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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1907)
The Omaha; Daily Bee From Omaha tlswstoys From Omaha liewshsys TWO CENTS TWO CrVS VOL. XXXVI OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1907. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. w. C V k Jk i.J.1 ,LL.a..;-Br JAPS PLAY POLl 'Frisco Incidenti to Be Used, Attempt to Overthrow Ministry: DETAILS OF THE CONSPIRACY Orientals on Coast Make a Deal with Progressive Party. WORKING TOR RECALL OP AOKI Ambassador Is to Be Charged with Neglecting His Duty. AGENTS VISIT UNITED STATES Their Return tn Japan Marktil by WllMfntl HtwuHP' Craplo Maa-nTTylng th Mob Incident. WASHINGTON, Jun . That the Japa nese of tha Paelflo coast, and the progres siva, a political party of Japan, have ntared Into an alllanoa which ha. the earmarks of a oonaplracy. with the over throw of the present ministry In Jnran and the annulment of the clause In the Immigration bill excluding Japanese coolie labor from continental United States as the ultimata objects, was learned authori tatively here today. The preliminary steps In thla achenU, It Is said, will be to Induce the Toklo government to recall Viscount Aokl, the Japanese ambassador to the United States, and to demand an apology and perhaps an indemnity from this gov ernment for the alleged acta of violence against Japanese subjects residing In Ban Francisco. With this end In view representatives of tha faction hostile to the Salonjl ministry have been In Washington to consult with the Japanese ambassador and tha. State department officials regarding the objec tionable clause tn the Immigration bill, the California school question and the recent riot In Ban Francisco. The report which they have sent to Toklo, it Is alleged, will form the basis of a systematic campaign to bring about antl-Amorlcan demonstra tion In Japan and to force Foreign Minis ter Hayaahl. If possible, to demand In demnity and an apology on account of the Japanese disturbances In San Francisco. First Move tn the Game. These facts became known today for the first time, when it was learned that T. Takahaahl. representative of the Seattle Japanese society; O. Noda, representative of tha Baa Franclsoo Japanese society, and K. Kawakaml, representative of the Yoroxu (dally newspaper) of Toklo, cam to Wash ington on April 21 and remained until May IX during which time they were negotiating with the Japanese ambassador looking to too annulment of the Japanese Immigration law. This delegation failed In pnrpoce, and It I stated after charging h inli. mmm ill ' IaWI tvlth tr..nh.r tn th. of the - Paelflo coast and with presenting conditions to hi home gov- ncoMV W telegraphed to Ota Tama- oka, th personal representative of. Count OaJsuma. who waa awaiting their report In BoatUa. with ths request that ha oommunt oat with th nntl-admlnlstratton loader in. Toklo. Mown-. Takahashi, Noda and Kawakaml had an Interview with Assistant Secretary Bacon on May SO. They then telegraphed Tamavoka that they were dissatisfied with th attitude of th Btat department and th Japan embassy and urged the necessity of carrying th fight to Japan. Acting on this suggestion, Yamaoka sallsd for Japan . on May li on th ship Akl. and it wa pointed out today th renewal of tha antt- ' American agitation in th Japanese press baa begun alno hi arrival In Toklo on May U. It 1 also believed her that he prompted th deputation of progressive to call on Foreign Minister Hayaahl for an explanation of th government's "apparent tnaotlon and want of efficiency In the pres ence of th grav diplomatic question with th United Btat. Th report which Yamaoka carried to th alder statesmen, it Is further believed, la rseponslbl for th attttud of th oppo sition newspapers In urging th oonoen tratloa of Japan national effort toward th settlement of tha Ban Francisco ques tion by forcing an apology from thla gov ernment for the alleged Insult growing aS ef th 0011001 question and th reoent taHaok on th Japanese restaurants. launtlty of Vlaaaa Oka. Nlasoa Oka. who brought about th alll. ano with tb Jaaaae of th Paelflo coast. Is now on of th recognised ladea of Un progressives, a faction which waa 14 by Torn Ho hi. formerly minister to fth United States, who waa assassinated after n returned 10 iu in ixji ana ac oaptod a plao in th cabinet. Yamaoka to daaortbod as on of th shrewdest poli tician in th araptrs, and It la said that by maan of pub)lo meeting and other wise b win. a leader of th anti-administration forces, oontlnu bis fight agalnat tha Balonjl ministry wtth th vlsw of get ' ting oontrol of th reins of government tor th progressives. It 1 stated here that he will inaka tb charge that Foreign Minister Hayaahl ha aUowed Ambassador Aokl to pursue a too conciliatory course and to mak too many concessions in deal ing with th American government re garding th Baa Franolaoo question. Wall in Washington Messrs. Takahaahl, Noda anl Kawakaml wer m frenquant conferee c with Ambassador Xokl. until anally thar waa an ope a rupture, which caused th delegation to mak tb tareat to th ambassador that they would report til "treachery" to the horn government and demand hi recall. While no Intimation baa com tram Toklo that Yamaoka bas requested th ambassador' removal from ofuoa, th new of such a demand will not come as a surprise to Viscount Aokl. Dr. Masujl Mlyakawa, th Japanese lawyear who filed tfe 'Injunction suit against th San Franclsoo board te th school oaa. waa consulted by th Paolno coast delega tion during It stsy tn this city as te th method of procedure, if any, to bring about th annulment of th objeotkmabla clause tn th Immigration bill. Dr. Mlyakawa, who ha been her for several week on professional business, today admitted that he wa in conference with Messra Taka hasbt, Noda and Kawakaml almost dally during their stay tn Washington, but he dinned to discus th nature of the cooferenoe. . He did admit,, however, that th Pacific coast snvoy war In almost hourly ominunlcatloa wtth Yamaoka, who waa tn Seattle, and said that at his sug gestion .th delegation called on Secretary ef Commerce arid labor Straus. - Further than to admit that Messrs. Tak ahashi. Noda and Kawakaml wher her to discus th Immigration law with the am bassador, the secretary of th embassy r 4 HOaBtiaaed an oleosa Pag4 NDITION CF THE WEATHER '.EC AST FOR NEBRASKA Fair and T Monday. ' ' .peratures at ' a. m 7 Omaha yesterday: l p. m ....88 ....70 ....71 ....89 ....70 ....' ....70 .... ....OS 6 a. m. 7 a. m. ...w I p. tn ...ft S p. m , 4 p. m , ...R 6 p. m ...70 8 p. m ...74 7 p. m ...75 8 p. m t p. m 8 a, m 9 a. m..T... ' 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 a. tn KAUFMANN TRIAL TO PROCEED Rnmor that Senator Klttrtdgra Has Been Itetniaed by the Defense la Denied. FLANDREAU. B. V. June 8 (Special Telegram.) Both skies are ready and anx- .ur in m., wmorrow ui me Kaufmann murder trial, and the work of offering testimony will be pushed ss speed- , lly as possible, but not to an extent whelh will weaken the case of either the state or defense. Both skies have their cases and the order In which their witnesses will be presented fully outlined, and today was a comparative! yqulet one for the attorney In the case. The Sunday recess was very acceptable to both sides after the tedious strain of the four day which wer required to secure a Jury to try the case. It has given them an opportunity to rest up for the supreme test, which Is expected to come during this week. The people of Flandreau continue to ex hibit their customary good sense, and re fuse to become excited over of course, have become deeply this remarkable case and many have their opinions, but the great majority have sus pended judgment pending the completing of the work of offering testimony for both the state and defense. The Jurymen are all men of unquestioned character and of high standing In their localities, and whatever their verdict. It will be accepted and ap proved by those who are closely following the case. The report has been circulated In, some quarters that United Btate Senator Kltt rldge of Bloux Falls has been retained by the defense and will be associated with the attorney of Mr. Kaufmann during the remainder of the trial. This rumor doubt less grew out of the fact that Senator Kltt rldge visited Flandreau a day or two ago, but he was here only a short time and re turned to Sioux Falls Saturday some hour before the work of securing a Jury hod been completed. Notwithstanding the re ports to the contrary. Senator Klttrldge will not appear In the case at all. The de fense will be conducted by the attorneys originally retained. I inn roimnil m rrnniTnnv lMWU OOHHUHL im ItnnilUni Prominent Cltlsena of Mnskoaree to Be Charged with Defrauding Creek Nation. i MUSKOGEE, I. T., June 9. A newi terri tory scandal is upon the tapl and will de velop next week, when. It I stated, suits charging land frauds will be filed here by an agent of the Interior department against many persons prominent in the political life of the two territories. William L. Bturt vant of St. Louis,, who has been appointed special townslte attorney by Secretary Gar field to act In connection with Mi.Ia Mott, national attorney for tho Creek nation, ar rived here last night and . gave out a star- ment to lna effect tnat aut, would flled Immediately on the part of tha government, acting for th Creek, nation, charging with conspiracy to .defraud -a score or more of person prominent In Muskogee, Tulsa and Wagoner, L T., and also against two na tional banks. ' a Mr.' Bturtevanf Is quoted a saying he would prosecute th case to the, limit, fore Ing th holder of the property alleged to have been fraudulently acquired to trans fer It back the Creek nation or to pay to the Creak nation th present cash value of the lot. Th arrival of Mr. Sturtevant and hi declared statement of prosecution has caused a sensation. Th general charge that will be made 1 that the defendant had lot scheduled to dummies, that la, they had lot scheduled to other persons, and that the defendant paid th appraised government valuation and then had the lot deeded back to them by the dummies without consideration. Th lot scheduled Jn this way coat those Who secured them only 60 per cent of th regular appraisement, and the fraud come tn th practice of thu scheduling tot in exosa of what th law allowed tha defendant to hold. COMMENCEMENT AT MITCHELL BsMalasnat Sermon la Delivered and Cornerstone of Now Metho dist Church la Laid . MITCHELL 8. D., June t. Special Tel egram.) A a portion of th commence ment exercises of Dakota Wesleyan uni versity, tha Methodist church peopl of thla city decided to have cornereton lay ing exercise of their new edlGoe, which 1 now under construction, and they - , , , , held thl. afternoon amid lowering cloud. In rain, whlh, however, was averted. This morning President Nicholson deliv ered th baccalaureate sermon to th graduate of the university, and a chorus choir of 100 voice rendered th muslo of the morning. The cornerstone exercises were conducted :Sder delivered Thy v C. , R-M ,k. a. M-.h.-f L Miteh.n in th. fJl of W79- n. J p. Jenkln of Bloux Fall., Rev. Oeorg. Talton did hi. preliminary work, planned F. Hopkln. of Aberdeen, Rev. J. O. Dod- bridge construction, built a practical tor eon of Mitchell, th presiding elder of th 1 PJo. and even completed an experimental coufereW and Rv. T. H. Youngman. Dr. I steamboat with a paddle wheel In the Nicholson and Rev. C. B. Clark 1 tern. Not long aftr. through th lnflu- of Deadwood. Ther waa a disappoint- ment however. In th most Important part of ' th exercise when the cornerstone failed to arrtv to be placed In th build ing, and thl will be don later. Tonight Prof. F. C Eileaon of Evanston, III., delivered th annual sermon of the commencement week. ROOT WILL VISIT MEXICO acrstary Stat Accent Autograph Invitation front President Dtaa. WASHINGTON, June S Ambassador Cheel of Mexico today presented to Secre tary of Btate Root an autograph letter from President Dia of Mexico. Inviting Mr. Root to com to Mexico as th guest of th Mexican republic. Mr. Root ba. accepted th Invitation, notifying President Dia. through Ambassador Creel that be will visit Mexico in th latter part of th sum mer. Brree M ill Istik to Students. WASHINGTON, June S. Th British am bassador, Mr. James Iiryce, left .today for Vrbsna, 111., where he will deliver an ad dress befor tho student body of the Uni versity of Illinois. Before returning to Washington the ambassador will mak ad. dress s In St. Lout and Utr cities la tb cuiddl TRADE TREATY WITn GERMANY Fear Expressed that United States Has Conceded Too Much. BIO LOOPHOLE FOR FRAUD - Elimination of Consolar Certiorates front Invoices Will Allow Under valuation of Good by the Manufacturer. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. June . -(Special.) The German treaty which ha Just been negoti ated mark a new departure In the way of rw.,proca tra(1e nlMon, between the w0 Tnere , , erlou. aouM , , n, f fh om(.,a,f of TrfUarT department to the wisdom of the ar rangement which has been made. It 1 feared that the Btate department has con ceded altogether too much In It desire to Increase American trade In Germany. For years our consuls In Europe 1 have been educated In th line nt- vlues. Bom of ,the have become o expert that they were enabled to scan an Invoice and to tell at a glance whether or not true values were stated In the Invoice. Up to the present time no bill of goods could be shipped to thla country until approved by the nearest consul. The sign manual of th American theTa'se Thev " Con,,ul r 0mcer W9 rulml ,0 "antee , tHegal combination.; fourth, th full re- j man(,er or t commonCr of Mount Cal irint"4ste f ,h0 ln,"red by "UCh '""'vary eommandery. The first detail was lvlth,t tn" pr,0 mX presented the true ; relations; fifth, the Creation of .umm.ry j f Emlnrnt Commander F. H. value of the good In the market from which they were shipped. It I understood that the new treaty ac cept th statement of the German mer- chant or manufacturer a the true value and that a consular certificate will be un necessary In the future. Thl radical de parture gives the dishonest German manu facturer and his American agent a great advantage, and it la feared that the result will be that the custom wilt suffer under valuation, which In the past have amounted to millions of dollars per annum. It may be true that the new treaty will permit th exportation to Germany of many line of good now virtually prohibited, but according to th opinion of the Treasury department the prloe paid for the privilege Is exorbitant and altogether out of propor tion to the benefit which will be derived. Centenary of Steam Kavlajatlon. The celebration by the French govern ment of the hundredth anniversary of the Inauguration of steam navigation by the American Inventor, Robert Fulton, . 1 an occasion which may be looked upon with peculiar interest from thla side of the orn. And the nart which the United States plays In the International Maritime exposition formally opened at Bordeaux on May. 1 Is therefor a unique one. The exposition will continue, until October 8L An appropriation of $16,000 was granted at th last session of congress to enable the government to contribute It share In the nautical exhibit. The Department of 'State, In whose charge the exhibit wa placed, requested that Its Installing be given over to th Smithsonian Institution a the "one branch of the government ser vice which ha the experience, special knowledge and facilities requisite to en able It to arrange for a aultabl American exhibit of limited extent on .the coming occasion.'-- Secretary--Walcott-designated W.' deC. Ravenet of tha National museum, who ha been In charge of the Smithsonian and museum exhibit at Jamestown, to collect and Install government object at Bordeaux. '- Th display of th- United States, how ever. Is by no mean limited to article of maritime Interest -from the National museum. Beside th Smithsonian Insti tution, under the direction of which th National museum falls, there - have been contributed relics, . models, . drawing and photograph by the bureau of fisheries, th coast and geodetlo survey and the bureau of navigation of tha Department of Com merce and Labor, the reclamation servlee of the Interior department, tha Isthmian' Canal commission, th War and Navy de partment and the Ufa saving service of tb Treasury department, to be shown In th government pavilion already con structed In tha great squar of th Quincunxes at Bordeaux. Th amount of th appropriation, out of which ha come not only the construction of th American pavilion, but th trans portation of th collection, has placed de cided limit upon our government' show ing. Mr. Ravenel, howevert ha gotten together muoh to draw attention to the accomplishments of American tn water traffla and engineering. Relic ( Pultun, A number of relic of especial Interest hav been loaned by th descendant of Robert Fulton. Among thorn are Included photograph and painting relating to Ful. ton and the oompau alleged to hav been used on the Clermont by Pilot Acker. In connection with Fulton' xpeiiment and their bearing upon France, Ambassa dor Jusserand in an official comraunlca t(on to the 8tat. 0,prtment aald: "Franc i tlon to me maie otpmruuom i-uw u" exert M th- mor. ,ea, , a, age to the great Inventor, a It wa In our country that he conducted hi 'first ex periments, fruitless, to be sure, but lg ntfloant enough to cauee Napoleon to writ to hi minuter, M. d Champagny: "Clt Ixen Fulton' proposition may change th face of th world. July SI, 1804." It wa In England under tha patronage of Lord Bt.nhop. and tn Franc with th. 1 asslstanc. of Robert R. Livingston, then ! United State minister to Franoe. that j ence of IJvlngaton and Nlchola Roose j velt, Fulton waa granted for hi Cler mont th exclusive right to navigate the water of New York and New Jersey with team craft, a right which, challenged, and leading into th famous case of Gib- j bons against Ogden, settled the general (legal power of tate in regard to th regulation of Interstate oommerc. I Ther I"01".,, "u model of John Fitch steamboat, which ran In th Delawar river tn 173T. and of Robert Fulton' teamer, Clermont, whtcn on August 11, 1807, made Its famous trip on the Hudson from New York City, to Albany, 1W miles. In tlilii'-two burs. Additions! boat, shown are the Savannah, the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, leaving Savannah, O-, on It hlstorio trip May C. 181, th steamboat Phoenix, th first ateamboat to .navlgat th ocean, which mad th trip from Bandy Hook to Cap May on It way from New York to Philadelphia early In 1808, the R. F. Stockton. 1US, th first steam vessel with an Iron hull or screw propellor to cross the Atlantic ocean, and a number of othera - Bureau of Flaherl. Exhibit. Tb exhibit of the bureau of fisheries show in a thorough way th work of government supervision of thla Industry. (Continued on Aocond P"4 REVISION OF SHERMAN LAW Plan for la New AuttTruat Statute Submitted the President. NEW YORK. June - A special to th Herald from Washington say: . President Roosevelt has authorised th publication of a letter received by him from John R. Dos Passos, a lawyer, of New York City, who recommends an ex tensive revision of the Sherman anti-trust law to the end that it may dlscrlmlnatoly apply to Injurious combinations, but not to railroad. Th end which Mr. Do Passos seeks' to attain I th elimination of politic from th question of govern mental restriction of trusts and rallroada. lie submitted to th president a draft of a bill which meet hi view. Mr. Do Passos te working along a line to which th president ha given much thought and which he will probably ask the next congress to deal with. Th presi dent believes that the government' func tion of railroad regulator should be exer cised entirely through Interstate commerce laws. He would much rather proceed against railroad . under Interstate com- merce laws than under th Sherman anti- trust law. In presenting to th president his bill Mr. Dos Passos aaya: "A law to be efficacious must cover th following points: First, the destruction of existing pernicious ' combinations; second, the punishment of fnture organisers and officer of uch combination; third, the forfeiture of the property embraced inS.and ,acn waB , cn,rs, of a com. crlmlnal and civil remedloa. prwrenttv and vindicatory." . President Roosevelt Is much Interestel In th Idea submitted to him by Mr. Do Passos. He has received many other Bug gestlons from men prominent In the busi ness world on the same subject. Senator Beverklge of Indiana, In his magaxlne de bate with Mr. Bryan, recently advocated a thorough overhauling of the Sherman anti-trust law. "In my Judgment, tha whole subject of trusts must be bodily carried out of the field of politics and placed In the domain of pure legislation," ay Mr. Dos Passos tn his letter. "You are the only Individual who can accomplish this removal. Your courage. Independence, knowledge and pa triotism naturally make' yon a dictator In this particular field. A rare opportunity la thus presented to you. Within the limits of reason, both parties will follow you. On the other side, In the hands of poli ticians the question will receive neither proper nor intelligent treatment." Th distinctive features of and reason for the draft of a law proposed by Mf. Dos Passos are given' by him a follows: "First, the act, contract of combination must be Injurious to the public. This meet an objection to the Sherman law, which assails all commercial combina tion, whether reasonable or unreasonable. "Second, the act, contract or combina tion must be passed upon by a Jury. Thl I where the subject legitimately belong. It primarily should be left with th people to decide whether certain acts are In jurious to their welfare or not. Hereto fore these questions have been left to the Judges. It was too .great a burden for th Judiciary, It ha created confusion and in consistencies tn th decision a "Th Jury - Is th r (! of Anglo-Bason ctvltlxwtion.- -Thar- tribunal la "not t aultlees, because It Is human, txft no better on has. ever been conceived. It should b con fided to the twelve disciples -of liberty and progress to ay whether th particu lar combination attacked 1 hurtful to th true Interest of the community! whether trade- or' commerce are Injuriously af fected. We oart rest assured that th ques tion wlll'be safe tn their hands. .Th Jury system has never been oppreslva It ha never yet checked true business dsvelop ment. On the contrary. It ha been Iden tified with every step tn our progress. "Third The proceeding under thl act 1 aummary. No on will hereaftar reck toaaly defy the law. If he doe forfeiture and sure punishment awatt him. . Nor is th public dependent upon- public officials to enforce th law, for th fifth feature of the act 1 that It may be set In motion by any cttlsen residing In th district where the offense Is committed.-, -"Sixth Provision Is made for protecting bona-flde holder of securities. "Seventh It eliminate railroad corpora tions from th effects of the law. ' "Finally, Imitating that unrivaled y tm of the common law, ac offense 1 spe cifically defined; but It Is generally pro vided that -all acts, combination, etc., agalnat Interstate trad or oommerc In jurious to th people of th United StAte are illegal. It I left to th jury to deter mine what act are Injurious and to th Judge to decide whether they fall within the commerce clause of the constitution.' STATUS OF OKLAHOMA MUDDLE Territorial Sunreme Curt Expected to Deeld Election Injunction Wednesday. GUTHRIE, Okl., June . Th statehood muddle will reach a definite stage on June 12, when the supreme court of Oklahoma t. to decide the appeal from Judge Pan coast decision restraining the calling of an election prior to November, 1908, to vot on th constitution. If th decision ts fa vorable to tha contention of those desiring an early election tt 1 believed Governor Frantx will Issue the call. In the mean time Frederick EUkln, aaslstant attorney general of Oklahoma, haa served to com pHcat matter by holding, In an unofficial opinion, that no election can be called so long as the constitutional convention haa not adjourned definitely. The convention 1 merely In recess, having adjourned to August t, at which tlm It Ufa will expire by lapsing, should It not meet that day. William H. Murray, prcldent of the. con- ventlon, haa so far refrained from issuing the election call CARTER WILL RESIGN PLACE Govern or of Hawaii Flnda It Impos sible Longer to Continue In Office. WASHINGTON. June 8. George R. Cr ter, governor ef Hawaii, will not erve an other terra after the present one, wploh expire on November 83, Is completed.. Th governor today made thl known to th president, who wished blm to continue In office. Th governor said that affair war moving along very nicely In tha Islands and that while ther I no great prosperity, titer I no depression. Marker for Baata F Trail. KANSAS CITY, June 8. Markers, carved from stone and Intended to preserve the fameua Santa Fe trail, that, starting at Kansas City and reaching far Into thu southwest, servod a the highway to this part of the country before the advent of the railway, were unveiled today at Over land Prk, Kansas, seven miles fr--bere. The orcsslon waa celebrated with music and speeches, train having taken hundreds ot persons from th surrounding country to the oen. Th marker are em of hundred of other ot Ilk mak that- are to he placed aloBg tha whole Wiata vf tb trail. MASSES AT LLNLNGER HOME Throng of People Pay Their Tribute . of Love. B0DT IN STATE AT ART GALLERY Quart from MsmbIo Order Keep Vla-ll at th Bier and Masons Will Have Chare of Funeral. Omaha' lov for George W. Llnlnger was Impressively manifested Sunday afternoon In the throng of persons who visited Un-tnger- Art gallery, where the body of the great onnolsseur was lying in state. A constant stream of men, women and chil dren, representing all classes, passed In and out of the gallery to pay their dead friend the llent tribute of a tear. Th body lay In tat from 1 until S p. m. In th center of the gallery. In a black cloth casket, placed on a draped blor, sur rounded by th priceless gleaning of sculptured and painted art gathered from every quarter of th world by Mr. Un to ger. At each comer ef th Wer wa etatloned a Knight Templar In full regalia, members of Mount Calvary eommandery. These guards of honor were relieved every hour In charge of Eminent Commander Jackson; second. Past Commander George F. Powell; third. Past Commander W. H. Butts; fourth. Pest Commander John E. Simpson; fifth. Past Commander M. ) Kennard. Details from I.od-e at Night. ' During Sunday night detail from Capitol lodge No. 8, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, acted as guards of honor. At 10 o'clock this morning the eommandery wilt resume the duty of guards of honor as on Saturday afternoon. The first detail will be In charge of Past Commander Ed ward Heney; second. Past Commander Vic tor White; third. Past Commander William T. Robinson, and fourth. Past Commander Gustave Anderson. ' The funeral will take place at t o'clock this: afternoon with the Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska In charge, and Mount ' Calvary eommandery, eommandery No. 1, Knights Templar, and Capitol lodge No. S, Ancient Free and Accepted Mason, par ticipating. Th devotional services will be conducted at the house by Dean Beecher of Trinity 'cathedral. These will be of the usual Episcopal ritual. The Masonlo ser vices, under charge of the grand lodge, will be carried out at th grav In Forest Lawn cemetery. 1. 1st ef Pallbearers. Th honorary pallbearers, which Include many of the foremost cltlsena of Omaha, and present and past Grand Maaonlo lodge officials, will be: Judge Eleaser Wakeley, Judge -George W. Doane, United State Circuit Clerk George H. Thummel, Dr. George L, Miller, Henry W. Yate, Dr. Andrew B. Bommers,. William A. DeBord, Major Bradner D. Slaughter. United States army; Grand Secretary Francis E. Whit, William A. Paxton, Senator Joseph - H. Millard. Qrind Custodian Robert E. French of Kearney, Daniel H. Wheeler, Frank EX Bullard of North Platte. William R. Adam,L Henry H. Wilson ot Lincoln, Judge, Robert E. Evan of Dakota City, Dr.. O. 8. Wood, Haraln P. Devalon, Oman J. King of Lincoln, United State Judge William II. Munger, Charles K. Coutant, Acting Gov ernor Melville R. Hopewell of Tekamah, John J. Mercer, Martin Dunham, George Barker, Euclid Martin, Charles Rosewater. Th active pallbearer will bet LaFomst L Pratt, M. E. Muxon, George West, W. B. Graham, Dr. Frank Blabaugh, Charles E. Bed well, John R, Webster, John Bom ford. Mr. Llnlnger ta bearing her deep afflic tion with unusual fortitude. Jacob B. Llnlnger, brother, and his family arrived from Wymor and are at the Davenport street home. It haa been decided not to cable to Mr. and Mr. F. L. Haller, who are tn Europe, but 1st them know of th death of Mr. Haller distinguished father by letter. ANTON KASPAR KNIFE VICTIM TnUor Identified a Man Who Was tabbed to Death Friday Night. Th man who wa murdered Friday night at Ninth street and Capttol avenue and died befor he could give his nam or ex plain hi condition, wa Identified Sunday morning through Mr. Ireland, proprietress of the "Boston" boarding house, 107 South Seventeenth street, as Anton. Kaspar, a 1 tailor, who roomed with her and worked ) for Barrett tt Johnson, tailors, Farnam j street. Kaspar had rented a room from ' . . . h for about a month having com. to Omaha from Cheyenne April 7, and having formerly worked at Denver and Ban Fran cisco. He wa still at work at th shop at 4 o'clock Friday v wing, when another - tin- e Kl... tt, XT him ;h;n n.ieft and went V; hU d.ath , . . , two hour later. Kaapar had been married, but hi wife died, leaving a 0-year-old bey, which is now wtth a sister at Cedar Rapid. Ia., wher Kaspar mothar Is buried. H wa 00 year old and a Bohemian. William ia Supplanted. . Through the Investigations of th police, they are now convinced that Jack William, th man arrested Saturday morning and held on suspicion of being the murderer, la entirely Innocent of the crime, and he prob ably will soon be released. But th polic hav another man tn Jail around whom they K Hair- - .111 tttwwi-v Ah.ln ......... I narl tnan at flt .urrounded Wmia Captain Moatyn and Savage say they be lieve thl second suspect ts th right man. They ar looking for another man, whom they want to get safely behind the bar., however, befor they glv out th nam of the new suspect; but his apprehension Is hourly expected. Th dirk knlf. which gav Kaspar his death wound and which was still sticking In bis back when he went crying Into Meadlmber 4c Col well's saloon, I th mean by which th last arrest waa mad. DEATH RECORD. MIm Julia Maarraaer. RICHMOND, Vs., Jun 0,-Mtss Julia Mag-ruder, th novelist, died hr today after a protracted Illness. She wa SI year old. She waa a native of Charlottesville. Va., and her horn waa in Washington, D. C. Most of her stories were written sine 1MB. Bfw ta Speak la Kansas. KANPAS CITY. J'ine 0 Harry B. New of Indianapolis, chairman of the nation il republican committee, vesterdsv accepf.1 an invitation to attend and eridreas the tenth annual banquet of tha Missouri Re publican club, to be held In Kansas City en June 18. Prominent politicians from both Kansas and Missouri will be present. PUBLIC LAND CONVENTION Federal Officials Who Will Attend Denver Meeting Confer with th President. WASHINGTON. June .-The president was In conference today with Secretary Garfield, Senator Carter, Commissioner Halllnger of the genersl land office and Director Newall of the reclamation service concerning the public land convention In Denver tn day hence. It Will be at tended by these and other government of ficials, icludlng Secretary Wilson and United ftates Forester Plnchot. While no statement regarding today' conference wa announced. It la Understood that the ad ministrative official will go to Denver prepared to explain, and It necessary, to defend th cours that haa been pursued. It will be contended that the plan ha been to preserve publlo lands for the actual settler and to regulate tha forest reserve so a to conserve th water supply and to protect th timber. Th withdrawal of coal land by executive order a year ago will be defended a necessary for proper classification and It wilt be shown that much of th withdrawn area haa been re stored. Th principal attack I expected to be made on the forest reserve policy, but Mr. Plnchot and other will be prepared to contend that all ha been done In the public Interest. After leaving Denver th officials will tour the public land states, each giving especial attention to the subjects falling within his Jurisdiction, Several of them will be away for two months, and while they will not make It a point to be together at all points, there will be frequent meet ings. Commissioner Balllnger will make an especial effort during his absence to straighten out the land complications in Oregon. MOVE FOR J-ABOR MERGER Western Federation of Miners Will Attempt to Consolidate All Union. DENVER, Colo., June . A movement will be begun at the fifteenth annual con vention of the Western Federation of Miner, which will open in this city to morrow, for .the consolidation of all labor unions. About 200 delegates are expected to attend the convention and th sessions will continue for two weeks. Delegates are coming from Alaska, British Columbia and Mexico and all the western state In which mining 1 carried on. In the absence of President Charles H. Moyer, who I in prison tn Idaho, Vice President C. E. Ma honey will coll the convention to order. Examination of delegate' credential, will be th prlftolpal work of the opening ses sion. That Charles H. Moyer will be continued as president and William D. Haywood as secre tary and treasurer of th organisation I th consensus of opinion among the delegate, who have already arrived. The I charter prohibit, the election of officers not upon the floor of the convention hall, but provide that officer, .hall hold over until their successors are chosen. The election of president and ecretary-treas-urer,' tt la agreed, will be paased again this year, a It waa last year. Tha delegate, already on the ground are unanimous In declaring that I-arry Or chard' statement connecting the federa tion, officer., wth tb crime hecommltted are a petwork of tie. Eugene V. Debs, the socialist leader, Is tn Denver and will attend the convention. riBBME.t'1 HOrtUMENT UNVEILED Boatrte) Volunteer Erect Monument . ta Their Deceased Brother. BEATRICE, Neb., Juna ..(Special Tele gram. With exercise befitting th oc casion th beautiful . monument recently erected In Evergreen Home cemetery In memory of the deceased firemen waa un veiled thl afternoon by th Beatrice Valun- teer Fir department. Brief addresses were delivered by Mayor Reed, Rev. U. G Brown; li. B. Davis and others, following which ReV. O. W. Croft, of West Point, Neb., former resident of Beatrice, gave th principal address, in words or elo j quene be paid a beautiful tribute to the deceased firemen, who had upon many oo caslons sacrificed their live, to save life and property. Brief remark wer also mads by J. C. Clealand of Fremont, the first president of the Nebraska State Vol unteer Firemen' association, J. V. Hyder of York, th present president. The wa. furnl.hed by th Beatrice Military and Queen City band. Rain Interfered some with th attendance. The monument was erected by th Beatrice firemen at a coat of 11,800 and th fund wer raised by popular subscription. Beatrice Commencement. BEATRICE, Neb., June 9. (Special. With lmpresslv ceremony the member of th high school class of 1907 were given their diploma, last night at the Presby terlan church. The salutatory wa. de- i llvered by Robert Warner, who .pnKe on H Molarn Time.." Ben.tor , BmM MiymA the address before th graduating class, his subject being "Th New Woman and Young Man." The new woman ha supplanted man tn many " m Z Ut'mo'ra jfesslons th young man la brought more and more Into competition with women. College education for women originated In America and haa developed sine 1834. In th last century women hav mad greater strides In th world than men. Th sena tor's address waa listened to with pleasure. Principal ' Garrett presented collegiate scholarship to Robert Warner and Clara Holmes, after which President Begol of th Board of Education gav th member of th class their diploma. Th class number thtrty-on. Swedish, Baptist la Session. BTROMSBURO. Nb., Jun ,-8pcll.- Th Swedish Baptists of th .tat ar holding their annual conference with the First Baptist oburch of thl city these day, wtth a delegation of nearly 200 vis ttor from all over th state. Th re porta of th work war encouraging and showed a steady Increase In the work. Ot special Inspiration and uplift to thl meeting waa the presence of th mission secretary of th general work in this country, Rev. O. A. Hagatrom of Chicago, as wa also that of Rev. O. Nyqulat of Omaha, repre senting th tnxtltutton of learning and charity. Nelson brother male quartet of Omaha furnished vocal selection. Offi cer elected for conference ar: President, O. Hogfelt, Valley; vie president, Gustaf Nyqulst, Omaha; secretary, Rev. Carl A. Anderson, fltromsburg; aaslstant secretary, C. A. Anderson, Stark; treasurer. L. I. Malmsten, Gothenburg. No Ball for Bach. NORFOLK, Neb., June 8. (Special Tele gram.) Herman Boche must stay In Jail until he is tried next fall for the murder of Frank Jarmer, according to a decision rendered by Judge Welch at Madison to day. Boch' counsel may appeal to tb uprasn ourt, tasking ta gat Booh ad mitted t ball. DAY FOR GRADUATES Baccalaureate Sunday for High School, Bellerue and Brownell. FAREWELL SERMONS PREACHED Dr. Loveland, President Wadsworth and Bishop Worthington Speakers. CHRISTIAN DUTY USUAL COUNSEL Each minister Lays Stress on Clean, Activa Lives.' MORAL CROWN OF INTELLECTUAL First Methodist Chnrch at Omaha, rirt Presbyterian Church of Bellevue and Trinity Cathedral Filled. Sunday wa distinctly bsecalaurente day In Omaha. Thro uch occasion wer observed. For the Omaha Hlah School senior soon to enter the broader forum of life' actlvltle. Rev. Frank L. Loveland, D. D., preached th sermon at the First Methodist church; for Bellevue college graduates, th president. Rev. Guy W. Wadaworth, D. D., preached the sermon In the morning at First Presbyterian church In Bellevue, and Rev. Charles A. Mitchell. D. D., professor In the Presbyterian Theo logical seminary, made th address In th evening; for th Brownell graduating close Rt. Rev, George Worthington of New York, bishop of the dlooeee ot Nebraska, preached the sermon at Trinity Episcopal cathedral. All the baccalaureate discourse were delivered In th morning. Though the minister selected different texts for their sermons, the same not of Christian education for Christian servlc permeated all the addresses; th sum finger pointed to th same lofty Ideals, th high goal, and th common ambition In all Instances. The year has been one of marked success In th esse of each lnstl tutlon and therefor th graduate of each are proud of their distinction. The high school olass, numbering tit, Is th largest In th history of that school; the Brownell class numbers fourteen young women and Bellevue nine young men and women. Honor Never as Great a Honor. "Honors ar never as great as honor, wa th substance of the admonition given by Dr. Loveland of the Flrat Methodist church to the graduating class of th high school. Th church wa. crowded with friends and relatives of the graduates and the floral , decorations were simple, but beautiful. Th member of the class marched tn a body Into th church and occupied seats directly In front of th pulpit ' Rev. Mr. Loveland took as th text of hi sermon word from Mlcah 6:8, "What doth the Lord require of the but to do Justly and to love meroy, and to walk humbly with thy OodT" "We come thl morning." h said, "with congratulations to the members of the doe of lr7, who having completed th work prescribed for them, unit with u. tn a religious service. Our heart respond to the hour. This class represent th finished product of America', greatct Institution, the public school. This day bring, u. to a contemplation of our public school sys tem. Figure, fall when we contemplate It. The 450,000 teachers of our school system are required to pass examinations which the sages of Greece could not have passed. The standing army of America Is not th soldier with their guns, but th school teacher with their book. Mnat l.earn I.rason of Ood. "We recognize on thl baccalaureate oc casion that Intellectual keenness and mental culture may prove a curse unless touched by the fire from above. Intellectual cul ture must be crowned wtth moral worth or It inay become a a raior In the hand of a Modoc Indian. The baccalaureate ser mon mean that the Board of Education and- the faculty of the school recognlx the high and splendid culture that belong to th heart as well a. to the brain. They expect you to know thut th diploma I worthless unless it represent, character. Weask you this morning, then, what doe the lord require ot thee? "You are going out Into life. Shall thl life he chaos or cosmos? discord or splen did harmony? Are you going to be resi dent, or are you going to be clt liens T vast difference. Are you going to exist or ure you going to live? "The world now demands that you ma triculate In the great university of life. 'What doe the Lord require of you? The answer, that you do Justly, love meroy and walk humbly In the way of your God. Justness her mean. Integrity. It mean, honesty, righteousness, soundness to th core. What doe God require of you but to keep your conscience clear. Fraud will never vltlat your life If you maintain your conscience wide awake. God expect you to go out and be able at all time to look th world tn th face and say; .'Purpose to do Justly.' Th curs of many peept today I weak ness. A man who has only good intention without strength 1 In danger. Th tide winds of the world blow hellward. It re quire strength to prevail against them. "Steal I strong, but some time It I crude, so we hav another requirement, 'Do Juatly and be merciful; lovo tendern.' It mean life should be strong, yet tender. Don't forget that the great engine that move the world I th engine of faith." Dr. Wadsworth at' Bellevue. Th member of the graduating class at Bellevue college appeared In cap and gown at th Flrat Presbyterian church. IJellevue. They occupied front seats. They are: Clara Phelpa, Lillian Johnson, Gen evieve Hamblln, Lucy Hemstreet. Arthur . Dressier, Oeorg Woodard. Marcus Lind say, Andrew Harvey and Edward Roger. Member of th faculty, with Rev. Mr. Phelps, pastor of the church, occupied place on th platform and assisted In th aervtoa Dr. Wadsworth took hi text from Mat thew, Tt:10: "Thy klndom coma. Thy will be don in earth a tt Is tn heaven." He dwelt upon the word of Christ, given to men In th Lord' prayer, and pointed out their significance a applied to .the every day affair of today. 'Th Master in thl vers explicitly In struct Hi disciple that they are to labor toward making th earth a good place in which to live." said Dr. Wadsworth. 'Ther I an old hymn which apeak of perfect peace tn th heart, a peace which hut out th lamentations of ths world. That Is a wrong conception of the Chris tian life. If my Christian Joy makes such a noise In my heart that it drown out th orrow and tna of tha world around, then I aca ttai a worthy tolWwur of Onrlst. Tb