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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1907)
; TTTE OMATTA DAILY HEE: TIiCTSDAY. MAY 0. 1007. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MMlliET Opflnine Strom, Cfferines Licit With Lre Enyimr Orders Oat. FOREIGN MARKETS ARE ALL HIGHER favorable Weather llfpcrta lr All Sections irrn fa Affect the Selling of All Grala. OMAHA. May 6, 1W7. The market opened strong at about clos- Ing prlcn. with no partlculiir feature. Of ' tarings were light, with large buying order out. Foreign markets were all higher. Generally more favorable weather report from all point seemed to affect all selling. Thera wet report of 75 per cent damages to the wheat crop In Canada, which la the worm for twenty year. The continued low temperature In the northwest atlll delay seeding, this is me most nacuwsiu "i'""s known for many year and report how a great decrease in acre seeded. In ira( localltle wheat I being; plowed up and the ground put Into oats. Wheat opened strong with a decided bear ish market. Price were well sustained, but not notably higher. With large buying; order out. a higher market la looked for. May option opened at 77Vc bid and cloeed at 77HO. Coin opened Arm and a ihade higher, on account of small receipt and buying by commission houses. Movement qontlnties to equal requirement, with expectation of larger movement the 1b at of tha week. The demand haa darkened some, and cable were dull. May corn opened at 46c asked and closed at .7io asked. The oat market opened easier by some selling; with an Improvement for demand However, offering were light. The grow. Ina" crop report show great damage with prospect of small crop. There wa nme selling of May option and strong buying or oeptemner oats. May oat openea at ie asked and olosed at 41 He asked. Primary wheat recants were 723.0CO bush el and shipment of bushels, against receipts of 169 000 bushels last year and shipments of 1KS.O00 bushels. Corn receipts were 814.000 bushels and shipments of 47 Oon bushels, against receipts last year of 371,000 bushels and shipments of 2sn.ono bushel. Clearances were fSO.ono bushels of corn and 1,000 bushels of cats, and wheat and flour eoual to 274. (To hnshela. Liverpool closed unchanged to V4d higher on wheat and Hd lower on corn, j Local range of options: patents. 14 tr-fN SS: f rt clears, 3 267?3 3j; "onn ciesrm a- mu inn. JEW YORK Er.HAl. Article. I Open. I High.) Low. Close. Te'r. I 774A 7KA 80 A 4S1A 4M4A 46 It I t 7?HA SO A 46A 4f.A 774A 79SAJ 79HA 414AI 41N.A 41B! 41HA 4'B 24viA U'MK 34A 46 A 4!A 46 A 41HA 41 A 7". A 4674A 45A 46 A 41HA im,A 77HB 78B so a 45". B 46 B 41 VH 347B Wheat I May... Xuly... Bert... Com May... July... Hepl,,. Oats . May... July... Sept asked. B bid. ' l .. Omaha Cash Price. WHKAT No. i hard. TfVffTTc: No. 3 hard 7?74Wct No. 4 hard, 66700; No. 3 spring, CORN No. 3, 444fc; No. 4t 4aB8"3; no grade, WiViv; No. 3 yellow, 444614c; No. I white, 4ii47c. . OATS No. I mixed, 40't, f 04c ; - No. I White, VC; No. 4 white, !,(iHc, RYE No. 2, 63c; No. 3. 6H1C Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chiongo 23 178 160 Minneapolis ...262 ... Omaha ' 13 19 ' Duluttl 152 ... CHICAGO ' GRAH AND PHOVISION ( ItlUKET Pea tare of tha Tradlnar and Closing Prices on Board of Trad. ' " CHICAGO, May 8. Prices In the wheat market toduy were depressed because of J Unproved wuuther conditions In the north west And southwest. At tha clone wheat for July delivery was off c. Corn, was up ViViC. uau wire a anano tower, rrovu ri uf th i.WdizMrf mtrncr. The wheat market was very largely a eathcr affair and with conditions more avomtile for ttie. development of the fall own crop and for the seeding of spring wneal, sentiment whs Deurisn nearly tui lay. The market opened easy, but about the end or tno nrst nour a suostanuai rauy carried urine up V4c. The upturn was caused by a 6Vc advance at Minneapolis. ,,The local market, however, soon eased off j.nd during tne remiunoer or me nay whs 'inclined to drag. Crop damage report 4 weic Was numerous today than for several dajl past. The market cloeed welik at about the lowest point of the day. July .' rivned iinchanved to Vc lower at P S.h.-&'iiC. sold off to Mo and then advanced T" to xiiiNI.i.c. The close was at MVn. Clear- ances of wlicnt nnn nour were equal id " 74,Co0 bu. Primary receipts were 723,nt bu, against 1.!Ujo tu- lor tne same nay ( lul vear. Minneapolis. Duluth and C'hl- '. 'C'tao r ported receiHs of 417 cars, ogatnet i bit ra: s luM week and 89 cars one year ago. i- Trading In coin was quiet, but the mar- kot was firm b'iause of the continued it fcumll movement rf grain. Cash liou re ported that country acceptances were light 1 as .farmers wire reluctant to sell old corn la view of tha posalbility that the new crop may not muture well owing to the latenefes of the seeding. The close was 'firm. July opened unchanged to a shade jilKher at lV;-'!Vc, sold between 4'.Wc and ' 4fcc anil elused at 4iHc. 1 cal receipts rf were 170 cars, with 23 of contract grade. Oats opened easier because of the more favorable weather conditions'. Later the market became steadier, the firmness of corn having some eff. Prices, however, showed little change. July opened a shade to Hfe4o lower at 42Mi-tfc. sold at 43Hn and (Amed at 43c. Local receipts were ItW cars. Provisions were firm all day despite a decline In the price of live hutts. The for '.eian demand was good while offerings were A light. At the close July pork was up l'.'Hc II at lrd was up 2e at $s.97S. Klbs VI were 7c higher at IS.80. .... f Kstlmatey receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, oar, oorn, ltao . cars;; oats, 311 cars; hogs, S4,0o.i head. The leading future ranged a follow: Qaotatloaa mi the Dar Various Commodities. - NEW YORK. Mir FIUR Receipts, 41. fM bhls. ; exports, 3.712 bhls Market firm but quiet, with a quiet trade; Minnesota bakers, t-lfrVulsO; winter patents, IliOtf (;4.1B; winter straights. $1 70; winter extras. $2.!Vu9.Hi; winter low grade. I !.is"(i t no. Ke flour, firm; fair to good, f.l TiMi.t 6: choice to fancy. t34.16. WHEAT Receipt. 80.000 bu.: export. 211,0'Ju bu.; spot, market steady; No. 3 red l""io elevstor; No. 3 red, "4C f. o. b. afloat; jo. 1 nortnern uuluth, looc I. o. . annat; No. 3 hard winter. Mo f. o. b. Declining early on higher temperatures In the south west and a bearish Kansas crop estimate. wneal advanced sharply on a nig lump in continental markets and bullish foreign crop news. Reactions followed, however, ss home crrp account were better and the market closed rather easier at a partial He net loea: Msv closed WM: July WWi? M 1-lfic; closed IKiSc; September, fa 16-!fi4 63 7-lc, closed 8Bc; December, 34ia, Closed 4iic. CORN Receipts, 80,526 bu.; export. 1.000. Bpot, market steady; No. 3, t90 elevator and WSc f. o. K snoat. No. 3 white, tu,o and No. I yellow, ft6Ujo 1. o, D. anoat. p. linn market wsa without transactions, clos ing unchsnged. OATS-Kecelpts, w,wn tu.; marnet steady; natural white, vnrtS pounds, 48a-io; clipped white, 3V04O pounds, 4Hc HAY Steady, shipping. 804i6c: good to choice, .xa . MOl'H Unlet: stste common to choice lStn crop, I4ltk; 1&05 crop, 4ljfr.; Pacific (joest l"; crop. t"6Hc: 1li6 crop, yc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, J4a. 1 KA1HKK Steady; acid, tiTSo. PROV18ION-Reef. firm; family. 3140va 14T); mess, t.8OQ10.0O; parket, 310; city extra India mess, 323.0021.60. Cut meats, firm: pic Vied bellies. 31O.6O01J.OO: pickled hams, 313.001360. Lard, firm; western prime, 3S.I'u.06; refined, firm; con tinent. 39.80: 8. A.. 110: comoound. 3S 87H 8.614. Pork, firm; family, 31.5oj'l.; Short clear, 117.0018.60; mess, 18.00. 1 AUjtv- n tea ay ; city tiz per PKg.l, oc; country (pkgs.- free, BHWHc RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 1 fj',Wc: Janan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street prices, extra crfamery, S7V4c; prime creamery, 26V4C. Offclal jrlces: Creamery, common to ex tras, uuawc; held, common to firsts, anrfp?5c; western factory, common to firsts, IKSc; western Imitation creameries, 26c; firsts i2tiir23c; state dairy, common to fanoy, 20 &'260. C11 t,ESF flteady : state, full cream. small colored and white. BeDtember fancy. lac; state, October, best, Wtf'Mcj good to prime, itfnic; state, large September fancy, 1Wc state, October best, H'q'14'v'; stae, good to prime, nUfPlSfco. Desirable grades of new small colored, steadily held at 12Hc; small white sells slowly and 12c shout top; unsaleable large above -iOS Firm: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 21c; brown and mixed extras, l!H&20c: firsts, 181SHc; western regular packing, firsts. 18c: official price 17Ut1Hc: seconds. 174tl7Ho. POULTRY Live, firm; spline chickens. 30c; fowls. 15c; turkeys, 11c. Dressed, steady; fowls, 14o. J Kaasas City Grala and Provlstoae. KAN8A8 CITY, May 8. WHEAT May, 75Hc; July, 761ic; September, 7&HC, cash, No. 3 hard, &MHc; No. 8, 76jHilc; No. 3 red, H''as6c; No. 3, 77'ri-Mo. CORN May. 46c: July, 46Sej September, 46Ho. Cash: No. 3 mixed. 4c; No. 3, 48c; No. 8 white, 61c: No. 3. 60c. OATS-No. 3 while. 44c: No. 3 mixed. 430 43V- in fciBteady; no. z, wrowie. HAY Firm; choice timothy, 81600; choice prairie, 310.0utflO.6O. Bl.'TTBR t reaniory, 24c; packing, 16o. tXJt-iS Steady; extra fancy, 16o; current receinls. cases Included, new cases. lMo, second-hand cases, 14c cases returned, 14Vo; southern, eases Included, 13c. Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.- 82,000 63.000 Corn, bu 22,000 25.0U) Oats, bu.- 8,000 82,000 Closing quotations at Kansas City as fur nished by Logan & Bryan, No. I Board of Trade: 1 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Operation ire at Ifiinimnm tad Ilots mtcti Are Ieeb'e god UDcerttin. DEALINGS ARE LARGELY PROFESSIONAL New Tork Ceatral Rises Slightly a Report of laereased Ret F.aralaas for Moath of April. bouxht, snJ prices recovered and clased SteadV. PA it 13, May 8 There was a general Im- I movement on the Hourse lOilay. Itussisn tnperlal 6 closed at 75 and Russian bnnls of 104 at 61. HKRI.1N, May 8. Trading on the Bourse todav was quiet and prices were rather weak. The itnurse will be closed tomor row (Ascension day). re York Money Market. NEW YORK. May S.-MONrTT-On call sleadv, 2Vi3 per cent; ruling rate. Z,fc3 per cent: closing Nd, 2 rer cent: offered st 3 per cent. Time loans slightly firmer; sixty days. 3Vu4 rer cent; ninety days, 4K7 41 per cent; six months, 4H per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAPEK-1 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak with actual business In bankers' bills at 34 ft',l& M for demand snd St 34 W:Vfl4Ja for NEW YORK. May . -Operations In the sixty day bl Is; P"rV"T 4 84 d M ' stock market were at a minimum today . e"",n v!?1 ''i''B- J M?k. Au.m iv and the feeble and uncertain fluctuations, S'iJ-t Me.X,'r'J. iVn,SS' in orires .ere .i.niflr.nt of the lack of . R N D8-Oovernment, steady; railroad. conviction on the nart of aneculators. i heavy, The deallnss were In the hands of a nar. 4. losing quotanons on oonu. loa.y were row professional class and could not be , ro,'7w!L: 1ni i.. . m .ri said to represent anything more than shift- I L ,0Il' .."i'".?!. r7?"W. M Ings and efforts to direct a prevailing ten- B. , rt i"4 4o M seriM t denry In the course of prices that might , 0 ennpon to 4 14 be followed. An early advance In a few v. . om , reg 1m1 1 A N. nnl. 4t lot stocks attracted no Important following Jo mm lo t Manhst. e. sola 4. v and the signs of weakness In New York V. i. sew 4s. ret .. .lJ !. Cent, w Ji Central seemed to be due to further selling . " i""" ; 'iJS.J, Ut-.,;!- ;" il" Ji prompted by consideration of the wide 1 i' " w ' T a. " liinriu dciuw llie' uiriurim iruiioiiirn, shown by the net earnings of the company for the first quarter of the year. An ad ditional weakening factor was furnished by the publication of the report of the state railroad commission on the Brewster wreck. The celling of the stock was In small amounts, but no support vii apparent to check the declining tendency while these offerings continued. The pressure on the stock was lifted to some extent the tiuhllcatlnn of the vrnss Ings' statement for April. which c -V. M I - . - wv . I (1( ...uweu an "l"' ' -" , rcc. a B. U s 4s.ini o 1st 4 etf. over ine earnings Ol April 01 iai year. ,.,.. i-n. .,. A JU Soulh.rn Rr f HOT. 7 lexaa ai raemc irs.115 Atrhimn tn. 4i f4 So Ms M tto ad. 4 i:-. R. a. or m. e. w n Atlantic C. U 4s.... N. Y. C n. 4 Bsl. Ohio 4s. Km N. J. O. gn. la la 4o IH M Northern Poclflc 4S..10K4 Brk. R T. CT. 4s.... 04 do 71 Csnt. of Os.' 6s 11 Norfolk A W. e. 4a.. 7H do 1st inc Ore. B. U rfg. 4.... tl do 3d Inc 71 Pens. er. IVt HV do ld Inn Keadlns sea. 4a 74 rnrs A Ohio 4Ua. . .Miv SU L. A I. M e. ( inoi I after C. A A. st. u s r. r. 4s. ih earn-1 "j-. a M....4-m. 1,. a. w. coa. w. t K. 1. t r. .. C l.).ril j. L.. . in do eol. fa 4 Po. Picltlc it M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Frioei Elder o Llelt Eoe!pU and Fair IetDrJ. HOGS IN G90D CONDITION, PRICES LOWER "beep Market Opens glow and While Good Grades Are Steady Others Skew a Lower . . Tendeaey. BOtTH OMAHA. Msy 3. 1907. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4,232 6.1W 7.8 1 ... 4.913 .6 ... 4,iW) , 7.615 34.6?0 19.61 19.3H J2.SU12 14.397 20X43 45.t3 33.1M I8.0K4 U.M Hid. Offered. Bucn a rate or increase, ir maintained, 1 rni. mis would be sufficient to offset even such a ! oio. So. 4s large growth In operating expenses as was cuna 6a made In the March quarter and so would I f- R, 4s ... tend to preserve the Integrity of the fund , J?1"' available for dividends. rt""' On the side of the crop news stock fared 1 j.. val 4Vks" better than for several days past. Oreat .pao ts .'....!!! importance was attacnea to tne moaerai ing weather In the northwest as giving promise of opportunity to effect the be lated planting of spring wheat In time to leave good opportunities for a good har vest. The occaslonsl rallies In tha wheat market Itself were of less effect than usual on stocks because of foreign crop damage reports In the movement. Delaware & Hudson was better supported than for sev- I Auhienn eral days past. The suggested nature of I do pfd ... the financing said to be in contemnlatlon ' Itoaton A A Wua liiul,lrd lau fnrmMikli than the BtOn MalOS more vague rumors which have preceded ) T.. St. L. A w. .nil fiilon Pseifle 4i.. . V. i. Steel Id 6a. . M Wabaih lata . W "do dab. B . II u Wml.rii Md. 4a. .10414 W. at L. K. 4i - wis. Lantraj s.. Three days this week..l3.3f0 Same days last week lo.7C Bams days I weeks ago.. 18.843 Bams days 8 weeks ago.. 19,387 8ame days 4 weeks ago..lSK4 Same days last year 15,780 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date compered with last year: 1I7. 1904. Inc. Lec. Cattle 4".sf 83M VAX Hogs r3.710 342.0W 6e,38 Bheep 70MU U,76s 44.853 CATTLK QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed steer $5.SMT5 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4.to6 SO Common to fair steere 4 2.VU4 83 Good to choice fed cows 4 44o4 80 Fair to good cows and heifers 3.75i IS Common to fair cows I 6ij3 60 Fslr to choice stockera A feeders.. 4.6O6.0O Fair to good stockera ft feeders... fS4-S0 Common to fair atnekera 8.7p'd4.00 1 Bulls, stags, etc 3.7t4 50 veai calves .wmi.w The following table shows the sverag price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: so ,.in .. 7 ..1H .. To .. W4 .. M .. T it srr :.. it m. ... in 41 I M I 1 ... I 10 70 1ST ... I M i ... i . ... 1111 .11 ... rH . r ... ( rivt . t" ... tit, S9 I ttH .. ... t if h ..I'd ISO I ITS ..n ko n4 ..HI M l. .16 ... If, . r7 4 i;h .. T ... M" .14 ... rv ..rt) iso ts . . rs io t j ..r ... ... 1 XI ..ITt 10 4 M . M ... (16 ..I.-O 40 1 ..ri n is h u to ( n ! ... 1 n tst ... M 41 . . tf... Tl.. S.. tt. 4 ... II ... W ... I.... 41 ... 7.... ro ... 71.... Tt.... It ... . ST.... .... rr.... T... 44.... T4.... 17.... IT ... . 113... Tl ... 71 ... T4... .... ... ut m 1 rvi ,...114 ... i r ... 4 im 1 1" ... ri et 1 ni ... irs 40 rn ... In 10 r .. in ... its ...? ... IT'4 ...l? M t 7H ,...l ... 11714 ... I? ... 51 ...IM ... .. ia .. t ... H0 ,.. .' ,.,.l'l ....114 ,...t7S ....tit in ... these renorts. Borne susDlclon of actlvltv I.' r. . . . n. auirai ......... T wi nu,.u ..... by a bear party In the stock also affected , T , N. H. A H..176 Mohawk Boston Storks aad Bonds. HOSTON, May 8 Call loans, 8175 per cent; time loans, 4fr6V per cent. Official cosing quotations were: Atrhimn ad). 4s II Plnfham , ri uai. at neoia. . 7H Oantannlal .... . tos Copper Rang . IIH flair Waat .... .3.10 "Franklin .... .1M Oranbr .1st Iila Rorala ... .111 Miaa. Mining . i Mlclilsan do 4a Mix. (.'antral 4a Boaton ElaTatad Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat 1 July.... T7H77Hfi". . 76 ' Sept,:'. 789h Tft(j7 IhH Corn . July V4 Bept 46Vi ,46H 16KB -78 45 46 Vt B Bid. A . Asked. St. L-oals General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 8. WHEAT Weak; track No. 3 red, Cash, SifaWc; No. 3 hard, July kiCuHic: September, 83Vc . ,1 J . . . 11 111, . 1 1. K .-v. , .. mi, .uv.w. July, 4XH'iIaSc; September, iba; No. 3 white, 6:V4j6i'Vo. OATS bieaoy; track No. t, cash, 43Vic; Julv. 40c; September, 35c; No. 3 white, 4Sc. FLOUR steady; red winter patents, 33.80; extra fancy and straight, 33.253.80; clear, SKKD Timothy, steady at 83.0O3S.76. CORNMEAL Steady at 32.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east trsck, 89980. HAY Steady; timothy, 31s.604jl8.00; prai rie. IRON COTTON TIES 81.08. IIAGOINO 10To. HEMP TWINE 10c.' FKOVISION8 Fork, higher; Jobbing, 3l6.o0. Lard, higher: prime steam. l&67Vfc. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, 3.&!Vj; clear ribs, 39. 76; short clears, 83 87. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, 310.50; clear ribs, 310.62; short clears, 110.76. POULTRY Firm; chickens, llVic; springs, 20u'-tic; turkey, 11c; ducks, lie; geese, 60. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 21&25C. K.nrjM .H letter. 14c Followtng were the receipts and shipments of fk ur ana grain: Receipts. Shipments e.ono IO.OiO , 35,0 23, CM) , 133,000 151,000 69,000 UC.OU) Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... ArtUfles. Open. I IUgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wieat May.. July.. Sept.. Leo. . . Co i May.. July.. Stipt.. Oe la-May.. July.. I ksI 8rJ 48V'r'l .w'ei , 4W,atsrt 82Vi 8H ..82 7, ai-htl M 49Mi! W 4!, 4'u !ri.4lrW) 4H'4 rVpt...3tlj-l Fork May. 18 TO id ar. 16 40 8 8 00 IW 8 7 8 So 3 Vi 4 43'i 3W 44 43 36i4'Ul4 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 90 1 30 1 20 IS 25 16 16 40 Id 27Vx 16 30 16 30 885 8 M 8 85 8 80 do 8 95 m IK Uht 8 U7H 9 10 07 8 75 8 87J 8 75 8 7 8 90 8 ail 6 80 6 824 lul 8 96 9 W 8 9-"i 44 44 Son, July... Se.'tv Lai u May,. July.. re4.. JVl.s ' flay.-? ulv.. Seiit.. - T ' No. X Cesh quotation were as follows: FLOrH Steady ; winter patents, 33.ij!ff .3.; winter straights, 3J.0543.4o; spring pat. ents. i..Bi''fi 66; spring straights, H.15y3.46; bakers. H 16.(3.96. WHKAT-No. 2 spring. 8tifi9c; No. 3, 77 H8c: No. 3 ted. gJMittf'sC. COHN-No. 3, 4-,c; No. I yellow, 60c. OATB-No. 2 44,c; No. 3 whits. fc; No. 3 vl-lie. 41ft41c. KYE-N'v 3. TitiTjc. LARI.EY-Falr to choice maltlnr. 74i7c, SEKLi-No. 1 flax. 3117; No. 1 north western, 8124S; prime timothy, 31.30; clover, contract grades. llJ.uO. 'V'lMi N.- Snort ribs sides flnnse M 4i75.. Mess port. nr bbl., $1 isHi 1ft. 12 . llird. per !'" lh . 3S.86. Short clear sides n,..itd. 38.87"iiti.. 1 e reteipis aim snipments or nour and Receipts. Shipments. 41. IO 6rti.) 63. it,' .83.6 ?3! & &l.l 34j.i H urt 1,0 l 68,200 n The' Produce exenange today the but ter market was steady; creamery, ibtt'ci dilry, lswJSc. . Kgna, firm; at mark, canes Included, !": firsts. Ibc; prime firsts, JTo. C h ese, ftt-ady. lfralic.- 1 drain Market. M 1 LW AUK FK, May 1 WHEAT-No. 1 n- tiirrn bwjvwi No, 1 northern, rJ9c; Jk'". Mo. ... rVK-No. 1. TIH'i)-! PAHl.E If-No. 3. IHc; sample, s:$ C'liiN No. 3 rash, ,!'lc; July, c OPkid. Hlnsaasalli Crala Market. MINNKAPOI.13. May .-WH RAT-My r:v, ; K.-ptemlier, sTc; No. 1 rsrd. rg7iw; No t northern. o.'-.uvi'; No. 3 northern, 8 LuLU First vatetit, H.k"a4.60i stcoud Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, May 8. WHEAT Spot, steadv; No. 8 red western winter, (s8Hd; No. 1 California, 8 6Sd. Futures, quiet; Mav. osJiid; July. 6s6t4d; September, a 7d. . CUKN H;ot. American mixea, new, quiet, 4s 7'il; American mixed, old, stesdy. (s Vtd. Futures, quiet; July, 4s "d; September, 4s 7d. the decline. Conditions In the money mar- t nlon Pacific ket underwent a light change, although ; Am. Pnau. Tube., circumstances point to declining resources : Amir. Sugar nt !a hank. Th. SB nOA tVU t nmt A M do Dfd ., San Francisco figure In the subtreasury re-I - Tel. ...114 g'n;r V1I1, t, n. . ,1 . . . , , 1 Amir. ooSea Is Bnanno " ,1.0 i n linn n no uiuiQ i" J. ll' J'linil i nti at that institution against withdrawals to Knisnn Elio!" ill. be made from the suhtreaeury In San Maaa. Electric .. Francisco. Ex ports of gold are not Im-! 'Mo pfd mediately contemplated apparently, nut a um later outgo to Paris is still considered f" probable. Sterling exchange reacted at . I "no Math. Paris today, but was weak here also. vao, "L0,: Money in London, however. Is reported: do'ptd fairly abundant and with as little effect In Adventure arousing activity in the stock market us Annuel here. Some corporation reaulrements are Amalgamated an influence In the current money market Atlantic ............ in New York. Union Pnclflc aeem1 r lull. 'AakaO. Bid. little harm from rumors of an Intended Is sue of convertible bonds to furnish needed resources. It rallied to a gain of a point In the late market. Bonds were heavv. Total sales nar value. 81,24,000. United States bonds were un changed at call. Number of sales and closing Quotations on stocks were: alas. Hlih. Low. Clnaa. .... Z"! tS 17 ' 8wi Ul4 Mont. Coal A C. . 4uld Domlnloa .... .114 Oacenla .124 Farrot nnon ., 1414 Tamarack ..fij Trinity ,.lso t'nltsd Copper ... .. 67 V. s. Oil .. CI I' till ..109 Victoria .. 4H Winona .. XTH WolTartn .. H7V, North Butte ..10CH Butte Coalition ., .. 31, N.rada .. to Cal. A Anions.. .. HH Anion Com .. It . 11 .7U . tl . tt . 1 . 1H .190 . an . . it't . m .i . it ,.1M4 ,. 1T ,.118 .. 23 ,. t! .. 10 .. 34i .. t ,. 8 ,.1I .. H ,. IT .. la ,.1M .. 1H 14. too KS 4fi0 7 tl 100 too 1044 100 MS 3H 43 lot IB. 100 UiH HI 191 MJ TOO 114 134 la .... 33 4.700 64 42 43 ll.tno M f-H WS f M 4a 1100 101 100 101 3,Q -S too It IH ti4 t l tt M 3.000 17T 1T 17T .... IM 1.100 41 4tla 40 1.100 11 11 " 1,100 1F.0 lit 14ia . t,700 U5 U4H 13i I .... IS 71 15 UK . tt 4f. 131 1K 77 141 tli 2t Tl tt " It t US 144 11 7(14 1 17 -. 1"0 71 71 4"0 If. 5H 400 So 14 "40b us" lit" ino is IS "0 77 77 3,900 182 171 "tw is is " T4 T4 . MO 6 16'0 14 n 4U0 tt t.44 i) 148 lit" 100 140 145 to, too I0 Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, May 8. CORN Higher: No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 49VaC; No. 4, 47c; no grade, 41c. - OATS-8teedy; No. 3 white. 43VB44V40; No. 3 white. 43He; No. 4 white, 41Wc KYE Steady; No. 3. 67iajlic. WHISKY On the basis of 813 (or fin ished goods. Dalatta Grala Market. DULUTH. May 8-WHEAT No. 1 north ern. 8S)c; No. 3 northern. 37tc; Mav, &W; July, M-i": September, 80V1C OATaV-May, K. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 8. SEEDS Clover, cash. 38.90; October. uecemoer, . o March, $7.70. Alsike, Decemlier. 7.66. Timothy, 3i.30. Saaar aad Molasses. NEW YORK, May 8. SUOAR Raw, firm; fair refining, S.38c; centrifugal. 14 test, 3 Uo; molasses sugar. 3.(c. Rertned, firm; No. 4, 4 00c; No. 7. 4.tfto; No. 8, 4.40c: No. 3, 4.36c; No. 10, 4.S6c; No. 11. 4.30c; No. 13, 416c; No. 13. 4.1c; No. 14, 4.06c; confectioners' A. 4 Toe; mould A. 6.36c; cut loaf 6.60c; crushed, M,:; powdered, 6c; granulated, t.lsjc; cubes, 6.1 Sc. MOLASSES Strong; New Orleans, open kettle good to choice. J7t4" NEW ORLEANS. May 8. - SUGAR Steady; open kettle, centrifugal. 3Wo37o; centrifugal yellow. 1iHHc; seconds. iH to. MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, S0834C Adams Eiprass Amalcamatad Copper . mar. Car and Foundry 00 pro A mar. Cotton Oil do pfd Amir. Express A mar. Hid A Laathar pld A mar. lea Amu. Unaaed Oil do pfd Amar. LocomotlT do Pfd Amar. Smaltlng A Raf.... do pfd Amar. fusar Raflnlns .... Amar. Tobaoo pfd clis.-. . Anaconda Mining Co....... Atehiaon do pfd AtlanUc Ooaat Lin Bammnra Ohio do pfd Brooklyn ftapld Transit.... Casadlaa tacllo Central of Naw Jarsay...,. Chaaapaak It onto Chicago Oreat Waatarn Chicago A Northwesters.... C, M. a St. Paul Chicago Trm. A Trans... do pfd C. C, C. A Bt. L, Colorado Fal and Iron... Colorado A outhsra do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Conaoltdued Oas Corn Products do pfd Delaware A Hudaon Dal., Lark. A Waatarn.... Denver A Rio Grande do pfd Dlatlllars' Securities ria do lat pfd do 3d Pfd Oeneral Slaetiio Illlnola Cantral Intar. Paper do pfd Intar. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Loutarllla A NaahTllls Mailoaa Cantrsl Mian. A St. Louis at.. St. P. A 8. Bte. st... do pfd Missouri Paella at . K. A Taiaa do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Malice pfd... Naw Tork Cantral N. T., Ont. A Weatero... Norfolk Waaler do pfd North American Pacific Mall , Pennarlvanta People's Oas Pitta . C . C. A St. L Preaaad Ileal Car do pfd Pullman Pslae Car Raadlns do lat pfd do 3d pfd, offered Republic Steal do pld Rock Island Co do pfd St. L A San PYaa. td pfd BL Louis south waatarn.... do pfd Southern Pacln . do pfd Southern Railway d pld Tansaaaa Coal and Iron.. Teias a Pacific Tol.. St. L. A Waatarn... do pfd Union Pad Bo do pfd V. Eipreni It. 8. Realty V. g. Rubber do pfd foiled States Steal do ptd. ei-dl Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do pfd , Webeah do pfd 1 Welle-Farfo Kipraea Woetlnstiouse Electric .... eaters t'nlo Wheeling A Lake Erl.... Wlacorela Central do pfd Northern Piclae Cantral Leather do pfd Sloea-SheSlald Oreat Northern ptd .. lnterboroufh Metropolitan. . do Dfd Total sales for the day. 374.tof shares. London Closing Stocks. LONDON, May 8. Closing quotation! on the Stock exchange were: Consols, money so t-lt M , K. A T..... . 15 N. 1. central... . It Norfolk W... . da pfd . Ont. A Weatarn. .11 PinnayWanla ... .1X1 Rand Mines ... . 42 Reading . 11 Southern Rr ... .lit do pfd . tt Southern Pacific . ts Union Paelflo , . 77 do pfd . tt C. 8. Steal ,. tl do pfd ' j UD U UIU ........a WV niUHU ......... l- 1 Illlnola Central ....161 do pfd Loi.l.Tllle A N 13lUBnanlah 4 ...... SILVER Bar. quiet; ill 15-16d per ounce, MMK'K". V1SK f?o ner earnt. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is S58 1-16 per cent; for three months bills, 331-16 per cent. do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd B. A Ohio Canadian Paelflo Chea. A Ohio.... 4 Chicago O. W.... !" C... M. A St. P W DeB'ere 1" D A R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd da td pfd 3 19 tl f5 TOO It tt 1 US 117 117 ! (114 21 21 l'W as !" .... ....US .... 71 .... M .... tt .... 48 .... t .... H .... .... tt .... 17 ....150 .... w .... M ....lot .... 14 .... 17 Treasary Btatemeat. WASHINGTON. Msr 8. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive or tne ti3i,uw,w g'uu reserve, shows: Available cash balance, 82D6,621.n6; gold coin and bullion, 398,377,6&3; gold certificates, 346,146,0110. Dank Clearings. OMAHA, May 8. Bank clearings for today were 31,864,670.99 and for the Corresponding date last year i.uj,4..o. frtun were: lour. bhls... Whrat,' bu.... Curn. t Outs, bu Rve. bu 1. Larley. bu.. t.v worsted Apples aad Dried Frslla. NEW YORK. Msy 8. EVA PO RATED APPLES-Unchanged; fancy. hutV; choice :nTc; prime. SWtioHc; poor to fair, 6W ltC t"t 75 3.10 t if) 4J0 44 litoo lis" 4fl a7 40 T7 U.tO IJt WO It tt i2 tn 41 311 tS . tuO tl tl tt .... 16 ft,") in in ut 100 u II R2 l.tuO 37 tl 1S i44i tn 12 II 11 too at 41 4 n . 11 V 1. 100 U 14 s .... HI 3,700 K tl tl tt .... 14S 100 n ts ina t M li BiKl 6.1 (2 t'lu tl.t H'H H' 146 100 tl M 12 ts too tt 44 14 4" 4 t It Wool Merkst. BOSTON, May 8. WOOL-The wool mar ket Is steady ana moaerateiy active, in territories trading is confined to small lots, thnuerh a fair volume of business has been negotiated. The market for pulled wools Is quiet. Foreign grades are firm. Leading domestlo quotations follow: Indiana and Missouri, oomblng, three-eighths blood, S3 34o; combing, quarter blood, 31y"33c; Texas, hcoured basis, fine, 13 months, 720t74c: fine, 6 to 8 months, 70c; fine, fall clean, 67lOc California, scoured basis, northern, good, S3f()ti7c; middle county, 65'utific; southern, 2? tv fall. free. 67c. Oregon, scoured oasis, caiiorn. No. 1 staple, 7?4j'73c; eastern. No. I clothing. tjea'TOc; valley, No. 1, rksjiac. Ter ritory, staple, scoured basis, fine, 7g73a; rim medium. 6K4j70c; medium, 664i6c; ter ritory, ordinary, scoured, fine, 6870c; fine, W&Sic; medium, 6."ub4c; Colorado and New Mexico, spring, scoured, X tW70c; No. 1, 3i-c; Georgia, greasy, 384v8Hc; pulled wools, scoured basis, extra, 7u73c; fl A S; SAC. LONDON, May 8. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 12,567 bales. All sections bought freely and the prices realised were the highest of the series. Oerman and horns spinners .1. ... .. . . . ,4 rra were eager cuuipeiuui iur auuicu. " - jj manlan greasy was in acuve uemanu iur , w home and American buyers and the latter : ... I also took several parcels of new Bouth 11. ; Wales clothing and Victorian oomeback ' 10. lit iz; greasy at top prices. The withdrawals to to. date amount to i.uiw uaies. runuwing are the sales In detail: New South Walea, 8,400 bales; scoured. J2ttd'(i Is lVd; greasy, , M. , . - . , I . . Jf 1 . , t U, I. ., 1 . ann..Kul , ' fMM O IS BU, w lirnun in : .ii, i,iw iain, ev-uuici, ?S til 66 43 4 lo; ISO IF, I Date, j 1307. 19O3.l06.l4.18O8.lM8. 11801. April IS. . I 3 36 5 10 4 73 April 38.. 3 36H 111 4 41 April 30.. 8 r,W 8 29 4 82 May 1... 231 8 28 ( 11 May 2... ( 27 6 12 4 67 May 8... I 37 8 1466 May 4... 8 36Vs 8 31 6 26 4 58 May 6... I 8 15 6 i 83 May 3... 8 2H I 28 4 AH May 7... 6 Mil 8 15 I 4 86 May 8... 8 2441 81 ( 17 8 831 7 071 77 f 03 I 3fi I M 8 84 6 68 3 83 3 84 76 7 J0 6 71 s t 01 i n 8 75' ( let s' 7 T 081 ! 8 Ml 6 88 f 691 6 70 64 7 00 6 84 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICEB. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 82 76an.50 36.174l?6.35 Chicago 1.80 40 6 W 4"5 6& Kansas City t"uiaj 620 4340 St. lou(s 1.IS!j .25 6.0O e.50 Sioux City 1 606. 75 6.20 6.30 Ths ofliclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: ';a,tue. Hogs, eneep. nrs C. M. A Bt. P 7 .. 1 Wabash 1 Missouri Paelflo ' 7 U. P. System 78 C. A N. W.,east 2 C. & N. W., west 84 C, St, P., M. ft O.... 22 C, B. A Q., east 1 C, B. A Q., west 80 C R. I. A P., east.... 6 C., R. I. A P., west. ...4 Illinois Central I Chicago at- Western. 8 Total receipts 183 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 head indioatsu: Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co....... Armour A Co Lobman A Co Hill A Son F. P. Lewis....... Hamilton A Rothschild. Klngan A Co ; Bam Wertheimer Mike Haggerty J. B. Hoot A Co T. B. Inghram Bullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Other buyers Totals ...J ., ( ti 8 17 .. 1 r .. t r .. t n R IN .. t i 40 t to to I 0 4t lit ... I 0 11 tit im t to Tt tin n im to r ... t i" ti r i to tt to t-'t ... fit 4 ISt ... t St . SHEEP Buyers were slow in taking on supplies this morning Snd even the belter grades, which sold at fully steady figures, were not taken up with any great snap. The medium and poorer grades were poor sellers and the msrket for this class of stuff was slow, dreggy and a little lower. Weight was not discriminated against so much ss quality, as the better grades of all weights sold In steady notches. Prac tically all of the offerings were shorn stuff today. Good shorn yearlings and wethers mixed sold at Id 16. the same as yesterday. There were no wooled lambs among the offerings. Quotations on wooled killers: Good to choice lambs. 88.0043 0; fair to good lambs, 7.6ij7.f); good to choice yesrllngs, Ismo weights, 87 .OOfn.SR: fair to good yearlinsrs, lamb weights, SH 60 0; good to choice yearlings, heavy weights. 36.joi.90; fair to good yea'llngs. heavy weights, . (vb1.60; good to choice old wethers, $(t.5'f7.15; good to choice ewes, 8 sa-n S"i; fair to good ewes, 85 8fVgl.7J; clipped sheep and lambs sell about 81 off tmm above quotations. Representative soles: 140 western ewe culls 77 440 western shorn ewes 104 3o8 western yearlings and weth ers 104 6i6 western shorn wethers and ewes 6"1 western shorn ewes 110 Western shorn ewes ti western shorn ewes 3"0 western shorn wethers 118 western shorn wethers 2oO western cull lambs .... 119 western shorn lambs . 2M western shorn lambs .. 178 western shorn lambs . 275 western shorn lambs . 663 western shorn lambs .. 1 native lamb 1 native lamb 1 .. .. 3.J 12 1 48 8 1 t 1 17 4 6 I 8 1 8 133 20 10 Cattle. Hogs. Bhee 1.404 .2 . 3,076 8.430 268 HS3 1.8C7 787 ..4,340 8,428 CATTLE Receipts were a little smaller than yesterday or a week ego ana tne sup. ply has been considerably short of tha first half of last week. The quality for the last two or three days has been unusually good. Reports from eastern markets wero all favorable this morning, with only moderate aunnllea and with an active demand from all sources, the trade opened out lu good shape, with prices anywhere from strong to lOo higher than yeeterday all around. All classes of buyers were looking for weight and quality and there was a very noticeable falling off In the demand for the light and medium weight stuff that has been coming so freely of late. The market for cows and helferg was also active and about 610c higher from yesterday all around. Both local butchers and outside buyers were partial to the heavy corn-fed stock and holders of light and thin cows found It difficult to get more than steady figures. Ths msrket for veal calves was slow and uncnangea, ana ouns, stags, etc., sold fully as well as on yesterday. There was a good Inquiry for Blockers and feeders and the moderate offerings changed hands freely at steady to a little stronger prices all along. For the last few days country buyers have been taking the good stock cattle more freely and the yards have been well cleaned of anything of this kind. Heavy steers of good quality, however, are still the favorites and bring the best fig ures. Representative sales: KEEP STEERS. 95 WS 88 . 79 , 119 . 119 . 66 . K4 . 71 . 66 . r . hi . 110 ,.n 70 4 00 6 40 8 80 C 90 6 W I 60 6 60 8 10 3 10 6 10 6 76 7 10 7 00 7 00 7 16 7 00 8 60 bu . $100: Tesas silver skin, per crate about 44 lbs., 3.' . yellow Texaa. perrrnls about 46 lb., 8.'. 00, Oieen onions, per d ft. LEAF LHTTUCK Hothouse. p dos. hrmls. 4.V. CUCUMHFR)-ref dos , 3100. PA RSI, KY Hothouse, per dos, bunches 40c P1K PLANT-Per lb.. 6c. RADISHES Per doi. bunches. c; extra large bunches. 76c per dos. HEKF CUTS. No. 1 ribs, 1.1V; No. 8 ribs. Hc; No. rlhs. c; No. I loin, 17V; No. 2 loin, Uc: No. 3 Inln, IV; No. 1 chuck, Vl No. i chuck, 6c; No. 3 chuck. 64c: No. 1 round. SV,c: No. 2 round, lie; No. 3 ryand, 7c; No. 1 piste, 4c; No. 2 pints, 8jc; No. 3 plate, 3a MISCELLANEOUS. 6UOAR Orsnulnled csne. In sacks, 86.31; granulated beet. In sacks. 3-" 21. COKKEK Roasted, No. 3". Mc rr Ih.i No. Ji. 21c per lb.; No. X, 1!V per lb.; No. 20, 15c per ll.; No. 21. 13c per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, lis.-; llmberger. 14c; Young Americas, 17c. NUTS California walnuts. No. 2, soft shell, lie; No. 1, soft shell. Idc; Hrsslls. It'.Vt'ulV; pectins. I!ij2?c; filberts. 12Hc; pea nuts, raw, 7tc; roasted, ?'c; California al monds, lTHc cocoiiniits, S( per 1U. HIDES AND TALLOV-Oreen salted. No. L Nc; No. 2. Sc; bull hides, r; green hides. No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 7c; horse. 1.8t3.&: sheen pelts, OH-ii! JR. Tallow, No. L 4Vtc No. i. 8V1C Wool. isfi?lc. BRAN Per ton. 39.iO. Oils aad Roala, NEW TORK. May 8. -OILS Cottonseed oil, firm; rrlme crude f. o. b. mills. 41a prime crude yellow, h). Petroleum steady; refined Naw York, 3n.20: Philadelphia and Baltimore, 8$ ir; Philadelphia snd Balti more In bulk, 84.70. Turpentine steady, 6;uic. Rosin Firm; strslned. common to good, 34 HO,i 4 13. SAVANNAH. Os., May 1 OIL Turpen tine, llrm, tVu63c, ROSIN Firm ; sales l.TM; casks quote! A, B, C. 4.;16; D, 84 45; K. 14 6; F, 84 75; t), 34.77H; H. 34 W; I, S4.K6; K, 85.16; M, 36.26; N, 36 36; WG, 35.46; WW, 36.60. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. CHICAGO LIVU STOCK MARKF.T Cattle Btroagr to Ten Cents Higher Hogs Steady to Lower. CHICAGO. Msv i. CATTLE Recelnts. about 18,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; common to prime steers, 34.OOii8.60; cows, 83.26!f6.ri0; heifers, 33.OiKUo.6o; bulls, 33.4ob4.80: calves, 3.7Tx&.75; stockers and feeders, 3 0fl53.26. HOOS Receipts, about 34.H00 head: mar ket steady to lower; choice lo prime heavy, $6.60; medium to good heavy. $6.4iffM.42H; butcher weights. So.tMilt.W; good to prime mixed. $o.404i.42; packing, 36. pigs. 5.50f4.46: bulk of sales, 3o.8.46. on AiN u lamh- Kecelpts, ls.uoo head; market firm; sheep, 34.2MV8.15; year lings, 36.006,86; lambs, 15.6vuis.7o. New York Live Stork Market. NEJW YORK. May 8. BEEVES Receipts, 2.417 head; steers slow to 10c lower; fat bulls, steady, others easy; medium and fat cows. 10c off; steers sold at 34.80.15 per 100 lbs.; bulls. 13. 5033 4 70; one car choice western bulls st 85.00; cows, 32.2Off4.S0. CALVES Receipts, 3.898 head; veals, steady to 25o higher; common to prime veals sold at .".(Q7.50 per HO lbs; one lot of choice at 37.76; culls, I4.W&4.50. City dressed veals firm at QUhio per lb.; oountry dressed steady at 6&10c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.917 head; sheep steady; lambs, shade lower; clipped sheep sold at 4tao per 100 lbs.; clipped lambs, 37.00rB7.75; no choice here; Indiana spring lambs, 86.00 per head. HOOS Recelpte, 8.680 head: market was steady; Pennsylvania and state, 17.00 per 100 lbs. Including choice light weights. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,700 head, Including 800 southerns: market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, 36.80ig.30; fair to good, 34 6 8.80; western fed steers, 34.004J6.tO; stocknrs snd feeders, 38.60tji6.O0; southern stvr. 34.0O43t.6O; southern cows, 33.0Ot(r4.35; native cows, 33005,4,86; native heifers, 33.261j6.35; bulls, 33.6utQ4.66; calves. 33.60tj6.60. HOOS Receipts, 16,000 head; market Steady to 60 lower; top, 38.46; bulk of sales, 38.82Hf41.42H; heavy, 8.3fV4.36; packers, M.32W.46; light, 3.87H4t4l46; pigs and lights. 86.26lS6.7o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.800 head; market strong: lambs, 37.15(98.65: range wethers, 35.7u,90; western fed yearlings, 38.367.(10; western fed sheep, 36.76; Blockers and feeders. 34.0038.00. Josef Can et lot . block 8, Potter A Cobb's Second add., South Omaha Hastings A Heyden to William J. Jacobberser, south 40 ft. lot 13, block 6, Plalnvlew Charles Wasrner et al to A. C. Ong, lot 18, block 1, Qrammercy Park Robert Doherty snd wife to Peter P. Kekens, lots 10 and 11, block 8. Forest Hill add George Forgan and wife to Ma C. Benedict, lot 13. block 14, West End add Allle C. Caley and wife to J.. W. St. Mve Stork Market. p,T 101 bl0CK Bedror1 BT. LOUIS. May 8. CATTLE Receipts. ai. bIV'a"':' -CL' 'A' 4,000 head, including 1,600 Texans: market c'aley same " 10c higher; native shipping and e.xpjrt Bertha' Hand and 'hYiVtind''tA''N.iiil steers. 36.3008.26: dressed beef and butcher Hennessey It! 2 blook 10 Dwl.h! tteera, 3l.96a6.oo; steers under l.OW lbs., i Lvman'i add ' Uwlht KOOD OO; stockers and feeders, 3.60.85; Same to Catherine "m urnh v. ' lot-,i" 207T' VS.rZ&r.WlW Ca'roflne1! Uo, rnThe.r. StO1"' Wti6eU &U: CW' F7''' ' ' " WVWoS nd heifers, l.wa4. 40. . 2. Sulnhlir Knrinn ertrt HOOS - Receipts. 10.OTO neaa; market kim- V Mn r k, L Deeds filed for record May 7, 1907: City Savings bank to Ixirena M. callln, s3h ft. lo)3 1 and 2, block 13, Walnut Hill I 750 Anna Bennett to George W. Plainer, lots 1 snd 3. block 1, Kendall's add.. 1,100 Same to same, lots 16 and 17, block 1. Kendall's add 800 Same 10 same, lot 3, block 3, Ken dall's add 275 Same to same, lot 15, block 1, Ken dall's add 360 Same to same, lot 2, block 2, and other lots, Kendall's add 7S0 Robert O. Fink, countysnreasurer, to C. L, Sorensen, lots 6, 6 and 7, Balti more park - John Philpot snd wife to Charles M. Andrews and wife. wH lot 6, block L Fowler place, South tlmaha 1,660 John McCormlck to Thomas McCor mlck, lots 13 and 14, block 4. Ames place 1 Anraham L. Reed and wife to Llsxle Smith. e lot 8, block 2o44, Omaha. 1,660 Robert O. Kink, county treasurer, to Thor Jorgensen, s tiwH 16-18-13 Charles W. Kaley to Anna Kaley. lots 6 and 12, block "K," Lake James park add 1 Thomas F, Lee to CievltiB C. Kendall, wH lot 8, block 46, Omaha 8,000 James H. Mcflhane aud wife to Byron B. Davis, nH swS4, swH nK, nwV4 nw and part ne nw 17-16-13.... 26,600 Charles N. King and wile to Ellen Pearson, s 60 ft. lot 10, block 1, Marsh s add 4,000 Frank A. Harrison and wife to John W. Austin, s3ft. e57 ft. n 1S8 ft. lot 4, block 2, Park place 1,600 Rufus W. Chamberlain and wife to Ida G. Hendee. lot 7. block 7. Clifton Hill 1,400 Barker company to Lfisie Hepp, part tax lot 66, in section 8-16-13 121 Elisabeth D. Gosnell to John P. Kramer and wife, w80ft lot 17, block 18, Bedford place 875 Jessie C. Hitchcock snd husband to Reserve Reslty company, lot 6, Lud-. wick place and other lots 1 William Busch and wife to Maud Buatall, lot 6, block 8, Kirk wood 1,900 t. N. May and wife to Ernest W. Cahow, lot 4, block 8, Hanscom Place 8,000 John Ferguson, Jr., and wife to Ed win McWliliams. lot 4. block 8. Pratt s sub Eos. aia Gisin to Frank E. O'Brien, lot 12, block 3, O Nnil's sub. al to Mary Uassus, nH 1 8,000 ts t3 11? 11'4 37 S7 77 711 .... II .... 7t n No. 11..., a... u.'!.' it... 1 !' inn Ml l'-o I im S7 7, 4 4W) p- 10 "a iw WO 27 tt f il vo n n i3 in t it tt aai 100 145 145 144 I! II 17 , tt 3,700 IM 114 ill in ino tT IT M l-O f.e M i to i n1- w 1 5-4 14 14 24 t.toO iH 17 ts CALIFORNIA DRIED FTUMTS-Aprl- cots uncnangea; .',l,1H"i' "'"lr, ill and a. ch..c. 18tilx:'. quiet on .pot; CaJiforula. 3Hi;c; Ore- 1 . choke, .linflSaic; fancy, 12Sal3c; extra lancy lidjlic. tRaiblns unchanged; loose muscat ol, KhUc; see.1ed raisins, lSUSo; loudon layers, 1.6til.(. Coffeo Market. : NEW YORK. May A COFFEE-Market for tulurea opened steady at an advanoe of 8 points la reepuns to higher French cables. There waa very little demand at the advance, th continued large receipts checking bullish aentlinent and prions steady net unchsnged to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of 13.260 bags, Includ ing May at 6.1'0.j6c; July. 5k-; Sei.tem-b-r. 6aC'uo.uc. Deu-tnb-f &.3-ho.t0: March, i hpol coffee quiet; Rio No. 7, 8Hc; tan u No. 4, 7Hc; Dilld cvZu dulL Curdova, Hew York Mlnlnsj Rtocka NEW YORK, May 8. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: AtaStl Coa TO Litis Chief .. Alloa -4W Ontario Braeca t", HmnewUk Cos Poloal . IV C,.l ...... . It Sierra Nr.'a . IM Small Hopca .30 Standard ... Tills Coo extra ComsiocS Tuunal 1x10. in. Horn 8llTar t 4" ..... it I to to S3 lao Foreign Flaaaelnl. . IjONDON, May 8 The supplies of money were more plentiful In the market today to meet the limited demand. Discounts aver easy. Trading on the Stock waa dull and uninteresting in spite of th cheapness of money and tlis record Board of Trad ngures puunsneu yesternay. Brit ish securities scarcely moved. Foreigners wer the brightest section. Japanese con tinued In demand: Japaneee Imperial 6a of 1"4 closed al 1014. Rio Tlntos spurted sharply on buying for Paris houaea. which !s , supported Kaffirs in order to offset the efft-ct of Rand labor troubles. Americans, after adjustment at parity, started slowly upward on bear covering, together with moderate local orders. Later New Tork ulii Uuloa PaclQCa but txssr Ui vloae At. Pr. 7St 4 40 1404 4 40 Ml I 10 374 4 10 70 4 76 tl 4 10 141 4 SO lit 4 tl 171 4 0 1104 4 to Ml 4 10 1071. 4 to not 40 14 IN 1004 I 110 S40 I 00 1031 I CO 11U 3 15 1177 t 1 Na. II... 41... 7... 34... 11... 11... It... tt... II... It... 37... . II... 31... 31... It... tl... 30... Is 6da2s; greasy. 74dals Id. Victoria, 1,200 bales; scoured, is uvuis 9a; greasy, Is Id. West Australia. 2.4"0 bales; greasy, fcVlia'Is CSd. New Zealand, 4.400 bales; scoured. Is 4d$2a Vtd; greasy, Wills 2d. Cape of Good Hope and 'Natal, loO bales; greasy, 7VV'floHd. BT. LOUIS. May 8. WOOLSteady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, itiQiiac; light fine. i321c; heavy fine, 154jH7c; tub washed. 2V&37C Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 8 METALB The London tin market was higher, with spot closing at l!6s and futures at 188, or about loy l&a above the closing figures of the previous day. Locally the market was quiet, but a little higher, in sympathy with the gains abroad. Spot was quoted at 3U.Xti43.00. Copper was a shade lower in trie Kngllah market, with spot closing at .12 16s and futures at lol 15a. Locally the market was quiet, and some dealers are claiming that it shows a slightly easier tone; lake la quoted at 26.0tX8 26.50, elec trolytic at J24 37V-(i-4,76 and casting at !'.? (, i:.f)). Lead was unchanged at t00 6 15 In the local market and at 19 12a 6d In L.ndon. Spelter was 2s 4.1 lower at 26 17s d In Indin, but remained dull at dVwidfto locally. Iron was still higher In the English market, with standard foun dry quoted at 6Vs 6d and Cleveland war rants at fsrs 6d. Leg ally the market Is re ported firm, with sn advancing tendency; No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at 8?6 25'$ 1 4 3 3 I 4 It 1 I It tl 7 6 14 t I 1 1 4 3..... I I I 1 COWS. .. TIO 3 71 . 4. .. 7M IU .. 734 I W . . 17 I It ..1144 I 10 .. 117 I M ..711 I 56 . .lit I Ti .. mi I it ..111 I to .. 7l 4 04 ..1031 t 10 .. 174 4 It .. ti 4 30 ..1120 4 l ..10OI 4 K 11.. 10!.' 14... II... I. I t it 4 0 I H0 4 00 HEIFKfUf. . 101 3 It It , (,86 I 10 1 . 471 it 1 . tlO 4 st 1 . 400 4 ti M .17 lit BULLS. . TTt t ti I .1U 3 It 1 ,1IM 4 00 I .170 4 0 3 .1710 4 00 C'ALVEB. 147 4 0 i , 1 to ....104 I 30 ,...ltlO I tt .... Mi I tt ....low) 3 ti ....1117 i to ....UM i 10 ,...UI t to ....mi 1 40 ....1141 I 4 ....1124 i 40 .,..1411 i 40 ....Pill i 40 ....1174 t 45 ....1420 I 45 ,...190i I W ....1IHI i M ....1474 i 14 3t 4 38 M IX KOI 4 tt 1140 4 at If,! 4 It 104 4 4 tilt 4 40 1111 t 4 Ill 4 4 Ux-4 4 46 16 4 89 IM 4 ti t4t 4 to lots 4 0 . Ilsi 4 U ....11 4 4t .... 101 4 M ,.,.1010 4 5 .... 171 4 13 ...111 4 71 .... 17 4 U ... 44 4 0 ...14M 4 ...17 4 ti .. .17541 4 t&W. No. 1 foundry southern at 828.'w&50 ' It IS IH 11 4 40 Ut 4 Tl 17S i 00 17 I 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS U4 3 91 111 3 ti M IS lr I It lit 6 16 IAS t t 171 8 6 and No. 3 foundry southern at 8.On4('.i.0O. ST. LOUIS, May 8. M ETALS Lead, dull, 35.92H; spelter, wekk. 36.40. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 6 COTTON Snot closed steady, 16 points higher; middling uplanda. USSc; middling gulf, 12.16c. Sales, Sun hnles. L1VKRPOOL. May 8. COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices 8 points lower; Ameri can middling fair, 7.2d; good middling. 7.2rWI; middling, 72d; low mldd ing, 6.l; g ordinary, 6.72; ordinary. 3.34. The sales of the day were 10. Cm) bales, of which y were for speculation and export, and Included 7,100 American. Receipts, 46,tUl bales. Including 44, Sod American. NfcW ORLEANS, May 8 COTTON Spot rlnaed Arm: aales. 450 bales: low ordinary. tc. nominal; ordinary. 7e, nominal; good ordinary, 8 S-lfic, nominal; low midd log. l"Vc: mldd Ing. llll-loc; good middling, 12S-ltic; middling fair. 13 8-16c, nominal; fair. 14 3-16V-. nominal. Receipts, 4,843 bales. Bt. k, 144. tsg bales. ST 1XUIS. May 8 COTTON Steady ; middling. HHc. No sales; receipts, 1444 balea; shipments, 167 bales; stock, 37,724 bales. lasar Prices Higher. NEW YORK. May 8. All grades of re fined sugar were advanced 10 cents a huudrtd po unds today. 4 11 I. HO I N ... tit t II ... 41 I 10 ... 416 4 tt ... tA i 0 t;t 4 o U 4 44 11. I it tt t... 614 4 41 4ft 4 10 III 4 hi tit la 7t 4 tt 757 4 Tl lit 4 71 HOGS Receipts were substantially the aame as yesterday and ths general Quality of the offerings was nsvr better at this time or th year. Kecelpts at eaetera mar kets fell below th estimates, but the weak neks In provisions and the unsallsfaotory demand for fresb meat were decidedly bearish factors st all points and ths local trade was dull on the basts of a 2Ho decline from yesterday's figures. Some of the more desirable light weights did not show the full decline, while on the other hand tha hravy and packing grades were In some rases more than 2c lower and decidedly unsatisfactory sellers at mat. Tups brought 3d 86. the same as yesterday, but the bulk tf trade waa It fryVr'H today, as asalnst 86 22H4 30 yeeterday. Representative aalss: strong: pigs and lights. MOOfctfjO; packers. 6 (AiiA.4iH; butchers and best heavy, 36 40 (16 5o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 0"0 head; market steady; natlvs muttors, 33.60 6.26; lambs, 80.6014 10.00; culls and buck3, H.OOftt.OO; stockers, 33.5C4j1.25. t. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, May 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,199 head; market steady to 10c lower: natives, M.40tfi, 26; cows ana heifers, $2.26(r400; stockers and feeders, 6J.60tj.5o. HOGS Receipts, 4,7ts) head; market strong to 2Hc higher; top, 3646; bulk of sales, 36. 37H.42H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.217 head; market lower; lambs, 3a.O:04.&; yearlings, 37.00(87 Blnox City Lira Stock Market, BIOl'X CITY. Msy 8. (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900 head; market 10c higher; Blockers, stesdy; beeves, M609 .76; cows, bulls and mixed. 62.60ti4.90: stock ers and feeders, 34.00a 4.5; calves and year lings, 33.4034.60. HOGS Receipts, I.80O head; market steady, selling at 36.20a.80; bulk of sales, 86.22HI0-. Stock la Sight. iRecetpts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday. Cattle. Hog. Bheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . St. Joseph ... ft. Louis Chicago Totals 4,2m0 . 8.7-tO . 2,lu9 . 4,000 .18,0110 . S.tSO 18.000 4,750 10,0u0 24.0U0 4.200 6,6" 3,217 l.Onu It.OiO .87,91 70.360 80,017 He. At. ga. Pr. No. At In. Pr. it lit ... 8 17 tt M0 10 I at It 31 40 t 0 . l lev ... It tf 110 ... t 10 tl I t M I H a It ... ) . 10 .311 ... 3 It it tut ... t to tl t HIS U I' 10 t to tt HI 10 t 14 It VJ ... I N tit IS K tt iT ... SO It s.4 W II tl tsl 4 t to 71 tat - SI t 5 u t ... tsv i ii is 1 r H I I St M st Ill ... r 4 lit ... 8 to M Ml t tr 11 Ut ... IM At a-' . Ilea OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade aad ttnotatloaa oa Staala aad Fancy Prodnee. KGGS Per dos., 15HC. BUTTER Packing etock. 15S16c; choic. to fancy dairy, IKiiOc; creamery, HtjiJo. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; old roosters, 6Vac; turkeys 12c, ducks. He; young roos ters, gee, 8c. FRUITS CALIFORNIA CHER1UE8 Per bog of about 8 lb.. 3100. PINEAPPLES Florida, 42 slse, 8360 per crate; 36 slse. 34.80 per crate; 3U sis. 34.75 per crat. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, 24-quart esses. 82 76v UO. CoOOAN I TS- Per sack of 100, 14.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Lln.onlera, 300slte, 8850; 360 slse, 3o.76: other brands, 5oc less. ORANtJES Mediterranean Sweets, 150 176, DUO, and 260 slsea, 33 61)8,76; Is), 1, 2oH sixes, 33,35: California Navels, extra fanoy, 176, 300, tit. tM stses, 84 60; fancy, 126 slse, 33.60; 160 slse. 34.00; choice, large sixes, per box, 32.7f.'U3 OU. BANANAS Per medlum-elxed bunch, 32."fii'2.26; Jumboes, tl6KuJ.oO. FIGS California, bulk. IV; 3-rrown Turkish, 14c; t-crown Turkish, 11c; 8-crown Turklah. 8c. DATKH Kadaway, 6f4e; sayers, 6c; hal lowls. 6c; nsw stuffed walnut dates. 8-lb. box. 11.00. NEW POTATOES-Per lh., 4o, OIJJ VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table siock. per bu., 70c7J tlx; seed stork. M-1.00. NAV y BEANS per. bu.. 81.76; No. t 1160. " NEW V UiK 1 AUI.IU4. ABPAIRAGUS 76cU1.00 per dug. bunches. BEANS Nsw wag and string, per ham per, 4 00. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per dos. bunches, 46r,60c. CAUHAGfc California, 3C CtLEHY-Florida, - 10-lb erste, 3326; choice, 12 75. ... TOMATOES Florida, fancy, 10-1 b crate. 3. S, choice. 82 71. . O'lONsV-led w yellow, Colorado, per 760 1,460 100 7,750 4.260 1 (00 200 200 LiOO 8.358) a, 100 (,000 1,000 too ....196,031 P. Monroe snd huahand ta ixniise salmon, west 42 ft. lot 3, block 18. Koiintia PI ace Lottie T. Phelps to Anna Richards Part lot 7. block 12. Parker mAA Charles A. Blomberg and wife to John j. ritxgeraia, lot 1, block 6, West End add Joseph Trecek to Jakob Jaiiovsky yum who, ny, 101 iu, Diocg tut), urand V lew Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Joseph Trecek, same James E. Lush et al to Fred H. Lush lot 10, block 35, South Omaha Annie H. Fry to Jonas A. Fry, lot , uiuca jo, naicyon tteignta ToUl Deeds filed for record May 8. 1K07 Thomas 8 Parker to Wiley H. Beck- en, iui , oio;k 1, w. u Bblby'g 1st add.. Bouth Omaha aim Solomon J. Firestone and wife to r.iiae u. men, lot o, Ulllatone Park D. W. Morrow et al. to John P. Peter eon, lot . block J Florence 161 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to inger smith, n lot 16, blook 2, West Side . ' Stanley P. Black and wife to E31a iwtn M. BiacK, w lot 8, block loi Omaha . 1 Elisabeth II. Block to Charles Grue- nlg, same , 1,000 South Omaha Land company to Jos nuuiui.Kl, nji s, . diock an, south ' Omaha 400 Ed Phclan and wifs to John J. Rysn, lot 3, block 6, 1st add. to Fowler Place. South Omaha is Anna M. Yost et al. to Nathan Horn. , uiwr m, vll,ll.ll. S.DW Same to same, part lo-15-13 Llxzle Helvey and husband to Anna M. McBrjdo, lot 11, block . McGa ock at O'KeefTe's add.. South Omana 1,700 Jacob Planner and wlfs to James Conley, lot 17, block 3, Albrights Annex, South Omaha .....a.. 130 Highland Rialty company to James JT Fitxgerald. lot 21,. block 1, Al bright s Annex, South Omaha Peter J. Faxrell and wife to Patrick J. Lomaham, lot 11, block 112, Svuth Omaha 1,000 J. H. Trennery to James J. Fitx gerald. lot 16, block 1, Harris et pal. terson s Annex, South Omaha 100 Hannah Goodman and husband to Augutrt Miller and wife, ej lot 8, block 364. South Omaha 2M E. S. Marston and wife to Wallace A. Htldrelh. et al., lots I and 8, block 2, Perkonai' subdlv 5,000 Arthur Eaxt to Surah E. Harris, let 10, Uock 4, sulllock 3o, Al bright's Choice, South Omalia 1,060 Sarah E. Bt, Clair and husband to Clarence H. Jones, lot 8, block 146, South Omaha (50 BesjamJn S. Baker and wlfs to Louie Schwer et al., lot 2, Burton's subdlv., South Omaha 2B Virginia (Irace Dyba.ll and husband to Hattle L. Kuhit, lot 15, block 8, bhulls 3d add 1,200 D. V. Sholes company to Blanche F. Smith, lot 13, block 3, Dennian Place 27B Alexander M. Ferrie to Patrick C Corrlgan, lot 4, block 16. Omr.ha....- 8,250 Mary M. Crajie ard hunband to Mary Ethel Siringberg, lot a. block 4, Oinaha view I John Serrll et al. to Samuel A. War ren and wife, lots lb snd U, block ' 8. MiHlavork & CKeeffea add.. South Omaha 1.800 H. G. Madden to William P. Warner. lots 17 snd 13. block fcV. rmndoe place 1.10 Bird Colwell Conrad and hustiarwl to Irving Smith, part tut IX Barker's Alloimont 1 Same to same, same 3fi0 The Franklin Realty company to Frederick H Coegrov and wife, lot 3. A. P. Tusey s repiavi nioca , ' Bemls Park - Dotal.... eev 1.000 tW.kO