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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
TUB CmAIIA DAILY BEE: TTTUESDAY, MAY 2, 100T. M T OUR GREATEST SALE s 1 women's PAGHIONAQLE Spring Coats i AT 5 ml S5 $ B 0 These are the very smartest samples and the entire excess stocks of two manufacturers of High Class Jackets. A backward season kept those manufacturer! from selling the coals when they wan tod to. They soldi to us way below cost simply because they had to. They needed the money. This la how we can Bell you at about halt the price you'd expect to pay. If you've seen these coats In the window you'll see what big bar gains these are. Every ooat U splendidly made you couldn't find a bigger range of style. ' g Silk Etons-Sllk Pontes Box Coats Long Silk Coats t Three Button Cutaways i Novelty Hons Prince Chaps Swagger light Stripe Coats titled Reefers Auto Coats and every correct stunning epring nov elty made in very latest 1907 ideas and showing all the favorite Epring fabrics. $ ! I H n s 5 2 3- 98 These lackets are actually worth up to SI5.tO Buy Now During Our Great I Sale of Women's Sample Skirts s 3 HI B) i I Every skirt is a sample and all are high grade, up-to-date and specially well tailored. Made of newest and most desirable of the late spring patterns in waists, suitings, etc. second floor, cloak department worth up to $15.00, at $39j.$49J.fl50and $g50 Thursday's Special in Muslin Underwear COMPLETE DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. A daintily trimmed lot of women's gowns, petti- f flftf coats and ohemises very well made and extra Ltj D special at, each tf'mJ mm Women's Charming s BWHf TY WW A 9 El a 5 CITKlfyUr OA 1 O Several hundred up-to-date new hats just brought forward from our own design ing rooms. All are in the latest colors and newest and most becoming styles, trimmed with imported ribbons, flowers and ornaments hats that would cost $10.00 elsewhere m a -hats that would cost jp 00 " BBBQ9BHBn w 1 L, T. .sat, HVt DOLLAR shoe MAN Tha man who Is i n the habit of putting five dollars Into a pair of hoes ba llerina that five dollars little ensugh end not too much for good shoes - should ooma here the next time he wants a pair of shoes and get the best pair of shoes for five dollars he ever bought best leath er beetstyle best olerlts to fit them on, which Is very essential In shoe buying. These are strictly hand made, first selected leather, uppers and sole stock and will outwear two ordinary kind, holding their shape un til worn out Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. IIILLEHS WHISKIES V The Brands That Are Pure TTitntu "nmijQQoa'0' Am HILLER'S WHISKIES Full quarts, 80c, $1.00, $1.25 UILLEU'8 FIXE WINES 35c, 80c, 75c BEST FOR HOME USE Ask the Doctor II It Coir Frem II BTnsI Be HUER'S 1309 Farnam St., Omaha ,'e Ship 4 Quarts Prepaid Frompt City Delivery HJ UNTRIMMED HATS AT 50c I 50c I All colors, new, up-to-date shapes in mil an and b chip-7-in our economy millinery department, n main' floor, at , I ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES 39c I WORTH UP TO $1 YARD H Linen shade batiste also plain white and black and white nainsook maay styles including English eyelet, blind and shadow effects, dots and figures very good T J styles for making your new waiata, worth up VU(p to $1 a yard -a, big bargain at, yard & 'J cJJ 3 n I II M A SPECIAL SALE OF NEWEST STYLES 5 ELBOW LENGTH SM GLOVES ' The correct shades of brown, tan and black all high quality g silk and very fashionable this season Three very special X g, values in our glove section J 1 SO 1 1 Tha stock and Individual styles, with charr. tw, In the many laata of WALK-OVER SHOES AfID OXFORDS this nal dr In proT thla Una tlon to ba tha Interna,' OMAH. WEATHER FORECAST Thursday: Tslr. I LONG LISLE GMVESMSSSi: and all colors. These gloves are our own importation and are specially good quality. Thursday Tf O two specials at JJC OJC T. . , MftT Mt AT THC FOUKTAIN x. . , Thrdy Is tmmrmr-m - Thursday Ii ChocsUte Dvy xVfEETLAUD Wl miiuMV ChoesUte Da.y DAY The VENETIAN KIND (REGULAR 40o LD. CHOCOLATES) i S5y3 and $4 iraauu Examine them, ycra ara a walcoma ruttat at tha Walk-Over Shoe Store till FA1NAM ST1EET ED. B. THOMPSON, The walk-Over Man. MAY 1 MEANS CLEAN HOUSE We've bean taltlny soma lately about thla, but you don't e our ads every day and we muat not mine yon, ao we keep on hammering away about how much we ran help you at thla time of year with ail the klnda or eleanera we nare. Just call ua up en your 'phone and aak ua about them, getting prloea, etc, and remember, we deliver to your door with out charge. If you find any bora any kind una Bure Death and tiiat aeitlea them for all time. It cornea In 4 alaea, and It la too cheap to be without. Pinta 16c; quarts 26c; h&lf-gallon 60c; gallon 90c and a long spout oil can free to use It with. Cut Prices are our long suit we atarted cut rates In Omaha, you know, from choloe not 'eanaa soma one else Aid and we rive you hack your change wlthoat wait laf far yon to aak for It aeel Schaefer's Cu Drug Stores Omaka Cor. 16th and Douglas 6 la.: ltth and Chicago ta. Sooth Omaha N. W. Cor. tth and N Bte. OonnoO aUuffa 6th Ave. and Main Bta. Tha drugglata who don't have to subitum. BAILEY . MACH . DENTISTS Thirst Flosr, PsxUa DUek IIihet Cre Dentistry. The Twentieth Century Parmer Watch this Space for Prices on Silk Suits and Demi-Costumes On Display irt 16th St Windows On Sale Friday REMNANT THIIRSMY it Three Great Shoe Specials Women's Chocolate Kid Oxfords, champagne tops, all sizes, D and E, 2H to 7, regular price $2.50, our price Thursday, Afl per pair I, JO N-fy' w a 0VOV VU JU M civ's Union Mixde Velour Calf 01 Oun Metal Blucher Shoes Coolest black leather made, regular price $3.00, our price Thursday, per pair Gilt-Edge Shoe Dressing, 2 5 o size for. . . . 1 0f Bhlnola Polish, 10c size Boys' Tri wear Calf Shoes, Blucher style, good stout soles, regular price $1.75, Thursday, a pair A About 1,000 Remnants of Silks, every kind black or colors, at SILKS One-Half Marked Prices BARflAIN SQUARE. WASH GOODS REMNANTS Thousands of yards of High Class Wash Goods at Less Than CO cents on the dollar lengths suitable for whole gowns, or waists Just as you want them, and as many too. LESS THAN HALF PRICE Several thousand yards of those beautiful Silk and Cotton Sheer Wash Fabrics, that sell for BOo and 69c, designs exquisite, handsome floral designs, apple blossoms, magnificent plaid ef fects, Thursday, yard....29 30-ln. Foulards, swell new de signs, very firm, soft, mercer ized cloth, dark or light grounds, look like silk de signs, exactly the same, many thousand lengths, from 2 to 15 yards, yard, at X4 Entirely New Dress Goods Remnants Several thousand pieces of elegant new Wool Suitings, lengths 4 to 10 yards, Includ ing best suiting effects, light or dark styles, rich grey effects, with overplalds of brown, elegant black and white checks; many stripes also Included, worth up to 75c, Thursday, yard 25 C Beautiful Embroidered or Checked Wool Ba tistes, elegant for summer dresses or for children's waists rich plaid effects, swell for women's morning dresses, light grounds witn elegant dainty colored checks or larger overplalds proper weight for this time of the year, worth 50c per yard, for, yard 29 Domestics 1,000 Remnants of Domestics. Sheeting, 86 Inches wide 44 Percales, worth 10c and 12 c ... .4 Denims, worth 15c, for 4 Double width Sheet ing 4t Silkolines, worth 15c, at 4k Ginghams, worth 10c, 4 Remnants of Prints, light or dark lengths from 2 Vg yards to 12 yards. on sale Thursday, at WOMEN'S TAILOR. MADE SUIT FLYER. $39.60 Fine Tailored Suits, Thursday only, $29.60 Styles are too many to describe, all are the lat est crea tions, In cluding i button Cut away, Thursday, only, for- 9 j; iT . 1 1 Lawn SaJe for Thursday $1.50 Lawn Waists for G9c Some with embroidered fronts; others Val lace trimmed, Thurs day for 69c Linen and White Goods Remnants At a decided reduction. If the lengths suit, we have no doubt but the prices are all right. Everything carefully gone over and marked specially low for Remnant Thursday. Remnants of India Lin on, yard, up from 5 Remnants of Long Cloth, yard, up from QH Remnants of Nainsook, yard, up from GH Remnants of Crash Toweling, yd., up from 4 Remnants of Table Damask, yd., up from 15 All In usoful lengths. No cheap ends, but first class merchandise, marked cheap, SZ5JS252T Stocks ot Mmes. Patlie and Darnell On Sale rjfjf Thursday See Ad on Page h llil JLjIVS THE RELIABLE STORE On Sale Thursday SecAdon Page h "Thore'a no higher art than the Improvement of food." Beecher. Bennett's Big Grocery Thursday's Money lav. Ug- List. Coffaas Koaatad I! vary Day. AU Day, 2,000 Z-lb. cans Ben nett's Breakfast Cof fee (not more than 8 cana to a customer), can 48a And sixty green trad ing stamps. Tea B. F. Japan, Oo long, Gunpowder, Eng lish Breakfast, lb. 48o And forty green trad ing stamps. Pepper, pure, 14 -lb. caa fr V 100 And five gram trading stamps. Patna Rloe.i id 10c And Twen ty Green Trading Stamps. Baylea Horse Radish Mustard, jar . ..loo And Five Green Trad ing S lamps. Boiled Oats. 10 lba. IBo Butavla Corn Starch, 1b.- pkg aa And Ten Green Trad ln Stamps. Batavla Gloaa Starch, I- lb. pkg Zio And thirty Green Trad lnc (Stamps. Batavla Glosa Starch, 6- 1b. box 4 no And Fifty Green Trad ing Stamps. Bennett'a Capitol Flour. small sack too And Forty Green Trad ing Stamps. Table Layer Raisins, fancy, lb Zoo And thirty Green Trad ing Stumpa. Worcester Salt, sack lOo And Ten Green Trad ing Stamps. Corn, can 4o bunt-d Hoana, cttn....n Tomatoes, can Bo Flower and vegetable Seeds, per Pkg 1C Broken Klce. lb So Snlder's Baked Beans. small can loo And Five Oreen Trad ing Stamps. Snider s Baked Beans, medium can 16o And Ten Green Trad ing Stamps. , Snlder's Baked Beans, large can lOo And Twenty Green Trading Stainpa. Blood of Grape Juice, bottle ZThj And Ten Green Trad ing Stainpa. Blood of Grape Juice, Iuart bottle sOo nd Twenty Green 'ttlng Stamps $30 to $35 Tailor Suits, $19.50 Over 200 fine Tailor Suits In panamas and fancy mixed materials, very latest styles, Including cutaway, blouse and pony effects. Remark able bargains at, sale price $19.50 ELBGANT 8AMFLE SUITS. Regular $36.00 value and upward, now on sale at 33 Discount from regular prices. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS AT HAIJ The entire surplus stock of a well known man ufacturer. $5.00 Coats In great variety of fancy mixtures, checks, stripes and plaids, very latest style, at $2.50 $10.00 Covert Coats In pony and tight fitting styles, on sale Thursday at $4.05 920.00 SILK JUMPER SUITS, $12.80. Handsome Silk Suits, with full pleated skirts, all newest shades , $12.50 Women's $6.00 Jap and Net Waists at $2.50 $10.00 and $12.00 Cravenette Coats, Thursday at $4.08 $2.00 Heatherbloom Underskirts, Thursday Q8 Special Millinery Bargains Our "Dlstlnfrnlshed" Trimmed Hat at With 100 beautiful Trimmed Hats added from our high class stock, worth to $10, special Thursday at $5.00 NEW TRIMMED IIAT8. Worth to $7.00; 200 Just received, special Thursday, while they last, at $3.50 TRIMMED IIATS AT 1.98. Over 100 to select from, the best bargain we have ever offered, at,' choice $1.03 8c FLOWERS THURSDAY, 10c A splendid assortment of flowers, aJl new clean goods, worth to 39c, special Thurs day at 104 Extra Specials for Thursday 8:80 a. m. We will place one bale of Buch Head Unbleached Extra heavy Muslin, regular price 8 He as long as it lasts, at, yard 6& 0:80 a, m. We will place 60 dozen Turkish Towels, the 19c grade, extra large, and extra heavy, not over four pair to a customer, at, each. . . 8 10:80 a. m. We will place one case of- 4 2-inch extra heavy German Blues, the regular 12 He grade, not over 10 yards to a customer, at, per yard ...G 1:80 p. m We will place 100 bolts of English Long Cloth, regular 16c goods, only one bolt of 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard 7H 2:30 p. m. -We will place one case ot extra fine Dress Gingham, 10 to 20 yards In a piece, regular 12 He goods, as long as they last at, yard 54 8:80 p. in. We will place 86-inch Bleached Muslin, same grade as Hope, regular price 10 He, our price, as long as it lasts, at, yard 7&' 4:80 p. n. We will place one case of Turkey Red Table Damask, regular 36c grade, as long as It lasts, at, per yard 15 Several other specials during the day. Iligh Grade Wool Dress Goods Dept. Skirts Made F., Investigate. All our Spring Novelties from $1.00 a yard up, will be made free of charge, every skirt guaranteed to fit or money refunded. Big Cut Price Salelic-2ic and Sc 6c Rolls Wall Paper, each 2c Sure Catch Mouse Traps, woith 6c, each lHc 6c pkgs. Hardwood Toothpicks. . .IHc 5c New Vegetable Brushes, only... 2c Large 6c pkgs. Carpet TaCks, only 2 He Large 6c Base Balls, each 2 He 10c Whisk Brooms, each 5o 10c Curtain Poles, extension, each 6c Fancy Biscuit or Doughnut Cutters 2a Large Tin Drinking Cups, each....2oy 111U WAUK HALE. . 4-qt Pudding Pans, only 10a Large Enameled Dish Pans, each.. Ho Extra Large 17-qt. Enameled Dish -Pan 25o Cut price sale on Paints, Jap-A-Lac, eta. Grocery Department Haydens the Greatest Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Market In the West. 22 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar .' $1.00 12 bars Best Laundry Soap 25c 10 pounds best White or Yellow Corn Meal 10c Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg 5c Egg-o-See, pkg 6c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.. 9c The Best Soda Crackers, per pound . 6c The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound 6c Purina Pancake Flour, per pkg.... 5c Mince Meat, per pkg 5c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg 7Hc BIG TOMATO TLANT SALE THURSDAY. Fancy large, strong, healthy Tomato Plants, for this sale only, per doz.6o Fancy assorted Pansies, In bloom, 3 for 10c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET PRICES Fancy Fresh Wax or String Beans, per pound 10a Fancy Home Grown Spinach, per peck 16a 6 bunches Fresh Home Grown Onion for 6a 2 bunches Fresh Radishes 6a 2 bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce. .... 5a Fresh Cucumbers, each 60 4 bunches Fresh Pie Plant 60 Fancy White Texas Onions, per lb. 4a Fancy New Cabbage, per lb. 8 Ho Fancy Lste Red Cranberries, per qt.Ea Fancy Fard Dates, per lb 7 Ho Fancy 6-crown Imported Figs, per pound , 10o Fancy Ripe Tomatoos, per pound. 12 Ho If you need anything in harness don't fail to get our prices. The largest and most complete harness department la the west. m HfLYDENS' FJM DR. DRADDURY, Dontict, IWX.,,.. 18041 FARNAM 8T OMAHA. PIvm Douglas 1788 BxtMCtJn . f """ V We make a spedalt PoroaUtn Fffls..$l up f ? nttl sad roofless) Crown 82JWn VVx "N pi PainKws work fas Bridf Werk.fa.fiO nf HJj YSYY)J P-lonfc Wor PIMM 2.00 up I 1 I I T raaranud lOfMn. is tho season of the year when the parks are at their best. You should take ad vantage of these balmy days and take a car ride to either Hanscom or River view and spend a few hours with Damo Nature Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. 1 m A GOOD TIME may ba expected to all who buy our clocks. We are allowing aome handsome ones this aeaaon ranglns around $6 00, $ Oi) and $10.90. Then we have small ones for the dtsk, dresser and alerplna; room Tannins' around 1.U0 to $0.00. 1ak for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1610 Douglas Street. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Hill situates For ' t . t. n a"- a 1 nal i aokaV I Certain Curs It TVed, H1. A a F5- yMXi)KXXJ i i Baavokeai Un ftU.