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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE -'OMAHA DAILY BEE: THUllSDAY, A1AKCH '2$. 1007. v 1 .1 TIT7, OFFERED FOR SALE BlTKItwrN WILLIAMS CO., hft mixed taint Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. l ; W-94f YR BALE Old etvle mahosany dreaser; two gentleman's wheels; go-cart for tains. 107 N. 13th St. (1) M342 -.DARDKN and field needs, fruit packages, . bee keepers- supplies, youniierman t"-a Coanrll Bluffs. Is. 14r-28 ! -i . , . P Ridpeth's History of tne worm, II lumes; lowest price on any encycio- dla; monthly payments, western paper Aaa'n, 641 Paxton Bin . Omans, (18) MltM Ail TWO-HORSKPOWnR. W volts, Thomp- Y. son-Houston motor, food aa new, cheap. I6 Capitol Ave. tl)-4l PATENTS Larson ft Co., book free. Bee Bide. a7)-MZ D. O. BARNF.IJU patent attorney and ma. chine doslgner. Paxton Blk. Tel. Bed 7117. 17) 1S3 Ail PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDR Y-flhlrta pressed, not Ironed. XU 8. 11th St, Tel. Doug. 254. 11S 9M . PEWINO machine ren'ed, any make. 7Ro per wees or xz.oo per month. Second hand machine for sale, to 00 and no. !" vjvmi iaa ana narney q8)-966 M A PQIR costumes, Lleben, Tel. 411B. open evenings. UaJ M SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall) cut; aena ior tree catalogue. Myers union Drug -o., umana. (is) 9of ri r i Tm ALL, KINDS. Kl h A I l f Buttons, Rut-hlng, 1 L. L T MHU Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink Ing, only 4fi per yard. Baud for prtco list and samples. flpouglas Block. Tat Douglas im (18) 907 TTlATE CONFINEMENT HOME- Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Dug. f69. UAI WW kTE defects corrected by glasses, fitted r in tour home If desired: reasonable ' prices. Smith. Graduate Optician, feul 1 Lbio. 'Phone wsDsier uw. C8-M0OO 2$x Xt AKR ArtF,8wedl"n movement IM N. AUVOOMXJuth room 8. second floor. I (la j M4a7 As IDE SALVATION ARMY solicits .caatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. nth Bt, ior cost ci collecting, 10 in worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4W8 and wagon ui naii. tun ua 1 LACE curtains nicely laundered, satisfac " lion guaranteed; prices moderate. Phone Douglas ilia. 1711 Jackson. US) 30 fk nvrTT"TTn treatment and bath. Km UAUiv Smith. Us N. 14th, 2d Boor. U IAU ARE you going to New York? I can save you 20 per cent on your hotel bill at a first claaa downtown hotel. Address m-bm, nee. ADVERTISEMENT In this column sec ond week of January answered . by "Beatrice Kail." Will ahe please write again and give same address? Letter returned from areneral delivery. (16) M698 2lx RUPTURS CURED-W: no knife. Quick Cur Rupture Co., Woodmen of the World Duuoing. us tun BOM FOR anything In the sewing machine Una . go to f. Bi. loo. man s CO., ui4 cap. a? WW Ali OMAHA Blag. Btammarers' Institute. Ramg qw-iif JOHN CANE IS IN TOWNI Now la the time to trim trees, trelllsea and ' grape vines; alao landscape gardening. Tel. Red b4ti6. Kea. uui s. sstn Ave. (U-M406 A26 AINFUL bums, any aore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin akin cream, sc. WE SEEK husband for refined Chrlettan woman about 10. - Worth over HO.000. MfMtieatead Club. Toledo. O. tig) wm ax BYIRON WATSON Five letters received. Have written aa Instructed. A. w. . 08-M437 Six f" REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Mid City Lots Sale every afternoon this week bri the grounds. Do not be no IaIa in trot a Tiottia in TriU ioo iaie to gei a come m was beautiful addition. Remem ber the location 13th and Blaine Sts. Take 13th St. 3ar line. ; ; M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Sole Agents, . .1506 DODGE ST. (19)-14 $2,600 All modern, (-room cottage. south front, nicely located, on paved street, near car. In north part of city; permanent walks, shade trees, some fruit; very desirable neighborhood. This Is a very attractive home and a bargain. Terms, one-half cash. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL Hi Paxton Block. (l)-43 27 INVESTMENT SNAP BRICK BUSINESS CORNER, ANNUAL BtMAU UK K0w; WILL NET 12Vs PER J. i-.N T. $,0i cash, balance from rentals; iuw (im interest. I. CONNER. . 232 Neville Block. , (19) MJ42 Al . $-40 00 Will buy you a home on Wirt street. 4-rooin house. lot 40XIS4. small fmlr .J a 7 hi a ThU hou not ........ m miu wno tan use a hammer and saw can make money by inv hg thla now ' ' TLRRLL ft CO.. 17th and Kernam Sta (19-M410 28 Business . Properties 40x6 on west side of lith, near Dodge, $2,200 i wo tun city lota, leas a small corner, Uuioo Paclflo trackage available. Some old buildings renting for about $&00.a year; two blocks from M. E. bidho new building, $9,000 x, near Paxton hotel, $6,200 txiK, with old building In Auditorium oiocx, - 14,000 $2x132 on Farnam. near old Vnlon pa ino, heacViuartera, B. ft M. trackage in rear. Bume old buildings. $4,200 Harrison & Morton, 09) 411 17 ten SAI.E-Two modem houses and large win), uni diock nonn or niniconi park' pitvcd atteet. eaat front, lot liilW. Laat. era owner wm aru ai a iaraln THOMAS bKKNNAN. nuuut 1 M. A. i. Xlldg 4 J. . U9)-l A REAL ESTATE rrrr rnnpiuTT for si.e (Continued.) HANSCOm PARK BARGAINS . ions Bo. loth Ava. House haa twelve roorcs, large reception hall, parlor with fine mantel, largo living room, a dining mom 11x31 and kitchen with cistern pump at sink and Urge cupboarda. etc.; Ave good bed rooms And large storeroom; toilet rooms on ft rat and second floors, laundry In basement, good furnace, two claterna; ground la 100 ft east front with fine ahade trees; large bafn; street la paved with asphalt; cement walka. Owner very anxloua to dispose of house within 80 days. Price, tll.m 1324 8o. 85th St., new -room, thoroughly modern house; fine reception hall with pillars, large living room, very pleasant dining room, kitchen with rear vestibule, 4 good bed rooms, linen closet, bath room, etc, double floors up and down stairs, house finished In quarter-sawed oak down stairs; very fine combination gaa and electric light fixtures, full basement with laundry; ce ment steps and cement walk around house; sightly east front lot; street to be paved this spring. Owner very anx ious to sell before April 15. rrice, $5,500. Owner lives In bouse and will show you through. Look at these. The Bvron Reed Co. Phone Doug. S7. HI So. 14th St (19)-371 n SUMMER HOME AND FRUIT FARM North of Benson orphan age, on good road and near the Brandels home, 10 acres, 7tt of which Is bearing fruit apples, cherries, plums, grapes), etc. Over $900 worth of fruit sold Uat year; haa good 7-room house; barn, cribs, etc; beautKul, sightly location and a big bargain at $4,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & COJ 1S30 Farnam. Doug. 1064. 09) 427 28 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE nearly new, 2089 Marcy St Hard pine, oiled I finish. Everything first claaa. Owner lav Ing city and wants to sell. Street paved. Very fine neighborhood. Prioe $4,000. Sea this and make us an offer. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, n0 Board of Trade. ' Tel. Douglas CD l 27 THEY. ARE GOING COME EARLY and select od of the cholos east, west or double fronts. In the highest, finest snd most beautiful location of all subur ban sites for a desirable home. What so much enhances a home as a beautiful landaoaps view! No city taxes. You get all of these advantages In buy ing a lot in blocks 17 and IS, Halcyon Heights, only two blocks soutn ot Military Ave. car line, on Lynn An., Ben son. Price. $250 to 1650. Term to suit your convenience. WB WILL BB ON THE GROUND FnrtM to k -rnMnunnw iw-J ERNOON, OR AT ANY OTH1CK HOUR BY SPECIAL APPOINT-1 MENT. TEL. DOUO. 867. Russell & McKitrick Co., 433-24 Ramge Bldg., 16th aad Harney Sts. Mflna foe house. 1 ronm. Mrlv . -r- . : . . ' " 12.HB0. new cottage. I rooms and bath. Una casement, wua nui snu coia water; JM2 Laird Bt $ 600, new house, modern, rooms; will be nnisnea in a montn. xi.uoo ior nouse, s rooms, city watsr, 8811 $t,ooa i for brickjouse, 9 rms, oak finish ana mooern. ioi rx. mo. . W. 1. UKAHAM, BEE BLDG (19) 421 ON SOUTII 20TH ST. Nine rooms, east front, city water, porcelain bath, good cistern, sewer, paved street; all Improvements paid.' Well arranged; good repair. Prioe $3,250. P,KEEFE REAL ESTATE OO.Uqo Cash-, Balance Monthly 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone D-2162. (19-JU36 28 FARNAM ST. PROPERTY Full-slsed business lot. 16x132 to twenty foot alley, on north side Farnam, east ot 24th; Improved with three three-story brick nats. paying a rair return on th !... ment Has a future, we think. It for a short Urns at $21,000. Can offer Harrison & Morton USo-428 FOR SALE-$3,500 MY RESIDENCE. NEAR 813T AND MARCY. NKW T nuuua MODERN Cash or Terms. -ADDRESS C 916. BEE. , iihi. - THK KERR AHSTK ACT Co. a AB STRACT OF TITLES are the safest You sie protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errora You don t buy a law suit whtn you buy a "Kerr" abstract 1M , Harney. Tel. Douglae $487. (19) BARGAIN IN COTTAGE 8616 Parker It.. I rooms, city water, full lot-ll.Oio W. T. QRAHAM. Btr - P.9) '"REAL ESTATE " ' CITY PBOrF-HTr FOR tALR. (Continued.! ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION BEFORE BUYING PROPERTY In case of business depression, which we hope will not come, but In case It ehould comer ; Which property would depreciate In value the moat, according to present rrlcea In the West Farnam district at $50 to 175 a front foot, or in Kountie Place, where yon can buy equally as good property, and where as many, if not more, of Omaha best business men have tholr homes, and where we are offering choice lots from II to 26 a front foot; ask any business man or loan company. KOVNTZE PLACE to reached by t car lines, the DO DOE, NORTH 24TH ST. and SHERMAN AVE.; hns good. WIDE. PAVED STREETS, SEWER, WATER. OAS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. OOOD CHVRCHE8 and SCHOOLS, LARGE SHADE TREES, and only a short distance to the business center; no hills or hollowi LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF PRICES: ALL LOTS 50x124 FEET On Locust St.. between 18th and Nth, outh fronts $ o On Blnney St.. between 16th and 24th, only 3 left.. l.060 On Wirt St., between 16th and 24th, only I left, at 1.150 On Spencer St., between 16th and 24th, north fronts. $950: south fronts l.ouu On Lothrop St.. between 16th and 24th, north fronts, $750; south fronts 850 On Emmet St.. between 16th and 24th, taoo to 900 I On Plnkney St., between 16th and 24th, MM to 70 Call for new book of KounUe Place Homes, with plat and price list. You bet ter make your selection before the advance In price. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St, Bee Bldg. (19J 438 27 FOR SALE At a bargain. One of the neatest 6-room houses on the market, with bath room, t good bedrooms, with closets, electric lights and gas, ce mented basement and cement walks; Ana porch, with stone poets; almost new and occu pied by owner. McMENEMY & RIKER, 406 Be Bldg. Tel. Doug. 511 (19) 429 29 LIST your property for sale or exchange with McMenemy & Rlker, 406 Be Bldg. Tel. Douglas 612. ' (13)-4 29 FOR THIS WEEK g-R. mod. house, good repair, near Bemla Park, xx,3U0.uu; easy terms. . $-R. mod. house, paved street and walks. good repair, i,0Vtf.uu; easy lernis. 7-R. house, city water, cistern, gas, perma nent walks, vna ho. zzo. m., oargain. $1109.00. -R. house! t lots, city water, gas. - Sahler St. I $1,Z50.00; easy terms. J. II. PARROTTE 614 Paxton Blk, . (19) M264 80 Business Properties 40x66 on west side of 12th, near Dodge. $2,200 Two full city lots, less a smalt corner. Union Pacific, trackage available. Some old buildings renting for about $500 a year; two blocks from M. 3. Smith new building, $9,000 I 44x66, near Paxton hotel. $4,200 22X133, with Old DuilQing in AUO ltorium mock. $4,000 xzxiu on rnam, near oia union Pacific headauartera. B. & M. trackage In rear. Borne old buildings. $4,200 I Hnrrkon ft Mnrtnn. i . .w. . w . 91$ N. Y. LIFE. (19) M44 28 $3,650 For an 8 room modern house near the Convent on Stth and Burt fits , and It is a bargain. Lot 60x126, nice shade trees. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. X. Lire Bldg. (19) M4CJ 80 Good, Cheap Home $1,100 4 rooms, full lot close to school, city water, located in omana v lew. PETERSON BROS., 623 Bee Bldg. . (19) Mtts 29 LANDS ACRE8 AND CITY PROPERTY. About 10.000 acres of land near North Platte $4 per acre. Large frontage on North Sixteenth 8t, near Burt; Improved 620,000. Trackage and North Sixteenth frontage Forty-four feet on Farnam St., near Twen I1A.0U0. I tv-seoona s.snu. iwo tuts corner iniriy-sixm ana uoage Sts. only II. (MX Forty-four feet on South Tenth St, near Jackson $4, too. Full corner lot diagonally opposite new Northwestern rreignt station IIS.IVO. South Omaha Full lot on Twenty-fourth bt., near u j.uuo. Florence Block of twenty lota II.EhO. Five acres northeast of Benson $1,250. Acres near Houtn umaha and $o. Mi.aiii r. w i m an, 1008 NEW YORK LIFE BLDO, (1K M156 SI biisr vri T.iviwn I 436 Nicholas St.. has two lots, a 9-room, moaern nouse, iiviiiy oi grauna ior gar. sen. larse chicken park and chicken house, a good barn; within two blocks of street car. and tents for $30. We are able to sell this (or $3.5u0. It Is worth more money. Bee it TUB'S ELL ft CO., 17th and Farnam. (1)-Mtu9 28 PIECE TO PLAT T.tit imi between MTh mnA lotK at. south of Omaha Halgt.Ts. Will make lui good kits, few mluuies' walk to car I'ne. Tne nearest acre tract on the mrk.-t and a great bargain st $6,900. Must be taken . at once. W. T. GMAHAM. BEE BT.DO. UJ 424 a ' REAL ESTATE ' CITY rttors-HTY FOR iAI.E. (Continued.) $2,000 30 S. 15th St., 9-room house, city water, sewer and gas, permanent sidewalks, on lot 44x156 feet; IDPO caah, balance monthly. Lower floor la now rented for l!S per month. OKORGE A CO., Exclusive Afrenls, 1001 Farnam St. (191-M444 Zix SOUTH SIDE HOME 1W4 Po. 16th St.. S-room new house, mod em except heat, very pleaannt and quiet p'ace for living: easy walking cllsiance, cNse to car; rente for $ per month; well worth the price. I-.Z7&. HRRKA CO.. Phone Doug. 74J7. 93R N. Y. Life. DUNDEE On of the beat lota In Dundee for $700.00. J. II. PARROTTE 614 Paxton Blk. (19) M25S JO FOR 3ALE On East Maple St strictly modern 7-room nouse, run oasement. laundry, paved street, near three car lines. Inauire J. H. Olseen. 217 Hoard of Trade mug. Tel. uoumaa s. waj osj REAL ESTATE FARM AIR RANCH UNUI FOR t ALB PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS TO CANADA Will Profit by Writing G. C. CHESTEJl & CO., Okotoka, Alberta, Canada. All kinds of real estate and commission bualneas transacted; farm and ranch lands a specialty. LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY LANDS The heart of the great wheat plains of Saskatchewan, produced In 1M6, AM bush el of wheat to the acre, (government re- fiortj. We own thousands of acres of this and, all personally selected. Write us for maps, descriptive matter, etc., or, bet ter still, send 15 cents lor our handflome Illustrated souvenir and the 20th Century Atlas of Canada. Wm. Pearson & Co., Ltd., m Northern Bank Blag., Winnipeg, canaaa. (a) lot a. $40-acre farm, well Improved and only two miiea irom gooa luwa town: amootiilv rolling land; half in tame grass. $75 per acre; encumbrance $8,ouO. Will trade eoulty for clear city property, or stock of goods. 1 16g acieb finest kind of bottom land: no overnow; iwo niyes irom town or z,tKio people; every acre tillable; no buildings (li per acre; encumbrance $6,0no. Will trade equity for clear city property or small atock of goods; or will tiade both of these farms together for goods or ciear ciiy property. Write for full Particular. LOVE St GRIMES. WOODBINE, IOWA IZUJ Ad&ai A4 Kaaaai, HOMEEEKKER8! Be careful. Locate right. Investigate our famoua arteaian ' valley. Bur crops, matchless climate. Let us write you. Miller James. Meade, Kebraska. FOR SALE 640 acres of Improved farmln tana in Banner county. Kebraska. Terms: $5 per acre; $1,6U0 cash, balanoe nine annual payments; per cent interest "MI U Ul .1 V LM L'T T A f ' H I ' II V V I'll CW) M826 28 IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraaka Harpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over .ton, uretna, rseo. () Mols FOR 8ALE-8ectlon land. Kimball county sou acres farm land, balance rolling; ft.50 acre, write ua aooui weaiern land. Jvlm ball lAna CO., KJinball, Neb. (2O)-M330 Alx WRITE Townsend .Realty Co., Fremont, iNeD. f arms ana lands ior sale or trade lor clear town property or merchandise. (20) M3u0 AJbX FOR SALE. 20-acre farm one mile from city limits, on center Bt. road, tt-room house, good barn, milk house, well and windmill, fruit. Beautiful location. Price, $6,ouo. This lit a snap. See It now. D. V. tiholes Com pany. 1V Board of Trade. Tel. Doug laa 49. (20) M454 23 South Dakota. FOR SALE 7 quarter sections of land In tirown county, b. u. ; win aen together or separately. South Dakota- Western Land Co., 2Ui-$ Toy Bldg., Sioux City, la. (20) M446 A4 Texas. GILMORE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1419 Doug. laa Bt., omana, rseD., pnone uougiaa 2bt, general agents W. B. Soaah Land Co., owners of large tracts near Dalhart, Tex., the choicest In the Panhandle. Agent wanted In every county. Next excursion March 19. Sleeping car berths free. Call or write tor full Information. CO M871 LANDSF.KKERS. Send for map of Texas, showing new railways ana location or rainous tjraios Valley lands, the rlchrst grain bole lands in the United States, and where I bll ztarda are unknown. Price, $10.00 to III. ou per acre, mustraten net rree. HI LAND P. LOCKWOOD. 414, Ban Antonio, Tex. (20) M69S A3 TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have I'iim rare bargains in Texas and New Mexico land, Xa to 17.50 an aero. Oo and see for yourself; low railroad rttea. For particulars address. ROBERT C. DHL'ESKDOW, $09 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (20)-M353 Wyoming. THE BIO HORN BASIN OP- PORTUNITY OF THE YEAR The ONE TIME to get high-class, deeded Irrigated farms at two-thirds of their real value and on reasonable terms. A few Irrigated farms on the National Park road. Id miles from Cody. Wyo., and within walking distance of the gov ernment's big reservoir. A fine place for sunmmer home and an unequaled invest ment proposition. We have the sale of these farms In ISO-acre tracts or larger. Nice emooth land, deep soil, all under Irrigation. A No. 1 alfalfa ground. Whi-at makes 50 buahela per acre, other grains in like proportion. These farms ate for sale at $.!5 per acre. Including a oei petual water right and terms of $10 per sere (i-ms of 110 tier icri Tf you ever thought a.ln.'thlns ' of It now us. It Is the chsnce aown, Dainnce easy, of the Big Horn Ba and come and see of a lifetime. Next excursion April $ over Burlington route. Stewart -Leavenworth Co., Sole Omaha Agents, (19 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 6X0. (20) 865 27 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fans aad Raaeb La ad. FOR RENTV-e-acre tract of land In Ben son (without house), suitable lor garden ing or raising potatoes. Will teot till January 1. liMi, (or Ua it taken Immedi ately. Address U care Bee. (2U (61 X FARM FOR KENT. Splendid farm, 11 acis, for rent six miles from Omaha; poiuiesaion given at once. Apply to H. a. Sturgeun, 440 Board of Trade lilAg, Ouoaka, Neb. Tel. Douglas UiO. till Maue rOH BENT 40 ACRES OF FARM LAND, Willi HOUSE. BARN AND 8MA1.L PASTURE, ABOUT ONE MILE SOUTH OK BENbON. THE PUTNAM CO.. $04 N. T. LIFE BLDG. (Ar-MlO REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm mn4 Ranch I ad-Cotlaed. 1 ACRES miles from pooffire, on Cen- ter Pt. road; 6-room house, burn, gran ary $3 per acre. UtUKUU & tu., iji rarnam ii REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000. TO LOAN on bualneaa and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas lirennan. Room 1, N. Y. Life. i22)-69 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveatment Co. (3 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. I and $H per cent loana on real estate; no demy. (Z2)-MI PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. lai-lit 4- $1.09,000 TO I1AN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas 13 re n nan. K. 1, N. Y. Life. (22)-9t WANTED City loans and waranta. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam at. (22 989 LOWEST BATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (Z2 vsi WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. LOANB on Improved city property. W. IL Thomas, 605 First rtatlonal lianK ninr. (22) 910 BL'ILDINO l"ans on residence property; $ per cent W. B. Melkle. Kamge hik. f2? M59 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Best house and lot that $2,600 cnRh or less can buy; state sue of house nml lot, price and location. Address E 91ft, Bee. (23) M440 80x WANTED TO BORROW WANT to borrow, $4,000, on first-class business property; Income over $"'. Ad dress II 921, Bee, (24) M451 29x WANTED TO BUY WANTED The following tinner's tools second-hand: one 36 or 42-Inch squaring ahears; one 30-lnch tin folder, 1 Inch sejim and less; one medium sized thick edge purring machine and stand: one No. Waugh'a circle Bhears. 3 to 20-inch circle. Address The York Novelty Mfg. Co., York INeD. (2o) M331 2MC CASH for old books. Stacy, 816 8. isth. () Mtfl AOX WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture. cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums. ofilC3 furniture, old clothes 4nd shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or win buy the fur niture of your house complete. WIlLouy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Doug. 3S7L (26)-0 A17 CASH paid for old books. Crsne-Foye Co., an b. i4in. fhone Douglas isa. (25) 443 I WANT to buy flats close In. Must be new and cheap. State location and price in first letter. Address K 923. care Bee. (26) M462 SO I WANT to buy a barber shop. Olve full particulars in nrsl letter. Adnress care Bee. (25) M 457 A3 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room a tad board by young man in private faml 1101 Park Ave. n private family ;llaiincoiii park vicinity, (24) 245 30 WANTED To rent small house, within ten blocks either way from 40th and Hamll ton Bia. Aaaresa F vou, care uee. (2liJ M300 Al WANTED Bv 1st of Mav. aood 9 or 10 room house in vicinity of Hanscom park, Address K-906, care Bee. (26) M32 A2X WANTED Between ADrll 10th and loth . or 7-roorn midvrn house. Address N 909, Bee, (ZB) s ztsx WANTED To rent by man and wife, 6 to 7-room. modern house. In good loea tlon, furnished or unfurnished: furnished preferred. P. H. Johnson, Dept Mgr Ha den Bros. (26) M373 23 WANTED SITUATIONS DAT WOMEN furnished frea of charge. Telephone Douglas 1UA. U')-Mo YOUNO man desires position evenings, 6 to 11, as stock, cash or record clerk, cashier or bookkeeper; excellent references; quick, uccurale, reliable. Address 11 w. uee. (27) 811 27X WANTED Position as saleslady; compe tent to take charge of any departmen Address 718 S. :'i)th St. (27 3&S 28 SITUATION WANTED By strictly first class bukcr. Neat and sober, 15 years' experience. Married. 11. Smith. 1K.3 t St (K)-370 ax GOVERNMENT NOTrCES PROPOSAL8 FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, omce of in dian Affairs. Washington, D. C, February 10, 1907. bealed proposal, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope, 'Proposals for Rubber (ioods. Boots and Shoes, etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton, D. C" will be received at the Indian ofllce until 1 o'clock p. m. of ThurBdny, April 11. 1907, and then opened, for furnlxh lng the Indian service with rubber goods, boots and allocs, hardware and medical supplies. Scaled proposals, plainly marked on the outaldu of the envelope, "Proposals for Enameled Ware, Furniture," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. D. C," will be received at tl.e Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, April 16, la07, and then opened, for furnish ing the Indian service with enameled ware, lumps, furniture, bedding, stoves, agricul tural Implements, paints, oils, glnns, tin ware, wagons, harnexs, leather, shoe find ings, saddlery, etc., school supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information fur bidders will be furnished on application to the Indian olflce. Washington. D. C; the U. S. Indian warehouses at New York City, Chicago. III.; St. I.ouls, Mo., snd Omaha, Neb. The department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. LEL'PP, Commissioner. M19-dl7t OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master. Fort Robinson. Nebraska, Feb ruary -8. 1!W7. Seuled proposals. In tripli cate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11' m., western stan dard time, March 30, lbo7, for the con struction, proper, of one set field ofllcers' quarters, two double sets captains' quar ters, one double set lieutenants' quar ters, one ten-set bachelors officers' quar tern, two double cavalry barracks, two double staUle guard and shop bulldinga, fuur cavalry stables and one veterinary stable at Fort Robinson, Nebraaka. Bid ders are required to suumu wun me ' Proposals samples of the bricks they pr I " 'r'n , l!,.d-bacB- frloes for each different kind. Plans mi ders are required to submit with their pro- ith may be seen In ollice of chief quartermaster, Denver, Colo., and In office of the con structing quartermaster, Fort Iavin worth. Kan. Full Information furniahed upon application to this office. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Construction of New Bulldinga." and addressed to the undersigned. Captain Leon S. Boudiex, Constructing Quartermaster. Mch-4-6-12-18-27-28 V. 8. MILTART PRISON. FORT LEA V envrorth, Kan., March 26. 1907. Sealed pro posals for furnishing wood, coal, charcoal, forage. straw and mln-rol oil, required here during year commencing July 1. 1K07, will be received until 10 a. m. Apill 25, 19u7, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes should be Indorsed, "Proposals for Fuel and For age" and addresed. Captain C A. Martin, Q, M. M3-!7-S-29-Aa-24 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ALLAN LIME OCEAN STEAMSHIPS UVWPOOU GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVK1 N. alatm.r YlrTURIAN and VIKQ1MAM, tr1pl-lcra lurbln. sod Tl N181A.N, Cult' SICAN snd IONIAN, twlo-arrtw. R.m.mber, sur Hlllufi sr Wklr from MoNTHEAU puaUi dowa lum pictunMqua st. Lawrac kir sr darliabt. Aceomoifxl.UutM unaurp.aMd- Hum: Saloou lou.OS and upwarda. aacood vabiu $40.u0 an4 upwarda. Oua tlmm (1Mb iu o aad apvarda. A CUldfANY. 114 Jatkaoa kvttl., Chloag. PARR SITE DEAL FATAL BLOW Recent Transaction Knockout to AnU Herder in kftn Flaoe. SENTIMENT FOR ONE CITY IS GROWING Passaae of the Lee Bill Tends to In crease Faith In Carrying the Proposition at the Election. With the passage by the legislature of Representative Lee s consolidation bill each Ide to the controversy In South Omaha akea occasion to express satisfaction. A small delegation of the antl-annexationlsts was In Lincoln Tuesday to keep watch ot proceedings and It has returned rather Jubilant over the final form of the bill. This bill, aa known, submits the proposi tion to a vote of the people of South Omaha and Omaha on demand of ten per cent of the voters by petition. Morgan Heafey, one of the antl-annexationlsts, said: That is what we want We will defeat the proposition In an election." . On the opposite aide I here was . quite as much assurance expressed. One man said: It Is plain to me that South Omaha will be ready for annexation within two years. The sentiment Is equally divided at present. All It needs Is for the people to watch the way things are going at present in city affairs to bring them to a decision. I would permit my name to appear if I were not connected with a business whose -policy has been opposed to annexation. I de clared at the close of the last municipal campaign that this would be the last set of olficlals the city would elect. I believe It more than ever now." C. E. Scarr said the vote of annexation will be a large one. I am here to say that It will be formid able enough to make those who are op posed to the measure hustle for all they are worth. They do not want to go to sleep." 3. J. Breen said: "A great dissatisfaction prevails at pres ent In South Omaha. I believe It would be unsafe to submit the matter to a vote, If the Identity of the city were to be pre served. The eastsidera and the westslders are all In favor of annexation. The laat park site deal has made numerous votes for annexation." A. C. Pancoast said the liquor element was now on the point of raising a tangible objection to longer existence of South Omaha. Fre Flonr for Chinese, new YORK. March 27. Through an ap peal of the Christian Herald to E. H. liar, rlman, president of the Union Pacific, and Marvin HiMihltt nresldent of the Chicago & Northwestern, a consltcnment of 1,000 tons of flour purchased In Mlnneapolla for the Chinese famine sufferers will be trans ported to San Francisco without charge to the relief fund. When Mr. Harrlman and Mr. Huhsltt were aun led to they an nounced that they would donate the freight charges. $500.00 IN PRIZES . TO ' THOSE WHO GUESS HOW MANY WILL BE SOLD THIS SPRING SEASON Every Lanpher Hat Dealer will give you free a blank to make your guess you pay nothing and are aaked to buy nothing. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that the Keith and Lincoln counties Irrl gallon District will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of tha sixty-six hundred ($6,600.00) dollars remaining of the bond Is sue of said district up to the hour of ten o'clock a. m. on April second, 1907, at the ofllce of the secretary of the Irrigation Die trict in tne village or butneriand: in LAn coin County. Nebiaska. Said bonds are In the denominations of one hundred t$10o.0o) dollars each and bear Interest at the rate of six percentum per annum payable semi annually on the Aral days of March and September oi each and every year begin nlug with the first day of September, 1906. ihese Donas are or tnree series and ten o them are due on the first day of March, 11)17; thirty-nine of them due on the first day of March, 1X.S; seventeen of them are due on the first day of March. 1V20. The sealed proposals may be for the whole of said bonds or tor any portion thereof, and such bids will be opened Immediately after the hour ot ten o'clock a. m. on the said second day of April, li07. Tha board re. serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this eighth day of March, 1907. JAMES 6HOUP. Secretary. MU'dKix REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Elijah Brown to Amel L. Zwlebel, sou nw, Sl-16-10 $ 8,000 B. I. Dupont de Nemours Powder Co. to E. 1. Dupont de Nemours Powder Co., part l-lS-ia Viola M. and Alioe K. Hopkins to Uottlub Lena, north 26 feet, south 60 feet, north loo feet lots i and 9. block 1, Jetter's add. South Omaha.. Frank .11. Parsons to E. E. Koecheg and wife, lot 6, Campbell s sub Daniel C. Callahan to Jennie Calla 10 8,000 800 10 han, north SO feet lota 1 and $ and lot 3, block 12, Omaha View Uurgaiol B. Brown to C. J. Balrd, lots 9 and 10, block "I," Lowe's add., Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Benjamin Davis, lots 9 and 10, block "I." Lcwe's add Ribert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Char l- John llarmes, lot 89, block 11. Orchard Hill Ri bert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Security Investment Co., lots 7, la, 16 and 18, block 433, Grand view Ribert O. Fink, courtfy treasurer, to Patterson ljinu Co.. lots H. IS, W, 20 and 31. block 2, Hlinebaugh and Pattersons sub Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Security investment Co., lots 1, 2, 8 and 6, block 2, and lot 19, block 16, Saunders and Himebaugh'a Highland Paik Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Frank B. Bryant, lot 8, bkek 5. Duixinc Place Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Thomas A. Crelgh, trustee, lot 68, Kaspar's add William C. Kuehn and wife to Ellen A. McNamara, aouth H lot ft, block 12. b null second add Fred D. Wead and wife to Mary and Ellen Crotty. west 4 lot 9, block 4, Shlnn s add Cynthia F. Allen to Luclla Allen, lot 200 1.42S IX block 11. Hanacom Place $.660 Ignac Perlna and wile to John Rybenaky, north Vs lot T, block 11, Brown Park, South Omaha Fred Tex and wife to Michael The 1 1 and wife, part iwl, nwv. section 4-14-1$ William R. Anthony and wife to Michael Thell and wife, lota 21, 23 and 23. Spring Valley add Cheoley D. Layton and wife to Isabella lluruesty, block 8. Latylon's add. South Omaha C. D. Layton to Isabella Hardesty, lot 2, l-ai ton's add. South Omaha... The Westland Realty Co. to Amanda U. Smith. M 4, Parkland Plac.... Mike Thell and wife to William R. Anthony, lot 9 snd north lot 10, Spring Valley add. and other lots... John W McDonald, sherlfT. to Hugh McCaffrey, lots 4, 9 and 10, block 1, Windsor Terrace and other lots.... 760 100 8,600 400 886 200 4.87$ 460 Total ...$S4,t You cannot hve healthy chil dren by improper feeding. Let them be reared on good, healthy, nourishing food like WHEAT FLAKE CEIXIIY to make them a nation of phys ical and mental workers. Its the best food for growing children, the feeble and the aged. 10 ctnts a package. For islt by all Groeei NEBRASKA FR0M DAY TO DAY Ctaalait aad Cartons Features at Ufa la a Mapldly Growing? State. Bo far Wall street flurry haa had no effect on Nebraska securities, Otoe county selling 8? per cent bonds to the stats school fund at par. Commercial travelers who expect to build a new theater In Hastings are tak ing the 20,000 population movement as seri ously as do the preachers. A package of money stolen from the Butte postofflce last year was found In a woodshed last week. The thief was evi dently more scared than converted. The Orand Island Independent notes tha fact that In 1S71 -the local Immigration society was organised. In those days Hall county was considered the "corn limit" In Nebraska. Scott's Bluff potato raisers ar.e going ahead with preparations for a new crop In a way which demonstrates that western Nebraska no longer fears the prestige of the Colorado product. Is Charlie an Expert? And now comes Charlie Pool and says: "The much talked of 'hugless waits' would be about as popu lar as a 'beerlees lunch' at a Dutoh picnic" How does Mr. Pool knowT Editor In Training The Enterprise man took advantage of the J-cent rate and went to Merna on 48 last Saturday, expecting to take 42 for Broken Bow, and soon learned that It would not be In Merna until 10 o'clock, when he concluded he had no bus iness In Broken Bow that time of night and took shanks' team and reached An selmo In two hours. He Is the champion walker of this precinct. Ansclmo Corre spondent Broken Bow Chief. Charles Cleveland was exhibiting what might be called a freak of nature last Sat urday. It was a kernel of corn with two well developed and thrifty looking sprouts about a half lnoh long, the root being about two and a half Inches long. Mr. Cleveland found It In his seed corn testing box. There were other grains from the same ear, but none of them bore two sprouts. Hs has tested a great deal of corn and this Is the first "twin" he ever found. Crelghton Cor. respondent Bloomfleld Monitor. Business at Sweetwater How Is this for Sweetwater T . Mr. Andrew Hoffgaard In forms us there was shipped from that point a car of cattle and. a. car of flour and feed on Sunday, two cars of cattle ni one of hogs on Monday, four cars of csttle on Tuesday and four cars of grain during the latter part of the wek thirteen cars of outgoing freight In one week. The Sweetwater people are keeping tab on the amount of business In and out of that place In order to reinforce their demands for a depot and better facilities for ship ping. Ravenna Correspondent Kearney Hub. Hunting In Haokberry Osceola has a few nlmrods who have written their names with an Indelible pencil on the history of the state of Hackberry and also made a few footprints on the sands of time In the vicinity of Will Mickey's homestead. Hav ing heard that Hackberry Is rich In coon and other fur bearing animals the first squad of the first platoon of the horns guards went forth to Investigate. Colonel West, recently of Shelby had command of the squad, which consisted of Jule Ludden, Jimmy Farrla and the two Foxes, Frank and Burrell. They marched In column of fours, route step, until they arrived In tha coon country, when the practiced eyes of Colonel West soon discovered a flock ot coon trscks leading to the base of a large tree at the top of which was a bole where the coons played hide-and-seek with tha hunter. A council of twar decided that Colonel West should ascend the tree and smoke the coons out, but owing to atmos pheric conditions which prevail at regular Intervals in Hackberry It was found that smoke wouldn't travel downward. At this Juncture Colonel West conceived a strat agem the like of which was scarcely equalled by the crafty Ulysses In his de vice of a wooden horse by the use of which the Greeks captured Troy, nor by any other wooden device which tha wooden heads have evolved all down through tha ages. He took- off his hunting blouse, which Is a three-quarter cross between a gunny trick and a yellow Journal, and tied the neck of It shut and stretched It across the hole, and then by blowing a few whiffs of cigar smoke In below he bagged the whole bevy of coons. Imagine the con sternation that prevailed the next moment when the sack was opened snd found to contain a few timber squirrels and a passel of bats. P. B. These returns are not offi cial. Osceola Record. FATAL DYNAMITE EXPLOSION Shipped ae "Pereneelon Caps," Bxplaw alve Takes Lives ot Th'ee at Atlanta. ATLANTA, Ga., March 27. As the resur ot the explosion of eight cans of dynamite In a freight car standing near the South ern railway freight depot on Peters street today, two negroes were killed, one was fatally Injured and several other persons, whites and negroes, were more or less seriously Injured. The deed: WILLIAM SMITH. ' WILLIAM JtNKINS. Seriously Injured: Walter Pullen, white; head out. Pink Moore, negro; eyes blowu out; will die. The car in which the dynamite was lo cated was demolished, three other freight cara were wrecked and considerable dam age was dons to tha freight depot. The dynamite Is reported to have been shipped from the Dupont Powder company to Its branch In Atlanta and was declared to have been shipped aa "perousslon caps." Tha cause of tha explosion has not been fixed. It is said to have followed the open ing of the car. EYE SPECIALISTS, Huteson Optical C