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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1907)
f 1 1 J I 4 V j st m GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET peningj if 8tronc, but Showi Eeac- tion Soon After. BAD EXTORTS EOETH AND SOUTH Pi-edwtalaatlaex Fasrtar la Pr4o Mak fraa New Oa llaaga oa Df veleaaaeat ( Barlag WkMl. , OMAHA, Jun 10, 1JT. iATh apnlng today w( strong, but iwk1 a reaction later and went off two tractions. Report trom Kansas are still dtscoursglng, aa alao are those from the northwest. Heavy rain In Iowa are do ing aonte damage to oom. Unusual Inter at. la altaolied to the government report. -woicn la due today. Cable have a better Wht ihnvriwl vi4 tun at the nnentna Immoderate aniline: waa observed at the opening bjr commission houses. The predominating- factor In prloe making from on saema to hang on the development of spring wheat. July option opened at SteVa. bid. and closed at BoUc. asked. Corn opened firm and steady, owing to report of damage t)jr heavy rains. There wa soma very Influential selling of corn and prices rallied, but soon dropped to about opening fractions. July opened at fro bid and closed 40Vo asked. Oat opened soft and conaiderabls nerv. oosness was felt. Offerings In July and September options are getting too heavy and market la weakening some. July oats opened at U asked and closed a asked. Primary wheat receipts were 7GS.000 bush els and shipments 816,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 421,000 bushels and ahlpmenta of 10,000 buahela. Cora receipts were 1,M7,000 bushels and shipments l.Oni.000 bushels, against receipts Isst year of 1,076. 000 bushels and shipments ff 744,000 bushels. Clearance were 80.000 Bu. of corn and M.ono bu. of oat and wheat and flour equal to 47,000 bu. Liverpool closed A3& higher on wheat, and Wd higher on oom. Seaboard reported 48,000 bu. of wheat and SOjOuo bu. of corn for export. The world's shipments this week were Uffi,000 bu. aa compared to t. 82O.0UO bu. this Week last year. Com shipments his week were 4,tS2.0no uu. m cuniparea u ui,wv du. mis weea laet year. The visible supply of wheat shows a decrease) of (lxOuo bu.. corn decrease of v J hu. and oats- decreased 452, uuo bu. y uoctu raugs of options: ArUcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Bat'y. July,, 8ept.. Corn: July.. Bept, July.. Sept... nsn 9ob 9oA nx wsa eoSfcB )B 1A tlsA 1VA 48Ttrt lt)Vt 4A 9A 9A 48 B S 48 A 48 A .4 A 44A 44KA , 44HA '44HA 444A ' 17 A 17 AUK'JtA ftf!tB 17 A A Mked, B bid, . , . Oaaah) Cask IVtees. ' XTXXVAfl Ma, a t. . ..a aMi1 aj.. . . wwi no. s spring, Shfasic . CORN-No.- t, fofcc; No. 4. iT𝔚 no grade, '45c.; No. yellow, 4BHS?lc; . OATS-No. t mixed,' "tSmjXSc: No. J Whit 4.nv344oj No. white,- CH0. RYE No. 1, 78c; No. t. 73c :Crlot' Receipt. ,- . J. ' . Wheat. Corn. Oats. 1 Cbtoaga , t.,...M,. U W7 , 27 t Minneapolis 481' ... (I Omaha ...,.. .,.....,..,, 14 , 171 IS f Uuluta 66 ' . , 1 CH10AOtjRAIIT AND PROVISIONS Fterarel of tbe Trading and CToalag rtea a Board' ef Trade. CHICAGO, June 10. The - government crop report on the condition of the win ter and spring wheat crops of the United Btatesi had a weakening effect today on the local Wheat . market, the September delivery closing at a net decline 'of 19 1 Ac. September corn waa down MOIio. As were oft Ho. Provisions were 7 Ho I3H lowsr. The -official statistics estimated thi mdltlo of wlme wheat? OttcJun. t 'ill 7.4 and-spring wheat SI.7. The total acreage t spring wheat was placed at 1 (.444.000 acres, a decrease ot 1. per cent compared with last ysara crop. These A sure were more favorable than had been generally . expected, and prices de clined more than lo per' bushel Inside of five minutes. Kearller In the session the, market . had- lioen ' nerrwus, rioe fluc tuating over a wide range. ' The 'market was., I rut at t oviit j .eeaase of high prtcav at - 1A vevpool.' but the -more- favor able weather for the crop In this country overcame this bullish '. Influence and caused - a ' decline In- all 'deliveries. The weakness .waa accentuated later by tbd government report.- Tfee close waa weak. September1 opened 'Ho. to Ho higher at He to tHc. sold at 09 Ho, and then declined to 97 Ho. The closs was st 1 H H c July ranged between 9o and f Ho and closed at (l OHc Clear anoes of wheat and flour were equal, to 1(1.000 bushels. The amount on passage Increased 1,110,000 bushels, and ths vis ible supply decreased (11,00 bushels. Primary receipts were 7(1,000 bushels against 411,000 bushels for the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of t(0 cars against 47 last week and 101 cars a year ago. Firm cab lea and wet weather over the greater part of the corn belt , had a atrengthenlng influence on the corn market early In the day. but toward the second hour prices weakened on selling by local longs. The weakness of ats was a depressing Influence and the market closed eaay. September opened HO Ho higher at 14 Ho to 64 Ho, sold between tlHo and !4Ho and closed at 61Ha July ranged between 11 Ho and 14 Ho ani closed at SI He. - Looal receipts were 117 cars with 411 of contract grade. Oats were firm at the opening because of an active demand for July by shorts. The deferred futures, however, were sold freely by pit traders and this caused considerable weakness la ths latter part of the session. The government crop re port was bearish, showing the condition of the crop aa 11.1 and the acreage ' 1, (11.000 and the market cloaed weak. Sep tember oats opened unchanged to Ho higher at llo to 11 Ho, declined to 17 Ho and olossd at 17 He July sold between 44Ho and 4(H and closed at 44 He. Local recotpte were 117 cars. Trading in provisions was quiet and tk market weak becauss of selling by local packers and a Bo decline In the . rtca of live hogs. At the cloee Septem ber pork was down lto at IK IT H. Lard was down lOtjUHo ar 1I.O7H0I1O. Bibs wsre THo lower at IJ.17H. Estimated receipts for tomonpwi Wheat, 6T care; corn. Ill cars; oats, 161 ears i hogs, 11,000 head. The official number of cars of stock The leading future ranged as follows-. - I Open. High. Low. Closs. Safy. ( 1 Articles 7H s fang, r , HeHikS'adS SK 1WH W lOttt) 1 101 - HI . Mf . U 14 ' K6SH4H M .. 44H 44H S 17S r M V H KeH 4H mi run i k r?Hf j( at. , 4 i( li(rHlM6i!H s oo m i sur neui 17H 05 I Jw IvT IK. 17H1 171 118 ' . Sept. WW I ItoO. ll W'VU Corn I , ' f July . (WHiffH N Oats- V I i July.- 4HMk t y kHsS'H July lit SO ' " lipt. I IS I Lara I 1 ft! . I July 7i ( "iA, itoHr No- 1 . . Cash quotations were as follows: rLOlrH-8teadyj winter patents. 3 IMS in7ta".lUfl,," W15?: "Prins ps2: bakers, (l.olLti. , . "Uf WHBA r-No. I spring. tl.Oorn OSU; Ma. 1 COfiN-Ko. t, 63ef,ic; No. T yellow Uc RTJO N. t, k3u. HAhlY-Kalr to Choice malting. TWSt fcUKI'Ji-n., Kcx 1 northwterT,: Utlt Tlnuhyun, HTi. Clover. cWtravt FH.VlblN-hort. ribs 'aides fWee). n.bwAlu. Meas perk. Mr bbl.. IKlOvdaai, lrf. r h lbs., tiisl Sbori. clear tawl), $.;w.iaHV On the fru.luce cachsne today the but. ( au4kikwt was wi areaiuertes, liuiJSvr dnlr'e. 1?fmc. Frits, eony t mark, rnncs incintied, uc; flrt, IS'tc; prime firsts, 14Hc. Ctieee,, Utll.1V. Following were the receipts snd shipments of flour snd grain:, Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 1S0 14.PO Wheat, bu K50 22.H) Corn, bu l.pil. ) 4i.l'i0 Oat a, hu 147) (1,7 Kye, bu Barley, bu 23.000 !1BW YOItK ORVBHAI. MARKET eatlas of the nay trm Varloa Con modltles. NEW tORK, June 10. FLOtTR Re ceipts, 1.1,890 bbls.l exports, ia.431 bbls.J market dull and about steadvi Minne sota patents, 15 10' 5 45; winter strslshts. 14 1144.80: Mlnniota bakers. S1.76 us 4.26: winter extras. 11.00421. SO: winter i'-innm, ii.ioii miii; winter low grades, 2 0jl.40. Rye flour, Arm; fair to good, 4.76 6.00; choice to fancy, te.10tjp6.IO. CORNMEAL Ptearfy; fine whit and yellow 11.10; coarse, 11.171.11; kiln dried 1.161.6. RYE DulTj No. 1 western, nominal, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, M.700 but exports, 143.XW bu.; sales, 1,700,09 bu. futures; Spot market easy; No. t red, 11.01 H. elevator, and 11.0ZH. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. tl.rt, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter, 11.04V f. o. b. afloat. Dullness prevailed In wheat circles today pending the crop report. Early steadiness was fol lowed by a period of depresnion du to un loading and more favorable European news. Kotowing the report, which was more bear ish than expected, prices broke a cent, ral lying a little In the last few minutes; they closed He to o net lower, July. !1.03"4a 1.07H; September cloaed at 11.04H, De cember, ll.06Ttffl.07V closed at O.06H, CORN-Recelpta, 4)!.4G0 bu.; exports, 701 bu.; sales, 40.000 bu. spot; spot markst easy; No. 1, (4Hc, elevator, end 63c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 whlt 68Hc and No. 1 yellow, Kta, f. o. b. afloat. The option market was without transactions, closing He net lower. July and September closed at 82o. OATS Receipts, 29.B0 Obu.j exports, 69,B3 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, M to n lbs., 4t)HN60c; natural white, 10 to 13 lbs., 60Clc; cllped white, K to 40 lb., G0H4 66c. HAT Firm'; shipping, "WJSRci good to choice, 11.16(31 20. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 10(, 144116c; f0(, 44&6c; Paciflo coast, 190. SQllc; 1(06, t8a. HIDEH Quiet; Central America, llo; Bogota, 21 Wc LE ATH ER Quiet J acid, Hfillc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 114.00 14.60; meaa, 19. 6010.00; beef hams, 114.00(3'26.00; packet. I11.00S11.60; city, extra India mens, 123.004-21.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. lll.OOf)) 14.00; pickled hams, lieilHe. Lard, steady; western ' prime, . 18.v0fc9.10; . re fined, eaay; continent, $9.36; South America, $10.36; compound, 10.00 .5. Jork, oulet: family, $19.00; short clear, $17.26018.21; mesa, $17.76 11.60. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg.), (He; country (pkgs. free), (HtMHo. RICP Steady: domestic, fair to extra, IH'c; Japan, nominal. BUTTKR Eaay; street price, extra creamery, iavftTMc prilrlal prices: Cream ery,, ejommon to extra, 1823c; renovated, common to extra, ltHWOHo; western fao tory, common to first. ltifliiOc; western Imitation creamery, firsts, '21c. CHEESB Weak; state, full cream, col ored -and whlto, small beat, UHc; state, lurgei 12c; state, large, and Small, fair to good, 104(11Hc,' state. Inferior, THtiVto. EGGS Unsettled; .state, Pennxylvanla and -nearby fancy selected white, 19c. ; choice. KHyiSc; first to extra firsts, lti'i 17c; western flrts, 16H18c; ofTiclal pries, firsts, 16c- seconds, ltVaUte- POULTRY Dressed, flrmi western broil rs, 25iiOOc; turkeys, lCul4c; fowls, 12l&Ho. St. I.oals General Market. ST. LOUI8, Jun 10. WHEAT Lower; track. No. 1 red cash, 87LWHo; no. 2 hard, WaWo; July, B4c; September, 95Ho. CORN Lower; track. No. 1 cash, 62H Mc; July, 62Hc; Beptembor, 6ric; Ho.i white, 63H60. OATS Lower; track. No. 1 cash, 47c; September. 17Hc; No. 1 white, 4BO. - FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.60040; extra fancy and straight, S3.V0I& 4.10; clear, $J. 90 1.80. SEED Timothy, steady, $l.004.00. CORN MEAL Steady. $1.70. BRAN Strong; sacked east track, $1.10 1.11. HAY Dulp; timothy, $16.80911.50; prairies, $10 OOffll.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.09. C . BAOOINO 11 HO. HEMP TWINE 10c. $T1.16. 'LArd. sasyf rlme steam, $8.45. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed; sxtra shorts, $9.17 H; clear ribs, 19.17 HH short clears, f9.7(. Baoon, steady; boxed ex tra short. 110.16; clear ribs, $10.11; short cleara. I10.62H. "POULTRY Quiet; chickens.- 10H: springs,- lo; turkeys, 10c; . ducks, . 6c; WB;, gc. ... ' uTERteadyr creamery, f fcOQJ-HJtady . II H a . . Recelnta Hhl Shipments. r lour, , . DPI . . M 1,000 . Wheat.: buvw. 1$,00 Corn, bu 11,100 Oat4 bu 141,000 - S.O'JW 11,000 87,000 44,000 Kansas City drain aad Provisions. ' r JNBld PITT , n nr . m, v . . ...... U4 . . a , line nniiAi-juiv. 9oc; Stiptember, 91Ho; December, 2c: cash, No. 2 hard, 92ay5c; No. 1, gSKUSc; No. 1 red. BSKSTOc; No.T, 03a97o. , K,jn.njuy. 4110; September, 49c; De cember, 46Hc; cash. No, 1 mixed. 4M4e6uc: , XTa a B.I.I I tll - . M .A. . ' RYESteady; 74gr7o. . HA Y-Cholce timothy, C7.0CKffl7.60; cholc prairie, $11.6OU.00. ' EOOa-Extra, fancy. I6H0; current re eelpts, cases Included, new cases, 12He; second-hand ' cases, 12c: southern, cases Included, Utfo. BUTTER Creamery, JJc; peeking, 18c Wheat, bu 110,000 90,000 torn. pu.. 128,000 W.000 Oats, bu.... 17,000 17,000 Kansas City cash prices; lOpen. I Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close. Wheat July , Bept Corn July Bept ., 90 1 90H UH 49HI 49HB 49 j 41 A A asked. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Jun IT).-Wheat-Spot firm; No. I red western winter, 7s; No. 1 Califor nia. 7s Id. Futures steady; July, 7slHd: September, 7s IHd. ' '. CORN-Bpot firm; Hess dried, 6s Hd; old northern IU 4kj Tr .. , .'- V... &sVid; September, 4s HHd. -I1i.lT"l.lxntlo,, (Paciflo coast), qulst at t lis(uv16s. VUlble Dapplr of Grain. NEW TORK. May 10. The vislhl supply of grain June 8. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange was aa follows: . .WItEAT M17.000 bu.. decrease, il,. 000 bu.; corn, 6,6)10.000 bu.; decrease ?f 22jL k0at JO lOS OftO hu.; decrea..e 461,000 bu.; rye. 461000;, decrease. kl.OtlOl barley, 166,000 bu. increased. 1,000 bu. ' atlnnrapoll OraJ a Market. MINNEAPOLIB, June 1.-WHEAT-Jurr 94c: September, l-Ve; No. 1 hard, $H't4' No. 1 northern 11.01 H: No. $ northern. IvHc; No. 1 northern. 9fiiS97c. - KI.OUR First natetus, 4.0V).W! second patents, $4.9t(f.fl6; first clears, $J.6&a.6 second dears, $2.7M1'3 . , k . ' BRAN In bulk, (lo.5o3rw.75, - Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June lOWHEAT-Close, higher; No. 1 northern, $l.O4Wul.0: No. i "iTl'V ml July. .WHc R E Ix)wer; No. I 87Vc. 64wAc LWe'5 " 77,Se' aample, CORK IIMF' 4j U . .. S3o bid. " -y. Pewrla Grain Market. PI0ORIA. June 10.-CORN-Lower: No. I ivx s;- No- " OATB Lower; No. 1 white. 48HN7e: No. 1 He; No. 4 whl ."Shh" WHISK Y-On a basis of Pklladelpkln Pro dace Market. PHILADELI'HIA. June la - EOOS ark'' We"Lcrn flr"t' tn cases, 17c at fl"crrrViriobUt "Utett Iew Dalntk Grain Market. DULUTH, Jun 10. WHEAT No 1 northern. $l.0H; No. 1 northern. nrc- iulv lX"JHtr- DeVembfcwi. ' OATS Ou track and June, 42 ' ' Toledo (( Market. TOLEDO. Jun 10i-ErED8-CTover, cash. W?: r'emUr. fc to; March, Js.10. Tlm Ql,hyt $1.36;. alslk, lAad " . ,m Sssk Cleartags. ' OMAHA, June 10 Bank Stearins a for to day were 12.0E:7.34.u. and for th aorre siwndliui date last r U.rj0.kU 91 S M 92H 3H 49H 4M4 4DH 49H NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Early Eiie Barely 8ufflcient to Absorb Profit Taking Sales. CHOP EXTORT CAUSES ADVANCE Sharn Rally at 1 O'rlork Brtags Oat Large Offers and Price Drop t Lowest of tbe Session. NEW TORK. June m-The usual fol lowed today In the stock market from the week-end recovery In prices. That Is. some moderate outside demand was attracted. The sufficiency of such a demand-to ab sorb the profit taklna sales in Mnndar hv the professionals who havs bought stocks " wren-ma rise is regarded usually a teat of th real strength nf iha murk at Regarded In that light the action of prices today did not serve to confirm the appear ance of strength last week. The moderate advances or tne nrst hour were yielded al most entirely before the force of prollt taking sales. The subsequent lethargy of the market wa attributed to th desire of operators to see the complexion of th government jo Port of condition of the wheat crop be fore venturing on commitments. It wa not until the appearance of this report, which wss delayed until 1 o'clock, that anything Ilka animation revived in the stock market. It gave prompt evidence then of relief from the apprehension caused' by ths reports of Saturday regard ing the extreme deterioration of the Kan sas crop and by gloomy prospects as given by a private crop report. The govern ment's figure were accented aa a rofitta. tlon of these alarming reports. The de- " acrege sown in spring wheat seemed to have no disturbing effect on sen timent, nor did the decline In condition of that crop compared with last year. Prices advanced to the highest of the day after the appearance of the report In consonance With the sharp reaction in wheat. An Important development In the Inter national money situation was the cessation of the Paris demand for gold. The Bank of England practically secured all of the supply of gold In the London market at a price a fraction lower than laat week, and there apparently was no bid for French Scoount Contrary to expectations also there were no additional engagements of gold for Paris account here, Tho sustained strength of foreign exchange up to the close of last week made further gold ex ports probable. The Bank of France has completed Its important work of recupera tlon of reserves which has been deter minedly pushed for several weeks past and the money markets have been relieved of a substantial requirement. Th abstract of condition of national banks throughout ths oountry aa of May 30 shows how sustained a demand there has been for credits, loans showing an expansion compared with March 21 of $96,9,!$, while the growth compared with June 18 of last year amount; to th formidable total of $424. 263,611. The accretion to cash reserve for ierven months' period amounts to but fi. of which $36,871,697 ha been added In the last sixty days. The propor tion of reserve to deposits in the sixty-day UJ ,.TaI JtH rlmtn In consequenc from il t0. J1'22 ?er cent- Th rallr "took after the publication of the crop report was seised by professionals as an occasion for free profit taking and prices ran off again to the lowest of the day for many stocks and made the closing easy. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $1.266,0110. United Htato. hnnria .T changed on call. mumber of sales and range of quota tions on the New York Stock exchange: Mumun n.aprvB AaulsaraaUd Copper A mar. Car and Foundry.,. do ptd Amir. Cottoa Oil 11,800 4.000 rn MU0 as 41H It 1 M H II so ptd Amar. Kinru Amer. Hid A LUier aid .... w .... w .... 14 Tl tl 10 .... 14 MS 6Vt Amar. Ice 100 1u0 71 10 Aimt. Lin Oil... do pfd Amor. LooorooilTO .. do ptd I. S9 100 104 Amor. Smiting A UK'S, lUt Rf. 1M"0 130 11H HH o pro Amer. Sugar Reflnlnf Amar. Totaoo pfd olfi... Aaaeonda Mlalag Co Atchloon do pfd AtlanUo Coast Uns Daltlskors A. Oaio... do pfd Brook Ira Rapid' Traaalt.... Caaadlas Paals Cantral ot Naw iaraay.... Chasapaako A Ohio Chloaso Oraat Waatarn..., Chicago A Northwaatara... C, 14. A Bt Paul Cbloaco Tana. A Trass... do prd ; C. C, C. A Bt. Loula Colorado Fual and Iras.... Colorado A Southern do lat ptd do Id ptd Consolidated Oal Corn Products do prd Palairar A Hudaon Dal., Lack. A Waatern.... Tar A Rio Orando do pfd Dlatulara' Bacurltlaa Brla do 1st prd da Id ptd Oanaral Eteotrlo Hocking Valley Illnola Central Inter, paper do pfd Inter. Pump do ptd Iowa Cantral do ptd ., K. C Bouthera do pfd, ex-dlv UmliTilla 4V Najhvllle.... Meiloan Central Minn. A Bt. Loula.... at , St. P. A Bault Bta 14. da pfd Hlaaourt Pad to 41., K. A Texas do pfd National Lead N. R. R. ot Maa. pld N. r. Central N. v., Ont. A Western.... Norfolk A Waatera do pfd North Americas Paciflo Mall Pennaylvanla People'! Oaa Pitta. C, O. A IL L..... Preeaed Steal Car do old "V II 14 MUf 00 Ul 12uS !'V4 00 M M S3 1.400 M4 ' t?H 67 11.700 ) . Itfe U 400 H. 9644 83 Kit le 174 4,400 MUj 644 1,70 lMSt 144 1.400 M4 1.100 11 1.100 la U 10. 143W 1 .oO ra 124 13 ! 44 0 i3 47 44H lll It 72 100 t,ou 1,400 44 MVt 44V4 114 17 t 0 4t KI0 114 100 17 100 144 . J48 167 4M 14 44 I 44 tt 141 7t 1M 13 rt t2 74 1T' 40 400 le M 400 4,600 1.4O0 4 13 6t tl M e 400 113 141 tOO M li 41 4 M 67 0 400 14 67 67 I.O11O 114 111 1U 100 tO. SU i) -41 104 uo To 48 V 600 106 106 1,100 1,400 74 li M 100 62 41 1.100 111 112 UiW so rr 14 84 100 74 14 74 r 1O0 48 44 : 44 100 44 14 U , !,IU 171 120 11 tl too 104 (6 40 14 40 to Pullman Palaos Car Reading do lef Pfd 1J 141,400 107 106 106 .... Ml do Id pfd Republic Btaal do pfd, ex-dlv. . . Rock Ulaad Co v do pfd 7. ti l 1 1. r. n ptd.... Bt. Loula B. W do ptd Southern Paciflo do ptd Southern Railway do pfd Tenneeeee Coal and Iron.. Texas A Pacific Tel., Bt. U A Waatera.... do ptd HO 14 Ki 41 14 2 40 62- tOO 14 14 4.404 luO 1,000 400 tilt 4 14 11 44 8.1 0 t.900 74 400 111 l,ro roo 4i tV 140 too rr r4 47 4"0 60 14 77 111 111 111 14 40 40 181 140 . r ti rt 7 44 44 f. e 44 t6 .... 44 Union Pacln dO Dfd .... 14,600 188 40 44 V. S. Bzpraas V. S. Kaaltr V. S. Rubber do ptd V. B. Btaal do ptd Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do pld Waeeaa do pfd Wella-rerfo BxjDreaa Weetaishouee Eleclria Western Union Wheoltn A Lake Krie.... Wlaconala Central do pfd Vtortharn radtla Central Leather do pfd. oi-dtv Sloea-Baefneld Oraat Northern pfd mterharousk Metropolitan.. do pfd. ex-dlT. Offered. 611 too rr ti 6oo 100 100 IO0 aa. rv aa !. 44 400 17 ioe 104 too 11 4.0 44 64 " 84 tK rt 17 104 14 14 104 II e 11 toO tuo 41 11 40 11 11 I ttu ii.siq in itp ia tod 14 11 tl to 64 10,000 1J 118 1! 1.0 lt 17 17 4u 4e 44 41 Total sales for the day. 44,400 shares. Koretga PlaaaclaU TENDON, May 10,-Money was In fair demand and fair supply In the market to day. Discounts wsre easy on ths higher foreign exchangea. Bualnaea was restricted on the Stock exchange, owing to the ar rangement of the settlement, but the tone waa more cheerful with the hardening of flltedged securities, the bears covering, and he fact that the Bank of England aocured ths week's gold arrivals at a reduced price. Americans developed an Improving . tend ency In sympathy wltH th more confident operatlone In New York. Prices opened stesdy and Improved In the forenoon, espe dally Union PacirUs, under bear covering Latter the receipt of New ' York opening prices caused a further reaction, and th oioslng price were a fraction below the beat of the day. FVrebrnera were oulet. Japanese Imp rial Ba of 14 cloaed at 1 C PAHlri. May KW Price on the Bourse today, after weakening, closed firmer. Rus sian imperial 4a closed at 7l. and Russian bonds ot Uj4 at 44. bh.HIJN. May la -Trading on th Bourse today opened hesitating, but Americans closed with a better ton upon tli .New York advice. Russians were Ann. Baa la of ti-rnmaar Btatoaaeat. BERLIN. Mar M -The wee-kly tatari, ef the impwial Hank 4f Urmanv sKuws the fullowUg changes; Cash lu baud Uv- creaeed Bt.).'") marks, trrnsury notes In creased tifi.n" marks, other securities de creased ntnrka and note In clrcula tlon decreased 17,6NO,0i0 marks. New York Moaey Market NKW YORK, June 10. M ONE Y On rail. steaiiy, iyu.' per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; closing bid, 1H per aent; offered at 1 per cent. lime loan, armtig; sixty days, vfi4 per cent; ninety day. S1i4 per cent; six mtintha K rr cnt. - PRIM K MERCANT1LB; PArER-5Q4 pr cent. . ix BTKRf,TNO EXCTtANrtFi Firm, with c tnal business In bankers bills at t4.869rVr 4.R7 for demand and at M.xi0ff4 (i6 for flxty-day bills: 'posted rates, .M and commercial oma, i snd. SILVER Bar. H0i Mexican dollar. elHe. lUjNTia Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotation on ootid tofay wjr ss ronowa: tr. B r(. ta. do coupon .. T. B. ta. res do conpon ., tt. B. old 4a. do coupon ., ....lfXUiapan s ....1044i do id eerlea. ....lot do 4a, ctfa . . W 1"! 4o td aerlea.. . 41 S sou ,trl , iroU A N. anl. U. B new 4a. rag., ift nannat. a foin 4e . . n do roupon .mMn.. Central 4a 71 Am. Tob. 44.... do 4a At'hleon f. 4a do adj. 4a.. . 71 'Jo lat Ina. .lf 'Hi. A Bt. L. . ,M., K. A T. . 0 do Ida 11 84 . 44 . 87 .111 Atlantic C. U 4a o if. R. of M. a. Bal. A Ohio 4a N. T. C. (en. 4a. do 4a . S. I. C. gen. 4a. Prk. M. T. 0. 4 Cent, of Oa. 5a.. . de. let Ing lo Id Inc do Id Inc Chea. A Ohio 4a.. C. A A. Ss C, B. A Q. a. 4a C. B. I. A P. 4a .. 81J)o. raclto .lot ,1'rj ao 8a . V. AW. . 4a . TO Ora. B. L. rfr. 4a, . 6t Penn. cr. ! . 71 . 5 88 44 .innRaadlna Iran. 4a...... 47 . 48 Bt. U A I. M. a. tie 110 1 v- a. r. tg. a. to . 47 Bt. L. 8. W. c. 4a.. h . 84 Seahtuird A. f aa.. 71 do col. bs rvr. A ft. L. n. 4a 94 Routhern PaolHr 4a... S7U. rolo, Ind. 4a, aer. A 68 do let 4a, ctfa 68 voin. aiin. aa aveoutnarn kt aa im Colo. A 80. 4a T. A P. late Ill Cuha 6a 10eT.. Bt. L. A W. 4a. it D A R. O. 4a 3Vnlrm Pacific 4a 10141 Diet. Sera. 6a....... 81 , It. 8. Bteel Id 6a.... Erie prior Men 4a., 44 Wabaah lata 107 do gen. 4a 8o eweatern Md. 4a.... 14 o'" vei. u wia .tntrai aa at Bid. Offered. k Roeton Stoekateuad Bonds. BOSTON. June 10-Call loans, W per cent; time loans, 44WiH per cent. Official closing on stock and bonds: Atchlaon ad 4a W Cal. A Heels. . . 800 .. it .. 7 .. 18 .. nvi ..IN .. 18 ,. II .. 84 ,.i:6 . 14 .118 .. ITT, .101 . 4K ,. 10 . 48 : .164 . 40 . 14 . UI4 .164 t I , -I ao 4a Met. Central 4a. Atchlann do pfd nnatoa A A.... Ronton A Maine ntohhurr ptd., Mex. , Central . . . F7 Centennial 76 Copper Range 8niilr Went t3 Pranklln 116 Oranhr 188 lalo Rorala It Mn. Mining IH Mlrhlgan A H..1MH Mohawk N. Y., N. H Vnton Paolflo ...186 Moot. C. A C ... 4 Old Dominion ...110 Oeceolg ...121 Parrot ...K Qulncy ... l68liahnon . . ... tl Tamarack ...106 Trinity ... 16 United Copper ... 41 U. 8 .Mining ... o u. S. Oil ...107 Utah ... 81 Victoria ... r7 Winona ... 44 WolTerlna- .-. ... t North DuUe ... ! Hutte Coalition.... ... 46 Nevada ... 44 Cel. A Arlaona ... 11 Arlx.' Commercial... ... Ul "Ex-dividend. Am. Pneu. Tuba... Am. Buxar do pfd Am. Tel. A Tel.. Am. Woolen ...... do pfd E1laon Rlee. lit... Maaa. Blectrte ... do pfd Maaa. Oa tinned Fruit United 8hos Macs. do pfd U. 8. Btaal,' do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated ..... Atlantlo Bingham Bid. Asked London Closing; ' Stocks, LONDON, June V Closing Quotations on stocks were aa follows: Console, money niHtil., K. A Texas ...,WSN. Y. Central .... 11 Norfolk A Westers. ... Ui e .. .... IJOnt. kVeatarn ... 4 PaanarTvanla ... ( Hand Mines ... 17 Rradlna . 44 Jf 74 . 44 . 17 .11 . 44 -18 , 14 .140 . 41 .M .101 . II . 14 . H ao a. -count Anaconda Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd ...j B. A O Canadian Pacific' . Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.... C, M. A 8t. P.... . . r Southern Ry .. H o ptd ..IS! Southern Paclfla ... .. at Union Paclfla .. 14 do pfd .. "8 U. A. Steel DaBeera D. A R. O do pfd cne 43 do pfd ,, do Id nfd ..Tu ao nM ..'.! Illlnola CentraJ k',...,141 - Spanish 4a ........ L. A NaahTlHe.- lllix(mart Tn.k , T aw ...... v.: r - - . im oiiji,-iiar, steady; 30 u-UM par ounce. The rate of dlacotnt on the orwan marlrar for short bills is per cent; for three months" bill la 1W1? per cent. New York Mining; Stock. NETW YORK. June,' 10 rtoalnur mint at tone on mining stocks' Wer: Adams Con............ 10 Wtll Chief 4 ' Alice ....H0 Oawto lit Breeco ., Hi Orhir vi 130 ' ...... 10 Brunswick Con 40 'Pnanel .:, comitock Tunnel.... 37 Baeaga Con. Cal. A Va...... 44 Sleris. Kavada,, Horn Silver 164 Small Hopes .. Iron Bllvar K Blaadard Leadvllla Con 1 ..... . t ,. 84 .141 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. May 10-Todav's state ment of th treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold rrrvc, snows: AvaiiaDia caan balance, $ar,8l7.947; gold coin and bullion. $S6,KJ2.35l; gold certlflcatea, $60,930,190. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June . 10. MET ALB IDs London tin market was lower; spot closing at 184 6s and futures at 10 15s. Locally the market waa dull, with spot Quoted at $40.604i41.60. Copper was 6s higher In th London market, with spot quoted at 97 lus and futures at 04 Ida. Locally the market was dull and seems to be unsettled. Borne dealer are still said to be holding for re cent higher prloe. but concessions are reported In other directions. Lake Is quoted at tSt.Otx&M.&O; electrolytic at $2175a.; casting. 21.7&a22.(K. Load' was unchanged at $6.7Mf6 85 locally, but advanced 2a M to 20 2s 6d In London. Epeltar was Is td lower at 24 7s td In London. Locally the market was dull and unchanged, at $6.40fi.pO. Iron was lower in the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 68a id and Cleveland warranta at 6Hs 6d. Locally the market was unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern, tX.&UM.7b; No. i foundry north ern, t25.006i28.2o; No. 1 foundry southern, $2o.0MrM.60 and No. I foundry southern. $s;.oo5co.oo. BT. IXDUT.3, June 10. METALS Load, quiet, $5,671; spelter, steady, $6.S7H. . Cottoa Market. NEW TORK, June 10. COTTON Boot closed steady; middling uplands, IS. 26c: gulf. lS.Wc; sales. 100 bales. BT. LOUIS, June 10. -COTTON Bteadv; middling, 12c; sales, So6 bale; receipt, 499 bales; shipments, 807 bales; stock, 21,14$ bales. . NEW ORLEANS. May 10.-COTTON-8 pot cloaed ateady; aalea. 1,175 bales; low ordinary, he, nominal; ordinary, to; nom inal: good ordinary. 10 6-lHc; low middling, U -16c; middling. 13c; good middling. 1374o; middling fair, Uc. nominal; fair, 15Ho, nominal. Receipts, 2,107 bales; stock, 86,821 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 10. COTTON-Bnot, market lower: American middling fair. $.67d; good middling. l.OSd; middling, 7.47d; low middling 7.11d; good ordinary, '.5ad ordinary, 6.0M. The galea of thj day were 4.OU0 bales, of whloh -"too were for specula tion and export and Included 1,900 American. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Pratt. NEW TORK. June 10. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continue steady on spot supplies, with prices unchanged; fancy ar quoted at 86Hc; choice. 7&THC; prime. 8Vfic; poor to fair, t'ifmc. ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are firm In tone, although recent advances on the coast, appear to have checked the demand for future shipments tq some ex tent. Snot "quotations range from e o 124jo for California fruit and-from fte to 10c for Oregon. Apricots are unchanged, with ehnlc quoted at 18HW9C; extra choice, 1920e; fancy, iifii21c. peaches are In alow demand but prlcea are steadily held. Choice are quoted at UHc; extra choice . 124J12c; fancy 12lSc: extra fancy. IstVlSo. Raisins ara firm, with loose musoMel quoted at ll 10c; seeded raisins, 7! 1 fee; London lay era, $1.5001.615. j - .. Oils aad Roala. NEW TORK, June lfl.-OlLS-Cottonseed, barely steady; prime crude, f. o. b.. mills, 4"'649c: yellow. 69c. Petroleum firm; refined New York, M46; Philadelphia and BaltU more, 18 40; Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk. $4.96, Turpentine, steady... ROSIN neady; strained, common to goo.l. ji OT.'fH.sO. OIL CITY. June 10.-OIL8-Credlt oal anoes, 1178; runs. 2ia.Ul bbla,: average, 117,792 bbls.; shipments, 298,lvl bbls.: aver age. 164 tft bbla. SAVANNAH. Oa." Jnne 10.-OIL8 Tur pentine. firm; 6644a ROSiN--F1rm: sales. 1 r. casks; A. B. C. 14 0KSH10; D. 14 15; K. $4 FVfl-4 SO; F. $4 . 4 80; O. $4 7044N6; H. 14 8(6 00; I. $4 M$ 6 00; K, $RR0: M, t5.Vfie; N SE.tjou; W. Q., $6.90A06; W. W.. $6-iq Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Jun M. COFFEE Market for future opened steady, to a decline of I point and In spit of steady Huropeaa cauitt inuroaum ma lose curing tne seas ion. owing to slightly easier Brastllan Cable and aelllng auppoaed to be against flna offers. The close wae quhet at net deollna of tvrlO points. Salea for the day were reported of 1.7a0 bags. Including July at t at ti 40; August, 6 Vic; September, 6 fcfi o: ImW, 4 k; - Mitrch. A40; May HrvVbo. Spot ciffe quia, Rto, 6o; No! 4 b.uUa, 7V.ui BillO. qulst, Cortiovs. viHSWO. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Klndi Steady, with Some Xindi Stronger. H0G3 SELLLN0 F1TE CEUTS L0W1B Bheep aad La as be In Very Active D snasiel aad Belllag Prex-lyv at Goaxl, Btreag Price Owi. ers Well Plemaed. SOUTlt OMAHA. Jun 10, 1W Receipts were: Cgttle. Iloja. Sheep. OfTiclal Monday 4.0ti0 $.700 Bsm day last week .... t 1.471 Bam day 1 weeks ago.. 2.0M $,Sit Bame day 1 weeks ago.. $.007 $.647 Same day 4 weeks ago.. t.PPt (.971 Same day last year 1,0.0 $,6uS 1.80 4.10a 1,1104 687 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and eheep at South Omaha for th year to data, compared with last van 107. 19. Inc. Cattl 610. US 424.781 86,131 Hog l.J.l L2?4.;$2 Bheep 780.111 7W,4M 60,334 Deo. 88.070 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed ters.i....$8-70(J $0 Good to fair corn-fed steers .7"u6.70 Common to fair steers 4fcitr&.20 Oood to Choice cows 4.2f 00 Fair to good cows and heifers $ii4lo Oood to choice stackers and feeders 4 00 Fair to good stookers and feeder.. 1 kS 40 Common to fair stockers 106 to Bulls, stag, etc .....I.1MN75 Veal calve 4.0o4 Th following table shows th average price of hogs at Bouth Omaha for th last several day, with comparisons: Data. 1K7. PM.l.19O4.iac.1MS.ti0i. May 10, 01 171 I HI til 1 Wi I May U c II 4 (0 T 111 60 Jun Jun Jun 0 1 16 4 M 4 49; 4 49 $ 13 i 70 S II 07 $ 99 t li Jun 4.. 5 6 rl 4 66 t I 76 sr. 6 71 176 6 71 a 161 June 6.. June (., June 7.. $ws 011 4 64 a18 IB 7 151 7 111 Ml t 251 4 681 4 68 Jun 1., 17 1 10 Jun June 10. 17 i 17 4 7 7 Si 6 a 76 01 7 ll Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. v Cattle. TTne-a Omaha tl. 2696.60 18 SfrBiUS Kansas Cltv 1 mrr.a.7 6 7Fwwi.2U. Chicago , 1.76.60 $.7f"a.l& Bt. Louis l.Vu 60 $ tra jo Sioux City 1.60$j.eO $ !. 0$ Drought in today by each road was: ' uattie. hail Kneen. n r a. ..V oijii. r I Missouri Paciflo 28 .. ii 't 'i 42 t 11 .. ii'v-!-- 'i i .. .. 2 80 8 17 s receipts was Union Paclno System. 21 C. A N. W. (east) C. & N. W. (west).... 21 C, St. P. A M. 0 11 C., B. A Q. (east).... 1 U., . dk y. (west).. & Q. a. Rt i. a : nt i. p. (east) C., R. I. A P. (west). Illinois Central l Chicago GU Western.. I Total reoelpt 16$ ber ot head Indicated: Cattla- TTam fihan vmana x'acaing company swi 93 own ana tjonioanv xi 1.4f4 1,16V cuuany racking Company 461 Armour A Co tss Vanaant A Co 89 Lob man A Co SO Hill A Bon 66 P. P. Lewis I Huston A Co II Mike H assert V lo Bol Degan 2J Bherldan Meat Company J. B. Root 4 Co , 10 T. B. Inghram... , IS Bulllvan Broa s "'ii Other buyers 296 181 Totals ..2.217 6,7a 1.2fi CATTLIS Receipts ' of cattle ware verv moderate and out of the number reported In forty-five cars were' consigned throuerli. so that there wer actually on sale only f bout 100 cars. With the present slse of he stock yards 100 cars roads a very, small allowing. J There were several outside buyer oper ating this morning and anything that they could use sold quite readily at good steady and. In. soma cases, possibly strong price. On th other hand packer were not very strong buyers and such atuff as shippers could not us was slow sal at barely Steady price. In fact sellers In anma leases thought they had hard work to gat siaatujr unueaj out 01 pscaera. f raoiicauy everything received wa disposed of by 1Q o'tflJck In the morning or soon after. mere was quite a little sprinkling of cow and heifer In th yard, but for tunately there was a shipping and specula tive demand for a few loads, so that sell ers Were enabled to clean up at very Satis factory Prices. Thsre were soma halfera good snoufch to bring $6.00. Shippers should still bear in mind that packers are refusing 10 taae any sne sioca except suotect to osi-monem inspection, nence Ul demand or cow Stuff is vry limited. What few stockers and feeders were In sight met vary ready taker at good strong prices. representative sales: - BEEF BTEERS. No, av. rr. 454 4 0 ..... 464 4 44 479 4 W 1 464 I 14 404 6 ID Ill I 14 1044 I 1ft 1040 I SO ma t it 1000 $ M 444 6 40 14 6 . tt 4 14 , 1061 I 44 1116 4 40 14 6 40 1041 4 44 ,....1114 4 44 441 I 44 411 $ (0 1U.4 4 60 ...1101 6 M, 10O1 $ 40 .....lino 4 40 We. - Av. P. 14..... 1041 I 44 lu ...1464 I 44 44 w lilt 4 40 w mi $ 44 11 12(6 6 44 it I'M I I 74 M 444 1 14 it Utt I 14 t0v...-....l7 4 If 14 Uf.1 $ 40 14 1214 1 40 14 lttO I 40 10 INI 4 10 II 131 6 46 14 lilt 4 46 14 ,... .1144 I It 11 114 I 44 tl 1171 6 H 44 ....1M7 4 t4 It r.lttt I tt 106, 1271 I tt 11 mi 1 tt 16 1141 4 00 11 1116 1 00 4..., 44... 4... 4... 10..., II..., 44..., 11..., 14... 11.... II... 44..., 4.... 10... n... 44..., 11..., la.. ta.... 40.... 7.. 11.. 11.. 111 4 40 STEERS AND HEirERS-TBARLINOS. .. 481 I 04 COWS I.... 10... ..... 4S0 1 16 1(0 I 44 10M I W 131 IN I!t4 I 00 IK I 14 W 4 16 474 I 10 tf.0 I (0 Ulft I II e ....1l its ....lonl 4 00 ....1171 4 04 ....1011 4 40 .... SAO 4 OQ ....ltet 4 40 14....... 1010 4 00 40 4 IS 1060 4 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. ...... 1 4 1 1. 1 ,.1 4 60 ..130 4 tt .. 174 t 60 .. 44 4 40 ,. 184 4 40 . 174 4 40 CALVES. MO I 40 I 1110 I IS 11 , 100 I IS I , 140 4 40 1 , 14 4 04 I , 144 4 00 HEIFERS. , 474 4 40 4...... 4 M 40 , 4b4 4 09 1 lei 4 14 470 4 Tt 147 4 7 44 4 71 11 A:::::: BULLS. .....m 1 4 t IBM 4 14 I 414 4 46 1 ltm 4 44 it. n ...1040 4 Tl ...1474 4 16 ...l70 4 4 ... 144 t OS 1... 1... t... t... 1... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 411 1 44 I ! 4 e 14 I M to ia 4 a K i It 14 WT 4 44 . 611 4 14 11 m 4 44 41 4 M M 144 4 II 1 4 40 14 Til 4 4 . , ... , 1 to... 4... ... 14.. , wum a -m a..,.. , aoe SOT HOGS There was the usual lla-H fcfn.t. day"s run In the iog yards this morning. in ai'iie ui iiai ra;eipLs, nowsver, the msrket waa io lower than Saturday, there being a general decline along the line st all market points In some case sellers who had light hogs did not think that th were forced to take off quite to. but heavy hogs were fully that much lowsr. The bulk of the hogs sold at $0O07H as KKinei o.uo(io iu ins Duia on ciaturoay. Ths top was $< aa agatnat 1419 BaturOay. The Week opened with hogs selling lust about wher they wer on Monday of last week. He. 14... 44... Aa. - r. ..440 10 t IS ..) 140 I 44 ..111 1W t 47 H . tM 11 6 17 ..177 44 4 40 ," ..Kl 144 4 D ' ..4 40 I 00 ..rr 100 4 ..147 40 4 00 ..4 t t m , ..let ... IMti ,.m 14 4 Mt4 Ma Av. Sk. rv. 44 tM 44 4 4 TO 144 ... IS 14.- tt ' 49 4 44 tl t44 11 04 & it 144 I It 11 ...m ... t ot 41....... 44 40 t 114 44 St 4 4 OS 1 4X1 1 4 44 44 t4 IN II 44 144 4 I 41 44 lot 4 t 44 4 HI 44 4 04 14 Ill t I 07S4 41. ....... tat t 4 Wt t 441 4 4 41 41 1U4 4 t 0-t. 44. ...... Ill l I m tl ... 4 4714 4 44t S t OrsJ II HI ... t t" t 14 ..134 .,. 4 7tZ Tl.,.,i.ti . 4 4 47vt 14 IV ... 4l 10 ..JM 44 I Sit 40 14 ... 4 MS4 41 4 MS t M 1 tt ... 4 a 40 4 40 t 10 4 14 ... 4 14. aa su ... 1 1 44... 14... 44... 40... 11... ... tt... 41... tt .. .t:.l 4 4t ...164 ...4 40 t 14 1, 4 4 lt4 44 ... 4 Mti M 10 0ft la la I IM ... 44 M 10 I Wi IM It IMa M.,....IS4 ... 4 01 44 141 ... 4t 44 '4 tt $ Olta 44 r4 y tntl 41 1l 1 I Otti 44 M 4 4H U. ...... M 4 4 Ml 44. 144 4 02$ rr lb st Imt, 71 A4 I4 U 44 '40 ' 41 tts 4 19 44 t4T It 4t4 an jit ... it 41 H 40 4 0H t4 Ul 140 4 10 7 0 '4S 4 44 ta H 4t t 4 14 t 1M IRU l l7 ... 4 1 ....,... ... luiti 40 141 1S 4 1H ft 434 ... 4 04 41 . ... 4 lit, 4 tat 44 4 t4 n ij ao 4 14 M.; ... lu BHEEP Receipt of sheep tclsy wert very light, tinly four tars were In when the msrket opened wtlh four more reported back. The demrnd waa very good on tho part of local packera and everything In sight met with very ready aale at goo.1 strong prices. In fact, to quota the trsde aa a good strong and active market would sum up the whole thing for ths dsv. Quotation on shorn stock: Oood to Choice lsmba. 47 TTrtik fV- fair in srnnd Iambi. $7.rt'fl'7.i6; common or cull lamha,; J food io cnoice spring lambs. $S.0riu.60; fair o good spring lambs. $6.OWA.O0; cull spring lambs, $4.tiTo0; good to choice yearlings, light, $S.76tf7.2S; good to choice yearllnsa, heavy, KAomtO; fair to good yearlings. $.00i.tO; good to choice wethers, to.AoJ 1.76; fslr to good wethers, M.OOyG.60; good to r Choice ewe. 16.00tT6.6; fair to good ewes, ..7f.UO.00; culls, bucks and staga, U-X-'J 00. Representative sale! No. Av. Pr. 11 western lamb cult..., 44 6 60 61 western ewes 119 6 SO H western lamb culls 78 00 I western yearlings...... 0 T 60 10 western lambe ?. 11 t 40 604 western lambs 71 1 40 17 spring lamb $4 100 CHICAGO L1VB STOCK MARKET Best Cattl and Rheep Steady Hogs Five Cents Lower. CHICAOO. May 10.' CATTLE Re ceipts about 19,000 head, market best steady; common to prime steers. 14.16 V 76; heifer. 14.004 5.76: bulls, $1 60fl 4.16: calves, , 14.6007.60; atocka and feel ers, $$00t.ll. HOGS Receipt about 80.000; market 6C i lower; cholc to prim heavy. $4,260 17HI medium to good heavy, M.10 2!H; butcher welghta, $ J1H0$.7M; good to prime mixed. $.I0ffi$2R; light mixed, $6.16M.$0; packing, $6.$0J 1.1 7 4 ; Pigs, $6.6006.16: selected, 16.8v04.l5; bulk of sales, $6.20 S.S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta about 20,000; market best steady; others weak. ;.p,.l2w,rJ rarllng, $7.0OJ7.76; lamb. $6.76(311.60. New Tork Llv Bttx-k Market. NEW YORK. May 10. BEKVK8 Re celpta, 4,081 head; market steady but a trifle alow for cows; steers, $6.6008.60: bulls, $4,0046.26; cows, $ 1.60 lijt.OO. "Liv erpool and London cables quoted live cat tle easlsr at 11 (a1 14c per pound, dressed weight; refrigerator beef firm at BV SJ 10 cents per pound. ' .eSL'V'VK8K"0,,Pt hd: veals, 26760 cents lower. Veals, $5.60 iff 8.4t)i few choice lots, $8.60; culls, $.O06.28; dressed calves, lower; city dressed veals, IwllH cents per pound: countrv dressed. 1 A, 1 I 1, . - ' ' ' 1 TIV. 8HKEP AND T.AMR9 nMintk it i head; sheep $Oe lower; yrllngs, $1 aw'r! I"10". 80igi76o off. Bheep, $4. 600 eVlL.laV' ,wth-s, $8.60; yearlings. $6.i0t7.60; lambs, $8.0001.80; thirty cars of lambs on sale. HOGS Receipts, 17,80 head; market cbo'lc ul.KA Pe"n- h0"' . '8S' St. Loala Llvei Stock Market, tSI F1? w-"BATTLE Receipts, 2.600 head Including 6.000 Texans; market 5-,r'Nat'v ahlpplng and export steers. $5Uto60; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.766.60; steers under 1.0U0 lbs., $4.4&4.6: stockers and feeders, $3.006.00: cows and f,?Sf"-rt,i-,6TT8'60: canne-. 12.tMKfi-2.fl0; bulla. $2.668ii76; calves. $4.0010.00; Texas and In- 1.9oWitSr' tm6-i0i and heifers, HOlit-lReoeIpts, 6.600 head; market kSvP' nd 11hu' --Ki)-30; packers, $ofr6.26; butchers and best heavy, $0.15(0 BHEBP AND TaAMBB Receipts, $,M0 head; market steady. Native muttons, $1 10 H7&S6.00; stockers, $4.0Oig.O0. Kanaaa City. Llv Stock Market. , - CANAJ. ITY- ,un 'W -CATTLE Re ceipts, t.qpO head, Including 1,000 southerns. Market strong to 10c higher. Calves, 26o higher; choice export and drossed beef steers. 5.ftxij6.20; fair to good. $4.0.78; western-fed steers, $4.26ii.O0; stockers and feeders, $S. 766.00; southern steers, $4.!5a 6.40: southern cows. ti.Wai.m: nativa rZ. $2.604.85; native helferc, $3,401(6.60; bulls $3.60rii6.16; calve. $tW7.26. HOOS Receipts, 10,000 head: market lower. Top. 18.24 r. 18.20: bulk of aalea. Kt uv n. heavy n.07ta,filri 12i- Mb.r. aa ,71 : "..'i7i"ii.i; T..;' 2"-,'y'".v, iiigBi e.. in'u.iv. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8,000 head; market steady. Lambs, r.fevfi'9.25: ewes and yearllnsa, ta.TMW.OO; Texas clipped .1 St. Joseaiti Llv Brock Market. ' PS" JSSW1!- Jnn I CATTLE-rRe-eelpts, 2,168 head: market ateady anf strong. Natives, $4.26(8.S; cowa and helfera. $2.a"i2( 6.26; stockera and feedefa, $160314.76. , HOGS Recelpta, 6 477 head; market slow t.fc lower. Top. $8.20; bulk of aalea. $6.10 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.Ort) head: market Bteadv. fllnnarf lamha tn en. tt?WrQN$ilW-0i wether- kD!j , Bloas City Llv Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. 7a. .Tuna in cardial CATTLE Receipt e. 1,300 head; market steady: beevea. 16.00flH.OO: now hull. mixed. $J.6046.00; stockers and feeders, $4.00 64.60. HOQS-Receipt. 4,000 head; market IHo '?!;. aeiling at $6,90t.06; bulk of aales. $&.ma.oo. , Stock la Blsht. Receipts of live stock at th six prin cipal western markets yesterday) cattle, rloga. Bheep, South Omaha Bloux City , Kansas City , Bt. Joseph . , Bt. Louis .., 4.000 1.200 t.000 2.168 2,600 29,000 6.700 4,000 10,000 6,477 6.600 60.0.00 1.800 2,000 1,050 1.604 20,000 Chicago Total 47,858 81,77 28,260 OMAHA WHOLESALE) MARKET. Coadltloa of Trad aad laotatlaa ok Stapl aad Faster Prod ace. EGOS Per doa., 14o. BUTTER Packing stock, lto; cholc to fancy dairy, 184ivc; creamery, Zlii'-ic. t LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c i roosters. I trie; tufkey. Uo; ducks, lOo; geaws, ao. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per bog of about t lbs.. $1. 26(3?. 60. UNEAPPLLfl-Vlorida, 48 alss, $2.75 per orate; 42 alxe, $2.76 Per crate; M else, $3.76 per crate; 80 also, $4 00 per crate. Cuban pineapples 26o less all around. - BTRA WBERRiES MissourL 14-ot. uau $.7tiai). TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonlera, too also, $8.15; 880 Site, $4.75; other brands, 60c less. BANANAS Per medlum-slae,! bunch t-.00tt4 16; Jumboea. t2.6iKS2.50. ORANGES Mediterranean Sweets. 160 178. 2u0l 216 and 2D0 siaea M.75i4 00- 9a. IM !s sixes, $2 .00; California Navels, extra fancy, 174 HJ0 lit. 160 slsea, $4.60; fancy. 12 siae, 15.76; 160 else $4.26; cholo. large slsea, per box, $17661.O0. FIGS California, bulk. Hc;' 8-Orown ?urklsh. 14o; 4-orowa Turkish, Uo; $-crown urklsh. to. ; DATESKadaway, 6o: layers, to; 'hal lowl. 6o; new stuffed walnut date. 9-lb. boa, $1.00. BEEF CUTS. , No. 1 loin. lTso; No. 1 loin, irc; No. I Mn. IHo; No. 1 rib. lie; No. 1 rib, lOe; No. 1 rib. fcV4o: No. 1 round. SUc: No. 1 mumt. fiic; No. t round Be; No. l chuck, Ue; No. a cuura, av, r u. cnuoa, oe; no. I Mat, $Vc No. 1 Plate, fce; No. fplat. to. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Tabl atock, per bu.. too. NAVT BEANS Per bu.. No. L $J.0t; No. NEW VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu., $1.16, A8PARAGCS 4fc& per dos. bunohe. BEANS Nw wavx and airing, par ham per, $4 00. , BEETS. TURNIPS and CARROTS Per dos. bunches, 4&u0e. PIEPLANT Per do.. 10c, CUl'CMBERSPer do., $1.00. TOMATOES Texas, fancy. 20-Ib. crate, $2.26. ONIONS Texas silver skia, per Crst. be araueasnM IS UPDIKE GRAIN CORxPAWY Room 169 Bee Dnililn. ; TcL Denotes 2173 ' Members of All Principal Grain Exebanges Your Business Solicited tfrwvit $ lb., 12 51 yellow Tel? per rs(. $2.; green onions, per dog.. IHo. ('Aim A OF California, 3V CF I.I7HY-f'l"ilda. C S per dog LKAF LKTIUCK Hot-nous, per doa beads, SAo. 1'AICBl.ET Hot-house, per do, buncbrs, 4oc RAI1SHKS' Per do, bunches, homt grown, 20c MISCELLANEOUS COFFKK-Ioaiited. No. 11, Mo per Ib.t No. . na per l ; No. ,". lc ir lb.j Not 20, 14V-C per lb ; No. 21. UVc per IK CHrTi:rc-Block gwl 9o; lluiborger, 14c; Young Americas, lee. NUTS CalKorula walnuts, Viv 1. rf hell, L'c. No. 1, snft sliell, 10c; liraalla lW4ilSc; pecans, 19M'. filberts, ljic; pea nuts, raw, 7Hc; roaeied, IHc; California aK ItioriU, 17Vtc; Cocoanuin, lis 00 per 100. HIDES AND TAL.UM5rrtii laltad. No. 1, 9c; No. I. 8c; bull hides, c; req hides. No, 1, 7c; No. t, 6c; horse, 11.60 I to; sheep pelts, tOof&ll.HV. Tallow, No. 1 4Wo; No. SWc. Wool. 16(&-S2o. CANNK1 QOODB-Corn, standard, west, frn. tifiAici Maine, 11. K Tomatoes, fancy, 1 pouad nans, 11 46; atandaril, 1-pound cane !1 su. Pineapples, grated, 1-pound, ikllj ; sliced. $1 7MJ1.S6; fancy Hawaiian, lij ha., 11.76. Gallon apples, ti eiqje.00. Call, fornla apricots, t.uu. Pears. 11.76432 H J'eahe, II. 764)12 40: L. C. peachea, ii Ota SO. Alaska salmon, red, $1.16; fancy Chinook, flat, $1.10; fancy sockey. nat, $116. Sardine quarter oIL W.tbt three. Quarters mustard. $2.76 Sweet potntoea 1.101.28 Bauer kraut, too. Pumpkins, M till 00. Wax beans, $-lb., Oct9$1.00. Lima . beans, 1-lb.. J6c'u4l.5. Soaked peas. 1-iK ' sue; eariy jnne, oi"; rancy, 11 26irl 13. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl lTrJ-Prunet are somewhat unsettled by freer offering! from second hands, who seem desirous oj moving supplies of Immediate grade Quo. taAlons range from Uto to So for California fruit and from two to fa for Oregon, peach are slightly easier, with fancy yellow quoted at 12vc. Raisins are firm; loos Muscatels are quoted at tj.J ralalns. S4ro-nc. . . . . FISH Pickerel, dressed, tc; pike, dressed, 12c: while fish, rtresfod, wintni ceught, l.TSfloc; trout. 12016c; halibut. IS01 ealniorl, 16c; catfish, 16c; herring, dressed, fcc; crabnles, round, AulH-; crapple. large, fancy, lac; black baas. 26c; smelts, sweet and fin, lie; eel, lxc; blue fish, 16c; red snapper. 12c; ro shad, per pair, 4tHSi frog lege, 8oS40c; lobsters, green, per lb., 87c; lobster, boiled, per lb.. SOc; mackeret, Bpsnlsh. per lh., 16c; mackerel, native, 183 2ic per lb. ; fresh green turtle meat, 26o lb, Cl'RED FISH Family whit fish., per quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1. $35.09; No. 1, t00: herring. In bbla., 200 lbs. each: Norwav 4k, $1100. HAY Cholc upland, per ton. 111.60: ms flkim. $10.60: No. I bottom, IS. 00; oft grades. H.00j 50. Ry straw. $7. . t Snarar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Jun 10. 8UOAR Raw quiet: fair refining. 1.18c; centrifugal, M teat, Iftiic; molasaea sugar, 811c. Refined, quiet; No. 8, 4tioc; No. 7, 4Sc; No. 8, 4.6o: No. 9, 4.45c: No. 10. 4.36ct No. 11, 4 80c;-No. U, 4.26c; No. 18, 4.20e; No. 14, 4.I60; eor. fectloncrs' A, 4.H0o: mould A, S.Kc; cut loaf, 6. 70c 1 crushed. 6.70c; powdered, sJOoi graif ulaled, 6.00c: cubes, 5.25c. MOLA BSE 8 Steady; New Orleans open kettle a-nod to choice. S7(fN8c. NEW ORLEANS June 10. S CO A R Mar ket steady; open kettli centrifugal, Hvfl S1CI centrifugal whites, none, centrtf Ugal yellow, !7j84o; -seconds, 24i&IWe. MOLABSE8 Quiet: syrup, ioiyato. Wool Market. 8T. LOriS. June la'-WOOL-Bteady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, j4ijr27ot light fine. J12H4o; heavy fine, 16tfl7o; tub washed, 8S4j37o. Elgin Batter Market. ,' EIXHN, III., June 10.-BUTTER Market unchanged at 23c; output for tha week. 861,600 lbs. LADY, GROSVENOR AS GYPSY Sister of Dak of Westminster la Traveling Over England 1st Dlsgnlae. LONDON, Jun 10. According to a atorr published here, Lady Arthur Qrosvenor, stster-ln-law of th duke of Westminster, ' the wealthiest duke In England, Is travel ing about the country In the disguise of a gypsy. Her traveling establishment Is like an ordinary gypsy van with basket ' for sale hung about It and' a kettle, frying ' pan and sauce pan slung beneath It. Lady Grosvenor ha been playing gypsy Sol"'"1"' D1,B nuw traveling since May 27. She Is now traveling 'through Oxfordshire. She sets un at B o'clock,' cooks her .own breakfast and usually takes the road at t o'clock. Sh may possibly writ a book on her x perlence In Jhe gypsy life. Artist Work la Prison. ROME!, June 10. Fllipo Cltarlollo. a noted Italian sculptor, who was In prison at Naples for more than a year awaiting Ms trial for the murder of his woman com- ' panlon, who was a muslo hall star, . has recently been permitted to work at his art In order to ease his mind of his material troubles. An adjoining cell has been fitted up a. a studio and j!ere the sculptor, who lis believed to be mad, pasaes th day j modelling with feverish activity. His latest i work la a magnificent croun of the rovsl family which he ha taken from a nlctur post card. The artist ha announced Ms Intention of having It cast In bronse, after which he will turn It over to King Victor. He expects that It will bo sold and hopes that the money it brings will be used for th benefit of th prisoner's family. . Rebel Prince Repalsed. TEREHAN. June 10. It Is reported that Hlsaam Mulk, the rebelloue prince, at tacked Salar El Dowlea, governor of LtirtS tan province near Hahavend, western Per sia, Saturday, but was compelled to re treat with heavy loss. Terrorist Commit galelde. ' ST. PETERSBURG. Jun 10. A terrorist! named CTiernsu, alleged to be Implicated tn th recent plot against the life of Emperor Nichols, ahot himself twice in an attempt o commit suicide today In a nearby suburb. enre map of rilLC ROSEBUD 18x22, in colore Showing location of the bonansa pro ducera of Nevada'g richest mineral camp. Our Dally Mining Market LetUrs, free on request. We LOAN 88 in cash on the selling price of approved listed mining securities, and PUR CHASE auch stocks on margin or buyer 10, to or 90 day oonjraots. Full Information . on request I8VIKQ K. f ARR1N&T08 & CO. Established 1100. . Msmbers N. Y. Produce Exchange. ' 87-43 WaU Street, Hew Tork fpallrita tor My Frea Becker entitled Grain Speculation Hot a Fino iirt t- -r r and laa'ti ass sjl ssamriks aetsnl, aeuaibl vara st Seallu La ohoev. ora.oaai aad rfUiaav II aHiliJIaaroM .?w XL,''9'nJ auaaeralal sail aaJWr aa 4hs Ohlcase BoarTof Trad WnuZaam ill.rll, e SMaaealal Trmaina. bnt smmotle-rhlCK-l par th i ut To rea ea aajr book. 1 vlll lauuaa you. L W. WACKta, M tWr W Trad BU,, Oat, itraMarsBwW I rtS aalw r lallallti'vina.ui .:.U':.x3.'frl..ii.