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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1907)
TIIR OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26. 1H07. TlK'OMAIU SUNDAY BEE rOLNDF,D BY EDWARD ROSIiWATER. VICTOR ROSKWATEIl, EDITOR. Kntered at Omaha postoftlce aa second cluss matter. TEHM3 OP BUUSCTUPTION. rnlljr pre (without Sandfly), one year.. H 00 Dully Hew and Bunday one year 6 Bnnriny llee, one year 2.S0 Haturday lie, one year l.U) I'EEIVEKED UY CAIUUEIl. Delly Pee (Including Sunday), -r week. .15c Iwilly Uen iwithoiit Rundayt, ir w-ek...l0 Evening Hee (without Sunday), per week. 60 livening lion (with fiundayi, per week Hc Address all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City t'ireulatlun Dejiartrnent. OKFICKS. Omaha The Bee xtuiMing. South Omaha Cltv Hall HulMlng. t'niini'll lihifTs 15 Srott Stret. Chlrngo--1MO I'nity Itulldinsr. Kfw York ljCS Hume I.lfe 1 nstirsnce BIdg. , Washington fiol Fourteenth Street. CORRES KINDENCE. Communications minting to news and edi torial metier should be addressed. Omaha Bee, Editorial lepartment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, expres or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-rent stamps received In payment of mall accounts, Personal checks, except on Omnha or eastern exchnnff, not accepted. THE HEK lTHLISHlMJ COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCrLATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss. Charles C. Ri cwnter, general manager Of The Eee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,- snys that the actual mimher pf full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening ind Sunday Bee printed during the month of April, 1907, was as ioiiowi: 1 33,670 2 34,090 34,110 34.390 34.330 34,330 T 31,400 84,380 34,430 10 34,500 11 34,410 11 35,720 II 33,630 17 38,090 g 35,090 1J 44.840 20 35,010 11 33,350 21 35.090 21 35,300 24 35,430 28 35,470 28 3o,340 7 35,530 34,600 9 35,610 SO 4 35,650 14 32,400 16 34,690 16 34,830 Total 1,038,410 Less unsold and returned copies. 3,864 Net total 1,038,640 Dally average 24,334 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In mv presence and sworn to before me this 30th day of April. 1907. (Seal) M. B. Hl'NGATE, Notary Public. WHE1 CUT OF TOWS. Subscribers lenvlnx the cltr tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to them. Address will be changed aa often as requested. "Where wjll woman atop?" asks a New Mexico paper. Wherever It suits her sweet will, thank you. Speaking of the dearth of good Ac tion, how about that story of two men dying of sunstroke In St. Louis? Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco Bays he 1b being pursued by grafters. He bught to know a grafter when he Bees one. It will be up to Mr. Bryan to decide pretty soon whether he is in favor of ultimate or penultimate government ownership' of railroads. Pennsylvania Is preparing to get be hind Senator Knox's presidential boom in earnest. The favorite son crop may also bo a record-breaker. Anyway, the purchaser may have the consolation of seeing straw hats and hammocks make their first ap pearance at "Bummer clearance sale" prices. The lecture business has proved so profitable for the editor of Bryan's Commoner that the associate editor is aleo working his way onto the lecture platform. The census shows that there are about 14,000,000 women bread-winters in America. Statistics of the number of women bread-makers are not furnished. The Kansas Druggists' association reports that its members make a profit of less than 2 per cent on their sales. This colored wrapping twine must be very expensive. The museum managers might as well give up looking for their desired attraction in the person of a specula tor who has not made less than an even $100,000 In wheat this spring. The peek-a-boo shirt waist has been debarred from one of the churches In an Ohio town. Yet ministers will go on preaching guess work sermons on "Why Men Do Not Attend Church." 'A large proportion of the pioneers of Nebraska were veterans of the civil war. Memorial day in this state will always commemorate their great achievements In peace as well aa in war. Congressman Blrdsall of Iowa de clares that President Roosevelt is really the only great man ever born In New York City. It might be added that he was born there because he could not help himself. Fashionable tailors need not build any air castles on the strength of the report that Hetty Green is developing a passion for dress. Hetty also has a well-developed faculty for suppress ing any desire whose indulgence would cost money. Whether or not Mr. Harrtman has done anything that will subject him to criminal prosecution, he has certainly transformed the Union Paclflo railroad since he took Its remnants out of the hands of the receivers. That work cannot be undone. A young man has been arrested in New York for unloading upon a trust lag Wall street broker $58,000 worth 9t securities so worthless that they ftiake the common garden variety of watered stock look like Standard Oil chares. He should have hail himself incorporated under the laws of New Jersey before he began operations of that kind. THE SPIRIT OF RErVDIATIOX. The Bee would have Omaha compel every franchlsed corporation enjoying concessions at the hands of the city to fulfill every obligation and bear every responsibility growing out of Its special privileges. It would force each franchlsed corporation to give the fullest measure of service and to fay taxes 'without shirking on every dollar of Its reasonable market value. It would require a full equivalent for every additional favor asked and It would enforce without discrimination literal compliance with the conditions of Its franchise. In dealing with the franchised cor porations, however, Omaha should ap ply the same rules of fairness and rec iprocity which would be applied In business dealings between private con cerns. There seems to be a- growing disposition on the part of our mu nicipal authorities to regard a fran chised corporation as having no rights which the city is bound to respect. In other words, a spirit of repudiation Is being manifested by which the city authorities undertake to hold the fran chised corporation to their agree ments while denying the binding force of the same contracts upon them selves. The most flagrant example of this repudiation Idea is found In the treat ment of the Omaha Water company. Notwithstanding the fact that the water company was operating under a franchise, stipulating a maximum schedule of rates to be paid for a period of twenty-five years, the Water board summarily issued an order re ducing the water rates below the schedule and sought to enforce Its order in the courts. The result was an adverse decision with a severe re buke from Judge Sanborn of the cir cuit court of appeals, who declared without mincing words that the city could not take advantage of one part of the contract regarded as beneficial and refuse to submit to another sec tion of the same contract which had become burdensome or detrimental. Notwithstanding the disastrous ex perience of the Water board in Its at tempt to repudiate the rate schedule in the water works franchise, the mayor and council propose now by or dinance to make It a misdemeanor to charge more than $1 per thousand cubic feet for gas in the face of the franchise held by the gas company, establishing a sliding scale under which the point of consumption has not yet been reached that would en title us to a dcdlar late. The gas com pany's franchise contains many stipu lations supposed to be binding on both parties to the agreement. Should the company, for example, refuse to pay to the city the royalty which its con tract calls for, the outcry that would be raised Immediately against such repudiation could be easily Imagined.. While It is not likely that any effort of the city. .to evade the obligations of a valid contract will be successful, such attempts cannot fall to prove dis astrous to the reputation and credit of our city. The sponsors of the pro posed repudiation of the gas franchise intimate that, if the gas company ob jects, they will retaliate by giving a franchise to another gas company. But who would take a franchise and Invest money in a city which only makes contracts to break them? If the purpose of a second gas franchise were to stipulate one dollar as the maximum charge, what would prevent the same repudlators In a yer or two denying the binding force of their own price schedule and passing an ordi nance making it a misdemeanor to charge more that 60 cents? Omaha has Just voted a franchise to an Independent Telephone com pany, fixing a maximum scale of tele phone charges for twenty-five years. If the spirit of repudiation runs riot we may see an effort within a short time to reduce telephone charges still lower by ordinance in disregard of this contract agreement. Omaha has also from time to time made contracts to borrow money by Issuing bonds bear ing interest of from 4 to C per cent a year. The same spirit of repudiation might with equal propriety prompt a notice to the bondholders that the in terest rate agreed on is too high an 4 that henceforth no more than 3 per cent will be paid. That such refusal to pay would be quickly followed by a Judgment for the full amount as per contract goes without saying. If there is any way to get dollar gas for Omaha honorably and at not too great cost, let us set about to get It in a stralghforward way. Fanning the spirit of repudiation, however, can only do the city more harm than good. ORATES OF CONFEDERATE PRISONERS. Under authority of an act of con gress the War department is about to contract for 20,000 headstones to mark the graves of confederate- sol diers who died in northern prisqns during the civil war. It will surprise many persons in the north to learn that the number was bo large. All are familiar with the stories from Libby and Andersonville and Castle Thunder and those other southern prisons in which bo many union sol diers died or survived hardships un speakable, but the cold fact remains that the death rate among the confed erate prisoners in the north was also very high, some southerners claiming to have statistics showing it was higher than the death rate of northern men in the southern prison pens. Time has healed many of the wounds of the war and dispassionate Investigation shows possible extenua ting circumstances, even in the cases of Llbby and Andersunvllle, in the treatment of federal prisoners. It is not denied that union soldiers were starved to death in those hoJes, but at that they fared little worse yhau the confederate soldiers In the field. Southern women were cutting up thelu carpets to make blankets for the sol diers and the cobs were ground with corn to supply the meal which was the staple and almost the sole article of food on the southern soldler'w bill of fare. Good fare ' for the prisoners could not have been furnished, much of the time, even If the officials had desired it. Appreciation of these con ditions has induced congress, In which the union soldier element has always been strong, to take one more step to ward the final bridging of the war gap by marking the graves of the confed erates who died In northern prisons. EXPOSMQ THE "SATI RE FAKIRS." President Roosevelt has taken a pot phot at the camp of that llttU? coterie of writers who have been flooding the country for several years wjth stories of wild animals and their habits and accounts of daring exploits In hunting wild game In the Rockies, in the woods of Maine, in the fastnesses of the Hud son bay country and on up into the wilds of the Klondike. Jack London, Ernest Seton-Thompson, William J. Long, Charles O. D. Roberts and two or three other writers have been build ing up comfortable bank accounts by filling the shelves of the Juvenile sec tions in the nation's libraries with ani mal stories which President Roosevelt declares shamelessly misrepresent the habits of the animals of the wilderness, deceive and mislead the children and contain stories of exploits that might have Keen dreamed in a comfortably warnied office, but never could have been pulled off In the neighborhood of the haunts of wild beasts. In reviewing these fake animal stories the president takes them up seriatim and points out their defects. Jack London's story of a bulldog put ting up a stiff fight with a wolf is de clared by the president to be "the very sublimity of absurdity a closet pro duction." And he strengthens his con tention by reference to the well known traits of the wolf and the bulldog, showing how It would be impossible for the two animals to get into such a conflict unless in a cage. London's story of a wolf being beaten by a lynx in a fight is likewise proved absurd and untrue. William J. Long'B thrilling recital of the wolf's killing of the cari bou by biting it behind the shoulder loses most of Its thrill under the presi dent's explanation that every fighting animal has fixed habits and rules of conduct and that the wolf never bites behind the shoulder. "Nothing except a shark or an alligator," says the presi dent, "attempts to kill by a bite .be hind the shoulder." Seton-Thompson, the president admits, knows something about wild animals, but is criticised for mixing too much fiction with his facts. Mr. Roberts' latest animal Btory, the heroes of which are a lot of lynxes, Is excused on the theory that' Mr. Roberts is writing fairy tales for the nursery contingent. President Roosevelt fa an ardent sportsman, a lover of life in the woods or in the, open, and has had a wide ex perience in hunting big game in- all parts of the country. He is a student of animal life and is naturally Incensed that any writer should take such liber ties with animal characters without knowing them or their habits. Yet it is hopeless to expect any reform. The' wild animals of the west and north will have to stand for the misrepre sentations in fiction, Just as the cow boy, the miner and the "bad man" of the border must submit to the dis torted portrayal of their characters by the novelists and playwrights. It Is a part of the game and It pays. KDVCATWtlAL VALVE OF CAMPAIGNS. Secretary of State Ellhu Root has the sole claim to distinction as a de fender of the liberal use of money in political campaigns. True, he condi tions his defense upon the restriction that the money is not raised by illegal or corrupt means and that it be used for "educational purposes," in the dis tribution of literature and speakers for the instruction of the masses in the intricacies and value of the Issues be fore the voters. For that purpose, ac cording to Mr. Root, there "is no more useful expenditure of money from the public point of vle-w." In, a recent ad dress at Yale Mr. Root said: The greatest, most useful, educational process ever known In the world occurs every four years In the T'nlted Statea, when during a presidential election some 15,000.000 voters are engaged for months In reading and hearing about great and difficult ques tions of government. In studying them. In considering and discussing and forming matured opinion about them. In the last presidential election the expenditure, ac cording to official statements, amounted to about only SVs cents per capita for the people of the United States on one sldo and probably somewhat less on the other.1 The great bulk of It was applied to the political education of voters. The public protest, which has caused a revision of campaign methods, has never been t much against the use of money In political campaigns as against the abuses practiced in raising and ap plying such funds. But Mr. Root will have difficulty in convincing the people that he has not overestimated the im portance and necessity of an educa tional campaign in national election years. Mr. . Root, we fear, has over looked the changes wrought In the last decade in ways and means for dis seminating information on political and all other subjects. The growth of the newspapers, the development of the rural free mall delivery service, the extension of the telephone into rural districts, the development of the inter urban trolley systems and similar en terprises have rescued the rural voters from the isolation that was theirs for many years. The farmer, even in the most remote districts, now enjoys daily or at least his semi-weekly or tri weekly. mall. He Is supplied with news papers and magazines and is in keen touch with public affairs. The rural free delivery has almost put the cam pa Urn spellbinder out of business. Audi ences will no longer sit by the hour listening to paid political orators and life is too short for the average voter to waste time reading speeches re printed from the Congressional Record. The Intelligent voter Is very largely in the majority and he is satisfied to se cure his information and form his views from reading the newspapers, rather than pin his faith and vote to biased documents furnished by- cam paign committees. According to Mr. Root's estimate, about $2,800,000 was Bpent by the republican national com mittee In 1904, most of it for educa tional purposes. If his estimate is cor rect much of the money was wasted. Of course, thew is a class of voters who read neither the newspapers nor the campaign committee publications. Their "education," it is suspected, is carried on through other channels by all political parties. Inducements for their "education" might well be with held by all political parties, for the public good. In the work of party organization, registration and actual election day expenses there Is room for' the legitimate expenditure of a large amount of money, but the condi tions in this country today demand that any money for the education of the voters be used through regularly established newspapers. DANCING TOWARD THE ALTAR. Press agents of the "International Academy of Choreographic Composers and Teachers" the French alias for dancing masters have been engaged in the Illuminating task of procuring statistics to prove that Pope knew what he was talking about when he declared: True ease In wooing comes from art, not chance, As those wed easiest Who hava learned to dance. This Parisian head of the world's dancing masters has been conducting a series of investigations to ascertain how much of a factor dancing is in the promotion of matrimony. It appears that the 4,000 professors ' who are members 'of the academy questioned 1,500,000 pupils, in a dlplon allc man ner, and the London Times has been allowed to print the result of the In quiry. The returns Bhow that in Ger many 80 per cent of the marriages ova their Inception to the dance, while in England, France, Austria and the United States an average of about 60 per. cent of the marriage ceremonies were the culmination of affinities dis covered during the mazes of' the dreamy waltz. The flgureswould be more Interest ing if supplemented by results of an other inquiry showing what percent age of divorces find their inception in dancing, But even in the absence of Buch data It may be possible to use the data furnished by the dancing mas ters in checking some of the ills from which society suffers. . It might help to have a law Dassed Drohlbitin resi dents .of, Pittsburg from dancing at aj or allowing a debutaute to trip the light fastastlc until her older Bister has had her chance. Nonresidents might be barred from South Dakota ball rooms and Newport might have a 'special rule compelling a man to dance with his own wife at least once a season. Undoubtedly good may come from proper use of the informa tion thus furnished, even If the process to be employed In accomplishing it is not clearly defined. DEMAND FOR BETTER WORKMEN. The inefficiency of American work men is asserted by a prominent New York banker to be the most unsatis factory feature of the business situa tion of the day. He declares that po litical agitation, anti-railroad legisla tion, crop uncertainties and financial stringency In Wall street are all In significant as disturbing factors com pared with the failure of labor, skilled and unskilled, clerical and profes sional, to meet the demands of the complex and trying conditions of the business life of the day. This banker, who has been a student of economic conditions for many years, declares that in all lines of employment those whose services are In demand at bet ter prices than ever before paid show signs of becoming more slack in their performance of duty, less attentive to the interests of their employers and more skillful In devising methods of shirking daily tasks. The arraignment is severe and yet apparently but echoes a complaint too generally heard from employers. That labor was for many years underpaid In this country Is generally conceded. That It Is being well paid now is not disputed. That the employe, under the Improved conditions, should not lose In efficiency as he gains in com pensation goes without saying, but perhaps the opposite is a logical result of the new conditions as a penalty paid for prosperity. The day laborer, the salesman, the high-priced clerk, every wage-earner understands that his services are In demand and an other position, possibly at advanced pay, awaits him If his present em ployer manifests dissatisfaction. Un der such clrcunihtances the employe naturally becomes niore or less indif ferent and Impairs bis- efficiency. The situation but emphasizes the fact that In no time in the nation's history has the young man, dependent upon his own resources and exertions, had bo many and promising opportuni ties for advancement. In every line of activity there is a constant and urgent demand for young men who aim to produce something more than required by the reward paid for their labor. The enthusiastic young man who secures employment, makes his employer's interests his own and de votes his undivided energy to the em ployer's business as though ho owned t It finds promotion and financial , ad vancement assured.. Colonel Bryan's Commoner thinks it necessary to say that Mr. Bryan never discussed with anybody the pos sible candidacy of Thomas Fortune Ryan for the United States senate, for the presidency or for any other posi tion.' It Is careful, however, not to say whether, If he were to discuss the question, he would or would not en courage Mr. Ryan. . There is a lurking suspicion somewhere that . Colonel Bryan's preferred candidate, although using the same letters, spells his name with one more letter than does Mr. Ryan. Every reference to Senator Stephen son, recently chosen to represent Wis consin as the successor of Senator Spooner, explains that he Is a follower of LaFollette. There. Is no telltng, however, which will follow frhen both sit as equal colleagues in the senate chamber. A former governor of Nebraska Im mediately on his retirement from office transplanted himself to a lum ber mill in the state of Washington When Governor Sheldon reacheB that country along with the Omaha trade excursionists the people up there will see the difference. The democratic members of the Wisconsin legrslature cast their ballots in the recent senatorial contest in that state for State Senator G. W. Bird. Their candidate must have had his wings clipped, or at any rate he failed to develop the speed necessary for such a high flight. Charley Edwards, secretary of the democratic . congressional committee, charged with stabbing Senor Gardo of the Peruvian legation in the lung with a knife, has proved that he had no knife. It is now up to Senor Gardo, who Is also trying to make light of the, affair, to prove that he had no lung. Senator Hopkins of Illinois says the republican platform next year will con tain a plank favoring tariff revision. Senator Hopkins has his own way of knocking the Cannon presidential boom. Ontward Cheerfulness. Chicago Record-Herald. The healthy optimism of the American people is exhibited by the fact that so many of them can be cheerful In spite of the necessity of keeping their furnace ,flres going nine months in the year. A Suspicion Confirmed. Kansas City Journal. The announcement of the commissioner of corporations that the Standard Oil oom pany is a monopoly does hot come as a complete surprise. There have been occa sional vaguo rumors of that kind for some time. Room tor Some More. Indianapolis News. . That Japan has been allowed to purchase 112,000,000 worth of steel rails, cars and locomotives in this country seems pretty tough when we remember the repeated declarations that our productive facilities are not large enough to prevent a freight congestion every now and then. Political Rooters lilt Hard. Cincinnati Enaulrer. This tournal Is perhaps the first to Intro duce to the public the philosopher and prog nostlcator who Is sure that the attendance at the national conventions next year will be very much smaller than the crowds of othpr 1hvs. He hints that the railroad pans la no longer a reality, or indeed even a delusion. The World la Young. Wall Street Journal. When a genius Uke Edison says: "I calculate that we know one seven hllllonth of 1 per cent about anything." How pitiful seems the egotism of tho rest of us, boasting of the knowledge we have gained. The world is young ,000 years young. Science and Invention are in their Infancy. Mystery still surrounds us on every side. There is plenty for the mind of man to learn. When one thinks of the possibilities of discovery during this century, he can but wish that he could live to see its close. In letter and Spirit. Philadelphia Record. Attorney General Bonaparte's firm ad herence to his interpretation of the pure food law r n enA to tne ,ar8e traffic in rectified whisky for the general product of the distillery. If the blended whisky Is better than' the pure article, as the rectifiers pretend, there is no reason why It should not go to market under its nroner description, and this Is all that the decision of Attorney General Bonaparte amounts to. In short, let the pure food law be enforced In accordance with its letter and (distilled) spirit. PERSONAL, Akll OTHERWISE. a nortiiii VnocVout -for gft-cent gas In New York wor'ted an outburst of laughing gas in Consolidated circles. a at T.niiin irlrl Minimised as a boy gave herself away when she attempted to strike . match In the old reliable way. Himkv electric signs working overtime round the midnight hour serve a gooif purpose. Convivial rounders are scarea on lie bloc, or Induced to swear on. trntwl nlcturea of John It. Hegeman, the New York Insurance magnate, show him with a Buffalo Bill crop of hair, which ten Indictments are likely to curl nicely. The phenomena of a hen laying eggs -ith r,wa Itio. embossed on the shells la .....r.A in nhin FvWlpiitlv the Buckeva hens are laying low for scratched tickets. A society of dancing teachers has put mt statistics showing that most marriages are due to dancing. Terpslchorean pedal- gogues are conceded artists In manipulat ing figures. The Beat trust stood up more or lens painfully when a inicago coun piuctm mo tack in the right spot and folllowed it with a surgical operation on the trust treasury. For professional services, 142,750. The peach crop In Michigan and Delaware lav be all In, but the country's crop of the real article will be larger and more fetching than ever. lie who doubts should tlend the school commencements. Things are going from bad to worse In a.. .,1,1 t. An UUI . v - - - counties have installed the water wagon lor regular usinc.., mo ii.itci, iwufh pleads eloquently, but vainly, for old tunes ru,ti,.l,.H And a panrlrlfiui Lull chased up a Ute a, man who sported red socks. mm ' v . ; ... ; - ... V :; i;:.-i;.fv .':-?.- 'J ! 'I! i .4. 'M j..,V-i June Brides Will find much to select from at my shop. Complete lines of Silverware. Watches, Cut Glass. Rich Diamond Jewelry, Etc., Etc. lour inspection is solicited Mandelberg's ...GIFT 1522 Faxnam Street SEHMONS BOILED DOWN. There Is no sanctity without service. Tho thoughtless never are harmless. Large sorrows come from little sins. The heart is bankrupt when it has no love to spare, Iaiy folks lose a lot-v0' energy telling how busy they are. It takes a brave man to be willing to be called a coward. The weariest people are those who are running from duty. , You never taste the wine of life until some of its fruits are crushed. It's a great pity that the people who Invent troubles do not patent them. In the temple of a great and good life almost all the .bricks are small. Conclence never makes cowards of us until we turn out backs on It. Many a man goes back by being too anxious about putting up a good front. True religion deals with men as In the sight of God and with God as In the sight of men. There Is only one, way to happiness, and that Is found by looking for chances to help other folk. Chicago Tribune. ' SECt'LAK SHOTS AT THE PILPIT. St. Louts Republic: A St. Louis priest Is to call his divine flock to service with the aid - of a talking machine. Is tills modern Inventive age going to do away with-church bells? Baltimore American: The Presbyterinn general assembly has blown the bugle of revolt against Sunday newspapers. Bugle blowing Is now relatively easy even for Presbyterians who once (lid possible things Instead of attempting the impossible. New York Tribuno: The trpveltnr re vivalist In Georgia who lashed his 12-year-old Bon nearly to death because the little fellow played base ball last Sunday prob ably thinks that he has Inculcated In his offspring the Christian idea of kindness and forbearance. Six months of hard labor on the rock pile may clear up the befogged brain of tho fanatic who has been living off his own pious shoutings and the collections of his congregations. Chicago Chronicle: Those who are "con serving" Mrs. Eddy's fortune declare that, so far from being squandered, it now ag gregates more than $1,000,000. This will only serve to strengthen the Intense desire of those who are striving to get Mrs. Eddy's assets away from their present conservators and "conserve" them them selves. In very truth the whole thing becomes more and more a sordid struggle for the possession of an old woman's money by rival gangs who would cheer fully allow her to go to the poor house If she were pennllnss. The less said about 'conserving" tho better. You Can Get More Satisfaction in Our Piano Store Out of Less Money Than Anywhere Else That's a big statement, but we can show you that every word of it Is true. Ia no other store in the United States can you find a better, a larger, a more varied stock of absolutely high grade Pianos. In no other store is the One Price system maintained. Ours Is not a sliding scale system, we mark on each Piano a lower price than you could obtain in any establishment for the same class of goods and we do not budge a dollar from that amount. In other store Is the perniMous gvBtem prohibited of inducing a "third party" for a "consideration" to inveigle costunu'rs Into the favored place. Ours is a NO COMMISSION PLAN. Every Piano we buy from the fac tories is paid for in snot rath. And because of this the discount wo obtain enables us to offer lower prices than are usually asked. Besides we often buy Pianos In such large lots that we WE SAVE YQU $50 TO $100 ON A PIANO A. H0SPE CO. 1513 Douglas Si. WK IK) EXTEitT TIAXO Tl'MNQ AND UEPAlIUXa. 1 SHOP... -r. 'V "L- 'iiiii niiHisniiim. ' ir rn il lit Tl DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Charlie suld he would die for me." "lou don l mean Cliarlie Uossyp, the awiul boie'" "Its." "For goodness' sake let him die." Clove-. land i'laln UkuIct. "Is Willie still paying attention to Til lief "No." "Ild he Jilt her?" "No; he married her." Puck. "Papa, how did you get acquainted with mamma?" "1 married her, my son; I marriod her." Houston l'ost. "There are a lot of things which women can't do as well as men. A woman could never bo a xirlr.e fighter." "Why couldn't she?" "Because she would never Btlck to the rules." . "But then she; would always come up , to the scratch." Baltimore. American. 1 Influential-Member I am glad to notice," doctor, that your wife never turns her hal -to see who comes into church late on Sun day morning. Tho P.ev. Dr. Goodman No- but she makes me tell her all about them after we go home. Chicago Tribune. "What do you take when iou'ra coailug down with a cold?" "Whisky." .. . . "Wife object?'' "Certainly not. She doesn't want mo to I be sick." "One more ouestlon. What's the easiest wav to start u cold?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Younpr Wife (bidding him goodbv at the trnlnl You know I nin golner to h away orlv two weeks, dear, and that will soon roll around. Young Husband Ton bet 't wl'l! Two weeks will brlntr the first of next month and von know how manv tliincs we've got In the lions" that wore hTflif on tho In stallment plan. Chicago Tribune. A RECIPE. Bnltlmore Amerlran, Would you give much thought and care How a painful lot to bear, When you suffer so, life seems but ono long groan? Then ease and comfort gain By tho lessening of pain In someone's Ills and sull'crlngs not your own. Does your fate seem one of woe. No Joy where'er you go, Arid In all the merry world you are alonet Then seek home helpless soul. And find comfort to console Somebody else's sorrows than your own. Are you looking for a good Kate has still from you withstood. Throwing to starved heart or mind a poor, bare bone? (i, enrich your poverty By relieving misery; Get returns frujii tilling needs not all your own. Ah, If this great law Divine In the acts of men would shine. How human love would hush all human moan! We soon would learn how light We could make with fate our light. If we only helped bear burdens nut our own. can Induce the makers to prepay the freight charges. And there again th customer Is benefited. Not only Is ours the oldest but th Iargent Piano htore in the city, and It therefore fctK'S without saying that the best factories in the country are happy and eaper to have us represent them. We are factory distributers for twenty-five of the most desirable Pianos known to the American market. We have In stock today more than 300 Pianos. It will pay you to call and examine Kranich & Bach,' Krakauer, Krell, Kimball, Hallet & Davis, Bush & Ine. Cable-NelBon, Conway, Whit ney, Hell, Kensington, Imperial, Cramer, Schullhoff. Kingsbury. Inner, Player, etc. etc. a wonderful display, a real privilege for the people living in this vicinity becai'Bo of the eco nomical price, that our plan baa developed.