed FRIEDMAN THE STAR WITNESS Copies Reports Made to Finkertont by Detectives in Their Employ. FIGHT ON THEIR ADMISSION State Will Endeavor to Exclude Them from the Jury. FUTS CRIME ON MINE OWNERS Ontlln of Consplrnei Which RlvaU Story Told by Harry Orchard f Alleged Crime of the Miner. BOISE, Idaho, June 30. Tha alleged con spiracy of th Plnkerton National Detec tive agency, under retainer from tha Mine Owners' association and tha Citizen's Alli ance of Colorado and Idaho, to destroy the Western Federation of Miners, will ba taken up tomorrow morning, when th trial of William D. Haywood la .resumed at 10 o'clock. Th defense aets up thla aa the counter conspiracy of which Harry Orchard, It la charged, wa simply an agent. The chief witness Is one Morris Friedman, formerly a stenographer for tha ... Plnkerton at the headquarters of the west ern division In Denver. It Is alleged that Friedman, as sn agent of socialist and th Western Federation, secured th position In the Plnkerton employ for the purpose of spying on the Plnkertons. Somo of the dally reports of the "oper rtors" employed by the sgency to Join th Western Federation, attend meetings of the local unions, and, If possible, secure their own election to office In these union. Friedman had testified, were given to him ' to copy. He made a copy for himself am now produces a number of these repnrti which have been marked for Identtficatlo as evidence, but which hav not been reau In court In fact, Clarence Darrow, , of counrcl for the defense, stated to Judge Wood that ho had not himself read ths reports. Thn sdmlsstblllty of these copies of reports aa evidence will be argued tomor row mrrnin Light on Plan of Defense. By th! Introduction of the witness,. Fried man, on the last day of the first week of ths Inning for the defense, a more posi tive light Is thrown upon ths position taken by tho attorneys who are endeavoring to clear Haywoml ar.d the other officials of the vet in FecVrstlon of Miners from tha charge of cot sriracy to murder. It Is cleariy Ind'ccted that It Is proposed to show that a conspiracy to exterminate th , Wes'.-rn Federation went so far as to se cure tho Irdlctnrent of the highest officials oi me leaerauon on mo cnargo or muraer It is charged that when Orchard waa ar-v -rested on the charge of th murder ' former Governor St unnberr no w ft duoeU by the Plnkerton to make fesslon Implicating Haywood, Moyer bone, Steve Adam. Jack. Slmpkln number of other officers and meml tho Western Federation of Miners nn extent that Indictments could ba against them in Idaho. In furtheuj the mine owners' conspiracy, it la that further Incriminating evldenc manufactured by the Plnkertons In v of Orchard's confession go that Ha ' the secretary and treasurer of the V Federation of Miners: Moyer, the prASO of the organization, and PettlNme. a f '"ll" member of the executive board, mil convicted of a capital offense and exf (f while many other officer and meml' ' Jt the federation w'ere placed In Jeona' oVy.. trial on a Blmllar charge of conspir . 3OJi0 Plana of Allesrea Consplrnc $29.50 A review of tha evidence introduv $17.50 tho coarse of the last five days brln;U.40 Inevitable conclusion that counsel for -.4ft defense will endeavor to prove to the satis- fsctlon of the Jury that the Plnkerton f sgency and the Min Owners' association,' with th knowledge and approval of tho governor of Idaho, tha former governor of Colorado, the former adjutant general of Colorado and other Influential people, con aplred to secure th death by hanging of William D. Haywood, Charles H. Moyer iwn A. Vet 1 1 bone, and that incident ally the mine owners sre directly respon sible for the killing of fourteen men In th Independence depot TOWN SLIPPING INTO RIVER Missouri Gradually Swallowlnar EI40 wood, Kan., Opposite 00 . . St. Joseph. 15 4 a KANSAS CITT. Mo. June SO.-Th rlllag(50 of Elwood. Kan., alxty mllee north of Kanjg aas City, is gradually slipping Into th aCls- ourl river. Elwood lias In th bottogp. lands aero th rlvr from Bt Jon,73 Mo. It waa aettled first In 18S6 and in t;.75 early day, was a prosperous village trj.jj for a short tlms was a rival of Bt Joaeg-j Fifty years ago ths current of th M sourl river began to sweep against ' levee. Th bank crumbled away and waa necessary to move th houses fNf the water front. This house moving d cess has continued half a century and st all of the original townslt. making ul -section of land, haa been washed T""1 with the exception of about fifty acrea. bJ Ther hav been yeara whn th df""! age wa very small and when th v"', " took new courage. Then again th rent would begin it work and town . would disappear. Great lnroada were rr by the river laat year and now again Stream la cutting further Into th h and tha two dozen remaining families tj , been forced to move their bouano t further. It aeems probsbls that tbo an village soon will be destroysd. All ths habitants thst now remain are hudi together close to the railroad tracks t form ths sounthern boundary of Elwc Elwood is inhabited by truck gardent and fishermen. ' . DEATH RECORD. Francis Mnrphy. I FranJ r ra axinirT.trjs Cm rnto sa. Murphy, the temperance loqfurer, dlod j 10:30 a. m. today. v- A war ere Under Arsvot. GOLD FIELD, Nev.c June 40 Fiv ss sayers were arrested yesterday ami 1" pounds of high-grade ore all"Ked to " been stolen from the Little Florence and valued at tuO.OuO was recovered. men under arrest ar M. J. Smith, Prince, C. J. Track, Henry Lutxe: and Fred Lutser.heixer. All gav ' the sum of $l,Ouu and the raars t ' 1 for hearing on July il. It Is tid t' arrests will be made witnln a f' 4 . Th men who actually stol Ills ar uoder urvvUlauca, 4 ao i iJm 'Y: V i .