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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1907. n I; V "TV JL CHAIN AXD PRODUCE MARKET Taatira of fieaalou CoTtrinr j Esorts en Cold Wat. PRICES OPEN LOWER, BUT STRENTHEN UP It. Lewis Begins to Bead Oat Talk f Heeeiaa Fly t'r Bad Oats ftreag, Latter !!. lac Raoldly. OMAHA. Feb. 21. 1907. Tha feature of tha wheat market wn covering by shorts, which brought prices jp to yesterday's close after a lower open ing. Tha cold wave waa responsible for tna covering, and tba strength in tha north west helped to steady tha - market. Receipts at Winnipeg were much lurft than a year ago. Petri of St Louis la be glning to talk of Hessian fly In Kansas and Oklahoma and says with a little spring weamer tne ny will appear. Corn ruled atrona. cioains Lc above yea lerday. The cash market waa firm lo cally. BL Louts reported considerable caah buying. May oata closed He higher and there were few offered for mle at any price, the maret advanclna raoidlv with small of fers. Cash oata were strong and higher la price. Primary wheat receipts were MO.Ono bush' ela and shlDments 241. GO bushels. Corn re ceipts were . bushele and shipments 641.008 bushels. Tha corresponding day last year waa a holiday. Clearances were lli.iM bushels wheat, 7,0H bbla. flour, B87,uuo bush als corn and no oata. Liverpool closed Vt6d lower on wheat and 'lUd higher on corn. Bradstreet'e weekly clerances were 110.- 008 hushela wheat and l.sOO.vOS bushels corn, Argentina wheat shipments era estimated at 4.O00.0U) bushels and corn shipments at 2cO,0ia bushels. The Fries Current today says: "Some growing wheat looking brown, but not be lieve to be tainted. General condition fa vorable and not materially changed. Sow ing of spring crop commencing. Interior grain offerings free. Car situation Im proved. Week's packing 646.000, agVlnit UA.OO last year." Minneapolis wired: "Receipts much smaller than waa led to believe they were and disappointing to local bears, who ex pected they would run "0 to 6u cars dally. Very cold here and through northwest." Toledo wired: "Corn situation here Is bearish enough. Wi know of J,000.)0 bosh els within niiy mllea of Toledo in elevators that would move In five days If roads could furnish ears and elevators take care of It." Tomorrow being a legal holiday, the Omaha. Grain exchange will be closed. Local range ot options: new, 4s ad; obi. 4. Pyl: futures. March, 4s 4d; Msy. 4a 6d. firm; IRW IORK t.EJF.RAL MARKET ttaatatloas Varleas NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBON0S Volama of Baiintit Ercallfrt cf Tear EectaM of Approach cf Eolidaja. f the Day CoBBBBOdltlee, NEW TORK. Feb. tl.-FIOVR-Recelrts, 81 bhls ; eiports. 1.1 bbla.; sslea, l pkr.; dull but steady ; Minnesota piiemn. M.la4 4. winter straifB..- i3.ijl5e; Min nesota bakere. $1 Svirt 76; winter extrss, li8 4jJ; winter low grades. 12 r"n". me Amir Krm fa ir l ,,t U Sutl U: flU'lO to fancy, $i!k4j4.20. Buckwheat Sour, steady, tlio, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAL Firm; nne wnite ana yel low, 11 :uLJ6; coarse, tl.lotn.Ui ktln dried. $2.tV2-5. W H EiAT Riecelpta, W.OM) bu.; exports, . m ii. k . . r.tfi Imi future and M.(i hu. snot- p'nnL (irm: No. 1 red. TC, -n.4 . k afloat: No. 1 I northern. Duluth. "i7c, I. e o , ini; n nmmiMiim u mui mi v: , . . i .-1. e a h na t A I B.HUII mMi I of financial relations or aa a generally firm tone prevailed In wheat up to the last hour, due to cold weather west. PRESSURE AGAINST ALL HILL ISSUES Staleaseat at Urea 4 Xertfcera Magaate that Heart laa Maa Set la Distorts Frleee Peer Baak atateaaent Ex peeled. NEW YORK. Feb. 23 . The stock market Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.Tes'y. Wheat May. July. Corn I May July Sept... Oats May.. July.. TB We 7oB ?! p W!nB 71 B b 71 B 70' I J. ..!. ; - J 42 B 41UB 41 WB 4JSB 4H4B 41VH HB':0sSB S9 HI i 42 B 42 , B 41B 41VA 41aU 41HA 8iB A B A 7"HA 70'B 41B 41VA 4IWB 8MA U B commission house support, smaller north west receipts and "overlng. Reaction near the close, due to unloading. k;ft the mar ket rather depreeeed and V,c net lower to So net higher. May closed at M?tc July at and September at 8it,c. CORN Receipt a, m.&3i bu.; esporta. SS.&o bu.; sales. 10,'AO bu. futures, and 12W0 bu. spot. Bpot, firm; No. t toe. ele vator, and &3c t. o. b . afloat: Not 1 white. e4Jc; No. 1 yellow, UV. - - b., a tin t. The option markot waa quiet, but firmer, on big clearanoea and lighter re. relpta, closing dull at ac net advance. May closed at MHc and July at Uc. OATS Receipts. 1.6 bu. Bpot, firm: mixed oats, 23 to SI lbs., 47c; natural white, to S3 lbs . 4S--u61Src; clipped white, M to 40 lbs., sOSttSc FEED Bteady; spring bran. $3 55; mid dlings. 13 10. HAT Steady; good to choice, 11 OOffl.M. HOPS Dull; Pacific coast, 19ut crop. 1QQ lie. HIDE" Bteady; Galveston. SO to 8 lbs.. ; California. 21 to 25 Iba.. Cc; Teas dry. M to M lbs., lfc. LEATHER Steady, acid, r7V49?9c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, lis 15 So; mesa. W(i9&0; beef bams, t24.009 00; packet, til.t,u 00; city, extra India mesa, $. tni a.. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $10. 751150: pickled ham. 1128. lArd. steady; western prime, 1 refined, steady; compound. $8 431 -TH. Pork,' Arm; faniilv. IJ'l.SO; short clear. $l.f013 2R; mesa, $l8.5ni19 25. TALLOW Bteady; city, W, country, RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, tH'i'": jHjn. nominal. BUTTER Firm; . street .price, extra creamery, 33W34c; offlYUI prices creamery, common to extra, H31Hc; held, common to extra, ZltiJlc; atHte. dairy, common to finest. &Xj31c; renovated, common to extra, lV'j24cs western factory, common to firsts. 17i ;lo; western Imitation creamery, extras, fraTle; firsts. 2Jfa5Sc. CHEEBE Strong; state full creatn. smsll and large, September fancy, I4c; October beat. llVHc; good to prime, ,12 W"HP: winter made, average best.Uc; Inferiors, U61?V,c; skims, SVallc. F.OOS Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, choice, 2!l3lc; state, brown A asked. B bid. Oasafaa Cash, Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. WViWi: No. I hard. Wi7Hc; No. 4 hard. Mxattci No. I spring. HSpiAc. CORN-No. t 38H38H: No. 1 Watte; no grade, 32635c; No. I yellow, tSVriVoi No. $ white, 4uH341c OAT8 No. $ mixed, XPtfTTHc; No. $ white, S8V.aSSVc: No. 4 white, $ac RYlv-No. X oc; No. H 57Vo. lariat Reeelpls. Wheat. Corn. Oats pTevslled Ris!an 'mpeTtsl 4 cl el at Sew Tark Maaey Market. NEW TORK. Feb. fl.-MONEY-On call. Arm. Mft per cent; ruling rate, $ per cent; lust loan. I per cent; offered at t per cent Time loans dull and steady; sixty days snd ninety dsye. 5H per cent; six months, UstJ $ per c-nt. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-trH STERLINO EXCHANGE Steady with srtual business In bsnkers' bills nt $4 V) ti-l yt for demand and at 34 -'lMi4 am for sixtVKlsy bills; postej rates. $4.UWfe4.S5, commercial bills, $4 SILVER Bar, eT,c; Mexican dollars, i,c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. Closing quotations en bonds were as follows: KSHp.pss ei " reueclivn of events upon the mvvement of prices. With a three aay Holiday tnie. vai in prospucl there waa no disposition to enter upon any new commitments to be left to the naaara of unexpected developments at a time wnen action or security hoiti lngs wouid be hampered. The usual t-n-uenry at sued a lime la rather to reduce commitments. Ho lar aa the proceia was followed today the Impression waa let of very email speculative commitments in the the market to be retired. It waa tne small est day a buslneae of the year and prices moved only with the greatest sflort by the room traoers. The special weakness of I'oion Pacific which has been the feature oi the recent market waa no longer In evidence, althouin the resumption of tne trading on Monday Is likely to And the dreaded Interstate Commerce commission Inquiry in force again. The pressure agalnat tne ttill stuck seemed to be prompted by the eut spoken assertion of tne head of these prop erties that a reaction In buwtneaa which baa been vaguely argued as pis?lMe In recent stock market discussion had ac tually set In. The weakness of the group seemed not to be mitigated by the fact that Mr. Hill waa Inclined to except the northwestern territory from the held of the reaction which he perceives to have aet In; or by the fact that he regards the reaction as a means of relief front some of the embarrassments In the money situ ation aa well as of other strained railroad conditions. Reading waa under pressure on reiterated rumors of an Intended note Is sue, which were without any confirmation during the day. The news from Washing ton that the general beard of the navy had been In conference over the national defense waa of some effect In keeping alive a vague misgiving over the possible results of the California school difficulty with Japan. The likelihood cf a poor bank return to appear before stock market operations are resumed was taken account of. The banks eeem to be galnina; thus far this week on the Interior movement, but not sufficiently so to offset the withdrawals by the sub treasury. The outcome of the discussion of the Aldrlch currency bill also may change the current of Influences In the market. The Bank of England weekly re tuma today clearly showed the cohtlmied control of the money market bv that Instl- m- stste. tution. chiefly by the larse Increase In ov- and mlxea ernment deposits, which serve to decrease f. a. ret K r 4s ceiisoe C. a. te. re 4e eospoe 17. 8. si4 4s. r. as cespoa v. a. s. . fx... as Asi T.s. 4s o l Atrhlsoe res. 4sv.. 4 4J. 4 AtUntlo C. U. 4s. . B. A n. 4s ! Br, k. T. rv. 4s. tent, of OS. 4s.... 3 ! tne Ms M Is...... Mo M In ft A O. 4H Chlr.cs A. 1S.. C. B. A Q. s. .. C , B, I. A r. 4S., so cot. Is. .IS Jini is. t4 wru.. ..ItV 4Sa -" "S ..13 M swies ' ..101H 4e 4 M ..1HSL A . snl. 4t....lS inn. rentrsl 4 ..Vm o 1st I.e. 'Minn t. L 4... 5 TS M.. K. A T. 4s ... Vt ..lie4 d. n M- ..ll N. B. R. ef M. e. 4s. .. l N. T. C (rra. !.... t .. H ,S. J. C. sen. N. PadBe 4s lt!4 .. n I u n .. t Norfslk A W. c. 4... f 4 ..! Ore. 8. L.'rfi. 4s... . 1 . a . nift . Si 1 ... Si ... rr sa.tllH . HH 4. rru KbesH A U 4s. SJV 8a. raelSc 4s o tat m. f ... WH Pens. ev. le .. RmiIIdi tea. 4s.. St. L A I. M. . t. U A B. . ta. u a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla Da Kot (how Much Ctanca Eitea Taatcrday. HOGS NOT SO GOOD AS YtSTEFOAY asaakVaaBBBgsjga Fair Ram ef hees 1.4 Iaisika, bat Trad la tlaw aad Dell Tbreegk at tha aesalea. wltk Prlcea Tea te Flfteea Lewer. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. a. 17. Receipts were: UOlcial Monday .... t'tncial luesuay.... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Cattle, Sheep. ... i.UU L.- !.; ... .tu ' n.M - ... 4.M lu.M .uW ... S,fc lU.VO kAiu ixv, a St. U a 4s.ieiimithere Br. nH rio. Is4. is. sir. A. A r. lts ....11H W-K. MI4. 4s T.. 84. U, 4 W. 4s.. 1S Cola A so. 4s H Cotos Ptetse Cab . VUH't' a fXwi M Is.... Ml D. A B. O. 4s Hi'WlNlk 11 Ill DlstiUcra' 8m. u... n I Mo sB. B TS Bri srter Ilea 4s i7l4'WMterB Ml 4.... to 4. sea. 4s St lW. A L. K. 4s.... HU Hock. V.I. 4HS....104 Wis. Central 4s U Bid. Offtred. extra. S'aic: firsts tt extra flrts, r&'.Sc; , lne money .supply in the market and to western firsts rrc! official nrice. flrsts. 27cz i compel resort to ths bank by borrowers. seconds. Jfi'tiKHc. i The considerable Increase In other aecur- . . ... J - -. . . ... ' ll a. ( , , Chicago Kansas City... Minneapolis .. Omsha Duluth SL Louis CHICAGO GRAJ.I ASD PROVISIONS T 66 .4.. 241 .... 8 .... M 38 4-4 35 85 lis 167 S3 Featares at tke Tradlatf aad Closlac Prlees eat Baard ( Trade. CH1CAOO. Feb. 2L Liquidation by small holders caused an easy tone at the close of the local wheat market today, tha May delivery showing net loss of "mo. Corn waa up 'aOkC Oata were Sao higtier. Pro visions were iHtjuo lower. Trad Ins In the wheat pit was only mod erate In volume because of the reluctance! Wheat, bu.. of many iraners o open new .wuum. pi- vorn. du. ......... ceding the holiday tomorrow. Commls-l Oata, bu... elon nouses were lair tne open ing, but offerings were light and for a short time under these. conditions the mar-' ket held steady. Cold weather In the-win- POULTRY Live. auH: roosters. SW12c: , fowls. 13c: turkems 15c: dressed, quiet: western chickens, ll16c; turkeys, ltfll7c; fowls. 813c St. totals Graersl Market. 8T. LOUI3. Feb. 3 WHEAT-WeaV; track. No. 2 red caah, T1F?; No. 1 hard, ;tiTSc: May. 7c; July. 76S76SC CORN Higher; track. No. I cash, 4T44? 44c; No. S white, 45'tj46Hc ; May. 444'c; July. 46t,'45'C. OATB Higher; track. No. 2 cash. 41Hc; No. 2 white. 4Ji,.c: May. 40e: July. 36c. FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents, $J fcj flri; extra fancy and straight, $3.StStf 1.7c: clear. $2 6.X85. PEED Tlmothv. firm. $3 7684.15- CORNMEAL Bteady. $2 44 BRAN Easier; sacked, east track. Stfe. HAT Steady; timothy. $15.00 1.0D; prairie, $10 00411100 . IRON COTTON T .331.10. BACOTNO WSc HEMP TWINE lc. PROVISIONS - Pork, steady; Jobbing. $12.76. Ird. higher; prime steam. $9.45. Dry salt meats (boxedi, steady; extra shorts. $9.75;. clear fibs. $0 7; short clears. $.K7H- Bacon (boxedl. steady; extra short, $10 5: clear ribs, $10.50; short cleara. 10.83V. POULTRY Weak; chickens. rVic; springs, llHc: turkeys. 11c; ducks. llVfre: geeae. 7c BITTER Steady; - creamery. 27S34c; dalrv, 21427C. ; , EOOS Higher at Bfic Receipts. Shipments. Flour. "bbls W ,ono 3.ono W.ft ..... .in.nno liroxi 8O.0CO U7.0M roneeouence. It was this In crease that was responsible for the decline In the ratio of specie, the bullion holdings showing a liberal exnnrualnn. The Hnnlc of France reported moderate Improvement in puamun ana sterling exenange at fans movea up. discounts hardened In London and aased In Berlin, fnrws hare mra little changed on the day, although the on neaaing ana on Baltimore 4k onio was m late In the Way. Bonds were steady. Total sales par value i..'v. l nnea states bonds were un- ciuingea on can. 'f he following wsa the range of price on ibw ora Dtoca exenange Bslea II lik. Low. CI' tl.4K lltti 400 Kaaaaa City Oral a and Prwvtatasia. KANSAS CITT. Feb. II. WHEAT May ToTic: July. 7ic; September. 7l4c; cash ter wheat belt and small " receipts In the N nar,; 7073; N. 3, CQttXic; No. 1 northwest were chiefly responsible for the re1 744410; ji0. 3, arvgT3c demand. The market soon eased off, bo- CORN May, 41Hc; July. 43c: September " """""a "j y"- . .. 47Tfcc; cash No. I mixed. ti-s'c; no. s again at the end of the first hour on 1 m-I.. Nn t whit. 4243c; No. 3. 42c newed buying by commission houses. Dur- OATS No. t white. 41HJ,2c; No. 1 mixed lng the remainder of the day the market was unsettled, but near the eloee eiul-, RYE Steady. eOfjCe. ment became bearish and longs sold freely.( HAY-Strong: choice timothy. $14.50015.00; The close was easy. May opened un-. eholr- cr-tri-.111 .oufill. 5. changed to He lower, at 77VtjHsc, aold BUTTER Creamery, 32c; packing. 30c uriwwa MSVI'V1 W1U viifwu mi if-m.u. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 144.7iO bushels. Primary receipts were, wheat hu M OW) bushels, compared with a holiday A " "hu last year. Minneapolis Dululh and Chl-I tZT"" .. ,..,. , ... .Min.ii fata, ou 3u cars last week and a holiday last year. 1 . Deepite favorable weather for the move-1 rJurar't Tr$ quotations for Kansas menu the receipts today were less than: City delivery. The range of Prices, aa re had been estimated and the deflcit was ported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of responsible for a Arm tone which prevailed; Trade building, was: all day. Commission houses and cash In- ' , , . , tareata were free bidders, but offerlnas' Articles Open. I High. I Low. Close. were tight. BUGS Firm; firsts. !c. Receipts. Shipments. .... tW.OrtO 1.0H) .... 25.0rt 41.010 11.000 10.CM) May... July... 71imtk! 71Vi 71SSH' 71H 41H I 42Vt I 42V 71 4 I71V4SB 47HI I tmn 41V iX'ui n bid. There will be no markets tomorrow. Tha m.rli.1 iinmA Arm UuV opaned unchanged, at 4vkc, advanced to vrreat 47So and closed at 47rV,c. Local re-i May... celpts were- 4o cars with 4 of contract; July..., arada. torn- Oats were exceptionally strong because of the buying of May by a leading bulL There waa also free covering by shorts. A lively demand for cash oata by eastern shippers waa the principal bullish Influ ence. May opened He higher, at "Nc. advanced to 4lttiiy and cloaed at 4iko Loial recelpta were 157 cars. Provlslens jvers quiet and steady. A 10e advanoe In the nrlce of hoes was atfmt 1 by aa estimate that during last wveh 0.(W), OATS Stesdy; No. 1 white. 4AV4o; No, 1' more head had been packed than during! white WSo: No. 4 white, Ssc ins same weea last year. At tne cloee May! rtir-rirm: mo. . vrwmz. po.'k was off 5c. at $1170. Lard waa down WHISKY On basis of $1.3 for finished 6c. at $S.77!i. - Rjbs were IVc lower, axj goods. . 7w- I PEORIA. Pear la Market. Feb. 21.-CORN Higher; No. 3 A4.m Bxprsas Amsls.iutr4 Comwr Am. Csr ao4 yasadry.... 4o td Asmt. Cottos Oft. 4a y(4 Aoftr. EsprM Asier. Hid. A Lssitiar pld Amir. Ice Anm. Unse.4 Oil do BM Amsr. LseomotlTe do pfd A sisr. Smelting A ftsf do s'd Amer. asssr B.flntng Abmt. Tobaeee sfd ctls ABseoada Mlalng Ce Aublsoa 4s B'4 .' Atiuu Cout Use BsHisiors 4k Ohio 4e B'4 Brook Irs Bapl4 Tlaaslt Csasdlsa PsdSa t Central et N.v J.nwr Chs.D..hs Okls Cklrco Great Westsni ChtoMO A Konksawters.. c. 14. A at. riT...... Cblcace Tsrsv A Traas.... do Sid C. C, CL A BL LoaU.... Oolorsde ra.1 ud Ires.... Colorado A geutkora. do lot s'd do M d Consolidated Oas Cora FrodBcts so pfd Dl. 4k Hudson, .i-dlr.... D. I.. Lack. A WMt.ra.... DosTor A Bio Ormnd. do Bfd Dlstlllors SocuiiUoa Ens do lot pfd - 4o Id pfd Ooaeral Eloetrta Hockisg Valley Illinois Contra! Inter. Paper do pfd Int.r. Pump do pld Iova Central do pfd K. C. aoatkors do pre Um..llU A Naaknllo alailoaa Contral Minn. A at. Loeis M.. St. P. 4k Baull It. M. 00 pfd Mlasourt Paolls l.iot Musoarl, kaa. A Tna.... i,wo 4o pld iftt National Load pus N. B. B. ef Moiloe Btd Now Tork Contra! N. T . Out. Wootora K4i 1 1114 loi1 1.1 ik) at oe 71 r 104 110 ltct ll.l'O 144' 141 1.104 1M IMS toe St m ts.tos tUj t 1I.4S Ili54 104 St so liavt Jim 14,tO 1111k t.ioi n' ii ' 4.404 lBMk 1 l tiii io i.m i ii I. HI 144 111 M.MS 141 1S l to u sow lint M-4 474k fas ask tt 1 47 t M Ml. U7 117 'im ri rr's "ioi it" ii" 10 ii ' ti LM 7( U 4.100 K 144k lot 7 TO tea tit" uiii 'iii to si i 'ins ii" us 3u 444k 4444 i"i itvk iivti luS ltl m io tins a tOO M 54 yellow and NO. A tc; Io. 4, tc; no grade, Norfolk A Wasters .-rjo'c. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 23 cars: corn, 413 cars; outs, Its cars, bogs, 23, CU) head. The board of Trade will be closed tomor row, it being a legal holiday. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I Hlh. Low. Close Tes y. Whont Msy July Sept. Corw . May. July Sept, July May . July Lero May July, Sept. Ribs Msy July 7 Si tsar, .o.! tP-a eW l 44V1 W-BBJi 47H( 44 , 1 474 tthi mj r4j 77S 774, ! 7B TTwl . 77S.77tj, 1 4,J 1 II 75 I 1$ TS u M 1$ tcnu 14 ir:) arw w vu a as $ w 7W I 35 a 40 4SV47H?HI 4S 4V 4V 47 ,4S' 14 75 14 1TH 41 V 3r.i r. 1$ TO 14 Hi a 35 77H I 77V a pu 77H, a a 77w, a 1 a 27HI I tTH! $0 8 42W 1(71 irVjj 14 No. 3. Cxsh quotations were aa follows: FLOCK tkeady: winter patents. $21043; winter straights, $3.uu4l 4; spring pat ems. MTWiSKl. spring suslgtiis, XJ liLlibC; bakers. 12 rl BX W HEAT No. 1 spring, 7V9c: No. spring. 71ti3c; No. 1 red. 7Tr74ipc CORN No, 1. 4JHc; No. 1 yellow. 4l4e. ATS No, t 3We; No. 1 white, 4avc; No. white. 4LatlSc. RT E No. . 65c. BARLEY-Falr to choice malting. 5af Cc. bKEDS No. 1 flax. 31.17H: No. 1 north. w-eiern, $1 M4. Prime timothy. $4.55. Clover, contract rrads. $1170. PROVlbiO.NnW Short ribs, sides llooee. $ Wls. Meoa pork, per bbl.. $i4.7an 75. lard, per W lbs.. $i.(CS. Stort -clear aides (boxedn $.25j.6u. The recalpta sad abjpmaots of flour and rrala were: .. .... Hecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbla . 43 - n. Whaat bu...., 17.010 1. n Cora. bu.... , .) rv ata, bu - let ( 2u..5ia Rye. bu. .......... -.I.'"'!) . lti Uarley. bu li.a 11.000 On ths Produce exchange todsy the but ter market was Arm; crramorl.. fcJSPec: dairies, airfcxx Ifrt. strong; ai mark, rases lncloUed. 2MJc: Arsta. 16c; prime Brats. t7v; extraa, ate Choose, steady, lofiio'ae. LIversMsejl tSralsi ts4 Pvo. laloms. LIVERPOOL, Feb. B WH EA T Spot. steady; no. I red weetern winter. So 3d; futures, steady; March. 4a May, 4e pd July 4s id. CUKN Spot, steady; Amsricwa mixed. Mlaaeapella Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 21. WHEAT May, 7Ho; July, 7Vc; September. 77Hc; No. 1 hard. $lc: No. 1 northern. ItHc; No. 3 northern. 74 6 71c FLOUR First patents. $4. 2004.10; second patents. $4 06 4.15; first clears, $1.25 (t 3 35: second clears. $2.4002.10. BRAN Bulk. $17,509 17.7$. , Philadelphia Prsdar. Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 11 BUTTER Frrtn, rood demand; extra west ant cream err. 14 4 11c. EGGS Steady, fair demand; western fresh. 21c at mark. CHEESE Firm, fair demand; New Tork full creams, ltei4o. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. n.-WHBAT-Market steady: Nn. 1 northern, No. 1 no-triern. 7lc. RTE Hlaher; No. 2. UfiGPbr. BARLEY Higher; No. 2. kiSJc; sam ple flf-rJe. CORN-Hlirhsr; No. I caah. 42fl43o; May, 47V'o471c asked. Dalatk Grata Market. PULUTH. Feb. 21 WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 7$He; No. 2 northern, 77c; May. 7c; July. I0c; September, 71c oats To arrive, lie. RYE 40c. BARLKY4$ei2c. Twledo lee Market. TOLEOO. Feb 1 arED3 Clover, cash, February. March. $7.50; timothy, $2.20; Alslke. $7 45. 14. tot 1.104 Loos iw Weal Market, BOSTON. Feb 21. WOOL-Market quiet, firm; no upward tendency la noted. T her la a fair demand for fair grades of terri tory wool. The demsnd for fine wools Is food. For pulled grades there Is sis-) a air requst. Foreign wools are firm. Indi ana aud Missouri, combine three-quarter blood. 34$lac; combing, quarter blood. X.-4) $4c Tessa, scoured baala. fine, twelve months. JStTTBc: nne, six to eight months. Sn-fivjc; fine, fell cleaned. 4u6Cc. Cali fornia, scoured baa s, northern, choice, 47ft car: northern, good. t.!d7c; middle county, ar.Oac: southern. OtitiJc; fsll free, Uifffc. Ctreeoa. scoured baeia. eastern. No. 1 staple, TS73ci eastern. No 1 clothing. bMTTOc; valley. No. 1. sTifjCo. .Territory stitple. ro u red basis, fine. TVJTtc; fine medium, A-'i'ftc Territory ordinary, ecnured basis. 7iff7?c: fine medium. 47&7tc. Colorado snd fxew. atOKico, spring scoorsd. X. owfr'ie No. I. 4-i'7j-. Vulled wools scoured basis, extra. 7-ejTJc-: fine A 4L64c; A supers. 17iv: R sipera. fttS- ST. LOUIS. Feb. 21. WOOLSteady; me flium glides, eomning and ciotnmg rc; r.gnt nne. heavy fine, 1401.4c tub washed. SugSao 4404 pot 404 so pfd Nortfe AnortGas Pmcito Mall Poaaajrlvaaia Pl.'a Gas Pitta.. C, a A at. Pinul atool Car So pfd Psllmaa Palsas- Car., Bonding ... do 1st pfd ... do Id Bid Bopablke atool do sld Uk I.laad Co . do ptd Btiooor Oeods pfd a aao m. 14 ord aoetSars PaetBo P4 aontaora Kali oar so sra Coal aad Iron. . Tnu. at Pnclnc T , It U Wootora Bfd Colon Paciac 4o ptd C. A Cipro. C. a. Ba.117 V. A kabsor do pfd C A Steal SO Sf4 Tlrstala-Caroilna Ckoaaloal. ptd Wahaak so pfd Wolla-Pafso B.Bron. WootiB(honas Bioctrls . .... WoMorn I . Ion Waooitag s Lako avis.... Wiooonn Central so pld Kortnors Pad So Cootml Loataor do pfd aiona-BnosWId Croat N on born pld lBtertHmMish Motropoiltaa. 4a ptd Total saint for tae say. ML let 41 fe TI14 lri" 4414 Mi M 11. iiw 147. w mi, lit. tvi li:. 4S lot 114, aa SO l4 M Tt IIO14 Ml 11(14 113 s rw 1.1 t4j 1111. lUVk to 72 1M14 41 in 14414 t 474k St 7 Mw in Ml, M 7t 71 w H IMt so i ii lot lt It w 14 TtVt 44 s, ISVk Ufl U14 u uou. 144 41H 4144 1t 44 1H14 4414 Sf 14 .... H . tt at 114 ut M, ti4k ) 11 17 its l4 at Boston Stocks aad Reads. BOSTON. Feb. B.-Call loans, evfM per cent: time loans, 54jtt per cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds were: Atrktooa adj. 4a.... ti lAmamstatoS 117 do to t Atlantic ! M.i. (Wotrml 4a tl Rinfbam Atchlsna lC!'4jr.l. A Heclbv te do pfd "H Tmtonalal Poooa A A lit iroppar Kanse MBwtsa A M.lno...ia lrlr Wont Bloratod 144 Pranklls Pltcbbnrg pfd in Oranbr Mai. Centra! 1114 Rtrr.l. N. T., N H. A R..11I M.m. MlnlBg t o loo Pacta. 17t Mlrblaan As. Arts. CkotB.... tl4 Mohawk do pfd B4 I Moot Coal A Coke An Pnoa. Tabs I Old Dominion ..... Am. Bugar lllvtlOoreola .' pfd IK Parrot Am. tel. A TBI UT Qulney Ant. W' colon II Shannon do pfd p Tamarack .... rwro Iras A atool tVtloos Bloc. 111... 'Mass. Eloctrta . do pfd Maaa. Oaa Vnltod Prolt I'nltod Rhoo Mark. do pfd r. a. stool da p'd .. Allege. Bid. "Asked. llltlTrlntu .m laited Copper . M It', a. Mining. . 41 If. A OU . to 14 t't.h .1W Victoria . Mvt'Wlnonn . 1H Wolroiino .... ... 44a North Bntto . ...104 Butte Coalition ... I4 N.rada Tt iOroens OonaolMalsd. . . It . n .144 . 11 . . 1114 . M14 . I . 17 ..1T7 .. n .. M ..n .. 14 .. 71 .. 41 .. 11 .. 10 .. lf .. 11 ..1M ..111 .. K .. It 11 Four days this week..21.7Kl 44.7 W..73 Same days last week.... 10. $.2 U.iU 4.4i2 Same days 1 vwki sgn. .ti.Wi .4 ii.l-l Same days 3 'wreki sgo..l-4 33.V15 U.Vi items days 4 weeks ago..23.ul.t 44.5xo 14.i1 Same days last year 1S.4J4) 44.U33 37.7K5 Ine following table shoas tha receipts of tait.e. hogs and sheep at Boutb Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: lli7. 1. Inc. Dee. Cattle 171.174 Ii. Hogs 3M46 J4.331 26.8W Eheep 245.362 2-.Ti.672 17, SO CATTLE QCOfAHONB. Oood to choice cornfed steers $5 4fsjr.W Fair to good cornfed steers 4 Common to fair steers 4.t-'g40i Oood to choice fed owe $ft,i4.-4) hair to so. d cows and heifers... l.O Ul.ou Common to fair cows and heifers.. lusjJ.W) Oood to choice mockers A feeders. 4'g5i0 lair to good Blockers and feeders.. I7rtM Common to fair Blockers IOdtji.75 uuiis, stage, etc iiWtu Veal calves 40tia0 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the last several days, with comparison: . 14 .171 ..HI .BU . '4 . U4 ..ns .Ml .11 ..V . ?oJ ' PJT .147 ..? 141 4 St 4 to 4 I t s t t M 4 4 as 4 r. 4 4 :. 4 U 1 tut 4 t n 4 1-14 74.. t... 14., 14 44 47.. 44., 11 fa . ... 4S-H ... t l!4 ... l1 ... 4 t74 ... t at ... t SJ . ... t fa tt 4 ti a is ... Hi ... a ... I ... t at in ... 1 1714 t st Date. 1907. im.l9O6.UO4.il90a.l9O2.l!Ml. Feb. reo. (eb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb; Feb. 11... 11... 14... 16... 1... 17... 11... 1... ao... s... H I 4 771 I 001 a H t 02) $ $3 4 r.1, I 72 1 VI I 72( I 4jj ov $ w 1sl a wwi ei $ n a 7sv 5 $01 4 14 5 14 14 80 $5 4 io 5 1 4 73. I 67 1 4 96 6 04 1 am 5 as; 5 31 I I MM $ 23 I 5 a 5 031 7 Ml $ 7. 5 05! 4 7 5 7 5 M 5 Ml I $ 12 1 4 1 $ 171 I 23 iniKIIMIK1:!"!!" 5 K 4 8j I 1 Wi 1 t8i 5 31 Load.! Cloalas; Steeka. LONION, Feb. 21. Oosing quotations on stocks were: Crawila m.n.y.... tt t-lt M , K. A Tnu Console, aecoant... It 11-14 K. V. Central.. An.coada Norfolk A W. AtchlKon lwlt da pfd do pld ln Ont. A Wrotora Battlmors A 0 114;P.nnrlTanla .. 41 ..111 .. I ... s. ... 4' ... 17 ... 47 ... 4! . 17 St Canadlaa Paclflo ....111 iRand Mlnoa Cboa. A Ohio 11 Reodlns Chloato O. W I44 Bontbrrs By C . M. A It. P Ul do pfd DoBrete, r bo. Par me D. A R. O talon Faciae ... do ptd H I do pfd Erta li C. B. Itool do lot pfd Til, do pfd do td ptd M W'abaeh nilnola Contral 143l do pfd , U ii N 11714 Rpanl.h 4. , SILVER-Bteady; livi per ounce, MONEY 4V&t' Pr cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4'i per cent: for three months' bills, 4 13-163 fit per cent Sunday. RANGE OF PRfCKS. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 12.754.50 K7trq.S6 Chicago 1.6"u.l0 Onrjl.lO Kanaa City 2 .btf .50 5..7.u5 8t. Iuli 2.044.75 $.75a7.10 Sioux City 17&u 25 L75.W The official number of cars of stock -brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. H'ses C. M. A Bt. P. 8 Wabash 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 1 U. P. rystem 27 C. A N. W. (east).. C. 4 N. W. (ween.. 1 C, 8t. P., M. A O.. 25 C, B. A Q. (eaotl.... 1 C, B. A Q. (west) .. 60 C, R. I. & P. (east).. 1 C, R. I. A P. (westl. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago QL Western 4 Total receipts 177 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. .... 2-3 l.ils . $ .. .. I 2 t 23 14 14 44 7 3 2 32 1 4 11 1 1 11.. 10 161 35 T tat l'4 .151 " !"1 II 4 H4 t-e ft 44 11 Tt. ! M ?ai a. i It HI SHEEP The sltnalkn In the sheep mar ket this mornirs wss not to the .f the s-lllng Intereii's h r f"'m reason or other, more likely for a variety of reasons, mutton has not been aolng Into consumption ss rapidly as neceesiry to prevent accumulation. In other w rds theep snd lsnihs have been coining to mar ket faster than consumers would bur the mutton hence eastern mutton markets are more or lees glutted, with the reejlt that prices sf decidedly loaer. In nuequence tf this the different sheep msrkets of the country have been showing weakness dur ing the last three days snd the tend-ncy of values has been lower. At this pint. with moderate receipts, rr ces rtsve ren well maintained until they kre dedledly too hiah as compared with other large msrkets. Buyers this morning did hot heltate In saying that prices would have to cm down at this point until they were more nearly In line wllh those prevaillVg at other prices. At the same time the de mand ana not as brisk sa usutl. with the result -that the market opened very slow and dU. Only eight cars were In sight when It wss time for the msrket to nnen. m tt of the reported stuff being still bark. The late arrival or trains contributed still more to the dullness prevailing In the msr ket. When the market did open prices were generally l'Hilic lower. Under present conditions there Is only one thing for feeders to do and that is to hold their sheep and lambs bark until packers have been given time to clean up tne surplus mutton alieady on hand at consuming points. At least nothing but strictly well finished sheep and iambs should be marketed. Lve.ythlng on the common to medium order should be held back until finished. Nothing can be gained by shipping by this point, as prices sre higher here la proportion than anywhere else. guotstions on killers: Good to choice lambs, $7.uc4j7.25; fair to good lambs. $S.75 tjTOf, good to choice yexrnn.s. lamb weights, $o.OOj.2S; fair to rood ysarllngs, lamb weignts, 4n.7oy4.00; SJOU to choics ysarllngs. hesvy weights, t5.;5i4.0u: fair ta good yearlings, hedvv weichto. $5 54i5 7A; good to choice old wethers. $d 4o5.0: fair to good old wethers, $5 24-46.40; good to choice ewes, $5.uOC5.K; lair to good. $4 50 (16 OA RCDresentatlve salsa: No. 44 western ewes Sf5 Colorado ewes 2a western ewes 4;t Colorado ewes 114 Colorado wethers fed) western wethers ?4M western yesrllngs 25 western yearlings 5tl western lambs 2t1 western lambs 171 western ewes 50 western yearlings al western lam ha 3nl western lnmbs , l'O western lambs 16 western lambs 75 western lambs 7. 7c; "-antoe. No. 4. $c. t otuova, ji:c. Mild coffe-e, steady; .17414 . It . .let . IT . "14 Bestoa Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston eopner mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, ill Board of Trade building, Omaha:- r - Advontsrs Mohawk at Ailonot 71 Nevada Conoolldatod. 11 f4. Atlaatle iw worts Bane .. Pit.. ham lOltOld Domlaloa , Black Mosaiala .... 7 Oaceola Bootos ConaolldatoA 3t Pnoa. Bomes Batu Coalition 4I Pnos. bottIco, r.lumot at Artaena...lt4VkQulncr Calumet A Heels.... .441 Shannon H 4lk Tamaracs .. 14 Tcnnooaos Copper .. It Trinity .. 14 t altod Prult .. 17 t'slted autoa, cost. ..11 I'nltod Sutea. pld., ..1474l'Uk Conoolldatod , .. 4 t'tab Copper .. BS Victoria .. 11 Wlaona , .. 4 WolT.rlao .. I Canaaoo .. U NlplnUng Con taenia! Copper Baage Dally Want Kast Bnlta Praaklln Oroooo Copper H. lootla I. la Rojal Koewon.w US A Plttabarg., Maaaachnsotta Mlcklgaa .111 .. ! ..171 .. M ..I4t .. K .. 44 .. 1714 ..lot .. 41 .. 44 .. T0 .. 11 .. 14 .. 11 .. K .. 11 Ifew York MlBlasj Rtoeka. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. Closing; quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Cos. U Alice W Broooo M Braa.wick Cos. 44 Comaldfk Tannol .... 14 Coa. Cal. and Vs H Hora lllTor 17t Iron lll.or ttt LeadTllla Con 1 Little Chief Ontario Opblr Potaol aa.aso Sierra Nevada I mall Hopes Standard 1 . I .771 .114 . 17 . It . M . 41 1 41 7014 Tl lit 14 44 4 11 4 Bank ef France tatesaeat. PARIS. Feb. 21. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the 'follow lng changes: Notes In clrticlatlon. de creased 47.575,000 francs; treasury do- nosits. Increased 11.150.000 francs: gen eral deposits, increased 4.700,000 francs; gold In hand, increased rranca; silver in hand, increased 175.000 francs; hills discounted, decreased 42.471,000 franca; advances, decreased 1,400,000 franca. 1.SC4 2.1M7 3,230 1.CH9 $.) Swift and Company .... 1.0JD Cudahy Packing Co 1.2M1 Armour A Co W7 Vansant A Co 44 Hill A Son l F. P. Lewis 44 Huston A Co 7 Hamilton A Rothschild 111 Wolf 176 J. H. Bulla 23 Mike Hsggerty n Sol Degan 54 J. B. Root A Co 1X7 T. B. Inghram 1 gullivsn Bros. i V. A., Brltton t ahmaa DrAa . Independent Pkg. Co W Other buyers 2S2 ToUls 1471 $.858 1158 CATTLB There waa a fair run of cattle hora for a Thursday. So far this week re ceipts are close to three times as Urge aa they ware lor me correnpuuunia last week, aa wen aa oemg taaiu.uij i.r.M thttn m. veax aao. There seemed to be a fair demand for beer steers, and packers, as a general thing, were looking for desirable killers. Tbev naemed wlillna to pay fully steady prioes and salesmen as a ruie wcr. auuuiit the market that way. Still, there waa a better feeling to the trade, and sellers who had the kind that buyers happened to want In some cases thought they secured prices that were, tf anything, a uttie oei , .. - n The market closed very alow and weak on tha less desirable gradss of beef . steers. which were more or less neglected by buy ers throughout the day. In fact buyers did not at any time appear very anaiuue mr anything axcept tho better gradea. Cows and heifers were In fair demsnd this morning and the market opened fully Bteady. The trade was alow, aa a good many of the trains were back. Prices generally were steady. There waa no great change in the feeder market. In spite of the fact that there were a good many cattle In the bands of operators and a pretty fair run for the current dsy. This would apply more espe cially to the better grades of feeders. When It came to anything on the common or medium order the trade was Inclined to drag and the fe'llng waa weak. Representative sles: OM4H4 WHOirSAl.K MARKET. ( eadltlea sf Trade Bad Qaetatleas ample aad Faary Predare. E009-rer dot . .3c. LIVE roCLTHT-Heno, 8Ht7c: roosters, 5c; turkey. I.'il3-: ducks, anlc; young roosters. itic; gese. ttic. Bl 'TT ER Par king tM-k. 20c; choice to fancv dairy, 2.'1ii4c, creamery, 2j-'5o. HAT t-'holce upland, H' So medium. $; No. I Utlom, $ ; off grade., $5 5A00. Rve strsw, $7 (id: No 1 alfalfa, $11.50. BRAN Per ton. $i5.n. FRl 1T3. CRANPERRI Eft Ter bbl, $4 nofr $h. AI'PLEil-Fancy. per bbl . ti : Jons lhans. $3.7?4 4.5i: New York applee. 5: Iowa and Nebrssks, estir.g and cooking, 12 7f.,i3m': viinesaps. $2 i) p-r box. PEAKS-Wlntet Nr. Is. per box. 1100. COCOA NCTS-PiT soik of 1, $4 5". TROPICAL FRl'lT. FlOS-California. bulk. 5Hc; a-crown Turkish, He; 4-crown Turkish, lie: l-cron Turkl.h. Kic . . LEMON ha-IJtnonlerB. 100 and 34)0 alie. $45"; other brands. 5oc less. DATErt-Ksdaway. a'.c; sayera, 5c: hal-. loala. new stuffed walnut dales, 1-lb. bov, $1 10 BANANAS Per medlum-slied bunch. $2.(Mii 2S- jumfvie. $7 :rX 5ft. OHAPE FRL IT-Sile 34 to 4 And 8ft, $17$ 'ORANGES-Florldn. 250 and $ tiles. $2.flt; California nnycls. extra '""r?j ' . sites, $3.(10; fsncy. $S TS; Choice. $2.26434.50. OLL VEGETABLES. CARROT8. BEE I'd AND PARSNIPS Per bu.. 75c. , SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per largw tit' 1 , $o J&. . NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $16; No. (. $1 50. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 54?. CABBAOl-Holland seed, home gTOWB . 1c pr lb. r I"OTATOE8-Per bu , 60706. RL'TAHAOAS About 1W lbs. to Back, ll.lf). TI RNIP8 Per bu., ehc. 1 ONIONS Home grown, pe' itt.. sTc Spanish, per crsle. $1.00; Colorado, per bu NEW VEOETABLES. BEETS. TL RN1P8 AND CARROTS Per dox., 46jWc. . . TOMATOb.S Florida, sn-io. crate, t. ow. LEAF LLTTL'CE Hot house, per dosen heads, 45c. ... 1 Cl Cl'MBERS Case of I dot,, $1 0. RADISHES Per do. bunches, Ac. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. bunches, 4fc HEAD LETTCCE Southern, per doA. $1X1.35. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 rlls, 15c. No. 1 ribs, 10c: No. I ribs. 7c; No. 1 loin. 18c; No. 2 loin. 12Hc; No. 1 loin, ac; No. 1 chuck. c: No. 2 chuck, 5c; No. 1 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round. iic; No. $ round. 6Hc; No. 1 round, c: No. 1 plate. 4A4jc; No. 2 plate. 4c: No 1 plate, c MI8CELLXNEOI 8. CHEESE) New full cream Wisconsin twins, lnc; new full cream brick, MVrQ17o wheel Swiss cheese, 174jl8c: block Bwlsa.. lc; llmberger, lc; oung Amerlcaa. Uc FISH Pickerel, dressed. c; pike, dress-d. 12"; white fish, dressed, winter csught, 12c; trout, 12c; halibut, 12c; salmon.7 luc; catfish, 15c; herring, dressed, pen frosen, be; perch, scaled and dressed, do; perch, skinned, dressed, headless, 7c; crap pies, round, 64ic; crapples, large, fancy, lSc; black bass, 2fc; smelts, sweet and fine, lie; eel. 15c; blue flnh. 15c; red snapper, , lie; roe shad, per fish, 11; frog legs, 40c; lobsters, green, per lb., 37c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 4oc; mackerel. Spanish, per lb., leo.;. mat erel, native. 35" per lb. HONE Y Per 24 frames. $3.50. ' CL'RED FISH ramiiy white fish, per quarter bbl., luu lbs., $4.00; Norway mack erel No. 1. $3o.0; No. 2, 4-S.CO; herring, in bbls . 90 lbs. each, Norway. 4k. $11.00. HIDES AND TALLOVt-Oreen salted. No 1, 12c; No. 3. lie; Dull nwea, sc; green hides. No. 1, 10c; No. 1, c; horse, $1.53 $T6; sheep pelt- sdctjll.tS. Tallow. No. 1, 4Vc; No. I lc. Wool. 15tt22o. CIDER New York, naif barrel. $1.75; bar re'. i'4- u COFFEE Roastel, No. 35, 2e per lb.; No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. 25, lc per lb.; No, 30. 14c per lb.; No. 21. 13c per lb. SCGAR-Granulated cane, In sacks, $6.31; aranulated beet, in aacks, $6.11- Ktttst City Live Stoek Market. BYRL'P In bbls., 27c per gal.; In cases. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 21 CATTLE 8 10-lb. cans, ai.w; cases. 11 no. cans.; .. , . . . j 1..1..J1., . h.. j 1 ,n.i 34 iwo-in. cans, ti-sa. .TuThePrn-s; ' ma'rker stead,;" ca.e," NUTS-Krench wa.nutA 11; California higher; choice export and dre?sed beef walnuts, No. 2. soft shell, 13c. No. I. soft laeera. $5.t.A40; Ulr to good. M.25fc6 .,; ! shell. liVfcc: Brailis. lorl6c; pecans. 4rc; .i.rn fed steers, t4.004i6.80: stockeis snd i filberts, lWfjMC, peanuts. feeders. I3.2i4.90: southern steers. $3.75a roasted Av. . M . 8 . 87 . 81 . 1"T . 1 . 86 . tl . 52 . $ .. 123 .. SS .. 73 .. 7$ .. 72 .. 78 .. 74 Pr. 4 80 $ 00 $09 10 5 ao ( m $ 25 7 26 $ 0 $ 10 26 7 t 7 00 T 00 1 00 TOO CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars five to Tea Cents Hlaher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Feb. 21. CATTLB Receipts, about 6.5UJ head. Market steady; common to prime steers. M.Uotii.UO; cows, 13.Aa4.71i; hejfers, 12.6Vtli.yO; bulls, tlU'S 4.50; calves, S . .. - .-nf. . a 1 . J aA a I A hil HOOS-Recelpts, 23.0U0 hesd. Market 5 lc higher; choice shipping hogs, $7.07Vrti 7.12H: choice butchers, $i..4tj i.lo; packing, $S.fi7.06; assorted light, $o.747.ou; bulk of pales, as-yrsfti.t'TH. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, about 14.0) head. Market steady hut llow; sheep, $3.u$.00; yearlings, HSUACO; lambs, $b.uo V7.06. 4 R5: southern cows. $2.75423.70: native cows $2.2f(4.50; native heifers, $3.0u4j4.75; bulls, $2.H5-4 26; calves, $3.5t4l7 50. HOOo Keceipts. m.vuu neaa; market haro! li 14c: peanuts, raw. a,. I'.llf.i.nld .Imnniti shell, 16c; Tsragtima, 17c; cocoanuta, $4.50 per 100 lbs. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west- rn, boJjOc; aiaine, lomaioea, b-id ateartoVrOa; bulkl ! " ,U;, 'tlhKanaaVS trivH7 nf- V r,ar-k.m IAKiiK: nina and apples, grated, t-lb.. $2. 052 10; sliced. $L80 hshtT 86 25154.9a ft-3- Gallon, apples, fancy. Calt- 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.500 head; market steady: lamba. $A7&43'7.40; ewes and yearlings, $4.75C(6.75; western fed yearlings. $4.00jAuO; western fed sheep, H ootj6.6o; fed ewes. 15 5oi6 00. Jew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Feb. H. BEEVES Re ceipts, 188 head, all consigned; market feel ing steady, with 25 cars reported for to morrow a market; nothing doing In live cattle; dressed beef quiet at 7tjc per pound. Exports tomorrow, 50 sheep. CALVES Receipts none and nothing do ing for lack of stock; market feeling steady for all sorts; dressed calves, steady, at 8Tl4Vrc for city dressed and Hi 12c for coun try dressed. HOGS Receipts. 1.091 head nothing'dolng and msrket feeling stesdy. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 848 head; nothing doing and very little Inquiry for either sheep or lambs; market feeling steady. List tl ie p.44 IM M lot iii. IK V. litut let M lot un axe u4 lot 1 4114 in 40S t 'it it" 1 n 14 its 4414 t, tOt 104 '40a ll" .... .... 'let ii" t int lii4 'its 101 14 4 147 4. I'm 11.4 104 7V . s 4 M M lis ' 11 1 171 . li' 11 44 104 11 1. B 84 4714 ie . sf. 117. 044 llu 11 41 171 ' lot IIW 107 144 104 11 0 r. 31s ti 11 44 U114 r 101 4114 ltd U ' rerelgra Flaaaelal. LONDON. Feb. 21-Money was In good demand and meager supply In the mar ket today. Discounts were harder. The tone on the fctock exchange continued to be Irregular, the effect of the favorable statement of the Bank of England being ntgailved by the fact that there was no reduction in its rate of discount. Indicat ing an uncertain monetary outlook, which Bank of Eaarlaad Btateaseat. LONDON. Feb. a. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve. Increase, 4X.311.0ft: circulation, decrease, 18,000; bul lion, Increase. 1.293,817: other securities. Increase, 3.s17.0ul: other deposits. In crease, 2.320.0110: public deposits. Increase, 1834.00): notes reserve, increase, 1.18LC4. Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to lia bility this week la 48.00 per cent, aa com pared with 50.28 per cent last week- Traatsry Btateaneat. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the 1130.000.000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balances. 1248.070.647; gold coin and bul lion. tlll.85.167; gold certificates, $42. 136.810. Baak Cleartaga. OMAHA. Feb. 21 Bank clearings for t day were $1,878.86188 and for the corres ponding date last yesr $2,011,615.65. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 21 -METALS The London tin market waa higher today, with spot at 181 5s and futures at 18 17s d. Locally the tin market waa quiet and about 7 points higher on the average, with spot quoted at $41-ax41.6. Copper was 2s ed lower in London, with i t Quoted at lu4 12a 4d and futures at lo7 17s 4d. The local market was unchanged. 1 11.. with lake quoted at $.0ik'25; electrolytic. 4.. fcM.TStr&.OO; casting, 124 224.75. Lead was t.. 1.. II p.. At. gb. Pr. No. Av. n. Pr. tl Tot I 10 14 1004 4 18 ll' ITT 1 to 11 10t4 4 at' 444 4 II 11 H4 4 Tt 11 tM 4 14 H irm 4 at I 1104 4 44 11 HOI 4 10 I 1044 4 44 lilt 4 SJ I pa ttT 4 14 4 1WI 4 II l 1141 4 44 H 1M4 4 tt t 1044 4 M 1 140T i It it ion 4 u 1 irm 1 it t irr 4 u ' 10 lm 1 11 11 1T 4 H 11 14 11 11 10.1 4 11 80 13St I It pj IM 4 44 17 1170 I 10 t 1071 4 H 1!W 13 1101 4 H 11 114 I COWS. I 144 t st it lot 1 at t' T7I I IS 11 1411 I St .4 M It 11 1011 I tt 4 r i t 1 1111 t it tt mi 8 41 II lilt 1 IS IT llll 8 41 I JT! I at t lost I a 81 M IM p9 Ml I H II 1T1 I Bt tt 441 I H 84 1171 I SI 17 1M4 I I Ml IK PS lot I I 74 I itt 4 oe n ttt 1 is 1 mi 4 n I 11"4 t Tt II 1T 4 M II 1.4 I Tt II 10M I et It 144 I 71 1 11H 4 44 If 171 t It 1 list 4 t iim 1 it iiT 4 11 t 144 1 to HEIFERS. 11 tot 1 it 11 ism 4 it T TM t U I IMI 4 H T 10il I M t W IN 4 HI 4 84 BTJLLB. 1 1TC4 I 41 I list 4 41 1 1M I 1 471 4 11 1 11S4 4 41 CALVES. 1 HI IH 1 804 4 it 1 M IS I iu 1 u 1 10s t tt 1 1P IH STOCKER3 AND FEEDEK8. fornla apricots. $3 00. Pears $175-5160. Peaches, fsncy. 31.ib4rz.40: li. 17. peaches. $2.00jz.56. Alaska sslmon, red, $1.25: fane Chinook, F., $1.10; fancy socaeye, r, 41. S6. Sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quarters mustard, $3.00. Sweet poutoes, $1.103 L26. Skuerkraut, $1.00. Pumpkins. 80c4j31.00. Wax beans. 1-lb.. 50ttV:. Lima beans. $-lb.. 75clj$1.35. Spinach, $1.35. Cheap peas, 1-lb. 8uc; extras. fancy. tl.BSCl.75. CHICAGO AND THE BILLBOARDS Restrictions aad Rearalatleaa Isa avesed fey at Row City Law. The billboard ordinance recently signed by tho mayor of Chicago necessitates prac tically the rebuilding of the bill-posting, sign-board and roof-board plants in that city. There are 750,000 square feet of this class of advertising In Chicago, not in eluding the dead wall, fence and similar pace where boards are erected to carry the postings. To remodel tha billboards will require aa expenditure of between $500,000 and $600,000. These billboards will have to be rebuilt. for moat of them are double-deckers or are so. close to ths ground as not to 00m ply with the provision which requires that the bottom of tha board ah ail be at least five feet above tha level ot tho adjolninC Street It Is on this provision that tba poltco rely for benefits in ridding; the city of av v,. .-.. c. . .v . 1 rt.ln rl. r rl m ji Th. hAami aa Ihiff cows, bulls and mixed, 82. 75(1-4.60; stockers snd feeders, $$.utji4.e0; calves and yearlings. St. Loals Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21. CATTLE Receipts, 2.510 head, including 800 Texans; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $5.1.Hi.75: dressed beef snd butcher steers, 14.TMj6.5v; steers under l.f0 lbs., $3.7S4 .55; stockers and feeders, $3 414 75; cows and heifers. $2 tbQl.Jt; earners. $1 "r2.50; bulls. $2 6524.50; calves. tlKrfiyOO; Texas and In dian steers, $X5C$6.50; cows and heifers. 87M96 90 HOU8 Receipts. 7W) head: Ic higher: igs snd lights, $6.7537.00; packers. i.7v9 butcners ana bent neavy, Kfytti.iO. SHEEP AMJ UAalBH NO market, tloax City Live ato-ek Market. SIOTX CITY, Feb. a.-(8po-lal Te eg ran ) 4JA ri iti iteceipts. i.iw neaa; market steady; stockers slow it tXWa 00, HOGS Receipts, $.000 head; market strong; selling at $8. 75434.80; bulk of sales. $6 8t!85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market steady. St. Joseak Llvo Btoek Market. BT. JOBFPH. Mo, Feb. XI. CATTLE Receipts. 3.4V(0 head: market steady; na tives. $4 264JA0O; cows and heifera, K.2Ja 450; stockers and feeders, $3,754)14.76. HOGS Receipts, 11.110 head; market active; top, $7 .00; bulk, 34 85ia3. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $.7A bead; market steady; lambs,' $7.0057.40; ewes, $4.75je.l6. 8loek ta Slkt. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday: (.attic. Hogs. Sheep l.auo .. u , . am 11. i. A , Ulll 'v. k . , .. u. vunuvii .iiu I trained firm. In the local market lead was quoted st $4 3i. Iron waa higher in tha English msrket, with standard faun-1 dry auuted at Ms and travel at 64s 8d. Locally tha market phin.Ml' N. 1 fiorfhprn la nnriti 4S-K35: No. 1 foundry, northern. 134 75 portion . UT I Tl . 411 I Tt , iti in .1111 I St . HI 8 II .Til I Bt at IN 24.. 4.. I. at. tt.. .. 7U 4 II ..Id 4 ll .. 4ti 4 at .. r i 1 at .. T44 4 n ..1017 4 M Kl 4 14 HOGS There was a liberal run of hogs land warrants this morning and the market opened hardly ket waa un ' Aa good as yesterday, the early sales being uoted at $25;"-r'1, -1 Ytf' W".h a m'er V. Sr'No?! foudr'uthern: "moSo; J- mjfil "L Z'S J No 1 foundry, southern. $2S .f2tis thr-se figures and Inclined to hold back :t ST. LOUIS. Feb. fl.-METALBLead. "' I"" 'StI' NEW Cettea Market. YORK. Feb. n.-COTTON Spot checked new ventures. Consols hardened 1 market steady; middling uplands. 11c; niid f 1 actional y aad home rails were duiL Great Idling gulf. HVc; aalea. 612 boles Eastern waa weak aa a result of the wreck LIVERPOOL, Feb. 31 COTTON Bpot. cf the company's steamer Berlin, but elosod good busineaa done; market I points hl-her; " me wuroi quotation OI tne riav : American mlddllns- ralr. I7M: mod mid- America r.s opened sisady and bardened to over parity during the forenoon. Mlnea were In better demand under the lead of Bear aad supported by Parts. Rio Tlntos waa strong. Other copper stocks were easy. Russian bonds weakened on an un confirmed and discredited rumor of the as sassination of Emperor Nicholas. Japa nese Imperial 8s of 104 closed at 102V BERLIN. Feb. 21. Trading on the Bourse today was quiet. Moat of the transactions were in domestic stocks, ths telegraph wfree to western and middle Eu rope being Interrupted by the storm. PARIS. Feb. 21. Prices on the Bourse today were heavy and an irregular tone dlfng. 133d; middling. $E7d; low middling. $6d; good ordinary, 6.67d. Selea. 13.0U) balea. of which l.uw were for speculation and export and Included 8.6UI American. Re ceipts. 14. SO bsles. all American, NEW ORLEANS. Feb. . tOTTON Spot market cioeed firm ; sales. 114 balea; ordinary, nominal; good ordinary, 6 6-i'-; low middling. 3t-l&c: middling. 14 714c; good middling. 116-16C; middling fair, 126-14C nominal; fslr. llli-loc; receipts. K.vu4 bales; stock, 143.064 bales; sales, t.4S BTV" LOCIS. Feb. 21 -COTTON-Qulet; j middling. lo4c; sales. $0 bales; reoelpta. Slow and easier. Representative sales: Ho. A. Pr. No. A. Tl El ... 1st 71 aos ... Tl lid 14 4 It It W7 ... to i its 1 so ti ta it Tl IH ... 1st M lit ... 11 IM ... IM IT Ml ... If til ... 8 st Tl 144 ... to tat ... 1 to u tt tt T4 -lot ... 4 kl 71 P ... Tt 144 K IH IS Ml ... 41 14 10 I M tt Ml ... 14 ll 7 ... I It Tl tn ... 71 144 ... Ill M T M W lot ... IN 71 107 ... M Ml tt 4 M t!4 ... 44 14 111 I tt Tl MT 44 14 1st ... I It IT Ill ... W...A. H - I 71 ,l tt 1 107 ... lit 44 MS ... II ., ill ... I st a ... ti pa ... 1 st m m ... M. ....... 11 ... 1 m tt kl Ltt ... Ill ... I H ' 14 aid ... SI lt IM 4 at 11 MS ... II to! IM I IS U. Ski ... Pr. 1 11 I U4 I 4114 I 111. 1 ri I 17 I 1114 I Hit 1 11 1 11 4 lS 4 lllp 4 47 4 tlw I 17 4 4 I74 4 nl 4 srt 4 11 I tt- 1 B I al I tt South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City . St. Joseph .... t. Louis , Chicago Totals , 1.1.0 $.0u0 10 I f0 4500 10.5i a) 6 0O 10.00 13.110 7.0U0 23.0U0 !,20 t.SoO 1.71 18.000 ..22.2U0 88,810 30,8uu Ertporalrd Applee aad Dried Fraltp. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is without fresh fea tures, business being quiet and prlcat about steady; fancy, l45c; choice, 8tmc; prime. 7 43 6c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Prunes ars In mors liberal supply on spot owing to recent arrivals, but prices continue firm with Callfprnla . fruit ranging from 3c to 8c. . Oregon prunes. 70s to tvs. quoted at 6c to 10c. Apricots, unchanged, with choice at 18c; extra choice, ltutr 18c. and fancy at 16$) 20c. Peaches, quiet and steady; choice, 1161JS-; extra choice. 12 Vl C 11 -: fancy. I2f14c; extra fancy, Italic. Raisins. JU a 10c; London Uysrs. $1. $56 146. lutr aad Mola..t.. NEW YORK, Feb. B SrOAlR-Raw. oulet: refining. te; centrifugal. 81 teat, 3 He; molasses sugar, IS"; refined, steadv; No. 6. 4 20c: No. T. 4.20c; No. 1 4 20; No. a. 4I5c: No. 10. 4 0fs; No. 11. 4 00c; No. It 3 85c; No. It. 180c: No. 14 1 86c; oonfec tloners' A. 4.6i'ic: mould A. $60c: cut loaf AeV: granulated. 4 7(e; cubes. 4 6c. MOLASSF Steady; New Orleans, good to eh ce. 174c. NEW ORL&VANB. Feb. 22. SCGAR Steady: centrifugal whiles, $l-lotj4c; sec onds 2-UfT-16c. MOLASHES Quiet: syrup. K34o. CwaTee Market. NEW TORK. Feb. H.-COFFEB-Marfce4 for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance or s points on support of the near months by European Interests and Importers. Sales for ths dsy were re ported at 64 OA bass, including March at $4f.a6-5or; Mar. ilr; June, $ tic; July, live; September. 1 r; Eecember, $.t6c; January, 4c Spot ouffee, steady; Rio, No. now stand afford small crowds of hoodlums an opportunity to congregate and map out plans for mischief. Tha new provision will enable the policeman on the street and pe destrian! to see tha roar of ths lot under tha board. It was for thit purpose that tha boards were boosted Into tho air. Tba change will make the apace beneath tba board Ik) some cases ten feet, because in certain sec tions of tha city tha street level ta five foot or more below ths street grade. It will probably be a year before tba air terations In the boards can be made, al though tho ordinance allows only until Oo. tober. Much will depend upon tho lrou mil la. It requires from sla to nine months to get material after ordera have beau given. That means a wait until Ootobor, and then tha work of rebuilding- will com mence. Chicago Post, Dry Haal for ataralars. Burglars entered the home ef W. . Austin. 4004 North Twenty-sixth irtnut, Wednesday In broad daylight by unlocking a rear door with s skeleton key. but ob tained nothing for their trouble. The house was thoroughly ranaackad between I and 4 p. m. while Mrs. Austin waa absent. Trunks were opened and their contents strswn on the floor and every bureau drawer rifled, but after an Inventory was mads Wednes day evening, It was reported that nothing' was missing. REAL ESTATE THAXlFERf. Clara Peterson to Gaetano Man cuso, soo fet of lot L block 1 Shull's Second addition $ 1,800 Leopold A. and Minnie Goldsmith to Ell R. Need ham, lot J, block "O," Lowes addition $.108 John J. Nlghilngala to Gilbert B. Ferry, of lot 1. block 10, Jot ter's addition. South Omaha 1,04) Arthur C. Hartman to Christian H. Dilruer et al., slu feet of B46 feet a1 of lot 76, Hartman s addition 1 Henry D. Rogers and wife to M. Agnes Rogers. lot Is, block 8, Crelghton Heights ' 1 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to E. K. Hume, lot 10, block 3. Crelgh ton Heinhis Cecil . K. Kilett to Georgs and Clara Ellott. Idt 6, block 11, Parker s addl- ) tlon , I t. J Dickey and wife to Ellen O Grady Dickey, all feet of eTS feet of lot 2. block 6, Kounte a Fourth addition 6 Nels G. Hallrnberg and wife to Mary A Talbot snd husband, lots 1 7. II and 1 blK-k 28. Benson 1.800 Harry A. Wolf and wife to William McCune. ti5J feet of lot 1, block 14. Bnlnns addition 1 000 Total ...4K1.KJ