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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1907)
4 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AriUL 16. 1907. DETROIT DEI-EATS CHICAGO Tiews Win ritohen Eettla from Whit Eai by Clot Marein. THREE HITS ARE EUNCHED ON OWEN Reckless Base Rnaliig Prevents Vletera from Karaliic Another en re Rrsnlta at Other Gaaaes. PRTROiT. April 16-Detroit won ffom Chicago in a pitchers' tnttle today. Owen w found for three hits In the eighth. Including a double, but reckless base run ning prevented an earned run. Score: DETROIT. CHICAGO B.H.O A C. B.H.O A.B nVIntvrs. Ossiblln. Cra fort, Cobh, r(. RnMmin, Srh.nlat, Obearr, Salver, p. If. 4 Ib. 4 cf. 4 lb! 4 lb. I a... I H , I I I Hatm. rt 4 111 Clone., ef 4 110 l.hll. lb 4 0 0 Uonohu. lb. 4 1)1 1 t OD.tI.. aa... 4 I 4 11 1 Iwaahertf, 114 tit Boh. lb I 4 14 e... I 10 1 0Ow.ll, p I I 0 I I 1 4 1 1 I 1 0 Totala II 7 17 10 1 Totals 14 T It II I Detroit 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 I Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-bane hits: Crawford, Pelver. Three base hit: Crawford. I .eft on bases: De troit. ; Chicago, 8. First base on errors: Detroit, 2. Struck out: hy Selver, 4; by Owen 2 Time: 1:26. Umpires: Sheridan and Stafford. Philadelphia Win. from Boston. rilllDKLPHlA, Aprtl 15.-Phlludelplila won the third game of the series from Hoston today In the ninth Inning on Mur phy's single and Schrcck'e double. Score: rHIl.ADEI.PHIA. BOSTON B.H.O. A B. B.H.O. AH. H.r.l. If... I 1 1 0 Mulllvas, ef.. I 1110 rron, is 4 Oil 4 Collins, lb .. 4 1 1 t I S.ybold, rf...4 1 1 0 0 l uslaub. lb.. 1 010 Ilavla. lb. ... I 1 II 0 OHo.r, II 4 0 10 0 Murphy, lb . I 1 1 1 trrHintn, rf.. I 1 I 4 0 Srhrark, C....I 1 4 I 0 Karris, lb ... 4 14 0 0 Lord, cf I 0 10 ow.aner, .a... I 0 110 Knlht. lb... I I 0 1 Oghaw. c I 1 i 1 0 Plank, p 1 I 1 4 0 Harrla, p 4 0 0 1 0 Total. II I 11 II 0 Totals II 114 11 I Winning run with none out. Philadelphia 00100001 13 Uoston 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Two-base hlU: Ferris, Beybnld. Schreck, KnlKht. Bucrllli-e hits: l.'ngluub. Hartsel, Murphy, Hank 2). Stolen bases: Cross (2j, I'lank. Douhle plays- Hftnk to Davis, Hulllvan to I'Viiis. Left on bases: Huston, 8; Philadelphia, b. First base on balls: Off Plank, 6; off Harrla, 1. First base on errors: Philadelphia, 2. llt with pitched ball: By Plank, 1. Struck out: By Plank, b. Time: 1:. Implres: F.vans and Hurst Senators Win First Kline. WASHINGTON, April i.-V'aahlngton won Its first game of the season today, defeating New York by the score of to 1 The batting of Perrlne and Anderson were features. Score: WASHINOTON. NEW YORK. B.H O A K B.H.O. AH. Oanl.y. rf .4 1 1 0 OConror. If ... I 0 0 0 0 Bcballlr. lb.. 4 Oil lK.)r, rf....4 1100 Croai, to 1 1 1 0Elb.rr.ld. aa. 4 0 I 4 0 Hickman, lb. I 0 I 0 0 t'haaa, lb . ..4 I 10 0 0 Jonas, U I 1 I 0 0 William., lb. I 0 I 1 0 Altli.r, cf...4 110 OUpini, lb.. 4 4 14 0 And'san. If -la I I 11 0 OHonmau, cl.. I 110 0 Parrtna, aa... 4 114 1 Kl.inuw, c... I 0 I I 0 H.ydon. c... 4 lit OKaet, p I 1 0 I 0 FattSD, p I 0 0 I Ol'larkion. p.. 1 0 0 0 0 Morlarltr ... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals II 11 17 17 I ' Totala 10 t 14 IS 0 Hatted for Clnrkson In ninth. Washington 0 2 0 1 0 1 S 0 New York 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 04 Two-base hits: Hoffman, Anderson (2), Cross, Keefe, Perrine, Jones. Three-base hit: Perrlne. Hits: Off Keefe. 8 in six Innings: off Clarkson, 4 In two InninKS. I Sacrifice hits: Bclialfly. Conroy. Klelnow. I (2). Stolen base: Altlier. Double plays: , u-ioerrem, Williams and Chase; Elbeifeld and Williams; Perrlne, Schaltly and An derson. Left on TJases: Washington, 6; New York, 5. pases on balls: Off Keefe, 1; off Clarkson, 2. First on errors: New York, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Keefe, 1. Struck out: By Patten, 1; by Keefe, 1; by Clarkson, Jt Wild pitches: Patten, 1; Keefe, 1. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Connolly. Game Postponed. At St. Louis Cleveland-St. Louis gam railed off; rain. Btandlns; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Petrolt 8 2 1 .667 Philadelphia 1 2 1 .ti3i' New York Ill .bOu Chicago 4 11 .60) Cleveland 2 11 .R"i Washington Ill .5o) Boston 3 1 1 .."33 St. Louis 3 11 .333 Oamea today: Chicago at Detroit, Cleve land at St. Lous, Washington at Boston, Philadelphia at New York. McKibhin liafs Good enough for anybody Cheap enough for everybody $3 'The standard of hat value" Sold everywhere commission at Its New York meeting. It was always a question If the commission could touch the Topeka case with any pro priety because the national agreement grants to the minor leagues the right to conduct their own affairs. "The commission's finding simply speci fied as unwise the territorial draft legisla tion of the national association and recom mended that It be modified. This sugges tion was accepted graciously by the na tional board and an effort made at a meet ing In Buffalo to patch up an agreement between the two leagues disputing over the Topeka territory. When that failed It was presumptuous in the Western lewgue to appeal again to the national commis sion, whloh already had gone aa far aa propriety would permit. "The position of the Western league was weak and untenable before the New York meeting and was made so by the failure of o .Nell to comply with slmule reaulre- ments of the constitution i4verning the national association. The only standing he secured wns when the Western associa tion consented to a conference. The posi tion of the Western league Is made more amusing by the fact the records of the na tional association show that the vote on the territorial draft legislation was unani mous. (J Neil's vote, therefore, helped to make the law he now complains of so bit terly." s noTO wins FnoM Brooklyn GLORIFIER WINS HANDICAP lfoCormlok Hone f iaiihei First in Feature Event at Iqnedaot. ROSEBEN IS REMARKAELE SECOND Moves I from "lath Place la the . Last Farlona Demand, the Favorite In the Betting, Rons Foartb. O'ftEIL, COMBS TO OMAHA TODAY President of Western Learn a Will Give I'mplres Final Instructions. CHICAGO, April lR.-Presldent O'Nell of the Western Base Ball league left here tonight for Omaha, where tomorrow he will meet the umpires of his league and give them final Instruction. The Western leaguo has a new set of umpires this season, A. M. Gilford comes from the American asso ciation, William Brennan from i the Iowa Slat league and Jack Haskell and IS. J. Conahon from the Eastern league. That the national commission exceeded Its Jurisdiction In an effort to help the Western league In Its dispute over the Topeka club s franchise and that President O'Nell originally favored the rule of the minor league organisation which he now desires rescinded were the features of a statement President Johnson of the Amer ican league made yesterday. Tha interview with O'Nell at Omaha," Mr. Johnson said, "could come only from a man so far lacking In Intelligence as to be unable properly to Interpret the simple and conservative finding of the national Tram from the llnb Makes Three Rons on One Hit. BOSTON, April 15. Rucker's wild throws and pitches and Kltcheys steal of home base gave Boston three runs on a single hit today and the final score was 3 to 2 In favor of (lie home team. Score: BOSTON. BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O. A.B. Bates, rf 4 0 4 0 0 Malonay. cf..l 110 0 T.nnsr, Ib... 4 1 10 0 ICaMjr. Ib I 0 0 I 0 Brausiont, cf I 1 0 0 OLumlrr, rt...l 10 0 0 Howard. If... I 111 0 Jordan, lb... 4 0 It 0 0 Brldw.ll. aa.. I 0 1 I lHiln, If 4 0 I 0 0 KlM'her. lb.. I 0 11 OLawli, a. .. 4 0 4 1 0 Drain, 3b I 0 0 I OAlportnan, 2b. 1 0 I 4 0 Kavriham, c. . I 0 I 0 OHurlcr, C ...1 0 4 10 Pfrffar, p 110 1 ORurk.r, p.... 110 11 Totals 17 4 17 13 1 Totala J9 I 24 13 I Boston 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 '3 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Lumley. Sacrifice hits: Bltchey, Howard, Casey. Stolen base: Rltchey. Double plays: Alperman and Jordan, Howard and Rltchey. Bases on balls: Off Pfefter, 8; off Rucker, I. Hit with ball: Beaumont. Struck out: By Pfef for, 4. Wild pitches: Rucker, 2; Pfeffer, 1. Umpire: Klglcr. Time: 1:66. Cincinnati Plies In Blar Score. CINCINNATI, April lo.-McOlynn was no I puzzle for Cincinnati In two Innings today, nine runs oeing maae on mm in mat time. Maeon held St. Louis aafe at all stages. Catcher Marshall and I'itcher Karger of St. Louis were put off the field bv Umpire Johnstone for disputing on a called ball. Bcore; CINCINNATI. BT. LOUIS. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. HuKtfns, lb.. I I 1 I OKallr. rf I 0 1 0 0 bavla, cf 1110 Cd'H.ra, if.... 4 1110 Kn. b I 1 1 T lflanoatt, lb.. I 0 1 I 0 fcanisl, ' lb... 4 1 14 0 0 Becklay, lb.. 4 11 0 0 Kruu-r. If.... 4 110 OUyrna, lb.... 4 110 1 Milch.ll, rf.. 4 1 I 0 0 Holly, aa I I I 4 0 alowray, as.. 4 0 0 I 0 Huron, cf 4 0 I 0 0 McLean, C....I 1 I 0 0 atarahall. c.l 0 0 I 0 Maaon. p I 1 0 OHoal.tter, c I 0 I 1 1 McOlynu, p. I 1 0 I 0 Toula II 1117111 ToUla iZ I 24 14 I Cincinnati 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 St. Louis 01000 i) 000 1 Two-base hits: Kruger. Byrne, Holly. Sacrifice hits: Mason, Bennett. Double play: McOlynn to Holly to Beckley. Stolen oases: HuKKins, DavlH, l.une. Ift on bases: Cincinnati. 4; St. Louis. 7. First base on balls: Off Mason,. 2; off McOlynn, 4. Struck out: By Mason, 2; by McGlvnn, J. Passed ball: Marshall. Wild pitch McGlynn. Time: 1:55. Umpires: John stone and Carpenter. Giants Defeat Quakers. NEW YORK, April 15. Poor fielding and pitching were much In evidence during to- NEW YORK, Aptll lS.-Qlorifler, J. H. McCormtck'a big chestnut horse, fresh from a winter campaign at New Orleans, and second choice In the betting, won the $10,000 Carter handicap at Aqueduct to day, beating Roscben a length and a half. Don Diego was third, Demund, the favorite, finished fourth, and Oxford, also heavily Flayed, followed closely on his heels in fifth position. The time for the seven fur longs was 1:284- Twenty thousand persons saw the race. Roseben, a doubtful starter until the last hour before the race, furnished the excite ment. A furlong from home he was In sixth position, then fifth, fourth and third In rapid succession. However, Gloriflers lead could not be overcome and Roseben finished second on his own courage, get ting little assistance from his Jockey. Glori fter was heavily played at 8 and 4 to 1. Roseben opened at 6 to 1 and went to 10 to 1. closing at S to 1. Summary: First race, selling, five furlongs: Ath lete (106, Hennessv, 1! to 1) won, Keator (Hfi, Oarny. ti to 6) second, Dr. Hollls 1(3, Shilling, 100 to 1) third. Time: IWk. Pantoutlo, Ballot Box, Right and True, IJttle Woods, Mark Antony 2d, Sufllre, Cloisterers, B. Belle. Anna May, Kiameeha Id, Veronese and Cooney K. also ran. Second race, the Bayslde steeplechase, about two miles: Jimmy Lane (H13, Owens, 3 to 1) won, Imlclan (1:10, Huppe, 11 to 8) second. Sandalwood O', Helden, 6 to 1) third. Time: 4:36. Arabo, Northville and Ricgs also ran. Third race, selling, four and a half fur longs: Thomas Calhoun (102, Mosgrove, 6 to 1) won, Kerrv 1(). Horner, 6 to 1) second. Sweet Tnlre (107, Miller, 4 to 1 third. Time: 0:fi4Vi. Morston, Astoria Belle, Adrian, Hands Around, Montana Poet, George M. Cohan, Band Box, C. H. Shilling, Wed ding, Youthful, Oceanic, Alderman Tim and Rnlmonde also ran. Fourth race, the Carter handicap of HO.oijO, seven furlongs: Glorlfler (119, Moun tain, 4 to 1) won, Roseben (133, Reckman, s to 1) second, Don Dietro (liW, McDanlel, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:2SV4. Oxford. Tlle Ing, Juggler, Demund. Rye,. Avaulter, Comedienne, Orbicular, Colonel Jack, Mars ter, Ampedo, Malacca and Shackle also ran. Fifth race, selling, seven furlongs: Bell snicker (10ft, Ilnglander, 6 to 1) won, Kll lochan (id. Oarner, g to 1) second. Durbar (110, Shilling, 20 to 1) third. Time: DSN. Lord Badge, Modest, Ocean Spfay, Sir Tod dlngton, Tyrolean "d Socley Bud also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Orphan Lad (108, Miller, 9 to 2) won, Alpeninarchen (1i6, Oarner, 7 to 1) second, Elcassador (106, Preston, 8 to I) third. Time: 1:14. Lord Stanhope, Lady Alicia, RusBell T. and Thomas Hay also ran. Jockeys Hurt at Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. Two Jockeys were thrown from horses at the post at Oakland today, but both escaped Injury. Seven Bells stumbled at the start In the tifth and It was feared R. Davis was hurt, but he was only stunned. Summary: First race, four furlongs, selling: Rustler (112, F. Kelly, 7 to 1) won. Thankful (108, McLaughlin, 5 to 1) second, Swede Sam (10S, C. Williams, 16 to 1) third. Time: 0:li'i. Chnrles A., Irish Mike, Great Apache, Altalr, Voloskl, Jeremiah, Porta la, Mosslmek and Lukevlew finished as named. Second race, six furlongs : Silver Sue (107, Graham, 8 to 1) won. Fred Bent (li. C. Williams, to 1) second, Huleord (104. Lynch. 6 to 1) third. Time: E. M. Brattaln, Kscambo, Magrane, Governor Or man, F"unny Side and Princess Wheeler finished as named. Third race, mile and a sixteenth, selling: Dutiful (110, Palms, 3 to 2) won, Byron 'Roue (117, B. Wilson, 13 to 1) second; Na bonaasar 010, Hotel, 50 to 1) third. Time: 1:47. Invader,. Biid of Passage, Jackful, Briers, Mai Lowery. Dora I., King of the Mist and Anvil finished as named. Corrl gun left at post. Fourth race, six furlongs: St. Francis (107. Sandy, U to 6) won, Nappa (9S, W. Kelly, 12 to 1) second, Royal Rogue (103, McBride. 8 to 1) third. Time: l:l:i. Bur leigh. Sir Brillar, Nonle Iucllle, King Cole. Dewey, Pal and Gold Heather finished aa named. Fifth race, mile, selling: FHiry O06, Mcntry, 6 to 2) won, Fastoso (104. Gross, 5 to 1) second, Watercure (109, Smith, T to 1) third. Time: 1:42. Convent Bell, Ismalian, Frank Fllttner, Darthula, Baker, Mistress of Rolls, Another Guess and Sand stone finished as named. Seven Bells fell. Sixth race, six furlongs: Burning Bush (107, But well, 20 to 1) won, Louis Fitzglb bons (107, Gross, SO to 1) second, Como (110, Knnpp. to 11 third. Time: 1:14H. Prince of Castile, Talentosa, Sycamore, Yank, John Hheehan. Klndeis and Humada fin ished as named. onds. Parr wns on the defensive through out the second bout, which lasted 11 min utes 1 seconds. Beall won Both falls with a combination leg and head hold. LICOl GIVF.S WICHITA PHI BBHO "DsfVy" Holmes' Road forea Seven tern to Kansess He4-'":, LINCOLN, Neb., April IS. (Special Tele gram.) Lincoln s Western league team fairly smothered the Wichita club of the Western association in an enhiWttnn game today. The tube of "Ducky" Holmes slammed the bull all over the lot, while the Kanmm fielded loosely, ai.d the result was a harvest of runs. The pitching of Jones and Clcotte was too tight for Wichita to score. The score: R. H E. Lincoln 1 0 0 6 4 0 0 7 17 22 2 Wichita 000000000 0 7 6 Butteries: Lincoln, Jones, Clcotte. Zln rtin and Sullivan; Wichita, Dick, Speer, Weaver and Nichols. Drake's Fool Rail Schedule. DKS MOINES, la., April 15 (Special. The Drake unlveisity foot ball schedule for next fall has been completed. It is as fol lows: October 6, MorningRlde at Sioux City; October 12, Central university at Bella: October 1!, Cornell at the stadium; octolier 20. University of Iowa at the stadium: November 1 Grinnell at the stadium; November 9. Crelghton at Omaha; November 1ft, not definite; November 2S, Ames at the stadium. Kennedy with Hoctora Only. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., April 14. -To the Sporting Editor of The Bee: I see by your amateur directory that you have me down as manager of Hoctor'a ana Armours teams. South Omaha. I have nothing to do with Armour's, but want to hook some games for Huctor's for Saturdays and Sundays. Please make correction and oblige. U. 8. KENNEDY, Manager Hoctors. Cambridge la Victorious. CAMBRIDGE, Neb., April 16. (Special.) An Interesting gume of base ball was played on the Cambridge diamond Saturday afternoon between the Bartley team and the Cambridge HiKh school team. The game resulted In a score of 6 to 2 In favor of Cambridge. Thlf was the fifth game played this season by the Cambridge boys, of which they have won every game. Armonrs Play l.esgners. The Armours and Pa Rourke'a leaguers will play this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Vinton Street park. The packers have promised to put up a hard tight. The lineup will be as follows: Burcsh. right; English, center; Badura left; Lisbon, third; Mo Mahon, short; Shannhan, first; Cavanaugh, first; Carey pec-old; Bohner, catch; Jones, pitch; Smith, pitch; Williams, pitch. Duncan Sells Two Players. SIOUX CITY, la., April 16. (Special Tele gramsFrank Duncan, president of the Sioux City Base Ball club, today announced the sale of MIsee, Infielder, to Marshall town, and Frost, infielder, to Lincoln. WITH THE BOWLERS. 9 - ' Tit- For , 50 years wc have been making Good old in the 6ame old way, at the same old place. It is the same pure whiskey with the same fine distinct flavor it has had each year "Since 1857" Bottltd i Bond day's game between Philadelphia and New York. Score: NEW TOIIK. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Shannon, If.. I 1 1 0 0 Thomas, cf... 4 1 3 0 0 prowns. rf... 1 0 I 0 1 Olw.on, 2b.. 4 0 4 0 0 Devlin, lb..., I 10 1 OTItus, rf 4 10 0 0 bVymnur, cf.. 4 1 0 0 IMim, If 4 1 1 0 0 Rru. iiahan, c. I I T 1 ti llrn.niM, lb S 1 I 1 0 Uowrrm n, lb I 0 11 0 0 Courtney, 3b. I 0 1 I 1 Uahlen. a. .. I 1 1 I 1 I'oolin. as ... I 0 10 1 Corcoran, lb. 4 1 4 I lsntells, as .O 0 0 10 Am' a, p 1 0 4 1 OJai klltach, o. I 0 I I 1 Stranf 1 0 0 0 p.. I 0 I I 0 Taylor, p 10000 Totals II 4 14 II 1 Totals II 7!l U 4 Batted for Ames In the seventh. Olenson out, hit by batted ball. New York 20020002 8 Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 05 Two-base hit: Bresnahan. Hits; Off Ames, 4 in seven innings. Sacrlllce hits: Brown, Devlin, Thomas. Double plav. Devlin to Corcoran to Bowerman. Left on bases: New York, 6: Philadelphia, 9. First base on balls: Off Ames, S; off Duirgleby, 1 Struck out: By Ames, 6; by DujfyK-by, 4. Time: 1:65. Umpires: Enislle and Klcm. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago 2 2 0 l.OuO Cincinnati 2 2 0 l.i Boston 3 i 0 1.0) Philadelphia 2 11 .b-m New York Ill .6ou Plttxburg 10 1 OaO") St. Louts 3 0J6 CO Brooklyn 10 2 O.On) Games today: Boston at Philadelphia, New York at Brooklyn, St, Loul at Cincinnati. The O. D. K'a won two games from the Melz Bros, team at the Association alleys last night and "Kip" had his laugh at "Dad" Hint's expense. With a total of 665 Chandler came within one pin of John son's record series for the month and also hud the high single game with 24tJ. To night's match between the Krug Parks and Dreshers will be bowled Friday night, when they will roll two full series, starting at 7 o'clock sharp. Score: METZ BROS. Diamond Dost. The St. Louis Browns still look like It Wichita, that won a game from Omaha, split even on a series with Denver. Catcher Erwln has been released from the St. Louis team to the St. Paul team and will be a great help to old Joe Sugden. Well, one game lost that's not half bad for the practice season, when you con sider that the Champions of the World were among the opponents of Omaha. The Courtney base ball team is organized, fitted out with new suits and looking for fames. Teams wishing to be taken on, call '. E. Wendllng, manager, telephone Doug las 647. The first contract Larry I-aJole ever signed was written on the back of an envelope and called for a salary of 1100 a month. It was made with Charley Marsten, then manager of the Falls River (Mass.) team. The Ramblers played the second game out at Diets nark Sunday and the game was called in the seventh Inning on account of the rain with the score 3 to 3. Benson pitched for the Ramblers and allowed but three hits, while Young was touched for four hits. A meeting will be held Tuesday evening by the directors of the Omaha Field club to determine the date for open'ng of the Field club. The Country club has fixed the date for the formal opening, of that club at April 27, but the probable date for the Field club is May 6. Considerable golf has been played in advance of the opening and both club houses have been open fir the accommodation of the members, but the formal openings have been put off in the prospects cf warmer weather. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids Natnre, Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts cn this plan. It allays the cough, re lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thou sands have testified to Its superior excel lence. ' LIBEL CASE IS NOW BEGIN Attorney! ia Pinn'ton fat Aetimt ltewi Make Oreoinc Statement. LAWYERS HINT AT STARTLING LV'iOtNpE Jnry Secured After Tw Days' Work and Taking of Testimony Will Deal a at This Mornlnai'a Session, 1. 1. 8. Total. Brunka ...t ,.211 153 2f7 671 Zurp li0 109 157 616 ' Donman 14N 1X3 179 510 Blakeney 2ol U1 2(6 fci7 ' Huntington 193 l!f7 173 &63 ; Totals 943 893 921 2.767 j O. D. K S. 1. 2. 8 Total. Neale 177 163 2S8 678 Chandler 3)4 248 215 tii6 MoUneaux 192 199 179 570 (Jjeido 174 194 196 . 6rt7 Sprague 180 144 158 4K2 Handicap 12 2 6 Totals 9J9 962 987 2.8o8 ii. J lkla A. Cickenhelmer A Eros. fttxtlflera ftifeWsb, fa. Coronas Win from Clarks. OMAHi April 15. Sporting Editor of The Bee: Kindly correct your item In this morning s sporting news in whloh the Clark Imperials claim a victory over the Coronas. This aanie wa won by the Coronas by a score of 7 to 3. Dot an. the south paw, was sent to the woods In the first Inning, after six runs had been made off iiis delivery. Webb for the Coronas held the Imperials down to three hits: boors: R. H. Coronas 8 0 0 0 1 0 07 8 Imperials 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 3 Butteries: Coronas, Webb and Mokry; Imperials, Doran, Ogden and Brown. Yours slnceiely, NEIL SMITH, Manager Coronas. Poor Bass Runnlnsr Loses name. IOWA CITY. Ia.. April 15. (Special Tele gram.) Inability to run the bases lost a thlrteen-lnning game to the Rock Island Three-J leaue team here for the State University of Iowa today. They outbatted the leaguers, the work of Kirk and Mlllvr fur Iowa being exceptionally fine. Kent pitched a brilliant game for Iowa. Score: K.H.U. Rock Island ..001000011000! 11 4 Iowa OtOOOOlvlOOOC 17 8 Three-base hits: Bwahn (2), Miller (21, Dylle. To-bae hits: Kirk (2j, Forney, Dylle. Batteries: Kent and Kirk; Lnndin, Neil anil Forney. Umpire: Randall. Mlsaonrl Defeats Kansas. COLUMBIA. Mo., April 16.-Mlsourl uni Teraity defeated Kansas university today by a score of 9 to 1. The game wus marked by heavy hitting by the Missouri team. Harlan was relieved In the s.Jtih inning by Jertntngu. Holmes of Ksnras was disquali fied on charges of prolaloriaUlm, which was admitted. Score: R. H. 11 Missouri 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0- 11 1 Kansas I M I 1 t 0 0-8 i t Batteries: Salisbury and 8waiuHin; Har lan, Jsnnlngs and Brookena. Ions Win from Dskslaas. . SIOUX CITY', Ia.. April 16--(Bpcll Teh rrain ) In a twelve-inning same this after no. .n tJlouE City defeated hs University of i Ewuia Daiaola of Veriuiilou, I Id 1 Nonpareils Win. The Nonpareil Base Ball club defeated Fort Omaha on the latter's diamond In one of the closest contested games of the season by the score of to 6. Both pitchers threw great ball, Routt striking out fifteen and Cas eight. The score: R H E. Nonpareils 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 7 1 Fort Omaha....! 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 05 8 4 Bntferles: Nonpareils, Routt and Hach ten; Fort Omaha, Cass and Halbe. Rcrll Throws Parr at Chlcaun. CHICAGO, April 15 -Fred Beell. the Wis consln wrestler, defeated Jlin Parr of Eng land In two straight falls here tonight. The contest was at catch-aa-catch-can style, but tho nu n were so fast that they kept to their feet most of the time. Beell, al though much smaller, was the stronger. The first fall took Beell 2b minutes 10 sec- L UIVT CHAMP, 4Qqvii to Oil Araruments Postponed. CHICAGO, April 15. The hearing of argu ments on the motion of the Standard OH company for a new trial in the rebate case which resulted Satutday night In the con viction of the company has been postponed fur two weeka. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. Leave of absence has been granted for ten days to Captain Elmer A. Dean, medi cal deprtment. Fort Riley. Honorable discharges have been granted the following enlisted men: Private Nel son D. Scott, Troop F, Second csvalry; Andrew Klnsinger, Troop H, Second sav-alr,- - Major Thomas C-ise, chief quartermas ter Department of the Missouri, has re turred from a tour tf inspection of the ouarterniawter fley-artments at Fort Riley and Leavenworth. Captain S. H. Dw'ntileiman, Sixth ca.v-r-'ry; First Lieul'nnt W. S. Mapes, Twenly-fiflh lnfarif.-, and Second Lieuten ant George, Sixth cavalry, were victors at artr.y Headquarters during tha last t'svr dy. Major Bradner D. Slaughter, paymaster Vnited States army is lying seriously ill at his home, 2022 Wirt street, of pneu monia. He was attacked Wednesday and while his condition was somewhat Improved Monday morning, he Is critically 111. Major General Greely, commanding tho Nmlhem mlllinry dlvtettn and Depart ment of the Missouri, is in Omaha on his usual semi-monthly visit to army head quarters. He is accompanied by his aide-de-camp, Captain George H. Shields of tho Third infantry- They will remain in the city two or three days. I'ndor a recent decision to limit the time of duty in the Philippines of staff officers of two years' actual service In the islands. Instead of two years and six months absence from the United States, will occur the transfer for officers whose transfer was not contemplated for sev eral month. This is particularly true cf the medical corps of the army and tho surgvon general's office has Just completed a list of officers who will sail from San Francisco on June 15. Among those to be transferred under this late order wilt be Ctiplain T. L. Khoads, now on duty at Fort Crook, as post surgeon. The following general court-martial sen tences have been approved and 'promul gated: Privates Richard Wat kins, Trocp I Tenth cavalry, for absenoe without leaves, three liunnths' Imprisonment at KVrt Robirtwm; Harry J. Drew, Troup H, Sixth cavalry, for desertion, one year's Imprlai n menl; Arthur p. Cuplinger, Fourteenth battery field artillery, for desertion, aix months' irnprU oitnicnt at Fort Crook; ChHrles Brandenberg. Company B. Thir teenth cavalry, for fraudulent enlistment, one year's imprisonment ; Harry I Thomp son, foot service, white, ftc conduct preju dicial tu good order and military discipline, eiKhl months' imprisonment at Fort Riley; Melville E. Y'ouiisp. Troop F, Sixth cavalry, for deatertion. one year s Imprisonment, and Thomas S. Bra.iley, Tro-p C, Ninth car airy, for desertion, fifteen months' Impris onment. The sentences in each Instance Involve dishonorable discharge, and the im prisonment, except as otherwise noted, will le carried out at Fort Leavenworth mili tary prison. General oourt-martlals hsve been ordered to convenai April 15 at Forts Leavenworth and Riley for the trial of such caates as may be properly brouKht before them. The detail for the court at Fort Ifivenworth la: Ma Jut H. C. rjchamm, artillery corps, Ca.pti lis R. D. Walsh. Ninth cavall-y; John P. Haiua, artillery corps; Jams D. Ty nr. Jr., Eighteenth Infantry; First Lieu tenant James G. Taylor, Etj(hteenth In fant! y; Second Lieutenants F. W. itoikey cutt, artillery culpa; A. H. Carter, artillery oun. iiruoe Maatrudrr and James M. iK U, Lightr.5iiili lnfanu y, and Flist Lieutenant Charles II Morrow, Elfhtoemn infantry, judge advocate. The detail fur the court at Fort iuiey lat: lieutenant Ccloml Gruiljer Adams, artillery corps; Captains it. C. Williams, ThlrteinXh cav alry; ii. M. Kueliler. artillery oorps; Charles A. llneyn, Second cavalry; Lutils T. liolBtiiu, artillery First lieuten ant Dexter Sui-ve. Thirteenth cuvalry: Second Ll utenanu W. W. Gordon, SeKxmj ravaliy; L. il. McKlnlay. artillery cucps; pluilp J K. Kiehl, I hii'teeiith tavalry. and Lieutenant W. F. Martin, second cavalry, juuk advocate The opening statements of the attorney occupied the entire afternoon session of Judge Estelle's court In tha trial of tho Jr.l.OoO libel suit of Tom Dennison against the Omaha News, growing out of the pub lication by the News of Elmer Thomas' speech shortly Biter the alleged dynamiting of Thomas' home In 1904. The statements were completed at 4:30 and court adjourned until thla morning, when the taking of ev idence, aome of which is expected to be sensational, will begin. W. J. Conmell, leading attorney for Den nlnon, made the opening statement for his client. He declared the suit waa serious, not only because of the amount Involved, but because of the seriousness of the charges made against Dennlson. He said at least five specific charges were made and he summed them up. "At that time," he continued, "there was ', criminal prosecution over In the state of Iowa In which Tom Dennlson was charged with being connected with the famous Pol lock robbery. It will appear that the ac tive prowecutor of these crises waa the at torney of the Civic Federation, Elmer E. Thomas. This case was about to come to trial. Just at that critical time thesd clutrges were made and evidently with the malicious Intent of prejudicing his case thoy were widely circulated in Harrison county, Iowa." Mr. Conreell said Dennlson would not deny that some time before the publica tion of the article he had run a policy game, but he aseerted that would be all they could allow against htm. He said after the article appeared Dennlson pre pared a written statement, which The Bee and the World-Herald published, but which the News refused to publish. Mr. Connoll sold he hoped the defense would attempt to show that Dennlson had some connection with the alleged dyna miting of Thomao house. He said he was prepared to meet that charge and hoped It would be raised. 'We will produce evidence," he said In cloning, "that will surprise this Jury and startle this community." Considerable time was taken during his opening statement to objections by Mr. Van Dusen to aon-e of his remarks. News Side of Case. Mr. Van Dusen followed with a state ment for the defendant. He declared his paper had merely published a report of the speech of Elmer Thomas, which had been published In the other papers of the city. He touched on the various statements which are made the basis for the suit and made a number of general charges, which he said he would attempt to. prove. His statement showed that the evidence of Shercliff, the Iowa convict, who was the principal witness In the Pollock case, will be used by the defense in this cane. Mr. Van Dusen also presented as a de fense that the name of Tom Dennlson did not appear In the article complained of. The Jury was secured after two days work at noon Monday. Court adjourned at once until 2 o'clock, when the opening argu ments were begun. The hearing of the case. It is believed, will take at least a week and it 'will be fought bitterly by both sides. Some sensational development are prom ised by both litigants. - The Jurors selected to try the case are: Joseph Thornton. 610 North Twenty-third street; A. ,Wellman, Station B. R. F. D. No. 1; William Omsted, Florence, Neb., It. F. D.; J. W. Noon, 1621 North Twenty second street; H. O. Beatty, 3828 Seward street; W. Burg, 1538 North Sixteenth street; James Galloway, Twentieth and S streets, South Omaha; William McDermott, 223 North Twenty-sixth street. South Omaha; J. O'Rourke, 1453 South Fourteenth street; Frank Beecher, 1726 South Seven teenth street; J. K. Boyle, 1817 St. Mary's avenue; W. B. Rowe, 2408 North Twenty fifth street. BENDALOW FOR NEW LINKS Chleaajo Expert Will Lay Out Golf Grounds of Happy Hollow Club. Tom Bendalow, a noted golf expert, con nected with Spalding A Co., Chicago, will be secured to lay out the golf course of the new Happy Hollow Country club. This action was decided upon Monday at a meet ing of the board of directors of the club at the Commercial club. A telegram, re questing him to come to Omaha imme diately, was sent to Mr. Bendalow by F. H. Gaines, chairman of the greens com mittee of the club. The club considers itself extremely for tunate In securing the services of Mr. Bendalow, as he is an acknowledged ex pert in laying out golf courses, having laid out over 4u0 in the United States and Canada. The grounds committee of the club, con sisting of F. H. Gains, Arthur H. Cooley, Euclid Martin, H. W. Yates, Jr., A. A, McClure, W. L. Belby and C. C. George, in spected the proposed golf course last Sat urday afternoon and recommended Mr. Bendalow to the board of directors. Dakota Fair Board Organises. lrCRON, 8. D., April 15. (Special.) The new State Board of Agriculture met here and organized by the election of J. W. Campbell of Huron president and W. 8. Hill of Alexandria vice president. The treasurer will be selected at the next meet ing. Much business was done looking to the state fair to be held here September to 13, inclusive, and these superintendents of departments ware named: Grounds, J. W. Campbell; horses and cattle, W. 8. Hill; sheep and awlne, P. W. Peterson of Vermil ion. The board decided to erect a number of new buildings, Including two horse barns and four hog barns and two sheep barns. A poultry building will also- be erected and a large addition made to the women's build ing and an additional building also put up for agricultural displays. . iff- '' 1 ?3;r. SI !A1 i 1.4 in J.i h liaaasu iitltr J J rt sample. Addrsss Dept. 1 u. war i M, i,r nu. a oaojtvts a ' ' The Shine lat WonTt Explod That iSi..!. laaV W MVM UMTS aVATCHOS arCMCra COhLPAJTY, 807 arorta ITta at. Oa aw- - A""-:.- .-. .... .. .. . -::t:t:T'... 1 m iLrt IKSTRIKEi tt the Indoors and out, pipe smoking ii becoming as popular here is it has alwavt been in FnfjIanX 'l'his il largely due to the increasing popularity of the largest selling brand of iliced cut tobricro in tlic vrnrU. LUCKY STRIKE fgBL Its delightful fraerance pleases all. Smeltra long, and fool w'h no waste, and Is rmy to handle. Cured by s aerrrt proreas known to us only. Pncket alia, tin box, 10c Notst The name "l attersoa " on tobscio stands iur quality. yy0?C ft w m i j..- J THE FACT THAT WE SELL MIXED PAINTS Is a guarantee that thenv is none better. 'ou have known us a long time and know that we tell the truth. We sell anything you can think of in the Paint Line. wAiLL mm that we sell has the distinction of not heing COMMON. Modern Ideas and Exclusiveness is our Motto. lutlieiiord tk Jensen Tel. Douglas 1774. 1410-1412 Harney Street. . aifc m aaawfcjaVaaSaaa CSS IE? The popularity of the State Medical In stitute has been achieved through the scientific application of proper treatment In rendering its skill and aid to suffering humanity. . AU that expert skill, vast e i perience and scientific attainments can accomplish are now being done for those who apply to us for' the help they need. We treat man only and enre promptly, safely and thoroughly, BRONCHITIB, CATARRH, ntBTOOl DEBILITY, BLOOD FOISOW, BKIW DISEASES, KID KEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all special Diseases and their complications. ' v'f H ... ,. s cA - atf, . .-,. ,,;tj Cnnsult Frpp The Reliable STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE TOH1SforEU3ES!I Call and Do Examined Free or Write. OFFICE HOLRS 8 A. II. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY. 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established In Omaha. Nebraska, IS III. IT WILL COST YOU to write for our big FKtfc UICiXLU; catalofrue shewing the tno?.t complrte line of hlffh-grade UIDiaiS. T1KKS and 1 NUKIES at i itlCh.S EE LOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. DO SOT BUY A DIOYCLE IrZrTZ or en o kind trrmi, until yon hsve received our complete Free Cta logaas illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns snd latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW I" KICKS and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's crobla. i? y'ui tE SHIP ON APPftOVAL without a tent drpont. Pay the Freight and T t llja allow lo Days Free Trial sad make other liberal terms which uo other 1 1 'f 1 bouse in the world wilt do. You will learn everything aud get much valif la Iiv' V ' r ble Information by simply writing us a postal. MIJ V j We necd ' Rid Afmrtt in every town and can offer an opportunity 7$0.6O PUiJCTUElE-PROOF TIRES ? " kX m RoQjfar Prloo sTA.IS r.r riair To Introduce Wo Will Soli You a samplo Pal to Only rt.8 fAit Notloe the thick robber tresut A" and pouoture strips "Ii" and !," also rim strip M tu prevent rim cutting. This tire 111 outlaat any otbar snake MIKT1. tLAMilO amd NAILS. TACKS a OR GLASS U Our THE AIR (cash with order NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of it Tears exoerience in tire making. No danger irom THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual USX Over 8eventy-fii Thousand pairs sold last year. DEBGRIPTIOtt l Msde la all lUee, It Is lirely and easy ridlnr, very durable and lined Inside with s special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous sod w hich closes up small punctures without allowing the sir to escape. Wc hsve buoureds of letters from iihed cuatouiers stating that their tires haveonly been pumped uponceor twice ins whele season. They weiijh no more than aa ordinary tire, the punctuie rraialing qualities being given ty several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. Thai "'Holding Baik" sroastioo commonly lelt when riding on aaphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Wesve" Ucd winch prevents all su from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all sucuon. 1 he regular pne of thi s tires is pi so per pair, but for advertising purposes we sre making a sucHal factory piice to the rider of only Ia so per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.U. on approval, You do not pay a cent until yon have examiued aud found them atriclly a represented. We will allow a caah discount of 3 percent (thereby makinff the pri e 4.fii per pair) If you send FULL CASH Wll'H OUUbU and enclose this sdvertisemeul. We will slso send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two bampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture cloaers to V usd In esse of intentioun! Unife ctili or heavy jrashes). Tire to be icturntd at OIK expense if for any reason they art not satisfactory on examination. Ve are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is ss sate as in a bank. Aak your Postm Banker, Express or Freight Ageut or the Editor of this psper about us. If you order a y t these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run f.ster, wear better, la t louder ami finer than any lire you have ever uaed or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pie 1 that when you want a bicvele you will give us your order. W c want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tite offer. ar A O-Ta-n rtOA SSX-C bullt-op-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts snd repairs, snd CUAZt I at 4 LSUSi rl . Of everyliuug ia the bicycle line are sold by us at bail the usual trices charged by dealers and repair men. Write tor our big H tN KKY ratatovue. wn unv llran- but write u a postal today. UO NOT IHl.Vti. OF BDTINO a UU 11 U I YwAII bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful oilers we are making. It only cosU a postal to leara sverrthuig. Write it NOW. HEAD CYCLE CCL.PANY, Dept. c 256 CHICAGO, ILL. JMjf Air. y:mx rJlEN CURE FOR $6.00 VH CITIK, THKN VOL PAY I S Ol It FF.K Established In Omaha 15 Years. Fprjp Consultation I La lm and Examination. Write for Symptom Iilank for Home Treatment. Dr. Scarlcs & Scarlcs N. E. Corner lllb and Doufl'.as SU, OMAHA, MB. i i f