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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIIIPAY, MARCH. 15, 1907. HOSTS OF GOOD PEOPLE U Orcr This Clesscd Und Rise Up icd'Pralsc Dr. Pierce's Family Common Gratitude Prompt Thl Sentiment lo Favor ol - - Dr. Pierce's Medicines. Throe people o read? and anxious to reoosomr-fid Dr. Pierre's Medicines, cave themselves been eared, or soma (rend or loved one baa been enred, by -.rnuuicmpa. nsturajiy, s senas VecoMend Dr. Pierce's medicines to mat inese rr iroicinea nave oeen on genersl rale. In drug and medicine Ho ret, 1 two decades, yet their sals continues to grow as it could not were icinea of more than ordinary merit lor mofe th) the t nt mfV base attack have sometime cine Atnoirn l hich V mjurmT iDiorea tneir saie, aa in the case of tbe maliciouniy, m be' rtic!s pablished in 190 in the Ladies' Horns falsa Jotirns Ushers ..ue.pma, je tneir aaie is o?tht rmyr, crt urvugni m account ana judgment obtained against them At, rv v .."""w, . . . w,vr "cioob amcie concerning ur. fierce s rsvorite ' i,Utte0?, erce iwidella tale STld ateuJVuo.i.Vi To the whole world a fall Hrt of the Ingredients entering Into hi medicines, and this com pletely eon fonnded hi roaliciona tradueers and vindicated both the Doctor and liis medicines. In consequence, bis medicines have enioved a popularity and Increase in sale of late, amounting almost to a boom, and ft is believed that thia greatly Increased demand ia due largely to the (act of Dr. Pierce's open, honest way of treating his patrons and patient by reposing confidence In those who trust In him and his medicines. He ha no secret to withhold from them, lis publishes ths composition of his medicines openly and above board, so that i wfJ nM them may know eiactly what they are taking. Thus they are placed in a cla$ all by themtelvt and cannot be considered as either secret or patent medicines, for they art in fact neither. WHAT THEY CUBP. tw,l. rtn I 4inn. a What do Ur. Pierce' two leading med- icines Ooldah Medical Discovery' and Jf vorlte Prescription ' cure t " . briery, the answer t that "AlflllJea iiLyriJLiX4.a of lh nasal fosaae. ihroal, bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and bladder curlna a large percentage of catarrhal ease whether the disease af fect tho nasal passages, the throat, larynx, bronchia, stomach (as catarrhal dyspepsia), bowels (as mucous diarrhea), bladder, uterus or other pel via oroana. Even In the chronic or ulcerative stage if tnese auecllons, it la gnnerally ucces ul In aff( rtlnit cure. In fact the "Golden Medical Discovery Is without doubt, the most successful constitutional remedy for all form of catarrhal diseases known to modern medical science. In chronic Nasal Catarrh Dr. Sage Catarrh Remedy fluid should be ed for washing and cleansing out the nasal passagea while Uklng ths "Discovery ' for Its blood Cleansing and apecinc, healing effects upon the mucous lining membranes. Thl combined local and general treatment will enre a very large percentage of ths worst cases of chronic nasal catarrh, no matter ef how many rears' standing they may be. yoUiqrltA, rrcaolPiii: artt tf.r thi. cure c.t one el is: eaC8 pfllY " Lntlt A.rrrg. menu and irreRularltles peculiar to women. It Is a powerful, yet gently act ing. Invigorating tonic and nervine. For weak, worn-out, over-worked women no matter what has caused the break-down. Favorite PrescrlDtion" will be found most effective In building up the strength, regulating the womanly functions, sub duing pain and bringing about a healthv, strong, vigorous condition of the whole system. Dr. Pierce believes that our American forests abound In most valuable medi cinal roots for the cure of most of our obstinate and most fatal diseases, if we would properly Investigate thcra: and. In confirmation of this firm conviction, be points with prldo to the almost mar velous cures effected by his "Oolden Med ical Discovery." which has proven Itself to be the 'most efllclent stomach tonic, liver Invlgorator, heurt tonic and regu lator, and blood cleanser known to med Icnl scienre. Not less marvelous. In the unparalleled cures it Is constantly mak ing of woman's many poculier a flee- BRIEF CITY NEWS. August Meyer Dead August Muyer, 211 South Twenty-fourth street, died shortly before' midnight last night. The funeral will b held Sundsy at t p. .m -, , ' w ' ' ' 1- funeral of Williams Child The funerar of Dower Irene Williams, little daughter of Billy Williams. . win Uke place this after noon at S o'clock at th undertaking pir. lor of Hoafy & Heafy. SruAkea Graders Arrested Five gradara became overloaded with liquor and wr .lr last evening. They ordered to leave Blair hoarded a 'frafrht train for Omalia and on arrival here were promptly erresd. Man Knocks Woman Bows James ! Koblnsc was nned 110 and costs by Acting, Police Judge W. A. Foster Thuraday mcrn-j ing on an assault and battery charge pre- i ferred by Jessie P-hott. Robinson 1 aald to have knocked th woman down with a blow from his flst at 110 North Ninth street, i BTtnat-two Vaar. Toutiir Mrs. Dlan ! Conlcy of 3S23 North Seventeenth street ob-1 .rv.d hr ninetv-seoond birthdav annl. ! served her ninety-second birthday annl versary with friends and declared Ood told . her she could live aa long aa she wanted to. Mrs. Conley is e charter member ofj the People's church. . ' Modem Woodman ef Aruortca The In itiation of nearly 200 Into the order of the Modern Woodmen of America will be the occasion for special exercise Friday even ing In Crelyhton hall. Officers of the order will be here from other towns. Exhibition drills will be given. rrnlt Jobber Have Social Club Whole rale fruit Jobbers of Omaha have organ ised for social ' purposes under the name of the Euclid club. A banquet was 'given Tuesday evening. Weekly meet'ng ar to be held across the board. Shop talk la tabooed at theso gatherings. Charged With Seating Wife James Rogers, Sto North Twentieth street, wo arretted Thursday forenoon eharged with his wife.' It la said Rogers was paid the day before and gsye his wife t3. ! Spending all hla owiy -money In drink, he then returned to get th &, but blng re fused, sought , to. take It by . force. , - Ohaoene letter Maa la Jail Judge W. H. Munper Thursday afternoon Issued Issued an order that Thomas Walsh, ar rested In December at Orand Island for Bending ol .cene letters through the malls, be returned to Iluclne. Wl. Walsh ea caped from an Insane asylum at Racine. Mr. Lining Makes first Oift Mrs. O. W. Linlnger has made the firat pledge to the Clarkson Memorial Hospital associ ation. She haa announced to the o Ul cere that ati will pay $500 when the corner stone ef the new hospital la laid and an other SMO when tha building la completed. Maacaro Held on Murder Charge John Mascaro, alleged murderer of Dominic Filbo. waa arraigned Thursday morn ing In police court on tho charge of mur. der In th second degree. The prellmlnsrjr hearing waa aet fcxr next Monday morn ing. Fllbo was burlud yesterday at Crelghton, Neb. Begs Oe to Kearney Frank Mason. Ray Ivea and Or ton Anderson, arraigned yes terday before Judge Troup on a charge of A" DENTISTRY TOOTH TALK XO. 110, If yoajr teeth a vary seasiUve Sad hart whea a steel drill Is rap idly vsteted ia a oartty ef dseay, Uy Sola atales saethed ef aOae. Toat teeth oaa he AUed palalses. Lr if yea coca to aa. OIL FICKES, Dentist Thon Doug. IIT. Ill Bee Bldg. "pg.Tl V-pvm- a fpnt ., t. tuvTipil ftTSr. and irt ptpfclapy favorably L'l a. luilih'f WlTTjj'.nV fii tlA m,.-T Ll I uraiitude prompts such persons to other afflicted ones. Notwithstanding been made upon Dr. Pierce's medi- greater to-dar than ever. The pob- ments. Is Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrlp. tlon. as I smply attested by thousand of unsolicited testimonials contributed tr rratefu natients who have been cured b it or lencorrhea, painrui periods. Irregular Itleft, prolapsus and other displacement, ulceration of uterus and kindred affec tion, ofiea after many other advertised medicines had failed, r Both these world-famed medicines are wholly mad up from tbe glyceric ex tracts of native, medicinal roots, found In our American forests. The processes employed In their manufacture wera original with Dr. Pierce, and they ar carried on by skilled chemists and phar macists with the aid of apparatus and appliance specially designed and built for this purpose. Both medicines are entirely free from alcohol and all other harmful, habit-forming drugs. A full list of their tnpredlents Is printed on each of their wrappers. They are both made of such native medicinal roots as have received the strongest endorsement and f raise for their curative virtues from he most prominent writers on Matrria JHedioa in this country. What Is said of tholr power to euro the several disrate for which they are advised may bo saslly learned by sending your name and address to Dr. K, V. Tierce, Buffs lo, N. Y., for a little booklet which he has compiled, containing copious extracts from numerous standard medical books, which are consulted as authorities by rhyslclans of the several schools of prac Ice for their guidance In prescribing. It Is mm to all. A postal -card request will bring it. You don't shave to rely solely upon the manufacturer's say-so as to the power of Dr. Pierce's medicines to cure, ae with other medicines sold through druggists. You have the HUdnUrttUd testimony of a host of the lending medical writer and teachers. Send for this' copious testimony. It can be reMed upon to be truthful because it U entirely dl ftiferesfed. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con atlpatlon. Constipation Is the cause of many diseases. Cure the ennse and you euro the disease. One "Pellet is a fentle laxative, and two a mild cathar Ic. Druggist sell them, and nuthlng Is "Just as good." Thev are the ortflfnol Little Llvpr Pills first put up bv old Dr. Pierce over 4C years ago. Much Imitated, but nver equaled. They are tiny sucar-coated granule easv to take as cundy. burglary, will be Bent to the' Kearney In dustrial school. The trio of youths each declared his age aa 17 begged for releaae on tho plea they wanted to proceed to St. Loulo and Join a circus. , Arrested for Iowa, Crime Andrew Boyd was arrested last night on a charge of errand larceny committed at Waterloo, la. . ... .. with Albert Oeer, who later came to Omaha end went to work for the Union Pacific. Qeer last night spotted Boyd and caused his arrest. w" "eller ani family took In the automobile anuw iisi mgm ana wnne tney wero gone ome one entered the residence. 1S10 Lln. coin boulevard, and atole a quantity' of Jeweiry Dut overlooked tlO In money. Just what waj mU tne famll w, e , Touth np on Bobbery Charge Oeorge Clark, a youth living at 4921 North Seventeenth street, has been arrested by Detective Patullo and Davis on the aerl- ou c!lar highway robbery. Clark la al1 t0 hav ssulted and robbed Myron Vance of Bremont. When arrested Clark wa wearing Vance's shoea. Sis Times 'water Expected L. E. Nebergall, who Is boring the artesian well at the new Toung Men'a Christian associa tion building, reported that he reached depth of 1.132 feet and that a flow of 800 gallons had been obtained with air pres sure. It Is figured that the well will supply six time that expected when It (war started. Injured by IaU from Car Miss Vena eaiama. a waitress, wno lives at izaiM Howard street, stepped off a Thirteenth atreet car laat night at 11 o'clock and received a fracture of the right shoulder and the .right knee rap. She was taken to .the police station and attended by Po lice Burgeon Arnaut, and waa then tukon to St. Joseph' hospital. Colored "Walters Organise The colored waiters of Otnuha held their first annual banquet laat night for the purpose of or ganizing an association by which to better j tbe service . now being given by thm. Th head waiters, representing the hotels In which they are employed, were present and talks were made on subjects pertain ing to service.' Albert Jones, steward at Balduffa cafe, waa elected temporary chairman of the association. Th aim and object of this association is to establish permanent quarters where the members of th association can meet. B. B. Johnson WantedA letter haa been received from Jamestown, N. D., by the chief of'pollce asking for assistance in locating S. E. Johnson, a Scandinavian who left that town the latter part of October. He had a railroad ticket for Han Diego, Cel., and tie last heard of him was from Omaha about November 1. lie Is described as being a mun of about 70 years of age, the letter statea that It la probable he may have become menially unbalanced and got Into aa Insan asylum. The letter also atatea that he la supposed to have had about 1100 on hla person at tbe time he left home. first Bart et Horfolk The first suit begun In the new Norfolk subdivision of th newly created northern Nebraska federal district court wa filed In the United State dlstrlot court Thursday afternoon by Dis trict Attorney Ooss. The suit Is entitled th Vnlied State egttnt Joseph L. De'.oney and la for cancellation or patent to a quar ter section of land In Brown county. The allegations ar In effect that the entry was not mad in good faith and that the pat eat waa Issued on fraudulent final proofs. Th Sefendant is at present a resident of South Dakota, aad before completing hi final proof he Is alleged to have sold th insignificant Improvements made on th land and to bav abandoned It entirely. hiabgum at Co-. LETTJCK SPECIALISTS. KTB 8PECJA Libia Huteson Optical Co, TRAGEDY FOR ML'SC LIFE LitC Girl Tees Fape Taken Away by Two Big Policemen. SHE ANO MAMMA ATTEND THE TR1L Hear (he Wer4 "DUmUaed" ewd Caaaot Sapprma Feeling of Joy at Getting OooS Ma a Daek. The ctlma of a tragedy In the life of a 10-year-old girl wa-; enacted In pnllee court Thursday morning, when Joseph Narht neber was dismissed on a charge of stealing chickens from Michael Btepanek, a neigh bor, and his little daughter, clasping- a j small parka containing a lunch for her papa, rushed through the gate to meet hlnv her face wreathed In one big smile that made the tear come Into her eyes end rendered It Impossible for her to utter a word of greeting. Looking up Into his face as her father gave her a shy and awkward caress with so many looking on, aha stood contentedly by his side, holding to tha leg of hla trousers, her face one big beam of perfect happiness at th re union. Nachtneber was arrested by two police men Wednesday on complaint of gtepanek. who asserted his neighbor had stolen five chickens belonging to htm. Tha evidence showed, however, that the chickens were Machtneber'a and he Was discharged by Acting Police Judge Foster. Uut It was not the guilt or Innocence of her father that troubled hla little daughter. Blie had grown to the age where ah looked on him aa auch a good, big and strong man. And then one day the two terrible policeman can e. 8he had1 seen them ap proach the house with the two rowa of brass buttons on their blue coats, their caps, their shield and their heavy cluba. She wa afraid of them,' but felt safe be hind her big father. But when they went away they made her father go with them, and she Could have died In her terror and srlef. Her Sleep. All night she lay thinking of him away off somewhere with those brass-buttoned policemen with clubs. He didn't come home for supper and no one could say when ha would come back. Perhaps they would keep him for a long, long Urn. In the morning she want with her mother to the police court, where, she was told ahe could see her papa. She took a little package of something to eat with her, be- causa perhaps he had had nothing to eat. After waiting a couple of hours In the court room they at last saw him emerge from a aide room and atand before the bar. The mother strained her ears and heard them say, "Dismissed." Already ahe had reached the railing gate. There ahe stopped, fearful sho might offend the law and undo all. Not sq with the llttlo girl. Pushing the gate open she ran forward,' seeing no one but the tall figure of "her papa" In hla rough clothes. The worry and anxiety which had been hers ahowed In her every movement and expression, aa. too full to speak, cry or langh outright, she merely stood there beside her father, not raring Who saw nor who smiled at the great re lief she showed. AT BR t DEIS NEXT MONDAY Orand Baranln la I.ace and Trim mlna-a, Silks and Dress Goods from Holland, Fox and S. Swltaer Dressmaking; Storks. FINE LACES AND BOLEROS. . We wish to call attention particularly to Brandela Sixteenth street windows, where we have gorgeous Laces. Silks, Dress Goods and Trimmings on display from both the Hollund Fox company of Omaha and the Mm. 8. Swttzer stock of New York. Tho laces, lace beieros, partly made and unmade elaborate embroidered linen dresses, are the finest and highest grade of gooda ever shown In Omaha. The ma jority of these come from Mme. 8. Swltzer and arc all Imported for this spring's busi ness. The Laces consist of Irish lace, Duchesse lacea, hand made Cluny laces, from tha narrowest to th widest lace. W mention specially the Boleros, which can be used for gown trim mings and can be made into the most elab orate shirt waist and many other useful article for dress appareL . Monday at Brandela. J. L. BRANDEIS A SONS. ONE HUNDRED NEW PIONEERS Membership of Deasrlas Conaty Aaso elatlom of Old-Timers Is Stretchla Oat. The regular monthly meeting of th Douglas County Association of Nebraska Pioneers waa hold at the library building Thursday afternoon wttn treaiaent Ken nedy presiding; and M. J. Peenan acting aa secretary. It waa shown that two member of tha ;agB0Cat0n had tiled Bine th laat meeting, Rev. B. F. Dlftenbacher and David I Simpson, One hundred new name have been added to the membership during the quarter and the association la growing at an encourag ing rate. Thia reaolutlon wee adopted: Whereas, The first winter social of the Pioneers' association of Douglns county, Nebrsska, proved to be such a grand so cial feast of aood fellowshlo In the gath ering together of the enterprising men and March Zephyrs ar (wishing hsa Spring Suillug off our counters aj a merry pace. it's the advance showing of those Spring Suitings that we nave been talking about that special lot that our Resident English Buyer, located la London, seal us hist week. Outside of one large tailor In New York City, and one In St. Ixjula. ours Is the only tailoring establishment that Is show ing these particular, exclusive Suit Ins. Maybe, w ought to charge MO for these huttings, but w are giving you your choice of them, mad to meas ure, for . Remember, th fact that wa have doubled cur rtoor space, enables u to show twice as many ezclusiv Suit ings aa we have ever shown hefwio foie, MacCARTDY WILSON TAILORING CO. Phone Doug. lS. sot-SOS g. iGtb St. Near Southwest cor. 16; h and Far nam. tinW" wrwren who Isld the fntindatlon of our (lire rlt and great state, much c re-lit In due the genersl rnmmltte In charge Reenlved, That the thanks of the Fl"n er association of Iotiitls county, Ne braska, is tendered to the chairman of the general committee and his arlts who so ably assisted in this good work. Resolved, That thene renolutlma be spread upon the mlautes of the association. Thla resolution relative to the proposed monument to the lnte Count John A. Creightnn was unanimously adopted: v Reenlved. That the Plnoeer asnsclntlnn of Iotialas county endorse the action taken bv the cltlscns at the memorial meetlna In erecting a monument to the memory of the late Count John A. Crelshton. LETTERS FROM BEE READERS I. tlaller Replies te Crltlelama oat Baralar Alarm at Pablle Library. Contrlbutlona on timely toplea ar Invited from readers of The Bee. Communications should be written lealbly on one side of the paper only snd accompanied by the name and ad ilres of the writer. The name will not be used If the writer akj that it be v.iliiiici.1. I nused communications will not be returned. Correspondents are ad vised to limit their letters to 3"0 words or they will be subject to being cut down to that limit at the discretion of the editor. Publication of views of correspondents must not be taken to commit The Bee to their endorsement. Library Bararlarr Alarm. OMAIIA, Maroh 11 To the Editor of The Bee: In the most prominent part of the front page of lat evening's Bee appears a sensational article headed "Alarm System Mere Joke," In which City Electrician Mlchnelsen la quoted as giving notice to the. burglar fraternity of the country that they have nothing to fear In attempting to rob ths city of ita collection of coina and In which Mr. Mlchaelaen hold up the Library board for censure for neglecting to properly safeguard this valuable collection. The facts of the case are, several years ago the Wolfe Electrical company, under the direction of City Electrician Schurlg, equipped the Byron Reed room and rases with rhe latest up-to-date electrical bur glar al nrm protection. It waa pronounced by Mr. Schurlg to be the very best, and on his approval of the same the Library board Installed It at a large expense. This alarm system haa never failed and has proven Its efficacy on every occasion. There have been three attempts to rob the Byron Reed coin collection and the alarm haa responded eactr time promptly and In the most satis factory manner, In on case resulting In tha arrest and conviction of the burglar. On the occasion of the recent burglary of the Byron Reed collection thel alarm worked promptly and perfectly, andTiad It not been for the negligence of the Telephone com pany In reporting the burglar alarm only to their lineman Instead of Immediately re porting It also to police headquarters; snd had It not been for the Inexcusable careless ness and delay of the police department in falling to respond promptly when the alnrm was given, the burglar would have undoubt edly been apprehended. One night watchman, who knew that the burglar alarm had gone off promptly, after waiting an Interminable time and despair ing of any response from the police, Jumped out of the second story window and with a broken leg dragged his way to the fire engine house across the street and gave the alarm. After all this the police depart ment. Instead of reporting Immediately at the library, waited until the police surgeon got up, dressed and rode with the officers to the engine house In order to combine an emergency and burglar alarm.. It wa all of twenty minutes after the alarm waa given at police headquarters before anybody appeared at the library. The Library board nt the last monthly meeting Instructed Its attorney to Investi gate and place the responsibility of this failure to promptly report the alnrm at police headquarters, and if the fault ilea with the telephone (jftmpapy, as It appears, then .legal steps will h tnken to hold It responsible for the lost coins. It seems a little strange that City Elec trician Mlchaelscn, whose business It Is to look after and Inspect electric alarm ays terns of the city, should at this late date find out that the alarm system at th library Is a mere Joke. The fact that an electric alarm will sometimes get out of or der and send In a false alarm Is Just aa true of the fire alarm end police alarm systems as it Is of the burglar alarm sys tem of the Byron Reed room. " If the telephone enmnanv. the cttv elec trician and the police department of Omaha had Anna fhAlr tintv a wll Aa the T.!hrfliv ! board la doing Its duty to protect the Byron Reed collection, this burglar would have been apprehended and the collection would still be Intact. The loss of a few coins, fortunately easily replaced, cannot be laid to the negligence of the Library board nor to any defect or Inaufflclency of tho burglar alarm protection. Respectfully, F. L. HALLER, Member of the Library Board. TENNEY TO SUCCEED HERRING First Coagrea-attonal Chareh Ezteads II lam a I'nanliaoas Call. At a, meeting of the First Congregational church congregation and aoctety Thursday evening. It waa decided by unanlmoua vote to extend a call to Rev. William 1 Tenney of Chicago,, to be pastor of the church, to succeed Rev. Hubert C. Herring, the late Incumbent. Rev. Mr. Tenney la western sec retary of ths American Missionary asso ciation, with headquarters at Chicago, and waa heard In Omaha three week ago last Sunday, when he apokd on the work, of the asuoclatlon at th St. Mary' Avenue Congregational church. Many member of the First church heard him speak then. and again In th evening, when he preached at th Plymouth Congregational church, snd th impression made by the minister favorable. Rev. Mr. Tenney Is about 46 year old and waa educated at Oberlln colleg and at the Oberlln Theological seminary. He filled a pulpit at Cleveland for some time, and then went to North Adams, Mass., where ba remained for eight or nine years On account of the poor health of his wife he gave up active ministerial work to take the position he now hold with the mission ary work at Chicago. A large number of letter warmly recom mending Rev. Mr. Tenney were read and triere were no dissenting vote cast In the matter. It la believed, probable the can dldate will accept, as his wife failed to improve lu health and died, and certain known fact give reason br the belief that h would be glad to re-enter active work at preaching. Th board of trustees will immediately extend the call. The time when he is to com to Omaha will be decided upon between himself and the board. The salary will remain tbe same aa In tha past. IS.00U per year. "The PcBBsylvaala LlaaltdM Of th Pennsylvania Railroad System Is th pioneer of real "Limited" trains, leaves Chicago every day at 5:S0 p. m., running as solid train through to New Tork City In U hours, via Pittsburg and Philadelphia, over the Pennsylvania Short Line. Th daylight rid on "Th Pensylvania Limited" between Pittsburg and New York affords excellent opportunity for viewing th scenery of th Alleghenlea, together with numerous other scenic sttractlons. Th Pennsylvania Short Lln has double tracks of steel all th way, la ballasted with broken stone and remarkably free from dust., Addret-s W, H. Rowland, T. P. Act., U. 8. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nab. FEE OF RECEIVER IS DENIED Twenty lh u-and Collars to H. T. Clark Knocked Out Ij V anger. ORDER OF YEARS AGO IS ANNULLED Sack, la the Import of aa Opinion from Federal Beach ia Old Inlon Trast Com Bany Case, 1 Judge W. H. Mungtr handed down a memorandum wrrtnion Thuraday morning bearing upon th failure of the Union Trust company of Omaha eight or ten years ago, particularly aa pertalna to ths I compensation allowed the receiver, llenrjr I T. Clarke. M,0u0 to the date ot closing up ; the affairs of the company, and lor tne allowance of the claims of other parties. This order was granted and entered In tha United States circuit court June 20, 1890, and 1 now set aside, and certain other claims affirmed. The rase Is that Of Henry Fielding, on ef the stockholders of the company, against the Union Trust company, and was sub mitted on an application to vacate the Order allowing the receiver (H. T. Clarke) $30,100 as compensation to the date of June 30, 1.SS9, and for the allowance of clalma of certain other parties. The basia of th ap plication to vacate the order wa that It could not have the force and effect of a Anal order without notice to the defendants. X Reeerd of Snch Notice. It does not appear In tha record (hat auch legal notice was ever given the trust company. Tha receiver thus appointed wa the president of the trust company, the olalms waa his own, was presented for hla services, and he waa a party adverse to the trust Company. J. B. Piper, another of the claimants, waa a director of the company, was present and had knowledge of the hearing. Piper had acted as man ager of th company before the reoelver ship, and all parties represented. It 1 brought out, were Interested In having a large compensation awarded th receiver, sufficient to cover any possible liability or aasessment on their stock. In hi .opinion Judge Munger says: I am of th opinion th compensation allowed the receiver was excessive. At th time of his appointment the company wa liable to the approximate amount of $800, 000 upon mortgages which it had negotiated and guaranteed, also upon debenture bonds approximating tbu.oOO, to secure which col lateral In the shape of real estate mort gages had been deposited with a trustee. No new business has been transacted since the receivership, the business as conducted being In arranging with parties represent ing the holders of tha mortgages guaran teed to take the mortgaged property and their moitgiiges In liquidation of the obll gatlns of the company aa guaranteed, and the holders of the debenture bonds were In like manner paid by accepting property in discharge of such bonds. For the forego ing reasons the order allowing tlx receiver ship will be vacated end set aside. The question now under consideration was. Did tha receiver before his appoint ment Induce members of the board of dl- II?.,tto A?i--7-nv.!;i"tPn.,m!nn,V receiver; After two yenrs I have rend enre- tally all the rvcords pertaining to ths case and given It the utmost consideration, and from it the conclusion Is IrreslxtlMy reached that the consent of Mr. George Darker and Mr. Erastus Benson to the re ceiver's appointment and going on his bond as such were, because of representations made by him to induce them lo believe, and tiny did bellave if he was appointed that ho would nRk no compensation. Both say that he told them so, but this the receiver denies. It follows from these conclusions that no compensation will be awarded Mr. Clark as receiver. Some tlalms Allowed. The decision allow the claim of the Commercial National bank of 1200, W.'O. Maul for $250, George UnrRer for IS30 and Brastus A. Benson for 100; also the clalma of W. G. Maul, E. A. Benson and George Barker on certain debenture bonda bought by thera In December, 1900, and September, 1901, subsequent lo the receivership, for IS cents on the dollar, for their full face value. Th claim of J. W. Carr as attorney for 11,000 and of Joseph B. Piper for services to receiver for ll.JSO are also allowed. Until certain securities belonging to ths Union Trust company on deposit with the Central Trust company of New Tork for the security of the debenture bonda and their value 1 established, th court Is un able to determine what assessment should be made on the stockholders. The order further directs that the attor neys shall prepare the proper findings In "utu,,u """ "" ! ,lce advertisement for all creditor, to Preaen their .claims or be forever barred, ! nd "ubmit th.a "me t. the court Aprt 1. rroper exceptions win uc iiulcu iwr any party desiring the same. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. F. W. Palmer of Lincoln 1 a guest at the Murray. , G. A. Marahall of Arlington la a guest at the Murray. F. A. Ballah'and wife of Nellgh are at the Her Grand. E. C. West of Gothenburg la stopping at the Henshaw hotel. At the Her Grand: Henry N. Ochense, W. F. Huerger, Sutton; Charles Nelson, Niobrara. At the Henshaw: ' E. C. West, Gothen burg: II. B. Robinson, Columbus; M. W. Hopewell, Tekaman. s At the Millard: J. N. Davla and wife. Gibbon: Mrs. H. P. Hayes, Elmwood; H. M. coie, Crete; j. Aurora; M. Pangle, Geneva; Mrs. L. M. Ray, Oakdale; L. K. Baker, Beatrice; J. M. Davla, Cosad. At the Murray: Robert Crane. Humph rey; R. S. Walton, Fremont; J. W. Chase, Hastings; J. fcl Pike, Stromsburg; A. C. Mrrariana, lo'ncn; Mrs. J. ri. r;geny, North Loup: John Alden, Whitman; Wil liam Filter. Winetoon; George 11. Jerome, York: H. Petera. Uretna; W. M. Frankle. Fremont. y At th Paxton: Mrs. M. Boyle, Verdon; W. T. Thompson. W. II. Rose. W. H. Iwls. Mrs. ' C. W. Fox. Lincoln; W. Thompson, Clarks: Owen O'Nell, Falls City; G. B. ell. Grand Island; W. W. Young, Btanton; r. u. urotler, Palisade; Charles Mann, Humboldt; L. Llnderman, Mccook; Mark M. Mortensen, Fremont. Compiles with all requirements of An olj soldier writes about ARIOSA Coffee; "YouAotfee is the best and richest coffee I ever drank since service, from '61 until I received your coffee yesterday. . A soldier know coffee by the taste, and the way it makes him (eel, and would sooner go without Lu bread than without his cotfec ArtucUcV ARIOSA was the Erst roasted, packaged coffee, packaged for Easter for;... LADIES oooo We are showing . especially attractive lines of Ladles Shoes and oxfords for EASTER and earl, epring wear.' We have them In all leather and ll the natty new shapes now In vogue, we mention two of our meny splendid lines OUR S2.50 LINE These shoes ere built on the same models ss thoee that ere 'sold re gularly, elsewhere at $3.00 end $8.60. They come in en snspee anu leathers Goodyear welt and Handturns. They ere equal to shoes sold by or $1.00 more. We guarantee every pair all sizes and widths OUR S3.50 LINE These shoes are the newest creations of the shoe builders' skill and are the best values that will be offered in Omaha this season. They come In all leathers and In the newest, neatest and smartest styles rinndvoar welts and handturns Cuban or Military heels. All slie and widths. Oxford styles come son ties, Patent Colt welt Pumps rn.-. T "V T n,n.ta tn. bUlUB, UVUI3 A. VAiuiua vl V. I V ' i - - , can not duplicate these goods elsewhere under i $4.00 to UNION PACIFIC 1B1LD1SG Hsrriman Lies &ini lonr-Track Lint Between the Two Omaha, NEEDED TO CARE FOR IMMENSE TRAfF'C Compaay Is Baslly EstsgsS la Cos straetioa ef Doable-Tracka; ss the Mala IJa Threaeh DIBTerent State. Th Union Paclflo ha begun th con struction of a four-track line between Omaha and South Omaha, to handle the Immense business which that road does between these stations. By thla fall th ooniDanv exnect to have completed be- ween Omaha and Green Rlv.r MO mile of double track out of 780 mile. A consld erabl stretch of th track between Omaha and Green River probably never will be double-tracked, th company saye. that Is, between Julesburg and Cheyenne, because th business Is not so heavy between these two points. Considerable of the business from the west Is diverted to Denver at Cheyenne and considerable of th business from the east la diverted to Denver at Julesburg. The Union Pacific will build, or ia now building, forty-nine miloa of second track between Valley and Benton, eighteen miles between Columbus and Silver Creek, thirty eight miles between Silver Creek and Look- wood, thirty miles between Alva and Buda and forty-two miles between Rawlins and Wamsutter. A double track also la being built between Omaha and Lane. When this Is flnlthed the double track from Omaha will extend 187 mile west to Watson's ranch at Kearney. T ia road already ha constructed thirty- six miles from Archer to Buford, nineteen miles from Harmoaa to Laramie, fifty mlUa from Lookout to Hanna and twenty five miles from Point of Rocks to Rock Springs. This In addition to aeveral long stretches of automatic block signal. While at the meeting of the Wyoming Wool Grower' convention Mr. Mohler was asked what the prospect were of getting tho live stock tralna through on faster time, but Mr. Mohler's reply gave th man no encouragement until after such Urn a tha double-tracking waa completed, r.'eyv Law Makes New Business. Ono noticeable effect of the 2-cent pas senger rate law Is the large number of pas sengers from ths east who get off tho through tralna and buy their ticket at th Omaha station. . The railroads had not prepared their tariffs on interstate business as yet, so passenger from points east can save money by buying; to Omaha and then rebuylng at the l-cent rate. Thl make a busy scene at th station when som of th long tralna from the east arriv and ar scheduled to leave In a short time. NEW BOGUS BILL AFLOAT Ten-Dollar Kote of tho Daffale Treas ury Series Gets Iato Circulation. A bad $10 bill of th Buffalo treasury nets aerie of 1901 baa put In its appearance In Omaha. Thus far but on of th bills ha been discovered, but there Is an impression that others may have been put Into circula tion In this part of th country recently. The note in question wa deposited in one of the Omaha banka, and aside from th Lewi and Clark portrait on Ita face, 1 s rather dangerous counterfoil This not bear th check letter "C" and la numbered 1701280. These note first appeared in No- the Aational Pvro )oo4 Lew, Gearantee Ko. 2041, (lied at Washing-toe Jr ,76 mr HI J 1 F- 1 Saw ' . U it protection ot consumers, roasted and the pores ol each berry sealed with a costing of fresh tggs and pure sugar, to hold the gjoodaess b and male the coffee settle clear and quickly, Better than "fresh roast Warming a little develops the flavor and makes the criading esty. Our enormous coffee busDess, exceeding the next four largest firms ia the world together, reduces our Shoes OOOO others et SOc la various leathers. 3 eyelet Gib eat hers. 3 eyelet Olb- $3.50 and Patent Ate Van vember, 1906, and quite a number of them were circulated In thla vicinity. Th stipple and ngurs work I vary good, hut the fraudulent character of th note can best b distinguished by the Lewis and Clark portrait on th face, which are very crude. EAGLES PREPARING TO BUILD CoasasKtee Ordered lo Close Deal for Property et ElarhteeBtat aa Capitol Artsst. Omaha aerie No. SS of the Eagles' lodge met last night at Ita hall and the special order of business waa th consideration of a site for th building of a new bom and of plan for th erection of the build ing. The committee previously appointed to select a site reported that It had taken a thirty day' option on the lot on the southwest corner of Eighteenth and Capitol avenue for 1200, the purchase price to be 112,000. The action of th committee was -approved and a committee of fifty was ap pointed to raise tha money. Thl will be done by tha member taking out life mem berships and paying their duea In advance. At th meeting last night forty members signified their Intention of taking out Ufa -memberahlpa. It waa decided that th Aerie would In corporate In order to hold title to the property, and that when the lot la paid for, ' a loan wllf be made on It In th ahape of bond, which will be sold only to mem bers, for the purpose of raising money with which to erect a building. The cost of the building ha not been decided bn definitely, but th consensus of opinion among the members seems to be that a building coat ing between $3).009 and 175,000 will be erected. . After the business part nt the program waa finished a program, consisting of speeches and music was carried out. Among the speakers were Judge Sutton, Judge Howard Kennedy, Mayor Dahlman and other prominent Eagles. COUNTY SHY UN EVIDENCE aBMaaaa X Mae-aey Finds Ko One Yet with Basis 1 of Action la Graveyard Case.. Deputy County Attorney Magney la In vestigating th alleged ghoulish operation aid to be going on In Prospect Hill cem. tery. Reports are meager and no person baa been found yet who could swear to anything auftlclently definite to make a prosecution possible. "My Investigations, so far as they have gone, reveal auspicious circumstances,' said Mr. Magney. Secretary J. H. Ringwalt of th Prospect Hill Cemetery association waa at tha county attorney's office moat of Thursday morning in consultation with Mr. Magney. Secretary Ringwalt has offered the county attorney the free Inspection of tha books of ths cemetery association. He says he can' provs by these that no lot or single grave waa ever aold to more than on person. If the. preliminary investigation warrant it th oounty attorney may order som of the grave In which it I alleged more than . one body wa b jried opened. This will not be done, howevar, unless mors snd etrongr evidence la secured. Topeka Repabllean Dominate. TOPKKA, Kan., March II.-William Green haa been named aa the candidate for mayor In the republican primaries here by l,ni majority. The fight ws a splrltti on more women voting than ever befor In a primary election. Th ieu wa largely "wef or "dry." Callfornlan (or Greece. SAN FRANCISCO. MdVoh 11 Prof. Ed ward F. Clapp, head of Greek at the state university, has been appointed profeesor of Greek in ths American school of classical studies at Athens. He will shortly leave for Greece. To fCRTinf THCBoCT MAif$r nencue Twrr "3r" 1 SOD IH SEALED P AC US IS CKLY- r:2 YOJS WS8TtCT!Kl average cost per pound, and ensiles us' to give you belter coffer for your money than you can buy in any other way. There are more packages of ARIOSA sold m the United States thsn aH the other Coffee packages combined. If your grocer will not supply, write te ARSUOXE BROS, NswYwsCsaf