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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1D07. i Special Display of Seasonable Merchandise r il i-np m ip a i m i is nil W OMAHA WEATHER FDRKCA8T Thursday: Talr. oTiVHfi?-flf 1- H 12 ii y o) Km ! i, i H M s S M il GlOVESiorMSTEB I The Foremost Parisian Make. 2 We are showing a most elegant if u m , elbow length kid gloves in black, white, russet, tan, navy, grey and red, made of finest selected giaco kid worth $3.75 a pair, at. iWomen's elbow length real kid gloves in white only also elbow length glovce with kid hand and fancy QQ lare top. In whit and . R0 tan t Elbow Length Lisle Gloves, silk finished, colors andQO black, white, tan and gray, worth $1.50, at JSjj Women's 2-clasp lisle thread all colors worth 50o a pair, nw En,,.i LACE DRAPE VEILS New embroidery lace drapery veils, fancy velvet ribbon bor ders also all silk auto veils and no . 10 198 scarfs, IV2 to 3 yards long, at tOC,I'"'-r11 LIGHTER. WEIGHT Women's Sleeveless Yests fine quality lace trimmed many styles, medium and extra sizes, worth 25c, at, T1 each ,2t Women's fine ribbed, lace trimmed, um brella Pants good sizes, at, Q pair Women's Swiss ribbed silk finished mer cerized Vests, white, pink and blue, worth 50c, at Misses' and Children's ribbed gauie Pants all sixes vests In long or short sleeres, also umbrella pants worth 26c, at WIDE EMBROIDERIES at 25 c YARD Very fine quality skirtings and m bwiss, nainsook and cambnc many with beading edges on bargain square, worth up to 50c a yard, at, yard We . are showing the Genuine Heatherbloom Lining 5 2 to 5 yard lengths. 4I8I4II4B EASTER. NOVELTIES I in Jewelry Dept. Easter Spoons la ster ling; silver, with . r.).25e-50 Book Marks, ling a 1 1 v anchor and cross NOTIONS Main Floor and Basement. 16c Tubular Shoe Laces, doz., gaiety Pins, all sizes, dozen. . Curling Irons, good quality, ea.4 10c Egg Beaters, special ....5 10c Elastic Remnants, special, 5 Wide Elastic Hose 8upjorters black and colors, pair 101 lOo Finishing Braids, white and colors, each 5J lOo Crystal Hat Pins ....... 2 Light weight Dress Shields, Brook's 100-yard Machine Cotton, docen f.-15 Side Combs, special, pair .. 6O0 Spool 8llk. one ounoe to spool, speolal 35s lfvllvlEslvBe8BTlBvltIvavaliltBTBltOTltlTlB DH. DRADDURY, 1ft 4 FAR NAM OCSAHA. Kststtettaa 894 rMelia FC5- .fl F Ciwwms ..,..6tSO Briflgw Wsxfc.9S.60 BP riMtM 3. p r You Can't Lose It O 80 manv people lose their we have what Is known as Impossible to lose your pin nil for 6O0 would be glad to snow thorn 10 you. LOOK FOR THE NAlia S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street. , . Madam Yale's Oeauty Lecture Will be given at the Boyd Theatre. Thursday Aftenoon, April 4th. Smt forget this date. The madam will explain how easy It Is to cheat father time of wrinkles, etc and to look young when you are old. Free tickets for ladles with reserve seats, for this entrtalnment and tnstntftlv lecture, may be had at our 16th and Douglas Ht store (the old Kuhn Drug Store and you had better hurry they won't last long' The new life and enera-y now shown In the Old Xoka Corner is the talk of that part of Omaha, but lust wait till our new flTturea come. Did you see the aew light o .?,,,lrw! n!T ny,.'n'.w?, absolutely frsa, any place In Omaha. Beutb Omaha, Fort Omaha. Fort Crook. Bellevue and Council Bluffs. Use your phone SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUGSTORES Omafca Corner 15th and Dou das Bts.; lth and Chicago 8ts. Soutk Omaha V w Cor. 14ih and N Bta Oouaell BloSa 6th Are and Wain 8ta7 The druggists who don't have te substitute. rn IwlKSElQ 1 -JVUl d DENTISTRY Is the kind you get If you have your teth ftxed at Taft's. We use only the best materials, and every dentist is a graduate and ex perienced la all kinds of work. Fillings 75c up. Crowns f 6.00 TAFFS CITJTAL ROOMS HIT Ceualas Street. HOTELS). PARK HOTEL jtrJTa as finally greyce!. During the put uwm eullraly rn:tad and deooraifd; bet ao4 sold ruoolns water iu every nwia. aaertcan and European piaa. t. M. kAlki, Lmm aa Kaaagav , 1 All Leading Shades for Easter. assortment of the newest Elbow length Silk Gloves in blacks and whites, very popular this season, worth up to $2.00 a pair, J at 1 Gloves silk finish, at, pair. 25c i UNDERWEAR. C I Vesta and 15c corset cover embroideries, 25c (I with ster Gentlemen's Ash Tray, with tancy chicken on ..25c-S0e-'l r heart, FANCY ART Department Stamped linen Dollies, large as sortment of floral designs 12x13 Inches .5 6x6 Inches Stamped center pieces, uivfOly sold at 60c, special . . . .25e 10,000 yards Battenberg Braids, all styles, special, yard ...... 1 t9o Lithograph Pillow Slips, each, at 10e 69c Tapestry Slips, special .. 3J Dcntlot, PbMI Dcng! 17S8 V We make m specialty I off natal and roofless) glats. PalnleM work la A opsrsrfasws. Werk caaranteed 10 rrs. , scarf pin not knowing; that the "HOLD ON KL.TITCH" wnen 11 is aiiacoea. xney WE 'always haye ROCIC 9 A SPRINGS PHONXS I22H69S CEHTRALCOAL , AND COKE Ca, .UtHARKtY STS , G. A. LLNDQUEST CO., munuiAn 1 1AILUK3. Makers of good clothes. Bpiins; goods are new and read for Inspection. ... ... ,,tn J,d Farnara 8ts. I-It Paatoa hlk. 'fhoue Doug. 1ML ICJOJ S $ oHiXAi nru tood onrram H EASTER DELICACIES that will tempt the Jaded appetite when that "tired .feeltnr robs you p of the desire to eat We will have for u those who love 8pr1ns; Broilers, Spring B Lamb and Veal and all the dellcloua morsels that will tempt the epicure on the flrst depressing days of spring. Courtney's Marzipan dainties, made from Almond paste; per large box 60c SPECIALS Lemons, per dosen 10c fi Gibson's Health Prunes, per lb 7c 0 Navel Oranges, per dos 15c Fancy layer Figs, per lb 14c Florida Oranges, per dos 20c -Ib. sack Courtney's Dollar Flour k for 11.00 J; BOTTLED IN BOND The United States Government guar. X ant th u uid nurttv. - K Old Atherton Rye (10 years old) bottled In bond tt-25 Cedar Brook (formerly MoBr1er"s) U bottled In bond re Old Maryland Rye (bottled In X bond) $1:5 A Leading brands Imported Cham- Ji pagnes, per quart.... JI.85 ja 8 Cognac Brandy (11 years w old) I12B W William's A Newman's Old Fash- S toned Cocktails (very fine) O ready to drink $1.25 Old Maryland Rye, per gal $3.00 Bj Kentucky Borbon, per gal ..12.85 H Fine Old California Port, Tokay, fs s? Malac-a, Madiera. Angelica and y 3 Muscatel, this week 50c, assort- & ed If desired; per dos f 5.00 k $ Seventeenth and Douglas ig ' Tel. Douglas 647 ' Private Exchange connects ajl Deptn. Be our window display of new spring styles In footwear. This season our women's shoes sur. pass anything we have ever shown. The shapely, stylish and natty shoes, oxfords, ties and pumps are here In all the wanted styles and attracting . , .. Much Attention Light and heavy soles, military and Cuban heels, beautiful designs and models, Including the new short last just the thlns for Easter. We Invite Everyone who la looking for smart things In footwear to ee our maa-niflcent line of Raster footwear for women. Prices $340, $3.60 and $4.00. wm.. Hanaa oc Foster makes, gA-OO. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. JSm or Easier Rush at the WALK-OVER SHOE STORE Why? Because we have the new styles In many lasts at 50 $4 and best quality for service. Buy Yours at the Walk-Over Shoe Store 1111 FA1NAM STtfZT ID M. niOXnOV, The WaU-ar BUa BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Third FUer, Paxtort Cltk. Ilixhesl Gtiie Dentistry. The Twentieth Century Farmer Beat rsvrM Faer Sabeerlba lew. 0 -'- 1 hi ! Attractive 1 Easter Footwear fa 1 1 1111 in II Hi IzrJIVl ilJ REMNANT Ldvely Easter Millinery At PUtia Etxtter Week Prices A 8FKCIAI1 FOH THLKSDAV Fr""' S1.00 VERY IMPORTANT All Easter Opening Hats . which created so much excitement and set competitors almoet crazy, mast be closed oat by Saturday FROM TEN TO FIFTY DOLLARS See oar exquisite line of children's Kaxter hats and cape Special Line for Thursday. Thursday Remnant Day in Silks SILKS (bought 2 weeks ago) In suit pattern lengths to lengths of 3 H yards sufficient for Waists, etc. Lot consists of everything that's new, this season's styles. In the rareet colorings. TAFFETAS either colored or Mack; PEAU DK CYGNES in all colors; FANCY SUITING SILKS nil width; FOULARDS in polka dots; CRKPK DE CHINES, LOUISINES, CHINA and JAP SILKS, etc. AT EXACTLY Bargain Square Dress Goods R.cmnxit Thursday 067 REMNANTS OF NEW, STYLISH BLACK AND COL OREO DRESS STUFFS AT EXACTLY ONE-HALF MARKED PRICES $1.50 Panamas for 75 $2.00 Novelties at $1.00 fl.00 Panamas for 50 $1.00 New Checks 'for. . . .50 $1.25 Voiles for G2H $1.25 Suitings, 64-in, at.GSttt sBSBaaaasassaBiMSMSBHasBaMBasasaaasBBsssaasaaaaaaaaasssaaaasssssBiBSSMSBaB.J SBBBBBBBBBSasSBSSBSBSsaBSBSSSBSBSSSSSBSssaBsasssBBaBSBSSBSBSBBBSSSBBSBssssassBssjesiaBBai $1.00 Taffetas for ....50 60c Novelties for 25 76c Batistes for 37tttf 60c Challles for 25tf $1.60 Mohair for 75 60c Fancy Mohair for ...-25 Remnants of Linings at One-Hall Oil 86c Sateen at 17 20c Spun Glass at 10 25c Sateen at 12H 15c Percallne at 7ViJ 20c Sateen at 10 36c Moire Skirting- at. .17tt Hemimntsof Wash Goods Domestics At One-IUlf M.rkel Price. Eenmants of Many elegant remnants of Wash Fab- sheetings Silk- rlcs have accumulated during this sea- 'oiiries, Outing son's selling.1 ' and Oanton 10c Ginghams for 5 Flannel, on sale 15c Ginghams for ...... .7 Thursday at 25c Ginghams for .....12 ww 15o Batistes for OSlll 25c Swisses for 12 Vs' tTt C- 50c silk and cotton Fabrics.25 If TKursday-EeLsier Week Special Skirt Sale , AND MASTERFULLY TAILORED BEST SPRING STYLES OF 1907 No alteration will be made on thest kirt. We have every else in regu lar, at well at extra eitet. Tkt prtcs will tell them. Genuine Trefousse Gloves A VINDICATION AND A CHALLENGE , A retpecud competitor aivertitet at folloicir "Special Notice real French Trefomte Olovet are ttamped 'Manufactured by I'refoutte' othert are not genuine," and quotet hit jtrm name at "sob agent for Omaha." S GRANDS PRIX lUNlVBneauxj fuiutirtmytmiimmituMMft rrnvnByr37sr y, Pousse I and Ink a- Specials in Genuine Trefousse Kid Gloves 8-Button TREFOtiSSE KID GLOVES-Grey, hite and tan, $2.75 quality, Thursday, a I 7 C pair . ; 1 f 3 12'Button Trefousse Kid Gloves, black, brown and white, $3.25 quality, Thursday lG-Button Trefousse Kid Gloves, black, brown, IQk grey and white, $3.75 quality, Thursday at -we J ALL GLOVES FITTED TO THE HAND BY EXPERIENCED GLOVE FITTERS. Lii Ii THURSDAY IN KAMTKR 8TKKKT HATS to 87.50 ONE - HALF OFF . Main Floor $10.03 Dross SUrts for $5.95 - A New York maker of fine Skirts closed his entire . surplus stock of Panama and Sicilian Skirts to us at a great sacrifice, because we took them Just as we found them. . 127 Blacks, In regular and extra sizes, ei Navy Bines, In regular sizes. 73 Browns, In regular sizes. 80 Champagnes, In regular sizes. 44 Tans, in regular sizes. 17 Greys, In regular sizes. All Cut full Ten Delltr Dress Skirls for 525 We stand ready to give any deserr ! ing charity SlOO If he will prove the truth of bis advertisement, and we will give an other flOO to another deaervng charity if he wUl prove that what we herewith say Is not true: ALL GENUIXE TREFOUSSE GLOVES DO NOT BEAR THE WORDS "man nf a, tared by Trefousse" A GREAT MANY OP THEM MERELY BEAR THE INITIAL "T" ON THE BUTTON. We stand ready to produce our latest Import order Invoice for a big shipment from TREFOUSSE A CO., CHAUMONT, PARIS, which Invoice bears date Feb. 21, 1007. Each package of genuine Trefousse Gloves bears an embossed trade-mark of which the cut herewith produced is a pen drawing. Unrivaled Assortment TNK RELIABLE STARS Unrivaled Display Garment Sfyefrj wanted styles, materials and colors, while the extremes are shown In splendid variety it's the more modest aid exclusively fashionable designs we find meet with general approval. In this claa we show almost unlimited as sortment, and never before have styles been more beautiful or price more attractive. There is every reason to offer why you should ex amine our offerings before buying; not only will you find assortment, but also prices un matched. ' , ELEGANT TAILOR SUITS Imported French models unusually attractive values, at $75, $50, MO and $33.00 CROWN JEWEL SUITS AT $23.00 Have for years past been favorites In Omaha. This year's styles are meeting with more enthu siastic approval than ever before. You can't duplicate them in style and quality at less than 35.00 Hayden Bros.' price. $25.00 ELEGANT GOWNS FOR FASTER In splen did assortment of the most pleasing colors, materials and style effects for the spring season, at 1100, $75. $50 $40.00 IMPORTED DRESS WAISTS The most charming creations, In every wanted color and fabric; specially attractive values at $26, $20, $16 $10.00 EXTRA SPECIAL $125.00 TAILOR SUITS AT JM7.50 Over 200 sample sultty made of fine English Suitings, Voiles and Panamas scarcely any two alike but all splendid values, at, eale price $17.50 Grand Embroidery Sale Thursday A full line of Matched Sets In nain sooks, cambrics and Swiss, sample pieces of embroideries and insert In gs, worth from 10c to 26c yard, Thurs day at 15c, 10c, 7ttc and ..... -5 Corset Cover Embroideries, full width, special values Thursday at, yard, 49c, 29c, 25c 19 1 4 Lace Curtain Specials Values for this day that maintain and cement our claims of best value giving in Curtains and Draperies. Replace the old ones with new at a saving of 33 V4 .. Do It now. Irish Point Lace Curtains, sold at $5 and $5.60 pair, Thursday, pr.$3.Q8 Furnishing GoodsSpecial Hour Sales From 9 Till 10 a. m. Men's and Boys' Heavy Work Shirts, In light or dark colore, worth to 50c, choice. . . . 10 From 10 Till 11 a. m. Ladles' Vests and Pants, vests have high necks and short sleeves or low neck, short sleeres, pants lace trimmed, 39c qual ities, choice ;....12Vis Exquisite Easier Millinery Children's 81. BO Leghorn Hats Nicely a I - 1 IT-.... J inmiaeu, special uursaius luurnisji at 08! Three Rousing Specials Thursday Complete line of Batiste, JaconeU and Lawns, all this year's goods, worth 15a a yard, for ,., ...7 Extra Heavy Percales, 86 inches wide, and all fast colors, worth 15c, for Thursday only, at, per yard .0jl Standard Renfrew Damask, In blue and red, 64 inches wide and worth 85c a yard, at, per yard X7S Grocery Department Rw HnTlnii' Tour Groceries mt liar- dens', we save you from 23 to 60 on your 1 ring expenses. 22 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar . . i $1.00 10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn meal 10c JO lbs. best Hand Picked Navy Beans for 25c 10 lbs. Best Rolled Oatmeal 25c Gallon Cans Plums or Peaches. . . .36c Gallon Cans Apples or Pumpkin.. 25c Grape-Nuts, per pkg 9c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.. 9c Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, pkg.8ttc Puritan Pancake Flour, per pkg. .7Ac Egg-o-See Breakfast Food, pkg..7ttc The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound 6c The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb. 6c 1-lb. pkg. Cold Water Starch. ..... 4c 1- lb. cans Assorted Soups ...... 7 c 2- lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn for ...4 He 3- lb. cans Apples 7o Ml rnn ay LJ3 matched y- Lovn Prices Flounclngs, 27-ln. wide, Thursday, at, yard . . . extra fine, -40 Allover Embroideries A specially flnsj line, remarkable values at 98c, 79c. 49c and 29? Sole agents In Omaha for the Hall Borchert Dress Forms. Irish Point Lace Curtains that sold at $4.50 pair, go Thursday at, Pr.$2.0S From 2:80 Till 3:30 Cable Net, Cur tains, worth from $1.98 to $2.98, at, each 87 He Sllkollne, worth 12ftc yd., at..gHj7 From 11 a. m. Till 12 m. Ladies' Qauia Vests, low neck and sleeveless, silk taped, worth 15c, Thursday, choice tor: 5$ From 1 Till A n. m Men's. Womftn'J and Children's Hose, black or colon Tt" worth 12 He, at 5ef Mens and Boys suspenders, worm 25c, at, choice 106 No other place will you find such elaborate display of stylish millinery models. No place will you find more exclusive style, and prices here mean substantial cash saving. , The Distinguished" Trimmed Hats . are undoubtedly winners at our spe cial price, all newest shades of "am ber brown" and "champagne blue" are shown in this splendid line of beautiful models 200 new ones Just received, $8.00 values elsewher choice $5.00 Trimmed Hats at f 1.08 and $3.BO Unmistakably the greatest value ever offered in Omaha at the price. 00 Flowers, Flowers, Flowers of all kind and descriptions, specially priced at 39c, 19c and 106 I Children's Streamer Hats Good, du- hr I LI. a , art ... .. rsms straw, regular oc vaiuea-u' Thursday .25 Yeast Foam, per pkg 4ej On Time Yeast, per pkg. ........ ,3a OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIU AND VEGETABLE MARKET Fancy Cal. Figs, per pkg 2 Ho New Honey, per rack . . , , ,'. 13 Ho New Imported Figs, per lb, 7Ho Large Grape Fruit, each 6o Fancy Late Red Cranberries, qt. . . .60 Large, Juicy Lemons, per docen.. lOo Extra large Fancy 112 slxe Highland - jvavei uranges, regular 50c size, this J. sale, per dozen HOeX 3 bunches Fresh Onions 6a 3 bunches Fresh Lettuce ......... 6a 3 bunches Fresh Beets ,,10a 3 bunches Fresh Carrots 100 3 bunches Freeh Turnips ........ 10o New Cabbage, per pound ...,.,24o 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 64 Fresh, Ripe Tomatoes, per lb.,.12H Large Cucumbers, each 10a rancy Colorado Wetherfleld Onions, special, for this sale, ' pound pen . . . 1 Sr.' , 1 t I X J 7 4 n 1