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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TITUKSDAY, MAY 2. 1007. u ' 5 Hi i 'ft. 'ft i 1 ft IE I t ; V t (1- i 4 I OFFERED FOR RENT eel Rnoma CatlMvd. LAROFJ front room, all modern: reasonable. 6l No. 23.1 Bt. 6 717 o NICETT furnished room. new. modern hnuM on Park Avr., near leaven worth, arrlctly private famllv gentlemen re ferred. 'Phone Harney 716. (15-H1 Infaralelied Rooms. CENTRA I., modern, X desirable room, bath and hail, to good tenant. 120 N 2M. tloi-M468 TWO rooms. 11 N. 17th Bt. (15) W Hnmrkreplat Roams. TWO nicely furnished front roonia, com plete for light housekeeping. HjlK Davenport- UM-MM M3x MOl'SEICfiEPING rooms. 8il H lt h. 1S M2&8 My16x HOL'SBKEEPINO rooms, Bt. Inquire 2d floor. . 1912 Podge (16) iM443 4x TWO nicely furnlahed roomi for light housekeeping. 415 N. 23d Bt. (15) 64S 5 ri OR 8 MODERN houaekeeplng roomi, walking distance; also 7-room cottage. 44 Hurt St. (15) M657 (X Apartnaeate and Flats. FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, Jl Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe lnd and Investment Co., 1S22 Kar nam St- (161-MJU FOR RENT Modern i-room flat. 1810 Chi cago 8t. (15) wa lx FIVE-ROOM modern flat, corner 24th and Hamilton St., vacivnt May S. F. D. Wead, 154 Douglaa Bt. (16)-648 2 Houses aad Cottages. OMAHA Van 4 Storage Co. pack, move, tore H. H. goods; storehouse 11-20-24 N. llh. Office 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1&9. " ' (16J li)7 HflTT'iPJ In all parts of the city. R. . UUUOIiO c peters ft Co., Bee Bldg. (lfi l&s WE IX) rpert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1U6. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1113 Farnam. (1)-16 BEE ua when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. KXPREbSMKN DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas 119&. (15) 163 VtE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 14V6. Office 1713 Webster Bt. (15)-10 TO RENT A modern 8-room house, prac tically new, corner 40th and Ijifayette Ave.; $ per month. Apply to Dr. H. M McClanahan, 1313 N. 40th Bt. (15)-436 TTnTTtTR'S ' all parts of the city. The HUUOjO o. F. Davla CO.. Bee Bldg. , (15) 161 FOR RENT. Nine-room, modern house, new furnace, north part of city, $75. C. M. BACHMANN, 43 rax ton Block. (lfi)-678. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (161-163 208 NORTH Z3D, new brick, $46. (15) M664 2704 FAKNAiM, 11-room modern brick house, k , tit; to private family only. Warren M. A Rogers, 2708 Parniun. (15) 89 t ROOMS, modern. 8627 Charles, $27.60; newly papered. Tel. 1. 673. B. H. Kobl-on- - (15)-21 FOR RENT-Ms,y 1. 10-room house, mod em; una location. Inquire at 641 Park Are. (U) ss4 My tx UNDQUAUED, central, all modern 7-room bouM, Aiipiy Tixara, zm r. ua. (l)--ai551 FOR RENT Nice 8-room house, opposite k- Hansoom park, $34. lnone uougiaa (16) 898 ) i i ... ; - t . urn naun. uv. JD ruirifiiTiuu av. yio) m ix HOUSE, TU N. $34 St.: rooms, gas and bath; iur nrst ooor norxn. FOR RENT Modern brick house, 1134 and 112$ 8, 31st St.; In first-class repair; nice yard; low rent to desirable tenants who will sign lease for one year. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 New York Ufa dj- g-ROOM, modern, vary choice, -8187 Daven- 4-Room. part" modern. 8S8 R 284 St., $10. Rt'SSEUU & M KITRICK CO., 43Z-S4 Rauige Bldg. 15th and Harney St a. (16) 635 1 A SNAP - A nice srven-room, strictly modem house, within walking distance. In excellent neighborhood. Close to Farnam ' and Leavenworth car limes. $30 per month. Inquire CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 'Phone Red 1107. 1201 Farnam SL (16) 715 1 TO RENT 8-room modern house, Hanscom Park district. Call on J. C. Selden, 40 8. 10th. (16 Mt7( I J877 Wirt St., 4-r.. full lot, $11. 1&J4 Franklin, 7-r. modern Ex. furnaoe, $26. " TURRELL Sk CO., Room M, Patterson Bldg. (16) M7I $ Balldlngta. FOR RENT Germanla Hall or Bijou Theater building, 1813 to 181$ Harney; . siorvs, omwi ana ineaier; on long lease, N. P Dodge Co., 1714 Farnam. (16WS4 1311 HARNEY 8T.-4 floors and basement. 33x130 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc- Cague lnveatment Co., 150 Dodge Bt. ' C16)-4M THE entire building now occupied by the - Dally News, 44x80 feet, 8 stories and baae- ment. McCague Investment 'Co., 150$ Douge Bt. (l) ' . t Ofllaes. iMlQ aSSa m nM,,rit M ... ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 1M s'. Uth ei., opposite city nail, inquire building. (1) 1 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES ' IN RAMOD BCILDINO. APPl.V Ti TV O Unif 1M 1SI7 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOCOLA8 M. 06 MM THREE offices, with north light, in Con- nrrvauve DUIiaing at 1S14 Harney Bt. Hatlnga 4k Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. U5 M474 f JXR RRNT Deak room In Bee offloe, city V. Jall building. 417 N. 25th St.. South Oaiaha. Apply to manager. (16) 134 ROOM 4. Continental block, and large re ception room: very suitable for deutlst's Or doctor s office ; tower windows, Robt H beunett. Ager.t, Room 11. Continental - .j. (U-nn Stares. ( FOR RENT The beat locatel corner store in Omaha. Farnam and pith Sts., Uoar-1 of 1 rade Bldg. (e p. H. Phllbln, nonius ( Hotel. (ii)-167 7u 8. 17th. Bt . $8 00 per month Ims) Farnam St., $12 per month. 24 Farnam St., $o) per month. N. P. DODGE CO.. 1714 FARNAM ST. (15) lis ftTOKFl ROOM. Paxton .blk. 1101 N. 18th. $30. Bern a (lt-ti CHOICE otora room In new building, good else, also basement. 14J0 Howard. $Jo. Rl.SJUL A M KI I'KICK CO, 4U-44 Kamage Bldg. Uth and Harney Bt. 1 ' US4 1 OFFERED FOR SALE raaclag. ANCHOR aad Iron fencing; wire fencing tc par. fOV i N. 17th Su Tel. Red M4. (16 170 OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) 2D-HAND furniture housrht and sold; busi ness art the squsre. Rosnterg Co., fcr nierlr with Chicago Furn. Co., 109 8 Hill. D. W. 16 MM8 MyU FOR SALF-Furnlture of 4-room apart ment, cheap. Zi S. V1 St., fat I (Isi-MSTs tx riaana, Orgaas, Meelral Inatrameata. FOR BALE Good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrifice. Appiy 2413 Hamilton. (16) 171 PIANO Square,, $10; 50 cents weekly. Per field Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Bt. (16) M1M IPRIUHT piano, $75. 2211 California. (IS) 2i May2x J. W. PETFER slide trombone, silver plated, gold-plated horn. In stile leather case, used six weeks, cost new 174, will sell for $40 cash. N. lth 8t. lti)-636 M6x Greatest Piano Bargains in Omaha. 3a UPRIGHT PIANOS, io TO $125. Wgtier upright, dark walnut case I 50 Kimball upright, ehoraxed case 66 New England upright, rosewood case.... 76 Kimball upright, walnut case $5 lm upright, ebnnlxed fire 115 Chlrkeung upright, rosewood case 126 Bmllh & Harnes upright, oak case 156 Opera upright, oak case 175 J. C. Fisher upright, burl walnut case.. a Ivers Pond upright, burl walnut case. 2J6 STEINWAT, VOSE, EMERSON, HAL LET A DAVIS and other square pianos, IIS. $6, 335 and up. Mason A llumlln, Kimball, Eatey and other organ, $10, $15. I J) and up. Terms to suit convenience or purchaser. Please take not Ire. every Inst.mmant Is fully guaranteed. Money refunded If not satis factory. We rent new pianos from $3 up ward; also move, store, tune and repair In struments of all mnkea Call or write at once If you wish to obtain choice of bar gains. N. B. The publlo I cordially Invited to attend our next Pianola and long recital, next Wednesday afternoon, May 1, 1:30. Admission free. SCI1M0LLER & MUELLER, PIANO CO.. Tel. DougJas 16J&. 1311-1311 Farnam St. tie) ns Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Biuns wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. (16) M681 Typewriter and ferrlne; "Machines. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 8, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bee Office. (l)-629x A PRACTICALLY new Densmore, at i very low price. 803 Bee building. 0) M731 8x Miscellaneous. MY RECIPE for cleaning wall paper costs 6c per room to clean paper. Send one dollar for recipe. Address, V. W. Price, Plattsmouth. Neb. (16)-M606 8x FOR BALE First-class atore fixtures showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., 1U3 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (16) M419 BILIjARD table. 4 balls and cues: every thing complete cheap. 'Phone Harney Wii. (1)-617 30X BEFORE buying your coupon books call up Independent ice Co. and get our rates, Tel. Red 62(4). (16-M10 M5x AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug. 8M and our representative Kill call. omana rent ana Awning co. (ia 172 FEW bargains In 3d-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght, in 8 Fa mm a& 173 SEND ua your mall orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 Drug Co., Omaha lot. Merg-Dillon (16)-175 A FEW ice "boxes for sale at your own price, mi in. lzin Bt. (IB) MJ Mli FOR SALE Auatrallan Wonder a grass seed perfectly hardy In every respect, grows where bluegrass fulls. Perfect velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller. P. O. box 81L Denver, Colo. (18) M907 10 FOR BALE Men's and women's ready-to- wear eiotning- new stock Juat received. One dollar will be credited to your ac count on a purchase of $10 or more If this advertisement Is presented. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1620 Dodge. (16)-M421 M18 Butchers' refrigerators on hand. 1106 Doug. (IB) M 163 M3X HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. (1$)-174 FOR SALE A Hospe Co. certificate to appiy on purchase or piano. Address P 231, Bee. (16) M782 8 Aauarium Made of Iron, about 1 feet high and I feet long, caving a wicitn or e to 12 inches; has a plate-glass front with reflector In rear; would make a handsome ornament for window display or In the home. Call at business office of The Bee and ask to see It. (16) 836 FOR SALE All the leading periodicals published. Foreolgn publications a spe cialty. Birthday, wedding and souvenir post cards. Subscriptions received for all periodicals published. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. SCHULTZE A BLATTERT, News Dealers and Stationers, 111 S. 15th St. (1B)-M333 MJ SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman dc McConnell Drug Co. (16) 176 MILLET SEED A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th, (16) 178 ONE three-quarter folding bed, one leather divan, both good ana la good oruer. Aa dress P-347, Bee. (1$)-M21 ix OAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnish estimates. If you are going to build, write for catalogue. BURGESS -GRANDEN CO., SU B. 16th. 'Phone Doug. 68L (18) 178 FOR BAIKJ Australian Wonder a grass aed perfectly hardy In every respect, grows where blue grass falls: perfect velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 80 cents per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O. Box 841, Denver, Colo. (18) Md 10 OARDEN and field seeds, fruit packagea bee keepers' supplies. Younkerman Seed Co., Council BlufTa. la. (1) 288 CHOICE CtTtRANT PLANTS for Sale. B. C. Smith. 8108 Corby St- (16) 100 Mix Bosley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having two Indexed filing cases; an ornamental and useful of fice fixture, at a bargain. See Wright, at The Bee business office. (16) 331 TO BUY or sell any business-or property call on Oanstad. 403 Bee Bldg. (16) M151 TREES, shrubs, roses. Hasel Dell Nur sery, 24th and Pinkney. Tel. Web. iM. (16) 111 Jl HOME-MADE ORAPB WINE, 10 YEARS OLD, $1 PFR OALI.ON. CACKLE? BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. (16-S41 Julyl6 FOR SALE V0 will buy my $.100 gasoline launch; speak quick. B. S. Elliott. Council Blurts, la (1)-M24t Mylx FOR SALE Three hydraulic ' chairs, com bination caae, electric maasage machine and haater; everything good as new. Call at 116 North 16th St. (lb) M2b6 Mix FOR SALE Two sets blacksmith tools. -Including 6-horsa power Vtr gasoline en gine, emery stand, two blowers, shafting, hangers and belting; also one set wood working tools. C. C. Armstrong, 810 Fifth Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (16) MJS1 Mix FIRST-ClJUiS ORAPE8, 1c; cherries. 25c; raspbvrrtea. lc; applei, 10c: evergreens, so; seeds snd bulbs reasonable. Catalogue free. Cyrua Harvey, Altoona, la (16)M64 Tx The test of tests is "Results." Answers that don't bring? results arc worthless. Thousands testify Results come from Bee want-ads. OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsrellaneoua ;'oatlnaed. FOR BALE 26-volume set Mark Twain, Hlllorest edition, absolutely new. Address O 2l:t. care Be. (IS) MSOJ 2x nr n A TJT Tires 2T.P and up. E. E. Ixu- rence. 27u Leavenworth St. (16) SO M36 FOR RALE Frame portion of building No 724 So. 19th Bt., to be moved or torn down at once. Apply Milton Rogers & Sons Co. (lti)-048 FOR SALE Base burner, Palaoe Regal. No. 40. A No. 1 condition. Call evenings. 2610 Reea St. (16)-84 2x FOR SALE 100 loade of fine rotted manure. Inquire 1118 S. 41st. 'Phone Harney una. (14) S3 3x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine dealgner. t'axton liik. lei. ilea 7117. (17) 738 MylO LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 180 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 8. 11th St. Tel. Doug. ZM. (18) 181 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge (18) 182 Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 611 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 188 PI FAXINX Buttons, Rushing, I LUn i 1HJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink. Ing only 6c per yard. Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEAT I NO CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. (15) 181 8BWINO machines rented, any make, 75c per week or $2 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, $6 and tip. Nebraska Cycle Co., Uth and Harney. (18) 184 f A til A DF, Swedish movement. 618 0.8) M191 M3 f A flNn.TTPtreatment n(1 bath. Mme. iUAUiliJ..I.LBmi,h n8 N- mh 2d floor. (18) lo PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME) Mrs. Dr. King, ISaO N. 24th St. Tel. Dong. SV9. (18) 643 FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. (18) M840 Mil WESTERN COLLEGE of Piano Tuning, Lincoln, Neb.; backed by leading piano men of Milwaukee and Chicago, with a capital of $100,000, offers young men, with determination a chance to learn this big paying profession at extremely low rates In ortrer to advertise our school In this section. Applicants must be over 16 years of age, of clean appearance, good habits and honest. We place student as soon aa finished with excellent chances of pro motion. (IS) M3S6 Mix IF PARENTS of Mildred W.. In Los An geles, will answer this adv. will learn something of great Importance. Address W 248, care The Bee, Omaha, Neb. (18) MOT 7s RUPTURE CUREDNO knife, no deten tion from buslneas. QUICK CURE RUPTURE- CO., over B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (18) Mtift8 M31 MR. C. C. BUMP, Council Bluffs. Ia.: Send your address to photographer. C 219, Bee. (18)-M735 2x CAN USE some good vaudeville acts; state all in first letter. We open May 9 under canvas. H. Leslie Smith Co., Wymore, Neb. (18) M720 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALER!, RUSSELL A M KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. (ID) 60 W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 112. (18)-68l BEARS, 621 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. Red 817. (1)-681 PAYNE 1NV. CO., 1st fir. 1781. N. Y. L. Doug. (18) 683 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. M First Nat l bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 723. (19) 640 GEORGE 1801. Farnam. ar COMPANY, i Tel. Douglas 756. (1)-7H B, C. PETERS, Bee Bldg. (18) 718 CITY PROPERTY FOR t ALB, BENSON , 8-room cottage, nearly new; room for three more rooms upstairs. Two fine 60 feet east front lots, on the corner and car line. Shade and fruit Price $3,880. Make an offer. Keystone Park 1H to 10-acre racts. We can show you this any time. Prices $175 to $375 per acre, a V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 48. (19)-704 tx ONLY $4,000 28th and Cass, 8. W. corner, new, large 7-room and reception hall, modern, fur nace, best plumbing, full cmsntd base ment; first floor quarter sawed oak; sec ond, bard pine. Immediate poseesslon. $l,5o0 cash needed. Key at our offloe. RYLANDER & SIMONSON, 101-303 N. Y. Ufa. Sole Agenta (1 M724 S SPECIAL Kountse Place home, eight large room, modern except furnace, house In good condition; full 'lot, facing park; perma nent walks and shade trera; three blocks to car; good surroundings and sure to Increase In value; nothing better for the money; must be soid; easy terma WRIGHT & LASBURY Tel. Douglas 151. 504 8 14th Bt (19) 625 I FRAME HOUSE TO BE MOVED. Bite, JfcxK two stories, modern, located at N. E. Corner kxh and Leavenworth Sts. Must be moved at once. Apply Milton Rogers 4k Sons Co., 14th and Farnam Bte. (19)-M744 WANTED TO 8 ELI Barn, In rear of S511 Harney street. S 8. Caldwell, 2i4) S. Uth St. Phone Douglas : U M77 4x HOl'BES FOR SALE Also fine lot In N. part of cltv; pne-e right; easv terms. Call Doug. 64 or Doug. $7. Offlcs. 3330 N. lh, O. U. UNDERHILL A CO. (19) 77 Mil REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKRTV FOR SALE (Continued.) x SUNNY CORNER EAST AND SOUTH FRONT Here Is a property that will ult almost any one. It Is a beautiful corner with several large maple shade trees, fruit trees, fine shrubbery, cement walks, cosy little barn. The house has a large porch, seven splendid rooms, mantle and grate, hard oil finish, nice floors, good furnace, soft water; an ideal home through out; lot 60x130 feet, two blocks from car. We will show this to you any time between sun rise and dark. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) M6D0 4023 DODGE ST. Nine-room house, finished In oak down stairs; four good rooms; corner lot, 75x135; house needs some repairs, but Is cheap at $3,660. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Douglas 297. 212 8. 14th SL (1 M746 1 HOMES ON EASY TERMS New cottage, 2S08 Ruggles St; modern except furnace; south front; 6 rooms; lot 40x124; will be ready to move Into In a few days; easy terms. $2,300. Choice cottage home; fruit and shade trees; large lot; 454K Seward St. Close to car. Owner Is expecting to leave the city and offers his home at a bargain. $1,500. Terms arranged to suit your pocket. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doaa 2151. Board of Trade. (19) M738 8 ANOTHER BARGAIN WALNUT HILL, S3, 200 We offer for the first time a splendid bar gain In a 7-room, entirely modern house. one block from Walnut Hill car, on Franklin St., south-front, 60x150 ft. House has full basement, brick walls run clear down, concrete floor, divided Into furnace room, fruit room, laundry with hot and cold water; outside cellarway. First floor has nice, square reception hall. with very pretty stairway, all of very finest quarter-sawed oak. oak woodwork in reception hall and parlor, also oak floors and all the rest of the house Is flnlahed In beautiful, selected birch. The parlor and dining room are good-sized rooms, also kitchen, pantry and rear ves tlbule on first floor. Second floor haa I nice bed rooms, one of which has alcove large enough for another room. Every room In the house Is beautifully naDered. All bed rooms have nice cloaets and nice linen closet In hall, double floors and the outsiae wans are covered with shlDlao. tar paper and narrow siding. This house was ouiii Dy one of the very be build ers In the city and is built absolutely rigni irom top to bottom. Is about 1 years old and haa been occuDled bv verv careful tenants and la lust as anod aa new, has a splendid furnace and the very oesi moaern, open piummng. It will cost you $3,000 to build this house today. Don't iei mis oargain get away. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 FARNAM ST. BEE BUILDINO, (19) 708 1 INVEST 10c In a car ride to Benson, get oft at Military and Lynn Aves , walk two blocks south and you will be treated to the finest view, choicest and most sightly location for a home to be found anywhere. Over 40 lots from which to select, south, east, north and west fronta. Prlcea $260 up and terms to suit your conven ience no matter how small the payments. See them today. then call on us for further particulars. RUSSELL & M'KXTRICK CO. 432-33-84 Ramge Bldg., Uth and Harney Sts. (19)-637 1 NOTICE Snap, corner lot In West Farnam district, KuxUft feet; asphalt pavement: price, $3,000. Address 422 S. Uth St. (19)-37 POOR MAN'S CHANCE $1,100 for a l-room, new cot tage, with porcelain bath, closet and wash stand; hard oil finish; house newly pa i pered; splendid room for gar dening. It only needs $3u0 caah, balance monthly on con tract for deed; good abstract , title; all taxes paid to date. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Bole Agenta, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 08)-M683 I $2,150 A Real Snap All modern 6-room cottage, good furnace, double floors, permanent walk, fine shads and fruit trees, near car line, large lot U'xlSt near 3oth and Miami Sla Why build when you have It all ready? BURKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4754. (i9-m;ot $ CLOSE IN 7-room modern, close to high school, St John s church, !oulevard and paved street A bargain, $.1,360. All Davenport. N. FENUER. 6.ti N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 8217. (1 M47I FOR SALE House. rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2s07 Cuming til. Price, $2,l!u). Eay terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. US 1 FOR SALE Frame portion of building No. 724 So. 19th St., to be moved or torn down at once. Apply Mil loo Roger ft Sons Co. (19) 647 3K REAL ESTATE CITY rROPKRTl KOIt SALE. (Continued.) GOOD NORTH SIDE HOME $3,400 for well built, two story, eight-room house, In first class condition through out, porcelain bath, new Amer ican furnace, burns wood, hard and soft coal; full basement, storm windows and screen all around; good barn, chicken house, cement walks, paved street, full south front lot 60x 131 feet, alley In rear, near 24th street cat line and Kountse Place. Investigate at once, as this is a special low price for quirk sale. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. (191-M723 2 NEARLY MODERN HOUSE $1,200 OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY And will sell 7-room, south front house on lot 44xl2S feet, one-half block from Dodge street car line, pern-anent sidewalk. city water, sewer, closet, seven large rooms, newlv Daiered Inside last fall, needs anoui $1Z5 epent on outside and house will be worth $2,000. See us quick. If you want this. HASTINOS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Ft (19) 708 8 THE KERR A PSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. Yon Con't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 5487. (19) AKctronta of title; quick service. 'Phone nuhlltttis far rl.CMi Guarantee Ah- atract Co., Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red JK47. (19) M670 M31 FOR SALE Two modern houseae and large uam, une iiiock nunn ui nannnjin imrit; paved street, east front, lot 76x150. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 N. Y. L. Bldg. (19) 548 c8' Williamson Co. u-tBft r? (19) 190 WE CAN SELL YOUR PROPERTY. If you want yours sold make a reasonable Srlce on it and put It In our hands for 80 or 1 days. We do the rest. Do it now. Phone Red 1186. NOLAN D & GRAHAM, 1614 Harney Bt (18) M739 8 DEPOSITS In the Neb. better than mlgs. 8 N. L. A R Ass'n Is Y. Llfa. (1S)-M'9I M8 Into this Bemls Park bargain, lot 00x167, fronting on two streets. 6-room cottage, modern except heat, one-fourth block to car and only $2,300. Owner going west, hence the price. BEMIS, 'Phone Doug. 686. Paxton Block. (19) 710 $28,000 INVESTMENT PAYING 12V2 PER CENT NET Substantial, well constructed business cor. ner, never vacant; $6,000 cash, balance Irom rents. Room 232, Neville Block, Omaha. (19) 718 1 $10 CASH $10 A MONTH PRICE $200 EACH For good building lota one block from car line and Omaha Country club, nine to choose from. Come early and take your pick. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (19J-707 1 A SPECULATION FOR YOU Owner of three lots one-half block from Ames Ave., new extension (two blocks from present end of car line.) All choice lots on grade for $500 cash, or $550 on time. Each lot will bring $300 by next spring. See us about these at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt. (19) 706 3 REAL ESTATE FARM A .ID RANCH LAKDS FOR SALE. Canada. CANADIAN wheat land. 40 acres gently undulating prairie one mile from naviga ble lake, 10 miles from Strassburg, In fa mous Lust Mountain valley, $16 00 per acre; easy terms. This land la in a well settled portion of the country and can fractlcaliy all be broken up. Soli dark oam cluy on clay subsoil; the very best of water can be obtained from 10 to 20 feet. Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd., Northern Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. (20) Colorado. HOMESTEADS Good farming land near railroad. Bernard Glllllland, 14 Clayton Blk., Denver, Colo. (JO) M527 MfTx FOR SALE A bargain. Ninety acres fruit or sugar beet land, wltn forty-live Inches perpetual water right; good svstem of ditches: land Joins city limits of Frulta, In the Orand valley, Mesu county, Colo rado. Small houses, land fenced, cleared ami partly under cultivation; small or chard; good schools and churchea; sugar beet factory at Grand Junction, elven miles. Beets, $5 per ton, f. o. b. Frulta. Fifteenth acres In alfalfa. $,3 per acre Address A. E. Case, Pruita. Colo. (20) M 659 7 REAL ESTATE For sale, section of A No. 1 unimproved farm land In Cheyenne county, Colorado: within four miles of railroad and market. Address H. F. Btelnka, Kallapell, Mont. (20 M8S0 7x WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par tlculura Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (2il M120 Mlssoarl. TIMBER LAID, OZARK CO., MO. 200 acres: white unit, sycamore, black and post oak; 30 acres under cultivation; $ nouses, barn and other dwellings; 150 fruit bearing trees; abundance of water In several everlasting springs and plenty of small fruit; runs within mile of White river; owner going west. Price, $1,600. W. 3. VANNIX, Galnovllle, Mo. (20)-M623 t Nebraska? A GOOD farm, well Improved. 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms, $ per cent interest, ir taken in ntxt o aayi. Address Y 244. Bee. (30) 405 IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebrsska; borpy ana uougias counties, a. J. ovr ton, Gretna, Neb. (30) M878 CHOICE section In Kimball county at 86 60 per acre; 5ui) acres aa level as a floor 10 acrrs rolling: all g?od soil and only ten nines rrom Kimoail; terms 81, sou caah. nam no on long time: write us for bar gains In western land. American Land and lnunlgratlon Co., Sidney. Neb. ()-M751 7 Texas. TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have some rare bargains In Texas and New Mexico land, $5 to $7 50 an acre. Go and see for yourself; low railroad rates Fur particulars address ROBERT V. D RUES EDO W. 0 New York Ufe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ta til REAL ESTATE FARM AHn RANCH L4XDS FOR AI.K Texas Co OO TO NORTH FRN TEXAS. Aa much rainfall as northern Iowa, produces as good crops as eastern Ne braska, an equable climate; no sudden changes. Land. $11 to $16. Oo now be fots the raise In price, after the harvest of the big crop now nearly grown. K.x curslon Mav 7th. Ullmore Real Kstnto Co., 1419 Douglas St (3i M5J JOIN our next excursion, May 7. to Frio, Tex., and buy on ensv payments some of the finest land In the world; one crop pays for the land. Call or wr'te. E. O. OANGKH i'Al, 03 Bee Bldg. (30) MS $ Wynmlnej. THE BIO HORN BASIN. WYOMING. Irrigated farms at $ to $.W per acre Perpetual water. Never falling crops Abundant production. Fine homes. Ensy payments, list these while you can ana see them pay for themselves three tlmrs ovrr. Our excursion over Burlington route May 7 and 21. t?0 round trip. Oo on these date. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO.. 618 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 6.V1O. Omaha. Neb. (20)-M667 8 Mlsrellanenna. 10,000 HOMESTEADS soon to be opened for settlement on famous Rosebud reser vation. Send 85c for latest and bent inep, best and moat reliable Information. A. 11. Kull, Sec'V Chamber of Commerce, Bone steel, 8. D. (20I-M916 My2x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Lands. FARM FOR RENT. 40 acres on West Center street. 5-room house, good granary, barn, etc.; lease on reasonable terms. GEORGE & CO., 1S01 Farnam St. (21)-M65 6 REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO IOAN on business and resi dence property In Omahn; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room INT. Life. (221-192 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., lS-O Farnam St. U2)-l3 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-194 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. (22) 195 MORTGAGE LOANS $2,000,000 to lend on Omaha city property. Loans for building purposes. Borrowers permitted to make partial payment on any Interest paying date. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. (22)-M65S t LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (22) 198 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. uak in bkos.. 1604 kak.tiam. (22)-l7 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Block. t (22) 198 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 5u6 First National Bank Bldg. (22) 199 LOANS nn Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22) M795 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. (22) 200 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy, $ or 7-room house, south part of town, modern, reasonable. Address W 216, Bee. (23) MOM 3x WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums, ottice furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed piilows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the- fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (26) 3D3 Myl7 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.; 213 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (25) 201 FEATHER BEDS WANTED 50 cents per pound paid for old feather beds; Bend, postal; will be In the city for one week. Address Y 93, care Ilee. (26) Mdo5 M15x ONE 1.800 or 1,400-prfund horsp; mtint be city broke, sound and gentle. Reply to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. I (25)-672 1 ABOUT brick. W. Compton. Tel. (25)-M6U 2x Douglas 724. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent furnished hotel In good. live town. Address all communications, giving terms, general Information, etc., to Mrs. George Hansen, Elba, Neb. (36) M814 M2x WANTED 8 to 10-room furnished house for the summer; Hansoom park or West Farnam dintrlct preferred; two In family. Telephone Harney 193). (28) 6)- 1 WANTET-To rent a small cottage. '4 to 6 rooms, with bath; no objection to suburb If within two blocks of oar line. W. J. Bartlett 11$ 8. 8uth St. Tel. Harney 2214 (20-6MUx WANTED Desirable tenants; no children; three or rour-room steam heated fl it. Ad dress P Hi. care Bee. (20) Mf.90 2 WANTEDA store suitable for bakery Welckganannt, it'O (26) 6!fi 6x business. H. A. Seward Bt. IN RESIDENCE district, near Hanscom park preferred, modern furnished house or apartment, for two months, commenc ing May 10. Good references. State rent. Address W 211, Bes. (26) M7M ix WANTED SITUATION - SITt'ATION WANTED Young man. mar tied; clothing and furnishing salesman; stock man; wide awake, up-to-date; de sires a change; more money; correspond ence desired. Lock Box No. 2f. York, Neb. (2T)-M878' IM POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position In a country office at onca No bad habits. About seven years of experience. Address Y 111. care Bee. (J7)-M.fSl Mllx DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge Telephone Douglas 1113. (27i 2"2 WANTEr-Poeltlon as stenographer or as sistant bookkeeper, by young lady with three years' experience. Address S 248, care Bee. l27- 427 2x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OONSTRL'CTINQ QTTARTER master, Cheyenne, Wyo., May 1, 1mu7. Sealed proposals in tripllcats. will be re ceived at this office, until 11:10 a. m., June 1. 1S7; at which time they will be opened In public, for furnishing all material and labor required and laying approximately t,&66 square feet of concrete sidewalks and h'i square feet of stuns road crossing at i'ort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. In accordance with plans and specifications on tile at this office. Blank forms of proposals and full Information furnished on application. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Envelopes containing pro posals should be Indorsed, "Proposals for concrete walks snd stone crossings." and addressed V. K. Hart, quartermaster, I'mted elates army. In charge of construc tion, Cheyenne, Wyo. M. l-2-J-4-41 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONS TlU'CTTNti gUARTER-masti-r. Tort Miickenxie, Win . May 1, 17. Seale.l proposals In triplicate, for furnishing an.l Installing fixturoa. mnklng siTvloe conrnvt Ions soil InsiHllIng wnter meters In ImiIMIiik, sn.l trai.sformers, for electrl.' llnhtltiK ill this p.M will be re ceived here until 10 a. in. (mountain timet, June 1. 1!7. I'lans and speolMontlons niny be seen at oflloes of depot quartermaster, Pt. Lulls, chief quartermaster. Omaha, Denver. Chicago and Pt. Paul, and at this nfllee. at which latter place all Information may be obtained. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any prt thereof. Enclose pro posals In senle.l envelopes marked. "Pro posals for Electric Fixtures." addressej Captain William P. Davis, quartermaster. United States army. M. 1-2-3-4-30-31 CONSTRUCT! NU QUARTER MASTER'S uttlce. Fort Pes Moines, la . May 1, li7. Sealed proposals In triplicate) will be re reived here until II a. m., standard time, Friday. May 31. lfi7. for furnishing and In stalling certain machinery in the lmke house at Fort les Moines, la. Information fur nished on application. United Plates re serves the riKlit to accept or reject any or all proposnls. or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposnls should be endorsed, "Proposals for Make House Machinery," and addressed W. E. Cole, quartermaster major. M. 1-2-3-4 2.H-J9. FORT ME APE, S. P. APRIL W, 1!7. Senled proposals In triplicate, for the con struction of macadam roads and cement walks will bo received here until 1 p. m., June 1, 1K07. Infotntntlon furnlahed upon application I'lans anil specifications may lie seen at quartermaster offices. Omaha and ' Denver nnd at this ofllee. U 8. re serves right to accept or reject anv or oil proposals or any pilrt tnereoi. Kmvciopea containing proposals should be marked Proposals ror roads ami wains, r on Meade, S. P ," addressed to LleMt. P. H. Riddle, Constructing guarlernitster. wavi-s-iJ-i--- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY TUB undersigned. who represent at least 25 per cent of the outstanding bonds Issued under a certain deed of trust, dated August 1, 1W0, from American Hiscuit and Manuiao turlng company to The Jennings Trust com pany, now the Equitable Trust Company of Chicago, Illinois, that the said Eiiiit.ible Trust company. Irtislee under the deed aforesaid, has tendered Its resignation sa trustee to take effect its soon aa Its suc cessor haa been regularly chosen and has qualified. Therefore, the undersigned, by virtue of the right, power and authority conferred by Article VII of the snld deed of trust, hereby give public notice thst a meeting will be held at No. 206 1 Palle street, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, May 3, w;, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of filling the vacancy In the ofllee of said trustee, and to transact such other business as may be proper under tlie exigencies created by such resignation and in pur suance of Article VII of the trust deed aforesaid. Dated April 6, 1907. F. W. WALLER, L. I). POZJER. E. F. HERR MANN, Counsel, 49 W. 15th St., New York. A18 26M3-8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bide or proposals will hj received at the office of A. O. Bower, president of the board of trustees of the First M. E. church of Kearney, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock noon, June 1, 1907, for the erection and construc tion of the First M. B. church, on the present church grounds at corner Ave nue A and 2?d street. Separate bids will be received for the following esilmatea: Carpenter work, mason work, stone work, plastering, heating, glass, plumbing, paint ing, electric wiring. All bids must be ac companied by a certified check for at least C',4 per cent of the amount of the bid aa an evidence of good faith on part of bidder. Itlils will also be received for erection and construction of church complete In one con tract. Plans and specifications are on file at the ofllee of A. G. Bower. Kearney, Ne braska. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the board of trustees. W. W. BARNEY. Seo retary. NOTICE SEALED BIDS WILL BE R re ceived on or before 10 o'clock a. m., May 8. 1907, at the ofllee of the land commis sioner or secretary of the state of Ne braska for the furnishing and erecting of one engine boiler of 125 H. P. capacity and one engine of 190 H. P.. both of the above at the state penitentiary at Lincoln, Ne braska. Specifications now on file in the office of the secretary. GEO. C. JUNKIN. Secretary of the Board of Publlo Lands and Buildings. A26-dl4t SEALED PROPOSAI.8 will be received at office of treasurer Battle Mountain Sani tarium, N. H. D. V. 8 . Hot Springs. S. IX, until 12 o'clock noon, May 16. 19u7, and then opened, for furnishing and delivery of pipe, fittings and fixtures, etc., In accordance with instructions and specifications, coplee of which, with blank proposal and other Information, may be had upon application to W. A. Tucker, treasurer. M3-6-UM OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA br tbe Koynl Mull arenmra of the CANADIAN PACIFI" RAILWAY Tbe fsaiet steAmert U the Orle Kcmrd r in b the "kuiprmai of ('Ml)," )0 doi. J Lours, botwooa Vsnconver nl loknhtma. Ths ' 1 rtnr.'T "A thou, inn" trel "Monteagls" provide an etoetatnnsllr oa trip. rnrr In nneulsa) of oeblo tMMuan oull St the Intermediate rU. a.illlrr from Vancouver to Yokohama. Kobe haaaeuul, Shausbol, lion Rons and aianUa. Empress of Chins May It Monteagla Jans g Aiu.nUo June 4 knipreaa of Japaa July 8 giuprrae of lotfia June ivTartrr Jul? 18 "MM Vancouver to Honolulu and Bydnsy, Australia. M lowers Maj .'(Mona July 14 Aoraofl June UMlowera Aug. IS For ratee, lnf-irmatlon and literature apply to A. C. MCAW, Oeu'l Art, 83)1 Cbark CU Uuloago. ALL A J LINE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS LIVgKPOOU GLASGOW. UOWDGN. HAVRBJ. New eteainera VUIOHIAN ana VlltUlNlaM. trlpie-ecrew turbine engiuee, an TUNISIAN, COav lllAN and IONIAN, twln-cre. Remember, ear aallluga are Weekly from etO.MTKUAU paaalnf eoaa the picluleauue St. Lawrence klver of daylight. Accommodations uniurpaaeed. Ratea: Saloon leU-oS and spwerue; second cabin $40.00 and upwards, use cleat Cabin Staenura, 110.00 and upwards. ALLAN A COMPANY. 174 Jacaeoa koal., Chioaga SEWER INJUNCTION STANDS Order Reatralalna; South Omaha aael Contraetors(s Made Per roaaent. Judge Kennedy Wednesday morning Is sued a docree making permanent the In junction to prevent the South Omaha of ficials and the contractors from proceeding to construct the sewers provided for undet the recen Issue of bonds. The contracte also are vacated and declared null and void on the grounda the contract prloe la more than the amount voted by the people to construct the sewers. The decree Is la the case brought by Magdalena Plvonka to prevent the construction of the sewers. At the hearing It was shown that while only $140,000 had been voted for the Mud Creek sewer, the contract let to the Na tional Construction company was for $163, 179.69. In the case of the other sewers the amounta voted and the amounts of the contract were as folia ws: Jetter Croek sewer, amount voted $12,010, amount of con tract $46. 6.94; North Branch of N street sewtr, voted $12,000, contract price $17,12S.T; Hylaud park main sewer, amount voted JlO.OtO, contract price $11,2.22. The order enjoins the contractors from proceeding under the contractu and the city treasurer from paying out any money under the contract. Last winter the legislature amended the Bouth Omaha charter to permit the voting of an additional t-'rt.OuO. which wax con sidered enough to complete the work. This was after the present case was brought and could have no effect on the present decree. Just what legal steps can bs taken now to do the work attomejs Interested could not say Wednesday. The contracts may have to be let all over again by entirely new proceedings. Court-Mart lal Postponed. PORT SILL. Okla.. May 1 -The general eourt-msrtlal here of Corporal Knowle the discharged negro of the Taenty-flfth In fantry, charged al'h asaaultlng Captain Edgar Macklin at J ort Keno. and sat for today, haa been postponed until after the trial of Captain Macklin at San Antonio Is concluded. It la thought the Macklin caae will b concluded tomorrow, In which rase Corporal know lea' trial will be OallaJ here on Monday, May t.