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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
1L TUB OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: APRTTJ 2a, 1907. i ( i X REAL ESTATE CITY riliirF.IITV FOH SALE. (Continual ) REAL ESTATE CITY PROITWfT "ill 91. K (Continued.) Payne Investment Co. J1.300 3208 Seward St.. C rms.. city watr and Bwpr, eaay terms. I1.R00 4244 Patrick Ave., 7 rms.. city water, newer, gas. small rash payment 12,500 The best, built 7-rm. hnufse la town, modern except furnare, south front, comer lot. C0xl30, No. 3524 Petard St. 13,000 Desirable 8-rm., all modern house at 2814 Hamilton, south front. J3J.00 2710 Cai-ltol Ave., 6 rms., brand new nart all modern. ?4,000 7 rnm, mod. ex. furnace on 30th Ave. near Poppleton Ave. INVESTMENT 4-anaxtment brick flat, renting for $528 per annum, can be bought this week for $3,750. Prick store building and two houses, annual rental $1,200. Price $12,000. Owner will carry $6,000 or $8,000 at 4 per cent. 6-Bpnrtmcnt brick flat building In West Farnam District, renting for $1,620 yearly. Can be bought to net 10 per cent. REAL ESTATE CITY rnOPKHTT FOR HAMS (.Continued ) REAL ESTATE CITY FRonFHTT FOR HKt.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE FARM AIt RM'I! 1 M1 FOR MIK (Continued.) D. V. SHOLES COMPANY VACANT $250 46th and Capitol Avenue, south front, easy terms. $230 43d and Corby, 60x120. $350 23d and Spring. 45x158. $40(1 2'.lfl and tMk, 47x158. $450 36th and Cass, 60x120. $500 43d and Seward, 50x140. $600 33d and Suhler, 5 lots. $850--2Sth and California, 30x150, south front. $1,600 27th and Webster, 60x160. KEYSTONE PARK Let us take you to Bee this delightful surburban addition, west of Benson, 600 acres of t'lchtlv land divided in tracts of from 3 to 20 acres, 4 miles of boulevards lined with trees. We have put a price on this land that will sell It at once and In addllon will make terms so that anyone can buy. See us Mon day, this Is your opportunity. p Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781 (19) J. W. ROBBINS HOMES 116,000 Nearly new. fine modern residence, with lance lot, on the bet street In the Wiit Farnam district. See me for particular!." t 4,000 South front, on Marcy, ett of Joth. with 7-room modern house, porce ltiln bath and furnace. t S.OUO fl-room modern cottage, with south front lot. on Farnnm, east of 42d. $ 2,6&J-6-room cottage and lot, ixlGS, on Poppleton Ave, one block from new 24th St. car line. $ 2,800 Full lot, with 8-room house, bath, city water and cistern, close to Dundee and one block from Farnam car line. 1W0 cash, balance monthly. f 1,875 New 6-room cottage on N. 2Ctli Bt. INVESTMENTS $18,0008 stores and 8 flats, close In; rental, W.7B0. $20,0006 brick stores and 6 flats, corner on Farnam St.; rental, $2,340. VACANT LOIS . t 7,500115 feet on Farnam at corner 29th , Ave; only 11,7:0 cash required. ,t 8,00050 feet on S4h, between Farnam and Dodge. This is a very thole lot In the best part of the West Farnam district. 81,600-4(1x143, on 35th Bt.. between Farnam and Dodge. $ 1.66c -Juist front, on Georgia Ave., south of Farnam. t 1,500 WrxHO, corner of Boulevard and Manderson. A splendid place to build 8 cottaires. f 300 Ijirife corner In Dwlght s Lyman's addition, one block from proposed extension of 32d Pt. car line. ACREAGE t 8,60010 acres, one mile north or Country club, with good Improvements and nearly all In bearing fruit. On ac count of the death of the ownnr this place must be sold uutckly, so see me at onre if vnu want a barioln. FKK UK KOH oTIIKR P4.R(AINS. I'' IKE INSURANCE AND KKNTA iJi. tl9l 1 BIKKETT & TEBBENS 421 Bee Building. Tel. Douglas 4754. $1,700 E-room cottage near 31st and Burt, city water, sewer and gus, permanent walks, barn, chicken house, close to 2 car llne and good school. This Is a good neat little home and well worth the money. Iot 45x171. $2,150 5 largo rooms, 2885 Miami street, city witter, una, sewer, porcelain bath, and good furnace. Has shade and fruit trees, permanent walk, lot 60x135. This is close to car line, church and school and Is cheap at the prloo asked. $2,500 7-room house, 2602 Sprsrue St., water, sewer, gas, elm-trie light; has rine shade tree, and lawn, also good harn; lot 56xl.'. This Is a good coxy home for someone, and will be sold quick. (19) 533 28 Must Be Sold New frame house of 6 rooms, lot 100x128, well improved In tho way of walks, shrub bery, fruit and outbuildings. Just south of Miller Park and near car line. Price for Immediate sale," BEMIS, Phone Douglas 6M. Paxton Block. UW- I 110 Board of Trade. 81.OT0 Near 6th and Center 8t., 6-room ' cottage, city water, full lot. Rent for 110. SNAP. S1.S00 312 I'arker Pt., 6-room cottace, city wivter snd gas; good repair. Lot buxl.M ft. 81.50O23(9 Vinton Bt., 4 rooms.' city water, sewer, gas. paved street. Lot alone worth the money. 81,600 T12 Bancroft St., 6 rooms, story and a half, city water, gas, cr paved boulevard. A CHEAT P.IU 11AH UA1 N. 12,400 N. W. Cor. 30th and Taylor Bt.. brand new 6-room cottage, mod. ex. furnnce. Ixt 64xlJ feet. Third cash, balance long time. 81500 Plx rooms, lstory house, nearly new, ath Ave., near Lake. SNAP. 82,500 On Burd'tte St.. one block from Walnut Mill oar, nearly new 6-room, strictly mod. house, good plumbing snd furnace. A very nice piace. Terms easy. 82,6002444 Templeton St., 7 room, mod. ex. furnace; large lot, 52xU2 ft. This place is cheap. 82,650 BENSON, on Main Bt. car line: ror ner lot, lisxl2S ft.; electric lights. irull, shade, uaae us an oner. J3,0e0 2703 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, all mod.; lot 6oxl40 ft. A BARGAIN. 83,250 On Sherman Ave., near Pinkney, 8 rooms, all mod.; built one year; paving paid; lot 47x124 ft. GENUINE BARGAIN. $3,4006 rooms, all mod.; first-class repair; nearlv new; 50-ft. lot; 27th, near Puppleton. SNAP. 83,600 Choice of two new 7-room houses, Sad ami Seward Sis.; nickel plumbing, porcelain bath, cemented cellar; goou. lot. 83,!w0 7 rooms, all mod.. 3039 Marcy St.: 4.11xiai ft.; street paved and paid for; house nicely decorated; In 111st class repair. Owner leaving ttie city, anxious to sail. Make us an offer. 84,250 7-room house, on Park Ave., front ing on Hunseom Park, hot water) heat; lot 60x100 ft., corner. 88,000 10-room strictly mod. house, steam heat, oak finish; largo burn; cast front, on Park Ave.; lot 6oxlt7 ft. $10,000 Klegant 10-room residence, on 32d Ave., overlooking Hnnst-om I'ark, strictly mod.; lot 50x243 ft. $11,000 Handsome 10-room residence, east front, on 40th, near Joslyn's, hot water heat, hnrdwood finish; 80-ft. lot; fine shrubbery and shade. A BARGAIN. Tel. Douglas 49. VACANT t 150 feet. ent front on south of Vinton. CI nice of three lots or all. Very easy terms. $ 875 6"xl27 feet, n. e. corner 30th and Decatur. $ 350 North front on Miami St.. SOxlJO feet. Just west of 3oth. Just a few steps to the car. $ 40060x100, s. w. corner SHh snd Miami. $ 5o0-r0vino, s. xe. corner -ffih Ave. and Bpragne. Non-resUb nt owner anxious to sell. Make us un offer. $ 60040x120 feet, west front on lfilh, Just south of Vinton. Close to cur and permanent walk. Fine view Tn a growing neighborhood. Will sell on tits- payments. $ 400 4ffxl56 feet. eat front on lMh, Just north of the boulevard. SNAP. $1,0U0 Near Field club. 6Tixl2:l feet, west front on ifcth. loo feet north of Wool worth. $2,50060x100 feet south front on Woolworth west of 32d. Paving paid. A DANDY. 82.260Wouth front on Woolworth Ave. . I ..1 1 1. I .. ,1nn-n tAtU boulevard. Near Field club. 6.1x141 feet. $2,260 East front on 34th S!. boulevard, be tween Poppleton and Woolworth. 62x11 feet. $2,000 West front on 34th St. boulevard, between Poppleton and Wroolworth 60X117 feet, $2,60060x140 feet. East front on 2th. Just south of Jackson Paving ull paid. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN. FOREST HILL PARK Sub-Diviion of Late Herman Kouutzc Home Have You Been Over There I The streets are now nearly all graded, with stakes showing exactly where the lots lie. Get a plat from us. with prices, and make your selection. Streets will be paved, permanent walks, sewer, water, :is put In and all paid for. Kusy walking distance. KEYSTONE PARK Bee advertisement for tho opening In this paper. U'JD-6-W 2.Sx A BARGAIN. 8 rooms, water, gas, sewer, cemented cellar, corner lot 60x127' few blocks north of Bemls Park. Plenty vacant ground for two more houses. Price only $2,&OJ. C. G. CARLBERG. 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. OS)- 041x402 Feet Three houses, fronting on street, renting for $: per month. Lot running back to tracks. Think of 84'x-75 feet of track K with Improvements renting for ill per month, all for 8-l.ii1. (A lot near this )ue recently sold for 85.UO0, was i0xlK7 eetj with trackage. Lomparo the two and BEMUSk Phone Douglas tso. Paxton Block. (1- ACIJES ACRES ACRES ACRES 8, 10 or 20-acre tracts, north west of Benson, close to Mili tary road. Piles. $150 to $li I er acre. Excellent ground for truck garden. These tracts sre ail fronting cast on main road. Possession any time. For particulars, sea GEORGE Jfc CO.. Sole Agents. 1001 Karnam Street. (18)-M2o6 2S NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE IN DUNDEE This property Is located near car Una, on a large lot, 150 feet frontage by 136 feet depth. Is all modern, full two stories nd attic, oak finish and oak floors on first floor, hot water heating plant. $7,000 will buy this whole property or owner will sell 75 feet frontage with house for $6,5C0. This Is choice, see us at ogre. GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam Street. (IS) M257 27 Small Acre Tracts 20 acres, 41st and L St., South Omaha, $12,000. 10 acres. 41st and L St,, South Omaha, 86.5UO. 10 acres. 61st and Martha. Omaha, $4,000. 10 acres, 4:d and Redick, with Improve ments, $.1,000. 8 acreH, 42d and West Q St., South Omaha, $4, Hie. One tract of three acres for $400, and one of Hi acres for $'. BEMI3, 'Phone Douglas 580. Taxton Block. (19)- THE PAXTON FARM One mile from car line and adjolnlns Benson has been laid out as "Keystone Park'' In tracts suitable for suburban homes, gardening, fruit culture, dairying, etc. This Is the land we have been talk ing about to our customers for several weeks. Plats and prices are now ready. Call at once and get first choice. H. DUMONT & SON 905-6 N. T. Life Bldg. 03)- NEW COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS 280G RUGGLES Flvo rooms, house now helnff enmnltd large lot, south front, large cemented cellar, electric light, gas, bath; size of house 2x40, cement walks, combination mixture, a very choice home. Desirable party can purchase sain a on very easy terms. Bee us today. $2. ICO, R. II. LANDERYOU SPECIAL An elegant 8-rcxim all modern house. In walking distance, In first class neighbor hood, good condition, on corner of 2Sth and Dewey Ave, No. 416 S. 28th St. This is a snap at $3,900. See It at once, then see Robinson & Wolf Here are a few bargains offered by J. A. LOVGREN 537 PAXTON BLK. A good modern 6-room house, north west corner of 41st and street, price $2,300. A 7-room house on 41st avenue and Burt street, partly modern with water and gas, mantel in '.ho house, for 2,U00. J A 5-room house, city water ind gas, good basement, lot 60x128, ea-)t front, on 41st avenue and Burt street, $l,6u0. New 7-room house, lot 40x150, south front, at 80th and Cass streets, iluuse Is Hot yuite completed, for $1,800. INVESTMENT A piece of property on North lMh St., within walking distance, will n't pur chaser 11 per cent on price asked. In quire of me. On 17th, between Clark and Grace Sts., I have property for sale that will net the purchaser 6 per cent and la always rented. Lot 60x140, south'front, paved street, norma nent wnlkH with a 7-room modern house except heat, on 32d :ind Viason streets, for 82.300. Lot 60x110 on 41st, near Burt, on grade, for $450. This is a Dargain, 7 V4-acre lots, 2 blocks west from Car lino in Benson, for $1,000. Very cheap tor price asaea. Two acros close to Pries lake, lyiii high with a beautiful view overlooking Omaha and Council Bluffs. Would be a fine place for a summer home; which 1 can sell ror $450. FINE COUNTRY HOME Suitable for a business man or anyone. Containing 10 acres, close to Center street, west of Little Papplo valley, overlooking Omaha and Mouth Omaha, 10-room house, good well Willi windmill, some fruiill lencea. Price ror one week only ;,,.j, $1,000 cash, balance to suit. J. A. LOVGREN Kebraska Contlaned. SARPY COUNTY FARM S6 ACRES AT $110 PER ACRE. Well improved f.trin, four miles southwest of South Omaha, two sets of Improve ments, one 8-room and one G room house, ISO acres In cul tivation, SO acres pasture, 30 acres In hay, all kinds of fruit. Cheap for the money. Inquire of GEORGE CO., luol Farnam St. (20)- XMPBOVED farms In eastern Nebraska; t-arpy and DourIhs counties. B. J. Over ton. Gretna. Neb. (20) M8i 75 ACRES for rent, 2 miles from Pellevue. Herman Sommer, 504 S. loth St., Omaha. t21)-M3TS 2x FINE STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 640 acres situated In Dawson county. Neb., 4 miles from town, 1 acres cultivation, balance In pasture; fenced and cross fenced; two good wells itml windmills and supply cistern; nearly all farm land. In Platto valley; pasture rclling and covered wlln buffalo urass; pome nllalfa: new two-story house Li x.tO; new barn 30x48, all falnted and In good shuM-. This Is the w-Kt stock farm In this part of the state and can be Imuifht at a bargain If sold quick. Address D. M. Douthett. Overton, Neb. (20-354 28 South Dskora, GOOD 160-acre farm, Marshall county, 8. D., for sale, $JS per acre; will consider good residence or paying business prop erty In exchange. AddreHB A 1S.Y care Bea. (-1U-377 28x T-exiis. TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have some rare bnrpntns In Texas and New Mexico land, $f to $7.50 an acre. Go snd see for yourself; low railroad rates. For particulars address ROBERT C. DRVKSEDOW. 808 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) 437 COME nnd Join our next excursion, May 7, to Frio, Tex., and buy some of the finest land in the world; 0110 crop pays for the land. Call on or write E. G. GANGEKSTAD, 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (20) 417 23 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED. TO BORROW. Aug 1 or be fore, $t,-iii0 at 6 per cent for rive years; first mortgigs Improved city property, choice location. Address W 11 Bee. (M) M.T4 17 $75. one year st 8 per cent security. Address II A'7. 4nt FARMS In body, virgin soil, rich valley, near line city, $-0 per acre; terms very easy. Address A. J. Sellers, San Angelo, Tex. (2UI 33i a-x GO TO NORTHERN TEXAS. As much rainfall as northern Iowa, rroducea as ood crops as eastern Ne-rai-ku, an equable lmune; no sudden changes. Land, $11 to $16. io now be fore the raise In price, after tin- harvest of the bl crop now nearly grown. Ex cursion Mav 7th. Gilmore Real Estate Co., 1413 Douglas St. (:0 Mu23 Wyoming, MAY 7TH AND 21ST To BIb Horn Basin Excursion, rate of $20 for round trip over Burlington. We will show a dozen of the Ixwt Irrigated farms In the Baiii at the remarkable price of $;ij per acre with perpetual water right. (Worth over $o0). The best of soil and never failing crops. 1.tk1 deeded. We also have land under the Carey net at from $3u to $W per acre 011 terms of one-fourth payable down. It will pay home and In vestment seekers to Investigate this. Write The Stewart-Leavenworth Co., 619 N. T. Life Building, Phone Douglas 5350. Omaha, Neb. () 471 2S 423 Paxton Block. (19) 615 28 TWO houses on Douglas St (close In) of 6 rooms each, with city water; monthly rental, $25 for both; $2,260. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas. (19)- 536-537 Paxton Block (19) Tel Douglas 216L Board of Trade. (181-608 28 y 'A F. D. WEAD -room house, with corner lot; room to build to more houses; slsa of ground 'ii.7; i, paved tit., llh specials fully paid, few blocks north of 4ilt and Cum ing, snap, f.' loo. F. I). WEAD. 1524 Douglas. ' 1)- CALL AND SEE US fcife Fire Insurant-. lvt Accident Insurance. I nick Loajia. for Rale. Houses for Rent. Kmny Roal Estate and Inv. Co. IU0111 4ti Bee Bulldlnc. (if) iso a Fruit and Garden Tracts 6 acres, one mile north of Knit's Park, with large 1-story, 11-room house; ground entirely covered with grapes and fruit of ull kinds; very hlrh and sightly point and an Ideal place. Price, $6,600, S acres "4 mils north of Central park school, with large 8-story, 8-rootn house, with some small fruit and all In garden. A commanding view. Asking $3 . Want quick sale. Make us a proposition. D. V. Sholes Company 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. (18 6b Six F. D. WEAD 7-room. partly modern house, near Hans corn park; las two-story barn; $ju0 cash, balance eaiiy. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas. (19)- E1GHT-ROOM, all modern house; laundry; also vacant lot, 6oxl42; desirable loca tion. Inquire 2701 Woolworth Ave. (19)-M495 29x Big Snap for Quick Said Lot on 36tn and Blonde, east iront, T7x 120, $750. Also lots fronting north and south on Blondo. between 20th and 27th, $10 per front foot. 'Pnone Douglaa 686. BEM1S, Paxton Block. (18J-U8 cha3. Williamson Co. u- f.tB& rd llS)Mii rOR SALE Good 10-room house, barn, Isrge corner lot; house modern except furnace; tine lawn, shade and fruit trees; room for two more houses. Price, $3,700. Inquire H. E Ostrom, 20u4 No. 27th St. (19)-MK9 8x A GOOD INVESTMENT. 8-room house, close to two car lines, 80 minutes' walk from postofTlce. Rents for $.4. Price, $2,200; terjiis. Address W-ltH, care Bee office. (If) M12 2b X NOTICE Snap, corner lot In West Far nam district, lauxl2i feet; asphalt pave ment; price, $3,uuo. Address 412 3. loth St. (l'Jl fci7 FOR BALE -room house, southeast cor ner 51 h and Blondo B:s . $l.t0O, without barn; all new Inside. Bargain. (19I-M9C9 2Sx DEPOSITS In the Neb. L. B. Aii'a Is better than mtti. $ N. T. Life. (li-Jd4 US FOR BALE 9-room all modern house, suit able for one or two families. 2115 Emmet (19) 6U 2ix TEXAS LAND See "add" Gilmore Real Estate Co., 1418 Douglas (18) M820 28 FOR SALE 66-ft. front on good business Street. Willi three business houses thai (.ay in rental a net lu pur cent on In vestment of at which price we will So I the property. Terms good. J W' Bedford A Sons. tXii Cuming. (19)-C83 28 BCT OF OWNER-S partly modern cot tage In northern part of city, renting for per month. Also a new, modern brick fat. renting for $l) per month fur sjIo thsap. Address M-178, car Hee. (U 418 JSx Bl'Y FROM OWNER Neat i-room cot- "e gsa. city water In bouse, nice yard 1505 Corby Bt (19S-M42S J9x ' FOR 8AI.E House. $ rooms, modern ex cel t fjrnace. 2!0T Cumin; 8U price. ti.J.O. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Bavtugs Bank, l.u and Douglas. (!U$ LOT SNAP South front corner lot 50x130, N. E. corner 40th and Franklin; only 3 blocks to car line and 40th St. paved to Frankl'n; room for 8 cottuges: excellent building lot In tine residence district. This Is a snap. Price, $") on terms. Discount for cash. Must be sold at once. II. R. STRINGER. 1U Jackson Bt. Phone Doug. 72K1. (19) 452 28 DEMAND for South Side pro;erty. We have number of buyers for prujaTtv In South Side from $1,500 to $:',50U. and guar antee the sale if liHied with us at actuul market value. BERK A & CO.. Phone Doug. 707. IWS N. Y. Life. US)-630 2 South Omaha Real Estate. FOR SALE Brick block on N St.. tftS.OOO. 6-room cottage, 4oth and Q Sts., $1,ij0. rour iota, rctn arm J fats. Twenty lots, 3th near y St. Five acres, 5oih and W Sts. P. C. CALDWELL, 2517 N St., South OmahiV (l5h-192 28 foyncll Ulaffs Real Instate. A MODEL 7-room house and one acre of ground, all In fruit, beurlng, one block from Florence car line, 30; Curtis St. Address M. A. Stevens, General I livery, Council Bluffs, la. (1!; 543 2!ix REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HA.NCll Li.NUt FOR iXLK Canada. 840 ACRES rolling, open prairie, 4 miles north of. Cupar, In the celebrated Loon Creek wheat plains, $12.50 per acre, eajy terms. This section can all be cultivated, but about iju acres, which lies In a coulee, which runv across one corner of the sec tion. Wild land at Cupar Is selling from $16 to $20 per acre. Soil clay loam on clay subsoil; lirst-class settlement. In good neighborhood. This land is adjacent to I-ast Mount, In Valley country of Sas katchewan. Apply to Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd., 38 Northern Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Oo Colorado. HOMESTEADS Good farming land near railroad. Bernard Gillilland. 14 Clayton Blk., Denver. Colo. (-U) M57 Al.',x MUST BE SOLD $30 Hamilton St., lH-story house of $ rooms, large lot. 60 feet frontage on Hahillton and 60 feet frontage on Charles St., few steps from Harney car lino snd lmont adjoining Bemis Park, only t-. INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE ML'HT BE SOLD. BEMIS. 'Phone Douglas 6S5. Paxton Block. (1 7 SOUTH lOTn STREET I offer for sale 815 WOJRTHINQTON PLACE. This beautiful brick and frame 10-room house, adjoining Brownell Hall, in a m 01 choice residence district, with moet modern awwilntments. Including hard wood finishing, hot water heating, etc.. must be sold this spring. Here Is a rare opportunity to buy a flne home for half Its real value. See me be lore It Is too late. Price. Kiou. CONRAD YOUNG 1518 Dodge Bt. TeL Douglas 161. 0 4o0 8 Iowa. FOR SALE 40-scre Improved fsrm, Tay lor county, Iowa, with buildings, $ J. I. Case, Threshing Machine Co., Ra cine, W Is. (20) M 427 27 , Kausas. WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (2U) M4J0 KANSAS wheat land; cheap; sixty-one" bushels per acre !!ut. O. H. Herbig, owner, Oklahoma City, Okl. l3oi 344 x Mlssoart. 35 ACRES, lH-story house of 4 rooms, cel lar under house, fins bearing orchard; lovely place; iicli valley land; fine spring close to house; fruit of all kinds; also mall fruit; fronts two county roads; near schuol and good neighbors; tielongs to widow; cheap; $1.3o0. Have other good bargains In farm lands. Write for cir cular. Victor Wm. Belts Realty Co., St. James. Mo. (JJ 3- 2kx Nebraska. NEBRASKA prairie land. I own and offer ror sale it acres. Hlmoall county, $; half cash, balance four equal annual puy ments, perfect title. Box 74 A. Houston, Tec (A a-x A GOOD farm, wel Improved. 20 miles west of Omtiha. for sale on easy terms. 6 per cent Interest, If taken in next days. Addreaa Y iM. Be itiu Mb Mlscelln neons. 10,000 HOMESTEADS soon to be opened for settlement on famous Rosebud reser vation. Send 23c for latest and best map, best and most reliable Information. A. E. Kull, Sec'y Chamber of Commerce, Boncsteel, S. D. (20) M9Mi My 2x BEFORE buying or selling a farm or any property anywhere read "U. S. Farm Ad vertiser" of Nile, Ohio. A stamp will bring sample copy. (2(0 WO 28x PACK YOUR GRIP AND GO WITH US ON NEXT EXCUR SION MAY 7TII OR 21ST To SEE THOSE BARGAINS IN FA'tM LVNDS IN INDIAN TERRITORY, TEXAS, SOUTH DAKOTA AND WESTERN NEBRASKA. WRITE US FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS. THE PUTNAM CO.. 504 N. Y. LIFE, OMAHA. (191178 28 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Ranch Land. FARM FOR RENT. 170-acre farm, near Omha, for rent, $5 per acre, very rich, high dabs corn land; good house; some alfalfa. W. L. Sal by, 440 Board of Trade. Phone Douglaa 1510. (21J-M253 REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brennun, Room 1. N. Y. Life. (22-649 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (22) 654 MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (ij-OJl PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Tfead. 1520 Doug. (Z2j-w3 interest; good Hee. CO 5.16 30x WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating s'ovea. carpets, linole ums. crTU-e furniture, old clothe i,nd shoes, pianos, feather, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the fur nnuro of your house eomplele. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid, lad uie right man. TeL Doiu-. 8i71. (i) Sk3 Myl7 CASH pTld for old bookt Ci ane-Foye Co., 813 & 14th. 'Phone Douglus 1321. lO-KW FEATHER BEDS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for old feather beds; send ostal; will he In the cltv for one week. Address Y 93, rare Bee. (26)-Mj-io M15x WANTED Waste land In larRe tracts Title must be perfect. Address Box 2K2, North Yakima, Wash. (ll-Mij 2SX SELF-PROPELLING INVALID ROLLING chair, still in good condition. C. Fruddig. Euslis, Neb. (25) MW8 2Sx WANTED BOARD IF TOU have a home that is costing more than you like, and can sare two or three n" 111s at a price fair to both parties, a man nnd wile, who will appreciate, hut not abuse the home privilege, will gladly exchange references. Address L 2io, Hee. 554 30x WANTED TO RENT WANTFiD By young man, room with or without board, in nice private family within walking distance of business cen ter. Address D 137, Omaha Bee. X) 4eo 26x WANTED Room, with or without board, with resvectsl lo private family, by re spectable young man, stranger. Address D 171, Hee. (Jlil M'JOti 27x WANTED To rent furnished hotel In good, live town. Address nil communications, giving terms, gem nil information, etc., to Mia. George Hansen, Elba, Neb. (2lil Msl4 M2x TWO young men desire room and board, strictly modern, private family. Address N ISO, Hee. Cli) M271 29x WANTED, to rent 5 or 6-room cottage. 'Phone Taytor-7i!W. O'0 M244 2x WANTED A large room or two pmall rooms ensulte. In private family; must be reasonable nnd convenient to oar. Address P 12, cure Bee. (2iij Lh3 2x LEGAL NOTICES Notice to cun iiiactohs sr u v.n bids or proposals will be received at the office of Luther P. I.u.l.len, secretary of the Board of Education of the Ptste Normal school. i.t.H D street, Lincoln, Neb. until I? o clock noon. April 2l, '907. for the ere, t ion ana construction of a heating plan nnd smoke stack on the groom's of the State Normal school at Peru. Nemaha county. Nebraskn All bids must be accompanied by n c--tilled! check of $.n. ss nn evhlonoe of good faith on psrt of the bidder Plans are on tile at tha principal's otll.e. Peru, snl with the we retary at Lincoln. Tho board reserves the right to reject any nnd nil bids. Hv order of the Heard of Education of Slate Normal school. Luther P. Liidilen, secretary. Lincoln. Neb. April IS, 1';. AlSdlOt. NOTICE SEALED BIDS WILL HE Re ceived on or before 10 o'clock a. m , May 107. nt tho ofllce pf the land commls sloner or secretary of the state of Ne hraska for the fin nlhlng snd erecting of one engine boiler of 1 'i H. P. capacity anij ono engine of la H. P., both of the abova nt the stnte penitentiary at Lincoln, Ne braska. Specltlentlons now on tile In tha office of the secretary. GEO. C. JUNKIN, Secret srv of tho Board of Public I .nnd and Buildings. AX-dltt s--ili thitamr! UWUSIIMI a ia S VI WANTED By married couple, npnrtments In new modern house; board port of time; no other boarders; references. AddreBS W 2ol, care Hee. (20) Mini 30x WANTED TO RENT. Modern 8 or 8-rooin house. Will take year lea-- or more. Telephone Harney 572. (JO) M4S4 Mx WANTED To rent 5-rooin cottnge. Ad dress O IDS. care Bee. (2i) IHO 28x WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Douulas 1112. (27j 5i9 WANTED Position, by a practical traffic man of twenty years' experience In traffic, claim and operating departments, with a reliable tlrm, to look after their railroad Interests. Address Y 92, core Bee. 27) MU)2 27x EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER; good references. Address K, Bee Otllre, 10 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. (27)-M955 1 SITUATION WANTED-Housekeeper. by strictly respectable middle-aged widow. Widower preferred. Give particulars. Address Box 71, Roca, Neb. (27)-M746 27X SITUATION WANTED Position as book keeper or ofllce man, and have had prac tical experience In lumber, grain, hard ware, Implements, flour and feed for eighteen years; married and a graduate of Lincoln Business College. Cun give the best of references. W, V. Shcppard, 1418 So. 3d St., Council Bluffs, la. (27)-644 30X MONEY TO LOAN GET OUR RATES AND TERMS BE FORE ARRANGING FOR A LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. (22) 423 28 SITUATION WANTED Young man. mar ried; clothing and furnishing salesman; stock man; wide awake, up to date; de sires a change; more money; correspond ence desired. ' -k Box No. 2ii8. York, Neb. (27)-M878 Sx WANTED Any kind of work, by young man; speaks four languages; A-l refer ences. Address O-IS, care Bee. (271-401 2Sx YOUNG married man, speaking English and Bohemian, wants a permanent posi tion with some reliable real estate linn, country or city. Address Y 115, care Hoe. (27)-M3S4 2x POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position in a country "office at once. No tad habits. About seven years of experience. Address Y 114. care Bee. (27) M3S1 Myllx TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY. 4- WANTED Bright, energetic young man to solicit lire, accident und other Insurance, and may also sell real estato on commis sion. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co., 404 Bee Bldg. (9) M566 29 LEGAL NOTICES UNION LOAN INVEST. CO. I 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate. Bldg. at 4W and 5 per cent. 'Phone Dojg. 2. 122-i4 KM LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (22) -559 $000 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 16u4 FARNAM. (22)-M170 BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Meikle. Ramge Blk. (220-557 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. - (22) W7 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 605 First Natl nal Bank Bldg. (22-55 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Hllg. (22)-M725 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. (22)-658 LOW rates. Private money. $500 and up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. (2!)- REAL ESTATE WANTED CITY acreage, near trolley: best price. Postorhce Box 774. (23) -K 2ix I WANT to buy fats and cottaxes; Inside property preferred, must lie cheap; state location In first Utter. Addret s 2. He. 12) 176 -J& 8-R00M house, in a good location, entirely modern, hot water In-at. Will pay $4, 2.7V Give price and complete description. Ad drtdS L-15, care Bee. iJ) K 2s LIBRARY BUILDING, CLARION, IOWA Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Llhraiy Trustees of Clarion, Iowa, until May 15, 1SW7, at 8 p. in., for the erection of a brick and stone library building, In accordance with plans and specifications, as prepared by O. A. Lindo lof, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Separate bids will be received for the Installation of a hot water heating system tor said building, plans will be on file at the othce of said architect after May 4 and also at the of fice of the chairman of the building com mittee, C. D. Young. Clarion. Iowa. A certified check for SOOO, payable to the order of C. D. Young, nniBt accompany each bid on the building and $20o each bid on the heating plant as a guaranty. The parties to whom contracts are awarded will be required to give satisfactory bond In such sum as the board may require for the performance of. the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the board. W. T. R, HUMPHREY, Secretary. A2S-lt CA1IIAGES CARRIAGES WAGONS WAGOXS WAGONS WAGONS WAGONS WAGONS WAGONS WAGOXS WAGONS WAGON'S Delivery WaRon or Plcasare CarrLigpa Tomorrow we will cut in two the price on any delivery vvugon In tntf war?roonis or tat down one-third the price on any pleasure cnrrliiRe you pick out II you get around before f o'clock. To throw away nils chance Is Just like throwing away your gold. It's up to you. DRMIOND'S 18th and Harney RAILWAY TIME CARD tNIOX STATION TLIITII AMD MARCH t nlon Parlflc. Leave. Overland Limited a am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California & Ore. Ex.. a 4:25 pm Iis Angeles Limited. ...al2:06 pm Fast Mall a 1:65 am Colorado Special a 7:45 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 8:00 pm Chicago, Rock lalanit Jt Pad EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:15 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl2:06 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.). .a 6:35 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd.. a 7:20 am Colo. & Cal. Express a 1 :50 pm Okl. & Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm Lincoln, Falrbury and Bellevue a 8:50 pm Mlssonrt Pacific. K.C. & St. L. Exp. K. C. & St. L. Exp. Nebraska Local ... Des Moines Local . .a 8:00 am ,all:15 pm .a 2:00 pm Wabash, St. Louis Express a 8: St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8: Stan berry Local (from Council Bluffs) b t Chicago Great Western Bt. Paul & Minneapolis.. 8 St. Paul & Minneapolis.. 7 Chicago Limited 6 Chicago Express 7 Chicago Express 8 Chicago A Northwester Cedar Rapids Pass a 7 pm am pm pm am pm am pm am am am am pm pm You should magnetize your Incomo with savings account and lc-t It draw Into Its safe coffers the pennies, the niol.ols and the dimes you would otherwi-o waste. $1 will start an acount with un, on which we will pay 6 per cent compounded semi-annually. Remember also you can buy a home by monthly pay.-ncnts through the OMAHA LOAII AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Office B. S. Corner 16th aad Sod South Omaha Offloo Opposite Fostoffloa J. K. KajpUta, Art. O. 8C Kattlofer, ecy.i O. W. Z,omlaa rrea Twin City Express a 7 Chicago Daylight a 8 Chicago Local all Sioux City Local a 3 Carroll Local a 4 Sioux City I-ocal Chicago Express a 5:50 pm ran Man Fast Mall a 8:23 pm Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm Overland Limited a 8::t8 pm Korfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am Deadwood-Llnooln a 8:00 nm Casper-Shonshonl a 3:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 8:02 pm Pa am pm pm Arrive, a 8:U pm a 6:10 pm a 9:30 pir a 6:10 piq al0:45 prr a 5:00 prr a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm b 12:45 pm no. a 7:10 am a 4:30 pm a 8:46 pm b 9:66 pm a 1:85 pm 812:25 put a 8:06 am a 4:50 pm al2:u6 pm al0:10 ant a 6:30 am a 6:25 pm all .40 am a 4:15 pm a 8:80 am al0:30 pm bll:30 am 7:10 am 11:60 pm 9:00 am 11:50 pm 8:80 pm a 6:05 pm alO:oO pm all:lfi pm a 8:46 pm a 9:86 am a 9:50 am a 8:46 pm a 7:80 am a 2:06 pm a 8:30 am a 7:5 am a 9:31 am a 10:3.") am al0::t5 am a 6:05 pm a 6:05 pm b 6:06 pm bl2:60 pm si. a 7:80 am a 3:10 pm a 9:30 am Chicago, Milwaukee Jt M. Chi. & Colo. Special.... a 7:55 California A. Ore. Exp. .a 6:46 Overland Limited a 8:36 Des Moines at Cedar Rapids Local b 6:45 am 1)11:00 pm lllnols Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 Minn. & St. Paul Exp.. .b 8:00 c nicago Limited a 6:00 Minn. & St. Paul Lmtd. a 8:30 am am pm om a 8:45 pm a 8:15 im a 7 :30 ant 7:30 am BURLINGTON STATIC" IOTTI Jt MASOt Barlinartoa. Denver A California.... Black Hills , Northwest Special , Northwest Express .... Nebraska Express ..... Nebraska Local Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall Lincoln Local Ft. Crook & Plattsm'th Plattsmouth Denver Limited Bellevue A Pac. June. Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa. Local St. Louts Express Kansas Clty-St. Joe.... Kansas Clty-St. Joe.... Kansas Clty-St. Joe.... Leave, .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .ajl:10 pm ,a 9:10 am .a 8:00 am 'b 8:00 pm .'b 2:90 pm .a 7:50 pm .'a 8:30 am .a 7:26 am .a 8:45 pm .a 8 .(4 pm .a 915 am .a 4:46 pm .al0:46 pm .a 9:1$ am .a 4:45 pm Arrive, a 3:80 pm a 8:30 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:10 am a 7:45 pin a 7:45 pm a 9:U5 am al2:01 pm a 7:30 pm 1)10:26 am a 6:10 am a 7:10 am a 1 :60 put a 7:25 am a 8:55 pm a 7:25 pm alO:53 pm all:) am a 8 46 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER STATION-l&th WKBfTEIt Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis as Omaha. Leave. Antra. Twin Cltv Pasenger...b 8:30 am b 8:10 pm Sioux Cltv Passenger. . .a 2 o0 pm all :20 am Emerson Local b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local o 8:45 am o 8:60 pm Mtaaonrl Parlfla. Local via Weeping Water a 8: am a 6:50 pm Falls City Local a 3 60 pm all:20 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PKILIPPlHEi HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA bt tbe Moral Mall Meaner of (be CARADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Thai faatMt Irnvmatra In that Orlant. Kapd 1 VftnouY-r nti Vokrtliftti.. T!i "Tftru,r ' Athw- Uu" AO li "MoiltsMstflA" trs-OWld B (Br4(rtlanfJ 1 f fthexftp trip. Cftrrinn one oIah 9t otia ymm agere only M la lntnaMiiaii r'tu. fcttiMn from VancopTpr to Yokohama, Hob TrtAT M-7 I Eaipraa of I ad la Juaa It Kmprawa of China May U MutiiMgl Jya 7 AtbcnLAO Juna Kmprtu of Japan Julr I from TftJioottTar o Honolultt and jtumf9 Australia. Moan a April MAorantfl foa at Mtowara Mar iMoaita July U For rat lnfirrnation and lltaratura apply to A C. HAW, Oonl Ag aa CUart Ciiltatfo. Offlca hours, 100 10 : tu m., 12 00 to t:IC p ra. Telpbon Harney 39. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL iiHIO Mason street, Omaha, Neb. If. L. lUmai-ciottl, D. V. B , Deputy Stata and City Veterinarian. Food liispet tor. Chief riurceon. D. C. bcott. LK V. aU. W- pttai Surkeoo-