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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: TnOlSDAY. JUNE 20, 1P07. I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat ud Ccrn Weak, with Ball WorkiDff for Hall FAIR VTLATEXB, GOOr FOE BEARS t favorable Thrvahtaa- Repwrl trwsa the Hilrrdt ftosta nrt mmm In ('tar f Day. OMAHA, June 1. 1. sod corn ehowe-d cm ciinfM at the opening, with bull working hard lor a rdly. With it recent favorable weatner and general lrr.r rovn.nt In cror, condition, the main .-re.;, has drojled from under the bull market. Reports on threshing returns a- the feature from the winter a heat sections. Borne unfavorable threshing report came from the ektrems southwest. Wheat opened nervous and some weaker, with commission houses selling. Leal bulla bought and tri-d for a rally. The market was bare of offering. July wheat opened at &c bid and doeed 8Sc aaked. Corn opened weaki with a heat and weaker cablea. Crop, report a ssy all Corn la ama.Il and very weeuy and very little cultivating being dona owlni to wet fields July corn craned at. CTc bid. and cluaed at nc asked. Oata opened Strong and fcc higher on continued damatte reports from Illinois and Indiana. CommiBalon bouse were mod-rate buyers. July oata oi-ened at Ua, bid, and cloaed at 41SC aaked Primary whaat recelpta were 44&.0uu bush el and shipments lUiii.OuO bushsis, sgainst receipts last rear of u,0u buahela and shipment of 13h,wK busheus Corn receipts were Mit.M buahela and shipments .4 Om buahela, against receipts last year of Via -Inu buahela and shipment of Hl.miO bushels. Clearance were .0uo buahela of corn, 0 bushel of oata. and wheat sad flour eausl to ttsLOflO buahela. Liverpool tuosed Sd lower on wheat and unchanged to Vtd lower on corn. Seaboard reported 80,000 buahela of wheat sud KA.OuO buahela of corn for export. Loral rang of options: Articles. Open. I Ri-k. how. Close. Tes'y. Wheat July. sr.Bi irvB f.A K.A 8F.A BPA e"TA 87A -t,a rr'ix. erA 47A 47A 47A 41HAI 41HA 41SA at.yAl tHA ly,A Sept.. Corn- July.- TB! 4HTt Sept Osts July... 41SB1 41-B Sept.-I lbB 86A A aaked. OanaAai Oaeat Frleea. WHEAT No. I hard. WlfVc; Ni. S hard. 8(ffWc; No. 4 hard, 7o4,7c; No. 8 spring, W(7o. CORN No. t. 4'94!ic; No. 4. 4GH'gH7c; No. I yellow. 4Hfc4KVc; No. 8. 4F54Vc. OATO-Ko. I mlsed. OStf'Ue: No. I white. U'i-tHc; No. 4 white, 41M1H- KIE No. JL 73c; No. I. 7iva C4U-4tt KcretS'ta. What. Corn. Oats Chicago 26 416 71 Minneapolis Zlt Omaha . 11 4C 28 OuluLh to CUICA4M CHAIS AXD PROTII1IO.NS Ftalim f tk Tr4lac a4 Cloalaa rrlWM ok Baai of Trade. CHICAGO. June 19. The local wheat market waa eironir today becauaa of re porta nf small yields In the southwest and dam age by rreen bugra and wire worsna In the northwest. At the cloae wheat for Sep tember deJlrerr waa up ii"c Com waa up c. Oata abowed a net rain of IVulWc. Provtslona were 6c to lTauc lower. The wheat market opened weaker, sU rg betnc cauand by lower cables and favorable . weather conditions. Offerings, however, wars rot liberal and were readily taken br commtaalon houeee. Sentiment beoame bulllah before the end of the first ball hour and d urine the remainder of the day the market was strong-, prices ad vancing almoat ' above the low point of larse r umber of reports from the south west recardlua' the poor threshing- returna In Oklahoma and the probability of ex tremely small yields in klanaaa. The mar ket was also strengthened by reports of (linage wp bii and wire Jvu.-a.ia in the nurthwoeL The market closed atrorr' Pntemlwr opened trrC lower at H& Klitc. sold off to 8SS0 and then advanced to Xa. The close waa at RCitc. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 8W.70W bushela. Primary recMpte were 446. K buahela, apainat (00.000 bushels for the same clay last year. Minneapoha, Duluth and Chlcapa reported reoaiptB of 274 cara. 3i. cars last week and 2U care a year aaro. '1 lie trn market was strong all day. A feature of the market waa the buying- In the :nw options by provlslona people and large local epeculatore The market opened aomvwhat easier m svinpathy wHh wheat, but later became strong becsuse of light otTetinfa and poor reports regarding the crops In the south and territory east of iriliKila. September corn opened SVie lower at LV621eo, sold between &24aC and I3c and closed at the high mark of the day. Lineal -rejcelprs were 43d cars, 1SJ he Inr of contract srrade. . . The oata market was strong .throughout the session because- of reports that the green bug 1a appearing In large cumbers In many parte of Illinois and Indiana. There was strong buying throughout - the day by speculative lnteresta. September opened unchanged to higher at SAiC to tic. advanced to ttc and cluaed at l7Vff''c. Lral receipts were Ti cars. Trading in provisions waa dull. The mar ket was firm at the opening because of a 6c advance In the price of live hogs, but later weakened on moderate selling by packers. At the close September pork was off 17V?r90o at r rVffl&.RO. Lard was down iTWc at lube ware 60 loner at S&.7S. Estimated receipts for. tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; com. eoi cars; oata, 17 cars; hoga, SZAm bead. The leading- futures ranged as follows- ArOolea-l Open. High.) Low. Cloae. Tst. I 4: 6'g7.iias' 16 "S 37S 4o.3ma'W af7 ltd?! k& . cruf H 70 I . 7s 1SW j (5 I Id . en! is rn l7i No. 1 Cnh quotations were as follows: rLOt'R Steady; winter patents twjMAO; straighta. 814ii:i 7fi; spring pal. ante. $Af(6.ta; alraighrs. t3 io4.1i, bakers. WHEAT No. 8 sprtrur Re-JtlK; No. 8 4Cr! ci; No. I red fcic. 1XK No. 8. 6JVc; No. t yeUow. 5SV1 iAc. OAT8-N0. 8, 40V--! No. 8 wbite, 46'a4fi,e. ni c iu. A mi. HAKLh.f-Fa;r to choice maltins. 705 sUiKDS Flsx. No 1 north went em t Ki Timothy, prima. 84 76. Clover, contract grades, f-i 16. !. VleluNS-Rhort ribs side Ooosfi V 6(i.4Bo. Mmi tork. per bhl , gia'tf li.lfc. Uia. W l' loa.. t.t7k 8iort eleir tdvs (boxed. 4.T;,.-k f ollow tr.g tl. rucipts and ehlpmenta tt hour .o4 grain : Receipta. Shipment 4 rl "beat, bu .41 Torn, bu 7. v rata, bu L-v Rve. bu l..t Barley, bu 17 tty Lis 4-A T Xiv WO 4 4d in .ne Kroouoe exchanre todsv r v,,,i ;er market was steady; crf-anirries. luic; 8aliia lTiulc. Eses. atrdv; t n.arit ras Included. li,u'.4c: Cr-.a lie; prime grata, 14c. Cheese, ateady, llVtjl8ic ' rmrim' Market. PEORIA June 18 -CORN-Hph. r No 8 r1low and 8. t:. No. 4. tl. Nv grade. 4.Wn".1,c-. tATS M gher; No f white. i"&46e- No I white, 4wjirr-. No I1M11 ,..iiHi(' N. 8. fcsi- n'HieKt Cm the basis of 8i M. rlath Aral Market. PniTH, Mlra., June !, WHEAT-o. I northern. V: No 8 northern, wr nly. 8V: Srpteniber. Sec; riecemU! OATS Ow track. 43c; June, 4THc. . . UnvsMl flrwla Market. UVERfViCl.- June 1V-VI HEiT-s-rt.' a- r-d a esters winter. Quirt, as 1. am is t 15 is IF. M 16 u I TO 1 70 I t ( R0 I RS . I k m 1 ao 1 t TAal tl I N- 1 relifr.rr'm rt'ill. S lid T'ltnres, : Juit aJN1. fw.pmber. Tltjl (' 'KStiL. firm; H-aa Jraa. haSd; c Id n r:!i-n. i : T1., quiet; Jaly, j nominal; f upteiriber. 4a SEW VORK GENERAL MARKET Qutatlaa af the Day a Tarlasa in uo1 1 1 lea. KETV TORK. June II -FlOr-fta-c-iptR. 11.".?: 1 I .la.; pria, '3 6 4 ; mar ket moderately active and steady; Minne e ta menta, til j f. 411, wir ier etra.chta, $4i0w4 4;.; Vinnexola bakers. $.6fcVlS; winter eitraa. li sutio. winter pnteota. 4 Mn , (.; winter low yradea. IMiae 4a Rya fcur, ftrrn; fair to ftood. 4 ,fjfc.. (hr,ir-e to lency. t:..lP6 4u. CORN M EAIj Firm ; fne white and rej I'.w. 11 .; t-oaraA, B.17l.l; kllu dried, RTfc Steady; No. 2 western, nominal, c I. f lit WHEAT- Recelpta. bu.; exports, Wi-u bu. Pp'.t nlfirket r.rm; No. t red, 7o elevator. No. 2 red. r..4. f o. U. afloat; No . 1 northern InilutM. r TV f. o. b . sflnat; No. I bard winter, Hf. f. o. b., aloat. An oj.rr.ire- decline 1 in wheat, due to low-r ca!l-i. wa quickly r-fraln and up to the lnet hur the market acted very Om, rovrrnpd by bullish crop news rrnm the northwrt ,T,fl reduced I'rtvate rrr.p ejrt'.mat'-e frf.m Ohio and Missouri. Rfal's'rir indu.ed latr aetbuKn, but near the clou pries ntfadled acam and were j finally to 1c n-t htr'-'r. Julv. . tl rr. cload at r."; Bptemher PScfi i.i'ii cine.j at r. OlVk, Icmbr RIulW3 1". cloaed st tl.oV CORN-Roeipt. e.'.JJT. bu. ; exnorts, TX oVP bu. Spot rrarkot firm; No. 1 63c. ele vator aid 5c t. o. b.. afoat; No. i M1. (Tv and No I Tfllnw. ClUc t n h i afl .at f'ptlon market wan s-onrr on un- crop news, cloning- Tc net niftier. July r!oe.1 at ;V: Peptetrher Qc; Ie cmW 5HVc, cloB"1 nc. OATS Re'-elpts. 7fUf bu,; exports, O CW bu. ?jt market r.rm; tnlxod osts w; to C poiiri-ln. ffic; natural wUte, y to K pounds, n.m.yc; dipped white, M to 40 rK'tmrl. SIHW-V HAT Quiet; shipping, 7W?ffic; rood to f I '' 1 ,S,"1 ). Hora Quiet: atat. commrm to choir. 1s. id.i.f; ie, 4Mit. Pacific toaFt, lyni. nc: li.6, r.rnhr. TTTDEP Quiet; Octroi America. 3c: B'.rotn. rjt,c. 1 EATfTFR Quiet; acid. If. (B 17 U c. TROVISIONS Reef, ateadv: family t14 Oft fr. '9. meaa. u-r ham.' If Off i:: packet, ri ViU S": cltv extra Innia me. 122 oT JJ.Mi Ont mat, rteanr: tickled helMe.. 11?f,l4f: tlckld hams, ri!TS. Id. steady- Wefrtern prime.. av7irt W: refined steady; conti nent, tf SI' Col'th Am-l-ica t!'lE- cr.rn- ound. n0iwr?.3S. For, steady; family. I3I.B0W 00: fhort ciesr, lf.0CK& 16. CO; niea. i - r.0 f 1 S rR TAt-IrTV Steady; city l rr rkj.), H-; connrry pkra. freel. 4Hc. Steady: domestic, fair to extra, T- F7'-: .Tr.n. rninfral. RT'TTKR Sti-edy, atreet price. extra creamer-, JT.Jc; official, creamery com mon to extra, lric: renovated, common to extra, IKfj-'JAy; western factory, com mon to ftrFta, I7i?ic; wertern Imitation creamery. flrFta. Jri.rao, CHKESF-Btnrl ; new state full cream, colored and white, larse and small, beat, HHc: fair to rcod. Kollc; inferior, V- FOrT-TRT litve. easy; sprln western rblckena, lRc; fowls, l!Utc; turkeys, lie. Pressed. !rre-ri!er: weMem broilefa, 22i3 24c; turkevs. Ka14c: foa-la. nTJc. rXGS Firm,, state, Pennsylvsnla and nearbj-, brown and mixed extraa.lS'&nBV': firsts tao extra, first, 1SVW17V: western firsts. lDViJ-ifec; official price ltc; seconds. HW15t . WEATHER IJf THE GRAIW BELT F"atr glla-ktlr Warmer for Tkwrw dar. Sara the Prophet. OMAHA, June 19. W7. The weather li generally fatr In all sec tions, except that rains are failing along the middlt) Atlantic coast. In the lower Mississippi valley and aouthwsst. Light showers continued quite renerel In the central . valleys during Tuesday. The weather la cooler on the Atlantic coast. In the lake reflon," upper Mtaslsalppl and Mls eourl valleys and the eouthwest, and Is warmer In all other portions The outlook la favorable for fair and allghtlv warmer weather rn this vicinity tonight and Thura day. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of ths last three years: 1R07 1B0R 1RGB 11X14 Mla-mum temperature.. .ER ,5S .87 .67 t-WU.liatJon .00 T .2R .04 Normal tbmpVratuSe for today. 7S decreoa. retclncv In precipitation ainos Maroh 1. 1.7S lnchea. Iefjciency . 00 rreipo tiding period 4n I90S. l.? lnchea. Iieficienty corresponding period ia 1NE. l.iU lnchea. . 1 A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora aa4 Wktt Resrioa Rnlletta. For the twerty-fouf hours ending at I a. m., 7Mh meridian time, Wednesday, June IS, li7; OMAHA DISTRICT. Temn. Rain- Etatlons. Max. Mm. fall. Sky. Cltar Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear (lear Ashland, Neb 76 56 .12 Auburn, Neb 71 65 .01 T .11 . .00 .00 .00 .00 .11 .00 .00 .00 .17 .Oft Columbna. Neb: 74 57 64 M 64 IB 65 El 68 4 it fl re 41 Fairhury. Neb.... 7S Fairmont, Neb... SO Or. Island, Neb.. 74 Hartlnirton. Neb. 8S Hastlnga. Neb.. 73 Oakdale, Neb 71 CWiiha, Neb 72 Tekamah,' Neb... 75 Alts, la... 74 Carroll. Ia Clarlnda. Ia.. Bibley. Ia 71 Clear Clear Sioux City. Ia... 74 64 .00 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period endinr at P a. m.' DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. Central. Statlona Max. Mln. Inches 1. nicago. ill 26 Columbua. 0 17 tea Motsea. Ia ... 14 Indlanapoha, Iod.. 13 Kansas City, Mo.. 80 Louisville, Ky 1R Minneapolis. Minn. 80 Crmsha, Neb 18 8t. Louis. Mo 13 Ks A2 .11 ! ffi au ., 64 68 Tl h 2 .On ! 64 0 .88, M ) .OKI "0 44 .08 76 64 .04 R0 (4 .CI 1 The weather Is cooler In aU except the extreme eastern portion of the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred la all ex cept the Minneapolis. Columbus, Indian apolis and Louisville dlstncta. I- A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. kt. I eaia oescral HuUt, ST. LOflS, June ll.-WHEAT Hlgiier traik No. 8 red cash, kife curie; No. 8 hard. misoc; July. SMiuiAc, September,- tekid RjSc. CORN Higher; track No. ? cash, BPiic 6;ci Ptembtr, :ic; No. 8 while. fi itc. OATB-Hifxher: track No. 8 rash. 44V9 4Tc: July. 44c; September, 871i,c; No. whits, 4. Jjc. FLOUR Quiet ; red winter patents 84 40 64 7t; extra fancy and atraight, liTwftH.jy- ?.KP?.iJTilJe,rST- W-0000. C i-ilOvMi-AL-Wuak; li.TU. .. . RRAN Steady; ackd east track. 81.40 HAT-tteady; timothy, 817.UW&80.6; prairls IRON COTTON TIES-4X1. RAGGJNfJ ll' H I MP TWINE-le. . . l-Ko ISloNS-Pwk, lower; Johblnr tl6.Su. Lard, l.wer: prim steam Iai6' I'ry salt meats, sredy; hosed xra ahort" I1 S7H; cl-.r nba. tf.tTi hir cl-ara, 8 SE.' Baoon. ateely; boxed nut h;.rt $idSi' cii-r rihs lln.Jf.; adiirt cleira t'O ii'W ' It'l'LTRY Firm : rhlckena. luc; er-ma. ISc; turkeva. lie; ducks. Kc; tre-se, te. Hutier tfl-ady : creamery, Xijio. EGGS Ouiet Roelpta Fl.'ur. bhl fiia Wheat, bu Ut:i Cum. bj jj v Oata, bu 84.uu0 Shipments. 70S 62,'4) Su tl 104,000 . Kaeaaa City Crala avael PtstUIch. KANSAS CITT. June 1 -WHEAT-July. ; f-;.ieniuer. fin-; Tecemuer, Hm," Cti: No. I hard trta44r; No. I kiwi ; No- S red snsfc-wo; No. 8. f-frc. t i 'RN J uiy, 4Sc. eVpleniber, 4"c; De mUr Cah: No. 8 mixed, tuc; No. 1 StS; No. 8 white. tAtWmc; No. a ft K I . 4.-!ckT'NO' wh,,e c: Ko- mixed, ' HAT-Weak; choice t'mothy, risuyi7a. choice j.raine. f .071 Ou. ' ! RTH eii r-ady; 7ie I tGGS Bieaiiy : extra fancy, lHic- flrsta. i '"""a lev; current recipt,, cases included, esses returned, 11c; eouibern , ca-a, (oclujed. lie. 1 is I'TTKH Creamery. Ec: pack'ng. 14c. .' -,., . , Recelnta Shlpmenta. orn- ) MMwaakee rrtls V.rt,P, MIWA1KEE, Jnr. 1 WHEAT Steady; itll r:.',1h,'T- 11 a1-,i northeriC . 4ffl "IS. h-iiioii,w-r. fe.Uc I '-:--, ;;. 1. -T--i. PARLEY 4?tedy; Na. 1 TSV: sajapkm, "VA,: i CXjKN No. '8, caah, 'ttaii; aVspimuner. 6. c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculation in Wall Streft Market ii at a Standstill. ATTLXPT TO BOOST EEADETO PrrewlosiaI EfTvrt t Make Raaanre4l 1 rreaw la tHyi41eBi41 tmmmr tor avat A4-aee Fall Maw 14 tor rraare. NEW TORK. June IS. Speculation m storks was practically St a standstill t oay. The pmfessinnal traders sttemrted to make something of the Readtrg dtvl dnd inrldent. bjt little success attendd 'he pTnrts to revive expectations that the dividend would be Increased. The trading In Reading during the f.rst hour repre sented the erects Of these efforts. Small as was the result. It amounted to a laree proportion of the day's scrragste transac tions The pr'ce movement was almost erially iosirnlflcant. The 81"-') gold engas-emcnt for ship ment to Farla, added to the 81."A.0(m whi'-h was ant out by today's ateamer. s as about equal to estimates Farit also took Il.lfti.ono from the Rank of Bnrlar.d todtiy. Tt :e forf-ign exchanre showed some slight effect, but the recession waa not aufflcler.t to rreclje the poastbility of a continuance of the rold outro, hirh ha now reached the sum of 81f..SK" ' since the movement be-ssn. Fore'rn bankers sre not disposed to see sy warrant in this movement for suppoaii.x occult political or other troubles to be frshadowed. The position of the Rsnk of France offers sufficient explanstlon for the efforts of that Institution toward recuperation. On June li Its rold holdlnrs amm.r,M4 tH44 t-y sn ..h I8!.XS8,7; on June 14. lon The statement for the prevtn.js week shows it bill hold Irrs to be f4.M. W in excess of a year aro end lis note issues : ooo.(KX larrer on the seme comtarisn. Even the receipt of the rold row in transit for lals. It will be aeon, will leave a conserahle marrln of recuperation still to be effected before last year's pos'tlon Is equftlled. The Influ ence of the movement 1n New Tork bnr.k reser-es Is none the l;ss imjiortant. The rate fr call loans was hirher sitain today In spite of the almost stagrnsnt condition of the stock market and lates for time lonns rose. The profound apathy with which the stock market is betnr treated Is explained by the money outlook. The threatening strike In the telegraph field was not a help to the market, while not diroctly hurtful. Advance In express companies- stocks has reflected the expectation that the example of the Adama Express company will be generally followed In an ticipation of the operation of the Hepburn law calling for more detailed accounting by the express companies. Ths price of copper receded In London assln today, and was also marked down on the metal exchange In this city. The movements of the price of the metsl keep sentimert on the copper securities unset tied and give plausibility to rumors of un stable conditions In the market for the metal as a whole. The weather conditions reported In the crop regions continued favorable and confidence In the progress of the crops was undisturbed. Some at tention was paid to reports or an Intended strengthening of the naval forces In the Pacific with a view of possible eventuali ties with Japan. A new low rate for Brit ish consols In the London market was an Incident of the dsy. Professional operators rave aa a reason for the practical aban donment of operations after the first hour the destr to await action on the Readinr dividend. The adjournment of the dlrectore without action on the dividend resulted In rise in Res ding, but there was no revival In the rest of the market, the closing tone remaining irrerular and uncertain. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, r value, t750.O"0. United States old 4s ad vsnced S, per cent on call. Number of sulee and range of quota tion on ths New Tork Stock exchange: elf. Risk. Low. Class Atetni KipreH IK i n ii imltiiuHl Capper to K ? J' U Arasr. Cir ani Foundry.... ino V S 44n 4'S4 o pf4 )e n, S 7"4 Amr. Cottoa Oil luo fi t- .v 4o pf4 . av Amir. Esprrws lfio EM SS" I.I Abmt. Hi4 A Laatbar fit. W) II l II Amer. lc as Amer. Llnaed Oil p pM j4 Arasr Uuhuti 6, mo U H. r. 4o pfd Jif Amer SnerUiic 41 Hf.-..i 8.100 M54 1M TlSaJ pt . 10. aaier. Sasar ttsfiuax ion 1 14 if Amer. Tr.barra pOl otls.... H H 11 ' AnaronOa Mining Oa..u.. t0 tSt 4 MI44 Atnhisaa 4no M IT a 4a pt4 ' l.K III S3 D?u Atlsntle Coaat Uh (C Baltlmar Ohio 1.000 M US, M 0 p(4 100 88 IS M Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... !. t3;H 4714 t Canadian Pariflo SOU 14ts 14 Cetral nf New Jerary 170 Chaaapaaka A Ohio 700 13 14 1314 Is., Cnlcaso Oraat S'Mrtera . ... . rK li IS 10. Cklcafa A Northwestern.... (l 141 K1V 141 Chlruan, at A Bt Paul.... 1.)U0 li ISa Chioasn Term. A Trana. 7 do prd , II C. C. C. t. Louie 44 Cr.lnr.4o Tur and Iron Ino rn tl Colorado A Southern SnO ti Zt do lat pfd I'm lt 'r.K, u do Id pfd 0 44 444 44 Oonaolldated Oa .... 11( Corn Prod una 19 do pfd 100 78 11 71 Palawara A Hudson .... , 10344 Lark. A Wasters 441 tirnTer A Rio Ormade. 100 ti tt M do pfd 70 Plstlllars saenrtttas loo csvt n tt. Brie sot 12 ii SI do lat p'4 ; K to Id r4 . . S4 Ornnl Elactrto BJ0 m UT 1HT Horklnf Vallar 71 lUlama Oaetral 114 Inter Paper 104 IS it yj do pfd ... 71 later. Pomp 81 do pfd . 4i, lews Central 17 do pld .....,,.... ... It C O. sonthara rn de prd l.'H Imun.n A Naahrtlla llct, Mmcaa Cantral M0 1H, 11 Mlna A St Louis 41 W Hi r I aault St. II M do pfd 127 Bliaaouri Parlflr. 400 74 741 7M4 kllaaoun, Kanaas A Tnaa. "0 B1 K ti do pfd 104 4Jli JH 1 National Lead 100 M t t N R It of Meitos pld.. 41 Now Tork Central 1.406 111 U. 1'IS K. T , Ont A Waslarn U Norfolk A Wasters 71 do pfd W. North Amertran (00 44 Si W Par-.tlr Mall . SI4 Pennarrranla 10 Inn ll4 11"1 U Pnple'a Gaa 0 4 PI'ta . C C. A St. L ti PTiaikd Steel Car , .... tt do pfd IT Pulitnn Paleo Car J'S keadinf U4.IU0 1W tSlk 1'-S do 1st pfd 4 4 dn id pfd 7 Kapul.llr Btsol .... ru. do pfd 4 "j Bock Co 1.0 fl 4 do ptd 100 44 44 4:o St. L. A Ban Fran td pfd 4" 14 Bt. Loals Soutliwaiurn dn pfd 81 Southern Foic 8.1W 74 7H 4 do pid t) r.: irs in Boinbara Aallwar l' '"w T do pid tu tl 41 Tennaaiiw Cnal and Iron 11 Tsaa A Paclflr 84 Toi , Ii L 4 Waste.... 8"S ri rr do prd 4 4S 4 4i4 Vrlon PariSc 40 lit 111 V-i do pfd 44 T B Erpraas VS 11 l't C 8 f :! 600 M U tS T kubhar It 4 Hhk 4 do pfd .. .............. . . as r I Steal 4 o fl I7H lr d pfd I Cttemloal. & 6n pfd 101 Wabash ,M .... 1? da prd Wflia-Perno rt" Wfls-.lasbouar Eiefic S'eatem rnion Wbaolma A Lake Xrta. .. Wlaroaala Cabtral In pld . Nrthsni Pamfio ......... Central Leather do pfd . Slnaa-ShHnrld Great Northern pfd.. ... lbLertroush Metropolitan do old .... r .... .... 7 I 14 IS so" isr '.:? l-.-iH l.MI 4V 11 t 4 44 1400 lit ISai It n 44 4tia 44 Total aakas lur tka ear. anaraa. Fervlaa rtaaartal. LONDON, June 18. sJ.iney was In rood supply snd demand In the market todav. Iilacounta were a shade easier. Tradir.r on the Slock exchanre sere stasmitnt and the tone waa Irregular, with a sarsing ten dency In the case of British ecurliiee, but foreirrksrs generslly were firm on conti nental support, with the exception of Rus sian bonda. which were weak eamg to the Internal troulles In Russia Japanese Im perial 0a of l!s) rloend st l'Jf American ruled dull early In the day. but hardned gradually later, cunteUona at noon stand ing well over parity. New Tork offered I'rlon Pacific In the afternoon wtfirh de. piaseea the whole list and after a alight recovery ths marked closed lifeless BETRIJN. June IB. Price reneral'y on the Bourse todsy ware firmer uoe) the newpaier re-r,rt f the lncr-aa.i eam of the Oerman steel combine and tha favorable crop report of Agent-Himciri' Buesiana wee weaker on the mutiny at Kiv e. peasant ewtreak to the Voire district PA HIS. June 11 On the Bourse today, la the arsence" of Mooched tn rvmnectlon with the arrests In the south, price Im proved st the opening, but realisations fol ! wej. routes weakened and the tone at the cloae was lrre war. Russian Imperial 4s were not quoted. Russian bends ot 18W closed at 4K3, He-w Terk Maner Marke-t. NETV TORK. June II-MC1NET-O1 call firm. ir oent; rullnr rate. 8 per cent; closing bid. t per cent; offered at - per cent. Time loana, stronger: sixty dsva. 464'w per oent; six months, M4 per I RIME per cent. MERCANTILE rAPErV-CSstT STEKLINO EXCHANGE Pteady. with acfjaj bualnese In bankers' Mi's at 84.IC3SJ 4 8T411 for demand and at 84 satC'SH (a for sixty-day bU's. ported rat, 1.4VJ4,M: eomirercial hills. 84 s?S- F1LVER Bar, 7Sc; Mexican dollars, SIc '.VPS Government, firm; railroad. Ir rerular. '.! -sinr Quotations on bonda toTsy war as ioi'ovp: G. B. ref .104 JIr,n an, pd asnas... fW ..l'i.4 oa 4S. erfa .s . 1: do d Sena 4 . de 4 M . l"-L A K. snl. 4a.. in ..l"eta.MaB e rol4 a .. r ..31le Central 4a f'.St do 1st Inr o .. " Mmn A Bt U 4a.. M ..ltH M . K A T. 4a t .. V do Ida ... I MV do coupon t. B. la. rag do onupnn . . r. - old 4. da rmiroe . . T. B new 4a, reg... do ronnotl Am Too. 4s dr. 0s Atrhleoa sea. 4i do adj. 4s Atlantic C. L. 4a.. h. A o do ?Ss Brk R T. rv. 4a... en a. of at. ten N T, C fan. Ik ... ! N j C gon A .. l'S irsjNo Pacific 4s ion, 404 d is tast Central of Ga 6a .. 1H c a West, t oo in lac . . . Iii. B L rfs 4a . SUA do 2d lac...... flo d Inc Chaa. A 0 4 . vLirago A A. Ait CP A Q a. C, fi. 1 A P. .. 7l 'Pann. cy Ilk. .. t keaH!n t'" 4a 4ft ..1P.H-4L L 4 L k I aalii) .. fl L. A 8 P. t. a lr 1 . MTot. L. 6 W. eon 4s 74 ... Seaboard A. L- 4a. . 71 On Co I. la. MV Bu ParlBc 4 . M rrc. I n. L i 4 d lit 4 e! Colo. Id4. t. ear. A IJH4 anthero Rr 4a .. . .ltwiij Colo. Mid. 4a "Ttt A T. 1st HI Colo. A So. s . T., St L AW 4a 734 Cat 4a In ion Pan Be 4a 10. H i'. a r. o 4i n r a ti v-t l-.-.r tr.r lien 4.... H tVabaiih lstk 10f It per 4a Sf Wente-n Md 4 71 do syn 4 BH s.'haslltit A L. E 4 o Wock VaL 4a li.s Wisconsin CaotraJ as. tt ianan s tt ' OCered. Bid. arts hxVi ! Baadi BOSTON, June l. Csll losns. cent, time loana, o4cs per cent, closing on storks ana bond: Alrhlkon adj. 4t 4.. ItlLcbam do as st cal. A Becla... Mea Central 4s 71 Onienclal Atnhlson 87 Copper Eaugt .. do pfd rHItir West ; 44f6 per t-rttlcial C5 244 r 7 M 1" miston a Albany. ..Ill Franklin lltaoi A Maine 14.' IMa Kurals flotnn tievated PltcShnrti ptd . 131 am Mining ... alKhlsan UaMohaK alea. (.antral .. 4 . : . 41 HI . lii ..114 . u .K n . 41 . 4M . It .. tr 4 . .1! . 74 H .. mt' .1M N T . N. H A H I. Mont Coal A C. . rnlou Paoillc Ill It Old tiamlnloB .... la Pneu. Tub.. Am. Sugar do rfd Am Tel. A Tel.. Am. Woojaa .... do pld IDdlBuo Elec 111. 7 Oar .0 in 17" Parrot lSiHjuinrr liMt tibannon 14 s Tamarack . Trinity t'nlted Coonar .. Maaa. K.ectrlc ... I A Mliasf ..... do pld M C. B. bU. Mtn Gal of t I'uh l"nlt4 Fruit lf.sw victoria . I nlled Ehoa Maeh.... 44 Wli ona do prd . . 17 H Wolvatine .. IT a, Nurth Hutt .. "s katta Coalition . . . 1 Tada .. t Ctl A Arliona. . .. 824iArt. Com C C. Bteel do pf4 Advaiuor Ailonat Amalgamated Atlantic Aked. "Bid. London CI real ear Storka, ININ. June 18 Closing quotations on storks m-tr as folio: CansTila, monc7 II l-if. K. A Texaa r? do account RJH-lIN T Central 114 Anaronda Ill Horlo A W astern. . 74i Atrhlann tn An pfd 84 do Pfd W Ont A Western K Ftaltlmors A O &i FVonaylTania 4ita Cauadlas ft cite 1 TVS hand aUnas lit C hoa. A Ohio 44, ttaadln 81 Chlraao O. W 6..nlbm T ll JC. M A St. T 184 do pfd 4?h DeBeor 14 Ao. PacISc 7H i I). A R O.. r. t alon Pacific 1144. da pfd 7t So pfd Krie 8i!4tO. a. Sleel u do 1st fd fT do pfd 100 do Id ptd.... 44 Wabash 14 Grand Tnm. 2T5i so Bfd 44 . Illinois Central 140 Bpsulan 4a 43k L A Xnl-rllle , .. 11IU ' a FIL ER Bar, steacty; Bd per atinos. MONEY Sid pft,;1ent . The rate of discount p th open market for short blTlB !s I IS-784? per Cent; of threw months' bllU, 8 18-14 Tsr cnt, ' f'-s'f .- 1 .Ne-w lark M Master ftoclca. r NEW TORK, JunwiBe-Gloaing quotations on mining sucks sere:.. Adtms Con 4 Little chlaT 8 Alloa J.."7S OnJarl .!........ IM Braao 20 orJilr 171 Hmnnrlrk Om ftn Pmoal 14 ! Oumstork Tnnnal .... K f.arao f.0 1 t on. tl aud. a Wi aiarra Ksasda ....... 10 ; Horn SllTsr 144 fmtll Hops SI) Iron Bllrar Z- Btandar8 "f LsadTtiis Coa.. 4 offered. Tresry stateiaeat. WASHINGTON. June 19 Today's state ment of the treasttry halances 'n the gen eral fund, exclusive f the 810.000,00 1 ren-ne. ttioa-t: Avanarjie c-aan balance. tSc .476.181: wold corn and bullion, 8Si.aJ7.Ut. gold certiflcavUis, 8Hi.7ii.t20. ' flaak Clearlaara. j OMAHA, Jtin 1. Bank clearings for to i day were ll.BS!.CfAjn and for the oorre- sponaing uaie last year, ti.ta,uuia Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass., Juns IS WOOL Re cent large sales In Imported fne wojlt has Increased the volume of hualneiis In the local market, although trading aUorvg domestic lines continue quiet. Thar have been some arrival of aprlng Texas stock, hut the Arlsooa nrw wool is about sll taken. Recent heavy sale In uuarter hlood fleece has exhausted th stock of fl.,.f-e wools and dealers axe awaiting tha arrival of the new clip for quotations, Oregon are bringing Idaho wools are moving freely at 18 618c for clothing and lstSllc for staple. Wyoming clit. are selling at 18 & lc and there continues to he considerable business In Montana at 2Jc. There wer but few local quo tation and bu sines In fine rrados Is stasrnant. There have been a few trana fere In territorial wool. The new Texas wool haa been sellinr at 'ilis 4c for a few lota. The Australian wool market is active as far a fine lines are con cerned, with most of the sale at -4SQ4 4R. Among domestic quotations are the fol lowing: BllKsouri. three-elrhtha-hlood, 81 fr8ftc: quarter-bloods, SO41 81c Texas fine, 18 months, i&4f 21c; fine, 8 to 8 months. JStal:4c; fine fall. iOSIle. California northern. 14 87c; northern awerare, 84 O 8fr: middle county, 21t5:Sc: southern, 18 4rlSc: fall northern. 14 4?lc: fall south ern. 16jlc. ftrrron extrs No. 1, 83ir?;4c; eastern No. ! clothing. Seville: eastern average, 17&18c; valley Nc. 1, 18 45 27c. Texaa. aooured hasi. fine, 12 moniha. 7(ti72e: tine. 8 to 8 montha. tfifHr California, acoured hAla. north ern. 68S6SC-; middle county. tac; southsrn. C75 fall free, D7IS8Sc: fall defective, 4045 tie, Oregon, scoured basin, ettstern. No. 1 staple. 705 T7c; extra Ni 1 clothing. fjp7fjc: eastern sverage ggi' 7c: vallev No. 1, 8fc3 42r: valley ?Vo 2 8841 tfic: valley No. 8, Htgf!'-. Terrttot-v acoured hssia. fie staf.le. 70S7Jc; flr medium taple. 4,'S70c. fne clothinr,. 41 ti7c; fine medium clothing. ffMr lulled, scoured baai. extra. 4T.e; extra. 68 (Ti7Ic; fin A. Bkjve; A euptrs, 8 6E8e B supers. 4 J fi 47c. FT Iv"H'lS Mo, June 1 WOOL Ptendv. medium grade. combing and clothing. J5r?i,c l'rl.t fine. II 514c: heavy fix. li)6 17o; tub washed. 80tii7c. rtrltoa Market. NEW TTiRK, June 19 OITTON "riot closed steady; tru.ldlinr uplands ! tsSc' ni'dilmr g-tilf. IS ic: sales. 4t5 bale ' New Tork cotton quotations, f tmished hv 7... ran A Bryan. ! Hoard of Trade huild 4"'len. H'trh. Low. Close October 3!SS :7c- ntf; jitu fit,tetTlr l'ST. ntS li"i jtg 1,..t-t life! nr, lies 134 I.iA'FRPOOL, June 18 OOTTTiN-Apot market quirt, rrtc 4 pont hirher; Amer ican go.l mi.illinr. 7 73d: middling 71fid lew middhrr inl; good ordinary ,d crdlr.ary. 8xd The s.- of the day v, .-re 8.0W bale, of which ln were for sre' il lation and export and trwluded 8 7410 Ameri can. Recelpta. lt.OM. bales. Including llTf) Arrefiran BT IvCel'TS. Mo. June 18 COTTON Quiet: mi.1d!'nr. Cm,e. tbles I ft t,le re-t-ipt. 4f. balea; shipments, at bales, stock 3 4w. lUa Nnv fiRLRANS. tine 1! CVrTT1N Sp-'t marVet cl.ised suiet; sal-s. ntm baiM-h-w ord'r.ary. TVc: ordinary. 4o, anmlnal: ""! ord.aary. 14 2-Hic. tor"ir,a, low n. id tiling. 11 7-ltW;: middlms. lf"c; good mid dling. 13c; mldniirig fair. Uc. nomlral fair irvc EecelHa. Lias bales, stock, i -Tde bales. 'star ttd Malsuft, NRW TORK. June 18 ITl'GAR Ra w. 1 quiet; fair reftn'ng. 8l"r: rentr.fjgsl H test. 1 ..; m.. las. sigar. tlrV; refined, ciiiiet: No . 4 (-: No 7. 4 Sec; No 8 4 Hw No. 8 Site-; No, v 3fe: No. n. 4-8uc; No! II. 4 2f-; No IS. 4 8e; No 14. 4 lie; efc tx.ners A 44r: rriauld A. 8 aVc cut lic. cruahed. tTvr; powlred. AMtei gran- Llalod. llW, Cube. I XO OilAHA LIVE STOCK MEET Good rt Cattle Steady, Other. Slow, with. Tendencj Lower. AIL COTS ALMOST UNSALABLE He SVew 4 tVraersiIlw F-ra Orate mmi tU, wltk rawllaaj SB 8SVk4ar. SOCTH OMAHA, June I?. Heostpts wer: Csttle. Hot; Bhe-p Omcla) Monday lf.1 4 7 8 lA OfTlclal Tuesday 8.KTJ 7.OS0 8 M Official 'Wednesday 4.A K.liiO Lumo Three days this week. 11.83 84 7.18 ame dayi last week. ...Ubs 81. 745 8.7W Sam days I week aro..Kt.K7 8170 10 Sam days 8 sreea aro.. (L7"4 TT.t 10. C Pme days 4 weeks ago.. K.O 8S crj if, oi tame davi last year.... 11. 428 la The following tahle show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st Bouth Omahs for tha year to date, compared with last year: lr7. 18". Inc. Iec. battle Ka.inj 44i.(K4 j,;8h Hogs 1.21h.:so IU.1K7 tthewp (SM.OM :4h.7r ,8b Cattle quotations. Good to choice corn-fed steers 8K 70 Good to fair corn-fed eteers t V'j. 00 Common to fair steers 4 Oood to choice cows 4 8:-v6 re Fair to grod cow and heifers ood to choice stockers snd feeders 4.f"aj4.l( Fair to good Blocker and feeders.. 4 &A 60 Common to fair stockers "... 8 0014 Oft BullA stacs, etc 8 JRe 10 Vesl cahrea 4 AJ7.(k) Ths following table shows the avrag price of hoc at fkiOth Cmaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: Date, lscrj. 1f.I1IB :ifsl.!lWi8 !l!08.iloi. Juns I.. June 8.. June 10.. June 11.. or! 8"' . 6 87i 044,1 8 (14,1 8 tn I 17 8 801 1 8 1 I is" 8 1S 8 821 5 ! I t 18 4 8 4 7'H 4 n 4 7j 472 4 M' 4 re 4 Mil 4 K 4 H I 8 T8 8 86j Oil ml 4 ! 8 8 0t' 8 t. 6 P7 8 Mi 7 n t 7 Ml 7 ft' T 8 7 8I1 8 8 8 n 8 SI 8 M 8 Fl June 12.. June U.. June 1.. June IS.. June IS.. June 17.. June 14... June li . .1 e ?v, ( 8s! e twhi ii 8 ! t t M It I f 881 I P I t si!1 B S2 &s i 8 8T T 4 t i $ R8 7 2 8 f 7 4i 6 M Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hor. Omaha jj sivt: on 8S.?V "5 Kansas City 8 e.iJ..TS 8.60 i5 20 Chicago 17T.'q7Ki 8 70 tpoasA Ft. Louis ln(77t 5 8"! JiflflO Bioux Ctty 8 8t.$.8S 6.85 t 00 The cfhclsJ number of csrt of stock brought In today by each road wa: t.a11.1e. nogs, oner p. n r a C, M. A Bt f 1 v aoeen j Mo. Pae a Vnlon Pactfie Pystem 84 C At K. W.. (eat 8 C. At N. W. (west 1 80 C. BL P., M A O C. B Q. (east) 10 C, B. A Q, (west)... 38 C, R. 1. A P. (east.. C TL J. A P. (west) 8 Ilrtrols Central 1 c. a. w 4 Total Tacelpts ....18 8 i 4 4 8 81 I 18 2 7 8$ 8 1 i 1 814 II jne oispusitton of the flay s receive wa aa followa esch buyer purchasing the num ber of bead Indicated: t li'i , enrrn umena racxtng to... ltd r flarlft and fetmnae. v fi. - , , ...... i,-.i - . 1 IV CIS vuaany rsciinf t.-o 8iJ 41a8 fiS 41a ! Armour A Company Omaha Packing Co., k."c. 118 . uoany racking . o.. K.c. 1IW Swift and Company. K, C. 148 Armour A Co., K. C 69 Lehman At Co 85 HlU A Bon..,. 86 P. P. Lewi 11 Huston A Co J4 Ktnran At Co 1S8 Sol Degan lid .... J. B. Root A Co 20 8 6 Bf .... .... T. B. Inghram Lehmer Bros..,.. 88 .... other .Buyers ...... , J; 408 .... Total 4 UTS lTl - K5 CATTLE Receipt of cattle this morning Were liberal. 271 cars being reported In. As usual the arrivals x-oaslsted very largely of corn-fed steers, with only a sprinkling of other kind. Packers and buyers for outside account were In the yards in fair season this morn ing, and while owing to the large run and unfavorable advices from eastern points the feeling was a little weak, nevertheless It was evident that buyers still wanted the cattle. The result wa that good kind, that is. cattle having both flesh and quality generally Bold at ateafly prices. A high a 847(1 wa paid for choice killers, the highest price of the yesr to date and the highest sine 1902. herring only some Chrlstmss cattle last I-eoember, which hronrht 81.85 The most of the cattle sold in very good season in the morntng On the other hand right and medium cattle were alow and the tendency on that kind lower. As noted yesterdsy a rood many Texas cattle are arriving at Chicago and it the southern markets. These Texss cattle take the place to a eoneiderable ex tent of th cheaper grades of fed cattle. Hence It l.appena at about this season that the less desirable of the enm-fed "" under the influence of ths competition from Tens beef. The cow sittistlon was very had this morning There a-as quite a sprinkling of both oows and heifers on aale, with buyer few and far between. In fact. It wa not a question of prto on anything In the row line but mostly a question of securing Boms one to mske a bid Bo long as this con tinues It would seem to be s most una-ise thing for the country to attempt marketing thtr cow stuff. The few Blockers and feeders on sals were" very much sourht after And com manded g-ooa. nrm prices. Representative sales: BEEP BTEERS. K. AT. Fr Ne. Ay. rr. 11 447 4 44 tu IK! I II II K II I IS 4i 1441 I 14 II 444 ( 14 14 1421 I II It 44 4 44 41 12i 4 o It, 4T I 14 tl 1141 I 10 41 11' t 40 1 10(7 I ft, IT 11M 4 M 44 1114 4 14 4 4 40 14 IMS 4 74 22 I 4 44 41 ,. 1120 4 Bt li 1117 I 70 44 1MV I 14 14 H" IH X' ISl-l 4 14 tD 1"2I I 74 n ISM I t 8 1"S1 8 78 74 1174 I 44 K l'Si f f 40 1340 I 44 17 1140 4 ' 14 ll'E 4 44 tl 11M I 44 11 irt 4 40 14 12:1 4 SO 47 1JM 4 44 4 lStl 4 00 to Itsi 4 40 11 1172 4 0 II Hot I 40 41 1171 I 00 44 14..4 4 40 4 1 4 Ml It 1471 4 40 II ... 1104 4 00 44 1211 4 4 17 12--4 4 OS 44 lf:l 4 41 il UTI 4 10 10. llti 4 Tt M 1WJ 4 10 74 1411 4 W tr 1t4 4 10 14 111! I W 41 122 4 14 tt 1464 I N cow a. I... 44 IM I 404 I Tt 1 ." 74i 1 k 1 ii4i t re 8 440 I 44 8 il'l 4 44 1 11.-0 I 74 1 4fJ 40 444 I 15 K "-4 4 8 KHI I 74 t !rf 4 04 1 lit" I 00 1 1?2" 4 14 1 I 14 8 )1U t It 8 IL t 1 2 K10 4 40 1 l'i I 40 8 Itm 8 t It 14.4 I 74 HEIP E7RS. 8 .' 61 I 00 11 44 4 tt 8 4..I I 75 17 4.7 4 40 8 K0 I Tt I .113 t to 44 4l 4 W 8 411 t 4u 8 BrO 4 44 I 711 4 46 BULlA 1 1174 I SO 1 ln d 40 8 H4 4 V 1 Il t 44 t 14 4 44 1 17". 4 44 I 1-tt 40 1 ......lilt 4 44 l 14-4 4 TO 1 U.40 4 W 1 li.4 4 74 I 1124 t 40 1 1'. V 4 7 I.. M III 1 144 4 , CALVES 8 4B4 4 tt 1 144 8 71 1 li i 4 2 IM 4 74 1 444 4 4 H III 1 In I K 1 1 mi 7 tie I no t K 1 lu lat 4 lat I It 1 isu t 0 1 14 4 BE. 1 114 7 at) I Ill I U STOCK EftS AND PEEPERS. t 411 4 to 8e 414 4 7 HOOS Todsy's hog ruaikrt was de cidedly ur.antisfacttiry a viewed from a Beller'4 standpoint. The Chirago marVet closed better yeaterday and aa quoted Mrher this morning which mart selr at thui point feel they were entitled to better prlc toda) Hoaever. receipts were unusually large. 2?7 car be ing reported 1n. Buyers took advantage f the large offerings and instead of Ljylr.g the hog k.gher tley started out bidding decidedly loeer. pie-iler made a hard fict.t against taking off and naturally eauae-d tue trade U arag sonewhst but in the end tt.ey were forvod to give In. hog el!ir.g gereersiiy 8c lower than yesterday. VThea the trade was one under way. the bog kept cnsng-lnr hands, ut still It ma di,T he''.rr anyU.UitT l'a A cVearauos had ban efTectel. S-a aa- ft sa av eV y 47 4t .. 8 H It 4 4? .- 4 .. 1 44 44 U 8t. tl 11 . I If an (M l H4 i 430 So I n - 45 IJS 111, 40 t ... i rn ri ... 1 s r ... 1 i-u, m j.i ... 4 44 ri ... ir n u 44 rt 1 7i ti4 is- m u 4 is 4 ru 11 Jg I a at k4 to I m 44 tsn . . I at. ih . im . trt sr. i M 44. ri 144 8 4 ri . I 44 13 " ... I V Tti rsi IK M ... IK. 74 IX 1 14 U U1 . 4 4 : t ! I 4 M r-i t' t an : lit w 14 44 tf 4 I a r.l 1. I Sf av i 71 11 im. I .. 41 4 ... I en 7 is . 1 si 4 W 4 M 44 4.4 40 4 f 44 1:1 ie 1 t -t :n 10 4 - f tk o in n t. u,. r, 44 14 ' I as 44 ...... I 40 ll't 7 n M I 40 77 t o 1 - 47 tr-4 4 I W 7 til ... I t 41 1:4 I 4iH 41 tl 0 i - 44 ra4 i. k 74 1.0 o i ri) 47 ! 4li I 7 71 m 4 ' 41 .H 4u 4 74 x! IX I 0s 47 444 n I 4: ... 4 f 47 K4 40 I 41 tu in ... I wv S4 . . I tlH IP II ... I 4 114 44 I H4 It' . . 10 f-i ... 14 S ll li u 1.1 ... i 77 in 4 is 40 ? so I r?st 74 814 80 4 IK 44 14 II I MS SHEEP Receipt, as expected, were I ght 11. is morning, i.nij nine car an I. id txing rejortea in. There were live car of fej sheep and lambs The IJ at Just aoout steady price. T o car of lambs and yearling brought 86.85. the other tl ree car oor.aisuiig of small turn Ins of iwlda an l enda Ttier aere four additional car of the same Idaho range wethers that sold here yeeierusy at 80.uu Testerday a siilp ment waa the first of the season and there was no previous market by a hicli to fix th price. The oompeililun on them was strong and they finally sold at ItHti, whirti looked ; like a giod prlo at the time. After tht-y were kiued out the price locked .ill t.lgi r I to packer and they mere unwilling to buy I them the same way today. The result a a 1 that they had to Bell lic lower than yes- leraay. No. Av. Pr. western cull ewes JrT i l 14 western ewes M 4 i!5 western ewes VK 4 & hi weettrn swe and buck s6 8 2d X. wetern ewes K7 $ 75 Ss weetem cull lamb & b W 4-7 western wethei and lamb .74 8 25 i.l westnrn lan.b wooled feeder lit t (it I woatern lamb IJt T 00 47 western lair.h f.S 7 00 71 si ring lan. lis 74 7 0" tv Idaho cull wether 1"3 4 78 8 western cull lambs 7u I tx 8 western ewe Ill I 7i 4 weatern wethers 130 8 2. 18 western ewts lo 8 Si 4tib Idaho wether 1"8 f K5 U weatern lambs M 8 76 U western spring lambs G8 7 00 CHICAGO LI4K STOCK MARKET tAolce Cattle fAtrona, 141 reals H later Others Weak Hoct II laker. CHICAGO. June 18 CATTLE Receipts alKiut head; market choice, cattle strong, to lftc higher; other weak, to luo I lower, commrm to prime steer, 84 Taig't t; j cos , ti.ii'a1 75; heifers, ti (K rgf, do; bulla, 8H4.W&0O; calves. 8&.uut7.2s, Blockers and feeders. 83 'nil, (O. Ht.KJS Keoelpts about a.WW head; market strong to be higher; good to prime heavy, 812.'Hiit 25; medium to good heavy, 88 lTV 6-8('; butcher weittht 86.8i-Htg:;.rrt; good to prime mixed, $6 IMcpfi 36. light mixed. 86 2i. b.30; packing. 8&. . ITS; Pgs, t6.vstt selected. 8niTi-S:; bulk of sale f..2l'J . .2f. I 6HEKP AND LA MRS Receipts shout i 11.000 head: market steady; sheep, la.liirf .-. lambs, 8o.oo-j7.Ki. Kansas City Live Strcs: Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., June 18 CATTLE I Receipts, &.) hesd. Including I.6.1O souih erna; market steady. Choice export and ! dreesed beef, etoera, 8'.1ot(i6 Bu; fair to g'd. 8.UKi(ih.(.; western fed steer. e.6tr.r; Blockers and feedera, SL&jGI southern steers. 83 (& (: southern Cows, l2.:VuS '-t j native oowa, 82.5Wj4.5o; native heifers, twO- '66.10; bulla. 8SJ!.'.itrH 75 ; calves. 84.0uni4j,ui. 1 HtX38 Reoelpts 17,0Xi head; market strong. Top, 80 ITS; bulk of sales. 8t7V'r 15; heavy, 8dot.(y 1; packers, 86 A17V,: light. 8iuru.l.: pigs. SHEEP AND LA84BS Receipts, .7i0 head; market steady to strong. Unit, 87Ji4sf7.lsV; ewes and yesrllnRs. fc. 25; wstern fed jcarllnrs, 8S.'p7.,10; western fed sheep, 8S.24.00; stockers and feeders, iSOs-iO. Bt. JLwala Live stterk Market. ST. LOVJ3, Mo., June 18 CATTLE Reoelpts, IMKi hisd, Including 70d Texan; market steady. Nauve shipping and ex port steers, 8o.104j .5: dressed beef aud butcher wteera, 84eiJl.E; steers undtr l,aai pounda, 84 4"ii14.7? ; stockers and feed rB, 8&UOW4 85: oowb and heifers. 8U.llMjTi.8j; rennet-. 81 biijrz ab; bulla. Vl.(j.i; calves, 84 ioal.; Texas and Indian sieers, .75 iii 76; Oow and ht-lfers, tl.U''KM. H OO S Recel pt . 4.xi0 head; market Re hlpher. Pir and light 85 tt 30; packer. 85"S25; butchers and best heavy, 86.11 j '. EHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.8fJ head; market strong Native muttons, 8'i TMiS-TT.; lambs, 84. 50.37 (Ki; culls and bucks, ta.UbiB4.ttO; stuckers, t5t"6.0. St. Joseph Live ftorlt Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 1ft CAT1 Receipts, 2.40O head; rrarxet steady. yA tivea. 84.S34. W; no4 ana heifers. 8 j'i-.., 1 stocscr and feedt-r. tS.artfi4.7L. i HOGS Receltit. 8,yT head: market opened ' strong and higher, closed weaker. Top. '841: bulk of sales. 8f. .& (rrw j SHEEP AND LAW BS Receipts. 1.7VI head; market steady to lower Clipped I lamb. ri'T Ofi;, 8f STvaCSO; weth ers, la.'; ewes, 8S.Mti6.7o. Ploax rilr Live sttrrlc Market. SIotX CITT. Ia.. Jun IB. (Srclal.) CATTLE Receipts. LKm head; markt l'e ' lower; stockers. Blow; teeves, la.tiixuti.Jli; ; sows buls and mixed, 81.25tl.Of; Btockcrs and feeder, 84-0i4 .80; calves and yearlitiga, ' t2 '6'4 50. HOOS Receipts. S 200 head; market 5c 1 lower, at 85.85V W: bulk of sales, ttt-itO. i Stock ta Sight. I Receipts of live stock at the six rrlncl i ricl vejilem markets Vrlterdtr: pal 1 ' South Omaha.. I c . . r, .. Cattle ... 4. son LH . t.f'i ... It.l0 ... ... ao.Uks) 8CM0 Hii.i. Sheen. It. SO tout' 8.2t)0 17 0O0 ' $ 700 .rrf 1.7KJ 6.5O0 18(1 2S.IW 11.0(1 80,207 rivut . ' j ...... Kansas City... St. Joseph St. Lout Chicago Total Metal .Market. NEW TORK. June 18. METALS. There was a sharp break In the Iondtm market for tin. siot declining 8 to A1K7 la. and futures ? to 1 Ins. Locally, however, the market, while quiet, con tinued firm owing to the of Im mediate offering, with spot quoted st Kt as-CTS Cc.j wsa 5 lower in Lon don, with sjot quoted at and future at 93 l&a- Locally the market wa dull and nominal, with Ike quoted at 8S7T.'J 14 &u: electrolytic at t22 ofra 15; rastlng st tT. b'jtU.'Ji. Lead was uucha&ged at 8i.7t Sii.hi In the local market, but advanced Fa tu 30 lia In London. Spelter a as un chanred at ?4 10 in the London market and at V. 4(a4i.50 locally. Iron was a little hkeher In the English market, with tan dard foundry quoted at 84a td. and Cleve land warrant at bfm 6d Locally the mar ket aa unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at t26.onj-.f(i.J&; No J foundry northern. C4.5uw25.7I,; southern Iron nominal ST. LOVIS. June 19 LEAD Quiet. It lit; spelter, firm, tt-.ST. Mlaavartoiia (.t-aia Market. MINNEAJOUS, June 38-WHEAT July. rUc; m,!-- .-, v0 1 hard, tl 8i : No. 1 port'. ern. p. 0; No. f nortt.eri W-c: No. ii m.rtt.ern 3 m .. FIXjUR Flrt patenta. t,'..(; seend paten'a. 84 4 e'rt.o'': Srsi cleara, t3.o&S IE second clear. I177r2.5 ' I. RAN In bulk, li -3S.7L PhllaArlphla Vr-mr- Market. PHILADELPHIA, Juns 18 BUTTER Sixady fair dt-uoiid, extra S utiem cream ery, umcial JirK-e !-. stiwt i i ce, -4.; eatrii tt-rr)y 1 imll JF CHEIiSE Steadr but quiet; New Tork full creams. LlJlHiO. liiif-bicaui. ,u 1 demand: pennrvlva nla aj.d other nearby firsts, free cases. 17c at mark; Pennsylvania and other nearby current reoelpts In returnable cases, lije at tUUiXU U a? a.7a,liKllaI 1! UPDIKE GRfW COMPANY Room 103 Bee BuUdinj. TeL Douzlzs 2173 Members oi All Principal Grain Exchanges Your Business Solicited ri . a 'k , sestcrn first, free cae-w. 17o a mark. OS4ARA VTIIOI r44l7: MARstttT. Cwe4ltto at Trade til Qaetatloae em Staple aad rsirf ri He. rc.n!i-iTr d a.. 14c IU'TT4 R-Packlnc toeA. . lc: choloe t4 f ao y dairy, lyM, rrvatoery, ll-ic LIVE 'l"LHr-Hei.a. lvc; rMjeiers, 8 ty'c, turkeys. Lie. duck hie; get-sa, 80. FIU'ITB CALlFCiRNIA CkAtilUS Per box, 81 "5 CALlPt-'KMA PLI'MS Per crate, till CALIFORNIA AI KIOOTS l er rrata 81 15 t ALIFt V.Nl A CHERRll'S Fer bos o! al...ut 4 11. a., black, liuu. white, 81 ('0 F1NEAM LLS-Fl, 4 ie fl 75 pel ciate.. 42 site. 8.1(4" per crate: W lit, 80.. per crate.. .i It 50 per crala, STKAWIiKKKU.S Home grvwu. 84-jt caeea, 8,.t.i' v 8 (Mi TRUI'ICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonlera. v !. t.; 861 f t-, jsf-.; other b-snd eoc less BANANAS Per nud . .iin-slsed bunch, U'tiSs;.. Jumboea. 8-51'S J 50- CKAXrlF.S Medllerrnnean Pwwrta fsnry. 15 sir. 84. ft'; 118, ti0. 116 and IM' alte. 84. D. V6. lit and 144 aiaea 150, ttra fancy. Lie more per box, St Mu hat'.. 171!. K'O. n and 2 1 0 sites 14 75; ir and 150 stare. 84. iO; Valencia M V( and 118 aise. 84. 84. lit. 150, 174, ll'fi and 418 n.-a, 84 75. I'ATLS Ktutttr tr; savers. 5e; hal. Icwia. 5c; bew stuffed walnut dates, twin box, 81-tw. BEEF CITS. No 1 rib. 14c ; No. 1 rib, 11c; No. I rib, 10c; No. 1 loin. 17Wc: No. i loin. 18"ict No. 8 loin. II V: No. 1 chuck. 3c; No. 1 chs-k, Vc; No 8 chuck. 8c; No. 1 round, 8vc, N 8 round, ti; No. S round, fcc: No. I p. at. 3c, No I pTate .; No 1 tilata, to. OLD VEGETABLES. POT A TO IjS Per hu.. kic NAVY BhANS Per bu. No. L JlOOfl MO; No. 2. 1 80 S.Oft. NEW VFOETArLES. POTATOES I'er bu.. 81 u. APPAKAGTS St.c per dua. bunches. BRANti New wax and string, per K bu hex or basket. II fn BEETS. TV h NIPS and CARROTS Ps k'l bunches, ..jic. 1 iEPLANT lvr dos bunches, 10a ri't-i'MHKR.e Per dot, fri&tr.c TtM ATtiLS Texaa fancy, Jn-ib. Crata r"t n si 00. ONIONS California, per crata, about S lbs.. 8I5: yellow Txas. per crala, tiS8; green onions, per dos.. Kr. CABBAGE California, 8V0. LEAF LETTVCE ot-bousa, per floa hcids. l'5c. PAKSLET Hot-house, per dua. bunch oa 40c RADISHES Per dos. bunches, bona grown, Jut MISCELLANEOUS COFFEE Koasted, No 85. Mo per Ib-f Ne. 80, Zic per lb ; No. 87. jgc rer lb.; Na K. H1" i er lb ; No. tl. lTSsc per lb, CH KtSE Block stwlsa, Ito. lUnhersrer. I 14r; Toung Americaa, l&c. ' NVTB California walnuts Vfj. i. enfj shell. L'c; No. 1. sift slieil. le; frraxlla, 14H61Sc; pecans. 18jrl.'c; flUierts irvc; pea nuts, rsw, TSyc: roasted, 4wc; Ottliforala aj- I mor.ds. lTWc. cocoanuta 8.". 00 per liO. I -HIDES AND TALLOW Green alfd. No. 1, c; No. t tic; bull hides. c; green ' hides. No. 1. 7c; No 8, 8c; borss, 8l.6fl 1 8.5; sheep pelts. iVK-tl Tallow, No. ' 4'yc; No. !. 3V'.. Wool. U4f73o CANNED OOOlS r?-.u, standard, wear, ern. Bivtuinc. Tvrostoes, fsmy. 8-pound cars, ' : : standard. 8-pound cans. 8i.?i. IMneapples. grated. 8-pound, IL.'J 1 8i; sliced. S1.75itf2.; fancy Hawaiian. lm It., 8178. Gallon apples, 83 2. California prlcota 8200. Pear. tl-TSjTi.Bn poaches, 8l T5tu.40; L. C. peaches, 0iti2 50. Alaska faltnon. red. tl.80; fancy Chinook, flat, fl 10; fancy autkeye, flat, 8185. Bardinna, quarter oil. 83.5'., three-quarters mustard. 82 75. Exert fM.tatf, 81 10X&1 25. Eauer kraut, 8-ic. pumpkin. Ma-.Ow, Lima bean. 8-lb.. 7o ti,.ji. Soaked peas, 8-lb.. Sue; fancy, 8LZJ 1.45 I CALIFORNIA PRIED FRTITS Prunes I tr eomewhst unsettled by freer offerings ! from second hands, who seem desirous oi moving supplies of lmmediste rradea Quo tatlon range from C to sc for Califon.ia fruit and from B'gSc for Oregon. Peaches are slightly eaaavr. with fancy yel.oa quoted st l"1. Raisins are firm; three-, crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 8c I four-crown, lrtc; seeded rststns, HitUo. I FISH Pickerel, dressed. 10c; pike, dressed, 35o; white fish, dressed, winter causht. lSiflirie: fresh. 16c; trout, lajtlSc. 1 halibut. lie: sslmon, lflc; oatflch. 17o; her I ring, dressed. 8c; crspples, round, BdVvci (crappiea, large, fancy, 1.V; black baas. zBc; tmelta. sweet and fine. 13c; eel, 14c; blue fish, IliVc; red enapitrr. 13c; roe shad, per pair, iKn&sVic; frog le:. AK540C; lobsters, gre-B, er lh.. 27c: lobster, boiled, per lb. fr: 'mackerel, Spanish, jper lb., 18c; mackerel, .native, lbfjije pef lb.; fresh green turtle meat. ac per lb.; dressed tuT7alo, ac ; bull heads. 18c; white perch. 7c; white baea, 15c, HAT Choice upland, per ton, 811.80; me dium. 810.50; No. 1 bottom. tS.Uii; off rradaaV rl.w.itd. Rja atraw. 8V Olls wad Hoaia. NFW TORK. June 18 OILfe-Cotton seed, firm: prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal; prime yellow, STijfTfidc. petroleum, firm; refined. New York. 84.45; Philadel phia and Baltimore, in bulk, 84.88. Tur pentlne. quiet. 60'iCOic. ROSIN Steady; strained, common ta good. 84 firVEH 6&. OIL CITT, Pm., June 1. OIL Credit balance. 817k. Runs, 112 WB; averare, 182, 067; shipments. lt, averare, 5'iT7. SAVANNAH! 4;, June 18. olL Tur Iieritltie, firm, 57f.7taC. RiSlN-Flrm; salea. 1.6f; reoelpts, 8.84A: shtpments. 67i; stK:k. 5.1014. Cah: quote: AH"'. 84.0irm.l0; Ii. H2.'i"i4 40; E. 84.60; T. H7f-4.5; Q. M7iS-l.ini; H,; I. 14 HTuii '.; K. 85 85; M. is 50; N. 5.; WO, 15. tC; WW. 8Sa. rwaTee Market. NEW TORK, Jun 79 -CTIFFXB Market for :of7e futures o;ned steady at an ad vance of Feynt point In response to con tinued steadlneea In the foretirn markets and covering by recent seller who may have boen Influenced by rumor that the federal government of Braxll would r' a loan of 115.000 000 in order to maintain the coffee held abroad fy the accuunt of the stste of Sao Pulo. Trading was mod erately active and th mark-1 held the Initial advance, closing teadv at a net rain of 10 points. Saloa for the day were reported of ,13.5' 41 bag. Including July Bt S TT.'fifi ; September at IT-; December at ..-; March. R4."ir: May st S.4tic. Spot coffee, Quiet; No. T R1, J4e: No. 4 Santos, "e. Mild coffee dull; Cordova, 8S12-wC Toledo Se-d Market. TOLEDO. June PT7ET CTjOER Cssh. t Cv-tr,her 8Kt5; Deoerr.her anrl March. 8 OR Timothy. 8? 8R. Alslke. t So, ence MAP OF IULL ROSEDUD Itxfl, in colors Showing location bf tha bonansa pro ducer of Nevada richeat ttunerai camp. Our Dally Mining Market Letters, free on request. We LOAN i in cash on the selling price of approved lined mining eecurltlea, and PUfct CHASE such storks oa maj-gln or buyer 80. CO or iO day contracta. Fall lniurroation on request. IRYIKG K. fARRlNSTON & CO. Established 1800. Members N. T. Produos ExchaaAa, 87-43 wall Street, attrw Texk paXintt tcr My Frei Esck cas ' I tntltlavd J r- r it- floi a Fine Art Bead asr n and tltn '-ir-n .rirtiiaairik aetural. eea,i,ie vura of aualia 'n Tl sat, om, oau ana broTMuusa. It truj aui aaruM toe le c)i.kL ectuaearMalTw an aataly oa tl.e fii.-ao Kra Iraaa. Ins . '-' " nf aa Itaaaal rrmSaaa. tn-at sruauu.e-rfe.lJt- I tk 1 TSTtll 4 OS u, eauk. It will lutem ram. R L W.WACXrJUMsaaf IraA.sC4 i i . n i ir ;i si ii . ? ' 7 1! i n rv awaai